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On this month's WLM, the gang is chatting about one of their faves from 2020, Cathy Yan's Birds of Prey! How incredible are some of the visuals in this film—like that factory explosion?! How refreshing was it to watch a DCU that was fun again? And who wouldn't want a 5am taco run?! PLUS: InfoWars Conspiracy Peddler Alex Jones sounds off on Gotham City injustices!

Birds of Prey stars Margot Robbie, Rosie Perez, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Ewan McGregor, Ella Jay Basco, and Chris Messina; directed by Cathy Yan.

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




Apparently McGregor and Winstead are still together


Ah, well, young guns is only so far aw


My last movie was Portrait of a Lady on Fire at the Nighthawk (Prospect Park) with a friend and we got beers after....I would be okay if that was my last movie experience.

Chris Dobson

Wow, Steve might need to read a comic book, because he has confused Huntress with Power Girl, even mentioning Power Girl's "boob window." Shameful stuff.


I was on the subway recently for 4 stops and had to get off. Idk why people can't wear their masks correctly...and there was a couple eating Chinese food out of the takeaway containers.

Tweet Joe Self

Andrew, I'm glad you're digging Harley Quinn on HBO MAX. High recommend.


Better than Deadpool? Really? It had its moments, but it copied the Deadpool template. This was DC’s way of making a Deadpool like film!


I think we watched different films. And Stephen, Deadpool does massive coke in the 2nd film.

Nora Dallaire

Just wanted to thank you guys for, uh, calling out that Barbara should never have been retconned out of the chair, because it was a shitty fucking storyline, but it became one of her biggest strengths. My sister introduced me to comic books when I was little, and she was older and cool and did judo and archery and loved DC and Witchblade and many, many, so many more. It was the 90s. She was a bi tween with anger issues. Comics were a big deal for our mom, a 1970s Thor fangirl, and for my sister, and then for me. When my sister got hurt in judo and ended up in a wheelchair, I didn't know how to look at her the same, because I was a shitty kid and couldn't really consider her feelings as much as mine. It was this weird, painful period where she wasn't doing the things I'd worshipped her for anymore, and I was sort of drifting around her without knowing how to interact. Oracle kinda fucking changed that. I remember reading about how the first time she's drawn in her wheelchair, the inker thought "oh, they forgot to put handles on her chair, I'll just fix that" and found to his surprise that it was intentional. That Barbara would not tolerate being driven around by ANYONE. It was really common for strangers to see my teenaged sister in her chair and "helpfully" grab the handles and wheel her around through a doorway, or up a ramp, etc. It was the most invasive freaking thing. Oracle meant so much to me, and to my sister, and I still haven't read a single DC comic since they retconned the chair. I cannot forgive them for this. It just... means a lot to me whenever I hear other people who agree, who see how Barbara was so well-written and determined not to be defined by it, and to still be a badass in her own way. Anyway sorry for the sob story, just... thanks guys :)


Sonic and this was the last movies I saw in theatres. sonic was way better than this hot mess


That's what the money is for. I only chime in to get the facts straight :)


Oooo when that piano version of Green Hills Zone comes up....the feels