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It all started when Erina won another shokugeki to increase her influence over Totsuki's domain. Her victory had been overwhelming and breath-taking. As always.

It was that outstanding performance, combined with her incredible beauty and near-regal demeanour, that made many a man swoon over the young chef with the perfect skills and body. Some harder than others…

"Erina-sama, please come out and speak to me!" A young man cried desperately from outside her manor.

But the gorgeous tenth seat didn't even bother to look up from her desk. As a matter of fact, she'd never once given the obsessive student the time of day. Despite him approaching her countless times already, Erina didn't even know the guy's name.

Ever since that young man had seen Erina crush her opponent so effortlessly, with so much flair and a dish that stumped even the judges, he had fallen hopelessly in love.

It started out plainly enough. The dark-haired student would try to approach Erina after class, or after a shokugeki, or even when she was just walking the grounds.

But he'd either get hindered by the flocks of other students swarming her, or by Erina's skilful assistant Hisako Arato who kept any unwanted influences at bay.

With each failed attempt, the overzealous fan became more aggressive in his approaches.

Erina barely recognised the obsessive fan's existence, dismissing them as the ramblings of untalented plebs.

Hisako wasn't as patient however. One day, she'd simply had enough.

"Erina-sama!" The dark-haired student screamed from beyond the fence. "Won't you please give me a-"

"ENOUGH ALREADY!" Hisako shouted from the window. "Leave Erina-sama in peace or I will report you to the school's security forces!" She threatened. 

"Hisako-san! Please, you must understand!" He replied desperately. "I know I can convince Erina-sama if she would just give me a-"

"Convince me of what?" The orangette asked as she joined her assistant at the window.

"Erina-sama, you needn't bother with this person!" The pinkette said agitated.

"No, his tenaciousness deserves a modicum of recognition." The prodigious chef said generously.

"Erina-sama." The young assistant said in awe, stepping aside to let the gorgeous chef get a good look at her stalker.

"So, what is so important that you feel the need to squander most of your free time following me around?" Erina asked coldly.

"I-I-I-…" The young man stammered. Now that he was looking eye-to-eye with his idol, words failed him. For that matter, he'd never properly thought through what he wanted to say.

"I-I-I've been your biggest fan for months!" He screamed desperately. "I-if you give me a chance, I'm certain I could-"

"Denied." Erina said, cruelly cutting off his petition for her grace.


"Just from the way you look and behave, I can tell you have zero potential or talent. Someone like you won't ever amount to much. It would be a waste of my precious time to entertain your delusions of being useful to me." The beautiful chef in training said ice cold, already turning away from the window.

"Erina-sama! Please wait! I have-"

"GO AWAY!" Hisako bellowed. "Erina-sama has given you her objective opinion. You should be grateful she even granted you this much time!"

"B-but I-"

"If you come ever come within 10-feet of her, I'll have you expelled from Totsuki!" The pinkette threatened as she closed the window with a harsh and definitive *clang*

The tall second-year student crashed through his knees, his mind falling into a black hole.

She rejected me… just like that… she didn't even give me the chance to tell her my feelings…"

The timid chef backed down after that, neither Erina nor Hisako heard or saw him again for the past 10 days.

Until one evening, late at night.

Erina was lying in her bed, tossing and turning restlessly. Yukihira Souma had once again escaped expulsion by another miraculous victory at a shokugeki.

"That annoying brat has the devil's luck!" She growled into her pillow, punching it to plump it up. "Why does he always manage to come out on top. He's got no talent, no refined taste, no sense of delicacy. So WHY can't anyone beat him?!"

The gorgeous young woman sat upright in her bed.

"Argh! And now I'm too worked up to sleep!"

She stepped out of her bed, the moonlight shining through her window and bouncing off her alabaster skin covered only by her orange lacy underwear, perfectly hugging her gorgeous ass and impressive chest.

“Guess I’ll take a walk, cool my head a little. Lucky I have a day off tomorrow, I’d hate to have to attend a meeting with lack of sleep.”

The beautiful chef in training put on her school uniform, including the dark thigh-high stockings, and headed outside.

On her way to the front door, she walked past one of the spare bedrooms where Hisako was staying the night.

I probably shouldn’t wake her up over this. Erina thought conscientiously. It’s incredibly late, and she’s had a rough day.

Erina snuck out of the grounds of her residence by herself and took a relaxing walk across the Totsuki grounds. With her grandfather owning the school, she knew the entire territory like the back of her hand.

“Guess I’ll head for the Shokugeki arena closest to here. My mind should’ve cleared up by the time I get there.” She mused to herself, enjoying the soft melody of cicada’s and the shine of the full moon lighting her path.

A brisk 15-minute walk took her to the arena. But before she could make it inside, an arm suddenly wrapped itself around her waist.

“What?! Mpfn?!” She cried out in shock, only to have a damp rag muffling her scream.

What’s this?!

She squirmed to free herself from her attacker’s grasp, turning her head to get a glimpse of him.

It was her obsessive fan!

“Mnf gghh (Let go)!” Erina demanded, trying to pull his arm off her waist. But his grip was too strong, she couldn’t wrest herself free.

After a few seconds, her mind started clouding over. Not only that, a pungent smell irritated her nostrils.

Is there some kind of narcotic in this cloth? The panicked girl thought as her limbs began to feel heavier.

“HMMPFF (HEEEELP)!” Erina shrieked, but at this time of night, no one was around to hear it.

Over time, her struggles slowed down and eventually died out altogether as she passed out.

“Don’t worry, Erina-sama. I’ll take care of you.” The dark-haired young man whispered lovingly as he carried her into his truck.

When Erina woke up again, she was lying on a dilapidated one-person bed in a plain room without any decorations. Her head was pounding and her body ached. It was a strange pain, something she hadn't experience before. 

When she tried to get up, she realized what caused her discomfort. The gorgeous girl had been lying down in a rather unnatural position, and kept that way.

Her arms had been pulled behind her back and tied down into a boxtie, her legs had also been tied together at the ankles, knees and thighs.

Aside from that, she had ropes running above and below her chest, squeezing her breasts and enlarging them slightly.

When the young cook tried to open her mouth, she found a strip of grey duct tape stuck over her lips.

"Hmnffn." She moaned confused, her head still pounding from the chloroform.

“Hmrn!” She squeaked in pain at her first attempt to get up. The ropes felt very secure. 

Even so, Erina began struggling to the best of her ability. She tried twisting her hands around in the ropes pinning them down, her fingers fluttering in search of the knot keeping the whole thing in place.

She was so focused on trying to free herself, it wasn’t until she felt the bite of the ropes digging into her smooth pale skin directly that she stopped to process a horrifying fact:

I’ve been stripped as well?!

Erina was indeed wearing nothing other than her pale orange lingerie.

Now Erina started feeling really nervous. If this nutcase had stripped her down to just her underwear, his plans for her might be even darker than she thought…

I have to get out of here before he gets back!

The beautiful cook began struggling even more frantically, growling angrily into her tape gag. She twisted and turned on top of that old mattress, kicking her legs in the air as she tried to somehow tear the ropes restraining them. But they were far stronger than her, and annoyingly effective at keeping her in check.

After nearly half an hour of squirming around, Erina had yet to free herself. Halfway her escape attempt she’d made a little progress by turning her attention to her ankle bonds. Her slender figure and flexible body had made it possible for her to arch her back far enough to bring her hands within reach of the knot. But that had been the only bit of headway she managed. 

Just freeing her ankles hadn’t been enough to walk around, and the ropes higher up her legs were impossible to reach.

Why won’t those stupid ropes around my wrists budge?! I would be out of here in a flash if I could just use my hands!

By manner of test, Erina gingerly scooted towards the side of the bed and lowered her bare feet onto the cold floor.

The orangette shivered before pushing herself to her feet.

“Hmnff!” The beautiful cook yelped as she hopped around a few times to keep her balance with her arms so awkwardly pinned down, useless and out of sight.

Okay, now what? She wondered after finding a stable position. Maybe that moron left something sharp in here I can use…

Erina proceeded to explore the room, gingerly waddling around on her toes to minimize contact with the floor which felt cold and dirty.

“Mrrn.” She groaned annoyed as her constrained legs hindered her from moving about properly, condemning her to baby steps which cost far more energy than she cared to expend right now.

But the proud chef soldiered on, determined to find a way out of her predicament before the stalker returned.

Sadly, it was not meant to be.


A soft creaking of the door made Erina’s heart jump. She turned around on the spot, startled by the sound. But her bound legs couldn’t keep up and she toppled over.

“Hmnnn!” The beautiful orange haired damsel yelped as she her butt landed on the mattress, causing the old iron bed to screech as the momentum of her fall carried on to make her land flat on her back.

She kicked her legs to try and sit up again, but without her arms for the extra push she couldn’t right herself in time.

“Erina-sama?” The young chef said timidly. “Are you awake?” He asked as he entered the room.

His initial smile in delight at seeing Erina awake was soon replaced by a confused frown. “Did you untie your feet?”

“HMN MHH MNN (LET ME GO)!” Erina demanded immediately, her nostrils flaring and her gaze so piercing it sent a shiver down her fan’s spine.

“Not yet Erina-sama. But if you behave, I’ll swap your restraints for something nicer.” He promised.

“Hmrrrnn!” The orange haired captive growled, rubbing her cheek on the headboard and loosening the tape.

“Untie me this instant!” She demanded.

Her dark-haired captor chuckled. "I should have known you would be a fighter." The young cook said, sounding oddly proud.

"Release me!" Erina demanded once more, squirming angrily in her wrists bonds which had remained annoyingly intact. Her legs were starting to free up however.

“Amazing, Erina-sama. You’re actually starting to escape!” The tall cook complimented. “I had practiced on live-size dolls so I was confident in my abilities, but your talent seems to know no bounds!”

“Last chance!” She threatened. “If you don’t stop gawking at, me reporting you to the Totsuki security will be the least of your problems!” The beautiful chef snapped, shaking her upper body so angrily it made her generous bosom jiggle about, all in a desperate effort to pull her arms free. But the hemp coiled around her fair skin wouldn’t let up.


“It’s a good thing I have more rope on hand.” The second-year said as he pulled another coil of rope from out of a wardrobe.

“NO!” Erina shrieked. “Don’t you dare!”

But her captor blatantly ignored her, and to Erina’s fury she hadn’t freed enough of her body to put up a fight. She was therefore completely helpless to stop him from immobilizing her even more than when she’d woken up.

