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The majority of this story takes place some time after 'the long weekend' many of the female Fairy Tail mages embarked on. But in reality it began far, far longer ago (over 7 years ago in fact).

The first bit of this story happens during the half hour Mira left Cana alone during their first ever 'sexual bondage session' (the story in question is called 'Stepping up their game')

For those who haven't read that story, It is not vital that you do so in order to follow this one. All you need to know is that Mira decided to give Cana some privacy as she learned how powerful even small vibrators can be when placed in the right spot. 

And during that half hour, Mira took the chance to catch up with a friend of hers who was at that point living in Fairy Hills as well: Bisca Mulan.

With Cana securely tied to her own bed (vibrators working away on her nipples), Mira headed over to Bisca's room in order to catch up. It had been quite some time since the two had had a chance to talk privately, and since Mira enjoyed being around the animals Bisca kept in her room anyways, visiting her at Fairy Hills was the ideal place to get back in touch.

Mira knocked on the sniper mage's door.


"Who is it?" Came from the other side.

"It's me, Mira." The white haired girl replied.

"MIRA!" Came back from inside the room. "I'll be right out, just a second!"

Shortly after, the door opened. "Sorry, I was giving my horse a brushing. She always gets cranky if I leave it halfway, so I finished that up before answering the door."

"Don't worry," the demon take-over mage said, "I've got plenty of time." Mira then smiled ever so slightly as she thought back at the helpless brunette she'd left alone in her room, securely bound and gagged.

"What's so funny?" Bisca asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing.” Mira quickly replied. “Just happy I finally found the time to get over here again."

"So am I, come in and have a sit down. I'll make us some coffee." The green haired mage said as she stepped aside.

"Thanks, I'd love a cup." Mira said as she went over to sit down into Bisca's sofa and was soon joined by the sniper, who was carrying two cups to the coffee table.

"So, what's new?" Bisca asked her white haired friend.

"Nothing much to be honest." Mirajane began. "The guild's getting more and more livelier, with new mages joining up and requests rolling in each day. Elfman is improving with his take-over magic, and has just headed out for his longest quest yet: He won't be back until the end of next week. But I'm not worried, he's become very strong."

"And it gave you the time to get over here, since you don't need to cook dinner now."

"Exactly. And with you? Anything new in your life right now?"

Bisca sighed. "No, not really. Things are still the same for me."

"Meaning there's still no progress between you and Alzack?" Mira asked in a soft and sympathetic tone of voice.

The green haired girl just responded by shaking her head and looking down at her knees.

"Why not try something special to get his attention?" The S-class mage suggested.

"Like what?" Bisca replied with a mix of desperation and hope.

Mira hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should divulge her best kept secret of all.

But this is Bisca I'm talking to, she’s a fellow Fairy Tail mage. More than that, she’s been a great friend for years. And most of all: She’s a fellow woman... I’m sure she'll respect my and Cana’s privacy... Besides, desperate times call for desperate measures. And Bisca is looking mighty desperate to me!

The white haired woman took a deep breath. "Ever heard of bondage?" Mira then asked abruptly.

"Can't say that I have." Bisca replied curiously. "What is it about?"

After a brief and succinct 10-minute explanation of Mira, Bisca's eyes looked like they had widened to almost twice their size.

"And you're into that?" The sniper mage finally said in a shocked tone of voice.

"Why not?" Mira replied casually. "You'd be surprised what it can do to you. And I'm not just talking physically."

"Wow, guess that demon part of your younger years hasn't been flushed out completely" Bisca said, still having trouble digesting what she'd just heard. "And you think that could be a good way forward for me?! Don't you think it's more likely to frighten Al?"

Mira tilted her head as she pondered that notion for a momen.

"It might,” she then answered, “but it will get your message across. Without fail. How long have you been at a standstill now? I'd say desperate times call for desperate measures. But you're free to use my advice in any way you see fit of course."

Mira looked at her watch now. Startled at the time (which had flown by), she suddenly exclaimed: "Oh my gosh! I should get going again. I have somewhere else I have to be."

"Oh... I was hoping maybe we could continue the conversation you'd just started a little longer." Bisca said slightly disappointed.

