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Friday afternoon. Asuna had just spent three hours working on a paper and had had more than enough of school work. Sadly, she had nothing else to do.

The cute brunette was feeling bored, and worse: Lonely. 

Kazuto had been away from home, holed up at his own college dorm for a long time. And to make matter worse, the next holiday was still so far away!

"I miss youuuu!" 

Asuna had messaged him via her phone in a moment of weakness.

His reply hadn’t exactly lifted his spirits:

"I miss you too. But cheer up: I'm working on something special for our next weekend together."

"What are you working on?"

"That's a surprise. But it has to do with our games!"

"Now I REALLY want to know!"


"Don't apologise! Tell me!"


"Now I miss you even more!"


"Stop saying sorry! You're making me feel guilty."

"So- Never mind."

“You know, I’m wearing your anklet right now.” The brunette had changed the subject.

“Wasn’t that it’s point?”

“And nothing else.”

“That’s not fair Asuna!” The dark haired young man had replied heatedly.

“Just showing you that you’re not the only one who can be a tease!”

“Well consider me put in my place.”

"Hihihi. Hey, are you free next Saturday? I want to meet up in ALO."

"I'm afraid I have a paper to finish. Friday evening two weeks from now maybe?"

"That's still so long!"

"I know, but I don’t have a choice. Look, I promise to keep that whole evening free just for you."

"Alright then. Guess I’ll make do with stroking the bracelet you locked around my ankle.”

“At least you have something physical to remind you of me. I have to count on pure imagination.”

“Lucky you have so much of it then.”

“And I’ll be sure to harness it when we hook up again.”

“I can hardly wait! Good night Kazuto. Love you."

"Love you too Asuna."

As nice as it had felt to hear from her lover again, their little digital conversation hadn't exactly made poor Asuna feel less lonely. 

Luckily there was someone she could always lean on in her hour of need.


“Asuna? How nice of you to call! What’s up?”

“I just thought we’d hang out. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?”

“Sure! Come by my house. We’ll have a girl’s outing.”

“If it’s all the same with you, could we stay in?”

“Hmn? O-okay. If you want to. But why?”

“It’s… embarrassing.” The brunette replied, feeling her cheeks heat up.

“Is this about Kazuto?” The sharp as ever pinkette inquired.


“Awww, you miss him!”

“Don’t tease me!”

“Hihi, it’s because you’re an easy target when he’s concerned! But don’t you worry. I’m here for you. I’ll clear my entire evening. We'll have a sleepover and spend the night giggling until you've gotten over that lovesick feeling!"

"Don’t say it like that." Asuna giggled through her phone. But already, she'd started feeling better.

Liz was a true friend. Going out of her way to lend Asuna a compassionate ear. Not to mention that the young woman had recently discovered the kinkier side to Asuna’s love life, albeit by accident. The fact that she’d done a perfect job keeping it secret had only driven Asuna to trust her more.

If it’s Liz, I won’t feel scared or awkward talking about this stuff…

The next evening Asuna knocked on the door to Liz’ house. Her parents were out for the weekend, meaning the two young women had the place to themselves.

After opening up a bottle of chardonnay and doing some catching up, the two started chatting about school, clothes, boys,… So naturally they eventually arrived at Kazuto.

"Kazuto is planning something for our next weekend together. But he won't tell me what it is!" Asuna moaned annoyed.

Liz giggled teasingly. "You sound like a teenager."

"Liiiz! I came here for support!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Besides, I have to admit: I'm curious too." She mused, leaning against her friend.

"W-what?" Asuna yelped.

"I said I'm eager to find out more." The pinkette said. "Not about your next weekend though, more about your games in general." She admitted. Maybe it was the wine talking, but right now she simply couldn’t resist doing a little digging.

"You are?" Her brunette friend said astonished.

"I told you before didn't I? And I know back then I promised to back off and let you decide on when-"

"No, it's fine." The brunette interrupted. "Keeping this bottled up was starting to become frustrating. And it’s only fair for you to know. We’re friends. No secrets. Besides, you've kept everything else to yourself so far as well."

“Of course, that’s what friends do!”

“Exactly.” Asuna replied, taking a deep breath to mentally prepare herself.

"You really don't have to if you feel uncomfortable." Liz assured her.

But her slender friend shook her head. "I trust you completely. And talking about it might make me feel less lonely."

"In that case, go right ahead!" Liz chimed, sitting on her knees, eyeing her brunette friend with eyes so hungry it made Asuna crack a faint smile already.

“You’re really eager about this, aren’t you?”

“How can I not be? Juicy details about you and that oddball? This should make for a great evening!”

“Don’t call him an oddball!” The brunette frowned.

“He ties you to the bed.” The pinkette pointed out.

“With permission.” Asuna corrected her. “And that’s about the simplest thing he’s ever done.”

“Okay, now you definitely have to tell me everything!”

“Hihihi, alright then. I suppose I might as well start at the very beginning: the very first time Kazuto and I met up for a kinky game. Or I suppose I should say Kirito, since we hooked up in ALO.” 

"Wait, so you play in ALO too?"

"We actually got started there. Our love evolved there, and we took our games to the real world over time."

"I didn't even know stuff like that was possible in ALO!"

"Well it took some modifying, and some clever use of existing items. But we made do. However, over time we did move to different platforms which offered more possibilities."

The slender young woman then proceeded to describe some of the games Kazuto and she got up to in order to add some spice to their love life after moving so far apart. 

She started by telling about their very first time in ALO, but also mentioned extracts of real life role playing games, the unique online world of Speculum, and even a story or two from their holiday in Davao.

With each new story, Liz’ eyes grew wider and her gasps for air became louder.

"That all sounds so exciting!” She chirped after Asuna had made a red-faced confession about roaming the empty hotel hallways in Davao, dressed in nothing but sexy underwear and with her hands securely bound as she searched for Kazuto to free her.

“I can assure you, it was.” Asuna replied with a hint of pride.

”No doubt about that! Haaah, these stories are making me wish I could experience something similar."

Asuna's eyes grew wide in surprise. "You mean that?!" She said stunned.

"W-well, you like it, don't you?"

"Of course, but that's something between me and Kazuto. If he hadn’t introduced me, I never would have considered it!"

"And you introduced me.” Liz explained. “Besides, if this stuff is even half as amazing as you’re making it seem, it should definitely be worth exploring."

The pinkette then reclined into her pillow, pulling her knees up to her chest. “Now all I need is a boyfriend to help me.” She said disappointed.

Her slender friend felt sorry for Liz. She’d felt so excited to finally get her secret out in the open, but now she’d ended up making her best friend unhappy!


“Hey Liz?”


“Maybe you don’t need a boyfriend after all.”

“You want me to try this stuff by myself?! God no! What if I mess up, or get caught or-“

“That’s not what I meant.” Asuna interrupted. “I can help you.”


“W-well, why not? You trust me, don’t you? And I’ve had enough experience seeing Kazuto at work. Taking his role in the game should be doable.”

“You’d do that for me?” The pink haired girl said surprised.

“We’re friends, aren’t we? Besides, it’s not like I won’t have any fun. I’ve always wondered how it would feel to be the one in charge.”

“Oh, Kazuto’s not one for switching then?” Liz teased.

“God no!” Asuna giggled. “For that matter, I’d feel weird too. But with you, we can keep things light and playful.”

“Playful sounds perfect to me! Do you want to do this right now?”

“No silly! I don’t have any equipment with me for starters! Not to mention I’d like to prepare for this. How about we meet up in ALO next weekend? Kazuto was booked all next week anyways, and it’ll be much easier than transporting some of his stuff to my or your place.”

“Sounds good. Next weekend!” Liz confirmed with a wide grin on her face. “I can hardly wait!”

The two young women proceeded to enjoy some more wine and giggles, watching a movie and talking the rest of the night away.

[Next Saturday]

“So this is how you two met up at first?” Liz said excitedly as she examined the room Asuna had rented on the edge of Sylvain.

“Well, at first. But we have our own home now when we want to ensure even more privacy. Although sometimes Kirito takes the game outside as well.”


Asuna blushed. “You know, to an abandoned part of the forest.”

“Out in the open?! Wow, you two are a lot braver than I gave you credit for!”

“Kirito always made sure we were alone though. I don’t remember us ever being spotted. Although he tried and make it seem like people were close from time to time, to keep me on my toes.”

“I can imagine that works very well.”

“You have no idea.” The brunette admitted.

“So, what are we going to do?” Liz asked, eager to get started.

“I figured we’d start things slow. I’m going to tie you up in a basic position, to let you get a feel for it.”

“Sounds like a plan.” The pinkette replied, holding her hands out in front.

But to her surprise, that made Asuna giggle as she uncoiled the first rope.

“I’m not going to take it THAT easy on you!”

“What do you mean?” Her blacksmith friend asked with a confused frown.

“Put your hands behind your back please.”

“Behind me?!” Liz replied, a bit taken aback. Somehow that felt a lot more… intimidating.

“Unless you’re scared.” Asuna taunted.

“Oh, you’re on!” Her pink haired friend retorted, boldly spinning around and sticking her hands out behind her back.

“Hihi, hold still.” The cute domme instructed as she began wrapping the rope around Liz’ wrists.

Asuna proceeded to secure her friend. She kept the bondage simple, partly to spare Liz and partly because she wasn’t confident to perform more complex rigging.

“There we go, this should be a good start.” The brunette said as she stepped back.

Liz’s hands had been tied behind her back, her wrists crossed and the knot securely hidden away inside the rope.

A second rope had cinched her ankles together, whilst a third forced her knees together.

The moment Asuna declared she was done, her pink haired friend began squirming around on the bed she’d been guided onto whilst the tying went on.

After trying to shift the ropes and slip her hands free, she moved on to feeling around with her fingers to undo the knot. But nothing worked. Reaching for the ropes on her legs didn’t work either. 

It felt rather odd how her body wouldn’t listen to her, how the ropes kept her from moving around the way she wanted, how every time she thought of a new escape plan, it fell down.

“Do you think you can get out?”

“Hmrrn, no. These ropes are too tight.” Liz admitted after squirming around so energetically she’d crumpled up the sheets. Her face had become flushed and she was panting slightly.

“And? How is it?”

"Hmn. I can't describe it. It's a really odd feeling. Exciting I guess, but also very frustrating."

Asuna giggled. "I know what you mean. And this is just you trying to get out."

“Isn’t that the point?”

“Oh no! This is only the start!” Asuna replied mysteriously as she got up from her chair.

“What do you mean?”

“After Kazuto makes sure I can’t resist, that’s when the fun starts.” The bluenette grinned. “Granted, mostly his fun, but still.”

“Waaaaiit… that means that right now...” Liz said hesitantly as she spotted her friend slowly approaching.

“I’M the one who gets to have fun!” The undine exclaimed as she took off her captive’s shoes and socks.

“Asuna, what are you doing?”

“Something I hate Kirito doing, if I’m honest. But standing on the other side of the fence, I can see the allure.” She admitted, stroking the pinkette’s soles.

Liz flinched. “Hey! Don’t tell me you’re-”

But she was cut short by Asuna starting her tickling in earnest.

And it turned out her friend was even more sensitive to it than she was!

“Aaahhahahahaaahh! S-stop it! No! Asuna! Stoohohohoop!”

