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Kazuto logged onto his desktop back in his dorm room at university. He was only barely on time for his chat date with Asuna.

"You're late!" The young brunette scolded him the moment her beautiful visage appeared on his monitor.

"Only two minutes." The dark haired boy defended.

"But I was 8 minutes early, so that makes 10 minutes!"

"That doesn't sound fair."

"You should be well on time for a date like this! It's been ages since we spoke." Asuna moaned, pouting cutely as she tended to do whenever she missed her lover.

"I'm sorry Asuna. I got hung up working on a paper."

"When are you ever not caught up with work?" The slender girl sighed. "Never mind, I know the answer: Whenever you're raiding or level grinding."

"Hey, don't put it like that." Kazuto said. "I already said I'm sorry."

"I know. I'm probably overreacting a little."

The dark haired young man barely stopped himself from making a remark about that 'a little'.

"I suppose it's because we haven't seen each other for real since spring break." He said instead.

"Yes. Even our Alfheim Online dates have been growing more scarce!" Asuna said solemnly. "We're both growing busier and busier."

"It's nothing we didn't expect though." Kazuto replied. "And I think we're handling it pretty well."

"I agree. Especially since we started our 'games'." His girlfriend replied with a playful grin.

"Those definitely are a major role in keeping things interesting." The young man replied with a satisfied smile. "Alfheim's a real help too."

"Although…" Asuna replied, only to hesitate to go on.


"Haah, I don't know. It somehow feels like ALO is… lacking."

"Lacking? How do you mean?" Kazuto asked confused.

"Well, you know how we started our kinky fun in ALO to spice things up in there right?"


"And we then moved the games to the real world to see if they would work just as well."

"Even better if I'm honest."

"That's what I was thinking too!" Asuna replied dejected. "Ever since our time together during spring break, the ALO sessions just feel… bland. Maybe it's because our bodies aren't perfectly replicated."

Kazuto nodded. "Well obviously there's feedback loss in the sensory department. Communication between the brain and the body is subject to interference, not to mention the lack of hormonal-"

"KAZUTO!" Asuna interrupted her lover going off into his own mind.

He flinched out of his thoughts. "Sorry, I got side-tracked."

"What else is new?" She giggled. "But at least you're managing to see my point."

"I do. And to be honest, I'd been working on a solution for this very issue."

"You have?!"

"Ever heard of the VR-game 'Speculum'?"

"Can't say that I have." The brunette admitted.

"It's a basically a simulator game. It boasts the most realistic replication of real life around. The drawback is there are no spells, skills or battle mechanics of any kind. It's purely roleplaying."

"So in other words, it's a game that allows you to pretend to be someone else? As an ordinary human being?"

"Exactly. And after doing some digging, I discovered there is a bdsm community."

The young woman's eyes widened. "You mean there's methods for us to play our games online? As ourselves?!"

"I think it's very possible."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Asuna cheered enthusiastically. "I'm going to go out and buy it tomorrow!"

Kazuto smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that, because I already ordered my copy. How about we meet up in-game next Friday? Are you free then?"

"I think so. I'll have to check my schedule after logging out, but I can probably move anything that's in the way."

"Great. I'll text you directions to a meet-up point later this week so we can find each other in the game."

"Sounds good. I can hardly wait." Asuna mused, yawning cutely. "I should head for bed now, good night Kazuto."

"Goodnight Asuna."

Next week Friday arrived in a flash. Asuna had bought the VR game and created her account to customize her avatar in preparation of her and Kazuto’s date.

The slender brunette logged into Speculum half an hour before she and Kazuto were supposed to meet up. Her avatar materialized in the middle of a large park resembling Hibiya park on a lovely sunny day.

She was wearing a cute, pale green summer dress and short brown boots with a slight heel in them. She owned a similar outfit in the real world, so it had pleased her greatly to discover this one in the standard range of private body wardrobe.

Asuna took a moment to admire herself in the reflection of the lake nearby. She truly looked exactly like her real self, something which had taken her hours of painstaking modifications.

However, that resemblance to her real form was only reserved for one person in that virtual reality: Kirito.

Like the name suggested, Speculum acted like a mirror in many facets. For starters, it featured extremely realistic replicas of popular and famous tourist spots around the globe.

Secondly, and even more impressively, players could actually choose to appear completely different to other players depending on their relation to one another!

When you added someone to your so called 'private list', he or she would be able to see you as you truly were (assuming you had sculpted your 'private body' to resemble yourself). Anyone else only saw your 'public body'. This public form tended to be a generic, randomly generated appearance. It was customizable of course, but very few people put in the time and effort.

As a result, anyone could hang out with their friends inside the VR-world of Speculum whilst preserving their anonymity from other players.

"I have to give it to Kazuto, this game really is a great find!" Asuna hummed as she headed for the largest tree inside the park, passing by dozens of similar looking people.

After a brief walk through the large and calm park, the meeting place Kirito had messaged her came into view. Sitting on a park bench was her boyfriend, looking as relaxed as ever. Unsurprisingly, he was dressed in black jeans and a dark blue shirt with black shoes.

Thanks to the two of them having confirmed their private lists beforehand, they recognised each other on sight alone.

It’s good to see he succeeded in sculpting his appearance. Although I shouldn’t be surprised. Virtual reality is second nature to him after all.

"Hey Asuna." The dark haired young man said to his lover as she sat beside him on a bench. "You look amazing."

"Thank you. So do you. Your avatar is extremely accurate."

"It took me a lot of time." Kazuto admitted.

"So did mine." The brunette chuckled. "But it paid off it seems. This double appearance thing is really interesting. Assuming it works of course. I mean, we can't see each other's public form after all."

"I asked a few people to describe me just now. They all matched, but it didn’t resemble what I really look like at all." The black haired young man assured her. "But there's an easier way to check: if I remove you from my private list."

"Hmm, let's try that, for just a moment." The young woman replied.

Kazuto proceeded to call up his menu and open up his private list. There was only one name present right now: Asuna.

After tapping the remove icon next to her name and confirming his choice, his body was surrounded in a glimmering light. At least that’s how it looked to Asuna. The dark haired young man didn't feel different at all.

A brief check of his hands and arms also betrayed there had been no change. But when he spotted his lover’s widening eyes, he realized something was different to her.

Mere seconds after he'd removed her name from the private list, she suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's wrong?" Kazuto asked surprised.

"N-nothing." She stammered. "You look fine. Just… not at all like yourself!"

Kazuto frowned. “And that’s funny because?”

“Because I imagined how all our friends would react at seeing you like this.” The brunette continued to giggle, smiling brightly.

"Maybe I should leave your name off my list…" He threatened with a sly grin.

That immediately made Asuna quieten down. "That's not funny!" She protested with a cute frown. "I'd feel really weird with you… doing all those things to me when you looked like this! I'd think someone was raping me!"

"Hmm, there's a thought." The dark haired young man mused. "When I log out later, I could switch up my public body to something you wouldn't recognise anymore. Then, when we’re playing one of our games, I could delete you from the list again and spring this complete stranger walking in on you, bound gagged and barely clothed …"

*WHACK* Asuna hit her boyfriend on the head, she didn't hold back all that much either. "NEVER do that!" She yelled.

"OW!” Kazuto yelped, rubbing the top of his head. “Hey, you didn't have to-"

*WHACK* A punch to his shoulder now.

"Just promise me you won't." She pleaded, her voice suddenly a lot softer. She began leaning into his shoulder, neglecting she'd only just created a sore spot there. "I don't think my heart could bear the shock."

"Haaah," Kazuto sighed, "I was only kidding. I'd never scare you like that."

"Then promise me." Asuna insisted, looking up at him with those big, light brown eyes of hers.

"I promise Asuna."

"Thank you. Now put my name back on your list please."

Kazuto did, and the lovebirds began walking towards the exit of the park.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Asuna asked curiously as they neared the busy streets.

"Well we're both still exploring this game and its capabilities, so I thought to start with something simple." Kazuto replied as he produced a black collar.

"You want me to wear that? In public?! Doesn't seem all that 'simple' to me!" She said nervously, looking around at the droves of people walking about.

"Remember that no one knows what you really look like here." Kazuto pointed out.

"But still…"

“Too much for a start?”

Asuna pouted at her lover. “I didn’t say that! Just… give me a moment to prepare mentally.”

“Of course. Should we hide ourselves from view for now? So you can put it on discretely?”

“That might be best.” The young woman admitted.

After the two retreated behind a wide tree, Asuna lifted her head to expose her slender neck. Kazuto carefully buckled the collar into place and hung a tiny padlock from it to keep it there.

“Ready to head out?”

After taking a few deep breaths, Asuna nodded. “Let’s head for a café.” She suggested.

“You mean walking down the street?”

“Yes.” She replied, taking hold of Kazuto’s hand and squeezing it softly as she pulled him back onto the gravel road out of the park. “Before I lose my nerve.” She said under her breath.

The lovebirds headed out onto the street, which was considerably busier than the wide park. Asuna spotted quite a few people glancing over at her, their eyes falling almost immediately on the black leather adorning her neck.

Maybe this was a bit much after all. People will think I’m crazy! She thought to herself, fidgeting with the lock a little. But to her surprise, it was being extremely rigid. Far more than you’d expect it to be!

“How come I can’t budge this lock?” Asuna asked.

“It’s part of the mechanics in this game.” Kazuto replied. “Locks don't work for you if you don't have the key.”

“Doesn’t that apply locks in the real world as well?” She grinned.

“You misunderstand.” Her boyfriend replied. “It’s not enough to be holding the key, it needs to be yours, in your inventory.”

To prove his point, he handed the key to Asuna, who fitted it inside the lock. But she couldn’t turn it.

“You’re right!” She exclaimed surprised. “I still can’t open it!”

“Because the key is still mine. Just giving it to you doesn’t suffice, I have to transfer it via trading.”

“Then that means that even if I were to loot the key from your pocket, I still can’t remove this collar?!”

“I believe that is the main premise of these mechanics, yes.” The raven haired young man replied. “Of course, it doesn’t apply just to keys. Anything you don’t own, you can’t use.” He elaborated, pulling Asuna’s phone from her vest pocket and trying to operate it. But the screen wouldn’t light up.

“In other words: there is no point stealing anything.” Asuna realized.

Kazuto nodded. “Quite ingenious if you ask me.”

“Yes, except for the part where I can’t take off this collar in any way.” His girlfriend frowned.

“Haha, I think that’s one of the best features to it though.”

“Of course you would.” The brunette sighed. “You could’ve told me all this before locking the collar in place.” She said with a long face.

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well consider me stunned.” She replied, smiling faintly as she failed to hide her amusement. Somehow it feels like this will bring a whole new layer to our games…

They continued their walk along the streets, with Asuna receiving more than a few loud whistles and compliments to her sexy accessory.

“Yo, nii-chan! You sure are lucky!” One guy yelled at Kazuto. “Be sure to keep a tight hold of that one!”

“Don’t you worry, that’s what the padlock is for!” He joked back.

“Kazuto!” The brunette yelped, her face bright red.

“What? We’re just messing around a little. Wasn’t that the point of coming here?”

“I know but… It’s embarrassing.”

“You want the collar removed for now?”

Asuna nodded timidly. “Yes please.”

“Well, since you said please.” Kazuto grinned.

He quickly opened up the padlock and stored it in his storage, along with the collar itself.

“Haaah, much better!” Asuna sighed relieved.

“It didn’t hurt, did it? Was it on too tight?” Her boyfriend asked worried.

“No no, nothing like that. It just felt embarrassing having to hear all those comments.” She admitted.

“Yeah, you were quite popular.” Kazuto remarked.

“Don’t you think it’s odd people respond so casually to this collar?” Asuna asked flustered as she tried to get her cheeks to stop glowing.

“Well, this is a virtual world. And the fact no one can see anyone’s real appearance takes away a lot of reservations. You wouldn’t go around in the real world wearing a collar like this, would you?”

“Of course not!”

“Well, even if you did, do you think people would respond to it so openly?”

The brunette pondered for a moment. “I suppose they wouldn’t.”

“Put it this way: Would you approach someone wearing collar in the real world?”

“NO! I’d mind my own business!”

“Exactly.” Kazuto replied. “Most people would behave like that in the real world. But in Speculum, there’s no need. Only the people of your choosing can know your real identity. It makes people feel safe and liberates them from the social boundaries created by modern society. So if they want to shout out at a cute girl indulging in her fetish, they do.”

“Now I also understand what that lengthy list of rules considering physical interaction was for.” Asuna said softly.

“Precisely. They really made maximum use of the private/public avatar system they created.”

What Kazuto hinted at, was the fact that physical interaction or even intercourse was only possible by listing one another on a private list. ‘Public’ bodies had no way of touching one another inappropriately, for obvious reasons.

Granting people access to your body could only be done by adding them to the private list, after which you had to mark them a second time for specifically that privilege, confirming it with your password.

“Thinking about it, a game that offers such a high grade of anonymity but no real combat mechanics could have been a huge risk for sexual harassment. But the private/public system takes all of that off the table.” Asuna surmised.

“But still provides players the liberty to explore whatever fantasy they wish.” Kazuto added.

His brunette lover smiled at him. “Makes it the perfect virtual meeting place for a kinky boy like you!”

“That’s rich coming from someone who let herself be collared in public!” He retorted.

The two spent the rest of their afternoon exploring Speculum, checking out cute shops that allowed for wardrobe changes, visiting a cosy café to catch up on their real lives and even browsing a bulletin board to gain intel on their real purpose for visiting the VR-world: finding out more about the rumoured bdsm scene present in this game.

“Looks like there’s a large amount of fetishes practiced openly in this game.” Asuna said surprised as she and Kazuto discovered a forum containing nothing but kinky threads.

“Guess that means all the buzz was true.” Her dark haired boyfriend replied.

“It’s a miracle this game hasn’t been taken off the shelves.”

“Well you have to be over 20 just to buy it or even register your account. With a restriction like that, you’re already guaranteed to limiting the game to consenting adults. Banning it would just result in less regulated, underground versions.”

“A bdsm game with no rules… Sounds scary.” Asuna muttered.

Kazuto squeezed her butt. “Don’t worry, I’d still be there to keep you safe.”

“Safe-ish.” The brunette corrected with a playful grin.

“Fair point.” Kazuto admitted.

Far sooner than they wished, their time together had come to an end. After enjoying a lovely sunset on a bench overlooking the city skyline, Kazuto and Asuna kissed each other goodbye and logged out.

I can hardly wait until next week Saturday! Asuna thought cheerfully as she dressed herself in a pale pink nightgown and sunk into a deep sleep. I wonder what kind of game Kazuto will have thought up by then…

The next weekend, Kazuto and Asuna met up inside Speculum in an apartment they'd bought with their pooled recourses from ALO hunting spoils. With the deduction of a small fee, money had become easily transferrable between VR communities.

Like everything else in Speculum, the building had been hyper-customizable. The couple had been designing the place in their free time all week and had ended up looking like a very modern apartment, with a high-end kitchen, a top of the range bathroom, and a very spacious living room. Their bedroom had been styled to mimic that of Asuna's real life one, since that had already suited their taste.

Kazuto had been the first to arrive, so he'd settled into the sofa waiting for his lover.

Minutes later, the soft hum of a person materializing could be heard form the bedroom.

