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Nefertari Vivi, princess of the desert kingdom of Alabasta, had infiltrated a criminal organization known as ‘Baroque works’. The reason for that was that she suspected its ringleader to be behind the conflict brooding in her own country.

To look for proof of this, the young princess had become a member of Baroque works, under the alias of ‘Miss Wednesday’.

Naturally, this meant she also had to fulfill hazardous missions, but the brave young woman was more than willing to put her life on the line to save her country. She worked hard to become an elite member, and played her part as the loyal subordinate to a tee. This of course included showing up at HQ when summoned…

Right, this is it. Vivi thought as she fixed her skirt, nervous to come face to face with the very man responsible for sending her country on a path to ruin. The bluenette’s outfit consisted out of a white skirt, a dark and light blue striped top and white knee high boots. She had tied her long, light blue hair tied in a ponytail which dropped down all the way to her waist.

Stay calm, Vivi. Try and act respectful, don’t let him see how much you disgust him, and that you’re looking for proof to use against him.

The young princess knocked briefly and entered the mr. Zero’s office.

"Mr Zero? You called for me?" Vivi said as she entered the darkened office room.

"No, I did." A female voice replied.

Vivi instantly turned to the corner of the room she heard the voice come from. To her surprise, it was none other than Nico Robin who stepped out from the shadows, though everyone inside of Baroque Works knew her only as ‘miss Allsunday’. The raven haired woman was Robin wearing her short purple skirt with matching top, and equally colored boots.

"Miss Allsunday?! Why are you here?" Vivi replied shocked.

"Why?" Robin replied calmly. "I guess the word is… Curiosity."

"Huh?" Vivi responded. "What is that supposed to mean? What are you curious about?"

The tall dark haired woman immediately got to the point. "Just that you don't seem like the regular Baroque Works members, not at all actually."

"Of course not!" Vivi replied. "I'm a single digit member, an elite!" The bluenette actually sounded slightly proud, despite loathing the organization with her entire being. She was only there to infiltrate and gather evidence against its leader, to unmask him in her own country as the criminal that he was. But the fact that she’d worked herself to the top, without aid of her royal background, had given the young girl a sense of accomplishment.

"That's not what I meant," the raven haired woman replied calmly, "you seem far too… gentle."

That remark made the young princess shiver, but she hid it effectively enough for even Robin to miss it. 

I don’t like where this is going, this woman is far too sharp. The bluenette thought whilst keeping eye-contact with her superior officer.

"I've seen and done a lot of horrible things over the years," the second in command of Baroque Works continued, "I've also met a lot of horrible people. And they all had one thing in common: Cold, dead eyes."

Vivi was by now sweating bullets, but tried hard to keep hiding it as she continued listening to Robin.

"The thing is, your eyes seem far too kind to be in an organization like this… Almost makes you wonder where you came from, and what you're here for…"

"T-that's-" Vivi tried to reply in a panicked tone of voice, but her throat closed up halfway.

Did she figure me out?! Is this it for me?

Robin chuckled. "Don't worry miss Wednesday, I’m just teasing. Baroque Works doesn't care about the past of it members. As long as you continue to strive to perform every mission beautifully, you are welcome here."

"Yes madam!" Vivi said, a bit louder than intended. But the bluenette couldn't help it, her relief from being off the hook was too great. That was a close one. She thought to herself.

Now there was just one thing left bothering the Alabasta princess:

"But why then did you summon me to HQ, if my past is irrelevant to you?"

"Because there are very little women at the top tier of this organization." The raven haired devil fruit user replied calmly. "So we should stick together a little in this world of filthy and sweaty men, wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh, that's for sure." Vivi replied, surprised at the illustrious miss Allsunday making such a 'normal' remark. "So your only reason for getting me here was to have some 'girl time'?" The bluenette said in disbelief.

“Isn't that reason enough?" Robin replied.

"I guess… So what did you have in mind then?" Vivi replied, now actually a little curious about how this supposedly dangerous woman had fun.

