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Having teleported Shinoa Hiragi back to planet Earth’s surface, the burly blue haired bounty hunter from outer space could now turn his full attention to his remaining captive: Krul Tepes, the third progenitor of the vampire race.

Despite throwing a stream of garbled insults past her thick gag, Krul had been utterly helpless to prevent this rugged alien from starting to fondle her body all over.

“You and I are headed for some really fun times…” He declared as his hand ran from her shoulder down to her modest chest, moving on to stroke her waist and hips.

The pinkette squirmed in her bonds, trying to tear herself loose from the pole. But between the massive amounts of rope and the mysterious waves being emitted to block her vampiric abilities, the poor immortal was utterly defenceless against this blue haired man's frisky fingers.

“MMFP (stop)!” She groaned angrily.

"Hmm, maybe I should stop it…" The bounty hunting alien suddenly said.

"hmmrn?!" Krul cried out in surprise. She hadn't expected him to actually listen.

"I mean; I shouldn't be wasting anymore time here now that I got what I wanted. The longer I remain in this planet's orbit; the bigger the chance I'll get picked up. I mean, the possibilities are slim given their primitive technology. But I didn't stay alive for this long in this line of work by being careless."

And with that, the burly alien ceased fondling his pole-bound captive and returned to the bridge to plot a course for his hideout.

The very second the sliding doors closed behind her captor, Krul burst into a new struggling fit, desperate to escape her ropes before this ship left Earth's orbit. If this… thing were to manage whisking her away from her people, her chances of ever escaping would pretty much disappear!!

But try as she might, the poor vampire queen never managed to even reach for a knot, let alone undo one of the dozens trapping her body against the pole. Her 'race' against Shinoa Hiragi had tired her out as well, and she barely had the strength left to try and wriggle herself free. Besides, that useless exercise trying to beat the young moon demon company officer should've made her predicament abundantly clear already. But somehow the stubborn pink haired damsels just wouldn't face the truth: she was trapped on this ship, with no way of getting back to Earth.

5 minutes after the alien left Krul to struggle in vain, the ship suddenly began humming softly, and less than a minute after that, a slight quake betrayed to the vampire the man had probably engaged some sort of hyperdrive to transport his vessel through the vast reaches of space.

Now what do I do?! What is he going to do? He doesn't plan to really sell me of, does he? If that happens I'll have an even harder job getting back to my planet…

Expecting the man to return any moment, Krul stopped fidgeting for a moment to try and catch her breath so she could at least appear confident when the blue haired bounty hunter showed up.

Less than 5 minutes after departure, the automatic doors opened again and the tall alien walked back into the room. "I'm sure you've realized, but we're well on our way already. Earth's not even in sight anymore."

"Ad rr uur anz (what are your plans)?" Krul immediately asked with a foul glare.

The rugged man raised an eyebrow. "Maybe that gag is a bit too much. I didn't understand a word…" He chuckled.

"Hrmmmg." The pinkette rolled her eyes. Sure, make some fun of me and rub it in...

But to her surprise, the man walked up to her and pulled out her gag. "Care to try that again?"

"What are your plans?" The eternally young girl repeated after stretching her jaw for a moment.

The blue haired man rubbed his stubbled chin. "Hmmm, good question. My original goal was to visit a backwater planet, pick up a few goods worth selling, and make me enough money to let me live my next 2-or-so sun-cycles in luxury… But thanks to you and that purple haired cutie, I got side-tracked into having fun and even set her free on a whim!"

The pink haired girl wanted to snap at the bounty hunter for referring to her as 'fun', but she was to curious to hear the rest of the alien's plan.

"Now I'm sure you will still fetch me a pretty penny, but given your feisty attitude and your amazing looks, I don't really want to part with you. So I guess my plan is to keep you around as a personal servant.

"SERVANT?!" Krul bellowed. "You're going to make me, a vampire noble, A QUEEN, your SERVANT?!! My people have dominated our planet for years on end! Our race possesses superior physical and mental capabilities, the likes of which a lowborn creature such as you can only dream of! The very idea of a member of royalty such as myself having to wait hand and foot on an alien brute is revolting!" She finished her furious rant spitting onto the alien invader's orange coloured cheek.

But the man calmly wiped the saliva and laughed heartily. "I do hope you can keep up that defiant attitude. It's one of the main reasons I'll enjoy having you around. If I wanted a mindless puppet at my beck and call, I could just order a serverbot or a bunnydroid."

The fact that the burly alien wasn't fazed by Krul's outburst didn't surprise the vampire woman, but it annoyed her nonetheless. "One day, you will live to regret this." She hissed.

"Could be. I doubt it, but if that thought keeps you full of spunk then by all means hold on to it." The man replied as he turned his back and left the room again.

From the moment she was alone again, Krul wanted to try busting out of her ropes again. But somehow she just couldn't work up the courage to tire herself out again, all for naught. The fact this man had managed to daunt her spirit already, just by use of a few measly ropes, was worrying her.

