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If you have opened up this book, then it might mean you know what ‘Fairy Tail’ stands for. The eternal mystery: Do Fairies have tails? 

An eternal question asked by one guild which derives its name from that very question: Fairy Tail.

This guild is filled with wizards and thus obviously fictional. A few of the members that make up this guild are the main characters of the homonymous anime ‘Fairy Tail’. In the original storyline these mages come into contact with a great many dangers, and it is their trust in their own strength, in each other and their bonds that form the main reason why they always pull through. These strong ties are also a base for the relationships forged in this story: They all (conveniently) share a passion for bondage, and their mutual trust allows them to explore it without fear or reservations.

If you do not know of this anime, then by all means look it up sometime, as it is quite fun to watch/read when you don’t know how to fill in some free time. The series is filled with a mix of humour, action, mystery and innuendo.

But I should point out that knowledge of the main story is by no means essential for grasping the plot of this fanfic. All lovers of beautiful women and bondage (and the mix) are welcome to read this book.

I hope any and all readers of this story enjoy it, maybe even grow a little closer to the protagonists. Even greater are my hopes for this story raising your opinion of erotic literature and anime, although if you picked up this book then you probably already have a certain level of appreciation for both art forms. 

That’ll be it for this intro, time to get cracking with the real stuff!

Happy reading!

Something of a disclaimer:

This story is filled with explicit content, focused on mature readers with an interest in bondage. The characters in this story are fictional, and any relation to actual people is unintentional and accidental.

And like always with explicit content, I’m obligated to mention that these stories are meant for people of 18 years of age and older.

… But if you’re a teenager with a love for bondage, then you too are welcome for all I care. Just please think it through before you start reading, as this story is bound to give you a shock if you’re inexperienced in the world of sex and bdsm.

























Lisanna was walking around town, sighing and dispirited, but at the same time slightly excited. 

This morning, her sister Mirajane had told her another story about one of her bondage experiences with Cana, who had been her partner in their secret hobby for years. The story had left the young white haired girl aroused and inspired. However, each time Mira divulged one of her many experiences, Lisanna also got slightly depressed.

Must be nice to have a partner like that, she thought. Someone you can experiment and enjoy yourself with, who can help you improve and keep you safe at the same time.

Lisanna sighed again, more heavily this time. I wonder where I can find someone like that, she thought. 

First of all, like Mira-nee said to me: Who is there that I feel I can trust this secret to?

...Natsu? No, I couldn't possibly tell him about this side of me. What if he disapproves? Besides, I don’t think I’m ready to share this with him even if he were to approve. It can’t be a man with whom I take my first steps, even if it is someone I trust with my life.

A girl then, and preferably one from the guild. Each and every guild member is trustworthy, and there’s bound to be a couple who share my interest.

Lisanna started running all of the female mages in the guild through her mind, taking their personality and character into account in order to try and judge whether or not they were decent partner material. Finally, the white haired girl determined the best match:

“Juvia! She would make for a brilliant partner.” The white haired girl exclaimed. I always got on well with the Juvia from Edolas, and I’ve bonded pretty well with the Juvia from this side during the S-class exam. 

The white haired mage started walking toward Fairy Hills, ecstatic at first at finally having found someone to ask as to be her partner. But as she neared the dormitory, she started do grow more doubtful.

How on Earthland am I going to bring this up in a conversation? Lisanna thought to herself. I don't want to be too forceful, but on the other hand if I don't, chances are the topic of conversation will never get round to me asking what I want to know. And even if I get round to popping the question, what if she rejects the notion completely? Do I then try and persuade her? But that could damage our friendship…

By the time Lisanna reached the entrance of the dormitory, she had given up on thinking up a plan.

Aaah, no use pondering too much or I’ll lose my nerve to ask at all, she thought. Guess I'll just wing it.

Lisanna entered Fairy Hills, headed over to Juvia's room and knocked on the door.

“Juvia!! It’s Lisanna here. Are you in? I’d like to talk to you, it’s been a while since we got to catch up!”

"J-Just a minute!" Lisanna heard coming from the other side of the door in a flustered tone. "I'm tidying up... some stuff!"

"Oh, then I'll help Juvia! That's what friends are for after all." Lisanna replied.

The white haired girl opened the door, and upon entering she saw Juvia standing in front of a large suitcase, filled with ropes and a couple of other attributes."

The blue haired woman looked at Lisanna, her face filled with shock. She still had a coil of rope in hand as she started to mutter an explanation.

"J-J-Juvia can explain. T-T-These things are for-"

"I know full well what ‘those’ are for." Lisanna interrupted triumphantly, pointing at the case. She couldn’t believe her luck! This would make everything so much easier. 

"In fact, 'that' is why I came here. You knowing all about it makes this a lot easier."

The animal take-over mage walked into the room and closed the door behind her. It was then she realized something wasn't quite right.

“Actually Juvia, why in the world would you leave your door unlocked when you have all of that” she pointed at the suitcase, “in plain view?” 

“J-Juvia was just returning from buying all of this.” The blue haired girl answered, still blushing heavily. “In all her excitement she must’ve forgotten to lock the door. Besides, there was almost no-one present in Fairy Hills right now, so Juvia didn’t expect any visitors.”

“Well, I sure don’t mind. This makes it extremely easy to start up the conversation I was dying to have with you.” Lisanna smiled.

Juvia looked at her white haired friend, confused at what her white haired friend was saying.

"Juvia doesn't understand."

So, Lisanna explained her situation.

"You see, I'm a fan of bondage too! So is Mira-nee just so you know, she has a partner with whom she's been having fun for years! She helps me now, teaching me loads of things and also being there when I want help tying myself up.”

Lisanna then started talking in a slightly softer tone, as she was getting nervous that she was finally having to pose the question.

“But I'm looking for a partner of my own, so I don't have to keep intruding on Mira-nee.”

“U-uhm… Juvia still doesn’t understand why you are telling all of this to her? It’s true that Juvia likes this sort of thing too, b-but only since very recently. Juvia has next to no experience, in fact Juvia has only been tied up once to surprise G-“

Juvia puts her hands over her mouth, bright red and flustered because she almost said too much. Gray had ordered her not to mention that magical experience to anyone, it was to be their secret.

Of course Lisanna noticed Juvia cutting off mid sentence, so she knew there was more to that story of hers. But since she obviously wanted to keep it a secret, she wouldn’t bother the water mage about it. After all, she was only here to find a partner, not to interrogate her.

“So, only once huh? Then that means you don’t have a real partner either, right? But since you said that you’ve been tied up, it means someone did it to you.”

Juvia remained silent, partly because she didn’t want to risk anything else slipping out, but mainly because she simply didn’t know what to say. This whole experience was very new and strange to her to begin with. The added surprise of a fellow guild member walking in on her just as she was laying out her newly bought equipment absolutely dumbfounded the poor blue haired girl.

Lisanna continued trying to persuade her prospective partner.

“Well, whoever tied you up can’t object to you getting some more experience, right? It’ll only benefit the two of you further along the line.”

Now Lisanna caught Juvia’s attention. This could benefit her and Gray-sama? And since it was with Lisanna, a fellow female guild member and friend, it couldn’t exactly be seen as unfaithfulness either. 

On top of that, since that wonderful night at Gray’s house, Juvia had been craving another experience of the sort. She had even gone through the trouble of collecting all this equipment, since Gray never stopped by or mentioned it in public. Could she really just dismiss this opportunity for a long term commitment in bondage?

The blue haired mage spoke softly.

“J-Juvia is still unsure. Juvia really has nearly no experience, so she isn’t sure she would make for the partner you were looking for Lisanna-san.”

“Don’t worry about that, Juvia!” The white haired girl replied cheerfully. “If It’s experience you want, we can gain it together. And Mira-nee and Cana both told me to stop by if I ever wanted help on something.”

“Cana-san?” Juvia said in surprise. “Is Cana-san also a fan of bondage?”

“Oh, darn! I didn’t mean to let that slip!” Lisanna said, slapping her head. “Well, since you are a fellow lover of restraint, I guess it’s alright for you to know. You would’ve found out soon enough either way.”

Juvia couldn’t help but smile at hearing that remark. ‘A fellow lover of restraint’, huh? That’s a really nice way of putting it, she thought. And it was certainly true that if she could become more knowledgeable, her ability to please Gray would rise as well. 

She had been exhausted after just a few hours of the position Lucy and Erza had left her in. Therefore, when her beloved Gray-sama finally did show up, she had already been so tired and sensitive their ‘fun’ didn’t last very long. Gray never spoke a word of that, so she figured he understood her situation and didn’t hold it against her… But it kept bothering the blue haired girl. What she needed most was stamina, and you only gained that through training.

So in a strange way, she was remotely grateful for Lisanna barging in and discovering her secret. 

The blue haired water mage was pulled out of her deep thoughts by Lisanna speaking again.

“But wow, now it’s you, me, Mira-nee and Cana who are into bondage. That can’t be a coincidence! I wonder who else we could find in Fairy Tail that shares our interests.” Lisanna asked out loud, more to herself than to Juvia. 

Nonetheless, Juvia answered. “U-uhm, Juvia knows for a fact that both Lucy-san and Erza-san are fans of bondage too.”

"Whaaat!" Lisanna shouted, eyes wide in her surprise. "Lucy and ERZA?!!"

Juvia nodded.

“How did you find that out? …Oh! Are they the once who tied you up for your first time?”

The water mage nodded again.

Juvia explained how she discovered Lucy and Erza in Lucy’s apartment, how both girls had been unable to escape their predicaments, and how she had had ‘some fun’ with them. She also mentioned that afterwards, she requested both girls they tied her up in turn, but hesitated to explain why.

“Juvia, I know enough by now. If you really want to keep the rest to yourself, it’s fine.”

“No,” Juvia replied. “if we are going to aid each other in learning about bondage, trust is needed. Juvia will tell you the whole story, as proof of that trust.”

Lisanna smiled warmly. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Juvia continued her story. She told about how she asked Lucy and Erza to tie her up at Gray’s house so she could surprise him, and convey her feelings to the ice maker mage without fail. She then told of how Lucy tricked her by neglecting to mention how the water mage would have to spend an entire night in her predicament until Gray would return to his house.

When Juvia mentioned the cunning setting of the vibrator Lucy had forced upon her, Lisanna gasped in surprise and excitement. 

Juvia then started blushing heavily, as the story entered the faze where Gray eventually arrived back home. And next up would be…

“It’s fine Juvia, I can guess how the rest of the story goes. You can keep your memories of that day to yourself, I’m sure you prefer it that way too.” Lisanna said smiling. The white haired mage had started blushing herself now, slightly jealous of the first experience Juvia had been through.

“Thank you, Lisanna-san.” Juvia answered relieved and also blushing slightly.

“But wow, that’s one first time you went through! And even better, now we have six girls with whom we can meet up.”

“What do you mean, meet up?” the water mage asked curiously.

“Well, it would be a shame to just spend time divided into our usual couples, no? We can learn so much from each other if we were to, let’s say, spend a weekend all together?”

“Are you not going a little fast now, Lisanna-san?" Juvia replied hesitantly. "We are only just starting out with this, and you want to go for an all out meeting of six girls? Besides, will all of them even be up for it?” Juvia asked, not sure if she was herself.

Lisanna wasn’t daunted by that remark at all.

“If you’re Fairy Tail, you go for it big or you don’t go for it at all! Besides, how could any of them refuse such a great opportunity! I’ll go and talk to Mira-nee, and she will definitely persuade Cana. You go invite Lucy and Erza. Tell them to meet up at Mira-nee’s, Elf-niichan’s and my house the coming weekend.” 

Lisanna ran out of Juvia’s room, not even waiting for an answer of the blue haired girl. The young takeover mage headed straight for her house, absolutely ecstatic at the thought of meeting up with no less than 5 fellow bondage lovers.

This is going to be the start of something wonderful, the white haired girl thought to herself. She couldn’t keep herself from smiling for the entire walk back home. 

 The second she walked in the door, Lisanna called out for her older sister.

“Mira-nee! You won’t believe the news I have for you. Are you in?”

No response.

Maybe she’s in her room, the white haired girl thought to herself. It’s pretty far from the front door, so I guess she didn’t hear me. Lisanna headed upstairs and walked over to Mirajane’s bedroom door. When Lisanna walked into Mira's room, she was so amazed by what she was seeing she couldn’t get a word out.

Mira was standing in the middle of her bedroom, wearing nothing but a pair of bright white panties and a bra, Cana in turn was in similar lingerie outfit, but black. And most importantly the brunette was bound and gagged, lying on the floor, completely at Mirajane’s mercy.

Lisanna stuttered an apology.

“S-s-s-sorry, Mira-nee, Cana! I should’ve knocked and waited before entering. I truly apologize for intruding, I’ll come back in-“

“Calm down, Lisanna.” Mira interrupted her flustered sister. “I heard you shouting downstairs, I just decided it wouldn’t do any harm for you to walk in and see this. I’m sure Cana agrees.”

Cana now started nodding, and tried to speak through her gag.

“Mmm m mm m mnm.”

“What was that, Cana? I’m afraid I didn’t understand any of that.” Lisanna replied confused. Just what was it that was blocking Cana’s voice so completely?

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Mira said as she bent down to sit next to Cana.

“Cana is usually rather noisy, so I used a very hefty gag on her.” Mira then spanked the brunette once, causing her to let out a muffled yelp. Lisanna could tell the card mage appreciated the tap on her buttocks.

Now that she had calmed down again, Lisanna took a moment to analyze just what kind of position Cana had been put in.

At first glance, It was basically the same tie Lisanna had received from her sister the first time around: A hogtie. But this one was far more strict, and a lot more rope had been used.

Cana’s wrists were tightly bound and her elbows were forced to touch, also wrapped tightly in ropes. Her legs had been tied at the ankles, above and below the knees.

The hogtie itself was much stricter that Lisanna’s had been, with virtually no rope left between Cana’s ankles and wrists. On top of that tight position, a crotchrope and chest harness had been added, both attached to Cana’s heavily bound arms.

Looking at the complete picture, Cana was virtually immobile. Moreso, even if the card mage were to try and move, it would cause all sorts of pressure all over her body, particularly in the sensitive areas like her breasts and crotch. Lisanna couldn’t imagine how tight Cana’s position must’ve felt, but she wanted to know badly.

Mira interrupted Lisanna’s admiration of her handiwork.

“So, what was so urgent you needed to burst in here without waiting for a response?”

Lisanna now looked at her older sister again. “Oh, that’s right! I almost forgot about it after seeing all this. I’ve found a fellow bondage lover Mira-nee, I’ve found a partner!”

“Wonderful!” Mira exclaimed.

“Mmm?” Cana mumbled.

“Oh, sorry Cana.” Mira said. “I’ll take out the gag for now, I’m sure you’d like to join in on this conversation.”

Mira pulled of the three strips of tape sealing Cana’s lips. It was then Lisanna saw just what had been gagging Cana so effectively. It had been no less than three handkerchiefs, scrunched up and stuffed in her mouth and bulging cheeks.

Wow, the white shorthaired girl thought to herself, I’ve got a long way to go it seems. No way will I be able to tolerate something like that. Just how much have these two been through together?

Cana pulled the once again daydreaming Lisanna back to earth.

“Who is this partner of yours? Anyone we know?”

“Yep,” Lisanna answered, “she’s a fellow guild member… It’s Juvia!”

“Juvia?!” Mira and Cana echoed. “Juvia is the partner you discovered?”

“Uhu, but that’s not even the biggest surprise! Juvia knew of two more fellow fairy Tail members who like bondage. I’m just going to tell you who they are, because you’ll never guess.”

“Really?” Cana said. "Are the names that unlikely? It’s not going to be someone like Laxus, right? Cause I could do without him joining us. Just imagine what he could do to a girl with his control over electricity and lightning.”

“Yes, if he used that right, he could probably drive a girl mad with pleasure and desire.” Mirajane confirmed . “But I doubt it’s him, right Lisanna?” 

“No, no. They’re both girls.” Lisanna comforted the two.

“Well then, spit it out already.” Cana said impatiently.

Lisanna took a deep breath.

“Our fellow Fairy Tail bondage lovers are… Lucy and Erza!”

A moment of silence, as both Mira and Cana were dumbfounded by hearing those two names. Then their replies burst out.

“NO WAY!” the brunette shouted.

“Lucy and ERZA?” Mirajane yelled. “You were right Lisanna, those were names I did NOT see coming.”

“But it’s great, isn’t it?” Lisanna said, hopping up and down from happiness. “Now we know of three more people to exchange experiences with!”

“You’ve got a point there.” Cana said. “We must invite them for a talk as soon as possible.”

Lisanna now looked to the floor, her cheeks growing a little bit red.

“Uhhm, I’ve actually already taken the first steps towards that. I hope you don’t mind, but I asked Juvia to invite Lucy and Erza to come over here the coming weekend. I had hoped we could all have a talk and maybe even fix a date where we all can meet up.”

Lisanna quickly added: “I hope you don’t mind me arranging this meeting without asking first, Mira-nee, Cana.”

Both girls now smiled at the young take over mage.

“Of course not.” Mira said to her young sister. “How could we not want to meet after finding out about all these fellow bondage fans.”

“Exactly, I can already hardly wait until the weekend arrives!” Cana said.

“Great!” Lisanna said, relieved her plans were received so well.

“Well, I’ll get out now, and leave you two to continue your ‘business’.”

“You sure you don’t want to join in? Cana asked.”

Lisanna declined, saying there will be plenty more opportunities and that she wanted to head over to Juvia to find out if Lucy and Erza had agreed to the meet-up.

At around the same time Lisanna arrived at her house, Juvia had made her way to the guild where she found Lucy and Erza in conversation.

“Lucy-san, Erza-san, if Juvia might interrupt for a moment… Could you follow me to a quieter place please?”

Both girls complied and the trio headed for the guild’s storage room below ground.

“So, what’s this about Juvia?” Erza asked.

The blue haired girl hesitated, wondering how she could best explain what she and Lisanna had just talked about. She didn’t want to be too straightforward, for fear of someone else coming down into the basement and hearing her.

“Juvia was wondering if the two of you had ever met up again, after that weekend Juvia found you in Lucy-san’s apartment. You know, in your positions?”

Both girls instantly understood what Juvia was on about, and were slightly surprised the water mage approached them of her own accord after all this time and at the Guild no less. Even so, they decided to play along.

“Of course we remember Juvia,” Lucy answered. “That weekend was filled with epiphanies for all three of us. I trust it ended well for you too?”

Juvia started blushing. “Y-yes, Juvia got her point across beautifully, and it resulted in a fantastic day. Juvia would rather not go on about it though, since the rest is very… personal.”

“No worries, we respect your privacy.” Erza assured her. “But I’m assuming you dragging us down here because it has to do with that, am I right? Are you perhaps feeling like having another go?”

Juvia shook her head.

“No, Juvia came here to deliver a message. An invitation to be more exact.”

Both the blond and the red-haired mage now looked at Juvia in surprise.

“You told others about our interests?” Erza asked in a stern voice.

“No no no!” Juvia immediately denied. “Or... well... It’s just that Lisanna… sort of discovered me when she entered my room unexpectedly. But it turns out her interests align with ours.”

Juvia was now becoming frustrated at having to speak in code, since it made explaining the whole story that much harder. But walking back to her room at Fairy hills or some other location more private would probably put too much of a strain on her fellow mage’s patience. On the other hand, she definitely couldn’t use words like bondage or gag in the guild, not with this many people around which could barge in any moment. 

She decided to soldier on. “Not only Lisanna shares our hobby in fact, it turns out both Mira-san and Cana-san have been doing the same stuff for several years.”

Both Lucy and Erza were now completely stunned. Three fellow bondage lovers in the same guild?! Moreover, neither Lucy nor Erza ever noticed even the slightest hint of any of them being interested in bondage. How was this possible??

Then again, the two girls had gone to great lengths themselves to cover up any trace of their hobby. It only made sense to assume the others would do the same, making it easy for all of them to miss each other.

“So, you’re saying there’s 6 of us sharing this hobby?” Lucy said, still having trouble digesting that fact.

“Yes.” Juvia confirmed. “And it’s for this hobby that Juvia approached the two of you. Lisanna-san asked me to invite you to Mirajane-san’s house coming Saturday, so we could all share knowledge and tell stories of our past experiences.”

Both Lucy and Erza remained silent for a minute or two, causing Juvia to become increasingly more uncomfortable. They couldn’t help it though, as this invitation was something neither of them ever expected. 

Lucy was the first to react.

“Honestly, I don’t know what to think right now. Just finding out about those three is a lot to swallow, meeting up this weekend already just feels so sudden… But on the other hand, if it’s just a meeting, I see no reason to decline. Besides, I’m certain we will all learn something from it. On top of that, hearing all of this has made me incredibly curious.”

“So you’ll come to the meeting?” Juvia replied smiling widely.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it already, actually.” Lucy replied, smiling herself.

“I guess if Lucy wants to go, I can tag along a well. I’m not quite as ready to share experiences, partly because I have very few of my own… but I guess a lot can be learned from the practice of others. And like Lucy said, just talking can’t do any harm. You can tell Lisanna and the others that we’ll be attending the meeting next Saturday.”

Juvia started smiling even more brightly now.

“Wonderful! Thank you Erza-san, Lucy-san. Juvia is sure the others will be pleased as well. Juvia will head for Lisanna and deliver the news, see you two next Saturday.”

The rest of the week flew past, and Saturday arrived. By noon, all of the girls finally met up at Mirajane and Lisanna’s house, and had taken place at the kitchen table.

Juvia, Lucy and Erza looked slightly nervous, unsure of what to expect. Lisanna seemed more curious than she was uncertain. The only ones who seemed completely calm were Cana and Mirajane.

It was probably for this reason that Mira was the one to start the conversation:

“Well, I’m pretty sure we all know why we’re here. So no need for introductions I’d say! Lisanna came up with the idea for all of us, as fellow bondage lovers, to have a meeting today so we could exchange experiences and stories. And if things go well, discuss having a ‘session’ with all of us together. Seeing as everyone turned up, I’m guessing we are all up for it or at least considering it?”

All of the girls looked at Mira first and then at each other. They then started smiling simultaneously.

“Well, it was my idea so you know my answer.” Lisanna said with a bright smile.

“I was unsure at first, but after spending a few days thinkin it over, I’ve come to the conclusion to join as well. In fact, I really look forward to this chance to acquire more knowledge about all of this. “ Erza said. “Lucy’s the one who got me involved in all of this, not that long ago actually. But I feel okay with learning from all of you as well.” 

“Juvia would also like to share in this experience.” The blue haired mage said, a slight blush on her cheeks.

“Well, like Mira said, we wouldn’t have turned up if we weren’t up for it.” Lucy said smiling.

Cana slapped her hands onto the table and sat upright. “Great, then let’s get down to business! First up is planning our get together, after that we can have some small talk. What do we need to make this happen?”

Mira started listing:

“Well, obviously we need a time and place. Preferably a remote location, so nobody familiar notices us gathering. We’d best pick out a weekend to meet up too, we could pretend we’re going out on quests or just on vacation.”

Cana picked up where the demon take over mage left off:

“Equipment is a must, of course. But between all of us that shouldn’t be a problem. What will take some planning is who gets tied up when. We’ll need some kind of shift system since we can’t all get tied up at the same time.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” Mira countered. “We can always work with some timers on cuffs or padlocks to let one or two of us out. They can then free the rest.”

The rest of the girls hardly got a chance to join in. Mirajane and Cana were planning out everything with such efficiency the rest of the girls started doubting they were even needed.

Suddenly, Mira turned to the group.

“Oh, so sorry. We’re completely ignoring everyone else. It’s just that we’ve done this so many times already, it’s become a bit of a habit. Let’s take it from the top again, anyone got an idea for a location?”

Lisanna replied first. “Well, our house is plenty big enough. But I guess we can’t risk Elfman walking in on us unannounced. It’s also pretty close to the guild, so people might notice everyone walking in and out.”

Juvia continued. “Juvia, Cana-san and Erza-san live in Fairy Hills, so that’s definitely not an option. There’s not nearly enough privacy there.”

Lucy then filled in on the brainstorm. “My apartment would offer us privacy, but with six of us we’d be pretty cramped.”

Finally, Erza offered the solution:

“I will rent a house at the edge of town for an entire weekend, or even the next town over if need be. That way there will plenty of room, privacy and time for all of us to enjoy ourselves.”

“Perfect!” Cana said. “Location is set. Next up is equipment, both me and Mira have quite a lot of stuff, but not enough for 6 people. I’d guess we can cover 4, 5 people at a push.”

“Oh, I have quite a lot of items myself.” Lucy replied. “Combined with yours and Mira’s, we should be able to bring enough to satisfy all six of us here.”

Mirajane nodded. “So, Equipment check! Then it’s time we figured out how to restrain ourselves. There’s both the sealing of our magic power to consider, and the order in which we get tied up.”

Juvia offered an idea. “Maybe we can put up a magic seal in the house, Juvia remembers that’s what Lucy-san and Erza-san had done. It was very effective.”

“It was too effective.” Erza replied. “Back then we were stuck for hours until Juvia finally found us.” The redhead then smirked slightly. “And even then it took her a while to release us, after she had finished toying with us.” 

Juvia started blushing. “Incidentically, that was the day Juvia became interested in bondage”. The water mage said.

“Well, we can always seal our magic power individually.” Mira said. “Both Cana and I have magic sealing collars. Both those collars are equipped with timers by the way, so we could easily tie up everyone, then ourselves in order to get everyone bound and gagged at the same time. But for this to work, we need more seals than 2, so who has one?”

Lucy raised her hand.

“So, three magic seals.” Lisanna said. “With Cana and Lucy being holder type mages, they don’t really need a seal , just taking away their keys and cards will do. Therefore we need just one more item to seal magic then.”

“I will buy one by the time we meet up.” Erza said. “I have been thinking it would benefit me having one around anyways.” The red haired mage said whilst smiling shyly.

Mira started summarizing.

“So, right now we have location, equipment and how to get everyone properly tied up planned out. What else?”

“Outfits!” Lisanna yelled excitedly. “Should we dress up for the occasion? We could even go for some kind of role-playing.”

“Like princesses, or damsels in distress even?” Juvia asked.

“Or maybe more like slave and master?” Cana replied.

“Maybe we should take things more slowly than that, we do have some newcomers to the game sitting at this table after all.” Lucy pointed out.

“Then how about swimwear?” Erza suggested. “It’s relatively comfortable, but also revealing and fun to wear. I’ve got just the outfit for it too,” the redhead added, “ I finally got my legendary gold bikini repaired yesterday.”

The rest of the girls aronud the table just stared at her.

“You want us to get bound and gagged wearing nothing but bikini's?!” Lucy, Lisanna and Juvia shouted in chorus.

"Wow, I never would’ve thought it would be possible to repair that thing." Mirajane commented.

The three girls turn to Mira: "That's not the issue here!!"

"Haahn, what's the big deal?" Cana mused, "It's not like we'll be in public, no one will know. Besides, wearing swimwear isn't that embarrassing."

Again Lucy, Lisanna and Juvia shouted all at once: "Easy for you to say, you're always walking around in a bikini top!"

Mira decided to cut the argument short. “Well, that’s sorted then. We will wear bikini’s!”

The rest of the table just looked at the white haired mage. With both Erza, Cana and Mira backing the idea, there wasn’t much room left for discussion. They would be wearing bikini’s.

Mirajane then continued the conversation about the planning. 

“Now then, since we’re so busy planning everything, we might as well start dividing our roles. You know, who ties up whom and in which order?”

Erza looked at the white haired girl in surprise. “Do we really need to take the planning that far?”

Cana instantly answered the redhead’s question: “Planning out is vital, even the best thought out plans sometimes go wrong, so working out the details and having a back-up or two is really important. If you don’t you’re asking for trouble.” 

Mira supported the brunette. “Like that time the vibrators you stuck to my nipples wouldn’t cease their buzzing because the remote suddenly went on the fritz. My breasts remained oversensitive for days.” 

Cana started grinning.

“Or that time Mira accidentally placed ordinary scissors on the nightstand instead of magical ones. The plan was for her to tie me tightly, then cuff herself. After we’d had enough, I could then use the scissors to release me and free her afterwards…. You can probably guess where that plan fell down. It took over half a day to get free with those stupid scissors! I can-”

“Correction, it took you half a day to get free.” Mira interrupted. “I recall you leaving me in the room, cuffed and gagged, for the rest of the night.”

“That was punishment for your sloppiness!” Cana rebutted. 

While Cana and Mira were arguing about the mistakes made and the close calls they’d been through, the rest of the girls just stared at the conversation in awe, each with their own thoughts:

Erza: I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Lucy: Just what the hell have these two been doing the past years?

Lisanna: I wonder if I'll ever have stories like that to tell.

Juvia: Ahh, if only Gray-sama and I would share such moments!

 Erza finally interrupted the two arguing girls. “Anyways, we get your point, plans need to be thought out well and back-ups are important because things can still go wrong.”

Cana smiled at the red haired mage. “Exactly. But I should add that that's all part of the thrill. The days or nights that didn’t go according to plan were among the most exciting ones Mira and I have ever been through. Besides, with 6 of us present, nothing can go so wrong that we won’t be able to handle it, don’t you agree?”

Lucy, Lisanna and Erza nodded, Juvia responded and got the conversation flowing again. “Juvia agrees. So why don’t we get back on track, who is going to tie up whom?”

Lucy started going over the options. “Well, obviously Mira & Cana have the most experience. I know for a fact Erza is quite accomplished, and personally I think I’m not that bad either.”

“That’ll do.” Cana said. “We need 3 girls to first tie the three others. You, Erza and Mira can do the tying, I don’t mind being tied up first.”

Mira nodded. “Ok, so we have our three initial riggers then. I only wanted this to be settled in advance so the people tasked with tying the others could come up with a couple of possible positions. Making things like that up on the spot is more difficult than you’d expect, trust me.” 

Lisanna smiled, happy that her suggestion was becoming such a success. “Great, so we now have location, equipment, roles and outfits all settled. Is there something else we should think about?”

The girls remained silent for a while, until Juvia finally came up with something else.

“Juvia thinks we should maybe think up an excuse for being away that weekend. It’s unlikely, but someone might notice all of us leaving and returning around the same time and become curious.”

“That’s a great point, actually.” Cana replied. “If you ask me, the best alibi would be a quest. Mira is the one in charge of recording who heads out on what, so it shouldn’t be hard for her to make up a couple.”

“A couple sure, but 6 forged quests is quite a lot.” Mira replied. “So I propose some of us going in pairs, to keep the amount of quests down. It’ll also help explain the simultaneous return of some of us.”

Erza spoke up first. “I’ll go by myself. I need to head out first anyway, since I’m the one renting the house. An S-class quest normally takes several days, so no one will bat an eye at me leaving.”

“Hmm, then maybe Mira-nee and I should go on a quest together?” Lisanna offered.

Mirajane refused. “Better not, we might risk Elfman demanding to go along, and we don’t want that. I’ll go on an S-class quest of my own too. It’ll cause more of a fuss then when Erza does it, but I’m sure no one will mind all that much.”

“Then I’ll take Juvia along!” Lisanna replied. “It’ll just be like when we went for the S-class exam together, people won’t question it.”

“Lucy and I can use the same excuse,” Cana said, “we also were partners for that exam, so it’s only natural we head out together every once in a while.”

“Well then, it seems we have everything accounted for then.” Lucy concluded. “All that’s left is to find a date that fits for all of us and we’re ready to go. I think we should bring a list of all of our free weekends to Mirajane at the guild tomorrow. She can then cross-reference them all to find fitting weekends.”

Mira nodded. “I’ll then deliver the dates to Erza so she can start looking for an appropriate place.”

“Fine by me.” Erza replied. “I’ll make sure to provide you all with the address when I’ve found a place. And when the time is finally there, I’ll head out by Friday evening. Everyone else is to meet up by Saturday noon. “

All of the girls confirm the tasks they’ve been given and, after about an hour of talking about their common interest, headed to their respective homes. Each and every one of them was positively ecstatic. This was going to be one of the best weekends of their life, and all of them could hardly wait for it to arrive!




Lucy woke up at the crack of dawn. She hadn’t gotten much sleep, she was just too excited. And that was because today was Saturday, THE Saturday. Today was the start of the weekend she, Erza, Juvia, Lisanna, Mirajane and Cana had planned out several weeks ago. It had taken so long to find a time and a place that fitted the busy schedules of all six girls. And when the date had finally been set, waiting for it to arrive seemed to have taken forever. 

But now the moment was finally here! Starting today, all six of the bondage loving girls would spend a weekend bound, gagged and god knows what else. The blond girl almost couldn’t contain herself, that’s how happy she was.

Lucy had packed her suitcase last evening, checking and double-checking whether she had put in everything she would need. Plenty of rope, a few gags, some vibrators (big and small), some spare clothing… and her bikini of course! She washed up, had a light breakfast and headed out the door, suitcase in hand.

Her destination was two towns over, a little village reachable by train. Erza had found the perfect little cottage there, secluded but still easy to reach. The S-class mage had handed everyone the address a few days ago so they could properly plan out their travel. She and Cana were supposed to travel together, so they had agreed to meet up at the train station.

Lucy prayed she wouldn’t meet any other guild members on the way to the station, as she had already mentioned at the guild it would be just Cana and her on this ‘quest’. She really didn’t need anyone else tagging along, or asking any difficult questions.

Luckily for the blond mage, no one familiar appeared. And after finding Cana at the ticketing booths, both mages boarded the train without a hitch.

After a couple of hours of chugging along, the blonde and brunette arrived at the village. The celestial sprit mage took out the directions Erza had provided and both girls started heading for the address written down.

A brisk 20 minute walk later, they arrived at the cottage. Cana knocked on the door, and heard a voice coming from inside.

The voice was muffled by the door, but it was unmistakably Erza’s. “Come on in, I’ve left the door unlocked.” 

Cana and Lucy entered and shut the door behind them. “Are you sure that’s wise? What if someone walks in while we’re setting things up?” The blond girl asked upon entering the living room.

Erza and Mirajane were each sitting on a couch. The white haired girl smiled at Lucy.

“Never mind such details Lucy,” Mirajane said, “since Erza is expecting quite a few guests, it would be too much of a bother locking and unlocking the door all the time. We’ll lock it when everyone is inside.” 

“In the meantime, why don’t you two make yourselves comfortable.” Erza said. “Feel free to put your suitcases aside for now, we’ll unpack everything we need when we’re all present.” 

Lucy and Cana did as they were told and afterwards took a quick look around the house.

The cottage was exactly like Erza had described to them, an ideal location for their weekend get together. It’s location was remote, and the cottage itself was sufficiently large to house all of them. Erza had mentioned there were 3 bedrooms, fit for 7 people to spend the night (2,2 and 3 per room) and 2 bathrooms. The living room was very spacious, and it’s size was accentuated even more because it was nearly empty. There was nothing in the room except for two sofa’s, a large closet and a wide, thick rug in the middle of the room about twice the size of a two-person mattress.

Well, this is a rental house, Lucy thought to herself. Wouldn’t make much sense to put too much furniture down, as it’ll only cut into your profits. Besides, the more open space we have the better.

Upon returning from their tour of the house, both girls sat down onto a sofa, Lucy next to Erza and Cana next to Mira. All four girls started chatting happily about various subjects: from their life at the guild, to previous quests, and of course about their bondage experiences.

Soon after, Lisanna and Juvia arrived as well. 

“Hi everyone!” Lisanna said cheerfully. “Looks like we’re the last ones to arrive, our train had a slight delay so that’s why we’re a little late.”

“Juvia hopes you all haven’t had to wait long.” The water mage said.

“Not at all, time has flown by.” Erza replied. “But now that we’re all here, we can finally get started. Just put your suitcases out of the way and we’ll start preparing.”

Lisanna and Juvia placed their suitcases at the side of the room and walked back to the rest of the girls.

Erza took charge of the preparations. She had been lying awake for several hours last night in this huge empty cottage, both from excitement and for planning the most efficient way to get things started. “First of all, I think it best we just dump all of the rope, gags and whatnot everyone brought onto the floor in a great big pile. That way, everyone has access to whatever strikes their fancy.”

All of the girls who brought equipment concurred with this idea, and did as Erza suggested. Soon there was a massive heap of various bondage gear lying in the middle of the room.

“That should be enough to keep everyone here entertained for the entire weekend.” Mira said happily. 

“I guess now’s the time for us all to change into our swimsuits, and then we can get started.” Lisanna said enthusiastically.

After all of the girls had headed for their own suitcase and changed into their swimwear, they started chatting a little. 

Lucy and Mira commented on how nice Erza’s newly repaired bikini looked, and that there was no sign of it ever being ruined in the first place. Erza replied that she had searched for the best textile worker available, this legendary swimsuit was simply that important to her. 

Meanwhile, Lisanna was praising Juvia’s polka dot bikini, saying that it really brought out her slender figure. Juvia returned the compliment, also pointing out that all of the girls present had beautiful bodies. Cana endorsed that remark, adding that it might typical for the guild to attract the best and brightest, on all fronts. 

After a few minutes of comparing outfits and small talk, Mira brought the conversation back on track.

“Now, time to get started I’d say! If I remember correctly, Lucy, Erza and I were supposed to tie the other three girls up first. Have any of you ‘victims’ thought about a preferred way as to get tied up?” 

Lisanna and Juvia started thinking for a moment, but Cana immediately had an answer ready.

“Strappado please! Anything else I don’t care about, but I’d like a strappado added to my bindings.”

“You really like making things difficult for yourself, don’t you?” Mira replied with a smile. “Well, fine. Which of us is going to tie up Cana?” the white haired girl asked whilst looking at Lucy and Erza.

Erza frowned slightly. “Well, I don’t really know what a strappado is, to be honest. I can do basic knot tying and stuff, but that is a position I’m unfamiliar with.”

“I know how to do it,” Lucy said, “so just leave Cana to me!”

“Okay then, that’s one pair settled” Mira replied, “and how about our other two damsels. Made your decision yet?”

Lisanna answered her big sister. “I want to be put in a hogtie. But this time, I want it to be a lot stricter than my first one. I’d like it to be like the one you put Cana in when I walked in on you two last time, Mira-nee.”

The older sister smiled at Lisanna. “Consider it done! Then that leaves Erza for tying up Juvia then.”

Erza looked at Juvia, who was still deep in thought. 

Eventually, the blue haired mage gave up on choosing a predicament of preference. Instead she decided to face whatever the red haired mage would throw at her, thinking it would make for a better experience. Experience she would need if she was to please her beloved Gray-sama.

“Juvia doesn’t mind what she is put in to be honest. Juvia would like to try out various things, as she still has very little experience when it comes to bondage. So anything Erza-san decides on is fine.”

Erza smiled brightly. “Glad to hear that, I’ve thought up a rather nice position during the weeks we had to wait for this get together. It’s nothing too uncomfortable, but it sure is effective.”

“Well then,” Cana said, “guess everyone knows what to do. Let’s get started.”

The three pairs of girls split up. Cana and Lucy walked towards one of the walls of the living room while Mira and Lisanna walked on over to the rug in the middle of the room. Erza had quickly headed into the kitchen, returning with a chair. She placed the chair in the living room, a few feet away from both Cana and Lisanna.

“Since you might be in your position for a long time, I figured sitting down would be ideal for a beginner. Have a seat, Juvia.” Erza said, and the blue haired girl complied.

Erza pulled the water mage’s arms around the back of the chair, crossing her wrists and tying them tightly. Next, the redhead took out a very long rope and wrapped it around Juvia’s chest (above and below her breasts) and round the back of the chair as well, pulling Juvia firmly against the backrest before knotting the rope in place. Erza then wrapped the remainder of the rope around the blue haired girl’s arms, right above the elbows, firmly tying the rope off again and keeping Juvia’s arms in place.

The third rope the red haired mage picked up was first wrapped around Juvia’s waist, then pulled around the back of the chair in order to trap Juvia’s lower arms to the backrest as well. Erza decided to tie the knot for this rope off in the front, completely out of reach of the blue haired girl’s hands.

With one rope tying the water mage’s wrists and two more wrapped around both her and the chair, Juvia’s upper body was now completely pinned to the chair, with very little movement possible.

Next up are the legs, Erza thought to herself, guess I should get some more rope.

While the S-class mage was walking to the pile and back to get three more coils of rope, Juvia briefly tested out her bonds to see what give they had. Barely any, she quickly realized.

Erza-san sure is accomplished at this, even though she mentioned not knowing all that much about bondage. This doesn’t feel like basic at all, Juvia thought happily.

When Erza returned to the chair, Juvia ceased her wriggling so Erza could continue her work. The requipping mage had returned with a couple of extra ropes, and a large black balgag to boot. 

Before beginning to tie Juvia’s legs, Erza pushed the gag between the Juvia’s teeth and buckled it tightly into place. The water mage still vividly remembered how effective this type of gag was, and this one was even bigger than the one she’d had in at Gray's place. So, since making noise was no longer an option, she decided to remain quiet completely in order to prevent herself from drooling too much.

While Juvia was getting used to the feel of her newly fitted gag, Erza had already started cinching Juvia’s ankles together, followed by a rope tied below her knees and one tied above them. 

Since the rope tying the water mage’s ankles together still had a fair bit left over, Erza decided to pull Juvia’s ankles toward the right leg of the chair, and tied them to it. Now the blue haired girl could barely move her legs at all, a fact she discovered the moment she tried pulling on them.

“There, that should do it. Or do you think you need some more ropes added to keep you contained?” Erza asked the blue haired girl.

Juvia shook her head, this was more than enough to keep her in place. In fact, the water mage saw no way at all for her to escape without external help.

“OH! I’d almost forget the most important element. You actually can escape if I were to leave you like this.” Erza said suddenly. 

She walked towards the pile of equipment, returning with a dark blue collar. “I’m sure you remember this one.” Erza said with a smile on her face.

Juvia nodded, blushing slightly as her memories of that first time at Gray's house came back to her.

Erza buckled the collar around the water mage’s neck. “There, now we can really call you helpless.”

Juvia giggled through her gag, playfully tugging at her bonds. She was already beginning to feel aroused, mainly because of the ropes wrapped tightly around her chest, which made her breasts a lot more sensitive.

“Hey, wait a second! I just thought of something else to add.” Erza said loudly, more to the air than to Juvia. The redhead quickly walked back to the pile again, returning with something that looked very familiar to Juvia.

“I’m guessing you recognize these as well? If you don’t, here’s a hint. You once really annoyed Lucy with these.”

Juvia didn’t need the hint. She could clearly recognize the two tiny vibrators in Erza’s hand. Those had been the ones taped to Lucy’s nipples when Juvia found both Erza and Lucy in the blonde’s apartment. She also very much remembered the loud screams and moans Lucy had been making as a result of those tiny beads. The blue haired mage wasn’t sure to be worried or excited at the prospect of being put through the same ordeal.

Erza smiled comfortingly at the water mage. “Don’t worry though, I won’t be as mean with you as I was with Lucy. I put these on ‘random’ when I used them on her. That turned out to be a bit of a mistake. This time, I’ll have them simply on ‘on’ instead. I’ll set them so they activate after 20 minutes, and they’ll continue non-stop so there’s no element of uncertainty for you.”

“Ak oo. (Thank you.)” the water mage said, and the meant that. This tight chairtie was already plenty of excitement for the rather inexperienced water mage. As much as she wanted to learn more about all of this, there was no need to go too fast.

Erza pushed the tiny vibrators underneath Juvia’s bikini top, taping one to a nipple each. The red haired girl then set the timer for 15 minutes (intended as a small surprise for Juvia, who was expecting them to activate after 20) and took a few steps back to admire her work.

“Well that’s you finished. Guess I can have a look around now to see how the others are coming along.” The redhead said, turning around to browse around room.

While Erza was busy restraining Juvia, Lucy was occupied with Cana’s bindings. The celestial spirit mage had of course started by tying the brunettes wrist and elbows, tying those last so tightly that they touched.

“You sure are flexible, I don’t have to push at all to get these together.” Lucy noted.

“Years of practice.” Cana smirked.

With Cana’s arms now fully restrained, Lucy took another rope and looped it around the card mage’s bound wrists. She then wound the rope around a sturdy looking lamppost protruding from the wall and pulled Cana’s wrists up until the brunette was forced to bend over slightly.

Still having a fair amount of rope left, she wound it around Cana’s waist and fed it through her legs, creating a tight crotchrope. This manner of strappado left the card mage with a dilemma: Increase pressure on her crotch to lighten the load on her arms, or vice versa? She didn’t mind though, as she was obviously enjoying the feel of it all.

Not yet satisfied with her work, Lucy proceeded to bend Cana’s left leg and tied it in a strict frogtie position. Cana now had to balance herself on only her right foot, a task made all the more difficult by the crotchrope and strappado tugging her arms in opposite directions.

“That should be enough rope to hold you.” Lucy said. “Could I interest you in a nice big ballgag now?”

“I’m glad you offered.” The brunette replied with a wide smile.

Lucy headed over to the pile of gear all of the girls had made and started rooting around. She soon returned, holding both the ballgag she had been searching for and something she’d come across by chance.

“I stumbled upon this while searching for your gag.” The blond said, holding up a long, thin, grey vibrator. “Since you have had your fair share of bondage moments, no doubt you are familiar with this. So I’m guessing you won’t mind if I add this as well?”

“Even if I did, would you listen?” Cana said with a naughty smile.

“Fair point.” The blonde said in return. Lucy then pushed the bright red ballgag into Cana’s mouth and wedged the vibrator into the crotchrope, making sure it would remain in place. “Now, to check out the settings on this baby.”

“U ill a-le (Uphill battle).” Cana mumbled immediately.

“Sorry, what?” Lucy replied confused. “I have no idea what that means.”

Mira had overheard the conversation and joined in to provide an explanation.

"Oh, that vibrator over there is mine. And what Cana said is our nickname for one of the settings that vibrator has, it’s setting three to be exact." 

“And that setting does what exactly?” Lisanna asked curiously, lying on the floor and almost completely immobile by now.

Mira replied, looking at Lucy who was also dying to know. "Basically, the vibrator will buzz non-stop, but it will increase in speed an vigor every 20 minutes or so. Meaning the longer it goes on, the heavier the buzzing will feel to the person subjected to it… until you finally can't contain yourself and 'release', so to speak. Hence the term 'uphill battle': It gets harder on you the longer you resist, and 'the fight' itself cannot be won.”

All of the girls were by now paying attention to the explanation Mira was giving. None of them could do anything other than stare at the white haired mage, mesmerized. Each and every one of the girls now felt slightly aroused, imagining how it would feel if they were in a position like that.

“U-ee! (Lucy!) “ Cana muttered impatiently. “I il ai-in (I’m still waiting).”

“Oh, sorry. You’re really eager aren’t you?” The blond mage said. “I’ll just flick the switch on setting three then, so you can start enjoying yourself.”

The celestial mage switched on the vibrator and left the now slightly musing Cana to head over to Mira and Lisanna. Erza joined her, since the requipping mage had finished tying up Juvia around the same time.

When Lucy and Erza arrived next to Mira, she was just placing the finishing touches on her younger sisters hogtie. The demon take-over mage had done a very thorough job on her younger sister. 

Both Lisanna’s wrists and elbows had been tied together very strictly. Mirajane had also made a chest harness with a very long rope. The harness was tied by first wrapping the rope above and below Lisanna’s chest and tying it off at behind her back. With still a great deal of rope left over, Mira proceeded by pulling it over the young girl’s left shoulder, down in between her breasts and then back up over Lisanna’s right shoulder again. The rope was then once again tied off at the back, attached to Lisanna’s elbow rope this time. This intricate chest harness caused Lisanna’s already limited arm movement to be reduced to next to nothing, and every time Lisanna would try to move her arms the chest harness would tighten up and increase its pressure around the white haired girl’s sizeable breasts. 

Even though this chest harness alone was plenty to get the young (rather inexperienced) animal take-over mage aroused, Mirajane had gone even further by also tying a tight crotchrope and attaching that to Lisanna’s bound wrists. 

As far as the legs were concerned, the tie was rather basic. Lisanna’s legs had been tied at the ankles, below and above the knees. Basic as it was, it rendered the young mage’s legs nearly completely useless for anything other than flopping up and down.

By now, Erza and Lucy had arrived at Mira and Lisanna’s side. The older sister was just finishing up the hogtie by pulling her sister’s ankles all the way up to her wrists and then tied off the rope, first at the elbows and then once more at Lisanna’s wrists.

The end result of all of this ropework was a very strict hogtie, leaving the young take-over mage with very little wriggling room. And even that small amount of wriggling would come at a steep price, since both the crotchrope and chest harness would instantly create a massively arousing pressure at the slightest twitch. 

The young white haired girl discovered this fact upon testing all of her tight bindings. She gasped the moment she pulled on her restraints, causing them to bring out the full effect of both her chest harness and crotchrope. Just that little test of her bindings had been enough to arouse Lisanna, as her nipples began poking through her bikini top slightly. 

This is amazing! Lisanna thought satisfied. I should’ve known Mira-nee would be this good.

“There.” Mira said happily. “That’s about the same position Cana was in back then. I’ll leave out a gag though. I’m thinking you’ll soon have too much on your mind anyway. Speaking will be the least of your concerns every time you so much as move a muscle.” 

Mirajane then looked at her sister wriggle, and decided to check up on her to be certain. "I know this is what you asked me for, but are you sure it's not too much all at once? If you like I can still loosen something here and there before leaving you. Keep in mind you will probably spend a lot of time like this, I don't want you to hurt or overreach yourself."

Lisanna smiled at her older sister in an attempt to reassure her. "Don't worry Mira-nee. This is really tight, but I'm loving it. Besides, there won't be any real growth for me if I keep at the same level of tie. It's why I wanted you to tie me up, you know all about this and that way I could be sure I'd be safe, whatever the position."

The older sister felt deeply moved by Lisanna's words. "Thank you for having such faith in me. If that's how you really feel, I won't touch any of the bindings. I will add this thing though,” Mirajane said as she picked up the timer collar that belonged to Cana. “I’ll set it to 3 hours and a half. That should be plenty of time for you to amuse yourself.”

Mira then looked up at Erza. “I will then take the other timer collar, so there’ll be 2 people who can get out after a set amount of time. That should be a decent insurance, don’t you think?” 

Erza nodded. “Sounds good to me. So what now, there’s three of us left. Who ties whom?”

“Well, do either of you have ideas left for bondage positions?” Mira asked.

“I’ve got two more if I count the one I thought out for myself.” Erza replied.

“I have a couple of ideas, but none that I could use on myself.” Lucy answered. “So I guess it would be best for you two to tie me up, then yourselves.”

“Works for me.” Mira said. “But I can manage Lucy on my own, you go ahead and start tying yourself up, Erza.”

“Very well, I’ll make use of that empty patch of wall over there. I drilled a hook into it when I arrived yesterday, thinking it could be used for tying someone to the wall. But since nobody else made use of it, I will.”

Erza picked up a few coils of rope, a pair of handcuffs, a long chain and padlock and two pieces of cloth from the pile and headed over to the wall.

While Mira was gathering everything she would need from the pile, Lucy had moved over to an empty spot in the room, close to the now struggling and already loudly moaning Juvia.

“Now then, go ahead and work you magic on me, Mira!” Lucy said enthusiastically.

“Don’t mind if I do!” The white haired mage replied as she uncoiled a first rope.

Mira started by using this rope to tie a tight crotchrope onto Lucy. She then instructed the blond mage to sit down, and picked up another length of rope.

After folding Lucy’s arms so that her underarms were placed horizontally on top of each other, Mira wound the rope around the blond mage’s arms tightly to keep them like that. The S-class mage then took a third rope, which she used to tie a chest harness similar to the one she’d put on Lisanna. This chest harness was then attached to Lucy’s bound arms to discourage her from wriggling them too much.

While Mira was unraveling yet another rope, she addressed the celestial spirit mage. “Now, for your legs I have a rather special idea in mind. Could you please bend your legs in a cross-legged position?”

Lucy complied and crossed her ankles so the white haired S-class mage could tightly wrap a rope around them. She then pulled the rope back to wrap it around the blond girls waist and also tied it to the crotchrope. With the rope pulling on Lucy’s ankles like that, it not only meant the blond girl was forced to remain seated in her position (her legs in front of her and ankles crossed), but also that if she tried to shift her legs, the crotchrope would start digging in.”

“You certainly were right about this being a special idea.” Lucy said while testing her bonds, which instantly caused her to let out a slight moan as the chest harness and crotchrope started arousing her. “I’ve never even thought about a tie like this.” 

“Glad it pleases you” Mira replied happily. “Now, as far as ropes go, this’ll do. But I will add some other implements to make your situation much more fun.”

As the white haired girl was saying that, she held up a black bitgag, a pair of tiny vibrators and roll of thin duct tape.“I’m sure you won’t mind.” Mira said with a naughty smile.

“Hey, not like I have much choice in the matter.” Lucy answered, visibly pleased with Mira’s suggestion. 

“True that.” Mira said while pushing in the bitgag and buckling it shut. “It’s not pushed in too deep, is it? A gag like this can be really uncomfortable if it’s forced in too far, and I wouldn’t want that for you.”

The blond girl tried replying, but discovered that not only did this gag muffle her sounds very effectively, it also caused the celestial spirit mage to drool… a lot.

“I-s o u-in, u I ef elee if et an a a-ga. (It’s not hurting, but it feels really different than a balgag).” Lucy chose her words carefully, since every word she uttered caused her to salivate more and more.

“Now, for the best bit.” Mira replied smiling as she gently pulled down Lucy’s bikini top, taped the two vibrators onto Lucy’s nipples and replaced the bikini. 

The second Mirajane flicked the switch, the vibrators started buzzing and the blond mage started moaning loudly.


Lucy started wriggling in her bonds, mainly because she couldn’t control herself from the feelings those tiny vibrators were evoking. However, since every wriggle or movement increased pressure on both the chest harness and the crotchrope, moving only made the blond girl that more sensitive and aroused. The blond girl therefore tried to contain herself as much as possible, hard as it was. She couldn’t help but grunt and moan as she became increasingly frustrated from not being able to keep her body in check.

After checking Lucy’s bonds held her firmly in place, and confirming the vibrators were doing their job, Mira turned away from Lucy to check on how Erza was doing. The redhead had by now almost finished tying up herself.

Erza had opted to frogtie both her legs one by one, forcing her to remain in a kneeling position. The requipping mage had also added a very tight crotchrope, no doubt to make her struggles more entertaining and pleasurable. Mira noticed something else about the crotchrope. besides its tightness, Erza had also added a small knot at the height of her groin, which was now probably applying quite a lot of pressure. 

A couple of feet (lets say almost 1m) above Erza’s head, Mirajane could see a long chain dangling from the hook Erza had mentioned putting up, and on the lower end of the chain Mira could see a pair thick handcuffs padlocked to it.

So, Mira thought to herself, Erza plans on cuffing her hands above her head, while her legs are forced to remain kneeling. And the ‘special’ crotchrope is to help her enjoy her situation… Pretty inventive, especially since she doesn’t have much experience. She must’ve spent a great deal of time thinking that one up. Then again, that girl is nothing if not determined.

Just a Erza was about to gag herself, Mira stopped her because she realized something was still missing.

“Erza, aren’t you forgetting something? You still have to put on your magic seal. Didn’t you buy a collar?”

The redhead shook her head. “I never bought a collar, I found something else. While I was looking for magic sealing items I stumbled upon 2 tiny jewels, or so I thought. It turned out that the jewels in question were actually extremely condensed lacrima, almost as hard as diamonds. I liked the way they looked, so I had earrings made out of them.

Mira noticed Erza was wearing the earrings she’d just described, and she had to admit the lacrima did look rather nice, and were indeed shining like diamonds.

“They do look nice, but what have they got to do you searching for a magic seal?” Mira asked confused.

Erza continued her explanation. “The thing about these condensed lacrima is that they can absorb a near infinite amount of magic. The only drawback however is that their size means the magic has to be released in very close proximity. “

Mira started to understand where this story was going. “For example, by a person wearing them.”

“Exactly,” the red haired girl confirmed. “This made them perfect for the situation I needed them for. The wearer of these earrings has any and all magic they bring out nullified. These earrings are my magic seal.” 

Mira couldn’t help but crack a smile at that story. “Some find" she said, "Very Original, and it explains you changing into you swimsuit like the rest of us, instead of your usual requipping."

"I think they look really cute too." Lisanna added. The young animal take-over mage had ceased her struggling for a short time to listen to Erza’s story.

"I agree," Erza replied, "and they're a lot less unwieldy than a collar is, and much easier to explain when found in your luggage." The redhead pointed out.

“Well, if you already have your magic seal on, then I won’t hold you up any longer.” Mira said. “Guess I’m the only one left then, better get to work.”

As Mira started picking up everything she would need for her own restraint, Erza stuffed a cloth into her mouth and tied the second one in between her teeth. Finally, she reached up above her head an locked her hands in the cuffs dangling above her head.

When finished, the requipping mage briefly tested all of her bonds, and was pleased to find everything had turned out as she planned. The cuffs were not giving way at all, and pulling her arms upwards. Both of her legs were stuck in their frogtie position, with hardly any movement possible. She was also very happy to discover that the crotchrope kept digging in more and more whenever she moved her hips and legs. All in all, the red haired mage decided she’d done a superb job on tying herself up. Now all that was left for her was to enjoy her own situation and every now and then observe all of the other girls.

The only one still walking around freely now was Mirajane, but she was already working on mending that fact.

Mirajane had decided to work without any rope for her restraint. It had been far too long since she’d gotten to enjoy the feel of metal on her skin. The first thing she did was lock her collar into place, with the timer set on 3hours and 10 minutes.

Next up is something to keep me entertained while I’m tied, Mirajane thought happily. 

She picked up the belt she’d brought with her from the pile. This was not just any belt though, she had this thing especially crafted by an expert leatherworker. The belt had an additional strap attached to it, which could be used to form a sturdy and thick crotchrope. On top of that, a very small lacrima had been worked into the leather this additional strap so it could not be seen. Upon activation, this lacrima would begin vibrating very lightly. But since the lacrima was fitted into the strap functioning as a crotchrope, even this very slight buzzing was tremendously effective. Both Mira and Cana had confirmed this on several occasions, and they had never once regretted the huge fee required for creating this piece of equipment.