After just a few minutes, poor Liz was in tears. She’d been shrieking and giggling non-stop, squirming around like mad in an effort to try and evade her friend. But nothing worked, the ropes held her completely confined and helpless to resist.

“Aaarhh! This isn’t fair!” She cried out with what little breath she had left.

“What isn’t?” Asuna inquired, letting her pinkette captive off the hook for now.

“I – mrrgn- can’t do… anything – oww – to stop you!” She complained whilst writhing around on the bed, tiring herself out as she once again failed to grasp the knots or slip out of the ropes.

“That’s the point though.”

“Well it’s annoying!”

“And frustrating?”


“Then imagine how it would feel if next to not moving, you wouldn’t be able to talk either.” The undine replied, holding up a piece of white cloth.

“What’s that?!”

“A gag. If you’ll let me.”

“A gag?!”

“Yes. It’s part of the whole experience. But only if you feel ready.”

“If you promise to stop tickling me!” Liz bartered.

“Fine, although I have to admit it felt very empowering.”

“I can imagine. So how does this work, you’re going to tie that in front of my mouth?!”

“Not in front of.” Asuna corrected as she wedged the strip of cloth in between Liz’ teeth. “This is much more effective.”

“Ih ihh (It is)?” The pinkette asked sceptically, only to be stunned by how obscure her words now sounded.

She tried to push it out with her tongue, or chewing through the thing. But like her ropes, the gag wouldn’t give.

“Hmrrgnn!” The pinkette groaned angrily. “I ohw ush (It won’t budge)!”

“Wow, I wonder if this is how I sound when Kazuto gags me. I can barely make out what you’re saying.”

“EY (HEY)!” Liz frowned.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to offend you. But it’s true. I was just wondering how Kazuto manages to understand me every time, no matter how thick the gag.”

“Aihu eeh ai esh.”

“Uhm, what?”


“I’m sorry, but I really didn’t understand you!” Asuna frowned.

This is a lot harder than I thought it’d be.

To make both their lives easier, the undine took out the gag again.

“What I was trying to say, was that it must take a practiced ear to understand this muddled up speech.”

“I suppose.”

“So, are you going to untie me now?” Liz asked, eager to move her arms and legs again. In a manner that didn’t involve flailing them around like a pair of useless logs.

“Actually, I was thinking we could try one last thing.” The bluenette replied cheerfully, showing a black cloth now.

“Another gag?”

“Hihi, nope. This one goes over your eyes.” Asuna replied as she tied the blindfold in place, completely blocking out her friend’s sight.

“Wha- Hey! Asuna!” Liz whined, trying to shake off the blindfold or reach up with her arms to pull it down. Neither attempt worked.

“I can’t see a thing!” The pink haired smith said in a mixture of awe and annoyance.

“Again, that’s the whole idea.” Her friend replied as she pinched her captive’s rear.


Asuna giggled softly.

This feels strangely exciting, having complete control over someone. Is this how Kazuto feels all the time?

“I’m starting to think Kazuto ties you up for his own safety.” Liz taunted.

“Hey, you realize I’m the one who has to untie you again, right?”

“Or I can just log out.” The young blacksmith replied. “One of the advantages of meeting online.”

“Oh really? Try it.”

Liz frowned behind her blindfold. I don’t see why, but-

However, she’d instinctively been making the gesture to call up her menu. But the soft ringing of her display wouldn’t sound. She couldn’t call up her menu. And even if that worked, she had no sight to navigate!

“Hey! I can’t log out like this!” She realized.

“Exactly. I remember how much of a nerve it struck the first time I came to that conclusion.” Asuna admitted.

You can say that again. Liz thought. Game or not, these ropes really have me completely trapped…

The pink haired damsel began sliding her legs around on the bed, trying to find Asuna, mainly to calm down her heart which had begun racing ever since realizing she couldn’t escape.

But Asuna wasn’t sitting on the bed anymore. The slender undine had begun to slowly back away.

“Asuna? Where are you?”

“I’ll be… heading out for a little while. I’ve been meaning to switch up my gear and since I had to come to ALO today I figured I might do that now.”

“You’re leaving?!” Liz shrieked. “Then untie me, I’ll shop with you!”

“No need, you just stay here and get acquainted with the ropes.” Her friend replied cheekily.


“Have fun Liz!” The bluenette giggled before opening the door and closing again, then silently sneaking onto a nearby chair to keep an eye on her friend.

"Asuna?” She whimpered softly. 

Nothing. Apart from Asuna’s grin widening a tad, which was lost on the pinkette.

Now I see why Kirito enjoys leaving me in the dark so much. It’s surprisingly entertaining…

“Asuna, come on! This isn’t funny!” Liz whined.

But the bluenette held firm, like she’d known Kirito to do countless times.

And just like it did for her, it pushed all kinds of buttons with Liz.

The helpless blacksmith began squirming around nervously, trying to find the edge of the bed and gently lower her feet to the ground. But the second she pushed herself off, her awkwardly positioned arms and legs made her lose her balance and tumble back onto the bed again.

“Aaahh!” She yelped.

Asuna had to cover her mouth to stifle her giggle.

“Darn it!” Liz cursed. “Asuna if you’re still in here then you have to untie me right now!” She demanded angrily.

The tremble in her voice was starting to make the cute undine wary. 

Do I sound that serious when Kirito has me pinned down? Maybe I’m taking this too far.

Further proof of that arrived when Liz began venting her frustration in the form of thrashing around like a madwoman. It was as if she was trying to tear the ropes apart. Something which Asuna knew was impossible, through experience.

After several minutes of full blown bucking and grunting, Liz slumped down on the bed again.

This is hopeless. I can’t get out, I can’t get that blindfold off, I can’t log out of the game. Even if I called for help, the game mechanics will keep my voice trapped inside this room…

For some reason, Liz started feeling really small.

“I want to go home.” She whimpered into the pillow.

And the tone of voice she used startled Asuna.

She’s scared?! More than that, she sounds like she’s in complete despair! But we’re just playing!!

Immediately, Asuna jumped up from her seat.

“I’m here, Liz.” She rattled nervously as she began fumbling with the blindfold to take it off. “I was never gone, I’ve been keeping an eye on you the whole time!”

What she found underneath was a glaring blacksmith. "That was mean!"

“B-but we were just playing around!” The undine defended. “You knew that, didn’t you?”

“Then why did you pretend to abandon me?”

“Because I thought it’d be exciting. It always makes my heart rush when Kirito does this kind of stuff.”

“Oh trust me, my heartrate is still breaking all records.” Liz said annoyed. “Your acting was pretty spot on, I really thought you had abandoned me for God knows how long!”

“But we’re friends! You should know I would never do anything to hurt you!”

The pink haired captive flinched. “I-I- I do know that.” She admitted grudgingly. “But for some reason, even though I kept telling myself that, this weird pit in my stomach kept getting bigger as I grew more tired from my failed escape attempts.”

Asuna felt a knot develop in her own stomach as she saw the discomfort on her friend’s flushed face.

“Deep down I knew you’d come back,” Liz added, “but it was as if my body wouldn’t listen to my mind anymore.”

“I understand. Believe me, I do.”

“Then why’d you scare me like that?”

“That wasn’t my intention. But looking back, I might have gone a bit too fast here. I’m really sorry Liz.”

“That’s okay I guess. I’m sure Kirito messed up loads of times in the beginning as well.”

“Actually, he didn’t.” The bluenette admitted embarrassed. “He always has things very thoroughly planned out. Something which is a lot harder than I gave him credit for, it now turns out.”

“So, now what? I kinda ruined the mood here.” Liz said with an apologetic smile.

“You can decide. Either I untie you, or we try something different. But I’ll let you out the moment you want me to.”

“What do you mean by ‘different’?”

“Hmmn. Perhaps something Kirito always does at the end of a game.”

“Which is?”

“Pamper me.” Asuna grinned.

“Oh, I could DEFINITELY use some of that!” The blacksmith confirmed.

“Then let’s do it.” Her friend smiled as she rolled Liz onto her front and began massaging her back and shoulders.

“Ooohhh, that feels nice!” the pinkette moaned, squirming in her ropes.

“Hey, hold still. I can’t massage you like this.”

“I can’t help it.” Liz mewled.

“Maybe I should grab some more rope then?” Her captor teased.

“Liz craned her neck to look behind her, a dark frown contorting her brow. “Don’t. You. DARE.”

“Hihihi, I’m only joking. Now try and hold still.” Asuna requested as she began working the stress out of her friend’s lower back

“Hmnnn! A little lower still.”

Asuna complied, as Kirito always did for her.

“This feels great!” Liz mused. “Almost makes it worth being tied up all this time.”


“My legs could use some attention too.” The pinkette hinted.

“Aren’t we demanding all of a sudden?” The bluenette grinned.

“I earned it!” Liz giggled.

“That you did.”

As Asuna continued to massage her friend, Liz kept sighing happily as the stress and ache simply melted away.

However, after a few minutes, relief wasn’t the only thing she started feeling.

This is weird… I’m starting to feel… a bit hot?

When the bound blacksmith tried to shift her body a little, she noticed something else. As her chest rubbed into the mattress, she noticed her nipples had begun hardening.


“A-asuna, you can stop now!” Liz yelped out of nowhere.


“Please let me go now, I’ve had enough.” The pink haired girl said in a hurry.

“O-oh, okay.” The undine replied, backing off and undoing all of the ropes.

“What’s wrong? You look kind of agitated.” Asuna asked. “And you face is red. Did I hurt you after all?”

“No no! Not at all. I just… felt like quitting.” Liz lied, averting her gaze nervously.

All of a sudden, it clicked for the bluenette.

I know that look! She thought triumphantly. But she kept quiet not to embarrass her friend.

“U-uhm, what happens now?” Liz tried to change the subject.

“Well, nothing really. We’re done I guess.” Asuna replied. “So, how was your take on the whole experience?"

"Hmm, well I guess it was pretty intense.” The pinkette admitted. “I experienced a whole swirl of strange emotions… But on the whole, I’d say this was nice. I can sort of see how you and Kazuto have gotten to be so close now.”

“That’s a relief. So, you’re not angry with me for my prank earlier?”

“Not anymore. That part might have been scary, but I can definitely see the appeal. I might have to find me a boyfriend who's into this as well." The cute smith giggled.

After tidying up her equipment, Asuna and Liz headed out to hunt and shop in the area around Sylvain, after which the two logged out. But not before the blue haired undine promised she’d be there for Liz if she ever had any questions related to bondage.

“Haaah, today was really exhilarating.” Asuna sighed as she dropped down on the couch. “I didn’t even use my real body, but I still feel exhausted!”

Being in charge is nearly as draining as squirming around whilst tied up. And it’s definitely more stressful and demanding. I must remember to thank Kazuto after our next get together, it never occurred to me just how much effort he put into our dates… 

When the Friday Asuna and Kazuto had agreed to meet up in ALO again, the eager undine had arrived at their forest cabin an hour beforehand.

So when Kirito arrived, he was quite surprised to find his girlfriend sitting in the sofa, already wearing a comfy outfit rather than her traveling gear.

“Am I late?”

“No, I just arrived a little early.” The bluenette replied.

“Oh, were you that excited about today?”

“Don’t pretend you aren’t!” Asuna rebutted.