"Asuna?" The dark haired young man called out.

"Of course! Who else can pop up in here?" The brunette shouted back, sounding a little annoyed.

He headed over to the bedroom, finding his girlfriend sitting on her bed in snowy white lingerie. The only thing to slightly ruin her perfect body was the stern look on her face.

"Rough day?" Kazuto asked.

"Rough week!" The brunette moaned. "Classes are getting hectic, and I'm not making any progress on my paper! Not to mention I didn't have nearly enough time to finish the kitchen in this place since my parents kept pestering me to join them for dinner parties and whatnot!"

The slender young woman crossed her legs and arms, pushing up her cute breasts a little with those last. "Honestly, it's like everyone had their minds set on hindering me this week!"

Kazuto sat down beside his lover and stroked her hip. "Well, let's try and forget about all of that for today."

"Easy for you to say." The brunette replied, her frown not disappearing.

"Then maybe I should show you what I had in mind for our time here in Speculum. Would that help?"

To his relief, Asuna's sulking look disappeared. "Depends on what you have planned I guess." She replied curiously.

"It'll be more intense, but less public than what we did last week." He replied mysteriously, getting up from the bed.

"Sounds intriguing." She giggled. "I'll get dressed and meet you in the living room."

"No need, if anything I'd need you to strip down to set things up properly."

"You want me naked?" Asuna asked with eyes wide in surprise. "What are you going to do?"

"You'll see." Was the annoying response before the dark haired young man left the bedroom.

"Haaah," Asuna sighed, "evasive as ever."

She took off her underwear nonetheless and sat down on the bed again. Since her boyfriend took a while to return, she casually played with the nipple piercings she'd had done over last spring break. Despite her foul mood at the start of her day, the gentle fondling of her pierced buds brought a smile to her face.

Kazuto and I have had quite a lot of fun with these already. I'm really happy my surprised turned out to have been such a hit! Maybe we should try and think of ways to use them in future games too...

Her thoughts were interrupted by Kazuto's return. He was carrying a small duffle bag which he set down on the bed beside Asuna. "You'll be going out wearing these." He stated, pulling out a thin leather contraption. It looked like a thin leather belt, except for the added strap running down the middle. That last strap had a bit of a bulge in the middle as well.

How do you wear that thing? That middle strap looks like it would...

The raven haired  young man spotted her look of bewilderment. "This is called a chastity belt. Does that ring any bells?"

His girlfriend's mouth dropped open slightly. "Yes it does!"

"You don't like the idea?"

"That's not it, you just caught me off guard. I just didn't expect an accessory that would deny us access."

"It doesn't deny us access though, just you." He replied with a grin, showing her the key to the integrated lock.

Asuna frowned at him. "I forgot about that." If I don't have a key in my storage, I have no way of removing the belt once it's locked on.

"So I guess the premise is I have to earn points or something to get the key to my belt?"

"Nope, you have no power whatsoever in when that thing is coming off again."

"That seems unfair." The brunette sulked. "What if I need to go to the bathroom?"

"You log out."

"That-. Right, Virtual Reality." The young woman replied, mentally facepalming herself. "I guess I'm not yet used to seeing the real you in-game."

"I know what you mean. Before you were here, I spent about 10 minutes looking for the house key before I realized this was Speculum, and you open the door with your ID."

Asuna giggled. "Good to know I'm not the only one then."

"So, do you want me to fit the belt?"

"Sure, but I'll be having a quick bathroom break first then."

"Of course."

When Asuna had relieved herself, she calmly let Kazuto fit her with the belt. After pulling all of the buckles snug, he then slotted everything into the central lock and secured the chastity belt in place.

"Not too tight?"

"Hmmn, no. This is perfect. I think I can last for a while like this." The brunette replied.

"Good to know, because you'll have other things to worry about." Her dark haired lover said, reaching into the duffle bag again and handed her two small padlocks.

"Earrings again?" Asuna said confidently. "You think I'll be worried about those in Speculum, when previously you made me wear them in front of our friends."

"They're not earrings." The young man replied.

"They're not? Then what-"

By manner of response, Kazuto flicked one of the piercings.

"Ah!" The slender brunette yelped, instinctively reaching up to her bosom. But then it clicked:

"You want to hang those from my nipples?!"

"Like I said earlier: More intense, less public. You can hide everything under your clothes so people won't see anything."

"Being seen isn't what troubles me here." Asuna replied. Shaking up the earrings in her hand a little, she suddenly found their weight to be a lot more daunting than before.

My nipples are going to be tingling the whole time with these, aren't they? She realized nervously.

"You getting those piercings was one of the best gifts I've ever received." Kazuto said lovingly. "I figured it was time we used them for something in our games."

Asuna looked at her boyfriend. "You know, I've been thinking the exact same thing." She admitted. "Although I hadn't expected you to come up with something so soon."

"You think it'll be too much? They're made of aluminium to save weight, but they might still be too heavy."

The brunette smiled at him. "That's surprisingly thoughtful from someone as dense as you." She teased.

Now it was Kazuto's turn to frown. "I try my best you know."

"Hihi, I'm just teasing you." She replied, taking off her piercings and gently fitting the first tiny padlock.

However, when she let it hang free...

"Aahh!" The gorgeous young girl gasped. "T-that was more of a shock than I'd expected." She tried to pull the lock open again, but it had already clicked shut.

Right. No keys...

"I'll be taking the key to those locks with me of course." Kazuto assured his girlfriend."

"You'd better." Asuna warned him as she cautiously fitted the other padlock.

After a few minutes, the initial stinging settled down to a monotone throb.

"I think I can bear this." She said as she very gently put on her white panties. But she hadn't prepared for the fact that bending over made the dull pain of the padlocks swell.

"Ooohh." She moaned softly as the vertical pressure on her nipples mixed with the dull pain of the padlocks hanging from them.

"You okay?"

"Mnn. Yes. I'll just have to be careful not to move too swiftly."

"That'll be hard for someone who used to be called 'the flash'." Kazuto joked.

"Keep teasing me and I might just make you 'solo' for today." The brunette retorted.

The dark haired young man looked at Asuna in surprise. "I you can still joke like that, maybe those locks aren't enough of a buzz for you." He hinted, showing the slender young woman a long thin vibrator. "I'll open up your chastity belt again."

But Asuna jumped back to dodge her lover, moaning in pain and enveloping her breasts with her arms to soothe them. She glared at Kazuto. "Look what you made me do!"

"I didn't even touch you though." He countered.

"No vibrator!" She demanded. "I have a feeling this will be plenty of a challenge."

Her boyfriend sighed. "Okay, we'll leave things as they are."

Asuna grinned triumphantly. "Good! Now get out of here so I can get dressed."

"Why should I-"

"Just leave so I can pick my outfit!" The brunette interrupted him, blushing faintly. "I'll ask for your opinion when I'm done."

The raven haired young man sighed again. "Very well."

Kazuto slumped back to the living room, leaving Asuna to open up her wardrobe and project a range of outfits onto herself.

She browsed a wide array of clothes, skipping anything that would sit tightly around her chest.

Going braless to save me irritation will be bad enough, I can't risk someone spotting my nipples poking into my top!

That meant pale colours were out as well.

"Hmm, it's sunny outside, and not that chilly." She murmured to herself. "I suppose a warm dress would be perfect for this weather."

She tried on a few of them, eventually settling on a dark red sweater dress. It hugged her slender body tightly, accentuating her hips and hourglass waist. But thanks to the thick, woolly material she didn't have to worry about her nipples poking through, or about chafing.

A set of dark stockings and some cute black high heels completed her outfit.

"What do you think?" Asuna asked as she walked into the living room.

"That's something I haven't seen you wear before." Kazuto remarked. "Is it a dress made of wool?"

"It's a sweater dress, technically. I don't think the material's actual wool, but it feels soft and warm."

"Well it looks amazing." Kazuto complimented, walking up and hugging his lover to give her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Hmn!" She suddenly yelped. "Don't squish me!"

The dark haired young man looked at her confusedly. "I've hugged you tighter before."

"I wore bras then! And the piercings were less substantial!" She explained.

"You're not wearing a bra?"

"Of course not! I'd trap the padlocks! I don't even want to know how annoying that'd feel."

Kazuto couldn't stop himself from grinning. "So that's where the thick fabric comes in."

"Stop teasing me!" Asuna pouted.

"I'm sorry. You really look nice."

"Thanks. So, should we get going?"

"Yes, let's head  out."

"Where are we going by the way?"

“There’s a market not far from here. It has small foods stands and shops, but the main reason is a large bulletin boards which announces any upcoming events in Speculum.”

“Interesting. Anything in particular you’re looking for?”

“Not really. I read some things about a special event coming up, but I’d like to check the board for proof before I say more.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Asuna asked excitedly as she skipped towards the door, flinching at the tugging of the padlocks but soon shrugging it off with a soft groan. “Let’s go!”

Kazuto grinned at his girlfriend. You really are too amazing for words sometimes.

The lovebirds travelled along the busy roads and promenades to reach the market. Like Kazuto predicted, it was quite lively.

Asuna had to tread carefully not to bump into people. Not so much to betray her lack of a bra, but simply because even a gentle stroke would set her body ablaze!

“You doing okay?” Kazuto asked gently.

“Yes. But maybe let me walk behind you through the busy parts.”

“Sure.” The dark haired young man replied, taking the lead as they waded through the sea of people until they found the bulletin board.

After a few minutes of browsing the topics, Asuna found what Kazuto had hinted at:

“There’s a ‘bondage event’ next week?! I don’t believe it!”

“I’d heard rumours, but didn’t want to say anything in case they were untrue. Turns out they’re legitimate.”

The brunette read some of the details: “A celebration of bdsm, welcoming all. There will be fun and playful events suited for all levels of practitioners or even non-bondage lovers scattered around the Larinne area.”

After taking it all in the couple turned to each other.

“Sounds like a theme park.” Kazuto said.

Asuna nodded. “Something like that. The Larinne area… Do you know where that is?”

“It’s on a different plane than this one. We can get there through the central teleportation hub.” Kazuto explained as he turned to his lover. “Interested?”

“Of course!”

“Then I guess we have our next date set up.” He grinned.

“You bet! I can hardly wait!”

“Then how about we get a little bit of a warm up?” He said, pulling a coil of rope out of his pocket.

She looked at him with wide eyes. “You want to tie me up in public?!”

“That’s what we’ll be doing next week.”

“But that’ll be surrounded by people with similar interests! It’ll be embarrassing if I’m the only one.” The slender young woman protested.

“Hmm,” Kazuto pondered for a moment, “what if we headed back home through less busy streets?”

“T-that might be better.” The brunette replied. Her heart had begun pounding the moment she saw that rope coiled in her boyfriend’s hand. In truth, she wanted nothing more than to go along with Kazuto. But in a place this crowded…

“Then let’s go.” Kazuto replied, taking his girl’s hand and gently guiding her away from the market area and finding a narrower street with solely apartment buildings. There were considerably less players present. “Will this do?”

“Yes.” Asuna replied. “If it’s here, I can manage.” She said. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, this is supposed to be fun for the both of us after all.” The raven haired young man replied.

He proceeded to tie her wrists behind her back, looping some of the rope around her waist to anchor them in place and to further emphasise her lovely figure.

“This should be enough for starters I guess.”

Asuna looked at him in surprise. “That’s it?”

“You expected a full on hogtie or something? We still have quite a ways to walk you know.”

“That’s true I guess. But still, I might even be able to get out of this.” The brunette replied, giving her bonds a testing wriggle. However, her flexing her back and arms to try and manoeuvre them in sight made her tender breasts rub along her dress.

“Ah!” She gasped, instantly turning back round with flushed cheeks.

“You were saying?” Kazuto smirked at her.

“Hmf! I can get out of this without peeking anyways.” His lover said stubbornly, trying to tug at the rope with her fingers to see if she could find the knot.

But to her annoyance, even this limited ropework sufficed to keep her hands secure and out of the way.

“Hmmr.” The beautiful brunette grunted softly as she failed to make the ropes budge. “Haah, haah, haah.” She began panting after a while.

“So, escape attempt failed?” Kazuto taunted.

Asuna glared at her lover. “Don’t sound so smug!”

“You were the one boasting you could get out earlier.” Was his retort.

“Because you don’t usually use so little rope!” She protested. “I thought I might have a shot.”

Kazuto gently pushed his girl against the wall. “And did you?”

“N-No.” She admitted grudgingly. “I’m helpless as ever.”

“Good.” The dark haired young man replied, nibbling her earlobe.

“Kyaaa! Not here!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s embarrassing.”

“Not to me.” Kazuto replied, running his lips along her cheek and neck whilst his hands kneaded her firm buttocks.

Asuna failed to suppress a cute little moan, and she spotted people glancing their way.

They’re looking at us. They’re seeing Kazuto and me…

The brunette began fidgeting again, trying to push her lover away. But her hands wouldn’t respond.

“Kazutoooo!” She mewled.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?”

“I do! That’s the problem.” The brunette hissed. “You’re making me all excited.”

“So? You’ve never complained about that before.”

“Because it’s never been in public before!” She looked at him in a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

“That was the whole point of coming to this world though.” Kazuto retorted.

“I know. It’s just… a little fast.” The brunette said timidly, fidgeting a little.

The dark haired young man gave her a peck on the cheek. “Okay, let’s just go back to the apartment for now.”

“Thanks.” Asuna replied, turning around so Kazuto could untie her again.

“Oh no, those are staying on for now.”


“Well I don’t want to get whacked on the head.”

“That’s a stupid reason. Let me out!” Asuna demanded eagerly.

“No. Not until we get back to the apartment.” Kazuto teased his girlfriend, walking off to make her follow, hands still bound.

“K-Kazuto, hang on!”

The slender young woman sped after him, treading carefully to maintain her balance with her arms pinned behind her back. She couldn’t prevent her bare knockers from rubbing the sweater anymore though.

“Hmnn.” She moaned softly as she caught up with her lover. “Let’s walk slower than normal.” She suggested, leaning her shoulder against his.


The lovebirds made their way back to their place at a lazy pace.

Asuna kept an eye out for any onlookers, but to her surprise her odd posture didn’t attract as much attention as she’d expected. There were a few whistles and people complimenting her on looking cute, but the two lovebirds rarely received more attention than that.

It’s pretty clear this is rope around my waist, so why aren’t people being more forward about this?

“Surprising, isn’t it?” Kazuto remarked. “How at ease people are seeing us?”

“It is. Even if we have the defence of our real selves being hidden, people barely bat an eye at me walking alongside you whilst tied up.”

“That’s partly because of the anonymity you mentioned, but mostly because fetishes are more tolerated and even encouraged in Speculum. The R+ rating of the game meant people didn’t have to worry about offending or upsetting young players, which makes it the perfect environment to live out fantasies you can’t try out in real life.”

“Well, I have seen quite a few people dressed rather oddly already. But we’re the first ones to walk around publicly indulging in bondage fun.”

“It’s not that common an interest I suppose. Makes me wonder how big the turnout will be to next week’s event.”

“We’ll just have to wait and see.” Asuna replied, picking up the pace a little.

“You’re feeling better?”

“No, just eager to get home.” The brunette replied. “My nipples are raw and I’m feeling needy.”

