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On a late Saturday afternoon, in a more remote region of ALO’s Badlands, Asuna Yuuki found herself tied to a tree wearing nothing but a light blue bra and matching panties.

Her wrists had been tied above her head, with more rope wrapped around the tree itself and wedged behind a branch so the blue haired undine couldn’t pull her hands down.

Her slender legs had been restrained as well. A long length of rope had been carefully cinched around one ankle, brought around the tree trunk and then tied to the other ankle. It kept her from kicking about or even doing something as simple as closing her forcibly spread legs

A cleave gag muffled her beautiful voice, whilst a black blindfold kept her pale blue eyes from noticing what happened in her surroundings.

The bound and gagged swordswoman had spent minutes already, wriggling and moaning at her captor to let her out.

But Kirito was nowhere to be found. After restraining his lover some good 20 minutes ago, he had for all intents and purposes disappeared.

The poor bluenette just stood there fidgeting, her bare feet tickled by the moss and grass beneath as she tried to pull her ankle free from the ropes trapping her.

She hadn’t been ready for this at all! Sure the two of them got up to some bondage fun every now and then, but she had never before been blindfolded and abandoned.

At first Asuna had assumed Kirito was just teasing her a bit. But when he didn’t respond to her a slight air of panic began to settle in. The blue haired girl’s escape attempt became more vigorous, and despite not seeing a thing she kept fumbling around with her fingers to try and find a knot to undo.

But without avail. No matter what she tried, poor Asuna remained pinned to that sturdy tree.

Not that it had ever been different. Deep down, she had long since given up trying to escape anything her lover put her in. His knots were always so secure she was beginning to suspect him of using a physical guidance software patch.

The thing was however, usually Kirito acted a lot more hands-on with her. He’d either tickle or tease the bluenette, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as he caressed her body in that way which both aroused and infuriated her.

However, this time… nothing. Not even a sound to let Asuna know her boyfriend was still nearby!

And thanks to the blindfold, every rustle of the leaves or breeze of wind brushing against her bare skin made the jumpy undine twitch and yelp nervously.

Stupid Kirito! Asuna cursed. When you asked to try out something new and exciting, this wasn't what I had in mind!! Bondage is fun and all, but leaving me by myself is just MEAN!

"I-hi-hooo (Kiritooo)!!" The blue haired damsel whined, still feeling around for either some slack in her bonds or for her lover's warmth. She began reaching forward with her hips as best she could, straining her back and the ropes in the hope of bumping into Kirito’s leather long coat or even an out stretched hand.

But the dark haired dual swordsman was sitting a few feet away, and had spent his last half hour enjoying the show whilst simultaneously doing his best not to make a sound.

Every time he logged into ALO to meet up with his lover, it hit him again:

Asuna looked so beautiful in her undine form, her pale blue hair cascading down her shoulders like a waterfall, her pert breasts poking into her bra, her nipples almost visible through the fabric.

Her every moan, every move to try and find him or a way out of his ropes, stirred something within Kirito. But he patiently held his position, waiting for Asuna to go from curious to annoyed all the way too nervous and frantic.

It was then that Kirito began pondering his next move.

This abandonment game was pretty original, if I do say so myself… But how do I move on? Should I pretend to be someone else and start fondling her to expand this current damsel in distress scenario? He thought to himself.

“Hmmrrr!!” The bluenette near him groaned for the umpteenth time as she was forced to quit her escape attempt due to fatigue.

Kirito smirked at his girlfriend.

Although, is she even going to fall for that? And heck, suppose if she DOES get fooled, I might be the one in trouble later on when she finds out this was a hoax…'

Whilst the raven haired young man kept weighing his options, Asuna continued mewling and fidgeting around, trying to locate her lover with what little movement she had at her disposal.

Kirito noticed she was getting quite impatient now, sounding more forceful and angry in her demands for him to come get her.

I suppose scaring her might be a bad idea after all. Nothing for it then… Guess I'll go with the regular stuff…

So Kirito quietly flew over to his blue haired captive, taking care she wouldn't notice him until the last possible moment.

"Hmmnnm!! (Ki-ri-too)!!" The swordswoman moaned suddenly, having gotten a bit ticked off at being abandoned for so long in just her undies and without a way to cover herself up.

"Yes?" He whispered into her ear, catching his girlfriend completely unawares.

"Hmmn!" Asuna shrieked. She hadn't expected a response from so close!

“You didn’t really think I would abandon you, did you?” The dark clothed dual swordsman said teasingly as he reached out for his girlfriend's chest and squeezed her soft bosom.

"Hmn?” The blue haired captive mewled surprised. "MNN (NO)!!"

"No?" Kirito repeated surprised. "Why not?"

"Uh-hai ee (untie me)!" Asuna demanded, pulling at her ropes angrily.

But that just made Kirito chuckle, which in turn made his lover growl.

“We haven’t even gotten started yet, why would I untie you?”

“Ooh air ee, eeh-vin ee ahone or oh onn (You scared me, leaving me alone for so long)!” She growled angrily.

“That was the point though, giving you a rush unlike any before.”

Well it worked. Asuna had to admit to herself. My body’s never been more on eheeeedge!!

Her train of thought was interrupted by her lover carefully slipping a finger behind her bra and fondling her nipple, which had instantly gone from mildly erect to rock hard.

“HMRNNN!!” She growled at her own body for giving in to her boyfriend so quickly, pulling with her arms to try and tear herself away from Kirito.

But the ropes wouldn’t budge, and Asuna was powerless to resist her captor slowly removing her bra, letting the cold forest air hit her chest full on.

“Aahhnn! Oh ee-hin (stop teasing)!” She demanded impatiently.

The dual swordsman chuckled. “Sure, sure.”

But even so, Kirito still spend about half an hour caressing his bound and gagged lover before finally indulging her. From gently massaging her breasts, to giving her firm butt a playful squeeze every so often, or just running his fingers up her thighs, every single stroke of the dark haired young man’s fingers was nothing but relief for his girlfriend’s desperately horny body.

Yet still, for the entire half your Asuna stubbornly kept trying to hide how needy she was for Kirito's touch, even though he kept doing his best to make her admit that was exactly what she wanted.

“Why are you being so stubborn?” He whispered as he nipped at Asuna’s earlobe, making her shudder a little as goose bumps rose all over. “We both know what it is you want, just ask me.”

“Hmrrnn!” The undine grunted, shaking her head obstinately.

“Haaah, you can be so stubborn sometimes.” The swordsman said, pulling down his lover’s panties so he could slip a finger inside.

“Eeh-os ooh af oo in-ulch ee ahe-heys (Because you have to indulge me anyways).” She giggled as her boyfriend’s fingers finally hit their mark, slipping past her folds to brush up against her clit and make Asuna gasp in pleasure.

“Aaahhnnn!!” She moaned, eager for more.

And more she received. Kirito gently planted his lips onto his lover’s lips, still parted by the cleave gag.

“hmmnnnff…” His captive mewled, nudging her hips to make her boyfriend’s fingers slide deeper inside of her. To her delight, Kirito responded, and began rubbing her clit to finally bring out the orgasm that had been burning beneath the surface for so long.

Asuna howled in pleasure as her climax surged, slumping in her bindings soon after from exhaustion.

The dark haired swordsman gently released his captive from the virtual tree, and after a brief cuddle the two logged out so they could see each other’s real faces for a live chat.

"So, what did you think of it?" Kazuto asked curiously.

Asuna frowned at her boyfriend. "I didn't like the start at all! You kept me in the dark way too long!"

"That was the blindfold’s doing." The dark haired young man said dryly.

"Kirito! That’s not funny!"

"Not here. We’re in the real world remember?”

“Sorry, Kazuto. It’s just a force of habit I guess. Probably because your names are so similar.”

“Yeah, I’m lucky you used your real name in ALO. I can’t fumble them up that way. Still, if it’s just us I don’t really mind what you call me.”

"I know honey. But I really was serious back there. The blindfold was exciting at first, but when you left me alone for so long I really started getting nervous and scared.”

“I’m sorry Asuna. I had been pondering about posing as a different player and acting as if I found you by accident… Guess it was a good thing I didn’t go through with that huh?”

Asuna’s eyes widened. “Yes, a very good call. Truth be told, I probably wouldn’t have spoken to you for a week after that!”

“I’ll be sure to remember that. No kidnapping scenarios.” The dark haired young man said with a faint smile.

“Please do. I think I prefer our normal games a lot more. I mean It's always exciting when you tie me up and I'm helpless to defend myself, and you definitely know how to show me a good time... But if you don't play with me after tying me up then there's no point!"

The young man blushed a little at his girlfriend stating things so forwardly. "I know. But when I proposed to try something new you agreed to try it out."

"W-Well yes. But I didn't think that would be it. I thought it would be some sort of new toy…"

"Then what do you suggest to take things to the next level?"

"I don't know. ALO has its limitations after all. As real as it feels, there are still things you miss out on."

"Then how about we move away from ALO?"

"What, to more 'ordinary life' based games like 'Mirror field'? Sure they allow for more sophisticated interactions, but I don't think even that VRMMO can beat ALO's. I'm not quite sure they'll have a 'bondage patch' written into their main software anytime soon either." She joked.

Kazuto smiled at the monitor depicting his lover. "That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to say is: we move to the real world."

Asuna almost fell out of her chair. "Are you serious?!"

"Why not? We're lovers in both worlds, so what would be so strange about playing our 'games' in both worlds as well?"

"What if somebody sees us? Our 'real' selves?!"

"Why would that happen?"

"Well for one, we live so far apart right now. Heck you are living on campus, in a college dorm.”

"It’s a private room." Kazuto pointed out.

After the two youngsters had completed the high school especially set up for ALO survivors, which was meant to prep them for Japan’s colleges despite having missed over 2 years of school, Asuna and Kazuto had been forced to go their separate ways, academically.

Kazuto had gained entrance to a prestigious Japanese Technological university, and had moved to live at their dorms during his studies. His dream of making virtual reality and the real world overlap became stronger and stronger as he learned more about the hardware and software underlying VR.

Asuna had elected to move on to social studies, at a university closer to their homes. The brunette was aspiring to become a counsellor for children with learning problems, using virtual reality as a highly versatile & realistic teaching tool. Kazuto had very much encouraged that idea, and promised her to support her in whatever way he could using the skills he would acquire.

But the downfall from both of them following their dreams was that it meant the two were living quite far apart from each other for most of the year. Kazuto could only fly back and spend time with his family and friends during the weeklong or longer breaks. Initially, the pain of not being close to one another had been agonizing for both Asuna and Kazuto alike.

Thankfully, Alfheim Online had been a massive help in bridging the distance between their living quarters during the semesters. But virtual reality was sadly still riddled with limitations. With it being a VRMMORPG, the game’s focus naturally lied with battle mechanics and fluent game dynamics. So while the experience was without a doubt realistic, the warmth of Kazuto’s hand or the tenderness of Asuna’s lips just wasn’t quite the same in the hotel rooms of Sylvein.

After a few months of meeting online, Asuna began to yearn for Kazuto’s real touch, his real body, rather than the virtual surrogate so bad she could barely stand it anymore.

Despite that, the two were closer than ever before. The main reason for that was that two lovebirds had taken a few steps to spice up their ALO love life in order to compensate for the lack of one another’s real world touch, their warmth, their scent…

Those steps had meant indulging in a few kinky games every now and then, like tying Asuna to her bed or over time even moving their fun out into the Badlands. The added rush of helplessness had served to heighten the bluenette’s senses, and drastically improved her lovemaking with Kirito. 

