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[Deep space, Far above Earth's atmosphere]

"Bim Boom... We have arrived at the selected destination: Planet Earth. No anomalies were encountered following the plotted course, the ship's hull is fully intact and energy reserves are well within parameters." A mechanical voice sounded through the speakers of the spaceship.

The message was meant for its one and only occupant: An intergalactic criminal who made his money by acquiring and selling anything with a big enough price tag, or preferably even goods that didn't yet have one.

This alien was male, and looked extremely much like an overly tall and muscular human, save for the pale orange skin and dark blue hair.

The rugged man measured over 7 feet (2m) tall, which only made his overall appearance more intimidating. A stubble gave his chin an eerie blue shine, but this was more laziness in regard to personal hygiene than an intentional ploy to scare opponents.

Having been woken up by his Ship's AI announcing they had arrived at 'planet Earth' just as planned, the man climbed out of his sleeping pod.

"Earth? Is that what it's called?"

"In the native language, yes." The interface responded. "It is also the only populated planet within several solar systems."

"Nice and remote. Perfect for underground dealings. I slept so deep I almost forgot why I even selected the place out of the many hundreds… Well, time to start making some dough."

"That's what we flew all this way for, yes." The ship's AI replied dryly. "So, will you be pumping this planet for its natural resources? Scans show there is an abundance of crude oil, which is a priceless commodity in the Varlick belt."

“Hmm, that’s too dirty a job.”

"Should I scout for forestry to go big-game hunting instead? There is always a market for rare animals, especially from planets located in distant corners of the galaxy like this one."

"Nah, shooting wild animals is something I can do back home. I'm up for something different, something exciting."

"You could dive into the black hole at the centre of this galaxy. It'll definitely be exciting, and about as different as you can get."

"Since when did you get a sense of humour?"

"During the latest software patch. My vocal user interface got expanded in an attempt to create more lifelike conversations with pilots. You can now select from an array of over 15 types of humour, including ironic, dark, slapstick and hyperbolic."

"For real?"

"No. There's only sarcastic."

"Tsk. Banter from my own ship. I really need to meet some people… And this planet seems full of it."

"The dominant species registered in the database is called 'Humans'. However there recently seemed to have been some sort of revolution, and humanoid creatures labelled as 'vampires' now reign supreme."

"Vampires? What's so special about them?"

"They boast considerable vitality, speed, power, longevity,… In a nutshell, they're better than humans are."

"I see. Could they be a threat to me?"

"If you head out in just your boxers like you're standing here now, yes."

"Remind me to turn down the sass level on you when we take off again."

"Duly noted."

The rugged man stepped into his spacesuit and checked all of its power reserves before equipping a stunner and dialling some coordinates for the planet's surface.

"Vampires and humans, eh? The females looked pretty cute…"

Within a split second, the man had left his ship and travelled to the Earth's surface by means of a flash of light, landing in the middle of a seemingly deserted metropolis.

"Pfeww. Looks like the exchange of power didn't go very smoothly. This place is a wreck. Or do humans, or vampires for that matter, normally live in housing this shoddy?"

But before the blue haired spaceman could start his exploration, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of vampires.

"What's this?" One of the men clad in white said. "Is this a human? He looks funny." 

"He's very… built. Maybe another human experiment?" A second vampire offered.

 "Even so, he probably won't amount to much." A third vampire, a woman this time, remarked.

 "Well, might as well bag him and use him for the farm, he looks like he could produce gallons." The second replied.

 "He also looks like it would taste abhorrent." The third retorted.

"Cut the chit-chat and start attacking so I can scare you lot off." The rugged alien said annoyed. "I've got a lot of ground to cover, and you lot don't look all that interesting to me."

 The first vampire frowned. "Such a big mouth, I say we kill him just for that!"

"Agreed!" The others said as they charged him all at once.

However every lightning fast strike they sent in their blue haired target's direction bounced off almost a foot before his body, repelled by some sort of light barrier.

"See? I told you lot: not interesting at all." The blue haired man smirked.

"Did you see what happened?" The first vampire asked confused.

"I didn't, but it wasn't normal!" The female answered flustered.

"We should retreat and report. If this is a breakthrough for the humans, we need to alert the higher ups."

"You chumps do that," the spaceman chuckled, "that way I can roam around in peace."

The second vampire hissed. "Don't get cocky with us! This was nothing but a fluke! You're lucky we are mainly on reconnaissance and aren't carrying our blood weapons! If we were you'd be nothing!"

But despite the boast, the three vampires retreated into the shadows, leaving the blue haired alien to set out on his exploration. He entered several abandoned buildings, checking their structure and building materials to get an idea of the planet's level of technology, as well as its demographical evolution and general lifestyle.

All that lead to one conclusion: Here had lived a civilisation of moderate intelligence, that had expanded beyond its capabilities to sustain itself at a rate impossible to contain. But given the deterioration of the buildings and obvious rubble and mess, something had put a stop to the humans’ self-destructive tendencies. Most likely this had been the vampires, who had whisked all of their victims off to ‘the farm’.

"So the place used to be run by selfish morons, and now it's run by arrogant morons.” The blue haired alien said to himself. “Hunting on this backwater planet should be a cakewalk."

After checking the display on his wrist, the space traveller decided to head for the top floor of one of the more intact apartment buildings. His geographical scanners had plotted that a group of humans would soon walk across a wide plain, and that building held the best survey spot in the region. Having already met up with vampires, the blue haired man was curious to see what their prey looked like.

The group of humans in question consisted out of Lieutenant Colonel Guren Ichinose's squadron from the Moon Demon company: Yuichiro Hyakuya, Yoichi Satome,  Shiho Kimizuki, Mitsuba Sangu, And Shinoa Hiragi.

The group was walking in standard recon formation, with a vanguard in the form of Yuichiro and Shiho, Yoichi as rear guard, and the two young women at either side of the group for spotting any incoming friendlies or enemies. Guren remained at the center, able to support any side encountering enemies in a heartbeat.

The rugged alien calmly remained in waiting as the group of humans crossed a plain and headed for a sheltered location, his eye caught almost immediately by the purple haired girl of the group.

"Hmm. She looks like a tender soul, if you go by that cute body alone. Though given the surroundings and their obvious military training, she'll probably prove to be a handful… Great!"

The man got up from his spot and rubbed his hands in anticipation. "That's my human target settled then!"

After traversing the plain and finding shelter in an abandoned market, Guren gave out files, documents and a map to each member of his company:

"Listen up! We've reached our destination, I will now give you the mission details: The goal is to collect information about the surrounding areas. "

The group stood quietly around their commander, paying attention as this was one of their first large missions.

"Split up to map out the area, we will meet up at the appointed location in 3 hours. Be cautious, there's quite a few vampires roaming around, so if you get spotted, it's all over for you. This mission is vital for our next large strike, so failure is not an option." 

"Yes sir!" The group replied before splitting up and heading for their respective areas of reconnaissance.

And that had been the instance the rugged man in the spacesuit was waiting for. ‘A good hunter bides his time. And looks like this time waiting is paying off royally. As soon as she's far enough out on her own, nabbing that cutie will be a walk in the park.’

The blue haired alien proceeded to track Shinoa stealthily, using the rooftops to remain out of the girl's line of sight while she furthered herself from the point her company set out from.

After a good 15 minute walk, or sneak, the built space traveller finally decided his to make his move.

