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People have many different ways of going through artblock. Mine is doing studies and figure drawings. Even though I'm definitely not a master of the technique itself, i really enjoy doing drawings based on gesture or "enveloping" (you can read more about that here  https://www.thedrawingsource.com/drawing-figures.html ).

When my hand can't follow my idea that usually means I can't imagine the pose vividly. Or that I'm just too tired or distracted. I approach it it two different ways:

1. I let it go. I tried, I didn't get the result i want, I'll try again next time. 

Sometimes I just can't jump over it and forcing myself to keep and keep on going while experiencing the artblock, can be really frustrating. So if the deadline is not close, and I can afford the break, I take it. Walk in the forest, good food, netflix, social time are my way to go.

2. I turn to figure drawing.

This is the area of long practiced craft that gives me a lot of joy. I turn off my creative side and just draw what i see. I'm not putting much expectations into it, just follow the gesture, envelope the shapes, make it technical and almost mathematical. It's a good way to practice already achieved skills and reminding myself that i still can draw, just not creatively at the moment. And it's good. It's totally normal.  

I think the crucial thing to overcome struggles like artblock is to tune into yourself and find a method that suits your personality. My ways may work for me but may be really frustrating to you. The biggest tip I can give is to give yourself time to grow and get to know yourself as an artist. Every road is different.

I've put few pages of my studies below. They're mostly referenced from model photos i found on pinterest.

Guy feeding birds (Rick) belongs to old_shoyo at Instagram, and will be one of the characters in the comic I'm working on at the moment~





I joined Patreon yesterday. I am an artist myself, and just love your poses. Your OCs are beautiful, but the story they tell in body language and illustration is why I subscribed. Please keep up with the studies posts. These are great. 👌