When we land, that's when I'll turn things around… She told herself. He has to release me from this pole sometime, and I noticed that inside this ship he's not wearing that stupid armour. The second he unties me, I'll make a break for it and get out of range of whatever is emitting these waves to block my powers.

Her nerves somewhat calmed by her newly laid out plans, Krul settled in her bonds and tried to find a comfy position in order to rest up for her coming escape opportunity.

After two and a half hours of flight, the ship landed inside a carefully hidden base on a small planet located on the edge of an obscure solar system. Not long after that, the alien bounty hunter returned to Krul and untied her from her post. "Come along, help me carry the supplies into the storage room. Even without your powers, you should still be able to lift something." He joked. 

The pinkette stamped the floor muttering swearwords as she followed her abductor, all the while looking out for an opportunity to dash away.

That chance came when the burly man picked up two massive crates at once. "Pick up one of those bags of rice and follow me." He said, walking down his ship's walkway and into his hangar."

Now or never! Krul realized, and she picked up the bag of rice and began chasing after the blue haired man.

However, the moment both of them touched down in the hangar, she threw the bag at his legs to make him trip up and end up underneath his crates.

"OI!" He shouted as the rice hit his calves and he lost his footing, but Krul had already dashed past him and made her way across the hangar and into the base.

"Haaah." The alien sighed as he crawled out from underneath the heavy metal boxes, completely unscathed. "There's being a handful, and there's just behaving plain rude." He chuckled. "Ah well, I'm always up for a game of hide and seek…"

As Krul rushed through one hallway after the other, her mind was working on top speed.

What would be my best bet? Search for an exit? Another ship? Maybe even a weapon I can use to threaten him into taking me back? No, I don't know any of this technology, trying to commandeer any is too risky. My own abilities will serve me best. I need to get away from this base, and out of range of whatever is inhibiting my powers.

The vampire queen kept forging her plan as she took a left, a right and another right, completely at random through the seemingly endless array of corridors.

If I can reach a nearby city, I can overpower the population with my abilities, and force one of them to take me back to earth! That'll be my best chances by far!

Krul now stopped for a moment, as she had just arrived in a large room with a 5-point crossroads. Up till now, every single path had led her through exactly the same architecture: Silvery metal walls and ceiling, bright white lights worked into the infrastructure, not a single window in sight. The rather narrow corridors led her to believe these were tunnels rather than hallways. And because everything looked exactly the same, orientation was proving to be extremely difficult.

"I guess this really is more of a base than it is a house or a mansion. But just how big is it?! I've been running for so long, but I haven't bumped into anything resembling an elevator or exit." 

The pinkette then tried using some of her abilities, but they were still unresponsive.

"And I'm still not out of reach of those 'inhibitor waves' or whatever he called them." She said through gritted teeth.

Still, left with no other option than to try and escape this base, Krul kept running through corridor after corridor, trying her best to remember the route she'd taken in order to backtrack in case she came across a dead end. All the doors required some sort of passkey or code, meaning she couldn't even stock up on suppliers or weapons to improve her situation.

After almost an hour of pointless running, Krul paused yet again, this time in front of a dead end. 

"Aaaarhh! What is up with this place?! It feels like I'm running in circles!"

"That's not entirely wrong." Suddenly came from behind her, making the pinkette almost jump out of her clothes.

She spun around, and to her shock the blue haired bounty hunter was standing a mere three feet from her! His hulking frame seemed all the more intimidating inside the narrow corridor, and the proud vampire heiress took a step back, bumping into sealed door behind her. 

"How did you find me?!"

"This place has built in observational cameras everywhere, as well as movement sensors letting me know whenever someone is trespassing on my base. How else do you think I keep a place this big secure?"

"So you just let me dash around here for your own amusement?!"

"Pretty much." The man said with a slight smirk. "I knew you wouldn't be able to make your out of here anyways, since the elevator to the surface requires a passcode. And even if you were to get top side, you'd find yourself on a small uninhabited planet without any atmosphere."

Krul's eyes narrowed. Tsk. So I AM trapped in this place…

"Come along now." The bounty hunter commanded.

"Forget it!" The vampire spat, trying to dash past the burly man but due to her limited physical abilities she overestimated her speed a tad, and ended up being grabbed just as she tried to run past him.

The rugged alien then picked up Krul effortlessly and slug her over his shoulder to begin walking back at a calm pace. 

"HOW DARE YOU! Put me down this instant!! " Krul ranted, slamming her fists against the man's massive back.

But he never even showed any signs of feeling the impact, which only infuriated the proud vampire noble all the more.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I AM A PROUD VAMPIRE QUEEN! I WILL NOT BE CARRIED AROUND LIKE SOME HELPLESS CHILD!!!" She screamed, kicking and fidgeting for the entire journey despite the blue haired alien not paying the slightest attention to her.