"Hmm, this recon missions is going smoothly. I hadn't expected things progressing this easily, given that Guren was the one to plan the mission route… Guess he really can come through when it counts." Shinoa whispered to herself as she walked into an apartment building, planning to use it for hiding herself and getting an overview of the layout.

However just after she'd entered one of the still liveable flats, a sudden arm wrapped itself tightly around her waist, while a hand firmly pressed itself over her mouth.

"Hmmrn??!" The purplette shrieked in surprise, trying to kick behind her and shake off her assailant, only to hit something that felt like solid steel, yet still slightly malleable.

This man, is he wearing armour? But even so, what kind of unreal substance was that?! He's not a vampire! She instantly realized, though this only worried her more. Who is this?!

The young soldier tried to shake herself free, but the spaceman kept her firmly in his grasp. "You're not going anywhere. I have plans for you."

"HMN?!" Shinoa grunted into the man's hand. He plans to kidnap me? Is he working for the vampires after all?! I need to get out… but what's up with his grip? It's inhuman!

The situation started to make situation less and less sense as it progressed, and despite her best efforts trying to grasp her predicament and trying to escape her captor, she couldn't do anything to the massive man that was now pressing her to the ground and folding her arms behind her back. 

"LET ME- HMMNNPPFFF!!" Shinoa tried to demand, but out of nowhere a strip of tape stuck itself to her mouth, wrapping around her head several times until no sound would make it through, save for some whispered moans. 

But that had only been the start. Without missing a beat, her captor moved his tape wrapper down to Shinoa's wrists to trap them tightly together, moving on to her elbow next so the man could let go of her arms and pin down her wildly kicking legs instead. 

"Whd mm mml mmr mm mmn?! (What the hell are you doing?!)" The purplette soldier asked angrily as she tried to pull her arms free from the tape, only to discover it didn't grant her any leeway whatsoever, and her arms remained uselessly stuck together behind her back. 

"Taping you up." The blue haired alien replied dryly as he let the wrapper –which seemed to work on its own just as well- encircle the young girl's slender legs.

"MM mmn ff mm msh! (You son of a bitch!)" The purplette insulted him as she felt her freedom diminish with new layer of tape trapping new parts of her body. Because after having started at her ankles, the small metallic orb which seemed to contain an infinite amount of tape steadily moved up as it continued to wrap her legs in a diagonal pattern until it finally reached her thighs, where it cut off to leave the purple haired damsels with legs trapped so tightly they might as well have been welded together. 

"Hmmr!" The pruplette grunted under the ever tightening bindings, now trying to kick at the man as he righted her so the wrapper could ensare her upper body as well: Sticking a round of sturdy tape around her waist, but catching her arms as well to trap them to her back. Another wrap was soon placed just below her breasts, and another thick layer ended up just above them. 

Tight! I can barely move anymore! And it all happened so fast! Who in the world is this?! 

"Right, this should suffice, let's find a nice room to store you in until I find my second target." The rugged man suddenly said, making Shinoa look at him confusedly. "Mmrgt (Target)?" 

"Yeah, I'm here on a hunt, so to speak. But don't you worry your pretty little head over it." The man said as he scooped her up and brought her to an empty flat and laid her on the bed." You just lie here until I get back." 

"Mm k mms mm mmd mm! Mm mmn mm mr mm mm-an-ms m mmoo mm ai mm md! (Don't think this'll hold me! I'm going to alert my companions as soon as I get out!)" She threatened. 

"Oooh, scary! But by all means feel free to give it a shot! I love an active damsel." The rugged spaceman said as he pulled the bedroom door shut behind him and headed out of the flat altogether. 

"HMRGH!" The purple haired girl screamed furiously at her captor making light of her threat. "Mm mmo mmai (Just you wait!)" she said, already rolling onto her back and trying to sit upright and planning to look for a way out of her tape restraints.

Okay Shinoa! Calm down. You are a trained soldier, capable of fighting off vampires for God's sake. Something as silly as tape should be no match for you!

 But it turned out the tape was exactly that and more, because no matter how hard she strained herself, kicking her legs and trying to shuffled around hoping to loosen any strips, not a single part of her sticky confines gave way.

 Shinoa kept fluttering her fingers, hoping to reach the end of the tape that wrapped her wrists together and peel it off. But no matter how long she searched and shook her wrists, the tape wouldn't release her from its grasp, and her fingers couldn't even get near anything to help her.

Eventually the purple haired soldier just lost her patience and began rolling around the bed, grunting and screaming like possessed as she kicked, pulled, and strained every muscle in her body in a desperate attempt to force any of her restraints to give way… But nothing she tried had any effect.

"HMMRGGHHH!!" The purplette groaned frustrated, after she tired herself out so badly she was forced to lie on her side panting heavily. Stupid tape! Stupid blue haired freak! Why did this have to happen to me? This is NOT what I signed up for!

The purplette then eyed the door. Am I really going to have to leave this place taped up? Going out in the open is suicide… but maybe I can find a knife in this flat's kitchen. 

Having finally found a plan of attack that actually stood a chance of working, the purple haired girl crawled to the end of the bed and gently lowered her legs to the floor before hopping to her feet and trying to hobble to the door and open it. 

Except there was a small snag:

"Hmn?" Shinoa grunted in confusion as she kept fondling the door, touching nothing but wood at first until finally she made contact with the keyhole several inches below the knob. And with her arms pinned down against her back, the rather short young girl couldn't quite reach the knob, not even after standing on her tiptoes and leaning forward so far she was in danger of toppling over. 

You have GOT to be joking! You're telling me I can't even open a freaking door like this?! 

"HMmrng gmmg nnmm nnnr mrmmgghh!!" The purplette began cursing incoherently into her gag, almost falling over but managing to prevent it by hopping around until she finally regained her balance. 

For crying out loud! If only I could reach for my pendant and get my soul weapon out! You’d think that keeping your weapon around your neck meant it would be accessible under any circumstance… Okay, new plan. There has to be something in this room sharp enough for me to use… 

But after skipping around the bed to check the dresser, the nightstand, and even the desk, not a single pair of scissors, letter opener, or even a plain pocket knife turned up. 

"Hmmrrrf…" Shinoa grunted annoyed. The purplette wasn't exactly used to things not going her way, and today was starting to look like it was all uphill. 

However, as she set herself on the bed, she spotted something on the writing desk that could be of use: a framed picture. 

The glass! If I can break that frame, one of the shards of glass could be my way out! 

With that new sliver of hope, Shinoa began rocking back and forth in order to heave herself off the bed, since she couldn't exactly use her arms or legs as normal. Once righted, she began bumping her hips against the desk in order to make the picture frame shift to the side. Each new blow to the sturdy wooden piece of furniture sent a throbbing ache down her right leg, and by the third one she was moaning in pain. And that darned little picture frame would only move about an inch or so per hit! 

Come on! Stupid picture, stupid rock hard desk, stupid jerk tying me up with tape! The purple haired damsel cursed everything that came across her mind as she carried on forcing the small metal frame with the glass center off the side of the desk, until it finally fell and shattered to pieces. 

Success! Now to find a large enough chunk… But I'll need to protect my hands. 

It was then the purplette remembered seeing several pillow casings lying in the dresser, and after hopping her way over to the large wooden closet, she pulled one out and used it as a glove before picking up one of the larger pieces of broken glass. She then sat herself down on the side of the bed again, and began working away at the tape trapping her wrists. 