Kazuto laughed softly. “I take it that means you’ll be expecting some pampering?”

“You bet!” His lover mused. “A hot bath plus massage please!”

“Someone’s gotten over the scare of being tied up in public.”

“It’s not as scary when ‘the public’ don’t point and laugh or yell at you.” Asuna chimed. “Although I still feel a little silly, not being able to do something as simple as reaching out my hand.

“I for one think it’s very advantageous.” Kazuto replied, squeezing his captive’s butt firmly.

“Ah! Hey!”

“Just proving my point.” The dark haired young man replied. “I can do as much as this as I want and you can’t stop me.”

“Jeeez, you can be such a tease sometimes!” Asuna giggled, wriggling her butt enticingly.

“Heey, nii-chan!” A youngster yelled as he walked towards them on the pavement. “That looks fun, could I have a go?”

Asuna immediately half hid behind Kazuto. Normally she wouldn’t be afraid of a bold young man like that one, but without her hands everything seemed a little more… daunting.

Luckily her lover did his job. He wrapped his arm around her waist and gently pulled her close. “Sorry, but I’m kind of selfish when it comes to her. I don’t like sharing.” He said with a grin.

To both loverbirds’ relief, the youngster grinned back. “I can understand why. Ah well, better luck next time.” He cheered, walking past them without incident.

“Haaah,” Asuna sighed deeply, “that was close. Now will you untie me?”


“Because what if the next guy isn’t as friendly?” Asuna whispered, fidgeting with her hands. But they still wouldn’t budge.

“Then I’ll protect you.”

“And what if there’s a group?”

Kazuto remained silent. There was no reason to be worried, the private/public system would protect Asuna from any and all unwelcome approaches after all. The fact his lover had forgotten about that was too good an opportunity to pass up.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” He said mysteriously.

Asuna kicked her boyfriend’s shin. “Let me out!” She demanded again, her fingers grasping desperately at the knot which kept eluding her.

“Ow!” The raven haired young man yelped. “Maybe I should add more rope instead.” He threatened.

Asuna’s eyes widened. “You’re joking!”

“Are you willing to push your luck?” Kazuto retorted as he guided his girlfriend around the corner. “Just two more streets and we’ll be at the apartment.”

The brunette looked around and suddenly recognised the buildings. “You’re right…”

She glared at him. “You could’ve told me we were this close!”

“Haha, but you were acting so cutely.” He defended.

“Hmf! That’s no excuse.”

*pinch* Kazuto grabbed his lover’s left buttock again.

“AH!” Asuna yelped, immediately picking up the pace.

“Eager to get home I see?” The raven haired young man remarked.

“Eager to get my bath and massage.” The brunette replied, already smiling again. “My entire body feels tingly from all the excitement.”


5 minutes later, the couple was standing back in their apartment.

“Pfeww, I’m happy to be back here!” Asuna mused as she turned around for Kazuto to remove the ropes.

But rather than fiddle with the knots, a soft jingling betrayed he’d called up a menu.

“Kazuto? What are you doing?”

“This.” Was his only answer. Seconds later, all of Asuna’s clothing disappeared!

“What?! How?!” She turned around, making the padlocks sway freely again.

“I discovered something last night when preparing for today.” The dark haired young man said. “Our marital status carried over during the creation of our accounts. That, combined with us listing each other on the private list, unlocked a few features.”

“Like you being able to mess around with my equipment?!” The brunette said in shock.

“That one actually requires additional conditions. We need to be in a private place for starters, I can’t do it on the streets.”

“Well duh!” Asuna snapped. “If you’d done this to me in public I would’ve broken up with you! Now let me out!”

“No, because that’s a second condition. I can only operate your menu when you yourself can’t.”

“So… since my hands have been tied behind my back, you now can mess around with my clothes?” Asuna surmised.

Kazuto nodded. “If you think about it, it’s just a simplification of what would be possible in the real world too.”

“I guess. But in the real world, when you take off my clothes there’s ample warning. And I can resist it at least a little. AND you’d have to have removed the ropes to get my dress off!” The brunette replied, fidgeting with her ropes which had remained annoyingly intact. Somehow that didn’t feel fair at all!

“All of that is true, which is why I think this is a really cool feature.” Her lover replied smirkingly.

“I’ll bet you do.” Asuna pouted. “So, what about my bath?”

“That’s already running. I activated it from the streets.”

Now the slender young woman’s eyes brightened. “Now that is a cool feature.” She mused, skipping towards the bathroom and very gently lowering herself into the tub.

Her boyfriend followed soon after, having removed his clothes as well he dipped in behind her and pulled the brunette into his lap.

“I’m going to remove those padlocks. Are you ready?”

Asuna took a deep breath to brace herself. “Go.” She whispered, closing her eyes in anticipation.

As the weight pulling on her nipples disappeared, an intensely liberating feeling washed over her perky breasts, spreading all the way through her body until it settled inside her loins.

“Hmnnnn!” She moaned happily, gently nudging her butt against Kazuto’s member. To her delight, it was already hardening.

Kazuto continued to reach around his lover so he could gently massage her breasts.

“Ahhh!” Asuna gasped. “Gently! They’re still extremely sensitive!” She mewled.

Her lover kissed her neck. “Sure.” He whispered, resorting to lightly cupping her tits and kneading them very slowly until Asuna asked him otherwise.

The brunette hummed a soft tune as she settled into her boyfriend’s arms, her body growing needier with every stroke of his fingers. She began pulling against her ropes to reach his penis resting against the small of her back.

Kazuto chuckled. “Someone’s eager.” He remarked as her lets his thumbs run over her nipples for the first time since removing the locks.

“AAH!” Asuna moaned loudly. “Of course I am! I’ve been on edge all day!” She said, taking hold of his member and squeezing it gently. “So how about you stop stalling?”

“Very well.” The dark haired young man replied, carefully helping Asuna turn around so they were sitting front-to-front.

The brunette slowly lifted herself onto his member, leaning forward with Kazuto’s assistance so she could kiss him as well.

As the two locked lips, the raven haired young man made a little thrust with his pelvis.

“Hmn!” His lover yelped in delight, nudging him back eagerly.

Kazuto pulled her closer, nipping at her buds.

Asuna moaned softly, bucking a little to get her boyfriend to hurry up.

He chuckled silently, inadvertently tickling her breasts.

“Get going already.” The brunette giggled.

“Sure, sure.” The dark haired young man said, taking hold of her hips and guiding her body to match his pace.

Kazuto steadily picked up speed, forcing Asuna to take in small puffs of air as her climax rapidly rose to the surface.

“Mooorrre!” She mewled softly, thrusting out her chest a little as she arched her back in hunger.

Her boyfriend didn’t hesitate for a second, pulling her close again so he could pepper her beautiful rack in gentle kisses whilst his own climax bubbled within.

He managed to outlast Asuna, just barely. Mere second after she let out a long, happy moan as her orgasm erupted, Kazuto came with a soft grunt.

“Finally.” Asuna sighed. “I’ve been longing for this ever since we left the apartment this morning!”

“And, was it worth the wait?” Kazuto asked with a grin.

The brunette smiled back at him. “Always.” She whispered, leaning forward to kiss her lover passionately on the lips.

The lovebirds enjoyed a few more minutes in the bath, after which Kazuto finally untied Asuna so she could dry herself off and get dressed again.

“You’ve set the bar quite high for next week.” She teased her boyfriend. “You’d better hope that bondage event will be a big success!”

“It’ll be up to us to make it a success!” Was his determined response.

“Hihi, that’s Kirito talking.” The brunette giggled before giving her boyfriend another kiss. “See you next week.”

“Yes. I love you Asuna.”

“Me too.” The brunette whispered before dematerializing and waking up in her dorm room.

Despite her real body having laid down all day, she still felt exhausted.

Time for bed. I wonder what I’ll be dreaming about this night… She thought as the wide grin adorning her beautiful face refused to disappear.

The following week passed by at an agonisingly slow rate. But eventually the time was there for Kazuto and Asuna to meet up in Speculum again.

After they prepared their item storage for the trip, the two lovebirds made their way to the Larinne area.

The closer they got to the event location, the more people they noticed indulging in bondage and bdsm. The two young lovebirds had elected not to ‘dress up’ just yet, figuring there would be some sort of changing room on site.

But it seemed both of them had underestimated Speculum’s tolerance for fetish this time. There were people walking around in full on latex catsuits, women in nothing but skimpy leather outfits, tightly trussed up,… Everything they’d ever found online and more!

And even more surprising was, there were hundreds of them!

“I never would’ve dreamed there would be this big a crowd!” Asuna said in awe.

“Me neither. Nor that they’d show up already dressed for the occasion.” Kazuto added. “Should we follow suit, or do you want to try your luck at the event and find a changing room?”

“Hmm, let’s go for the latter. I’d feel silly getting ready in the middle in the street, in a hurry.” The brunette replied.

“Fair point.”

Kazuto and Asuna soon enough found entrance to a large, cordoned off park.

“Welcome to Bond-a-con!” A young girl blonde girl said. She was wearing a stunningly skimpy French maid outfit. “Are you first-timers?”

“To the event, or to bondage?” Kazuto asked in return.

“Either.” The girl replied cheerfully. “We welcome all types of bondage lovers, from hard core fetishist to newbies who just want to explore and get some ideas.”

“I suppose we fit somewhere in the middle of that range.” Asuna replied. “We’ve been trying some stuff for quite a while already, but compared to what I’ve seen walk past us already the two of us are into pretty basic stuff.”

“No worries! There’s plenty of sweet and soft fun provided here as well.” The blonde assured them as Kazuto paid he entrance fee. “Have fun you two, if you want to change into anything you bought here, or something you own already, there are changing rooms spread out over the entire area. The closest one is immediately to the right of here.” She explained.

“Thanks, we’ll be making use of that one straight away.” Kazuto replied, guiding his girlfriend towards the changing rooms.

“So, what did you have in mind for me?” The brunette asked curiously.

“Well we were planning to do some exploring so I can’t be too thorough, now can I?”

“True.” Asuna admitted, changing her outfit to something more fitting:

A pair of black high heels, fishnet stockings and a cream coloured, one-piece bathing suit with a low cut top. There was even a cute white pompom attached to the back of her outfit, and a diadem with bunny ears.

Kazuto eyed the sexy costume with wide eyes. “How did you do that?!” He asked surprised. The young man immediately recognised it to be the bunny suit he’d gifted her when they had been together during spring break!

“Hihihi, you’re not the only one who did some research on Speculum’s features!” She stated proudly. “I discovered you can upload your real-world clothes by using 3-D scanners.”

She twirled around on the spot. “What do you think? Impressive, no?”

“I’ll say. You’ve grown even more beautiful in it.” The taller young man replied as he walked up to kiss his lover.”

“Haha, charmer.” She giggled, turning around and folding her hands behind her back. “Let’s get busy, I’m eager to explore this place.”

When the duo left the changing rooms, Asuna had been restrained rather lightly, especially compared to some of the other attendees:

Her hands had been cuffed behind her back, and a similar pair adorned her elbows.

A wide black collar had been buckled around her slender neck.

The true purpose of that collar Kazuto didn’t reveal until they entered the main grounds however. He pulled a white chord out if his storage and clipped one end around a small ring attached to the front of Asuna’s collar.

"Ey!" Asuna growled into the bright red ball gag kept her voice garbled as she eyed the leash. "ah ashun huh eehl (that wasn't the deal)!" She protested. I might be dressed in a bunny suit, I didn’t plan to be led around like a pet!

"It hardly makes a difference here thought." The dark haired young man replied. "Besides, do you want to risk getting separated here? You can't log out like this."

The brunette's eyes widened a little. Good point. Guess he's got his head in the game after all, like always.

But rather than admit that, she just frowned at her dom. "Aihn, esh ehd ohin (fine, let’s get going)."

The two began exploring the entertainment provided on site. There were obstacle courses, fairground rides, even a swimming pool. Basically, everything a normal amusement park offered, just with half the visitors bound and/or gagged.

“Anything catch your eye already?” Kazuto asked his captive.

“huh osha-hul orsh (the obstacle course).”


The brunette nodded. “Aish (prize).”

“I see.” Her boyfriend smiled.

If you made it around the obstacle course in less than one minute, you’d receive a cute cuddly bear.

The course wasn’t all that challenging: first there was a ramp you had to run up, next a beam about half a foot wide you had to cross.  After the ramp and beam, there was an unsteady platform that you had to traverse. Finally, you had to jump from the wobbly platform onto a pillar and from there onto a last, rotating circle-shaped platform. If you made it all the way there, you had to jump only once more and press the large switch built into the floor of the last pedestal to finish the course.

There was a huge ball bit to break your fall should you tumble off it along the way, you could then wade your way through and climb out at the end of the course. But doing so would guarantee not making it beneath the one minute time limit…

The rules to take on the obstacle course were simple: you wear the armbinder provided and you had to travel it barefoot to prevent spraining anything due to running in bad footwear. The entire course was padded anyways.

After Asuna got laced into the leather contraption, she kicked off her shoes and took up position at the starting point.


The brunette sped off like a greyhound out of a track, reaching the end of the ramp in the blink of an eye. She had to slow down in order to safely traverse the narrow beam however, but her limber body allowed her to manoeuvre her way across without incident.

Next up, the unstable floor. The brunette thought determined, gingerly placing her first foot on platform so as not to rock the surface. When her full weight was resting on it, the platform began tilting towards her.

I have to hurry!

She wobbled her way to the other side, jumping off with all her strength to traverse the gap between the wobble platform and the resting pillar.

The crowd cheered at Asuna’s amazing progress, whilst Kazuto just stood there, beaming with pride.

Last part. The young woman thought as she carefully examined the rotating platform to see if there were any slippery spots.

When she’d picked her spot, she waited for it to come round again and hopped on. She almost lost her balance landing due to the platform’s momentum diverting her own, but managed to stay on by sinking to her knees. She carefully crawled back to her feet, her arms fidgeting inside the tight armbinder in a failed attempt to assist her.

Three. Two. One… NOW! She counted off before jumping off the circular platform and landing smack on the huge buzzer panel.

*BUUUUZZZ* The claxon went, indicating Asuna had finished the course well within the time limit.

She descended the course under loud applause and was welcomed by her boyfriend, smiling ear to ear.

“You did great, you just set a new record in fact.” Kazuto complimented as he helped her out of the armbinder.

Asuna smiled around her bright red ball gag. “Annsh (thanks).”

After she put her shoes back on she skipped over to collect her prize.

Kazuto grinned at his lover as she stored the massive teddy bear in her storage “Happy?”

“Esh!” The brunette mused, turning around to let her lover cuff her again.

“My, you are happy!” He chuckled as he put the restraints and leash back in place. “So what next?”

“Shi-hhin, aih eeh ehee (swimming, I feel sweaty).” His cute lover mewled.

“Okay then, let’s head for the pool.”

Inside the changing room, Asuna showed Kazuto her back so he could take out the ball gag and cuffs.

The gag came out rather swiftly, but after that the raven haired young man just began messing around with his menu.

“What are you-?” Asuna had tried to ask when a flash suddenly removed her bunny suit and replaced it with a stunning bikini: It was snow white with bright red trim. The colour scheme reminded her of the ‘knights of blood’ from SAO. In addition to her bikini bottom, there was also a white-and-red cloth knotted off at her right hip, tied in a cute bow. It dropped about as far down as a skirt would, and provided her legs with a little more cover.