“So, what’s the plan for today? Will we be heading out into the woods, or keeping more private in the bedroom?” The undine hinted as she slowly advanced toward her lover with a breathtakingly hip-sway.

She folded her arms around his neck and pulled him in close for a long kiss.

“I missed you, Asuna.” The dark haired young man whispered

“And I missed you. Which is why we shouldn’t waste time. What’s the plan?”

“For this particular game, I was thinking you could dress up."

"You mean like a maid or nurse?" Asuna replied, thinking back to one of their role playing games in the real world.

"Not exactly." Kazuto replied, materializing a black bikini, cat ears diadem, high heeled boots, and even a cat tail.

“Wow, that’s… skimpy.” Was Asuna’s first remark.

“I know, which is why we’ll be keeping to ourselves this time. We won’t leave the house. Probably.”


“Well, you never know. It might suit you more than you think.”

“Given that the forest around us has relatively strong monsters, I’d rather not go out wearing only those things.”

“Oh, these are skins.” Kirito clarified. “Clothing that can layer over your actual equipment to preserve your stats -just in case-.”

“You’ve really thought of everything huh?”

“Don’t I always?” The dark haired young man said confidently.

“Yes, you do.” His lover admitted. 

“And it’s only recently that I learned just how impressive that is.” She added under her breath.


“Oh, nothing. So, are you going to hand me my outfit or what?”

“Not yet, there’s one last thing I need to tell you about them. You see these?” He asked as he pointed to the ears and tail. “They’re opposable!”

“You mean I can move the ears and tail of this cat-girl outfit?”

“You can. The mechanism is similar to the control of your wings, so it’ll take some getting used to but it shouldn’t be too hard to grasp.”

“We’ll know in a few minutes.” Asuna replied as she took the clothes and accessories of her boyfriend and retreated to the bathroom.

“Don’t come upstairs and peek!” She warned. “You’ll have to wait for the full effect.”

“I can live with that.” Kirito yelled back at her as he settled into the couch.

However, after 10 minutes he started getting worried.

“Asuna? Is everything all right?”

“Hmrnn! Yes!” She groaned back. “I put the outfit layer on ages ago, but it’s a bit tricky to get the hang of moving my ears and tail!”

That is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever said. The bluenette told herself as her cheeks ran red.

Kirito meanwhile couldn’t help but smirk as he heard that.

It’s a good thing she’s getting so into this. I was worried this might be a bit much for her. But I guess she was really eager for another game.

Another five minutes later, the sound of high heels clacking down the wooden staircase drew Kazuto’s attention.

“I’m ready!” Asuna called out to him. “But I’m warning you: If you laugh at me or even grin too widely, I’m turning around and changing back!”

“Why would I laugh at you?!”

“Because this costume is a lot more humiliating than I anticipated.” The undine admitted.

She’d finally mastered her ears and tail, but after turning around in front of the standing mirror in their bedroom, a sense of embarrassment had washed over her.

You can really see everything in this, this skin even makes it feel like I’m half-naked! I can’t pick up on any of my other equipment as I move. 

As she stepped into the living room, Kirito felt his jaw drop open. He had expected a stunning vision, but Asuna’s erotic beauty shone so brightly it still caught him off guard.

“You look… amazing!” Kirito gasped.

“T-thank you.” The bluenette replied, twitching her cat ears and playfully curling her tail.

“I see you’ve gotten the hang of using your accessories.”

“I have. Although I’m not quite sure what their purpose is.”

“A role play. You just won’t be playing a maid or nurse, but a kitten.”

“You want me to play a cat?”

“It’s called ‘pet play’. I figured we’d give it a shot.”

“How does this work then? Should I… walk on all fours?”

“If you want. But we could take it more slowly for starters. How about you try meowing once?”


Kirito nodded, sitting back down in the sofa.

The slender cat-girl felt her cheeks redden as she worked up the nerve.

Why am I so nervous? It’s just a simple sound… Okay, here goes.

She took a deep breath.


Kirito smiled faintly. “Good girl.”

Asuna’s cheeks turned strawberry red. You don’t have to praise me just for that.

“N-nyaah nyaah!” She tried once more, hoping she’d grow comfier over time with making that noise.

“You’re doing great, Asuna. How about you come over here next?” 

The cat-girl frowned. “Isn’t that something you say to dogs?”

“True. But you strike me more as feline than canine.”

Asuna giggled.

“Hey, cats aren’t supposed to giggle.” Kirito teased.

“B-but” Asuna tried to retort.

“Do I need to bring out a gag?” Her lover threatened.

“Nyaaahh!” His lover immediately slipped back into character. 

“Much better.” The swordsman smirked, patting the seat next to him.

But Asuna was at an impasse. Should she get on all fours and crawl towards him, or just walk?

Luckily Kirito provided some guidance. “Come on, just hop on the couch.”

“Meoow!” The bluenette replied happily, hurrying over to the couch where she kneeled down beside Kirito, folding her legs beneath her and placing her arms in front, similar to a cat’s seated position. Thanks to that her arms slightly squeezed her bosom, puffing it up a little.

“Haha, you playful kitten.” Kirito mused, reaching out to stroke his lover’s cheek.

“Hmrrnn.” She purred, rubbing her cheek into his hand.

“You’re getting into this, are you?”

“Nyaaah!” The bluenette meowed once more, curling up and resting her head in his lap.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you adjust to one of our games this fast.”

“Let’s just say I’ve gained newfound respect for your side of the relationship.” The bluenette broke character for a moment, grinning cutely at her ‘owner’.

The raven-haired swordsman frowned confused at that cryptic response, but he let it slide in favour of pointing out something else:

“You’re talking again, naughty kitty.” He reprimanded as he squeezed Asuna’s butt.

Her tail straightened for a moment. 

“Nyaaa!” His girlfriend mewled, rolling onto her back and pawing cutely at his cheek, her ears twitching adorably.

“Haha, that’s much better.” He complimented, stroking her hair gently. “I think you’re ready to go all out.” He said as he gently scooted Asuna off his lap.

“Nyaaah?” The bluenette moaned disappointed. She’d only just settled down!

“There’s more to that outfit than I first showed you.” Her lover explained as he produced several thick leather belts, pads for her knees and elbows, and even a collar tagged ‘Asuna-chan’.

The cute undine’s eyes grew wide. She immediately grasped what the point of those straps was.

He’s going to pin me down on all fours! Like a real pet!

“So, how about it? Do you feel up to it?” Kirito said, offering his girlfriend one last chance to back out.

The slender cat girl felt her face flush at the mere image of helplessly waddling around the room. But there was no denying the pull deep inside her womb. As embarrassing as it would be, she was definitely getting turned on.

Besides, this was Kirito. He was bound to have another trick or two up his sleeve. By now she’d learned to give him all the slack he asked for, she tended to enjoy herself more that way.

“Meoow.” She purred softly, nodding her head in agreement.

“Great! You’re amazing Asuna.”

“Nyaah!” She nodded again.

Kirito gently folded his lover’s arms and legs double, strapping them tightly into place together before mounting the thick pads on her elbows and knees. After that came the collar. 

“Did you have to hang that name tag from my neck?” The bluenette complained. “It’s silly!”

“Well you need to have a name.” He jested.

Asuna frowned, flexing her arm to try and reach the collar. But she no longer had the manoeuvrability to reach the buckle behind her neck.

“Hmrrn- aahh!” She yelped after almost losing her balance from squirming her left arm around in the air, forcing her to resort to supporting herself back on all fours.

“Guess it’s too difficult for you to remain in character.” Her captor teased. “Which is why this gag could come in handy.”

What the dark haired young man was holding looked like a panel gag. However the stuffing seemed odd, almost like a microphone.

“What’s that?” Asuna asked inquisitively.

“You’ll find out the moment it’s in place.” Kirito replied, offering up the gag.

Too curious to pass up on it, the bluenette opened her mouth and accepted the gag. The moment it was strapped in, she gave it a test as she always did. However…


Came out instead of the usual ‘mmpff’.

Asuna’s eyes shot wide open. NO WAY!

“nyaah, nyah, Nyaaaahh!”

This wasn’t just a gag, it transformed her every sound into a feline melody!

Kirito, you tricked me!

“Meeooowwww!” She hissed, glaring at her lover.

“You don’t like it?”


“But now you don’t have to worry about staying in character.”

“Nyah, nyaah!”

Asuna frowned as she tried to squirm around and free herself. But she stood absolutely no chance, and the wilder she wriggled around the more difficult it became to keep her balance.

Eventually, she gave in. Kirito had confined her to a cat-girl and a cat-girl she would remain.

“Now, how about you get back on the couch?” Kirito offered as he sat back down.

Asuna looked up at her boyfriend from her spot beside the sofa, which suddenly looked more like a sheer cliff wall.

How am I supposed to get up there now?

Immediately, her mind jumped to the image of a cat, leaping onto the sofa with graceful finesse. Somehow, she doubted that just by dressing as one, she'd gained the same dexterity.

"Nyaaah?" She tried to ask her boyfriend for help.

"What's wrong?"

"Nyaah nyaah!"

"Don't want to?"


Kirito scratched the back of his head. "OH! I know what you mean: You're thinking you won't be able to climb on?"


"Hmm, you might be right. It's not like those pads are spring loaded or anything." He admitted his oversight. "Okay, change of plans."

The dark haired young man scooted off the couch and sat down on the mat beside his pet. "Better?"

"Meeeowww." Asuna sighed, walking up to him and nudging his cheek with hers, her ears twitching happily.

Kirito chuckled as he ran his fingers through her hair, moving down to stroke her bare back from there.

“Hmrrnn!” The bluenette purred, her tail curling happily.

“You like that, don’t you?”


“Kinky kitten.” Her lover chuckled, reaching a little further to squeeze her buttocks.

That made the cat-girl’s ears perk up.

Finally! He’s kept me waiting a lot longer than normal.

“Meeooww!” She mewled needily.

Kirito couldn’t help but smirk. “You’re oddly impatient today.”

“Nyaaah, nyaah!” Asuna protested. It’s because it’s been so long!

“Alright, no more wasting time.”

He immediately retrieved a hitachi wand from his storage, and his captive rolled straight onto her back, exposing her taut belly and of course her lovebox, still hidden by the bikini bottom.

Kirito started out by caressing her breasts with the bulbous wand, pressuring her nipples one at a time to slowly build up her arousal.

“Hmnnn!” The bluenette sighed happily, arching her back to try and rub her body into the vibrator.

“Patience, I’m getting there.”

“Nyaah!” Not fast enough! I hate it when you tease me! Especially when I can’t fight back at all.

Asuna tried to buck her hips into the hitachi, but Kirito skilfully kept it out of reach, keeping a firm hold of the pace.

Until his desperate girlfriend decided to take matters into her own hands.

She crawled back onto all fours and began pawing cutely at his groin to get her point across.

“Not yet.” Kirito replied.” We’ve only just gotten started.”

“Nyaaah!” Asuna mewled, her ears lying flat on her head in disappointment.”

“Let’s give that outfit a test.” The dark-haired young man said as he got up. “Let’s head for the kitchen, I’d like a snack. Of course, you’ll get one too.”

“Meow?” Asuna mewled quizzically.

But her lover was already making his way to the kitchen, forcing the bluenette to dart after him.