“You filthy pervert!” She cried out as her kidnapper wrapped up her legs all over again, even tighter than before. He also crossed her ankles this time to prevent her from getting to her feet like she did before.

But refurnishing her bonds just marked start.

“Ooff!” Erina gasped as the dark-haired cook rolled her onto her chest and replaced her box-tie with something even less comfortable: He first tied her wrists together, then cinched up her elbows so tightly they touched!

“Owww! You asshole! Stop this right now or I’ll dice you and turn you into a stew!”

“As tempting as that sounds, I think I’d prefer your normal style of cooking.” He retorted playfully as he tied another chest harness in place, even tighter than last time.

“Oww! STOP IT!” Erina moaned as the throbbing in her breasts returned, more prominent than ever.

But rather than stop, his next move was to unravel another rope and connect it to her ankle bonds, not easy considering Erina wouldn’t stop flailing around.

“Will you please hold still?!” Her captor asked impatiently.

“Bite me!”

The young man frowned, and raised his hand.


“Aaahh!” Erina squeaked, her eyes popping wide in shock.

“D-did you j-just…. S-SPANK ME?!” She shrieked, her voice trembling with rage.

“And I will do it again if you keep resisting me. Why can’t you see this is all for your own benefit?” He replied with desperation teeming in his voice. “I can give you the world, Erina-sama. All you need to do is give me a chance.”

“You’ve abducted me and tied my body! How on earth am I supposed to trust you?!”

“By giving me the chance to show you I can be useful.”

“By letting you tie me up?!”

“This is just temporary, until you’ve opened up to me.” He said lovingly. “But in the meantime, I can provide you with some… entertainment.”

His next rope ended up tied around her waist, with the leftover length pulled in between her legs and tightened so much it rode up into her panties!

“Oowww!” Erina squeaked.

“This is called a crotchrope.” The obsessive fan said proudly. “I found out about it during my research on ropework.”

What is he so happy about? This thing is horrible!

“Untie that thing right now!” She demanded. “It hurts and its uncomfortable!”

“You’ll soon learn it can be more pleasurable than painful, if you’ll only give it a chance.” He replied, almost as if to use it as a metaphor for himself.

“I don’t believe in ‘giving chances’.” She snapped. “A talented person earns his chances! And YOU have done nothing to earn my time or respect!”

The dark-haired cook sighed. “You’ll come to understand eventually.” He replied as he rolled Erina onto her front and scooted her towards the middle of the bed. Once in place, he then pulled her ankles up to rest on her butt and secured the other end of his rope to the young woman’s wrist bonds, hogtying her.

“What is this?!” The orangette shrieked as she kicked her legs experimentally. 

A knot formed in her stomach as she discovered the considerable limits of her new predicament. Not only could she barely move without hurting herself anymore, that last rope made it completely impossible to explore the room for tools!

“Undo this now!” Erina demanded as her cheeks flushed just from imagining her humiliating position. 

But that quick flexing of her body had told her she had no way of mending that. She was completely, utterly helpless. Not a single knot was in reach, and the tightness of the ropes betrayed she was not going to wriggle her way out either. This ropework was significantly better than before!

This guy… He's learning. And fast… The chef realized. It unsettled her quite a bit.

“I will be back soon, don’t worry.” He promised as he got up from the bed and left the room again.

He’s crazy! Completely insane! I have to find some way to escape before he gets back.

Despite realizing it would probably be futile, Erina began squirming around to escape like her life depended on it. Which it very well might.

But no matter how much she strained herself, the ropes refused to budge. And as she’d feared, not a single knot would slip in reach.

“Hmmrr!” The orangette groaned in pain as an overly eager twitch from her hands tightened up the rope wedged into her lower lips.

Stupid crotch rope, why did he even tie that thing?!

Eventually, she tired herself out. Her limbs were aching from her exertions and her poor breasts had grown reddish from the constant pressure. By now they’d become so sensitive even a light breeze was enough to send an electric jolt down her spine!

Not to mention her pussy was burning from the rope rubbing her up all the time. She wasn’t just tired of wasting energy and making no progress with her restraints, deep down the beautiful orangette had become afraid to move abruptly.

It’s useless. I'll need to wait for him to get back and untie me, then seize my chance.

To her annoyance, her kidnapper remained absent longer than she’d expected. But what pissed her off even more, was that a small part of slowly began looking forward to his return! Even if it was only so he could get her out of those stupid ropes, it still confused her.

When the young cook finally came back, he was carrying a tray holding two plates of mashed potatoes and some tenderized and perfectly grilled steak.

"I cooked this myself." He said, sounding somewhat proud. “It’s a variation on the dish you made during the training camp. I know it won’t measure up to yours, but I hoped it could bring us closer together…”

But the proud damsel snorted through her gag, frowning angrily before turning her beautiful head away from him.

You prepare a pathetic dish like that, then have the nerve to link it to my cooking?! I’m insulted!

“Erina-sama? Aren’t you hungry?”

“Hmrn (NO)!” She replied stubbornly. “Aih hah ow (I want out)!”

Her captor frowned. "Very well then. If you insist on being stubborn, I’ll have my meal alone.” He said, sitting down at the table and tucking in. He expected his beloved idol to come around soon enough. How could she not, in light of all his efforts?

Sadly, his delusions were proven incorrect once more. Erina remained lying on her bed, growling and squirming as she tried to keep her mind occupied on something other than the smell of his positively mediocre food.

“Are you really not going to join me?”

"Hmpf!" She huffed.

Despite roughly 10 hours having passed since her kidnapping, Erina refuse to listen to her stomach. Her pride was in the way.

The dark-haired youth clutched his fork so tightly his knuckles went white and his entire arm began trembling.

"I- I'm trying to show you my love, but you keep fighting me every step of the way!" He snapped. “Why won’t you give me a chance?!”

Do you even have to ask?! She thought shocked.

"Hmphn hmn mmrr (Let me go)!" Erin demanded again, bucking up and down on the bed.

“Hmrrgggn!” She screamed as the ropes refused to budge, keeping her humiliatingly contained on the creaky bed.

The dark-haired young man sighed. "You'll understand one day. But for now, I'll have to remain strict with you." He said solemnly, sitting at the table and enjoying the rest of his meal.

And poor Erina was forced to lie and watch from her bed. After tiring herself out once more she’d chosen to lie on her side, to give her breasts and groin some relief. It was by no means pleasant, but she'd found it to be the least uncomfortable position.

Meanwhile her captor did his best to ignore his damsel’s moaning and grunting, trying to make his food seem as delicious a possible, figuring she would start begging for a taste soon enough. 

But the smell of his -mediocre at best- food never even whet her appetite. Her anger at being captured was only topped by that bastard’s assumption she would plead with him to sample his food!

As if I'd ever beg for a meal this low class. I'm used to so much more! To think that arrogant freak would judge his creation even NEAR the level that it should be allowed to reach my tongue!

In the end her stalker finished his entire meal without Erina giving so much as a hint that she wanted to eat with him. It took him everything he had not to start asking her to join him for dinner. But he held firm. He'd been patient for so long already, a few more days wouldn't hurt.

She HAS to eat sometime, and then I’ll start winning her over…

When he finished his meal, he tidied up and prepared to leave the room again.

“HEY!” Erina snapped, making the kidnapper turn around inquisitively. She’d been so loud the gag had failed to obscure her voice.

“Ah ahow hee (what about me)?”

“Lunch is over, you missed your chance.” He said coldly.

“Huh hohws (The ropes)!” She growled. “Uhooh heh (Remove them)!”

She was dying to stretch her limbs properly.

“You know I can’t do that, Erina-sama. You haven’t opened up to me yet.”


That made the young cook flinch. “I’ll… switch your restraints.” He stammered.

The dark-haired young man removed the hogtie rope and loosened the elbow ropes.

“Hmnnf!” The orangette moaned in relief. She rolled onto her back, expecting him to proceed to remove the crotchrope as well. But to her disappointment, he left that in place. And with her wrists still securely trapped behind her, she had no way of undoing it on her own.

I hate this jerk. What is someone with his lack of delicacy even doing at Totskuki?! He’s crazy!

The bodacious tenth seat began squirming angrily. But even with her lessened bondage, there was no give in the remaining ropes.

But he does know how to tie a knot.

The next two days Erina remained bound and gagged in various positions. Not a single one ever left her with enough room to escape, not that she ever stopped trying.

Neither did her fan, albeit it his efforts lay in trying to get close to her and win her favour. To his frustration, nothing he ever offered made Erina acknowledge him.

He tried his best to remain strict with his beloved idol. But after two days of nothing but water, the stalker started becoming worried she'd fall ill because of malnutrition.

During the evening of her third day in captivity. The dark-haired cook entered the room again.

The orange haired chef was lying on the worn-out mattress. Naturally, she was bound and gagged. But not as tightly as normal, because her kidnapper had hoped it might put her in a better mood.

Her wrists had been tied in front of her, yet the knot remained neatly out of range. And a knotted cleave gag prevented her from gnawing at the ropes. 

But that was it. As a result, she'd been able to stretch her legs all day.

And to further improve his chances, he’d made his absolute masterpiece: Paupiette of sea bass in a Barolo sauce.

“Good evening, Erina-sama.” The young cook said as he came in, carrying a large tray with his meal. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Of course I’m hungry, moron. I haven’t had a bite to eat since you abducted me!

“Can I tempt you to join me for dinner this time? I made my specialty.” He offered as he revealed his dish.

But even that failed to impress his idol.

“Hmnf!” She huffed as she turned away again.


“Aih how eeh haih hih. Uhaih hee. (I won’t eat like this. Untie me)”

“Now, Erina-sama. You know I can’t do that. But I can offer to seat you at the table. I’ll feed you.”

“OH (NO)!” Erina snapped, wriggling her hands angrily. “UHAI HEE (UNTIE ME)!”

The kidnapper clenched his fist.

If she keeps this up, she might die. He thought nervously. He loved Erina. It pained him to leave her hungry for so long.

So in the end, he let go of his pride, in favour of his idol’s well-being.

“Erina-sama. I BEG of you, please join me for dinner.” He said as he slowly approached.

The orangette frowned at him. He’s begging me? What is this guy’s deal? He’s completely spineless!