"If you ever have questions, you know where to find me. Of course, I'm also fully willing to give you a demonstration." The white haired girl added slyly.

That offer startled Bisca. "No thanks, I'd rather think it over a bit before taking any real action."

Mira didn't let the refusal bother her. After all, she still had a fully willing captive lying ready for her. "Oh, Okay then, fair enough. But now I really have to go, it was nice catching up."

"For me too. Good day, Mira." Bisca replied.

[Many, many years later]

It was late at night. Fairy Tail's bar was almost completely empty, save for Bisca and Mirajane who were still present, along with a few drunkards on their way out. Overall, it was very quiet inside (a true rarity). 

With all of the customers gone and the bar nicely cleaned up, Mira's work was finished and she therefore had the time to sit across from her sniper friend who was in her usual cowgirl attire: Brown boots, short yellowish skirt, black bra with yellow trim and a red jacket covering barely anything other than her upper back. With the outfit showing most of her curves and also quite a lot of her pale and smooth skin, the green haired sniper was a sight to behold, and many a man frequenting Fairy Tail’s bar regretted her being married.

Bisca had gotten the evening free from her husband, who was at home taking care of Asuka and the house. He had said to his wife that since she’d had a rough week, she more than deserved a night out to catch up with some friends. This night out meant that the green haired mage had had a few drinks too many already, and was therefore rather talkative. 

But Mira didn’t mind that one bit. Having spent 7 years frozen in time, the S-class mage had quite a lot of catching up to do. And of course the conversation eventually arrived at the biggest turning point in Bisca's life: Her marriage to Alzack.

"So, how did the two of you finally end up together?" Mirajane asked curiously.

Bisca took a sip before answering: "I'd like to say you'd never guess that, Mira. But in fact, you were the one who provided me with the means."

"Meaning?" The white haired girl asked curiously.

"BONDAGE!" The green haired sniper suddenly said (more loudly than she'd intended, but thankfully there was nobody left inside the bar by now).

"What?!" Mira replied astonished. “You actually went through with my suggestion?!”

"Yes! Your idea turned out to be the saviour of my relationship. And with you disappearing 7 years ago, I never got the chance to talk to you, let alone thank you... So thank you Mira for your suggestion all those years ago."

After that extremely personal confession, Bisca became completely silent as her cheeks reddened slightly.

This didn’t please the white haired mage. "Well?!" Mira suddenly shouted. "Don't stop there, go on damn it! I want some details!"

"Oohh, curious aren't we?” Bisca teased her friend. “Don't you feel you're intruding in something extremely personal?"

"It's your own fault for enticing me with that opening!” Mira replied with a naughty grin. “Now spill!"

Bisca just chuckled as she started her story:

Things between me and Al had been status quo for years, as everyone in the guild probably knew.

But with all of our main members disappearing overnight, the guild suddenly became a lot smaller, cosier if you will. We had less people to talk to, so ended up speaking more with the same people and getting to know each other even better.

The added privacy was a golden opportunity too, of course. So everything was pointing in the direction that our relationship was reaching a turning point.

…Only, ever passive Alzack never acted. Almost a year passed with nothing new happening between us!

I was starting to become doubtful if he was even serious about his feelings for me, and even more about whether or not I still wanted to accept his feelings.

"What?" Mira interrupted shocked. "But you two had been a semi-couple for as long as I can remember. Why throw it away now?"

"Because a semi-couple isn't a couple at all.” The sniper responded disheartened. “You have to understand Mira: I had been quite excited about the chance of me and Al getting together for real! So much so it made me slightly thankful about the chances all of you disappearing created… But I didn't want to feel like that, I felt so guilty for thinking about my friends like that!"

Mira nodded to show she understood where Bisca’s explanation was going: "And then Alzack never even made a move, and you began to dislike him for making you wait so long, despite the conflicting feelings that kept raging inside you." 

"Precisely.” The sniper replied. “So, before my feelings disappeared completely, I went to someone for advice."

The demon take-over mage’s eyes widened. "Who?" she asked curiously.

"Macao." Was all the green haired woman replied.

"Macao?!” Mira repeated in surprise. “Why him?"

The sniper mage looked at her friend in disbelief. “Do you seriously have to ask that? One, there was little choice left. And two, he knows about married life."