The brunette had to admit she looked incredibly cute. But that didn’t make up for Kazuto’s surprise attack.

She frowned at her lover. “I take it that means I’ll be swimming without my hands?”

“Yes.” The dark haired young man said. “It’s not a deep pool anyways, and I’ll stay by your side.”

“Well let’s go then!” Asuna chimed, impatiently fidgeting with the lock of the changing booth. “I’m eager to get a dip and cool off a little!”

Kazuto chuckled as he equipped his own swimming trunks and helped his girlfriend open the door. He then chased her to the pool and they both jumped in the cool water.

“Haaah! This feels great.” Asuna mused as she kicked her legs to stay afloat. “Even if I’m limited in my movement.”

Kazuto swam out ahead of her. “Well the main point was for you to freshen up, not to do laps, right?”

“I know. But still, this feels... odd.” The brunette said, shifting her arms a little. But naturally the cuffs on her wrists and elbows kept them securely pinned behind her back. “Be sure to stay close okay?” She said softly.

“Of course.” Kazuto replied, embracing his girlfriend and guiding her to a shallow patch and sitting her down in his lap to caress her body.

“This feels nice.” She sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder.

“It does. We should go swimming in real life too.”

“Maybe plan our next holiday near the beach?” Asuna offered.

“That’s a good idea actually.” Kazuto replied.

“I’ll browse the net for some options then later.” She said, pushing herself off with her legs as she went for another swim.

Her lover followed, cuddling and kissing her under water and making sure she could reach the surface in time whenever her air was about to run out.

The brunette playfully wriggled her arms every so often, which only made Kazuto want to tease and fondle her wonderful body all the more.

After their relaxing and refreshing dip in the pool, Kazuto and Asuna got dressed again and explored the rest of the grounds.

Suddenly, Kazuto spotted something in a stall. “Wait here for a minute.” He asked out of nowhere, leashing his lover to a pole offering direction to the various stalls and facilities on the grounds.

She glared at her raven haired lover’s back as he walked off. Seriously? What am I now? A horse?!

“Hmnnn!!” She growled, but to her disdain that blockhead of a boyfriend of hers was too focused on whatever had caught his eye.

As he disappeared in a small tent advertising ‘prototype gear’, she suddenly felt terribly alone.

Hurry up! She thought nervously as she eyed the dozens of people that passed her by.

Some of them didn’t even notice the cute brunette helplessly leashed to a pole. Most did, but refrained from interacting. There were odder things going on after all.

One man did approach Asuna however, and to her horror it was the most intimidating specimen she’d seen all day.

The tall, red-haired man surpassed even Egil in height and build, meaning he towered over the slender brunette.

“What’s wrong missy? You look scared. Don’t tell me your master abandoned a gorgeous little babe like yourself?!” The giant asked with a surprisingly gentle voice.

Slightly more at ease at the massive man’s kind eyes. She timidly shook her head. “Eesh on ooh shehuh ohin ow (he’s gone to check something out).”

“And he left you by yourself?!” The man asked surprised. “That’s mean!”

“ESH (YES)!” Asuna yelled, happy someone shared her point of view.

“I wasn’t planning on being away for long though.” Suddenly came from behind the tall man. “I’d overheard someone talking about a really neat set of cuffs.” Kazuto explained as he showed the two a box that had ‘magnetic cuffs’ written on it.

“Oohh! I know those!” The large man said excitedly, looking at Asuna. “Your boyfriend has good taste missy! Then again, seeing how adorable you are, that much was obvious.”

The brunette couldn’t help but blush vividly. “Ahnss (thanks).” She giggled.

“But you!” The man gave a dirty look at Kazuto. “Never leave a pretty girl like her unattended. Before you know it, someone will have snatched her up!”

The dark haired young man smirked confidently. “She’s might be pretty and a girl, but she’s anything but helpless. Trust me, take away those cuffs and hand her a rapier and she could probably take out a dozen of you.”

The massive man blinked a couple of times as he stared at a cutely blushing Asuna.

“You’re kidding.” He said astonished.

“Want to bet?” Kazuto replied.

“I think I’ll abstain.” The large man said. “The fire in both your eyes’ tells me you two are no ordinary couple.”

“No one here is.” The dark haired young man joked, making the giant bellow with laughter.

“You got me there! Enjoy your day you two!”

“Ooh hoo (you too)!” Asuna chimed as the red haired man walked off.

Kazuto removed the leash and led his girlfriend to sit down on a bench. He then took out the ball gag.

“So are you going to tell me what was so important you had to leash me to a darned signpost?” The brunette whined.

By manner of reply, Kazuto opened up the box and revealed its contents.

“Cuffs?” Asuna said surprise. “Don’t we have leather sets of these already?”

“These are something entirely different!” The dark haired young man said enthusiastically as he removed the handcuffs and instead locked a cuff to each of Asuna’s wrists and another pair just below her elbows.

Asuna examined the black metal cuffs. Other than their smooth and shiny surface, they didn’t seem to possess any special features. If anything, they were less practical than the standard issue leather cuffs, because these didn’t have any means of connecting to anything.

“How do these even work? You can’t hook a padlock or chain to them.” The brunette remarked puzzled.

“Because they don’t need anything like that.” Was the evasive response.

Asuna just stared quizzically at her lover. “You’re not making any sense.”

“Just a moment.” Was his reply as he called up a dark blue interface.

The raven haired young man began messing around with projected dials and connective lines, slightly raising his lover’s suspicion.

What on Earth has he put on me?

The answer to that question came soon enough when her arms seemingly began to move by themselves!

“Huh? What?!” The brunette yelped as her hands were lifted off her lap. They then began moving behind her back. “NO!” She moaned in protest as she tried to pull against the invisible force guiding her limbs. But whatever it was that was steering her, it was a lot stronger than she was!

In the end she barely even slowed the cuffs down from joining behind her back, wrist to wrist and elbow to elbow.

She frowned at Kazuto. “Okay, you’ve proved your point.”

“Neat huh?” Her boyfriend said with a boyish smile.

Asuna rolled her eyes. “You and your toys.” She sighed.

“They’re extremely versatile!” Kazuto protested. “The magnetic fields can be altered so each cuff attracts a certain other one. For example, I could switch your current predicament from what it is now to something more secure.”

He then began operating the control panel again. After swiping a few buttons and gauges, Asuna suddenly felt her arms drawn out of place again. Her left wrist cuff suddenly connected to her right elbow one and vice versa. The result was her arms ended up horizontally aligned, trapped flat against her back.

“Okay, I’ll admit that is impressive.” The brunette said grudgingly. “I’m assuming since they’re magnetic, you could make them connect to other metal items as well? Let’s say to a metal pole?”

“Exactly. Just four of these cuffs can provide an unlimited range of set-ups.” Kazuto concluded.

“Is there any chance of these being created in the real world?”

“I doubt it. Controlled magnetism of this scale isn’t possible I think.”

“A shame.” Asuna sighed. “It would make storing our real world toys less challenging if all we had were four of these.”

The dark haired young man chuckled. “True. But let’s not dwell on that. Anywhere you still want to go? I have something in mind but it won’t start for another hour or so.”

“Hmm, in that case how about we ride the Ferris wheel?” The brunette offered, getting up from the bench with an adorable little hop since she didn’t have her hands to push off.

Kazuto grinned at her. “Sure thing my little bunny.”

The lovebirds got in line and eventually got on the Ferris wheel. During their ride, Kazuto suddenly got the idea for a quick little game.

The raven haired young man retrieved a panel gag from his storage and thoroughly silenced Asuna. That way, she didn’t have to worry about moaning or screaming as he tried to get her to climax before the Ferris wheel had made a full revolution.

She’d squirmed and moaned like possessed, but in the held she had managed to hold on.

“Ahn mnff mhrr mhnnm (want to try again)?” She gloated as the carriage arrived back at the starting point.

“No thanks, you won this one fair and square.” He replied as they left the Ferris wheel. “What do you want for a reward?”

She turned her head, showing the buckle of her gag.

“You want the gag removed?”

But to his surprise, the brunette shook her head. “Mfnrr (after).”

Asuna wasn’t making much sense, so her boyfriend took out the panel gag to let her explain properly.

“I needed the gag removed in order to claim my reward.”

“Which is?”

“Cotton candy!” She chimed. “I saw a stall nearby when we were riding the Ferris wheel.”

Kazuto looked at her in surprise, then just began laughing softly. Every time I think I have you figured out, you show a whole new side to me!

“Cotton candy huh? How cute.”

Asuna frowned. “What? I’m hungry!”

“Alright, alright. I did say you earned a prize. Let’s go.”

Kazuto bought his girl a large cotton candy and held it out in front for her to nibble parts off it.

“Yummy!” She chimed, smiling cutely at her boyfriend.

“When you’re finished, we should head for that large tent in the centre of the grounds.”

“Why? What’s there?”

“Something called ‘the bondage community’. It’ll provide ‘masters’ and ‘subs’ the opportunity to exchange experiences.”

“Seriously? So we’ll talk about the games we play and such?!” Asuna said surprised, blushing a little.

“You don’t like the idea?”

“Well, I think I’d feel a little embarrassed to hear you talking about the stuff you do to me in front of other people.” The brunette said softly.

“Oh, but we’ll be split into two groups. The dominant halves will be gathered in one room, and the subs in another.”

“Hmm, I guess that will make things cosier. Like a gathering of kindred spirits.”

“I think that’s the general idea, yes.” The dark haired young man replied. “So you want to check it out?”

Asuna nodded. “Let’s do it!”

They arrived at the registration desk barely in time, there were only four spots left.

“You two are lucky to make it!” A blonde girl sitting at the desk said. “This little event drew a lot more people than we expected.”

“Probably because you’ll get to share thoughts and fantasies here without having to truly expose yourself.” Asuna said. She occasionally forgot her and Kazuto’s real forms were only visible to themselves. “After all, there’s no risk of meeting someone in the streets after you’ve laid your heart bare in front of them in Speculum.”

“True.” The cute blonde admitted. “Now run along, they’ll be starting soon.”

Kazuto and Asuna rushed inside, with Kazuto having to take a right and Asuna a left to end up in their groups.

“Hello?” Asuna said timidly. “I’m not too late am I?”

“You made it just in time!” A cheerful young woman with jet black hair that dropped down all the way to her hips replied. “You’re the last one to join our group so take a seat.” She gestured at the large round couch everyone else had nestled themselves in.

The brunette hurried to take a spot, checking out all of the other attendees. Most were women, but to her surprise there were also two men present. Just like her, each of the ‘subs’ had also been bound.

There were people in straightjackets, in armbinders, in leather harnesses that strapped their arms to their sides, in manacles and chains,…

The gorgeous young woman that had welcomed Asuna was wearing a stunning set of golden manacles and chains that connected her wrists and ankles by a series of gold chains. The glimmering restraints were a perfect set-off against her dark purple dress.

“You look very beautiful.” Asuna complimented the hostess.

“Hihi, thank you. But you’re quite the adorable little girl yourself!” The raven haired woman replied.

The group nodded.

“Are you new to bondage?” A girl with dark brown hair trapped in an armbinder asked curiously. “You seem a little nervous.”

“I’m not exactly new. But this is my first time being tied up in such a public place.”

“Well then Speculum is the perfect place for you to get started.” The girl replied, crossing her legs as she settled into the couch. “I remember the first time my master took me to a real world bondage convention. I felt so embarrassed I wanted to sink through the floor!”

Most of the people in the circle grinned, they remembered that feeling.

“Do all of you call your partner ‘master’?” Asuna asked curiously.

“Not all of us. And some of us only do it when addressing him or her.” One of the only two men explained. “How do you call your lover?”

“Just by his name.”

“How cute.” A blonde girl chimed. “I used to do that with Kyle as well. But as we progressed it just felt more natural to address him as ‘master’. He never complained about it so I guess he felt the same.”

“So you switched to call him master of your own accord?” Asuna said surprised.

“Why not? Hasn’t your relationship with your lover developed over time?”

The brunette pondered for a moment. “I guess it has.” She admitted. “We met and fell in love online, and managed to keep our real world relationship going by bridging the distance in a VRMMORPG. Eventually the kinky games we played in that world transferred to the real one, and now we’re in Speculum to take things to an even higher level.”

The raven haired hostess nodded. “A lovely story.” She commended. “I’m sure others sitting here have a similar tale to tell.”

The group nodded, and began sharing experience and telling of rather comical newbie mistakes they’d made.

Over the course of the round table session, Asuna laughed, gasped and shivered the time away.

The slender young woman also found out something rather surprising: Those odd feelings and doubts that she was overcome with her every now and then, despite her lengthy experience and Kazuto's efforts, were more normal than she'd expected. Especially the fact her feeling embarrassment is so common surprised her. Everyone there had experienced it on several occasions already, despite having looked so completely natural and at ease in their bondage right now!

When the group session was nearing its end, a large group of men -and two women- suddenly entered the room. When Asuna spotted Kazuto was among them she realized what was going on. The doms were joining the subs… but for what purpose?

That was revealed when the group emptied small duffle bags in the middle of the sub circle.

A stack of keys and other implements the captives would need to free themselves piled up.

The men and women then turned to their respective partner with a bright smile.

"Good luck!" They say before leaving again.

“That’s it?!” Asuna yelped surprised. “We’re supposed to escape by ourselves? I don’t even know how mine work!”

“What kind of cuffs are you wearing then?” The redhead woman sitting beside her asked. She had been strapped into a contraption of several leather belts that anchored her wrists at either hip, and perfectly accentuated her curves whilst also covering up the most important bits.

“Something Kazuto bought just today during this event. He called them ‘magnetic cuffs’.”

“Oohh, bummer. Those can only be deactivated using either the interface or a tiiiny little remote control. Good luck finding that needle in this haystack" She giggled.

The brunette’s eyes widened. “Great!” She moaned. "Well if I'm going to spend my time searching, I might as well look out for your keys as well."

"Thanks hun." The young woman said, after which she described the keys she'd need.

The large group of young women and men then started sifting through all of the equipment. A few of them got lucky thanks to their doms marking the keys and other escape equipment beforehand.

Asuna was one of those lucky ones. Well, sort of.

"Is there anyone who feels associated to the nickname 'bunny-chan'?" A tall woman in cuffs and leg irons asked.

The brunette froze on her knees. He wouldn't have. She thought.

"It's a tiny remote, from the looks of it brand new." She continued.

He did. Asuna sighed. "That would be me I think." She said, getting to her feet and hurrying over.

One or two of the girls chuckled as she ran past. "You should feel proud." The hostess complimented Asuna. "That bunny suit you're wearing is a perfect fit!"

"Thank you." Asuna replied, blushing heavily as she took the remote in her hand and began blindly fumbling around it to search for a button or switch.

*hmmmnn* The cuffs made a soft hum as they deactivated and granted the young bunny girl free use of her arms again.

"Pfeww, at least he put in batteries." She sighed relieved.

The tall woman that had given her the remote giggled. "Oh, is your master the mischievous kind?"

"You have no idea." Asuna grinned, a hint of pride permeating her voice.

She then delved back into the stash to help others escape their predicaments.

