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On Amazon Lily, Boa Hancock was slowly losing her mind. The man she loved so dearly was on the next island over, and she wasn't allowed to see him for two whole years!!

"Aaaahh, I want to visit Luffy!" The beautiful amazon moaned as she paced up and down her room, making her skin-tight purple dress with the deep leg cut flutter alluringly. 

Her entire body felt like it was burning up, craving to sail over to Luffy this instant and visit him during his training.

But every time she so much as hinted at preparing to sail for his island, the former empress of Amazon lily intervened.

Naturally that irritated the warlord, more and more with each time. Until eventually, she snapped. 

A heated argument followed, one fierce enough the empress' personal chambers were cleared out of all attendants, leaving only herself and her predecessor.

"I have no obligation whatsoever to listen to you." Hancock said haughtily. "You are no longer the leader of Amazon Lily, you've had your time."

"I may have passed the throne on to you, but my opinion is still worth something!"

"Not to me." The gorgeous snake princess said dismissively. "Someone as aged and decrepit as you should know her place!"

"Decrepit?!" The grey haired lady shrieked. "I should give you a spanking for talking to me like that!"

"Hmf, I would like to see you try."

"You think I can no longer beat you because I've grown old?"

By manner of response, Hancock dished out a sweeping kick directed at the elderly woman.

But she used her snake staff to block the blow and used the snake princess' force to launch herself towards the back of the room.

"Running away already?" Hancock sneered.

"I am using my head, something I've been asking you to do countless times!"

"And I've replied countless times that I don't take orders from anyone! If you want to make me obey, you'll have to make me submit first!"

"Very well, then we shall hold a duel." The gray haired woman said with a disappointed sigh. "If that is the only way to make you listen, so be it."

"You mean to fight me?!" Hancock said astonished.

"In a sense. "

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means the battle won't be of a combative nature, since that would give you too much of an advantage."

"Stop beating around the bush." Hancock said impatiently, the frown on her brow failing to disrupt her perfect features. "You're just stalling to keep me away from Luffy!"

The elderly woman frowned. "Is there really only one thing on your mind?! Try to focus for heaven's sake!"

"Then stop stalling!" The warlord sniped back, sitting herself down on her boa constrictor Salome, crossing those magnificent legs of hers and folding her hands over her knee. She stared down her opponent, as if trying to petrify her just with her gaze.

The grey haired amazon wasn’t impressed however. "Very well. Our duel will be very straightforward." She explained. "I will give you a task to complete. If you succeed, you can go to Luffy, and I will refrain from interfering anymore."

"Then what are you waiting for?!" the bodacious snake princess interrupted impatiently. "Lets-"

"HOWEVER!" The woman raised her voice. "If you fail, you will listen to my advice for once, and remain here on Amazon Lily like I keep telling you is the best thing to do."

The flipside didn't spook Hancock. She didn't even consider the possibility she'd lose to this worn out, past her prime, former head of the warrior clan.

"Fine, I can live with those terms. Now, what manner of task are you speaking of?"

"I won't reveal that until you've agreed to take on the challenge." The former empress said slyly.

"You want me to accept a duel without knowing any of the terms?!" Hancock protested.

"What's the matter snake princess? Afraid you'll lose to this 'aged, decrepit old woman'?" The elderly lady taunted.

That didn't sit well with the prideful amazon. "Tsk. Very well, if you insist on being humiliated, then so be it. I accept your ridiculous conditions. Now tell me the challenge!" She demanded angrily, tapping Salome so he'd boost her back to her feet in a single graceful motion.

"Turn around and hold your hands behind your back." The grey haired woman instructed.

Hancock frowned at being ordered around, but endured for the sake of her goal: getting to Luffy.

The amazon looped the rope around the snake princess' slender wrists, carefully cinching it tight.

"Hmrr, hey!" She growled. "Be careful with those ropes, if you leave marks on my skin I'll feed you to Bacura."

"Quit your whining." Was the aggravating response. "You can't expect me not to tie these tight if I want to win, right?" The former empress said as she knotted off the wrist bonds, keeping Hancock's hands crossed behind her back.

Without missing a beat, she grabbed another length of rope and forced the flexible warrior's elbows to touch.

"Oww! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Restraining you in a way you can't escape. How else am I supposed to win this challenge?" The elderly amazon said dryly as she knotted off the rope.

With those two ropes, Hancock's arms felt like they had been welded together. And she didn't like it. At all!

She jumped back and out of her predecessor's grasp, testing her bindings as she did so. But a slight hint of nervousness overcame her as she felt them not giving way an inch despite her using nearly all of her considerable strength.

These ropes are insultingly strict! She realized as she saw her opponent pick up another coil.