"Fair point, actually.” Mira conceded. “Go on."

I visited Macao at his home in order to get a private conversation. I explained my problem and feelings, and he instantly replied with:

"Don't give up on your relationship, you two have all it takes to become a wonderful couple!"

I replied with: "But Al doesn't seem to realize that.”

"Then make him realize.” Was his immediate return. “Have you ever considered he might be feeling the exact same way you are, wondering why you won't make any attempts at getting closer to him?"

Hearing that felt like getting struck by lightning. It seemed so obvious but it still never occurred to me. And the worst thing was: Macao was probably right!

Why on Earthland did I never try and make the first move?? I couldn't come up with an answer for him, other than:

"I didn't want my feelings to be rejected I guess. “

“Before you say something Mira,” Bisca suddenly said to the take-over mage, halting her story, “I know: A reason like that sounds silly and immature. But you have to understand, even though all Alzack and I had was our status-quo relationship, that situation had something comfortable about it.”

Bisca let out a soft sigh before continuing her confession. “We felt good when we were together, but if things ever turned sour, no real losses would occur on either side, no real pain either."

Mira nodded as she listened to her sniper friend’s explanation. “No real risks.” She added.

"Exactly,” Bisca confirmed. “But that's also what keeps many couples from ever blooming. Fear to act, to lose what you've got going, or worse: that the end result isn't what you expected, and you can no longer go back to how it was.”

The green haired woman now smiled gently. “I know all of that now, but if Macao hadn’t spelled it out for me back then, I don’t know how things would’ve ended between Al and I.”

After my confession, Macao spent the next 30 minutes explaining what I just told you:

“Alzack feels the same fears you do, and is waiting for a signal to go forward. He probably still is."

"So what do I do then?" I asked him desperately. Even though I now knew what had to be done, I still had no clue about how to do it.

"I just told you,” was Macao’s answer, “give him a signal that you too want to move forward!"

"But what?!" I kept asking.

After my last question Macao just sighed. "That's something you have to figure out for yourself.” He finally answered. “But make sure it's a clear one, since Alzack is probably extremely nervous now, having spent a year waiting for it."

"I can guess what your signal turned out to be…" Mira said with a devious grin.

"Can't you just?" The green haired sniper replied with an equally naught grin. "I thought long and hard about a way to get his attention while walking back from Macao's place to Fairy Hills. And it was when I walked past your house (standing empty at the time ) that our conversation from so long ago came back to me: Bondage!”

"Yeah, because nothing says 'I want you', like being helpless to resist a man's every whim." The white haired mage grinned.

"Exactly,” the sniper said proudly, “so I decided I would place myself in his apartment bound and gagged and forced him to decide: Untie me and have me leave, or take me then and there."

“Quite a daring plan.” Mira said, impressed at the courage Bisca had shown in that most crucial point in her life.

But Bisca just grinned naughtily. "You said it: Plan. Sadly plans don't always go as they should."

Mira's eyes widened "What exactly went wrong then? You ended up a couple, so I’d say mission accomplished...or was that event not the point where you two came together ?" The S-class mage asked inquisitively.

"Oh, that it was.” Bisca replied swiftly. “But it took longer than I had anticipated, and to be honest longer than I could stand too. Here's what happened:"

I had it all planned out:  I would just walk up to the concierge of Al’s apartment building for a friendly chat. He knew me from seeing me around Alzack every so often, the man therefore didn’t really question me when I said I wanted to get in Al’s apartment to prepare ‘a surprise’.

When I made it into Al’s apartment, I headed into his bedroom, stripped down into the sexiest piece of lingerie I possessed at the time: A dark purple lacy outfit which really accentuated my body and mixed surprisingly well with my hair colour.

I then sat on his bed and began unpacking everything I would use to tie myself up with from my backpack.

The sniper mage now looked straight at Mira. “I had read and even brought a book on rope tying techniques and other handy tips, since I no longer had you to ask for advice.”

“Very resourceful.” Mira approved. “So tying didn’t turn out to be the problem, then what was?”

“I”ll get to that in a few minutes.” Bisca replied with a shy smile.