"So forward." The black haired woman said approvingly. "Let me show you…"

And before Vivi could respond, several arms sprouted from her own back and the floor, grabbing her ankles and wrists and holding them in an iron grip. The arms on the floor kept Vivi's legs pinned on the spot, and the ones sprouting from her back were now wrestling the bluenette’s arms behind her back.

"Wha- How? What is the meaning of this, Miss Allsunday?!" The princess asked confused.

"Like I told you, I'm showing you what I had planned for the two of us." Robin simply replied.

Shit! She tricked me! First she got me to lower my guard, and now I've already been caught beyond hope of escape!

"So you did suspect me! And now you're going to interrogate me, when I can no longer resist or run."

"Nothing of the sort." Robin replied, almost offended. "Why do you keep thinking that? Are your secrets really that important?" The raven haired woman asked, now getting curious for the first time.

"T-That's what your job is in Baroque Works, isn't it?" Vivi replied, thinking on her feet now to avoid raising her captor's suspicion even more. "Mr Zero keeps you so close because you're well informed, right?"

The bronze skinned woman chuckled. "That's one of my qualities, yes. But I'm also quite 'handy' as you are discovering right now."

The hands trapping Vivi's arms now suddenly squeezed tighter, and the ones pulling her arms forced them even closer together, making Vivi grunt under the pressure.

"But I can't keep holding you like that forever." The devil fruit user continued. "So don't mind if I exchange these restrains for some 'more permanent' ones."

What is this woman planning to do? Vivi thought, confused but curious at the same time, though she didn't understand why.

The desert princess' unvoiced question would soon be answered, as Robin produced several coils of rope from a chest located in a corner of the room, along with a thin wooden bar of about 1.5m (5 feet) wide that had two holes drilled into it near the ends and one exactly in the middle.

As Robin began threading ropes through the holes of the wooden bar, Vivi began struggling to escape from the hands pinning her down. But Robin's power was too great, and all she managed to do was force the hands to tighten their grip, making her grunt softly as she got herself in an increasingly tighter spot.

Confident her captive would not be able to break free from her grip, Robin continued preparing the spreader bar in her hands without a care in the world. That behaviour bugged the blue haired girl more than anything, but she had to admit Robin was right to act like that: All Vivi could do was wait for the raven haired woman to get on with her work.

The young princess had never been much of a fighter, she didn't like battle in the least. Against this hard boiled criminal, what chance did she have?

When all three holes of the wooden bar had ropes hanging off of them, Robin turned her attention back to Vivi.

"Sorry for the wait, I'll get started now."

The hands forcing Vivi's arms behind her back now started to move again, pulling the bluenette's arms beside her body. From there on, four more hands sprouted from Vivi's side and front , which then forced the princess' arms out in front of her.

This way Robin could easily secure the ropes hanging from the spreader bar to Vivi's wrists, thereby forcing her to spread her arms wide.

The third length of rope Robin was far longer than the other two. The reason for that became apparent when Robin threw it in the air, ready to be caught by yet another arm which was hanging from the ceiling. Said arm then threaded the rope through a pulley system installed on a rail and dropped the rope back down in reach of Robin again.

"Brace yourself, miss Wednesday." Robin warned.

But before Vivi could ask what to brace for, Robin gave the rope a mighty pull, forcing Vivi's arms straight up so high the princess was forced onto her tiptoes.

"Argh." Vivi grunted as the strain on her arms instantly started to make them ache. The blue haired girl tried to pull the rope down again, if only by an inch, but Robin had already tied the rope to a hook on the other side of the room, impossibly far away from the young princess already useless hands.

"Now for those lovely legs of yours." Robin smirked.

The arms sprouted from the floor still had Vivi's legs securely pinned down, and though she was now trying to kick them free, being forced to stand on her toes meant she couldn't really get any strength in her legs.

Darn it! Is this really all I can manage, to meekly resist while this woman does as she pleases with me? I've come this far, but what'll become of me now? Vivi thought frustrated and scared at the same time as she watched Robin bend down, two lengths of rope in hand .

The raven haired woman used these two ropes to seperately secure Vivi's ankles to rings stuck in the floor, keeping the desert princess' legs firmly planted in the same place.