She was just about to try and kick him when Erina’s stomach rumbled audibly. For that matter her legs felt too weak to get a good attack off. 

She was starving.

I don’t have a choice.

“Ohay (okay).” She muttered.

“You’ll eat with me?!”

“Esh (yes).”

“Thank you, Erina-sama! Thank you. I promise you won’t regret it.”

A swift and frustrating fifteen minutes later, the gorgeous damsel had been transported from her bed and pinned to the chair instead. Her captor had done such a thorough job she half felt flattered.

It was as if he feared the orange haired girl magically escaping, just because she was placed near cutlery.

Dozens of feet of rope had been lashed into place: 

Four lengths were trapping her ankles and calves to a chair leg each. Two more had been wrapped around her thighs to trap them to the seat.

Her captor had cinched two longer ropes around her waist, one right above her pelvis and another tightly wound around her waist. And to Erina’s annoyance, her fan had elected to wedge another tight crotchrope into place.

The short-haired captor had pulled her arms behind her back and knotted her wrists together, tying them to the base of the chair to keep her arms completely pinned.

Naturally he’d also tied a chest harness in place, one that looped below, above and in between her sizable breasts. After he’d pulled it snug, he had also anchored it to the back of the chair, just like the ropes around her waist.

By the time he was finally satisfied, Erina felt more helpless than ever.

“Did you have to use this much rope?” She complained. “I can’t move at all! How am I supposed to sample your pathetic dish?!”

“I’ll feed you.” He replied lovingly, brushing past the insult.

“I am not a child, thank you.”

“Of course not, Erina-sama. But given your skill with knives, I can’t exactly let you hold one, now can I?” He replied, trying to make a joke.

But all it received was a glowering stare, followed by her squirming on the chair. But as she’d expected, it held firm. 

“Aargh! Just get this over with. Given how starved I am, even your food might be possible to stomach.”

“O-of course. Please have a taste.”

The second-year student proceeded to feed the gorgeous chef a forkful of his dish, slowly letting her sample his cooking.

“This tastes like a herd of buffalo charged through a freshly groomed garden.” She snided.

“Aahh, your poetic put-downs are even more ephemeral in person.” The love-struck young man sighed, offering her a piece of sea bass.

The fan dutifully fed his helpless captive. Every single bite was followed by a stream of insults. But to her annoyance, her captor just kept swooning over her strict tone of voice.

And what pissed her off even more, was that her sneaky attempts to wriggle her hands free kept meeting defeat after defeat.

Is he NEVER going to slip up?! I’m not going to have to… c-c-charm him into releasing me, am I?

The mere thought of her flattering this nut job ruined what little of her good mood that she’d gained through finally receiving something to eat.

“Would you like some desert afterwards?” The young cook offered.

“No thank you, this single plate is just about all I can endure. You know, you should be grateful. My tasting services usually come at a steep price.”

“Then I will make sure to give it my all in repaying you later…” The stalker replied mysteriously.

That remark slightly unnerved the orangette. But she didn’t have time to think about his words, since the stalker continued to feed him more of his paltry food.

After the meal, the young man left his captive bound to her chair whilst he cleaned up.

Now that she no longer had her captor watching her, Erina carefully tried to shift her body around, hoping to find some slack to exploit that way. But there was simply too much rope, she could barely move.

“Hmrrn.” The orangette groaned as the ropes dug into her skin, hugging her gorgeous body so tightly she felt faint of breath.

These ropes are even worse than before. This guy is getting more and more thorough. If this keeps up I’ll never find a way out.

The beautiful cook began thrashing around so wildly the chair started rocking. She eventually had to give up because the ropes hurt too much. Utterly exhausted, Erina passed out on the chair.

When Erina woke up again, that familiar bite of the rope was gone.

I’m free?! She thought astonished.

*clink* a gentle rattling of metal rung as she tied to sit up.

Her kidnapper hadn’t tied her up this time, he’d cuffed her wrists together and locked leg irons around her ankles.

“What?!” She mewled. “Handcuffs?”

She tried to slip her wrists out of the cuffs, but they were locked too tightly.

Well, this is new. At least I can move around a little.”

It wasn’t until she noticed her clothes that Erina realized that was exactly what her kidnapper had in mind.

She was wearing a black mini-dress with a white apron tied over it, sheer black stockings and black ankle-strap high heels.

Basically, she was dressed as a maid.

“You have GOT to be kidding me?! He dressed me up as a maid?! That filthy son of a-“

She immediately reached round to try and undo the outfit. But the dress and apron had been knotted off behind her back, somewhere her cuffed hands couldn’t reach. And to her fury not even the thing she could reach – the high heels- were removable. Courtesy of a pair of tiny silver padlocks that jingled like little bells each time she moved either leg.

The whole experience of waking up like a lowly servant, whilst bound and unable to influence her own situation, made her blow a fuse.

Erina began thrashing around the room, kicking her legs as if trying to tear the chain connecting her ankles together. Obviously, they were too strong for that.

“Haah, haah, haaaah.” The orange haired panted after her tantrum had run its course.

“Erina-sama, are you awake yet?” Her kidnapper suddenly entered the room. 

“What’s wrong? Your face is flushed.”

“That’s because I’ve been trying to get out of these stupid chains and clothes!” She snarled.

“You don’t like the dress?”

“It’s shameful and degrading! I am a Nakiri, I should never be reduced to the likes of a common maid!”

“But you look so adorable!”

“Release me!” The demanded, rattling her handcuffs as she fumbled around with the lock, accidentally tightening them.

“Oww.” She moaned.

“Be careful, Erina-sama. If you tighten them up even more you won’t be able to perform your housework.”

That earned the dark-haired youth a very foul stare. “What do you mean?”

“Well this place was abandoned before we came here, so it’s not exactly clean. If we’re going to live here, even just temporarily, I figured we should clean it.”

“And you expect me to do that?!”

“I feel it would be a good exercise in humility.”

“Humiliation you mean. I refuse to waste my precious time on menial chores like cleaning.”

Her abductor sighed. “I was afraid you’d say that.” He replied, pulling something from his back pocket.

For the life of her, Erina had no idea what it was. It was some sort of red rubber ball with two leather straps attached to either side. The buckle on one of them suggested it was meant to be strapped in place somewhere.

“What is that?” She asked, the tone of her voice betraying nervosity.

“This is called a ball gag. And until you’ve done all the chores I listed, you’ll be wearing it.” He explained as he buckled the gag into place, padlocking it to prevent her from removing it again.

“HAH (WHAT)?!” Erina yelped as her captor took her by surprise, forcing the soft rubber between her full lips. Her confusion was complete when she tried to bite down on the gag and push the ball out with her tongue, but failed to make I budge.


This new type of gag made the orangette completely lose it. Tape and cleave gags had been bad enough, but to have her tender lips and tongue defiled by something as demeaning as a rubber ball. This was completely over the line! 

“I need to go out and buy supplies. There’s a list of chores in the kitchen. You’re free to take your time, but given your incredible capabilities I just know you’ll handle everything perfectly.”

But Erina refused to listen. She kept raving and ranting at her captor to remove the ball gag, squirming on the bed as she tried to spit out the gag. But it had been buckled too tightly, and the padlock prevented her from loosening the strap.

After copious amounts of saliva escaping her luscious lips, Erina eventually gave up her rant. 

She settled for glaring at the dark-haired youth.

“Good, you’ve calmed down. I’ll be back in a few hours.” He said as he left the room. “If you want the gag removed, you know what to do.”

“Hmrrg!” She growled, following him downstairs and heading into the kitchen whilst the second-year left the house and locked up. The kitchen was like the rest of the house: a rather basically equipped room, not even close to the one she had at home. 

There was a note lying on the kitchen table:

Dust all the furniture on the ground floor

Vacuum the living room and kitchen

Mop the kitchen floor


He wants me to do all that?! Is he insane? I’m not a servant, I’m one of the ten seats of Totsuki!

The angry cook stormed out of the kitchen and planted her cute rear on the couch.

I’m just going to sit here until he comes back. Let him do the cleaning, it’s bad enough I’m being kept prisoner against my will!

But then her abductor’s words rung inside her mind:

“If you want the gag removed, you know what to do.”

“Hmrrn.” She groaned annoyed.

If I don’t clean, he’s going to leave me gagged, is he?

Humiliating as it seemed, doing housework was still preferable over keeping that rubber ball shoved between her full and tender lips.

So Erina took hold of the duster and began making her rounds of the ground floor.

Cleaning duty wasn’t something she’d ever experienced, and with her tight and embarrassing outfit, constrained hands and limited stride it was extra difficult. But the stubborn orangette pushed on, driven only by the reward of her gag being removed.

Erina soldiered on as she worked her way down the list, rattling the chains as she made her way around the house tidying up and cleaning. 

Obviously, she kept an eye out for the keys to her cuffs and for a possible way out. But the door to the house was locked up tight, and despite her going through every cupboard and drawer, the keys were nowhere to be found.

After the ground floor was spick and span again, Erina sat herself down in the sofa for a moment of rest.

Menial duties like these are more tiring than I expected. But strangely satisfying. Maybe because I’ve been confined to that stupid bed for so long. Anything’s better than lying around uselessly like that.

Erina had been relaxing in the couch for about 20 minutes when the sound of the door made her perk up.

“Erina-sama, I’ve returned!” Her kidnapper chimed, his arms full of paper bags from shopping.

“Ehn hooh ahn aek ow haih hagg (then you can take out my gag).” She replied.

“Not yet, I need to check the place first.”

“Ooh own ush hee (you don’t trust me)?!”

“Well you’ve never cleaned before. You might have done a bad job.” The dark-haired cook taunted.

“Ai EHUR ohh hah aah johh (I NEVER do a bad job)!” She snapped, her nostrils flaring angrily. “Ow aeh oww ish sh-uhih ahhl (Now take out this stupid ball)!” The young cook demanded, pulling at the leather strap once more.


“Fine, from the looks of it the place is completely clean.”

“Ohh orsh ih ish (of course it is).” She replied, a modicum of pride welling up in her perky chest.

The moment her abductor removed the ball gag, Erina let out relieved moan, stretching her jaw happily.

“Finally! That stupid thing has been bothering me for hours!”

“Well, then you should try and be a little nicer to me, if you don’t want it to be buckled back into place.” He warned.

Erina glared at her kidnapper. “Just try it!” She bit at him.

“Don’t worry.” He tried to pacify her. “You’ll more than need your mouth for my next task.”

