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On this very special patron-curated episode of The Nexus, the guys are chatting about two pretty fun episodes from Trek history! 

First up on TNG, it's the Worf-centric mystery episode, "Parallels"! Originally airing back on November 27, 1993, this episode has Worf coming back from vacation after being victorious in a bat'leth tournament, Troi and Worf being married in an alternate universe, and yet another alternate universe where, blissfully for some, Picard has been dead for three years!

Then we're hopping over to DS9 to discuss the legendary episode, "Trials and Tribble-ations." First hitting the airwaves November 4, 1996, during the 30th anniversary celebration of TOS, it features the DS9 crew going back in time and pulling a Back to the Future Part II with the TOS cast, Odo and the boys getting into a bar brawl with TOS-era Klingons, Dax being horny for Kirk after admitting she slept with a college-age McCoy, and Bashir hitting on his own grandmother!

The Nexus is a WHM podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing we do—we couldn't do it without you!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro. 




I quite liked the enterprise theme song.

Michael Daniels

That scene of alternate Riker freaking out about going to his own universe because it was conquered by the Borg is creepy as shit.

Dawn Elicia Billings

I wonder would the gang consider going to the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas.

Timothy Cameron Robbins Miller

The copyright on "Happy Birthday" expired in 2017, actually, so that shit can't happen anymore. You can sing it on the air free of fear!


I love how Picard just popped up eating a slice of cake- “Oh, hello Worf. Splendid party.”

Eren Keskin

If Hitler and Worf were to kiss, their mustaches would never touch.

Stan Engle

I'm pretty sure Dax was super horny for Spock, not Kirk. "The Shat" probably lost his shit when/if he watched that episode.

Josh Perrigo

Worf totally got that concussion at the after party when he got shit faced and tried to sing Klingon opera on the bar. You know, he’s gotten used synthahol and forgot how strong real blood wine is.


Thankfully the happy birthday copywrite died in 2015.

Rory Christopher

Love this overall. Particularly how much Eric makes fun of tropes and story stuff that he adores when it happens in star wars...