Try as she might, the ropes wouldn't budge an inch, and with her arms pulled so high into the air, Vivi was now effectively immobile and completely vulnerable. Her midrif had started showing due to her top being pulled upwards from the straining position she was forced to take.

"Hrrmmgg." Vivi grunted. "Miss Allsunday, this is going a little bit far, is it not?"

"On the contrary," The black haired woman replied cheerfully. "I'm not even finished yet."

"What more is there to do?!" The blue haired captive asked scared.

"So many questions, miss Wednesday." Robin teased. "Be patient will you."

The hana hana fruit user then pulled a couple of handkerchiefs out of the pocket of her jacket and folded two of them up.

"Open wide." Robin said.

Vivi's eyes widened, after which she clamped her mouth tightly shut.

Robin tutted. "You naughty girl." She said, after which she pinched Vivi's nose to cut off her air supply.

Vivi struggled for over a minute, but in the end she was forced to come up for air. The minute she did, two handkerchiefs got shoved into her mouth, filling it so much her cheeks were bulging.

The third and thickest of the three pieces of cloth then ended up tied in between her teeth to keep the other two in place, making for a very effective stuffed cleave gag.

"MMM mmm!! (Damn you!!)" Vivi cursed, slightly startled by how rattled she'd become from all of this. Certainly, being ‘manhandled’ like this was something a princess like her had never undergone, but to think she would lose her composure so badly when it could mean being discovered as a spy… She had to pull herself together, and quickly!

Vivi’s raven haired captor didn’t suspect anything, though. She was far too busy enjoying the bluenette’s response. 

"Wonderfully quiet." She said as she slowly stepped closer, ignoring Vivi’s foul look of contempt.  "Now that preparations are finished… Time to start my fun."

All of a sudden, Robin cut the shoulder straps of Vivi’s shirt and pulled it down, revealing a light blue bra of the same colour as her hair. This elicited quite a few muffled protests from Vivi, but with her arms and legs pinned the bound and gagged princess couldn’t manage anything more than a couple of meek struggles, nothing near enough to hinder Robin.

Moving on, Robin unclipped Vivi’s bra to expose the princess’ above average chest. Now Vivi really gave it her utmost to struggle free, driven by the fear of what could follow next. She tried pulling her hands down again in order to slap the black haired woman in front of her, but sadly all she managed was jiggle her now loose hanging breasts enticingly as she shook her arms around.

Robin couldn’t help but giggle softly at seeing her captive become so flustered already. “You are adorable right now, you know that?” She said.

More exposed now than she’d ever felt in her life, Vivi couldn’t help but blush bright red at hearing the compliment. The blue haired damsel looked away to avoid Robin’s gaze.

However, by looking away she was late in noticing what Robin's next move was.

The hana hana fruit eater had fished a pair of weighted clamps out of her pocket. The weights in question were quite substantial, and even a seasoned practitioner would struggle to bear them.

I wonder how much willpower my little captive possesses… Robin thought curiously.  

However the second Vivi spotted the clamps in Robin’s hand, her eyes widened with fear. She had just had her chest put on display, so it wasn’t that hard to figure out where those clamps were headed… and she didn’t like it one bit!

As Robin got nearer, Vivi resumed her frantic struggling in a useless effort to get away.

“It would be wise not to resist so much, my dear.” Robin remarked. “The more you move when these are in place, the more they’ll hurt.” 

Realizing there was no escaping those clamps, Vivi closed her eyes and braced herself for the moment their weight would become born by her nipples.

As Robin clipped on the clamps, Vivi took a deep breath in anticipation. But when Robin let go…

…She hadn’t braced enough…

"MMRREEEEEEEEEEEEGGGHHHH!!" The bluenette screeched as the full weight of the clamps began pulling down on her nipples. In mere seconds, Vivi’s threshold of pain had been shattered, but with no way of removing them herself, the poor damsel could do nothing but whimper as the pain kept building inside, strangely heating up her chest at the same time.