Obviously, I started with my legs. I decided to tie them together, since that book of mine said that was most easy to do yourself, and it also gives very appealing look. So, I cinched some ropes around my ankles and above my knees and tested if it was snug and firm enough to keep me stuck.

When I confirmed I wouldn’t be able to wriggle my legs out of the ropes, I picked up another piece and fed tied it around my waist and fed the rest of it in between my legs. 

To be honest, I’d hesitated about that rope for quite a long time. That book I bought had a lot to write about this so called ‘crotchrope’: How it would add to your excitement and sexual pleasure, how it was an ideal means of ‘getting yourself ready’, how it was a sign of resolve and most of all how absolutely wonderful it would feel over time.

I had of course tried out a crotchrope before getting in Al’s apartment. My first reaction had been that it indeed added a lot of excitement to the mix, but it wasn’t all that comfortable to me at first glance... Still, since I wouldn’t have to spend all that long in my position, and it definitely did something to my body, I had talked myself into putting it on for Alzack’s surprise.

Then, with my crotchrope in place as well, I set about preparing my gag. Needless to say, the book provided a lot of intel in that department as well. The main thing I took away from it was that a simple strip of tape is a lot less effective than the movies make you believe. A far better way to gag yourself is to tie a rag or other piece of cloth in between the teeth. If needed you could also stuff another one inside your mouth, but I decided against that. I didn’t want to be completely unable to make a peep, just in case.

But even with just the single piece of grey cloth I’d fitted between my teeth and tied off at the back of my head, there was very little noise that made it through even if I genuinely screamed.

So, my legs were now immobile, my mouth had been thoroughly shut up... Al that was left was to secure my hands, but that was also the most enervating part of my whole set-up.

I had decided on cuffing myself to Alzack’s headboard, since I couldn’t effectively use ropework on my own wrists. The book did provide me with a few techniques, but I could never get it tight enough to really become helpless. And I was running out of patience so I didn’t want to wait any longer before approaching Alzack. I had therefore especially travelled two towns over in order to discretely buy a set of magic sealing handcuffs which I could use for my planned predicament.

I still vividly remember how my heart began beating faster as I placed the keys on the bedside table (far out of reach) and then picked up and opened up the handcuffs.

This is it, I thought to myself. When these things are locked around my wrists, there’ll be no turning back anymore. I’ll be forced to lie here until Alzack finds me, after which we will both have no choice other than to acknowledge each other’s feelings and move on from there.

I took a deep breath, locked the first cuff around my left wrist, fed the other handcuff through the bars of Al’s headboard and locked my right wrist in place as well.

And there I lay, helpless with my arms and legs completely useless and not a chance in hell of getting out without Alzack. I tried wriggling around just to test if I really was secure, only to confirm I definitely was absolutely stuck.

What I also confirmed was that crotchrope instantly made itself noticed the moment I began moving. I had pulled the rope tight as the book had instructed, not to the point where it was digging in deep but still tight enough so it made decent contact with my groin. That, it turned out, was all that piece of string needed to demand almost all of my attention every time I tried shifting my legs or hips. 

With my predicament tried and tested, my work was essentially over. So now all I had to do was wait. Before making my way to his apartment, I’d already heard from Laki that Alzack was on his way back home from his quest. I estimated that by the time I finished putting myself in my ‘predicament’, he would’ve still been about half an hour away.

Bisca took another sip of her drink, finishing it."What I'm going to tell you now I found out only after Alzack returned to the apartment. I was completely unaware of what he was doing while I sat there on his bed."

"If I can hazard a guess.” Mira interrupted. “I almost don’t want to be right, but are you going to tell me that after you finished completely restraining yourself with no way out, he was late in returning home?"

The green haired sniper nodded. "Oh yeah, and not just a little late either."

You see, it turned out that when Al finally arrived in Magnolia 30 minutes later, he didn’t head straight for home. Instead, that blockhead stopped by at the new guild building to report in on his quest. It had been a meager one, since Fairy Tail never got any good quests anymore during that time.

Twilight Ogre had just rampaged inside the new guild hall again, and so he stayed there to clean up. That took almost an hour, during which I had been lying on his bed thinking he would walk in any moment...