It took the bound and gagged girl several minutes just to find a decent grip on the glass chunk without endangering herself. After that she began twisting her hands and arms as best she could in order to get one of the sharp edges to actually make contact with her wrist bindings. 

Shinoa started poking the glass shard into the tape, trying to pierce through it and create an opening for her to start slicing it apart. But with her hands so awkwardly positioned, she barely managed to make contact let alone push through. So the purplette settled for a slower approach instead: steadily scarping the sharp rim of the glass past the end of the tape wrapping, until eventually she made a small cut to exploit.

Progress was slow however. Painfully slow. On more than one occasion the small shard of glass slipped out of her grasp, due to her not having a firm grip through her protective cloth cover. Each time that happened, the bound and gagged soldier had to spend minutes twisting herself around to confirm where the glass had fallen, then start searching for it blindly by feeling around on the bed. Most of those searches were accompanied by loud cursing, and the purplette even had to sit herself down on the side of the bed once in order to calm down because she was getting so uptight and angry her were trembling too bad to pick up the glass.

 Eventually though, she'd always get hold of the shard again, and renewed her painstaking efforts. 

After an agonizing forty-five minutes of fidgeting around, her wrists were finally free. After that she finally had some arm movement at her disposal, and her escape finally kicked in to high gear. Her very next targets were the strips trapping her legs, so she could finally balance herself properly. Her upper body followed soon after that, finally allowing her to open that darned door and find a decent knife in the kitchen to cut the tape trapping her elbows and peel off her gag. 

Her escape had taken over 2 hours, and by now her company would probably have assumed her dead or captured. Not to mention she was exhausted from her stressful and frustrating escape, fearing the man barging in on her any moment and undoing all her hard wrested progress. 

But her blue haired captor had never turned up, and Shinoa made her way safely out of the apartment building, hurrying back to the rendez-vous point, more alert than she'd ever been for any suspicious movement around her and with her soul weapon ready to be brought out at any moment.

[Just after the alien left Shinoa in the abandoned apartment]

Having left Shinoa on the bed of the flat he'd caught her in, the man started scouting around to find another target.

"Hmm, so I've got my human specimen, guess it’s time for a vampire now. But I'd like a real catch, those flunkies from earlier didn’t give me any spark at all…maybe someone from the higher ups?"

Having found another group of vampires and this time defeating them without much effort thanks to his advanced weaponry, he beat the information he needed out of them. It would seem one of their 'queens', Krul Tepes, had a castle in the vicinity, and she happened to be in as well! 

"Man, first I bump into that cute little number separating herself from her group, now they're telling me there's a one of a kind vampire woman for me to snatch up... This planet is turning out to be all kinds of lucky!" 

However since the space traveller did not yet know where in the castle to find the pink haired vampire, he beamed himself up to his ship to briefly use it's scanners for singling out the unique bio signature the vampires had, focusing on the areas with higher levels since he figured a queen should stand out somehow. 

And his reasoning had been correct, because soon after his scanners began zoning in on the courtyard of a massive estate, where a certain pinkette was just taking her daily stroll. 

"Oooh, yes! That little one’s a she-devil, you can see that right away! And those looks are definitely on par with the human girl I already snatched up... She'll do just fine." He said, rubbing the stubble on his chin before beaming down smack in the middle of the courtyard Krul was walking in. 

The pink haired queen jumped back in surprise at the sudden drop-in, but quickly recovered. 

"I don't know who you are, but you're foolish beyond words to come barging into here!" She said, twirling her hair around a single finger playfully. 

"I won't be here long, just picking up something I need." The alien replied confidently. 

"Nothing in this place is yours for the taking. Though I'd be happy to grant you a beating you'll never forget." The vampire queen said, her cheerful grin twitching to a frown at this weird trespasser's self-confidence. 

Without so much as a warning, the pinkette then charged for a lunging kick, only to have her eyes grow wide in horror as the trespasser simply stepped out of the way. 

Krul landed on the floor and skidded for a few more feet as she spun herself around to face the blue haired man again. He dodged me? HOW? Isn't he human? How did he do that? The pinkette's mind began racing. She had never not been able to land a blow, but more than unnerve, it annoyed her! 

"Don't get cocky, I'm just warming up!" The vampire woman threatened as she lunged for him again, only to be sidestepped and shoved aside once more.

Krul didn't know, but the spaceman wasn't even trying to fight her. His battle armour simply stood in continuous connection with his ship, which used its extensive sensors to track her movements and extrapolate her attacks in advance. The suit then guided the blue haired man's movements, allowing him to dodge and counter whatever was thrown at him with ease.

"I suppose we should start wrapping this up, I have work to do after all." The rugged alien said before dashing forward at a speed that caught even Krul off guard. He ran behind her and wrapped one of his massive arms around her waist, pinning her arms down at the same time.

The vampire queen's immediate reaction was to exert all of her enormous strength to try and break free from her assailant's grasp, but to her astonishment the man didn't budge an inch. In fact not only did he not give way, he didn't make so much as a grunt. 

Who, or what is this thing? He's not human, he can't be! How can there be this much difference in our power? I'm a vampire of royal blood! And what is this suit, it feels like I'm being held by concrete!

"Mmmrgg! Let me go you boorish swine!" She demanded as she kicked her legs in the air in a tantrum. The pinkette simply didn't know how to handle this situation, since not once in her extremely lengthy life had she encountered someone able to manhandle her like this. 

The man just chuckled, enraging Krul all the more. "That is nog going to happen, I told you: I've got plans. And you are quite a significant part of-" 

But the alien's statement was cut short by a strange beeping noise coming from his wrist, or rather the glove of his battle armour. That's the sensor alarm I set up in that room I kept that human female in. Did someone discover her? Drat, such shoddy timing! 

While Krul was still in the midst of her tantrum, doing her best to stave off the panic creeping up on her by this thing having caught her so easily, the rugged blue haired man suddenly let her go without so much as a warning. 

The pinkette hit the floor with a soft 'thud', and immediately sped across the room to get some distance, eyeing the man with a furious stare, but at the same time feeling a knot in her stomach as she felt scared for the first time in her life at what would happen next. He barges in, captures me, then lets me go? Is he toying with me? ME a vampire queen! I wish I could say he'd regret that, but this thing isn't normal, I should alert as many guards as I can. 

But before the pink haired vampire could do anything of the sort, the man raised an arm and start on typing something strapped to his wrist, causing her to flinch and step back once again. 

"Looks like something came up for me to handle first, I'll be back as soon as I can to finish our 'dance'. Don't run off now you hear me?" The blue haired man said as he suddenly took off by boosters igniting from his back, leaving Krul all the more bewildered.

Whoever this was, he clearly didn't belong to the Japanese demon army, but then what in the hell did he come to here for??

"I should retreat to my chambers." Krul said to herself. "I'll fortify defences and retreat while I try and figure out what just transpired. That man seemed like something not from this world, but there's no such thing as invincible. When he returns, I'll be ready!" She told herself, though somewhere deep down the inexplicable gap in strength couldn't help but create a hollow feeling, and even some fear for when she would see that rugged blue haired freak again.

By the time the man had finally homed in on the tracker he'd slipped into the bow tying her ponytail, Shinoa had almost reached the camp set up as her company's rendez-vous point.