"Oooh. Quite a harsh sound.” Robin said calmly, without a hint of compassion. “But don't worry my dear, you'll get use to the pain momentarily. And then the real fun can start."

But Vivi didn't want to wait for 'the real fun'. She pulled on the spreader bar to get the pulley roll back a little on its rail. That way, she could lean back and have the weights rest on her body instead of hang into thin air. The second the princess managed this, a huge wave of relief flowed through her as the pain instantly dropped to a mere fraction.

However Robin didn’t quite approve of the princess’ resourcefulness.

"Oh, you clever girl." Robin complimented Vivi at seeing her captive work a way around the heavy weights pulling down on her nipples. "But I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

The raven haired woman then sprouted another arm from the ceiling, close to where the spreader bar had been attached, and tossed a short length of rope into the air for that arm to catch. The ceiling arm quickly looped the rope around the spreader bar and then pulled it forward nearly a whole foot, tying off the rope to keep it secured in that spot. 

Given that her feet were pinned in place by ropes tied around each of her ankles, the new location of the spreader bar forced Vivi to effectively lean forwards, giving the weights free roam to hang and pull down on her now brutally aching nipples.

"MMMMNNN!!! (NOOOO!!!)" Vivi shouted, enraged by her captor not even granting her this little relief.

But apart from her furious shouting, there was nothing the bluenette could do. Her arms and legs weren't budging an inch, she couldn’t move them at all however much she tried. 

Not that she was very inclined to try anymore, since from now on the weights would jiggle up and down with her every twitch of her body, sending wave after wave of excruciating yet oddly arousing pain throughout her entire body.

By now the young princess was close to tears, the pain and injustice were simply too much to bear. But she forced herself to look Robin straight in the eye, not granting her captor the pleasure of seeing how much she was suffering

"Admirable conduct." Was all the raven haired woman had to say. "You're holding out terribly well for someone so unaccustomed."

But Vivi didn't respond to the backhanded compliment, she just kept up her angry stare, trying to convey as much hatred and disgust as she possibly could in her mute and immobile state.

"Don't look so sour, my dear." Robin teased. "I promise things will get better for you, if you give me free reign over your body…"

Given that she had no say in the matter, Vivi assumed Robin's request was rhetorical. Besides, with the thick handkerchief shoved in her mouth and yet another one tied in between her teeth, she couldn't refuse or accept the offer either way.

Not waiting for the response that would never come, Robin placed her hands on the princess' now bulging and slightly reddish tits, taking care to as not to touch her nipples or the weights hanging from them.

The raven haired woman gently pressed her fingers into the soft, warm flesh of Vivi’s breasts, kneading and gently tapping them to slowly send her subject’s body into overdrive.

Robin’s fingers didn’t miss their effect. To Vivi’s shock, the raven haired woman’s hands felt absolutely divine on her body, and the desert princess lolled back her head as she tried to gasp for air trough her gag.

But that sudden movement made the weights swing slightly too, and the instant shock of them pulling again replaced the heavenly feeling with another shot of pain

"HHHHMMMRRGGG!!" The princes groaned as she bit hard on her thick cleave gag to vent her frustrations.

"I guess you're not enjoying yourself as much as I am." Robin remarked, surprised at her captive’s positively desperate cry. "Granted, these clamps may be a little much for a first timer, I'll have to make note of that if I ever break somebody else in… But for now, I'll make it up to you."

And in a spectacular display of kindness, Robin removed the weighted clamps without another word.

The sudden relief and euphoria of her nipples being released instantly turned Vivi on, far more than even Robin’s ministrations had. So huge was the effect in fact that the bluenette's crotch became soaking wet, and she couldn't help but let out a loud and grateful moan:

"HHHHHMMMMMMM!! AK UU! (HMMMM!! Thank you!)"

Crap! Why did I say that?! The bound and gagged princess thought angrily. I'm not supposed to be grateful for something like this!!

Vivi was becoming more and more flustered as the situation unfolded. She was losing more and more control over her body as Robin continued her work… And strangest of all, she was actually becoming curious about what would follow!