After a brief walk the two arrived in what seemed to be this alien's bedroom, where he dropped Kul onto his bed and began rummaging through a chest of drawers located in the corner.

Krul contemplated making another run for it, but by now she'd realized the futility of that exercise. 

"What are planning?" The pink haired girl asked suspiciously.

"I'm looking for your uniform. If you're going to be a servant, then you should look the part… AH! Here it is!"

The blue haired bounty hunter then threw Krul a black and white set of clothes which were unmistakably a maid outfit:

A black short dress with no back, dropping down to the knees and containing quite a bit of frill and lace. There was also an additional layer of white fabric running along the bosom to draw more attention.

A short apron that could be tied in front of the black skirt gave the whole outfit a less gloomy and dark outlook.

White thigh-high cotton stockings and black lacquered shoes to complete the theme.

And for the finishing touches: A frilly white headdress and white cuffs with two black buttons each. 

"Is this a joke?" Krul asked calmly. There was no way in hell she was going to wear this ridiculous getup!

"No." Was the equally calm reply.

"I won't wear this." The vampire woman protested, throwing down the clothes beside her.

"Yes you will." The blue haired man countered, sounding rather strict now. "You can choose: put it on yourself or have me rip off your clothes and do it for you."

The dark undertone of this brute told Krul he wasn't bluffing, and she grudgingly picked up 'her uniform' again and retreated to what the bounty hunter pointed out as the bathroom.

"I can't believe this is happening." The pinkette muttered under her breath. "Where does he get off forcing me in this stupid outfit?! Isn't my captivity enough of a humiliation?!"

It took the eternally young girl a few minutes to get everything fitted correctly, and several more to build up the resolve to actually step outside wearing it (without her cheeks glowing just as bright pink as her hair).

Krul took a deep breath. "Okay, here we go." 

She waved the sensor to unlock the bathroom door again and stepped into the room. The rugged blue haired alien was sitting on the side of his bed -thank god still fully clothed-. He welcomed his maid with a bright smile.

"That fits you perfectly! I can't believe how good you look in it!" He commended. "Almost like you were born to be my maid…"

The vampire noble averted her eyes and managed to swallow the stream of insults she wanted to spew at this boorish man. "So now what?" She growled.

"Now I'd like you to go fetch the two of us some drinks."

"Excuse me?!"

"Well you're dressed like a maid? What did you expect?" The blue haired man said casually as he walked towards the exit. "Just bring ‘em over to my office. I don't really care what it is, so long as its ice cold and good for thirst."

"Wait just a minute!" Krul yelled in protested as she raced out the door after the bounty hunter. But by the time she'd stepped into the corridors, the man had already disappeared from view.

"How the hell did he do that?" She said surprised.

After checking back inside the room to see if he hadn't pulled some holo-prank, the vampire noble began stamping down one of the corridors.

"I'd like you to go fetch some drinks." She mimicked her captor, clearly furious with the absurd command. "Kidnaps me. Drags me to another planet. Dresses me up to parade in this stupid little outfit and now even has me waiting on him! The whole situation is just ludicrous! When I get my powers back, I'm tearing him apart limb from limb!" She ranted, planting each new step harder into the metallic floor as though she was trying to leave tracks.

So angry was she, it took the eternally young girl two rights and a left to realize she actually had no clue where she was going.

"Hang on… He told me to get some drinks and bring them to his office. But I have no idea where any of those things are!" The pink haired maid looked up and down the corridor, examining the crossroads she'd just arrived at. "And not a single sign or map to be found. How the hell am I supposed to find anything around here?!"

"You could ask." Suddenly came from a tiny speaker hidden in a corner of the ceiling. 

For the second time today, Krul almost got a heart attack from being startled. "Who said that?" She yelled angrily.

"Me. You remember me I hope? The ship's artificial intelligence system."

"You're in this building too?"

"Whenever the ship is docked, yes. I assist in life support maintenance and general security measures for this underground base."

"Sounds like you're doing more work than he is."

"It's what I'm programmed to do."

"And you can get me to the kitchen and the office?"

"Of course. The schematics for this facility have been uploaded into my mainframe after all. Take a left here."

Under the guidance of the AI, Krul soon found a surprisingly large and well-equipped kitchen (though the pink haired vampire had no idea what most of the appliances could be used for). With its help, she managed to locate a tray, two glasses, and large metal door which turned out to be an actual fridge.

"So what do I take to that guy?"

"Well it's his fridge, so you can be pretty sure he'll like anything inside it." The metallic voice said dryly. 

"That's not what I meant!" Krul bit back. "I can't read any of this, and all of the containers are the same: large silvery bags. I don't know what's food and what's liquids!"

"Fair point." The AI admitted. "Take the long thin bag with green lettering directly in front of you." He instructed.

Krul did just that, and spotted a small cap at the top.