But up to that point, neither of them had ever brought up the idea of trying their games with each other in person. Until tonight…

“Even if you live in a private room, are you seriously suggesting I fly over for… you know?” Asuna said.

“Of course not. I would never ask you to neglect your own studies. But summer break is coming up, isn’t it?” Kazuto offered. "We'll both be home then with time to spare."

"I guess…" the brunet admitted timidly.

"You don't like the idea?"

"That's not it." She replied.

In truth the mere thought of her being at 'the real Kirito's' mercy was making her heart rate skyrocket. But to do it in their hometown, where all their friends were so close by…

Then again. It wasn't like they were going to do those kinky ALO games in plain sight. Why was she being so nervous? 

"Asuna." Kazuto asked, nervous about his lover's long silence.

"Okay." The young woman sighed.


"Okay." The brunette said again. "Let's do it. During summer break, come to my place. My parents will be on business trips to the first three days of the week."

"Alright, that's a date." Kazuto replied, smiling brightly. “I promise you won’t regret it.”

"What are you going to do?" The young girl asked curiously.

But the dark haired young man on her screen just smirked.

"That's a surprise."

She frowned at him. "Stingy." She mused, playfully sticking out her tongue.

Kazuto chuckled. "I love you too. Goodnight Asuna."

"Goodnight Kazuto."

Summer break arrived, and so did Asuna's boyfriend.

At 1 o’ clock in the afternoon, Kazuto was standing on the doorstep to the brunette’s mansion.

*Ding Dong*

Asuna hurried over and opened up the door, finding her boyfriend on the other side of it.

He had his backpack slung over his shoulder, the same one he always had with him when he stayed over only a bit more stuffed. And in addition to that he also carried a large white plastic bag, carefully shut so Asuna couldn’t see what was inside.

"Hey Asuna." He said with a bright smile. “Sorry for the delay, the train from the airport had some issues.”

The brunette shook her head. "It’s no problem, I saw your message so I wasn’t worried… I missed you." She replied energetically as a smile curled onto her lips.

"I missed you too." Came back, just before Kazuto walked in and kissed his lover passionately on her glossy pink lips.

As the brunette returned the kiss, Kazuto’s free arm wrapped around her waist for a tight hug.

"So, should we head for my room right away?" The brunette co-ed asked after they released lips.

"No, not yet. You need to head for the bathroom first and change."


By manner of response, Kazuto shook the large white plastic bag in his left hand. "Your outfit for the day."

"We're playing dress up now? I thought the point was focusing on real life." Asuna teased.

"Consider it my attempt to make the transition more gradual." The taller young man replied, handing her the bag.

"What's the outfit?" The slender young woman asked curiously, opening the bag to peer inside. But to her disappointment, the cardboard box inside was wrapped with yet black paper, hiding its contents from view.

"Hmm, in one word? Cute." Kazuto replied with a grin.

"You tease!" Asuna giggled. "But I'll play along. Go ahead and sit in the living room."

Sure thing. Just come back down when you've put everything on okay?"

The lovers then parted ways, with Asuna retreating to her personal bathroom and opening up the package.

"This is-!"

Kirito was sitting down in the sofa watching the news and waiting for his girlfriend to signal her arrival.

"You okay up there?" He yelled after 15 minutes of absolute silence upstairs. "Having trouble with the fitting?"

"No." Came back. "The size is just fine." The tone of Asuna's voice betraying a hint of annoyance.

"I hope she didn't take offense at my question." Kazuto muttered to himself, rubbing the back of his head. "I only meant that outfit isn't exactly regular wear, not that she might have gained weight or something like that…"

'Guess I still say stupid things without thinking sometimes. I'll make it up to her by giving it my all for our game.' The dark haired young man thought determined.

"I'm coming down!" Asuna suddenly announced after 5 more minutes.

Kazuto turned off the television and settled into the comfy deep dark red sofa. He really hoped his outfit would be the hit he imagined it to be, both for Asuna and himself…

Shortly after, the distinct sound of high heels clacking down a wooden staircase could be heard reverberating throughout the empty mansion.

Moments later, the door to the living room opened and Asuna walked in wearing the getup Kazuto had handed her:

A pair of black high heels, about four inches high.

Fishnet stockings that perfectly brought out her beautiful, slender legs.

A cream coloured, one-piece bathing suit with a low cut top to display a very appetizing cleavage. At the back of the outfit, just above Asuna’s ass, there was also a fluffy white pompom attached.

For accessories the brunette had found a set of white cufflinks and a cute bunny ears diadem that matched the top part of her outfit.

"You gave me a bunny suit!" Asuna said, sounding half embarrassed and half angry.

"Like I said: Cute." Her boyfriend teased.

Kazuto had to clench his fist not to start drooling on the spot. That figure-hugging top that accentuated both his lover’s bust and ass to the utmost, those slender legs of hers so nicely brought out by the combination of her fishnets and the high heels. And to top it off: that adorable blush on her cheeks!

She looks more beautiful than I could ever have dreamed!

Seeing the dark haired young man eyeing her up and down, inspecting every inch of her barely covered up body, Asuna couldn’t stop the faint blush on her cheeks from turning into a vivid crimson shade.

"Cute or not, it's not very comfy!" She said flustered. "And you messed up buying the belt." She added, tossing him a short strap of, thick leather with a gold coloured buckle.

"That won't fit a toddler, let alone me."

"It's not a belt."

"Excuse me?" Asuna asked confused.

Kazuto got up from the sofa and opened up the buckle closing up the leather strap. "This doesn't go around your waist." He replied as he gently wrapped the collar around Asuna’s neck and closed the buckle at the front.

"K-Kazuto, what are you?" The brunette tried to protest, but her fidgeting barely slowed down her lover's agile as ever movements.

Before she full well realized, the young co-ed was standing in front of her boyfriend wearing a revealing bunny suit and collared to boot!

"What's the meaning of this?!" The brunette yelped confused, working a finger underneath the leather to try and make it stretch a little more. It didn’t feel constrictive or unpleasant, but it did seem… weird somehow.

"You'll be my pet for the rest of the day." The dark haired young man stated matter of factly.


"Yeah, but don't worry I won't push it too far.” The dark haired young man said softly. “You trust me, right Asuna?"

The brunette fidgeted with her cufflinks a little. "Of course, but still…"

"There's always our safe word too. You remember it I’m sure?"

"Of course I do, whenever I say ‘cupcake’, you let me out regardless of the situation. With that I don’t have anything to fear. I guess you’re right, about all of it..." She then took a deep breath. "Okay, give me a minute to let this sink in."

"Sure." Kazuto replied, clicking a padlock around the collar to ensure it remained it place.

"Wha- Hey!" But any further resistance fumbled at the sight of her lover's playful grin.

Another heavy sigh escaped the brunette. "You are too inventive for your own good sometimes."

"Too much all at once?" Kazuto asked, a little worried he might have been going too fast.

But to his relief, Asuna giggled. "Nope, I like it when you put your mind to work like this."

Kazuto sighed happily. "Thank God. For a moment I feared the rest of my preparations were for nothing."

"The rest?" Asuna replied surprised. "Don’t tell me there are even more accessories? Should I be nervous?" She teased.

"No no, not at all. I figured this would have been more than enough for the first day, I meant for the rest of our days together... I didn't want to overload you straight during the first game."

"Thank you." The brunette said, visibly relieved. He can be so sweet when he wants to be. He just needs to work on balancing.

"Instead of adding more toys, I thought up a few rules to go with this game." Kazuto continued.


"Yes. Every game needs rules, doesn’t it?"

“Naturally. But what kind of rules?”

Kazuto’s set up for their kinky playtime had been pretty basic. An ideal way for them to get started on expanding their relationship in the real world.

Asuna’s collar would (or rather could) not be removed until she had earned the key from him through good behaviour. As a result, the brunette would have to spend her day inside or find some way to hide the black leather from view if she really wanted to leave the house.

Good behaviour would bring her closer to freedom, whilst bad behaviour would earn her punishment in the form of either bondage, a spanking, or a combination of the two.

Her job for the day was pretty straightforward: Grant any and all of her boyfriend's requests (which he had promised to keep reasonable). She was however allowed ONE refusal of Kazuto’s demands, should she really not feel up to the task.

After hearing her lover out, the brunette consented to his game and the two got underway.

"For starters." Kazuto said as he settled back down in the sofa. "Can you make me a sandwich?"

"What about, please?" Asuna countered, not yet planning to go fully submissive without her lover earning that perk.

"What about a ball gag?" Was the quick retort. “Disobedience definitely counts as bad behaviour I’m sure you’ll agree.”

The slender young woman stood there gaping at her lover for a moment. Wow, he turned that around fast. The brunette admitted grudgingly, stomping towards the kitchen to avoid being gagged straight after getting started. He sure knows how to push my buttons. Am I THAT easy to read?!

“He must’ve really thought all this through before coming back home.” She mused as she prepared a few tasty sandwiches using her peerless cooking skills. “Makes me curious what else he has in store… Not that I’m going to make things easy for him.” She grinned as she cut up the snacks in convenient to eat triangles.

When she returned to the living room holding a white porcelain plate adorned with her sandwiches, she bent over to hand it to Kazuto. The brunette could feel her cleavage deepening as she reached her arm out to her boyfriend, but managed to hide her embarrassment.

But to her surprise, the dark haired young man waved the plate away!

“Feed them to me please.”

“Excuse me?!” The brunette growled, almost dropping the snack.

Kazuto raised an eyebrow at Asuna raising her voice, and pulled a pair of handcuffs out from his back pocket.

"Ok, ok, fine!" She gave in almost immediately, sitting down beside him and taking one of the sandwiches in her hand. "Say aaahhn."

But he shook his head. "Cuffs first."

"But I agreed to-"

"After you yelled at me." He retorted.

Asuna frowned, but then a thought occurred:

"I won't be able to feed you then." She said slyly.

"I'll cuff your hands in front of you."

"Always a solution, huh?"

"Of course."

The young girl giggled. I wonder how much of this is going exactly according to his plan…

Kazuto calmly locked his girlfriends’ hands together in front of her, leaving her ample movement to pick up the sandwiches again and feed him after all.

The two spent a few minutes watching television, with Asuna feeding herself and her boyfriend the sandwiches, and leaning into him whenever they felt like relaxing a little. She also played with her cuffs from time to time, rattling them cutely to entertain Kazuto. But they were as secure as they looked, and she wasn’t getting out until Kazuto decided she would.

When the plate was finished, Kazuto switched off the tv.

"Those were delicious, as is anything you make. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Asuna replied, raising her hands for them to be freed.

"Oh no, you need to earn that."

"Feeding you home-made sandwiches wasn't enough to earn my freedom?"

"Nope." He replied as he pulled a chord out of his backpack.

Asuna's eyes widened. "Is that-"

"A leash?" Why yes. Or at least it’s going to be."

"You sounded WAY too happy just now." The brunette scowled.

"I'm excited, what can I say? So you're up for this?"

"So I get a choice?"

"Sure thing. You were allowed one refusal remember?"

"In that case, let's do it. I'm not wasting it on something as easy as this." The brunette said confidently.

Kazuto grinned. "I sure am lucky to have someone as amazing as you in my life, aren’t I?"

Asuna returned the grin. "How wonderful that you've finally noticed." She taunted.

“Oh you’ll pay for that one.” The taller young man chuckled as he tied the leash around the padlock so the rope wouldn’t chafe Asuna’s slender neck.