When Asuna finally left the tent along with the other subs, Kazuto was sitting on a bench drinking a can of coffee. He also had a can of warm tea ready for his girl.

"I see you managed to find the remote." He said cheerfully.

"Yes, your hint was painfully clear." The brunette replied with a playful frown.

"I didn't know if you guys would use your real names so I didn't want to risk you having to make yourself known by my doing." He explained.

"You're sweet to think of that, but 'bunny-chan' wasn't exactly a good alternative. Couldn't you have used something like 'lightning flash'?" Asuna replied, taking a sip from the tea.

"I'll keep it in mind for next time." Kazuto replied. "Anything you still want to check out?"

She shook her head. "No thanks, to be honest I'm feeling a little drained. Today has been a very eventful day."

"Did you like it?"

"Oh God, yes! If this event ever comes back, we're attending again!"

"My thoughts exactly." Kazuto replied with a bright smile.

After that the couple returned to their apartment and enjoyed their evening lazing in the couch together, cuddling and kissing in front of the fireplace.

"See you in three weeks." Kazuto said softly as he prepared to log out.

Asuna moaned softly. "That still sounds so long!"

"I know, but look on the bright side: we'll be together in reality then."

The brunette sighed. "I know, I can't hardly wait."

"You and me both."

It was true. No more VR dates for the most famous SAO couple... Because summer break was coming up! 


Both of them had saved up enough money for a decent holiday trip. After a bit of browsing, Asuna had found a destination that appealed to the both of them: The city of Davao, located in the South of the Philippines.

The lovebirds met up in Asuna's house and made the journey to the airport from there. Their trip was smooth, and the hotel they arrived at was everything the web had promised them.

Their hotel room was spacious and beautifully decorated. The bed was almost as large as Asuna's king size bed back home.

The bathroom was tiled with large slates of polished marble and had both a huge shower and separate bathtub. Both could easily accommodate 2 people. 

"This looks amazing!" Kazuto said in awe. "How did you manage to find a place like this?"

Asuna giggled. "My father recommended this hotel, it's part of a world-wide chain and he always stays in them."

"I can see why." The dark haired young man replied as he sat down in a massive chesterfield couch.

"Let's start by unpacking." Asuna suggested. "After that we can explore the hotel a little and get ready for dinner."

"Sure." Kazuto replied, getting back up again.

After the young couple had gotten a brief tour of the hotel's lay-out by one of the staff, they returned to their hotel room and got dressed for dinner.

Kazuto had put on a pair of black long trousers, a white shirt and a black blazer.

Asuna was wearing a beautiful pale blue dress which hugged her body in all the right places. It dropped down to just above her knees, making it classy enough for the hotel's formal dinner dress code.

The lovebirds made their way to the lavish buffet and enjoyed an evening of casual chatting, catching up on the weeks past and of course gourmet level food.

"Haaah, that was delicious!" Kazuto sighed as he let himself fall back onto the bed. "The chefs here might even surpass your cooking."

Asuna giggled. "Might? I think you're giving me too much credit there." She said as she sat down in the couch and took off her white high heels. "But you were right, that food really was delicious. Tomorrow I'll pace myself a little more though, I didn't have any room left for desert this time!"

Kazuto got up. "Good, because I was planning to serve that in here." He said mysteriously.

"Oh? Are you ordering room service?"

"In a minute, I have to set things up first."

"What things?" The brunette asked curiously.

By manner of reply, Kazuto pulled a small leather case out from under the bed.

"Am I finally going to learn what's in there?" Asuna remarked.

Kazuto had been very adamant at Asuna not peeking into that single case during the travel.

"In here is all the equipment I brought for our playtime." The raven haired young man replied calmly, making his girl sit bolt upright.

He smirked at her. "Ah, aah! You still can't peek. That would ruin the surprises yet to come." He teased her.

Asuna glowered at him. "Stingy!"

"Just close your eyes for now."

Despite being extremely curious, the brunette played along and averted her gaze so Kazuto could retrieve what he'd need for the night.

"Okay, you can look now."

She immediately turned her head, and her heart began fluttering what she saw: Gorgeous wine red silk ribbons of varying length.

"I figured we could use something other than rope for a change. These should feel softer on your skin."

Asuna rushed over to the bed to feel the silk. She moaned softly as the sleek material sent a shiver down her spine. "When are we getting started?"

Kazuto blinked a few times, then chuckled softly. "I don't think I've ever seen you this excited! We can start as soon as you've changed. I don't want that dress to get rumpled."

"I'll be right back!" Asuna chimed as she dove into the bathroom.

Whilst the brunette stepped out of her dress, Kazuto ordered room service and prepared the ribbons by tying two the lower corners of the bed and connecting a third centrally aligned to the headboard.

A few minutes later, the slender young woman returned to the bedroom. Kazuto felt his mouth drop open as he slowly took in the image before him.

Asuna was wearing a black negligé, the fabric so sheer it was see-through. The bra had been incorporated and served to push up her shapely breasts. She was also wearing a black lace thong, consisting out of almost nothing but string so as to show off as much of her perfectly smooth skin as possible. Lastly, she was wearing black stockings with and elastic band to keep them from dropping.

"What do you think?" She said softly, sensually even.

Kazuto remained silent for a moment. Asuna looked so radiant right now it was making him tremble on the bed.

"Kazuto?" The brunette asked nervously. "You like it, don't you?"

That shook the dark haired young man awake again. "Like it? I love it!" He said ecstatically.

"Hihi, well I knew black was your favourite colour."

"True, regardless of what colour you'd have picked, you would have looked amazing wearing that."

The slender young woman blushed. "I'm glad you like it so much." She said as she walked over to the bed.

Kazuto gently embraced his lover and immediately began kissing her even as he guided her to lie in the middle of the bed, her head resting on a large and fluffy white pillow.

"mhnn." The brunette moaned cutely as she let his tongue enter and play with her own. She wrapped her arms around his neck for support and pulled herself up to his chest.

When she was lying in position, Kazuto gently took hold of her wrists and crossed them above her head. He then coiled the silk ribbon hanging from the headboard around her wrists and firmly knotted it off.

Asuna gave it a little testing tug, but there was no give. "Snug." She commented, smiling at her boyfriend. "But comfortable."

"That's what I was going for." The dark haired young man replied as he brushed his lips along her neck and collarbone. She gasped in anticipation, sliding her left leg along the sheets to nudge his.

Her boyfriend moved down to the end of the bed, taking hold of her ankles and tying one to a ribbon each to keep her legs spread out and trapped flat against the bed.

Asuna kicked her legs to test these bindings as well, but she found herself completely pinned down on the massive bed. "So, you've got me right where you want me. Now what?"

"Your blindfold." Kazuto said as he showed her a wider piece of black silk.

"Exciting!" She giggled as her lover tied the scarf securely into place, completely obscuring her vision.

"Now we wait for room service to arrive."

"What did you order?" The brunette asked curiously.

"Finding that out will be the game."

"A taste test? What's my prize?"

But before Kazuto could reply, a knock on the door announced room service's arrival.

The dark haired young man rolled the cart into the room and gave the waiter a nice tip before closing the door again.

He then climbed onto the bed and took the first sweet: a tiny pastry with bright pink glazing.

"Open up." He said as he hovered the mini-cake in front of Asuna.

The brunette reached up with her head and sniffed cautiously before parting her lips to let Kazuto slip the dessert inside.

She chewed slowly, letting the sweet taste wash over her tongue.

"So, what's in it?"

"Hmm, it's sugary. With hints of marzipan." Asuna analysed.

"Correct, one more thing."

"Hmm... Almonds?"

"Bingo!" Kazuto replied, making the brunette grin. "And your prize..."

The dark haired young man slowly slipped his finger underneath his captive's panties and began tickling her labia.

"Haaahh!!" Asuna gasped in surprise, pulling her silk bindings taut in delight.

But faaaar to quickly, Kazuto pulled back again.

"Hey!" The gorgeous young woman mewled disappointed.

"Next snack." Came back, with her dom already holding a bonbon.

She eagerly opened up for the next sweet, and first rolled it around her tongue before taking a bite.

"Hmnn!" She moaned happily. "These are chocolates!"

"Naturally, but what's the special ingredient?"

"Liquor? No you want it more specific I guess... Whiskey?"


"Hmmm… Bourbon then?"

"Correct." Kazuto replied as he dug a little deeper in the brunette's lovebox, stroking her clit ever so faintly.

"Mooorrre!" She howled needily.

"Of course." Kazuto replied, taking a third snack.

"I meant the fondling!" Asuna yelped.

"Then open up."

His girl almost chomped the sweet out of Kazuto's hand in her lunge for it.

"Moelleux!" She exclaimed almost immediately.

"That was fast."

"It's one of my favourites! Now get to work!" She demanded, bucking her hips.

"Haha, who's in charge here exactly?"

"You are, but I'm the one being pampered." She giggled.

Kazuto sighed. "No argument there."

He fondled Asuna's pussy a little longer now, allowing her to properly build towards a climax. He also began kneading her breasts a little, squeezing their supple flesh to sent wave after pleasurable wave coursing through her body.

"Next snack!" She gasped. "I'm hungry for more!"

"For the food or the pleasure?"

"All of it!"

Kazuto barely stopped himself laughing. Well, it IS a holiday.

"Sure thing Asuna, brace yourself this one is cold." He warned as took a tiny scoop of raspberry sorbet from a metal container surrounded by ice.

The second the ice cream hit her tongue, his lover almost began humming in enjoyment.

"Ai uv as-he-hee (I love raspberry)!" She said before she'd even swallowed.

"I know you do, it's why I ordered it." The young man said proudly as he ate one of the brownies delivered before pinching her clit and rubbing her labia.

After almost an hour of Kazuto's food-based pleasuring, Asuna felt fulfilled. Blind tasting all of those delicious dishes had sent her taste buds on a roller coaster ride. But her stomach aside, the rest of her body still felt voracious... Just in a different manner.

"Kazuto, stop stalling!" The brunette mewled, her hips bucking in an adorable attempt to find her partner –who had left the bed momentarily to tidy up the dessert cart-.  "I want you, now!"



Jeez, why do I always fall for this? EVERY time a blindfold's involved, I end up calling out to him like some desperate teenager!

"Kazuto!" The brunette yelled, trying to sound confident and forceful. "This isn't funny!"

Without any warning, the dark haired young man suddenly jumped on the bed wearing nothing but his boxers, landing right beside Asuna.

"Ah!" She yelped. "You startled m- mpff?!" The brunette tried to say, only to have her words smothered by his tongue slipping past her lips and frolicking around with her own.

"Hmnnhhn." She moaned softly as he tenderly bit her lower lip.

"Would you be alright with a gag?" He asked in a near-whisper.

"Would I be able to resist you if I wasn't?" She retorted, wriggling cutely on the bed. But as she'd suspected, her silk restraints hadn't slacked at all.

"I thought I'd ask at least." Kazuto replied before tying a knotted cleave gag into place and giving her a peck on the cheek. "I'll stop making you wait now."

"Hmnnn!" His girl sighed relieved as Kazuto pulled down her thong and removed his own boxers.

As the dark haired young man slowly entered his captive, she shuddered in anticipation, already bucking her hips in her eagerness to receive his love.

Kazuto got off to a fiery start, rocking his hard member inside of her at a high pace thanks to her slit already being warm and wet with hunger.

"HMMNNNNNRRR!!" Asuna bit down on her gag, trying her best to match Kazuto's pace.

Hold out! She thought silently. I have to hang on for a little while until he's-

"HMNF!" She suddenly yelped as her boyfriend pulled down her bustier and sunk his teeth in her right nipple. Thanks to the blindfold, she hadn't seen that coming at all! And it had propelled her to the utmost edge.

"hmn, mnnf, hmmnnnn!!" The brunette moaned into her gag as her climax surged far sooner than she'd planned.

But Kazuto didn't slow down. On the contrary, he himself was also yearning for release, but not before his girl had come a second time.

He gritted his teeth as he began thrusting more vigorously, making his bound and gagged damsel howl in delight.

Already?! She thought in shock as her second climax came knocking despite the first still coursing through her.

Almost there. Kazuto thought as he kissed Asuna's breasts and clenched the sheets to keep his own pulsating orgasm down.

"Hmnnrrrr!" Both lovebirds groaned as they came almost simultaneously.

"ehof (enough)." Asuna gasped. She needed rest right now, otherwise she was in danger of passing out!

Luckily Kazuto shared her sentiment, because he gently pulled back and kissed his girlfriend on the lips.

He then removed the gag and blindfold. His face was reddish, though not as glowing as Asuna's.

"Satisfied?" He asked, panting a little.

Asuna just nodded, too absorbed in the afterglow to get word out.

"Good, because I'm spent. Must be a bit of jetlag." The dark haired young man said as he lied down beside the brunette for a sweet cuddle.

"Well I have no complaints." Asuna sighed as her breathing normalized.

"That's a relief. I would hate to start our vacation with a disappointment." The raven haired dom said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"You could never disappoint me." The bodacious brunette said lovingly, turning her head to kiss him back on the lips.

The following day, Kazuto suggested they visit a nearby beach. It went on for miles and thanks to them visiting outside of the holiday season, certain parts of it were completely deserted.

He had put on a simple pair of black swimming trunks. Asuna meanwhile had dressed herself in a cute dark blue bikini.

"This seems like a good place." He said as he set up the umbrella and laid down two bath towels.

"Yes, no one will bother us here, and the view is magnificent." Asuna commented as she sat herself down and rubbed some sunscreen."

Kazuto followed suit, after which the lovebirds did each other's back and started the afternoon off with some relaxation in the sun.

"So, any more games planned for today?" Asuna asked curiously.

"Yes actually, something to do right here if you're interested."

"Really? On the beach? In the open?"

"Well we hiked all the way over here so we'd have privacy. Why not make use of it?"

"I guess." Asuna admitted. "What did you have in mind?"

Kazuto pulled four metal tenting stakes out of his backpack. At least they looked like it, apart from the umbrella shaped bottom. "These will even embed themselves securely into a loose surface like sand." He explained.

"I gathered that, but why did you bring them? Are you going to set up a tent?"

"No, they'll be anchoring points."

"But for what?" The brunette insisted.

"For you."

That made her eyes widen behind her sunglasses. "You're going to tie me to those things?!"

"Well do you see anything else around?" The dark haired young man replied casually as he hammered the stakes into the sand, several feet removed from her towel.

"One warning before we get started.” Asuna interrupted. “While I'm tied up I won't be able to put sunscreen on. So be sure to check up on me regularly. I'd rather not get sunburned on our second day."

"Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on you all the time." Kazuto promised as he returned to his backpack, all the stakes firmly in place.

“You’d better.” Asuna warned him, settling herself on her dark blue towel.

Kazuto then looped a rope around each stake and then tied them to his lover's wrists and ankles. The end result was her lying down on her towel with her legs stretched out and her arms lying beside her. There was enough slack provided on each rope to let her twitch and stretch slightly so she wouldn’t get stiff. Getting out however, was out of the question.

Asuna gave her bonds a quick test. “It’s nice of you to leave me a little slack so I can move around somewhat.”