"Open that, and poor it into the glasses. You can take a pair of those blue cold cubes in the corner as well.

"Don't you mean ice cubes?"

"No. Ice cubes are made of ice, which melts. These are made from a special material which retains its form under any temperature, and doesn't give off any taste. Much more efficient for keeping a drink cool, as it can be reused." 

The pinkette stopped listening halfway and dropped a cube into each glass before emptying the drinks bag into both glasses. It looked like your everyday lemon tea, and even had a familiar smell to it, though the vampire girl couldn't bring it home straight away.

"Right then. Now for the route to the office. Go back out the way you came and take an immediate right…" The speaker in the ceiling sounded, leaving Krul to obediently follow the instructions again, making her seethe with anger so bad she was shaking the tray.

With the base maintenance program giving her clear-cut instructions, Krul soon found the burly alien's office as well.

As she walked through another set of sliding doors, she found her kidnapper sitting behind a huge desk studying a heads up display of a starmap of some kind. She put the tray on the corner of his desk. "Anything else?" She scowled.

The blue haired man blinked a few times as he looked at the cute pinkette. Krul began blushing as she thought he was checking her out. But rather than compliment her, the man began laughing heartily. 

"I didn't expect you to ask that! Man, you've sure gotten into your role quickly! 'Do I want anything else?' Hahahaha."

The vampire noble frowned at him. "I-I didn't mean it like tha-"

"Never you mind, cutie pie. I'm quite happy with this for now." He interrupted her as he took a sip of his drink.

Krul clenched her fists and stared at the ground, raging internally.

Cutie pie?! How DARE her belittle me so! I have GOT to get off this base no matter the cost!

The eternally young girl then took a deep breath. Calm down Krul. Play nice for now, don't give him any excuses to lock you up or restrain you. Just be patient and become familiar with the lay out of this place. Then, when the time is ripe you can make your escape…

The blue haired man suppressed a smirk. Being a bounty hunter was a dangerous job, and in order to stay alive doing it you needed to learn to size up people at a mere glance. With someone as feisty as Krul, it barely took the experienced hunter any effort to see right through her and realize what she was plotting.

But it didn't matter one bit. Even if she were to discover the only real way off this base: his space ship, it wouldn't do her any good. The ship's technology was centuries ahead of her native planet's level, and even if she were to learn how to pilot it, the engines wouldn't start unless his personal bio signature was on board.

No, the only way she was getting back home was if he were to escort her back, but the rugged alien had way too much fun planned for her for that to happen anytime soon…

 "Actually, Krul. There is one thing you can do for me right now…"

"Which is?"

"Start addressing me with 'master' from now on."

The vampire noble's eyes shot wide open. "You can forget that!" She snarled angrily. "It's bad enough you're making me play dress-up. I will not indulge any more of your twisted fantasies!"

The blue haired alien smirked. I was hoping you'd refuse.

"Either you call me master at least once within the next minute, or I'll be issuing your first punishment ever." He warned.

"Try me!" She said defiantly, even though she full well realized she had absolutely nothing to prevent her captor from doing so.

"Alright, I will." He said, standing up from behind his desk and walking towards her.

The pink haired maid steadily backed away. "You're just taking advantage of the fact you've kept my powers in check! If I could use my abilities, you wouldn't be acting so high and mighty!" She ranted frustrated, continuously backing away until she hit the wall on the other side of the room.

"You're right I suppose. But that's what the inhibitor is for after all." The blue haired man said as he picked up Krul, bridal stile. But his powerful arms and hands clenched the petite vampire tightly against his chest, firmly pinning her down. 

Krul immediately began wriggling and fidgeting, kicking with her legs to try and dislodge herself. But she might as well have been kicking a tree. "Argh! You coward! If you're really such a famous bounty hunter, why don't you take me on at full strength?"

"Because I might lose then, at least without any armour or weapons with me. And you don't last long as a bounty hunter if you let your pride get in the way of your job." The rugged alien explained as he walked back to his room.


Once inside, he dropped Krul back on the bed as he'd done a few hours ago, and once again began rummaging through the crate that had held her maid costume.

"Wardrobe change." He declared, throwing a new outfit at the immortal. "Your punishment is having to wear that for the rest of the day."

Krul caught the outfit as a manner of reflex, but when she held it out in front of her a shiver ran down her spine.

This is-

The pinkette began blushing wildly, and her hands started shaking as she nervously realized what she was holding:

Black high heels, fishnet stockings, a piece of black latex-like material shaped like a bathing suit, a black bowtie, a diadem with long ears… 

"This is a bunny suit!" Krul exclaimed nervously.

"I know what it is. I bought it."

"I can't wear this!" The vampire queen protested flustered, her cheeks bright red. "It's embarrassing!"

The blue haired man raised an eyebrow. But before he even opened his mouth, Krul simply slumped and sighed.