Once inside, Kirito immediately got busy making himself a sandwich. But before tucking in, he heated up a bowl of stew using the pre-programmed recipe Asuna had stored in the kitchen UI.

“There you go.” He said as he put down the tasty smelling bowl, then reached around her head to remove her gag.

Asuna frowned at him. You expect me to eat like this? As a… a cat?!

She bit her lip to stop herself from breaking character. The urge to speak was so huge it almost hurt. But the gorgeous bluenette pulled it off.

The cute cat-girl sniffed her meal. Delicious, just like she’d programmed it. Now if only she could use cutlery like usual…

Asuna’s face ran red with embarrassment as she slowly bowed down to dip her tongue into the stew, then sank deeper to take a proper bite.

Kirito silently enjoyed his girl’s efforts, slightly surprised at how beautifully she remained in character.

He kneeled beside her to gently rub and pet her back as Asuna finished the bowl.

This isn’t so bad. The undine thought to herself as she gradually got over the embarrassment. At least Kirito isn’t mocking me.

“You are amazing, you know that?” Her boyfriend suddenly remarked. “Truth be told, I feared this might put you off. It’s quite far out of the box, even for us.”

“Nyaahh!” Asuna replied, smiling brightly at him, licking the last droplets of sauce from her lips and cheeks.

Kirito chuckled. “Finished? Should we head back to the living room then? Or do you think you can manage scaling the staircase to our bedroom?"

The bluenette pondered that option for a moment, taking a few steps to feel herself out.

I've gotten used to moving my arms and legs like this. I suppose climbing the stairs should be possible.

She looked up at her lover. "Nyaah!" She meowed, despite the absence of her gag.

"Good girl, guess you won't be needing my vocal assist anymore." Kirito teased.

Asuna rolled her eyes. My GAG you mean.

She turned around and began walking towards the stairs, leaving Kirito to follow after her and admire her cute little behind gyrating with each step of her strapped up legs, not to mention the almost sensual way she controlled her tail.

However, when she arrived at the staircase, she stalled. Looking up that steep wooden lane, she couldn’t help but feel intimidated after all.

I never realized those stairs were so long…

Kirito remained standing silently behind her, wondering if he should offer to turn back to the couch after all. But before he could get a word out, his girl made her first step.

“Hmrrn.” She groaned as pushed herself to climb a second step.

“Careful now.” Her dark-haired lover said worried.

But Asuna was steadily getting her pace together, although it was wearing her out faster than planned. By the time she reached the top of the stairs, her limbs were screaming for rest.

Thank God the bedroom is closest by from here. The catgirl thought as she waddled inside.

But looking at their high double bed, the poor young woman didn’t feel she had the strength to jump up there.

“Aaah!” She yelped as Kirito swooped in from behind and picked her up without any warning.

“I had a feeling you could use a hand.”

“You startled me!” The bluenette complained, squirming in his arms.

“Then I’ll forgive this transgression and not put the gag back in.”

“You- n-nyaaah!” She corrected herself, frowning at her lover.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you. Right now.”

He took out the hitachi wand again and gently rolled Asuna onto her side to start nudging her labia.

“Hmnnn!” Asuna mewled, squirming around hungry for more.

“Oh, you like that don’t you?” He teased as he reached out to knead her supple breasts.


Kirito’s eyes widened. Still in character. Impressive.

The dark haired young man gently pulled her bikini bottom aside, teasing her lovebox directly with the slow buzz of his hitachi.

Asuna gasped, squirming wildly. “Stop teasing me!” She mewled.

His lovely captive got so riled up Kirito was having trouble keeping track of her on the bed.

“Hey, calm down.” He said as he tried to keep the pressure on her pussy.

“Then stop taunting me with that vibe!” She moaned, rolling away from it unexpectedly.

Thanks to that, Kirito accidentally brushed past her ass, driving the bulbous end of the hitachi straight up to her hole. Instantly, both the bluenette’s cat ears and tail stood completely erect.


Asuna shrieked as a jolt unlike she’d ever felt before coursed down her spine, the surprise of which propelled her body to the edge of climax.

She bucked so wildly it actually startled her lover.

What was THAT?!

"Did I hurt you?"

But Asuna shook her head. It had been the opposite of pain, her pleasure levels had spiked!

“I… liked that, I guess.”

“You did?”

“Y-yeah. But let’s not experiment further please, this outfit is enough for one day.”

“Fair enough.” Kirito admitted. “And I’ve been making you wait for far too long already.”

“You got that right!” The bluenette replied, rolling onto her back again. “Especially after I played my part so perfectly!”

“True.” Her captor admitted, stroking the contours of her labia.

“Then why are you not getting on with iiiit?” She whined.

“Because it’s too much fun to tease you.”

“Kiritoooo!” Asuna cried, writhing around in her straps. But she had no way of reaching out. To anything. Despite still being able to move around somewhat, she felt more helpless than ever. More frustrated too.

“I know.” He whispered before leaning in to plant a long, gentle kiss onto her lips, masking him moving down to pinch her clit with his hand.

“Hmnn!” She moaned gratefully, nudging his hand with her hips.

But her boyfriend didn’t need any more pining from his captive. She’d more than earned her reward this time.

He slowly parted her hips with his hands and dipped his tongue into her folds.

“Aaahh! Yes! Please, more!” She gasped, her arms and legs tensing inside the leather belts as her whole body pulled taut in anticipation.

Kirito slowly but surely delved deeper into his girl’s pussy, lapping up her love juice as he stimulated her clit and stroked her labia.

“Mnnh! Ah! Aahh!”

Within minutes, Asuna climaxed. But Kazuto didn’t stop, merely gave her a short break by massaging and nipping her breasts before slipping a couple fingers back into her snatch and coaxing a second orgasm out of her.

“Yeeeessss!” The bluenette mewled, desperate for more from her lover’s handiwork.

He’s on fire today! The game, the pace, all of it was top notch. I should do something to return the favour soohoooon!

Kirito had just hit her sweet spot, and it was making her squeak and squirm like a young kitten playing with a ball of wool.

Asuna barely had time to breathe as she came twice over.

When her dark haired captor finally backed off, she was panting heavily.

“Let’s get you out of this suit.” Kirito remarked.

“Hmnrr!” His girlfriend replied, purring softly as she struggled to climb onto her arms and legs. She continued purring, her tail curling up coyly.

“What’s wrong?”

Asuna meowed softly as her pale blue eyes stared into Kirito’s dark brown ones. She gently waddled up to him, lowering her head to nudge his groin. Not to her surprise, it was bulging.

“You want me to make love to you? Whilst your still strapped in?”

“Nyaah!” She meowed, shaking her head and nudging his groin again.

“My trousers? Do you want me to take off my trousers?”


Kirito smiled softly. I see where this is going. You’re amazing, Asuna.

“Okay, if you want to.”

“Nyaaah!” Asuna stared in his eyes again, her flushed cheeks contrasting with her beautiful pale blue hair. You more than deserve it.

Her lover slowly undid his zipper and stepped out of his pants and boxers, sitting up against the headboard of their bed, his rock hard member ready for Asuna’s love.

The undine carefully enveloped his penis with her mouth, slowly slipping it inside as she gently squeezed his flesh with her lips.

“Hmnnrr.” He grunted appreciatively.

Asuna steadily took in more of his dick, stroking its flesh with her tongue as she began to gently pump her head up and down.

Kirito held still as his girlfriend worked, breathing heavily as she steadily brought him to climax with her soft, sensual lips.

“Thanks, Asuna.” The raven-haired swordsman said after the couple had cuddled up in bed when Asuna returned from freshening up.

“I should thank you.” She replied. “I needed something like this, after having to miss you for so long.”

“I know, sorry about that. I promise our next date won’t take so long.”

“You’d better.” She warned him, embracing her lover for a long kiss.

“As a matter of fact, I already have an idea for when we meet up.”


“Yeah, it came to me I was teasing you with the hitachi. When I brushed along your ass.”

The undine’s eyes widened. “You mean-“

“I won’t take it far, we’ll just do some minor experimenting. Unless you really don’t feel like it of course.”

“No, you might be on to something.” She admitted. “What you did back there, it felt unlike anything we’ve done before.”

“Great. I’ll start working on a new session then.”

After that, the two lovebirds spend their evening cuddling and flying through the forest doing some training before logging out of ALO and returning to their daily lives.

But unlike normal, this time Asuna did some preparing of her own for Kazuto’s next meet up. She didn’t want her boyfriend doing all the work, not after she learned how draining it could be to construct a play session like theirs.

She ordered a small anal plug online and started testing it on herself. The brunette didn’t take it very far, just enough to become relaxed with the feeling, so she’d be at ease when the time came for Kazuto to insert… whatever he had planned.

[Two weeks later]

This time Kirito was the first to arrive at their house in the forest, mainly because he wanted to set up a few things before his girlfriend arrived.

When she did, she walked through the door humming a cheerful tune. She was feeling pretty confident about this meeting, mainly because for once, she knew exactly what she would be getting into, and she’d prepared for it!

“You sound cheerful.” Kirito commented as his girlfriend walked through the door.

“How can I not be? We’re meeting twice in two weeks, that hasn’t happened since we lived in the same city.”

“True, I can’t wait for our next vacation, so we can spend some time together in real life.”

“You and me both.” Asuna sighed. “ALO is nice for hooking up, but you it feels so much better to lie in your arms in real life.”

“I know what you mean. Which is why I hope this will help spice things up.” He replied, retrieving a bunny suit from his storage, complete with high heels, fishnets, cufflinks, ears and a tail.

“A bunny outfit? I thought we were-“

“This one’s a special case. You’ll find out when you put it on.” He replied mysteriously, handing her the whole package for her to take up to the bathroom and get changed.

As the slender undine removed her normal gear and underwear, she took a good look at Kirito’s gift.

“Oh! So he left some vibrators for my nipples as well? But how do I activate them?”

After going through the rest of the items, she had to conclude there was no activation switch. That had to mean…

“These are remote controlled, are they? Great, that way he’ll have an even greater hold over me than normal.” She sighed. “And here I thought I knew what I would be getting into for once. Speaking of which, where is it?”

The bluenette began sifting through the rest of the stuff Kirito had given her, his words still ringing in the back of her mind.

She found some obvious stuff, like a ball gag and a set of handcuffs. But it wasn’t until the cute swordswoman examined the bunny tail that she understood what he’d meant.

Because at the end of the fluffy pompom was a small plug fitted. “It’s a bit bigger than the one I experimented with back home.” She muttered as she examined the smooth, pink protuberance. “But it should be possible.”

After the bluenette got dressed up in the outift, taping the vibrating beads into place and buckling the ball gag tight, she lubricated the plug and gently slotted it in.

“Hmnnf!” She moaned as the hard rubber settled into place.

Okay, now for the cuffs, and I should be-

“Aaahhh!” She yelped. The nipple vibes had already activated!

“Kihi-hoooh!” She moaned through the bathroom door.

But her boyfriend was downstairs waiting for her, and could not hear her plea for relief.

“Hmrrrn!” She growled as she promptly locked her handcuffs in place… in front of her body.

If he wants to play it like that from the get go, I’m keeping hold of my freedom! She thought determined.

“Everything alright up there?” The dark-haired spriggan asked curiously from his comfy seat in the couch downstairs.