Robin resumed massaging Vivi’s breasts, but this time she also let her thumbs run over the princess’ sensitive nipples, making her grunt and moan as bolt after bolt of pleasure surged inside of her.

But Robin was only getting warmed up. Not satisfied with just giving her hands free roam, the black haired woman slowly brought her mouth up to her damsel’s breasts, sucking them gently and letting her tongue flick Vivi’s nipples.

“Aaah. Aaah. Aaaaahhh!” Vivi shouted as her body reacted even more violently to this even higher level of pleasure. Just how much further can this woman go?? She thought, slowly forgetting to even put up a fight anymore.

With her mouth now taking care of Vivi’s upper body, Robin had her hands free to reach around and grasp her captive’s tight butt, squeezing and groping them to her heart’s content.

This is even more fun than I thought it would be. I don’t understand why I never tried any of this sooner… Robin thought as she too became hornier and hornier at finally having found a plaything to vent all of her desires on.

As her hands kept on groping poor Vivi’s body, the hana hana fruit eater gradually moved her tongue from the princess’ chest up to her neck, and from there on all the way up to Vivi’s right ear, where she paused for just an instant before playfully starting to nibble Vivi’s earlobe, biting down and pulling on it.

By now Vivi’s resistance was reduced to mere twitches as she meekly tried to keep herself from groaning and her body from shivering in delight. She was trying valiantly to cool down her body, to regain at least some control of the situation. But that was completely hopeless, she had to face facts: Robin was in complete control, both of the situation and her body.

“Op i! Op I oow, izz Am-un-ae! (Stop it! Stop it now, miss Allsunday).” The bluenette pleaded desperately. “Iz iz onn, iz iz oo r-ee ooonn!! (This is wrong, this is so very wrooooong!!)”

“Does it feel wrong?” Robin rebutted. “The look on your face tells a different story.” 

Naturally, Robin didn’t slow down at all despite her captive’s plea. She simply kept going, letting her fingers brush past Vivi’s chest and butt, groping both vigorously as thought she was trying to map out every inch of her damsel’s gorgeous body. 

But even in the midst of all that, Robin still had a ways of moving even further. Without Vivi noticing, the raven haired woman slowly lifted her knee until it was right in front of the bluenette’s groin, after which she gently pressed it against the soaking wet panties covering her damsel’s crotch.

“Aaaahhh!!” Vivi gasped louder than ever as the pressure sent her already heated up body into full on sexual overdrive. Her crotch instantly became soaking wet, and the bluenette pulled down hard on the spreader bar as her muscles contracted in response to that last and heaviest pleasure wave of them all.

That had been the last straw, and her body and mind now finally gave in completely to the raven haired woman relentless assault. She simply didn’t have the will to resist anymore, and finally uttered the words Robin had been waiting for:

“Ez, Ese oo om!! (Yes, please go on!)”

But even though the black haired domme had been waiting to hear that request, that didn’t mean she was going to just fulfill it. The mean streak she’d unconsciously developed during her years in organized crime now flared up as she drew her hands and leg back completely, taking a step back from her blue haired damsel so she could get a full view of the state she was in.

Huh? What? Vivi thougth, still in a daze after having her body toyed with so much.

"You wanted me to stop, didn't you?" The raven haired woman teased as she kept looking at her confused damsel still trying to work on what had happened. “I’ve stopped.”

Now Vivi really lost it. After finally throwing away all her pride and effort in resisting her captor, she suddenly changed went and her mind?!

Obviously, the helpless princess wasn’t going to let that pass. The bluenette began throwing a fit, completely desperate and sexually frustrated. Despite the hefty gag Vivi tried opening her lungs as loud as she could in order to force Robin to restart her work. 

It was only because her body was screaming so badly for an orgasm by now that Vivi never realized how odd the situation had become: Since walking into this room, the bluenette’s state of mind had been completely reversed! Somewhere along the line, the young princess had shifted priorities from getting out of her bindings and away from her captor, towards staying here and getting Robin to keep going with whatever the hell it was she had planned.