Hancock glared at the hemp. And I'm supposed to allow even more of these disrespectful ropes to ensnare my smooth skin and perfect body?! The humiliation!

"Take these off me right now!" She demanded. "I am the empress of Amazon Lily! No one has the right to treat me like this!

"Do you mean to say you concede?" The grey haired woman replied.


"You're asking to be released." The elderly amazon replied. "That means you accept defeat, no?"

Hancock glared at her. "Never! I just refuse to let these vile ropes cover my skin!"

"You accepted the duel." The elderly amazon countered.

"Without knowing the terms!" The snake princess yelled.

"Still, if you back out now it means you lose and thus remain clear of Luffy."

Hancock flinched. She didn't want that, not at all. But the alternative was letting this grey old bat continue her humiliating work.

"How much more of that rope will you be using?" She asked, trying to get a grip on the situation.

"I will use 6 more lengths of rope."

"SIX?! You can forget that!" The pirate empress shrieked. "You think I'll let you defile my body with six more of these humiliating ropes?!"

"You will if you wish to continue this challenge, with it your chance at setting sail for Luffy's island."

Hancock flinched. The old amazon warrior had her exactly where she wanted her, bound or otherwise."

"This was a filthy ploy of yours to humiliate me, isn't it?" The proud snake princess snarled.

"It is an attempt of mine to educate you, hebi-hime." The short lady replied calmly. "Since you are not one to listen to words, I resorted to action."

"Well it is degrading and ridiculous." Hancock scowled. But she sat down on the bed regardless, with a surprising amount of finesse considering her bound arms. "Let's get this over with so I can go to Luffy." She muttered, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks the seconds she mentioned the rubber man's name.

"Finally, you are starting to wise up a little." The elderly amazon said in a slightly taunting manner, uncoiling another rope and jumping onto the bed to continue her work on Hancock's upper body.

She wrapped the snake princess' upper body in ropes, tightening up an intricate chest harness with ropes running above, below, beside and in between her large bosom. Once pulled tight, it ensnared her breasts from all sides and even served to puff up Hancock's already impressive rack.

The elderly woman also ran a rope running along the back of Hancock's neck, after passing it along her shoulders. When that one was pulled taut, she could use it to leverage Hancock's elbow bonds and pull those up as far as they would go, completely pinning her arms down.

What is this woman doing?! Hancock thought flustered as she felt her upper body grow more and more immobile. How does she know to do all this?

The proud amazon empress was so distracted by the tightness of her ropes she lost track of her predecessor's work. Before she knew it, her legs had met a similar fate as her arms:

Her ankles had been crossed with a rope looped underneath her purple high heels to keep them in place. Her knees, calves and thighs had also been wrapped in strong coils of rope, the knots neatly hidden away.

When she tried kicking or shifting her legs to test for some slack, or even create it, it was already too late. Those powerful legs she was so proud of were left utterly immobile!

"This should suffice." The grey haired lady said calmly as she stepped back.

By manner of test, Hancock tried to hop off the bed and get too her feet. But with her feet so awkwardly positioned, forced to remain in her high heels, she hadn't a hope of keeping her balance.

After a brief wobble, the beautiful warlord fell backwards onto her fluffy mattress with a surprisingly cute "AH!"

"Hard to move, isn't it?" The former empress said smugly.

Hancock glared at her. "I should have you beheaded for this!" She hissed. "No one is ever to know of this, you hear? NO ONE."

"Of course. This duel is a matter purely between us. Now how about you get started? Your time is running."

"My time?"

"Naturally we need to work with some sort of a deadline." The elderly amazon said matter of factly. "Otherwise this challenge could very well never end, given how stubborn you are."

Hancock tsked, frowning at the woman. "How much time do I have then?"

"Two hours."

"WHAT?! Only two hours?!"

"You think that won't suffice to settle this challenge?" The grey haired woman replied.

Hancock turned away. By the feel of her ropes, she really did doubt a complete escape would be possible in such a short time. But part of her felt like she would already be conceding if she were to ask for more. So the prideful snake princess just commanded her predecessor to keep quiet and stay out of her way as she began rolling around on her bed.

But that was easier thought than done. No matter how much of her considerable strength she exerted, the ropes seemed stronger still. Making them budge by force was only causing the raven haired beauty pain and stress in all the wrong place. Especially her breasts seemed to start throbbing every time Hancock tried to pull her arms alongside her to check for knots. But to her confusion, that feeling was slowly but surely turning her on!

"Mrrg, focus Hancock!" She grunted at herself as she rolled onto her back. "You just have to find the knots tying your wrists. Once those ropes are off, the rest will be a cinch!"