After strapping the belt in place and tweaking the belt’s settings to activate the lacrima vibrator after 10 minutes, the white haired mage proceeded to restraining herself. The first thing she did was bend over to lock each of her ankles to one end of a spreader bar to keep her legs forced apart. Doing this required quite a bit of flexibility from Mirajane's part, which she had gained through countless self bondage experiments. All of the other girls (except Cana) were astonished to see the usually so timid and gentle Mirajane pull of such intricate movements.

Her legs securely locked to the spreader bar, Mira then carefully reached up with her arms (she had so make slow movements, as she was prone to lose her balance with her legs restrained and forced apart) and placed her hands into the large shackles hanging above her head. She had hung these shackles around a supporting ceiling beam, and they were now dropping down from the ceiling. They were however a little higher than she had anticipated, and the white haired take-over mage was forced to stand onto her toes in order to fit her hands through.

When her wrists were finally in place, she locked the cuffs. Mirajane was now forced to stand on her toes if she didn’t want the chains to pull on her arms too much, this was however not easily to do with her legs forced wide open because of her spreader bar. While this was by no means a comfortable situation, her years of experience with Cana had toughened her up enough to endure it without too much trouble.

On top of that, all of the strain she was feeling vanished instantly when the lacrima embedded into the belt activated. The white haired girl let out a loud moan, and was no longer able to pay any attention to the other girls or their predicaments.

Not that any of the other girls were all that concerned with how Mira or the others were doing. Each and every one of the now tightly bound Fairy Tail mages was moaning and grunting, struggling happily in their own predicaments. 

Not one of them even remotely regretted coming along for this wonderful weekend. In fact, they all silently swore to themselves they would try and make this happen more often, now that they’d all found out about their common interest. 



By now, all of the Fairy Tail mages present in the cottage for their weekend get together were firmly bound and gagged, and very much enjoying it. Mind you, none of the girls were focused on anything other than their own feelings of frustration, pain, pleasure and arousal.

Cana, Lisanna and Juvia had started relishing in their respective predicaments long before Lucy, Mirajane or Erza. Since these three girls were the first to be bound and gagged.

Especially Cana had started enjoying herself straight away, with both the tight ropes and vibrator causing her entire body to become aroused. Even though her position was a straining one, being forced to bend over while balancing on only one leg, the brunette very much enjoyed the strictness and limited movement it provided. She had always preferred being tied without hope of escape, and a strappado was a textbook example of such a tie. She moaned and grunted as the buzzing increased in intensity, her nipples already poking through her bra for all to see. She didn't mind that at all, though. 

Nothing any of the girls haven't been through themselves, the brunette thought to herself. And it's not like I can do anything about if even if I did mind it, Lucy really knows her knots. This is without question inescapable, but it feels divine. Although the vibrator may have something to do with that feeling, she thought. 

The bound and gagged card mage tried to shift her body so as to get the vibrator to make better contact with her groin. Even though it was only a question of time until the vibrator would buzz more heavily by itself, Cana was never one for waiting patiently. Sadly, it seemed like she had no choice this time, as the position Lucy had put her in kept her from getting the vibrator close enough to increase its effect. Frustrating as it was, the brunette had no other option other than to ‘hang around’ and wait for the vibrator to intensify.

Cana wasn’t the only one enjoying her situation. Ever since Erza left her alone, with the vibrators buzzing happily, Juvia had started feeling more and more excited as time went on. She had tried wriggling free a couple of times, purely for her own pleasure and arousal, since she full well realized escaping from this chair was impossible. One of the best things about her struggling while tied to the chair, was that every time Juvia moved her upper body, the chest harness increased its pressure, increasing the sensitivity of her breasts, which in turn heightened the effect of the vibrators stuck to her rock hard nipples. 

The only thing that remotely annoyed the water mage was the gag Erza had chosen for her, since it caused her to drool without end. Juvia had only been struggling and grunting for less than half an hour, but by now her chest was already dripping wet. It didn’t bother her that much though, as the vibrators kept her mind far too occupied to think about much else.

While Cana and Juvia were struggling happily from the moment they were tied up, Lisanna had remained still for a while to observe Mirajane working on Lucy’s restraints as well as check out Erza’s self bondage. Both scene’s stirred up lascivious feelings within the young white haired girl. 

But those feelings were nothing compared to what came flooding in when the animal take-over mage tried struggling against her own bindings. While Lisanna was technically left with more freedom of movement, since she was not tied to anything like the others were, trying to escape was as futile for her as it was for the other girls. The white haired mage had been so expertly tied by her older sister that there was hardly any struggling possible for her at all. Lisanna was pretty much immobile, save for rolling around and some useless fluttering of her hands and feet. And every time she tried to prove otherwise, either the chestharness or the crotchrope would ‘discourage’ her from taking her efforts too far. The slightest pull on any of her bonds caused the white haired mage’s senses to overflow with pleasure and distress at the same time. 

Since her sister had sadly elected not to gag her, each and every moan the young take-over mage made was fully audible by the rest of the room. This caused the young mage to become a bit flushed with embarrassment, as she could not stop herself from moaning at all.

None of the other girls minded Lisanna making all that noise though, as they were all far to occupied with their own pleasurable predicaments.

Especially Lucy was unable to pay any attention to the rest of her friends. The crotchrope the blond mage had been subjected to was so tight that even if she were to not move at all, it still didn’t stop her from heating up more and more. 

Not moving wasn’t really an option however. The vibrators kept tingling her nipples, which were already overly sensitive from the chest harness Mira had tied around the blonde’s breasts. Try as she might, the celestial spirit mage could not contain herself. She wriggled uncontrollably, and the more she wriggled around, the tighter both the chest harness and the crotchrope became. 

As time went on, Lucy became increasingly desperate for more stimulation of her groin other than the crotchrope tied between her legs. But with her arms pinned behind her back she saw no way of making that happen. Even though she was truly enjoying the brand new and original position she had been placed in, she couldn’t help but feel some jealousy for Mira and Cana’s position… What she wouldn’t give to have a vibrator strapped between her thighs right now.

Erza felt no such envy, as the crotchrope she had tied between her legs was causing plenty of arousal for the redhead. She tried shifting her position a little, so the crotchrope could do its job even better. Sadly, the way she had tied her legs made this rather difficult, and with her hands cuffed and pulled up above her head, there was little else the red haired girl could do other than sit tight.

Erza tried pulling on her cuffs, just to test how much movement they had left her. To her delight, they didn’t budge at all, and her arms were completely stuck in their upright position. As exciting as this was for her, in hindsight she regretted not using any more ropes on herself. She could do with a chest harness right about now, to increase the sensitivity of her already hard nipples. Maybe I should ask Mira to put something extra on me when she gets out, the requipping mage thought while she was musing softly through her gag.

The red-haired girl looked at her fellow S-class mage to see how she was doing. 

It turned out Mira was also having the time of her life. The specially fitted belt worked like a charm, and the white haired girl was now moaning constantly, struggling in her bonds. Not that that was of any use, the demon take-over mage had made certain she would be inescapably bound. The shackles were impossible to get open without the key, at least not while her magic was still sealed. And even if wriggling out of them would be possible, Mira had to watch her movements carefully. She was forced to stand onto her toes because the shackles wound around the ceiling beam pulled her up, and kicking her legs too wildly would make the strap between her legs dig in more. If that were to happen, Mira would surely lose her balance from excitement and pleasure, causing the shackles to start pulling on her arms even more then they were right now.

Even though most would call this an uncomfortable experience, Mira was enjoying every second of it. She was happy that she had chosen not to put in a gag, as this meant she could groan and scream to her heart’s content. 

When all of the girls had settled into their respective positions, time simply began to fly by.
After each of them had spent between an hour and an hour and a half (depending on when they got tied up) enjoying themselves immensely, something unforeseen happened… Something that would make this long awaited weekend take a turn none of them could ever have expected, let alone plan for.



A loud knock came from the front door. All of the girls froze, unsure of what they should do. It was unmistakably their front door which had been knocked on, yet nobody in this town should've even known about them being here. It was a remote, rented house. So who on earth could it be that went through the trouble of coming to visit?

Each of the girls remained still (or tried their best to do so, at least). What would be their best plan of action? Should they struggle in the hope of getting out, just in case the person at the door managed to get inside? Chances of any of them getting out that quickly were pretty low, and the moans that would result from their exertions could draw the attention of whoever was outside... So maybe keeping quiet would be their best bet, and hope the man or woman outside would just leave when it seemed no one was in.


When there was a second knock on the door, It was Erza eventually who made the decision for all of them. The red haired mage started struggling furiously, pulling on her bonds and trying to slip out of them. She cursed the crotchrope that had given her so much pleasure at first, as it was making it harder for her to focus her strength. It also meant she couldn’t stop herself from moaning every now and then. Thankfully, her thorough gag silenced her enough so as not to worry about the noise she made. However, because of that same gag Erza could not convey the reason for her desperate decision, in spite of its low chance of success. 

That reason being that she had forgotten to lock the front door after the last person (Juvia) had entered!
With all of the commotion stirring up after everyone arrived, and in her own excitement and anticipation for this whole weekend, she had completely neglected to lock the house down! If whoever was at the door would try and enter, he would discover this, and subsequently encounter all of the girls here in their sorry state.

Even though Erza could not vocalize her worries, the panic on her face made everything clear enough to the other girls. All of them started wriggling in order to make their escape, trying to keep down the noise as much as possible whilst also listening for any sound coming from the front door.

It quickly became clear to Erza that she was not getting out. She shouldn't have expected otherwise anyways, since the chains were far too strong and locked down tight. After tiring herself out struggling in vain, she looked around the room to see if any of her fellow guild members were having more luck

Lucy, though struggling valiantly, was not making any progress either. The blonde found it very difficult to concentrate on finding a way of escape, as her chest harness and crotchrope kept demanding nearly all of her attention. Lucy figured freeing her hands was top priority and tried reaching for the knots binding her arms, but all of them were well out of reach. Mira noticed this, and silently cursed herself for doing such a good job.

The white haired girl herself was hardly even trying to get out. Since the demon take-over mage had been the one to put herself in her predicament, she knew better than anyone how hopeless escaping this position was without the timer on her collar running out. That timer, incidentally, still had well over 1.5 hours to go. All the young demon take-over mage could do was remain as quiet as possible, and try to hold in any groans caused by her vibrating belt. Therefore, instead of struggling in vain, she did the same thing as Erza and looked around the room in order to find out if any of the other 3 girls were making headway.

Juvia was trying to struggle as much as she could. But being tied to the chair, hardly any movement was possible for her. Certainly not enough to make any progress fast. The ropes and knots held fast, and the blue haired mage remained firmly in place. The only thing she could do to aid the situation was stifle her grunts and moans, which were caused by those infuriating vibrators taped to her now overly sensitive nipples.

Lisanna was the girl with the most 'freedom' of movement, not having been tied to anything. But since she had been placed in a very strict hogtie, that movement amounted to not much more than rolling around on the floor, struggling desperately but futilely. To make things even worse for the poor white haired girl, the more she struggled, the further the crotchrope and chest harness dug in, making it harder for her to contain her moans. And since she had not been gagged, her moans would make it all the way to the front door. Upon realizing this, the young take-over mage decided the safest thing to do for her was find a ‘comfortable’ position so as not to make herself even more excited.

And then there was Cana, who was unable to even wriggle at all. The vibrator strapped to her crotch was making her whole body shake with uncontrollable pleasure. All the card mage could do was pray for the success of any of the other girls, and try to keep down her grunts and moans as best as she could.

As each of the girls observed the others' and their own struggles, all of them came to the same conclusion: None of them were getting out anytime soon. All they could do was hope with ever fiber of their body that whoever was at the door would give up and take off again without discovering them.

Sadly, their hopes were crushed as they heard the front door open.

All of the girls instantly burst into furious struggles and wriggles once more, pulling and yanking on their bonds and no longer paying any heed to keeping down the noise they made. They kept up their fight for freedom until the sound of a male voice shouting from the hallway caused all of them to freeze:

"Erza! I know you're here. I discovered you rented this place for the weekend in order to take on a quest! I have something to talk to you about, can I come in further?"

All of the girls stared at Erza, who in turn was completely confused.

Who was the owner of that voice? It somehow seemed incredibly familiar, but coming from another room, the voice was too muffled for the redhead to discern who it was exactly. Although Erza had a sinking feeling that she and her friends would soon find out.

The question circling through each of the girls' minds was answered when the living room door opened, and the man who owned the voice walked in.



The man walking into the room was Jellal Fernandez.
He was the criminal responsible for building the tower of heaven, the current leader of the independent guild Crime Sorcière… and also a man who was very dear to Erza.

"Erza, where a-" The blue haired mage said as he walked into the living room, freezing mid sentence as the scene before him became apparent. When it finally seeped through what he was seeing, his jaw dropped wide open.

The man remained standing in the doorway, not a clue of what he should say or do.

None of the other girls knew what to say either. Mind you, since most of them were gagged they couldn't have spoken anyway.

After what seemed like an eternity (but in reality was only about 30 seconds), Mira broke the silence.

"Wow, hello there Jellal! Fancy meeting you here. You were looking for Erza were you?"

The rest of the girls stared at the white haired mage, none of them could fathom what they’d just heard Mira say. How on earthland was that an appropriate opening sentence?! This wasn't a casual encounter at the market, they were all inescapably bound (and some of them gagged)!

Lisanna sighed quietly. Sometimes, Mira-nee just acts too damn casual, she thought to herself.

All of the girls now looked at Jellal to see how he'd react to the nonsensical opening Mira had made… Everyone except Erza, who was staring straight at the floor so as to avoid eye contact with everyone else, most of all Jellal.

It turned out the heavenly body mage didn't react to the 'warm' welcome at all, he simply remained frozen in place, as though he was still processing the situation before him. Finally, the blue haired man opened his mouth and he began to stammer a response.

"U-u-uhm, m-my sources told me Erza Scarlet had rented out this place to go on an S-class quest. I assumed that would mean she would be alone, so I approached her because I had important matters to discuss concerning a dark guild menacing some towns.”

The blue haired mage ceased his explanation and looked around the room, carefully analyzing each and every girl’s position. The only one he couldn’t bear to look at was Erza, for fear she would notice him blushing bright red. After he finished his scan of the room, he continued his explanation.

"I did not expect to find other Fairy Tail mages accompanying her." He said, trying to avoid the obvious notion that they were all bound (and some gagged).

Mira smiled. "Yeah, you've probably figured out by now this isn't quest related. In fact, this is nothing more than a simple get together of us 6 friends."

Jellal blinked a few times. 

“Simple get together? This doesn't look even remotely simple to me... Besides, if this is what was going on, then why on Earthland was the front door unlocked?"

Lisanna, the only other girl who could speak, decided to help her sister out. She felt she was obliged to do so, since Mirajane was probably making no sense at all to the blue haired man. 

"It's a… hobby of sorts, Jellal. We've recently discovered that all of us share this hobby, so we decided to have a weekend to exchange experiences... That debacle with the front door is an honest mistake. It's a BIG one, but a mistake nonetheless."

Mira nodded. "That's the gist of it. Of course, even though we made the mistake of forgetting to lock the door, it shouldn't have mattered because we never counted on anyone approaching this house in the first place. This is a rental house located pretty far away from a town where nobody even recognizes our faces. On top of that, we were careful not to let anybody from the guild know about this weekend of ours, so we had no reason to fear someone walking in on us... Of course, I failed to foresee other guilds keeping an eye on us." 

Mira smiled deviously. “Or should I say on any mages from our guild in particular?” She had this feeling Jellal's visit was not entirely business related, if Jellal really had thought Erza would be here on her own.

Jellal looked at his shoes. "Crime Sorcière is an independent guild,” he replied, “made up out of 3 very wanted criminals. Getting good intel is what keeps us alive and out of prison… We would never use it to harm official guilds though." He hastily added.

The blue haired man now looked at Mirajane again. "I'm sorry for intruding, I should've turned away when nobody answered. What I have to discuss can wait, I'll leave you all to your... business. And rest assured, I will keep this a secret." Jellal now smiled slightly. "I'm one of the most wanted villains in the country, so chances are no one would believe me anyway."

The blue haired man was already turning around to head out the door again when Mira stopped him.

"Hang on, Jellal." Mirajane said. "Come over here for a bit, I need you to check my collar for me."

Jellal's mouth dropped down again. That was not a sentence he'd ever heard before, and the fact that it came from the sweet and innocent Mira made it all the more bizar. 

"You want me to what?" Jellal said.

"Check my collar. It has a timer, so it will release after a set amount of time.” The white haired mage said as she lifted her head so Jellal could see the collar better. 

"But I'm not sure anymore that the timer is still counting down," Mira lied, "and if that is the case, none of us will be able to get out for a long time. We have back-up plans, but with you here it's much easier to check out if my timer is still running." 

Lisanna felt like interrupting, since she too had a timed collar and would just as easily be able to free everyone after it deactivated. But when she looked at her older sister she realized there was no need. Obviously her sister was lying for a good reason, so she would play along. Mira-nee had never done anything to put fellow guild members in harm’s way, so there was no need to worry, Lisanna thought to herself.

Jellal walked towards Mirajane, trying not to look at all of the gorgeous and securely bound girls around him, especially not at Erza who was still avoiding everyone's gaze herself.

When Jellal was stood in front of Mira, he instantly noticed nothing was wrong with the collar or its timer. But before he could mention this, Mira started speaking again, loud enough for the rest of the girls to hear.

“Actually, since you are here, why not unlock this collar for me? It seems a shame for you to waste this great opportunity to catch up with Erza." The white haired girl said, winking at Jellal.

A loud "Mmmppff!" could be heard coming from behind Jellal's back. He turned around.

Erza was now looking straight at both him and Mirajane, her face still flushed but her eyes showed anger instead of embarrassment.

"I-a!! Wht r u o-in?! (Mira! What are you doing?!)" The redhaired girl shouted.

Jellal of course understood what Mira was hinting at... but seeing Erza look this angry, he wasn't exactly sure if it was a good idea. The blue haired mage didn't react to Mira's invitation and remained standing in place, once again trying not to look at any of the girls.

Mira decided to give the heavenly body mage an extra push. She whispered so as not to let the rest of the room hear her.

"Look, both you and Erza want this, I can tell that much so, don't bother denying it. The way I see it, your only problem is that that girl is far too stubborn to ever admit it. She would rather deny herself happiness than to risk bringing shame on the guild for being associated with, no offence, a criminal of the worst kind."

"None taken." Jellal whispered back. "She's got a point in doing so."

Mira sighed, why did these two have to make life so hard for themselves?

"Of course she has a point, I guess… “ The white haired mage whispered. 

“BUT,” and now the white haired S-class mage cracked a smile, “with her tied up like that, it isn't exactly up to her, now is it? The two of you will never get a chance like this, I hope you realize that. She can pretend this isn't what she wants, but since she's restrained she has the perfect excuse not to resist if you decide to act."

Jellal didn't know what to say to that. Mira had a point, that much he realized. But could he really go against Erza's wishes? Even if he wanted to do so desperately, and even if Erza really did feel the same, did that make it alright??

The wavering heavenly body mage looked at the bound and gagged redhead once more.

Erza was no longer looking angry, in fact it was difficult for Jellal to discern what she was feeling right now… But some of the resistance in Erza's eyes seemed to have faded away… Was Mira right? Did Erza actually want him to make the first move?

As Mirajane had pointed out, the decision was essentially up to him. Erza couldn't resist as she was now... and Jellal wasn’t sure if he had the strength of will to stop himself. He had longed to be with the scarlet haired mage for so long… how could he possibly stop himself?

"You make a fair point." Jellal said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "And since Erza is unable to voice her opinion, I guess the decision's up to me. So I will take your offer Mira."

"Wonderful!" Mira exclaimed. "The keys are lying in that corner over there. They've been marked, the green ones are for my cuffs and collar, the red ones are meant for Erza’s cuffs and the black one opens the padlocks pinning her to the wall."

As Jellal walked over to get the keys, Erza could only witness the scene with wide eyes. 

She and Jellal would be alone? Even though that was something she had dreamt of quite a few times, it shouldn't happen! She'd told herself this a long time ago. If this got out in public, then what of the guild, what of Fairy Tail's name?!

She had to stop this… The red haired girl started pulling on the chains holding her against the wall, she wriggled to free herself from the frogtie. But all her struggling was in vain, and only succeeded in forcing the crotchrope to dig in deeper. The requipping mage could do nothing else but watch as Jellal freed Mirajane from her position and then made his way over to her.

The blue haired mage had unlocked Mirajane’s collar and shackles by now, and was now walking over to Erza. She couldn’t fight what was about to happen… She wasn’t even sure if she really wanted to fight it anymore.

Jellal unlocked the padlock keeping the red haired girl pinned against the wall, but didn't do the same for Erza's handcuffs. He then picked up the still frogtied and handcuffed S-class mage in his arms and started walking toward the stairs.

"Hold up! Mira shouted, as she reached for a nearby bundle of ropes and tossed them over Jellal's shoulder. "You never know if you need any extra equipment. Erza is a fierce woman after all." she said smiling deviously.

The blue haired mage didn’t know what to say to that, all he knew was that he didn’t have the heart to refuse Mira or pay attention to Erza’s wishes. He simply wanted this too badly, and was now fully determined to see it through. He tried to smile at the white haired S-class mage as a form of ‘thank you’, and turned around to head for the stairs again.

While Jellal carried Erza and the rope upstairs, Mira had finished untying herself and turned to the other still captive girls in the room. None of them had made so much as a peep, except for the occasional grunt when a vibrator here and there grabbed their attention. But now the girls were all staring at Mira to see what she would do.

Were they really going to have to cut their weekend short because of Jellal's surprise appearance? 

Well, not all of them… Erza's weekend was definitely not over yet.




Jellal walked into one of the two person bedrooms the cottage provided. The celestial body mage was still carrying the frogtied, handcuffed and gagged Erza in his arms. The blue haired mage also had some additional ropes slung over his shoulder.

Jellal took a quick look around the room: Pretty empty, but that was to be expected from a rented cottage. There was nothing present other than a wardrobe and a 2 person bed, built out of an iron frame and with a fluffy mattress on top..

The cottage they were residing in had been rented by Erza herself, though not for this purpose. Downstairs, there were still 5 more Fairy Tail mages who had planned on spending the weekend bound and gagged. Those 5 were not of Jellal's concern though, his interest lay with Erza and Erza alone. He still couldn't believe the situation he had walked into a moment ago… but he sure wasn't going to complain about it either.

The blue haired mage placed Erza onto the bed and took out the cloth gagging her so the redhaired girl could answer his question.

"Do you want me to untie you? I'm sure this is just as unexpected for you as it is for me, and if it makes you feel more comfortable I'll undo the cuffs."

Erza hesitated before answering, trying to find the right words to express how she felt. Finally, she settled on:

"It's nice of you to consider my feelings in this, but they are technically of no importance. If I ask something of you and you don't want to do it, then that's that. Nothing I can do about it." Erza said whilst shaking her wrists. "You’re in charge, Jellal. Any decision you make, I'll have to abide by."

Hearing that from Erza herself made something stir within Jellal. Mira was right, he thought to himself, it's up to me to make the first move, to make the decision. Given the answer she just gave me, I guess Erza sees it like that too…

"Well, if it's up to me, then you're not getting out just yet. In fact, I think you need some additional restraints." The celestial body mage told the redhead.

Jellal unraveled one of the coils of rope he'd brought with him from the living room. He then pulled Erza's still cuffed arms toward the iron frame making up the headboard of the bed. The blue haired mage then tied Erza's right wrist to the frame, at head height and to the right of her face. The next thing Jellal did was unlock Erza's wrists from the cuffs, but only so he could tie her left wrists at head height as well, this time to the left of her head.

Erza was now kneeling onto the bed, her legs still frogtied and forced to remain in their kneeling position. Her hands were tied either side of her head, and firmly attached to the headboard.

Jellal then picked up another rope and tied it to the rope frogtying Erza's left leg. He then pulled the rope toward the upper left corner of the bed, knotting it off there. He repeated this process for Erza's right leg, knotting it off at the upper right corner.

Erza was now kneeling with her legs spread apart, unable to close them. Her hands were tied to the headframe on either side of her head. As a result of Jellal’s work, neither her arms nor her legs had any real freedom left. A fact the redhead realized as soon as she tested out her new bonds.

"How does this feel," Jellal asks hesitantly, "it doesn't hurt does it?"

Erza pulled on the ropes tying her wrists: no give. 

She could barely move her legs too, at least not enough to close them again. If it had been anyone else, she probably would’ve died from embarrassment, sitting here in this completely exposed position. But for some reason, she didn’t feel like that at all right now. 

On a positive note, having her legs completely immobile and forced apart like this meant there was no more pressure or irritation coming from the tight crotchrope she had tied between her legs earlier today.

Erza looked at her blue haired captor. "It's tight, but it doesn't hurt. You know your stuff." The redhead then smiled slightly, hoping it would calm the nervous looking Jellal.

Jellal blushed after hearing Erza’s compliment, and even though the S-class mage was smiling at him, he was not sure how to move on. 

But upon looking at the now completely restrained Erza, the words the red haired girl had said to him popped back into his head: He was the one in charge, the one to call the shots. She cannot resist his decisions… and she wanted him to act upon that knowledge.

Jellal’s voice was trembling slightly as he addressed Erza again. “Good to hear. You know, you actually look kind of cute all tied up… G-Guess I should start making use of this opportunity then, I- if you really are stuck and helpless to resist me.” Even though Jellal was supposed to act like he was in full control, he couldn’t stop his hands from trembling and his face from blushing as he said those words.

Erza picked up on Jellal’s nervousness and tried to make the blue haired man feel more at ease. “Go ahead, but please be gentle, as this is a first for me as well.”

Jellal’s eyes widened. That’s right, the male mage thought to himself. Erza has just as much reason to be nervous as I do, but she’s soldiering on regardless. I have to pull myself together, for her sake and mine!

The celestial body mage quickly calmed himself, then addressed the redhead in front of him. “Of course,” the blue haired man replied in a soft but firm voice, “just tell me whenever you feel I’m going too fast for you.”

Erza nodded and closed her eyes in anticipation. Her heart was already starting to beat faster as she waited for Jellal’s first touch.

Jellal started out slowly, first gently rubbing and kneading Erza’s breasts. The redhead gasped as she felt her nipples harden instantly. Jellal continued his ‘massage’ and began kissing Erza as well, brushing his lips against her neck and shoulder.

Erza began breathing more and more heavily as her entire body started becoming more and more aroused. "More." She said in between her heavy breaths, "I want you to go further."

Jellal reacted by rubbing harder, as well as by kissing and nipping at Erza’s, neck, shoulders, chest,… he brushed his lips and gently bit everywhere it would please his red haired captive. But suddenly, Jellal ceased his movements for a second. 

Erza moaned and pulled at her bindings again, both annoyed and confused that the blue haired man had stopped his wonderful fondling. She opened her eyes to see what had caused the hold up, only to discover Jellal fiddling with her bikini.

The blue haired man quickly took off the bra part of Erza’s bikini, allowing him to get a better hold of Erza’s firm and sizeable breasts. He now began kneading the redhead’s soft breasts again, more vigorously this time. In addition, he now also began playing with the redhead’s nipples, pinching them playfully and causing Erza to moan even more loudly from the pleasure this evoked.


Responding to Erza’s loudly uttered request, Jellal cut the crotchrope with the scissors he’d brought with him from the living room. He then slipped his hand behind the bottom part of the bikini and gently began rubbing Erza's clit.

The heavenly body mage steadily increased his speed, both of the hand massaging Erza’s breasts and the one rubbing her sweet spot. He could tell Erza was becoming more and more aroused, which spurred him on to continue his work. He ceased stroking the redhead’s breast with his hand, allowing his lips and tongue to take over that role.

It didn’t take long for all of these simultaneous stimulations to make the red haired girl start feeling like she was about to burst with sexual arousal. She could no longer control herself, all she could do was moan louder and louder. 

Erza also started involuntarily twisting in the bonds keeping her wrists tied to the bed. This was not an effort to escape, but more an uncontrollable reaction of her body, being driven wild with desire.

The S-class mage wanted to kiss Jellal back, she wanted to hold him and caress him like he was doing to her. But those damned ropes kept her securely pinned to the headboard! All she could do was let Jellal carry on with his efforts, and enjoy every second of it. 

Her body was now so heated up she could barely breathe, let alone speak. All manner of feelings and thoughts were rushing through the requipping mage’s mind. She didn’t want this feeling to ever end, but at the same time she could feel the end nearing. Her entire body was building towards an humongous orgasm, like a huge surge welling up from the very core of her body.

The red haired girl tried to stave off the inevitable climax, if only to enjoy this blissful feeling for just a second longer. But her body wouldn’t listen to her anymore, and it didn’t help either that Jellal’s stroking and rubbing kept increasing in vigor. she no longer had any authority over herself whatsoever, and she loved it.

“Mmmaaahh!!” Erza let out one final, soft and breathless moan filled with pleasure as she finally came, after which she slumped down and started gasping for air.

Jellal pulled back from Erza, giving her some space and allowing her to recover. He remained seated on the bed, silently watching the red haired girl.

Erza was looking down at her own lap, too exhausted from the ravishing experience to even hold up her head. She was still breathing heavily, and beads of sweat were forming all over her body.

“I-, I really missed you Erza.” Jellal began. “I’ve been longing to see you, ever since that night on the beach. And now, with this most unlikely of chance encounters, I’ve finally had the opportunity to out all of my feelings for you.” He smiled happily at the redhead as she began breathing more regularly.

However, when Erza looked up again, she had a serious look on her face. “Untie me.” The red haired mage said.

Jellal’s smile faded. Untie me? He thought. That’s all she has to say after all of this??... Did I go to fast after all? Should I have checked for her consent more often? should I-

He was woken up from his racing thoughts when Erza repeated herself. “Untie me.” She said again, now pulling on the ropes keeping her arms and legs in place (none of them gave any quarter).

I have to explain! Jellal thought. I need to make her understand why I did all of this. I can’t lose her now! Not now, when I’m finally so close to her again!

“E-E-Erza, I- I can explain. I- I- I’ve been wanting to be with you for so long. For the entire seven years you were gone I never stopped thinking about you, and now that I had this chance I wanted to show you how I felt. B-But once I started I couldn’t stop and I wanted to keep pleasing you and-“

Jellal’s ramblings were cut off when Erza let out a loud sigh.

“Jellal, you doofus. Untie me already so I can hold you in my arms!!” The redhead girl yelled. 

Erza was now twisting and turning in her bonds so badly the entire bed was shaking. But to no avail, the ropes held fast and the beautiful, nearly naked mage remained securely bound to the headboard. She had to cease her struggles quite quickly, tired and breathing heavily once more. She let her head hang down, her face completely obscured by her long, dark red hair.

“You see?” Erza said, still breathing heavily. “I can’t get out of this, not on my own at least.” 

Erza almost couldn’t believe she was saying this. She had vowed never to show weakness, to always look strong and proud for the sake of the Guild… But being here with Jellal after so long, and after this wonderful moment he had just given her, she couldn’t stop herself from revealing all of these bottled up feelings. 

Besides, this was Jellal she was speaking too. If it was him, she could show this hidden side of herself. She was certain he would respond to it. He would accept everything she was, as she did for him.

Erza took a deep breath, and looked up again. “I need you Jellal.” 

Jellal had witnessed Erza’s entire struggle silently, unable to move or even speak. His mouth was hanging open slightly with amazement and his entire body was covered in goose bumps. When Erza looked up to face him, he saw something he had never held possible for the S-class mage.

Erza looked at him, but with a gaze completely unlike the Erza he knew. It was hard to describe what he was seeing: The always so proud and fierce and strong Titania… now looked almost sad, and absolutely defenseless. She seemed more like a damsel in need of saving than the powerful mage he and the rest of the world knew her as. However, at the same time she looked more stunning and beautiful than he had ever seen her. 

He could barely hear the whispered words of this new, helpless looking Erza: 

“Jellal… Won’t you please rescue me?”

Jellal’s heart skipped a beat after hearing those words, but those same words were what brought back the feeling in his limbs. He rushed from his position back in front of Erza and kissed her passionately on the lips. The red haired girl was surprised at first, but quickly returned the kiss.

Jellal then reached behind him to pick up the scissors he had taken from the living room and cut all of the ropes restraining his scarlet haired love.

The second Erza was free, she leaped into Jellal, folding her arms around his neck and putting her head on his chest. She had wanted to do this the moment they were alone together, and now that her hero had finally freed her, she could.

Erza’s pounce contained such force she made Jellal lose his balance and fall backwards, landing with his back onto the mattress. 

Erza remained lying on top of him, still holding him tight. He in turn wrapped his arms around Erza’s naked back, he could feel the girl’s still rock hard nipples poking through his shirt. He also noticed warm tears rolling down from Erza’s cheek onto his shirt. He couldn’t help but let out a few tears himself. 

Such happiness, he thought. I never dreamed I’d experience such happiness in all my life.

Erza hugged the blue haired man tighter. “I’m so happy right now.” She said to him.

“As am I,” Jellal replied. “I wish this moment would continue for all eternity.”

Erza chuckled and looked up at the blue haired mage. “That’s impossible,” she said whilst smiling brightly at him, “but we can make plenty of others in the future.” 

That remark made Jellal’s heart sink, as it had reminded him of the oath he had taken upon creating Crime Sorcière. He sat back upright, gently pushing Erza off his chest. 

The red haired mage sat upright as well, across from her blue haired lover. There was still a warm smile on Erza’s face as Jellal slid back a bit, putting some distance between the two of them.

“But Erza,” Jellal said hesitantly “we of Crime Sorcière have vowed we cannot be with someone who walks in the light.”

Erza froze, and her smiled disappeared instantly. Her entire, nearly naked body suddenly felt cold and lonely. She wrapped herself in the bed’s blanket and wiped away the few tears that were still on her cheeks.

“Of course, I understand Jellal. You have your world to live in, and I must live in mine.” The red haired mage looked away, trying to stop new tears from flowing.

Jellal felt like his heart would break. Why did he have to say that?! They were both well aware of the difficulties their relationship would bring, both for themselves and those around them! He and Erza realized deep down how impossible a long term commitment would’ve been, there had been no need to bring it up, ruining the wonderful moment that had just transpired. 

Jellal’s mind started working at top speed, trying to think of something to say or do that could make up for his mistake, maybe even something that could keep them together.

…Then suddenly, it hit the blue haired mage.

“But…” Jellal said to Erza, smiling ever so slightly. “Being with, and having fun together… Those are entirely different things. Wouldn’t you say, Erza?” 

Erza turned her gaze back upon Jellal, who was now smiling more than she had ever seen him do. 

She couldn’t help smiling again herself. “Yes, couldn’t agree more.”

It was a ridiculous loophole in what should’ve been an ironclad promise. It was a technicality of the most banal order, they both realized this fact instantly… But neither of them could care less. Ultear and Meldy would understand the circumstances anyway, of that Jellal was sure. The only thing that could stop Erza and him from being together was themselves.

But both mages had finally found their resolve. They had finally found a means to connect the two of them, and they would cherish and protect it with everything they had.



As Jellal disappeared from sight, walking up the stairs while holding Erza in his arms, Mira turned to the rest of the still bound and gagged girls. The white haired girl smiled brightly. "Now to untie all of you... After, I've had my fun of course."

Upon hearing those slightly ominous words, all of the other girls started struggling furiously. Part of them wished they could escape, but part of them couldn't help looking forward to the undoubtedly expert treatment Mira was about to give them.

The white haired girl looked around the room, enjoying the helpless struggles of all of her fellow guild members. “But my, with this many girls to pick and choose from, I don’t know where to start.”

Mirajane then started walking towards Cana, who was in turn looking eagerly at the white haired mage.

“Well, I know I can have fun with you. But then again, we’ve been through so much already, maybe it’s better if I turn to one of the others first.”

“Hmmm.” Cana mumbled, visibly disappointed. “I on ana ait, a row! (I don’t wanna wait, start now!)”

“Now now, no use trying to rush me. Looks like you still haven’t learned that.” Mira said as she switched off and took away the vibrator tied between Cana’s legs.

“Nmmmmpf!” Cana shouted furiously.

“It’s your own fault for arguing with me.” Mira teased as she walked away from the now wildly struggling Cana.

The white haired girl then stopped by her younger sister. “I don’t know about you, but I think it’s for the best if we let someone else handle you.”

Lisanna nodded. “I agree. As fun as it will be, I’d feel a little strange with you being the one touching me, Mira-nee. I’ll wait my turn like a good girl, until someone else is free.”

“That’s a deal then. Oh, but I will switch off the timer on your collar. I wouldn’t want you to get out before it’s your turn, now would I?” The demon take-over mage bent over to shut down the timer and then turned her attention to both Juvia and Lucy. 

“Two more too choose from.” Mira mused as she was walking toward Juvia first. 

“Hmm, you look so very cute tied to this chair, Juvia. Maybe you are the one I should start with?”

The blue haired girl was trying to pay attention to the S-class mage standing in front of her, but the continuous buzzing of the vibrators taped to her nipples made this difficult. Nonetheless the water mage tried to utter a reply.

“Uvia I illin oo et Ia-an oos, ins uvia eself o sot af u es-e (Juvia is willing to let Mira-san choose, since Juvia herself does not have much experience).”

“Oh yes, that’s true.” Mira replied. “Lisanna told me something about you being very new to all of this, and looking for experience.” The white haired girl said while taking off the vibrators.

“Hmmm.” Juvia moaned, both disappointed and relieved to have the buzzing stop.

Mira then frowned a little. “But that poses somewhat of a problem. I had planned to have the person I picked out first help me take care of the rest of you all. So starting with you would be a bad idea. If you really have limited knowledge, it doesn’t make sense to pick you first.” 

Mira then smirked and pinched both of Juvia’s nipples. Hard. 

This of course caused the water mage to let out a loud shriek, both in pleasure and pain. “MMMFAAAHHH! Ia-an on o at ese! (Mira-san, don’t do that please!)”

“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.” Mira answered playfully. “But this’ll do for now. I’m afraid you’ll just have to ‘sit tight’ for a little longer until you get a full going over.“ Mira then replaced the vibrators so Juvia would have something to keep herself occupied until someone else came along.

The white haired girl then turned her attention to Lucy. The blonde mage had been trying to follow everything that had been going on. A difficult feat, given that the way she was tied allowed for very little movement to look around, and on top of that the vibrators attached to the young mage’s nipples were drawing quite a lot of her attention.

“Guess that leaves you, then Lucy.” Mira said to the struggling and moaning celestial spirit mage.

“E-E y est, ot ike I-I a-an eci (B-be my guest, not like I-I c-can decide).” Lucy replied, barely understandable because of her gasping and because of the gag she had in. 

This bit-gag Mira had buckled in between her teeth was obscuring her every word, as well as making her drool uncontrollably. By now the blond girl’s entire chin and chest were dripping wet. She was actually glad Mira wanted to start with her, as it meant she would soon be far too busy enjoying her situation too remain focused on her wet and sticky body.

“Glad you approve.” Mira replied smiling,” now then, let’s get this show on the road.” 

Mira began by switching off the vibrators. “I’ll take over from them.” She said.

The white haired girl then pulled down the bra part of Lucy’s pink bikini and started massaging her breasts, while also playfully tugging the blonde’s nipples every now and then.

The gentle rubbing and pinching of Mira’s hands caused Lucy to grunt and moan uncontrollably. The effect of Mira’s caresses was made all the more powerful by the chest harness, since that made Lucy’s breasts all the more sensitive.


More huh? Mirajane though to herself. Guess I should move this up a notch then. 

Mira stopped her rubbing and massaging and switched to using her mouth instead. The white haired girl began kissing and licking Lucy’s chest, breasts, nipples and occasionally moved all the way up to Lucy’s neck.

This. Is. HEAVEN! Lucy thought to herself. Never had she experienced such wonderful feelings, and Mira was managing this with only her lips and tongue! The blond mage couldn’t wait to see how much further Mira was going to take this.

As if the S-class mage had read her mind, Mira began tugging on the crotchrope slightly so as to increase Lucy’s pleasure even more.

“MMPPPHHHHAAAA!” Lucy groaned, as loud as the gag allowed her. She was now seconds away from an orgasm, and gaspingly begged Mira to continue her work.

Mira complied, still gently kissing and nipping at Lucy’s breasts and nipples while also shaking the crotchrope lightly.

The S-class mage continued her treatment of Lucy, who in turn kept moaning louder and louder whilst shaking uncontrollably in her tight bindings. The blond girl silently thanked Juvia for persuading both her and Erza to join in on this weekend, since that was how she ended up like this, her entire body surging towards a liberating orgasm.

Finally, Lucy came to a shuddering climax. After a loud bliss-filled yell, the blonde girl slumped down, breathing heavily to regain her composure.

Mira moved around to the celestial spirit mage’s back in order to unbuckle the gag and to start untying Lucy so the girl could catch her breath more easily.

While the white haired girl was untying Lucy, she leant over in order to whisper something. “I actually had a very good reason to pick you over Cana, other than my personal interests.” Mira whispered so only Lucy could hear. 

“Starting with you was a strategic choice. You and Cana were the only ones with any experience, and I think you are more of a gentle soul than Cana is... In fact, I guarantee it, since I know what Cana can be like.“ Mira said whilst blushing slightly.

Lucy’s mind was still a little fuzzy from the whole experience, but paid attention as well as she could.

The white haired girl continued. “You were therefore the best choice for breaking Lisanna and Juvia in, whom are both still inexperienced at all of this, and probably a bit nervous. I didn’t want to risk Cana going too far all at once, especially with Lisanna since she’s such a kind and sensitive girl despite her bondage interests. So if you would please direct your attention to Lisanna first, then I will let Cana have her fill in the meantime. ”

By now Lucy was completely free. She looked at Mira, whose expression was a mixture of kindness and worry. Now how could I refuse a request like that? The celestial spirit mage thought to herself.

“Of course, Mira. Just leave it to me. I’ll make sure Lisanna has a wonderful first experience.” Lucy whispered to the demon take-over mage.

Mira smiled at Lucy. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it,” the blond mage replied, “consider it returning the favour you just gave me.”

Mirajane then parted ways with Lucy. Mira headed for Cana, while Lucy walked over to where Lisanna was lying.

By the time Mira arrived at Cana’s side, the brunette was pulling on her bonds and grunting impatiently. “A-ou ime! (about time!)” The card mage said slightly annoyed.

Mira responded by slapping Cana’s butt hard. The white haired girl then glared at Cana. “You should learn to wait your turn. It’s not every day I get to have some fun with a new girl. Now behave or the next one will hurt even more”

Cana grunted, the slap Mira had just given her was still stinging, she had no interest in another one. The card mage didn’t know why she decided to provoke Mira like that, even though she knew full well that during some of their past sessions the ‘demon Mirajane’ of old occasionally made its appearance. 

Mira was not one to be trifled with when she was the one in control, so the brunette decided to do as she was told. She looked up at Mira with an apologetic face.

“O-ee istess I-a (Sorry mistress Mira)”. Cana said, still looking submissive and trying to evoke some pity from the normally kindhearted Mirajane.

“Much better.” Mira replied, smiling brightly again, and she began rubbing Cana’s sore butt. The brunette responded by moaning gratefully. 

“See what you can accomplish with a good attitude?” Mira said teasingly.

Good, Cana thought. The sweet Mira is back behind the wheel.

The white haired girl stopped rubbing Cana’s behind and untied Cana’s frogtied leg so she could stand on both her legs again. Next, the S-class mage began squeezing Cana’s voluptuous breasts.

“Hmmm.” Cana moaned, visibly pleased by the feel of Mira’s soft hands on her breasts.

Mira continued her kneading and rubbing of Cana’s chest until, suddenly, an idea popped into Mirajane’s head. She abruptly quit her massage of the brunette’s breasts.

“Hrmm?” Cana grunted, both confused and hungry for more. The card mage looked at Mira to find out why she had stopped her gentle caressing. It was then she saw what had made Mira halt her actions.

“Would you like me to put this thing to use again?” Mira asked whilst holding up the vibrator.

Cana nodded furiously. “Es eese (Yes please!)”

Back a few minutes, just after Mira and Lucy headed for their respective girls.

Around the time Mira arrived at Cana’s side, Lucy had also reached Lisanna. 

“Hi there, Lisanna. I’ll be the one in charge of you, hope you don’t mind.” Lucy said whilst smiling brightly. She may have accepted taking care of Lisanna for Mira’s sake, but that didn’t mean the blond girl was doing this against her will. On the contrary, she was probably going to enjoy this almost as much as when she’d been on the receiving end.

“Not at all.” Lisanna replied. “Sharing experiences and mixing it up partner wise is what this weekend was supposed to be all about.”

“Good point.” Lucy answered. “And speaking of experience, time for you and me to get some, ‘hands-on style’!”

The blond girl started by rolling the take-over mage onto her side, so she had plenty of access to both her breasts and crotch. Lucy then gently pulled the crotchrope, causing Lisanna to groan loudly.

“Ooooh! That feels sooo GOOOOD!”

Lucy grinned. “You want more?”

“YES!!” the white haired girl shouted through her moans.

The blond mage smiled. “Okay then, be sure to let me know if I’m going too fast for you. We’re both pretty new to this kinda stuff after all.”

“Don’t worry, I trust you.” Lisanna replied. “And Mira-nee does too, otherwise she wouldn’t have chosen you to come over.”

“You picked up on that huh?” Lucy said smiling.

“Of course,” the white haired girl answered, smiling herself, “Mira-nee always looks out for me. That’s the kind of kind person she is.”

“Well, guess I’d better repay her trust in me then.” Lucy said, and she pulled down the top of Lisanna’s bikini. The celestial spirit mage then began running her fingers over Lisanna's rock hard nipples.

The young girl moaned in pleasure as a response.

“Oohh, yess! Please Lucy, go OON!”

Spurred on by Lisanna’s reaction, Lucy started gently squeezing the white haired girl’s breasts as well as very gently biting her nipples. 

After half a minute of this, the blond girl focused her attention on the crotchrope Lisanna was still wearing. After loosening it a bit, Lucy could slip her hand underneath Lisanna’s bikini bottom. The blond girl started rubbing Lisanna’s already very moist clit, while still using her other hand to rub the white haired girl’s nipples and breasts.

Lisanna’s moans became louder and louder, and she started to struggle for breath as the orgasm inside her started to swell. Because of Lucy’s pleasurable treatment, the white haired mage couldn’t help herself from wriggling and quivering in her tight bindings, which in turn only tightened all of the ropes to increase her sensitivity. Lisanna was approaching her climax fast.

Lucy continued her various caresses and rubbing, all the while keeping an eye on Lisanna’s expression to make sure she didn’t do anything that was ill-received. But because the only reactions from the white haired girl were positive ones, the blonde continued her work.

When the animal take-over mage finally reached her liberation with a loud moan, Lucy gently pulled her hand back from Lisanna’s sweet spot and finished by very slowly rubbing and kneading the white haired girl’s breasts as she caught her breath. 

The whole experience had had her effects on the blond girl as well, and she felt her heart rate had risen considerably. 

“I don’t know about you, but I think that was pretty good for a first try.” Lucy said to the white haired girl.

“Y-Yes,” Lisanna replied, still a bit out of breath, “you were without a doubt wonderful. Thank you Lucy.”

“Now, I guess I’d better untie you. I can’t imagine you having an easy time recovering while still bound this tightly. After that, I was planning to have a look at how Mira and Cana are doing. Care to join me?”

The take-over mage shook her head.

“We still have one other girl in here who’s yet to get her treatment.” Lisanna said with a grin. “I’ll go over to Juvia, since I wanted her to be my partner anyways. On top of that, I was the one to drag her into this, so it would only be right for me to spend some time with her don’t you think?”

“Very true.” Lucy replied. “I’ll just get you out then, so the two of you can bond a little.”

After she was fully untied, Lisanna took a moment to relax her muscles before standing up. She then thanked Lucy once more and strode in Juvia’s direction. The blue haired girl in turn ceased her wriggling when she noticed it was finally her turn.

While Lisanna walked off toward Juvia, Lucy looked at Mira and Cana. 

Good, those two aren’t finished yet, she thought, I’m really curious to see what two veterans like them get up to.

Lucy headed over to Cana and Mirajane, where the situation had just reached the point where Mira was holding up the vibrator in front of Cana.

Lucy joined the two girls. Her work with Lisanna was done, and now she was curious and wanted to see ‘a true professional' at work.

“You mind If I join in? I’m pretty sure I can learn a lot here, and I’m even more sure that I’ll like it.”

“Sure you can!” Mira replied happily. “Why don’t you take hold of this then?” the S-class mage said as she handed the vibrator over to Lucy.

The blond mage took over the buzzing vibrator and started by stroking it against Cana’s pert nipples.

“Mmmpfoooaaah!” The brunette yelled loudly as the sudden stimulus shocked her body. “I an or! (I want more!)”

Lucy responded by moving the vibrator down to Cana’s groin. Mira in turn began massaging Cana’s breasts and kissing her neck, as well as letting her tongue run up and down the brunette’s upper body.

After teasing Cana with the vibrator for a few moments, Lucy finally pulled down the brunette’s bikini bottom to insert the vibrator. Around the same time Mira began sucking Cana’s breasts and used her hands to squeeze the girl’s firm and well formed butt. 

The card mage didn’t know what to feel anymore. With so many hands, lips and buzzing coming from all sides, her body had shot into complete overdrive. As her moans became louder and her breathing got heavier, it became clear the two girls were driving the brunette to an earth shattering climax. 

Cana was now enjoying both girls’ work so much she couldn’t even think straight anymore. The only thing on her mind was the buzzing of the vibrator and the gentle strokes of Mira’s tongue against her chest. The brunette completely lost herself in her feelings of pleasure while the climax inside her swelled.

When said climax finally arrived, Lucy took away the vibrator, while Mira continued to gently squeeze and massage the card mage’s breasts and butt.

“Satisfied?” Mira asked softly.

The card mage simply nodded, too out of breath to even grunt a reply. Lucy walked around to Cana’s back so she could undo the rope pulling Cana’s arms into their strappado position.

“You want out completely, or should I leave you tied up for a little longer?” The blond mage asked Cana.

Cana replied, after catching her breath again. “I ine, u an eve e ike is (I’m fine, you can leave me like this).” She was visibly pleased with both Lucy and Mirajane’s work. The card mage sat herself down gently and proceeded by playfully wriggling in her arm bindings again.

The white haired mage smiled at her partner, then turned her attention to Lucy. “She will probably continue enjoying herself for a little while longer, so why don’t you and I have a talk for the moment. How did it go with Lisanna?”

“Quite successful,” Lucy answered, “She was really satisfied with my performance, and I made sure not to go to fast or rough on her. She wasn’t gagged, so I told her to stop me if need be, but she never so much as hinted at that.” The blond girl smiled to comfort the white haired S-class mage.

“That’s good to hear.” Mira said with a soft sigh. “Guess she really has a knack for this stuff then, a hogtie like hers requires rather a lot of stamina.”

“Yes, Lisanna did very well for a first time.” Lucy replied.

“So did you.” Mira responded. “But there is also plenty of room left for growth and experimenting, especially now that we all have gotten to know each other’s secret.”

Lucy nodded. “Tell me about it, I really enjoyed myself today, so you can bet I’ll join up the next time as well.”

Back at the point where Lucy was untying Lisanna .

While all of the other girls were either giving or receiving heavenly treatments, Juvia remained contained on her chair. The helpless water mage was unable to do anything other than look on in amazement at everything going on around her. 

Needless to say, everything she saw, combined with the vibrators on her nipples buzzing furiously, made the blue haired girl feel increasingly horny. However eventually that feeling of arousal was mixed with a streak of jealousy at being left out of all the fun. This surprised the young girl, as she never thought she would feel this needy when not in the vicinity of Gray.

She inadvertently began struggling in her bonds in an effort to keep herself occupied and to divert her attention a little from the unending buzzing coming from the tiny vibrators. And just when Juvia was thinking about shouting through her gag to grab someone's attention, she noticed Lisanna had been untied by Lucy, and was now walking towards her.

“Hey there,” the white haired mage said to Juvia, “feeling left out? I can tell by your desperate struggles you’d like a little more stimulation than just these.” Lisanna said whilst pressing on the vibrators, increasing their contact with Juvia’s breasts.

This sudden jolt of increased buzzing made the blue haired girl moan in pleasure.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” Lisanna said smiling brightly. “It’s only right I’m the one to attend to you, since I was the one to ask you to become my partner.” 

The white haired girl then proceeded by pulling down Juvia bikini top and taking off the tiny vibrators.

“Hmm?” Juvia mumbled in surprise.

“I’ll take over from these.” Lisanna explained, and the take-over mage began squeezing the blue haired girl’s breasts and started playfully pinching her nipples.

Those pinches caused the water mage to let out slight yelps through her gag. Even though she had gotten similar treatment that day at Gray’s house, and therefore recognized the feeling, that didn’t meant she wasn’t still extremely sensitive too it.

“Oh, you don't like that?” Lisanna said, unsure of what to make of the noise Juvia had just made.

Juvia shook her head. “O-i-nu ese (Continue please)!” She muttered through the gag.

Lisanna smiled, comforted by Juvia’s enthusiasm. “Sure, ‘partner’.” And the white haired girl pinched Juvia’s rock hard nipples once more and then started squeezing and massaging Juvia’s breasts as well, to increase the water mage’s enjoyment.

Juvia closed her eyes to let the full effect of Lisanna’s hands wash over her. Only to open them again in surprise as the white haired girl broke off her treatment.

Juvia was surprised to notice Lisanna walking away, and began furiously pulling on her bonds and shouting not to leave her ‘unfinished’ like this.

It turned out Lisanna never planned to leave the water mage like that. The white haired mage quickly returned, with a larger vibrator in hand, and smiled at Juvia. “What, did you think I was going to leave you like that? Have a little faith, Juvia!”

Juvia started blushing because of her overreacting. She should’ve realized Lisanna wouldn’t be so cruel as to leave her like this.

The take-over mage subsequently switched on the vibrator, and started by stroking it past the water mage’s already sensitive breasts.

‘Hmmmm” the blue haired girl mused.

Slowly, Lisanna moved the vibrator down to Juvia’s groin, and finally inserted it behind the blue haired girl’s polka dot bikini bottom, planning to finally bring the water mage to a long awaited and well deserved climax.

The blue haired mage groaned loudly as the vibrator entered her. She started writhing in her bonds uncontrollably as the buzzing caused something to begin surging inside of her.

Lisanna could hear Juvia’s moans becoming louder as the climax neared. The blue haired mage began shaking on the chair, her entire body taut in excitement and anticipation of the orgasm she now felt building up inside her.

When Lisanna gave the vibrator a final push to slip it deeper inside Juvia, the water mage let out one final moan through her gag as her orgasm finally arrives.


The blue haired girl’s body relaxed again, then slumped into the chair while she tried to catch her breath.

Lisanna took out Juvia’s gag. “How was this, did you enjoy it?” She asked, curious about her first performance.

“Y-Yes, Lisanna-san. You did a very good job, Juvia hasn’t felt like this since-“ The water mage stopped her sentence, blushing heavily.

“Since Gray, right?” Lisanna whispered. “It was pretty obvious to me when you first told me, how that day ended for the two of you. But don’t worry, I realize you’d like to keep that first experience of yours hidden, I won’t mention it to anyone. After all, that’s what friends are for.”

Juvia smiled at the white haired mage. “Thank you, Lisanna-san… But could you untie Juvia now, please? The ropes are restricting Juvia from properly catching her breath.” The blue haired girl proved her point by struggling in her bonds, wincing as all of the tight ropes dug in deeper. The feeling of being restrained on this chair had been pleasurable at first, but now that she had reached her climax, pain and discomfort started to take over.

The take-over mage granted her partner’s request and swiftly undid all of the ropes pinning Juvia to the chair. After taking a minute for her body to stop quivering from the exciting ordeal she’d just been trough, Juvia got up from her chair.

Both Lisanna and Juvia then turned to look at Mirajane, Cana and Lucy, only to find out that they too had finished their fun. Lucy and Mira were having a friendly chat while Cana was still enjoying herself struggling on the floor. The water mage and take-over mage moved over to the celestial spirit and S-class mages.

“Looks like we’ve all had our fun.” Lisanna said.

“Except for Cana-san, who seems like she is still going on.” Juvia noted.

“Yes, Cana always prefers a few extra minutes in her predicament. I’ve learned to leave her until she asks to be released herself.”

“Is ood e ow (which would be now)” The brunette mumbled through her gag.

“Oh, would you finally like to join our conversation?” Mirajane said to her long held partner.

“Allow me,” Lucy said, “I was the one responsible for tying her up in the first place.”

The blonde proceeded by fully untying Cana and taking out her gag, after which the card mage stood up and all five girls had a seat in the sofas to relax after what could be described as a magical few hours.

“I guess we can call this weekend a resounding success!” Cana said happily.

“ We sure can. I’d even dare say that this calls for a follow up!” Mira confirmed.

All three of the other girls started nodding fervently.

“I’m really glad Juvia approached me and Erza about this. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I found out both you, Cana and Lisanna were fans of bondage as well. I was already satisfied with just having found Erza.” Lucy said whilst looking at Mirajane.

“Speaking of which, what do you suppose Erza and that Jellal are up to right now?” Lisanna said grinning widely.

“We should allow them their privacy,” Mira replied with a smile on her face, “but I’m pretty sure they’re having just as much fun as we did.”

“Maybe it’s best if we vacate the house for a while, so those two can come downstairs if they wish.” Lucy said. “I’m pretty sure they’d feel uncomfortable facing us.”

“Indeed,” Cana supported, “knowing Erza, she will definitely be too embarrassed to even look at us right now. And that Jellal doesn’t really seem like a laid back, easy to approach person either. It would probably for the best if they didn’t have to talk to anyone upon coming back downstairs”

“But before leaving, we should clean up all of our gear lying in the middle of the room there.” Mira said. “It was convenient for us before, but now it just looks sloppy and unorganized.”

Typical of Mira-nee, Lisanna thought, guess that’s what happens when you spend so much time running the guild’s bar. Cleaning up becomes second nature when you’re in charge of Fairy Tail’s guild hall.

Most of the girls followed Mira towards the heap of rope and other equipment… Everyone except Cana, who picked up the collar that had been fitted around Lisanna’s neck.

While Mira and the rest were tidying up all of the rope and other toys, Cana jumped Mira from behind and locked the collar she was holding around the take-over mage’s neck.