After the guild’s furniture had been repaired and cleaned up, Romeo had come up to him and said he wanted to go to the port again, Macao never took him there because he can't bear the sight of his son staring at the sea. So, Alzack complied and instead of going to his apartment, he headed out for Magnolia’s port.

About an hour and a half later, he brought Romeo back to his house. And of course Macao invited him in for a cup of tea as thanks for escorting Romeo and to have a bit of a chat. Some 40 minutes later, Al left Macao’s place and finally started his 15 minute walk back to his apartment.

So if you do the maths I had been lying on his bed expecting Alzack to walk in for almost 4 hours instead of my estimated 30 minutes! 

Mira wanted to gasp and look shocked to be supportive of her friend, but it took her all she had to not burst out laughing. Therefore the white haired mage tried to keep Bisca talking and suppressed a smirk as she tried to sound worried while asking: “How did you react when Al didn’t walk in after your half hour of waiting?”

“Do you even have to ask?” The sniper replied.

By the time Al was an hour late, I was in a wild panic! I started thinking things like: What if something happened to Al?! Not only would it break my heart, it would also mean I’d remain stuck here on his bed without ever being found and no way of escape!

I began getting more and more scared and frustrated as time went on. I was angry with myself for putting myself in this whole mess with no way out, and I was completely confused at the way my body was reacting to this disaster. 

I still recall myself thinking: “Why the hell is my body heating up and getting aroused? This isn't the time!”

No doubt the culprit was that stupid rope I’d wedged into my own groin. I began cursing silently: “Why did I have to go and try it out? As soon as I get out, I'm burning that book I used for this position!”

I started thrashing around on the bed to the point where the steel of the cuffs were really starting to hurt my wrists and I was forced to take a break to recover. That crotchrope I’d tied for myself didn’t help my efforts either, mind you.

Being forced to lie still for a moment, I began thinking about options like calling for help. Sadly, the gag was still as effective as ever, so my chances of someone hearing me were slim to none. Add to that the fact I was bound, gagged and in sexy lingerie, and you can see why I didn’t really want to be found by anyone other than Al. Add all of that up, and you can easily see why I decided against crying for help.

So, struggling seemed like my only chance, even if it was a very very slight one. I immediately realised just jerking on the ropes and cuffs wouldn’t get my anywhere other than arouse myself, and I really didn’t need that at that point.

I looked at the keys lying impossibly far away on the bedside table, and decided those were my only chance: I would have to try and reach for those keys with my feet and pick up the keys with my toes. It was a long shot, but by now Al had been an hour and a half late, so I was and getting desperate fast.

So, I manoeuvred my legs over to the bedside table and tried to lower my feet onto the keys so I could grip them with my toes. The way I’m explaining this might make it sound like a cinch, but trust me, it took an excruciatingly long time, a lot of straining and even some shifting of the bedside table to finally make contact with those ridiculously small keys.

Then, when I’d finally managed to grip the keys, I lifted my legs again and began moving them over above my head.

...However those tiny keys turned out to be more difficult to keep hold off than I accounted for, and as I brought my legs over to the bed I suddenly felt the keys slip out of my grasp and fall onto the mat beside the bed with a almost inaudible thud and jingle.

Again, I can still remember the thoughts running through my mind at that point: 

That didn’t just happen... That did NOT just happen! I DID NOT DROP THOSE KEYS ONTO THE FLOOR!!

Sadly, I had done just that. And now I was officially and definitively left with no way out of my predicament whatsoever.

Now Mira did gasp. Even though she had been through a lot in her life (some of it even similar to what she was hearing now), the suspense was killing her as she nearly begged Bisca to continue: “What did you do then?”

Bisca let out a slight sigh as she worked through those feelings from all those years ago which were now flooding back. The green haired woman then continued:

I took a deep breath... and screamed my lungs out. I was feeling so stupid, desperate, angry, scared and weirdly enough: aroused, all at the same time. I simply didn’t know what else to do other than scream, what else could I still do?

But then I heard it. The sound of Alzack’s front door unlocking! As if by some weird twist of fate, that stupid gunslinger had just arrived to his front door at the moment I had given up all hope and screamed to my heart’s content!

Of course the noise coming out of his own apartment had startled him, so Alzack rushed through his door and headed into the bedroom, which is where he thought he’d heard the sound come from.