Sadly, no matter how much she writhed her body or fumbled around with her fingers, there was no trace of the knots keeping her ropes so neatly done up. Confused and angry, the gorgeous snake princess let out an angry cry and kicked her legs to exploit the momentum and leverage herself upright.

But her plans reached no further than that. Sitting on her perfectly sculpted tush wasn't going to get her out of those ropes, and time was ticking away as her attempts at escape continued to fail.

"Come on!" She yelled angrily after falling back on the bed when a heated attempt to shimmy out of her chest harness backfired. "If I don't make any progress soon, I won't be able to visit Luffy!" Hancock realized desperately.

However, that thought was about the worst thing that could have entered her mind at that point. Because now that the dark haired rubber man was in her head, it was just about the only thing left in there.

His handsome face with that cheerful smile, his toned body with that manly battle scar from Akainu,… combined with the ropes pressuring her body all over, the vision of her loved one made Hancock’s mind go wild.

"Aaah, Luffy!" She sighed heavily. "If you could see the pitiable state I'm in right now, what would you do?"

That question opened the door to a whole realm of fantasies for the head over heels amazon. And one stood out amongst all of them:

By some manner of dastardly plot, Hancock had found herself captured and helplessly restrained. She'd tried everything she could think off, but her situation remained hopeless. 

'I can't get out of this!' The dark haired woman thought in despair. The ropes are too expertly tied, and without my Mellow-mellow abilities I can't petrify the bonds either! What do I do?!

It was a whole other sense of helplessness than she'd known in her childhood years, living under the Celestial Dragons' thumb. Her fantasy somehow felt more… romantic, exciting, dare she say it: arousing?

"HANCOOOOCK!!" Luffy's voice suddenly bellowed throughout the hallways.

"LUUUFFYYYY!!" She shrieked back, squirming in her ropes.

Several minutes of loud explosions and earth-shaking attacks went by, after which Hancock's hero barged into her cell. He had defeated all of her kidnappers, and had finally arrived to save his lover.

The bodacious warlord felt a shiver run down her spine as she lost herself in her dream vision. Her nipples started to poke her dress so badly they were in danger of leaving holes! Between her own writhing in the tight ropes and her mind flooded with Luffy's heroic appearance, Hancock was in danger of melting off her bed!

"I finally found you." The raven haired rubber man said calmly. 

"Luffy! I never doubted you'd come to my aid!" The ravishing warlord swooned, her face bright red as she tried to jump to her feet, only to lose her balance thanks to her captors forcing her body to adopt such a precarious position.

"Kyaa!!" She yelped as she felt herself lean forward, headed straight for a painful dive onto the dirty brick floor.

But Luffy swooped in and caught her mid-fall, gently guiding her back on the bed. "Careful now." He said softly.

"T-Thank you." The snake princess gasped, her cheeks running even redder with embarrassment. "B-but you're… squeezing me." She stammered.

The straw hat captain had accidentally grabbed Hancock's chest in his effort to keep her from falling. And although the sensation was absolutely divine, it was making the inexperienced empress a bit nervous.

To her surprise, Luffy simply grinned back. "Why is that a problem?" He replied, kneading the warlord's voluptuous chest a little.

"Ahhhnnn!!" She gasped. "L-Luffy! Not here!" She whimpered.

"Why not? There isn't a soul left in this place who can disturb us. Trust me." Those last words were mere whispers before the rubber man planted his lips on Hancock's smooth, slender neck.

She gasped once more, even deeper than before. She began pulling against her bonds out of reflex. But just like they'd prevented her from escaping earlier, they now rendered her powerless to resist her saviour's whims. 

"Are you trying to get away from me?" Luffy asked, pinching the warlord's nipples to tease her a little.

Hancock flinched and moaned. "N-No!" She yelped. "It was just a reflex."

"Good, because I'm just getting started." The straw hat pirate replied. "We've postponed this for far too long already."

"Postponed what?" The pirate empress asked softly, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

Luffy grinned at her. "Like you don't know." He said, gently leaning in to plant his lips onto Hancock's.

The flustered snake princess felt like she was going to faint. But since she had no way -or will- to resist her lover, she simply closed her eyes and waited for his lips to make contact with hers…

"Time's up!" The old amazon empress yelled as she suddenly waltzed into Hancock's bedroom.

"WHAT?!" Hancock shrieked, flopping on her bed as her body had tried to bolt upright but failed. "What's going on?!" She asked confused as her mind was trying to separate the warlord's fantasy images from the reality that had begun flooding her senses again.

"Your two hours are over." The grey haired amazon clarified.

"Did you have to barge in like that?!" The raven haired warlord said with a flushed face. My fantasies were just getting to the good part…

The elderly woman raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Don't tell me you were enjoying yourself?"