The orange haired girl frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Her eyes widened as her mind jumped straight to the worst-case scenario: a depraved, sexual service!

“You’ll be cooking our dinner tonight.” He said cheerfully. “I made sure to procure only the best ingredients for you, Erina-sama.”

The beautiful chef almost gasped in relief. It was just cooking.

Hang on… He wanted her… to cook? For him?!

“Who the hell do you think you are?! You think you’re worthy of eating a dish prepared by ME?!”

“Well you’ve always shot down everything I prepared. I figured this would be a satisfying alternative. Don’t you agree?”

Erina flinched. What he said was true, if she was the one in charge in the kitchen, at least she could have a proper meal for once. Even if it meant this disgusting kidnapper got to share in her splendour.

“Alright, get these cuffs off me and I’ll prepare you a meal you’ll never be able to wipe from your mind.” Erina stated confidently.

“I’m afraid you will have to do the cooking wearing the handcuffs.”


“I’d love to trust you Erina-sama, but you haven’t earned that right yet.”

“But I can’t cook with my hands confined!” She complained, rattling the chains.

“I’ll clean all the vegetable and do the other preparations for you. You just focus on the actual cooking.”

The beautiful chef rolled her eyes. By now she’d learned arguing was just a waste of time.

“Fine, just stay out of my way.” She grumbled, marching into the kitchen under the enervating tune of chains and locks dangling from her ankles.

Two hours later, Erina had transformed her kidnapper’s raw ingredients into a world class dish.

During the cooking she had entertained the idea of preparing a horrible meal, to punish or maybe incapacitate her kidnapper. 

But her pride as a chef prevented her. Somehow, she felt like squandering ingredients was an even bigger sin than submitting to her captor’s will.

“Hmnnn!” The dark-haired chef chimed ecstatically at the first bite. “It’s delicious!”

“Of course it is.” Erina grumbled, taking a few bites herself. “I prepared it.”

“I knew you would be amazing Erina-sama!” He showered her captive with praise.

“If you really feel that, then how about freeing my hands so I can eat properly?”

Her kidnapper hesitated. “I suppose I could give you that much. But I’ll padlock your leg irons to the chair. For safety.”

Erina frowned at him. “Fine. I suppose that’ll have to suffice.”

His look brightened. 

She's opening up to me. The young man deluded himself. For the first time since being captured, the words flowing past Erina’s perfect lips weren’t negative. The fact she was talking about her own cooking didn't bother him at all.

Dinner proceeded quite smoothly after that. Since Erina was able to properly use her hands for the first time in days, the gorgeous orangette’s mood had improved greatly.

As a result, she didn’t raise as much of a fuss as usual when her kidnapper escorted her back to her room and padlocked her leg irons to the foot end of the bed. He didn’t restrain her any further however, hoping to preserve her good mood.

“So, tonight’s dinner was a great success don’t you think?” The second-year student said as he sat down beside her.

“If you discount me remaining your prisoner and being dressed up as a servant.” Erina replied as she crossed her arms as she sat up against the headboard, one of the fluffy pillows serving to cushion her back from the hard railing. 

“I think you look adorable in that outfit.” The young man replied, stroking her thigh.

She flinched. “Hey!”

“What’s wrong? There’s no reason to be scared.” He said gently, tracing the inside of her right thigh with his fingers as he slowly moved up. “I’ll take good care of you. That much must be clear by now, no?”

“Hands off!” Erina yelped, scooting back towards the other end of the bed only to tighten the chain and make the leg irons cling to her slender ankles. The bodacious cook glared at her chains, kicking her leg in vain protest. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” The tall young man whispered as he leaned in for a kiss, his hand moving up to grasp her breasts.

“I said hands OFF!” The feisty cook shrieked, launching a punch into his gut with all the strength she could muster.

“Oofff!” Her captor wheezed as the air left his lungs.

“Let me go right now!” Erina screamed, kicking her legs frantically. Sadly, her abductor had backed off out of reach.

“This has gone on long enough! Someone WILL find me eventually and if you still have me prisoner at that point it’ll be the end of your life!”

“Hmrrgg.” The cook grunted, clutching his stomach as the throbbing slowly subsided. “We’ll stop for tonight.” He said as he righted himself and took a deep breath. “I’ll prepare you for bed.”

“Keep your hands to yourself!” Erina shrieked as she tried to fight her captor off.

But the young cook was pissed off at his advances being turned away so cruelly and painfully, so he wasn’t exactly as gentle as usual.

“Owww!” The beautiful orangette mewled as her captor began to strip her from her maid outfit and twist her body into a leather strap harness instead. “Stop it! I demand that you -mmpffn!”

He silenced her protests with a micro foam sponge, keeping it in place by wrapping her jaw in cling film. But as angry as he was, the obsessive fan still made sure not to catch her lovely hair in the wrap.

Not that Erina cared about that small concession. She simply tried to resist every step of the way as best she could, but with her legs chained to the foot-end of the bed she had nowhere to run even if she could push her taller and stronger captor away.

By the time he was finished setting up her predicament, poor Erina could barely twitch anymore.

Her arms had ended up trapped in a leather armbinder with straps running along the front of her body over her shoulders to ensure she couldn’t slip it off. The D-ring at the base of the armbinder had been padlocked to one of the many straps that made up her leather harness.

Incidentally, that harness had been pulled very tight in all the wrong places. Erina’s perfect hourglass waist was even more clearly defined thanks to it, as was her impressive bust thanks to the straps that pushed up her knockers and dark purple bra alike.

An added strap ran in between her legs, ensuring she couldn’t get the whole contraption off. But what that thing also did was keep a rather bulky vibrator egg neatly tucked away in her sweet spot beneath her figure-hugging panties.

Her legs had been strapped into frogties by means of two thick leather belts, the likes of which had also been connected to the harness with a pair of thin chains. It meant that the poor girl could no longer flex or kick her legs as she liked anymore. If she wanted to get anywhere, it would be by shuffling.

Not that she had any strength for that. All of the leather contorting around her body sapped her energy faster than her boiling anger could provide it, not to mention that damned vibrator egg kept her on edge every waking moment.

“You can stay here for the night and think about what you’ve done.” Her kidnapper scolded as he ended his punishment by covering her eyes with a leather mask, cutting even more of her senses off than usual as he turned Erina’s world pitch dark.

“Uuhhhmmm!” The helpless tenth seat groaned, bucking around on the bed like a wild stallion.

But her leather prison was too durable. She had nowhere to go, and no way to stop that maddening buzzing between her thighs.

Hours she spent squirming helplessly on that bed, desperately trying to dislodge her armbinder or maybe even that vibe.

But nothing went her way, and it frustrated her so bad it drove the poor orangette to the edge of reason.

“Ummppnnnfff!” She mewled into her gag, her thighs writhing together needily.

When will this thing stop harassing me! It feels like I’m going to ignite!

After what felt to Erina like days of hovering around a climax, biting into the gag stuffing her mouth and thrashing around until her body was too tired to put up a fight, the egg suddenly died down.

The cute chef immediately let out a long, relieved moan. 

Thank God! I thought I was going to go- AAAH!

The vibrator egg hadn’t shut off on its own, her stalker had returned. But not to help.

“Hmrnn?!” The orangette yelped as she felt him fiddling with her bra, exposing her impressive rack without any warning.

“HMMNN!” She growled, blindly kicking around to make him back off. But she couldn’t find him. And before she knew it, he’d made his next move.

“MMRRNNN!” Erina screeched as her captor sunk his teeth into her erect nipples.

D-D-Did he ju-just…

But she daren’t finish the thought. It simply felt too humiliating, infuriating.

That bastard was nibbling on her poor defenceless little buds!

“Hhmnnrr!” Erina continued to shriek in protest, but she was too helpless to fight his abuse.

He lovingly squeezed her thighs and butt, brushing his lips along her smooth skin as he peppered her beautiful body in kisses.

And to Erina’s fury, the vibrator had made her so horny her body actually welcomed his ministrations!

This can’t be!! I’m becoming… turned on?! NO! He’s molesting me! STOP IT!

The helpless cook kept mewling at her abductor to stop, but he blatantly ignored her as he moved on to pull down her panties. When the young chef slipped his tongue between her folds, poor Erina realized she didn’t have any defence left. Even as she tried to clench her thighs as if to somehow block her assailant from her most sensitive flesh, she found his arms could keep them prised apart with frustrating ease.

Erina came to a forced climax within minutes, under a lament of frustrated moans and cries, chewing down angrily on her gag that kept her far quieter than she liked.

I’m going to kill him! When I get out of this, not even expulsion, not even incarceration will suffice to soothe my anger!!

[Several days later]

Erina was stomping around the house that served as her prison, harsh enough she was in danger of breaking her 5-inch, flame red high heels.

The reason was simple: Her captor had given her another outfit for the day.

This time she’d been forced to dress up in a dark red leather miniskirt and a black corset. That corset had been strung so tightly it pushed up her breasts to the point they seemed almost a whole cup larger!

But worse than that, she was forced to prance around securely bound and gagged as he enjoyed the view.

Her hands had been bound into a reverse prayer, woven into a chest harness and crotchrope to virtually pin her whole upper body into place. Every move she made, every step caused pressure in all the wrong places.

Not that she could move all that freely. Each ankle had a leather cuff locked into place and a thin chain connected the two to limit her stride.

“You know this outfit wouldn’t be amiss as the Totsuki female uniform.” Her kidnapper teased her.

“Aih hee (bite me)!” She snapped through her ring gag.

“I’d rather leave that for tonight.” He retorted.

A shiver ran down the orangette’s spine. Her captor hadn’t made any lewd approaches after her strike to his gut a few days ago. It had seemed his payback that same night had sufficed to keep him happy.

But the outfits she’d been forced to wear and his gawking eyes had degraded over time. Her slutty attire of today marked a new low, and she didn’t like it one bit.

Even less the fact she’d spent the afternoon walking around, doing his bidding. The dark-haired young man had at one point even strapped a tray around her waist and secured it with belts that ran over her shoulders, turning her into a walking serving platter!

She’d bucked to try and dislodge the thing, but that had only caused her large bosom to bounce around in her tight outfit, and made her black thong peep out from under her short skirt. The beautiful cook had groaned and growled as the knot of her crotchrope dug into her most sensitive flesh, chewing down hard on the rubber ring parting her lips. But neither her ropes nor the tray had budged from their position.

