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That’s right! It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year, except for Chris Cabin that is. And that’s because it’s the one time of the year you tell US what to watch and Chris Cabin is a fascist bully.

So, like every year we’re going to open up the WHM Request line and it’s up to you to program our entire March Schedule! So, the way it works is you dial 1-833-946-4264 or in a more fun way 1-833-WHM GANG, and leave us a BRIEF message of one movie you’d like us to cover. Be sure to include your name and where you’re calling from to be eligible and that’s ONE movie per call. and please please keep it brief and because I have to listen to every one of these and we tend to get a lot. And just a warning for your ROWDIES out there we’re looking for a light buzz or less because if you’re wasted I guarantee it’s not gonna be brief.

So, what’s eligible to be called in? NEARLY EVERYTHING FOLKS. The 10 year rule is off the table, we just need it be streaming somewhere so that us and other listeners can find it. I like obscure, haunted VHS tapes as much as the next guy, but lets keep it digital here, friends.

And just to be clear, the Phone lines are open for WE HATE MOVIES entries only, so it’s gotta fit that vague parameter. Also, there’s a couple of movies like the Room or Birdemic that we’re not gonna do, so don’t bother!

Patreon Friends! We’d never forget you! You get to email us directly with your picks! Email whmrequests@gmail.comt o request:

- A We Love Movies episode, A movie that you love and you think we’ll love that would make for a fun 2ish hour chat. Same deal as the WHM requirements, though lets be smart about it and leave incredibly challenging atrocity films like Schindler’s List and The Pianist for a less goofy podcast

- For Animation Damnation, we’re gonna need the name of a 30ish minute cartoon and the specific episode you’re talking about as well as where to find it. If its streaming, please tell us where and if it’s on Youtube or somewhere else include the link!

- The Nexus! That’s right, we’re opening it up to any and all episodes of Star Trek the Original Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, or Enterprise! That’s exciting right? We just need the name of the show and the name of the episode you’d like to be covered

- The Gleep Glossary! Have a fun Star Wars character you’ve always wanted to hear us riff on? Let us know! Just shoot us an email of the name of the Character in question!

- For all of the above PLEASE send us ONE EMAIL PER REQUEST, so, if you want to request something for each of the four side shows that is four separate emails with subject lines that let us know what you’re requesting, kids! Make it easy on us, please!

- Also ALWAYS include your preferred name and where you’re writing from and if you want, preferred pronouns, in those emails. We’re not going to read your email address on the air and dox you, that’s not the kind of show we are!

So that’s it! Starting now, January the 19th and Ending 11:59 EST on February the 2nd we will be accepting BRIEF phone calls for We Hate Movies episodes via 1-833-946-4264 (1-833-WHM-GANG) and for Patreon requests, we’re accepting emails via whmrequests@gmail.com!



Hey guys! I’m calling from Australia, what’s the area code for the request line? There’s a bunch for New York and I keep guessing it wrong... thanks 👍🏼


I sent my email sorry didn't add my location


I sent my WLM in. I went for Dawn of the dead original. Its a bit of a spook-tacilar but I do t care

Matthew Lloyd

Sent mine in asking for Revolver.

Katie Bjordahl

sent my wlm request for speed. i love that movie so much.


Does anyone know if the phone line is down? I can't submit a wehatemovies request. The mailbox never comes up


this shouldn't be the case Nicolas... all other calls are coming through. Are you sure you have the right number? it's 1-833-946-4264?


Thank you for the response, could it be because I am calling via Skype Phone from Germany? In any case, I will keep trying.


Hey guys, just looking for some help from my American friends on this one. I am based in Ireland and I want to recommend Courage the coweredly dog for the animation damnation episode... just wondering what streaming service should i link to the guys in my email that will work in the USA. Its owned by cartoon network It also streams on YouTube but they are not the full episodes so linking that is useless. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks


Brillient thank you


I would like to share my Patreon picks for Listener Request Month. I emailed these. I hope the guys pick at least one of these: "The Godfather" (Part I) for We Love Movies. “Total Recall” (1990) for WLM For Animation Damnation: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: The Case of the Cola Cult. (The Coo Coo Cola ep). For The Nexus: "Chain of Command Part 2" aka the "There are four lights" episode.

Tyce Schneider

What's the ruling on subtitled films for WLM?