“Well this is a vacation for you too, isn’t it? I want you to be comfortable.” The raven haired young man said as he lied down on his own towel to enjoy the rays of the sun for a few minutes. Her conscientious boyfriend even took care to temporarily remove the ropes so she could flip on her belly, after which he tethered her in place again so her back could get a tan too.

When Asuna asked for a new layer of sunscreen, the dark haired young man responded again by momentarily freeing his lover and rubbing another thin layer of sunscreen on her body.

Asuna continued to relax her afternoon away in the warm Philippine sun and the soothing sound of the ocean. She would’ve dozed off, if not for Kazuto suddenly getting the urge to pepper her body in kisses and pinch her nipples once or twice. The brunette had taken out her piercings for the sunbathing, but that didn’t mean her buds were any less sensitive!

“Mhnnn!” She moaned eagerly as her lover caressed her skin with his soft lips.

But that was nothing compared to when he began running his fingers along her sides.

“Aaahh!” Asuna yelped, flinching uncontrollably thanks to the tickling sensation. But Kazuto’s stakes were firmly embedded in the sand and she had nowhere to hide.

“Stop it!” She mewled, giggling with laughter.

“Not yet, you look to cute right now.”

“Kazutoooo!” His helpless girl moaned, bucking on her towel and pulling at the ropes with all her might. But they were too strong for her to break, and every time she had pulled at them she’d tighten up the knots. By now they were so thoroughly done up you’d need a knife to pick them loose!

Mercifully, Kazuto stopped after a while to let Asuna catch her breath.

“You thirsty?”

“Yes, actually. You’ve made me work up a sweat.” The sunbathing beauty replied.

Kazuto took a small bottle of iced tea from the refrigerated box and fed Asuna through a straw.

“Hmm, tasty!” She mused, shifting a little to get comfortable again.

“Feeling refreshed?”

“A little, the sun is still warm though.”

“Let me help you with that.” The dark haired student replied as he removed Asuna’s bra.

“Hey! We’re still in public!” His helpless lover protested.

“But the beach is abandoned. And it would be a shame to neglect these.” He retorted as he flicked each nipple with his tongue.

“Hiii!” The brunette yelped, trying to sit upright but snapping back on the towel thanks to her restraints. “That tickles!”

“Then wait until I use these.” The raven haired young man said as he pulled one of the ice cubes from the box.

Asuna’s eyes widened. “No! No way! Don’t you- AAAHH!!”

Kazuto had barely even dipped the cube onto his damsel’s pert little nipple, but even that had been enough to draw out a startled shriek.

“That’s cold!” She moaned.

“Well how else am I supposed to cool you off?”

“That’s a terrible excuse!” The brunette pouted, trying to slap the ice cube out of his hand. But the rope fell short, leaving her powerless to resist another stroke of the ice along her firm and perky breasts.

Asuna squealed and struggled for the life of her, but in the end she never once managed to evade Kazuto. Not the droplets he let fall on her naked upper body, nor the actual contact of the cube.

However, the fun ended abruptly when Kazuto thought he’d heard something nearby.

“Put that thing away!” Asuna demanded.

“Shh!” Her boyfriend hissed, chucking the ice cube. “I think someone’s getting closer.”

“What?” The brunette gasped, trying to listen for any sounds as well now.

Indeed, there really were noises being carried by the wind. People were approaching!

"Untie me!" Asuna hissed!

"There's no time!" Kazuto replied, burying the stakes with a quick scoop in each direction and covering her breasts with her bra. "Just lie still and no one will notice."

“What?!” The brunette yelped, but the sound was by now so close there was no further room for argument.

“Mommy, let’s go swimming!”

“Later dear, we need to make a quick stop at the hotel first.”

It was a young girl with her parents, walking along the sand about half a dozen feet removed from the lovebirds.

Asuna remained frozen in place, her eyes closed to pretend she was asleep. But in truth her heart was beating like crazy!

“Look mommy, there’s people there!” The child went.

NO! Don’t come here! The brunette thought nervously.

“Come back Charlotte!” The father called out. “Those people are on holiday like us, let’s leave them their rest.”

“Okaaay!” The well-behaved girl chimed, running back to her parents.

Asuna twitched on her towel. That was close…

When the group of three had left earshot, the slender young woman breathed a deep sigh in relief and tried to sit upright again. But the ropes snapped her back like every other time.

“Kazuto! Get me out!"

Her lover sat up and looked at her in surprise. "What? But the coast is clear again."


"Okay, okay. I suppose the mood was somewhat spoiled."

Kazuto quickly untied his lover, who subsequently jumped him with such force they rolled along the pearly white sand. Asuna ended up on top, her legs either side of her boyfriend's thighs.

She lowered her body until she was virtually lying on top of him, and kissed him full on the lips. Her long hair draping down past Kazuto's head.

"That little heart-stopper just now has kick-started my body." She whispered, nudging her pussy into his lap.

"Seriously? You're horny because of that near-exposure?"

"Less talking more kissing!" She moaned, taking hold of his lower lip with her teeth and gently pulling on it.

Kazuto smirked and rolled his girl onto her back so he was back on top. "Your wish is my command." He joked before gently removing her bikini and his own trunks.

The two then made love to each other on the once again abandoned beach, the gentle soundtrack of the crashing waves underlining Asuna's soft, lustful cries.

After their moment of passion, the two lovebirds went for a quick dip in the ocean to freshen themselves up. Asuna playfully splashed water over her boyfriend, giggling cutely as he chased her around.

When the time came to head back for their hotel however, the brunette's mood plummeted when she was getting dressed.

"Kazuto! Look at this!" She shrieked, startling her boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" He asked nervously as he looked at her outstretched arm. And then he saw something that made his heart skip a beat.

There were four small strips of white skin leftover where the ropes had covered her wrists and ankles!

Asuna glared at her boyfriend. "How am I supposed to explain this?!"

"Matching bracelets?" He tried, smiling faintly.

"You!! This isn't funny!" She moaned.

"We'll do more sunbathing later today. And we'll get you some lotion to speed up the tanning process." He said apologetically. "That should help even you out."

"Let's hope so." The brunette sulked. "If Liz sees this she'll have a field day!"

Mercifully, Kazuto's prediction came true. Thanks to that, Asuna's mood had lightened considerably over dinner. The gorgeous view on the setting sun probably had something to do with that as well...

For their third day, the young couple decided on exploring the city of Davao. After a hearty breakfast they retreated to their room and prepared for their trip.

"Have you packed everything we'll need?" Kazuto asked Asuna.

"Yes, we're set to go." The brunette replied cheerfully.

"Well, almost." The raven haired young man replied mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"I was planning to have you wear this for the day." Kazuto elaborated, showing her a dark brown leather collar. It was very thin and discrete. At first glance it even looked more like a necklace... Until you took a closer look and noticed the obvious buckle and the small ring that would hold a leash.

"You want to collar me? In public? In the real world?!" The brunette said shocked, her legs turning to jelly.

"Well we're in a foreign country, nobody knows you here. Plus the collar doesn't stand out very much." Kazuto defended his idea.

"Are you going to lock it in place?"

"No. Whenever you feel like removing it, you can."

She began breathing more easily. "That's a relief I guess... What gave you this idea?"

"Well in Speculum you found the public element very exciting, so I assumed you'd like to try it out here as well. You managed just fine at the beach yesterday."

"That place was abandoned though."

"Would you be up for something more hidden?" Kazuto suggested, showing her two heart-shaped padlocks. Their minute size immediately betrayed to his girlfriend that they were meant for her nipples.

"That's what you tried in Speculum!"

"Like I said: I wanted to replicate the highlights in the real world."

"Hmm, well it is tempting." Asuna admitted, eying the padlocks and collar. Her heart was already beating faster just imagining the sensation.

"Haah, let's do it!"

Half an hour later, the lovebirds stepped out of the bus that drove from their hotel to the city centre.

"You okay?" Kazuto asked.

"Y-Yes. The rocking of the bus wasn't exactly helpful," she replied, unconsciously reaching up for her bra hidden beneath her beige tank top, "but if I sit down for a few minutes I'll be fine."

"Then let's do that." He replied, guiding Asuna to a bench in the shade.

"Haah, I never expected those things to be so potent!" She said softly. "I managed just fine in Speculum."

For reasons poor Asuna couldn't understand, walking around in the real world with her hidden padlock piercings felt 10 times as exciting!

"Maybe it's because you're not seeing generic characters everywhere, but real people." Kazuto suggested.

"I guess that makes sense." The brunette replied as she got up from the bench and pulled her lover along. She took a firm grasp of his arm as they started walking for the first tourist spot on their list. "But as long as I can walk close to you, I feel calm." She said sweetly.

"Likewise." He replied, giving her a gentle kiss on the side of her head.

The two young lovers spent the first half of the day touring the city. Asuna had been weary of any people glancing in her direction and spotting her collar, but after two hours she realized people were barely noticing her or Kazuto.

I'm getting wound up for nothing! She thought to herself, feeling a bit embarrassed at her overreaction. I'll bet even if Kazuto had padlocked it down no one would've batted an eye.

If only the second element to her kinky outfit had been as inconspicuous. Because whilst the collar barely even made itself known to her, the padlocks hanging from her nipples demanded her attention with almost every step!

Despite her putting on one of her more comfortable frilly white bras, the shock to her body with every shift of the padlocks caused an amazingly erotic ripple.

"How are you holding up?" Kazuto asked when they'd taken a seat in the sun on one of the countless cute cafés lining surrounding the town square.

"Honest answer?"

The dark haired young man frowned rather worried. "Of course."

"I'm hornier than you can imagine." The brunette admitted more to her cocktail than to her lover, she'd half whispered her words into the long thin glass.

Kazuto almost chocked on an ice cube. After calming down, he leaned over. "You don't mean... you want to..."

Asuna's eyes widened. "Of course not!" She hissed. "There isn't a quiet place for miles!"

"Want to take the padlocks out?" Her boyfriend offered, handing her the keys.

"That would be safest, yes." Asuna admitted, briefly retreating to the toilet.

She sat herself down on a closed toilet bowl and very carefully laid bare her rack.

"Aahhhnn!" She failed to stifle her moan as the metal piercing her nipples came out.

The slender young woman had to remain seated in that cubicle for almost 10 more minutes, rubbing her knockers to soothe their tingling. She had to stop what she was doing twice over because other women walked into the lavatories and she didn’t want to risk moans escaping her with others present.

When she finally came back out, Kazuto had handled the bill and they headed for the next destination on their list.

"I'm assuming you have a replacement game prepared now that I've had to cut this one short?" Asuna asked.

"Yes and no. I still have something in mind for today, but it'll have to wait until tonight, when we're back at the hotel."

"Will it involve a reward?"


"I can hardly wait." The brunette giggled.


Later that day, or technically during the very first hour of the day after, Kazuto had finished his preparations for Asuna's challenge:

She had to leave their room with her arms tied behind her back in a reverse prayer, wearing nothing but a set of pink underwear! The underwear in question consisted of a pink lingerie set, with a cute little bow of white silk adorning the sides of her panties and the centre of her bra.

There had also been a chest harness woven into the reverse prayer for added support, and a knotted crotch rope to provide the exact opposite of support.

Kazuto had managed to procure access to the Hotel’s health spa and gym for the night on the condition he wouldn’t use the facilities that required clean-up (like the sauna). Since he assured the staff he only needed the massage table, the dark haired young man had gotten permission.

And that was Asuna’s destination: The secondary health resort of their hotel, located four floors above their hotel room, the top floor of the building.

With their hotel room already being 10 floors up, people hardly ever used the stairway to reach that spa. That meant all she had to do to safely reach her lover was sneak her way along the hallway to enter the staircase located just around the corner. Of course, climbing 4 flights of stairs with a knot nudging her labia would be anything but a treat.

She could of course take the lift and make things easy. But that would significantly increase her risk of bumping into someone, even at that late hour.

What do I choose? She pondered, sitting on the side of the bed.

After Kazuto had sent her the destination, she’d thrown a small tantrum trying to wriggle out of her restraints and get dressed. After all, her boyfriend had never specified she had to make the trip bound.

Sadly, his ropework had been just as thorough as ever. No matter what the beautiful young girl tried, even after making her way into the bathroom and using the mirror to check out her bindings, she’d comprehensively failed to undo them.

When she eventually conceded to making the journey in her helpless state, she was left with the two options: An agonising climb or a risky elevator ride.

“Stairs or elevator? Neither seem very appealing to be honest.” She began thinking out loud. “If only he hadn’t tied this stupid crotch rope so tight, this would’ve been an easy choice!” Asuna moaned as her legs squirmed from the throbbing between her legs.

In the end the brunette opted for the safest route: climbing the stairs. But before that, she had to make her way to across the hallway!

With some difficulty, she managed to open up the door. But she immediately realized that once she’d nudged it shut using her hips, she’d have no way back in. Kazuto had taken the key card along after all.

So, with the door half open she peered out into the hall way and listened intently for any movement.

Quiet as a whisper.

Good, nobody on this floor is still awake. Now or never!

Asuna carefully nudged the door to her hotel room shut and dashed across the hallway as fast as the rope wedged into her labia allowed. She bit her lip to keep her groans inside, and thanked the stars the hotel had fitted carpet along the floor since it dampened her footsteps considerably.

She stopped near the corner of the hallway and very cautiously peeked round it. There was only one more hotel room door that remaining stretch, plus the push door that led to the staircase.

*Ping* suddenly sounded from behind her. The elevator doors were opening!

Without thinking, Asuna rushed forward and pushed herself through the door leading to the staircase.

The dimly lit, grey flights of stairs were quite contrasting with the rest of the hotel. It was also quite a bit chillier there, with a tiled floor that wasn’t nearly as comfortable for the brunette’s bare soles.

That was close. She thought to herself. Imagine if whoever had used the elevator had arrived only 15 seconds earlier! I would’ve ran straight past them as the elevator doors were opening!

Suddenly the image of a shocked elderly couple gawking at her from the lavish elevator filled her mind, sending a shiver down her spine.

“I should get climbing.” She realized, looking up at the daunting staircase. “Four flights.” She sighed. “56 steps.”

The slender young woman bravely began making her way up the stairs, doing her best to stifle her moans as ripple after pleasurable ripple coursed through her loins every time the knot nudged her swollen clit.

I shouldn’t have run through the corridor. She scolded herself. That only made the crotchrope ride up deeper inside me.

Of course, if she had walked through the hallway on her floor, whoever had used the elevator would probably have seen her! Part of her began suspecting Kazuto had somehow figured out a way to make the pinging of the elevator coincide with her leaving the room. But she quickly discarded the theory. Not even he would be able to construct something that elaborate!

He didn’t need to actually, his current set-up turned out to be plenty to drive poor Asuna up the wall!

After she’d climbed just two of the four floors, the brunette had been forced to sit down on one of the cold grey steps, the icey cool feeling doing wonders to cool down her overheating body.

She once again began fidgeting around with her hands and fingers, as if by some miracle her reverse prayer would’ve suddenly loosened up. It hadn’t of course, meaning the helpless young girl was forced to take a few deep breaths and start climbing the next flight of stairs.

“Three floors.” She panted after successfully finishing two more flights. “Just one more to go.”

However, just as she planned to sit herself down for another rest, the door leading to the hallway on the 13th floor suddenly creaked.

Her blood froze and she turned around with wide eyes. A large, brown hand was pushing open the door and holding it!