Mira was so surprised by Cana's sudden attack she lost her balance, falling over onto the rug in the middle of the room.

A struggle ensued, and Cana looked at the rest of the girls.

"Is no one going to give me a hand here? Surely you guys think Mira deserves her fun as well?"

Lucy was the first to react upon Cana's suggestion. The blond mage pulled Mirajane's ankles together and started tying them together. "I guess you're right Cana, besides I sort of want to pay her back for those rough vibrators on my nipples and the bitgag." Lucy teased. 

Any excuse would do for a chance to tie up Mira, the celestial spirit mage thought to herself. And since Cana was the one who instigated it, all she had to do was go along with her.

Mira began struggling against both girls, but it was obvious to all that this was more playful resistance than genuine. Frankly, the white haired girl was looking forward to some treatment of her own, but she wasn't going to surrender just like that. If they wanted to get her back, they'd have to work for it!

However, with her magic powers sealed, Mira was definitely fighting a losing battle. And she was losing fast. It didn't take Lucy all that long to restrain Mira's legs at the ankles and above her knees. At the same time, Cana had tied the white haired girl's wrists and elbows together.

When finished restraining the take-over mage, both Cana and Lucy stood up to admire their work while Mira tested out her bonds. She realized very soon that getting out was impossible, there was no slack in any of the ropes, and with her elbows tied so tight that they were touching, there was hardly any movement left for her arms.

"So," Mira said with a grin, "what do you all plan to do with me now?"

But before either Lucy or Cana could answer, Juvia opened her mouth. Both her and Lisanna had been going through the pile of equipment while the other two mages were busy tying up Mirajane.

"How about we place these on Mira-san as well?" The blue haired girl said.

She was holding a pair of nipple clamps, while Lisanna had a vibrator with a strap attached in her hands.

"Sorry I didn't help you Mira nee." Lisanna said, not looking sorry at all. "But I happen to agree that you deserve this. Especially since you gave us all a scare after getting Jellal to check out your collar. What if he had switched off the timer on our collars and left us. We would’ve never gotten out!"

Juvia pulled down Mira’s top and pinched the nipple clamps onto the S-class mage’s bare nipples, causing her to let out a loud moan, derived from both pleasure and pain.

Meanwhile, Lisanna strapped the vibrator to the inside of her older sisters right thigh so it made plenty of contact with Mira’s groin. She then switched on the vibrator. Mirajane responded to the buzzing by gently grunting, clearly in enjoyment.

“So, you were saying something about leaving the house, Lucy?” Cana said with a grin.

“U-uhm, well yes, at first. But is it really alright, leaving Mira here like this?” The blond girl asked hesitantly.

“Hmm, I suppose you’re right.” Cana replied as she bent down. “Leaving her like this wouldn’t be right.” The brunette then switched the vibrator over onto the lowest possible setting. The large black vibrator was now buzzing agonizingly slow, to which Mira reacted very angrily.

“Hey! Cana, that’s not fair!”

“No, it’s not.” Cana replied with a grin. “But you getting to pick and choose first with whom you had your fun wasn’t fair either, so now we’re even.”

The card mage stood up again and faced the rest of the girls. “NOW, we can leave.” She said.

Lucy, Juvia, and especially Lisanna weren’t sure if they felt alright leaving Mirajane in her current position. That vibrator would definitely arouse the S-class mage, but at the same time would never be enough by itself to make her climax. A tantalizing position like that could almost be called a torture. But before any of the girls could offer a protest, Cana assured them.

“Hey, don’t worry. For starters, Mira is a lot more experienced than any of you can imagine. She can take some punishment, let me tell you. On top of that, Erza is still in the house. when she comes back down, she can untie Mira. If she feels like it of course. Cana smirked.”

“But doesn’t leaving Mira-san here rather ruin the point of us leaving to give Erza-san her privacy?” Juvia asked.

Cana remained quiet for a second, searching for an answer. “Well, if Erza really wants privacy, she can always go back upstairs, or just untie Mira so she can leave as well.”

None of the girls were really convinced by that argument. So, Cana tried a different approach.

“Then let me ask you this: Do you think it’s a good idea right now to untie Mirajane again?”

Lucy’s and Juvia’s eyes shot wide open as their imagination began to run wild about how ‘the former demon’ Mirajane would retaliate after their ‘betrayal’ just now.

“You make a good point there, Cana.” Lucy said. “Maybe it really is for the best if we leave Mirajane behind.”

“Good,” Cana replied smiling brightly. “Now then let’s get dressed again and head out! I’m pretty sure I saw a bar when heading over here, I need a drink or two after all of this.”

All of the girls walked over to their respective suitcases, leaving the helpless Mira to struggle and grunt furiously. The white haired mage tried reaching for the vibrator switch to activate a different setting, but with her arms and especially her elbows so tightly bound, she couldn’t reach around far enough to flick the switch. This caused the S-class mage to yell out in frustration, as it made her realize she had no chance of reaching a climax by herself.

While Mira continued her hopeless efforts, the rest of the girls picked up their spare clothes and started dressing themselves. The only one to do otherwise was Lisanna, who instead took her spare clothes back to her older sister’s side and started changing into them there.

“Mira-nee,” she whispered whilst getting dressed, “I can go along with leaving you behind here, but I think that vibrator setting is too cruel. I’ll switch it over onto a delay start, so in about 10 minutes you’ll get a fully activated vibrator. But you’ll have to act like it’s still buzzing lightly while we are all still inside the cottage.”

Mira smiled at her younger sister as she whispered back: “No problem. And, thank you so very much, Lisanna. You really are a wonderful sister.”

“Right back at you.” Lisanna winked, and she flicked the switch on the vibrator.

The youngest of the white haired sisters then stood up, fully dressed, and walked over to the other three girls. After saying their goodbyes to Mira (who was feigning a look of spite and anger towards Cana for her stunt with the vibrator), the four mages walked out the door.

“This time, we really should lock the door.” Lucy commented. “If someone else were to barge in right now, things really could turn out badly for Mira.

“Already thought of that.” Cana replied, as she held up the key and locked the front door.

Juvia, Lisanna, Lucy and Cana then started walking in the direction of the village. During their walk, the girls kept chatting away about their wonderful weekend, the possibilities for the future, what they should do for the next couple of hours, and of course also what Mira and Erza could be doing right now.




It had been almost an hour since Cana, Lisanna, Juvia and Lucy had left Mira in her heavily bound state. 

The white haired mage was still grunting happily, enjoying the feel of the buzzing in between her legs.

This vibrator feels divine, she thought to herself. But I could do with 'a gentle touch'... Then again, the white haired girl thought, if it hadn’t been for my sweet little sister, I wouldn’t have even had this vibrator to please me. I must remember to pay Cana back for that stunt she pulled when we spend our next private session.

But for now, the take-over mage was content wriggling around trying to make the vibrator increase its contact with her groin. But try as she might, the buzzing couldn’t hold a candle to a real person’s touch.

"Haaahh, I'm so spoiled," Mira said out loud, "guess it's from all those years having fun with Cana, having her rub my buttons for me. Just this vibrator feels pretty nice, but sadly it’s not enough."

The S-class mage turned to lie on her side so she could make her position a little more comfortable. Doing so made her wince and cry out for a moment, as one of the clamps pinched onto her nipples brushed the rug she was lying on. 

Those clamps had felt pretty fun at first, increasing her pleasure and arousing her even more, but after all this time they were beginning to sting more than they stimulated the white haired girl. Things were getting so bad that every time the clamps made contact with something (for example the rug whenever she rolled around) a jolt of pain surged through her entire body. Mira just counted herself lucky that she was so experienced, and could therefore take quite a lot of punishment... however that just meant she could endure the pain, it still hurt.

When the S-class mage finally found a decent sideways position, she tried to remain as still as possible, to prevent her clamps from catching on anything else. Lying on her side like that, she also had a clear view of the staircase.

Hmm, I wonder how Erza and that Jellal are doing upstairs? Mira thought to herself. Hopefully my fellow S-class mage will come downstairs any minute now, so she can give me that helping hand I'm dying to receive.

After spending a few more minutes wriggling around and groaning heavily on the soft rug, Mira suddenly heard footsteps coming from the stairs… but the footsteps sounded like they were coming from only one person.

Mirajane turned herself to face the stairs once again, so she could see which of the lovebirds it was that would be coming in.

Erza was slowly walking down the stairs, still on cloud nine after her wonderful moment with Jellal. The redhead had freshened up and put on her yellow/gold bikini again.

When she arrived back in the living room, she was surprised to find no one there except for Mirajane. Even more of a surprise was that the white haired S-class mage was tightly bound, and squirming on the floor.

When Mira saw Erza arriving in the living room, she welcomed the redhead back.

"E-Erza! Glad to see you back here. Did you have fun?" Mira said in between her grunts and moans.

Erza blushed heavily. "Yes, I had a wonderful time, if you must know."

"So then, where's our intruder right now?" Mirajane responded with a grin.

"He left through the window,” the redhead replied with a slight smile. “Jellal said he would feel uncomfortable looking all of you in the eye after all this.”

Erza then let out a sigh. “I tried explaining to him all of us would understand the situation, and that there was no reason to feel uncomfortable around us. But he still felt it would be better if he gave everyone, including me, some privacy. He also said something about needing to return to Ultear and Meldy, but I’m not sure if that wasn’t just an added excuse to avoid facing everyone here.

Erza then smiled at her fellow S-class mage. “Little did we know there was hardly anyone left downstairs. The situation down here sure has changed." Erza commented. “When I was being carried upstairs, everyone except you was still tied up. Now I return to find you as the only damsel present." Erza smiled at the struggling white haired mage. "Did the others not approve of your idea after all?"

"Oh no, they all enjoyed themselves tremendously." Mira replied. "It's just that they all decided I deserved similar treatment. So they jumped me, collared me to keep me from resisting, and then tied me in the manner you see here.”

Mira then very gently rolled onto her stomach so Erza cold analyse all of the ropework binding the take-over mage. “They tied me very effectively, I might add. I haven’t made any progress even though I’ve been trying for quite a while.”

“And they just left after they were finished with you?” Erza asked in wonder.

“Well, yes. Since Cana wanted to go out for a drink, they left me to have fun by myself. They figured I wasn’t completely alone with you and Jellal still being in the house. And I assume Cana didn’t gag me so I could scream for help during any real emergencies." The white haired mage then let out a groan, as the vibrator kept increasing her pleasure the longer she endured it.

"I see." Erza replied."So, are you having fun?"

"Kind of, but I could do with a helping hand." Mira said, winking at the red head.

A ‘helping hand’, eh? Erza thought. Guess the proper thing to do would be help bring poor helpless Mira here some liberation… But the redhead didn’t really feel like she deserved that. Instead, the requipping mage thought of something else to do.

Erza knelt down next to her white haired guild member to roll her onto her side again, and gently caressed the cute young woman’s upper body. She let her hand slide past Mira’s breasts, gently pulling on the clamps pinching her nipples.

“Aaaahhmm!” Mira groaned. “Could you please not do that anymore, Erza? They’re really sensitive after all this time.” Mira said with a blush on her cheeks.

“Oh, sorry. It's just that they caught my attention, and I got curious about them.” Erza replied, moving on to other parts of Mira’s voluptuous body. The redhead slid her hand down from the white haired girl’s side to the back, so she could stroke Mira’s firm and well formed backside. 

The white haired girl enjoyed every second of Erza’s pinches, strokes and other various forms of touch.

This girl knows her stuff! Mira thought to herself. I wonder how experienced she really is… or maybe she’s just naturally gifted. If so, Jellal is one lucky man!

The redhead then suddenly halted her gentle touches to reach for the heavily buzzing piece of hardware strapped between Mirajane's legs, and turned it off. While Mira was still working out why all of the sensations she’d been enjoying had suddenly stopped, Erza stood up again, remaining next to the now angry looking Mirajane.

“HEY!” The white haired girl shouted as she looked up to the Erza. “What’s the big idea?!”

Erza looked at Mirajane in surprise. It was very rare for the normally so calm and collected manager of the guild bar to lose her temper. 

But then again, the red haired girl though, the surprise of suddenly being denied all pleasure, combined with the frustrations from waiting for God knows how long, would probably make anyone blow their stack, no matter how docile they normally were.

Erza wasn’t going to excuse Mira for her behavior, however. She looked at the bound take-over mage sternly. “It’s you own fault, you had this coming from me, just like you had your current position coming from the other girls... In fact, I think they’ve been far too lenient on you. Maybe I should just head out to look for them and leave you here like this, without any stimuli whatsoever.”

Not again! Mira thought to herself. She was pretty sure Erza was making idle threats, but they still scared her more that she liked to admit.

“How exactly do I deserve a punishment that severe?” The demon take-over mage asked, trying to look as sweet and helpless as possible.

"How, you ask?” Erza replied, trying to keep up her strict tone of voice. “After Jellal unexpectedly entered, did you not manipulate the entire situation into getting free reign over everyone else remaining downstairs?!"

"That was not why I did it!” Mira replied fiercely. “That whole plan of mine was done for you, for you and Jellal! Since you'd be too stubborn to ever act upon your feelings by yourself, someone else had to intervene! And when I saw Jellal heading out the door without doing anything, I figured he was of the same type as you... So, I figured it was up to me to do something.”

Erza’s eyes widened. Mira had seen right through both her and Jellal! Apparently the white haired mage had noticed both her and him trying to avoid each other and acted to give them both a nudge in the right direction. Now the red haired girl also realized what Mira had been whispering to Jellal a few hours back, just before the blue haired man had decided to take action: It had been encouragement!

Mira continued her explanation, not noticing Erza’s shocked reaction.
“So, I acted and brought you two together. You should be thanking me for what I did… And therefore reward me too."

Erza began blushing. If Mira had really had such intentions from the start, then the redhead had to admit it was all Mira's plan that brought her and Jellal together. And even though she wanted to feign some more anger towards Mira for deciding without her consent, she was far more grateful to the white haired girl than she could ever express. 

Erza took a moment to calm herself (and her thoughts), then looked at Mirajane. "Hmm. As much as I hate to admit it, you were spot on with your observation. Neither I nor Jellal would've acted if you hadn't pushed us when you did… So, I guess you really do deserve that reward you want so much.”

Mira smiled brightly. “About time!”

The red haired girl smiled back. “Well then, would you like this vibrator back?"

The take-over mage shook her head. "If it's the same with you, I prefer a real touch over some piece of plastic."

Erza was slightly startled by that request. Mira wanted her to bring her to a climax? Then again, Erza thought, given that the take-over mage had spent years with Cana, it shouldn't have come as a surprise that she preferred a human touch. 

...But will I be able to? The redhead thought to herself. I don't have any experience in the matter, and Mira is probably used to quite a lot already.

But upon looking on the gentle face of Mirajane, Erza realized something she had overlooked in her nervousness: They were good friends, so Mira would no doubt guide her if the need arose. She had no real reason to worry! In fact it was because she lacked experience that this was such a marvelous chance.

On top of that, the requipping mage had originally joined this weekend get together for discovering exactly these kinds of things. It was just that being swooped up by Jellal had made her forget all that momentarily. But Mira's comment just now had brought her back to her senses: This had always been the direction this weekend was headed for.

“Well, you’re the boss.” Erza replied as she bent down next to Mirajane, now fully prepared to do as the white haired girl had requested.

The white haired girl chuckled. “Hardly.” She replied whilst wriggling in her bonds. “But I’m glad you’ll fulfill my request nonetheless.”

Erza started by sitting Mirajane upright, placing the white haired girl's back against her own chest. “First of all, these need to go. I wouldn't want to accidentally hit these and cause you more pain than pleasure.” Erza said as she slowly took off the nipple clamps, causing the white haired girl to let out a loud and grateful moan in relief.

The redhead then began gently squeezing and rubbing Mira's breasts. If it worked wonders for me, it'll probably have similar effects on Mira, she hypothesized.

Her assumption was confirmed by Mira's loud groaning. "More, MOOORRRE!" the white haired girl begged. 

She had already spent hours waiting for release, first in her self-inflicted predicament, with the belt strapped in between her legs, and then this position delivered to her by a combined effort of all four of her fellow mages. She didn't care she was begging for it, she just wanted Erza to continue.

The red haired girl responded to her fellow S-class mage's plea. She began kneading Mira’s breasts more vigorously, very gently pinching her nipples as well. Erza also began using her tongue to stroke the white haired girl's neck and shoulders.

While all of these simultaneous touchings were driving the take-over mage wild with desire, it still wasn't enough. "Go further.” Mira gasped. “I want you to go all the way." 

She wasn't sure if Erza would feel comfortable doing this to her. After all, the redhead was rather new to this all, and she had just been having her own private moment with Jellal... But the white haired girl couldn't help herself, she just wanted it too badly to take Erza’s feelings into account.

Erza didn't mind Mira's request however, she had already decided for herself that nothing would be too much to ask in return for what Mirajane had accomplished for her and Jellal. Therefore, the redhead let her right hand slide down Mira's quivering body, slipped it down the white haired girl's panties and began gently rubbing her clit.

"Aaaahh!" Mira instantly reacted. "Go OONNN!"

Erza speeded up her movements, gradually rubbing harder on both Mira's breasts and her sweet spot.

After no more than 20 seconds, Mira climaxed with a loud scream. "YEEESSSS!!" 

The white haired S-class mage then slumped down, resting on Erza's chest, and began breathing very heavily.

"You've been waiting for this for quite some time, haven't you?" Erza said in a soft tone of voice.

Mira nodded, still too tired and out of breath to speak.

"Well, I'm glad I could help. It is, as you said, the least I could do for your efforts in bringing me and Jellal together".

More heavy breathing from Mira. The white haired girl didn't have the strength left to speak, let alone move.

 "Do you want out now?" The redhead asked her captive. "I figure you’ve spent enough time bound for the moment."

Mira nodded once again.

The requipping mage began by gently lowering Mira onto her side so she could catch her breath more easily. Erza then untied Mira, and brought all of the ropes back to the pile which was still lying in the middle of the room (since Cana and Lucy had stopped Mira from tidying it up).

When the redhead returned next to her fellow S-class mage, Mirajane had finally succeeded in catching her breath and stood up.

Mira smiled at her fellow S-class mage. “I’m going to wash up, after which I’d like something to eat. It’s already dinner time after all. Boy, time sure has flown by! Should we go out, just the two of us?”

“No need,” Erza replied, “I bought plenty of supplies yesterday, in case none of us felt like going out. We can just cook up something here and wait for the other to return.”

While Mirajane headed for the bathroom, Erza started preparing dinner for two. By the time Mirajane had returned from the bathroom, Erza had almost finished cooking.

“Smells delicious, Mirajane said as she walked into the kitchen.”

“Thank you,” Erza replied, “I’ve spent quite a lot of time alone doing long term quests, so naturally I-“

Erza stopped mid-sentence, because she had turned round to face Mira, only to discover the white haired girl was still wearing her bikini. “Didn’t you bring any spare clothes?” the redhead asked.

“Of course I did, but you were still wearing your bikini, so I thought I should too” Mira replied with a bright smile.

Erza shook her head. What kind of logic is that? The redhead thought to herself. A flash of light surrounded the requipping mage, and when the light subsided she was back in her usual upper body armor, dark blue skirt and black boots.

“Oh, yeah!” Mira exclaimed as she facepalmed. “I forgot about that. I’ll be back in a minute, fully dressed then.”

Mira did as she promised, after which both girls sat down to enjoy their meal. Whilst eating, both girls chatted happily about the guild, its members, their past quests, and other various topics. Of course, their common interest (bondage) was also part of the topics, as was this weekend.

“Any regrets?” Mira asked her fellow S-class mage after they’d finished their meal and their conversation.

Erza shook her head. “None whatsoever. I’m really glad Lucy pulled me into this whole world, and I’m even happier that I agreed to come along for this weekend.”

“I bet you are! If you hadn’t been the one to rent this house, Jellal never would’ve barged in.” Mira said with a devious smile. “So, are you going to tell me anything about what happened upstairs?”

Erza blushed heavily. “I don’t think Jellal would appreciate me sharing our secret like that, even with you.” In truth, Erza simply couldn’t describe what had transpired. She simply didn’t have the words to express how divine, how satisfying, how ecstatic everything Jellal had done to her had felt.

“Fair enough,” Mira replied. “I won’t pry. The look on your face speaks volumes anyways.”

Erza looked down, her blush becoming even redder than it already was.

“A-anyway, shouldn’t we clean up now? The others will probably be here soon, and we should work out how we spent the rest of the weekend.”

“Do you even have to ask?” Mira replied. “The second everyone’s in, it’s time for round two!”

Erza looked at the white haired girl, absolutely astonished by what she had heard her say. “Aren’t you tired?” The redhead asked. “I’ve had more time to recover than you, and even I’m not sure if I can get started again right away.”

“I just took a nice hot bath, so I’m completely rejuvenated. Besides, I’ve been through far worse over the years.” Mira replied smiling.

Oh of course, Erza thought to herself… Experience. I keep forgetting about Mira and Cana have amassed tons of it already. Guess I really do have a long way to go.

“Besides,” Mira continued, “it doesn’t have to be as rough and intense as last time. We can just have some fun together can’t we?”

Erza now smiled back at the take-over mage and nodded. “If you put it that way, bring on the next round!”

Both girls cleaned up the kitchen and headed over to the living room for a sit down in the sofa. They then carried on their chat from dinner, waiting for their fellow bondage loving guild members to return.



“Haaah, that was a great evening!” Cana shouted. “That bar had the best drinks!”

“The food tasted great too.” Lisanna said. “I was starving after all of our exertions back at the cottage.”

“Me too.” Lucy said nodding. “I have to hand it to you, Cana. You were spot on saying we needed to get out for a couple of hours. I didn’t really notice it right after, but by the time we reached the town I could feel the full effects of our ‘playtime’. I was famished and tired, and in need of some relaxation!”

“I told you, didn’t I? Getting out for a brief moment was the best choice, Mira and I used to go out loads of times after our fun. It’s a really nice way of catching up, and grabbing a bite to eat helps you recuperate much faster too.”

“In that case, shouldn’t we have brought something back with us for Erza-san and Mira-san?” Juvia asked. “They might not have left the cottage yet, and it’s getting late so all restaurants are closing.”

“Don’t worry about that.” Cana replied. “I’m sure Erza and Mirajane have found something to eat, those two can take care of themselves no problem.”

“Exactly!” Lisanna added. “Mira-nee has been taking care of me and Elf-niichan for years already. She can easily take care of something like that. And Erza goes out by herself on S-class quests all the time.”

“Speaking of those two, I’m really curious about what we’ll find when we return." Lucy said. "Do you think Mira will still be mad about us leaving her behind like we did?” The blonde asked asked worried.

“Nah, Mira can take much worse than what we did.” Cana responded. “Besides, there’s no way Erza hasn’t discovered her by now. I wouldn’t be surprised if the two of them were waiting for us to return so we can all get started again.”

“You want to start things up right away when we return?” Juvia asked. “Don’t you think Mira-san and Erza-san would like a moment to recuperate, like we did?”

Lisanna shook her head. “Mira-nee probably isn’t tired at all yet. I can tell from the stories she tells me that she has loads of stamina. And as far as Erza is concerned, well we all know the extent of her power.”

The four Fairy Tail guild members continued their walk back to the cottage, chatting happily about how to spend the rest of this weekend.

In the meantime, and unbeknownst to the Fairy Tail mages, Ultear & Meredy were hanging around in that same small town (keeping out of sight of course). The two young women were waiting for their fellow guild member Jellal to return from visiting Erza.

"What do you think was so urgent Jellal had to personally go and inform Erza of?" Meredy asked Ultear.

"Well, he claimed it had to do with the maneuverings of a new and growing dark guild.” Ultear began. “He had picked up on Erza renting a house in this village because she was heading out for a long term S-class quest. It was therefore the ideal moment to inform her, so she in turn could pass it on to the official guilds."

"You don't sound very convinced." Meredy noted.

"That's because I'm not." The dark haired woman replied with a grin. "Firstly, he could have approached Makarov personally, he's done so before when asking about entering the grand magic games in the form of Mystogan."

"I guess that’s true. But that was an emergency." The pink haired girl responded. "He can't go and knock on a guild master's door for every small problem, now can he?"

"I know," Ultear said, "but if there's one guild that doesn't make a problem of him visiting, it is Fairy Tail. Visiting Erza secretly in her apartment in Fairy Hills would've been equally doable, he didn't have to track her to all the way out here. THAT is why I think this visit involves more than just 'business'."

The pink haired sensory mage looked at the older woman. "You're saying he wanted privacy? I guess that can help explain why he insisted on briefing Erza alone, asking us to remain here as look-outs."

"Exactly.” The dark haired woman replied. “I mean, have you looked around this village? It's so calm and dull here, there's almost no chance that anything even remotely strange is going to pass by here."

No sooner had Ultear finished her sentence, or she was proven wrong.

"Guess again, Ultear. Look at that!" Meredy said, trying to keep her voice down.

Ultear looked in the direction Meredy was pointing, and had to suppress a loud gasp as she saw the group of four Fairy Tail girls walking past. “What on Earthland are they all doing in this village?” Ultear asked out loud. 

"Do you think that is a coincidence?" Meredy asked.

"Fat chance.” The time ark mage replied. “And them being here probably means Erza isn't here for a quest after all.”

"What could she be all the way out here for, then? And with all those fellow members??" Meredy asked, looking at her older guild member.

"Doesn't matter, it'll severely disrupt Jellal's plans if they are headed for that cottage." Ultear responded.

"Should we follow them to find out?" Meredy asked.

Ultear hesitated. "It's not nice to spy on allies… but I guess there is no other option, we need to confirm what they’re doing here. Jellal would probably notice them approaching and flee in time before they discovered him. But when we regroup, we have to be able to report something to him." 

Both mages followed the Fairy Tail group from a distance, keeping their presence hidden. Finally, they reached the cottage of which Ultear knew that it was the one Erza had rented for the weekend. The four girls entered the house while Ultear and Meredy remained hidden at a distance.

“As we feared,” Ultear whispered, “they really did come here together with Erza.”

“We’ve come this far, might as well find out what’s happening in there.” Meredy whispered back, and she ran towards the cottage, hiding herself beneath the window.

“Meredy!” Ultear yelled, immediately bringing her voice down again. “That’s too rash.”

But the pink haired girl didn’t heed the older mage’s warning and remained seated underneath the window sill beckoning Ultear to join her.” For some reason the young sensory mage had become overly excited.

The time ark mage let out a sigh. Sometimes I wish she’d kept a little more of that reserved attitude of hers from the past. Ultear thought. She then joined her younger fellow mage underneath the window and the dark haired woman took a peek inside as Meredy had done before beckoning her over.

What she saw in there, surprised her hugely. Ultear had been playing out countless scenario’s in her head about what 5 female mages from the same guild could be doing all the way out here. But nothing came close to the actual scene unfolding before her:

Not only was there one more member of the guild present than they’d thought (Mirajane), those 6 women were all standing together with a pile of rope and other equipment lying close by.

“What on earth are they doing here?” Meredy asked, her question more directed at the air than towards Ultear. 

Even though she just said that, the sensory mage had an inkling. There wasn’t much you could do with 6 girls and a pile of rope, and it just so happened she recognized some of the equipment on the floor. The pink haired girl had never dared to admit it to anyone, but she shared similar interests as the girls inside that room.

Ultear interrupted Meredy’s thoughts, pulling her back to the situation at hand. “More to the point, where is Jellal?” The dark haired woman asked. “I don't see him, or sense his presence. Erza is here though… Did he scarper after noticing all of the other girls with her?”

Meredy looked at the dark haired woman. “But if that’s the case, what took him so long to return to us? And did he manage to make contact with Erza or was he forced to flee before that even happened?”

Meanwhile, inside the room Ultear and Meredy were peering into.

"How was your evening Mira?" Cana asked of Mirajane.

"Quite wonderful, despite your torturous vibrator setting.” The white haired girl replied, not mentioning Lisanna's 'rescue'. ”I was lucky to have Erza come downstairs to relieve me after a while."

"I'll bet." Lucy said, grinning widely. "Then I'm guessing she and Jellal managed to have some fun as well… Where is that guy, by the way?"

"He headed out already," Erza rersponded, "saying he wanted to give all of us privacy to spend the rest of the weekend."

"Oh, I wouldn't have minded him joining in." Cana remarked. The brunette wanted to take her insinuations further, but changed her mind when she saw the look in Erza's eyes. The redhead was staring straight at Cana, with a look like it could fire off beams of lighting at a moment’s notice.

Wow, seems like Erza is something of a jealous type, Cana thought to herself… Note to self, do not mess about with Jellal! 

“Now, now, Cana.” Mira said with a calm smile. “Don’t you think the six of us is plenty already? Don’t tell me you’ve already gotten bored with all of us?”

“Oh no, not at all!” Cana replied. “In fact, I was hoping we could get started right away again.”

Mira nodded. “I had similar hopes, what about the rest of you?” The white haired mage then looked at the other girls present in the room.

Lucy smiled at Mirajane. “I don’t know about the rest, but I'm definitely fully rested again after our nice outing. The food in that bar was great too, so consider me fully recovered and prepared for a second round!

“Juvia would also love to have another session." The bluie haired mage said. "She very much enjoyed herself last time, and is looking forward on what else she can learn and experience."

“Ditto!” Lisanna shouted. “I’ve been bursting for another go ever since we headed back here.”

“Guess that settles it,” Erza said after all other girls had expressed their wishes, “each and every one of us is raring to go.”

"Great!" Cana replied, "I actually had a great idea pop into my head while we were walking back! But I'll need to prepare for it, so I'll be in the kitchen for a few minutes. No peeking all of you!"

Without waiting for a response, the card mage nipped of to the kitchen, leaving the other girls to continue planning out their next session.

When Ultear and Meredy saw Cana disappear into the kitchen while the others gathered around the pile of ropes and watnot on the floor, the two young women turned to each other.

"Should we just barge in and ask away?" Meredy suggested. The pink haired girl was really curious to find out for sure whether or not these girls truly shared her interests. She always thought a love of tying one another up was a rarity… to find no less than 6 girls spending time together with all that rope made her thoughts fuzzy from excitement.

But she was suddenly pulled out of her racing thoughts when Ultear reacted as loud as the situation allowed her: "We can't do that!" The time-ark mage replied. "Look at the stuff in there, whatever it is they’re doing, we can't possibly interrupt them in a situation like that!"

"Why not, you're already peeping toms, might as well be polite and introduce yourselves." A voice from behind suddenly said.

Both girls jumped at the sound of the voice, then turned around slowly. None other than Cana was standing in front of them, looking rather triumphant.

“Wha-, H-How did you know we were here?” Ultear asked, her heart still racing from the scare the brunette had given her.

Cana chuckled. “I've had quite a lot of experience checking if somebody was following me, especially when I’m headed for a bondage session. Believe me, I knew about you two right away.”

Meredy looked at the brunette, then at Ultear. “U-Ultear, now that we’ve been discovered like this, we really don’t have any other choice, right?”

"Indeed you don't." Cana replied swiftly. "Besides, it you really didn't want to enter, you would've left from this window a long time ago. Am I right?"

Ultear sighed. “Yes, you’re right. Standing out here wouldn’t have helped us find out what happened to Jellal either.” The dark haired woman then looked at Cana. “Lead the way please, Cana.”

"Hi all, did you miss me?" Cana said as she walked into the living room from the front door.

"Cana, where did you come from?" Lisanna asked in wonder. "I thought you were in the kitchen preparing that idea of yours?"

"I was, and after I finished preparing I slipped out the back door so I could surprise these two voyeurs." Cana said cheerfully, opening up the living room door fully so Ultear and Meredy could be seen by all the other girls.

Both intruders remained standing in the doorway, trying to avoid all of the surprised faces staring at them. None of the Fairy Tail girls knew really what to say, so instead just kept staring with a shocked expression.

Finally, Mirajane broke the deafening silence: "I guess you two want to know what this is all about? Or have you figured out what all this (she gestured towards the pile of gear on the floor) is for?"

"Y-You all are fan of tying up, right?" Meredy said in a soft voice. It was of more a wish then a guess. The pink haired girl herself was a huge fan of restraint, but being an outlaw she never had the opportunity to practice since it was too risky. What made things even more difficult was that after some carerful conversations the pink haired girl had determined neither Jellal nor Ultear were very taken with the concept. In short: despite her huge curiosity, Meredy had never once had a chance to get properly tied up.

"You hit the nail on the head! Meredy, was it I believe?" Mirajane replied cheerfully. The white haired woman didn’t seem fazed at all that she and 5 of her fellow mages had been discovered by outsiders.

The pink haired sensory mage nodded, looking at the floor to hide her blush.

"We apologize for peeking." Ultear quickly said. "To tell you the truth, we noticed you walking around in town, and we wanted to find out your reasons for being here. You see-"

"Jellal was planning to pay Erza a visit, and you two feared all of us walking in on them." Lisanna interrupted.

Ultear's mouth dropped wide open. "How did you-"

"Jellal did visit us." Mirajane interrupted the time ark mage again. "I won't go into details, for the sake of his privacy and Erza's, but we can safely assume he accomplished his goal." The white haired mage then looked at Erza with a grin.

"Indeed." Erza confirmed, smiling herself. "He left about 20 minutes ago, he probably sensed all of the other girls walking back and avoided that road, thereby inadvertently avoiding you as well." The redhead explained.

"I see." Ultear said, nodding. " Well, if Jellal already left, then I guess we should leave all of you to your business. And don't worry we can keep a secret."

Meredy's eyes widened as she heard Ultear say that. She didn't want to leave! Not now that she had finally stumbled upon a chance to discover what those feelings buried deep inside her meant... But at the same time the young mage was too afraid to ask what she desperately wanted to. After all, apart from Juvia she didn’t really know anyone in that room, not the best situation or group to explore your perverted interests with.

Juvia picked up on Meredy's hesitation and decided to act in order to give her a hand. The blue haired mage had noticed Meredy paying more attention to the pile of equipment than to the explanation she had been given, and Juvia wondered if maybe, just maybe Meredy was wanting to join in.
However the water mage full well knew how hard it was to take the first step. If Lisanna hadn't been there for her at that most crucial point, she never would've even been here!
"Meredy-san, is there something else you want to ask of us now that you are here?" 

Ultear looked at Juvia, then at Meredy. And it was then, when the dark haired woman noticed the look in Meredy's eyes, that she realized her oversight. 

I'm such a fool! Ultear thought to herself. Encountering these girls like this must be a dream come true for Meredy. How the hell could I forget about her interest for bondage, or whatever it was called?! Being the kindhearted girl that she is, she always tried to hide it from both me and Jellal to save us discomfort... but with her being a mage capable of linking senses and feelings, something that dear to her was bound to shine through every once in a while. 

Now all became clear to the time ark mage: That’s why she was so eager to walk into this bizarre situation, and now I’ve gone and nearly dragged the both of us out of it again!

Ultear was still unsure of what to do as Meredy hesitantly began speaking: "U-uhm, actually, I-I" Meredy stammered. The pink haired girl was feeling so nervous, she had trouble getting a single word out.

Ultear decided to correct her earlier mistake: "We were wondering, if it isn't to forward, if we could join all of you in this 'get together'." The dark haired woman suddenly said.

The pink haired girl looked up at her older guildmember in shock. "U-Ultear, y- you don't have to-" she tried to say, but she was interrupted by Mirajane.

"Of course you can join. We planned this weekend in order to have as many enthusiasts join up as possible. Two more popping up from nowhere is truly a gift. Don't you agree?" The demon take-over mage said as she looked round the room.

Each of the girls smiled brightly, nodding to support Mira’s statement.

"We would love for you to join us." Juvia said, looking straight at Meredy.

“The more the merrier, that’s how I see it!” Cana said exuberantly. 

Meredy, still stunned by the hospitality of the Fairy Tail mages, remained frozen in place when Ultear suddenly walked straight into the room.

The time ark mage headed for Erza and Mira, assuming both S-class mages were the ones in charge.

"Look," She whispered, "I myself have no interest in all of this to be honest, never did... But Meredy is very curious about these kinds of things, but with all of us being a fugitives she has never had the chance to really try it out. Encountering all of you was a stroke of luck for her, but you all noticed how she was acting just now: She would be too nervous to remain here alone. That's why I asked for the both of us to join, despite my own reservations. I wanted to be at least in the same house as her, so she would feel more at ease... Could you play along please, for her sake?"

"Sure, “ Mira whispered back. “Believe it or not, there's quite a few novices here in the room." 

"In fact, it's why we are all here together, to gain experience." Erza added.

Ultear smiled at the two mages. "Thank you." She said, and she headed back for Meredy. "Looks like the two of us have found some instructors to help us improve." The dark haired woman said to her younger guild member with a bright smile.

Meredy stared at the older woman. She knew why Ultear had done what she did: The pink haired girl knew full well that Ultear was no fan of all of this, and had only posed the question because she herself had been unable to.

"U-Ultear, I-"

"Don't mind me." Ultear whispered. "I can hardly abandon you in here, now can I? Besides, you've stuck with me through so many things over the years, it's time I went out on a limb for you. After all, that’s what family is for." The dark haired woman smiled at her young fellow guild member.

Meredy smiled back. "Thank you", was all she could say, both to her long held friend and to all of the Fairy Tail mages.

"But wow, with eight of us here now even this large room won't suffice." Lucy noted. "Maybe it's better if we divide and head for separate rooms."

“I take dibs on Ultear!” Cana said eagerly. “After all, I’m the one who discovered both of them following us.”

“Frankly, I was hoping me and Meredy could remain together.” Ultear said, slightly startled by Cana’s forcefulness.

“Don’t worry, Ultear.” Mira said in a comforting tone of voice. “I’ll remain with Meredy. I have plenty of experience breaking in novice practitioners.”

“I can vouch for that!” Lisanna said with a bright smile. “Mira-nee is a very gentle person, who always takes your own feelings into consideration. Meredy couldn’t be in better hands.”

“You see?” Cana said to the dark haired time ark mage. “Nothing to worry about, just let Meredy have her first experience in the expert hands of Mirajane… I, by the way, am equally accomplished as she is. Out of the girls present here, we both sport the most experience in the game by far.” The brunette said proudly. “It’s one of my main reasons for wanting to have you for myself, I know my stuff and I would love to show it to you, if you’d let me.”

Cana's voice had begun to sound more friendly and compassionate, which calmed Ultear’s nerves a little. On top of that, what the brunette was saying made sense: If both Cana and Mira were the most experienced women in the room, it made full sense for her and Meredy to entrust themselves with them.

The card mage then turned her attention to the pink haired girl, to get her opinion as well. “How do you feel about it, Meredy? I realize me claiming Ultear for myself was kind of sudden, and I should’ve first asked how you felt about it, but I was simply to enthusiastic. So, are you okay with being separated?” 

Meredy remained quiet for a moment, after which she smiled slightly. “If you and Mira really are the most accomplished ones, then I guess that it’s the best choice.” The pink haired girl then turned to Mira. “But if it’s the same with you, I would like Juvia to accompany us as well.”

Meredy then looked at the water mage with pleading eyes. She really didn’t mind being separated from Ultear, but even so she felt that having someone else familiar close by would probably have a calming effect.

Juvia smiled at the pink haired mage. “Juvia would love to, Meredy-san. Mira-san, I’m sure it’s okay with you too?”

“Of course.” The white haired mage replied. “The more the merrier, right? Besides, you still have a lot to learn yourself, don’t you Juvia? We can make it a bit of an instructor-trainee type of session. I’ve always wanted to try teaching!” The demon take-over mage said with a bright smile.

“Guess that’s settled then.” Erza said. “Cana and Ultear will withdraw by themselves, and so will Juvia, Mira and Meredy.” The redhead then turned towards Lisanna and Lucy. “That leaves the three of us to spend some quality time together.” 

“Fine by me, but who’s headed where?” Lucy asked, looking at all of the mages in the room.

“Me and Ultear will head inside the kitchen.” Cana said swiftly. “If you remember, I did say I had made preparations for an idea of mine.”

“I thought that had been an excuse to get outside and snag our two onlookers.” Lisanna replied with a grin towards Ultear and Meredy, who now began blushing slightly.

“Oh no, I really did have an idea whilst walking back to the cottage. Come on, Ultear!” Cana said while she was picking up all of the equipment she would be needing. “Have fun, all of you. I know the two of us will!” The brunette said as she walked towards the kitchen.

“Well then, see you later Meredy.” Ultear said as she followed the card mage. “Make sure to enjoy yourself.”

“Oh don’t worry about that!” Mira replied. “I’ll make sure she’ll love every second of what is to come.”

“Bye Ultear, you try and have some fun too.” Meredy said, slightly worried about what Ultear was going to have to go through, all because her friend wanted to be supportive of her own preferences.

Mirajane began gathering all of the equipment she and her two ‘pupils’ would need, after which she headed for the stairs. As she neared the staircase, she turned around to address Juvia and Meredy: “We’ll head for the three person bedroom upstairs, we’ll have all the space we need in there.”

As the blue haired and pink haired mages followed Mirajane, Juvia noticed the look of worry on Meredy’s face. “Don’t worry Meredy-san, Ultear-san is in very good hands. Cana and Mira have been practicing bondage for years. They know everything there is to know.”

The pink haired girl’s eyes widened. “That long?” She asked in surprise.

“Yes, that is what makes her the ideal partner for you and me, who still have a lot to learn.” Juvia said with a comforting smile. “The same goes for Ultear-san, of course.”

This calmed the pink haired sensory mage down enough to finally begin looking forward to whatever the white haired S-class mage had planned for her upstairs.

As Cana and Ultear, and Mirajane, Juvia and Meredy retreated to their respective rooms, the three remaining girls looked at each other. 

“So, what are we three going to do?” Lucy asked.

“Can I suggest something?” Lisanna asked suddenly.

“Shoot.” Lucy replied.

“Go ahead.” Erza confirmed.

“I have spent several times in bondage already, both self inflicted and by the hand of Mira-nee. In other words, I already have some experience in rope tying. But I’ve never really had the chance to try it out on somebody other than myself."

“So you want to tie the two of us up in order to test your skills.” Erza finished the white haired girl’s sentence.

“Exactly. Would you mind terribly?” Lisanna asked timidly.

Erza smiled at Lisanna. “Fine with me, you guys left Mira for me to take charge of when I got back downstairs, so I’ve already had some fun dominating today. I don't mind being put into bondage again."

"Me neither, I guess." Lucy said. "I look forward to seeing what you are capable of, Lisanna. After all, you are related to Mira. Let's see if rope tying runs in the family." The blonde said with an enthusiastic smile.

“Thank you both ever so much!” Lisanna said. “I’ll go ahead and pick up some stuff I can use, you two relax and have a seat on the large and soft mat over there.

While the blonde and redhead walked towards the fluffy mat in the middle of the room, Lisanna began picking the ropes and other implements she could use on her two willing captives.

When Lisanna joined the two mages in the middle of the room, she put down everything she’d brought with her from the pile.

“You two ready?” She asked

Suddenly Erza became surrounded by a bright light as she requipped her upper body into a red lacy bra. Her boots had also disappeared (leaving her barefoot), but the redhead had kept on her dark blue skirt. “An amour isn't really suited to tie ropes around,” the S-class mage commented, “so I figured I would change into something more comfortable.”

“I’m not complaining,” Lisanna replied, “and I must say the bra is gorgeous! It really accentuates your chest, and it fits your hair colour perfectly.”

Erza began blushing. “That's what appealed to me as well.” The young red haired mage had always fantasized about Jellal seeing her in this lingerie outfit. Sadly, with him barging in unexpectedly earlier today while her magic was sealed, she missed her chance to show it to him this time. But she didn’t mind that much. After all, there now would be plenty of chances to make it happen in the future!

Lucy spun around on the spot in order to properly display her outfit. The outfit in question was her trademark blue/yellow tank top with large cleavage accentuating her well endowed chest, and a matching blue short skirt. The blonde mage had already taken off her boots and dark stockings whilst Lisanna was busy gathering rope, so she too was barefoot. “I’m fine with what I’m wearing right now.” The celestial spirit mage said.

“If that’s the case, then so am I.” Lisanna responded. “You look cute no matter what you wear anyways. “ The white haired girl said with a wink towards the celestial spirit mage.

“Thanks for the compliment!” Lucy said with a bright smile.

Lisanna then picked up a coil of rope and began to unravel it. “But that’s enough about clothes, time to get down to business!” 



“If you would please place your hands behind your back, Erza.” Lisanna said.

The redhead did as she was asked, and Lisanna began cinching the redhead's wrists together. After knotting the rope off tightly, she did the same for the requipping mage’s elbows, tying them so tightly they were forced to touch.

With Erza’s arms strictly tied, the white haired girl then moved to the S-class mage’s legs. Lisanna decided to tie the redhead’s legs in three places like she had seen her sister do to her once: the ankles, above and below the knees. With Erza’s legs strictly tied in those three places, hardly any movement was left available to her.

While Erza was getting a feel for Lisanna’s bindings, the white haired girl unraveled another rope to continue her work.

“You really have a knack for this, Lisanna.” Erza said as she pulled on her bindings, only to find out she was completely stuck. “You wouldn’t say this was your first time tying someone up.”

“Thank you,” Lisanna replied, “Mira-nee has tied me up a few times, and also told me a couple of stories. So I did get quite a lot of instructions already. It’s just that I could never be sure how much of the ‘theory’ has stuck with me since I never had a change to put it into practice. Tying up yourself doesn’t count in my opinion, since there has to be an escape route. That’s why I was so happy you two were willing to let me try this out.“

“Well, I’ll make sure to tell Mira that you’ve paid careful attention to her every word.” The redhead said with a grin. “This is quite professional, even I can tell that much.”

“She’ll be pleased to hear that.” The young take-over mage replied cheerfully. “Now, if you could roll yourself over onto your stomach please.”

Erza complied, and Lisanna looped her now fully uncoiled rope around Erza’s bound ankles. The white haired mage then made preparations to pull the S-class mage’s ankles into a hogtie position.

“Be sure to notify me when you feel I’ve pulled the rope tight enough.” The animal take-over mage mentioned before pulling the rope.

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Lucy interrupted. “Erza can endure a hogtie where her ankles are pulled up all the way to the palms of her hands.”

Lisanna’s eyes widened. “Really? That’s something else.” The young girl said whilst looking at Erza. "I thought you were relatively new to this all."

“Well, I didn’t really have a choice in the matter the first time around.” Erza responded whilst blushing slightly as she looked at Lucy. “Lucy just pulled them that tight without bothering to check if I was okay with it. And after so many hours of being stuck in that position, I sort of got used to it.”

“That makes this easy then.” Lisanna said happily, and she pulled her rope all the way up to Erza’s elbow bindings, making the redhead’s feet rest in the palms of her hands before she tied off the rope. Afterwards the animal take-over mage brought the rope back down to tie them to Erza’s wrist bindings as well.

Finished with the restraining ropes, Lisanna picked up another rope. This rope was quite short, and both Lucy and Erza already had an idea of its purpose before Lisanna said anything.

“Now, how do you feel about adding a crotchrope in the mix?” The white haired girl asked politely.

“I’d say my feelings are of no real importance.” Erza replied casually. “Even if I were to scream and beg for you not to put it on, you already have the rope in hand and at this point there is very little I can do to fight back.”

“After hearing Erza say that, Lucy suddenly got up from the mat and headed for the pile again. Neither Lisanna nor Erza paid it any heed, as they were preoccupied with their own business.

While the blonde girl began rummaging through the stash of ropes and other gear, Lisanna tied the crotchrope in place by first wrapping the rope around the red haired girl’s waist and then pulling it through Erza’s legs to tie it off at the back (attaching it to both the waist rope and the wrist bindings). 

“There!” Lisanna said after she finished her work. “I know from experience that if you attach the crotchrope to other bindings, it has a much greater effect. Why don’t you test this out for yourself.” The white haired girl suggested to Erza.

“Not yet!” Lucy said suddenly as she returned from the pile of gear. “Erza still needs one more piece of equipment before her restraints are really escape proof.”

The blonde girl then sat herself beside Erza and locked a familiar looking collar around the redhead’s neck. Erza quickly recognized it was the same collar Lucy had used on her that first time in her apartment. The redhead therefore also realized she could no longer use any magic.

“When I saw her requipping, I noticed Erza was no longer wearing her special lacrima earrings.” Lucy explained to a slightly confused Lisanna. “It wouldn’t be any fun if she still had access to you magic, now would it?” The blonde mage said in a teasing tone of voice whilst looking at Erza.

Lisanna held her hands in front of her mouth. “Oh! I totally forgot about that! How foolish of me. Good thing you were paying attention, Lucy.”

The white haired girl then turned her attention to the now struggling S-class mage. “Erzaaa… Was that ‘oversight’ of yours intentional? Did you plan to burst out of your bindings when I’d tied Lucy up to so you could take me by surprise?”

The white haired girl finished her questioning by pulling on the crotchrope, causing the redhead to yelp loudly.

“Aaah!! No, it was just an honest mistake." the requipping mage replied. "Besides, why would I need to resort to tricks like that? If I really wanted to remain in charge, I could’ve incapacitated the two of you as soon as the others had left.

“I guess that’s true.” Lucy replied. “You’re the strongest one here, so there’s really no need for you to trap us.”

“Even so, I’m glad you thought of collaring her, Lucy. It wouldn’t be any fun if Erza could escape whenever she wished.” Lisanna said, unraveling a few more ropes. “Now then, I’m not making that mistake again! Could you please put away your keys before I begin tying you up, Lucy?”

The blonde walked over to the sofa and placed the pouch holding her celestial spirit keys onto one of the cushions. Lucy then returned to Lisanna and Erza and place her arms behind her back.

 The white haired mage immediately began her work, bending the blonde mage’s arms so her wrists touched at the height of her shoulder blades and tying them tightly to keep them pinned that way.

Lisanna then pulled up a second, very long rope and wound it around Lucy’s upper body, both above and below the blonde’s sizeable chest. The upper and lower strands of the rope were then cinched together behind the blonde’s back. 

After this, the animal take-over mage brought the rope over Lucy’s left shoulder, pulling it down in between her breasts and weaving the rope in between the upper and lower chest ropes. After looping her rope around the lowest chest rope, Lisanna brought it back up (weaving it once again between both the upper and lower rope) to pull it back over the blonde’s right shoulder. 

Finally, the rope was then tied off one last time behind Lucy’s back and attached to her wrist bindings. This had the effect of creating pressure on Lucy’s well endowed chest with every twitch or pull of the celestial spirit mage’s arms. 

Lucy already knew what the use of a chest harness of this manner was, but tested her bonds anyways, just to make sure (and to please Lisanna). As the blonde mage wriggled around in her bindings, the ropes tightened up causing her to let out a slight groan. She also discovered that her revealing top made it more difficult to make any large moving without making her breasts jiggle about, a fact that slightly embarrassed the young woman.

Neither Lisanna nor Erza paid any heed to Lucy’s embarrassment however, as both girls had been through similar experiences.

“Now, you ready to get your legs tied up as well?” Lisanna asked as she held up two more ropes.

“Bring it on!” Lucy replied firmly. “I’m having way too much fun to back out now.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” The white haired girl replied with a grin.

Lisanna started by helping the blonde celestial spirit mage kneel down. The take-over mage then began wrapping a rope around Lucy’s left leg in order to tightly frogtie it in place. She then repeated this for the blonde’s right leg. 

With a frogtie this strict, the only viable way left for Lucy to move around was to hop or shuffle. But doing so would cause her upper body (most of all her breasts) to jiggle about enticingly. The blonde was therefore faced with a dilemma: Limited struggling and remaining in place so she didn’t bounce her chest up and down, or go for a real escape attempt, but drawing attention to her large chest and arouse herself by rubbing the ropes around them every time she did.

“This is well thought out. Mira sure did a great job giving you advice!” Lucy said as she tested out her bindings, after which she soon discovered there was no leeway anywhere and no knots were in reach.

Lisanna chuckled. “Thanks. But it’s not just Mira-nee’s stories and treatment that made this possible.”

“What do you mean by that?” Erza asked as she tried turning around to face the white haired mage, gasping and grunting in the process.

The take-over mage smiled. “let’s just say Cana wasn’t the only one coming up with ideas while we were walking back from the bar. And also, as much fun as I had getting tied up with all of you, what I really wanted from this weekend was a chance to test my own rope tying skills!”

“So, you decided you would ask whoever you ended up with if you could take charge.” Lucy responded.

“Exactly.” Lisanna replied. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you both for letting me try this.”

“Don’t mention it,” Lucy replied, “it’s not like we don’t get anything out of it, right?”

“Precisely.” Erza added. “We were both convinced we were in very capable hands.”

Lisanna blushed slightly at hearing Erza’s compliment. The white haired mage then looked at the pile of rope and other gear once more.

“Well, if that’s how you two feel about it, I guess I should work hard to reward your trust. How about we take things a little further with some other idea's I came up with walking back?”

The white haired girl then walked to the pile and started rummaging around for toys she could use to entertain the girls with (and herself of course).

Whilst the take-over mage was sifting through the large heap of gear, both Lucy and Erza began enjoying their respective positions.

Erza was rolling around on the mat, getting a feel for her very strict hogtie. With her hands and elbows tightly tied, there was very little movement left for the S-class mage. Needless to say, picking at knots was out of the question.

The redhead therefore tried wriggling her hands in order to try and slip out of her bindings, but this strategy too was without success. The more she pulled at the bindings surrounding her wrists, the tighter the crotchrope attached to them started to feel. After confirming the ropes around her wrists were too secure to slip out of, the redhead moved on to testing out the ropes tied around her legs.

Erza tried kicking her legs in order to look for some slack in the hogtie rope, but instantly regretted doing so since this also yanked on the crotchrope, driving it in even deeper and causing the S-class mage to let out a loud groan. The feel of that crotchrope rubbing her sweet spot, combined with the strictness of the ropes, was really beginning to turn on the red haired girl, despite the pain that just shot through her.

Having been discouraged from pulling on the hogtie rope, Erza began wriggling her ankles to try and get them out of the bindings. But just like with the ropes tying her wrists, her feet remained securely bound and seemed to feel tighter the more she struggled.

Guess that’s it then, the redhead thought to herself, not a single knot in reach and not a single rope I can wriggle my way out of. 

The S-class mage concluded that Lisanna had done a really great job, especially if this was her first attempt at tying someone other than herself. Erza was equally helpless now as she had been when Lucy had tied her in this kind of position some time ago. Although the difference was, this time the redhead didn’t mind her predicament at all.

Around the same time, Lucy had come to a similar conclusion as Erza’s, the difference being that the blonde was left with even less wriggle room than her red haired friend.

Whilst Erza still had the luxury of testing out the ropes holding her, Lucy could barely move at all. No matter much as she tried straining her legs, the ropes kept them pinned in their frogtie position. As for her hands, whenever the blonde tried moving her securely pinned down arms or hands, she ended up turning or shaking her entire upper body. This in turn made the ropes binding her chest tense up, causing her breasts to become increasingly sensitive.

The celestial spirit mage had only been in her predicament for a short amount of time, but already her nipples were poking through her bra and top, visible for all to see.

Lucy decided to try out a fierce burst of wriggling to see of this would be more effective. But as soon as she began, all of the ropes holding her tightened up, causing her to become light of breath. On top of that, her wild movements had caused her to lose her balance and she dropped on her left side, landing on the mat, close to Erza.

Erza chuckled as the blonde flopped down beside her. “You’re not making any progress either, I see.”

Lucy struggled to catch her breath for a moment. “N-not really, no. I take it that you are equally stuck?”

“Oh yes.” The red haired girl replied. “I’m definitely not getting out.”

The celestial spirit mage smirked. “But looking at your face, it’s obvious you don’t mind.”

Erza began grinning as well. “No, this situation is different than when you tricked me. And the feeling of the ropes is more pleasurable than it is painful, so I have no reason to complain.”

“I see the two of you are still enjoying your helplessness.” Lisanna said suddenly, causing both girls to flinch as the white haired girl surprised them.

Both Erza and Lucy had been so preoccupied testing and enjoying their restraints that they never even noticed Lisanna returning. The animal take over mage was holding a small dark blue rucksack.

“What’s in the bag?” Lucy asked curiously.

“Oh, I decided I would stuff everything I was going to use in here. That way, neither of you know what’s next on the menu until I want you to.”

“Very clever.” Erza complimented. “It helps keep up the suspense.”

“Exactly.” Lisanna replied, putting the sack down beside the mat. “So, you two ready for me to dig up my first toy?”

Lucy and Erza nodded. “Go ahead.” The blonde confirmed once more.

“Right then! The first thing I want to use is… This!” The white haired girl said as she pulled out a long white feather.

Both Erza and Lucy nervously looked at the feather, and inadvertently resumed their wriggling. Even though both of them had mentally prepared for a list of possible implements, it would seem they had overlooked one in the end.

“Is that… what I think it is?” Lucy asked, anxiety shining through in her voice.

“It’s a feather.” Lisanna answered calmly. “What else can it be? It looks simple enough, right?”

“It’s not the simplicity that worries us.” Erza responded. “It’s what one can do with it.”

“Oh, I guess I can understand that.” Lisanna replied with a grin. “After all, if you’re ticklish this would probably frighten you more than even the meanest of clamps.”

Erza didn’t respond to Lisanna’s comment. She had already experienced being tickled without being able to fight back, and she vividly remembered the feeling. 

What the redhead especially remembered was that she had gotten used to the pain and strictness of the ropes and cuffs restraining her after a certain amount of time… but that had not been the case for Juvia’s tickling, for some reason her body had been unable to cope with that. No matter how long it went on, the huge impact of that tiny feather in Juvia’s hands had remained the same. And it was that knowledge which frightened the redhead on some level.

Lucy had not experienced Juvia’s relentless tickling for herself, but she had been a spectator during Erza’s treatment. She also clearly remembered the screams and gasps the redhead had made almost non-stop.

“I’m guessing begging you to change your mind won’t be of any use.” Lucy said.

“Nope, after all that’s one of the perks of being in charge.” The white haired girl replied. She had been looking forward to a moment like this ever since the plans for the weekend began taking shape. Finally she had two girls completely to herself, restrained by use of her own skills.

Erza sighed. “Well, better to get it over with then. Give it your best shot, Lisanna.”

The take-over mage frowned. “That’s not the right mindset, Erza. You’re supposed to either fight me or submit to me. Acting all uninterested rather spoils it.” Now Lisanna remained quiet for a minute to think of a way to spur her two captives on.