"I know. I know. No choice in the matter. Punishment for running my mouth. Bla bla bla…" She muttered, barging past her unreasonable kidnapper and locking herself in the bathroom again.

After taking off her entire maid outfit, Krul spent about 5 minutes just staring at the tight and revealing bunny suit. Her whole face burned bright red as she imagined herself walking out for that fiend to see!

He'd better not have some sort of camera ready when I come out, because if he does, powers or no powers I'm assaulting the jerk! She thought angrily as she began hoisting herself in the absurdly tight outfit.

The fishnets were quite easy to slip on over her personal lacy pink underwear, and the latex bunny top seemed to pull on quite smoothly too at first. But when she fitted the chest area she discovered the reason that outfit had looked so tight before. Because it was tight. The upper part of the suit displaying her cleavage hugged her body so tightly it actually served to push up her modest breasts a little, giving her petite frame the illusion of being almost an entire cup larger.

"Damned pervert." Krul muttered as she put on the high heels, bunny ears, black bowtie and white cuffs to complete her outfit.

She didn't know why, but after everything had been fitted, the pink haired girl suddenly got the urge to twirl around in front of the large standing mirror and check if everything was sitting in the right place.

However, when she did…

"Son of a-!" She growled. "I've got a tail!"

The vampire noble hadn't even paid attention to it as she put the whole thing on, but at the back of her outfit, just above her ass, a snow white fluffy pompom was jiggling happily every time she moved her slender legs!

In a fit of blind rage, Krul punched the tiled wall. But that only made her cry out in pain and spring a few tears.

 "You okay in there?" Came from the other side. "You're taking quite a long time."

Not even bothering to furnish her captor with a response, Krul simply opened up the bathroom door again, and walked out.

The blue haired bounty hunter whistled long and hard. "Forget the maid! This is the outfit for you!" He said with a wide grin. "You look absolutely stunning!"

"Thanks." Krul replied, sounding not the least bit sincere.

"I mean it. You look incredibly sexy."

That remark sent another shiver down the immortal girl's spine. She couldn't remember the last time anyone had said that to her, if anyone had at all. To have it come from this weird creature didn't sit well with her in the slightest.

She threw an angry glare at the bounty hunter. "Just how much are you enjoying yourself?" She jeered.

"More than you could possibly imagine." Was the immediate retort.

"Tsk. So, what's the plan? You want me to parade up and down for you? Do a silly dance?"

"As lovely as all of that sounds, I have a better idea. One that'll probably interest you too." 

"Wanna bet?" Krul countered.

"Actually, yes."

That response didn't make much sense to the vampiric noble. "Sorry?"

"I want to make you a bet: I'm going to tie you up. If you manage to escape my ropes, I'll let you go."

"Let me go?"

"Yeah, take you back to your home planet."

Krul's eyes narrowed. "You're lying."

"No I'm not. I'm just confident you won't escape. I have no reason to lie, because I know you can't get out if I tie you up properly."

The blue haired man then crossed his arms. "So, you up for this deal? Or would you prefer some of your own options stead: Parading or dancing in front of me?"

"I'll take it." The pink haired vampire said determined. She hadn't expected an opportunity like this to present itself! All she had to do was wriggle herself out of this brute's ropes, and she'd avoid a life of menial chores and humiliating dress-up. With a prize like that in sight, no manner of rope or knot would be able to keep her in check! 

"Perfect! Have a sit down on the bed then." The tall alien instructed as he pressed a button on the display round his wrist, after which a bright white chest of drawers emerged from behind a panel in the wall. Inside were coils upon coils of rope, all of them bright white and perfectly clean, as though they'd never been used before.

"Hands behind your back of course." The man said as he uncoiled his firs length, and Krul readily complied.

After cinching the vampire queen's wrists together, he immediately repeated the process around her forearms, just below and just above her elbows. A fifth length rope was then connected to the one tying her forearms, and tied around her waist to keep her from waving her arms about.

With those five coils of rope in place, the blue haired alien moved on to unravel a very long length of rope.

He's taking this seriously… Krul thought as her arms felt so tightly pressed together she couldn't move them at all.

With his long rope, the man tied a strict chest harness around Krul's modest bosom, highlighting it even further in combination with the bunny suit. With the remainder of his rope, the man enveloped his captive's upper arms, just above where only moments ago he had tied the five other lengths, further pinning them down and anchoring them to the harness at the same time.

Krul grunted as he pulled in any slack on the chest harness, causing her to go faint of breath for a while.

"Hey, don't you think this is a bit overkill?"

"Not yet. While I'm at it, I'm going to make this a thorough test of your abilities." The blue haired bounty hunter replied as he cinched yet another set of his ropes tightly into place, this time running above the pinkette's chest and cinching tight the last few inches of her arms which hadn't yet been wrapped in rope.

When finished, about half of Krul's entire upper body was covered in rope, with the spaces in between measuring about the same length as the coils did.

"Now for those pretty legs."