“HHmmrrggg gmmmmgrrggg nngggmm hmmrrr!!!!” Vivi garbled through her gag. But the blue haired girl’s simultaneous thrashing combined with the gag packing her mouth made everything she tried to say completely unintelligible… Her body language however, spoke over a thousand words.

“My my, you look like you’re desperate to say something. Makes me curious…” Robin snickered as she reached around Vivi’s head to untie the cloth gag.

The second the rag was removed, Vivi spit out the remaining two parts of her gag and screamed:


Robin whistled. "Such rude words from a girl so cute. It would almost make me feel like you're the one in charge." The raven haired woman chuckled.

"DON'T STALL I SAID! I NEED IT! I'M ALREADY BEGGING FOR IT AREN'T I, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM MEEEE?!!!" The bluenette said hysterically, now feeling as though she was going to explode if something wasn't done about the desire burning deep in her loins .

"I guess you’re right.” Robin admitted. “It would be cruel to deny you pleasure after I’ve had my fun. And given that this has been quite the ordeal for a first time, I should take responsibility after all…"

The hana hana fruit eater then sprouted two hands from Vivi’s own midriff, which immediately began massaging the bluenette’s tits again. The bluenette damsel immediately let out a soft, grateful groan as the feeling she’d missed so badly (despite her not wanting to) returned to her.

With Vivi distracted basking in that heavenly feeling spreading through her whole body again, Robin slowly knelt down in front of the princess. She then pulled down her panties, and started licking out the princess, sending her tongue deep into the damsel's snatch in search of her clit.

The second the mane-mane fruit user slid her tongue against the princess' labia, she arched her back and let out a low, near-primal growl of utter ecstasy. Vivi then thrust her pelvis forward to aid Robin in getting her tongue right where she wanted it

"HHHHRRMMMM, YESSS!" Vivi moaned whilst her body became hotter than ever as she felt the walls of her pussy being rubbed and licked by the raven haired woman’s tongue.

With the ecstasy building, Vivi found it increasingly difficult to keep still, so out of nowhere Robin reached round with her real arms and grabbed Vivi’s buttcheeks, firmly pressing her fingers in their flesh so as to keep a good grip on the princess’ lower body. With Vivi stabilized, the black haired domme could really go to town inside of Vivi’s lovebox with her tongue, flicking it against her clit and shoving it in even deeper than before.

Vivi began slightly rocking her hips to make the contact of Robin’s tongue have an even greater effect. As the princess moaned louder and louder, Robin kept driving up her efforts. By now Vivi had been screaming and grunting so much it almost felt as though she would pass out from lack of oxygen. But the bluenette persevered, all for in order to reach the climax of unseen proportions she felt swelling inside of her.

By now the desert princess was literally trembling with excitement, barely able to breathe anymore as she underwent this heavenly treatment. The fact this was being done to her by one of her most hated enemies had ceased to matter minutes ago, and the only feelings Vivi had left in her were arousal, happiness and a hint of desperation (because right now more than anything, Vivi feared Robin quitting before she would cum). 

But the hana hana fruit user didn’t stop, she herself was enjoying this almost as much as Vivi, and certainly more than anything else that had ever happened in her life.

Maybe I should look for an all girls organization for my next target. The raven haired woman thought to herself in the midst of her lovemaking. Or in any case, one with at least one other cute girl present…

“HHHMMMRRRRRRRRRR!!!” Vivi purred as her orgasm finally arrived, along with a stream of fluids splashing all over her inner thighs and Robin’s face.

The raven haired woman got up, fished a handkerchief out of the inner pocket of her jacket and wiped her face. “Quite a violent reaction my dear. It would seem I’ve pushed you even harder than I thought.”

The entire ordeal finally over and her climax finally reached, Vivi had not an ounce of strength left in her body. The still completely helpless princess was limply hanging from her bindings, panting and completely exhausted to even reply. She wondered what would become of her now, but didn’t even have the strength to lift her head and look Robin in the eye anymore.

But just as the bluenette had gathered enough strength to pose the question, Robin answered it before she even did:

“Time to let you out I guess. It’s a shame really, time flies so much when you’re having fun.”

