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Hey Folks,

You know the drill! Please ask us a direct question you'd like us to answer in this month's Big Daddy Dispatch. We'll pick the one we like the most!Please sign your question with how you'd like your name to appear and where you're writing from. 


Steve from Jersey City


Evan Boylan

Saw the new Terminator episode, so of course I have to ask: what other off-color jokes have you heard from your aunts??? Evan from Oregon


If each of you had the power to remake a movie that should have been cool but sucked -- what would you choose, and who would you cast and have direct/produce/shoot it?


What was a favorite movie of yours as a kid that you actually would like to see be remade? -Kyle, Iowa


You guys ever have a dire problem solve itself?


Do y'all have anything weirdly specific in movies that you automatically dislike or zero in on that isn't necessarily bad, but just plain bothers you? For instance, there's a specific sort of melancholic clarinet score that's used during a moment of failure, sadness or reflection for the main character, often employed in 90s family movies. It's so tired and predictable, really gets under my skin. -Dan, Montana

Shut It Off

Hi Gang. Which 80s/90s action star CHARACTER would you like to fight, 1 vs 1? What would be the ‘ground rules’, are weapons allowed, where would the fight take place (ideally in a film setting e.g. the bar in Out For Justice)? Discuss finishing moves, who would win and exactly how violent would the outcome be? Finally, once the fight is over, which movie cop would make the arrest and which movie prison would the actor be taken to e.g. does Dalton (Roadhouse) go to the prison from Face Off? To set the tone, my fight would be Jericho (Action) Jackson vs Virgil (Gandolfini - True Romance) in the arcade from T2! Jackson takes out Virgil by pistol whipping him with a Time Crisis gun and gets arrested by Frances McDormand and sent to the prison from Shot Caller, where he fucks up Jamie Lannister and gets the keys to the yard. Regards, Dan Australia


What are some movies you guys fight and disagree about often? Dan from Franklin, IN

Michael Cole

Are there any movie Reviewers on YouTube you guys listen to? Any you like/dislike and why? Dan - Wisconsin

Dan Hillen

Wow, soooo many Dans. Love It! BTW, Dan in Real Life blows. Dan from Nashville

M Ahern-Hailu

Which actor made the best transition to directing films? Matthew from Göteborg