And just like how her arms had been thoroughly bound up, the bounty hunter used no less than six lengths of rope to tightly restrain them: At the ankles, calves, below and above her knees and two sets around her thighs.

Krul groaned in discomfort as the ropes tightened around her legs, trapping them so closely together they felt like they were welded into place. He even took the trouble of cinching the ankle ropes around the base of her high heels, ensuring she wouldn’t be able to kick them off whilst struggling.

"Could you use any more rope?" The vampire noble asked sarcastically. "I think there's half an inch somewhere you didn't cover."

The rugged alien chuckled. "I could actually. I can tie you in quite a lot of tighter ways as well, but I figured for your first time an easy one might be more appropriate. Of course, if you feel up to the challenge…"

"No, that's not necessary." The pinkette replied hastily. Damned brute doesn’t know how to take a joke. She complained.

"Thought so. But you'll be happy to hear this is it." He said as he gently laid down Krul on his bed and got up himself. "I've still got some stuff to do in my office, but I'll be back in… four hours? Yeah, I'm thinking that's a decent enough time limit. If I find you sitting on this bed completely free by then, I'll hand you back your regular clothes and we get on my ship straight back to earth. Deal?"

The vampire queen just shrugged. She still wasn't certain this man would actually hold up that bargain. Regardless, she wasn't feeling nearly as confident anymore as before he'd begun tying her up.

"I'll take that as a yes. Good luck then cutie, I'll be back in four hours." The rugged blue haired man said cheerfully, turning his back to the heavily bound Krul and heading out the sliding door.

As soon as the doors had closed, Krul burst into a furious struggle. Her first plan of attack was just to writhe around with all her strength, hoping to dislodge some or all of her ropes and create some more wriggle room to actually search for knots. But that was a lot easier said than done. That blue haired bounty hunter had tied every single rope so tight she could barely move anymore!

"Hmrrrg! Ow! Grrr!" The pinkette grunted as she tried to make her ropes budge, despite them cutting into her skin every time she exerted pressure.

But after spending most of her energy of thrashing around on the bed, bucking up and down and shifting her arms and legs whichever direction she could, her ropes barely felt any looser. Her body however was screaming at her to stop, everything was starting to hurt, and she was running out of breath as well by now.

"Haah. Haah... Haaaaah. Okay, that didn't do much." She admitted annoyed, her chest heaving inside her rope harness.

"Hmrrn!!" Krul groaned as she rolled onto her stomach, bending her legs to try and reach some of the knots tying her leg ropes. But because there was so much of it, she had trouble properly bending her slender legs, let alone getting her feet in reach of her fingers.

Maybe I should look for a knife or something, cut myself free.

So Krul began scooting over to the edge of the bed, gingerly placing her feet on the floor and hopping to them. She nearly fell to her knees instantly, being forced to balance on high heels, which she wasn't at all used to. The pinkette breathed a sigh of relief when she finally managed to hold herself steady, barely managing to stay upright.

"Pfewww. That was close. I don't want to think about how long it'd take me to get back to my feet in this state…" 

Okay, step one complete. Now then, this is a bedroom, but he also keeps bragging to be some type of hunter. There's a good chance I'll find a weapon of sorts in here. Anything sharp will do, then I can try cutting my ropes to increase my chances.

Having picked a random closet to start her search with, she gingerly began jumping around the room. Each time she arrived at a drawer of closet door, the vampire noble had to bend herself all kinds of ways just to close her fingers around the handle and open the things up. But to her frustration all she found were clothes, underwear, gadgets, and at one time even a large drawer which was too heavy to pull open in her constricted state. That last one was the most annoying of all, since she couldn't help but feel anything that heavy might contain the tools she was searching for.

I really HATE not having my usual power available to me. She gritted her teeth as she was forced to give up on opening the drawer, and hopped further around the room.

Not to her surprise, when she arrived at the chest of drawers her captor had pulled all those ropes from, she found a second drawer underneath with a stash of chains, padlocks and cuffs, along with the keys. The thick and shiny steel restraints were obviously used for restraining prisoners in a more forceful way.

Why couldn't he have used these on me? The vampire lamented. I would be out in no time if all I had to do was manoeuvre keys into locks…

"Haah, nothing for it I guess. Let's keep looking."

Her next discovery was a lot more unnerving: A large stash of girly outfits, not unlike the ones she'd been forced to dress up in earlier today. Amongst them the only things vaguely recognized were: A nurse's uniform, some sort of police girl outfit.

The one to truly catch her eye however, was a weird piece of clothing which was made up entirely out of black and red strings, but seemed to a better job highlighting a women's features than it would do covering her up.

If he ever offers me that to wear, I'll kill myself… She thought nervously. 

Wanting to avoid a fate like that more than anything, Krul hopped towards the other end of the room as fast as she could, hoping the closets there would give her more luck.