NOOO! The brunette screamed in horror, her body seemingly frozen in place.

Whoever was holding it didn’t move though, a deep male voice could be heard chatting with somebody standing inside the hall. The accent betrayed they were locals, no doubt part of the hotel staff.

Run! Was the only thought left in Asuna’s mind as she tiptoed up the stairs to get out of sight before the night worker finished his conversation and would move on to the staircase.

The sudden adrenaline rush gave her such a boost she almost flew up the last flight of stairs, where she found a large glass wall with a built-in glass door standing open. The light coming from the end of the corridor signalled Kazuto’s location.

Her heart still racing from the sudden scare, Asuna gingerly stepped inside the health spa and made her way to the only room to still have lights on.

In there, Kazuto was standing beside a massage table. “Well done, you made it here safely.” He commended.

Asuna frowned. “Barely!” She snapped. “The elevator opened up just as I was in the hallway, and when I stopped to rest on the floor below someone from the staff almost walked in on me!”

Kazuto looked rather surprised to hear that. “I never expected things to still be so busy this late at night.” He replied, sounding genuinely apologetic.

“I must have had lousy timing.” The brunette groaned, walking over to the table and hopping onto it with her butt. “I take it this thing is meant for me?”

“Of course. I did tell you earlier today this game would feature a reward.”

Asuna grinned. “It’d better be good.” She said as she very carefully lied down chest first with some assistance from her lover.

She began humming a cheerful tune as Kazuto walked round. She expected for him to start fumbling with the knots any moment, removing the crotchrope and reverse prayer.

Imagine her surprise when she felt leather cuffs being strapped around her ankles!

"Wha?! HEY!" She protested. "I thought I was getting a massage?"

"And you will, I'm just making sure you won't run off."

"Why would I run off?"

"Because of what comes beforehand…"

Asuna rolled her eyes. I hate it when he speaks in riddles, it makes me think he-

"AAHAHAHAHA!" The young girl suddenly began laughing uncontrollably.

Kirito had begun stroking her soles with a feather!

"NOOO!" The brunette mewled. “No teasing please! My body’s completely on edge already!”

But this time around, her boyfriend was being not a lenient as usual. Her showed her a large microfoam ball. “Open up please. We don’t want the floors below us to wake up.”

Asuna stubbornly clamped her jaw shut, but that was solved insultingly easily with a single brush of Kazuto’s feather.

With the foam stuffing in place, the raven haired young man plastered three strips of tape over his captive’s mouth, and a fourth along the bottom of her jaw to ensure it stayed shut.

“hmnnnn!!” His helpless girl screamed at the top of her lungs. But she could barely hear it herself!

This isn’t good. She realized. He can tickle me mercilessly like this and I won’t be able to protest at all!

Kazuto spent the next 10 minutes running the small white feather along Asuna’s sides, her inner thigs, and over course he soles of her cute bare feet. His gorgeous girlfriend screamed, laughed and gasped for nearly the entire time, squirming so wildly she was rocking the whole table!

“hmnff mmnnh (please stop)!!” She eventually began pleading. I want my pampering! She whined internally.

Either Kazuto could read minds, or her plea had sounded just that desperate, because the dark haired young man stopped as suddenly as he’d begun. “I’m thinking you’ve had more than enough of my teasing.”

“mff!” Asuna mouthed into her gag, nodding eagerly.

Her lover removed the tape and stuffing and gave her a sweet little kiss on the lips. “In that case I’ll start with the full body massage.”

“Finally!” The slender captive grinned at him. “If you had been this slow on the uptake in SAO, you never would’ve gotten the dual-sword skill.”

“Touché.” Her captor admitted. “Although I would like to point out you are still tied up and in no position to tease me.” He added, pinching her butt.

“Hey! Massage!” She moaned cutely.

“Yes, yes. Coming up.” He replied, rubbing a handful of massage oil into his hands before starting to knead her thighs and calves.

“hmnnnn.” Asuna moaned in utter bliss. “Harder!”

Kazuto began massaging more firmly, working out all of the fatigue from his lover’s trembling legs.

Her back was next, moving from her butt all the way up to her shoulders to his girlfriend’s delight.

“Could you take off the ropes?” She asked? “I promise I won’t run.”

Kazuto removed all of the restraints, allowing Asuna to completely relax on the comfy massage table as he worked her body.

“Turn around.” He instructed when he’d finished up her back.

“You’re going to do my front as well?” The brunette asked surprised.

“Of course. Full body means full body.”

“Hihihi, I can’t help but feel this second part is more for your enjoyment though.” She teased.

Her younger boyfriend blushed faintly. “Well it’s my holiday too, isn’t it?”

Asuna lied down on her back. “If you want you can use the cuffs again.” She suggested. “As long as you keep that feather far away from me.”

Kazuto decided to take her up on her offer, and pulled out two more leather cuffs to anchor his lover’s wrists and ankles to the four corners of the table.

“Will you be needing a gag again too?”

“Only if you do a really good job.” She smirked.

“Consider that challenge accepted.” He replied as he removed her bra and pinched both her nipples.

“haaahhhh!” Asuna gasped, arching her back.

But Kazuto was only getting started. He continued his massage by gently rubbing her breasts, kissing his lover and slipping his tongue past her lips.

“mnrrr” She purred, squirming playfully beneath him.

The dark haired young man chuckled, squeezing her perky chest a bit harder before moving on to her downstairs.

“hmnnn, just like that!” She sighed as he pulled down her panties and slipped a pair of fingers into her folds.

He steadily upped his pace, bringing his captive to the edge whilst peppering her chest in gentle kisses.

“Oohhh! Kazuto!” She moaned.

“I know.” He replied, pulling out a thin vibrator to finish the job. “This night is all about you.” He said softly as he switched it on and stroked her labia.

“AH! AAHHHMMM!” Asuna screamed, bucking her hips eagerly.

More! Faster! Keep going!

Her dom slipped the vibe deeper into her lovebox. When the tingling reached her clit, her banks burst.

“IAAAHHH!” She shrieked in delight, lunging forward to try and kiss Kazuto. But the cuffs snapped her back.

He got the message thankfully, and switched the vibe to a soft hum before leaning over to give his lover a long, passionate kiss.

“Let’s get back to our room.” He whispered after pulling back the vibrator.

“Yes please.” Asuna sighed, still glowing from the climax. “Right now there’s nothing I’d like more than to lie in your arms…”

For their last day, the lovebirds decided to sleep in. Mainly because Asuna couldn’t stop cuddling her boyfriend since she felt so grateful for his exciting treatment the night before.

When they’d finally finished snuggling, they enjoyed a tasty brunch in the hotel before packing up for a last trip through Davao.

Naturally, Kazuto had another side-event planned for his girlfriend. A classic this time: A small vibrating toy embedded deep into Asuna's pussy. A slim chastity belt made sure the brunette couldn't remove it without his permission either.

But to add a little twist, the dark haired student had given his lover something else to wear: Two very thin but strong leather bracelets, adorned with small silver rings for decoration.

Asuna hadn’t really seen the point to her gift, but worn them regardless because they looked cute.

“You ready to head out?” Kazuto asked as he tied his shoes and put on his sunglasses. He was also wearing black shorts and a dark blue shirt.

“Yes, the bag is packed too.” Asuna replied as she put on her beige sandals, which matched the sand-coloured flowery dress she’d picked for the day out. After putting on her sunglasses too, she headed out of the hotel and let Kazuto lock up.

They'd barely left the hotel premises when Kazuto activated the vibe for the first time.

Asuna flinched and glared at him. "Already?! We've only just left!" She protested.

Kazuto switched the toy higher.

"Ahh!" The brunette gasped. "Alright, alright!" She whispered, tugging his short sleeve. "Turn it back down."

He did, and Asuna sighed in relief. "Thanks."

During the bus ride, Kazuto left his girlfriend in peace. But when she'd walked up to a small ice cream stand to get a cone, he activated the vibe again just as she was about to place her order.

"U-uh-uhh, I-I'd like a s-strawberry i-ice cream please." The young woman stammered, receiving a rather stunned look in return. She looked at her shoes to hide her embarrassment, fidgeting with the corner of her dress to give her hands something to do.

When she received her ice, Kazuto shut the vibe off again to let her eat it without distractions.

"That wasn't funny!" Asuna snapped as she sat down beside her lover.

"Not even a little bit?"

"No!" The brunette moaned, polishing off her ice cream whilst pouting cutely. "I was going to bring you back one as well, but after that stunt I felt you didn't deserve one!"


"HEY!" The slender young woman yelped, almost dropping her ice as the gentle buzz between her legs made her twitch and tremble.

It died down almost immediately though, but Asuna remained cautious for the rest of her snack.

During their walk through the busy streets, Kazuto randomly switched the bead on and off to keep Asuna on her toes. Never for more than a minute at a time so she wouldn't get into real trouble though.

Even so, after the fifth surprise attack the brunette punched her boyfriend in the shoulder. "Stop messing with me!" She demanded angrily.

By now the slender young student was so on edge she was having to suppress the urge to fiddle with her belt!

Why did he have to strap that thing into place? What I wouldn't give for an hour without interruptions!

"Do you want me to give you the remote?"

Asuna's eyes brightened. "Yes please!"

"Alright, but you'll have to earn it."

She pouted at him. "Why? Haven't I been enough of a good girl?"

"It's not a difficult request. I want a picture with you."

"A picture."

Kazuto pointed to a ledge. "There's a wonderful view of the city there. How about we ask someone to snap a few shots?"

Asuna looked at him in suspicion. "You're going to switch on that vibe during the picture aren't you?"

But to her surprise, her dark haired lover then handed her the remote. "Satisfied?"

She looked at the remote and activated it experimentally. The small bead embedded in her snatch began humming. She shut it off again. "Let's take that picture!" She smiled brightly.

After approaching a friendly young man and asking him the favour, Asuna and Kazuto stood with their backs towards the view, in a loving embrace.

As the youngster prepared to take a few pictures, Asuna's vibrator suddenly sprang to life!

WHAT?! How?! I have the remote! She thought as her eyes shot wide open for a split second. But she had no time to ponder the issue any longer.

"Say cheese!" The cameraman said, forcing Asuna to try and look as natural as possible.

Don't think about the vibe! Just ignore it. The young woman thought as she prayed the look on her face was a casual one. It's not buzzing that hard, and it's only a few more seconds.

The cameraman kept quiet as he focused the image.

Hurry! Asuna pleaded internally.

*click click*

She sighed in relief as she could finally relax her body.

"Very nice! Now try one with you two looking at each other!" He suggested.

Another one?! She thought surprised as Kazuto already pulled her gently so they'd turn towards each other. He was smirking at his lover. "I had two remotes." He said softly.

"I should push you off this cliff." Asuna countered through gritted teeth as she clenched her thighs again and forced another smile.

*click click*

"Lovely!" The young man said again as Kazuto headed towards him and Asuna quickly dove into her purse to shut off the vibe again with her own remote.

When her lover returned to her side, he gave her the other remote. "This is the last one, promise."

Asuna glared at him. "It'd better be!"

"Don't be like that, the picture turned out amazing." He said as he showed her his phone.

At first glance, Asuna's expression was perfectly natural. However both the lovebirds could tell from a faint glint in her eyes and the corner of her mouth there was something else going on.

"It's cute isn't it? These pictures can be our little secret. Something we can show in public without arousing suspicion."

However mad she felt with her boyfriend, the slender brunette had to admit that was a very romantic point he'd just made.

"You're right." She said grudgingly. "But you could've warned me!"

"Then the picture wouldn't have turned out as natural." He defended.

"Still, you gave me the fright of my life!"

"I'm sorry. To make up for it, I'll let you decide on dinner?”

“Hmm, I read about a very good fish restaurant being nearby. Want to go check it out?”

“Sure.” Kazuto nodded "Lead the way."

After they’d found the place and taken their seats, Kazuto decided it was finally time to reveal why he had given Asuna those leather bracelets at the start of the day.

“Could you hold out your hands for me underneath the table?”

“Why?” The brunette asked confused.

“Another surprise.” He smiled.

She looked at him sternly. "If that vibe is involved..."

"It isn't, honestly. There won't be anything agitating, I promise."

That calmed the young brunette down a little. Besides, deep down she felt so curious about what else he had planned, she couldn't resist obeying.


“What?” The brunette yelped, barely stifling her surprise in time so as not to draw attention from the other customers. She tried to pull her hands apart again, but found them trapped together!

Kazuto had locked a padlock around one of the half dozen silvery rings adorning each bracelet.

“You locked my hands together?!” She whispered, glowering at her lover. “We’re about to have our meals served!”

“I’ll feed you.”

"That's-" She tried to protest further, but the waiter arriving with her plate interrupted that.

"Your seabass, madam." He announced.

Asuna sat bolt upright in her chair again so the young man could set down her plate. "Thank you." She said, instinctively reaching up with her hands to grab her cutlery.

*jingling* The softest of clamoring immediately made her aware just how bad an idea that was as she flinched her hands back in place, hidden beneath the table. Thankfully the waiter didn't pay it any heed.

When he'd left, the brunette glared at her lover, settling her hands on her lap so they remained hidden. "So now what?"

Kazuto pricked a bit of seabass onto her fork. "Like I said: I'll feed you."

"That's just silly!" Asuna complained.

"Aaahhn." Her lover insisted.

She rolled her eyes, but took the bite off the fork nonetheless. "Hmnn! This is delicious!"

"Very kind of you madam." The young waiter remarked as he delivered Kazuto his sea devil.

"Enjoy your meal."

"Oh we will, count on it." Kazuto said with a faint smirk.

Over the next half hour, Asuna was fed bite-sized portions of her absolutely divine meal by her boyfriend, who took the moments in between to enjoy his own.

The people sitting near the young lovebirds just thought of it as a cute gesture by the charming young man, chuckling over their own meals.

But internally, poor Asuna was sweating bullets. What are these people going to think of me? She thought nervously, trying to pull her wrists apart for the umpteenth time.

"Uncuff me." She whispered.

"Not until you finish your plate." Kazuto teased.

"Please Kazuto." The brunette tried again. But then a thought occurred. "I'm thirsty." She said, realising he couldn't very well feed her the wine.

"Are you really, or is that just an excuse to be freed?"

"Both." She grinned defiantly. "Are you going to let your cute girlfriend sit here completely parched?"

"Of course not." He replied, picking up her glass.

Asuna looked at him with wide eyes. "Kazuto!" She yelped under her breath. "You can't-"

But what he did next stunned the brunette completely. Her dark haired lover took a decent sip of the wine, got up from his chair, and walked round the table to give her a sweet, long kiss.

"hmnf!" She yelped again as the sweet wine flowed inside her mouth along with his playful tongue.

Asuna felt her cheeks burn hotter than the sun as one or two customers made a chuckling remark. One young man even whistled approvingly.

When Kazuto sat back down, his girl's face was beet red. "Still thirsty?" He asked.

"J-just shut up and feed me the rest of my plate." She muttered, wriggling on her chair in embarrassment.

When both had enjoyed their extremely fulfilling meal, Kazuto finally released his captive so they could share an ice cream desert and head to the hotel after that.

"Haaah, today was more tiring than I'd expected." Kazuto said as he dropped down on the bed.