“What are you going to do, make me crawl on all fours?” The brunette said defiantly.

“Of course not, it’s be a shame to dirty such a pretty outfit.” Kazuto replied as he headed upstairs, the leash slowly being pulled taut as he held it in his hand.

But Asuna stubbornly remained standing in place, until the collar began tugging at her neck.

“Coming?” Kazuto asked as her turned around to see his girl hadn’t moved an inch.

“Not before you tell me where we’re going.”

“Just for a stroll around the house.”

“And I have to be led around like a pet because?”

“Because you are my pet. Did you forget already?”

Asuna stamped the floor. “A proper master trains his pet before asking her to do tricks!” She retorted. “And he rewards her whenever she’s being good!” She added, rattling the handcuffs she was still trapped in.

Kazuto stared at his girlfriend for a minute, but then began smirking. “I suppose you’re right.” He admitted, walking up to his girlfriend.

“Good.” She said, holding out her hands.

But rather than unlock the cuffs, Kazuto pulled a short length of rope out of his back pocket and tied a crotchrope in place, connecting the handcuffs to it as well!

“Wha-? HEY!” She shrieked. “What’s the big idea?!”

“Bad behaviour will be punished.” He repeated dryly. “Talking back is considered bad behaviour. We’ve been over this.”

“B-but I was just-“

“Just defying me for the second time.” The dark haired young man interrupted. “Now come along.” He added, turning his back and walking ahead.

The brunette tried to reach out and grab Kazuto by the back of his shirt to make him take those cuffs off. But her arms had barely moved forward at all before she yanked the rope running between her legs.


“Something wrong?” Kazuto asked, trying his best to stifle his laughter.

Asuna scowled at his back. “Nothing, let’s just get going.”

“Good girl.” Her boyfriend replied, heading up the stairs.

What is he planning to do to me upstairs? The bunny girl wondered. And immediately, her heart began pounding in excitement.

Asuna had missed the point however. Kazuto wasn’t taking her upstairs because he had plans, the stairs were the plan. Something the brunette would discover with her first step up them.

“Ah!” She yelped as the crotchrope dug in thanks to her raising her leg.

Kazuto, being a third of the way up by then, stopped and turned around. “Problem?” He asked casually.

His girlfriend frowned at him. “N-No, nothing’s wrong.” She said stubbornly, looking at her hands which were still connected to the crotchrope.

I can’t even grab the balustrade like this, and this outfit isn’t exactly making climbing the stairs any easier. She thought as her high heels worked together with the cuffs and crotchrope to rob her of most of her balance.

…Guess we can add another point in Kazuto’s corner. He’s really set this one up well.

But despite the obvious discomfort and erotic distraction, she persevered by taking her frustratingly long staircase one step at a time.

By the time the two lovebirds had reached the first floor, the brunette was panting a little.

“You okay?” Kazuto asked gently.

“Y-yes. Just give me a minute.”

“Sure, just come along to your room and you can have a short lie down.”

Asuna followed, well she was forced to thanks to the leash, but thankfully the even ground meant the rope between her legs wasn’t quite as potent as when she’d walked up the staircase.

The couple soon made it to her room, where Kazuto helped guide her onto the bed and took off her high heels for her.

“Thank you.” The brunette said as she let out a content sigh and settled into her pillow, wriggling her toes a little as she enjoyed their freedom.

“Don’t mention it.” Kazuto replied as her began giving his girlfriend a foot rub.

“Hmmmn. Feels wonderful.” Despite the stockings covering her legs and feet, the dark haired young man’s hands hit their mark surprisingly well.

“Well I figured you deserved a reward after following me up the stairs so obediently.”

“A foot massage is my reward?” She asked surprised. “I’d rather you take off these handcuffs.” The young woman tried, jiggling them a little.

“I left the keys downstairs.” The dark haired young man teased.

“Sure you did.” His lover giggled, partly because his hands were tickling the soles of her feet a little. “What about the crotchrope, did you leave the knot downstairs as well?”

“No, but I like the blush that thing keeps giving you. It makes your cheeks look all the cuter.”

Asuna giggled louder. “You can’t help teasing me, can you?”

“It’s your own fault for being so adorable.”

“That’s because of the wardrobe you stuck me in.” Was the brunette’s response, to which Kazuto laughed heartily whilst continuing the massage. 


After Asuna had caught her breath, Kazuto slipped her shoes back on and guided her down the stairs again. And while the crotchrope once again did its best to interfere with her descent, things went a lot more smoothly than when she walked upward.

The brunette bunny girl made it down to ground floor without incident, and followed her boyfriend back to the living room, rattling her cuffs a little to try and make a point.

I’ve been punished enough for that small transgression at the very start I feel.

However, to her surprise Kazuto passed by the living room door and began heading for the front door instead!

"You're bluffing." Asuna stated confidently, though she unconsciously started fidgeting with her handcuffs a bit more vigorously and began feeling along the rope to see if the knot tying the crotchrope couldn’t be undone. Neither option was available turned out.

Kazuto ignored his girlfriend and calmly kept heading for the door.

He has to be bluffing! Its barely evening, there’ll be way too many people around to safely hide ourselves from view!

And yet the dark haired young man actually went and turned the doorknob …

"Kazuto, no!" His girlfriend yelped, instinctively reaching up for the collar to unclip the leash. But all she accomplished was wedging the rope knotted between her thighs deep into her lower lips, taking the bunny suit right along with it.

"Aahhhnn!" She moaned as a surprisingly huge ripple of pleasure shocked her whole body.

But to her relief, her plea had worked. Kazuto turned around, grinning widely. "Sure." He said.

"Just like that?" The young woman responded surprised, raising in eyebrow in suspicion. “You’ll back off just because I ask?”

"Of course. We did agree you got one refusal after all." Her replied.

Asuna's eyes shot wide open. "You tricked me!"

"I'm just better at bluffing than you are." He mocked as he removed the crotchrope so his lover could move her hands properly again... well, sort of.

"Thanks." She said, lifting her cuffed hands over Kazuto's head so she could pull him in close. “I’ve been meaning to do this for over an hour.” She whispered, embracing her boyfriend and giving him a sensual kiss.

He returned it, naturally, and even squeezed her buttocks to make the brunette squeal cutely in the middle of their loving lip-lock.

"I love that sound." He remarked after pulling back.

"I love that feel." Asuna returned with a cheeky grin.

“Want to get back to your room?”

“Already? We just came from there.” The brunette protested.

“Yes, but that was mainly because I wanted to see how you’d handle the staircase with that crotchrope.”

Just for that?! Asuna rolled her eyes. “Just how much time did you spend planning all of this?”

“You wouldn’t believe.” The dark haired young man replied as he began leading Asuna back upstairs by her leash.

But the minute his back was turned, Asuna quickly fidgeted with the knot tied around her collar to undo it. She planned to keep hold of the leash with her hands instead, and wait for the perfect chance to make her escape.

By the time Kazuto had started climbing the stairs, his lover had managed to remove her leash and taken hold of it. She waited for him to be halfway up before letting go and darting off, barely managing to contain her giggles.

The sudden lack of resistance on the lead combined with Asuna’s heels clacking along the tiled floor made Kazuto turn around almost immediately. But the nimble brunette had managed to get out of sight already.

“Asuna!” He yelled.

“Your fault for giving me too much wriggle room!” Came back from quite a distance away already.

The dark haired young man sighed. “Mischievous as ever.” He rushed down the stairs and started taking part in the game of hide and seek Asuna had just now forced him into.

He made his way through the hallway, checked the toilet, kitchen and living room in search for Asuna. But the brunette managed to elude her boyfriend for a good 20 minutes before slipping up.

She’d tried to open up the door to her father’s study, and hide behind one of his larger closets. But to her annoyance, he had locked his door. After fidgeting with the knob for a few seconds, she gave up on her idea rushed further down the hall to hide in the washing room.

But because she’d wasted her time, Kazuto had gotten close enough to pick up on her high heels reverberating along the floor. He chased after the sound and turned the corner just in time to see Asuna pull the door behind her shut.

“Found you.” He chimed as he walked into the washing room, peering inside.


Hmm, there’s only so many places she can hide in here… The dark haired young man thought to himself as he walked inside, leaving open the door behind which his girlfriend had taken cover.

As Kazuto stepped into the middle of the room, the brunette tiptoed around the wooden door in a bid to rush outside and stay out of his grasp.


“Gotcha!” Her lover suddenly yelled as he wrapped an arm around Asuna’s waist.

“Kyaa!” She yelped, kicking her legs as she tried to wrest herself free. “Let go!”

“Nope, you’re coming with me you bad bunny!”

“It was your own fault for not paying attention!”

“Fair enough, then I’ll be sure to keep you more secure from now on.” The taller young man replied as he took hold of her cuffs and pulled her hands into the air and then bent her arms back down behind her head so the chinks were aligned with the back of the collar.

He then used a padlock to lock her handcuffs to a small ring built into the collar, keeping Asuna’s hands trapped behind her head with her elbows pointed into the air, utterly useless for anything but fluttering about.

“No fair!” She whined. “I can’t move my hands at all like this.”

“I know, this way you won’t be able to run off and hide in rooms anymore.” Her boyfriend replied, picking her up in his arms and carrying her to his room.

The brunette giggled. “You tied my hands, not my feet, dummy.”

“Should I let you walk by yourself then?” The taller young man retorted.

Asuna nudged her head against her boyfriend’s shoulder. “No thanks, this is nice.”

“Thought so.”

The two soon made it back to Asuna’s room, where Kazuto gently lied his captive down in between her many fluffy pillows. He then began rummaging through the backpack he’d brought along.

Meanwhile, Asuna remained lying on her king size bed, fidgeting with her hands and feeling curious about what her dark haired lover had in store next.

Her curiosity turned to panic however, the moment she laid eyes on the fluffy white feather Kazuto produced.

"No! No WAY! I don't want to be tickled!" The brunette shrieked, flailing to get up and run. But her awkwardly positioned hands hindered her getaway.

Kazuto quickly wrestled her feet into a set of leather cuffs and tied those off at either for end of her bed.

With his brunette captive now unable to resist, he took a step back to admire her near perfect form.

"Will you be needing a gag? For the neighbours?" He taunted as he showed her a bright red ball gag.

"You are really pushing it now Kaz-mmrnn!" Asuna tried to say, only to have the red rubber ball rudely cut her off.

She glared at her boyfriend. "Ooh e-hur an-er ee EEH ood a-fur ish! (You'd better pamper me REAL good after this!)"

"Deal!" The young man replied.

Since she was helpless to resist her lover at this point anyways, Asuna simply closed her eyes and tried to mentally prepare herself for what was about to come.

Her captor started by taking off her high heels, leaving Asuna to take a shallow breath as her feet were left unprotected.

Immediately after, Kazuto began running the feather along her soles.

“AAAH hahahahahaha!! OO (NOO)!!” The brunette screamed, kicking and flailing vehemently. But she was powerless to avoid the fluffy feather. And even with those thin fishnets for protection, it still felt incredibly effective.

It took a few minutes for Kazuto to finally put the feather aside and move on to using his fingers to tickle Asuna’s sides instead.

If anything, that made things worse for the helpless bunny girl. Her sides were already aching from laughter, and with her boyfriend’s frisky fingers strolling up and down her completely on edge body whatever stamina she had left flowed out of her like water down a plughole.

With each new stroke or jab from his hands, Asuna kept giggling and jittering, even blinking away a few tears of laughter as she moaned at her lover to give her a few seconds of rest.