The tall woman then sprouted an arm at the ceiling again and untied the ropes forcing the spreader bar up in the air. The minute those ropes came undone, Vivi fell to her knees and dropped her arms down. She would’ve kept going if Robin hadn’t swiftly knelt down as well to catch her, gently guiding her down on her side so she could untie Vivi’s wrists and legs again.

With her limbs finally freed from their precarious situation again, an immense feeling of relief filled the blue haired princess. But sadly she couldn’t enjoy it, as an she was suddenly overcome with an equally immense feeling of shame and guilt.

I can’t believe the state I’m in right now! Not only did I allow myself to be captured so easily, I actually ended up enjoying my situation!! Some princess I am, getting side-tracked from my mission to save my country by one woman and her depraved sexual fantasies!!

“Well, are you happy now?!” Vivi said angrily when she’d regained enough energy to look up at Robin. “You’ve broken me, made me throw away my pride as a woman and give in to my lust. I’m a failure as an agent if I can’t even manage something like this, is that what your goal was?!” The bluenette had tears streaming down her eyes, she could no longer hold back her frustration at having been humiliated so badly.

“Not at all,” Robin calmly replied, “I told you my goal at the start: I wanted to have some fun, and there are terribly few women in Baroque works to do that with. When you joined up, I figured sooner or later I’d find an excuse to get the two of us in a private room.”

The taller of the two women now knelt down and brought her face right up to that of Vivi’s before softly continuing:

“And as for throwing away your womanly pride, I don’t see it like that t all. That lust is what makes you a woman, and turning your back to it would be turning away from your womanhood in my opinion. You shouldn’t say you threw away your pride, rather than found an entirely new form of it.”

Vivi’s eyes widened. “Is that really how you see all this? That this is part of being a women, that I should embrace… this?”

Robin nodded. “Whether you’re into this or not is something you have to find out for yourself. But I at least wanted to show you that you are not alone as a woman in this terribly dark organization.”

The raven haired woman then wiped the tears off of Vivi’s cheeks. “You should be proud, miss Wednesday. I didn't hold back at all, yet you performed spectacularly." Robin then gave the blue haired girl a kind smile, showing that she truly did mean everything she had said just now.

Vivi couldn’t help but blush at receiving such praise, and she looked away to hide her embarrassment as she asked: "So, now what?"

"Now you return to Whiskey Peak, telling them that you were briefed on a possible upcoming private mission.” 

Robin then got up and helped Vivi do the same. “I probably don’t have to say this to you, but don't speak of what happened in here. We wouldn't want our 'interests' becoming public knowledge, now would we?" The black haired woman joked.

"Just like that?!" Vivi asked perplexed. “You’re sending me off, with an excuse for my comrades and a warning to keep quiet.”

"What else is there to do?” Robin replied. “I’ve told you several times already: we are two of very few women in Baroque works. I just wanted to make you aware that there's more to do than just missions."

"Well, you sure got that point across." Vivi remarked, failing to suppress an actual grin. “I guess I should go then, before someone gets suspicious about us being in here for so long.”

“Don’t worry.” Robin assured her. “As you know, I’pretty high up the ladder. Nobody other than Mr. Zero would ever investigate my moves.”

“That’s… oddly reassuring.” Vivi replied. “Well then, goodbye miss Allsunday.” The bluenette said as she hurried out the door, still walking a little uneasy with her body still quivering from the after effects of the past half hour or so.

After leaving the room, Vivi leant against the door for a few more seconds, still having difficulty making sense of what had just happened in there.

I still feel ashamed, but my body also feels like it’s floating… I should hate miss Allsunday for what she did, but something that felt this good can’t be completely wrong… Aaargh, this is so confusing!

The blue haired girl took a deep breath in order to calm her thoughts and body before heading back to the ship that ferried her over. And on her way back, she had made her decision:

I will never speak of this to anyone , nor try out something as degrading as this on somebody else… But should Miss Allsunday ever summon me again, I won’t outright decline her either. After all, she’s still my boss, I don’t really have a way to stop her from becoming my mistress as well.


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