Stupid ropes! What’s up with tying my hands so awkwardly? I can’t move them at all, and it’s REALLY annoying!

When she had noticed his horny gaze, Erina had backed off and proceeded to move as gingerly as she could so as not to attract even more attention to her luscious body.

The rest of the day had proceeded with thinly veiled sexual harassment and hints for the evening.

But first things first: Erina had to cook another meal for her obsessive fan.

The second-year student led his captive to the stove and removed the chain from her right ankle, tethering it to a corner of the stove instead. It gave her enough span to traverse the kitchen. But the feeling of being leashed still infuriated the bodacious girl.

“I’m going to free your hands now, Erina-sama. If you promise to behave, I’ll take out your gag as well.”

“ooh af hooh aeh ow ai ah (you have to take out my gag).” She argued, hinting at needing her mouth for tasting.

“The ring gag would still allow you to sample food.” Her captor replied as the reverse prayer gave way.

“Hmnnn!” Erina let out a gentle moan in relief as she rubbed her wrists. Even after days of bondage, she still hadn’t gotten used to the restrictive feeling.

To her delight, the gag came out next. “Good luck Erina-sama.”

“I don’t need luck to cook!” She snided. “Unlike a certain talentless second-year.”

“Ahhh, your stern voice never ceases to send a shiver down my spine.” The delusional young man chimed as he sat down on a kitchen chair to enjoy the sight of Erina cooking.

The orange haired chef rolled her eyes as she felt his hungry eyes burn a hole into her skirt.

If only he left preparation of the ingredients to me, all I need to get out of here is a knife.

Erina threw herself into her cooking, focused as always on perfecting her dish. She was so focused in fact, she never heard her audience get up from his chair.

“You look so beautiful when you’re working with food.” He almost whispered as he gingerly approached, stretching out his hand to caress her waist.

He had hopes that his beloved Erina would be in a better mood this time than before. After all, she wasn’t bound or even gagged, and more importantly she was in charge of the kitchen, her element.

But the very first stroke over her hourglass figure earned the stalker a ladleful of scalding water.

He yelped in pain as he jumped back.

“Come close to me again, and I’ll put you on the menu.” She scowled, grinning into her reflection on the kitchen’s marble worktop. That little dash of pain she caused had felt immensely satisfying, even though she realized she would probably have to pay or it later.

The dark-haired young man gritted his teeth. “I’ll leave you to your cooking, Erina-san.”

The orangette flinched slightly. San? Did he just address me with ‘san’?”


The lovely cook was drawn back to her stove. The meat had reached the perfect temperature.

During the rest of her cooking, the second-year student left his captive in peace. It wasn’t until she’d dressed both plates and called him in to inspect her superb work that he returned.

“Amazing work as always.”

“Pfff, goes to show how low class you are. Your ingredients were sub-par, and your kitchen materials are basic at best. This dish isn’t even worthy of notice.” She said haughtily. “But for a set of unrefined taste buds such as yours, it’ll do fine.”

“I’m sure it will.” The young man replied, locking a pair of leather cuffs around her wrists.

But to Erina’s surprise, he then locked them together behind her back!

“Wha- HEY! How am I supposed to eat like this?!” She complained. “Don’t think you’ll be feeding me again!”

“Don’t worry about that. You’re going back to your room.”

“Excuse me?!”

“It seems I have been too soft on you lately, giving you too much free room.”

“Is this about me hitting you with the boiling water? You brought that on yourself!” Erina said heatedly as she tried to twist her arm free of her captor’s iron grip. But his brisk pace forced her to abandon focus on escaping and nearly skip along towards her room in order not to lose her balance thanks to her walking in those high heels.

“You’ll be looking at another evening without food.” He grumbled as he unlocked her wrists and threw her onto the bed.

“NO!” Erina screamed, trying to climb off it again. But the taller cook straddled her and dragged her right wrist to the top corner of the bed. 

“I cooked that meal! You have no right to even taste this without my permission, let alone deny me access!” She shrieked, squirming wildly to try and free herself from his grasp. 

But he was too strong for her.

“Aaarhhh! Let go of me!” She whined.

But like all other times, she was powerless to stop her captor from tying her up. 

He spread-eagled the orange haired cook this time, padlocking her wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed with chains, then further immobilizing her with leather belts wrapped around her upper arms and thighs, all of which were hooked to either side of the bed.

All of the tall cook’s work came together to completely pin Erina down on the bed, with an added blindfold and that ball gag she hated so dearly.

To infuriate her even further, her captor taped vibrating beads over her nipples and a small bead into her love box.

“Hmrrnnnn!” Erina screamed as she bucked around on the bed, rattling the entire frame almost as if to tear herself free.

But after a full 10 minutes of thrashing around in solitude while her kidnapper enjoyed the fruits of her labour in the kitchen, she slumped down on the bed.

“Hmnfff.” She gasped as the beads stimulating her gorgeous sent a shiver down her spine.

The poor chef grasped around blindly, her fingers fumbling around the tight leather cuffs gripping her wrists. But although she occasionally brushed past the padlocks, she had no way of doing anything about them.

I want out! Out out out out OUT! And I want my food!




The helpless young woman eventually got so desperate odd fantasies began to enter her mind, things she had never thought of before. Or rather, things she never held possible.

Deep down part of the gorgeous young woman began hoping her stalker would return, making a visit not unlike the one he’d made when last she ‘misbehaved’.

Even though those abusive and humiliating moments made her blood boil, they also brought Erina a strange sense of relief. Relief she could most definitely use right now.

As disgusted as she felt by it, one or two forced climaxes were definitely the better alternative to spending the night writhing around in need.

But to her despair, her kidnapper showed no such kindness this time around.

The young man finished his meal, cleaned up the kitchen, tended to his arm and then returned to his own bedroom for the night, leaving Erina to spend the night bound, gagged, blinded and wanting.

He must have been really angry with me. Erina realized. I suppose I can derive some consolation from that…

But the meagre satisfaction of getting one over her assailant barely made a dent in the horny frustration flooding her body and driving her to wriggle and writhe around on the bed until she wore herself out so badly she dropped sound asleep.

The following morning, Erina woke up freed from her bed. At the bedside table was a tray of breakfast. It was so basic it felt insulting to her, but she dug in hungrily nonetheless.

It wasn’t until her rumbling stomach had died down that Erina began to realize she was no longer wearing her skimpy skirt and tight corset. Apparently, her captor had stripped her down to her set of dark blue lingerie whilst she was sleeping.

The pretty young chef began caressing her body, feeling for any signs of foul play. But to her relief, it seemed like he had left her alone.

That didn’t explain the lack of clothes however, and that unnerved her.

Erina had only just finished eating when her fan walked through the door.

“Good morning Erina-san. I brought your outfit for the day.” He said as he was holding something more shameful than she’d ever seen!

A lamé gold bathing suit with insultingly deep cleavage, fishnet stockings, black high heels, white cufflinks and a collar,…

“What the hell is that?!” She snapped.

“A bunny suit. You’ve never seen one before?”

“Why would I have ANY need to know of such ludicrous attire?!”

“Well I think you’ll look lovely in it. And you still need to have your reprimand for all that naughty behaviour last night.”

“Forget it, I’m not wearing that!” She replied, jumping to her feet.

It then occurred to her. She was free! Discounting the lack of clothing, if she could get past him now she could make a run for it and get help!

Her knees still felt week from an entire night of being driven to the edge of a climax. But a short run should be possible.

All I need is to be seen by one person. We can’t be far from other Totsuki dorms, he never had the time that night…

The orangette began glancing past her kidnapper’s shoulder, trying to check out the path behind him.

“Don’t bother, Erina-san. I’ve locked the doors. You can’t get out.” He interrupted her plans.

“Tsk. For someone who’s supposedly a fan, you don’t trust me very much.”

“I need to be protective of you. Until you learn to open up to me.” He held out the bunny suit for her.

Erina frowned at the outfit, but took hold of it nonetheless. His words had stirred something within her.

Maybe I’ve been going wrongly about all this. If I can win his trust, he might slip up and give me enough freedom to escape.

“Get out.” She commanded. “I don’t want you gawking at me whilst I get changed.”

“Of course Erina-san.”

When Erina came downstairs, she looked more alluring than ever to the dark-haired cook.

Her alluring cleavage and juicy buns coated by the skin-tight gold suit, those luscious hips of hers enveloped only in the fishnets, her slender legs enhanced by the high heels,… Her captor felt his mouth fall open. And Erina’s spine tingled because of it. But whether that was from disgust or flattery, she couldn’t immediately say.

“Happy now? This outfit is demeaning and ridiculous!”

“I think it looks amazing.” He countered, pulling a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket.

“No! You’re not tying me up again! I want this to spend this day moving freely.”

But the young cook got up from the couch and approached her.

“P-please.” She muttered under her breath.

The cook stalled. “W-what?”

“Please don’t tie me up.” She repeated, although it barely sounded sincere.

But despite the undertone, the second-year student’s heart sang.

“O-of course! We’ll keep things light for today.”

After that, all Erina was subjected to was a pair of handcuffs pinning her hands behind her back and a rope belt to anchor said cuffs at the small of her back. Said rope had been turned into a crotchrope, but a loose one by her abductor’s usual standards.

“There, this shouldn’t bother you too much, should it?” The dark-haired youth said cheerfully.

“I would have preferred use of my hands.” She complained, rattling the cuffs behind her back.

“Oh, don’t worry. I have a day off so I’ll be at home all day.”

Great. The orangette thought sarcastically.

“Today I’ll be pampering you. You won’t have to lift a finger!” He promised, gently guiding Erina to settle into the couch.

The bodacious bunny crossed her legs as she tried to find a comfy position. She tried to avoid looking down, since all that provided her was a view of her shameless cleavage and nearly bare hips and legs.

All day long, her captor fluttered around the house, waiting on Erina’s every whim. It would have pleased her, if it hadn’t been obligatory… And if he hadn’t taken advantage of every chance to feel her up.

More times than the orangette cared to count, the second-year cook’s depraved hands explored her thighs, her waist, then slowly working up towards her chest. 

Naturally the gorgeous orangette tried to shove him away, but with her wrists securely locked behind her back she had no way to reach out. Her captor had learned from previous failures it seemed. And the one time she tried to kick him, he caught her leg and had begun massaging it!