Thus, after waiting for over 3 hours more than I’d bargained for, I was suddenly staring straight at my precious Alzack, whose jaw was hanging wide open as he witnessed what was lying on his own bed.

Bisca giggled before moving on with her story.

I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but the look on Al’s face was quite comical. He just stood there in the doorway, so stunned he couldn’t even speak for the first minute or so.

Then, he finally managed to scramble together a few words:  "B-B-Bisca! W-Who did this?!"

Poor Al was so shaken up he didn’t even work out the piece of rag in my mouth wouldn’t allow me to respond to his question. He just stood there, waiting for an answer.

So I asked him a muffled question back: “Ood oo un-ag ee eese? (could you ungag me please?)”

Though my words sounded like nothing more than gibberish to me, Al seemed to have understood straight away since he walked up to me and said: “Of course, sorry.”

He then took out the gag and asked again, slightly angry this time: “Who is responsible for doing this to you?”

I get the feeling his protective instincts were kicking in again, and he just wanted to grind whoever had done that to me into dust. It pleased me seeing him worry over me like that, and I almost feared his reaction as I replied:  "I did."

Al clearly hadn’t expected that. His eyes shot wide open as he asked:  "You did this? To yourself?! B-but why?"

"So you'd notice me again." Was all I replied.

“Notice you?” Alzack repeated confused. “What do you mean notice you? We talk and hang out together all the time!”

I just sighed upon hearing that reaction. 

Macao was right, I thought to myself, Al really needed a clear signal right now. You’d think me lying half naked on his bed would’ve been enough...

“That ALL we do.” I replied. “You take me out on dates occasionally, and often ask me over for a drink. But up till now, you have never asked me to spend the night here, have you?”

“I haven’t?” Alzack asked confused. “... Maybe I haven’t, but why does that matter? I assumed that you knew you were welcome to spend the night with me, all you had to do was ask.”

Alzack now looked down at the floor, trying to avoid the green haired damsel’s gaze. “ But when you never did... I don’t know, I guess I lost my nerve to ask you first. A-And before I knew it, all this time had passed and you began acting more distant. I started to seem we were growing apart, and I didn’t know what to do anymore...”

So Macao had been 100% right! We had both been holding back, waiting for the other to make the first move! And it had almost cost us our relationship!

But not anymore! Hearing this from Al was all I needed. Besides, lying on his bed completely helpless wearing nothing but a bra and panties, there wasn’t much more we could do than take the next step.

“Well then, do you know what to do now?” I asked him.

He looked up and into my eyes again, and I could see in his that he was still not sure of what he should say.

Bisca blushed as she finally reached the conclusion of her story

So I took a deep breath, and finally posed the question: "The way I see it, you have two options: untie me and send me home, or finally to man up and do to me what I know you've been dying to do for years... What’ll it be, Al?"

“You can guess what he picked.” Bisca finally said. 

All the green haired sniper got in return from Mira was an open mouth and a wide-eyed stare. Obviously, her story had had quite the impact on the S-class mage (though Bisca did not yet know why exactly this was the case).

“And that’s it.” The sniper said when she saw Mira had nothing to say for the moment. “That is how Al and I found each other again, after almost losing what we’d built up for years. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that neither he nor I ever looked back and haven’t regretted our decision that day for even a moment.” The green haired woman blushed a little more as she added. “We even indulge in bondage again from time to time, to recreate the feelings we felt that day, when everything between us changed.”

The sniper mage now looked at Mira, hoping to finally elicit a response from her white haired friend after laying bare so much personal history.

But the demon take-over mage still stared blankly at her friend with a slightly open mouth, as though she was having trouble processing everything she’d heard just now.

“What's wrong?” Bisca asked when she started to become impatient with Mira’s silence.

This finally shook Mira awake again. “Oh, no nothing’s wrong. It’s just... hard to fathom, that’s all.”

“Seriously?” Bisca asked confused. “But you are the one who got me into the whole world of bondage in the first place!”

“That's not what's hard to fathom.” Mira corrected her friend, a wide grin now adorning her beautiful face. “It's the sheer number of kindred spirits within Fairy Tail that’s mind boggling.”