In the end Krul wasted an hour uselessly hopping around like the bunny she'd been dressed up to be, not finding anything even remotely useful to help her escape. 

Her thighs were burning from all the jumps she'd been making, and her feet were killing her inside the uncomfortable heels the alien had tied snugly into place.

I can't take another step. She admitted grudgingly. So before her legs would completely give way, she made a few more short hops to throw herself onto the bed again and rest up for a few minutes.

"So wriggling didn't work. And I couldn't find anything useful for cutting myself free either… What else can I try?"

The only thing the vampire noble still contemplated doing was searching out knots and try to pick them loose. But deep down the pink haired damsel didn't really believe plan would bring her any more success than her other attempts. For a start there were so many knots keeping her ropes in place that removing them all would take considerably longer than 60 minutes she now had left. In addition, the standing mirror she'd hopped past on multiple occasions had shown her most (if not all) of the knots were well out of reach of her fluttering fingers.

Having been struggling for nearly three hours straight, but barely having made any progress, Krul reluctantly faced the facts.

I can't do this. It's been three hours and I have managed to do is loosen some of the ropes, but not even enough to create any decent slack! He could give me four days and I still wouldn't be able to escape these ropes… It's frustrating, but he was right when he said he never intended to let me win this bet.

The pinkette sighed. "Well, might as well call him to untie me now. No sense lying here for another hour, and I'm too tired to put up any more of a fight."

So the eternally young girl took a deep breath.

"Okaaay! I give up now! You win. Come and untie me, I'll behave myself… for now." She yelled.

No response.

"Hey! Where the hell are you? I told you I gave up didn't I?! Don't pretend you're not watching every second of my struggles!"


"Aaargh! That jerk really knows how to push my buttons."

But then an idea came to the immortal girl's mind.

"Machine thingy! Are you there?"

The speakers located in the corners of the room crackled to life. "I am not 'machine thingy', I am a high-grade, AI-based support program for both base and spaceship related control and maintenance duties." The mechanical voice sounded. If it wasn’t devoid of any emotion, Krul would swear she had annoyed it.

"Whatever. Can you untie me?"

"I cannot."

"WHAT?! Why not?!"

"I don't have a physical form."

"YOUUU!" Krul cried out hysterically, rolling around on the bed in a fit of rage until she tired herself out again.

"Haah, haah, haaaah… I can't believe I'm being mocked by a computer."

"I am not a computer either, though you are getting more accurate." The AI said in its usual calm tone, though the vampire queen suspected it was trying to be sarcastic.

"So what CAN you do to help me?"

 "I can call for Noct."

 "Call what?"

"Not what. Who. Noct is the owner of this base, and of me. And technically he also owns you now."

"That brute is called Noct?"

"Yes he is."

'Hmmm. I never asked him for his name.' The pinkette suddenly realized. 'Wait, why do I care about his name? He kidnapped me!'

"Fine. Call him and tell him to hurry up and untie me."

"I will relay your message, though it'll probably spur him on to dawdle just to annoy you. He's cruel like that."

"HEY!" The heavily bound girl protested, but the AI didn't respond anymore. "Great! So now I'm still stuck, alone again, and still without a clue as to when I'll get out!"

As the artificial intelligence had proclaimed, the blue haired bounty hunter took his sweet time returning to his bedroom, which drove Krul up the wall with anger as her 48th struggle for freedom turned out just as useless as the previous 47.

"So I heard you wanted to give up ahead of time?" The tall bounty hunter said after he leisurely walked back into the room.

"I did, but you're so slow to respond the remaining hour has passed by on its own." Krul insulted.

The blue haired man chuckled. "Sorry about that. I was busy doing paperwork. It's not my favourite pastime, so whenever I do get in the groove I don't like to stop."

"Whatever." The vampire woman shrugged. "You going to untie me now?"

"Sure thing." Noct replied. "But I'll do more than that. Looking at these ropes I see you've managed to make some actual progress. Its only very minor though."

Krul frowned. Sure, rub it in why don't you!

"But I didn't expect you to manage any, you did better than expected! So I'll reward you."

He then untied Krul's legs and arms, but to her annoyance he immediately re-tied the girl's wrists and ankles, this time so she was lying outstretched along the middle of his bed.

"You call this a reward? More bondage?"

"Not that. This." Noct countered as he let his right hand run along the vampire noble's thigh, gently stroking it as he moved towards her groin.

"Kyaa! What the hell are you doing?!" She yelped in shock, trying to twist her body out of his reach but finding the ropes keeping her firmly in place.

"Rewarding you."

"Well stop it!" Krul demanded flustered, bucking wildly to knock away his hands, which had begun massaging her thighs.

"I won't." The burly blue haired man replied as he flipped his captive around and started rubbing her butt.

"Hmmm. You've got quite a lovely tush here." He complimented. "Well rounded, smooth and really soft."

"Get your hands off my ass!" The vampire noble protested.