The bright red rubber ball in her mouth was positively shining with drool, which the brunette had tried but failed to keep from pooling inside her mouth.

When her dark haired captor finally laid off for a minute, Asuna lied down on her bed, her chest heaving as she tried to clear her mouth of saliva and to get her heart rate to drop.

This is incredible. I’ve been tickled by Kazuto before, but ALO doesn’t even compare to when it’s my real body!

“Break’s over.” Kazuto suddenly announced.

“Ah?! OW! (What?! NO!)” Asuna protested, trying to crawl away from her lover but finding the ankle cuffs secure as ever. “Hmrnnn!!” She grunted as her futile kicks and flails only served to put on a show for her captor.

Meanwhile, Kazuto had picked up his feather again.

The brunette eyed her old assailant with narrowed eyes. “Ah in ish e-hil (that thing is evil)!” She growled.

Her boyfriend couldn’t help but chuckle. “That means it’s doing a good job.” He countered, letting ‘the evil feather’ loose on his girl’s unprotected armpits.

“IIIEEE!!” Asuna shrieked, sending droplets of spit flying in all directions from the soaked up ball gag.

Her throes became wilder than ever, and she even succeeded in making the bed creak as her body flailed around like she was possessed. But in the end it barely even slowed Kazuto down in his tickle torture.

After 5 agonizing minutes of non-stop feathering, with poor Asuna feeling like her lungs were going to burst from both the laughing and pleading for mercy, Kazuto finally left his lover’s body alone.

“haah, haah, haaaah…” The bunny girl panted, lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed.

“Ish azz, un-eeh-ieva-hul (this was unbelievable).” She sighed.

“I gathered as much.” Kazuto responded. “I take it your real body is a lot more sensitive than the ALO version? Given that you never made such a fuss before?”

“Ih oo ew, ahn ai ihun hoo ol ak (If you knew, then why didn’t you hold back)?” The brunette mewled.

“Because that would defeat the purpose of doing this in the real world.”

Asuna slumped down in the bedding again. He’s right there…

“Still, I’d say your performance definitely deserves a reward this time." Kazuto went on before giving a gentle kiss on his captive's gag and playfully fondling her butt and breasts.

The brunette mewled at her captor for the ball gag to be removed, and she got her wish!

But only because Kazuto had other plans for his girlfriend’s cute lips, namely an intense and tongue twisting kiss.

With his captive distracted, Kazuto stealthily moved his hand down to begin exerting pressure on her labia.

"Hmmrrrrnn." Asuna groaned into her lover's tongue, bucking a little for more attention.

Kazuto chuckled as leaned back, leaving the brunette to lean forward for more kissing as well.

"Eager, aren't we?" He teased.

“Of course, I haven’t seen the real you in months.”

“Then I better stop making you wait.” He replied, working a small zip that ran from the back of the bunny outfit and in between the legs so he could reveal his girlfriend’s moist lovebox.

Asuna took a deep breath as her pussy was exposed, and gasped in ecstasy when Kazuto’s fingers entered her.

The dark haired young man started out slowly, feeling his way around her labia in search of her clit.

“Hmmnn, keep going.” She moaned encouragingly.

Kazuto did just then, and finally delved deep enough to brush along her clit.

“Aahhmnnn!!!” The brunette moaned, her eyes bulging wide. “More!” She pleaded.

Kazuto chuckled. “Calm down.” He whispered, planting his lips onto hers again as his fingers sped up.

“Hmnnfff!” The brunette shouted as she came in the middle of Kazuto’s passionate kiss.

The dark haired young man pulled back to let his lover recover.

Asuna was panting heavily as she looked at Kazuto with content smile on her face. "Now, will you finally take off these cuffs and collar?" She tried.

"Sure, I'm guessing you'll be wanting a shower too?"

"I would actually. All this running around and your tickling has made me sweaty all over."

“Then who am I to hold you back?” Kazuto replied as he removed his girl’s restraints and helped her up.

The two lovebirds then headed for Asuna’s personal bathroom and stepped into the huge shower together. They spent over half an hour in there, washing each other and indulging in some more kissing and fondling along the way.

The brunette couldn’t stop giggling for most of the time, her whole body still felt giddy all over from spending the day bound. “We are definitely doing this in ALO again.” She said as she stood on her tiptoes to lean her bare breasts into Kazuto’s upper back.

“Showering you mean?”

“Yes, or standing under a waterfall somewhere. There’s plenty of private springs located around Sylvein.”

“True. I’ll do some scouting when I get back.” The dark haired young man replied as he washed his slender girlfriend’s impeccable body, taking care not to be too rough on her most sensitive spots.

After getting freshened up, Kazuto and Asuna made their way to the kitchen for a light evening meal.

"So, how was this for a first experience in the real world?" The dark haired young man asked as he sat at the table opposite of Asuna.

"It wasn't bad." The brunette replied stoically.

"That's it?" Her lover replied disappointed. “

"Well if you hadn't been teasing me so much, maybe I could've focused more on enjoying myself." The young woman admitted, a little embarrassed.

"I’ll definitely keep that in mind then."

The two continued their meal whilst filling each other in on how their studies are going and what else they’d been up to over the past few months.

When the kitchen was tidied up again, the two young lovers settled into the couch for some cuddling.

“So you really didn’t mind the dress up and pet roleplaying?” Kazuto asked once more.

“No, that part was really fun. I like dressing up after all. But next time, don't stall me for so long." The brunette said as she huddled even closer to her boyfriend and enjoyed his scent, the sense ALO had by far been least successful in replicating.

"So there will be a next time?" Kazuto asked as he draped one arm across his girlfriend in a gentle embrace.

"Definitely." She replied as she closed her eyes to enjoy his touch, his first real touch in so many months.

“So, what else do you have planned for us?” Asuna asked her boyfriend, playing with his T-shirt a little.

“Well there’s plenty more on my list for the coming days. But the evening is still young so I thought we might go out on a date as well tonight.”

“I’d love that!” Asuna replied, sitting herself upright. “There’s this VR movie I’ve been wanting to see. We won’t make the 8 o’ clock viewing, but we can catch the late night one easily.”

“Sounds like a good plan. Let’s get ready then and we’ll head out straight away.” Kazuto offered. “On my way over I spotted a nice new café that will have a perfect view on the setting sun if we can get a good seat.”

“Sounds romantic.” The brunette mused, jumping out of the sofa. “I’ll be ready in 20 minutes.”

“Sure thing, I’ll use the spare bathroom and prepare at the same time.” Her boyfriend replied, getting up as well.

“See you in a moment.”

A few minutes later, the two met downstairs. “Ready?” Kazuto asked as Asuna walked down the stairs.

“Yep. How do I look?”

“Gorgeous as always.”

“Hihihi. Thank you.”

“But I was thinking you might benefit from one more accessory…”

The brunette looked at her boyfriend quizzically. “Accessory?”

By means of response, Kazuto showed her what he had in his hand: A tiny pink vibrating bead operated by remote control.

“Is that-“

“Yes, it is.”

“In public?!”

“Only if you feel up to it.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“You can see it that way if you want. Are you in?”

The brunette smirked. “Sure.”

After Asuna fitted the bead deep into her lovebox, the two headed out on Kazuto’s bike.

Some ten minutes later, the couple of young lovers arrived in town and after Kazuto locked his bike they began heading for the café.

The dark haired young man had the remote control to Asuna’s vibe in his vest pocket. He'd first been contemplating to activate it whilst she was riding with him on his motorbike. But for safety’s sake he’d decided against that.

But during their peaceful walk to the city, the circumstances were perfect.

“So this movie we’re going to watch, what’s it about?” Kazuto asked to try and get his girlfriend distracted.

And it worked, because Asuna began a giving rather excited synopsis of the prequel she’d seen a year ago.

However, in the middle of his girlfriend’s story…


“AH!” She yelped as the tiny bead suddenly sprang to life with a surprising amount of force.

“What’s wrong?” Kazuto asked, not even bothering to hide his smirk.

“What do you think?!” She replied just after stifling a soft moan. She gave the taller young man walking beside her a soft punch. "You startled me."


“You don’t mean that.”

“Maybe not entirely, no.” The dark haired man admitted. “But you seem to be holding up alright.”

“Well I have to, don’t I?” The young woman replied as she bravely walked on, shivering a little at the wondrous feeling between her thighs but otherwise keeping up a perfectly normal gait. “We wouldn’t want any onlookers due to my awkward posture.” She teased.

“No, we wouldn’t.”

“With that in mind… could you maybe… shut it off again?” the brunette whispered, clenching Kazuto’s arm in order not to lose her balance. “It’s not that great an effect, but movement somehow makes it more powerful.”

“Sure thing.” Her lover replied, shutting down the pebble again.


“Don’t mention it.” The young man kidded.

A brisk walk after that brought the lovebirds to the café, where they acquired a table with a view on the now setting sun. Once the waitress came along, Kazuto ordered a cup of coffee, while Asuna had a glass of red wine.

Shortly after, the two youngsters were enjoying their drinks and having another chat to catch up.

But after Asuna finished a charming little anecdote about Liz and her shopping trip a few weekends ago, the vibe kicked back into action.

“Sounds like you two had fun.” Kazuto replied.

“Hmn hmn.” The brunette mumbled back, squeezing her legs together.

“Reminds me a little of when a college friend and I went to that new fast food restaurant near the campus…” The raven haired young man started a story of his own.

But Asuna was having trouble paying attention to it, due to her clit starting to throb and a warm feeling in her womb distracting her mind.

“Are you listening?” Kazuto remarked out of nowhere after Asuna had made the same ‘hmn’ sounds whilst nodding three times in a row.

“O-Of course.” The young woman replied hastily.

“Then what did I just say?” He asked with a playful grin.


*Hmnzzzz!!* The vibe started buzzing harder!

“H-Hey!” The brunette yelped, covering her mouth immediately after with wide eyes.

She slowly brought down her hand. "Keep this up and I won't be able to come watch the movie!" She said with a hushed tone of voice.

Kazuto chuckled and switched off the pebble. "Sorry, it's just that you looked so cute al fidgety and nervous, I couldn’t help but tease you a little.

"I'll bet you didn’t… But if I get any needier, I'll jump you!"

The dark haired young man chuckled. "Sounds promising."

But despite that, Kazuto still left the bead switched off for the remainder of the date in order to make sure Asuna could enjoy her movie in peace later on.

After Kazuto paid the bill to the waitress, the two youngsters made their way to the cinema and settled in to enjoy the movie.

Asuna snuggled up to her boyfriend as the lights dimmed. “I’ve missed this: Heading out as our real selves, going on real life dates.”

“Me too. I’d been looking forward to summer break for weeks.”

“Because you wanted to test out all your new toys?” Asuna said teasingly.

“In part.” Kazuto chuckled.

The two then quietened down, and turned their attention to the opening commercials.

[Later that evening, during their walk back to Kazuto’s motorbike]

“That was a pretty good movie.” Kazuto said, squeezing his girlfriend’s hand a little.

“Yes, the visualizations were incredible.”

“I agree; VR technology keeps improving. It’s astounding.”

As the conversation carried on, Kazuto switched the vibrating pebble on again. And this time, it caught Asuna completely by surprise. Because they were almost near his motorbike.

He’s not going to make me ride at the back with this thing on is he? She thought nervously, her legs already trembling as the arousal from a couple hours back instantly rose to the surface again.

But apparently that was exactly what Kazuto wanted.