Bisca had a hard time understanding that comment. “Huh?? What on Earthland is that supposed to mean?” The green haired woman asked.

But the demon take-over mage didn’t answer. Instead, she got up from her seat and simply said: “Come along.”

Curious about what Mira was on about, Bisca got up as well and followed her white haired friend. Mira led Bisca down into the guild bar’s basement, to the door into a small supply room which was hardly ever used or even entered.

So even though there should be hardly anything in that small room, some sounds could still be heard coming from inside, raising the green haired sniper’s curiosity even more.

“This is what I meant by kindred spirits.” Mira said before opening up the door, revealing a scene Bisca wouldn't forget for the rest of her life...

[ Back to the past, in Alzack’s room ]

“So, Al. What’ll it be?” Bisca asked of the dark haired gunslinger sitting next to her, still stunned by everything he had seen and heard the past few minutes.

At first Alzack just kept sitting beside Bisca, not saying or doing anything. Then suddenly the dark haired man pressed his lips against Bisca's, his tongue trying to force its way through. The green haired mage swiftly opened her mouth to let Alzack's tongue enter, and a long an passionate kiss began, far more fierce and aggressive than Alzack's usual kisses.

This is something else! Bisca though as Alzack kept his kiss going on and on. This is so unlike the passive Alzack I've always seen!

When Alzack finally withdrew his tongue, Bisca gasped for breath. "W-Wow. Guess I know what your choice is now." Bisca said, still recovering from Alzack tongue rampaging inside her mouth.

"Well, I can hardly resist you the way you're lying here right now, can I?" The dark haired man replied.

"You've got it backwards." Bisca corrected him. "I'm the one who can't resist you." She said whilst shaking her wrists, making the cuffs clatter softly.

The green haired woman's cheeks then began reddening as she added: "So please be gentle with me, Al."

"Of course. After all your efforts for getting us past our status-quo, I'm hardly going to ruin it by scaring you away." The dark haired man answered.

Bisca then closed her eyes. The sniper mage could feel her heart rate rising as she waited for Alzack's first touch, his first real touch.

The gunslinger mage slowly lowered his hand until it was only an inch away from his damsel's chest. He then hesitated for just a second, before finally resting it on Bisca's right breast and giving it a gentle squeeze and making Bisca gasp ever so slightly.

So soft… Alzack thought as he let his fingers knead Bisca's sizeable breast. It's unlike anything I've ever felt, soft and warm.

Alzack then noticed his damsel's nipple began poking through the fabric of her bra. No doubt this was his doing, and the dark haired man decided to pinch it to see how Bisca would react.

It turned out the green haired sniper reacted quite vividly, with a slight yelp and her cheeks starting to glow bright red after hearing the noise she'd just made.

Alzack didn't stop there though. The dark haired gunslinger now let both of his hands rest on Bisca's chest and began massaging her breasts slowly, rubbing her nipples as well.

Although the feeling of Alzack's hands was divine, Bisca still craving more. She wanted to feel his hands straight on her skin, without her bra being in the way.

"Take off my bra." The green haired woman almost commanded.

But Alzack didn't mind Bisca's forceful request. The dark haired mage moved his hands around to Bisca's back, unclipping the bra and throwing it to the side of the bed.

The gunslinger mage then began rubbing his green haired damsel's tits and nipples again. "Better?" He asked.

Bisca almost purred as she nodded and said. "Yes, very much so. But my breasts aren't the only part of me craving some of your attention."

Hearing this made Alzack hesitate again, be it very briefly. Even though the entire situation had obviously been headed in this direction from the start, things were moving along quite fast to his feel.

Fast? Alzack suddenly thought to himself. Fast?! What am I thinking? I've made Bis wait for over a year! If anything things have been going far to slow!

The dark haired man looked at his still blushing captive, studying her face and gradually making his way down to her beautifully naked chest.  

Besides, making Bisca wait after all she's been through tonight, and with her body in the state it's in right now, would be a crime! I'd decided to move forward and that's exactly what I'll do!

Just as Bisca wanted to ask Alzack what was wrong, since the dark haired mage had been sitting and looking at her for almost 30 seconds now, the gunslinger suddenly began massaging Bisca's chest again, much more vigorously this time and using his mouth and tongue on the green haired woman's breasts as well.