A groan had escaped Erina before she’d realized it.

“Let go!” She yelped after the shameless noise had registered in her mind. Her cheeks were redder than chilli powder.

What is the matter with me? Enjoying this pervert’s fingers on my body?!

“I’ll start working on dinner. You can spend the next hour relaxing.” Her kidnapper chimed as he left Erina alone in the living room again. That sound she’d made just now had far and away been the best he ever heard.

She rolled her eyes. Relaxing, yeah right.

What Erina was going to do with her free time, barely restrained and completely unsupervised, was look for the keys to her handcuffs. She’d noticed the door to leave the house still had its key in the lock. If she could free her hands right now, she’d be as good as gone!

“Now if I were a maniacal fan, where would I keep the key to these handcuffs?”

Erina began looking around in the living room, cursing her high heels for preventing her from being silent. Every step she took made that unmistakable *clack* of the nail-like heel hitting the floor.

Stupid outfit. She groaned, kicking her leg experimentally. But the ankle strap was too tightly done up. They weren’t coming off.

“Erina-san? Are you alright?”

“Y-yes!” She shouted back, trying to sound casual. “I was just… stiff from sitting down all day.”

“Well then I’ll be sure to give your legs a massage after dinner. We’ve just established you could use one after all.” He teased.

“I’d like that!” The orangette lied. To her relief, his nervous giggle signalled he enjoyed the retort, which increased her chances of being left alone.

Keys. Where are these damn keys?!

She moved from cupboard to cupboard, carefully pulling open the drawers and doors to check inside. The gorgeous cook started out with the ones at hip height. But when those turned up empty she was forced to move on to the high-up and low-down ones. Or rather, to try and reach those.

Because even with the high heels for help, standing on her tiptoes, and increasing the pressure on her crotchrope to the point of her gasping audibly, she still couldn’t reach the top handles.

“Hmrrrnn!” She growled frustrated. How can one STUPID set of cuffs make life so difficult! Asshole!

The chef in training decided to abandon the top shelves and bent through her knees to open up the lower ones instead. She felt the fishnets contract around her luscious thighs as her muscles contracted, the soft fabric caressing her pale smooth skin.

If it wasn’t for the hostage situation, she would’ve enjoyed how alluring it -the outfit- made her look.

But all of that was swiftly forgotten when she spotted a small bowl with silvery keys.

“YES!” She hissed, barely preventing herself from exclaiming her relief out loud.

The orangette leaned into the huge closet and turned her hips to give her limited hands a chance to reach the bowl. Her fingers were fluttering desperately as she neared it to inches, then an inch, then less then a half,…

“Hmrgggn! Come on!” she groaned as the crotchrope began to force her body into arousal.

Not now Erina! Stay focused! God what is the matter with me? Lately I’ve been getting excited at all the wrong moments… I have to get out of this place. And fast!

When the liberating feel of her fingers touching the glass finally reached her senses, the orange haired damsel let a soft sigh escape. She pulled the bowl closer and carried it into the couch with her, hiding it from view in case her captor should come to check up on her.

After sifting through the stash of keys, she finally found one that looked suspiciously like the ones he normally used for her hand cuffs and leg irons.

His spare set perhaps?

Whatever they were, Erina didn’t care, so long as they fitted.

She fished the key out of the bowl and began fiddling around behind her back, doing her best to seem natural and docile.

But after almost five minutes of fiddling around, neither of the cuffs had opened. In fact Erina hadn’t even managed to find a lock!

“What’s up with these cuffs? It’s like there’s no keyhole!”

The orangette wasn’t exactly wrong. There were keyholes of course, but her captor had locked the cuffs into place facing away from her hands.

“Aaarghhhh!” She shrieked after that penny dropped.

That sneaky little-

“Hmnrrr!” The helpless young woman groaned as she accidentally yanked her the rope into her lovebox. “Oww.”

“Something wrong?” Came from the kitchen.

“No!” She replied annoyed. “Your crotchrope just rubbed me up the wrong way!”

“Haha, I’ll do something about that before dinner.”

“Great!” She lied.

Since I won’t be getting out of here after all…

When her kidnapper returned from the kitchen, he was holding a small package. “I have something for you to slip into instead of that uncomfortable bunny suit.” He offered.

Erina uncrossed her slender legs. “If you knew it was uncomfortable then why make me wear it?” She whined.

“Because you looked so cute in it.” Was his honest reply.

After guiding the orangette into the bathroom and freeing her hands, he locked her inside until she would let him know she was done changing.

But that wouldn’t go very smoothly. Because the minute she opened his package.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” She shrieked as she stared at her outfit. Or lack of one:

Inside the package were a set of crotch-less panties and a bra which was made up entirely out of strings to merely support and outline her large breasts, rather than cover them.

Her beautiful face ran beet red as she examined the slutty lingerie.

I might as well be naked wearing these! Or actually, this might even be worse!

“That’s your outfit for the evening.”

“You expect me to join you for dinner wearing this?!” She snapped, throwing the assortment of strings into the door with a soft *thud*

“It’ll be a special type of dinner. You’re a Totsuki chef, shouldn’t you be open to any new way of sampling food?”

“Not if it includes abusing my body!”

“The only way you’ll be enjoying dinner is wearing that outfit.” The kidnapper said stubbornly.

Erina snorted at the word ‘outfit’. But his tone of voice and her gnawing stomach made her realize this was a fight she couldn’t win… Just like any other fight she’d encountered during her captivity…

“I’m done changing into your stupid outfit!” She spat. “But I’m not coming out with you gawking from the other side. Go downstairs, I’ll join you in the kitchen!”

“If that’s what you wish.” The tall cook complied, heading downstairs and giving the orange haired chef a few more minutes to prepare herself mentally for what she was about to do.

Be brave, Erina. Look on the bright side: this stuff makes you look so attractive you can wrap that mindless pervert around your finger if you play your cards right...

When Erina walked into the kitchen, her captor’s mouth fell wide open, which only made the blush on her cheek burn redder.

This is humiliating. More than anything I’ve ever had to do for him.

Because her mind was so preoccupied with her lack of clothing and her overly enthusiastic audience, she didn’t realize straight away the table wasn’t decked. In fact, there was nothing on it. At all.

“Didn’t you make dinner?”

“I did. But as I said, this will be special. Lie down on the table please.”

“What?! Forget it!”


The sound of a shutter closing startled Erina.

“What was that?”

“One of a few hidden cameras.”

“Excuse me?!” Erina shrieked as she wrapped one arm around her opulent bosom and hovered another before her groin, nervously looking around to spot a lens.

“I’m going to take a few pictures of our date tonight.”

“The hell you are!”

*click click*

“If you don’t behave this time, these will end up all over Totsuki newspaper.”

Erina’s eyes shot wide open. “You pervert! You can’t do that!”

“I won’t if you comply with my idea.”

“No! Give me normal clothes and take down those cameras!”

“I will not, Erina-san. Why haven’t you learned by now that trusting me makes life so much easier.”

“Because you’ve done nothing to earn my trust.” She countered.

“Oh really? What about all those nights you spent writhing around in pleasure?” He taunted.

“T-that was all because you forced me to endure them!” She said accusingly, her features growing even redder.

“But you can’t deny it felt amazing in the end. This will too, just give it a chance.”

“NO! I’m not backing down on this. Give me my normal clothes and leave me alone!”

The sound of several shutters closing rapidly now filled the air.

“What are you doing?” Erina yelped, spinning around nervously as she tried to shield her body from the cameras, despite having no idea of their location.

“Taking enough pictures to provide Totskuki news with a full-page gravure image.”

That finally made Erina cool down. His threat felt more and more real with each photo she heard. On the bright side, if he was planning to release pictures, it must mean he was planning to let her go as well… eventually.

The gorgeous young woman soothed her mind with that deduction, helping herself to swallow her substantial rage.

“Fine. Just act out whatever small-minded plan you had in mind and leave me in peace for the night afterward.”

“Oh, you won’t be feeling all that peaceful when I’m done with you.” He smirked confidently.

“Whatever.” Erina snided, trying to sound like she couldn’t care less. “What do you need me to do?”

“Lie down on your back on the table.”

“WHAT? You want to display me like- like some sort of entrée?!”

“Hardly, you could never be an entrée. You are always the main dish.” He joked.


*click click*

“That look in your eyes is going to make a great front page.”

Erina almost had to bite her tongue not to start another rant.

Oh, if only I knew where you kept my clothes… I’d punch your lights out and leave this hell hole!

But sadly, right now she had no way to leave even if she managed to catch her abductor off guard.

Let’s just get this over with. He seems really eager about this game. Maybe playing along will finally get him in the mood I need to take advantage of him.

Erina slowly crawled on top of the table and lied down, her lower legs dangling off the far end of the table.

“Like this?”

“Perfect, Erina-san.”

Her captor moved very swiftly after that, as he always tended to do when restraining her.

I don’t understand how his fingers can be this agile and precise when tying me up, but completely useless in the kitchen.

Before she had a chance to analyse where he was going, Erina had been pinned to the table:

Her wrists had been strapped down with leather belts, pinned down either side of her head. A large leather belt had been buckled around her slender waist and anchored to the table itself using a very long rope that ran around the table top. 

Her upper were lying down on the table, also strapped into place with several leather belts. Her lower legs left dangling off the end the table, whilst her ankles had been pinned to a table leg each with leather cuffs and rope.

After a brief struggle, the poor orangette had to concede she was helpless once again. In fact, this time she couldn’t even get up!

“What is the point of this?” She whined. “I thought we were going to have dinner.”

But rather than reply, the kidnapper tied a knotted cleave gag into place.


Erina began squirming around in protest, but other than rattling the table a little she didn’t get far.

“Time for desert, Erina-san.” He mused, showing her a jar of mildly warm honey.

“Ehur?! Hah arr hoo ahih ahow? (Desert? What are you talking about?)”

“I’m serving desert.” He replied casually as he draped some of the viscous honey onto her taut belly, in between her breasts and a few droplets on her nipples.

“Aaahhh!” She yelped, squirming nervously.

But the helpless cook couldn’t shake it off, nor dodge the second-year eager tongue as it began to lick up the honey, exploring her sensuous body.

“Hmnn!” Erina mewled as her nipples began to harden under his tongue’s attention.

What is he doing? This wasn’t what he told me! He- he tricked me!