“Don’t worry,” he soothed his girlfriend, “it’s calm on the roads now and I’ll drive carefully. Just hang on tight and you’ll be fine.”

“S-Sure.” The brunette replied, feeling a little anxious.

The dark haired young man climbed on his bike and held still so Asuna could climb on too.

However, the moment she did a shiver ran down both their spines. Kazuto could also feel the soft hum of the vibrating pebble traveling through his girlfriend’s pants against his lower back.

But that was nothing compared to the ripple that coursed through Asuna’s body. She buried her bright red face into Kazuto’s back as she barely stifled a low groan in pleasure.

“You okay?” Kazuto asked softly.

He felt his lover nodding against his back. “Hurry.” She mumbled into his jacket.

“Sure thing.” He replied.

The ride home was smooth and quick, but it still felt like time passed by at a crawl to the brunette as she clenched her thighs around Kazuto’s bike. Straddled over that solid steel, the engine’s revving served to complement her own vibrations, making them even more intense!

Hurry up Kazuto, I feel like I’m about to burst!!

The two arrived back at Asuna’s home safely, but the second Kazuto parked his bike the brunette literally jumped off.

“What’s wrong?” The dark haired young man asked as he turned off the vibe.

But it barely made a difference. By now, poor Asuna was feeling so horny only one thing could help her.

“Tie me up!” She demanded as she dragged her lover back to her bedroom, already unbuttoning her top as they climbed the stairs.

The young man whistled. “I’m keeping one of those pebbles with me at all times from now on.” He teased.

By the time the two arrived in Asuna’s room, she had stripped down to her underwear.  Kazuto wasted no time removing that as well, and locking her wrists and ankles in leather cuffs. He next roped them to the four corners of the bed to spread eagle his girlfriend.

A white piece of cloth served as a cleave gag, followed by a gentle kiss. “You ready?”

“Hmmnn!” She mewled, grinding her hips into his legs.

Kazuto chuckled. “I'll stop wasting time...”

He subsequently undressed himself and climbed into the bed. First off, he began nibbling at the brunette’s rock hard nipples. That earned him more than a few appreciative moans as Asuna longed for him to move things along and enter her love box.

Kazuto’s hands slowly travelled up from the brunette’s thighs to her hips and eventually began to caress her labia.

“Hmmnnn. “Asuna gasped softly as Kazuto’s fingers found her throbbing clit, immediately discovering how wet she was.

“Wow, I guess I’ve really put you through your paces, huh?”

The brunette smiled into her cleave gag, nodding fervently.

“Well no more.” The dark haired young man whispered as he planted his lips onto Asuna’s and slid his dick inside her.

The brunette grabbed the ropes connected to her wrist cuffs and pulled on them as her entire body shuddered in pleasure at her lover filling her up, slowly sliding his hard member past her folds.

Kazuto let out a soft grunt as he rocked his penis back and forth a little, rapidly approaching his own climax.

But he held himself back, and continued to do so until Asuna herself had reached her release with a soft, lewd howl.

Moments later, Kazuto himself came as her closed his lips around the brunette’s nipple for a soft chomp.

“Aahh!!” Asuna yelped as her second climax surged forward due to the sudden shock, mixing her love juice with that of her boyfriend’s and creating a warm glow that permeated her entire body.

After his orgasm subsided, Kazuto slowly pulled back and removed the cleave gag from his lover.

“That was… amazing.” The young woman said, still faint of breath.

“Likewise. This entire day you’ve been absolutely perfect.” Her lover replied, removing her restraints so the two could drift off to sleep in a loving embrace.

The next morning Kazuto brought Asuna breakfast in bed:

Freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh toast and croissants, a variety of spreads and even a bowl of fruit salad, all for two people of course.

“Morning.” Kazuto said gently as he walked in to a still half dozing Asuna.

“Hmmn. M-morning.” The brunette replied, suppressing a yawn. But when she noticed the tray in her boyfriend’s hands, she immediately sat bolt upright. “Kazuto! How sweet!”

“I figured you deserved a reward for yesterday.”

“I thought last night was my reward.” Asuna replied teasingly.

“Then consider this an advance payment for today.”

“Oh, what do you have planned then?” The young girl asked curiously as she sipped from her orange juice.

“Let’s wait until after breakfast.” Her lover replied, taking a piece of sliced strawberry on a fork and feeding it to Asuna.

The two lovebirds enjoyed a playful and delicious breakfast, after which Asuna wanted to retreat to the bathroom and get ready to head out.

“Hang on, I’ve got something to add before you get dressed.” Kazuto suddenly said.

The brunette raised an eyebrow at her lover.  “Another vibrator game?”

“Nope, this one will be less conspicuous, and more bearable throughout the day.”

“What is it then?”

But instead of answer, Kazuto led her to the bathroom and took a very long coiled up rope with him.

Some 10 minutes later Asuna was stood in front of the mirror, still without clothes but with a rather different, far kinkier outfit of sorts:

Kazuto had covered her entire upper body with an expertly tied tortoise shell shibari. The ropework combined a crotchrope and chest harness into one, stylish piece of rope wear. The chest harness especially was tied with great care, to ensure it would offer the same level of support as a bra would.

Naturally the key knots were all in difficult to reach places for Asuna, and everything was pulled so tight she wouldn’t be able to fiddle with her harness unnoticed.

Kazuto had also used nylon rope, to prevent the chafing or rope burn from becoming too bad like hemp rope would do.

“Well, what do you think?” The dark haired young man asked.

“It doesn’t hurt.” Was the brunette’s first remark.

Her boyfriend sighed in relief. “I would hope not, I’ve practiced this on first aid dummies countless times to make sure I got the shape and tightness just right.”

The beautiful young woman in front of him spun round. “Seriously?!”

“Of course. I couldn’t very well turn up here with a set of notes and some pictures and just ‘have at it’, now could I?”

Asuna grinned. “How thoughtful.”

“It’s my job as the dominant half.” Kazuto just shrugged.

“Well consider your job well done.” She replied, turning around in front of the mirror and inspecting her slender yet feminine body from all angles.

“I think this stuff makes my body look very erotic.”

“That it does. And you’re sure it’s not uncomfortable, right? Even if you move around?”

“Hmm, well I wouldn’t say it’s uncomfortable. But obviously, I’m aware of the ropes being present. I’m pretty sure I’ll be trembling on my knees by the end of the day. But that’s the challenge, isn’t it?” She said with a confident smirk.

“Pretty much. But we won’t be making any far trips today, and I’ll remain close by or keep my phone on at all times. So whenever you’re in trouble just call me and I’ll come running.” Kazuto said with a calm smile.

“Reliable as always.” The brunette teased as she ran a hand across her bosom.

“Hmnn! They’re already so sensitive!” She realized. “Guess I’ll be needing loose clothing to make sure nothing pokes through.”

“Well I chose thin ropes for this reason. You can easily hide it underneath clothes, but you can even put on underwear over this if you want too.”

“Hmm, true. I suppose that might be for the best.” Asuna replied as she skipped over to her wardrobe to pick out an outfit.

But as she made her way across her room, she noticed the second major element in her shibari – the crotchrope- was just as noticeable to her body as the chest harness was!

Okay, so no tight trousers for today. She thought to herself as she glanced over her options.


A skirt would definitely be my best bet to prevent any more pressure on that fiendish crotchrope. But what’ll I do if it flutters in the wind, or if I trip due to loss of concentration and I end up exposed?!

The brunette didn’t understand why she was being so paranoid, the chances of those things happening were slim to none! But for some reason the ever present feel of those ropes wrapping her body made her overly cautious.

It’ll be less comfortable, but I’ll go with my favourite jeans. And my most comfortable set of underwear, plus that cute blouse I bought recently.

With her wardrobe sorted out, Asuna gets dressed and -carefully- headed down the stairs.

Kazuto was waiting for her back in the living room, holding a small black case.

“What’s that?” She asked curiously.

“A gift.”

“For me?”

“No, I’m cheating on you with a girl five houses down. I just didn’t manage to hide her present from view in time.” The young man said sarcastically.

Asuna frowned. “Don’t joke about those things!”

“Sorry. The present is yours, of course.”

The brunette closed in as her boyfriend lifted the lid.

“A necklace!” She cheered excited.

“Almost.” Kazuto replied. “Take a closer look.”

The brunette frowned as she examined the accessory. It was then she understood what her boyfriend meant:

The necklace was a bit bulkier than it seemed at first glance, due to the distracting shine of the polished silver. But even more notable was the fact that the mechanism to open the necklace could actually be locked down, with a key.

What was lying in that leatherette case, was a stylish, slightly bejewelled collar.

“Isn’t that thing a bit too obvious?” Asuna asked worried.

“No one will notice what it is at first glance.”

“But the penny will drop when they get a good look.”

“That’s the exciting part.”

There’s no denying that… Asuna had to admit.

“It was just an idea to go with the hidden public bondage thing. You don’t have to feel obligated.” Kazuto added quickly.

“No no, I’ll wear it.” The brunette replied hastily. “I just needed a minute to take it all in. But looking at it, this collar actually seems quite cute.

“Well it’s supposed to pose as a necklace so it couldn’t be all leather and spikes.” Her boyfriend joked.

“True.” Asuna replied as she put on her necklace, then closing it with a soft *krk*.

“There we go, securely locked down.” She said cheerfully.

“It looks pretty.” Kazuto replied as he opened the door for them to head out.

The two made their way over to a nearby park to enjoy a lovely down the promenade.

Of course Kazuto took every chance he could to tease his girlfriend.

“Your blush looks incredibly cute.” He remarked.

“Thanks.” Asuna giggled. “But it’s not voluntary.” She admitted. Though the ropes weren’t what you call chafing her body, each step did leave her hyper aware of was going on beneath her clothes.

But even more enervating was the necklace, which was on full display to anyone who walked past.

“Don’t fret, it looks perfectly natural.” Kazuto reassured his girlfriend, as though he had read her mind.

“I know. The cute top I’d chosen is a nice fit so it looks just like a real necklace to match my outfit.” She replied, though more for her own benefit than for her lover’s. Because up until now she hadn’t even once been able to prevent her heartrate from skyrocketing whenever somebody looked her way…

“If you keep fidgeting like that, people really will notice.” Kazuto chuckled.

“Don’t tease me!” Asuna replied, grabbing his arm and walking along leaning into her boyfriend.

Somehow, I always feel calmer when I’m close to him. She thought happily as the dark haired young man squeezed her hand a little.

“You’re doing fine, and you look as ravishing as ever.”

“Hihihi, thank you. It helps that it’s such a lovely day outside, it gives people something to do other than scowl at passers-by.”

“Although I’m pretty sure you get more than your fair share of sly looks, since you’re so cute and all.” Kazuto teased, pinching her buttocks.

“Hey! Not in public!” She reprimanded him, slapping his hand away.

“Sure.” He replied, wrapping his hand along her waist instead, but taking hold of one of the ropes running along her body underneath, and giving it a tug.

“AH!” The brunette yelped, frowning at her boyfriend. “That’s mean!”

“You think?”

“Yes! Because-“ she turned to a whisper- “because people won’t know why I’m suddenly turning so red.”

“I know, hidden public bondage is the best.”

“Maybe for the accomplice, but not for the wearer.”

*tug* Kazuto pulled on the rope again, hard enough this time to make the chest harness contract a little.

“Ooohh!!” Asuna failed to stifle her groan, immediately slapping her hands over her mouth and frantically looking around to see if anyone heard her.

