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Mirajane had led Bisca, her year long friend and fellow guild member down the stairs into the basement of Fairy Tail’s bar.

The greenhaired sniper was unsure of what the demon take-over mage had planned. But Bisca had found Mira’s reaction after her confession strange to say the least, so her curiosity drove her to follow the white haired woman obediently, not daring to ask any questions (for now).

Eventually though, Mira held up in front of a door to a small supply room in the corner of the basement, one that was hardly ever used or even visited.

“You wondered what I meant with ‘kindred spirits‘, did you not?” Mira began. “Well brace yourself because you’re about to find out... But I should warn you, that once I open that door there’s no turning back. So maybe take a moment to think about whether finding out this secret is really worth your while.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Bisca asked in disbelief. “After everything I confessed to you, you dragged me down here to show me something supposedly related to my bondage history. And now you offer me to pull out? I wouldn’t be able to call myself a Fairy Tail mage anymore if I walked away now!”

Mira grinned widely. “Fair enough. Then without further ado, I present to you: The hidden side of Fairy Tail.”

Mira opened up the door, and inside of the room was a scene Bisca wouldn't forget for the rest of her life:

Inside that little basement room, Levy Cana and Lisanna were writhing around and moaning loudly in what to Bisca looked like medieval torture positions. The trio was barely clothed as well, with Lisanna wearing nothing but a pink bra and thong, Levy in just a pair of light blue panties and Cana completely in the nude. Their lack of clothing meant every bit of tightly tied rope was making direct contact with their fair skin. It also meant that and even something as gentle as a gust of wind (made for example by a door swinging open) would brush against their sweaty, shivering, and no doubt hyper alert bodies.

Levy’s position was a hogtie but with an added rope attached to the ballgag wedged in her mouth. That roped was then pulled back and attached to some strict elbow bindings, forcing her to keep her head lifted up.

The hogtie in question was to tight it was making the young mage’s back arch a little, keeping her petite chest and the attached (weighted) nipple clamps lifted off of the ground.

…At least, they remained off of the ground if Levy continued straining herself to keep her back arched. If she relaxed her body, the weights on the clamps would begin scraping over the floor as she wriggled, multiplying their impact by several times. 

Cana’s predicament was quite different, but equally straining. The brunette mage had her hands tied in an inescapable reverse prayer, and she was forced to stand up by a rope pulled taut across the room and digging into her lower lips. That rope spanning the basement was tied just a few inches too high for the card mage, thereby forcing her onto her tiptoes. 

To make matters worse, a large vibrator had been taped to the far end of the rope, making the entire construction buzz without end and making Cana ever so horny. Sadly the single thin rope digging into her wasn't quite enough to make her come, and no matter how much she tried to rub her labia against it, there was nothing she could do to change that.

If she could, the card mage would probably scream her lungs out. But a thick rubber ring gag was preventing her from using her mouth for anything other than producing streams of saliva, which were dripping all over her chin, chest, belly and of course the floor and rope beneath her.

Then there was Lisanna, in yet another gruesome bondage position. The white haired girl had her arms and elbows tied in a strappado, but with the added plight of having that strappado rope attached to her strict chest harness  as well by means of a pulley system far above the white haired girl’s head. The chest harness in question was consisted out of ropes winding above, below and in between Lisanna’s now slightly reddish breasts.

This way there was a constant feeling of pressure on her tits no matter at which angle she kept her arms, which only worsened with every twitch the animal take-over mage made. But Lisanna didn’t have much choice in what angle she took, courtesy of a heft collar Mira had locked around her sister’s neck to which she then attached a rather heavy dumbbell. The weight pulled the animal take-over mage down by her neck, forcing her to bend over and pulling the strappado / chest harness connection taut, with pressure resulting on both her chest and her arms.

And as if that wasn’t enough, Mira had decided to force her sister into a balancing act as well by tying her left leg in a frogtie so Lisanna was left standing on only her right.