“ESH!” Was the snappy response sounding from the bathroom.

“Hmmm, maybe I should have held off on using those vibes after all…”

But the clicking and clacking sound of Asuna’s high heels trundling down the stairs told Kirito she really had managed just fine.

When Asuna walked into the living room, she was still wearing her frown.

“Oh good, I was hoping you’d cuff yourself like that.”

“Huh?” The bluenette replied surprised, her frown replaced with a curious gaze.

“If you’re like this it becomes possible for you to serve me, rather than me doting on you.”

“Ooohh (YOUUU)!”

“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t see that coming?” He taunted.

“Hmrrnn!” Asuna growled. She had bigger fish to fry for now.

“Uhrr heh ohh (turn them off)!”

“The nipple vibes you mean?”


“Alright, I guess there’ll be plenty of time for those later.” Kirito gave in, shutting off the tiny beads.

Asuna let out a soft sigh in relief.

Now, back to that comment earlier.

“Aih shu-owsh ooh erve ooh ow (I’m supposed to serve you now)?”

“Pretty much, just like when we tried this stuff out in the real world for the first time.”

“Ah ih aih ow an ooh (what if I don’t want to)?” She replied defiantly.

“I’ll persuade you.” Was the response as her lover showed her a small remote.

The nipple vibes again?

She grinned around her ball gag. “If ih ohr esh shoh (give it you best shot).” She taunted.

“Alright then, I will.”


“AAAHHH!” The bluenette shrieked.

It wasn’t the beads that had come to life. It was… the bunny tail.

Right now, the small plug in her ass was buzzing ever so gently, but the shock had still been enough to almost make her sink through her knees!

“Oooh (nooo)!” She moaned. I won’t last 5 minutes like this!

“Eese uhr ih ohh (please turn it off)!” The undine mewled.

“Are you going to behave?”



Out the vibe went.

“Haaah.” Asuna gasped.

She glared at her boyfriend. “Ooh oduv ahrr hee (you could’ve warned me)!”

“About the plug? That would have ruined the effect.”

“Hmrrn.” His girl groaned. I could’ve done without your ‘effect’. She thought annoyed.

“I take it you’re ready for your first task?” Kirito got back on track.

Asuna nodded slowly, curious and nervous at the same time.

“Good.” Kirito replied, sitting back down on the couch. “Come sit in my lap.”


That’s it?! Talk about an easy start!

“What? You don’t want to?”

The slender undine’s eyes widened. Of course I do! 

She rushed over to the couch and dropped right in, bumping into her dark haired captor as she did.

“Ooff! Guess you are!”

“Hihihi.” Asuna giggled, snuggling up to her boyfriend. “Ih ish ice (this is nice).” She mused.

“I was thinking I might have worked you a little hard last time, so for this date I wanted to plan in some R&R.”

The undine nuzzled his cheek gratefully, lifting her cuffed arms over his head in an embrace.

“Looks like I made the right call.” He whispered, stroking her long, sleek hair.

“Hmn hmn.” Asuna nodded, planting her ball gag onto his lips for a soft kiss.

Kirito responded in kind, by rubbing the undine’s back and squeezing her butt playfully.


“What? I can’t enjoy myself too?”

“Hihi, meeh ursh (me first).” Was her reply.

“I can turn all those vibes right back on you know.”

“In-heeh (stingy)!” Asuna moaned, lying down in his lap and looking up at him as she rattled her cuffs. “Aih ehin ooh, ahrr aih (I’m being good, aren’t I)?”

“Very good, but this is my date too.” Kirito replied. “And I’d like a snack.”

His girlfriend raised an eyebrow at him.

“If you make me one I’ll take out your gag.” He offered.

Asuna sat up and reached around to the ball gag’s buckle. “With my hands cuffed in front, I can pull it out myself. You’ll need to try harder to persuade me.” She taunted.

“Well, you’ve sure become cheeky.”

“Hihi, you’re not the only one growing in this relationship you know!”

“Apparently not. Guess I’ll have to step up my game too.”


Asuna leapt off the couch as the plug lodged in her behind began vibrating again, even harder than before.

“Kirito!” She growled.

“I’m not shutting it off until I have my sandwich.” He said stubbornly. “And if you take too long those beads on your chest might join in too.”


But the dark-haired swordsman stopped his lover in her tracks by holding up the ball gag again. “And I’ll padlock it if that’s what it takes.”

The blue haired girl frowned. That’s… checkmate I guess.

“Fine. One sandwich, coming up.” She groaned, flying over to the kitchen since walking only helped stimulate the plug.

A few minutes later, the cute undine returned with her snack. But when Kirito reached out to grab it, she kept it out of reach. “Plug first.” She demanded, her legs a bit shaky.

“Fine, but in return you’ll feed me my sandwich.” Kirito teased as he deactivated the plug.

“That was always the plan.” Asuna replied as she gently lowered herself on the couch and brought the sandwich up to her boyfriend’s mouth for him to bite.

“Delicious.” He complimented. “As usual.”

"Thank you." She chimed, taking a bite herself before offering him a second one. "So, what's the plan for today? Are you going to have me cook and clean whilst on display?"

"I was thinking less menial duties, and more relaxing."


"Relaxing for me." Kirito specified, lying down flat on the couch. "For example a nice long massage."

"I have to massage you? With my hands like this?" She replied, rattling her cuffs to display her diminished arm span.

"I'm confident you can make it work."

"Still, hardly seems fair."


There the nipples vibes were again.

"Aarrhh, alright already!" Asuna moaned, leaning in to give her boyfriend a rubdown.

But the pebbles kept going.





"Ki-ri-tooo!" Asuna growled, pinching his shoulders.

"Ow- hey- what?"

"The vibrators!"

"Yeah, like I'm going to shut them off after that stunt!" He taunted, settling back into place. "After the massage."

"Nooo!" The undine mewled. "I can't concentrate like this!"

"You're doing fine." He insisted. "But as a show of good faith..."

The pebbles shut down to half speed.

"Thank you." Asuna chimed, turning all of her attention and considerable dexterity to wrap up her lover's massage.

In the end she did too well a job, because her oddball of a boyfriend had drifted off to sleep!

"You've got to be joking!" She groaned. "Now how do I turn of these vibrators?"

Being married, Kirito and Asuna shared their inventory. However her boyfriend no longer had the remote stashed in the inventory. He'd taken them out and hidden them on his person.

I can't just wake him up. He seemed tired, probably because his studies and projects, not to mention preparing this little get together.

So, ever caring Asuna chose to snuggle up against her boyfriend and patiently wait for him to wake up again.

That took almost half an hour, by the end of which the bluenette had grown horny enough to jump him!

"I'm sorry!" He apologised as soon as he realized what had happened. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you looked so peaceful." She blushed.

"Thanks. I suppose I have been working myself a bit hard lately."

"What else is new." The bluenette kidded.

"Still, that's no excuse." He replied, shutting off the vibes. "Let me make it up to you. We scrap the rest of your servant duties, and skip to a game of hide and seek."

"Hide and seek?"

"Yes. And the vibes will be your indicator. The harder they buzz, the closer you are. I won't leave the house."

"Sounds interesting. Alright, I’ll play along." Asuna said as she closed her eyes. “I’ll give you one minute to find your hiding spot.”

“Thanks. Good luck.”

The moment her minute was up, Asuna gasped softly as her nipple vibes began to hum dully.

“Pfeww, I guess that’ll be the base level.” The bluenette surmised. “Now, where do I start?”

The cute young woman remained seated in the couch for a minute, pondering her options.

The kitchen isn’t roomy enough for him to hide. And I guess the attic would be too obvious. If I know my Kirito, he’d probably pick the bedroom, so he can end the game romantically.

Suddenly, the vibes teasing her little pink buds kicked into a higher setting.

“Aaahh! Alright alright, I’ll get going!” Asuna moaned.

By now she’d given up on figuring out how Kirito kept such a close eye on her without being in the same room.

To keep the game interesting, the slender undine decided not to head straight for the bedroom, but play along first and check out the pantry.

As she suspected, arriving there mean the vibes changed down a notch.

“Haah, much better.” She mused as she stroked her breasts beneath the skin tight bunny suit. “Just the spot of rest I wanted. But I should get going, before Kirito becomes impatient again.”

Asuna slowly made her way up the stairs, but to her surprise the vibes wouldn’t respond. And when she arrived at the bedroom, she found it empty.

“That’s strange. Then, where is he?”

The slender undine headed back out and passed by every room upstairs, all the doors were open. Wherever he Kirito was, it wasn’t upstairs.

The undine flew back down in a hurry, and to her surprise the vibes turned on.

“So he is downstairs.”

Asuna made her way to the living room again, where the anal plug suddenly began vibrating in tandem with her nipples.

“This way? But there’s nothing left here except…”

She turned to look at the front door.


The plug in her rear kicked up a notch.

“But he said he wouldn’t go out! Unless…”

With each step Asuna took towards the door, the vibrators began buzzing harder. By the time she had a grasp of the handle, her whole body felt like it was on fire!

She opened up the door, and there he was, sitting on the wooden bench on the porch overlooking the forest.

“So much for not leaving the house.” Asuna growled, cautiously stepping outside whilst looking around for any movement.

The forest around their home tended to be completely abandoned. She knew this, yet somehow she couldn’t shake the feeling someone could fly by any moment to admire her skimpy bunny girl outfit.

"Technically, it's still part of the house." He defended.

"But it's outside! You made me step outside dressed like- like a bimbo!"

"You are by no means a bimbo, what you are, is incredibly beautiful." Kirito complimented.

That more than made up for his transgression.

"You smooth talker." Asuna giggled. "So what's next?"

“Well, you’ve made the first step outside. What say you we move on from there?”

“We… what?!”

“Not like this of course. We’ll hold a quick wardrobe change…”

Half an hour later, the sun had started going down as Kirito was flying over the treetops of the forest surrounding their cabin, with Asuna in hot pursuit. Mainly because the slender bluenette had no other choice.

Her bunny suit had been replaced by her normal gear, and the bunny tail had been replaced with a small string of anal beads which also held a vibrating function. And to prevent her from fiddling with it, Kirito had tied her wrists in front of her body, but pinned her elbows behind her back using a small spreader bar and leather cuffs. It locked her arms securely in place beside her body, as well as keep her fingers safely out of reach.

Around Asuna's waist was an added rope with a very long leash that Kirito had been using to guide his lover around in the air.

They'd been flying for ten minutes now, and despite the lovely cool breeze Asuna was burning up. Her whole body felt like it was on fire and her heart was beating so wildly it felt like it was going to burst free!

"Kirito!" She mewled. "Slow down! I can't breathe!"

"Oh, sorry." The dark haired young man replied, taking down the pace.

"So, how are you feeling about your first open air game in ALO?"

"It's embarrassing!" The bluenette whimpered. "What if someone passes us by?!"

"Then we wave." He joked. “Or in your case, shake.”

"It's not funny!"

"Asuna, relax. Hardly anyone comes out to hunt here. And even if someone did see us, it's not the real us."

The cute undine hadn't really thought about it like that. She'd grown so accustomed to being with Kirito in ALO that she'd forgotten this was in essence as anonymous a world as Speculum was.