The tall young man beside her chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, I made sure to check no one was in ear shot.”

“You could’ve told me!” Asuna hissed.

“That would’ve spoiled the fun.”

“But saved me a heart attack.”

“That’s the last thing we need: you passing out and paramedics taking off your blouse for heart massage.” The raven haired young man joked.

“You’d probably end up interrogated.” Asuna kidded back.

The young lovers continued their trip through the park for about 15 more minutes before reaching the entrance closest to Asuna’s home again. There the two parted ways for a little while. Kazuto headed home ahead of Asuna, explaining he had a few mails to check regarding a project for his studies.

So the brunette took it upon herself to go grocery shopping on her own and buy everything she’d need to cook for Kazuto and herself later in the day.


Naturally poor Asuna got aroused on more than one occasion during her shopping trip, sometimes by something as innocent as crossing the street in a hurry!

But every step wearing the intricate and tight chest harness proved to her she needn’t bother with retreating to a public bathroom and fiddling with the tortoise shibari. Kazuto had done his job well enough to ensure she wouldn’t be able to provide herself with any relief, save for using a knife or scissors. But the brunette didn’t want to go that far, since that would ruin the game.

However, that resolve did mean the brave young woman was forced to make her way around the nearby mini market quite carefully, making sure to avoid bumping into other people and not to overreach herself to keep the crotchrope or chest harness from making her moan unwillingly.

It took a lot out of her, but Asuna managed to make it through her shop without letting her secret slip. She had one very close call at the register, when she strained herself lifting her heavy shopping bag and a soft moan forced itself past her lips as the knot between her labia dug in.

The cashier had turned to her with a rather stunned look on her face. “Are you okay?” She had asked. “Should I get someone to help carry this?”

“No no!” The brunette young woman had replied hastily, hoisting the bag with both hands. “I just pulled a muscle yesterday during exercising. She lied off the top of her head, backing out of the shop.

That was way too close! The young woman had thought as her heart continued to beat wildly in her chest. Imagine one of the workers walking up to me and touching my back, only to feel the ropes covering it!

The mere image of that scene made another shiver run down young Asuna’s spine. I’d better get home, where I’m safe.

However, on her way back to her house, a thought struck her. Or rather, the sight of a certain shop.

Kazuto isn't the only one good at surprises…

Kazuto had been sitting down for about half an hour already when Asuna returned. The young man had managed to wrap up his work faster than planned, and had taken to doing some cleaning around the house to make save Asuna some work for her parents’ return.

But even after going around several of the rooms, his girlfriend had yet to return home.

“She’s later than I thought she’d be. Should I call her?” He muttered to himself, a little worried since this wasn’t at all usual for his ever conscientious girlfriend.

But just as he planned to dial his smartphone to call up Asuna and ask her if she needed any help, the front door opened.

“I’m home!” The slender young woman chimed cheerfully.

“Welcome back.” Kazuto replied, a hint of relief slipping past. “You’re later than I thought you’d be.”

“I made a quick pit-stop.”


But all the dark haired young man was a cheeky grin for a response. “You’ll have to wait until tonight.”

Kazuto raised an eyebrow. “Will I now? That makes me really curious.”

“Hihihi, that’s why I said it.” She giggled back.

“So did you manage today, coping with all the ropework I mean?”

“It wasn’t easy, but I pulled through. This was my most exciting shopping trip by far however, and that’s counting ALO gear-hunts.”

“Happy to hear it.” Kazuto replied with a smug grin.

“Don’t give me that look!” Asuna reprimanded her lover, though the equally wide grin betrayed she was messing around. “And come help me with preparing dinner.”

“Sure, sure.”

The two then cooked a healthy meal together and dined in the kitchen, after which they retreated to the sofa for some cuddling.

Kazuto stroked his girlfriend's thighs and slipped his hands underneath Asuna’s blouse so he could tug at the shibari directly whilst they watched some television.

“Those spots are sensitive you know.” Asuna said teasingly.

“That’s why I can’t stop playing with them.” The dark haired young man countered as he pulled in the crotchrope.

“Ahhh!” His lover moaned softly, squirming in his arms a little. “C-Can we go up to the bedroom?” She asked needily.

“That bad huh?”

“What did you expect after tying those ropes so tightly.” Asuna retorted after jumping out of the sofa and going ahead of him.

“Fair point.” Kazuto replied, following immediately after.

By the time the dark haired man made it inside Asuna’s room his girl had already taken off her top and was pulling down her jeans, exposing that fantastic rear-end of hers.

As Kazuto closed the bedroom door, Asuna curved her hips to show off her beautifully toned body laced up in her pink underwear and Kazuto’s the still pristine shibari.

“Like what you see?” She said softly as she craned her neck to glance at Kazuto before striding over to the bed and sensually crawled onto the sheets, face down.

“A lot.” The young man replied as he followed his girlfriend’s example, pulling of shirt as he neared the bed. “But I have a feeling I’ll love ‘unwrapping’ you even more.” He joked.

“Oh I’m certain of it.” Asuna replied as she turned around on her back. As she did so, the surprise she’d set up during her return home was revealed: On her belly button there was now a shiny silver piercing!

"What?!” The young college student exclaimed surprised as he spotted the glimmer. “You got pierced?!"

“Yep! My nipples and belly button.” Asuna replied as she removed her bra to show similar silver rings adorning her nipples.” She grinned at Kazuto, who simply stood there with a wide open mouth.

“… You don't like it?" She asked, a bit insecure due to the quiet response.

"I love it!" Came back immediately. “I would never have suggested it myself since I wouldn’t want to offend you, but seeing it now makes me really grateful you went and did if yourself!

“Hihihi, I can’t have you taking all of the initiative, can I?” She replied slyly.

“Oh I never expected to.” Kazuto replied. “You’re much too strong willed for that.”

“You mean stubborn, right?” The brunette said teasingly.

“Pretty much.” Her lover admitted as he began undoing the shibari.

“Hmn, I should send you home for that remark.”

“Then who will test out these new accessories of yours?” Kazuto retorted, tugging on her left piercing.

“HIIII!” Asuna yelped as a brilliant, sharp, but immensely erotic pain shocked through her entire body.

"Not so rough.” She mewled. “I only had them done a few hours ago."

"Should I lay off them!"

"GOD NO! But… maybe treat them really gently?"

Kazuto smirked. "Consider it done."

After rendering his lover completely naked, he tied her arms behind her back at the wrists and elbows. Kazuto next pulled Asuna into his lap to rest against his chest.

He started out by massaging her breasts ever so slowly, taking care not to touch her nipples except very carefully.

“Hmnnn…” Asuna moaned appreciatively. “This feels even better than normal.”

“Probably because you’re still sensitive all over from the rope harness.”

“Probably. But I think you’re improving too.”

“Haha, I guess that can also be a factor.”

One of Kazuto’s hands soon travelled down her pussy, gently rubbing Asuna’s labia and squeezing her clit. But at the same time, he moved in for a surprise tug at one of the tiny rings piercing her nipples

"AAAHH!!!" Asuna shrieked as her climax surged forth instantly!

She slumped against his back, gasping for air. “That was… powerful.”

“I’ll say. These might just be the best gift you've ever given me."

"G-Glad you like them." Asuna replied, still panting. She craned her neck so she could kiss her lover sitting behind her.

“I do. Very much. And actually, I just had a really cool idea for these…”

And with that, Asuna was led to the bathroom by her boyfriend for a quick shower, after which she spent the rest of her evening walking around completely naked inside the house, engaging in a little master-slave roleplay.

A very light and thin golden chain had been padlocked to both her nipple piercings and her belly button piercing for a shiny golden triangle that jingled softly with every step.

Added to that was a knotted cleave gag that had been tied in place to keep Kazuto’s slave from protesting too much.

“Oh ai af oo err ish (do I have to wear this)?” The brunette asked as she pointed at the cleave gag. She hadn’t been restrained, so she could take it out if she wished. But she was sure Kazuto had some sort of penalty prepared for that.

“Well if you behave, I might take it out as a reward later.” Her boyfriend replied as headed downstairs.

“Hmmnn.” Asuna mouthed into the knot as she followed him into the kitchen.

Once there, Kazuto took a bowl of grapes with him to the living room, and made Asuna sit in the sofa so he could lie in her lap.

“I take it you know what to do?” He said as he handed her the bowl.

“Esh Ashur (yes master).” She replied cutely as she lowered a single grape into her lover’s mouth.

Kazuto chewed on it happily, playing with the golden chain dangling above him.

“Hiii!” The brunette yelped, glaring at him. “Ey arr is shen-shi-tif (they are still sensitive)!” She protested, slapping his hand away when he tried to approach again.

Kazuto frowned. “Bad girl.” He reprimanded.

And naturally, he had come up with a little punishment system on the fly. Every time Asuna would mutter a word of resistance (however slight), a small padlock would be added to a random point in the chain to have just a liiiitle bit of extra weight pulling at Asuna’s divine body.

Her slap just now marked the first padlock, positioned smack in the middle of the chain spanning her nipples.

“Aaahhhnnnn!!” Asuna howled, puffing short gasps of air to try and accommodate the pull on her nipples.

“Let that be a warning.” Kazuto said strictly.

“Ai shorree Ashur (I’m sorry master).” Asuna mewled, hoping to get the lock removed again.

“Good, then you won’t mind feeding me some more grapes.” The dark haired young man said as he switched on the television.

You are enjoying this way too much. The brunette thought to herself as she lowered another grape into her lover’s mouth, trying to block out that constant pull on her nipples.

After the program finished, Kazuto turned off the television set. “How about a massage?”

“Aid of an (I’d love one). “

“Very funny.” Her boyfriend replied as he went to lie on the sofa face down.”

Asuna growled annoyed, which earned her another padlock.

“Ho airr (No fair)!” She moaned.

But a third padlock placed on the nearby table served as enough of a deterrent to prevent any further protest.

So despite Asuna feeling she was the one who deserved a massage, she still began giving Kazuto his backrub.

“Hmnnn.” The young man grunted softly. “You’re amazingly skilled.”

“Ahk oo ashur (thank you master).” The brunette replied proudly.

“Keep this up and those padlocks are coming off after.

“Ee-hee (really)?!”


That was all Asuna needed to hear for her to start giving it her all in massaging her boyfriend’s back and shoulders for the next 20 minutes.

After he was completely relaxed, Kazuto sat up and removed the cleave gag from Asuna’s mouth.

“You did a wonderful job, slave-chan.”

“Hihihi, thank you master.” She said cutely, proudly trusting out her chest to bring the chain and padlocks to her lover’s attention.

“Of course.” Kazuto replied, fishing the tiny keys out of his back pocket and removing both the padlocks and chains.

“It’s getting late, but do you maybe want a massage as well before we turn in? I’m guessing your body has had a lot to endure today.”

“You bet it did!” Asuna replied, flopping down on the couch and folding her arms beneath her head. “And it’s a master’s job to take care of his slave, right?” She said teasingly.

“True. Completely true.” Kazuto admitted as he began working the tension out of his beloved girlfriend’s spine.

“Hmmnnnnn! Keep going!” Asuna moaned, almost dozing off as she felt her stress melt away.

After a proper full body massage (neck to toe), the brunette was just about ready to pass out from the blissful glow filling her up.

“Carry me.” She mused, feeling too lazy to even walk up the stairs in order to crawl in bed.

“Haha, I guess you’ve earned at least that much selfishness for tonight.” Kazuto replied as he took her in his arms and carried her up the stairs.