Almost there! I hope they haven't yet broken off thinking the missions was compromised, I have to report to Guren about that weirdo ASAP!!

However, as Shinoa rushed round the final corner, she ran right into what felt like a solid wall, hurtling back and falling onto her behind with a painful "Oowww! What the-?!" But her words turned into a gasp when she realized what she'd hit:

"YOU!" The young woman exclaimed at the sight of the blue haired alien standing before her again. "How did you-"

"Find you? Haven't you figured out by now that I have quite a lot of 'extraordinary tools'?" The man smirked.

"Tsk. Don't get too cocky, I've got quite the impressive tool myself!" She retorted, taking out the tiny container for her demon weapon in order to bring out her scythe.

Except nothing happened.

"What? What's this?" The asked out loud as she once again tried to force her weapon to materialize. "Argh! What the hell is going on?! This has never happened before!"

"I'll bet it hasn't, but then again you've never been up against me either." The rugged spaceman replied with a triumphant grin. "I took a thorough scan of any weapons you had concealed before I even approached you the first time. A simple distortion wave turned out to be more than enough to keep whatever you're trying to bring out in its hiding place." 

"You did this? Impossible!! Who the heck are- hmmrppff!!" The purplette tried to demand some answers, but was once again halted by a layer of tape wrapping around her head in no time. 

Except this time it didn't proceed from there, rather the man took a firm hold of her and began fiddling with buttons on a strange device strapped to the right wrist of his battle armour. 

The next thing Shinoa noticed was a bright light surrounding the both of them, so bright she was forced to close her eyes, and her body going incredibly light for a split second before the light subsided again. When her eyes had recovered, she noticed they were now standing in a completely different place, a place she didn't recognize in the slightest. 

The intergalactic criminal / hunter had taken his prey back to his ship, figuring this was by far the safest and easiest place to keep her secure. 

"Where is this? What is this?" Shinoa asked as she tried to wrest herself free from his arm. "Who are you and why are you doing this?" 

"So many questions. I'd like to answer them all, but it'll have to wait. Your dash for freedom interrupted my plans you see, so I have unfinished business back on the surface."  

Surface? Does he mean we've left the earth? He can't be… an alien?! 

"I'm going to have you stay put here, and when I return I'll start answering all those inquiries of yours." 

Before Shinoa could mount any sort of protest, a strange, intoxicating spray erupted from the left arm of the man’s armour and straight into her face. Whatever the substance was, it didn't burn, smell or irritate her. All it managed to do, was make all of her thoughts and many questions go fuzzy as she momentarily lost all touch with what was going on around her, her body ceasing its futile resistance against the spaceman's forceful approach as he tied his prey yet again, with silvery rope this time. 

By the time the purple haired girl had regained all of her senses, it was far too late to put up a fight anymore. Her entire body had been wrapped in the sleek but incredibly sturdy ropes, constricting her every movement save for rolling up and down the room. 

Her wrists had been cinched together behind her back, as had her elbows (albeit with some room left between those). A strict chest harness ensnaring her modest breasts all around had also been anchored to her elbow bonds, which were pulled up to further pin her arms against her back. In addition to that, a crotchrope dug deep into her panties and trapped her skirt beneath it, while simultaneously ensuring her connected wrists wouldn't become too adventurous in their inevitable search for freedom. 

The young woman's legs had also been strictly tied together, at the ankles knees and thighs. To complete Shinoa's predicament, the man had finished up with a hogtie so tight there was only an inch or two of rope between her ankle and wrist bonds. 

From the very moment Shinoa regained her clarity, she began groaning under the stress of her uncomfortable position, and she instantly rolled on her side in an effort to relieve some of the many pressure points the tight ropes created, most of all around her chest and groin. 

"Mm- MMRHHG?! (You- HUH?!)" The purplette had tried to scream, only to find a large red rubber ball buckled securely into her mouth. The ball in question was so big she could barely close her jaw anymore, and to her horror it was making her salivate profusely. Drool was already beginning to pool inside her mouth, and she’d noticed her attempt at speech just now had made things considerably worse. 

"There, that should keep you occupied until I get back with that vampire cutie." The blue haired spaceman said, already turning his back to Shinoa as he began fiddling with the computer on his wrist. 

"Own oo air eef ee err ai iz! Mmie ee rmm eez u-id ope ai ow! Ey urr, ey e-arr-assin, an er oo ee or mm ow ad ai mm ai ib!! (Don't you dare leave me like this! Untie me from these stupid ropes right now! They hurt, they're embarrassing, and there's no need for them now that I'm on your ship!!)" Shinoa tried to argue, despite a small sliver of drool dripping past her jaw because of it. But her demand fell on deaf ears. 

"Well then, see you soon gorgeous!" The man chuckled, pressing the last of his buttons and disappearing in that same array of light that had brought the two of them to this eerie chamber before. 

"Ell ate, ai uk. A-GN! An is eel eev-n urs an ll ad aep! (Well great, I'm stuck. AGAIN! And this feels even worse than all that tape!" Shinoa cursed, immediately starting to roll around the floor in search of some slack to exploit and once again make her escape. "Hmmrgh! Iz iz oa oo ai! Ow mm el a ai o-a e ou o iz? (Hmmrgh! This is all too tight! How the hell am I gonna get out of this?)" She moaned desperately as every move she made only brought her discomfort, without so much as an inch of progress developing. And I guess a knife or something else sharp won't exactly be lying around her either… 


Not seeing any other option, Shinoa began rolling around the floor in search of some slack within her many rope confines. However this supposed alien obviously knew what he was doing, because no matter how hard the purplette wriggled around, shook her wrists and legs, or stretched herself as far as the strict ropes allowed, she couldn't feel any progress developing. 

After minutes and minutes of tirelessly fidgeting around, grunting loudly under the strain of the chest harness and crotch rope digging into her intimate areas and distracting her wildly, Shinoa was forced to lie on her stomach to recover whilst panting softly. 

Okay, so that didn't work. Why aren't these ropes loosening at all? I've been rolling around like a madwoman, but not a single one of them has even shifted out of place. If things go on like this, my only chances are getting hold of-

And then the purplette froze, because in the midst of her short rest her fingers had been aimlessly fluttering about, as if they were searching for something to do while the rest of her body could not. Never in a hundred years had the young woman expected to brush against something resembling a knot!

That wasn't my imagination, was it?  

She very gingerly moved her fingers about in the vicinity of where she'd felt something, and then she hit upon it again: she had actually made contact with a knot! Now if she could only work it loose… 

The purple haired captive began picking at the knot with her nails, trying to pry it loose and work her finger into the opening. But the rope remained tight, not budging no matter how much she tried. 

Come on! Shinoa shouted mentally. I'm not going to fail with a chance like this in my grasp. Give way stupid knot! 

The young soldier resumed fidgeting with the tiny bud of ropes, tirelessly working away until finally some give developed!

However her efforts had taken quite a toll. She was dead tired from her awkward position of arching her back to get a better hold of the knot, and after finally having felt some progress, her muscles gave in and she flopped down to recover, resting her modest chest against the faintly humming floor.

To her shock, the strict ropes constraining her breasts, in combination with the soft buzzing of the ship's engines, actually served to harden her nipples slightly. Shinoa hadn't at all been thinking erotically, no surprise given her dire situation, but for some confusing reason her body decided to make time to enjoy this predicament of hers. 