These renewed efforts were rapidly arousing Bisca, and she had to use all her strength to not start screaming in pleasure… But just as suddenly as he had begun, Alzack halted his efforts again. However this time he had stopped his caressing so he could undo Bisca's crotchrope. 

Once the piece of string tied between the green haired woman's legs was out of the way, Alzack let his tongue and lips stroll around his captive's upper body again, while at the same time slipping his hand in behind her dark purple panties.

The dark haired man started out by gently rubbing Bisca’s labia, slowly picking up the pace and moving his fingers deeper into the female sniper’s increasingly wet pussy. At the same time, Alzack kept up the efforts of his mouth and tongue on his damsel’s upper body.

Bisca's breathing quickened under Alzack’s continuous ministrations, the green haired woman could feel her orgasm approaching fast.

After all this time, it's finally here. 4 hours, no… over a year of waiting is going to come to an end, and Al is the one doing it!

With a huge gasp for air, Bisca finally came, spilling her juices all over Alzack's hand. The gunslinger didn't mind it one bit though.

After Bisca's shuddering orgasm, Alzack pulled back his hand and scooted back a bit on the bed. He then just looked at his gorgeous panting captive. Bisca had never looked more beautiful, and he was mentally kicking himself for waiting this long to act. In fact, if it hadn't been for his lover's bravery, none of this would've been possible.

I don't know what makes me deserving of having such a wonderful woman in my life, but I'm sure as hell not going to question it! The dark haired mage thought to himself.

The gunslinger made himself a resolution then and there: Bisca and I will spend the rest of our lives together, that I swear to myself here and now!

When Bisca finally caught her breath, she looked up at Alzack again. “This was absolutely wonderful. Thank you Al.”

The gunslinger answered that thank you with a wide grin. “I should be saying that. This whole surprise, all of your efforts… You are the whole reason we ended up here. I should be thanking you.”

Bisca chuckled. “Well if you really want to thank me, you can do so by picking up the keys from the floor and uncuffing me. As exciting and arousing as this all has been, I’ve had quite enough of being cuffed to your bed.”

“The floor?” the dark haired mage asked confused. “Why did you throw the keys on the floor?”

“That’s a long story.” Bisca responded. “Just pick them up already, I want to be able to hold you now.”

Alzack did as his lover asked of him, and proceeded to untie Bisca’s legs as well.

With the green haired woman now finally completely free again, Alzack leant his back against the headboard and then took Bisca in his arms, pressing her back against his chest and holding her tightly.

“Again, thank you so much for this surprise. It was just what I needed to finally take the next step with you.”

“Then my plan has been a resounding success.” Bisca said, but her smile disappeared and a tear began forming in her eye as she continued with: ”We can finally move on… With so many of our friends going missing last year, the relationship we had meant more to me than ever. I’ve been yearning to be with you for so long now, I almost can’t believe we’ve finally made it.”

“It’s the same for me.” Alzack responded. “Ever since we lost so many of our friends, I’ve been feeling the need to be with you more and more, but no matter what I couldn’t think of the right way to express it… No, that’s not right actually. I’ve had the words ready from the moment I met you, I just never managed to work up the courage to say them. But now that you’ve lead the way, I finally can.”

“Then say it already!” Bisca replied with a smirk on her face. “You’ve made me wait long enough, stop beating around the bush.”

Alzack smiled as he said to his lover: “Bisca, I love you. I’ve loved you for some time already, and will continue to love you for the rest of my life, if you’ll let me.”

“Music to my ears.” The green haired woman said. “And I love you two Al, I will be yours, now and forever.”

The gun wielding couple then kissed each other again, a much calmer kiss but with just as much passion as the one before their love making started.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Bisca said to her dark haired love after they separated their lips again. “All this struggling and then your work has worked up quite a sweat.”

“Sure, go ahead.” Alzack replied. “Then I’ll start on dinner for the two of us. It may be late but I’m sure you’re just as hungry as I am.” 

The gunslinger then smiled kindly to his green haired girl. “And after dinner, we can spend some more time cozily together… And then, I’d like you to spend the night with me, Bisca.”

The green haired sniper smiled brightly at her husband to be. “I thought you’d never ask.”


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