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On this month's exclusive We Love Movies episode, the gang is chatting about Christopher Nolan's breakthrough neo-noir, Memento! How great is every bit of casting in this film? What's with that old man getting off on all the spitting? And please, for all that is holy, don't remake this or turn it into a television series! PLUS: What if Tobo returned to the Nolanverse and played Bane? 

Memento stars Guy Pearce, Joe Pantoliano, Carrie-Anne Moss, Mark Boone Junior, Harriet Sansom Harris, and the great Stephen Tobolowsky as Sammy Jankis; directed by Christopher Nolan. 

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




Just finished running through the Jack Irish movies/episodes on Acorn, Guy Pearce is great in that too


Bowie's "Something in the Air"... also used in the American Psycho end credits (also from 2000!)


Luv you guys! Community advice: anyone having issues playing WHMpatreon feed on ApplePodcast? Busey tier, ios 14.7.1 here.


its been jus a disaster since getting a new iphoneSE, only WHMpatreon is messing with me. Ghosting my downloads. all settings are set to allow downloads, not deleteing after playback. etc.. DAVEY AND GOLIATH ANIDAMI - is an ep that will appear as I add a title to my playlist, not wantng Davey-ep to play at all.. ghostly confused r n..


Ooo a Joey Pants episode.


maybe RunningScared'86 will tempt the guys for future ep.

Chris Dobson

I first saw this in high school and it blew my mind. As the guys point out, it's maybe Nolan's funniest movie (it leans in on Joey Pants being hilarious and the Coens doing funny neo-noirs), and Guy Pearce is incredible and the "reveal" is a lot less obvious than if Brad Pitt had been cast. Also I know it makes me a huge nerd, but the organization is not that hard, the movie is intentionally disorienting, but the black and white scenes are moving chronologically forward, the color scenes are moving backwards, and the twist is that they lead directly into one another. I think it's really elegant that the whole movie you're wondering if Natalie or someone else has manipulated Leonard into killing Teddy and then it's literally the guy you don't suspect, that he consciously decided to set himself on the path of murdering Teddy because he was mad at him for trying to ruin the story he has conditioned himself to believe.

Ryan j Navarro cote

Eric, I’ll DM you my address, you can Follow into my house anytime.


So goddamn good to be back in Tobo town!


The above commenter was right. On the DVD edition that looks like a medical file, there are some psych tests that are very subversive, one of them is a series of images about changing a tire and you are asked to put them in the right order. If you put them in reverse order you unlock a cut of the film that is in chronological order. It doesn't have chapters so you have to watch it straight through but it was a fun extra.

Matt M

I enjoyed Tenet soooo much more on the second viewing. Def worth revisiting.

Steven Avalos

I first saw LA Confidential this year and Guy was incredible in it. I looked at his career after and just thought...someone did not look after this man's career

chris pike

I feel like somethings wrong with me because I liked it plenty the one time I watched.

Peter Reynoso

I always liked ravenous.

Thomas Kehr

"Call to John G. now" just made me yell-laugh.