As for the pleasure part of the animal take-over mage’s predicament, a hitachi wand had been strapped to her inner thigh, the bulbous end of which made contact with the white haired girl's already moist pussy. And though that wand alone wouldn't be enough to make her come, it definitely served to make her balancing act more challenging and exciting.

Mira’s youngest sibling had also been gagged, but in a rather peculiar fashion. At first it just looked like Mira had tied a piece of black cloth in between her sister’s teeth for a tight and effective cleave gag. But upon closer examination, Bisca could see some kind of dark green cloth poking out as well. Unbeknownst to the sniper, that cloth was in fact Cana’s underwear. 

Before putting her three damsels in their respective predicaments, Mira had ordered them all to strip down. The white haired woman had then taken her partner’s panties and stuck them in her sister’s mouth for a very effective stuffed cleave gag. And since Cana had already been slightly aroused before they had even gotten started, that meant those panties had been slightly moist before even entering Lisanna’s mouth. In other words, the youngest strauss sibling had been standing there chewing on Cana’s womanly essence for hours already, and it had driven her body wild with arousal at an even faster pace than usual.

Needless to say, all three girls were constantly moaning and struggling as much as their respective positions allowed. In fact it was somewhat of a miracle all that noise didn’t make it past the flimsy basement door (or rather, it was thanks to a silence spell Levy had set up beforehand).

But as horrible as these positions seemed, the three girls were obviously enjoying themselves. Proof for that could be found by looking at their groins. Both Lisanna’s and Levy’s were dark from the moisture flowing from their pussies. As for Cana, you could see she had been having a lot of fun just by looking at the rope, which was dripping wet in her vicinity. It would seem the brunette had tried moving up and down the rope a little in order to increase its effects.

And when the sniper took a better look at Lisanna’s legs, she could see that the white haired girl was by now so wet her inner thighs had a few streams of juices flowing down them.

Levy, lying on her belly, showed less obvious signs of relishing her predicament, save for the fact she was trying her best to grind and rub her pussy onto the basement floor. A manoeuvre Bisca found exceptionally brave given that the light blue haired girl was in such a strenuous position and because her moving was making the clamps irritate her extremely sensitive nipples all the more.

All three girls had of couse noticed Mira and most of all Bisca walking in, but their respective situations demanded so much of their attention they didn’t feel the need to join in on the conversation that would undoubtedly begin any second now. They were far too focused on enjoying every ounce of pleasure their respective positions created.

The second the door had been opened, giving Bisca a clear view of proceedings inside the tiny storage room, her jaw dropped to the floor. "Wha?! Mira, What is this!? And here, u-under the guild of all places!"

The green haired gunslinger was having trouble speaking, the shock of her discovery was simply that great. To think that all this time so many of her friends had been getting involved with stuff this explicit!

So, since Bisca wasn't able to get a word out anymore, Mirajane did the talking instead:

"This is something we indulge in every now and then, though not always in a place this risky." Mira began explaining. But since this first statement didn't draw any reaction from her green haired friend, she kept going:

"The reason they ended up in here was simple: These three suddenly came up to me today, demanding some fun. This was quite a rarity for Cana, since we usually plan everything thoroughly. But she told me she'd overheard Levy and Lisanna whispering that they were craving 'a work-out', so our brunette over here offered to go and ask me for some help in the matter."

Now Bisca did react: "And you just obliged? In here?!" The sniper asked, trying to avert her gaze from the three damsels and all of the ropes surrounding them.

"Well, they sort of took me by surprise." Mira replied innocently. "And I found their impatience so endearing I couldn't resist. So, I led them down here and worked out these three positions on the fly. … What do you think of them?"

"This was improvised?" Bisca asked, getting more and more astonished as the conversation went on. "And how long exactly have they been like this?"

"I'd say them walking up to me was about 4 hours ago." Mira calmly answered

"4 hours?!" The green haired woman repeated shocked, turning her head towards the trio of damsels again. Looking at it again, just 15 minutes of either positions would’ve probably been her breaking point... 4 hours, that really was something she had trouble fathoming.