“Eh hee ohhh (Let me goo)!” She screamed, yanking her arms to try and push him off.

But she was utterly helpless to resist her captor as he continued to play with her body, draping small streaks of the warm honey and licking it up again.

“Hiii!” Erina shrieked after he gently sunk his teeth into her right nipple, slowly pulling back on it.

“Hmnnnn!” The orangette moaned as she was forced to arch her back to accommodate the pressure.

When he finally released her little bud, she let out a long sigh in relief.

But it only marked the start of his food fun.

He next pulled out a bottle of whipped cream and covered her love box in it.

“HMMNNN!” She moaned in protest, even as he slipped his tongue into her folds.

Erina bucked her hips, desperately trying to keep her body under control.

But the deeper he slithered into her pussy, the fainter her hold became.

“If you want it to end, you’ll need to beg me, Erina-san.” The young man offered during one of short pauses.

BEG?! You must be insane! I’m not going to plead for- f-f-for an orgasm from you!

“Shoh ihh (stop it)!” She demanded once more.

But the second-year student just kept going, slowly driving her to the brink of orgasm without ever delivering her the pleasure of one.

But the stubborn Nakiri prodigy refused to give him his way. Not a single word ever passed her sensual lips, other than insults and demands for him to stop.

After almost half an hour of riling up her body, the dark-haired young man gave up.

“Fine. If you refuse to play along, you can go to bed feeling frustrated and aroused.” He said disappointed. “I’ll leave you a meal so you won’t have to go hungry.”

When Erina was alone in her room again, she eagerly dug into the food.

But her body refused to calm down. So much so it was making the gorgeous girl feel conflicted about her kidnapper terminating his pleasuring ahead of schedule.

How can he make me feel so excited all the time? It’s like he knows my body better than I do! She thought irritated.

After she finished her meal, her kidnapper never returned to clean up. Since the young Nakiri refused to do cleaning work, she retreated to bed. And since she never received a change of clothes, the orangette went to bed in her crotch- and bra-less underwear.

But she couldn’t sleep. Her body felt too hot. So aroused that her fingers began to wander down to her breasts and pussy.

“Aaahh.” She gasped softly.

That feels so good!

Erina began rubbing herself more vigorously, slowly but surely approaching orgasm.

Sadly, mere seconds before she could reach it, the noise of her kidnapper rummaging around came from downstairs. Probably from him cleaning up the mess he left in the kitchen from his food fetish. But the noise had been enough to put the image of her smirking fan into her mind, completely ruining her mood.

She turned over in the bed, trying to get to sleep despite her degrading and frustrating evening.

I want to get out of here. When will I ever get out of this cursed house?!

Over the next few days, her abductor gradually became more aggressive, invasive in his groping and fondling. But every time he refused to give Erina what she so desperately tried to hide she wanted.

If she didn’t submit to him, there would be no point.

Until one fateful day, her captor’s patience finally ran out…

Before Erina even woke up properly, her kidnapper barged into her room and began restraining her.

He crossed her wrists and tied them to the headboard, pulling them above her head. Two more ropes tied to her ankles forced her to spread her legs. With her body stretched out, the second-year moved on to securing her luscious body into place with almost a dozen straps wrapped around her calves, thighs, arms, waist, forming a harness around her chest and even a belt to keep her from bucking her pelvis too roughly.

“Now what?!” She complained annoyed as he tied her up. “You only had your way with me last night, and as always you quit without having the spine to follow through.” The orangette insulted him.

“Right you are.” He replied. “And it annoyed me that after all this time you still won’t play by my rules, Erina-san. So, last night I decided: no more holding back.”

“What?” The orange haired girl replied, sounding a little nervous now.

But as far as the kidnapper was concerned, the conversation was over. He buckled a large panel gag into place, the inside of which had a rubber ball to stuff her mouth and muffle any noise she made to a meek whisper.

“mnnff!” She moaned in pain as he tightened up the strap so far it locked her jaw in place.

“As you said, over the past two weeks I’ve been slowly trying to get you to open up. Without success.” Her captor explained as he reached around to remove her black bra and expose her massive knockers.


“But no more. I’ve finally come to understand that to make someone as impressive as you submit to me, I need to show you who’s boss. You are a very dominant figure, Erina-san. No doubt thanks to your limitless talent, your regal upbringing and your amazing body, all of which earned you admiration from everyone around you. You have however never been confronted with… defeat.”


“Today is will mark the start of your new life… As my slave.”


Your SLAVE?!

But her kidnapper was done speeching. He drew a large chef’s knife from a holster strapped to his side and used it to cut her panties, exposing her snatch.

“HMNNN!” Erina shrieked, both in terror and outrage.

But to her relief the knife now disappeared again, slipped back into the holster and tossed far out of her reach.

The dark-haired young man climbed onto the bed, where he straddled young Erina Nakiri.

He started to grope her magnificent body, far rougher and more eagerly than ever before.

The way he squeezed her breasts was like he tried to reform them! And his fingers fondling her labia moved far faster than she’d ever experienced.

“Hmnnn!” Erina mewled as her body opened up to her captor. After countless events of sexual abuse, her body had learned to respond to his pleasurable ministrations. Much to her frustration.

Except this time, he wasn’t falling short just from the climax.

When the moment arrived Erina’s entire body began trembling and bucking for an orgasm, her abductor dropped his boxers.

“Hmrn?!” Erina yelped as he slowly aligned his throbbing member with her moist slit.

“HMNNNN!” The orangette cried out, trying to squirm out of the way.

But he had used so many ropes and straps she could barely twitch, let alone evade his penis.

The dark-haired young man grunted softly as he entered his helpless captive, while his captive groaned in disgust and frustration.

He started out slowly, but picked up the pace over time. He had been dying to make Erina his from the first day. It had been a miracle he’d held out this long.

But now that he’d finally bit the bullet, the second-year wasn’t holding back anything anymore.

His pulsating dick entered deeper with each thrust, pressuring her clit and rubbing along the walls of her tight and firm pussy.

“Hmnnn!” Erina cried out in protest, her fingers grasping desperately above her head as her abductor continued to ride her gorgeous body. But they found absolutely nothing.

And her struggling only provided an extra kick to stimulate the dark-haired youth.

I can’t fight him. These ropes and straps are too tight, and he’s not stopping.

And then it happened:

“Mmrggn.” The second-year chef groaned as his climax arrived.


As her captor came inside of her, Erina howled into her gag as tears of frustration started rolling down her beautiful face.

He’s done it. He actually went and-

But not even in her mind did she have the courage to finish that sentence. Besides, her mind was preoccupied.

Because her captor had just kept going after his climax, pounding her slender body until he came a second time, soon after which her first orgasm forced itself to the surface.

But despite the relief and obvious pleasure, there was also a wave of anger and disgust. To be abused by this crazed out two-bit chef was almost too much for her too take. She bit down hard on her gag as she felt the tears run down her cheeks.

When he finally felt satisfied, her captor pulled back. “Thank you for that, Erina-san.” He said calmly.

She glared at him, still bound and gagged on the bed.

Animal! You disgusting freak!

Her anger flared up again, driving her to squirm and thrash around. But after less than 10 seconds she ran out of steam, her body completely worn out from her captor’s molestation.

“I’ll be back in half an hour. I need to finish the preparations for our move.”


Our move?! What does he mean?!

His explanation came soon enough, in the form of Erina ending up heavily bound and gagged. Packaged would be a better description in fact:

Her upper body had been trapped in a leather harness that enveloped her shoulders, breasts, waist and hips. And armbinder kept her arms securely behind her back, and pinned there with a padlock locked to the bottom of the harness.

Each leg had been frogtied with two belts each, secured together with padlocks. On top of that her captor had locked her ankles together with leather cuffs, and a short chain connected her ankles to the armbinder as well.

All of that together ensured Erina couldn’t even twitch inside the large wooden crate she’d been stuffed in. And a large micro foam sponge combined with over 4 feet of tape wrapped around her face made it impossible to make any sound at all.

Barely 5 minutes after he’d locked down the crate, Erina felt herself being loaded onto a truck and it driving off.

He’s going to take me off campus!

“mnnnn!” She tried to scream for help, squirming like a woman possessed. 

The orange haired damsel strained her body with all her might, trying to kick the crate and make as much noise as she could. But to her horror, her legs and feet kept hitting something soft, like pillows. Her stalker had insulated the crate to keep completely contain whatever meagre noise her restrained limbs managed to make!

And like every other time, an actual escape was out of the question. After tiring herself out, that crushing fact hit poor Erina hard.

I can’t get out. Not out of this crate or even these stupid restraints. These leather buckles restraints are too strong, and with this gag I can’t even call for help…

The young chef started sobbing into her gag. 

He’s too good, I can’t escape. And if he transports me far enough, not even Totsuki will be able to find me!


I want to go home…

After three hours, the crate finally stopped rattling. A few minutes of silence followed, after which Erina felt it being transported off the vehicle and carried somewhere.

The moment she felt movement, Erina started screaming and kicking. She’d had more than enough of being trapped in that box. Right now, anything would be better, even another one of those stupid games of his!

Besides, she was dying to know where in the world she’d ended up!

Suddenly, the panel to her right fell open. She blinked a few times adjusting to the sunlight, but before she could do anything more her captor dove to knock her out with some chloroform.

When Erina woke up again, she was completely free! 

But like usual her freedom came with a trade-off, in the form of an unconventional outfit.

She was wearing save for a set of black underwear, thong and push-up bra. 

The room shew was could be described as modest, but this time around she at least had a decent bed. And even a wardrobe. There was a small note sticking to the right door.

“Inside here are all your outfits, you’re free to pick whichever you like best.”

When Erina opened up the closet, she felt her eyes grow wide and her mouth fall open.

Not a single outfit could be considered normal wear, more like costumes or uniforms. And annoyingly, most of it was insultingly skimpy.

Nurse’s outfits, bunny suits, swimwear, maid costumes, slutty lingerie,… 

“I don’t know what’s worse, his horrible taste or the fact he expects me to just roll over and dress up in all of this.” The gorgeous cook muttered to herself. Despite all of the abuse, the fire inside her hadn’t died down at all.

New location, new chances of escape. She told herself, trying to keep her spirits up.

Her first move was to try the door, but that had of course been locked. And though her room was decently equipped, it had no windows. As expected of the bedroom provided by this mentally challenged fan, there was no way out.