"W-W-What?! NO! How dare you even suggest such a thing!" Hancock stammered. "Get me out of this, now!" She snarled, only just now realizing that the challenge was over, and that she'd lost.

So, now that hag is going to tell me not to visit Luffy of course. Like a silly thing such as this bet is going to keep me from my beloved! All I need to do is leave under the cover of dark and this senile old bat will never be the wiser.

The stunning empress managed to hide her smirk as she drew up the clever little plan in her head.

"I will not."

"You… WHAT?!" Hancock hissed as her eyes narrowed.

"I will not remove those restraints." The old amazon warrior replied, drawing a sea stone collar from behind her back.

The pirate empress' eyes shot wide open. "This is not what we agreed upon!" She shrieked, trying to focus her powers in the hopes of petrifying her bonds. 

But her body was still in too much disarray from her arousing dream. On top of that, the main method of channeling her abilities lied in her hands. Pointing or gesturing towards the target, that was her MO. Right now, her hands weren't in any shape to point at her bindings, and turning the ropes to stone merely via contact with her skin was taking longer than she could afford.

Using her snake staff to propel herself towards Hancock, the elderly woman managed to land the collar around the nearly completely immobile warlord, stopping her escape attempt in it tracks.

"AARHHH! YOU HAG!" Hancock shrieked, trying to sweep both her legs at the same time in a fit of rage. But the formers empress had jumped clear of the voluptuous snake princess in time.

The raven haired woman grunted angrily as she felt her abilities turn dormant, her body growing even weaker than it had already become due to her exertions. "This is a filthy move!" She snarled.

"True." Her predecessor admitted. "But knowing you there is a high chance you'll completely ignore the terms of our duel and simply sail off to Luffy after all." She retorted. "However, that is impossible for you to do when you're like this."

Hancock's eyes widened. She saw through me?! More importantly… she's right! I can't sneak out of the palace like this! If any of my subjects saw me in this state, I'd never live it down!

"You mean to keep me trapped in my room like some teenager on house arrest?!" The gorgeous young woman shrieked.

"Well you're behaving like a brat, what's wrong with treating you like one?" The elderly woman countered, smirking a little. "House arrest might be the perfect way to define this situation you're in." She added as she produced another coil of rope and tied it into the warlord's ankle bonds. The other end was then anchored to the corner of her massive four-post bed, effectively trapping Hancock not just in her room, but on her very own bed!

"You filthy hag!" Hancock shrieked. "Don't think this is enough to stop me!" The gorgeous warlord bellowed, squirming around in her ropes. But she got absolutely nowhere, more or less disproving her own threat.

Marie, Sonja! They'll come to my aid! She suddenly realized. She'd instructed them to remain closeby in preparation of her departure for Luffy's island. If that old witch hasn't told them to leave the palace at least…

Sadly for Hancock, the former amazon empress had been around the block a few times. It wasn't too hard for her to predict what the stubborn and selfish warlord was scheming next, nor to plan for it.

"SO-hmhnn!!" The empress tried to call for her sisters. But the moment she'd opened her mouth the grey haired woman had shoved one of Hancock's own clean pairs of panties past her full lips, which were kept there with a long piece of black cloth tied in between her teeth.

That had been the last straw. To think she would go so far as to seal my mouth! The nerve of her! 

Hancock began screaming and howling, thrashing around on her bed like a woman possessed.

But in the end, all she did was tire herself out. The ropes wouldn't budge, her powers weren't responding and now she couldn't even call for help! She was helpless. Utterly, totally helpless.

Hancock glared at the elderly woman. "Oh ah (now what)?"

"Now you remain in this room for the next three days. Winter season will have started on Luffy's island by then and he'll be far too busy to accept visitors. It is my hope that by the time that season is finished, your hormones will have calmed down a little."

The slender warlord's face flushed again. You don't have to say it in such a shameless manner.

"Good night, hebi-hime." The former empress said coldly, walking out of the bedroom and locking the door behind her.

Judging by her tone just now, she's actually serious! Hancock realized in despair. Does she really expect me to lie on this bed for the next THREE DAYS?! I'm going to kill that hag when I get out of here!!

Purely to vent her frustration, Hancock renewed her struggles once again. She didn't care the ropes were digging into her skin, she didn't care her breasts were screaming at her for some relief. She didn't even care for the fact her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. All she wanted was to feel just some sign of progress after all her time fighting these nefarious ropes.

But if anything, her restraints just felt tighter than before she started.

She didn't yet want to admit it, but part of her realized this was one opponent she stood no chance of beating.

I never knew she could do this. Actually, I never thought this was even possible! To feel so utterly trapped by mere ropes…

The beautiful warlord rolled onto her side in an attempt to lighten the pressure on her chest.

But the biggest question I should be trying to answer… What am I to do now?!


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