"Yeah, well I was still busy at the guild. It's not like I had the liberty of checking up on them every 10 minutes. But they knew about that beforehand, and they're quite experienced already, so there was no real problem."

Mira then smirked. "However, now that the bar is finally empty, I can finally get to work. And of course, you are free to join in."

That offer did manage to pull Bisca's eyes away from Levy, Cana and Lisanna. "J-join in? M-me?" she stammered, turning her head to the trio again straight away after a loud groan from Levy when the weights hanging from her nipples dragged over the floor.

"Of course," the demon take-over mage responded. "I understand if you want to keep your relationship to Alzack exclusively and not join us in our ‘passtime’." Mira instantly added, "but I at least wanted to let you know what's going on in our guild, behind the sce-"

But Bisca had stopped listening, once again captivated by all of the extensive bondage predicaments in front of her. She walked closer to Cana, Levy and Lisanna whilst staring at them intently.

Then, suddenly something snapped inside of the sniper and her silence was broken by a torrent of remarks and questions:

"Wow, those ropes look really tight. You know far more than me and Al combined!"

"And what're all those things they're wearing? Some look very painful, and some of them are buzzing as well."

"And how did you get those ropes around their bodies like that?"

"Hey, does a position like this have a name or did you invent it yourself?"

Bisca kept firing one question after another, curious and enthusiastic like a schoolgirl on an outing.

This made Mira chuckle . "Looks to me like you still have room for improvement." She said happily.

"Well yeah, Obviously." The green haired sniper blushed. "Alzack is quite the gentle soul, so he never goes into anything too drastic. I don't mind though, since I like it that way too... But I must admit, seeing this…" Bisca said, becoming more and more quiet with every word and eventually not finishing her sentence at all.

"Curious?" Mirajane filled in the last part.

"I guess that's the word." The gunslinger responded.

"Then fire away!" Mira replied. "You've asked a lot of things already, anything else on your mind you really want to know?"

The first thing the green haired sniper was burning to find out was: "Who else is in on this?" 

"Oh quite a lot of them by now." Mira answered. "To give you a sum up: Obviously Me, Cana, Levy and Lisanna here are huge fans. But there's also: Lucy, Erza, Juvia and even Ultear and Meredy, though we obviously have some trouble getting in touch with those last two."

As Bisca was processing the surprisingly long list of names, Mira suddenly added another:

"OH, and Kinana too I guess, although she was somewhat of an accident."

"Accident? How can you accidentally end up loving bondage?" The gunslinger mage asked, both dumbfounded and inquisitive.

"Well it was during one of our sessions in this very basement not that long ago." The S-class mage began explaining. "During that particular evening, Erza was in charge of me and Cana. She wanted a challenge, and me and Cana can be quite obstinate subs, given that we’ve spent so much time taking on a dominating role."

Bisca just kept looking at Mira, listening intently to her story. For the first time since entering that tiny basement room, Mira had the sniper’s full attention over the three damsels and their fascinating predicaments.

Mira continued: "You can probably guess what went wrong: Kinana walked in whilst searching for some stuff, and the sight she found inside this room right here completely shocked and panicked her. She was about to run out to get help in order to 'save me and Cana'."

Bisca held her hands in front of her mouth. Even though she knew this story had to end well since the secret had been kept, it still sounded so tense she couldn't help but feel for Mira.

"Thank god Erza hadn't gagged me," The white haired girl said with a slight sigh as those enervating memories came flooding back, "thanks to that I was able to yell at her to grab Kinana and tie her up as well. Of course Erza didn't understand right away where I wanted to go with that, but thankfully she complied nonetheless."

"Where did you want to go with tying Kinana up?" Bisca asked curiously.

"Buy time of course." The S-class mage replied casually. "as long as we prevented Kinana from going back upstairs to call for help, we had time to think of a plan."

"A plan?" The gunslinger repeated.

"Yes,” Mira confirmed, “to ensure our secret wouldn't get out. My first thought was of course to convince her into joining us. I was already fantasizing about the possibilities of having a partner, 'both in the bar and beneath it', if you get my drift."