“I KNOW!” She suddenly shouted, making both Lucy and Erza flinch again. “How about you two have a race?” The white haired girl suggested.

Lucy looked at Lisanna in confusion. “I’m afraid we won’t get very far in our respective positions, Lisanna.” The celestial spirit mage responded, shifting in her ropes on the spot to prove her point.

“That’s not what I mean.” Lisanna said whilst shaking her head.” What I meant was: I'll give you two half an hour’s time, and whoever is out first or just makes the most progress by then, doesn't get a tickle torture!”

Both Erza’s and Lucy’s eyes widened. A race? With the tickle torture at stake?!

“Now do I have your attention, Erza?” The take-over mage said, smirking at the redhead.

“Oh, indeed!” Erza replied. “If it’s a race you want to hold, then there’s no way I’ll lose! Especially with the prize you just offered.”

The take-over mage grinned widely. “How about you, Lucy? Are you game?”

The blonde looked at Erza and her bindings, then at Lisanna before answering: “To be honest, I’m not sure if we’re both in comparable positions… But I’ll let that slide in order for a chance at escaping your tickling. So count me in! You just give us the signal, Lisanna.”

“Very well. I’ll go get a chair so I can get comfortable.” The white haired girl said.

When Lisanna returned, she placed the chair so she had a clear view of both her captives. She was already looking forward to witnessing what would undoubtedly be the struggle match of a lifetime.

“On your marks. Get set… GO!” The take-over mage yelled.

Immediately after the ‘GO’, both Erza and Lucy erupted in wild and furious struggles. Both girls groaned and gasped loudly as they strained themselves trying to wriggle free of their bindings.

Erza was rolling around all over the mat in her attempts to escape her hogtie, kicking her legs as best she could without having the crotchrope cause her too much discomfort. Sadly, she could clearly feel her efforts were in vain. The ropes remained in place, and so did her limbs. The redhead could also feel her energy decreasing rapidly. She may have been a trained fighter and a strong mage, but struggling around in this manner tried and tested her body in entirely new and different ways. Even though she had her experience from Lucy’s ‘trap’ long ago to draw upon, the requipping mage could feel she still needed a lot more to be able to keep up her exertions in bindings this tight.

While Erza was becoming increasingly doubtful of her chances at escape, Lucy was faring no better. In fact, with her arms almost completely immobile and pinned down behind her back, the blonde was moving about a lot less than Erza was. Save for some useless fluttering of her fingers, hardly any movement was available to the young blonde mage. 

Not daunted by her strict ropes in the slightest, Lucy decided to start shaking and twisting her entire upper body in an effort to dislodge any of the ropes. This did bring about the unfortunate side effect of making her large breasts jiggle wildly in all directions, which felt uncomfortable with the chest harness tied around them. Fortunately, the discomfort was alleviated partly by the pleasurable feelings which were also provided by her chest harness.

After half an hour (although it felt much longer to both of the captives) of nearly non-stop wriggling, grunting and shifting around their bodies on the fluffy mat, Lisanna called the time: “That’s it! 30 minutes are up.”

Both Lucy and Erza instantly flopped down onto the mat, breathing heavily. They had tried their hardest, but neither one managed to escape within the time limit.

In fact, both Lucy and Erza felt like they had made no progress whatsoever. But neither of the girls new this was the case for one another. They looked at Lisanna, fearful of what her judgment would be, since both the blonde and the redhead felt like they were the one who had failed.

Lisanna smiled at both girls. “You both did a terrific job! You hardly ever stopped your efforts, I’m very impressed at the stamina you two posses.” 

Both girls wanted to tell the white haired mage to stop stalling and announce the winner already, but both Lucy and Erza were still too out of breath to utter a word.

Finally, Lisanna announced her verdict: “And the winner is… ME! You both didn't make any headway at all. so I’ve decided that I’ll just tickle the both of you “

“NO!” Both girls shouted simultaneously.

“Lisanna, you can’t do that!” Erza said angrily, the redhead felt like she had been conned and wondered if this had been the take-over mage’s ploy all along.

“Please Lisanna, won’t you reconsider?” Lucy begged. “We both tried our hardest, doesn’t that amount to some kind of reward?”. The blonde girl looked at Lisanna with pleading eyes.

“No.” Lisanna replied casually as she was rummaging through the backpack she brought, fishing out a blue ball gag and a black bit gag. “Besides, you two have had plenty of fun already. It’s time I had mine.”

The white haired girl then shoved the bit gag in between Erza’s teeth, buckling it shut. She then did the same to Lucy with the ball gag.

“There.” The white haired girl said cheerfully. “Now I don’t have to worry your squeals will disturb any of the others.

Both captives began their struggles anew, but they were still too exhausted and turned on from their previous battle with the ropes to put up a real fight. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, half an hour of fruitless wriggling had proven that to them both.

Lisanna picked up the feather. “Brace yourselves.” She said with an ominous grin.

Before either of the girls could mutter another word of protest (or a plea for that matter) Lisanna began brushing the feather over the soles of their feet, switching every few minutes between Lucy and Erza.

Needless to say, both mages screamed as loud as their gags and out of breath bodies allowed them. They bucked up and down as wildly as they could in their heavily restrained positions, trying to escape Lisanna’s feather. However, their evasion attempts were completely useless. With the two mages tightly bound and gagged, Lisanna had no problem keeping her feather in reach of the poor girl’s soles, legs and the rest of their gorgeous bodies.

Every so often Lisanna would move the feather up and down Erza’s half exposed upper body, tickling the redhead’s ribs and sides. Since Lucy had kept her top on, Lisanna couldn’t do the same to her, but the take-over mage’s efforts were still plenty to keep the blonde mage squealing and jittering about for the entire time the little white piece of plumage made contact with her body.

Lisanna’s relentless tickling went on for almost 40 minutes, dividing her attention evenly between both of her captives. Finally, the white haired mage decided her damsels had suffered enough and she put the feather away, allowing Lucy and Erza to finally recover properly.

Neither of the girls could move an inch anymore, they were completely worn out from their exertions, struggling to get away from Lisanna’s feather or simply from gasping for air. 

Lisanna decided to praise the two girls. “Well done you two, you held out swell!”

Both Erza and Lucy were still too tired to respond. They simply remained lying on the mat, thinking: We had no choice but to endure it, we couldn’t get away!

The two captives then saw Lisanna rummaging through her backpack again. This worried the blonde and the redhead immensely, since they were still recovering from Lisanna’s last ‘game’.

Luckily for them, Lisanna was done teasing. “Now, since you two have been so nice to me so far, letting me tie you up and then agreeing to that race, it’s time I rewarded you!”

Lisanna pulled out two pairs of nipple clamps of which the ends had a rubber tip on them to soften their pinch. The two girls also noticed small beads hanging off of each of the clamps.

“In case you don’t recognize them, these are softened up clamps with vibrators added, they're Mira-nee's.” Lisanna explained. “They shouldn’t hurt all that much, and with the vibrators attached to them, every bit of the buzzing is transferred directly onto your nipples. In other words, these clamps are meant for fun and stimulation, not for pain.”

“So, how about it? Would you two like me to use these on you?” The white haired girl asked.

Both Erza and Lucy nodded eagerly. They had had their fill of being toyed with, and those clamps looked like just the thing to get their minds off of their ache and exhaustion.

“Great!” Lisanna said, smiling widely.

The young take-over mage then went to sit in between Lucy and Erza so she could pull down Erza’s bra and Lucy top as well as her bra.

“Brace yourselves. They may have a dampener on them, but you’ll still feel the first pinch.” Lisanna warned before attaching one clamp after another on each of Lucy’s and Erza’s breasts.

Both girls let out two groans (one for each pinch), and began shaking slightly in their bindings as an involuntary reaction to the partly painful but mostly pleasurable feelings these clamps evoked.

Lisanna flicked the switches on all four of the vibrator pebbles, and they began buzzing lightly.

Even though the vibrators weren’t very powerful, the way their buzzing was transferred to the body made for a massive effect on both the celestial spirit mage and the requipping mage. They both began gasping and groaning happily as their tiredness washed away in a sea of arousal.

Hmm, should I pitch in on the pampering of their breasts, or are these vibrators enough? Lisanna thought to herself.

By no means did the two mages in front of her look like they weren’t getting enough of a thrill, but the looks on their face just made the white haired girl want to join in even more. Just seeing the state of these two girls made her heat up slightly.

Lisanna gently placed a hand on both Erza’s and Lucy’s left breast. She could feel the buzzing of the vibrators traveling through the flesh of the two mage’s tits, and right into her own hands. This served to turn on the young take-over mage even further as she began massaging her fellow guild member’s breasts.

Lucy and Erza moaned approvingly, and tried to remain still so Lisanna could continue her work (not an easy feat, considering they were now being stimulated from so many points).

Lisanna’s gentle caresses, pinches and massaging continued for a few minutes, until Erza suddenly turned around, away from Lisanna’s hand. This confused the white haired girl, until she saw that Erza had begun grinding her groin onto the mat. 

“I see,” Lisanna said with a smirk. “You want to come, don’t you? Do you need it so badly that you can’t even wait anymore for me to start?”

Erza nodded, the redhead didn’t even care about how shameful her behavior was or how desperate it made her look, she just wanted the climax she felt building inside of her to surge!

Now Lucy let out a loud groan as well: “E OOOO!! (Me TWOOO!!)” 

The white haired girl chuckled. “You two huh? I Guess I can manage that, it’ll take some effort but you two deserve it.” 

Lisanna let go of Lucy breast and rolled Erza onto her side so she could make her way down to both girls’ waists, sliding her hand in behind their skirts and panties to begin rubbing their (already very moist) pussies.

The second Lisanna made contact with their sweet spots, both girls let out an enormous roar of sexual pleasure. Despite their gags, the noise was so loud it actually startled Lisanna for a moment. The white haired girl recovered quickly however, returning to her ministrations of the two captives.

Almost no time at all transpired after Lisanna began rubbing Lucy and Erza’s clits when both girls climaxed with a noisy and lust filled groan. Erza was the first to come, soon after Lucy did as well.

Lisanna pulled back her hands and allowed her two guild members some time to recover. She took out their gags to allow them to catch their breath more easily.

“So, how did I do?” Lisanna asked, curious about her first attempt at a dominating role.

“Well, it’s not like I have that many instances to compare it to,” Erza began, “but as far as I’m concerned, you were absolutely perfect.”

“I agree.” Lucy concurred. “Although you tricking us into tiring ourselves out, only to tickle us both regardless was a bit mean.”

Lisanna chuckled. “Sorry. But I couldn’t resist, the both of you looked so appealing.” The white haired girl said shyly.

“Well, I was angry at first but you’ve more than made up for it now.” Lucy said.

“On top of that,” Erza said, “it’s only fair you get to do what you want if you’re in charge. And it’s not like we protested that hard.”

“Exactly.” The take-over mage said. “I assumed that if you really didn’t agree with what I was doing, you two would’ve been much more forceful in demanding to be released. So, since neither of you went out of your way to get me to stop, I didn’t.”

“But my,” Lucy said suddenly, “you sure know your knots. Both Erza and me had been giving it our all to escape for nearly the entire time, but nothing we tried had any effect.”

The redhead nodded as to support her friend’s comment. “It’s clear you hold the same talent for rope tying your sister does.”

Erza then smirked at Lisanna. “And it turns out that’s not the only thing you hold in common with your sister: That mean streak of Mira’s back when we were younger shone through in your ploy just now. Forcing us both to exhaust ourselves so we couldn’t fight back anymore when you decided to tickle us.”

“If that was supposed to be a compliment, then I’m not sure if you delivered it right, Erza.” Lucy said to her red haired friend.

“Oh I don’t mind, Lucy.” Lisanna said cheerfully. “After all, you have to be able to be a little bit vicious if you want to be a good domme.”

The white haired girl then knelt beside her two bound guild members. “But you also have to know when to stop, so it’s about time I got you two out so you can completely relax your bodies.”

Lisanna then untied both girls so they could stretch out their limbs and relax their muscles. The second they were out, both Lucy and Erza let themselves fall flat on the floor, still dead tired from everything they’d been through.

While her captives focused on getting back their strength, Lisanna tidied up everything she had taken from the pile.

 By the time the blonde and the redhead were fully recovered and had quickly freshened themselves up, Lisanna was already sitting in the sofa. Both Lucy and Erza joined her for a friendly chat, mainly about what the rest of the girls could be doing right now.

Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait for very long to find out. Shortly after all three girls had settled themselves in the living room they were accompanied by a cheerful Cana and a tired looking Ultear, who had finished their playtime in the kitchen.




After taking off her coat and leaving it in the living room, Ultear followed Cana into the kitchen. The room looked perfectly ordinary, except that all of the chairs had been taken out from underneath the table and stacked together in a corner of the room.

I guess that's what Cana meant when she said she had to prepare things in the kitchen, Ultear thought to herself. But what does she need all this space for? Or is it the table she wants to use?

However, before the time ark mage could ask about Cana's redecorating, the card mage addressed her: "So, how would you like to be tied? I'm in a good mood so I'll let you pick. "The brunette then winked at Ultear in an effort to make the dark haired woman a little less tense.

Ultear thought about Cana’s proposal for a moment to decide what to anwer.

... Problem was, the dark haired woman had no idea what she wanted. Since she herself was not interested in bondage and had never gotten involved with Meredy's fetish, the time ark mage had no clue what ‘position’ even meant, although she assumed it meant in what way she wanted to be tied. That didn’t help her though, since the black haired mage was having trouble imagining anything concerining bondage at all, let alone a specific position.

“Hmm,” Ultear began, “I honestly don’t know anything about tying one another up, so I guess something simple would be best?”

“Simple?” Cana replied , both surprised and disappointed. “That’s all that you can come up with? Not a lot to work with, if I’m honest.”

“I’m sorry.” Ultear said whilst avoiding Cana’s look. “But in all honesty, the only reason I even agreed to join in was for Meredy’s sake. She really likes all of this stuff, but with us having to be able to flee at a moment’s notice, she has never gotten a chance to try it out.”

Cana’s eyes widened slightly as she realized what the time ark mage standing in front of her was confessing.

Ultear continued: “Joining you guys was an ideal opportunity, but leaving her alone with all of you would be to nerve wracking for her, I felt. Even if we are on friendly terms right now, this is still a rather peculiar situation to be dropped in, right?"

Cana nodded, slowly becoming more and more sure of where this explanation was headed.

"so I asked for both of us to stay over and join you so Meredy wouldn't feel like she was being left to fend for herself" Ultear finished up her story "… But truth be told, I’m not into this at all.” The raven haired woman then said in an apologetic tone.

“But since you came all this way, you figured you might as well give it a shot, is that it?” Cana said, adding to Ultear's explanation.

The dark haired mage nodded. “I’m sorry if you were expecting more of this.”

“That’s okay, I’ve had a lot of fun already today, so no harm done.” Cana responded. “But anyways, something simple was it? I could do that, no problem. Just hold out your hands in front.” 

Ultear did as Cana asked, and the brunette proceeded by tying her wrists together. Howver, the rope turned out far too long and quite a lot of it was left dangling from the dark haired woman's wrists. She didn't question this however, assuming Cana knew what she was doing.

“There, not too bad, right?” Cana said with a slight smile on her face.

The dark haired woman tested her bindings for a moment. They felt tight, but not painful. And although the ropes kept her wrists tied together and the knot seemed hard to reach, it wouldn’t be completely impossible to get out. 

Ultear looked at the card mage. “No, it’s not that bad at all. It feels a little strange not being able to move my hands as I like, though.” 

“That’s just because you’ve never experienced it,” The brunette replied, “you’ll get used to it soon enough.”

The card mage now got a more serious look on her face. “Besides, in a moment you won’t have time to think about how strange your wrists feel, when I’ve kicked things into high gear.”

“High gear? What do you mean by that” Ultear asked in a slightly worried tone of voice.

But instead of answering, Cana forcefully pulled up the end of rope still hanging from Ultear’s wrist bindings, thereby forcing her arms up above her head.

“Wha-?” Ultear tried to ask, but she was cut off by Cana quickly pulling her arms down again. however this time the time ark mage’s wrists were pulled behind her head, making her elbows point upwards.

“Ouch!” Ultear shouted as her arms were strained by Cana pulling them further and further down. When Ultear's wrists were brought down to the height of her neck, the card mage began wrapping the end of rope around Ultear’s upper body. The brunette tied the rope right below Ultear’s sizeable chest, which was nicely accentuated by her black and white bodysuit. Finally, the card mage knotted the rope off at the front, well out of reach of Ultear's hands. Cana then took a step back to let Ultear discover just how stuck she now was. 

The dark haired mage quickly realized her arms were completely pinned in their position, she could barely move them. When she tried to pull her arms up again, the rope wound around her chest tightened up making her short of breath. Those efforts also caused the ropes around her wrists to painfully dig in.

The now securely bound mage came to one simple conclusion: My arms are completely stuck, trying to escape or even move would just cause me pain without any useful progress.

“Cana,” Ultear began with a pained expression, “this is really strict and uncomfortable. I know it’s probably supposed to be part of the whole experience, but isn't this a bit much? I thought we were going to take things slow.”

The card mage shook her head. “You asked me to take things slow, and I replied I could do that. I never said I would.” The brunette said with an ominous grin. “There’s no fun in taking things slow, and having fun is what I’m all about right now.”

Ultear didn’t like the sound of that at all. But before she could open her mouth, Cana suddenly said: “Oh! And before I forget, the safeword is honeycombs.”

"Huh? What do you mea-?" Ultear tried to ask when she was suddenly shut up by Cana shoving a big red ball gag into her mouth, buckling it tightly behind her head afterwards.

“Ey, at i iz or?! (Hey, what is this for?!)” Ultear tried to say, but to her surprise hardly any sound made it past the big rubber ball now jammed in her mouth. Even more to her surprise was that instead of sound, drool was now flowing past her lips. 

“Lovely.” Cana said with a triumphant grin. “I was hoping this would suffice to keep you quiet. I wouldn’t want you calling for help until I’ve had my fun.”

Ultear really began panicking now, it was obvious Cana still was far from finished with her.

I have to escape! The dark haired mage thought to herself. No way am I wriggling out of this, I’ll just have to use my magic.

The time ark mage tried to call up some of her magic power in order to make the ropes jump forward in time to make them rot and fall off of her … However nothing happened.

What? The distressed woman thought to herself. It didn’t work, why?

She tried casting her magic once more, but again there was no reaction whatsoever.

“I’m guessing you’re trying to use magic to escape?” Cana snickered whilst calmly looking at her dark haired captive’s efforts. “I’m afraid that won’t work. Do you remember me saying in the living room that I went off into the kitchen to 'prepare something’?"

Ultear now looked at Cana, who was smirking as she was providing her explanation. “Before coming outside to snag you and Meredy, I created a magic seal in here. In other words, anyone in this kitchen loses all access to their magical power, rendering them just as helpless as an ordinary human.”

Ultear’s eyes shot wide open. No magic?! She thought to herself. Then I have no way of getting out of these ropes!

While Ultear’s panic kept growing inside of her, Cana casually continued her story.

“You know, I can't say it was completely what I had planned, but I sure am pleased to get you here. I had planned to invite the two of you after bringing you inside the cottage, and had been wondering what excuses or arguments I could use to persuade you. I honestly never expected you to ask to join by yourselves!”

Where is she going with this? Ultear thought, still wary of the calm demeanor of the card mage.

“And then you went and said that this isn’t really your thing!” The brunette said enthusiastically. “You wouldn’t believe how wonderful that sounded to me!”

Ultear was really getting confused now. She’ s happy that I don’t like this?! What on Earthland is wrong with this woman?

The time ark mage was considering asking Cana to cut to the chase, but with her chin already dripping with drool just from sitting and listening, the dark haired woman didn’t even want to think about what kind of torrent would flow when she would try to speak. Besides, Cana would get to the point of her story eventually, and Ultear herself was hardly in a position to make demands.

Cana noticed the confusion on Ultear’s face. “Oh, so sorry. You are probably wondering right now why in the world I am so happy that you’re not interested in bondage, right?”

A slight nod from Ultear, which made some of her saliva drop down onto her chest. The dark haired woman didn’t like the stickyness spreading over her body, but sadly didn’t have much say in the matter.

The brunette chuckled. “Well you see, I’ve always wanted to try out pairing up with a reluctant sub. Mira is always up for anything.“ The brunette mage was now smirking slightly. “… And believe me, I've suggested and done quite a lot of stuff to her already… And although that mindset of hers does have quite a lot of advantages, it’s not exactly what I want.”

Ultear was now starting to grasp why Cana had been so happy to find out she didn’t like bondage in the slightest. However, that wasn’t comforting the bound and gagged woman at all.

Cana kept talking: “So imagine my joy when you told me you aren’t a fan of bondage! Now I have the perfect helpless damsel to have my wicked way with!” The brunette said as she let her tongue pass over her lips.

That last gesture had really scared Ultear. It had been years since she felt scared. 

During her battle filled years as a lead member of Grimoire Heart, she’d looked death in the eye countless times during countless fights. Over time, she had managed to block out any feelings of anxiety and fear no matter the circumstances… But this brunette was frightening her with just the look on her face and her words alone!

The dark haired woman resumed her struggling, trying furiously to wriggle herself free from what was in reality just a single piece of rope. But to her despair, that single rope kept her wrists firmly pinned in place and completely useless.

How can this be?! The time ark mage thought. I have been through so much during my life, so many horrors and dangerous situations... so how the hell is one flimsy rope keeping me in check?!

The dark haired woman was now beginning to feel frustration and anger on top of her fear, leading her to fight against her bindings even more wildly. But no matter what she tried, she couldn’t break free. Eventually she gave up, needing to catch her breath and saliva covering her lips and chin. Ultear glared at Cana whilst she was recovering from her exertions.

“Oohh.” Cana said, looking tremendously pleased. “The look on your face right now is priceless! I wonder what that look will become when I add even more ropes.” 

The brunette picked up another rope and moved closer to her heavily breathing captive, who was still too tired to really fight back.

Cana took advantage of Ultear’s docile state to pull the zip of Ultear’s bodysuit down to below the rope wrapped around her chest, afterwards pulling the suit open as well so as to expose the time ark mage’s ample chest.

“EY!” Ultear shouted through her gag, but Cana didn’t pay it any heed. “There, now I have something to work with.” The brunette said happily, ignoring Ultear’s bright red cheeks.

Cana wrapped the rope she was holding around the time ark mage’s chest (beneath the breasts) and knotted it off behind her back. She then wrapped the rope around Ultear’s upper body again, but this time above the woman’s breasts. After cinching that rope together with the loop of rope below Ultear’s tits, she pulled it over the dark haired woman’s right shoulder, weaving it through the upper and lower chest ropes in front. Cana looped the rope around the two lower chest ropes, then brought her rope back up, once again woven in between all of the the frontal chest ropes, only to pull it back down over Ultear’s left shoulder and to finally tie the complete chest harness off at the back, attaching directly it to Ultears bound wrists as well this time.

The dark haired woman’s hands had already been made completely useless after just that first rope of Cana’s. But with the card mage’s added work, even mild struggling was something the poor damsel now had to consider carefully, since every twitch would create pressure on both her wrists and her breasts.

Cana pulled all of the ropes tight one last time before firmly tying them off, causing Ultear to let out a muffled groan as all of her bindings tensed up. 

By now the gag had also become soaking wet, whatever the dark haired mage had tried in order to ease her drooling had been ineffective. The feeling of saliva dripping down her chin annoyed the bound and gagged woman, but couldn’t compare to the discomfort all of the ropes around her upper body created.

“That should hold your hands in place.” Cana said. “Now for that curvaceous lower body of yours.”

The brunette pushed Ultear onto the table, forcing her to sit down onto its surface. She then looked at Ultear in a very stern manner. “I’m going to tie you legs now, kick me and I promise you’ll regret it.” She said with a voice matching the look on her face.

The look in Cana’s eyes, combined with everything the brunette had done to her in the last few minutes, robbed Ultear of any will to resist. And so the tightly bound damsel remained seated, her legs dangling from the end of the table.

Cana proceeded by tying a seperate rope around each ankle, then tying each leg to a separate table leg, forcing the time ark mage to remain seated on top of the table with her legs spread.

Having her legs spread open like that caused Ultear’s face to glow bright red with embarrassment. She pulled on the rope to try and close her legs, but there was no give at all. The dark haired woman was forced to remain seated in her exposed manner.

“So cute!” Cana said when she noticed the dark haired woman’s flushed face. 

The card mage then took a step back, inspecting her work. “I think that’s enough rope to keep you contained. Besides, I can’t wait any longer to start having my fun with you. You'd better brace yourself, because I’m going to give you an experience you’ll never forget!”

And once again a long forgotten feeling of fear filled the time ark mage’s entire being. Instinctively she tried calling for help, something she hadn’t even done during the harshest of battles.

"(Hmmmpff!!!)" Ultear screamed desperately as loud as her tightly constrained chest and large ball gag allowed her. Sadly, the noise she produced wasn't nearly loud enough to reach another room, let alone lure someone into the kitchen.

"You bad girl." Cana said with a smirk. "You just tried to get someone in here to interrupt my fun, didn't you?" The brunette then pinched both of Ultear's nipples hard, giving them a slight twist to increase the dark haired mage's suffering.

"AAAAA!!" The bound and gagged damsel squealed.

"I hope you realize you have yourself to thank for that.” Cana said in a stern voice. “Now behave or I will be forced to do that again, or worse…"

Ultear’s eyes widened. Her nipples were still throbbing from the rough treatment Cana had just given them, getting another dose of that was the last thing the dark haired woman desired.

Relucantly, Ultear nodded. 

Even though she had submitted to Cana just now, what the time ark mage really wanted was to fight back. She wanted to resist her sadistic captor, but with her hands tightly bound and pinned behind her head and her legs equally immobile, there was little the time ark mage could do other than pathetically shake about sitting on top of the kitchen table. Even biting Cana was out of the question, seeing as she had a huge rubber ball stuck in her mouth, which incidentally was still making her drool uncontrollably.

Cana immediately began groping Ultear's large breasts, a maneuver which shocked the dark haired woman. But that shock didn’t just come from the brunette’s sudden movements, what really confused the time ark mage was that it felt strangely pleasant.

After a few moments of firmly grasping the dark haired woman's breast, Cana let her hands wander down to Ultear's well formed butt, which was also beautifully displayed through the dark haired woman’s skintight bodysuit. However, not wanting to leave the bound and gagged mage's tits unattended, Cana began sucking on them instead, having her tongue play around the dark haired girl's nipples as well.

All Ultear could do at this point was moan loudly, unable to resist or even control her own body.
She couldn’t understand her own feelings either. Naturally this all felt embarrassing and humiliating, but for some reason it kept feeling better and better too. The things Cana was doing with her tongue aroused the dark haired woman, and she could feel her nipples harden. 

Cana noticed this when her tongue ran over them, and then playfully bit Ultear's left nipple.

"MMAA!!" Ultear screamed again.

Cana pulled back from the dark haired mage's chest and began rummaging through the pile of stuff she had brought with her in the kitchen. "Didn't like that, huh? Well if you think that was too much already, then you won't like these at all." The brunette said holding up what unmistakably looked like clamps. "Not that I care, I'm having far too much fun to pay attention to your wishes." She added.

The card mage pinched the clamps onto Ultear's nipples, after which an immediate jolt of pain shot through the time ark mage's entire body. 

"AAAARRGGGHHH!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, making drool fly everywhere from the soaked red rubber ball.

The time ark mage had endured a lot of pain over the years, but none quite as specific and strange as this. Somehow the pain was mixed with pleasure which, just like the pain, sprouted from her now overly sensitive nipples and from there made its way throughout her entire body.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Cana said with a slight hint of compassion in her voice. "First time always is the worst. But don't worry, you get used to the feeling relatively quickly. It won't be any fun if all you feel is pain after all."

As much as Ultear resented it, the brunette was completely right. After the first shock of the clamps being pinched in place had subsided, all that remained was a dull pain emanating from the dark haired woman's large breasts. This pain however was more than compensated for by the pleasurable and arousing feel the clamps also summoned within her.

"See?" The card mage said with a grin. "Now we can go forward again."

After saying that, Cana pulled the zip of Ultear’s bodysuit further down until it was below her bellybutton. After that, the card mage turned round and began rummaging through the heap of equipment again.

When the brunette stood up again, she was holding up an electric toothbrush.

Ultear didn't even want to know what that thing was going to be used for. But she had this sinking feeling that she would soon discover it anyway.

Cana flicked the switch on the toothbrush and the bristles began shaking and spinning rapidly. "To be honest," the brunette began, "I've never actually had this done to me before, so I have no idea what you should expect." The card mage then began grinning. "Mira always screamed very loudly when I used this baby on her, which is why I like using it so much. If it can get such an explicit reaction out of her of all people, then it must be effective." 

As Cana neared Ultear's body with the softly humming brush, Ultear began leaning back in a useless effort to evade her.

Upon seeing the dark haired woman backing up, Cana frowned. "You're being a bad girl again" she said, and she lightly pulled on the right clamp pinching Ultear nipple in order to punish her.

"AAAAHHH!" Ultear shouted again. "O-EEE! (SORRY!)" 

Sorry?! The dark haired woman thought to herself, astonished at what she had just yelled. Did I just apologize? But why? I'M the one being mistreated, I shouldn't apologize!... Did I actually feel guilty for going against Cana's wishes?? That can't be it… But then why did I apologize??

The dark haired woman was now so confused she momentarily forgot all about her predicament, her pain and Cana's plans with the toothbrush.

Cana picked up on Ultear's absent mindedness, and quickly had the toothbrush make its first contact with the time ark mage's naked and bound chest.

The second the rough bristles touched the skin of Ultear's already sensitive breasts, her mind was pulled back to the present situation, once more fully aware of all of the ropes and other implements attached to her body.

The feeling of that toothbrush was unlike anything the dark haired woman had ever experienced: Something in between the realm of pain and ticklish, but at the same time miles away from both. The impact of these simple brushes was far more potent than Ultear ever imagined. She began moaning and grunting even louder than before. And to her amazement, she was becoming unsure about whether she wanted Cana to stop her actions, or take them even further .

What in the world is wrong with me? Ultear thought confused. I’ve been bound and gagged, you might even describe everything Cana is doing to me as torture, but somehow I’m becoming increasingly aroused, to the point where I would actually mind this woman stopping her work?!

Cana continued going over the time ark mage’s upper body with the electric toothbrush, making the bound and gagged damsel alternate between screaming, giggling and groaning. 

When the dark haired woman reached the point where she could hardly even sit upright anymore from exhaustion, Cana suddenly stopped stroking the toothbrush against Ultear’s naked torso, after which the brunette also took off the nipple clamps.

Ultear looked at her captor, confused by her actions. But before she could ask for an explanation, Cana gave it of her own accord: 

"That'll do." She said. "You were marvelous Ultear, a very good performance for a first time. Now it's time I gave you your just desserts."

The brunette once again placed her hands on Ultear’s large rack, but this time in a much gentler manner. Cana began softly massaging the dark haired woman’s breast, at the same time kissing her neck and stroking her tongue against it as well.

With Ultear preoccupied by Cana’s treatment, she never noticed the brunette pulling down the zip of her bodysuit all the way down so her vagina was exposed. Even less did Ultear notice Cana producing a vibrator, at least not until after the brunette had switched it on, the soft buzzing of the piece of plastic then finally drawing the bound woman’s attention.

With the vibrator on a rather low setting, Cana inserted it into Ultear’s vagina, allowing for it to start tingling her clit. The feeling this created was absolutely divine, and Ultear began groaning in pleasure.

After a few minutes of massaging the time ark mage’s breasts and stimulating her clit with the vibrator, Cana pulled the piece of plastic out again, and instead began using her hand to rub Ultear's sweet spot (far more vigorously than the mild vibrator setting did).

Cana’s fingers did a much better job of turning on the dark haired woman, and Ultear's breathing quickened as she could feel herself surging towards an orgasm.

At this point, Ultear was no longer able to think straight. The situation had not changed ever since Cana had lured her in this kitchen, trapping her against her will: She was still stuck on this kitchen table and completely helpless to resist whatever this fiendish woman wanted to do to her. But even so, she no longer bore any animosity against Cana for what she had done, she was even starting to forget the pain she was in. All that was on her mind right now was the wonderful feeling of Cana’s ministrations, and she just wanted it to go on and on.

Finally, Ultear shuddered as she came to a wonderful climax, one unlike anything she’d ever felt before.
But with that final feeling of liberation, the full impact of everything the brunette had put her through had also begun to manifest. Ultear began leaning forward and nearly fell over from exhaustion, so Cana took hold of her captive to support her. 

After pushing the time ark mage back so she wouldn’t fall of the table, Cana took out the gag.

"There, now was this whole experience so horrible?" The brunette asked of the still heavily breathing time ark mage.

With the gag removed, Ultear could finally take a few deep breaths. And while she was now once again to speak properly, she couldn’t find any words. Nothing came to mind, except for three:

“Thank you, mistress.”

Cana raised an eyebrow. “Mistress?!” She said astonished. “Wow, you've sure made a turnaround from not being into bondage at all.”

Ultear sighed as she finally caught her breath. “I don’t know, it just felt appropriate. You did indeed managed to turn my opinion about bondage around 180 degrees, in the span of about an hour and a half no less. On top of that, even though I was really scared and angry at first for what you were doing to me, you still brought my body to a wonderful close.”

“Thanks,” Cana replied with a smile, “I made a real effort to make this first experience of yours unforgettable. It might’ve seemed like I was acting inhuman at times, but I just figured that if we ever entered territory which you really felt uncomfortable with, you could’ve just used the safeword.”

“That honeycombs word? Would that have mattered?” Ultear asked confused. “You kept going on how you loved a reluctant victim. Wouldn’t me begging for release have just spurred you on even more?”

Cana looked at Ultear in disbelief. "SAFE-word!" the brunette replied. "Why do you think it's called that?! This stuff is all about trust, far more than it is about having fun or even about sexual pleasure. Trust is where it all starts, and that trust is built on solid rules and agreements. Number one on the list: An override, aka safeword. You say that word, and no matter the situation, we stop whatever we are doing. THAT’s what the word is for, hence the name."

“I never knew bondage was such serious business.” Ultear said after hearing Cana’s lecture.

“Of course it’s serious business!“ The card mage said, raising her voice. “If you want to do this properly, there has to be attention to safety! The person in charge is responsible for the well being of their partner after all, just as much or maybe even more than they are for their enjoyment. Sure, I wanted to have my fun with you, but not at the expense of your well being. That is why I mentioned the safeword to you.”

“I wish you’d explained that before all of this. Then I would’ve probably felt less panicked.” Ultear said, looking at the floor in embarrassment. Why didn’t she realize this on her own? It all seemed completely logical after Cana explained it. After all there was no way all six of those girls would be willing to put their bodies on the line if there weren’t any safeguards in place.

…But for some reason, the situation hadn’t allowed for her to think logically.

“But you know,” Cana said to pull Ultear’s mind back to earth, “even if you thought I wouldn't respect the safeword, saying one simple word wouldn't have taken much effort, now would it? I think you secretly liked it all, and that you didn't really want out.” The card mage said with a gleeful smirk. "And that's why you never resorted to the safeword."

Ultear blushed heavily.” I don't know about that, I really did feel scared… It's just that I was also excited and aroused, so I didn't know what to do. I was completely helpless to resist, and at times there were so many feelings coursing through me it just felt easier to stop thinking and let everything wash over me”

"That's called being swept up in the moment," Cana replied with a bright smile, "and it can cause some pretty damn fantastic situations."

“I’ll say.” The dark haired mage replied smiling herself. She then remained quiet for a moment, and Cana wondered what was going through Ultear’s mind right now.

She got her answer soon enough as the time ark mage made a hesitant confession:

”You know… Now that I think about it, deep down I think I also had the feeling that if I had tried to give up by saying the safeword somewhere down the line… and you would’ve miraculously respected it, I would never have found out what else you had planned for me… Looking back, it would’ve meant never receiving my reward at the end.” Ultear said, her cheeks bright red again.

“You see!” Cana said triumphantly. “I told you a part of you didn’t mind everything I was doing. You might’ve not realized it yourself, but I could tell by the look you sometimes had on your face that you were enjoying yourself. Believe me, it’s a look I’ve seen countless times already during my years spent with Mira.”

“I guess so.” Was all Ultear could reply. Not knowing what more to say, she ended with: “There really is a lot more to this than I ever assumed.” 

"You got that right." Cana confimred."But not for now."

With the conversation over, Cana knelt down in front of the table to begin untying Ultear’s legs. “Just hold on for a minute, I’ll get you out soon enough. As fun as it was, I’m guessing that by now you’re ready to be freed.”

“That I am.” The dark haired woman said. “Now that I’ve calmed down again, I can really feel the ropes digging into my skin. It’s not that painful, but I’ll be glad when I can finally move freely again.”

“Oh, you’ll be more than just glad, trust me.” Cana responded mysteriously as she stood up and began undoing the time ark mage’s chest harness and wrist ropes.

Just as Ultear began wondering what that comment could have meant, all of the ropes binding her came undone. The resulting feeling was one of utter ecstasy, it was as though the dark haired mage had never really felt her own body up until now. 

Ultear let out a soft moan as she let herself fall backwards, lying flat on her back on the table. “I can’t believe what I’m feeling! All you did was untie the ropes, but my whole body suddenly feels so light and soo goood! “ The dark haired woman said light of breath.

Cana chuckled. “I know the feeling all too well. It’s the endorphins that are released as a result from your straining position, not unlike when you go through a heavy work out. It makes you feel euphoric and helps you recover more quickly.

“I’ll say!” Ultear replied ecstatically. “I can’t remember the last time I felt this good. Do you always feel this whenever you end one of your bondage sessions?”

“Only when I’ve really pushed my limits, which happens every so often when Mira is in a good mood.” Cana replied with a meaningful grin.

“I’m beginning to understand more and more what’s so appealing about tying one another up.” Ultear said, crawling back up from the tabletop.

“Glad to hear that!” Cana replied. “It means I did a good job, and it means Meredy now had someone to team up with in the future.”

“Speaking of Meredy,” Ultear said, “how do you think she’s faring? You don’t think Mira did the same stuff you did?” She said in a slightly worried tone. “Meredy might be a fan, and it might feel wonderful, but it still is a lot to take for your first time. I’ve been through countless horrors in my life, and even I barely pulled through.”

“You don’t have to worry.” Cana comforted the dark haired woman. “Mira will definitely take things slower than I did, it’s in her nature to be caring and compassionate. On top of that, she also has Juvia to take care of. She will break in the two of them nice and slow, building up as they get more used to it. Mira won’t do anything to them without their consent, I assure you.”

“That’s a relief.” The time ark mage said. “Meredy had been fantasizing about this for a long time already, even though she tried to keep it hidden from me and Jellal. Safe to say, discovering you all was a dream come true.”

“A dream Mira will definitely have brought to fruition.” Cana said enthusiastically. “Now, what say you we head back to the living room so we can find out what the others have been up to?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Ultear replied, grinning from ear to ear.” 



Mirajane was walking up the stairs, followed by Juvia and Meredy.

Both the blue and the pink haired girl were excited but also slightly nervous about what they were getting into. No doubt did Mira knew what she was doing, but they were still inexperienced, and therefore had a hard time imagining how the white haired woman was going to educate the two of them.

The three young women entered one of the bedrooms in the cottage. It was a plain room, the only furniture being a two person king size bed, a one person bed, a large built-in wardrobe and a sink with a mirror above it.

"This is perfect." Mirajane said cheerfully. "The beds look nice and comfy, and it's a really spacious room. Erza did a great job finding this cottage!"

Neither Juvia nor Meredy responded to Mira's comment, instead looking around the room themselves and at the pile of ropes and other implements Mira had just dropped on the mat next to the two person bed.

"Eager to get started I see." Mira said when she noticed the two girls staring at the pile. "Well no sense delaying then. Do you two want to take off something, or are you content in your current outfits?"

Mira's offer startled Meredy for a second. She hadn't thought about stripping at all. The pink haired girl looked at Juvia. "What do you want to do, Juvia?" She asked.

"Hmm, well Juvia thinks it would probably be more comfortable wearing less clothes. It also make for better contact of the ropes with your body."

"Exactly right, very observant of you, Juvia." Mirajane praised as though they were inside a classroom. Nonetheless, the praise made the blue haired girl blush.

"I should also add that you usually work up a sweat struggling, so the more clothes you wear, the hotter you'll be and the faster you'll tire yourself out." The white haired woman said with the same demeanor a school teacher would have. "Of course, I won't force you to undress. Just go with whatever makes you feel comfortable." She hastily added.

"That's okay, Mira." Meredy responded. "You've already convinced me . Besides, it's just us girls here, nothing to be embarrassed about."

"An admirable attitude." Mira replied. "Well then, go ahead you two."

Juvia and Meredy began taking off their clothes as Mira had suggested.

Juvia first took off her long dark brown coat, revealing a blue top with long sleeves and a skirt of the same colour. The water mage then removed her boots and socks, after which she took off her skirt and top. She was now wearing nothing more than a dark blue bra with matching panties. The lingerie set accentuated her curvaceous body, the bra tightly hugging her well endowed chest. The dark colour of the fabric also went really well with the water mage’s pale skin.

As for Meredy, she began by taking off her dark coat, her brown boots and black stockings. She then hesitated to go even further. Even though she had seen Juvia dress down to her underwear, she was still a little wary about taking off her short red dress.

Mira picked up on the pink haired girl's hesitation. "That'll do if you like, there's no need to strip down to your underwear if you don't want to."

But Meredy shook her head. "No, if Juvia can do it then so can I… I finally have the chance to experience bondage in its truest form, something as silly as undressing shouldn't be a problem."

"Again, a wonderful attitude." Mira praised the sensory mage.

Meredy continued undressing herself, taking off her earmuffs and then her red dress. Underneath it she was wearing a cute flashy pink bra and a pair of white panties with pink polka dots on them.

While the sensory mage wasn't quite as well endowed as Juvia or Mira, she still possessed a decent chest, and the rest of her body had all the needed curves.

"You look very beautiful, Meredy-san." Juvia commented.

The pink haired girl blushed a little. "Thank you, Juvia. But you are pretty gorgeous yourself too, you know."

"The two of you are fine looking young ladies, that is true." Mira concluded. "Now, shall we begin?” The demon take-over mage suggested as she gestured towards the bed. “Why don't the two of you take place on the big bed over there, there should be plenty of room for even the three of us."

Meredy and Juvia headed over to the king size bed and sat down, their heart rate quickening in anticipation of what was about to begin.

Mirajane picked up a few coils of rope and placed them on the bed.

"So, who volunteers to go first?" The S-class mage said whilst looking at both of the girls sitting opposite of her.

Meredy reacted first: "If it's alright with Juvia, I would like to be the first. I'm so excited I don't think I can bear waiting for even a second longer." The sensory mage said, her voice trembling slightly with excitement.

Juvia chuckled. "If you are this eager Meredy-san,  then Juvia has no problem waiting her turn."

"Very well then," Mirajane concluded, "Meredy will be the first to be tied up."

The white haired woman then began unraveling the first coil of rope.

"I'll start with your legs," Mirajane said to the pink haired girl, "that way both you and Juvia can follow what I'm doing. I'll also explain exactly what's going on, so the two of you can learn from it for future times.

Meredy and Juvia nodded to show they understood Mira's intentions. "I'm ready, Mirajane." Meredy said. "Let's get started."

The white haired woman crossed Meredy ankles, after which she began wrapping a rope around them, explaining what she was doing along the way:

"As you can see, I'm wrapping both your ankles at once. All you need to keep in mind is that you make sure the rope is pulled tight every time you get round again, but of course not too tight. Your partner can help you find the right balance for that when you're starting out. Now, after wrapping the rope around the ankles, you loop it in between the legs, cinching the ropes together and tying it off like that. You can then tuck away the ends in between the ropes, this makes the knots more difficult to untie, as well as give you a more neatly tied look.

"I see." Meredy said, mesmerized at the speed and skill with which Mira had tied her ankles.

The pink haired girl tried kicking her legs to test out her first bindings, only to be surprised when she discovered just this single rope was constricting quite a lot of her movement already.

Mirajane repeated the procedure just below Meredy's knees, once more carefully explaining the right way to wrap and tie off the rope.

The white haired woman then moved behind Meredy's back in order to begin tying up the sensory mage's wrists.

"You will of course not be able to see what I'm doing from now on, Meredy. But I'll be sure to keep explaining, and you should be able to feel what's going as well."

Meredy nodded again, still focused on her tightly bound legs. However her attention was quickly drawn back to Mira's teachings the moment she felt her wrist being pulled together.

"As you can see, Juvia," Mira said whilst looping the rope around Meredy's wrists, "I am tying Meredy's hands in the same manner I did her legs. But note carefully where I place these bindings. While people often tie the ropes very close to the wrists in order to securely tie them together, doing so causes more strain than necessary and it also makes the knots more accessible to your damsel’s fingers. It is much better to tie the ropes about half an inch (1 to 2 cm) above the wrists. This way your captive can struggle to her heart’s content without worry of injuries."

The blue haired girl nodded. "Juvia understands. It is unwise to place too much pressure directly at the joints, it is much better to tie the rope around the arms close to the wrists, since they can endure far more strain."

"Correct." Mira responded in her school teacher manner. "Now for the elbow tie, you can basically use the same method again. Looping the rope around and then cinching it tight inbetween is, as you two have probably realized already, a very effective and versatile way of restraining two limbs together. Meredy's elbows can therefore be tied in the same manner as the rest of her body. However here we have the exception that we won't force her elbows to touch like we did all the other times. A position like that is very tiring, especially to someone new."

The S-class mage unraveled another rope and continued her lecture. "This is easily solved however. You just loop the rope around Meredy's arms right below her slightly apart elbows, cinch those loops together and keep wrapping the rest of your rope around until the entire span between her arms is coiled in rope. Tie it off again and presto: Elbows tightly tied, but with some distance left between them!"

Mira smiled at Juvia, but the blue haired mage didn't return the smile.

"Mira-san, your explanation is very clear and the demonstration is also very helpful. But despite that, Juvia doubts she will be able to do what you just showed."

"That's understandable," the white haired mage replied calmly, "the only remedy for that is practice. Like with any skill, the more you exercise it, the more you hone it. It's not like I've always been this knowledgeable about rope tying, I've just had far more time than either of you to polish up my skills."

The water mage looked at the rope again. What Mira-san said makes sense, she thought. Besides my beloved Gray-sama will be doing the tying so I shouldn’t worry too much. It is only not to disappoint Lisanna-san that Juvia wishes to pay close attention. Luckily she also has to learn a lot, so she truly is an ideal partner for Juvia.

"But we're getting side-tracked." Mirajane suddenly said to change the subject and to get back Juvia’s attention. "I still had one more rope in mind to finish up on Meredy. That is, if you are still up for more?" The S-class mage said to the pink haired girl.

"Oh, yes!" Meredy replied enthusiastically. "I definitely want more of this!"

"Wonderful, then please lie down on your stomach."

Meredy did as requested (facing the foot end of the bed), and Mira tied a rope around the sensory mage's ankle bindings.

"What I had in mind to finish up is called a hogtie. Now, normally a hogtie is performed by tying the ankles to the wrists. However if your captive then kicks her legs, she pulls on her wrists as well. This is not an ideal situation for a beginner, or for extended periods of being put in bondage. A better alternative is to pull up the rope to the elbow bindings and knot them off there." Mira explained as she did exactly what she was describing to the two girls.

"There." Mira concluded. "A hogtie of this caliber should be very difficult to escape, even for an experienced bondage practitioner. In addition, because there is no real pressure built up in any sensitive or fragile areas you can leave even someone with limited experience like this for a long time… Any questions?"

"Just one." Meredy said immediately. "Would you please come and live with me, Ultear and Jellal? I don't think I ever want to be without your skills again."

Mirajane chuckled. "Very kind of you to say that, however I’m afraid I'll have to decline. But feel free to stop by whenever you are in need of advice. Both me and Cana are willing to share our experience, and the rest of the girls here are also learning lots over the course of this weekend."

"Now then, if there really aren't any questions, shall we start on you then, Juvia?"

The water mage nodded fervently. Seeing Mira tie up Meredy like that had sparked her own craving for another bondage position, and she could hardly contain herself by now.

"Please use whatever position you see fit, Mira-san. Juvia has already endured very long periods of bondage, so she can take quite a lot despite her short period of practicing bondage."

"That's great to hear." Mira said approvingly. "I guess I can try out something special on you then. Have a seat next to Meredy."

The water mage sat down next to Meredy, facing the opposite direction as the pink haired girl (i.e. the head end of the bed). Whilst Mira was unraveling some ropes, Juvia looked at Meredy who has already wriggling happily in her bindings. 

Mira began by placing the blue haired girl’s wrists behind her back and tying them tight. A second, much longer rope was wrapped around Juvia’s upper body, first above the chest and then below. The white haired woman then cinched the chest ropes together behind Juvia’s back.

Whilst Juvia was still getting used to the feel of her now tightly constrained chest, Mirajane had already wrapped yet another rope around the beautiful water mage’s upper body, this time at waist height. That rope was also looped around Juvia’s arms, and then cinched off in between the water mage’s back and arms. This had the effect of pinning Juvia’s arms completely in place, with no movement possible at all, be it up down front back or sideways.

“If you could please get up and sit on your knees now, Juvia.” Mira said as she unraveled another rope.

This request proved harder to fulfill than the blue haired girl anticipated. She had no experience in moving around with her arms pinned behind her back, since her previous sessions spent in bondage had been either strung up on the ceiling or tied firmly to a chair. With quite a bit of effort, and a supporting hand of Mira, the water mage eventually managed to sit herself on her knees, still facing the head end of the bed. 

After Juvia had managed to find herself a comfortable kneeling position, Mira picked up her rope again and tied a crotchrope in between the water mage’s legs. The crotchrope in question was knotted off once in front and then pulled in between Juvia’s legs a second time to be tied off at the back as well.

Even with a double length crotchrope, the rope still proved to be too long and there was quite a long piece leftover, which Juvia could feel dropping down from her waist. 

What is that for? The blue haired girl wondered. Well, I’m sure Mira-san knows what she’s doing.

And Mira did. The rope being too long had been completely intentional, which became clear to Juvia when she saw Mira take the rope in hand and move to the head end of the bed with it. The white haired mage pulled the length of rope tight (making Juvia let out a slight gasp) and tied off at the head end of the bed, far away from Juvia’s tightly bound hands.

The S-class mage then took another rope from the pile she had brought with her and tied to it to the backside of Juvia's chest harness. The white haired woman then pulled her rope to the foot end of the bed (in other words, the opposite direction the crotchrope was pulling). Then Mirajane pulled this rope tight as well and tied it off at the foot end of the bed.

Now Juvia was forced to remain kneeled exactly the way she was. Sitting down would make the crotchrope dig upwards. The same effect would take place when the water mage were to try leaning or pulling backwards. And pulling forwards would get the chest harness to tighten up .

The blue haired girl didn't even dare shake sideways for fear she would lose her balance and fall over, because that would've resulted in pressure from all directions.

"T-This is a very intricate piece of work, Mira-san." Juvia said impressed. "Juvia realizes she doesn't know a whole lot about all of this yet, but she is certain this isn't something just anyone can think up."

Mira smiled at the blue haired mage. "Why thank you, Juvia. It pleases me greatly that you appreciate my efforts."

The white haired woman then began rummaging through the pile of equipment and rope she had taken with her, pulling out two pieces of dark grey cloth.

However, whilst the white haired mage was folding up the pieces of cloth in preparation for gagging the two girls, an idea suddenly came to her:

"Meredy, that magic of yours, How does it work exactly? Am I correct in saying that you can connect the senses and feelings of people together, thereby making them share each other’s feelings?"

"Yes, it’s called ‘sense link’." The pink haired girl replied, halting her happy wriggles for a moment. "I used to be able to only do this to people I had a strong emotional bond with. But over time I've become able to link just about anyone."

Mirajane smiled at the young sensory mage. "That would make you magic ideal for the idea I just had: Why don’t you set up a sense link between the three of us?"

Juvia looked at the S-class mage in surprise. “To what end would we have a need for that, Mira-san?” The blue haired girl had not yet begun her wriggling, seeing as she had not yet fully gotten used to her precarious position. The water mage had decided to first find a decently balanced position before attempting to struggle for real.

“Simple,” the white haired woman began, “if we link all our sense together we can all get the best of both worlds: You girls get in touch with my experienced feelings towards bondage, helping you relax and enjoy your situation more. At the same time, I get to enjoy something I haven’t felt in a long long time through you: The feelings of taking your first steps into this whole wide world of bondage!”

“Plus,” Mirajane instantly added, “if we are linked together I can instantly pick up when either of you feel like things are going too fast or too far, so I can react to it immediately.”

Meredy briefly went over Mira’s arguments in her head. Finally she decided the white haired woman was right. “If you put it that way, then there really is a lot of merit in using my sense link on the three of us, Mirajane.” Meredy said.

“Thanks,” The take-over mage replied. “One thing though, if you really want to be helpless, there will have to be a magic seal put on you. This collar will do for that, but the real problem is whether or not your sense link will remain active after it’s been cast and you’ve had your magic sealed.”

“I honestly have no idea if it will. I’ve never tried such at thing.” The pink haired girl responded.

“Well, I’d say now’s as good a time as any to test it out!” Mira said with a grin. “So if you would be so kind, Meredy.”

Two pink flashes of ignited from Meredy’s right arm. One linked itself to Mira’s and another flash flew to Juvia’s right arm.

“Now for the collar.” Mira said as she locked the leather collar in place around Meredy's neck.

“But how do we know it worked?” Juvia asked her two companions.

But before Meredy could respond, Mira had already pinched the pink haired girl’s butt, hard. As a response, all three girls let out a simultaneous: “Kyaa!”

Juvia nearly toppled over from her surprise, glaring at Mirajane who began rubbing her own butt to alleviate the pain. Juvia and Meredy, tied as they were, didn’t have that luxury and had to endure the throbbing for a little while longer than the take-over mage.

“Well, at least now we have definitive proof that it works.” Mirajane said cheerfully.

“Yes but Mira-san, you could’ve just gently poked one of us instead of pinching so hard.” Juvia said slightly put off, her butt still throbbing.

“But that wouldn’t have been as exciting as this!” The white haired woman replied cheekily.  Now open wide so I can give you two your gags.“

The water mage hesitated, still a little sore from Mira’s surprise attack. But heavily bound as she was, she wasn’t really in a position to refuse. So Juvia opened up her mouth anyway, allowing Mirajane to tie the cloth tightly in between her teeth and knot it off at the back of her head.

“Now it’s your turn, Meredy. I can already feel you’re looking forward to it, so no use playing reluctant.”

The pink haired girl grinned, after which she opened wide to let Mira tie the gag in place like she had done for Juvia.

Finally finished with her work, the white haired woman started concentrating on the various senses and feelings flowing into her which she knew weren’t hers.

“Guess that magic of yours really does what you said it did.” The white haired woman said to Meredy.

The pink haired mage was far too busy to pay attention to Mira’s comment, however. As much as she had been enjoying the feel of her predicament before, now that her feelings had been mixed with Juvia’s and Mira’s the young mage was overflowing with sensations of pleasure and excitement.

Juvia was the same, having to deal with her own excitement and that of Meredy’s made her twice as sensitive to her position as before. The blue haired mage tried shifting her body to accommodate for the sudden feeling of tight ropes appearing around her elbows, but in doing so she made the crotchrope dig in deeper.

“Mmppfaa!” Meredy suddenly shouted through her gag. Initially this surprised Juvia, but a split second later the blue haired girl realized that her friend must of course also have felt the tightening around her groin. And since the sensory mage wasn’t the one actually wearing the crotchrope, it would’ve been even more of a surprise for her.

The one in the strangest situation however, was Mira. Even though the white haired woman was completely free, she could still feel the all too familiar feeling of ropes pressing against her, in addition to the pleasurable feelings that accompanied them. Even though she tried to keep a clear mind in order to pay attention to the two novices under her care, she found it increasingly difficult not to start writhing around on the bed in pleasure alongside them.

To get her mind off things, Mira began sifting through the equipment she had brought, until she finally found what she was looking for: a long thin grey vibrator.

“Seeing as we are all linked together, only one of us needs this for all of us to feel its effects. And since you have the most accessible position, it’ll have to be you Juvia.”

Mira subsequently pushed the vibrator in between the two lengths of the crotchrope tied in between the blue haired girl’s legs, keeping it secure.

The second she turned on the vibrator, all three let out at soft grunt as the buzzing spreaded through their bodies.

Mira then distanced herself from the two girls and sat back against the headboard of the bed to get a nice view of both damsels.

By now, all three girls were grunting happily and shaking in their (some of them imaginary) bonds, Even Mira (who had no ropes on her) couldn’t resist placing her arms behind her back and pretend she was in an equally helpless position as the others. This was rather easy, seeing as she could actually feel ropes pressed against her skin. 

But what made the experience truly ravishing for the S-class mage, was that feeling of anxiety mixed in with the excitement and pleasure. The ever so slight doubts a beginner in bondage still had: What if they don’t untie me? What if they do something I don’t want them to do? I would be powerless to resist, completely helpless without a chance of escape!

Having been partners with Cana for several years, Mira had long forgotten those thoughts, as the trust between them was by now unshakable. Feeling that nervousness again after all this time truly aroused her, and the white haired woman was therefore moaning every bit as loud as the other two girls.

Someone else walking in on them might have found it weird to see Mira struggling and grunting even though she was completely free. But both Meredy and Juvia could feel what it was that made the S-class mage behave like that, after all those feelings came from them and at the same time they themselves could peer into Mira’s soul too.

Meredy had rolled herself onto her back, and was trying to reach for any of the knots in an attempt to escape, just to find out how helpless she really was. When the pink haired girl discovered not even a single knot was in reach, and not one of the ropes was showing any sign of slack, she became even more horny. The young sensory rolled herself onto her stomach again and began scraping her groin onto the mattress. Meredy was becoming increasingly moist from the feel of Juvia’s crotchrope and vibrator being transmitted through the sense link. However it wasn’t just the actual feel of Juvia’s and her own restraints that turned her on though, the pink haired girl could feel that her friend was also becoming increasingly aroused by both of their predicaments, and those feelings were beginning to mix with her own lasciviousness.

