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Today marks the beginning of this project.. I do not know where this will take me, nor do I know how far it will go.. With some luck, I will be able to bring this project to fruition..

Today was comprised of drafting a semi story-board on a sheet of paper, and writing down a script, that tallies, somewhat concerningly, 6666 words, totalling 36,761 characters.. and this is only for the prologue.. The scripting on ren'py will be much, much longer..

If it hasn't become obvious, I will state it now.. I am not good at coding, and I can't draw art.. I don't know what I'm going to do about either, but I may end up using Koikatsu for characters and background images.. in my goals I've listed wanting to get custom art and characters, but that may be a while off..

The scripting is going slow but steady, with 211 lines completed so far, 1730 words, 9934 characters.. in terms of writing, the script for the prologue is about 1/6 done.. the prologue will cover the first 3 days of the game, and some choices will have an immediate impact on the prologue story..

But don't get too concerned with the choices.. as day 3 is where the real fun begins.
You can expect the prologue to have quite a bit of dialogue, and only a little bit of "action".

I hope to continue with these daily dev logs, just to keep you up to date with the progress. When or if I have some artwork or renders to share, I will post them here.

Until tomorrow, stay safe everyone.


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