"I think I do." The green haired woman said with a grin.

"But I assumed that would be next to impossible, seeing as how Kinana was in a state of full on panic. I doubted she would even listen to us, let alone process what we were saying."

Mira smiled softly now. "I've never been so happy to be wrong. Erza's superb yet on the fly ropework turned out to be our saving grace. The redhead had acted on instinct and habit, restraining Kinana in a similar position she used for bondage sessions. In other words there were plenty of ropes in there meant for arousal, not for restraint."

"I can see where this is going." Bisca interrupted. "Kinana turned out to have a great time, and thus you corrupted yet another Fairy Tail member."

"Corrupted you say?" Mira said, acting offended, "At least call it converged, or persuaded. We're doing nothing wrong here, or do you disagree?"

"No, I was just teasing you." Bisca said playfully. "I couldn't be more supportive of what you're doing. Girls just wanna have fun, right?"

"You got that right." Mira replied with a wide grin… So, miss 'girls just wanna have fun', do you want to give it a shot?"

"What? Me? NOW?" The sniper mage asked, shocked to be invited so soon already. "But you're busy with all of them here, and I'm not even sure if I'm mentally prepared for this. Not to mention I should really be heading for home soon."

"Those all sound like excuses to me, and pretty poor ones at that." Mira countered.

The green haired woman turned around again, to have another look at the three damsels (who were incidentally starting to moan louder and louder in an effort to draw Mira's attention so the take-over mage would finally pay some attention to them again).

To think stuff like this has been going on without anyone in the guild knowing. Al and I never even considered going this far, not even in our own house. Bisca pondered.

That book I consulted years ago had chapters equally extreme as this, but I assumed Al would never go for it, and I didn't really see the appeal either. But now… seeing it live is making me doubt whether I made the right choice giving up on the idea so fast.

As Bisca was contemplating her decision all those years ago, and trying to figure out on what to decide right now, Mira saw her chance. The white haired mage snuck up behind the sniper mage and quickly forced her arms behind her back so she could begin tying her up.

"Wha?! Hey Mira, don't get started without asking !" Bisca said jolted. "Give me a chance to think this over some more."

"Last time you said the same thing, and look what happened!" Mira responded as she wound a rope around the struggling sniper’s wrists. "No, I'm not letting you slip through my fingers a second time." Mira teased. 

The green haired sniper tried to resist Mira, but the demon take-over mage (and her ropes) were simply too strong. 

As Mirajane tightened up the ropes, Bisca let out a soft grunt. 

Tight!  Was the first thing that sprung to the sniper's mind. Al's got nothing on her!

But even though this was far tougher than she was used to, her body still recognised the feeling and instantly began enjoying it.

Before Bisca knew it, her wrists had been tied swiftly and tightly, but Mira was only getting started.

Without missing a beat, the S-class mage started working on her sniper friend's elbows, cinching them together just as tight as her wrists and forcing them to nearly touch. The pressure this created made Bisca grunt deeply: "This is way too tight! "

"Oh? Does 'Al' never tie it this tight?" Mira teased, making Bisca blush.

The green haired woman didn't respond to the taunt, so Mira took the liberty of continuing her work.

With still a lot of rope left on the elbow rope, the white haired woman decided to put it to use. Mirajane brought the length of rope round to Bisca's front by pulling it underneath her right armpit and then over her right shoulder, next up the demon take-over mage pulled the rope past the back of Bisca's neck and then down past the front of her left shoulder again. The rope was then finally pulled underneath the green haired woman's left armpit again and from there behind Bisca's back so Mira could attach it to the sniper mage's elbow ropes again.

Just what is she doing? Bisca wondered. She keeps pulling that rope all around the houses, but I don't feel any tighter or more helpless, it just creating a bit of pressure on my shoulders.

Suddenly the gunslinger was pulled out of her thoughts by a warning coming from Mira:

"Now brace yourself, if this last tie round your elbows already felt tight, then you'll definitely feel this.