Once in their room, he tucked his lover in and joined her soon after. The two lovebirds barely remained awake for 5 more minutes after that, both of them quite drained from the exciting but demanding day filled to the brim with kinky games.

Later that week, the couple was at Kazuto’s place getting ready to head out and attend a small party with their SAO/ALO friends.

“Kazuto, are you ready?” Asuna yelled from down the stairs.

She’d already finished putting on her make-up and dressing in a beige top, a dark red skirt and dark brown high heeled boots.

“I’ll be right down, just grabbing something from my room.” Came from upstairs.

“Well hurry up, you don’t want to be late do you?”

“This’ll only take a second!”

Moments later, Kazuto came walking down the stairs holding a small black case.

“What’s in there?” Asuna asked curiously.

“A set of earrings I bought you.”

“Another present?” The brunette said surprised, opening up the box.

Inside she saw a pair of gold earrings, but quite the unique set:

“These are padlocks?!”

“Earrings in the shape of padlocks.” Kazuto corrected.

“You want me to wear these to the party?”

“Why not? They’re small enough so people won’t notice at a glance.”

“Liz will definitely spot them!”

“You think so?”


“But she won’t make a fuss about it will she?”

“T-That… probably not…”

“Then why not have a go?”

“B-Because it’s embarrassing!”

“More embarrassing than walking around with a rope harness under your clothes?”

“It’s more visible!”

“Exactly. It’s another step up. I thought it might be fun.” Kazuto said calmly, already closing the lid. “But if you really don’t feel up to it, I won’t force you of course.”

“I didn’t want to shoot down your idea so harshly, you just caught me by surprise.” Asuna defended. “I’ll give it a shot.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Thinking about it, this could be fun. I won’t really be uncomfortable wearing these either, so in that regard it’s not nearly as hard on me as your harness was the other day.”

“True.” Kazuto replied as he helped Asuna clip on the earrings. “I still want you to be able to enjoy the party after all.”

“How do I look?”

“Gorgeous. But that’s hardly thanks to those earrings.”

“Haha, you can cut the flattery.” The brunette replied as she opened up the door and headed out so Kazuto could lock up.

After a brief 20-minute walk, the couple arrived at Egil’s bar which had been closed down for the evening. Thanks to Asuna’s last-minute accessorizing, they were the last to arrive.

“Hey, Kazuto, Asuna. What took you two so long!” Klein said as he waved energetically from a bar stool.

“They probably were late leaving the house because they keep their hands off each other.” Liz chuckled.

“Probably. Or maybe Asuna couldn’t settle on an outfit.” Silica added.

“It’s nothing like that.” Kazuto intervened. “We’re late because of me. Asuna had to tear me away from my laptop because I kept on working on my project.” The young man lied quickly.

“Oh, I see you’ve gotten even more passionate about your studies then!” Klein replied.

“You bet, the more I learn the more I want to keep going!”

The group started an animated conversation after that, mainly catching up on what all of them had been up to the few past months.

Naturally, Liz and Asuna spent some time chatting privately as well.

And then the pink haired girl saw exactly what Asuna had predicted (and feared) she would see.

“Asuna, those earrings… They’re uh… ‘special’.” She opened cautiously. “Where did you get them.”

The brunette’s cheeks flushed in the blink of an eye. “They were a gift.” She said evasively.

“From Kazuto?”

“Yes.” She admitted, staring into her drink to avoid making eye contact with her friend.

“Wow, I’d always pegged him to be an oddball of sorts. But he’s really got some special tastes then.”

“You could say that.”

Liz frowned at her friend’s rather timid responses. “He’s not forcing you to wear those is he? Or forcing you into anything else?!”

“NO! No not at all! We’re perfectly happy together!” Asuna replied quickly.

“Then you like those… padlock earrings?” She asked for lack of a better description.

“I-I do.”

Now a grin started playing along the former smith’s lips. “Now that’s surprising…”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing.” Liz said slyly. “Just happy to hear you two share your… preferences.”

“Liizz!” The college student whined. “You’re teasing me!”

“Yes I am. And I’m sure Pina, Klein and Egil will too.”

Asuna’s eyes widened. “You can’t tell them!”

“I probably won’t have to; they’ll figure things out once they get a good look at your earrings.”

“It’s not that noticeable. Is It?” The brunette asked, her voice betraying some insecurity.

“No, it isn’t. I’m just teasing you.” The pinkette tried to reassure her friend.

“Thanks. But I think I might make a quick stop at the bathroom anyways.” Asuna replied as she retreated from the party for a moment.

As exciting as this is, I’m afraid this is one game I’m going to terminate early Kazuto. The slender young woman thought to herself. I’m not quite ready for our secret to be revealed…

Stood in front of the bathroom mirror, Asuna began fiddling with her earrings to take them out now that she had the room to herself.

However… They wouldn’t unhook anymore.

“That’s strange. They’re brand new so they can’t be broken. And they closed up so easily before. Why can’t I open them anymore?” The young woman muttered puzzled as she examined her reflection and the tiny gold padlocks dangling from her earlobes.

But then a thought struck her, a really unnerving one.

These padlock earrings… can’t be real WORKING padlocks, can they?!

But that was just about the only explanation.

She leaned forward so far her nose almost touched the mirror, and she took hold of her left earring to tilt it and examine the bottom.

And lo and behold: there was the tiniest of openings located at the bottom, a keyhole.

“Kazuto, you darned…” Asuna cursed at her boyfriend, clenching her fist. Always one step ahead!

After taking a few minutes to collect her thoughts and calm herself down, Asuna re-joined the party.

Liz immediately noticed the glimmering gold earrings not having disappeared, and walked up to her friend. “Changed your mind after all?”

“I’m not allowed to apparently.” Asuna replied between gritted teeth.

The pink haired girl looked on in confusion. But then it clicked.

“You don’t mean…” She stammered, holding her hands over her mouth to keep herself from bursting out in laughter.

“Not. A. word!” She hissed, glaring over at Kazuto in the meantime.

Her boyfriend was having a lively chat with Klein, and had yet to notice his ploy had begun unfolding almost exactly the way he had planned.

Forced to improvise in order to keep her earrings from being spotted, Asuna combed her lovely long locks forward a bit more so she could hide her ears.

“Cute, I like it.” Liz giggled. “I’m sure Kazuto will too.”

“I need a glass of wine.” The brunette grumbled.

“Then let’s settle for a bottle!” The former smith said cheerfully.

Liz continued chatting with Asuna, and the two soon had Silica join. Their friendly banter was enough to briefly distract the college student from her earrings, and she began enjoying the party again.

It wasn’t until Kazuto approached his girlfriend during a quiet moment at the party, that she was reminded of his gift.

"I like your hair like this, it’s a nice change of looks." He said as he took another beer from the fridge before sitting opposite of Asuna.

He received a threatening glare for that compliment, the likes of which he hadn't seen since SAO.

"Keys. Now." She hissed.

"Ask nicely." He countered, trying to keep firm to his role as dom.

"Now!" The brunette repeated with a barely contained voice.

Kazuto frowned at her. "Okay, but you'll pay the price later, agreed?"

"Price? What price?"

"The price for backing out."

"That's not fair." The young woman protested angrily. “You didn’t inform me properly!”

"Take it or leave it." Her black haired boyfriend said sternly, now frowning back at her.

"Alright, alright." Asuna sighed. Anything to get these earrings off.

"Good girl." Kazuto commended, giving her a tiny key, after which she immediately rushed to the bathroom and unlocked her earrings.

After that the two enjoyed the rest of the party wholeheartedly, laughing and dancing the night away with their many friends.


After the party ended, Kazuto and Asuna headed back to his place since it was closest by. It was already past midnight, but the well-lit roads made it perfectly safe for the couple to return home on foot. And the deserted streets made it possible for the raven haired young man to try out yet another game.

“Give me your hands.” Kazuto said out of the blue.

Asuna was so surprised she didn’t even hesitate, and before she knew it she found her wrists tied together in front of her.

“Good, let’s go.” The young man said casually.

Just like that. Asuna rolled her eyes, but followed along regardless. “Where do you keep getting these ideas?”

“To be honest this one just popped into my head moments ago.”

“Uhuh, and you were carrying rope in your jacket just in case something like that happened or?”

“Pretty much.”

“You are too kinky!” Asuna mocked.

“I’d like to think I’m just kinky enough to keep you happy.”

The brunette giggled. “You just might be.”

The lovebirds continued their walk home.

Asuna’s pulse gradually rose as she and Kazuto walked side by side. At first she had simply felt too surprised and flustered for it to really sink in what was going on. But now that she had had the time to grasp what she was actually doing, she regained that all too familiar shiver down her spine again.

I’m walking out in the open with my hands tied together. If Kazuto were to tie me to a bench or something else heavy, I wouldn’t be able to resist him at all! Or if he chose to rush off I’d end up all alone! The young college student realized. And those were just a few of the scenarios that began flooding her mind!

Asuna began fidgeting with the ropes bindings her wrists, making them creak as she tried to slip a knot within reach of her fingers. But they simply wouldn’t budge, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t slip her hands free.

“Don’t worry, it’s late so no one’s here.” The taller young man beside her said soothingly.

“I know, but this is why you put the ropes on me isn’t it? To see me squirm in them?” She countered teasingly.

“Maybe…” Kazuto chuckled, squeezing her butt with his right hand.

“AH! Kazuto!” She yelped, smacking him on the shoulder with her connected hands. “Don’t think I’m at your mercy just because my hands are stuck together.”

“Shh.” Her boyfriend suddenly said.

“Don’t shush me!”

“Incoming.” He whispered.

Asuna’s eyes widened. That guy is going to pass right by us!

She instinctively began wriggling with her hands to try and prise them apart and hide them in her coat’s pockets. Which of course was a hopeless endeavour.

Her heart began beating wildly in her chest. Just a few more feet and the limited light from the street lamps would reveal her predicament to the middle aged man coming the other way!

But to the brunette’s relief, Kazuto brought rescue by grabbing her bound hands and pulling Asuna so close she almost tripped.

“Ah!” She gasped. “What are you-“

“Lean into me.” He whispered, grabbing her by the shoulder.

With her body so close to Kazuto’s, Asuna had no trouble keeping her hands down and in between their bodies, masking them with her lover’s overcoat by slipping them into a pocket.

It wasn’t the most comfortable walking position, but at least it hid the rope around her wrists perfectly.

With Kazuto keeping the conversation going, they managed to pass the man by without incident.

Once out of ear shot, the brunette let out a long sigh of relief.

“I thought I was going to pass out!”

“Exciting, huh?” The raven haired young man said with a slight grin.

“Almost too much, my knees feel weak.”

“Want to sit down?”

“Maybe for a minute.” Asuna admitted.

So the couple headed for a bench, where Kazuto brought a can of hot tea for Asuna back from a nearby vending machine, and a coffee for himself.

He opened the cans up and handed the tea to Asuna.

“Thanks.” The slender college student replied as she grasped the metal container with both hands, twisting the ropes a little so as to get a decent grip.

She had some difficulty, but after a bit of fidgeting she managed to drink her tea and enjoy the soothing sweet taste to help her calm down and recover from the exciting rush jut now.

When both their cans were finished, Kazuto stood up again. “Ready to move along?”

“Yes.” Asuna replied, getting up as well.

For the rest of their walk back, Kazuto kept teasing his partially restrained girlfriend every few minutes, with her playfully trying to push him off despite her hands being less than useful to defend herself.