What was the point of these ropes anyways? He could've just as easily tied me up without strapping in my chest.  Still… this doesn't feel entirely unpleasant, was that the reason?!

However the purple haired girl had no time to devote any attention to her body’s needs, not when escape was finally beginning to look like an achievable goal.

But when Shinoa had rested enough, and wanted to get back to her escapology endeavours, something she felt - or rather didn't feel - made her blood freeze. 

Where's the knot? She thought confused as her fingers fluttered around where the knot used to be. Did it come undone on its own? Was her first hopeful assumption. But when she tried kicking her legs and moving her arms, no give could be spotted anywhere. 

I'm still tied as tight as ever, so where is that damn knot?! 

The simple fact was that due to Shinoa slumping down for her rest, the knot had shifted positions. It had only been by a minute distance, but due to the purplette having no visual whatsoever it might has well have moved to a different room. 

You're telling me I have to start all over again?! Start looking for another knot to pick?! HELL NO! 

"MMRGMMNNN!!" The young soldier howled into her gag as she rolled around the floor in frustration, desperately scanning whatever rope she could get hold of for that one knot she had been working so long on. 

Minutes went by, and panic began creeping up on her as her fingers fluttered around more frantically by the second in search of the knot, and with each passing moment of not touching it the pit in her stomach grew wider. 

Where is it?! It can't have disappeared just like that damn it, I KNOW it's around her some-. "MMMS (YESS!)" She cried relieved when her fingers closed themselves around the half undone knot once again. The purplette didn't waste another second on starting to work away again, until finally that infuriating little bud came completely undone. 

However when she tried to move around and find out how much progress she'd made, she barely noticed a difference. It would seem this mysterious abductor of hers had used quite a few knots. 

Oh COME ON! Is this all I get for my hard work?!  Shinoa thought, angry and frustrated as she still didn't feel any real wriggle room. 

"MMRGH MMRN NNRM NNRGG!!" She began grunting into her gag, throwing a tantrum solely because she didn't know what else to do. The cute captive began rolling around, waving wildly with her arms and kicking fiercely with her legs , though all that brought her was pain and stress in the wrong places. But she had to do something to vent all of her pent up anger, hoping to end up with a clear head so she could once again start looking for a knot and steadily progress to freedom. 

Her mindless thrashing around didn't last as long as she'd hoped however, rather it  ground to a halt when a wild kick of her legs forced the crotch rope to slide up deep into her snatch, taking her panties along for the ride and leaving them partially embedded.

"Hiiii!!" She shrieked with a uncharacteristically high pitch. Good going Shinoa! Why don't you spank yourself as well?! 

Having been forced to stop her tantrum, the purple haired girl set out to look for another knot to undo and slowly progress to her freedom. In the end it took the poor damsel almost an hour of the painstaking process before her wrists were finally free of rope, with there having been one more knot connecting her ankles to her hands, and an additional one trapping the ropes binding her wrists in place.

With her hands finally free, Shinoa swiftly removed the ropes bindings her legs, as well as the crotchrope. Getting rid of her chestharness proved quite a lot more difficult, but in the end she managed to loosen those ropes enough to shimmy out of them. However then she hit a snag: despite bending herself in any direction possible, she found no way to grab hold of and thus remove her elbow bonds. 

"Arr! U-id ods! Aif in u-ffe-in ai az orr a-jes ud ey own ed u! (Argh! Stupid knots! I've been shuffling my arms for ages but they won't let up!)" Shinoa complained, but deciding to shut up after that since the ball gag made transformed her words into embarrassing garble, and even worse it made the already substantial amount of drool in her mouth spill out, resulting in a sticky line of drivel running past her cheeks.'Haaah, guess this'll have to do. It's not like I'm completely helpless anyways… I can scout around for a knife or something. I need to get an idea of the layout of this ship anyways.' The soldier surmised as she crawled to her feet. 'Given how that man acts, I'm sure he operates alone so I shouldn't worry about bumping into anyone.' 

The purplette started walking around the room, which was about twice the size of your normal living room. 'You'd never think this was a ship, this is just one room and look how spacious! I guess he really is an alien, no human or vampire can create something like this!' 

The purplette then made her way to what looked like a door, only for the partition to start fazing away and seemingly disappear into thin air. 'That is just showing off…' She thought as she made her way into the next room, which was a lot more busy than the one she came from: 

Dozens of small lights were flashing around, with a soft humming noise resembling the processor of a computer at the background. Tons of data, images of the surface of the earth, symbols in strange lettering (some of which she was sure were alien) kept flying across a massive projected screen at the far side of the room. 

'Is this the bridge? Or perhaps some sort of science lab? How on earth can one person use all this?!' Shinoa thought, both amazed and confused by the business of the room. She could hardly keep track of everything happening around her, let alone take it in! 

However, the biggest shock for the young soldier came when she walked further into the room, looking at the largest of the monitors showing an image of a huge estate she recognized as Krul's mansion. 

"Excuse me." A voice suddenly spoke up, making Shinoa jump slightly and turn around so fast it made her hair dance around, forcing her to shake her head to get rid of some of her purple locks obscuring her view, and her hands were still useless to do it for her. 

"Oo iz air? (Who is there?)" She asked nervously, scanning the room even though there obviously was no one present. 

"Technically, nobody except for you." The slightly metallic voice responded. 

"Rr oo essin a-ou iv ee? (Are you messing around with me?)" 

"I am not 'messing around'. You are truly alone in this room. After scanning your planet's various datawarehouses, including something called 'internet', I have acquired enough background information to correctly interpret your cultures and ways of thinking. In light of the concept of 'humanity' and 'people', my artificial intelligence does not qualify as a 'somebody'. Thus there is nobody else here." 

"Ur ell-i ee ai a-gin oo a on-uu-rr? (You're telling me I'm talking to a computer?)" 

"To be exact, you're talking to a spaceship. The engines, life support, weaponry, sensor array,… all of this ship's technology is integrated into a single processing and interface system, i.e. me." 

This is extraordinary! A ship with enough processing power that it can hold a self-thinking entity! "Oo oo av a aem? (Do you have a name?)" 

"I do not need a name, I am a ship." 

"Air e-uf… oo oo in oo ood ed eez ows o ee? (Fair enough… Do you think you could get these ropes off of me)?" 

"That would be relatively easy." 

"Ee-ee, ool el ee? (Really, you'll help me?)"

"No. I said it was easy, not that I'd do it. I am a ship, and I have artificial intelligence, but I'm still programmed to follow my owner's commands. And since he brought you here, letting you go is something I cannot do."

The purplette sighed. "Id az ur a od (It was worth a shot)." 

"That it was. But now I should get back to what I set out to do when I caught your attention."

"Ish iz? (Which is?)"

"Restrain you."

"HHMD?! (WHAT?!)"

Before she could even brace herself, small metallic orbs began zooming around Shinoa's body, and before the still relatively helpless damsels could prepare for whatever was about to happen, the metal balls shot thick, silvery belts out from them that began wrapping her legs, and pinning her arms to her upper body again. Another belt folded itself around her ball gag, muffling her even more than had been the case.

"MMmnn (Nooo!!)" She cried in despair as she felt her freedom stripped away from her in two seconds flat, her panicked jumping and straining against the belts only serving to make her lose her balance and begin a seemingly slow motion descend towards the ground.