The same was true for Juvia: feeling both her own ropes and those of Meredy  wrapped around her body, the water mage was becoming horny at an incredible pace. She could no longer stop herself from writhing around, even though this caused all the more pressure to form from being pulled back and forth with the ropes tethering her to the bed. The more she struggled, the randy she (and Mira & Meredy) became and the more aware she became of the vibrator pressed against her pussy. 

After several minutes of grunting, struggling and sharing their senses and feelings, none of the girls could distinguish their own feelings from those of the others anymore. All three girls were now relishing, drowning almost, in a sea of mixed feelings coming from all three of them at once. Pleasure, pain, anxiety, bliss and just plain ‘hornyness’,  all of it was coursing through all three of the girls’ bodies at the same time. They could all feel their climax building up inside of them, surging wilder and wilder within ever fiber of their bodies. 

Naturally, all three girls came at the exact same moment. However this triple dose of ecstasy and exhaustion floored the three mages. All of them slumped down, breathing heavily and still shaking from their experience.

Mira was the first to crawl up again, mainly because she could feel Juvia’s agony in having the ropes dig in so deep since she could no longer hold herself upright. Mira was used to a feeling like that, but it was making both Juvia and Meredy moan quite loudly.

The white haired woman forced herself towards the water mage to cut loose the two ropes tethering Juvia to the bed. The moment she did, Juvia’s pain subsided massively, relieving all three of the girls and allowing Juvia to have a proper lie down to recover. Mira then pulled the vibrator away from the blue haired girl and laid herself next to the two damsels, breathing just as heavily as they were.

 After several minutes, the feelings filling all three mages were still far from gone.

This is taking too long, Mirajane thought to herself, none of us are recovering all that much. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, since all we keep doing right now is turning each other on by sending these signals around.

The S-class mage gathered up as much strength as she could muster, crawled over to Meredy and unbuckled the collar so the sensory mage could shut off the link. 

Without even having to instruct her, Meredy instantly grasped what Mira’s intentions were as the take-over mage crawled towards her. The second the collar came off, another pink flash of light erased all of the links. The relief of having only one set of feelings to deal with anymore instantly helped the trio ease their breathing. 

It still took her several minutes of deep breaths and relaxing her muscles, but Mirajane was eventually the first to fully recover, after which she sat herself upright. The white haired woman then turned to her two captives, who were still far from recovered. “That was …extreme, and a bit weird. Even by my standards.”

“B-But in a good w-way.” Meredy responded between her gasps. “You were spot on about sharing our feelings. I could tell you were keeping close watch on the two of us when you rushed over to free Juvia from her painful predicament just now.”

“Not only that, but Mira-san’s experience also helped relax the both of us, despite the tight ropes.” The water mage added after taking a deep breath. “Juvia wasn’t sure what Mira-san had meant about the ‘anxiety of a beginner’, but Juvia could tell she definitely enjoyed this session more than the other ones.” (Even the one with Gray-sama, she thought reluctantly).

“Even so, for future reference I think we should leave the sense link out of the climax part,” Mira suggested, “I felt like one of us was on the verge of passing out when we were being flooded with all these feelings.”

“That would’ve been me.” Meredy replied with a flushed face.

“How can you know?” The S-class mage asked in wonder. “Towards the end, I had no idea anymore whose feelings and senses were whose.”

“Well, It's my magic, after all.” The sensory mage answered Mirajane proudly. “And I'm the one who is least used to all of this, heck this is my first experience ever, so it would make sense to assume it was me. We all know it definitely wasn’t you, you don’t even look fazed by all of this. Look at you, you’re already sitting upright, I can’t even move yet!”

Mira chuckled. “That’s no surprise. I didn’t expect the sharing of our feelings would have that much of an impact.” The white haired woman then frowned slightly. “In fact, if I’d known this would be the effect, I wouldn’t have suggested it to two newcomers like yourselves. I feel this might’ve been a little too much at once, so I apologize.”

“There is no need for that, Mira-san.” Juvia quickly said. “Neither me nor Meredy minded it at all, you should’ve noticed that while our senses were linked right?”

“Exactly,” Meredy chipped in, “and by using my sense link I’ve gained about as much experience in this one sitting as in about a dozen ‘ordinary’ ones.” The pink haired mage said with a happy grin. 

The white haired mage gave back a warm smile. “I’m really glad you feel that way about it. Now, you two just keep lying down in order to catch your breaths. I’ll begin untying the two of you, after which we can get cleaned up and have a look downstairs. I’m curious about how Cana treated Ultear for her first time.”

After Mirajane undid all of the ropes, all three girls took turns washing up at the sink and got themselves dressed again. But just as Mira wanted to head downstairs, both Juvia and Meredy stopped her: “Mira-san, could you please hang on for just a minute. Both Meredy-san and myself would like to say something.” The water mage said.

Mira turned around, confused at the serious tone the blue haired woman had taken. She looked at the water mage and the sensory mage respectively. “Well, what is it then?”

Meredy took a deep breath. “Mirajane, both Juvia and me would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The experience you have brought us just now was without a shadow of a doubt magical.”

And educational.” Juvia added.

The white haired woman was stunned for a moment, not sure of what to say. But soon a wide smile appeared on her face and she chuckled slightly before answering: “Thank you both so much for your kind words, that really did make me feel like a teacher. But it’s not like this was all work for me, I also enjoyed this moment with the two of you more than I ever could’ve expected. And if the two of you ever feel like stopping by, do not hesitate to do so.” The take-over mage said with a wide smile.

“We will take your words to heart, Mira-san.” Juvia responded with an equally bright smile on her face.

“Now, how about we finally go downstairs again?” Meredy suggested. “Like Mirajane said already, I’m sure we all want to know what the rest of the girls have been up to.”

“Indeed, Juvia is also very curious about that.” The blue haired girls said whilst nodding.

The three girls picked up the equipment they had brought upstairs and headed for the living room. Both Meredy and Juvia were still walking slowly, and quite light on their feet from the after effects of Mira’s creative and absolutely brilliant idea. 

Mira herself however seemed to be almost completely recovered, leaving the two ‘newbies’ to wonder just what on Earthland the white haired woman had been through in her life.




This chapter follows up on the three previous chapters (which take place simultaneously). We resume the story at the point where all 8 girls have gathered up again in the living room of the rented cottage and are exchanging stories.

Mira, Juvia and Meredy were the last to join the group. Coming down the stairs they could see Erza, Lucy, Lisanna, Cana and Ultear sitting down in the two sofa's. The 5 girls are enveloped in a conversation, but briefly halted it when they noticed their three last members coming down the stairs.

"Hi there, you three!" Lucy said with a bright smile. "Have a sit down, Cana was just explaining how she convinced Ultear into liking bondage."

"Hang on," Juvia said surprised. "Ultear-san wasn't interested in bondage?!"

"No, Lisanna and I just found out about that too." Lucy replied. "That's what that whispering was about back when we were all gathered in the living room. Apparently, our newest member here only joined so Meredy would be comfortable staying over with us all."

Juvia looked at the pink haired girl, who began blushing slightly. But the blue haired girl’s attention was soon drawn away from Meredy when Cana opened her mouth: "But not anymore!" The brunette said cheerfully. "Our lovely Ultear is now a full fledged bondage fan!"

"Really now?" Mira said surprised. "You've converted Ultear in just one session? That's quite a feat, even for you, Cana."

"Well, it wasn't easy." The card mage replied. "I had to pull out all the stops, but in the end she managed to enjoy herself."

Meredy went and sat beside her older guild member and lifelong friend. "Is it true what they're saying, Ultear?" The pink haired girl asked, her eyes shining brightly. "Have you really been convinced?"

The dark haired mage looked back at her adoptive daughter with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Well, it was more of a forced submission than convincing, but it's true. After Cana's relentless efforts, I have finally seen the point to bondage."

"Don't act like that!" Cana shouted. "You loved every second of it, and you know it!"

The dark haired woman now began blushing more heavily. Even though she had been turned into a bondage lover, she still wasn't quite as comfortable discussing the subject as the others were.

"However Cana pulled it off doesn't matter." Meredy said to no one in particular. "What counts is that I now have someone to practice and enjoy myself with when we leave here. And for that I will forever be in all of your debts."

"No need to be so formal, Meredy." Erza said. "It's just us girls here, after all there's not even official guild related business going on, we’re just here for fun."

“Speaking of fun, how about you start your story from the top, Cana-san?" Juvia suddenly said. "Juvia would very much like to know how you turned Ultear around so fast."

And so Cana began her story anew, telling how Ultear had confessed to her that she was not a fan of bondage at all and that she was only here to support Meredy. The brunette then explained how she in turn had been dying to team up with a reluctant victim, and how Ultear made the perfect match for her because of that.

"I'm already pretty sure this is not going to turn out well for poor Ultear." Mirajane said giggling slightly.

"Just wait until you hear exactly how 'not well'." Lucy replied. "I was on the edge of my seat during Cana's entire story.

Ultear began blushing again as the feelings from her experience in the kitchen came flooding back again.

Cana quickly returned to telling her story, telling all about how she pinched on the clamps, switched between being gentle and rough every time Ultear acted up, and of course described in detail the things she did to the time ark mage with something as simple as an electric toothbrush.

Both Meredy and Juvia gasped several times during the story, whilst Mira didn't seem surprised at all. Erza, Lisanna and Juvia had heard this much already, but still couldn't help get excited by hearing Cana's story for a second time.

The tale then entered the point where Cana began pleasuring Ultear to reward her for her excellent behavior despite being a first timer. Needless to say, all of the girls' looks (including Ultear's) glazed over slightly as Cana described how she had brought the complete novice and probably nervous Ultear to a satisfying climax, thereby showing her the use and advantages of a decent bondage relationship.

"Well, if that hadn't converted you, nothing would have." Mirajane finally said.

"Juvia agrees. There is now way an experience like that would have missed its effect."

"I guess so..." Ultear replied, her cheeks still slightly red. "But enough about me and my initiation. I'm dying to know what the rest of you have been up to while I was being pulled into this whole new world!"

"In that case, how about I tell you what I did to Lucy and Erza." Lisanna said enthusiastically.

"Why do you sound so proud?" Mirajane asked her sister.

"Because this was my first time tying somebody up other than myself! And I'll have you know neither of them made any progress whatsoever, despite trying for a looong time."

"I sort of hate to admit it, but Lisanna speaks the truth." Erza said. "It quickly became very clear that she paid a lot of attention to your instructions, Mira."

"And rope tying isn't the only thing she learnt." Lucy continued with a devious glean in her eyes. "She can show one hell of a mean streak when she wishes."

"Now this I gotta hear!" Mira said, her eyes wide in surprise. Just what has my little sister been up to when I wasn't looking?  The older sister thought to herself.

"Juvia is also quite curious about this mean streak of Lisanna's." The water mage said.

Juvia still clearly remembered Lisanna asking her to become partners in bondage. She had initially agreed to this only to improve herself for the sake of her lovely Gray-sama. But after this lust-filled first day, the blue haired girl had begun looking forward to her private moments with Lisanna for her own sake as well.

However, that mean streak Lucy mentioned worried her, and she was desperate to find just how much 'demon' the usually so sweet and innocent Lisanna had inherited from her big sister.

Lisanna began explaining how she had asked permission  of both Lucy and Erza to be the domme. Since she had been dying for a chance to truly test her knot tying skills, both girls easily complied.

Lisanna then told about how she got both girls restrained to the point even moving around was difficult, let alone getting out. The white haired girl then explained how she ‘persuaded’ both girls to enter in her game of racing to escape:

The rules had been that both girls were granted half an hour to either get out first, or to make more progress than the other.

The white haired animal take-over mage then paused for a moment, looking mighty pleased with her story.

"…Well?” Cana finally asked impatiently. “Who won?"

Lisanna giggled. "Neither! I found both of them hadn't made any progress, so I decided to tickle both of them."

"Oh, you cunning little genius!" Cana replied ecstatically. "You are definitely Mira's little sister!"

"Now, now, Cana. Don't go painting a bad picture of me in front of all of our friends here." Mira said calmly. "We've just heard you can behave far worse than Lisanna."

"True that," Cana replied, "but you'd expect it from me. Not at all from the kindhearted girl sitting right over there!"

Lisanna blushed slightly as the rest of the girls looked at her. "I should add that after I'd had my fill, I did reward the two of them beautifully."

"We can vouch for that!" Lucy instantly added.

"Indeed,"  Erza confirmed, "Lisanna may demand a lot from you, but her rewards are equally high. Definitely worth the effort."

"Juvia is glad to hear that." The blue haired woman suddenly said. "After all, Lisanna-san and Juvia will probably meet frequently after this." The water mage was honestly relieved that Lisanna’s sadistic side wasn’t as bad as they had first made it out to be. The blue haired girl figured that she too would be able to endure a little teasing like that, especially considering the reward at the end.

"I'm so glad you still feel that way, Juvia!" Lisanna responded. "I was worried that the others had scared you off by portraying me like that."

"It didn't sound that bad." the water mage replied. "Although Juvia sort of knows first hand just how exhausting tickling can be, so she can relate to Erza-san's and Lucy-san's predicaments."

"Suuure you can." Lucy interrupted. "Except for the fact that you were on the wrong end of the feather."

"Some would call that the right end, Lucy." Erza corrected her blonde friend.

After a few giggles all round, 5 of the girls started staring at the three others. Those three being Mirajane, Juvia and Meredy.

"You know what we're going to ask, right?" Cana said, looking at Mira.

"Of course," the white haired girl replied. "Do either of you want to tell our story, or should I?" Mira asked of Juvia and Meredy.

Both girls shook their heads. "I'm certain Mira-san would do the best job in describing what happened upstairs." Juvia said.

"To be honest, I doubt I even know the words to describe what we all went through." Meredy added.

"Was it that extreme?" Ultear asked in a slightly worried tone of voice, looking at Meredy and then at Mira.

"Not extreme," Meredy quickly reassured her dark haired friend, "just… difficult to put into words."

"Ah, I see." Ultear replied, calming down a little. "Well, I guess I can relate to that to a certain degree." The time ark mage then looked at Cana, her cheeks beginning to redden again.

"Well then, time for me to take a stab at picturing the scene for all of you." Mira said, instantly capturing all of the girls' attention.

Mirajane began narrating how she gave both of her 'students' a hands-on lecture in restraint. She mentioned how she thoroughly explained everything she was doing so both girls could learn from it.

"She really did." Meredy interrupted.

"Mira-san is very good at teaching." Juvia confirmed. "Both Juvia and Meredy-san learned lots of different things, stuff like rope tying techniques, safety and how to build a steady relationship with your partner.”

"You could easily tell she's been doing this for a long time." Meredy concluded.

"Anyways, let me continue." Mira said.

The white haired mage then expounded how she had posited the idea of having Meredy test whether or not her sense link would remain active after putting a magic seal on her. To their delight, it had done so and all three girls had subsequently shared all of the feelings they experienced.

Whilst Mira was explaining this last part, all of the girls (save for Juvia and Meredy) were staring at the demon-takeover mage with wide open mouths. Not a single one managed to get a word out, because their imagination kept flooding their minds and bodies with how mixing one's feelings with others must've felt.

"Now comes the part that Meredy and Juvia feared would be so difficult to explain." Mirajane continued.

But the demon take-over mage painted a wonderful picture. She carefully and precisely described how her, Meredy’s and Juvia's feelings amalgamated so as to fill the three of them (even the experienced Mirajane) with emotions so strong all three of them felt like they would explode.

The white haired mage's description was so wonderful in fact, that she noticed all of the girls (including Juvia and Meredy) had heated up considerably, all of their faces red and for some their rock hard nipples were even poking through their respective outfits in excitement.

After Mira concluded her story, the entire room remained silent for a full minute. Finally, Erza was the one to break the silence:

"M-Meredy," the redhead began. "Next time we divide up, I want to be on your team."

"Me too." Lisanna said, her eyes still glazed over.

"And me." Lucy finally added.

"Maybe we should try throwing all of our feelings together tomorrow?" Cana suggested.

But Mira instantly cut down that proposal: "No way. I'm pretty sure even you and I would pass out under that load. I can't even imagine what it'll do to the less experienced members we have amongst us."

"I agree." Meredy added. "Besides, I'm not even sure I'm capable of creating an eight-way sense link. The link itself should probably form no problem, but even if I created it, just the three of us was nearly too much to handle for Juvia and me. There is no doubt in my mind that what Mira said is true."

"Fine then, it was just an idea." Cana responded, dropping the issue. "We'll give that a shot when all of us here have gotten more experience, both with and without a sense-link. But for that day to arrive, you'd better visit us frequently!" The brunette continued, finishing her sentence rather loudly as she looked at Ultear and Meredy. "You can't tempt us with a story like that and then just disappear, you hear me?"

"Of course not, " Ultear quickly reassured the card mage, "if you all are willing to have us over again, we would be happy to oblige."

"That's a deal, then!" Mira concluded. "… But my, look at how dark it's gotten." The white haired S-class mage said, looking out of the window.

All of the girls looked out of the window, It had indeed become late at night by now.

"Guess it's about time we all turn in. If we want to have as much fun tomorrow, it's important that we get a good night's sleep." Mira advised the group.

"We should head out and look for Jellal as well." Ultear said. "He's probably worried that he can't find us."

"Awww, Cant we stay here?" Meredy begged her older guild member. "We can message Jellal, he'll understand."

"You think?" Ultear replied. "More likely he'll have a heart attack if you ask me. Even worse, what if he decides her wants to come over too? You know how he is about splitting up during night time. We are all wanted criminals, it's not safe for any of us to be alone with no one to be on the look out."

"Awww, come on, Ultear! It's not like any one is going to discover us in this tiny village, let alone in this cottage! And Jellal is strong and experienced enough to take care of himself." The pink haired girl argued.

"As for him wanting to come over, just let him." Cana interrupted the discussion. "I'm sure Erza will make room in her bed for him." The brunette smirked.

Erza was about to send back a stern retort towards Cana when Meredy diffused the situation:

"Jellal will never come here, he'd be far too nervous staying in the same house as all of us. Even if it's to be with Erza, he's too uptight about that code of ours. He won't get involved with members of official guilds. So the two of us will definitely be the only lodgers you have to account for."

Erza was entertaining the idea of notifying Jellal's two fellow guild members about the agreement he and she had come to a few hours ago. However that would've required disclosing what had happened upstairs between him and her, and she wasn't ready for that yet. The red haired mage therefore decided it best to keep her mouth shut, and let Meredy and Ultear find out the truth from Jellal himself.

Besides, Erza didn't want Meredy or Ultear to leave either, so the more reasons for them staying over, the better. Also, even though Jellal and her had come to the decision of going ahead with their relationship, despite the risks, Jellal would most likely still refuse an offer to stay over, so telling the two mages anything about them here would make no difference anyway.

"Even if the Jellal issue is resolved, having two extra guests brings us to another problem," Lucy noted. "We only have 7 beds in this place, and there's eight of us."

"That's hardly a problem," Meredy instantly replied, "Ultear and I can snuggle together, we did so regularly when I was a kid."

"That was long ago," Ultear responded, "you've grown quite a bit since then"

"Just more of me for you to cuddle!" The pink haired girl replied with a cheeky wink.

"Beds won't form any issue," Mira said. The white haired girl had briefly left the group and returned with what looked like a huge rubber sheet she had unpacked from her suitcase.

"I brought a blowup mattress. It can fit two people, albeit with a squeeze."

"Why?" Erza asked as she stared at the piece of rubber. "Don't tell me you actually anticipated getting visitors?!"

The white haired mage shook her head. "No, but I did expect that after all that would transpire today, some of us might want to stay in the same room. To avoid disputes I made sure we could at least put 5 people in the same room without much trouble."

"The main point Mira-nee is trying to make is that we have beds enough for all of us." Lisanna said. "So, how do we do this?"

Ultear sighed. Guess that settles it then, the dark haired woman thought. I don't have any more excuses to leave this place. I'll have to send a message to Jellal when I get the chance, and just hope he'll understand.

Secretly, the dark haired woman was happy as well. Her curiosity had been piqued, and she had never really wanted to leave. But it fell to her to be the responsible one, since Meredy was so much younger than her. But what her adoptive daughter had said was true: Jellal would understand, so there was no real reason to force themselves to leave this wonderful company.

"I guess the logical choice for one of the rooms would be Meredy and myself. After all, despite what we just went through, we don't know you all that well." Ultear said.

"But I wanted Juvia to join us in a room!" Meredy said disappointed. The pink haired girl then looked at Juvia with a pleading face, hoping she would be persuaded.

"If Ultear-san doesn't mind, Juvia would gladly join the two of you." The blue haired mage replied with a smile. " This house has a three person bedroom, both Meredy-san and I just came from it." 

The time ark mage smiled back. "Of course, I never meant Meredy and I demanded a room to ourselves, just that we'd rather not be split up for the night. We've gotten rather used to being together after dark. Of course I don't mind Juvia staying."

"Then, if the rest of you don't mind, Cana and I will take a two person room for ourselves. We'll move one of the beds in there to another room so Lisanna, Lucy and Erza can sleep in there. Cana can take the bed we leave in our room, and  I'll sleep on my rubber mattress."

"Why do it like that?" Lucy asked. "Not that I mind sharing the room with two more people, on the contrary actually. But doesn't it make more sense that we take your mattress and leave you with a proper bed?" The blonde suggested. "It's much less of a hassle."

"No, that's not necessary." Mira quickly replied. "I prefer sleeping on my mattress myself. It's a decent mattress, but a bed is obviously still better. I wouldn't want to force any of you to sleep on a bad surface to accommodate for me and Cana wanting a private room."

"Plus, a rubber mattress doesn't absorb fluids, while a real mattress does." Cana said brazenly, with a large smirk on her face. The brunette had instantly seen through her longtime partner's plan.

Mira looked at her partner sternly. "There was no need for that, Cana!"

All girls began blushing as they came to realize what Cana had meant by that remark, and what Mira's true purpose had been for dividing the rooms as she had done.

"You still haven't had enough, Mira-san?!" Juvia said with a combination of astonishment and admiration. "Even after all that we three did?!"

Mira sighed, and for the first time actually started blushing.

"What can I say? As fun as that moment was, it wasn't like I was really tied up, it just felt like it. I haven't spent all that long in bondage today if you think about it, compared to others in this room."

"Even so, your stamina is out of this world"! Lucy said. "Just hearing you tell the story tired me out!"

"I'm beginning to think my title of strongest female Fairy Tail wizard is misplaced.” Erza said sportingly. “There's no way I could endure what you've been through today and still be ready for more."

"Very kind of you, Erza." Mira replied. "But enduring bondage positions is hardly a correct way of comparing strengths. But we've been talking for enough now, there's quite a lot of us who are in need of some sleep."

And sure enough, Lisanna Juvia and Meredy had been suppressing a couple of yawns as the conversation continued. And both Lucy and Ultear were starting to show signs of fatigue as well.

"I guess you're right, Mira." Lucy replied. "I hadn't thought about it up till now, but we have had a very long day behind us. I'm about ready to hit the sack."

All of the girls bid each other good night as they packed up their things and retreated for their respective rooms.

Erza and Mira were the last to head upstairs. But just as Erza was headed for the staircase, she was halted by Mira calling out to her again.

"Uhm, Erza. Could you perhaps lend me those lacrima earrings of yours?"

"Well, sure." The redhead replied, slightly confused by Mirajane's request. "But why? Don't you have plenty of things that can seal your magic?"

"Yes, both me and Cana have collars for that," the white haired girl replied, "but those aren't exactly fit for sleeping in. Your earrings are much more appropriate for that."

Sleeping in? Erza thought to herself. Are Mira and Cana going to go on through the night? Surely that can’t be the case...The red haired mage pondered about it for a moment, but quickly decided to drop the issue. What Mira and Cana got up to was their business, she had no right or reason to question it. After all, she was on the way to becoming just as kinky. 

Therefore the redhead simply smiled kindly at her fellow S-class mage. "Of course, it's the least I can do to pay you back for bringing us all together on this weekend." Erza walked over to her suitcase where she had placed the earrings in after returning downstairs when Jellal had left, took out a small red velvet pouch and handed it too Mira.

"Here you are, Mira. Have fun." The requipping mage said with a devious smile.

"Oh don't you worry, Cana will see to that." The white haired girl replied with an equally naughty smile.

Erza retired to the bedroom where Lisanna and Lucy had already dressed themselves into their nighties, a pale indigo one for Lisanna and a dark blue for Lucy. The redhead herself requipped into her purple pajama's as well and the three mages began chatting for a short while longer, not yet wanting to go to sleep.

Ultear, Meredy and Juvia were fighting their tiredness as well. Meredy and Juvia were busy catching up since they hadn't had the chance to speak for so long (though it was longer from Meredy's point of view than from Juvia's). Of course, the two girls also began chatting about their newly discovered hobby, and Meredy couldn't resist asking Juvia about how she would use it to get Gray's attention.

Upon hearing this, the blue haired mage turned bright red, and began a stammering explanation about how her very first experience ended in the arms of her beloved Gray-sama.

Ultear meanwhile was observing the two girls, whilst her thoughts slid back to those hours in the kitchen with Cana. 

This day has turned out so completely different from anything I could've ever expected… The dark haired mage thought to herself. But I've never been happier for a plan to go awry.

Whilst the girls described above were chatting happily, all was quiet in Cana and Mira's room… For now…

Cana was sitting on the fully inflated rubber mattress as Mira entered the room, already wearing Erza‘s earrings. The blow-up mattress was a sturdy piece of transportable furniture, capable of easily supporting two women at once without too much wobbling.

"Now then, I'm guessing that after an entire day of babysitting and teaching the new kids, you're craving a decent work out, am I right?" Cana said to her partner.

"Not exactly." Mira replied, "Don't get me wrong, it didn't feel like babysitting at all, I've had loads of fun today. But you were right about me needing a work-out. Erza did a great job, and literally mixing it up with Juvia and Meredy proved to be a unique experience,… but no one knows me like you do, my mistress."

Cana whistled. "Already in sub mode, huh? You must need it bad. Guess I won't need to hold back at all right now, huh?"

"Of course not, my mistress. From this point on, consider me your plaything."

Cana couldn't help but chuckle as she realized: Mistress… She's the second person today to call me that , the brunette thought to herself. This weekend really is one of the best of my life.

"What's so funny?" Mira asked confused after hearing Cana chuckle and upon looking up, noticing that she still grinning. 

She never used to react like that before when I called her that. The white haired girl thought to herself. in fact Mira was hard pressed to find any moment over the years where Cana had ever fallen out of character.

"Sorry, Mira. It's nothing important, don't mind it."

"Aww, but I now I really want to know." Mira said with a curious look in her eyes.

"Look," Cana said in a stern voice, completely adhering to her role of dominatrix again, "if I say you don't have to know, then you're not entitled to keep asking about it. Is that clear?" The brunette said.

Mira looked down, feigning a look of guilt. "Yes mistress, I'm sorry mistress."

"Much better." Cana replied with a devious smile. "Now, if you'd please take off your clothes, all of them."

Without another word, Mira stripped down until she was completely naked.

"Hmmm." Cana said as she licked her lips. "That body of yours is something I can never get enough of."

And what a body it was: Mirajane possessed gorgeous curves in all the right places. For starters the white haired girl possessed a large, yet firm and well formed pair of breasts and an equally firm and well formed behind. There as nothing to remark in the leg department either, since the S-class mage's legs were as long as they were slender. Looking at the complete picture, the woman standing before Cana was one with near perfect proportions.

To top it off, Mira's pale skin and hair made her look more like a goddess than a human being.

Cana had never felt insecure about her body, nor any jealousy towards that of Mira. But she had to admit… Out of the two of them, the card mage definitely felt like she was the most lucky one to have a plaything that hot.

Now it was Cana's turn to strip down. The brunette took off all of her clothes down to her lingerie, which consisted of black lacy underwear: A matching bra and thong, very much accentuating her curvaceous body. She also kept her high heels on, leaving the card mage taller than the completely naked Mira.

Even without Cana telling her too, Mirajane knew what she had to do. The white haired girl turned herself around and place her hands behind her back so Cana could begin her work.

The brunette swiftly tied Mira’s wrists and elbows together, forcing those last so closely together that they touched.

Cana then took a longer rope, which she wrapped around the take-over mage’s well endowed chest, taking care to envelop her arms as well to keep them extra secure. The rope was brought round above Mira’s breasts, then below. After tying off the ropes behind Mira’s back, Cana also cinched the chest ropes together at either side of Mira’s body. With still a decent length leftover, the card mage set upon bringing the rope over Mira’s right shoulder, down in between her tits and back up over the white haired girl’s left shoulder, finally tying it off one last time at her elbow bindings.

Mira’s sizeable rack was now tightly ensnared in rope from all directions, making her already large breasts stand out even more. It also increased her sensitivity enormously, a fact Cana confirmed for herself by flicking Mira's already erect nipples. The white haired mage let out a loud groan as the pain and pleasure shot through her like a lightning bolt.

“Now to keep those wonderful legs of yours in check.” Cana whispered.

The brunette quickly wrapped each of Mira’s legs in rope, frogtying her tightly in place. This wasn’t enough to satisfy her however, and she took a spreader bar of about 45 cm (18inches) long with belts attached on either side. These belts were strapped around Mira's luscious thighs (just above her knees), forcing the S-class mage to keep her legs spread wide open.

“That should keep you in place while I get down to business.” The card mage concluded.

Cana then lowered her head in between Mira’s spread legs and began licking the white haired girl’s pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. The brunette then simultaneously began fondling her captive’s heavily bound breasts, turning her on even faster.

The white haired girl was enjoying every second of Cana’s wonderful treatment. However, just as Mira’s sweet spot became moist and her nipples were fully erect, the brunette suddenly stopped what she was doing and sat upright again.

The S-class mage gave her mistress a bewildered look. "Huh?" was all she could get out.

“That's all you're getting.” Cana replied casually.

"B-but why, mistress?" Mira said with a shocked look in her face.

"Because I want to be pampered too.” Cana responded. “You're not the only one who's had a rough day education others. I had to pull Ultear across the line from having no interest in bondage whatsoever to an all out fan, if you remember! Don't you think I deserve some relaxation as well?" The brunette said as she took off her black panties.

"But mistress, you enjoyed that tremendously, did you not?" Mira replied, trying to remain submissive and obedient despite her urges screaming away inside of her.

"Sure, but that's not the quite the same, now is it?" Cana replied calmly. “And it’s just like you said, we know each other better than anyone else.”

The brunette then dropped her panties, indicating the topic of conversation had been closed.

"Now start licking, I'm not letting you come until you've made me." Cana said in a stern tone of voice.

Mira immediately buried her face between Cana's legs and began licking Cana's lower lips, which became more and more moist as the white haired girl sent her tongue deeper and deeper into Cana’s nether regions. The card mage began rubbing and kneading her own breasts as well, since Mira’s restrained arms were unable to do that for her.

The brunette’s groans became louder and her breathing quickened as Mira sped up the movements of her tongue, licking Cana’s lips and inner pussy like her life depended on it. 

(In truth, Mira felt like her life actually depended on it since the white haired girl genuinely feared exploding if nobody was going to quench the flames of desire burning up inside of her).

After a little over 10 minutes, Mira managed to get Cana to come, spilling her juices all over her white haired captive’s face. The brunette tried to keep in her pleasure-filled roar so as not to wake anyone up while her body finally reached its climax. Afterwards, Cana looked down at the now completely wet face of her captive as she tried to catch her breath as quick as she could.

"Good girl, very well done." Cana said with a kind smile on her face.

"Thank you mistress” Mira replied, happy to receive the card mage’s praise. ”But I hope you didn’t forget your promise to me." The white haired mage added, licking some of Cana's love juices off of her face (and visibly enjoying the taste).

Cana held Mira's head up by the chin, giving her a gentle kiss. "Have I ever let you down like that?"

Mirajane shook her head. “No, after all we would never have made it through all these years if we didn’t know each other in and out.”

“Precisely, so you can count on it that my efforts will be worth yours.” The brunette replied. “But before I reward you, something else is required.” Cana said as she held up a piece of cloth.

“Of course mistress.” Mira replied, after which she opened her mouth open wide so the card mage could easily fit the scrunched up cloth inside of it. To keep the cloth in place, Cana buckled a ball gag between Mira’s teeth.

Still not satisfied with the already hefty gag, Cana stuck two strips of tape over Mira’s sensual red lips, and after that tied a large cloth around Mira's mouth which was knotted off behind her back.

“There we go.” Cana said, finally satisfied with the gag. “Now, be a dear and test this baby for me.”

“mmmmmmm!” Mira shouted at the top of her lungs. However doing so had made her chest harness dig into her large breasts, and the white haired girl winced slightly as the stinging began to set in.

Even though Cana was sitting right in front of her, Mira’s screech was barely audible. “Perfect.” The brunette said relieved.” I needed it to be this thick, since you can be an exceptionally loud screamer when you really get into it. And everyone in this house wants to get some sleep, so we can’t have that, now can we?”

Mira nodded obediently, wanting to say ‘yes mistress’, but not being able to get it past the quadruple gag.

“Awww, You’re so adorable when you’re helpless.” Cana said, and she kissed her captive on the gag. “Now then, I think it’s high time I rewarded your patience and diligence.”

The card mage picked up a dildo from beside the mattress and slowly inserted it into Mira's moist pussy, making her moan through her gag in the process.

Once the dildo was fully in place, the brunette began working on Mira's overly sensitive breasts. At first Cana went no further than gentle caresses, but she gradually stroked and kneaded the white haired girl’s rack more vigorously in order to get her to moan louder and louder (though it was still completely muffled by the gag).

As Mira became visibly more turned on, Cana began sliding the dildo lodged in Mira’s pussy back and forth, giving it a slight twist every so often to increase the pleasure even more. Cana took it slow however, never moving her hands or the dildo too fast, never making any large or rough movements. The brunette wanted to make sure to she dragged out Mira's treatment up to the point she would start begging to come. 

The bound and gagged take-over mage lasted for about 5 minutes, after which she could no longer bear the wait and began screaming through her gag that she wanted her orgasm. Though the thickness of that gag meant her demands could barely be heard let alone be identified just by the sound. But Cana didn't need to understand Mirajane, the white haired woman's eyes spoke volumes.
Even so, Cana still toyed with her captive for around 15 minutes, after which Mira finally came to a shuddering orgasm, dripping her juices all over the rubber mattress. The bound and gagged mage let out one final scream as her entire body finally reached it’s so badly desired conclusion, after which the young woman let herself fall onto her back, completely exhausted.

While Mira was still recuperating and working on returning her breathing to normal, Cana began unbuckling the spreader bar. Next, the card mage untied the tight chest harness, causing Mira to let out yet another groan as her breathing eased up even more.

After waiting for her captive to recover enough, the brunette changed Mira's position from her spread open frogtie to a (relatively comfortable) ball tie by tying the white haired woman’s ankles together and pulling the leftover rope up to the white haired woman’s wrist bindings. In addition, Cana wrapped a rope around Mira’s frogtied legs and her upper body several times, thereby securing the balltie in place.

Cana then took off part of the gag, leaving the ball gag and cloth in place.

Though she was still muffled a great deal, Mira had become understandable again and her breathing went more smoothly now too.

Finally, the brunette gently lowered Mirajane onto her side, since the S-class mage herself was unable to do anything at all other than flutter her hands and feet, not a single knot in reach.

Luckily Mira’s mattress was quite soft and comfy, so by lying on her side the white haired mage was fairly certain she would be able to get to sleep. To further increase her comfort, Cana slipped in a pillow underneath Mira's cheek. 

Finally, the brunette took out a small bead vibrator, which she inserted into her white haired captive's still wet pussy. This made the white haired girl look at her captor with a slight air of panic, since that little bead would definitely hinder her from falling asleep.

"Don't worry, I won't activate it." The brunette said reassuringly. "At least not now, I'll set the timer for its maximum (7 hours), so you’ll have plenty of time to rest… Consider it a wake-up service."

Finally finished setting up her partner’s sleeping position, the brunette took a step back. “Comfy?” she asked, half sarcastically.

"os-i-ing e iru-an-es, ite (Considering the circumstances, quite)." Mira replied, still able to smile after all that transpired.

"You really are from another world, aren't you?" Cana asked. Even she was still taken by surprise sometimes at the dexterity of her partner.

"A if u ine a a-o ee (As if you mind that about me)." Mira teased.

"No, it's one of the things I love most about you. But that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve notice." Cana replied, giving her white haired captive a good night kiss." Sleep tight, pun intended."

By the time Cana headed for her own bed, everyone lying in the other rooms had already drifted off to sleep.

Lucy, Erza and Lisanna had carried on their chatting for nearly an hour. The same had been true for Juvia, Meredy and Ultear. After all, with everything that the girls had been through, there had been just so much to discuss. 

But now it was just Mira and Cana who were still awake, though Cana would soon follow the rest of the girls.

Mira wasn’t quite ready to drift off to sleep yet, still looking for a comfy position to get some shut-eye in her bondage position. 

As Cana slowly but surely dozed off, enjoying the sight of her long held partner writhing around, one last thought entered her mind:

What more could we do tomorrow?



Dawn broke over the cottage housing the 8 female mages. All was quiet in the room Erza, Lucy and Lisanna were still sleeping in and the same held true for Meredy, Ultear and Juvia’s room. But that could not be said for Mira and Cana's room. The white haired mage had gotten a relatively good night's sleep, but the second the vibrator Cana had shoved in her vagina sprung into action, the demon take-over mage had been shocked wide awake and once again well aware of her position.

She had begun wriggling around, mainly to keep her mind occupied on something other than the tiny little bead working away inside of her. But it had proven to be little more than  buying time. Eventually, the combination of her wonderfully restrictive bindings and the intense vibrating had brought the white haired mage to a wonderful climax.

…Problem was, that damn little bead didn't know when to stop.

Almost an hour had passed, and Mira had come more times than she could count by now (though that could also be because her mind wasn't in any state to do maths), moaning and screaming louder with each time a new climax arrived.

Sadly, Mira full well knew how heavy a sleeper Cana was, even without the consumption of vast amounts of alcohol. And the gag in her mouth kept the white haired girl from being loud enough to wake her partner so she could free her from her predicament.

Forced to do nothing but bear the little vibrator's unending buzzing, the white haired girl tried to make herself as comfortable as possible and pray either Cana of at least someone else would wake up and become curious about what was making all that noise in this room.

[We now jump ahead by about 30 minutes, to arrive at the point where Cana finally wakes up]

Cana woke up with a heavy head. Oohhh...What time is it? The brunette thought to herself, and how come my head feels like I've drank 5 barrels of alcohol?

She tried to sit upright, only to be pulled back by something stuck to her wrists.

As the brunette's head became clearer, she began to grasp her situation:  Somehow, the nightie she’d put on before going to bed had been taken off again, revealing nothing but her black lacy bra and panties. But far more important was that she had been completely pinned down!

Cana had been spread eagled to her bed, her wrist and ankles pulled towards the four corners of the bed. It was a very simple, but enormously effective tie, even for a seasoned bondage lover like herself.

Cana began looking around the room, only to be surprised by Ultear staring at her with a triumphant look on her face.

"Good morning Cana," The dark haired woman said, "surprised to see me? Or is it your position that's causing that look on your face?"

The brunette tried to sit upright once more, only to be snapped back by the ropes."Explain!" Cana demanded immediately.

"Certainly," Ultear replied:  

“I guess the whole thing started a little over a half hour ago, when Meredy and Juvia woke up. It was still quite early, but they were fully awake straight away. Naturally they started chatting, which woke me up. They then told me they’d head downstairs to prepare breakfast for all of us. I decided to hang back for a few more minutes, give myself the time to wake up more slowly.”

Cana wanted to tell Ultear to cut to the chase, but the brunette assumed doing so would only please her raven haired captor all the more. Cana therefore patiently kept listening to Ultear’s start of the day.

“Now, when I finally left the room and walked past Lucy Erza and Lisanna’s room, everything seemed perfectly quiet in there, so I’d guess all three of them were still fast asleep... That wasn’t quite the case when I walked past this room however. I could hear moaning and muffled screaming coming from in here, and so I got curious.”

“So, you decided to take a peek and found Mira?” Cana interrupted. “That’s what I’m guessing at least.”

“And you guessed right.” The time ark mage confirmed. “I was sort of confused, because it seemed impossible to me that the two of you went on through the night, especially after the day we all had. Even if you two are advanced, you’re still human after all. So after hearing something from in here, I just had to open you door and take a look. And that’s when I saw Mira writhing around on her mattress, sweaty and moaning loudly.”

The dark haired woman let out a slight sigh before continuing. “Her mattress was soaking wet, and not just from sweating if you know what I mean. I can't even imagine how many orgasms that poor girl must’ve gone through before I entered, all due to your work. I naturally jumped in to save the poor damsel, turning off the vibrator and then taking off the gag. It was then Mira explained to me that she hadn’t spent her entire night like this, but in fact just an hour or two.”

“Of course,” Cana responded, “you didn’t really think I’d force her to endure a position like that the entire night did you? I told you yesterday, the safety and well being of your partner comes before anything else.”

“But even so, it still was quite the cruel predicament you put Mira in.” Ultear rebutted. “I therefore decided you needed a lesson: I quickly cast some short lasting sleep magic I learned from Jellal on you so I could take my time untying Mira. After that, I began my work on you while Mira went downstairs.”

"You're really unlucky you know," Ultear snickered "I'd only just tied the last knot when you woke up. A few minutes earlier and you might've been able to resist me."

"Doesn't really matter." Cana replied. "Even if you got the drop on me, a novice is still a novice. Just four ropes to hold me? Please!"

The card mage began twisting and turning on the bed, pulling on her bindings in an effort to slip out of them.

But to her surprise, no amount of wriggling loosened the ropes binding her, and each of the ropes had too little slack for her to move towards any of the other knots securely fastened to the ends of the bed (and far out of her reach).

After a few minutes of fruitless struggling, Ultear decided to enlighten her captive. "Maybe I didn't explain thoroughly enough.”

“Meaning?” Cana asked, frustrated at her inability to escape.

The time ark mage began caressing her captive’s upper body, stroking it gently as she answered the question. “Like I said: I freed Mira before starting to restrain you, and she was kind enough to give me some pointers on knot tying.“

Upon hearing that Mira had been here to supervise, Cana groaned loudly. "Darn it, then I guess I'm not getting out after all… Alright, so you want payback for what I did yesterday, I presume?"

"Not exactly." The time ark mage replied. "It's not like I resent you for that or anything, I just figured that the situation I walked in on this morning was too great to pass up. After all, you’re not the only one of us two who likes being in charge of someone unable to resist…"

Ultear now got even closer, slowly crawling onto the bed until she was lying beside the brunette. The dark haired mage then began nibbling Cana's earlobe, letting her tongue stroll around and inside the helpless woman's ear as well.

"Aaagghh!" Cana gasped. She's good, the brunette thought to herself.

Ultear sat upright again. "And for the record, you might be right about my inexperience concerning bondage, but I have lived for 7 years while you all were frozen… I've become quite the mature young woman if you must know…"

The time ark mage took off Cana's black bra so she could fondle the brunettes large and well formed tits, groping and pinching them to her heart’s content (and to Cana’s delight).

Suddenly, Ultear pressed down on Cana’s nipples, making her squeal out a loud groan.

“Aaarghh! That’s it, keep going… You really do know your ways around a woman!” Cana said, faintly out of breath.

“Of course, I told you didn’t I?” The raven haired woman responded as she continued rubbing the card mage’s firm breasts and rock hard nipples, kissing her all over her neck and chest as well. Cana's breathing became more shallow as a response, and the card mage felt her body get more and more aroused because of Ultear’s expert treatment.

Deciding after a few minutes that Cana had had enough of a ‘warm-up’, the dark haired woman slipped her hand down the brunettes panties and began rubbing her sweet spot, all the while still kissing and nipping her breasts, as well as fondling Cana's tits with her other hand.

It didn’t take long at all for Ultear to bring the now loudly groaning brunette close to a climax. Feeling that she was nearly there, Ultear sped up her movements, to which the card mage responded by groaning approvingly.

A short while later, Cana suddenly pulled hard on all of her bindings as she came with a deafening roar. After the brunette slumped back down gasping for air, Ultear continued massaging her captive’s breasts, whilst also drawing back her wet hand from Cana's pussy and licking the juices stuck to it.

“Hmmm, essence of a bondage lover.” The dark haired woman said. “I was already pretty certain yesterday evening, but now I know for sure that I could definitely get used to this.”

Ultear sat back upright and gave Cana a minute to catch her breath. After she did, the dark haired woman asked: "Now, how's that for a wake-up call?" 

"Best room service I ever had."The brunette said with a wide grin.

"Great to hear! Then consider us even." The dark haired woman said cheerfully. "Now then, I'm going to untie you so you can wash up. While you do that I'll head downstairs already. Breakfast will probably be served any minute, and I don't know about you but I've just worked up one hell of an appetite!"

"Oh, I'm hungry alright, but not just for food!" the card mage replied with a lascivious smile.

"You insatiable nympho!" Ultear replied. "I'm almost feeling offended, seeing as I apparently didn't do a thorough enough job."

"Not at all," The brunette comforted her, "but how can I not be hungry for more after this?"

Both girls had a little giggle, after which Ultear got up from the bed to untie Cana's wrists and ankles. The time ark mage then headed downstairs, whilst Cana gathered her things and headed for the bathroom.

When the card mage reached the door for the bathroom, she walked into Erza who had just left it.

"Oh, finally awake are we?" Erza said. "Juvia and Meredy were already downstairs in the kitchen by the time we woke up in our room. Lucy and Lisanna have also showered already, I was the last, save for you."

"Oh, I've been awake for a little while already, I just couldn't get out of bet yet… Literally."

"Intriguing," Erza replied. "Did Mira turn the tables on you?" 

"No,” the brunette answered, “Ultear appeared whilst I was still asleep. She freed Mira, who is downstairs helping to prepare breakfast with Juvia and Lisanna. Our newest recruit decided she wanted to have her way with me like I had done with her in the kitchen yesterday. And I must say, she did swell considering how new she is to this."

"Well, guess we know what to talk about during breakfast. Don't be too long in there," Erza said as she gestured towards the bathroom, "I can already smell some great cooking coming from downstairs."

Cana headed into the bathroom, took a nice hot shower and got dressed again. The brunette then headed downstairs, where all the other girls were already sitting down passing around the food of what looked more like a buffet than a breakfast.

"How lovely for you to join us, Cana." Mirajane said with a grin. "Hungry I'll bet?"

"Famished." The brunette replied as she sat down in between the demon take-over mage and Juvia. "But you of all people should know that."

"Ultear-san and Mira-san already hinted that you'd gotten a rather nice wake-up call." Juvia said.

"Care to tell us the full story?" Lucy asked.

“Of course.” Cana replied, taking a first bite out of her sandwich. “After all, I’ve yet to find a better way to start the day than with a decent breakfast and a nice story. It'll definitely help get us all in the mood!”

As all of the girls enjoyed their breakfast, both Cana and Ultear went on telling about what had happened upstairs. As the story continued, with each of the girls drinking in every word of it, they all became eager to start yet another pleasure filled day of bondage and eroticism.



After all of the girls had finished their breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen, they headed for the living room to plan out their second day of bondage related fun.

As soon they all settled down into the couches, the young mages started up their conversation. Cana was the first to get things on track:

"Well then, now that we've all had a decent meal we should be ready to start right up again. Don't you agree?" The brunette asked of the rest of the room.

All girls nodded enthusiastically.

"Juvia can't wait to continue where we left off yesterday! She was dead tired after her session with Mira-san and Meredy-san, but now Juvia can hardly contain herself again!"

"Likewise." Meredy concurred. "I slept like a baby last night, I didn't even realize how tired I was until I dropped into bed and drifted right off to sleep, after Juvia and I finished our chat of course."

Lucy, Juvia and Ultear all nodded once again to signal they too shared Meredy and Juvia's opinion.

"I think we all pushed some boundaries yesterday." Erza concluded. "Save for Cana and Mira of course, who probably know of far more daring and exciting things to do."

All of the girls then looked in the direction of the brunette and white haired girl, their eyes shining with excitement.

Mirajane giggled at the sight of all those faces practically begging for some more bondage fun.

"Well, if you are all so curious about what the two of us can do, then how about we go up another level?" The demon take-over mage suggested.

"Is that even possible?" Lucy asked curious and nervous at the same time.

"Sure." Cana instantly replied. "Up till now every person in charge has always brought the girls in their care to a relatively quick finish, albeit after a little bit of teasing some of the time. But imagine what you would start to feel if that so desired relief wouldn't arrive?"

All of the girls (save for Mira) stared at the brunette mage with wide eyes as their minds tried to recall the feelings they had all felt the day before. After grasping those feelings and thoughts again, they tried imagining how their bodies would react to enduring such a state for a prolonged time. 

Almost instantly, each and every girl reacted in exactly the same manner: their breathing quickened, their bodies felt like they were heating up again, and their faces became flushed as they avoided everyone else’s gaze.

After giving the girls some time to let her words sink in, chuckling as she saw all of them turn bright red, Cana continued her explanation: "I take it you all have made the same realization: the real fun starts when you have to work towards your orgasm."

"And it feels much better too, like a reward after an excruciatingly tough quest." Mira added.

Lucy, Erza, Lisanna, Juvia, Meredy and Ultear all remained quiet for a moment to let everything the two experienced bondage lovers just depicted for them sink in.

Eventually, Lucy was the first to make up her mind: "I'm sure I speak for the most of us when I say that sounds scary and exciting at the same time. But then again, getting involved in this weekend felt scary and exciting too, and that didn't do any harm."

"On the contrary," Erza continued, "I haven't regretted this group joining up for even a second."

"Juvia feels the same." The blue haired mage said.

"And although Ultear and me joined you quite a lot later, we too feel like there's so much more we want to explore with all of you." Meredy said with a bright smile.

"Indeed." Ultear concurred. "Even though what you two just described feels somewhat daunting, I'm sure I can learn to love it just as much as what Cana did to me yesterday." 

The dark haired mage had had her reservations listening to Cana and Mira, though mainly for Meredy and not for herself. But upon hearing her adoptive daughter express her enthusiasm just now, she immediately lost all reservations about wanting in on what she had just heard.

"I guess what everyone is trying to say, is that you have piqued our interests Mira-nee, Cana." Lisanna finally finished the conversation, smiling brightly at her older sister and the card mage. "So why don't you explain what exactly the two of you had in mind?"

"Well," Cana began, "seeing as how Mira has had her fun last night already and Ultear was so nice to give me one of the best wake-up calls of my life this morning, I'd say the two of us can take on the roles of dominating. We're most well-versed and experienced anyways, so it just makes most sense."

"No argument there." Lucy replied. "Go ahead and lay out the plan, you'll find all of us willing to go along."

"Perfect!" Mirajane suddenly interrupted. "Then before Cana starts her work on you all, I would like to make a suggestion: Like Cana said, there's plenty of stuff we haven't yet tried out on you. It doesn't make much sense to have everyone go through the same thing at the same time, we don't really have the room for it in here anyways. Therefore, I wanted one of you girls to accompany me on a more private session."

The white haired mage then got a more serious look on her face. " Mind you, this will be quite the draining and nerve-wracking experience, so whoever of you feels brave enough to accept, please step forward."

Instead of stepping forward, all of the girls looked at whomever they thought could be considered the bravest among them. It just so happened that meant every girl instantly started staring at Erza, leaving the redhead slightly bewildered.

"Wait, you all think I should take on Mira's challenge?" The requipping mage said disconcertedly.

"Why not?" Lisanna responded. "You're definitely the bravest one among us hands down. I'd say the only one to come close would be Ultear, given that she's spent years as a figurehead in Grimoire Heart. But she has only started out yesterday, so it might be a little too much to ask for now."

"It's not like I have that much more experience." Erza rebutted. "...But if you all feel that way, I guess I can concede. To be honest I'm quite curious at what this challenge is, that it makes even Mira say it's a draining experience."

"Oh, I should mention that it's not so much physically straining, it's the mental aspect that takes its toll on you." Mirajane explained in her usual calm voice. "What I want you to do Erza, is go and take a walk outside whilst tied up."

That request startled Erza, something that hadn't happened to her in a loooong time. The redhead was so shocked it felt like her mind and body froze in place right then and there. Though it wasn’t just Erza who was shocked by Mira’s proposal, every girl in the room felt their jaw drop down and they were all secretly happy they hadn’t volunteered for Mira’s ‘private session’.

Erza realized Mira was waiting for an answer, and forced her body to begin reacting again.

"O-outside?" The redhead began. "You mean, on full display for everyone?!"

"Not exactly." Mira reassured her fellow S-class mage."You can requip into loads of clothes, right? Your requipping dimension is one of the largest of any mage. So I figure there has to be something like a long overcoat in there. I was thinking you strip down, we get some ropes around you and then you requip into some long and fully covering cloak or something. That way you can walk around without drawing any attention to yourself."

Mira had kept her calm smile on her face during the entire explanation, something which unnerved Erza even more.

"Have you done something like that before?" Erza asked curiously.

"Of course." The white haired mage replied cheerfully. "Do you remember that one time some years ago when I worked in the guild bar wearing a long dark trench coat, saying I had just recovered from the flue and still felt a bit chilly? I caught quite a bit of attention since it was so different from my usual attire, so I think you should be able to remember." 

Erza and the other girls' jaws dropped down to the floor again.

"MIRA-NEE! Are you saying what we all think you're saying?!!" Lisanna suddenly shouted astonished.

"If you all are thinking I was naked and bound underneath, then yes." The white haired woman said plainly. "It was a dare posited by Cana after we'd just started taking our bondage fun further than just ropes alone, and I obliged.“

Ignoring the wide eyed stares of everyone in the room (and Cana’s wide smirk), the demon take-over mage continued her story: “I spent that entire day walking around the guild wearing nothing underneath that coat other than my high heels, a tight chest harness and crotchrope, oh and some rather beautiful diamond-shaped ropework joining the two. It was the first time in my life I felt blazing hot and freezing cold at the same time, which actually served to enforce my lie about the flu.

"Mira won that bet fair and square." Cana said, seemingly from out of nowhere because everyone's gaze was still fixed at the calmly smiling Mirajane. "Her reward was something else too, but that story will have to wait. I'm raring to go, so if you would please make up your mind Erza."

After hearing Cana address her, Erza pulled her mind out of the gutter and made her decision: "Well… Since everyone assumed I was the bravest, and you really would need to be brave to go out like how Mira just described, I guess it's gonna have to be me who accepts. It would be a shame to pass up Mira’s idea too, so I don't really feel like I can refuse anymore. On top of that, since we've just heard it's entirely doable, I don't really have any excuses left, now do I?"

"Wonderful!" Cana exclaimed. "That's an attitude befitting of the Titania. Besides, Mira and I will be with you for support so there'll be nothing to worry about." The brunette added in an attempt to calm the red haired girl down some more.

Mira then turned her attention to all of the other girls: "So, if you girls would please dress yourself down, we can all get started! I'd say Cana can take care of two of you, I'll take on two others and then Erza can manage the last one."

"Any volunteers?" Cana asked with a bright smile.

"Juvia and I would like to remain close together please!" Lisanna said without really consenting with the blue haired mage first. Not that Juvia minded, she felt the same way.

"Fine, just dress down to your underwear and come over to the middle of the room." The brunette replied.

Whilst the animal take-over mage and water mage began taking off their clothes, Meredy and Ultear had moved closer together.

"This time Meredy and I would like to be closeby as well." Ultear addressed Mirajane. "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," the white haired S-class mage replied friendly "In fact I had been planning to have everyone spend their time together right in this room. Just take off everything other than your underwear and then you just move over to the corner of the living room Meredy, Lucy will join you there. Meanwhile you can stay right here Ultear, so you and Meredy have a clear view on each other like you wished. Erza will take care of your restrains. "

Whilst all of the damsels to be were dressing down and moving to their designated positions, Mira Cana and Erza were busy collecting all of the gear they would be using. It was during that time Cana whispered some instructions to Erza so the redhead could prepare Ultear for when Cana would finish her work with Lisanna and Juvia. The brunette added that she would do 'the finishing touches' herself and that Erza needn't worry about anything other than what she had been told to do.

Normally Erza wouldn't take kindly to being ordered around, but in a field such as this Cana's experience trumped her personal feelings. On top of that the redhead was, in all honesty, having a hard time thinking up anything that would put Ultear in a position Cana had described earlier. Just how on Earthland do you restrain a person effectively, arousingly, but leave it impossible to come?

After everyone had prepared themselves to perform their assigned duties, Mira Cana and Erza went to work on Lucy, Meredy, Juvia, Lisanna and Ultear.

After Lisanna and Juvia finished undressing, they walked over to the middle of the living room as Cana had asked them to. The two young women were standing there, side by side in nothing but their skimpy underwear, waiting for Cana to join them. Lisanna was wearing a light blue pair of frilly panties with a lacy bra of the same colour. Juvia on the other hand was wearing a much darker blue bra and a black thong. Both girls looked absolutely stunning, as their underwear was filled out quite nicely by their sizeable chests and nicely shaped butts.

“Once again, I have to remark the resemblance between you and Mira is quite visible, Lisanna.” Cana said as she neared the two girls. “Though Juvia is rocking quite the hot body too of course.”

Juvia began blushing, whilst Lisanna simply smiled back at the brunette. “Thank you Cana, but I fully realize Mira-nee is still quite a ways beyond me. Not that I mind, I’m happy with how my body looks.”

“J-Juvia is also quite content with her figure.” The blue haired girl added.

“As well you should be.” Cana responded. “But I think a few ropes will definitely help to improve your looks, so why don’t the two of you stand back to back for me.”

Lisanna and Juvia obeyed, and Cana began tying both of the girls’ wrists, leaving their hands in front of them but with quite a long length of rope still dangling from it.

Cana ignored that rope for the moment though, and continued by tying separate crotch ropes around both of the girls. The brunette pulled those two ropes so tight she made Lisanna and Juvia gasp audibly.

“Not too tight, is it?” Cana asked teasingly.

The blue haired and white haired girls shook their heads, still wincing slightly but enjoying the feel at the same time.

“Good, then I’ll continue.” The card mage said as she unravelled a long rope. “Please raise your arms you two.”

