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Hey Friends,

It's that time of the month. You send us a direct question and we answer it for you in the upcoming Big Daddy Dispatch! Please sign your question with your name and where you're writing from to be considered.


Steve from Jersey City 


Mark D Myers

When were you most embarrassed by your decision to see a movie in a theater? Mark in Portland

Colby latham

Have any of you ever lied about having seen a movie in a social situation and had it lead to an awkward moment? Colby in Texas


Whats a movie you remember being great, but turned out to be hot garbage. For me it would be Dungeons and Dragons the movie. Don’t ask, I had a messed up childhood. Ceryck from Wisconsin


What is the group’s overall opinion on the worst movie you’ve ever seen? This isn’t a guilty pleasure flick that you get some laughs from, but a movie so bad you absolutely refuse to watch it again! - Thomas from Birmingham

Nikki Clark

If you had to remake a movie only using the muppets, what movie would it be and what muppets would the characters play? - nikki from milwaukee

Deitrich Tennin

Which movie monster would you want as your boss/ supervisor and why?

Brew Berry

Which celebrity would you most like to share the stage with during a live podcast? Brew from Florida

Dan Hillen

COVID has given us ample time to organize and go through keepsakes. You guys find merchandise, movie stubs or memorabilia that surprised you? Dan from Nashville ps- found my stub for John Q, only movie I've ever walked out on.


What is a movie you took friends to see and they hated it? Do they still mock you for it? I’ll apparently never live down taking my gf and my friend to see The Neon Demon. In retrospect I should have known better.


I’d like some details as to how y’all met, what careers you’ve been in and how the money from WHM has benefited you. We pay you, so I figure that question isn’t totally out of line. Long time listener, first time poster: Ryan in New Orleans.


I just blazed the hugest joint and guys I want your honest opinions on this really stoned idea Ive just thought of... Are you ready? Buckle yourself in WHM because it is about to get wild up in this bitch. Back to the future the remake set in modern day England starring Taron Egerton as Marty and Michael Caine as Doc Brown. “Marty me ol pal av gots to send ye back to the future I av I av” Love the pod my dudes, you can call me Mac, I know what you’re thinking and yes you are correct I did indeed cap off two hundred rounds in my minigun. All the best from all the way across the pond in England, you guys are awesome keep up the great work lads jolly good stuff.

Ruben Guzman

Have you guy done Adam Sandler’s that my boy???? Ruben / riverside ca