After having looped the rest of the rope around Bisca's elbow tie once, Mira pulled it up towards the strand running past the back of her neck, looping it there as well. 

Mira then pulled the rope back down, using the strand as a pulley system and thereby forcing Bisca's already tightly bound elbows up towards her neck, robbing the green haired woman of what little arm movement she had left.

The second Mira began pulling Bisca's arms up by the elbows, the sniper let out a loud cry of pain:

"Ooompphh!!! MIRA, what the hell are you doing?! That hurts, you know!"

"I do." the white haired woman replied casually. "This is actually something Cana devised and used on me some time ago. It's main purpose is to keep your arms completely fixed in place, even moreso than when just your elbows are tied together. But I admit that it does also help in creating some pressure as well."

No kidding. The green haired sniper thought angrily. This is ridiculous! I can't move my arms at all anymore, heck my entire upper body feels like it's been pinned in place. From the waist up I can't move anything anymore save for my fingers!

Nonetheless the green haired woman decided to put her bindings to the test. She strained her arms as much as she could to try and find some wriggle room, or maybe even a knot within reach... But all she managed to do was increase the pressure on her arms and upper body. Bisca was by now breathing heavily from the stress her body was enduring.

It's only been a matter of seconds, but my arms are already screaming at me . It‘s almost as if I'm going to faint just from the pain… But right at the same time, what’s keeping me going is that at the same time this feels too damn good! 

"Hmmm." Mira mused. "I'd say that elbow tie by itself is enough to push you to some new limits, wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh, you can say that again." Bisca replied in between grunts. "It feels like I can't move a single muscle in my upper body anymore. You sure know your stuff!"

"That I do. So, guess I'll keep the rest simple then. I won't tie your legs, but I will add one more rope." The demon take-over mage said, holding said rope in her hand. "Care to guess where it’s going?"

"Working from what you've done already, it’s probably going to be somewhere I really don't want it to be." Bisca said, slightly nervous but curious at the same time.

Mira giggled. "No wonder you're a sniper, that's spot on. But don't worry too much, once you get used to this rope you'll very much enjoy it being there." The demon take-over mage now walked round to Bisca's back and tied the rope around her waist. Then, she carefully fed it in between her legs and pulled it up again to loop it around the waistrope in front of her.

"Brace yourself." Mira said, but before Bisca had any chance of mentally preparing herself, the white haired woman pulled the rope so tight Bisca instincitvely jumped onto her toes in an effort to relax the pressure coming from below. Of course, this didn't work at all, frustrating the green haired sniper.

"Aaahhrggg!!" She grunted. "So much for keeping the rest simple." She remarked .

"Please." Mira replied as she finished up by attaching the crotchrope to her newest damsel’s wrists. "A crotchrope like this is as basic as they come! Of course, if you're not used to it it’s still a lot to take in."

The S-class mage then turned round and headed for a corner of the room, returning with small clips in her hand.

"So why don't I give you something to take your mind off of that nasty little crotchrope?" The white haired woman suggested with a tone of voice that seemed both compassionate and mocking.

"Oh, how can I ever thank you for such kindness." Bisca said sarcastically, still trying to wriggle out of her ropes in an effort to get at least back some control over the situation. 

Sadly, she immediately discovered that from now on, any movements she made had a direct effect on her pussy, as the tight rope wedged into her panties and even her lower lips seemed to dig in deeper with every twitch she made.

"By holding still." Mira answered Bisca’s insincere question. "It's much easier to work if your damsels isn't fidgeting all the time."

"Oh, so sorry." Bisca responded, still sarcastic (but obviously teasing Mira as well now). "I wouldn't want to make things difficult for you, now would I?"

"You'd better not. I should let you know that I can still up my game by several levels, depending on how good or bad a girl you are." The demon take-over mage said in her sweet and friendly voice, but even so she got her point across beautifully, as fear now came into Bisca's eyes for the first time since entering this room.