Juvia and Lisanna complied, after which Cana began wrapping the long rope around both of the girls’ upper bodies at the same time, forcing them firmly together. After wrapping the rope twice below the girl’s breasts and twice above, Cana brought the remaining rope down and looped it around the lower chest ropes on Lisanna’s end, right in front of the white haired girl. After this, the brunette pulled the rope up again between the white haired girl’s tits and cinched it around the upper chest rope once more so the animal take-over mage’s breasts were completely constrained (and accentuaded) by rope.

Finished on Lisanna’s side, Cana brought the rope over to Juvia’s side by pulling it over Lisanna’s right shoulder (and Juvia’s left which was pressed against it). The card mage then repeated her actions on Juvia’s side (feeding the rope in between the blue haired girl’s breasts and connecting it to the upper and lower chest ropes). After this, Cana brought the rope back up again pulled it over Juvia’s right shoulder (and Lisanna’s left) to finally finish at the point she had started the whole thing: right below Lisanna’s now squeezed together and bulging breasts.

“There, you can let your arms down now, I’m finished.” The brunette concluded as she took a step back and walked around the two girls to inspect her work. “I’ve never tried ropework like this before, what with usually having only one person to work with and all... But I’d say that is about how I imagined it to be. How’s it feeling?”

“Tight.” Was all Lisanna could say, she was already feeling short of breath, and her breasts were rapidly becoming more and more sensitive. “It’s nothing like a chest harness on your own.”

“Juvia agrees.” The water mage said. “Even just Lisanna-san’s breathing is making the ropes around Juvia's chest tighten up. This is definitely a more effective harness then when the rope is tied to just one person.”

“Glad to hear that.” Cana said, not paying attention to either of the girl’s remarks about the tightness. “That’s exactly the kind of feeling you two need to understand what Mira and I are trying to teach you.”

The card mage had already started unravelling more ropes, and both Juvia and Lisanna realized they had no chance of persuading Cana to loosen the chest harness for even a little bit. So, the two young women instead decided on searching for a position that could accommodate for the tightness around both of their chests.

...Sadly, Cana wasn’t going to make that easy for them.

The brunette tied a rope around Lisanna’s left ankle and then pulled it backwards and up, making the white haired girl bend her leg into an approximately 90 degree angle. When Lisanna’s ankle was hovering just above Juvia’s right knee, Cana tied the rope attached to the white haired girl’s foot to Juvia’s thigh, keeping it there. The same procedure was then used for the water mage’s left ankle, which was subsequently tied to Lisanna's right thigh.

The resulting position meant both girls had to balance on one leg and could not shift their bodies too much since it would topple the other girl (and themselves) as a result.

“Cana-san, I fear my plea might be falling on deaf ears here, but isn’t this a bit much?” Juvia asked nervously. “I know you wanted to give us an experience in having to wait and struggle for an orgasm, but we won’t be able to last long in this position.”

“You’re right,” Cana replied with a naughty grin, “your plea did fall on deaf ears.”

Lisanna let out a sigh. Guess we shouldn’t be surprised since she’s spent years keeping Mira-nee in check. The white haired mage thought to herself.

“Now, open wide you two. It’s time you got your gags.” Cana said whilst holding up two pieces of grey cloth. “I wouldn’t want your moaning putting off any of the other girls in here.”

Realizing protest was futile at this point, both Juvia and Lisanna opened wide so Cana could stuff the cloth into their mouths, after which the card mage tied one more piece each in between their teeth for a very effective gag.

The brunette then left for the kitchen, confusing the two girls as she returned with a stepladder. Cana climbed the stepladder and pulled the ropes that had been hanging from both girls’ wrists for the entire time up into two separate pulley systems Erza had attached Friday evening at Mira’s request, long before anyone else had arrived here.

Neither Juvia nor Lisanna could spot what Cana was doing up there, but when the brunette came back down the two ropes were dangling in front of the girls (one in front of each).

Cana stood beside the two girls and told them to raise their arms again. They did so, and Cana took hold of both of the dangling ropes, one in either hand.  

“Brace yourselves.” The brunette said before pulling on the ropes, making both mages let out a muffled groan as their arms were forced to stretch out as far as the two could bear. Cana then continued by tying each of the now taut ropes to the front of either girls’ crotchrope. 

BUT, while Lisanna and Juvia figured Cana had tied their wrists to their crotchropes, the cunning brunette had in fact done the reverse: Lisanna’s wrist bindings were connected to Juvia’s groin and vice versa! 

Sadly all of the different and very tightly bound ropes were already starting to arouse the white and blue haired girls, clouding their judgment and ability to think straight. Cana had expected this, and the card mage foresaw neither of the damsels would figure out her ploy for the time being. And with the hefty gags both girls had wedged in their mouths they would never be able to let their partner know even if one of them did figure it out.

After setting up her fiendish predicament for both damsels, Cana turned her back and started heading in Erza and Ultear’s direction. Erza incidentically had just finished everything Cana had asked her to do.


[Back at the point where all girls separate in their respective match-ups]

“So, you’ll be the one tying me this time, Erza?” Ultear asked confidently. She had endured quite the treatment from Cana yesterday, and from what she’d grasped up to this point, Erza wasn’t nearly as experienced as that card mage was. The dark haired woman was therefore feeling pretty relaxed even though Erza was holding several coils of rope in her hands.

“Yes I will.” Erza replied. “But could you first take off everything you’re wearing? I can’t get started before you do.”

Ultear’s relaxed feeling disappeared instantly. “Why?” She asked. “Mira said underwear was enough!”

The redhead kept looking at the now hesitant time ark mage. “Cana asked me to tell you it was an order, whatever that meant.”

Ultear froze. So Cana was planning on continuing what she’d set in motion yesterday, huh? Well Ultear couldn’t very well start refusing now, since she’d enjoyed everything the brunette had done to her already, even if it was reluctantly at first.

Without another word, the dark haired woman took of her dark grey underwear and stood in the middle of the room, naked and slightly embarrassed.

While Ultear had been busy fully undressing herself, Erza had headed off into the kitchen and returned with a chair which she placed in front of Ultear.

“Am I to be chair tied this time?” Ultear asked, looking at the chair.

“No,” Erza replied calmly, “you're going to kneel behind the chair.”

“WHY?” The dark haired woman asked rather loudly. This was starting to make less and less sense to her, and it was making her nervous. No doubt Cana had planned on that, although realizing that unnerved the time ark mage even more.

“Again, I don't know.” Erza replied. “Cana just gave me instructions on how to tie you since she had a plan worked out but would be too busy on the others.” 

Seeing as it would be obeying or not joining in at all, Ultear complied despite her confusion. The raven haired woman knelt down while Erza picked up something Ultear had a hard time processing. It looked like a leather bag which had been torn open, but upon closer inspection Ultear discerned the tear was in fact an opened up zip. 

“If you would please place your arms behind you Ultear.” Erza asked as she walked around with the leather bag.

Ultear did as the redhead asked, and Erza proceeded by pulling the bag over Ultear’s arms and zipping it up.

“This is called an arm binder, apparently.” Erza explained. “Cana told me it’s a very sturdy and effective way to restrain someone, which is why she thought it ideal for someone as though as you.”

“I’m flattered.” Ultear responded, wriggling her arms around to test this ‘arm binder’ thing. To her surprise, barely any movement was possible, certainly no movement of any use.

“Guess Cana really doesn’t want me to get out before she returns.” Ultear remarked. “This thing is definitely escape proof. Heck, my arms are completely useless now, forget about escape proof: I can’t even resist at all anymore.”

“Well, I don’t want to scare you,” Erza began, “but I’m supposed to do quite a lot more than just zip this bag-like thing in place.”

A flash of light appeared, and when it subsided Erza was holding a very heavy looking rock hammer. “Could you kneel down please, Ultear.” The redhead said without the slightest explanation about what that massive piece of rock posing as a weapon was going to be used for. Even so, Ultear complied and slowly lowered herself so she wouldn’t trip without the use of her arms for balancing herself. 

When the raven haired woman was kneeling down comfortably, Erza put down the hammer behind Ultear and tied a rope around the hilt, after which she attached that same rope to a small metal ring attached to the tip of the armbinder.

Ultear tried pulling the armbinder when Erza had finished, but quickly realized that hammer was far too heavy to be moved with her arms in the position they were in. The time ark mage was kneeling down, and that hammer was going to keep it that way. The only leeway left to her was kneeling down so she was sitting flat on the floor, or kneeling with her butt off the floor, as of now anything else (like moving back and forth) was out of the question.

“Just how much does that thing weigh?” Ultear asked Erza.

“Don’t know,” the redhead simply replied, “never found a set of scales that could support it long enough to get a good readout.” “The same goes for these two, actually.” The requipping mage mentioned as she was surrounded in another flash of light after which two smaller but equally heavy looking dual axes appeared in her hands.

“To be honest,  I never use these because they are unwieldy and straining, but I keep them in my arsenal just in case a situation occurs in which they would turn out handy.” The redhead then cracked a slight smile. “And it so turns out they did today, be it in quite an unexpected way.”

Erza placed the axes in front of Ultear, one slightly left of her and one slightly to the right. After checking both axes were equally spaced, the redhead unravelled two ropes of which she tied one end around each of Ultear’s thighs (right above her knees). The S-class mage then pulled the ropes toward the axes lying in front of the raven haired mage, and tied the ropes to them.

Ultear was now being tethered to three pretty much immovable objects: One making sure she couldn’t move forwards and two others keeping her legs from shuffling around. Basically, the time ark mage had her arms completely immobilised and her legs completely pinned in place as well.

After confirming this for herself, wincing and breathing heavily after her struggles, Ultear looked up at Erza. “Just what is Cana planning to do with me? Why on Earthland does she want me in such a compromising position?” The dark haired woman was beginning to blush as well now, because with her legs spread open slightly her naked pussy was now on full display. A fact she became increasingly aware of with every breath of wind that passed through her legs.

“I have no Idea, I told you that already,” Erza responded apologetically. “I’m just doing what Cana asked. She never said what the purpose was of this position.”

Not wanting to continue the conversation since Erza found it hard to focus seeing Ultear in that position, the redhead went to the pile of gear and returned with a black ball gag of medium size. After buckling the gag into place, Erza took a few steps back to give all of her work one final check-up before Cana would arrive.

While Erza was checking out her work, Ultear was doing the same. The dark haired woman tried wriggling around in her bindings once more, only to confirm again that nothing budged. The ball gag buckled into her mouth was smaller than the one Cana had used, but it was making her drool just as much (to her annoyance, since she’d only just gotten herself cleaned up).

“I guess that’s everything Cana asked me to do.” Erza concluded. “And it seems I’ve finished right on time, here she comes.”

[We return once more to the point where everyone split up: This time we’re at Mira, Meredy and Lucy’s side.]

Meredy and Lucy had just stripped down to their underwear: Green and white striped panties with a green bra for Meredy and a matching pale yellow pair of panties and bra in Lucy’s case.

Mirajane quickly inspected both outfits and nodded approvingly. “I see you girls are all ready, so why don’t you kneel down for me. Sit across from each other as well if you’d be so kind.” The S-class mage said as she dropped several coils of rope, some leather cuffs and two belts on the floor.

Meredy moved over to kneel in front of one wall of the corner and Lucy kneeled down in front of the other. Both girls were now sat across from each other with about 5 feet (1,5m) of space between them, just as Mira had requested. 

The white haired girl then unravelled four lengths of rope and wasted no time frogtying both of the girls’ legs to keep them kneeling down. After this, Mira fitted each of them with a leather belt and padlocked it in place. This belt had several small rings attached to it, which Mira used to padlock the leather cuffs to. Finally, the white haired mage strapped leather cuffs around each of Meredy and Lucy’s wrists and padlocked those shut as well.

Now the two young women were forced in a frogtie with their hands pinned down at either side of their waist. After the two girls tested out the strength of their bindings, they both realized both realized neither of them had any shot of freeing themselves. Nonetheless, they couldn’t help giggling in excitement and were curious about what else Mirajane had in store for them.

They would soon find out as they saw the S-class mage unravel two more long ropes. The demon take-over mage used those ropes to fit each of the girls with a tight chest harness, accentuating their breasts and making them stand out a little bit more. The chest harness in question was a rather simple one, just some ropes wrapped above and below Lucy and Meredy’s breasts and then cinched together behind their backs to keep it tight. What neither of the girls had noticed however, was that the white haired woman had tethered both ropes to rings in the floor located behind either girl in order to make sure neither girl would be able to get in reach of the other.

For the moment Lucy and Meredy were unaware of this fact, and they were still enjoying the tight feel of the ropes around their chests... But in time they would discover the significance of this precaution Mira had taken.

“Now, if you two still have anything to say, get it out now.” Mira said, holding two bitgags in her hands.

“I guess ‘thank you’, is the only thing that comes to mind.” Meredy said with a wide grin.

“Thank you, and great job.” Lucy confirmed, smiling as well.

Oh, I’m very sure you two won’t be thanking me in an hour or two. Mira thought to herself as a slight smile played around her lips. But the demon take-over mage quickly suppressed it so as not to arouse any suspicion.

“You are very welcome.” The white haired woman said instead. “Now open wide you two.”

Both Meredy and Lucy opened their mouths so Mira could fit them their (soft) rubber bitgags. 

“I’m sure you’ve noticed already, but these gags are quite soft and malleable.” Mira began. “They’re made like that so you can bite down hard to work out some of your anger. Call it an admission from me because you two are in for a lot of frustration the coming hours.”

That doesn’t bode well. Both girls thought to themselves as their smiles (what was left of them after the fitting of the gag) disappeared. But neither of the girls got the chance to ask what Mira was on about, as the white haired woman turned round and said.

“Oh, I see everyone else is done as well. Guess all that’s left now is to get Erza ready to leave the house and to set up the second stage of all of your predicaments.”

Mira walked away from the corner where she had just tied Meredy and Lucy and joined Cana and Erza next to Ultear. "Now then," Mira started off as the three mages stood together in the middle of the room with a clear view on all damsels, "that should be enough restraint for all of you." 

All of the bound and gagged girls seized testing their bonds for a moment to pay attention to the white haired woman's announcement.

"Don't get too comfortable though," The demon take-over mage warned them, "because we haven't finished  our work yet. As soon as Cana and I finish tying Erza, we'll be adding some toys to all of your predicaments."

All of the girls felt slightly giddy after hearing that, partly looking forward and partly nervous at what those two veterans had in store for them.

Cana continued describing the plan she and Mira had laid out (admittedly on the fly, but experience made up for lack of preparation): "After Erza's ropes are in place, the three of us (she gestured to Mira, Erza and herself) will head outside. All of you will then have the privacy to enjoy what will undoubtedly be an entirely new experience, whilst we give Erza one of those as well."

All of the girls took Cana's words for the full truth, except for Mira who instantly knew that last part was a lie: There was no way they were going to let all these relatively novice practitioners completely by themselves. In reality, Cana would be sneaking around the back of the cottage and enter through the backdoor so she could keep an eye out for all of them, hidden inside the kitchen.

Of course, the white haired S-class mage elected not to mention this to any of the other girls, keeping a straight face so as not to give anything away. 

After Cana finished her explanation, Mirajane turned to her fellow S-class mage:

"Well Erza, now it's your turn to strip down."

Erza did as Mirajane asked of her, and with a bright flash of light everything other than her boots, a dark blue pair of panties with matching bra disappeared from her body.

Mira tilted her head and mentioned in a completely casual tone: "I believe you've overlooked some stuff."

The red haired girl's eyes widened. "You want me to take off everything?!"

"No." Mira replied. "You can keep on your boots, you'll be walking outside after all."

Erza hesitated. Walking outside covered in rope would be daunting enough as it is, now she found out she was going to do so naked?!

Then again, she had just heard Mira tell about how she did the same for a full day, in a room crammed with people she knew, all by herself. In comparison, going outside in a place with few and completely unknown people whilst you had two friends accompanying you almost seemed easy… Thinkin about it clearly, she had no reason to be worried, so why hesitate?

Another flash of light and Erza was left with only her black boots, her entire gorgeous body on display.

"You'd never think a body like that could be so strong." Cana remarked. "You've got shapes most models would kill for!"

Erza blushed slightly. She had always known her body was one with well balanced proportions, but never really paid heed to it. And since most people knew her as 'Titania: the strongest female mage' instead of as a young woman, being complimented like that every once in a while felt rather pleasing.

"Enough staring at the naked swordswoman." Mira said suddenly as she unraveled a long rope. "We've got work to do Cana!"

Whilst Mira tied a firm chest harness around Erza (one similar to the ones around Lisanna and Juvia), Cana fitted the requipping mage with the belt Mira had worn the day before, and locked both the belt itself and the strap that fitted in between her legs in place.

After nearly no time at all, Erza’s restraints were in place and the redhead tried taking a few step to get used to the feeling.

 As she’d expected, the belt was rubbing slightly and the ropes around her breasts constrained her breathing, but she was sure she would get used to this over time. Therefore, the red haired girl was feeling more confident than ever that this challenge would actually be doable.

Mira addressed her fellow S-class mage, pulling Erza’s mind back down to earth: “Right, now if you'd please conjure a coat around your body, Erza. After that we'll seal your magic so we're all prepared to take you outside.”

Erza surrounded herself in light once more, and when that light subsided her entire body was obscured by a long dark brown overcoat which had a high neck as well.

"Good idea picking a coat like that, now your collar won't be visible either." Cana remarked as she held a thin but sturdy collar in her hands.

Erza lifted her head and pulled aside the neck of the coat so Cana could lock the collar in place.

Whilst Cana was preparing Erza to leave the cottage, Mira started creating a magic seal covering the entire living room to make absolutely sure none of the girls could get out by magical means. After both girls had finished their respective duties they gathered up again in the middle of the room, next to a slightly blushing Erza (no doubt the leather strap was to blame for the colour of the redhead's cheeks).

"Finally. The ropework is done." Mira said relieved.

"Now the real fun can begin." Cana added as she picked up several toys and watnot out of the pile, handing some of them to her white haired friend.

The duo then split up again in order to head for the respective couple they had tied up, so they could finally begin applying the various implements they had picked out for Lisanna, Juvia, Meredy and eventually Ultear.

 Cana headed over to Lisanna and Juvia again, holding 4 small vibrator beads attached to rubber tip nipple clamps. After the brunette had pulled down the bra cups of the white haired and blue haired girls, those clamps ended up pinched onto either girls’ nipples. Cana then switched on the vibrator beads hanging from the clamps to a gentle but still very effective setting.

The take-over mage and water mage now had three things demanding their attention: A single tight chest harness enveloping both girls’ sizeable bosoms, a crotchrope of which the rubbing was beyond their control (though they had yet to figure out what it was that controlled it), and a pinching/vibrating sensation constantly stimulating their nipples.

“This should get the two of you wet by the time we return.” The card mage said to the now moaning damsels. “Wet, but not ‘liberated’… But by all means, feel free to make an effort to get there anyways.”  The brunette snickered.

The Cana was still chuckling as she headed for Ultear to finally enlighten the time-ark mage about what the brunette’s plans were for her.

“O, am i i-a-ee o-in oo ine ou at is od o-sison iz or? (So, am I finally going to find out what this odd position is for?)” The raven haired woman mumbled through her gag.

But Cana didn't answer. Instead she just studied the bound and gagged time ark mage intently. After a few seconds she suddenly said: "I've changed my mind. You won't be needing that gag after all."

And with that comment, Cana unbuckled the ball gag again, allowing Ultear to speak freely once more.

"Taking pity on me already?" The raven haired woman teased. "To think you would start making things easier on me so soon."

"Hah!" Cana replied. "You think not being gagged makes things easier? You obviously still have much to learn." The brunette snickered.

Confused by this retort, Ultear wanted to know what the card mage was on about. But she was prevented when Cana changed the subject."

“And to answer your question just now: Yes, you will finally find out what this rather intricate set-up is for” Cana said with a wide grin, “and trust me, you won’t be disappointed.”  

The card mage was now holding a roll of duct tape in one hand, and a pair of clamps with rings attached to them in the other.

Cana put down the duct tape beside Ultear and started by attaching the clamps onto the raven haired woman’s nipples. After enjoying a slight groan from Ultear, Cana continued by pulling two strings out of her back pocket and attaching one each to either ring on the clamps.

The card mage then pulled the strings toward the chair still in place in front of the kneeling Ultear and tied them to the backrest. Doing so pulled the strings tight, which made Ultear gasp loudly as the clamps began pulling on her nipples. The time-ark mage was now forced to kneel upright, no longer provided with the luxury of resting on her behind.

“Aaaahh!! N-Now I know what the chair was f-fooor!!” ” The time ark mage screamed in between jolts of pain shooting through her.

“Bet you’re wishing you never found out, huh?” Cana gloated. “Better keep up you kneeling position if you don’t want the pain to increase. But don’t take this too badly, it’s a sign of my faith in you: You’re the only ‘novice’ in here I trust to be able to take this. Well, apart from maybe Erza but she’s leaving anyways.”

“I-I wish I could say I was glad with that complime-eeent… but right now I’m finding it difficult to be grateful.” Ultear replied in between groans.

“Don’t worry about that, the look on your face is gratitude enough.” Cana replied. “But I’m afraid it’s not over yet.”

After saying those words, the brunette walked off to the pile of gear and returned with a large pink vibrator. She took the roll of duct tape and after placing the vibrator directly under Ultear’s pussy, taped it firmly onto the floor and switched it on.

The true horror of the predicament Cana had just created was that if Ultear were to squat down, the buzzing vibrator would gently slide inside of her, no doubt giving her a heavenly orgasm. BUT the nipple clamps tied to the backrest of the chair were pulling the raven haired woman’s nipples harshly upwards (forcing Ultear  to strain herself to remain kneeling upright and not squat down).

In short, the time ark mage had two options: Mediocre stress on her nipples but no relief whatsoever, or immense pain and blissful joy at the same time.

It didn’t take the dark haired woman all that long to realize that she was in for a very long day.

“Now I’m definitely sure I don’t like you having such faith in me.” Ultear said whilst looking up at Cana. “I’m beginning to think I preformed a little bit too well yesterday.”

“That might be true,” Cana replied, “but I’m sure you’ll do well this time too, even if you don’t feel like you’ll be able to right now.”

And with those last words, Cana turned round to see how Mirajane had fared preparing Lucy and Meredy. 

The first thing Mira had done when she got back to Meredy and Lucy was pull down the cups of their bras. After this, the white haired woman wedged a long thin vibrator in between their chest ropes and switched it onto a ‘random’ setting. This setting meant the vibrator would only be active for about one in ten minutes, but without a pattern so the girls couldn’t get used to the feeling of their unconventional breasts massage.

As an added stimulus, the S-class mage took out two hitachi wands which she tied to the girl’s belts so the bulbous end came very close to their groins, but without making full contact. To make matters worse, Mira placed the wands on very low settings, so both Lucy and Meredy would be getting only the faintest of stimulation in their nether regions.

The purpose of these vibrators and hitachi wands was to get both mages more and more turned on over time, but without them ever getting close to a real climax.

Neither of the girls had realized this yet, but their hands had been cuffed to their sides as an added mental torture: Since it meant they could never reach down far enough to give themselves a helping hand.

However, the part of Mira's set-up that that was truly deserving of her nickname 'the demon' was something neither Lucy nor Meredy were aware of as of yet: 

Mira had anticipated that the blonde and pink haired girls would pretty soon decide on crawling towards each other to help one another get their climax... And at that point they would come to realize that Mira had tethered them to opposite walls and left them just out of reach of each other.

The duo would end up tantalizingly close to an orgasm, but with no chance whatsoever of actually reaching it. 

“There.” Mira concluded with a devious grin. “That’ll definitely keep you two occupied for the time Cana, Erza and me are gone.” 

Not wanting to risk letting anything slip out about het ploy in front of the blonde and pink haired girl, Mira immediately returned to Erza’s side to wait for Cana to finish up Ultear’s predicament.

“I guess we’re done here.” Cana said as she joined Mira and Erza. “So, are we ready to head out?”

“Yep,” Mirajane replied, “unless you still have anything you want to say or do, Erza?” 

The redhead, who had been staring at all of the girls’ respective predicaments (and had started to feel slightly aroused because of it), shook her head. “I’m ready to leave here. I fear that if I stay for much longer I’ll lose the will to leave this place.” The requipping mage said with a naughty smile as she looked around the room again.

“Oh, don’t you worry.” Mira responded, smirking herself. “We’ll be sure to give you plenty of stuff to do too.”

“Then by all means, let’s go.” Erza said as she took her first step. However, right after taking this first step the requipping mage had to halt again for a moment. In her excitement she had forgotten about the leather strap buckled in between her legs, but it had made itself known again by digging deeper into her lips the second she moved, causing Erza’s entire body to react to the enticing feeling.

“Anything wrong?” Cana asked with a devious grin.

“N-No, no.” Erza replied. “Just getting my bearings, I’ll get used to it soon.”

“Suuure you will.” The brunette replied, and then lent closer to whisper: “But I’m certain you won’t get used to whatever Mira will have in store for you when you get outside. You are going to get tried and tested even beyond the level of an S-class quest… Count on that.” 

And after those ominous words, Cana gave Erza a slap on the butt. “Get going now, Titania! It’s time you got your challenge started as well. Everyone else is well on their way already.” The brunette said, gesturing towards the other young women in the room.

All of the girls moaned and struggled whilst they were still adjusting to the first contact of all of the various implements Mirajane and Cana had placed on them.

Mira turned around for one last time to address the damsels, and spoke loudly to make sure everyone caught her announcement: “Now, we'll be heading out whilst you girls get to experience a completely different side of bondage! Be sure to try and have fun, it'll make the time pass much faster.”

“Buy-bye!” Cana added as she led Erza out the front door. Mirajane then left last, closing and locking the front door behind her.

As soon as Mira, Cana and Erza disappeared out the door, all of the girls began wriggling to their hearts content.

Both Juvia and Lisanna gently pulled and wriggled in their bindings, trying to avoid any large or abrupt movements so they could keep one another balanced. It took them some time to get used to the feeling of having their legs tied to each other and being forced to remain standing on one leg each. The combined chest harness on the other hand was something both girls quickly adapted to, as they began shifting around as much as their positions allowed them in order to up the pressure and make their tits more and more sensitive as time went on.

However, neither the take-over mage nor the water mage could figure out what it was that made their crotch ropes tighten up so randomly. Nothing the girls seemed to do could influence that piece of string wedged into their lower lips. Sadly, with the gags muffling their every sound and standing back to back, neither of the girls was in a position to ask the other for advice either.

Instead, they decided to just let the seemingly random crotchrope do its work and enjoy the rest of their predicament.

Ultear was far less enthusiastic to wriggle about, in part because the single leather glove left the time-ark mage with no arm movement whatsoever. But the main reason for her rigidity was that the strings pulling on her nipples allowed for next to no movement without a steep and painful price. 

What was worse, and also mentally punishing for the ravishing raven haired woman, was that even though she could clearly hear the buzzing of the vibrator stuck on the floor right beneath her vagina, she didn't dare drop down since the resulting pain would be too much to bear. Nonetheless, this brand new form of bondage excited her, and as long as she remained in her current position the clamps pinching down on her nipples enticed her more than they hurt.

Lucy and Meredy were the only girls with a relatively large freedom of movement available to them, which they exploited happily to get the most out of their expert and inescapable bindings. They shuffled around happily, testing the reach of their arms with the leather cuffs padlocking them to their waists and trying to push their breasts together some more so the vibrator made more contact.

During the first moments of their respective situations all 5 young women felt exactly like they had done yesterday: giddy, excited and aroused all at the same time.

...But after some time (some girls took longer than the others) the arousal started to become accompanied and eventually completely replaced by (sexual) frustration.

Given her rather cruel position, Ultear was the first to give in to her frustrations and let out a loud roar in anger and desperation. 


The reason for the dark haired woman’s fury was quite straightforward: Liberation in the form of a buzzing vibrator was so tantalizingly close yet at the same time impossible to reach. The time ark mage felt like crying from frustration, but instead focused on her anger towards Cana for putting her in this arduous predicament.

Not long after, Meredy and Lucy became overcome with feelings of despair and anger. It hadn't taken the two women long to realize that because of the way they were bound, they stood no chance of bringing themselves their much needed climax. Therefore, the two had decided to make their way towards each other in order to help one another other out.

But after several tiring minutes of shuffling forward and fighting the arousing feelings building up inside them, they hit a snag, literally. Somehow Mira had tethered the two of them to opposite walls without them noticing, and the ropes holding them turned out to be just a few inches too short for them to get their cuffed hands into each other's reach.

Lucy was the first to draw this conclusion, and screamed as loud as the gag allowed her: "I-AAA!!! (MIRAAA!!!)". 

Seeing and hearing the celestial spirit mage react that way helped the realization sink in with Meredy as well. I should've known Mirajane wouldn't make things so easy for us. The sensory mage thought frustratedly. But this also means we're out of options!

Now both girls were fully aware they were left with no way whatsoever to reach their much desired orgasm, and they didn't like it at all. 

Last but not least, Lisanna and Juvia reached the point where they could no longer stave off their desire. They began moaning and grunting, twisting and turning in their bindings in an effort to make their orgasm arrive. But as much they tried to, the far to gentle buzzing beads clamped onto their nipples and the irregular movements of the crotchrope were far from enough. Their orgasm remained painfully distant, and their frustration grew by the minute.

 As all of the girls wallowed in their self pity of being denied their liberation, they came to realize why Mira and Cana had gone to such lengths to warn them: This really was bondage taken to a completely new level! Less than an hour had passed, and they all already felt like they were nearing their breaking point.

They all wanted to come, but none were able to. Therefore all of the damsels looked around the room and gave one another looks of sympathy to try and support each other through what would no doubt be an excruciatingly long wait for Mira, Cana and Erza’s return.



As Erza stepped outside of the cottage, she felt a breeze work its way underneath her long coat, causing the redhead to shiver just a little. Even though it was a sturdy and warm coat meant for cold and windy days, it was not meant to be worn without anything underneath it (save for a few ropes and a leather belt).

Erza scarlet, Fair Tail's Titania, was standing outside a rented cottage wearing nothing but her boots, a rope chest harness and a leather belt which had been padlocked into place, and with an added strap wedged in between the redhead's luscious thighs. 

The feel of that leather and rope on her naked body had felt strange enough when she was inside the house, but now that she was standing in the great outdoors, the red haired girl had become even more aware of her own body.

"You okay?" Mira asked compassionately."I know from experience it can feel terribly cold when you're standing in a breeze like that. But trust me when I say you'll get used to it rather quickly."

"I'm fine." Erza replied. "the breeze felt chilly, but it's not a particularly windy day so I'll manage."

“Great to hear you’re taking this so well.” Cana said as she smiled at the S-class mage "Besides, Mira will be making sure that soon you are far too busy to worry about something as silly as a breeze. Now then, time I headed for the kitchen to start my monitoring duties. Have fun you two!"

And off Cana went, but the comment she’d left behind worried Erza. She looked at Mirajane. "So it isn't bad enough that I'm outside wearing nothing but rope and a long coat, you actually are going to taunt me as well?"

"Not taunt." The white haired mage replied calmly. "I'll just be giving you some tasks along the way. But I'll get to that later, let's start heading for the town now."

Erza hesitated. She didn't really want to leave the secure vicinity of the cottage without knowing what Mira had in store for her. But taking a look at the demon take-over mage's eyes, the redhead concluded it was going to be Mira's way whatever the cost. Erza was not going to find out anything until Mira wished it.

"Fine then." The requipping mage finally said and she started heading in the direction of town. But as soon as she took her first step, the redhead froze again. The leather strap locked in between her legs had just dug a little bit deeper into her, making her feel strangely excited despite her situation. And for some reason, it’s effect seemed to have increased in comparison to when she had been inside the cottage.

"Something wrong?" Mira asked deviously.

"N-No, not at all." Erza lied. She would be damned if she was going to admit defeat this early.

It's just a bit of rubbing. The redhead thought to herself. I'll get used to it soon enough, then I'll be able to block it out altogether.

Sadly, that did not go as planned. After a few minutes of walking, the chafing of the ropes and belt  covering the redhead's body was still as noticeable as when she had taken her first step. To make matters worse, every creak and hustle on the calm forest path instantly shocked Erza's body into full alert, worried that it might be a passerby or worse... 

After a few minutes of this rather draining and unnerving walk, the two girls finally left the street leading to their cottage and began walking along the road that would get them into town. Erza was already beginning to get aroused from the rubbing of the ropes and the excitement of walking around near-naked.

As the two S-class mages neared the small village, Mira restarted the conversation: "We're getting close to the town now. Time for me to divulge what my plans for you today are."

"Should I be happy?" Erza asked hesitantly. The red haired woman wasn't exactly scared, but since she and Mira had had quite a checkered past (bickering constantly when they were younger), she couldn't help but feel a little suspicious of Mira's plans.

"Decide for yourself." The white haired woman replied: "What I want from you today, is that you complete 5 tasks. The moment you've completed the fifth, we head back for the cottage. Every task you do exceptionally well will be rewarded, every task done badly will be punished."

Mirajane gave Erza a minute to let her explanation sink in, before asking: "Any questions?"

Erza had loads of questions, but the one burning the most was: "What if I refuse a task?"

"That's the same as doing a task badly." Mira replied casually.

"So I either do the task, or get punished?" Erza replied. The red haired girl had sort of expected that response from Mira, but hearing her confirm that she had no choice whatsoever still annoyed her slightly.

"Basically, yes." The demon take-over mage replied cheerfully. "But don't worry too much, I won't give you any inhuman or impossible challenges. In fact the tasks I had in mind are quite the day-to -day, perfectly ordinary requests."

"I guess that's somewhat comforting." Erza replied. "Seeing as I won't be able to refuse and all."

The duo had by now entered the town square, after which the two had come to a standstill in the middle of a wide plaza.

The first thing the demon take-over mage did after taking a quick look around the square was hand Erza some money. After which she pointed towards a small grocery store.

“Now then Erza, for your first task: Go into that shop and bring us back something fresh to drink.”

“You mean that crowded shop?’ The redhead asked nervously.

“Yes,” The white haired woman replied in her usual calm voice “but don't worry too much about it, so long as you act casual no one will bat an eye. Oh, but be sure not to let anyone touch you, because then you might get noticed.” 

It was then Erza noticed the white haired girl’s eyes were showing a completely different side of Mira than her calm voice was. The redhead could tell her fellow S-class mage was testing her. But she didn't mind, she wasn't going to buckle under such a minor task.

All I need to do is stand calmly in line and keep clear of other people. Erza thought to herself as she looked at the shop. Act natural and this should be a cinch.

So to prove to Mira she wasn't going to be intimidated that easily, Erza confindently began walking toward the shop. However, as the requiping mage got closer to the entry, she could feel her pulse quickening and the palms of her hands becoming sweaty.

Calm down, Erza! The redhaired mage ordered herself. You can do this, just act natural.

Far more quickly than she'd liked, Erza was standing in front of the door to the shop. After hesitating for just a fraction of a second, she took a deep breath and went inside.

The shop assistant greeted her with a friendly smile, and none of the other customers so much as looked at the young redhead.

Good, Erza thought relieved, like Mira said: Act casual and no one will bat an eye.

And so, having been calmed down a little by her uneventful entrance, Erza began waiting her turn. 

However Mirajane kept a close eye on proceedings inside the shop and the second it was Erza's turn to order, the white haired girl flicked the switch on a remote control she’d secretly brought with her from the cottage. That remote activated the vibrating lacrima  embedded into the leather belt Erza was wearing. After that lacrima began its work, the only thing left to do for the take-over mage was enjoy Erza's spooked reaction, and the way she tried to keep a straight face as she stammered out her order for a pair of drinks.

Erza eventually made it back with two cold cans of soda in hand (and with the stares of a couple of customers in tow). As the redhead handed over the goods, accompanied by an evil stare directed at Mirajane, the white haired woman switched off the belt again (after which Erza let out a stifled and thankful groan).

The requipping mage really wanted to give her fellow mage a piece of her mind, but decided against it since there was still quite a lot ahead of her before she could return to the safety of the cottage.

"Well done," Mira began after accepting her can of soda, "but sadly I don't really like this drink very much."

Erza nearly bit her tongue trying to stop herself from telling Mira where she could shove that drink she didn’t like very much. But the redhead managed to keep a calm expression as Mira continued:  "But of course you couldn’t have known that. So I won't punish you. But of course you won't get a reward either."

Right now, that was good enough for Erza. She was just happy the vibrating has finally ended and didn’t want to provoke Mira into starting it up again.

After the two girls finished their drinks, Mira got up from the bench and pointed to a small park which had been set up in the middle of the town square. "Now then," the white haired girl said, "how about we have a little walk around the park. It's looks so peaceful and pretty don’t you agree?"

"Not to mention, calm." Erza said, thankful for Mira's suggestion. The red haired mage much preferred an empty park over the busy town streets.

Erza got up from the bench as well to follow her white haired fellow mage. However doing so made the belt dig in again, and the redhead staggered on her feet for a second before managing to calm her body down again.

Mirajane didn't say a word, but instead just waited for Erza to start leading the way.

After a seemingly peaceful twenty minute walk, the duo left the park and Mira headed to another bench. The two young women walking around the park had seemed perfectly normal to the few people who had passed by, Erza had even managed to put up a relaxed face. 

The redhead had been everything but relaxed however, as she had been expecting Mira to give out her second task any moment during their walk, or maybe even activate that vibrating lacrima again. The longer Mira held off, the more nervous it made Erza. And when the two finally left the park again without anything happening, the redhead was silently cursing her guildmate for leading her on for so long.

Having left the park with nothing eventful happening, Erza could no longer contain herself. She was about to ask Mira to get it over with and give her her second task, when Mira started talking herself:

"We've come quite a ways already, let's rest for a moment." the take-over mage suggested.

Erza was thankful for the idea, because the thick leather strap between her legs was rubbing and chafing for some time now, both irritating and turning her on. But at the same time the surprisingly compassionate suggestion made her wary, and there still wasn’t any sign of a second task...

Even so, Mira gently sat down on the bench and Erza went to sit beside her.

"You must be feeling the effects of that belt by now.” Mira began sympathetically, “why don't you have a lie down, you can use my lap as a pillow.” The white haired woman said, tapping her legs.

Erza's eyes widened. "No thanks, I'm not that tired" She responded. In truth, the requipping mage simply wanted to hold on to at least some of her pride and willpower.

"Alright then," Mira replied, a little surly at her compassion being turned away, "I'll make it a task then: Lie down in my lap." 

"Seriously?? That is going to be my second task?" Erza asked in disbelief.

"If that’s what it’s going to take then yes." Mira replied briefly.

"Fine then." Erza responded, after which she laid herself onto the bench and lowered her head to rest it into Mira's warm and soft lap.

Mira began gently petting her fellow mage's head to relax Erza even more. The redhead felt awkward at first, but soon began to enjoy her little moment of rest. Lying down as she was, nearly all of the ropes had ceased their rubbing and digging in, and the requipping mage was able to (almost) completely relax her body again for the first time in hours.

After around 10 minutes, Mira quit petting her fellow mage and told her: "That's enough I’d say. You feeling rested?"

"Yes, quite. This was a lot more effective than I expected it to be. Thank you Mira." The red haired girl replied with a bright smile, still surprised (but less suspicous) at Mira still acting so friendly.

"Well, since I did make this a challenge, and you performed so admirably, I guess I should reward you. Come with me."

“Again, are you really serious?” The redhead asked confused. “Before leaving the cottage you said this entire challenge was going to be excruciating, but your task just now didn’t amount to much at all.”

“I told you, didn’t I?” The demon take-over mage replied. “The tasks I have in store for you are rather basic jobs. The whole ordeal of walking around in the position you’re in should be enough of a challenge, no sense adding any horrible or cruel tasks to the mix.”

Mira was beginning to sound a little impatient as she finished with: “Now, do you want your reward or not?”

“I guess. It’s all part of this challenge right?” Erza reacted. “If I perform well I get my prize, no sense in declining just because I found the task easy.”

“Exactly, so follow me please.” Mirajane replied. 

Just as I planned. The white haired girl thought triumphantly, hiding her wide grin from Erza.

Ever since the two of them had started walking through the park, no probably even before that, the white haired woman had been dying to get her hands on Erza's gorgeous body for a little sexy time. Trouble was Mira had to keep up her stern front in order to remain in charge, especially since Erza had such exceptionally strong willpower. 

So, the cunning take-over mage hatched a plan: She would give her sub an easy task to complete, like calmly lying down. Then she could use Erza's 'outstanding performance' as an excuse to give her body a right going over.

As it turned out, Mira had played her part spot on. Erza didn’t suspect at all she was playing right into the white haired girl’s hands.

The demon take-over mage now led her red haired friend to a public bathroom. After checking nobody was inside, she pulled Erza into the ladies room as well and locked the door behind her.

“We won’t be disturbed here whilst I give you your reward.” Mira said as she slowly walked towards Erza.

“Which would be?” The redhead asked.

“Oh, please!” The white haired girl said with a big smirk. “Like you didn’t figure that out the second I stopped by this public bathroom. Open your coat!”

The red haired girl did as she was ordered, and the second she exposed her voluptuous body Mira was all over it:

The demon take-over mage started out by using her hands and mouth to give some attention to Erza’s perky and by now very sensitive breasts. The white haired woman elicited many moans and grunts from the redhead as she let her fingers and tongue stroll around the redhead’s upper body, making her way down.

In addition to yanking the belt to drive the strap deeper into Erza’s body, the white haired take-over mage occasionally switched on the vibrator inside Erza’s belt as well, forcing her damsel to moan even louder. By now the requipping mage was struggling to remain on her feet as she became increasingly more turned on. 

But even after 30 minutes (an eternity to Erza's feel) of Mira’s heavenly assault on Erza's pussy and tits, the fiendish Mira hadn't allowed Erza to come even once. Every time Mira would feel Erza's orgasm arriving, she would let up and allow for Erza's body to calm down again, much to the redhead's fury.

But the now desperately horny Erza daren't argue with the 'demon' Mirajane, since she was sure that Mira had several levels of cruelty she could still climb to, and the current level was already plenty to drive the redhead insane.

Mira led the now internally raging Erza out of the bathroom again, thereby forcing the red haired girl to bottle up all of her frustration in order not to arouse any suspicion from passersby.

As the duo was walking down a wide promenade, trees on either side of it, Mira suddenly said: "Well, that was fun." In the most casual of tones, as though the two have them had simply been enjoying a board game instead of a raging half hour of non-stop groping.

"I'd like to agree, but I can't help but feel it could've been a lot more fun if you hadn't held back so much." Erza responded, trying her best to hide the anger and desperation in her voice.

"Now, now." Mira replied. "No need to act so mistreated, you enjoyed yourself plenty, I think. If you want more, just be a good girl and do the next few tasks properly."

"Speaking of which." The demon take-over mage said as she suddenly halted underneath a huge tree. "This'll do just fine for your third task."

"Which would be?" Erza asked curiously, almost forgetting about her anger for a moment.

But instead of answering, Mira flicked the switch to activate the vibrator hidden in Erza's leather belt and then threw the remote into the tree. After it lodged behind a branch about 5m (16 feet) into the air, the demon take-over mage looked at Erza. The redhead herself just stood there, quivering under the effects of the vibrating belt lodged in between her lower lips, staring at the now high up remote control.

"Climb up there and get it for me, would you?" The white haired mage said casually.

Erza's eyes shot wide open. "Are you s-serious?!!" The redhead replied angrily. "Even under normal circumstances doing that without magic would be a challenge, but now!..." The redhead forced herself to speak in a softer voice: "people might be able to look up my coat, or it might get caught on a branch, exposing me completely. Not to mention it's hard to focus with this buzzing going on all the time."

"Then do you want that thing to keep buzzing away inside you?” Mira snickered. “Because I'm not shutting it off and you can't use magic so the only option left is that remote up there."

As Erza looked up the ridiculously large tree, she could feel her throat close down just at the thought of having to climb up there in her current position.

However it wasn’t the climb itself that would be such a challenge. Naturally the S-class mage had handled stuff equally and even more dangerous than this before……But with one dauntingly huge difference: Normally she was in full control of her own body, which wasn’t the case right now.

Not to mention the fact that the slightest breeze (or even a long reaching branch) could make her coat flap up and show everyone in the vicinity just how little she was wearing underneath.

No matter how you looked at it: This challenge was too risky, and not even someone as brave as Erza felt up to it.

Erza looked right at Mirajane, forcing herself not to lose her cool in front of her infuriatingly gloating fellow S-class mage. She’d said no, and it was going to stay no: "Sorry, Mira. But I'm refusing this task of yours. I won't do it, it's too foolhardy."

The requipping mage then kept staring straight at Mira, compelling her body not to twitch under the vibrations going on beneath her coat. 

After a staring contest of about 20 seconds, Mira sighed loudly. A flash of flash of light surrounded the white haired woman, and after it subsided Mira had transformed into her Satan Soul form. The now fully fledged demon flew up and swiftly recovered the controller.

When she landed next to Erza again, another flash of light returned Mira to her human self. "I'm not sure if you realize this, but if you had gone to get this little thing here, you would've gained complete control over the vibrator stuck between your legs." Mira mused.

"Would you not have demanded it back?“ Erza asked in return. “I'm without magic remember, I wouldn't have been able to put up much of a fight." The redhead concluded, surprised Mira would think she'd fall for such a cheap taunt.

"No, I wouldn't have demanded it back." Mira replied calmly, "I was going to make this remote here your reward, since I realized this was a very rough challenge."

The redhead's eyes widened again. "You could've told me that beforehand!" She said angrily.

“I could have yes.” The white haired woman said with a devious grin, “but then I wouldn’t have been able to find out just how obedient you really were. Turns out you’re quite the rebellious captive.” 

Erza cursed internally at this missed chance. And after seeing how flustered she’d made Erza, Mira couldn’t help but chuckle, as it was exactly the reaction she had hoped to draw out from her red haired damsel.

However Erza's anger quickly disappeared, and the requipping mage now looked like she was hesitating to ask something of Mirajane.

"What is it?" The white haired woman asked. "You look like you're bursting to tell me something."

"U-Uhm, Mira." The requipping mage began softly. "The belt is still buzzing… Could you turn off the vibrator now?"

"No," Mira replied, making Erza's heart sink, "this is your punishment for disobeying."

Erza sighed, the redhead no longer had the will to protest. Mainly because she knew it wouldn't amount to anything other than fuel Mira's already cruel and creative mind for punishment.

"So, when will you turn if off then?" Erza asked gently, trying to coax some pity from her fellow guild member.

"The moment we start your fourth task." The white haired girl replied, pointing in the direction of one of the town's wider streets. "Which can be found at about 20 minutes from here."

"20 minutes!" Erza shouted. "You want me to walk like this for twenty minutes!?" The redhead was already becoming moist again, her body had not yet forgotten having been turned on so badly by Mira in that public bathroom earlier. Having to endure this vibrating strap for 20 minutes would be a challenge in itself, but to be forced to walk as well?!

"Better hurry up then, if you think you'll have trouble lasting. Tell you what, I'll be kind." The take-over mage said, and she fiddled with the remote in her hands.

All of a sudden, the buzzing subsided immensely, until only a soft tickling remained. This made Erza gasp in relief, even though the buzzing was still there, at least now it had become bearable.

"That's as slight as it gets,” Mira warned her fellow mage “so we better walk fast before even this setting becomes too much for-“

Mira hadn't even finished her sentence when Erza sped in the direction Mira had pointed to earlier. Now that her belt had become so much easier to bear, Erza wanted to waste not even a second. The sooner they reached their destination, the sooner the vibrating would cease completely.

The white haired mage giggled as she hurried after her red haired friend, and the two arrived at a rather charming restaurant after only 15 minutes of brisk walking, after which Mira turned off the vibrator, and Erza rested with her hands on her knees in order to recover from what had been one of the most tiring 'walks' in her life.

Not only had the 'slight' buzzing turned out to be a lot more tiresome than the redhead had expected, the leather belt kept wedging and chafing the entire way as well which served to turn Erza on even more. And as an added plight her erect nipples would brush against the inside of her coat from time to time, sending an unexpected jolt of pleasure through her entire body every time.

When the redhead had finally caught her breath and calmed her body down enough to stand up straight again, Mira explained the next task: "You can probably guess from looking at the building, but your fourth task is to join me for a bite to eat in here."

Mira went inside without even waiting for Erza's consent. However Erza didn't mind this task, as she herself had been feeling hungry for quite some time already.

The two girls sat themselves down, after which Mira ordered the house special for both of them. The waiter left to pass on the order to the kitchen, a bewildered look on his face from seeing Erza sitting at the table trembling slightly despite wearing such a heavy coat, but didn’t make any remarks. 

Mira tried to have a friendly chat with her companion whilst they were waiting for their meals to arrive, however Erza remained wary the entire time. The requipping mage grew increasingly fearful that Mira might reactivate that damned belt at any moment, just to torment her during what would seem a perfectly normal lunch between friends to all other customers.

As a matter of fact the requipping mage wound herself up so badly, when the waiter turned up again to serve her meal, she was so on edge that she slapped the plate out of the man’s hand when he appeared behind her (admittedly, to Erza it seemed like he came from out of nowhere, which could explain her being startled by him).

Luckily, Mira calmed down the fuss with incredible ease (not surprising since she spent years of her life working at one of the rowdiest bars in the country). And even though nobody paid any real attention to Erza, since it Mira was who was handling the entire incident, the redhead was still sitting in her chair with a face matching her bright red hair. The blushing redhead quietly remained sitting down, looking right at the table so as to avoid any and all of the other customers' gazes.

After the waiter brought out a new plate for Erza, who whispered an embarrassed apology to him, both she and Mira ate what turned out to be a very delicious meal. After their tasty lunch, Mira paid the bill and the two girls headed outside.

The white haired woman had remained calm for the entire time the two girls had been seated inside the restaurant, even after the incident she had simply tried to carry on the conversation with Erza as if nothing had happened... But now that they had left the restaurant, Mira showed her true colours to the still nervous Erza. 

"That was some very poor behaviour, Erza.” The take-over mage opened sternly. “What if you had still had access to your magic? That waiter would've died from a full force attack coming from you!"

"I couldn't help it!" Erza defended herself. "I was too agitated thinking you would flick that switch again."

"During lunch? Why would I do that??" Mira said in a surprised tone of voice, matched by a confused look on her face. "Do you really think I would be that cruel?"

Erza simply stared at Mira with an equally confused look. The redhead was slowly beginning to lose her mind from the take-over mage's antics. 

She just couldn't grasp what Mira was on about: One moment she seemed perfectly kind, but in a matter of seconds she could turn round 180 degrees and force her into the cruellest of situations. But moments later Mira could turn back into the kind-hearted girl the entire guild had come to know her as, and sometimes the kindness was genuine and at other times it was nothing but a ruse...

Even worse, every time Erza thought she was being clever and holding up her guard, she turned out to be doing it for nothing, only to be completely taken by surprise the moment she lowered her guard again!"

The redhead was unexpectedly forced to stop her internal rant when Mira pulled on the neck of her long coat. "I’m sure you’ve already realized on your own that this calls for punishment. Follow me." The demon take-over mage said.

Mira led Erza to a more remote and sheltered location. After checking nobody was in the vicinity, the white haired mage ordered Erza to take off her coat.

Reluctantly, Erza obeyed, after which Mira turned her friend around and pulled the chest harness even tighter than it already had been. After this she suddenly pulled Erza's arms behind her back and added a rope around the redhead's elbows as well, cinching them tightly together behind her back. 

"There." The white haired woman said after putting the coat back around a now completely defenseless Erza. "You are going to walk around like that for the next hour. "

"I'll get noticed!" Erza protested. "People will wonder why I am walking with my arms inside my coat, in such a strange manner no less!"

"It's you own fault!" was all Mira replied.

The redhead now had to fight against her tears, both from fear and anger at being treated so injustly. This was rapidly becoming far more than even she could handle. Playing along, being vibed and turned on was fine enough, but she really wasn't ready to be discovered like this. But what could she do?! Her magic was sealed, and now her arms had even been tied behind her back. Even if she were to decide to start resisting Mira and her cruel game, she had no means of fighting back anymore! 

Mira picked up on Erza's desperation, seeing how her fellow S-class mage's eyes were on the verge of tearing up. This awakened the demon take-over mage’s gentle and caring side again, and she gently buttoned up Erza's coat before firmly placing her hands on the redhead's shoulders.

"Don't be so worried." Mira began in a soft, assuring tone of voice. "Even if people notice something strange, it's not like they'll walk up to us to interrogate us, right? And even if they do, I've been alongside you all the time and will continue to be.“

Mira squeezed Erza’s shoulders a bit firmer as she continued reassuring her damsel: “Things will be fine, I promise. I've had some close calls myself during that day serving naked at the guild, and let me tell you those tense moments made it all the more worthwhile in the end."

Erza looked Mira deeply in the eyes. She could tell Mira was being sincere now, and that she was trying to spur her on into completing this ordeal.

This sudden show of (true) compassion calmed Erza's nerves immensely, and what Mira had just said made a lot of sense too. The redhead took a deep breath. "Very well, one hour. I guess I do deserve it for giving that waiter the fright of his life."

Mira chuckled. "That you did, poor boy didn't know what happened to him."

And with that, the duo left the safety of the remote corner of town and started walking through the more busy town centre.

Whilst walking around Erza tried to keep her posture and expression as natural as possible, not an easy feat considering she now had an added predicament added to the already long list.

For the entire walk around town, Mira kept making conversation, but Erza had a hard time staying focused. In addition to the arousing chest harness, the strap digging into her crotch and the coat rubbing her nipples every now and then, her elbows were now feeling tingly too. Needless to say, all of these simultaneous feelings were making the red haired mage more excited and nervous than ever.

“Are you even listening?” Mirajane asked slightly ticked off when Erza had responded with ‘uhu, yeah’ for the third time in a row.

“What?” Erza replied as she finally managed to bring her attention back to the conversation Mira had tried to uphold. “Sorry Mira, but I’m sure you’ll understand it’s hard to keep a clear mind with everything that’s going on right now.”

“Well I suggest you try harder, or you’ll be getting one more distraction to deal with.” The demon take-over mage said, smirking as she held up the little remote to Erza’s belt.

That really got Erza’s attention. The redhead was already struggling to remain calm with her current situation, she was certain that having that belt rub her up as well would cause her to collapse on the ground, and flailing around trying to get up without your arms was sure to turn quite a few heads.

“I’m sorry, Mira. You were saying?”

“I was saying that I was curious about what the others would be doing right now. Aren’t you?”

“Not really to be honest.” The redhead replied. “Believe it or not, I have enough to worry about as it is.”

“Oh, I’m not worrying.” The white haired girl replied. “Cana is there to keep an eye out so I’m sure they’re all… relatively fine.”

“Relatively?” Erza asked curiously.

“Well, the positions we left them in are quite straining, and even though Cana is there to jump in when anything bad happens, she definitely won’t interfere just because the girls are screaming for release. She enjoys moaning like that far too much.”

Hearing that made Erza feel for the first time today that she might be in a better position over the rest of the girls, something she never would’ve expected when she got started this morning. “Is Cana really that… evil?”

“I wouldn’t call it evil,” Mira responded, “it’s just that she likes to force you to push your boundaries, even if you yourself don’t want to.”

“I see... I’m guessing you have found that out about her the hard way?” Erza asked, a slight smile finally appearing on her lips after all this time.

“Oh, you bet!” Mira replied with a hint of pride. “But she’s a good girl deep down, in fact there was this one time…”

The conversation continued, flowing over into various other subjects as well. The two S-class mages talked about their lives with the guild, some personal matters, but of course the topic occasionally (when the surroundings allowed it) returned to bondage, during which Mira would frequently tell about her and Cana’s experiences.

Eventually, the hour passed and Mira led Erza into a remote dead-end alley to undo the ropes binding her elbows. The second Erza opened up the coat, Mira was wafted by a strong scent. The coat had been holding in a whole swirl of odors: a mix of Erza's personal bathing soap, the smell of sweat and even a hint of love juice. All those scents were coming from the gorgeous naked and bound redhead standing in front of Mira, fully exposed.

I’d forgotten since Erza acted all normal for the entire hour, but she must be in agony by now. Mira thought to herself. I can tell by her body language that she’s incredibly horny, but she’s still a bit nervous too. Guess I shouldn’t drag this trip out any longer, I’m dying to give her the final task I just thought up anyways.

When the ropes binding her elbows were finally untied, Erza let out a slight groan of pure relief. With her hands free once again, the redhead immediately buttoned up her coat.

After taking a moment to recover fully and let the throbbing of her arms (caused by the strict elbow tie she had endured) subside, Erza wanted to head out to the streets again, but she was halted by Mirajane.

“This place will also do well for your fifth and final task.” The white haired S-class mage explained as she stepped aside and leaned against an alley wall.

"Already?" Erza asked. 

"Do I detect a hint of disappointment?" Mira said gloatingly. "If you want I can make it 10 tasks."

"I meant, my punishment has just ended." Erza said, annoyed at Mira sporting fun at her. "Are you sure you want to start up your next task already, we're headed back to the cottage after this right?"

In truth, the red haired girl was secretly happy Mira finally wanted to conclude their outing, but she just didn’t want to seem too eager to quit.

"Of course, that's what I promised after all.” The white haired woman answered. “But I should warn you: This fifth one will be a difficult one. So difficult in fact, that this is the only task you'll be allowed to refuse without penalty."

Hearing this slightly relieved Erza , but at the same time made her more nervous than ever. What could be so bad it had even Mira on her toes?

"What I want you to do," Mira said slowly, "is turn yourself towards the exit of this alley, and open up your coat for me."

Erza's eyes shot wide open. "Right here?!" she asked shocked.

"Of course." The white haired woman replied "This is a quiet corner of town, far away from shops and the town square. The chances of someone passing by are remote, so where better?"

The very first thing that popped into Erza's mind after hearing Mira's task was: Reject!

But for some reason the redhead couldn't quite get the word out. She felt like it would be shameful to give up without even considering, even if Mira had given her permission to do so. This hesitation wasn't caused at all by her pride or ego, more that she didn't want to disappoint Mira or all of the other girls who were no doubt waiting to hear what she had been through. 

Erza felt like she would have a hard time looking them all in the eye if she had to confess she hadn't followed through with her tasks all the way to the end, especially since all of the other girls were apparently in equally harsh positions without any freedom of choice whatsoever.

"And for how long?" Erza asked, still not able to make up her mind.