*Booof!!* she landed on the floor with a deeply muffled "mmm (Oww)".

"HMMMRGHHH!!" The once again heavily bound soldier growled at the large monitor, as if trying to fire lightning bolts at it.

"I am not in the monitor, I am the ship. Though I suppose your tendency to direct themselves to something familiar to you, like a screen, is only natural."

"Mmu mp (Shut up)."

"I will, since my task is complete now. The owner of this ship won't be very long now. He's been teleporting around the globe for some time now, it's a habit of him to seek out 'gorgeous views', but he'll be getting back to work any moment now."

 "Urk (Work)?"

"Collecting the second specimen."

[Meanwhile, inside of Krul Tepes' castle]

"Who or what was that thing? He couldn't have been human, he didn't look enough like one. And there is no way the humans' experimenting produced a monster of that calibre!" The pink haired vampire queen said to herself as she paced up and down her own bedroom, which was about the side as your ordinary house.

"That settles it! I'll scramble my forces, hunt that thing down and capture it! If we can dissect it we might even discover something that'll give us the edge to permanently erase that petty human resistance."

The eternally young girl was then startled by a whistling sound coming from behind her, causing her to twirl on the spot and look for its origin. However her eyes grew wide in horror when she found out what it was…

"In spite of your cute appearance, you're one exceptionally cruel little lady. Or 'vampire' I suppose."

"GUA-HMMMFF!!" Krul tried to scream, only to have her voice cut out midway by a wad of chloroform muffling her.

The blue haired alien had somehow appeared behind here in a split second!

"Hmmn?" The already weakening Krul tried to moan. What is this stuff? It's numbing me?! How is this possible? Desperate to get out of her assailant's grip and gain control back of the situation, the vampire queen began struggling in his arms, kicking her legs in a wild frenzy. But to no avail, the man's iron grip didn't budge an inch, and her body slowly began to feel heavier and heavier, until finally she felt her eyes closing beyond her will.

How did he get behind me like that? And in my own-… Were Krul's last frustrated thoughts before slipping out of consciousness.

With the pinkette in his arms, the man couldn't suppress a chuckle. "I always love their reaction when they're fooled by my afterimage projector. And in this case it made my job a lot easier, this cutie might seem tender, but our previous bout revealed she is quite the monster. I'll have to do something about that when I get back…"

[Back at the spaceship]

Shinoa had spent almost 15 minutes fruitlessly rolling around on the floor, hoping the straps keeping her prisoner would budge, when she was startled by a bright light appearing in the middle of the room.

However her first scare paled by the heart-stopping sight of her alien captor holding none other than Krul Tepes in his arms.


"Surprise attack, good gear, and a winning smile.” Was the quick witted reply as he righted Krul against a thick sturdy pole rising up from the floor and connecting to the ceiling.

Right now, Shinoa had more questions than ever. To think there existed a creature capable of capturing a vampire queen! But both the fact that her gag reduced any sound she produced to hums, and her burning curiosity to see what would become of one of her most dangerous enemies, kept her quietly lying on the floor as the man went about his business.

"Right. Better get you tied up before my drug loses effect. To be honest my scanners had trouble calculating your capabilities so I'd rather play it safe." The rugged man said to the still unconscious vampire queen as he picked up several coils of rope, which has risen up on a table beside the pole.

What is up with this ship? Shinoa thought to herself. Has it been built to transport prisoners, or does it simply deliver anything it's owner needs? The technology in this thing would be invaluable! But I suppose getting hold of it will be impossible… In fact right now I'd be happy just to be dropped off back on the surface!

Once again, Shinoa began reaching for the strap closest to her hands, but to her despair she couldn't find anything resembling a buckle. It was as though each of the coils containing her had melded to become a single inescapable metallic band, leaving the purplette to lie rolling on the floor helplessly.

The alien traveller meanwhile was quickly and expertly pinning Krul to the pole the ship had erected:

For starters he crossed her wrists behind the pole and cinched them tightly together, he then brought her elbows together so close they touched and lashed them in place too.

Up next were coils of rope encircling the pinkette's waist and bosom, ensnaring the vampire's petite chest in ropes both above and below to accentuate her tits as well as pin her upper body firmly to the pole.

Shinoa meanwhile could only look on in confusion as she rolled herself aligned with Krul and lifted her head so as to get a clear view.

He's tying her up too?! What is he thinking?! no matter what kind of rope he uses it won't hold her!

"Own, ee e-ae mm mk mrr ssjp! (Don't! She'll escape and wreck your ship!)" The purplette tried to warn, but the spaceman blatantly ignored her. "HMMRRR! Mmsn oo mmm (HEY! Listen to meeee!)"

But the rugged blue haired man just chuckled as he made quick work of his eternally youthful captive's lower body, almost covering it in ropes as he cinched her legs together at the ankles, calves, knees, hips and thighs. One extra rope located at the height of Krul's crotch pinned her bum so close to the pole it was actually parting her butt cheeks slightly!

His second catch of the day securely tied, the blue haired man turned his attention back to Shinoa. "Right then, I'm guessing you have several questions lying ready." he said as he unbuckled her gag. "So why don't I let you pose them?"

"Who are you?" Was the first thing to leave the young soldier's lips.

"Hmm. That's a difficult one right off the bat. Plainly put: I came from outer space. I'm what you folks would call 'an alien'.

"And what is an alien doing here?"

"Making money."


"Yeah. You can sell pretty much everything if you know the right people, but only a few things really rake in the dough. Special specimens from other planets, that ranks pretty high."

"You're going to kidnap and sell us?!"

"What else did you think was going to happen?"

"Then just take Krul! She and her kind have given us far more grief than you can imagine! And… she's also a lot more special than I am, you must have seen for yourself the things a vampire can do!" The purplette argued, thinking on her feet in an attempt to sway this man into letting her go, even if it meant degrading herself.

However the blue haired alien just chuckled softly. "The power struggles on your planet don't bother me, and even though this pinkie here is indeed all kinds of special, don't go selling yourself short. You're pretty cute and unique yourself."

Under normal circumstances, Shinoa would've welcomed the compliment, but right now her mind was solely working on a way to get herself out of a future life of slavery, or worse… The young soldier began twitching in her bindings again, but the metallic straps held tight as ever, confining her and limiting her to simply flopping up and down on the floor uselessly as the man walked up to her and righted her.

"Ooof, huh?" Shinoa grunted confused as the blue haired alien forced her to hop towards a spot next to Krul, where a second pole was now emerging.

He can't be-!

But he was, and despite almost non-stop protests and fidgeting from the purplette soldier, Shinoa had soon had her metallic restraints replaced by ropes as she ended up tied to the second pole in the exact same manner Krul had been.

The large rugged man then took a step back to admire his work, particularly enjoying Shinoa's foul stare.

"Guess it's about time…" He suddenly remarked softly as he moved behind the two girls, out of their line of sight.

"Huh?" Shinoa grunted as she kept straining to pull herself free from the pole. However she soon noticed what the man had meant, when soft moans started coming from beside her: Krul Tepes was waking up!

“Hmmn… Oww, my head. What in the world happened?” She moaned softly as her eyelids still felt too heavy to lift. “To think there was a substance that could knock- WHAT IS THIS?!” The vampire queen bellowed as she tried to rub the fuzz out of her eyes, only to find her arms – and every other part of her body- unable to move! Her eyes shot wide open as she started scanning her own predicament, after which came the surroundings she did not recognize in the slightest.