But even after all she’d been through in that world, being tied up in plain sight still felt unnerving. And the constant buzz in her behind wasn’t exactly helping either.

As the duo flew over the forest canopy, Asuna steadily picked up her pace in order to catch up to him. She’d had enough of waiting.

“Kirito, let’s land.” She told her boyfriend.

“Are you getting tired?”

“No.” The bluenette said with a cute blush as she flew even closer to kiss him on the lips.

Her lover embraced her to support her mid-flight, his lips curling into a faint smile as he felt her hands fidgeting with his upper body armour. “Getting frisky?”

“Don’t act so surprised!” Asuna scolded, slowly pulling the two of them down to an open patch of forest.

They landed smoothly, after which Kirito immediately hiked up her skirt to start fondling her lovebox.

“Ooohh! Not so rough!” She mewled. “I’m sensitive.”

“Sorry, I’ll take it easy.” He promised, leaning in for another kiss as he shut off the vibrators tempting Asuna’s body and gently dug his fingers beneath he panties.

“Mnnn. Yes, right there.” The bluenette gasped. She’d been pining for his touch ever since before the hide and seek game began!

And Kirito didn’t disappoint, he never did.

Not only did he go down on her more skilfully than ever before, he kept going for longer too.

But that wasn’t exactly what the undine had been wanting, as heavenly as his tongue and hands felt on her body, it wasn’t enough. No matter how hard she tried though, she shouldn’t reach for Kazuto’s hair to get his attention. Her wrists were too secure, and with her elbows pinned behind her back she had no slack at all.

Just as the bluenette stifled another frustrated moan, her eyes shot open in realization:

Hang on! I don’t have a gag in!

“Kirito!” She gasped. “Please stop!”

“What’s wrong?” Her raven haired captor asked confused. “Aren’t you enjoying yourself? Is it the open area?”

“N-no, that’s not it. I just want… more.”


“You… I want you, in me.” The slender damsel admitted with an embarrassed blush.

Making love in the middle of a forest, without any real precautions or even a brief scout of the area. The idea was making both Asuna and Kirito’s heartrates skyrocket. But there was no time, the horny undine couldn’t stand another second of waiting. Neither could her Spriggan lover for that matter.

“I want you. Now!” Asuna demanded from her still gawking boyfriend.

“Of course.” He said, getting a hold of himself again. “Anything for you, Asuna. You know that.”

Kirito gently lied his girl down on the soft, grass- and moss-covered ground, slipping down her panties and then his own trousers.

Asuna gasped happily as her lover entered her, slowly rocking his hard member against the walls of her quivering pussy.

What followed was one of the best nights in both their lives, with the gentle breeze rustling the leaves around them and the gentle sound of crickets and other wildlife performing a romantic sonata.

When the two youngsters reached their climax, Kirito lied down on his back and pulled the bluenette close. 

“That was… amazing.” Asuna sighed contently, tugging on her ropes suggestively.

“It was. We should head out more often for our games.”

“New ideas already?”

“Something along those lines.” Kirito replied mysteriously.

“I can hardly wait.” His girlfriend giggled, nudging his hips with her tied hands once more.

“Do you want out?”

“Yes please.”

“Can’t you manage on your own? I’m kind of tired.”

“Of course I can’t!” Asuna whined. “Nothing you ever tie comes off that easily.”

“But you can see the ropes.”

See, not reach.”

“Fair enough. That’s good to know in a sense.” He teased.

“Stop teasing me and let me go so I can hug you!” She giggled back.

[Two weeks later]

“Kirito? Are you ready? We’re going to be late meeting with our friends! It’s been ages since we all got together, we shouldn’t keep them waiting!” Asuna scolded her boyfriend, calling out to him from down the stairs of their log cabin.

“I’ll be right out, just wanted to check something.” Came down.

“Check what?” The undine asked curiously.

“That your gift is in perfect working order.”

“My gift? You brought me something?” The bluenette chimed, her mood instantly lightening up.

Kirito came downstairs holding a small black case. Asuna opened it up eagerly, and felt her eyes grow wide when she saw what was inside.

It was a necklace, but not your usual chain links necklace. More of a single solid structure made of a shiny alloy: An eternity collar. 

"It's beautiful!” Asuna gasped. “But somehow it also looks very… sober."

"There's a reason for that." Kazuto replied.

"So it won't draw much attention?"

"That too. But there's actually an even better reason."

"Which is?"

"I was hoping you’d wear it on a permanent basis, so it needed to be comfortable.”

“You want me to be collared, permanently?”

“If you feel up for it.” Kirito replied.

“W-well, it feels comfortable enough to wear long term.” Asuna admitted, caressing the thin metal ring.

“Let’s try it just for today.” Her boyfriend suggested, taking the key out of his storage. “I’ll give you this just in case we get separated and you feel the need to take it off.”

The undine took hold of the key and locked the collar around her neck. “Thank you, Kirito.”

“You’re welcome. But now we really should get going.”


“You guys are late!” Klein whined as the sword-wielding couple flew in.

“Probably because they lost track of time snuggling.” Liz teased.

The two lovers blushed. “It was my fault, I was late logging on.” Kirito lied quickly.

“And I was busy getting my gear together.” Asuna added.

“I can see that.” Her pink haired friend replied, grinning widely. She’d already spotted Asuna’s newest necklace.

Guess I know what to talk about when we’re alone…

“Okay, we’re all here now.” Egil interjected. “Let’s head for the new mountain area.”

The group soon arrived and got started on their raid. Things went very well, with the group having loads of fun gaining experience and catching up. 

Thanks to the ALO environment, Asuna had also managed to easily pass off her new collar as a piece of empowering equipment, to everyone except Liz at least. The playful grin on her face told Asuna she knew…

But as always, the trusty blacksmith kept the secret for her. But that didn’t mean she kept quiet.

When the two separated themselves from the group to explore a small cavern, the pinkette brought it up.

“That new accessory of yours, what kind of stats does it hold?” She asked slyly. “I don’t recognise it at all, and my item list is quite extensive.”

“I-it’s uh- f-for.”

“For playing games?”

Asuna’s face burned so red she was almost gave off a glow, her fingers stroked along the light metal collar. “Y-yes.”

“I knew it!” Liz cried out triumphantly. “Is it like that ankle bracelet? You know, how Kirito decides on when you take it off?”

“I think that’s the plan eventually. But for today he gave me the key just in case, since I haven’t gotten used to it yet.” The undine explained as she took the key out of her storage.

Right at that moment, a swarm of small bat-like creatures came out from the crevices to attack.

“Kyaa!” Liz and Asuna yelped as they reached for their weapons. But in the melee, the bluenette lost track of her key.

“Where is it?! I know I dropped it around here somewhere!”

“Did you lose it?” Liz asked worried.

“I must have dropped it when we were fighting off those creatures.”

The bluenette reached up to feel her neck. The collar was still there.

“Does this mean you can’t take it off?” The pink haired girl asked.

“M-maybe Kazuto has a spare.” Asuna replied nervously.

Liz grinned widely. “He is going to have a field day with this!”

“Don’t laugh!” The undine moaned. “It’s embarrassing enough!”

“That’s why I’m laughing though.” Her friend replied, tugging on the collar lightly. “Well, at least it’s stylish. I wonder if he has a matching leash…”


“Hihi, sorry Asuna. Let’s get back to the others.”

She nodded, hanging her long blue locks over her shoulders in an attempt to hide the collar somewhat. Now that it could no longer come off she’d become a lot more conscious of it, annoyingly so.

“K-kirito, can you follow me please?” Asuna whispered, drawing her boyfriend to a secluded place.

When she confessed her story, her boyfriend couldn’t help but laugh.

"It's not funny!" The brunette moaned, frowning angrily. “Now get this thing off.”

"Sorry, Asuna. I can’t, I don't have a spare key."

"Then why hasn't the collar disappeared? If the only key to it is gone?"

"They're separate items."

"So now what?!" Asuna shrieked. “Is this thing never going to release?!”

"You can file a report to the game admins to have it recovered. Call it a system glitch."

"And tell a stranger I need the key to- to unlock my… collar?"

"It's that, or hunting down the ingredients needed to re-forge the key."

"You know which ones we need?" Asuna replied eagerly.

"Of course, the recipe was delivered along with the key as a back-up measure."

"Then why didn't you say that immediately!" Asuna frowned.

"Because the quests and hunts required for gathering it all up would take over a week in total."

"A WEEK?!"

"Shh! Our friends will hear!"

The undine glared at her boyfriend, reaching up to fiddle with the lock to her collar.

"I can't wear this thing for a full week!"

"Why not? None of our friends have asked about it. And it had been the plan eventually."

"But not this soon! Besides, it's embarrassing, not being able to take it off!"

"Then you should have taken care not to lose the key." Her dark haired boyfriend lectured.

"Like you've never messed up before!" She hissed. "Do you remember the first time you cuffed me to the bed?"

"Of course. My items storage was spilling over so I transferred a lot of stuff to the bank, including the keys to your cuffs. I didn't realize until the time came to free you."

"After which you left me on that bed, all alone in the house, whilst you sped back to Sylvain to get the keys."

"It was only 20 minutes."

"But my nose had been itching for 10!"

"That wasn't my fault!" Kazuto defended.

Before Asuna could pressure her lover more, Egil called out to them to get a move on, which forced them to break off the discussion.

Asuna resolved herself on wearing her collar for the coming week, until her item could be restored.

When they made it out of the raiding zone safe and sound, Asuna pulled her friend to the side.

“Do you have some free time this week? During the evenings?”

“Huh? Well, sure. Why?”

Asuna took a deep breath, after which she explained her situation.

The blacksmith’s response was even more frustrating than her boyfriend’s, in that she literally rolled over the grass laughing.

“LIZ! It’s not funny!”

“Ooohh, yes, it is! You two are absolutely hilarious! And then this!” She exclaimed, pointing at the collar. “Aaah hahahaha!”

Asuna frowned. “I have some rope in my bag you know, if you want we can do a re-run of our last private meeting.” She threatened. “Only this time I won’t let you go when you ask!”

“C-calm down, Asuna.” The pinkette gasped as she crawled back onto her feet. “I’m only teasing. Of course I’ll help you gather up the materials and reforge the key. On one condition.”

“Which is?”

“That you let me try on that thing for a day. It looks gorgeous to be honest.”

“Y-you really think so?” Asuna blushed.

“Oh yes! It looks stunning enough to pass off as jewellery. It’s almost a shame you can’t wear it in the real world.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” The undine replied hastily. “Let’s start by getting this one under control first!”

The two friends spent the next couple of evenings completing quests and farming monsters. Most of the quests were easy enough to handle with the two of them.

Surprisingly, the only real challenge had been a simple treasure hunting quest, because it took the undine into a busy town to buy a map. Walking through the bustles of other players, Asuna couldn’t help but reach up to touch her collar every few minutes. It wasn’t bothersome, but she could tell one or two players had spotted the accessory.

Calm down Asuna! It’s just an item. That’s all you need to tell people when they ask about it. God! Why did Liz have to bail for exactly this quest! 

Nevertheless, the slender young woman soldiered on with her list of quests. Until that liberating moment came where Asuna could finally take off her collar and store it in her item bag again.

She kept her end of the deal too, turning it over to Liz for the pink haired girl to try it on for the rest of the week.