"YOU found it more tiring? What am I supposed to say then?" Asuna retorted.

"I didn't annoy you with any of my ideas, did I?" He asked, worried by her tone.

"No. You startled me a lot of times today, but in the end the rush you gave me more than made up for it. All in all, I'd say you've done a very good job this holiday."

Kazuto smiled brightly. "Thank you. I spent quite a lot of time planning these games."

"I could tell. But how are you on improvising?"


Asuna tossed him a length of rope. "How about I make the challenge this time around?" She suggested.

"What did you have in mind?"

"You have to try and keep me as confined as possible with only that single piece of rope."

"Hmm, interesting." The dark haired young man replied.

"I thought so to. Your ideas are always very elaborate, so this could make a nice change of pace."

"And you'd be right." Kazuto replied, pondering for a moment whilst Asuna sat down diagonally across, in the large sofa.

"Would you be alright with moving to the bathroom for this?" The raven haired student suddenly asked.


The lovebirds headed for the bathroom, where Kazuto ordered Asuna to strip naked before he brandished the single length of hemp he'd received.

Asuna soon found her wrists crossed, then pulled above her head and back down behind it up to the height of her neck, her elbows forced to point into the air. The rope had then been pulled in between her legs and back to her front, pulling it so tight it wedged into her labia.

He then tied the remainder off around the shaft that supported the shower head. Asuna's rope turned out to be just a few inches too short for that last part, meaning the brunette ended up standing on her toes in order not to wedge the crotch rope into her labia her even more.

"Alright, I'm done." Kazuto said, which Asuna interpreted as a starting shot.

"mmhrnn!" She groaned as even the slightest twitch sent erotic ripples through her helpless body.

She tried to struggle to the best of her ability, searching for the knot that held her wrists in place. The one tethering her to the shower was impossible to access, so that one was her only shot.

I can't see what I'm doing. She realized frustrated. And every time I try to move, that rope between my legs rubs me!

After almost 10 minutes of careful wriggling, Asuna was forced to lower herself flat on her feet. The continuous assault from the rope wedged into her love box had turned her legs to jelly. She was simply too tired to keep herself supported on her tiptoes. But dropping down had resulted in a very sharp spike bursting forth from within her erogenous zones.

"Aahh!!" She howled as the hemp caressed her clit. She gave her escape one last shot, trying to feel out the knot hidden somewhere inside her wrist bonds, but she had to give up thanks to everything else tightening up again.

As she was puffing and quivering inside the spacious cubicle, Kazuto closed in.

"So? Did I succeed?"

"Hmrrrn." The brunette moaned. "Yes, rather annoyingly. Since I can't even struggle like this without riling myself up, escaping is definitely impossible."

He gave her a peck on the cheek. "Good, now open up."

"Huh? No! I didn't plan for a gag!"

"You probably didn't plan on not being able to escape either."

"Jeeeez, you really know how to rub it in don't you?"

He tugged on the crotch rope. "Is this what you mean?"

"KYAAA! Kazutoooo!"

The young man chuckled. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He said before buckling a panel gag with rubber ball filling past her lips. "I wanted to go for a ring gag first, but that might be troublesome seeing as there'll be water involved soon."

"mnff (yes)." Was all that came back.

"So, cold shower?"

Asuna glared at her lover. "hmn. Mff. Mrr! (Don't. You. Dare!)"

Mercifully, he didn't make good on his threat. Instead a cascade of lovely warm water emanated from the rain shower, covering both lovers with warm steam.

He embraced his bound and gagged girl, kissing her cheek and neck whilst his hand massaged her breasts.

"mnnff!" Asuna moaned into her gag, eager for more.

And Kazuto gave her more. Much more.

He started nudging her labia with the crotchrope, which had been soaked in the warm water for a much gentler rub than usual.

His captive squealed in delight, bucking her hips into his movement.

The dark haired young man wrapped his arm around Asuna’s waist in a soft embrace as he kissed her neck and nibbled her earlobe. “You ready for it?”

“Hmnnff!” She moaned, nodding eagerly. She pulled on her wrists instinctively, only making the rope ride further into her labia.

“Then here it comes.” Kazuto whispered, slipping his fingers past the rope to begin fondling her clit, pinching the little erotic nub.

“HHMNNN!” Asuna shrieked as her orgasm began bubbling beneath the surface. “Hmnrr (mooore)!” She mewled into the panel gag.

Her lover began rubbing her harder, squeezing her breasts in turn with his free hand.

“Hmn! Hmmnnn! HMMRRRRNNNN!” Asuna screamed, her whole body convulsing as her climax surged forth.

But almost immediately after the rush began to die down, the sting of the ropes increased tenfold!

I have to get out! I need to tell Kazuto somehow!

“hmnffhmnn (Kazuto)!” She tried to call out to her boyfriend despite having barely any air in her lungs. Her whole body was trembling and shivering despite the hot water dropping down on it.

But apparently her lover had received enough signals, because he immediately cut the rope connecting Asuna to the shower wall so she could relax her stance.

“hmnnf.” She groaned in relief.

He next gently pulled the crotchrope out of place and instead tied Asuna’s hands above her head.

“I’m guessing this is more comfortable?”

Asuna nodded slowly, her glowing smile obscured by the black panel gag. But her eyes gave Kazuto all the answer he needed.

“Ready for a second round?”

She nodded again, thrusting her hips forward. This time, she wanted to receive her boyfriend’s love more directly, more personally.

But he seemed to be on the same wavelength, because without hesitation he slipped his rock hard member past her folds still shining with love juice and water.

"Hhaaahhnn!" She mewled, leaning forward to try and kiss him. But she ended up bumping her panel gag into his lips. He got the message, and removed her gag.

"I love you." She whispered breathlessly as he thrust deeper inside of her.

"I love you too. More than I can ever show." He whispered back, speeding up his movements since he felt Asuna was close, and he didn't want to fall behind.

Thanks to the brunette being so sensitive, she came twice in 3 minutes. Mere moments after her last orgasm, Kazuto also reached his.

He took hold of his tied up girl in a tight embrace, pressing her perky breasts up against his chest as he kissed her passionately whilst both their climaxes continued to surge.

"Hmnn." Asuna moaned happily as his tongue played around with her own.

The dark haired young man slowly pulled back after their intense kiss, untying his lover so they could both enjoy a long, steamy shower along with the blissfull glow warming them from the inside.

Unsurprisingly, Asuna fell asleep like a log the moment they huddled up in bed together. Her boyfriend followed soon after, both of them having a similar dream about their Davao holiday and it's many (sometimes kinky) highlights.

The next day, Asuna and Kazuto’s holiday came to an end and they flew back to Japan.

After touching back down on Japanese soil, the two took a bullet train back to Asuna's house and spent their last day together before Kazuto has to fly back to his university.

"I can't believe our holiday is already over!" The brunette sighed. "After today I'm going to have to miss you for months on and again!" She moaned.

"Well, there's always Speculum."

"I know, but it's just not the same as you physically being with me." She pouted.

He smiled kindly. "I feel the same way. Which is why I have something for you."

Kazuto then gave her a small leatherette case. Inside it was a cute, shiny anklet with small crystals for decoration. The anklet was closed up using a tiny black cylinder. Oddly enough, the lock didn't seem to need a key or cipher, in fact it didn't look like it could be opened at all.

"It's stainless steel coated with silver. Its sturdy and won't rust so you don't have to worry about it breaking or getting dirty at all." Kazuto explained

"That's nice. But how am I supposed to put it on? I can't open it."

Her dark haired lover then pulled out a key card. When he swiped if over the small black cylinder, it popped open immediately.

"It's a magnetic lock programmed to release whenever the chip in this card is held close to it."

"That is a very elegant lock." Asuna commented, reaching out to take the card.

But Kazuto held it out of reach. "This thing is coming with me."

The brunette's eyes widened. "But that means-"

"You won't be able to take off that anklet until I'm back by your side. Something to remember me by, every day."

She eyed the anklet again. It was light and inconspicuous. The brunette realized she'd be able to wear it day in day out without any trouble. And the silvery colour meant it matched with virtually everything.

But still, to never be able to remove it...

"Of course, there is probably a way to transfer the signal remotely in case of emergencies." Her lover brought up quickly, seeing Asuna's hesitation. "Or if you don't like it we could always try-"

But he was cut short by his girlfriend picking up the anklet and putting it on. A short tug confirmed it wouldn' release anymore. Not until Kazuto opened it up for her again.

She then stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him in close for a long kiss.

"I love it." She said softly. "This will make it feel like you're close by every day."

"That was the idea." He smiled at her, kissing her back.

The next week, Asuna started following classes again. She felt a bit nervous during the first few days, heading for school with that silver anklet locked in place.

To her relief, nobody really made any remarks. A few of her friends commented on it being cute, one of them inquired where she got it from.

“I uh… It was a gift from my boyfriend.” She replied quickly. “I don’t know where its from to be honest.”

“A shame, it looks really pretty. He’s good great taste in jewellery.”

“Thank you.” Asuna chimed.

The week passed by without any real incidents, with the anklet perfectly handling day-to-day tasks like  showers or baths. It didn’t bother her when she went jogging, or chafe her ankle when she lied down in bed or on the couch.

As Kazuto had remarked, the classy silver colour also meant she had no trouble combining it with outfits.

The only real difference between it and a normal accessory, was that wearing it was obligatory.

After her 10th consecutive day wearing the anklet, a college friend popped the question Asuna had been feeling increasingly nervous about.

They were walking along the campus ground during lunch when Nina, a young woman slightly taller than Asuna with white blonde hair, brought up the anklet.

“You really like that anklet, don’t you? I haven’t seen you without it ever since the start of semester.”

“W-well, Kazuto gave it to me before he flew back to his university. It’s a memento as much as it is an accessory.”

“I see. But aren’t you scared of breaking it? Last weekend we went jogging together and you even wore it for that!”

“Oh, uh. It’s so comfy and light I never even noticed that.” The brunette giggled nervously.

Her blonde friend raised an eyebrow. “Really? I heard it jingle all the way through our run.”

“I’m sorry. Did it bother you?”

“Oh no! Not at all!” She said hastily. “It just made me nervous in your place about it breaking!” The blonde said with a playful grin.

“Don’t worry about that. Kazuto knows his stuff. This isn’t pure silver, its stainless steel. It’s meant for long-term wear.”

“Why would you buy an anklet for long term wear?”

Asuna flinched. “T-that’s-“

“Hey you guys!” A girl with short black hair yelled from the steps. “Classes are going to start! We’ll be late!”

The brunette had to bite her tongue not to start sighing in relief. “Oh my gosh! Let’s run Nina!” She said, clasping the blonde’s hand and pulling her along.

“Wha- Hey!” She yelped as Asuna dragged her to the next class.

Once in the lecture hall, Asuna smoothly slotted in two girls between her and Nina so she couldn’t continue the grilling. She prayed the conversation wouldn’t pick up after class, which it thankfully didn’t.

The very next weekend, the slender young brunette met up with Liz at the pinkette’s house.

“Hey Asuna! So happy to see you!” She chimed, hugging her friend.

“Its been too long!” The college student sighed back. “Are you ready to head out?”

“Not yet, I’m still hesitating over which shoes to wear.”

Asuna grinned. “Want me to help?”

Her pink haired friend grinned and pulled her inside.

Asuna parked her slender rear on the couch and crossed her legs which were bare thanks to her cute beige skirt that matched her white pumps marvellously.

Liz sighed. “I wish I had those shoes.” She remarked.

“Hihi, the shop I bought them from isn’t far from here.” She hinted.

“No thanks, I already have too many pairs. I’ll just have to suck it up and-“

But then Liz stalled. She’d spotted something besides Asuna’s gorgeous shoes.


“That is a beautiful anklet!” She suddenly exclaimed, making Asuna flinch.

“Y-you think?” She said, sounding more uncomfortable than she’d wished.

Liz kneeled down to examine it more closely. “Amazing craftsmanship.” She said. The former SAO swordsmith had never completely lost her love for metalwork and the likes.

“Would you mind me taking it off for a moment so I can look at it more closely? I feel a bit weird kneeling at your feet.” She said with a faint blush.

Asuna’s eyes widened. “T-that’s uhh…”

To her horror, Liz hadn’t really waited for her answer, but had already begun fiddling with what she had correctly deduced to be the locking mechanism.

“Hey! This thing won’t open up!” She said surprised. “I can’t see a latch or hooks anywhere!”

She sat upright to look her friend in the eye, who had turned bright red.

“Asuna? What’s wrong?”

“T-that anklet is uhh… It’s a gift from Kazuto.” She stammered.

“So? That’s normal isn’t it? Getting a gift from your boyfriend. What I’m puzzled about is how you put it on and get it off.”

The brunette felt her heart pounding like crazy.

I’m not going to be able to talk my way out of this… Thank God it’s just Liz here, I think I would die if everyone found out!”

Asuna took a deep breath and closed her eyes to calm herself. “Kazuto put it on me.”

Liz frowned confused. “I still don’t follow.”

“The anklet is held together with a magnetic lock. You can only release it with a special remote control.”

“Then bring it out and open it up.”

“I can’t. Kazuto has the remote.”

That took a little time to get processed by the pinkette. “Kazuto still has the remote to your anklet?”

Asuna nodded, feeling her blush returning.

“But he’s back at his university, isn’t he?”

Another nod, followed by a beet red Asuna staring at her lap.

Liz’ lips curled into a wide grin.

“You can’t take this thing off, can you?”

This time the brunette shook her head. “It’s something similar to those earrings he once gave me.”

Her pink haired friend really tried, but after about 10 seconds of biting her lip she let out a loud, long burst of laughter.

“You two are hilarious!” She shrieked, doubling down and clasping her stomach. “I can’t believe that guy would come up with something like this!”

“You can’t tell anyone!” Asuna pleaded. “If the rest of our friends learn about this I’d never hear the end of it.”

“R-relax Asuna.” Liz replied, wiping away a small tear from her eye. “I kept the earrings thing to myself, didn’t I? Your secret’s safe with me.”

The brunette sighed deeply, melting away in the pinkette’s comfy couch. “Thank you. You are the only one who knows of the little ‘games’ Kazuto and I get up to from time to time and I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Rest assured, nobody will ever hear a peep from me!” The pinkette promised, dropping herself on the couch next to her friend.

“Say… Is there any chance of you telling me more about those ‘games’?”

Asuna looked at her friend with wide eyes. “You want to know?!”

“Well we’re friends aren’t we? Why wouldn’t I be interested in your happiness?”

“I know, but still.”

Liz frowned. “He’s not making you do weird stuff is he? Things against your will?”

“NO! Not at all!” Asuna said hastily. “If anything he’s constantly trying hard to keep me happy.”

“Then its okay.” The pink haired girl said, jumping out of the fluffy sofa. “I’ll go and pick out a few pairs of shoes so you can help me decide. Then we can finally head out.”

“You don’t want to know about the games anymore?” Asuna asked surprised.

“Maybe later, when you feel more at ease talking about them.” She answered as she headed into the hallway to get her shoes.

She briefly popped her head back into the room though for a last remark:

“Besides, the way you two are going there’s a good chance I’ll just see whatever game you two are playing next!”

“Liizz!” Asuna whined, after which the two young women began giggling happily.


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