"10 seconds, I'll count out loud." Mira answered.

The redhead remained quiet for a good while, so Mirajane did too. All of a sudden, the requipping took a deep breath, turned round so she was facing the open end of the alleyway, and opened her coat.

The second Erza's coat was fully open, her entire body and their bindings on full display, Mira began counting softly: “10…9…8….”

This is chilly, Erza thought to herself, I can feel the cold air brushing against my body. I didn't know it was this cold outside...


Aaahhh, this is taking so long... too long. The redhead thought nervously. I never imagined ten seconds could pass by this slowly. What am I doing?! Someone is going to walk by and see me spreading out my coat and everything underneath it! 

Even though this thought scared the redhead immensely, she couldn't help but notice her pussy becoming wet once again. It took every ounce of willpower to stop herself from closing up the coat again, but Erza persisted.    


The requipping mage was really starting to feel desperate now, thinking that any moment now somebody was going to shout out in surprise at seeing a naked, red haired woman covered in rope exposing herself to anyone walking past. Just those thoughts rushing through her made breathing become heavier and heavier, and she could feel her entire body start to shake under the excitement and stress.

HURRY!! The redhead shouted internally. MIRA, COUNT FASTER!!

“1… ZERO!”

Upon hearing that blessed last word of Mira's, Erza closed her coat fell down onto the ground, completely out of breath even though she had just been standing still for 10 seconds. Her body was sweating more than it had ever done today, her pussy even wetter than when Mira had been working her over in that public bathroom.

How the hell am I this turned on? Erza thought confused. I felt more scared than excited, but my body obviously disagrees with that… I guess there’s still a lot more to bondage than I know about.

"Great job Erza!" Mira said whilst she wrapped her arms around the heavily breathing redhead. "I'm so proud of you. You are going to get one hell of a reward for this."

“F-Finally, something to look forward too.” Erza said, already able to crack a smile again.

Mira chuckled as she heard her fellow S-class mage make that remark, after which she got up and stretched out her hand so Erza could to the same.

After Erza had pulled herself together, the duo left the dead-end alley.

Now that the redhead had recovered from her ordeal of exposing herself for ten whole seconds and knowing that there were no tasks left for her, she was actually starting to look forward to Mira's reward. There was no way however, she was going to let her white haired friend notice this. (Worst case scenario, Mira might decide to put off her reward, just to see Erza's reaction).

Instead, the requipping mage acted as calm as the situation (and her body) allowed, walking slowly beside Mirajane in the direction of another public bathroom.

When both girls reached the plaza at the centre of town again, the public bathrooms were once more in sight, and Erza's body was already slightly heating up again in anticipation of what would undoubtedly be a truly ravishing treatment from Mirajane.

Except the two girls never made it to that bathroom, because when the door was just a few more feet away, they heard a familiar voice shout:

"Erza, Mira! Is that you?!"



Cana was sitting in the kitchen of the rented cottage, reading 'the weekly sorcerer' and enjoying the sound of screaming and groaning coming from the living room (both pain & pleasure shining through in them).

However all that screaming made the brunette curious, and she decided to sneak in a quick peek. She quietly opened the door just a little so she could peer through the crack.

Meredy & Lucy were cursing more than they were moaning, seeing as they were ever so close to each other's bindings (and groins), but at the same time hopelessly out of reach. Both girls had their hands cuffed to the leather belt around their waist, and after spending a lot of time and effort shuffling until they were sitting right in front of each other, the two young women had come to the conclusion that Mira had tethered either one to an opposite wall by their chest harnesses.

Even after pulling with all their might (creating tremendous pressure around their tits as they did so), neither girl had managed to even so much as touch the other. Both Meredy and Lucy had given up after this, completely out of breath and raging with frustration about Mirajane’s absolutely evil set-up.

To make matters worse, the hitachi wands Mirajane had strapped to them served only to arouse the two damsels more and more as time went on. But without any decent contact it remained at just that: Arousal, but nowhere near an actual climax. Meredy and Lucy were left with no other option than to scream louder and louder as they grew more frustrated and impatient with the buzzing so close to their groins.

Somewhat further into the room, Juvia & Lisanna had by now realized the trick to their crotch ropes. They had figured it out after over two hours of wriggling around and getting random pulls on their groin. At one point Lisanna had given a mighty yank on the ropes pulling up her wrists, mainly because she was becoming fed up with the crotchrope not doing what she wanted it to. Immediately after the yank Juvia had let out an enormous screech, leading Lisanna to believe there was a link between the two. After the take-over mage butted her head against Juvia’s mumbling that shock to her pussy was probably her fault, the water mage had given an equally hard yank on her ropes, which was once again followed by a screech, this time from Lisanna. That was all the two Fairy Tail mages needed to figure out what Cana had done to them.

But without any clear view on proceedings or  the ability to speak, they couldn't coordinate anything. The result of this was that neither girl had managed to reach an orgasm, or even anything of the sort. In fact, the duo only ended up getting themselves increasingly horny and desperate with the climax not appearing.

But smack in the middle of the large living room, Ultear was the girl screaming loudest of all (and not just because she wasn't gagged):

The raven haired woman was on the verge of losing her mind. Her arms and legs were completely pinned in place thanks to the heavy weapons Erza had tied them to. This by itself would’ve been bearable, were it not that the stimulation of her nipples had turned her on so badly that she’d do anything for some relief.

However therein lied the problem: That relief of hers was buzzing happily right beneath her moist pussy, but was at the same time unreachably far away. If Ultear were to lower herself for even an inch, the nipple clamps attached to the chair would pull even harder than they had been doing the past few hours. And while the feeling those tiny clamps were giving her was a sense of pain mixed with pleasure for now, increasing their pressure would definitely make the pain take over.

It was the prospect of this pain that had prevented Ultear from working up the courage to lower herself onto the vibrator and finally reach that so desired release of hers. Instead, the time ark mage had tried to contain herself, fighting the tingling sensation of the clamps combined with the all new feeling of the armbinder Erza had slipped around her arms. But it was a battle Ultear was losing.

Why didn’t Cana gag me before leaving? The time ark mage thought desperately. I want to let out a couple of screams to vent my frustration, but I don’t  want to startle the others... Or even worse, alert a chance passerby!

Spending years as a runaway criminal, Ultear’s survival instincts were razorsharp, so doing something foolish like drawing attention to herself whilst she was completely helpless was out of the question. Therefore just the (minimal) risk of being discovered by someone outside was enough to prevent the dark haired woman from letting out an all out yell. But having to contain herself like that was slowly driving her up the wall.

Cana, Mira, Erza... You three had better be on your way back! I can’t stand this anymore!!

Cana managed to hide herself again just in time, before she was noticed by anyone. But more important was that she'd managed to keep herself quiet, since seeing all that action going on had turned her on considerably.

Ohh, I hope Mira and Erza are on their way back. Cana thought desperately. I want to get in on all the fun going on in that living room, but Mira will never forgive me if I get started without her.

For the first time today the card mage was regretting taking on the watch duty over guiding Erza around town.

[Speaking of which, while Cana was busy enjoying the view she had from the kitchen, Erza and Mira had just turned around to find out who it was that had shouted at them]

The two mages had been walking around in the village located close to the rental cottage in order to find a nice quiet spot for Mira to give Erza some loving. The redhead had preformed (almost) all tasks set for her by Mira admirably, and the white haired girl wanted to reward her fellow S-class mage for that. Sadly, fate had decided otherwise as they heard a familiar sounding voice call out to them:

"Erza, Mira! Is that you?!"

Both girls froze instantly, trying to work out whose voice it had been without looking. But the surprise had been too much for both young mages, and they had trouble thinking straight. If they wanted to find out who it was that had recognized them, they would have to look…

Mira was the first to turn around, soon followed by Erza, after which the two were looking straight at none other than Levy Mcgarden, a fellow Fairy Tail guild member.

As the young light blue haired girl ran up to them, her bright orange dress fluttering slightly, she said: "Hey Erza, I've been looking for you all day! Master asked me to get a message to you and told me you had rented a cottage near this village. I figured you would be in the vicinity, but it still cost me most of the day to actually locate you." 

By now the solid script mage was standing in front of the two S-class mages, a confused look on her face. "But why is Mira here too? I thought she was on an S-class quest of her own. In fact that’s why I was sent to contact you by Master's orders, Mira normally handles all quest correspondence but she wasn't in. And this message was urgent and confidential, so it couldn’t wait until Mira returned and Master didn’t want to risk a sent message being intercepted.” The blue haired mage explained, after which she looked straight at Erza and continued: “So that’s why I’m here. Imagine my surprise finding Mira by your side, why did nobody at the guild know about that?"

"W-Well, that is… you see, Mira…" Erza stammered. The redhead was frozen in place, without the slightest idea of what to say. She couldn't come up with a decent excuse for Mira being here, mainly because she had trouble concentrating with the ropes and belt rubbing and arousing her.

Luckily Mira suffered no such brain blockade. The demon takeover mage had used the time of Levy’s explanation to calm her thoughts and work out a plausible story.

"I met Erza by chance on my way back from the quest. The person who put out the request pulled back at the last minute, so I made the trip for nothing sadly.” Mirajane lied convincingly. “It's also why I didn't send a message back to the guild. Something as silly as a cancelation was no good reason to bother the Master, since he has enough on his mind."

"Oh, ok then I get it." Levy replied. "I guess you made the right choice, Mira. Master did indeed seem a little overworked, so I can understand why you didn't want to bother him."

Erza had to try her hardest not to let out a loud sigh of relief. Mira's quick lie had saved them, keeping their secret (and her current position) hidden.

However, Erza's relief was shortlived, as Levy just noticed something about Mirajane which raised several questions for her:

"Uhm, Mira. You did say the quest was cancelled before you even got started, right?" The light blue haired mage asked.

"Yes, that's right." Mira asked. "Why?"

"Then where did you get those injuries?" the solid script mage suddenly asked, pointing at the white haired woman's wrists.

What Levy had seen weren't injuries, but rope burn!

Damn it! Mira cursed to herself. I forgot to check for any markings before leaving the cottage! So stupid of me, to think I would actually make such a rookie mistake… I lost myself in my eagerness to have my fun with Erza!

Whilst Mira was still flustering about how to explain her 'wounds', Erza was rapidly becoming more and more agitated.

Naturally, Levy noticed the otherwise so calm and confident requipping mage getting terribly wound up. "Erza, you're not acting normal at all, either.” The solid script mage remarked. “That massive coat you're wearing seemed strange to me to begin with, and now your behavior is really confusing me too. Just what is going on here? what are you two hiding?"

Even though Levy just asked Mira and Erza to explain the situation, the solid script mage had a pretty good idea already. Amongst the many books she'd read, there had of course been some around the topic of sex and the various different fetishes in existence. She was after all a young healthy girl with an equally healthy curiosity. 

One of those fetishes she'd come across was the use of rope and various other methods of restraint in the bedroom. Naturally, a chapter about health and safety was included, with quite an extensive section about the prevention and treatment of rope burn (pictures included).

Levy was willing to bet her Fairy Tail emblem that those marks one Mirajane's wrists were caused by rope burn as well. It also helped explain the coat Erza was wearing: no doubt the redhead was wearing some manner of bondage outfit underneath it… But why the two of them would be walking around in the open remained a mystery to her.

Whilst Levy remained quiet and continued to silently analyze the situation, Mira's brain was working overtime trying to come up with an explanation. After taking a quick glance at Erza, the demon take-over mage figured she wouldn't be much use since the red haired girl still seemed frozen in place.

It's up to me to get us out of here, the white haired girl decided, fair enough since I'm supposed to be in charge actually.

"Well, you see Levy," Mira began, "these burns just happened whilst serving food at the guild. They were pretty minor, so I didn't want to bother Wendy with them. You know how using her healing magic wears her out."

"I guess that would be a decent explanation for those markings." Levy responded with a slight and unnerving grin, "were it not that Erza seemed to get a heart attack the second I asked about them. And it doesn't explain at all how you reached Erza before me, even if your request was cancelled. After all, you never got notice of Master's message so if you ask me you had no reason to stop by this village."

Levy's too smart. Erza thought panicked. She knows she's on to something and she won't let up. She's going to unmask us!

"How about I take a shot at explaining the situation.” Levy suddenly said, giving neither Mira nor Erza a chance to try and come up with another explanation. “But before I do that we'd better enter that public bathroom over there, for some more privacy."

Levy stretched out her arm to gesture towards the door and Mira and Erza obediently entered, full well realizing moving to a remote location was in their best interest too.

The second all three entered, Levy locked the door, putting a silent spell on it as well so no one could listen in.

"Now, why don't you take off that coat to reveal what's underneath Erza." The light blue haired girl began. "That way I can immediately confirm for myself if my suspicions are right or not."

Erza's eyes widened. "L-Levy, y-you don't understand. I can't take off this coat."

"Sure you can." Levy interrupted. "If it makes you feel better, I already know that there's some sort of bondage material underneath it. Just like I figured out the marks on Mira's wrists are rope burn."

Now Mira's eyes widened as well, but the white haired mage recovered quite quickly. This was Levy after all. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the most studious and well-read girl in Fairy Tail knew about explicit stuff like bondage. The question was, how much did she know about the subject? And how much about this situation had she figured out?

The white haired mage let out a heavy sigh before saying: "Guess we're busted. Might as well come clean, Erza."

Erza was still hesitating, so Mira added: "Don't worry. Levy is still a member of the guild, and I'm fairly certain she won't judge you." Even though the demon take-over mage was trying to comfort Erza, her attention was fully directed at Levy. The blue haired girl’s reaction to what was under Erza’s coat would tell Mira all she needed to know about how experienced Levy was in the field of bondage.

Now it was Erza's turn to sigh. “If you say so, Mira. You are technically still in charge anyways, so...”
The redhead dropped down her coat, and Levy's jaw did the same.

"E-Erza!" The solid script mage screamed shocked. "You're NAKED!"

"I thought you already knew what you were going to see under that coat?" Mira teased. The white haired mage was enjoying how flustered Levy was getting, as it meant the perfect chance for her to regain control of the situation.

"Guess you're not as experienced as I thought you were." The white haired S-class mage chuckled as she saw Levy’s cheeks glow bright red.

"Experienced?" Erza asked. "You mean Levy is also…"

"How else do you explain her figuring out what was going on after only seeing some marks on my wrists and your coat?” Mirajane said whilst holding up her left arm to show the rope mark more clearly. “She could only have recognized these as rope marks if she knew what rope marks looked like to begin with… Am I right, Levy-chan?"

The solid script mage began stammering out a response, still flustered after seeing exactly how vulnerable Erza had been walking around town. "Th-that's because, well I- "

"Let me guess," Mira interrupted, "because it's something you've seen before? You pervy little girl?" She teased.

"NO, not… seen, per sé…. It's something I've read and studied out of personal interest." Levy replied.

"Studied out of interest eh?" Erza pitched in. The redhead had by now realized what Mira had been planning ever since the three entered this public bathroom. "Then I take it you've never put theory into practice before?"

Silently, the red haired girl couldn’t help but be impressed with Mira’s ability to not only remain calm under the high pressure situation outside just now, but to even be able to manage a counterattack in a matter of minutes! 

Time and time again, the redhead thought, Mirajane shows me just how much I have to learn about all of this.

"Of course not!" Levy yelled. "Who on Earthland would I ask for such a thing?!"

"Well, you've got two willing helpers standing in front of you right now." Mira said calmly. "If you're really curious, then all you have to do is ask."

Levy remained silent, both startled and intrigued by the take-over mage’s offer. She stared at the floor to avoid the gaze of both young women  as she started thinking:

I do have to admit all those books and pictures made me curious about what bondage and the sorts would be like for real… The solid script mage thought. But fantasizing and acting upon it is still completely different! 

Levy now looked at Mira and Erza again. Besides, I can’t go along with these two, just seeing how they were walking around town proves how advanced they are. I wouldn’t last a minute under their control!

"If it makes you feel any better," Erza began upon noticing Levy's hesitation, "I entered this whole world quite recently, by accident no less. And let me tell you: I haven't regretted it for a second! Give it a chance and I'm sure you two will fall in love with it."

Hearing that from none other than Fairy Tail’s number one female mage shook Levy’s doubts. If someone like Erza has that kind of opinion, then maybe I shouldn't just pass up on this chance... The blue haired girl concluded. Besides, I still have more things I'd like to ask these two that I didn’t find in any books, so going along just might be in my best interest after all. And most importantly: Erza and Mira are my friends, they wouldn’t pressure me into something I really wouldn’t want to do, so why would I worry?

"Very well," Levy finally answered. "If the two of you like it so much, then there has to be something good about it. So I will give it a shot as well."

"That's wonderful news!" Mira replied. "Let's get going for the cottage straight away!"

"Cottage?" Levy asked.

"The cottage I rented for going out on my 'quest'." Erza explained as she buttoned up her coat again. "It's out base of operations, so to speak. You didn't really think we would run around in town like this without a safe haven did you?"

“So you rented a cottage under the guise of going on an S-class quest for the weekend.” Levy replied, turning toward Mirajane before continuing: “And then you faked both your and Erza’s quests so the two of you had an excuse to be away?”

“Close,” Mirajane responded, “but that’s not the whole story.”

“What did I miss then?” Levy asked confused.

“Patience, Levy.” The white haired woman replied with a calm smile, once again fully in control of the situation. “All will become clear when we get back to the cottage. It’ll be easier to talk in there as well. Now let’s get going.” 

After checking Erza's coat was completely revealing her 'limited' dress code and giving Erza a second to mentally prepare herself, the trio left the public bathroom and started heading back to cottage. 

Upon arriving, Erza whispered something to Levy as Mira unlocked the front door: "Brace yourself."

"Wha-?" Levy asked confused, but before she could finish the sentence she was greeted by a storm of muffled (but still quite loud) moaning and screaming coming through the now open front door. Erza pushed Levy inside and quickly followed so she could close the door behind her again.

As Mira walked into the living room, Levy followed, curious about the origin of the noise. But upon entering the living room, Levy froze in place, shocked and astonished at all those girls and their predicaments.

"Lu-chan, even you?!" Was her first reaction to the scene, seeing how Lucy was amongst the damsels moaning and writhing around.

But Lucy didn't pay attention to the solid script mage's reaction. In fact all of the damsels had reacted exactly the same at exactly the same time:

The minute Lucy, Meredy, Lisanna and Juvia noticed Mira and Erza walk into the room, they began screaming muffled pleas through their gags for liberation. Strangely, not one of them paid any real attention to the fact the party had returned with Levy, but without Cana... though that could easily be explained by the torrent of other things demanding their attention. 

Ultear, who didn't have a gag and therefore wasn't muffled at all, quite clearly stated: "MIRA! G-GET ME OUT OF THIIIS!!!" 

The dark haired mage was on her last legs, the strain of forcing herself to remain kneeling upright with a vibrator so close to her now very moist pussy was driving her nuts. But the pain (and turn-on) of the clamps pulling on her was too much to bear, so the time ark mage never quite managed to maneuver in reach of the buzzing piece of plastic stuck to the floor.

"GET ME OUT NOOOW!!" She repeated desperately

But before Mira could respond, and seemingly out of nowhere (at least for all of the damsels who had spent hours in their predicament), Cana walked into the room from the kitchen. "Surprise!" The brunette shouted at the confused faces all the bound and gagged girls made upon seeing Cana casually walk in. "I was here all the time! you didn't really think we were going to abandon you all? What in case of emergencies!"

"CANA!!" Ultear raged as the brunette walked into the living room. "ARE YOUR FREAKING TELLING ME YOU WERE IN T-MMMPPFFHHHMM!!!" 

But the time ark mage's rant was cut short by Cana shoving a large, thick piece of cloth in her mouth and putting a strip of tape over it.

"That's enough out of you." The card mage snickered as she looked around the room, ending with Levy. "I see that Mira and Erza brought a guest, we should first take a moment to properly welcome her.” The brunette then looked at all of the still angry damsels whilst adding: “So you all wait your turn like good little girls."

The rest of the girls screamed at Cana in fury. The largest part of that anger still came from realizing that Cana, despite being close by all along, had he never reacted to their desperate squeals before now. But their rage was also partly driven by the fact they were still being put on hold, even after all this time! 

No matter how you looked at it, that just didn’t seem fair! And each one of the bound and gagged damsels made that very clear as they demanded to come right this instant (be it in a muffled and gasping way).

…However, even though Ultear, Juvia, Lisanna, Meredy and Lucy were the only ones loudly proclaiming their desires, that didn’t mean they were the only ones in dire need of some ‘liberation’…

By now several minutes had passed since Mira Erza and Levy had entered the cottage, the safe and completely private cottage which had been Erza’s goal for the entire day. Having finally reached that goal, and having nothing left to worry about or no more reason to keep up a front, the red haired mage finally broke down.

Erza threw off her coat, as her entire naked body felt like it was going to burst into flames. She shuddered as she let herself fall onto the huge rug in the middle of the room, no longer any strength left in her legs. 

“Mira, let’s get this ordeal of mine over with.” Erza said in between heavy breaths. “If you remember, you promised me a reward for my good behavior and I’d say that reward is long overdue!” The requipping mage was trying her best to sound calm and forced herself to speak rather than scream as she demanded to be released from her predicament. 

She wasn’t fooling anyone though. It was clear to all that Erza’s firm demeanor was a front, hiding how she had been completely overtaken by desire. Mira and Cana especially could see how the redhead’s body was screaming for an orgasm, now that the redhead had come to realize that she was safe again. 

The requipping mage crawled up on her hands and knees again. She was still kneeling on the floor as she grasped Mira's pink dress, looking up with fierce but at the same time utterly desperate eyes. “You owe me, Mirajane!”

"To think even the mighty Erza would turn into nothing more than a pitiable, desperate and helpless girl… bondage is a fearsome thing." Levy remarked quietly.

However the light blue girl’s remark hadn’t been quiet enough. Mira had heard her, and she had an answer ready too: "Not just any bondage: She's been in that tight and arousing position for quite a long time already.”

Levy stared at Mira and Erza respectively as the white haired mage continued her explanation:

“Combined with the excitement and stress from walking around in public, AND almost being discovered by a fellow mage, it's no wonder she's in this state." Mira explained. "And I'm sure the walk back didn't help in calming her incredibly horny body down. To be honest she should be proud that she actually made it all the way back without ‘bursting’."

A slight smile then appeared on the demon take-over mage’s lips. "But even though she’s this needy, Erza still will have to wait for a moment.”

The white haired girl then turned to Levy. “First, you have a decision to make, Levy. If you are still curious and want to give this a shot, we will of course take things more slowly than what Erza and the others here have gone through today. We've done the same for everyone else in here."

The light blue haired mage pretended to hesitate, but in reality her curiosity had already taken a firm hold of her the second she walked into this living room, she just didn’t want Mira to notice that. 

Confidently she replied: "Alright, let's make this happen. I want to join in on… whatever this is."

Mira smiled. "Very well.” The white haired girl then looked around the room before addressing Levy again. “Now, I normally wouldn't let a newcomer be in charge straight away. But seeing we have so many subjects 'ripe for the picking' so to speak, why don't you have a go? Go ahead and unlock Erza's belt, and then see where it takes you... I'm sure she'll heartily welcome your touch."

"W-wait?" Levy replied, "m-m-me?! You want me to handle Erza? I thought you were going to show me things?"

"Why would we stop at showing?” Cana interrupted. “If all you want to do is look, you can use one of your many books. Besides, the best way to learn is by doing." The brunette continued. "Even a book worm like you must realize that, or you would never have agreed to come with us to this cottage."

"W-well yes. But what am I supposed to do?" Levy asked in a panicked voice. She had never expected to have so much responsibility thrust upon her right away. Taking care of Erza?! No way would she be able to do that.

"You're both girls aren't you?" Cana answered calmly. "Just try whatever pops into your head, stuff that you would like too. Trust me, Erza will notify you if you're doing something wrong, or right." The brunette said with a smirk.

"Stop talking and HURRY UP ALREADY!" Erza thundered.

"Better get started Levy." Mira teased. "Erza might be without magic right now, but if she gets any more impatient we'll all be in danger."

The solid script mage looked at Erza, or to be more specific at the stuff she was wearing. It was then she spotted the padlock keeping the leather belt in place. “Mira, I need-“ But Levy hadn’t even finished her sentence or Mira produced the little key to the padlock.

Levy took hold of the key, her hands shaking from nervousness. “T-Thanks.”

The solid script mage then kneeled down next to Erza, unlocked the lock and took off the leather belt. Upon examining the piece of leather, she noticed the strap that had been locked in between Erza’s legs was soaking wet.

Just from walking around with this belt on, she became this horny? Levy thought to herself. I never believed what those books read to be completely true, I assumed there was a degree of exaggeration… But seeing this, maybe it was all true…

“I’m going to sit behind you, Erza.” Levy said to the now panting redhead. “Feel free to lean against me.”

Levy sat herself down, letting the requipping mage slump to her chest.

Now, this is it! The light blue haired girl thought as she steeled herself. I can’t believe what I’ve gotten myself into, but if I want to learn more than just what those books said, it’s now or never.

The solid script mage’s fingers were trembling as they made their first contact with Erza’s naked chest. But even so, they did not miss their effect:

“AAHH!!!” Erza groaned, gratitude and relief shining through in her voice. “More, Levy, more!”

More? Levy thought. Guess she means I should take a firmer hold.

Levy responded by grasping Erza’s firm breasts with both hands, kneading and stroking them.

“Yes, YESS!” Erza moaned. “Keep it up, I beg of you.”

What more can I do? The light blue haired girl began thinking back the books she’d read about sexuality: I believe it was written that the nipples are amongst the most sensitive areas of the female body, so what if…

The solid script mage continued fondling the S-class mage’s tits, expanding her works to some playful flicks of Erza’s nipples. This in turn made the redhead under her care scream in pleasure.


Guess the book was right. Levy thought. For some reason Erza’s reaction had pleased her extremely, but she couldn’t quite figure out why.

In spite of her not understanding her own feelings, Levy carried on her work. The solid script mage felt she was obliged to finish what she had started inside Erza’s body. So she began squeezing the red haired girl’s breasts and nipples even harder, eventually deciding she should move on to Erza’s nether regions as well.

However, before getting started on Erza’s moist pussy, the solid script mage first swiftly backed away from Erza, gently lowering the redhead flat onto her back and sitting beside her. Now the petite mage had complete access to her subject's well formed body.

Since the light blue haired girl was going to use her hands for stroking Erza’s inner thighs and pussy, she decided to let her tongue continue her ministrations of the requipping mage’s breasts. The idea for that seemed to have come out of nowhere, but Levy didn’t question it.

As Cana said: if I like it, chances are Erza will too. And I’m sure Erza will tell me to stop if she doesn't enjoy it. Levy thought to herself.

As it turned out, Erza didn’t tell Levy to stop. On the contrary, the only things coming out of the redhead’s mouth were lustful screams and moans, spurring Levy on in her work. The red haired girl also began firmly clasping rug, if only to give her hands something to do as the mass of feelings Levy's hands and tongue were providing washed over her.

For Obvious reasons, Erza was visibly enjoying her long overdue pampering. But for reasons unknown to herself, Levy was too.

This is strange. The solid script mage thought. Even though Erza is the one undergoing all this and I'm just administering it, it's still arousing to me. Why? I'm touching her, not the other way around... So why is my body heating up as well??

However Levy wasn’t granted the time to overthink the situation, as Erza began begging her to go even faster.

“More, Levy. Faster please.” The redhead pleaded.

Levy complied instantly, and was by now acting without thinking (something she’d never done before), solely following her womanly instincts instead. After less than a minute of Levy’s vigorous fondling and kissing, Erza came with a loud groan after which she dropped her limbs limply on the rug whilst gasping for air, spilling her juices all over the rug and Levy’s hand.

 “Well done Levy!” Mira said, startling the blue haired girl. She had been completely swept up in the moment, forgetting there had been anyone else in the room besides herself and Erza.

“You’d never guess this was your first time.” Cana remarked. “Seeing that, I think you’ve got the potential to become a fine bondagette! That is, if you’re still up for it.”

Levy looked from Cana to Mira, and finally at Erza again. Her curiosity had grown exponentially since she’d begun her work on Erza. During and after her fondling of the redhead, Levy had come to one conclusion: If even the strongest female mage in all of Fairy Tail could be transformed so completely by means of bondage, then the possibilities it holds must be endless!... I guess that’s what that book I read sometime ago meant by ‘the freedom lying in restraint’.

The petite mage turned to Cana. “Seeing how everyone here seems to agree that bondage is a wonderful thing, I want to find out what it was that pulled you all across the line. And I want to experience similar things to discover what it can mean for me.”

“Well said!” Mirajane replied with a bright smile. “But seeing as we still have quite a lot of young women to take care of down here, I think it best we divide up for now.”

“You and me can take care of this lot!” Cana instantly responded. “Erza will recover soon enough and when she does, she can initiate Levy.” The brunette then turned towards Levy. “You can consider it Erza’s means of paying you back for your wonderful work just now.”

“G-Give me a few minutes, and I’ll take you up on that offer.” Erza interrupted. “You might’ve forgotten, but I’ve had quite a rough day behind me. Let me gather my strength first before you give me a new assignment.” 

After those few minutes Erza had asked for, the redhead got up, gathered everything she wanted to use, and lead the way up the stairs.

“Have fun you two.” Mira shouted as the red and light blue haired girls disappeared from sight.

Whilst they were heading upstairs, Erza suddenly remembered what it was that brought Levy into the picture in the first place: “Say Levy, when you busted me and Mira in town back then, you mentioned having an urgent message from the master. What exactly was the message, that it couldn’t wait for me or Mira to return to the guild?”

“OH!” Levy exclaimed. In all of the confusion of discovering this huge secret, she had completely forgotten to pass on the message! 

“I was told to let you know that 'Mystogan' had sent a hidden message to Master, asking for an audience with you, Erza. Of course, master let ‘Mystogan’ know that you had left to go on an S-class quest. He also added the address of this cottage in his reply so ‘Mystogan’ could handle the matter privately if it couldn’t afford to wait.”

Hearing Levy’s story, Erza began laughing softly. This in turn confused Levy immensely. “What’s so funny about that?!” She asked the redhead. “Imagine the consequences if he had actually visited you here!”

“He did.” Erza replied casually.

“HE WHAT?” Levy shouted in surprise. “B-BUT WHEN…HOW…WHAT??” The blue haired girl was having trouble speaking, that’s how rattled she was from what she’d heard Erza say.

“It’s a long story.” Erza said in an effort to calm her flustered guild member down. “I promise I’ll tell you all about it if you want me to. But not right now, because we’ve arrived at the room I had in mind.” 



Whilst Erza was guiding Levy up the staircase, making the light blue haired girl curious about what kind of plan the S-class mage had in mind, Mira and Cana were finally going to give all of the bound and gagged mages still present in the living room their rewards for spending the day in gruesome yet arousing predicaments.

“Now, where were we?” Mira asked her brunette partner.

The card mage wasn’t needed to answer this question though, as 5 simultaneous roars came from 3 directions.

Lucy, Meredy, Lisanna, Juvia and especially Ultear had had enough of waiting for their turn. The five young women felt they’d been more than polite enough waiting for Levy to finish Erza’s ordeal and then letting the redhead recover as well. Granted, they had all enjoyed the show the solid script mage had put on, but now it was high time Mira and Cana set about giving all of them their so very long desired orgasms.

Upon hearing all of those screams, Mira and Cana looked around the room.

"Guess that answers my question.” Cana said as she examined each of the five loudly moaning girls. "I'm sure you are all burning with impatience for the two of us to get started."

"MMPPHH (YEESSS!!)" Came from all five of the female mages at once.

Mira chuckled. “all right then. Up first would be Ultear, she needs it the most I figure.” Mira kneeled down next to a now crying Ultear. The raven haired mage was about to crack under the pressure her situation created, the only thing that had kept her going the last few minutes was the prospect of her release happening any moment now.

"In fact," the white haired mage continued as she looked up and down the naked Ultear. "you look like you need it so bad I think Cana and I best work together. You don't mind me joining in, do you Cana?"

"Of course not,” Cana replied. “I'm not so selfish I would deny both you and Ultear that pleasure. Let's get started, Mira!"

“Let’s start by getting rid of these.” Mira said, flicking one of the wires attaching Ultear’s nipple clamps to the backrest of the chair, causing Ultear to screech straight through her hefty gag. “They’ve tormented poor Ultear for long enough now, I suspect.”

Ultear nodded as wildly as her predicament allowed it. “EEESSS!! (YEEESSS!!)”

The second Mirajane took off the clamps, Ultear squatted onto the vibrator. And the very moment the time-ark mage’s moist pussy made contact with the buzzing piece of plastic, she began making moans and grunts out of sheer relief of having finally reached her long desired goal.

With the pain on her nipples already subsiding and the blissful buzzing of the vibrator filling her up, the raven haired woman could feel her body quickly surging towards a massive orgasm.

"Wow, we might not even be needed." Cana snickered.

"We might not be, but that doesn't mean we can't join in regardless." Mira responded as she knelt down beside the still musing time-ark mage.

The white haired girl gently stroked Ultear’s perky tits, making her moan gratefully as a result.

“Well said!” The brunette answered, and she knelt on Ultear’s other side.

Both the take-over mage and the card mage began caressing the raven haired woman’s chest, butt and everything in between. The duo gently stroked, pinched and rubbed every inch of the heavily turned on Ultear, causing her to grunt louder and louder. 

Not satisfied with just using their hands, Cana and Ultear also began licking and sucking the time-ark mage’s tits and nipples. As the two made their way up and down Ultear’s body, Cana slowly made her way to the vibrator to pull it out. “I’ll take over from this little thing. I trust you have no objections?”

Ultear shook her head. “Ese (please).” The dark haired woman muttered through her gag, spurring Cana on to do whatever she wanted.

The brunette slowly slid two of her fingers into Ultear’s vagina, beginning with slow and gentle rubbing but gradually increasing her speed.

While Cana was focused on Ultear’s lower lips, Mira had picked up the vibrator again in order to press it against Ultear’s erect and extremely sensitive nipples (all the while still running her tongue down Ultear’s neck and nipping her upper shoulders).

“OOAAHHMMPPFF!!” Was the raven haired woman’s response to every brush of the buzzing piece of plastic Mira kept pressing against her nipples. 

With all these simultaneous stimulations overwhelming the time-ark mage, hardly any time passed before she came to an earth shattering orgasm, dripping juices all over Cana's hand and onto the floor. As she came, Ultear let out her loudest roar yet and making saliva fly everywhere as her soaking gag could no longer keep it all at bay. Afterwards, the raven haired damsel slumped straight down onto the floor, chest first, her entire body still shaking and gasping for air.

But the two mages in control of the dark haired woman weren’t quite ready to stop yet. They continued their work on the helpless dark haired woman: Mira pulled Ultear upright again so she could continue to massage Ultear’s breasts and rub her nipples, while Cana went on to slide her fingers up and down the dark haired woman’s soaking wet labia. Shortly after the first orgasm, the duo made Ultear come once more.

“MMPFAAAAHHH!!” Ultear shouted as the second orgasm arrived with an even larger burst, making the time ark mage spill her juices all over the living room floor this time. 

Satisfied with Ultear’s two exceedingly loud orgasms, Cana stopped rubbing the dark haired woman’s vagina. But Mira kept her gentle caresses going, giving the time ark mage a few extra minutes of bliss whilst her body slowly recovered from the rollercoaster it had been through.

Having brought Ultear to a gratifying conclusion (or two), Mirajane undid the armbinder keeping the time ark-mage’s hands and arms in place while Cana got rid of the bindings pinning Ultear’s legs in a frogtie. The second Ultear’s restraints came off, the raven haired mage let out a huge gasp as the euphoria of finally getting control over her limbs filled her up again. The two dommes then left Ultear lying on the floor to recover at her own pace. 

This feels even better than when Cana released me from my ropes yesterday! These two are nothing short of geniuses! The dark haired woman thought gratefully. All of the anger and frustration she’d piled up over the last couple of hours had left her body at a rate she’d never held possible.

Having successfully delivered Ultear’s ‘reward’, the two year-long partners turned their attention to the other four damsels. Said damsels had been staring at what the white haired woman and the brunette had been doing to the time-ark mage, getting so drawn in to the wonderful scene they almost forgot their own predicaments.

But now that Ultear’s moment of reward was finished, the reality of their own ongoing predicaments hit them that much harder, and Meredy, Lucy, Lisanna and Juvia once again began screaming at the demon take-over mage and card mage to get a move on.

All four girls were visibly upset for having been made to wait for so long. But now that the moment was finally there, their horny bodies and feelings of anticipation were helping in dulling the pain and anger.

“How about we take care of the couple we each tied up?” Cana suggested. “I’ll take Lisanna and Juvia, you take Meredy and Lucy.”

“Fine by me. They all look like we could have lots of fun with them anyways.” Mira replied, and she began heading for her respective pair of damsels.

Cana did the same, and when she reached Lisanna and Juvia’s side she was greeted by several impatient groans.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” The brunette said calmly. “You two are bursting to get your reward for enduring this all day. But first I’d quickly like to say how proud I am of you two. You did great handling this predicament I thought up for you. I’m still curious about one thing though: Did you girls figure out in the end that your crotch ropes were attached to the other girls’ wrists?”

Both Lisanna and Juvia nodded fervently, partly in pride but mostly because they still wanted Cana to get started already.

“Wonderful!” The brunette replied. “Guess I should reward that too then.”

The card mage began by turning up the force of the vibrators, setting all four of the beads stuck to the girls’ nipples onto full blast. “That should get you two on the way.” Cana said as Juvia and Lisanna started wriggling frantically in reaction to the juiced up vibrations.

The brunette then smirked deviously. “Of course, nothing beats a womanly touch.” And she began stroking and rubbing both damsels’ tits. As the brunette began massaging both Lisanna and Juvia's breasts more and more vigorously, the two became louder and louder. 

Eventually, the two young mages began shifting their legs in an effort to rub their thighs together (not easy considering their left legs were bent backwards and forced to remain that way because Cana had tied them to the other girl’s right thigh). The bluenette and the white haired girl began thrashin so wildly they almost toppled themselves.

“Oh, you two want some more attention to the downstairs area I see.” Cana said with a big smirk as she noticed the movements Lisanna and Juvia were making. “Consider it done!”

The card mage quickly untied the crotch ropes so she had full access to both of her subs’ pussies. What she hadn’t accounted for however was that by releasing the crotchrope, neither girl had anything left keeping them strung up into the air. Cana barely caught the two young mages as they dropped down, exhausted from having stood upright all day long.

With some help from both Juvia and Lisanna (who were mustering every last ounce of their strength to prevent Cana from having to bear their entire weight), the brunette gently lowered the two onto their sides.

“Close one.” Cana remarked after safely laying both the water mage and the take-over mage onto the floor. “Sorry, I completely forgot the two of you weren’t standing up by your own volition. Guess I really put you through your paces huh?”

Both Lisanna and Juvia nodded weakly, too tired to do anything else.

“Well, that all ends here. I’ve held out long on you enough, from now on it’s nothing but pleasure for you two!”

And without another word, Cana slid a hand into each of the two mages’ already dripping wet vagina’s, starting off with gentle rubbing and gradually picking up speed.

Lisanna purred gratefully as she could finally feel her long desired orgasm building up inside of her. Juvia on the other hand made no noise at all, other than short gasps for air through her gag. Both girls closed their eyes to let the full effects of Cana’s hands and fingers wash over them.

After nearly no time at all, Juvia’s orgasm surged within her, accompanied by a huge intake of air as the water mage finally reached the climax she'd spent the past few hours desperately searching for.

Soon after, Lisanna’s orgasm followed, though hers arrived with considerably more noise as the white haired girl screamed as loud as her gag allowed.

“Satisfied?” Cana asked whilst gently continuing to rub and caress their snatches for a few more moments, prolonging their bliss.

Both girls shook their heads again, muttering a barely audible “Or (More)” through their dripping wet gags.

“More, you say?” Cana said pleasantly surprised. “Music to my ears!”

Cana stopped her rubbing of Lisanna’s and Juvia’s dripping pussies, making the two girls moan even louder than when they were still standing upright. “Ey!! (HEY!!)” The two girls shouted simultaneously.

“Patience, you two.” Cana said as she picked up the beads that she’d pulled off of the girls’ nipples. “I’ll be using these to bring about your second orgasm, leaving my hands free to play with those lovely breasts of yours.”

The brunette then slowly slipped two beads each in behind the girl’s panties and into their wet pussies, switching them on at their strongest setting.

“Hmmmm.” Juvia and Lisanna groaned happily as they let the buzzing fill them up.

After this, Cana did as she’d promised, and began massaging both the water mage and the take-over mage’s breasts and also pinching their erect nipples occasionally.

With the tiny vibrators buzzing away inside of them and Cana’s quick hand movements, neither Juvia nor Lisanna needed all that long to reach their second climax of the day. This second orgasm shook the two girls up even more than the first one had done, and they both gasped for air as their pussies spewed out such a torrent of juices that some of it even made its way through their already soaked panties.

“Looks like the two of you got what you wanted.” The card mage smirked. 

Lisanna and Juvia were now too exhausted to even nod, instead a meek and barely audible “ak u (thank you)” made it through the gags of the two girls.

“Don’t mention it.” Cana replied. “I enjoyed the heck out of it too. Now, I’ll quickly undo your legs and chest ropes. That way you can rest more easily, but after that I‘ll be leaving you two for a moment. I don’t want to waste any time since I’m dying to have a look at Meredy and Lucy. I’m sure the two of you will have no problem untying each other’s hands when you get your strength back.”

Neither Lisanna nor Juvia made even the slightest hint of protest, so Cana untied their legs and chest harnesses, then left the two alone to recover. She then turned around to have a look at Mira’s work.

While Cana was heading in the direction of Mirajane, Juvia and Lisanna suddenly became filled with a feeling of utter bliss. With all of the tight ropes ensnaring them finally gone, they became hyper aware of every inch of their once again (semi) liberated bodies. And as they felt the feeling in their limbs returning, they became filled with an unprecedented degree of euphoria.

This… This is amazing! Lisanna thought to herself. Not even Mira-nee’s ropework has ever managed to make me feel this good afterwards. My body suddenly feels so light, it’s like I’ve been put under a spell! 

Juvia meanwhile was experiencing similar feelings as her white haired partner: Juvia can’t believe how good she’s feeling! Just moments ago she was in one of her most painful and tight positions ever, but all of that already feels like it’s far in the past. Juvia never knew you could feel this good after your bondage session!

The water mage and take-over mage continued to enjoy this brand new version of ecstasy as they slowly caught their breath.

[Back at the point Cana and Mira headed for their respective pair of damsels]

As Mira calmly approached Meredy and Lucy, the blonde and pink haired girls began wriggling around again, trying to make Mira hurry up. The hitachi wands strapped to their belts that were gently pressing against their groins were still active, arousing them at an agonizingly slow pace.

But the S-class mage didn’t let the two pressure her. “I know you two want me to hurry up, but I’m afraid you two are just too cute sitting like that.”

“Hrrmmh.” Lucy groaned annoyed, since she knew what Mira meant by that: 

The celestial spirit mage was sitting directly across from Meredy, their hands mere inches away from each other’s hitachi wands. But with their chest harnesses tethered to opposite walls, that’s where the two stayed: Just out of reach.

Meredy wasn’t too happy with Mira’s ‘compliment’ either, since she had also had more than enough of sitting so close yet so far from the orgasm her body was begging for.

“But I wouldn’t be rewarding you very much if I kept you two like this, right?” The take-over mage said, looking at Lucy first and then at Meredy.

The sensory mage nodded heavily in response. She was dying to finally get her rocks off, and Mira taunting her wasn’t helping at all. “O el us ar-e-ey (so help us already).”

“I have a better idea,” the white haired girl replied, “I’ll help you two help yourselves.”

After this confusing statement, Mirajane knelt down behind Lucy and Meredy respectively, untying the ropes tethering them to the opposing walls.

“There, I’ve freed you two from your leashes. Now you two have some more freedom of movement, so you can give each other a hand.”

The second the blonde and the pink haired girl heard this they frantically shuffled forward those last few inches, diving into each other and making their sensitive breasts (by now all sticky from their involuntary salivating) rub against each other.

That was not the real intention of their sudden charge however, as both the celestial spirit mage and the sensory mage reached forward with what little room their hands had to grab the other girl’s hitachi wand. 

Lucy was first in grabbing hold of Meredy’s wand, waiting for the pink haired girl to get hers as well before both simultaneously pushed them down into the other girl’s groin. It should come as no surprise that both young mages instantly began groaning loudly the second those bulbous buzzing wands finally made decent contact with their moist panties (and their pussies underneath).

With those large buzzing pieces of plastic now tightly pressing against their groins, and the rubbing of their nipples and tits against each other, both Meredy and Lucy came to a quick, but very satisfying climax. The two mages moaned loudly through their soaking wet bitgags as their orgasms surged wildly within them, so much fluids spilling from their pussies that it made it through the fabric of their panties and onto the floor.

Looks like they actually did just fine without me. Mira thought, proud but disappointed at not getting a turn all at the same time. Even so… I think I’ll join in regardless.

“By the looks of it, you two finally made it. But do you think you have it in you for a second one? I’m feeling a little left out here.” Mira said, pulling a lip to tease the two.

Both Lucy and Meredy nodded as they let go of the hitachi wands and leant back, indicating they were giving the S-class mage free reign over their bodies.

The first thing the white haired mage did was walk to and back from the heap, returning with two thin vibrators in hand which she slipped down Lucy and Meredy’s panties. That way, the take-over mage had her hands free to play with both mages’ supple yet firm breasts.

The white haired girl immediately began rubbing and kneading Lucy’s chest, causing the celestial spirit mage to moan gratefully under both the divine treatment of her chest and the buzzing vibrator inside her.

Being forced to just spectate caused Meredy to become slightly jealous however, and the sensory mage yelled through her gag to demand some attention from Mira. The white haired girl was in charge of the both of them after all .

“Oh, not willing to wait for your turn are you?” Mira teased, after which she pinched the pink haired girl’s nipples hard, making her squeal loudly.

“Fine then, I’ll treat you both equally. I wouldn’t want to get accused of playing favorites.” Mirajane said, subsequently using one hand each on the two mages.

The take-over mage continued her caressing and massaging for several minutes, gradually becoming more vigorous and upping her speed. After about one minute, Mira briefly halted her efforts in order to turn the vibrators onto full blast and push them in a little deeper, after which she quickly turned her attention to Lucy and Meredy’s breasts again, now also licking and sucking them all in turn.

This torrent of touches and vibrations was quickly driving the two young mages to an even larger orgasm than the first, and after less than a minute the two screamed loudly into their gags (even making some drool fly off from the rubber bits in their mouths). 

Both the blonde and the pink haired mage then dropped onto their sides, completely exhausted (but satisfied) from what Mira had just done to them.

“Guess you two are fulfilled now?” Mira asked as she pulled out the vibrators and switched them off.

But both the sensory mage and the celestial spirit mage were so tired they couldn’t make any response whatsoever, which incidentally was the best reaction Mira could’ve hoped for.

“Glad you two approved of my work.” The white haired mage said happily. “I’ll get those cuffs off you now.”

Mirajane then quickly fetched all of the keys she would need and unlocked the cuffs and belt. After that the take-over mage untied the ropes frogtying Lucy and Meredy’s legs and undid the chest harnesses.

“There.” The S-class mage said after she’d finished her untying. “This should allow you two to recover just fine. Feel free to join me and Cana on the couch when you’re done.” 

And just when Mira wanted to head for Cana to see what her brunette friend was doing to the other two damsels left in the room (Juvia & Lisanna), she noticed the brunette had also finished giving the animal take-over mage and the water mage their well deserved orgasms and was coming over to her side of the room.

 Having finished pampering all five of the girls under their care, Cana and Mira joined up right in the middle of the large living room so they had a clear view over all of the damsels still struggling to catch their breath.

“Guess we were a bit too rough on them,” Mira remarked, “none of them seem even close to recovered yet.”

“Nah, they’ll be fine over time.” Cana responded confidently. “I don’t know about Lucy and Meredy, but Lisanna and Juvia were thoroughly satisfied after I was done with them. They’ll get themselves fully untied soon enough… Shame though, I was hoping I’d get to see you going over Meredy and Lucy, but I didn’t make it in time.”

“Yeah, they were in urgent need of a climax or two.” The demon take-over mage replied. “It took them nearly no time at all to reach their first orgasm, and after that I decided to help them to a second one, but that didn’t take very long either."  

The white haired mage then glanced over her shoulder at the two panting mages. "Those two will probably get up soon enough as well. Why don’t you and I sit down in the couch until then?”

“Lead the way.” The brunette responded.

After both Mira and Cana had taken a seat they began chatting friendly, all the while kepping one eye on all of the damsels in the room.  

After the white haired and brunette duo had left for the sitting area, it took Ultear 15 more minutes until she could crawl back upright and slowly sit herself down into the couch next to Mira. However the time-ark mage was still far from back to full strength, and decided she would just listen to Mira and Cana's conversation rather than take part.

Since their position hadn't been as straining as that of the raven haired mage, Meredy and Lucy followed soon after that.

Lisanna and Juvia were the last to get up, mainly because they still had take off their gags and then pick at the knots tying their wrists since Cana hadn't bothered to untie those.

When all five mages had joined their brunette and white haired mage’s, Cana posed the question she was dying to know the answer to: “So, how did you find this amped up bondage experience?”

"Exhausting" Juvia immediately answered.

"Tantalizing" Lucy mentioned on her part.

"Straining" Ultear added.

"Frustrating" Meredy said , finishing off the list of complaints.

"But the reward was right out of this world, and totally worth all of the bad stuff we just mentioned." Lisanna finalized with a wide grin. All of the other girls now started smiling brightly too as they nodded to concur.

"I'd say that was exactly the reaction we were going for," Cana snickered. "What about you Mira?"

"Oh indeed.” The S-class mage said. “Hearing you girls say that means we did our job right. Don't forget it's new for us too, having to take care of this many girls all at once. So we're glad you all found the ordeal reasonable."

"I wouldn't go that far." Ultear replied. "I'm still sore all over, and I genuinely feared losing my mind at some point if this whole thing was going to continue for much longer. Luckily soon after you, Erza and Levy walked in. But even though my frustrations were great, they were still nothing compared to the rage I felt when Cana turned out to be sitting in the next freaking room for the entire time!" The time ark mage then glared at Cana, but with a playful glint in her eyes.

"Well, excuse me!" Cana responded, equally playful. "What was I supposed to do? Rush in as soon as things started becoming difficult? That way you wouldn't have learned anything from this! Besides, you dare and tell me your reward wasn't worth it!"

"No, I can't argue with you there." Ultlear replied. "What you and Mira did definitely made up for the horrible predicament you put me in."  The raven haired woman's cheeks were still glowing red from the aftermath of her double orgasm.

"That goes double for us." Lisanna interrupted the 'argument'.

"Juvia agrees." The blue haired girl added. "Lisanna-san and I have never felt ecstasy like the one just now."

"It's the same for me," Lucy joined in, "I never thought such euphoria could follow so closely after so much pain and frustration."

"Exactly," Meredy said whilst nodding, "this has been one hell of an emotional and physical rollercoaster."

"Glad you all managed to understand our objective so well." Mirajane said after she'd heard out all of the opinions of the girls sitting in the sofa.

"Now there's just one more thing to do." Cana mentioned suddenly.

"Which is?" Juvia asked curiously.

"Did you forget already?" Cana asked surprised. "I suppose it is understandable, given the situations you all were in when she entered. But Levy is still upstairs, being introduced to the wonderful world of bondage by Erza."

"Oh, you're right!" Meredy exclaimed. "I had forgotten about that."

"I hadn't," Lucy responded, "and I must say I'm very curious about what Erza has planned for Levy-chan, and even moreso about how she'll react."

"Let's hope that redhead hurries up then." Mira said with a devious grin.



Levy and Erza were now standing in front of the door the redhead had led them to.

What's in there? Levy thought to herself as she looked at the solid wooden door. It has to be a bedroom, I can't imagine what other room we could use… But the question is: what did they do to that room?

Instantly, Levy's mind came up with a vision of a dungeon-like chamber, the likes of which she'd come across in some of her books: Blacked out windows, chains hanging from the ceiling and walls, whips, stacks of rope, gags, clamps,…

However Levy's imagination grinded to a halt when Erza began opening the door. Instead the young light blue haired girl could feel her heart starting to beat faster in her chest.

But when Erza fully opened the door, all that could be seen (to Levy's surprise and relief ) was a plain room like you would find in any other house. One thing though: the room in question wasn't a bedroom, but a bathroom.

This instantly raised a lot of questions for Levy, chief of which was: "What are we going to do in here, Erza?"

"I don't know yet," was the red haired mage's response, although that statement wasn't entirely true. Erza had indeed not yet worked out what exactly she was going to do in this room, but she had a couple of ideas at the ready, depending on how the situation unfolded.

"You don't know yet?" Levy repeated surprised.

Erza shook her head. "Not really, no. I just figured that if an ordinary room lent itself so well for bondage, imagine the potential of a bathroom."

The development of that idea had started at the very beginning of this second day, whilst she had been washing up: 

There has to be a way to make use of this bathroom for our bondage play. The red haired girl had thought to herself back then.

And during her many hours being dragged around by Mira the thought had kept developing. And after an entire day of being under Mira's watch (having alternated between feeling aroused, stimulated, frustrated and angry), the redhead's mind had concocted a scenario in which the shower played a very important role.

Levy didn't appreciate the vague explanation. If anything it unnerved her even more than if Erza had refused to answer altogether.

"T-That might be the case," Levy began insecurely, "but isn't that a bit sudden? I thought the idea was you were going to teach me what bondage was about. You know, sort of a 'show and tell' kind of session to familiarize me with this whole world."

"Words or even images can't describe this properly," Erza replied adamantly," you have to feel it."

I guess that makes sense. The solid script mage thought reluctantly. After all, my curiosity beyond books is the whole reason I ended up in this mess.

"Okay then, if you say so.” Levy conceded. “What do I do?"

"You just take off your shoes for now, they're hardly needed inside the bathroom now are they?" Erza answered friendly.

Levy complied and took off her blue sandals.

"Now put your arms behind your back please." Erza whilst already uncoiling a first length of rope.

Levy obeyed again, once again feeling her heart beating in her chest more heavily than normal.

With Levy standing in position, Erza acted very quickly. The S-class mage swiftly cinched a rope around Levy's wrists and then used that same rope to bind the solid script mage's elbows together, forcing them so close they nearly touched.

"Ouch!" Was Levy's immediate response as Erza forced her elbows together. "That's really tight, Erza. And it hurts!"

"That it does, I've experienced it myself quite a few times by now." was all the requipping mage replied. "To be honest, I didn't expect to succeed in getting your elbos this close. But you're quite a slender girl so I assumed you'd be flexible too, that made me force them together a little more than I probably should've. But don't worry, you'll get used to the feeling soon... That I also know from experience."

Typical Erza. Levy thought irritated. If it hurts, just suck it up until it stops hurting… We're not all S-class mages, damn it!

Trying to get her mind off of the tight ropes, Levy continued the conversation. "So, I'm tied up now, what's next?"

But Erza chuckled upon hearing Levy assume she was finished already. The red haired mage then said: "Oh please Levy. This isn't nearly enough yet, I've only tied your arms for now. Your predicament is far from finished!"

Hearing that made Levy slightly nervous. I should've known Erza wouldn't go for an easy route. But god knows what else she has in store!

“Then, what else did you have planned?” The solid script mage asked hesitantly.

“Don’t sound so worried, Levy.” Erza said disappointed. “You’re supposed to enjoy this, remember? Don’t treat everything I’m doing with suspicion, rather just go with the flow and let me know when something happens you truly don’t feel comfortable with.”

“I wish I could ‘go with the flow’,” the light blue haired damsel replied, “but since it’s you, everything seems more unnerving. You have that kind of reputation you know.”

“I see.” Erza said, pondering for a moment. “Then don’t look at me as Fairy Tail’s Titania,” she finally answered, “since that’s not who I am in here. In this cottage, surrounded by all these bondage lovers, I’m just a girl trying to show a friend a good time.”

Just a girl? Levy thought surprised. Are things really that simple? Does bondage have that kind of power, that it can equalize all of us just like that?!

Levy looked at Erza. The redhead was definitely being sincere, and was obviously trying hard to get Levy to relax a little.

“It’s only fun it both of us are willing participants. I won’t do anything you don’t approve, trust me.” The redhead finally added, hoping to clinch the deal.

Levy took a deep breath. “I trust you, Erza. Just like I trust every other member of our guild, our bond is one of family and nothing can break trust like that.”

“Well said!” The red haired mage replied. “Then can we get back on track now?”

“Yes, do your worst!” The solid script mage said, once again fully on board with the whole bondage exploration session she’d gotten herself into.

Seeing how her subject was once again willing to continue, Erza wasted no more time and quickly looped a piece of rope around Levy’s neck, tying it so it made a leash (with quite a lot of slack so it wouldn’t feel constricting, but not wide enough so Levy slide it over her head to get out of it).

“This’ll make it easier for me to get you where I want you to be.” Erza noted casually.

“Which would be where?” The blue haired mage asked curiously. “Not a lot of room in this bathroom to lead me around, now is there?”

But instead of responding, Erza opened up the door to the huge shower the bathroom contained.

This unnerved the solid script mage again. “E-Erza, I don't like where this is going.”

"Changing your mind again already?" Erza teased. "Don't you like taking showers?" The redhead asked slyly.

"Of course I do. But I usually take of my clothes for that."

The solid script mage's eyes widened. Crap! I probably shouldn't have said that.

"That can be arranged later on," Erza replied with a wide grin. "But for now, let’s get started with you fully dressed." The redhead then yanked on the rope around the blunette's neck so as to force Levy to start walking toward the shower and enter it. Erza then proceeded with tying the leash to the handle the shower head was attached to and stepped out of the cabin again.

Levy was now standing in the middle of the shower by herself, straight under the shower head.

As the redhead was stood outside the shower, looking at the once again slightly nervous Levy, she explained her reasons for putting Levy in there: “I figured that since we usually get quite dirty during these games of ours, it might save time doing it in the shower so we can get cleaned up right away afterwards.”

“I would like to say that makes sense, but with clothes and all this rope around me I doubt I’ll get very clean.” Levy remarked.