However, the moment Liz had locked the collar into place…

“HEY! Wait a minute!” Liz yelped as she went through her item storage. “You didn’t trade the key!”

Asuna grinned. “That’s right, I didn’t.”

“Then how do I take this thing off?!” Liz shrieked, fiddling around with the lock. But she’d already closed it, and she couldn’t budge her collar.

“You don’t. I will. Next Sunday or so.”


“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to be included in our games. Now you are.” Asuna teased.

“Asuna, come on!”

“Hihi, nope. This is payback for making fun of me when I lost the key. Enjoy your new look, Liz!” She chimed before logging out, leaving the pouting blacksmith behind in her shop.

“Next time we play a game like this, I’m going to ask to be put in charge!” The pinkette grumbled to herself.

“Haaah! That felt so empowering!” Asuna sighed as she got up from her bed after logging out. “No wonder Kazuto is so interested in these permanent accessories.” She realized, stroking her anklet which had never left her leg ever since her boyfriend locked it on, several months ago.

The slender brunette headed for the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for bed, the image of Liz fumbling around with that collar still bringing a smile to her face.

Life returned to pretty much normal after that, and stayed that way until the next holiday week, when Kazuto finally had a chance to fly back home to be with his girlfriend.

“Kazuto! I missed you!” Asuna cheered as she basically threw herself on her lover, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head into his chest.

“And I missed you.” He replied, hugging her back before pulling her chin up so he could give her a gentle kiss on her soft, pink lips. “It’s been too long since we met up in real life.”

“You bet!” Asuna moaned. “But your anklet made me feel closer to you.” She smiled, kicking her foot to jingle the thing.

“I’m glad it did. That’s why I had it made after all.”

“So, what’s the plan for today?”

“Well, I’m going to unpack first. After that I was hoping we could go out for a walk? My legs are stiff from sitting down at the airport, then the plane, then the taxi.”

“Can’t unpacking wait until tomorrow? I’m too anxious to go out!” His brunette lover said playfully, tugging on his arm.

“I’m afraid it can’t, because there’s something in my luggage meant for you.”

“You mean the remote for my anklet?”

“That too. But I actually brought a new gift for you to try.”


The dark haired young man nodded. “It’s similar to the anklet. Or maybe it’d be more accurate to call it ‘a step up’.”

“Then quit talking in riddles and show me already!” Asuna demanded.

“Of course, of course.” The raven haired young man assured her, taking his bag upstairs and retrieving the small black case from it.

“That box looks familiar.” Asuna commented. Although she couldn’t immediately place it.

“I assure you, that is a complete coincidence. I didn’t expect it either. What’s inside however, that was planned.”

Inside was an eternity collar, the exact model Asuna had in ALO!

“You found one?!” She gasped in astonishment. “You found one of these in real life?!”

“Actually, I found it in real life first and had to put in quite a bit of effort to get it rendered in ALO.”

“People wear this?”

“They do, it’s more common than I expected. Which will help you keep a low profile.”

“You want me to put this on, outside?” The brunette stammered.

“It’s pretty late, so we won’t see many people.”

“But still…” Asuna whispered, her heart beating wildly in her chest as she picked up the collar.

It seemed heavier than the ALO version, but just as smooth and sturdy. The familiar feel of it gave the slender girl goose bumps.

“I realize it’ll be more challenging out here, where people see the real you. But that’s why I figured we could try it. If you think we’re going to fast we can-“

But the brunette placed a single finger on her boyfriend’s lips to interrupt him. “You’re always thinking of me like this. This time, tell me what you want.” She said with a content smile on her gorgeous face as her brown eyes gazed into his.

“I… would really like to see you in that.” Kazuto admitted.

Without another word, Asuna clicked the collar into place. “Let’s go.”

The lovebirds spent a good hour walking outside, catching up and snuggling up to one another on a park bench. As Kazuto had predicted, there were very few other people out, and not a single one so much as noticed Asuna’s neckwear. It greatly comforted the brunette.

“So, how was it?” Kazuto asked after they returned.

“Things went a lot smoother than I thought.”

“See? I told you.”

“But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t nerve-wracking at times!” Asuna added. “Like when that older man walked right past me. I can swear he glanced in my direction.”

“Why wouldn’t he? You’re gorgeous.”

The brunette blushed. “Don’t tease me.”

“I’m not. It’s true.”

“Thanks.” His girl giggled, taking off the collar so she could give him a tight hug without pushing the collar into his neck. “Let’s go to bed. I can see you’re tired.”

“A little bit. Must be jet lag.” Kazuto admitted, following his lover up to her bedroom where they huddled together and fell into a deep sleep, enjoying each other’s comfort after months of separation.

The next few days, Asuna wore her collar more and more often, sometimes for the full day just to please Kazuto. Although she did keep the key and a scarf handy just in case. But over time, the brunette didn’t even feel the need for taking her key along. And soon after that…

“Ready to go?” Kazuto asked as the twosome were ready to head out for lunch.

“Yes.” Asuna replied as she put on her brown boots.

“Where’s your scarf?” The dark haired young man asked surprised.

“I’m leaving it at home today.”

“You’re sure?”

The brunette nodded. “It’s been fine every time we went out. I’m starting to feel silly wearing a scarf during such nice weather.”

“Then let’s go.” Kazuto replied, holding out his arm for her to grab.

As the lovebirds made their way over to the city centre, the brunette couldn’t help but be more aware of any glances by passers-by. Suddenly, it seemed as if everyone in her vicinity was staring at her collar!

“Are you alright?” Her boyfriend asked caringly.

“Y-yes. I’ll get used to it.” Asuna replied, squeezing his arm.

“What a nice necklace!” Suddenly came from behind.

Asuna nearly jumped out of her skin, turning around to see who’d said that.

But it turned out to be just a girl commenting to another.

Kazuto couldn’t help but chuckle, which earned him a thump on the shoulder. “Don’t laugh!”

“S-sorry. But you have to admit that was funny.”

Asuna frowned at him, searching her pocket for the key. Only then she realized, that Kazuto had it.

“Looking for this?” He teased, showing her the key, keeping it out of her reach as she tried to grab it.

But her taller boyfriend kept it out of her grasp.

“You meanie!” She moaned, giving up with a cute pout adorning her face.

“I might give it back if you agree to try something in ALO later today.”

“Try what?”

“I can’t say yet.”

“You want me to agree to something without knowing what it is?”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Of course I do. But-“ Asuna stalled.

But what? Why shouldn’t she just go ahead with Kazuto’s idea? She’d never regretted doing so before.

“You know what? Deal! Give it your best shot!” She boasted.

“Thanks. I will.” Kazuto replied with a satisfied smirk as he carefully unlocked her collar.

The young man spent the rest of his afternoon whistling a cheerful tune, leaving Asuna to grow ever more curious about what was percolating in that devious mind of his.

[That evening]

Asuna and Kazuto had returned to their respective homes, where the bluenette had taken a relaxing bath in preparation for her date with Kazuto in Alfheim.

“I wonder what he’s planning.” She mused as she climbed out of the bath and got dressed in her nightwear.

However, when she logged in and arrived at their log cabin, Kirito was nowhere to be found. Instead there was a small earpiece lying on the living room table.

“You can put this in. Instructions will follow.” Was the note lying beside it. 

Asuna did as advised, and quietly sat down, waiting for news.

“Asuna?” Suddenly sounded in her ear.

The bluenette flinched. “Kirito?”

“Who else?”

“Where are you?”

“Quite a ways from our home. And you’ll be heading out to find me.”

“That’s the game you had in mind?” The undine said, somewhat disappointed. “Another hide and seek?”

“Not exactly. You’ll receive tasks along the way. Each task will take you closer to me.”

“What kind of tasks?”

“Oh, you know. Tying yourself up, gagging yourself, stripping down,…”

“Outside?! By myself?!”

“Not as anti-climactic as you thought, huh?”

“Don’t mock me! I can do this!” The undine said confidently.

“I know you can. So let’s get started.”

Asuna got up from the couch, heading for the front door.

“How about you start by slipping in a vibrator?”


You can decide on whatever type and where you put it. My only condition is that you turn it on the moment you leave the house and not meddle with it afterwards.”

The slender young woman pondered that instruction for a moment. Then it’ll be an endurance run no doubt. Meaning I should decide on something that won’t be too harsh, but not too feeble either. Last thing I need is to get frustrated by too little excitement!

Problem was, over the years the two lovebirds had collected quite a bit of toys. And poor Asuna now had to pick from all of them!

That took the cute blue haired girl quite a bit longer than she’d expected, to the point of Kirito asking her how she was faring three times over before she’d settled on her vibrator of choice!

By her opinion, she’d gone for a rather daring option: The small string of anal beads Kirito had introduced during one of their more recent games.

However, the second she’d stepped outside, that faint buzz in her behind was making her regret the decision.

This is a lot more draining than I remembered. Maybe it’s because I’m heading out on my own …

“I’m standing outside now.”

“Great work. First task: fly south-east of where you are, about 500 meters. You’ll find a clearing with a small pond there. Land and open the bag lying next to the water.”

The young undine took to the air, trying to ignore her whole body shivering from the constant hum in her behind.

On her way to the clearing, she flew past a pair of Salamanders. The two young men waved at her cheerfully, allowing the bluenette to breathe a sigh of relief. The last thing she needed right now was a confrontation. Just for good measure, Asuna flew the last few feet under the cover of the trees.

When she finally landed near the pond Kirito described, the bag she found was quite a bit bigger than she’d expected. 

“Alright Kirito, I’m here.” Asuna said.

“Great. Did you look inside the bag yet?”

“No. Can I?”

“Of course. Inside you’ll find a change of clothes and a gag. I’ll give you a few minutes to work through it, then I’ll let you know where to fly next.”

When Asuna opened up the bag, she gasped in surprise. The gag was your run of the mill blue rubber ball gag. But the ‘clothes’ turned out to be a skimpy thong bikini!

“KIRITO!” She yelled into the mike.

“Oww!” Came through the earphone. “What?”

“You want me to fly around Sylvain wearing this?!” The undine shrieked, holding up the pale blue bikini top.

“Why not?”

“Because it leaves me practically naked!”

“That’s the exciting part, don’t you think?”

Asuna grumbled as she took off her clothes, nervously looking around every 10 seconds as every rustle or whistle made her twitch.

Eventually, she’d pulled off her wardrobe change. The undine even buckled the ball gag into place, albeit grudgingly.

“Ai ehee (I’m ready).”

“Great. Now fly directly south. There’s a large lake over there. The next task will be lying ready.”

Asuna took to the air, shivering at the cold air hitting her bare skin. She felt so silly soaring through the air in her bathing suit, but at the same time it was strangely liberating.

I never realized how real the wind feels in ALO! It’s a good thing the weather’s in its summer setting!

“Hmnn!” She mewled as the vibrator shifted inside of her, sending a tinge down her spine.

But that was nothing compared to the shock the bluenette felt when she spotted a pair of Sylvan players in the distance. She dove down beneath the trees as fast as her wings could carry her, biting her lip to stifle her moans until the two young men were far out of range. God, how she wished she could turn down that vibrator right now!

That was close. She sighed. I don’t even want to think about the attention I’d receive for flying around like this!