The next thing to pique her interest was a chest of drawers standing beside the wardrobe, labelled ‘equipment’. 

But Erina regretted opening it up almost instantly. Because inside was a wide array of bondage gear.

“You can take your pick from these as well.” Said a second note pasted between a large white ball gag and a black bit gag.

*knock knock knock*

“Erina-san? Are you awake yet?”

“Yes I am!” She snapped.

“Good! Have you been able to settle on an outfit for the day?”

“Forget it! I’m done playing these sick games! This has gone on WAY too long! You give me a normal Totsuki uniform and return me to my home!!” She commanded, pressing her hands onto her hips to empower her words, despite no one being there to see it.

“You know I can’t do that, Erina-san. Will you please behave for once? I would hate for our first day in our new house to be marked by you being confined to your bedroom.”

“Well then let me go home and it won’t have to be.” She insisted, sitting down on the fluffy mattress and crossing her slender legs as she leaned back on the palms of her hands, making her voluptuous chest push out. The image she spotted in the standing mirror in the corner was quite alluring.

What a view he’s missing out on. She thought to herself, immediately frowning at the mere mention of her captor. Why am I thinking about him? What’s wrong with me?!


The door unlocked and her fan walked inside. His eyes grew wider and his lips curled into a smile as he admired every inch of Erina’s perfect body.

“I suppose you walking around in just that underwear might be a great way to break in the new place.”

“Don’t. you. Dare!” She threatened him, despite having nothing to follow with.

Her captor sighed. “You’re still being stubborn. But I guess that’s part of why I love you. Very well, we’ll keep on with your education.”

“Education?! You mean this torture and slavery? Forget it! I demand you return me to Totsuki this instant!” She screamed, jumping to her feet.

But the taller second-year student wrestled her back down and quickly trapped her onto her bed using leather cuffs to lock her wrists together behind her back, followed by her elbows.

He then took out a pair of large cuffs to lock around her ankles, after which he forced her to kneel with a set of large leather belts strapped around her calves and thighs.

The dark-haired cook then took out a spreader bar and forced her legs to part.

Finally, the padlock connecting her wrists was also connected to the cuffs around her ankles, forcing her to arch her back and thrust out her chest.

“Owwww!” She moaned, fidgeting on the mattress. “What’s up with this? Untie my hands from my ankles!”

“No.” He replied stubbornly. “Maybe this way you’ll come around sooner.”

To increase her plight, he slipped a vibrator into her pussy and tied that in place using a crotchrope.

“You perverted animal! I should- oooaaahhh!” Her rant was cut off by the intense vibrations shaking her whole body right down to its core. Within seconds her nipples began to harden, but her arms and legs were so tightly trussed up she had no way of responding.

“It pains me to do this to you, Erina-san. Let’s hope that by the end of today, you’ll have accepted your new role.” He lectured before buckling the black bit gag Erina had seen earlier firmly between her teeth, giving her something to bite her frustrations away.

“Hmrnfngnhhnfnrmrrhnnmrrrhhh!” She lost her temper, wriggling and writhing around on the mattress as she tried to expunge the hard plastic toy riling up her body.

But the more she squirmed, the more aroused she became.

And her captor never returned to give her a chance to make amends.

After the third climax had surged through her body, drawing out a lengthy and high-pitched shriek, a realization came to her: 

If I’d just picked out something myself, I probably would’ve had a more comfortable day.

Normally thoughts like those would be followed by Erina scolding herself for even thinking about putting the blame on herself! 

Not this time.

If I play along tomorrow, he might treat me better. It might give me the chance I need to find a way out of this house.

But as the first week passed by, she failed to even come close to such an opportunity.

Erina spent that week wearing nothing but those revealing outfits, be them latex, leather, silk, or sometimes just plain lace. Most of her time was spent forced to wander around the house her stalker trapped had her in, mainly bound and/or gagged whilst she did his bidding or he took advantage of her helpless state to get more acquainted with her delectable curves.

Over time, even the infamous Nakiri’s spirit started to weaken.

How could it not? Her life had deteriorated to that of a slave, trapped in a house far away from her family and friends. Out of reach of the impressive Totsuki group, far away from anyone who could come to her rescue.

Until one day, about 10 days after her captor had made the move to their new home.

By blind luck, Erina had managed to make it outside the house. Her captor had left in a hurry because he’d forgotten to stock up on food -caused by him being distracted by Erina’s extraordinary latex maid outfit he’d made her dress up in all weekend-. In his rush to reach the shops before they closed, he had left the door to the garage unlocked.

He hadn’t even taken the precaution to secure Erina to anything, meaning she had been able to make her way into the kitchen, cut off the tape wrapped around her wrists and legs, and enter the garage.

The orange haired girl had hurried inside, not even caring about the fact she was still wearing black ankle strap high heels, a black filly skirt and top with deep cleavage plus a frilly white apron. 

All of it had been padlocked in place, condemning her to her role. But she didn’t want to waste time looking for the keys. Being found like a slutty maid was still better than not being found at all.

She opened up the garage door and ran down the drive way. But once she got outside to reach the road outside the house she finally got a good view of where exactly she had been living.

Erina had noticed the house was centred in a rural location just from looking out the window every now and then, but now that she’d made it outside she realized just how rural.

The gorgeous cook could see for miles all around, but there was absolutely nothing to see! There was just a single dirt road which probably continued for miles. Other than that, it was only fields and forest. There was no house or even a living soul around for miles!

I’ll never reach anyone in time by foot, least of all in these nefarious shoes!

But she was too desperate not to try.

Sadly, after just five minutes of walking down the road, Erina spotted a car turning onto the dirt road. Judging by the distance, it would have taken at least 20 more minutes to reach that point, not to mention she had no idea of what followed. 

The colour and overall shape immediately told her it was her captor. The subsequent noise and rapid increase in size made her realize he’d spotted her, and sped up.

Naturally the orangette contemplated making a run for it, but her feet were hurting from the shoes, and her spirit itself had been weakened too much by now. Even if she ran, he’d probably catch her and even harsher punishment would follow than if she went quietly.

So, the gorgeous tenth seat settled for glaring at the car and eventually he stalker as he drove up next to her, got out of the car and tossed her onto the back seat, fitting her with a horizontal armbinder and a pair leather cuffs to lock her ankles together.

“Is this really necessary?” She complained. “I’m not going to run.”

“This is just the start.” He replied angrily as he buckled a massive white ball gag into place that forced her jaw open. “When we get home, you’re in for a rough evening.”

“OOH ASH (YOU ASS)!” She screamed as she rattles her bonds angrily from the back seat, grumbling into gag for the remainder of the drive.

When the stalker finished unloading his supplies, he carried Erina to her bedroom and gently lowered her on the bed, locking the ankle cuffs to the foot end to confine her there.

He then took out the gag.

“You didn’t have to tie me up!” She snapped. “I already came willingly!”

“But you still tried to run.” He replied stubbornly. “So, you will be punished.”

“That’s not fair! Why wouldn’t I try to escape?! You’re keeping me prisoner!”

“Because you refuse to do as you’re told!”

“You’re being unreasonable! Scratch that, you’re insane! Let me go!”

But her kidnapper was no longer listening to her. Instead he had opened up the ‘equipment drawer’ and retrieved just about the largest pile of gear Erina had ever seen him pull out in one go.

“I-is all of that going to be used on me?”

“Yes. Let’s hope it’ll finally make you learn your lesson.”

“Y-you can’t!” She protested. “If you use all of that, I-I won’t be able to move at all!” She yelped nervously.

Being helpless had become rather common for the orange haired girl by now, unnervingly. But from time to time, her obsessive fan still managed to intimidate her with his disturbing ingenuity.

This time was such a moment.

But he wasn’t taking no for an answer, and with the armbinder in place poor Erina had no way of fighting him as he restrained her legs. And when those were incapacitated, he made quick work of her upper body.

It took him almost half an hour to set everything up. And by that time, Erina was close to tears: 

She had been stripped naked, her arms bound heavily with three coils of rope at the wrists, above and below the elbows. A layer of tape covered up the knots and a sturdy leather armbinder encased the whole thing after that.

Her thighs, hips, waist, breasts shoulders and even her neck had been ensnared by a tight leather body harness that made her every alluring curve bulge out that little bit more.

There were quite a few frustrating toys present as well: Two vibrating nipple clamps, a battery powered dildo embedded in her vagina and even a vibrating bead slipped into her ass.

He had forced Erina to stand up after that, tethering each ankle to a ring in the floor so as to force her to keep her legs spread and make her holes tightly grip around the sex toys inside.

To ensure she wouldn’t lose balance or collapse from fatigue, a large framework of ropes shaped like a spider net ensnared her sensual body from all sides. Though that not only ensured she could rest her entire body weight on the net in case of exhaustion, it also ensured she couldn’t move in any direction.

Even the gag was extra sexual this time, with her captor having opted for a bright pink dildo panel gag that stuffed her mouth with the unmistakable phallic shape of a male member.

“I’ll be back in the late afternoon, to check if you’ve learned your lesson.” He scolded her as he plugged her ears and covered her eyes with a thick black blindfold.

“mmhnnhhnn (nooooo)!” Erina squealed, twitching and jerking inside her impenetrable prison. But to her despair, she couldn’t even move, let alone work towards a way out. Or even some modicum of relief on her poor body.

He left her like that for four hours. Trapped inside that rope web and in her own mind alike, unable to so much as twitch whilst the range of vibrating, pulsating, gyrating toys drove her body to cum again and again.

Her legs were trembling so badly it was a miracle the orangette was still standing. Although that could mainly be explained by the rope web and it’s engineering level support.

Nevertheless, Erina felt like she was on her last legs.

Oh God! Please make it stop! I can’t go on! It feels like I’m going to explode!! Where is he? Why hasn’t he come back to release me yet? He never forgets about me! He’s always there! He-

“Had enough?” The young man suddenly asked after he pulled out a single earplug.

“hmn hmn!” Erina whimpered, nodding eagerly.

“Then you’ll behave?”

She nodded again, bucking her hips to have the toys removed.

“Good. Then let’s have a test.” He said as he removed the gag, freeing up her mouth and tongue. “Say ‘please master’ and I might consider lightening your load.”

A tear rolled down the beautiful cook’s cheek as the gravity of what she was about to say sunk in. 

“Please may I be excused from more punishment?”

“Please, what?”

“Please… master.”


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