"Y-you're not serious, right Mira?" Bisca asked nervously. "A-After all, you're doing this to help me explore bondage. You wouldn't… hurt me, would you?"

"That all depends on you, Bisca." The white haired woman replied. "If you're cooperative, I guarantee you'll enjoy this like nothing else. But if you play hard to get, well then I'll just have to drag you along, kicking and screaming. Now hush and let me continue my work."

Mira was now standing right in front of Bisca again, and was about to pull down the cups of Bisca's bra-like top. Obviously, Bisca's immediate thought was to resist and stop her white haired friend from going on, but Mira's warning was still too fresh.

So, the green haired sniper reluctantly watched as Mira pulled down her top, exposing her large and supple breasts.

However, what Bisca saw after that was something that surprised, shocked her even: Her nipples were rock hard!

"Oohh! Looks like you are enjoying yourself already." Mira commented "This also makes these a lot easier to apply." And without a moment’s notice the white haired mage clipped on a clamp on each of Bisca's erect nipples.

"Aaahh!" Bisca moaned softly as the initial pinch started at her breasts but soon shot right through the sniper mage's entire body. But what came afterwards was even more difficult to bear: Each of the clamps had a small bead hanging off them, which weighed them down and created a constant pull on her nipples.

The throbbing pain this caused was rapidly filling the helpless sniper with a feeling of frustration, but weirdly also a lot of sexual pleasure. It was somehow similar to when Al bit on her nipples and then pulled on them slightly, the main difference being that this time the sensation didn't disappear after mere seconds.

"And that'll be it, you'll be pleased to hear." Mira suddenly said whilst Bisca was still adjusting to the stimulation of her nipples reverberating throughout her entire body. "I won't be adding anything else to your predicament."

"T-That is indeed a relief." Bisca said light of breath. "… But where do we go from here?"

It was out before she knew it, but she instantly regretted asking that question.

What the hell did I just ask?! Am I already this desperate that I'm asking for more? Damn it, I've just given Mira one hell of an opening.

The green haired woman was right. And Mira was absolutely delighted by it.

"How eager you suddenly are, Bisca." Mira teased. "Allow me to show you…"

And without another word, Mira instantly twisted the tiny beads hanging from the clamps. This activated the internal vibrators, which because of their direct contact with Bisca's nipples were extremely effective.

"Aaaahhh!!" Bisca closed her eyes and yelled as the buzzing of the clamps spread from her nipples throughout her breasts, and eventually throughout her entire body. The green haired sniper began shaking on her legs as the ecstasy of the vibrating clamps slowly took over from the pain.

"You enjoying yourself yet?" Mira asked.

But instead of a proper answer, Bisca softly bit her lower lip and just nodded, accompanied by a slow and deep groan.

"Good, then I assume there's no problem with me going on?" The white haired woman asked.

This time Bisca shook her head furiously.

“Now now, Bisca.” Mira said in a disapproving tone. “You could at least put in the effort to reply properly. Here I am doing my best to show you a good time, and you won’t utter a single word, let alone a thank you.”

A playful grin now appeared on Mira’s face. “If you want more, then you’ll have to beg me for it.”

Bisca’s eyes now shot wide open again. Beg?! I'm not begging damn it! I'm a married woman, I get all the satisfaction I need, there's no way Mira is going to get me to-  "AAAHHHH!"

Bisca's thoughts were interrupted by Mira pulling on the clamps attached to her nipples, making her roar in pain.

“I want to hear you beg, Bisca. You should realize by now there’s no more way for you to resist, much less escape from me. You will do as I ask of you, the only thing you still have control over is when you start doing so.”

Damn it! Bisca cursed. If I only had my hands free, I'd get my gun out and show this demon what 7 years of hard Fairy Tail life has made me capable of!

But the requipping mage didn’t have her hands free, so all she could do was endure the humiliation of having Mira toy with her body however she saw fit.

“I’m waiting, Bisca.” Mira teased. And to empower her words, the white haired woman shut off the vibrating pebbles, leaving only the pain from the clamps pinching on Bisca’s by now extremely sensitive nipples.