But when the couple neared the end of the promenade, Kazuto suddenly grabbed the leading piece of rope that he’d tucked away between Asuna’s bonds earlier. With it, he pulled his girlfriend’s slender wrists up above her head, forcing them to stay there.

“Huh? What are you doing?” She asked flustered as she looked up at her boyfriend, whose face was now mere inches away.

But all she saw was that playful grin of his, soon followed by a pinch of her buttocks.

“Aaahhh!!” She moaned in surprised. In a reflex, she tried to pull her hands back down and back away. But her lover held strong, focusing all of his strength to keep Asuna’s hands where they were so he had free range to squeeze her breasts.

That made the young woman gasp even louder, soon after which she began squirming to slip her hands out of the tight ropes again.

“Since you keep pulling at me, I’m guessing I should let go?” Kazuto offered as he squeezed the brunette’s breast a bit harder through her coat. “Or better yet: tie you to a lamp post?”

Asuna looked up at her boyfriend, returning his grin. “Hmmmn, I want to say yes but if someone were to walk past us at that point you’d get arrested.”

“Hey, we’re a couple aren’t we? We’re free to do as we wish… Within the bounds of reason.”

Asuna smirked him. “That’s only if I confirm to the police you are my boyfriend.”

Now Kazuto finally let go of his lover’s rope. “Cunning.” He admitted.

His captive gently lowered her arms around Kazuto’s neck and pulled him close for a gentle kiss. “But then I would also lose access to all of these fun games.” She whispered. “So don’t worry, I’m not letting you go.”

“Shouldn’t I be saying that?” The raven haired young man chuckled.

His lover giggled as she broke off the embrace so they could continue heading home, Kazuto now taking hold of the rope like a leash. “Probably, you do have a real talent when it comes to pinning me down.”

Later that night, the two finally made it back to Kazuto's house, which was abandoned thanks to his sister staying over a some of her own friends.

Having reached the safety of her boyfriend’s home, Asuna got her whack from the hammer as the excitement from the party and the walk back home hit her all at once. She gratefully rubbed her wrists as Kazuto let her out of her bonds.

"You want to stay up some more?" She offered Kazuto. "I’m exhausted so I think I'm going to bed, but you're free to enjoy the tv a little while longer."

"No thanks, I won't be needing any television."

"Oh, you're coming to be with me?" Asuna replied, sounding pleasantly surprised.

"No, it's not time for bed yet. You still have a punishment game ahead of you."

"Excuse me?"

"The earrings, remember?"

"I thought walking home tied up WAS the punishment!”

“Nah, that was just some quick fun.”

“And fun it was.” The brunette admitted with a cute smile. "But do we have to do your punishment now? I'm tired. Can’t we just snuggle together between the sheets and leave it until the morning?" She tried, kissing her boyfriend in between whispers.

"I’m afraid we can’t wait that long.” Kazuto insisted. “Because the punishment will last through the night."

That made Asuna perk up straight away. "WHAT?!"

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. It's more playful really." The dark haired young man tried to pacify his lover.

The brunette sighed. "Sometimes I regret getting into this whole kinky stuff." She sighed defeated.

"No you don't." Kazuto replied confidently.

Asuna failed to suppress her grin. "Okay, I don't really… But couldn't we just postpone this punishment juuust this once?" She tried once again. “I promise I’ll behave tomorrow.” She said sheepishly.

But her lover shook his head adamantly. "Head to the bathroom, strip down to your lingerie, and wait there for further instructions." He commanded.

“Okay.” The brunette sighed before heading upstairs.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "You ready?" Kazuto's muffled voice asked.


The off-white bathroom door opened up and the young man walked in. With him he had a small black vibrator egg, a chastity belt to keep Asuna's hands away from the egg and a slim and comfy panel gag.

"I have to wear all of that?" The brunette asked somewhat startled.

"I made sure to buy smooth and soft leather so you'd be comfortable." Kazuto said calmly.

"That's a relative term." The young woman replied a bit surly.

"You want the explanation or have you gotten the gist of it?"

"I'm going to be trying to sleep with that vibe inside of me, that belt keeping me from getting it out after you've nodded off, and a gag to stop me from keeping you up during the night." Asuna responded.

"Almost. You won't have to spend all night with that vibe buzzing away. It'll be set to activate randomly both in time and strength."

"That's actually worse I feel."

"It's all up to luck if you think about it." Kazuto retorted, handing his girl the gear. "I'll trust you to put everything in place properly." He said.

"Of course. Timing aside, I did agree to the punishment during the party.”

“I love it when you act obedient.” Kazuto taunted.

“Then savour it, because it’ll be the last time for a long while.” The brunette retorted cheekily.

Her boyfriend chuckled softly as he left the bathroom so Asuna could get undressed and geared up. She opted to leave her underwear off for fear of it getting soaked in sweat and love juice.

The two then got to their bed, with Asuna snuggling up to her lover, who gave her a sweet kiss on her gag before lying down on his back, allowing Asuna to rest her head on his chest.

Asuna's peaceful rest was short lived however, because after just 3 minutes…

"Hmmff?!" She shrieked into her gag, though it was kept perfectly contained.

Already? But I've only just settled in!"

The brunette tried to hold still, clenching her thighs to stifle the vibrations. But as time went on her breathing still picked up the pace and her slight jerks turned to more violent squirming.

'This setting is so powerful! When is it going to end?'

"Hmm." She mewled softly, nudging Kazuto with her nose.

"That's why it's called punishment."

"Hmmk (jerk)!" She moaned into her gag, giving his chest a brief slap.

But mercifully, the vibe died down after just at that moment.

“Hmff.” She sighed in relief as her body began calming down again. She also tried falling asleep as quickly as possible, in the hopes that the vibe wouldn’t spring to life until she was well on her way.

But no such luck. After less than 10 minutes it kicked in again, this time at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Hmmrrr!" She groaned frustrated. I can’t spend the night like this, I’ll go crazy.

So the beautiful college student slid her hands down her body in order to start stealthily fiddling with the chastity belt.

However to her annoyance, she couldn’t find any way of creating enough slack to pull the egg out of her pussy.

"Hmmmf…" She moaned again, aiming the sound at Kazuto's ear to try and coax some pity out of him. She also began rubbing her perky breasts and stiff buds against his toned body for some extra leverage.

The dark haired young man opened his eyes and under a soft grunt. "What?"

"Hmmmn? (Please?)" The brunette beside him mewled as cutely as she could.

But the dark haired young man smiled kindly, taking his girl in his arms for a loving hug and a playful pinch of her buttocks.

She yelped girlishly in response, hoping he was softening up.

"You're cute, but the night is still young. This punishment isn’t over yet." He whispered mockingly.

"HMMRR!" Asuna growled, slapping his chest.

"Hey! Behave!" He warned.

"hmm mrhmm mmh (You're being mean)!" His girlfriend mumbled accusingly.

"And you're being restless." Was the quick retort.

"mh mmhn mmp (I can't sleep)!"

"So neither should I?"

Asuna wanted to keep protesting, but her gag was starting to annoy her. She starts fiddling with it as well, but of course there was a padlock in place completely denying her access.



"HMM (YES)!"

And to add insult to injury, now the egg sprang back into action. "HHHMMMMRRRNN!" The brunette screamed, now entirely unable to sit still and contain her frustrations.

Her entire body began trembling, her legs kicking about as ripple after ripple travelled through her loins, heating her up.

Kazuto sighed. "You're going to be like this all night, aren't you?"

Asuna glared at him and nodded defiantly. 

"Okay… Okay, I guess I have no choice then…" The young man said as he gently slid his girl of his chest and got up from the bed.

The brunette lied down, stretching her body and closing her eyes in relief whilst squeezing her legs together in an attempt to stave off her climax bubbling underneath the surface as she waited for Kazuto to get the keys for all her locked on gear.

You won’t regret this Kazuto. The way I’m feeling right now, our lovemaking might last through the night!

The least she could do for her boyfriend was royally reward his mercy when her lovebox would become accessible.

*Krrrk* That sound and the sensation of cold steel surrounding Asuna’s wrists were almost simultaneous.

Her eyes shot wide open as she tried to bolt upright from her mattress. But the unyielding handcuffs kept her wrists firmly contained to the headboard and snapped her right back into the pillows. "wht (What)?!" She moaned confused.

"This'll grant me a solid six hours of sleep. The gag is already keeping you from making noise, these cuffs will stop you fidgeting."

“Hmnn (nooo)!!” Asuna howled, rattling the solid steel handcuffs as she moaned in disappointment and squirmed in anger.

But her captor had already scooted to the other end of the bed, completely out of her reach.

Kazuto, you owe me a whole DAY of pampering for this!

Feeling utterly lost with her long night ahead of her, Asuna began bucking her hips in a desperate bid to make vibrator bring about her climax. If she could just cum, her body might quieten down enough after the egg shut off for her to sleep.

To her utter relief, it soon turned out that Kazuto had programmed the egg to lose effect after the first hour.

After all, there was no way he was going to let his cute girlfriend spend the entire night forced to endure wave after wave of forced pleasure. The handcuffs however wouldn't unlock until 6 hours were up.

I can’t have her thinking I’m soft after all… The raven haired student thought to himself. If we want to keep up this games, she needs to have a strong dom to rebel against.

After the six hours were up, Asuna’s hands were freed. She’s long since drifted off to sleep of course, but it was a welcome surprise upon waking up.

A lot less pleasant was the fact her body felt so incredibly horny. Thanks to all of the chafing her tight chastity belt had done during the night her labia had barely gotten any rest! 

Did it come off too? She thought hopeful. But a quick tug on the leather contraption disappointed the brunette.

Time to wake up, Kazuto. Asuna thought to herself, shaking her boyfriend a little. “Ey, ashu-ho. Aie uh (hey, Kazuto. Wake up.)”

“Hmrn? Wha?” The dark haired young man said sleepily. “What time is it?”

“Ai or ay-in ih ee (Time for playing with me).” His lover said impatiently, pouncing onto his lap and nuzzling his chest for attention.

He chuckled softly after the sudden ‘oompf’ shocked him wide awake.

He reached for the drawer on his nightstand to take the key and remove Asuna’s gag.

“Thank you.” She said, leaning in for a tongue kiss.

With their lips and tongues entwined, Kazuto’s skilful hands unlock the chastity belt as well and take out the vibrator egg.

“Hmnn.” Asuna purred as she felt her lovebox being freed up again.

He next wrapped his arm around the brunette’s waist so he could guide her off him and land her onto the mattress on her back in a single fluent swing.

“AH!” Asuna yelped as she was plunged into the fluffy mattress and pillows.

“I believe I owe you some love.” Kazuto said dryly as her removed his boxers to slip his hard member into his lover’s folds.

“Hmnnnn.” She moaned eagerly. “You sure do!”

As the dark haired young man began lovingly rocking his dick inside Asuna’s pussy, she almost howled as the utter ecstasy of her long awaited climax began to soar.

In less than a minute, that burning orgasm of hers was a reality, soon followed by one of Kazuto’s.

The two lovebirds then lied down side by side in bed to bask in the afterglow for a little. And in Asuna’s case, gather the strength to even sit up after such a draining night and wake up call.

Kazuto leaned onto his side so he could gaze at his girlfriend, who was lying on her back with a fulfilled smile adorning her beautiful face.

“So, how was your night?”

"How was your night?"

The brunette grinned. "Way too long! But the morning made up for a lot of it."

Kazuto chuckled. "Guess I know what to threaten you with if you don't behave in the future." He teased.


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