When she felt safe to continue, Asuna took off again. The rest of her flight went without interruption, and she landed safely near the massive lake. By now the sun was about to set completely.

“Eh ahh hoo (where are you)?” The undine asked hopefully.

“Not there. The next stop. But before I tell you where to go, I have a few tasks for you.”

“Ah ash (what tasks)?”

“For starters… How about you remove that top for a moment?”


“You heard me. I want you to flash.”

The bluenette felt her heart flutter. Flash?! He wants me… to expose myself? Out here?!

Asuna felt her knees grow weak, and not just because the vibrator just wouldn’t let up.

“Don’t be scared Asuna. You can do it.” Her boyfriend encouraged her.

“Eshee ohr ooh oh hay (easy for you to say).” She retorted, taking a deep breath.

Alright. Here goes!

The blue haired girl reached around and undid the knot to her bikini top, then let it drop to the ground.

As the gentle breeze hit her pale skin, Asuna began shivering a little.

“Ai ih hih (I did it)!” She gasped.

“Good girl! Next up…”

“Ah (What)?” His lover yelped. Already? But I-

“Why don’t you step up to the lakeside, and fondle yourself a little?”


“What’s wrong? Head for the side of the lake and start massaging your breasts in the reflection.”

Asuna’s cheeks lit up. No way! He wants me to… Out here? In the open?!

“Don’t want to?” Kirito teased her.

“HRMNNN!” The bluenette growled, stamping the grass with her bare foot.

I’ll show him!

She gently reached up and squeezed her breasts.


Just from that, Asuna could feel her buds hardening. She eagerly continued, caressing her body with closed eyes, imagining Kirito was the one fondling her. From her breasts down to her waist, stroking her hips and tugging on the bikini bottom like she knew he’d do.

A few minutes later, just as she was getting really into it:

“That’ll do.”

“HMNN (NOOO)!” She whined, biting down on her gag out of frustration.

“Haha, sorry Asuna. But I’m anxious to see you too. Can you see a small bag lying nearby?”

The bluenette looked around until she spotted a small brown leather satchel.

“Ohw ih (found it).” She confirmed to her boyfriend as she pulled a cold metal object out of the bag. Handcuffs?!

“Cuff your hands behind your back please, then I’ll tell you where to fly.”

Asuna eagerly complied, purely because it would give her a way to stop fondling herself.


“Ai eheeh (I’m ready).”

“Well done. Now head for-“

“Hey cool! There’s a lake there!” Suddenly came from the air, not too far away.

Asuna’s blood froze.

There were people coming her way!

Instinctively, she kicked her bikini top into the water and dover after it before the players could come near enough to spot her being naked from the waist up.

Thank God I chose to become an undine. She thought as she kicked her legs with all her might to swim towards the bottom of the lake. Once out of sight, she tried to get comfy on a large flat rock.

Except the moment she sat down.


The vibrator inside her felt ten times more powerful when she rested her ass onto the cold rock!

In all the excitement, I forgot that thing was still active! How is it even working underwater? In the real world this thing would’ve short circuited!

Deep down the bluenette thanked ALO for that small glitch, since an electric shock was the last thing she needed right now. Although the constant buzz she was forced to endure came a close second.

She looked up to see the players still standing beside the lake. Were they chatting about something? What if they decided to take a dive?!

Should I swim for the other side of the lake and climb out there? But then maybe Kirito won’t be able to find me…


And those darned beads kept on eating away at her stamina.

Ahhh! I can’t concentrate like this!

Asuna tried to reach inside her ass to retrieve the vibrating beads, but her cuffed hands and the weightless state of her body underwater made it too difficult to manoeuvre.

“Hmnnnr.” She groaned frustrated, looking up at the surface to see two young Sylvan players chatting.

Let’s hope they don’t linger for too long.

“Asuna? Are you on your way?” Suddenly rang in her ear.

But under water, she couldn’t respond. A ball gag muffled speech even at the best of times. Add the surrounding water, and she might as well save her energy.

But her silence worried Kirito. Enough to break off his game.

“I’m coming over, don’t move from your spot.”

The undine rolled her eyes. As if I could.

Her boyfriend flew over as quick as his wings could carry him. The moment he reached the lake, he discovered the reason his lover was taking so long. He wasted no time swooping down and posing as a player killer, hurting both young men badly enough to make them dash off at full speed.

“Asuna? Where are you?!” He called out to his girlfriend.

The undine immediately began swimming towards the surface, preparing her darkest frown. She wasn’t going to let Kirito off easily for this one.

“Are you all right?” The dark haired Spriggan asked worried.

“Ohh (No)!” Asuna lied. “Ai ash oh sh-air (I was so scared)”

“I’m sorry.” Kirito apologised. “I never expected players to make it all the way out here, at this time of night.”

“Ehul ey ihh (well they did)!”

“You’re right. Turn around, I’ll get you out and let’s go home.”

But to his surprise, his girlfriend shook her head. “Ag (gag).”

When the rubber ball had left her lips, she pouted cutely at her captor. “I won’t last all the way back. You owe me a pampering and you’d better start right now.”

“What? Here? In the open?! Won’t you be scared?”

The slender undine tiptoed over to her lover, kissing him on the lips. “You’ll be right here, won’t you?”

Kirito couldn’t help but crack a smile himself. “Of course.”

The lovebirds got undressed and dove into the lake, though Kazuto elected not to free Asuna from the handcuffs. But she didn’t mind, it gave her an excuse to lean into his chest and snuggle up to him more closely.

“I need a massage.” She sighed. “I’m all tense from flying around and hiding from other players.”

“Don’t worry, that was always the plan.” Her lover assured her as he began to knead the stress out of her muscles.

“Oooaahh! Lower!”

And Kirito went lower, down her back until he found her hips and pulled those closer to his body.

“Hihi, looks like I’m not the only needy one.” The bluenette giggled as she searched around behind her back until her fingers found his cock. As she’d expected, it was already hard.

The dark haired young man grinned, letting go of Asuna’s thighs and reaching up to squeeze her breasts instead.

“Aaahh! Not so rough!” She mewled as he pinched her nipples and pulled on them.

But Kirito wouldn’t let up, making his captive squirm in his arms. “Meanie!”

“If this is supposed to be mean then why do you keep feeling hotter?” He taunted as he brushed his lips along her neck, nipping at her smooth, pale skin.

Asuna pouted. “Because you don’t play fair. You know how sensitive my breasts get after games like this!”

“That’s exactly why we play them though.” Kirito countered as he guided Asuna to a shallower part of the lake and lied her down on a flat, smooth rock.

“We’re really doing this, aren’t we? In plain sight, without even a treeline to hide us.”

“It’s past midnight already, no one will show up.”

Still, Asuna couldn’t help but fidget nervously.

Her boyfriend spotted it, and retrieved the handcuff keys from storage to unlock them.

That puzzled the bluenette. “You changed your mind?”

“No. I’m going to use rope instead. It’ll be easier on your body, and I can anchor your arms and legs to the lake bed.”

The blue haired girl felt her pulse quicken. He’s going to spread eagle me? Here?!

She was close, but not entirely correct. Her ankles did end up tethered to the ground apart from one another, but Kirito had crossed her wrists above her head.

“You comfortable?”

After giving her ropes a test, Asuna nodded. “Just don’t abandon me here.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Kirito assured her as he entered her.

“Ooohh!” The bluenette gasped, accepting his love more eagerly than ever before. “Faster! I want you!” She mewled, squirming so hungrily she was sloshing water around.

Her boyfriend responded beautifully, vigorously rocking his own body along with hers, slipping ever deeper into her folds as his rock hard member filled her lovebox.

“Mnnn! Aaahh!” Asuna gasped as her climax began bubbling beneath the surface.

Not yet! Not yet!

She could feel Kirito wasn’t there yet, but closing in fast.

The dark haired young man grunted softly as he too tried to hold his climax back.

“Go on. I know you want to.” Asuna whispered, bucking her pelvis into his.

Kirito let out a grateful groan as he let his orgasm surge, with Asuna’s following mere seconds behind.

“That was… amazing.” The undine gasped.

“Tell me about it.” Kirito replied as he lied beside his girl in the water, wrapping his arms and legs around her. “We should make love in the open more often.”

“Just so long as you learn to set up a proper perimeter next time.” Asuna teased.

“You do realize I still have to untie you, right?” Her boyfriend countered.

“Hey! That’s not funny!” She whined back, pulling at the ropes trapping her arms and legs. But the water they’d soaked up made them even heavier and more stubborn than normal!

“Hmrrgn! No fair!”

“Can’t get out?” Kirito taunted as he got out of the lake.

“Because you made me squirm so much I pulled all the ropes tight.” Asuna countered, kicking and pulling frustratedly.

Mercifully, Kirito eventually decided to untie his girlfriend, after spending a few more minutes tickling her most sensitive spots and nibbling her skin.

When the two lovebirds made it back to the safety of their cottage, they snuggled up together in their bed in preparation of logging out.

“I can’t believe I’m having to fly back again in a few days already. Time just flies by so fast when I’m with you.” Kirito said.

“I know.” The undine replied. “Next Saturday will be the last time we can meet in the real world for a long time again.”

“I was thinking we could just hang out then, stay inside, have a quiet day.”

“I’d like that.” Asuna whispered, resting her head on his chest as she dozed off.

“Good night Asuna.”

“Good night Kirito.”

[Next Saturday]

Kazuto rang the doorbell to Asuna’s house. The speed with which the door opened hinted his girlfriend had been lying in wait.

“Finally!” She scolded. “You’re late!”

“I was busy calibrating your gift. It took me-” But the dark haired young man stalled when he got a second look at his girl.

“You brought me a gift after all?” Asuna replied. “I thought we were just going to hang out? If we were preparing presents I would have-“

“Asuna.” Kazuto interrupted.

“Yes?” The brunette replied puzzled.

“Are you… wearing… you know, your collar?”

“Oh, that.” She giggled. “I thought it’d please you.”

And she had been right. Immensely so.

“You look amazing wearing it.”

“Thank you.” The slender girl chimed, handing him the key. “And it won’t be coming off all day unless you say so. Let’s make that my going away present.”

“Now I’m feeling like mine pales in comparison.” Her lover admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

“Let’s check it out before we make that call.” Asuna comforted him, taking the box out of his hand and opening it up.

“An earpiece?!” She said somewhat surprised. “Are you planning to-“

“Not today. Like I said: we’ll take it easy today. But I was hoping that in the future, we could do a retake of our game in ALO, in the real world.”

Asuna let her fingers run along the smooth plastic of the earpiece, her fingers caressing the tiny speaker. A shiver ran down her spine just as she imagined the commands that one day would ring in her ear through this tiny device.

“Of course, if you’re-“ But Kazuto never got farther, because his girlfriend silenced him with a gentle kiss.

“I’ll definitely think it over by the time you get back. I’ll admit that it’s a bit unnerving, but so far every one of your suggestions that made me feel like that have been absolutely amazing!”

The dark haired student grinned. “Well, I do try.”

“That you do.” Asuna giggled, pulling her boyfriend close for another kiss.

“Thanks for always going along with my crazy ideas, Asuna.”

The brunette giggled cheerfully. “You’re welcome.”

I wouldn’t really call it ‘going along’. She thought to herself as her lips curled into a smile. More like ‘unable to resist’…


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