“Aaahh!!” The green haired woman shouted in despair. “D-Damn you, Mira! When I get out of this I swear I’ll-“

“You know what to do to make all of this stop.” The demon take-over mage interrupted. “I’ve told you already: You can resist and drag this out, or you can be a good girl and receive the rewards for that.”

She’s got me exactly where she wants me. Bisca thought frustrated. And the worst part of it all it that I’m slowly ceasing to mind that she does.

The green haired sniper let out a loud and long sigh to vent all of her anger and frustrations. 

“Fine, Mira. You win.” Bisca then said. “I’ll do as you ask, I’ll do whatever you ask. Just please, for the love of God, stop teasing me!!!”

Now a bright smile appeared on the demon take-over mage’s face. “Marvellous response.”

The first thing the demon take-over mage did was activate the vibrating clamps again. The instant the tiny beads resumed their buzzing , Bisca once again became completely absorbed by the feelings they created. She lolled back her head to let the feeling she had already started to miss after those mere seconds wash over her again, letting out a low and long grunt of enjoyment.

But this time Mira didn't stop at just switching on the beads. The white haired woman also playfully tugged and shook Bisca's crotchrope, to add to the sniper's pleasure.

"Ooohhh! Please continue, Mira! This is feeling so much better than I ever held possible." Bisca said, not even caring that she no longer had any chance of redeeming herself.

"Glad to hear my work is finally starting to be appreciated." The white haired woman said happily. She then stopped playing with the crotchrope, but instead decided to add to the sensation of the vibrating clamps, and began massaging Bisca's voluptuous breasts, starting out slow and gentle but slowly increasing in vigour.

All of this was rapidly driving the green haired woman to a massive orgasm, her breathing became heavier as time went on and her entire body began shaking under the constant stimuli of both Mira's hands and the vibrating nipple clamps.

But before the climax truly arrived, Mira suddenly halted all of her efforts and unclipped the nipple clamps again. This enraged Bisca more than she would ever dare to admit.

"HEY! I thought you were going to treat me well if I did as you asked?!" Bisca shouted furiously.

Mira's antics were slowly driving her insane. She was a grown woman for crying out loud! No situation, no person should have the right to drive her to a point where she had to repeatedly beg for sexual attention!

"And I did," Mira replied casually, "but you're not the only one in here to deserve some attention." The S-class mage then gestured towards the back of the room, where three damsels were still writhing around as wildly as their constraints allowed.

Both the white haired and green haired now looked in the direction of Levy, Lisanna and Cana.

All three girls were still moaning and struggling, though up until a few seconds ago they had been spectating quite happily. Not only was seeing Mira give it to Bisca something to take their minds off of their own predicaments, they also immensely enjoyed watching the majesty of Mirajane’s dominating (even moreso when they themselves weren't on the receiving end ).

But now that the focus had returned to them, all three were doing their best to get some attention from their mistress again.

Bisca just viewed the three girls with wide eyes. Seeing them made her rethink the severity of her own position, and she reluctantly became grateful to Mira for not using any more rope on her.

Whilst Bisca was still admiring the three other damsels, Mira suddenly turned to the sniper again.

"Why don't you go and meet one of your fellow damsels. They've been more than polite enough to let me have my fun with you. Granted, they can't do anything other than squirm about, but still."

"And how am I supposed to 'go and meet' the others tied up like this?!" Bisca responded slightly surly at Mira’s all of a sudden completely casual demeanour.

"You can still walk can't you? And you mouth has no gag in it." Mira then suddenly cut the rope suspended across the room that was forcing Cana onto her tiptoes.

The second the rope dropped to the floor, Cana fell to her knees with a grateful moan.

"Go and say hi to Cana, with a bit of effort from the both of you both her breasts and groin should be just in reach of your lips and tongue." Mira smirked. “Meanwhile, I'll go and entertain Levy and Lisanna.” Mira then walked towards the two, not even waiting for Bisca's response.