“What’s going on?! Where is this? THAT MAN! He did this to me!! Come out this- YOU!” She screamed as surprise after surprise hit her in the last 30 seconds. Not only had she been drugged, kidnapped and left securely bound, in a completely unknown location to her no less, it now turned out she wasn’t even alone! One of those resistance soldiers was right beside her, one she even recognised.

“You’re that general’s offspring. Shinoa, was it?” She said with her trademark calm but unnerving smile as she looked at the purplette beside her.

“That’s right.” The young soldier replied. Under normal circumstances she would be terrified to find herself so close to Krul, but after having seen the vampire’s bindings not giving way in the slightest even after she obviously exerted all her strength, she realized the pink haired immortal was just as helpless as she was. And grave situation or not, that was an opportunity she would no doubt never again find herself with!

“I’m flattered you remember me, Krul Tepes.”

“Don’t  speak my name so casually!” The vampire queen snapped, trying to lunge forward but immediately being pulled back to her pole after moving only mere inches.  Argh! This is tight! The pinkette groaned under the pressure of the ropes digging in all over her body.

Shinoa chuckled. “Are you stuck my dear queen?”

“No more than you!” She bit back.

“True, but I am certain this stings a thousand times harder for you.”

“Shut up!” The vampire queen retorted angrily. “Rather make yourself useful and tell me where that freakshow is!”

“Freakshow? Now that’s just rude.” The blue haired alien said as he emerged from behind the poles and into his captives’ lines of sight.

“YOU! RELEASE ME THIS INSANT!!” Krul demanded.

“US! Release us!” Shinoa corrected. “Or even just me, that’ll do just fine!”

“What?! Who do you think you are offering me up as leverage to save your own sorry hide!”

“Why shouldn’t I? It’s the best chance the human race has ever gotten to get rid of a monster like you!”

But the man just began laughing softly at his two helpless damsels bickering before him, which only made the two turn their rage towards him.

“You swine! Don’t mock me, untie me from this pole and return me to my castle this instant!!” Krul tried to order the spaceman, though he blatantly ignored her and turned his attention to Shinoa instead.

“You got any more questions for me cutie? Our little queen here interrupted you by waking up after all.”

“LITTLE QUEEN?!” The vampire repeated offended, her cheeks reddening both under the insult and her futile exertions.

“No, I think you’ve filled me in enough.” Shinoa replied, not wanting Krul to gain any insight in what was going on. “I’d much rather hear what I need to do for you to let me go.” She said as she put up a sad, defenceless face hoping to lull her captor into a hint of compassion.

“Simple.” The rugged man replied calmly. “You have to escape.”

“Escape?” Both women repeated confused. ‘What the hell does he think we’ve been trying to do all this time?!’

“Yeah, escape. I had set out to bring the both of you back and make me a fortune… But given the remoteness of this planet, just one of you will make me quite the earnings anyways. And I thought of a much better way to make use of the two of you: Whichever of you manages to get out first will earn themselves a ticket off my ship.” The blue haired alien declared confidently. “You’re free to use whatever means at your disposal.” He added with a smirk, knowing full well either of them could barely move a muscle, let alone reach for anything helpful in their escape attempt.

“You would have us struggle for your own amusement?!” Krul cried out angrily. “I am an ancient vampire! I’ve lived longer and claimed more victories than you can imagine! I’m not some toy you can parade around with!!”

“Right now, he can pretty much do whatever he wants with you though.” Shinoa remarked calmly, deriving far more pleasure from the situation than she should.

“That’s enough out of you!” The pinkette snarled.

“Or what? You’ll wriggle at me?”

“AAARGHH!! You little brat!!”

“Old hag!”

And before the blue haired space traveller could even give them a starting shot, the two had begun a furious struggle for freedom, fidgeting with their hands and fingers in search of some slack or perhaps even a knot to pick at.

However as their escape attempt went on, the same question started to circulate within both damsels: Why was this even a competition? Being a vampire queen, Krul should have no trouble at all tearing through her bindings and assailing the blue haired man to wipe that annoying smirk off his face!

… But the more she tried to break out of her confines by brute force, the louder Krul began to grunt in frustration, wondering why she was failing so miserably!

I don’t understand! These are definitely plain ropes, the likes of which won’t even hold the most ordinary of vampires! Then why can’t I pull myself free from this stupid pole?!

“Not that I’m complaining, but why are you having such a hard time, miss vampire queen?” Shinoa asked as she briefly halted her own struggles.

“I don’t know!” The pinkette admitted through gritted teeth. “I should have no problem with these silly ropes, but for some reason none of my powers responding.”

“Wanna know why?” The blue haired man suddenly interrupted.

But all he got in return was a foul stare from the pink haired vampire. “You’re telling me this is also your doing?”

“Of course it is. I mean I was the one who proposed this little race. And seeing I was also the one who captured you, I know full well how superbly powerful you are, my cute little vampire.”

“Stop mocking me!” Krul growled, once again trying to lunge forward, only to have the tight as ever rope keep her in check. “Aaarhh” She screeched angrily. “What did you do?!”

“Patience, I was getting to that.” The blue haired man chuckled. “Like I said: I know how strong you vampires are. In fact I had my ship here preform a detailed analysis on these powers you and your kin displayed as I made my way through both the city below and your castle. It took some time, but eventually I managed to find a wavelength capable of cancelling out these bizarre abilities you hold, and now my ship is broadcasting them throughout this room.”

“You mean you found a way to nullify vampiric abilities?” Shinoa said astonished. “In no less than a day?!”

“That’s right you’re quite the clever young lady aren’t you?” The alien complimented. 

“I don’t care what you did or how! I care for you to undo it! RIGHT NOOOW!!” The pink haired captive bellowed as she once again began thrashing around.

“You are growing excessively loud, young lady.” The rugged alien said in a childing manner as he got up from his seat, pulling a bright pink rubber ball gag out of his pocket.

“What is that?!” Krul snarled.

But rather than respond, the spaceman simply brought the ball up to the vampire queen’s lips.

Krul’s eyes widened. “NO! You are NOT putting that in m-mmmppffrrr!!” The pinkette began, only to have her rant cut off by the rubber ball wedging itself past her lips and remaining there by the thick buckle the blue haired alien did up behind her head, taking care not to catch any hairs.

“MMMMRRIIIII!!!” Krul shrieked, more angry than she’d ever been in her lengthy life.

Shinoa in turn began giggling like possessed. The mighty Krul Tepes shut up! That’s hilarious!!

The burly kidnapper turned around. “What are you laughing at?” He said as he pulled a purple ball gag out of another pocket.

The second she laid eyes on that second ball gag, Shinoa’s smile disappeared. “That’s not necessary! I’ll be quiet! I’ll –mmmmnnnnnnfff!!” She tried to barter, only to be silenced just like her foe was.

“Right, now where were we?” The blue haired man said as he leisurely walked back to his seat. “Oh yeah! Carry on girls, the race is still on.”

“HMMMNN!!” Both Shinoa and Krul glared at the alien, immediately redoubling their escape efforts.

Having finally come to terms with her inability to use her superhuman abilities, Krul took a different approach: She’d long since noticed a small knot wedging itself in between her wrists, one which was undoubtedly responsible for keeping her hands so firmly pinned together. If she could just pull that one loose, her escape could begin in earnest.