"Why should I? I'm having the time of my life." He said as he playfully spanked the pinkette a few times. "And so are you, I can tell…"

Krul's eyes widened. He noticed?!

Because to the immortal girl's horror, her body had begun enjoying the gentle stroking of Noct's fingers and palms. His gentle squeezing of her thighs and butt, and the massage he'd started giving out a few moments ago.

The past few days she’d been under a lot of stress from her vampire sect. The vampire queen had been forgoing sleep, gotten into quite a few heated arguments, and even had to resort to force one time. Then this blue haired alien came along and made everything worse by kidnapping and humiliating her almost non-stop. Bottom line: the immortal girl’s body had been starved for relaxation for quite a while now, and it seemed that by now it didn’t care one bit from which direction it came, it welcomed it heartily!

Why is my body responding to his groping and teasing? You are a vampire queen, Krul! Get your act together!

After flipping the flustered vampire noble onto her back again, the blue haired man began nudging her crotch for a bit. 

"Ahhh!" She moaned as the pressure to her labia began to turn her pussy moist, and her clit began swelling up ever so slightly. Krul closed her eyes to avoid looking the blue haired alien in the eye. "S-Stop it!"

And to her surprise, he did, getting off the bed without any warning.

"Huh?" Krul opened her eyes again when she felt his presence leave her side.

"Wait here. I'll get a surprise for you." He stated, disappearing from the room again.

Once again alone, Krul immediately began fidgeting with her hands, fluttering her fingers in the hopes of freeing her wrists and avoiding any more of this alien's fondling. But before she could even feel out one of the knots, Noct walked back into the room, holding a strange device in his hands.

"This baby is hailed by women across the galaxy as the best in personal satisfaction." He said, holding up something that looked like a hitachi wand, except the head seemed to be swappable. No doubt this was to accommodate for the galaxy's countless different races with varying sexual organs.

The pink haired immortal's eye shot wide open. "NO! Don't you dare use that thing on me!" She protested, kicking her legs in an effort to yank them free. She thrashed so wildly her shoes ended up flying halfway across the room, but the ropes kept her body exactly where Noct wanted it.

"Don't be like that. You haven't even asked me how it works." He taunted.

"I don't even wanna kn-mmfff!" The vampire tried to counter, but her captor close one of his large hands over her lips to hand gag her mid-sentence.

"My ears are going to need the muffling." He explained at a glaring Krul, just before he pressed the bulbous end of his device against the helpless girl's crotch and switched it on.

Within seconds, Krul's fatigued body was propelled to the edge of a climax.

"HMMMMMNNNN!!" She shrieked as the device sent not only vibrations, but also sent energy pulses deep into her body to amplify her own erotic pleasure.

What is this?! My body- My body is getting aroused?! But it's too fast! This thing, it's so powerful!

Krul began squirming on the bed, her entire body pulling taut as the ripples from the device followed one another faster and faster.

"Mmmnn! MMMN! MMAAAA!"

Within minutes, the vampire's first orgasm arrived accompanied by a loud howl. But Noct didn't pull back the wand. He kept the pressure on, letting the vibrations and energy pulses do their job as a second climax began to build before the first had even subsided.

"Mmnnp (stop)!" Krul begged into the bounty hunter's hand. "Mmnees mmnp! Aamn an mmoo mmmn (Please stop! I can't go on!)"

"Sure you can. Don't you feel your body craving more?"

"MMNNNN!!" The vampire noble shrieked into her rugged captor’s hand as her second orgasm surged even more powerful than the first. He eyes rolled up into the back of her skull, and her entire body started jerking and convulsing as she was completely overtaken by the rush of her second climax.

But Noct still didn't relent. He turned up the power in the device, drawing out climax after climax from his helpless bunny girl. And the more she came, the stronger the pleasure she felt.

After her sixth orgasm, Krul was about to pass out. That was when the blue haired alien finally shut off the hitachi, and unclasped her mouth.

"Haah. Haaah. Hmmmnnn!" The pinkette gasped.

Her captor grinned at her. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

After catching her breath, Krul gave her answer. Still completely dazed by the internal glow of her body’s stream of orgasms, there was only answer she could give:

"Yes Noct, I did."

It was out before the vampire queen fully realized she'd said it. She'd actually gone and called this callous brute by his name! Granted, it was during a moment of her greatest weakness, but that didn't excuse her for stooping so low!

This'll be the last time EVER I call that boorish jerk anything other than an insult! She thought determined.

But the rugged bounty hunter seemed to think differently. Only two days and a single pleasuring, and she's already starting to warm up to me. Man this thing was worth every penny! The man thought satisfied.

"It's not 'master', but it's a start." He teased, leading Krul to throw another glare at him.

He then ran his hand through her soft pink locks, and caressed the immortal girl's scowling face. "You have already turned out to be a lot more fun than I had ever hoped. And after today, I'm certain there'll be much more fun to come…"


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