Bisca, convinced that any form of protest would only get her into more trouble, just silently looked at Cana. The brunette was still shaking on her legs, cross-eyed from spending hours in her rather straining but extremely arousing position.

"I'd forgotten since Mira kept on toying with me the entire time, but you and the other two have been having it a lot rougher than me, and for far longer too." The green haired woman said compassionately to her fellow guild member.

Instead of a response, all Bisca received was a long and desperate groan from Cana, the card mage had had enough of being led on. After spending hours with a buzzing rope wedged into her groin, the only thing left on her mind was to come, she didn't care who would give her that or how, all she wanted was to finally feel the liberating feel of an orgasm making its way through her lust-filled body.

Bisca slowly walked towards the kneeling brunette, trying to keep her balance with her limited arm movement.

When the sniper mage arrived in front of Cana, she gently knelt down as well so she could look the card mage straight in the eye.

Cana looked back at the green haired woman, her eyes pleading for some sexual attention.

Bisca sighed. This is so different from what I imagined this day all to myself was going to be like. I can still hardly believe I ended up in here like this… But this isn't the time to kick myself and question my decision! Cana needs help, and since Mira is off having fun with Lisanna and Levy, it's up to me to give it to her. 

Bisca looked up and down Cana’s sweaty body, paying extra attention to the brunette’s breasts and rock hard nipples, and her dripping wet pussy. The thought of her mouth getting near either of those two places summoned all kinds of conflicting feelings...

I can’t help but feel a little weird yet excited... but I’ve come this far already, and in the end we're all members of the same Fairy Tail family. This is no different from helping a friend out in a fight, she actually looks to be in as much of a pickle right now as during the harshest of battles.

And so, Bisca slowly lowered her head so she could reach Cana's hyper sensitive breasts and nipples with her mouth. 

Seeing what the green haired woman was up to, Cana trust her chest out to make it easier for Bisca to reach. The brunette was shuddering with anticipation at finally having her long wait ended.

The very first contact the requipping mage made with Cana's body was her tongue touching the brunette's right nipple. This instantly elicited a muffled but still loud scream straight through Cana's gag, showering Bisca’s hair with droplets of spit, but at the same time proving that the card mage enjoyed the feeling of Bisca's tongue immensely.

So, the beautiful sniper continued: She began licking and nipping on Cana's pert breasts, driven on by the brunette's ever increasing groans.

And though she started out with mixed feelings, Bisca slowly but surely began enjoying the entire situation herself. The green haired woman could feel her own body heating up, her nipples once again erect and her pussy starting to become moist as well.

But as much as both she and Cana enjoyed themselves, the sniper realized just giving attention to her breasts wouldn't be enough for the card mage. So after a few minutes of gorging herself on Cana's breasts, the requipping mage bowed down. Bisca was by now no longer thinking, but instead was purely driven by her own arousal.

With her head mere inches away from Cana's dripping wet pussy, She listened to the brunettes shallow breathing before finally steeling herself for what she was about to do.

Then, without any warning to the card mage, Bisca buried her face into Cana's lap and drove her tongue into the brunette's pussy. Needless to say Cana welcomed the feeling heartily, and the bound and gagged damsel began thrusting her hips back and forth slightly to help increase the effects Bisca's efforts.

After less than a minute of this, Cana groaned loudly as she came to an earth shattering climax, spilling her juices all over her own legs and Bisca's face.

The green haired sniper then drew her head back from Cana's sweet spot and sat herself upright again.

"Wow, I never thought I'd enjoy this so much." Bisca said, still panting but at the same time more energetic than ever.

Cana didn't reply, and not just because the gag was limiting her speech. The brunette was still breathing heavily and shaking in her ropes from finally having her orgasm. With not even enough strength left to keep herself upright, Cana simply gave in to gravity and let herself fall on her side, still basking in the after effects of her long awaited orgasm.

Bisca couldn’t help but chuckle. “My, look at the state of you. And to think you get involved with this kind of stuff on a regular basis. Maybe I shouldn’t dismiss this club of you all so easily....”


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