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On this very special patron-selected entry in the Gleep Glossary, the gang learns all about the dirtbag Trandoshan bounty hunter, Bossk! Great stories like how Bossk was partially responsible for training Boba Friend, how he did time on Coruscant after being taken prisoner by Republic forces, or how he once... ::checks notes:: hunted and killed Wookiees whilst helping conquer Kashyyyk, effectively enslaving the entire Wookiee home world? Yikes.

Gleep Glossary: A Star Wars Story is a show where the guys try to honor the history and legacy of SW characters, most of whom we've been told don't matter anymore!

Thank you for continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Alexander Farr

I feel like Star Wars bounty hunter stories are best told by a friend who knows all the details. But when they offer you their copy of Tales of the Bounty Hunters to read the stories it's all nah man thanks

Justin Wilkis

I love the clone wars show, I genuinely do think there are some very good parts, but every time I hear you guys talk shit about it I'm laughing ass off

Zora McBride

Yes! My favorite sideshow - well, one of them. This an energy drink and a tall glass of water are keeping me going through the workday! Love you guys.


I always thought Bosk looked like an only slightly better Gorn. That's why we never see Bosk do anything other than standing still, if he moves, you're gunna see that crappy Gorn-suit movement


You gotta slog through a couple of seasons, but once they figure out the story it gets pretty good. Hilarious to hear the guys talk shit, but still feel like thier missing out

Eren Keskin

Ah, the sexiest lizard in the galaxy


A lot of listeners are eating crow right now.

Kevin Lynch

I had a Bossk figure when I was a wee lad that ended up getting beheaded. I ended up super gluing the head back on but it wasn’t quite straight

Stephen Vathakos

You guys need to do an episode on the weird 70s Marvel comics characters like Jaxxon, Valance and Don Wan Kihotay.

Zora McBride

One of my favorite side shows. Can't believe you're already up to 40! Don't worry Chris Cabin, you can get through these relatively unscathed!