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Today I invested in Koikatsu, to at least try and get used to posing the models and animating. Let's just say it didn't go very well.. I was actually expecting it to be easier.. god knows how many times I've twisted a hand a full 360 degrees trying to get it in the right spot.. and I'm yet to work out how to move fingers, wink the eyes, etc.. that's just the SFW stuff.. the prologue requires a scene where the MC to be in a bed, but there wasn't many good idles for it.. so I guess I'll have to power on through that.

As for script writing, not much was done today as I didn't get much sleep last night, and the little experience I got with Koikatsu took up the rest of my time.. I'd love to get someone who knows Koikatsu better than I do, but that'll cost more money than I can currently afford.. just buying Koikatsu alone was a risky move..

For now I'll leave you with 2 characters which I've been using to practice the modelling. They're not final, and probably won't show up in the game, as they're extremely generic. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some more writing done. Going back through the script, I've noticed a lot of "Character thinks to themselves" moments, and the writing itself doesn't live up to my expectations.. I might change it down the line.

Until tomorrow, stay safe everyone.



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