But no matter how much she stretched her hands and fingers, the poor pink haired vampire never managed to get closer than a graze of the small bud of ropes.

“Hmmmnn!!” She groaned frustrated. It was almost as if that blue haired fiend had purposely kept that knot barely out of reach, as if to humiliate her even further!

Shinoa was faring no better. No matter what she tried, she could never even get hold of a knot! And shimmying out of her bindings wasn’t working either, because she’d spent the last 10 minutes tirelessly shifting her legs back and forth in the hopes of creating some more slack there and move on to her upper body from there. But all she’d managed to do was irritate her skin, as the rope now began to feel like it was burning with each new twitch she made!

Why does our standard uniform consist out of these ridiculous skirts and thin stockings?! She thought annoyed as paused her efforts for a moment, breathing heavily from her exertions.

Both captives kept up their efforts for over an hour: Grinding against their ropes until they were forced to try and recover, only to begin anew as soon as they’d felt the least bit rested.

It didn’t help either that the two of them had a clear view of one another’s progress, or rather lack of it.

“Oo own ook aik ur e-in a-e-air (You don’t look like you’re getting anywhere).” Shinoa taunted Krul.

“Or an oo ak! (You’re one to talk)!” The eternally young girl bit back. “Ar oo e-un ai-in? (Are you even trying?)”

“Ur e an oo iz an-in ill oor an ee iz oo-vi (You’re the one who is standing still more than she is moving)!” The purplette retorted angrily.

The only thing that could distract the two from their valiant escape efforts were the small snippets of banter than erupted every now and then. Neither would admit it, but deep down the two damsels welcomed it, since it meant they had something else to do than writhe around against their poles for a moment.

But no matter how much time went by, their situation remained as hopeless as ever. With most of the ropework being settled behind their backs, neither Shinoa nor Krul had any idea of how much progress they were making, if any. Sure they could feel the ropes grinding against their skin, and when they followed the coarse hemp with their fingers they eventually made contact with a knot… but picking one loose was a different matter entirely, let alone actually freeing up their hands!

The first one to have her heart sink was Shinoa, given that this had been her third and most rigorous bondage of the day. Deep After not finding any knots in reach, the reality of her predicament hit her hard:

That blue haired alien might have told the two of them whoever got out first would get to leave, but after just a few minutes she realised that had been a cruel lie: Neither of them were ever getting out on their own, and he would probably declare them both losers and haul them off to God knows where!!

After their ‘race’ had reached the two hour point, with both contenders still basically at the starting line, the man softly began clapping his hands. “Outstanding performance both of you! I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself this much.” He complimented as he got up and walked towards the two young women, who were firing daggers with their eyes.

“I’d say this match will have to be called a draw. Of course that leaves me with a dilemma as to who to leave behind…” He mused as he ungagged the pair.

“Let me make the choice so simple even a blockhead like you can understand: RELEASE ME!!” She bellowed, using what little energy she had left to try and assault or even bite her alien captor since he was now mere inches away.

The rugged alien whistled. “Still so much spunk left! I like that! And that defiant attitude hasn’t diminished at all either… I suppose it’ll have to be you then.”

“Me? What do you mean it’ll have to be me?” The pink haired vampire said suspiciously.

“You get to stay with me of course.” The man casually replied.


At this point Shinoa had to fight not to both burst out laughing and breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Thank God Krul has such a big mouth! I was about to start insulting him myself when she beat me to it…

“Then I take it you won’t have a need for me anymore?” The purplette offered cautiously, giving her captor her most timid face she could muster.

“Well I could think of quite a few uses for you to be honest, but I’m pretty sure this little hellraiser will be plenty to keep me entertained.”

“Don’t you dare! If you go through with this I will make you regret the day you even stopped by on this planet!” Krul shouted, though the blue haired spaceman was far from impressed. He blatantly ignored the threat as he began untying Shinoa from her pole, leaving Krul’s eyes to widen in horror as her own fate slowly but surely began to sink in.

This isn’t happening! I must be dreaming or something, this must be some kind of nightmare! Alien bounty hunters don’t exist, and they certainly can’t muster the power to capture a vampire of royal blood! This must all be some kind of lie! Her mind began racing desperately as she once again tried to tear herself free from her pole. But the pain she received from the ropes digging into her skin both forced her to realize she was still stuck as ever, and that this was by no means a dream. She was actually here, on an alien spacecraft, about to be whisked away and no way for her to prevent it!

And then something happened that the pink haired vampire queen hadn’t experienced in centuries: She began trembling, and nothing less than a deep fear for what was to come befell her.

“YOU!” She shrieked at Shinoa. “Tell him to release me as well! I give you my word I will make it up to you! No matter your wish I will fulfil it! You know I hold the power to do so!!”

But Krul’s heart sank even deeper when she spotted the cat like grin on Shinoa’s face. “I’m sorry miss Krul Tepes, but to be honest disappearing from this planet is about the biggest gift you can give me. So I think letting this big strong hunter take you away is exactly what I, no what the world needs.”

“Not that I care about your world.” The man interrupted as he began fiddling around with the touchpad on his arm. “I just stopped to find something fun and lucrative. Now that I’ve found it I’ll be leaving again.”

“Then I guess this is goodbye.” Shinoa said to both the blue haired alien and to Krul. “I’d say ‘I’ll miss you’, but I’d be lying.”

Krul’s eyes widened “YOU FILTHY-“

But Shinoa never heard the rest of that insult, because for a fraction of a second she was enveloped in a bright light, after which she was standing in the middle of an abandoned parking lot, just a few minutes away from the rendez-vous point her commander had chosen.

“You are making a BIG mistake!” Krul screamed, both enraged and desperate to hide the fear in her eyes. “Turning the vampire race in an enemy is akin to signing your own death warrant! Do you have any idea what my followers will do to you when they find out?!”

“None of that matters if I remain safely out of reach, as in: in another galaxy.” The blue haired man retorted as he casually walked back up to the pinkette, holding that same pink rubber ball in his hands that had given Krul so much frustration already.

“NO! No you can’t!” She cried, sounding flustered for the first time since arriving on the man’s ship – or even for the first time in her long life-. “You MMMMMMNNNNN!!!”

“I can and I will. Just like I’ll be using that cute body of yours to have all kinds of fun.” The rugged space traveller said ominously as his hand wandered from the vampire queen’s cheek down her neck and shoulder, eventually resting on top of her breast, which he gave a gentle squeeze.

“Hiiiii!!” The eternally young girl squaked. No one had ever acted so brash with her! It was only natural, since her royal status and incredible strength spelled death to all who so much as looked at her funny. But this man had found a way around all of that, a way of treating her like the helpless young woman she looked like on the surface… And the pink haired damsel hated it!

“Ai I ii loo (I will kill you).” She vowed then and there, one last fierce look flaring from her eyes before they were screwed shut again by the man giving yet another squeeze of her modest chest, grabbing hold of her nipple this time too.

This is horrible! He’s humiliating me, violating me! And worst of all: My body is going along with it!!

Because despite her best efforts, the ancient vampire felt her nipples starting to harden, and her groin began feeling comfortably warm and moist.

Naturally the man picked up on this, and a triumphant smirk played along his lips. “Oh yes, ALL kinds of fun…”


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