“Oh, but you don’t have to get cleaned up right away.” Erza replied. “After all, we still have to get started.”

And without further warning the requipping mage suddenly turned open the taps, making a rush of lovely warm water rush out of the shower head.

Though the water felt quite nice, it still startled Levy. “AAHH!" She screeched. "Erza, you could’ve warned me!” The light blue haired girl said vexed.

“You were standing in a shower.” The S-class mage rebutted. “What more warning would you need. Just enjoy yourself for now.”

“Easier said than done.” Levy replied, still surly. Both the ropes and clothes on the blue haired mage’s body made the entire experience a rather weird one. Her bright orange dress began sticking to her body, even making her light blue bra shine through underneath.

The ropes began feeling weird and hot as well, moreover they actually seemed to tighten up as they soaked up some of the water flowing down Levy's body.

"I see what you meant by your clothes being a problem." Erza said as she saw the orange dress stick to Levy's body, revealing the slight curves the young mage possessed. "But to be fair, it's not something that 's not easily dealt with." The redhead added, briefly turning off the water again, stepping inside the shower, and ripping Levy's dress from her body.

This abrupt violation of her privacy caused Levy's face to flush. "Hey! I liked that dress you know."

"Don't worry. I know an excellent textile worker.” Erza replied, already on her way back out of the shower cabin. 

“But I must say I didn't like your tone, Levy.” The redhead then added strictly. “I know I said you had to let me know when you didn’t agree with something, but you could at least remain polite."

“Polite?” The solid script mage repeated, slightly angry now at being treated so unjustly. “After you ripped apart my favorite dress?”

“Again with the complaining.” Erza said with a sigh. “I’m thinking you need something to get your mind off of that dress.”

The requipping mage then leaned into the shower so she could reach for the taps to switch them on again, but this time for cold water.

Needless to say, this literally cold shower elicited quite a lot of noise from Levy: "AAAHHH!!! E-E- ERZA! TURN THAT OOOOFFF!!”

But the redhead simply kept staring at her fellow guild member. After a few seconds (an eternity to Levy), Erza said: “You can guess what my answer is going to be, can’t you?”

"PLEASE! I CAN'T STAND THIS COLD!" The blue haired mage cried out, desperately trying to get out from under the falling drops of ice cold water, but the leash Erza had put around her neck was too damn short!

Minutes passed without Erza lifting so much as a finger, despite Levy’s near constant squealing, wriggling and pleading.

Finally, the solid script mage tried a different approach: Emotional blackmail.

“Please Erza, have mercy! This is my first time doing this… And besides, I gave you everything you wished for downstairs, didn't I?" Levy argued, hoping to coax the red haired mage into turning off the shower (or at least cranking the heat up again).

The requipping mage nodded to concede Levy’s point, but also added: "True. But I had to work for that reward, pretty hard too. So it's only fair you do the same."

This reply served only to anger the blue haired girl. "Damn you, Erza!" slipped past the petite girl’s lips, something which surprised even her.

"Wow, such foul words coming from you.” Erza sneered. “Quite unusual. But then again, that's what bondage is about: drawing out the deep hidden sides of a person."

The S-class mage now briefly turned around to rummage through the equipment she’d brought with her from the living room, still talking to Levy as she did so.

“But even so, that attitude of yours definitely still needs some work. And the best way to start would be to prevent you from saying any more rude things.”

Before Levy could ask what that meant Erza had already turned round again, and in one swift motion stuffed a big dark blue ball gag into the solid script mage’s mouth.

This not only offended Levy, but also served to make her far more nervous than she’d been up till now. Since the blue haired girl’s magic worked by materializing words, having been tied up and gagged meant she was now more helpless than ever. And it was that realization that stirred something within her: The gag buckled tightly in between her lips was definitely unnerving her, but there was another, deeper and more complex feeling to it as well. Something in between fear, excitement and arousal.

Erza now took a hold of the shower head, pulling it out of its holder. "How about I give your body a decent wash down?" The redhead suggested.

"Hmmm." Levy screamed with panicked eyes. The last thing she needed right now was that cold water reaching her body with pin point accuracy.

The blue haired mage looked at her friend with pleading eyes. "Ese ont E-a, I oo a-ee-ing (Plese don't Erza, I'll do anything).

"Anything, huh?" Erza said with a slight smirk. "Very tempting… but then again so is this." And the requipping mage aimed the stream of cold water straight at Levy’s modest chest.

This instantly made Levy's nipples rise up, rock hard as a response to the cold. The solid script mage herself let out another loud squeal as she yanked fruitlessly on the leash and thrashed around with her heavily constrained arms in an effort to get away.

Erza kept sprinkling the cold water all over Levy, making the young mage twitch and hop and most of all scream the entire time.

Finally after almost 5 minutes of what can only be described as an extremely cold and uncomfortable shower, Erza shut off the taps again.

By now Levy's entire body was shivering, and the young blue haired girl was obviously freezing cold. But weirdly enough, at the same time she could feel something burning inside of her, something that had started deep in the core of her body but by now had made its way down into her lower regions as well. 

Those conflicting feelings, combined with her desperate situation, drove Levy to the edge of reason. It was all so confusing and frustrating, first Erza kept on doing whatever she pleased, and now her own body was no longer listening to her either! 

The helpless solid script mage had lost control over anything and everything, and the weirdest thing was that she didn't even mind it that much anymore...

After giving Levy a moment to calm down, Erza suddenly said: "This has been fun, but I'd say you've had more than your fair share of cold water by now... So, time to warm you up again!" 

After this promising remark, a bright flash of light surrounded the S-class mage.

When the light subsided, Erza was butt naked, which initially shocked Levy but quickly turned into curiosity. But before the solid script mage could ask for any clarifications, Erza had reached inside the shower and turned the taps on again.

However this time it was once again hot water coming out of the shower head. This felt absolutely heavenly to the shivering solid script mage, who began groaning slightly as she welcomed every single drop of hot water falling on her skin. 

But naturally Erza didn’t stop there. All of a sudden the nude red haired girl stepped into shower with Levy and held the nearly naked (only left with dark blue panties) fellow mage in her arms.

As Erza held the solid script mage in a tight embrace, the redhead’s large knockers were rubbing against Levy's petite breasts, stroking the blue haired girl's rock hard nipples as well. This feeling actually served to turn on the requipping mage, and Erza could feel her nipples beginning to get hard as well.

As lovely as this feels, Erza thought to herself, I got in here to reward Levy for her efforts in enduring my antics. So I guess I should start getting a little more active…

As Levy was still processing the sensation of both the warm water and Erza’s warm body making contact wither own, the redhead Erza slowly let her hand slide down Levy waist and into her soaking wet panties until it finally rested on the solid script mage’s pussy.

Needless to say, the very first touch immediately caught Levy’s full attention. And though she wanted to feel reluctant and resist her S-class friend for the harsh treatment from earlier, she couldn’t help but notice her body very much appreciating what Erza’ fingers were doing.

Why is my body reacting like this? The bluenette asked herself in silence. The ropes still hurt, and I’m not even over the shock of all that cold water yet, but even so my body is already welcoming Erza’s touch completely.

Ignoring the confusion on Levy’s face, Erza sped up her rubbing of Levy’s lower lips, slowly but surely turning the light blue haired girl desperately randy and gagging for more, despite her best efforts to resist Erza's touch.

However, just as Levy was on the verge of climaxing, Erza halted what she was doing completely.

Naturally this frustrated Levy to no end, and she cried out: “OOOO!! Ow a-ee oor i-es us oo au nee?! (NOOO!! How many more times must you taunt me?!)

It had been out before she knew it: her begging for more. Despite having been toyed with for so long already, her pride as a woman couldn't best her womanly urges. But even though she herself had just said it, she couldn’t understand why she’d said it.

Why am I begging? Sure I’m feeling quite hot right now, but that’s no reason to let go of my pride so easily! What is going on here?!

As Levy was still trying to make sense of her own behaviour, Erza explained why she had halted her movements: “How about you dish out some more of that wonderful treatment I got downstairs?” She demanded casually.

Levy looked at her red haired friend with a surly stare. “y an ar ie! Oo it at, umem-ur? (My hands are tied! You did that, remember?)”

But the redhead had been prepared for that response, and she slowly took out Levy’s gag again. But before Levy even got a chance to take a proper breath Erza pulled on the leash. “You have two lips and a tongue, that should suffice I’d say.” The redhead suggested slyly.

However Levy didn’t seem too keen on that idea, as she felt it was her turn to be pampered. “You just said so: You’ve had your fun back downstairs. Why should I spoil you again when it’s clearly me who deserves some pampering?” The light blue haired girl countered, hoping to regain some grip on her situation.

Sadly Erza wasn’t allowing any of that. The redhead let go of her fellow mage as she said in a displeased tone of voice: “Okay then, if that’s how you feel,  then you can just keep standing in here. I’ll come back in an hour or so to see if you changed you mind.” Erza then tied the leash back to the shower hold and stepped out of the shower cabin, leaving Levy alone inside the still running shower.

Levy hadn’t counted on that, and definitely didn’t want to see it happen. “Wait!” She shouted, but was then left without something to add.

Erza turned round and looked right at Levy, who was in turn trying to avoid the redhead’s gaze. “Yes?” The S-class mage said softly.

Damn it! Levy cursed inside of her head.  I’ve got no choice but to obey... Come to think about it, I haven’t had any free will ever since I entered this bathroom!

The solid script mage let out a long sigh before finally saying: “Fine, have it your way. Get back in here.”

Erza smiled kindly. “Good choice.” She then entered the shower again, turned down the taps so only a slight stream was left coming down, and closed the glass door to keep the heat inside.

As soon as the shower was closed again, the blue haired girl began licking, kissing and even nipping the redhead's large and dripping wet chest, paying extra attention to her erect nipples. 

"Oohh.” Erza groaned softly. “If you learnt about this in a book Levy, be sure to lend it to me sometimes." Erza said in between puffs.

Whilst Levy was fully focused on giving Erza what she wanted, the young mage never noticed Erza slipping her hand down Levy's pussy again... At least not until it made contact, after which Levy immediately stopped her erotic work for a sudden gasp for air. The blunette then lent back against the shower wall to fully enjoy the feeling of Erza's fingers inside of her.

However, the moment Levy stopped licking Erza’s breasts, the redhead stopped her work as well.

"Huh? Now what?" Levy asked, confused and angry at being put on hold for the umpteenth.

"You're a smart girl. Figure it out." Erza said with a slight grin.

Now the redhead and bluenette were standing in front of each other, both nearly completely naked, as Levy tried to work out what Erza was on about:

She began fondling me because I’d deserved it after being under that cold shower so long, but suddenly stopped because she wanted me to give her body some attention instead. Levy backtracked. 

When I obeyed and started fondling her, Erza started up again as well… But then I stopped what I was doing to enjoy Erza’s work and so she stopped too… That's it!

"I'm not getting any as long as you're not, is that it?" Levy said. The studious mage had analyzed all that had happened in the past few minutes, and everything led to that single conclusion.

"Bulls-eye!” Erza said with a slight grin. “And on your first attempt too, as expected... So, you game? I mean it seems fair enough, right?"

"If not for the fact I already did my part downstairs." Levy replied surly.

"Still on about that? It's not that tall an order, Levy. You don't even have to make me come, just make me enjoy myself as I'm doing for you." Erza said with a slight frown. "I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. After all: I'm in charge so I make the rules. Take it or leave it Levy”

The redhead then grinned as she quickly added: “Actually, just take it because I won't let you 'leave it'."

That last part didn’t surprise Levy in the slightest. She let out yet another sigh as she replied: "I don't think I could leave it even if you would let me. This entire episode has made my body crave an orgasm. I hope you’re proud Erza, cause that’s all your doing.”

“Oh I’m very proud.” Erza snickered, a wide grin adorning her face. “"Now get back to work already!"

Levy did as she was told and began sucking and licking Erza's breasts again, making sure to let her tongue flick the requipping mage’s nipples every now and then because she liked the slight yelps and gasps Erza made when she did so (though she still didn’t quite understand what it was that made her like it).

And just as Levy had analyzed: Now that Erza was enjoying a full going over of her chest, she gave the solid script mage’s snatch just as much attention.

Both girls stood in that shower for nearly 10 more minutes, all the while giving each other’s bodies non-stop attention. Levy kept letting het tongue stroll up and down Erza's voluptuous chest, whilst Erza gradually built up the speed and vigour of her fingers inside of Levy's pussy, lighly flicking the bluenette's clit every now and then as well.

By the time Levy finally reached her so well deserved climax, all glass panes of the shower had steamed up from the heat generated inside.

Levy’s orgasm arrived with a breathless scream from the petite mage, and she now leant against a shower wall again because she could feel her knees weakening. The solid script mage also began shivering again, now once more fully aware of how skimpy and soaking wet body her body was in this cold shower.

She wasn’t alone this time though, Erza had also become quite chilly. The S-class mage therefore turned the taps of the shower back on full so both girls could once again soak in some nice hot water.

“I don’t know about you, but this feels gorgeous to me.” Erza said as she visibly enjoyed the hot water running down her curvaceous body. “This hot water is really helping me relax. And to tell you the truth I needed it too, since you’ve made me work up quite a sweat.”

“Then what should I say?” Levy replied. “There’s still juices flowing down my legs thanks to your friendly fingers!” The blue haired girl then began blushing violently, astonished at what she’d just spat out. In order to not give Erza a change to go on about it, she quickly added: “But I agree with what you said: This hot water feels like its bringing me back to life.”

“Well then there’s no reason to get out from under it too fast.” The redhead remarked. “How about I give you a hand in getting cleaned up?”

“I would appreciate that, since mine are still completely useless.” The solid script mage said with a slight grin, shaking her arms up and down to prove her statement.

Erza started by soaping up and washing her own body first, then taking care of Levy's hair and body (paying extra attention to the solid script mage's intimate areas, as you would). Naturally Levy audibly enjoyed the redhead's 'attention to detail'... so much so that Erza's quick hands and fingers working away on her chest and groin, combined with the exciting feeling of her ropes and the relaxation of the lovely hot shower, brought about a second orgasm within the bluenette.

As the solid script mage came with another loud moan, Erza chuckled. "Well thanks for that, Levy." The redhead said jokingly. "Now I have to start all over again."

"It's your own fault," the solid script mage joked back, "besides by the feel of your hands on my body I can tell you don't mind doing this one bit."

Erza grinned as she soaped up her hands again. "True." She replied as she began rubbing down Levy's legs and groin again, once again making the young blue haired girl groan softly in enjoyment.

When both girls were (finally) fully cleaned up, Erza got out of the shower first. After the redhead had dried herself off and gotten dressed again (which took just a single flash of light), she turned off the shower and helped Levy step out of it.

“Guess it’s about time I got those ropes off of you.” Erza said, a hint of disappointment shining through in her voice.

“If you’d be so kind.” Levy responded. “As much as I enjoyed all of this, it’s about time you let me out.”

“I know. But I guess we’ll be seeing you in ropes again soon enough, given that you clearly enjoyed your shower with me.”

“I'd say the chance of that happening is pretty high, yes.” Levy began, “You scared me a little when you started out so forceful, but eventually I just gave up trying to resist you and that’s when it all started feeling pleasurable to me. By the time you got in the shower with me for the second time, I could no longer imagine my life without ropes. The impact of this all has simply been that huge.”

“Glad to hear that.” Erza replied as she began untying her fellow mage’s elbows and hands. “We’re already quite numerous, but there’s always room for one more, I’m sure everyone downstairs agrees with me on that.”

By now the ropes that had been binding Levy for all this time were lying on the floor. And the second they came off, the solid script mage let out a loud gasp of relief as the pain and pressure of the ropes digging into her disappeared, and a feeling of euphoria kicked in instead: "Aaaahhh!! I can't believe how goooood this feels!" 

The young blue haired girl then swung her arms up and down a little, hugely enjoying the feeling of finally getting back control over her own limbs.

“But now what do I do?” Levy said to Erza. “Thanks to you going wild in the shower, I don’t have a dress anymore and my underwear is soaking wet too. I can’t very well go downstairs naked, now can I?”

“Hmm, I’m pretty sure no one downstairs would mind.” The redhead replied teasingly, making Levy blush bright red and fold her arms over her petite chest and cross her legs to hide her nether regions.

“I’m only joking of course.” Erza said. “There’s a lot of girls here with plenty of spare clothes… the question is though, will we find something in your size?”

Levy didn’t like that comment about size one bit, but before she could make a retort Erza had already left the bathroom and was headed downstairs to ask the others for some spare clothing.

Feeling enormously curious about what Erza would tell the girls downstairs, the solid script mage snuck out of the bathroom (wrapping herself in a towel first just to make herself feel more at ease), and positioned herself at the top of the stairs, listening intently to what was being said inside the living room.

Upon coming down from the stairs, Erza was greeted by all of the girls at once. Mira, Cana, Lucy, Lisanna, Juvia, Ultear and Meredy had all sat themselves down in the sofas and on some chairs to catch their breaths and to have a friendly chat while waiting for the redhead to report back on how things had gone with Levy. Now that she was downstairs, they were all curious to know what she and the solid script mage had been doing up there…

But Erza didn’t give them a full account, since Levy was still waiting for her spare clothes upstairs. Instead the requipping mage briefly explained how Levy ended up without any dry (or untorn) clothing, and that she was in need of some solidarity.

“So does anyone have spare clothing to share?” The redhead asked after finishing her brief story.

“Well sure, that’s no problem at all.” Lucy replied. “I’ve got several pairs of panties in my suitcase, I’m more than happy to lend a pair to Levy-chan. The bra might be more of a problem though, since me and her don’t exactly have the same size.”

“I fear nobody here has a bra in Levy’s rather modest size.” Lisanna remarked, trying to get her point across as gently as possible.”

Sadly, she didn’t do so gently enough.

“Well excuse me!" Levy shouted angrily from up the stairs, startling everyone in the living room since they had no idea she had been listening. "I can't help it if I don't possess the same flesh balloons you all own!"

Hearing such rude language from the gentle Levy startled everyone, and it was obvious the solid script mage was quite self conscious about her build. 

"Please don't be offended, Levy.” Mirajane yelled up the stairs. “Lisanna was just stating that we might have to improvise a little if we want to help you out. I’m sure she didn’t want to mock or insult you!”

“Of course not!” Lisanna added. “I was just trying to say you might be better off with a loose fitting dress and no bra, that should feel comfortable enough, right?”

The short white haired girl then turned to the rest of the group again. “Does anyone here have such a dress?”

“Juvia has a spare dress.” The blue haired mage responded. “It's a comfortable, loose fitting dress Juvia wears for lazy days. It should fit Levy-san without too many problems, maybe slightly long but not so bad that it’ll be a problem.”

“That might work, but I actually have an even better idea.” Ultear suddenly remarked, turning the girls’ heads in her direction, all of them looking at her curiously. 

“You do all know the nature of my magic, right?” The time-ark mage asked in disbelief .”Why don’t I just quickly head upstairs and transform the remains of Levy's dress and underwear back into their original shape?”

“That’s probably the best option by far.” Mirajane said cheerfully. “After all, Levy will definitely be most comfortable in her own clothes.”

And so the raven haired woman headed up the stairs, greeted by Levy wearing nothing but a towel. Ultear then accompanied the solid script mage into the bathroom and repaired her clothes in a flash (literally).

With her clothes once again intact and adorning her slender body, Levy followed Ultear down the stairs.

“Happy to be back in clothes again?” Erza asked teasingly as Levy joined the group sitting in the sofas.

“Yes, and even moreso since they’re my own. It was real nice of you all to offer your clothes, but like you all said: Nothing you all wear would properly fit me… But don’t worry though, I'm perfectly happy with my size and shape.”

Somewhat. The solid script mage thought silently.

“And you should be!” Lisanna immediately responded, still feeling a little guilty about her comment earlier. “Your slender body is beautiful in its own way, don't let anyone tell you different.”

All of the girls nodded to show they agreed with the animal take-over mage’s statement.

“That’ll do about clothes and body shapes.” Cana suddenly interrupted, after which she looked at Erza and Levy respectively. “Time you two told us what went on upstairs.”

“Judging by how radiant Levy’s face is, I’d say she’s one of us now.” Lucy added cheerfully.

The rest of the group now looked at the still slightly blushing Levy (who was looking at the floor to avoid all those gazes).

"Well, is that right Levy? did Erza manage to show you the benefits of bondage?" Mira asked curiously.

Levy looked up as she smiled shyly and answered: "I'd say she was very successful. I had always been curious ever since picking up a certain book in the library by chance. But never in my wildest dreams I imagined things would be this exhilarating!"

"So what you're saying is: we've found ourselves yet another member for our little group?" Lucy asked enthusiastically.

She was even more ecstatic than most to hear Levy had taken to the whole bondage thing. She and Levy had been close ever since she ended up in Fairy Tail, so having something this intimate to share with her would only help deepen their friendship.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying Lu-chan." Levy replied with a wide grin.

"Then how about we have a little celebratory drink to welcome our newest member?" Cana suggested. "I'm sure you all can use a bit of a break from ropes and watnot right about now anyways."

"You'd be right." Lisanna answered. "As much fun as this ordeal eventually turned out to be, I could do with an hour or two of being able to move freely."

"Juvia agrees." The water mage said in response to Lisanna's answer. "She is still feeling a little hot under the collar after all that Cana-san did, so Juvia would very much like to let her body recover for a moment before getting started again."

"I think we all feel that way." Ultear said, backed up by Meredy nodding fervently and saying:

"I can definitely feel my body still recuperating after having to endure that vibrator thing so close to my groin for hours on end... It's really weird, but some moments it feels like that thing is still there."

"I thought I was the only one who had that!" Lucy suddenly said in a surprised tone. "Every now and then my knees become weak again, and I would swear that big buzzing piece of plastic is right back  in front of my crotch again."

"Oh no, you're definitely not alone in that." Ultear said. "But in addition to that, my nipples are also still quite sore, thanks to that torture position Cana labeled as 'a challenge worthy of me'."

Cana couldn't help but chuckle at hearing Ultear. "Well you pulled it off, didn't you? And what's more: You received a fitting reward in the end, so I'd say there's no more reason to complain."

"I wasn't complaining," Ultear replied, "just mentioning to Lucy and Meredy that they weren't the only ones seeing, or rather feeling ghosts."

"That happens sometimes," Mira explained, "it's only natural if you think about it: Those vibrators have been working away on your bodies, turning you on, frustrating you, shaking you up to your very core. It's only natural they leave a bit of an imprint on short term. It'll fade soon enough."

"That also explains why at some moments it feels to me as though there's still ropes wrapped around my chest, and a belt wedged in between my thighs." Erza added. "But it's reassuring to hear that'll fade over time."

"It sure is." Lucy confirmed. "But I guess it's also proof that we really went to the limit and beyond."

"That's one way to look at it." Cana replied. "But enough talk about bondage, for now. How about that drink?"

Cana quickly headed into the kitchen, returning with a few bottles of various types of strong liquor and 9 glasses.

As the brunette began pouring everyone a drink, Erza and Levy began telling together what exactly had transpired upstairs in the bathroom.

The general mood in the living room switched between cheerful, steamy and exciting. And as the story of the requipping mage and the solid script mage progressed, all of the girls got a red glow on their cheeks, one that couldn’t be ascribed to just the booze in their systems.



After nearly an hour of continuous chatting and some cosy drinking, all girls had fully recuperated from their straining but ravishing bondage sessions.

As Cana tidied up the liquor and glasses again, Mirajane turned to the rest of the crowd.

"It's really sad for me to say, but it looks like this second day and therefore our weekend is almost at an end."

All of the girls now looked slightly disappointed, since they'd expected Mira to come up with something new for them to do, not for her to start concluding their joyous weekend.

Luckily for them, the white haired woman did still have a plan in mind:

"But," she began, "seeing as the sun hasn't even fully set yet, there should be plenty of time for one last session. Who's up for it?" The demon takeover mage then grinned widely as she saw all hands shoot up.

"Great to see you're not bored with all of this yet." Cana said as she walked into the living room again.

"How could we be," Lisanna said, "we've been through so much already, and still it feels like we've only scratched the surface."

"Lisanna-san is right." Juvia added. "Juvia feels like she's learned a lot, but with everything she finds out, new questions she wants to see answered pop up."

"Likewise." Meredy added, confirmed by a nodding Ultear as well.

"Then how about we test how much you girls have truly learned up till now." Mira said with a naughty grin.

"How would you go about finding that out?" Erza asked curiously.

"By putting you in charge." Mira replied casually.

"Me?" Erza said. "In charge of who then?"

"Not you." Cana replied. The brunette had an inkling of where Mirajane was headed, and she loved her yearlong partner for coming up with the idea. "Mira meant all of you get to be in charge."

"If all of us are in charge, who will act as damsel then?" Levy asked confused.

"Us." Mira said, gesturing towards Cana. "You 7 will divide into two groups and then each group takes charge of one of us. It's the perfect way of testing just how much you've learned about bondage."

"Consider it your final exam." Cana smirked. "And you can bet we won't make things easy for you, so you'd better pull out all the stops if you want to convince us you've become masters of the trade."

Erza, Lucy, Lisanna, Juvia, Meredy, Ultear and Levy now all stared straight at the brunette and white haired girls. Mira AND Cana would be the damsels this time?! And all of them  would get to dominate these two veterans!

"Well, that's definitely something new." Ultear replied enthusiastically. "I can definitely get on board with that plan!"

"Me too!" Erza added. In her mind, the redhead had already decided on which of the two she would be taking charge of…

"Do the rest of you feel the same way?" Mirajane asked as she looked round the room.

All of the girls nodded fervently. After giving it a moment's thought, they all decided that this definitely would be a great test of their ability in dominating. 

...After all, they couldn't keep turning to either Cana or Mira for ideas and tips forever. They would have to learn to stand on their own two legs eventually, so why not start right now?

"It's decided then!" Cana concluded. "How about you all start dividing into camps then? Which ones of you will be handling me and who will take care of Mira?"

After a few minutes of talking back and forth, all of the girls had come up with their arrangement:

The group that would be occupying themselves with Mirajane consisted out of: Erza, Levy and Lucy.

The reasons for their decisions were quite clear: Erza wanted revenge for being dragged around town all day. With every task the white haired woman had given her, Erza's desire for payback had grown. And even though she'd gotten her rewards afterwards, she still felt Mira deserved some punishment herself.

Lucy was equally bent on revenge, though her desire came from having been tricked into getting tied mere inches away from both her and Meredy's groin. Those hours she'd spent fruitlessly trying to give her body it’s so desired relief were still far from forgotten.

Levy, who didn't really care which of the girls she got to handle, just wanted to support and bond with her good friend Lucy and therefore choose the Mirajane camp as well.

The ones who would be getting busy with Cana therefore were: Ultear, Meredy, Lisanna and Juvia.

Both Lisanna and Juvia felt they owed Cana for their own predicament some hours ago. The random crotch ropes the brunette had supplied them with had been the cause of quite a lot of frustration, so needless to say both the animal take-over mage and the water mage wanted to pay Cana back in kind.

Ultear had an even greater desire for revenge, given that her position had been one of the most gruesome of all. And Meredy, who didn't harbor the same level of spite against Mira that Lucy did, simply decided she would support her adoptive mother in her plan.

Having divided up, the two groups and their respective damsel to be headed to either side of the living room for some space.

[At Mirajane’s group]

"So, you three will be taking care of me then?" Mira asked, looking at Erza Lucy and Levy.

"That we will." Erza responded.

"And don't worry, we'll make sure to show you just how much we've learned over the course of this weekend." Lucy said with a smirk.

"I'm just going to go along with these two," Levy added, "seeing as I still have a lot to get to know, letting Lu-chan and Erza take point would be best."

"Hey, it's your session," Mira replied, "I'm happy to go with whatever you three come up with."

"Glad to see you're still so confident." Erza replied. "Let's try and shake that a little."

"I agree, you seem much to calm for being surrounded by three people." Lucy remarked.

"Well, then by all means get started." Mira replied, not phased at all. "I can't wait to see what you all are going to come up with!"

"Then how about you get out of those clothes?" Lucy asked of the demon take-over mage. "You made us strip down to our underwear or less after all, it's only fair you do the same."

Without a hint of protest or even hesitation, Mira took off everything she was wearing. Seeing Mira discard her modesty with such ease took the three others aback slightly, but because they were supposed to be in charge they couldn't let Mira notice. Therefore, to not let any of their anxiety slip out, they immediately began their work.

Erza took on the task of restraining Mira's upper body. The redhead started out by bending the take-over mage's arms so her wrists touched at the height of her shoulder blades, after which she cinched a rope around them  to keep them fixed in that reverse prayer position.

After this, the requipping mage picked up a very long rope which she used to trap Mira's breasts in a tight chest harness: Starting with wrapping the rope above Mira's large breasts, Erza then did the same below. Next, after cinching the ropes together behind Mira's back, the requipping mage pulled the rope over Mira's left shoulder, then down in between her breasts and back up and over her right shoulder again to finally attach it at the back again. To finish up, Erza pulled the whole construction tight and cinched it off, after which the white haired woman's large breasts were even more pronounced than usual.

To then finally wrap up her part of the ropework, Erza headed over to the still as large as ever pile of equipment and returned with a roll of dark grey duct tape. The requipping mage then wrapped all of Mira's fingers in several layers of the sturdy tape, leaving the look of a single glove covering both of the white haired woman's hands. This wrapping was so effective that Mira could no longer so much as flutter her fingers anymore. 

Basically, every inch of Mira's gorgeous upper body had been rendered completely immobile by the fellow S-class mage.

Whilst Erza had been occupied keeping Mira's flexible arms in check, Lucy had done the same for the demon take-over mage's legs.

The blonde had opted for a straightforward frogtie, tying both of the white haired mage's legs so she was forced to remain kneeling down.

With that done, Lucy worked on a nice and tight crotchrope for Mira, pulling the ropes to dig deep inside the S-class mage's lower lips.

Done with their work, both Lucy and Erza took a step back to examine the situation they'd created.

"This is shaping up, but we need some inspiration." Erza remarked after analyzing the demon take-over mage's position. "I think we can still add to her plight… Any ideas? Lucy, Levy?"

But before the blonde could reply, Levy came with a grand idea: "Lu-chan, why not summon your spirit Virgo? She knows a lot about punishment doesn't she?"

"Wonderful idea!" Lucy replied, and she pulled out her pouch and summoned the pink haired maid with a wave of her key and a ring of light.

"Is it time for punishment, Hime?" The pink haired maid said as soon as she arrived.

"Yes, Virgo." the celestial spirit mage responded calmly. "For the first time since I've made my contract with you, I've actually called you because it is time for punishment."

This actually served to surprise the cute maid. "Oh, okay then Hime. Would you like me to kneel or bow down?"

"Not you!" Lucy replied reassuringly.

"OH." The pink haired maid responded, quite startled now. "I never realized Hime was the one who wanted to be punished.  But very well, please kneel down and I shall prepare your punishment."

"It's not for me either!" The blonde replied, now slightly impatient. "Mirajane over here is the one being punished, can't you read the mood?!"

"We need some added tension to Mira's predicament." Erza explained, halting the discussion between Lucy and her spirit. 

"And since you are quite knowledgeable about this sort of stuff, we decided to consult you." Levy added. "So, what do you think we could add to the current mix?"

Virgo first walked round the demon take-over mage, quietly observing the scene. Mirajane meanwhile was still calmly sitting down, greeting Virgo as she did her tour of Mira's bindings.

After Virgo had made two laps around the white haired S-class mage, she turned to Lucy and the others. "I  know of a few things we can try beside what Mira-san is enduring already."

"Go ahead, we're happy to oblige." Erza responded.

Virgo knelt down behind the take-over mage and asked for a small piece of string from Lucy. The blonde provided it and the pink haired spirit proceeded by tying both of Mira's big toes together.

"That doesn't seem very effective." Levy remarked, slightly disappointed with Virgo's idea.

"On the contrary, miss Levy." The maid replied. "This is not used for restraint, but to increase the discomfort of Mira-san's position. After all, it isn't punishment until your victim is uncomfortable with it."

And Virgo's idea had worked. Nobody had noticed, but the moment Mira felt her toes being strung together the white haired mage couldn't help but feel slightly less confident at her ability to handle the situation. Thanks to one night she'd spent together with a particularly inventive Cana, Mirajane knew like no other how annoying having your toes tied together could be, especially if you ever decided to genuinely try and wriggle free of your bindings. But the demon take-over mage hid her insecurity and carried on listening to the conversations.

"Very true, punishment should be uncomfortable." Erza said. "Anything else in mind, Virgo?"

The maid spirit responded by running to the pile and back, uncoiling the rope she'd brought on her way back.

Virgo then tie this rope around Mira's mid-long white hair, and then pulled it down to the crotchrope to tie it off there. The pink haired spirit pulled the rope down so far that it was forcing the demon take-over mage to look straight up, meaning she could no longer see what would be going on with her body.

The strain of Virgo pulling the hair rope down actually forced the first grunt out of Mira since the girls had begun their efforts. Needless to say this pleased Lucy, Erza and Levy immensely.

"As far as restraints go, this would suffice, I'd say Hime." Virgo concluded as she got back up. "Are you pleased with my input?"

"Not just pleased." The blonde replied. "I'm ecstatic! I don't know how to thank you." Lucy said.

"By giving me the same treatment, hime." Virgo replied in her usual calm voice, but with the faintest of blush on her cheeks.

"Huh?" Was all the celestial spirit mage uttered in response. "You want to be tied up too?"

"Of course, Hime." The maid said. "If you're handing out punishments, I want to join in!"

"I don't understand why that surprises you so, Lu-chan." Levy commented. "It's plain as day to everyone that Virgo is into this, I mean she's even got chains on her wrists as part of her whole look."

"And the maid outfit also serves as quite a big hint that she’s into kinky stuff." Erza added. "Why not grant your spirit's request, we'll hold of playing with Mira until you're done restraining Virgo."

"Well," the blonde began, "if you all feel that way then I can't see how on Earthland I would refuse this request of my spirit."

A bright smile appeared on Virgo's face. "Thank you, Hime!" And with a flash of light, Virgo had stripped herself down into her lacy black underwear with white frills.

"Go ahead and lie down on the mat over there." Lucy said as she gestured to the large soft mat located a few feet away from Mira and the girls surrounding her.

Virgo did as she was told, and Lucy made a brief pit stop by the heap of bondage gear before joining her spirit on the mat.

The blonde mage started out by crossing her spirit's ankles and tying them tightly. She then wrapped another rope rights below Virgo's knees, and a third one above them to keep the pink haired maid's legs from doing anything other than flop up and down.

Next, Lucy rolled the pink haired spirit onto her stomach so she could work on her arms. With a rather long rope, Lucy started out by firmly wrapping Virgo's wrists and cinching it tight. Then, with quite a lot of that rope left, she did the same to the maid's elbows, pushing those last so close together that they touched.

Virgo let slip a slight "Ooff" as Lucy tightened the elbow rope and knotted it off.

"Not too tight is it?" Lucy asked compassionately.

"No, Hime." The pink haired  maid responded. " It's very tight, but I quite like the feeling. Please continue as you see fit."

"Okay, then I will." the celestial spirit mage replied happily.

The blonde then produced a padlock from her back pocket and pulled Virgo's ankles up to her butt. Then, by wrapping the chains adorning the cute maid's wrists around her ankle bindings and padlocking them in place, Lucy created a strict and inescapable hogtie for her kinky spirit.

"And for the finisher, I'll be gagging you of course." Lucy said, holding up a large white ball gag. "Anything you still need to get out before I do?"

"No, Hime." Virgo replied. "I am quite happy to be gagged right now."

"Such a serving attitude!" Lucy said approvingly. "Then again, you are a maid." The blonde mage then pushed the ball gag into Virgo's mouth and buckled it tightly in place. She then got up from the mat and checked all of Virgo's bindings for one last time."

After confirming Virgo definitely wasn't going anywhere, Lucy said: "Now, you have fun while I get back to Mira." And with that, the blonde celestial spirit mage turned round and left her now bound and gagged maid to wriggle and writhe around aimlessly.

Not that the pink haired maid minded this. On the contrary:  Virgo began squirming around as soon as her mistress had left her, testing her bindings from all angles. To her surprise (and delight), Lucy had done a superb job for someone who up till now never so much as hinted at wanting to punish her.

It would seem my Hime has been hiding her darker side from me quite effectively. The pink haired spirit thought pleased. It might be a good idea to inform aries and the other female spirits when I get back. 

That would have to wait for some time though, because right now Virgo was far too focused on enjoying her first ever punishment dished out by Lucy very much. And even moreso, the celestial spirit was truly looking forward to seeing her master go to town on the even more heavily restrained Mirajane.

Lucy had by now rejoined Erza and Levy at Mira's side, and the three of them were looking down at the white haired mage testing her bindings.

"Pretty escape proof." The take-over mage judged. "Guess you pass when it comes to technical expertise, meaning you know how to tie a knot." Mirajane then grinned slightly as she added: "But, now the real challenge comes: Do you know what to do once your sub has been put in her place?"

"Oh, we've picked up a few things since getting inside this cottage." Lucy answered confidently. "I have no doubt even you will have to admit that when we're through with you."

"Then by all means, feel free to shut me up and get started." Mirajane replied, opening her mouth wide so the girls could stuff a gag of their choosing inside.

But Erza just shook her head. "We're not going to gag you, because we want to know when exactly you can no longer stand the wait."

Before the confused and curious could ask for more info, Levy jumped in for the rest of the explanation. The light blue haired girl addressed both Mira and Lucy, who had been busy with Virgo when the bluenette and the redhead had worked out the gist of their plan:.

"The plan Erza and I came up with is as follows: We'll be gradually upping the pressure for Mira as we keep adding more and more sensations to her predicament. Mira in turn is free to start asking us to speed up, but she needs to keep in mind that no matter the circumstances, we will not slow down anymore."

Lucy nodded to show she fully agreed with the plan her two friends had cooked up, Mira (who's opinion didn't really matter either way), calmly remained seated and listened to the rest of the explanation.

"In addition, we are going to deny Mira her orgasm until she's asked for it three times."

"Oohh, I really like that idea." Lucy quickly responded, she then looked at the white haired mage. "Knowing she will have to ask two more times after the first might make her lose the will to resist all the sooner. And that'll only make things more fun for us."

"Exactly the conclusion Levy and I arrived at." Erza replied. The redhead then turned to Mira. "And there you have it. You are free to ask us to speed things up as much as you want, and can also start begging us the moment you're burning up with desire."

"Very kind of you." Mira responded. "But even with all the added mental torture, it could still take a long time before that happens. So you'd better take a moment to prepare yourselves too, to make sure you three don't run out of patience first." The white haired girl jested. It was clear to all that the demon take-over mage had lost none of her confident (maybe even smug) attitude, even after the ominous explanation Levy and Erza had provided.

"How can you still be so calm?" Lucy asked, almost offended. "Do we really seem that undaunting to you?"

"No, that's not it," Mira replied, "I just can't help but be excited at being pushed to my limits by someone other than Cana for a change."

Erza sighed. "Like it has always been in this little cottage, Mira keeps showing us just how far we still have to go."

"Then let's not waste anymore time!" Levy suddenly shouted from a few feet away. The solid script mage had gone to fetch a hitachi wand and some clamps with vibrating beads incorporated in them. As she walked back to the other three girls she said: "Time to start catching up to 'the demon Mirajane'."

To start things off, Lucy clipped on the nipple clamps. These clamps were quite hefty, and with no rubber wrapped around them the cold steel pinch made even Mira gasp ever so slightly, especially since she was forced to look straight up and therefore could not see the pinch coming in the first place.

That's a good start. The blonde thought satisfied upon hearing Mira's muffled grunt.

Not wanting to give the white haired woman time to get used to the throbbing of the clamps, Erza immediately knelt down beside her fellow S-class mage and began groping her.

This resulted in quite a few grateful moans as Mira welcomed the redheads frisky fingers all over her body.

"Enjoying yourself?" The requipping mage said. "Well don't get used to it, because it's not going to last much longer."

The red haired mage's words weren't even cold yet, or out of nowhere (from Mira's point of view) Levy's hands appeared, tickling the white haired woman's soles.

"AHAHAHAHA! AHAA- AHAHAHAH!" Mira shouted, fidgeting as much as her tight bindings allowed her to try and get away from the tickle torture. Needless to say, she didn't succeed. All she managed was to jiggle her breasts and the clamps attached to them, sending shocks of pain and pleasure throughout her entire body in tandem with the ticklish feeling Levy was giving her.

It also didn't help that Erza was now firmly grasping Mira's shoulders to keep her in place. Mira instinctively tried to push Erza arms off of her, but with her own arms so forcefully pinned down not and even able to move a single finger thanks to the tape Erza had used, the white haired girl was utterly helpless to resist. Far faster than Mira had ever expected, frustration began to grow inside of her.

The tickle torture went on for several minutes, with nothing for Mira to do other than sit it out and laugh uncontrollably until tears were rolling down her cheeks.

But the white haired woman refused to beg her captors to stop. As much as she began to hate the relentless assault on her bare soles and her sides, Mira didn't say a word (save for some intelligible gibberish she spouted from time to time).

The trio picked up on this, and therefore decided to approach things from a different, more friendly angle. Levy ceased her tickling and switched to a soft caress of the take-over mage's butt and back. Erza meanwhile flicked the switch on the beads attached to Mirajane's nipple clamps, switching them on. The redhead then added to Mira's delight by slowly and gently kneading the damsel's breasts as well.

Though the clips themselves had been brutal during the entire tickle torture, a lot of the pain was made up for now that the beads hanging from them kicked into action.

Mira began humming softly as the buzzing spread from her nipples all over her large and supple breasts and finally into her entire body.

Both Levy and Erza continued their wonderful treatment, whilst Lucy had nipped off to the pile of gear to look for stuff they could use to up their game even further.

As she enjoyed her moment of 'rest', Mira thought to herself:

This is starting to feel better and better. But of course my captors are not going to let me cum without me begging for it... three times, was it? Maybe I should get the first one over with, to encourage them a bit.

"As lovely as this is girls, could you two please move it on a bit?" The white haired girl asked, emphasizing her please so she’d definitely get her point across. "I'm starting to get tingly all over from those vibrating clamps."

Erza chuckled. "There we go, first one down." the redhead then said, satisfied at Mira finally showing some signs of fatigue.

"Just two more to go." Levy added. "Perfect moment to step it up, I'd say."

"Couldn't agree more." Lucy confirmed as she returned to the scene, a hitachi wand in her left hand. The blonde then lowered herself beside Mirajane, activated the wand and pressed the bulbous end against the ropes wedging themselves into Mira’s pussy.

The white haired mage instantly gasped for air as the vibrations shocked her entire body, rapidly turning her on.

However, whilst Lucy was working on giving Mira a pleasurable treatment, Erza had went to the pile and back with something that would do the exact opposite.

“Great to see you’re enjoying yourself,” the redhead began, “But this is supposed to be a session to test us as well as you. So, it shouldn't all be about good stuff.”

Erza then held out what she’d gone to get from the heap of equipment: A jet black riding crop. “Get ready for some pain, Mira!” The requipping mage said ominously.

But before Mira could even utter a response, the first stroke of the crop already hit her butt.

“OUCH!” The demon take-over mage yelled. The sting subsided quite quickly, partially because Lucy was still working away with the hitachi wand at her front... However the demeaning feeling of being whipped didn’t die out as fast.

“You sure are getting into things.” Mira remarked, slightly annoyed at having lost her composure for a moment. But Erza didn’t pay the comment any heed.

As if the alternating between stinging whipping and heavenly buzzing wasn't enough already, Levy decided to pitch in as well by starting to massage Mira's breasts ever so slightly, adding in an element of much gentler pleasure than the forceful hitachi wand. This complete chaos of fun and pain, of gentle and rough treatment, continued for several minutes. Obviously, the longer it went on, the more it completely screwed up Mira's senses.

"Ooohhh!" Mira moaned, in fact the S-class mage was by now moaning non-stop (and rather loudly too).

Things are really picking up now…The demon take-over mage thought happily. But I'm starting to crave more of a human touch. Just Levy's hands isn't getting me anywhere…  Argh, but those three are of course not going to give me any of that until I beg for it two more times. All things considered, that system they thought up is working on my nerves a lot more than I expected it would.

Mira let out a soft grunt as another stroke of Erza's whip hit her bum.

Okay then, time for plea number two!

"Okay, I'm admitting it!" Mira said, making all three girls halt their actions for a moment. "Your idea of making me beg three times was a stroke of genius." The white haired woman sighed loudly as she continued: "Here you have it: Thanks to all of you I'm literally on my knees, and begging for you to stop putting things off! Get started on my real pampering already, I can barely stand the wait anymore!"

"Wonderful, we've made her beg twice already!" Lucy said proudly.

"But even though Mira is now genuinely asking us to stop teasing her, we can't let up yet." Levy said firmly.

"Indeed, she still has to ask us one more time." Erza added, after which she landed the riding crop hard on Mira's butt again, making the white haired woman yelp out in pain.

"Exactly." Lucy said. "Why don't you start working that whip on Mira's fine rack as well, Erza. Meanwhile I'll put down the hitachi wand and start using a more 'direct' approach."

"Great idea." The redhead said approvingly.

And to add merit to her words, the redhead did just as Lucy had suggested and brought down the riding crop onto Mira's right breast. Not so hard it left a mark, but still plenty forceful to make Mira let out a  loud, judgemental groan.

"You're enjoying this far more than you should, Erza." Mira said defyingly.

"So are you," the fellow S-class mage retorted, "even after that strike just now your nipples are still rock hard. You're enjoying every second of this, don't bother denying it."

"I wasn't denying it." Mira replied. "I was just stating that you are showing a bit too much enthusiasm, when you're being a domme you have to be calm, unshakable and in control. You can't show yourself as too eager and excited."

"You're still schooling us?" Levy asked in disbelief. "Isn't your situation here sinking in at all?"

"Sure it is," Mira responded, "but it isn't going to change who I am, now is it?"

“Fair point." Levy admitted. "Then let's take your words to heart, and take control!"

"Well said!" Erza added, and the red haired mage let her riding crop land on Mira's breasts again with a soft thwack, making the helpless damsel yelp again.

Deciding just the whip wasn't enough of a torment, Levy decided to pitch in by pinching and twisting the clamps on Mira's nipples in between Erza's whippings, giving the white haired woman no time to recover.

"Guess you two have got the pain element covered," Lucy analyzed calmly, "so why don't I work on bringing our poor victim some pleasure."

The blonde then sat herself down next to Mirajane, putting the hitachi wand down and instead sliding her right index finger past the crotchrope and inside the demon take-over mage's moist pussy, rubbing her clit at an agonizingly slow pace. 

It was clear to Mira that the three were going to take their sweet time finally bringing her body to an orgasm. At the very least, they would hold it off until she'd begged for it a third time.

And Mira was right. Neither Lucy, Levy nor Erza felt like giving Mira her climax just yet. Instead, each time they noticed Mira was about to come, they suddenly held in all stimuli and cooled Mirajane down with a brush of ice cold water Levy conjured up with her solid script magic. This on and off treatment was rapidly frustrating the white haired woman more than she ever held possible, and her no soaking wet body began quivering all over each time the girls stopped touching her.

Because although Mira was hardy, even she had her limits. And this testing of her patience was slowly getting to her, though she did her best not to let the others notice.

If things continue like this, I'll be forced to give in and utter my last plea right away. Maybe letting three girls work in tandem was not such a good idea after all. I may have had years worth of fun with Cana, but that was always one on one. I never expected being surrounded like this would have so much influence on my body.

Erza, Lucy and Levy could tell Mira was slowly but surely losing the will to resist at all anymore. They'd need only one last push, and Mira's third request would be a reality.

…However, none of the girls wanted the white haired damsel to get away with things too quickly, not after all her confidence at the start. No, they had never planned to let Mira have a real say in when exactly she got her orgasm. After all, since when does a sub get any free will at all?

So, Erza walked round to Mira's back (out of the take-over mage's sight) and quickly and silently headed over to the pile to retrieve a large bitgag. Upon returning to Mirajane's side, the redhead swiftly shoved the black piece of hard rubber into Mira's mouth and buckled it in place.

This sudden gag greatly startled the take-over mage, as she realized what the main point was of introducing it at this stage.

The minute the gag was in place, Mira muffled her third beg:

“Iz az onn oo on e-off! Iz iz e ir ime I ee-in if oo ah oo at i-in ee i e-ad, oo o-mis ad en I ood et i! (This has gone on long enough! This is the third time I’m pleading with you all to start giving me my reward, you promised that’s when I would get it!)”

However to Mira's despair, Erza reacted in exactly the way she thought the redhead would: "I'm sorry, Mira. I didn't quite catch that, did you Lucy or Levy?"

"No, I'm afraid I haven't a clue what our little damsel said just now." Lucy said with a grin.

Mira’s eyes shot wide open. I can't believe I got fooled into this sorry state! I should've realized they were never planning to let me cum when I pleased. This whole ordeal has been nothing but subterfuge to lull me into thinking I had to be patient and politely ask for my orgasm. But in reality all has been a trap to get me to submit to them! 

Panic now crept up on Mirajane as she realized one more fact: And now that I've shown them I can't wait anymore, the real torment begins.

The white haired damsel's heart rate picked up as she realized that even though it had been almost an hour since they got started, in reality her ordeal was only just beginning. As much as she hated to admit it, the girls had pulled it off: Despite the vast gap in experience, Lucy Erza and Levy had managed to turn Mira into a helpless and desperate damsel in distress.

To get her mind off of this horrible realization, Mira started thrashing about in her bindings. However the white haired woman didn’t make quite as much of an impact as she’d hoped: Though she was trying furiously, more than a few meek wriggles were all she could manage in her tight and unyielding position. Her hands and fingers were useless pinned at her back and wrapped in the sticky and unyielding tape. And even if she could move them, being forced to look up meant she couln't see a single one of the ropes and knots holding her in place. She tried moving her head down, but that just resulted in pain as the rope pulled on both her hair and crotchrope.

But that wasn't even the worst of it. Any move she made vastly increased her discomfort: Every twitch made the heavy and buzzing beads stuck to her extremely sensitive nipples shake up and down, sending a shock throughout her body that kept on rippling long after she'd moved.

Being confronted with exactly how helpless the trio had made her, poor Mirajane couldn't help but let out another shout of begging, even though she fully realized how hopeless it was:

“Ese is, iz iz ar ose an e-n at Ka-a an I id oo oo! E zoo eed oo ag iz ou, ou ove or orf!” (Please girls, this is far worse than even what Cana and I did to you! There’s no need to drag this out, you’ve proven your worth!)” The take-over mage said, hoping Levy, Lucy or Erza would finally show some compassion. 

However, somewhere deep down the white haired damsel couldn’t help but feel a little proud at how far the girls had come since getting started with this weekend… Of course, pride only gives you so much satisfaction, and when in a predicament as straining as Mira’s, that feeling is hardly enough to keep you going. By now the white haired mage was really hoping the girls would start finishing up their toying with her.

"I fear Mirajane is getting impatient. But I still can't make out what she's screaming at us." Levy said whilst Mira was still catching her breath from shouting and squirming so much. "Maybe we should just continue what we were doing," the bluenette then suggested deviously, "if we make her yell loud enough, it might become understandable."

“OOOO!! (NOOOO!!)” Mira protested loudly. These girls weren’t listening to her at all! At least she considered their feelings when she was in control, what did she do to deserve such cruel treatment?!

But before anyone could respond to Mira’s screech, they were startled by a sudden and equally loud noise from behind them. Lucy quickly turned round since she had recognized the noise came from her loyal spirit Virgo. The pink haired maid was now thrashing about as violently as she could, considering her tight hogtie. And in the helpless spirit’s eyes Lucy could clearly read she was desperate for some attention.

"As fun as that sounds, I believe my assistance is required somewhere else." Lucy remarked, looking at the still wildly thrashing Virgo located a few feet away."

"By all means go and spend some time with her," Erza responded, "Levy and I will make sure to keep Mira here entertained."

“Thanks, Erza. But don’t have too much fun, I definitely want to be here for the finale!” Lucy replied, turning round and heading for her bound and gagged spirit.

While Lucy, Erza and Levy had been having their way with the helpless Mira, Virgo had been forced to do nothing but look on. Needless to say, after a while the pink haired spirit began struggling as she was desperate to join in or even get some attention herself. However the ropes Lucy tied around her were simply too tight: No matter what she tried, Virgo couldn't get out.

Faced with the risk of being left out altogether, the pink haired maid turned to the only attention grabbing means she had left and yelled as loud as she could, hoping enough noise would make it past the gag to get noticed.

She was in luck though, as her always caring owner had picked up on it almost instantly, and after a short conversation with the others she was now walking back to her.

Lucy knelt down in front of Virgo and looked straight into the pleading eyes of the helpless maid.

"So, you want some attention too?" The blonde mage asked spirit.

Virgo responded by nodding furiously, her eyes now shining in anticipation.

"Well, too bad Virgo… You are a bad girl." Lucy teased. "I don't really know why though, it just pleases me to say that." The celestial spirit mage then stuck out her tongue, taunting her spirit even more.

Upon hearing this rejection, Virgo couldn't help but wriggle about some more, now with a slightly angry look on her face.

This was something Lucy had never seen in her spirit: Virgo was actually being rattled!

Virgo losing her composure so badly almost made the blonde want to give in to her, but she decided to hold firm.

This isn't the place or time for playing around with Virgo. Lucy thought to herself. As much as I hate putting her on hold like this, I should get her to move back to the spirit world. That way, I can summon her again when I get back home tomorrow. We’ll be able to more private fun back at my apartment. When it's just the two of us, I'll be able to intimately get to know her.

"No, I'm sorry Virgo. You won't get any attention here.” Lucy said firmly. “We're far too busy with Mira and Cana."

That didn't go down well at all with the pink haired spirit. She resumed her struggling once more, grunting under the pressure of her straining the ropes. But still nothing would budge, and Virgo remained helpless. In fact the more she tried to wriggle free, the tighter everything seemed to get! And the worse her situation looked, the more frustrated she grew.

Seeing her spirit so obviously distressed, kindhearted Lucy couldn't help but fall out of her role of strict domme. She leant in closer to the pink haired spirit and whispered:

"Look, this weekend is really important to me, I want to see it through fully… but I don't want you to feel I'm neglecting you, especially after all we've been through together. So here's the deal: I promise that when I get back home, you will get everything you could wish for." The blonde offered compassionately.

This finally calmed Virgo down, and she ceased her thrashing about. The bound and gagged spirit then nodded and held still so Lucy could take out her gag.

"Do you want me to untie you so you can get back to the spirit world? I'll summon you again as soon as I get home."

But Virgo shook her head. "There's no need Hime, I can go back like this."

Hearing this response, Lucy couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief. "Won't that raise a ton of questions with the others?"

"We have private dwellings in our world as well, Hime." The pink haired mage explained. "If I rematerialize in my personal quarters, nobody will disturb me. And since time flows more slowly in our realm the wait won't be as long… but even so, you must make sure to call me as soon as you can!"

Lucy smiled kindheartedly at her spirit. "I will, I promise you."

Virgo returned the smile, and with a flash of light the hogtied maid had disappeared, rope and all.

The celestial spirit mage then got back up and rejoined Levy, Erza and the still wildly thrashing Mira.

Whilst Lucy had been pacifying her spirit, Erza and Levy had continued their taunts. Erza had kept on bringing down the riding crop on Mira's soles, butt and breasts. All the while, Levy had altered between massaging Mira's breasts, pinching the clamps on her nipples even harder and fingering her snatch, resulting in a complete rollercoaster of bliss and pain for the S-class mage.

Upon returning to the group, one look at Mira showed Lucy just how desperate the demon take-over mage had become: The white haired mage was by now shaking in her bindings, too tired to put up any real struggle anymore. Instead, Mira had resorted to trying to spit out her gag so she could finally clearly ask for the orgasm she was craving. But to her frustration the bit was buckled down too tightly, and she couldn't get it out.

"HMMMRRGGG!!" Mira shouted angrily at Lucy as the blonde once again got in view of the white haired damsel. "Et iz ag ou!! (Get this gag out!!)"

"Sorry for the wait, Erza, Levy. And of course Mira." Lucy snickered as she finally addressed the bound, gagged and quivering mage. "You look like there's something you want to say."

"I  agree. Mira seems desperate to make something known to us." Erza added with a naught grin.

"So, let's hear it then." Levy said, finally taking out Mirajane's gag.

The second the bitgag came out, Mira proclaimed clearly and exceptionally loudly:


"That would be three." Erza said, her grin now widening.

[Back at the point where the group divided into ‘team Mira’ and ‘team Cana’].

"Well, can't say I'm surprised at you girls picking me." Cana said confidently. "Seeing as most of you have a history with me already, so to speak."

"Oh, I'd call what we have far more than just a history." Ultear snickered. "If I had to pick a word to describe it… Vendetta? Yeah, that about sums up what I'm feeling right now."

"U-Ultear, don't you think you're taking this a bit too serious?" Meredy asked hesitantly after hearing her guild member. "This is still supposed to be about having fun, remember?"

"Oh, but we will be having fun, trust me." The raven haired woman replied, turning towards Juvia and Lisanna. "Don't you girls feel the same way? No doubt you joined this group because you wanted to give Cana some payback for what she did to you?"

"J-Juvia indeed joined this group for a chance to get back at Cana-san," the bluenette answered."

"But we don't want to take things too far," Lisanna finished her friends statement, "for us it's just a test of our experience in bondage."

"You don't have to tiptoe around like that, girls." Cana suddenly said. "After what I did, it would be strange for you not to harbor any animosity whatsoever, especially since it only just happened. So feel free to go all out, it's been far too long since I've been pushed my limits anyways."

"Glad to hear you're still taking this so well." Ultear responded. "Then by all means, start undressing so we can get started!"

The brunette obeyed instantly, and in no more than a minute the card mage was standing in the middle of the group, completely naked.

"Very nice." Ultear remarked. "That's quite the body you're rocking, Cana."

"Thanks, but considering the company we're in, my curves are hardly anything special… Though to be honest, I am indeed quite proud of my body."

"And so you should be! We can count ourselves lucky to have such a lovely damsel to play with." Lisanna added. The white haired mage then got a devious grin (one which Cana had seen all too often on her older sister's face).

"You're a beautiful woman. But I think we all agree you could do with some accessories." Lisanna said, looking round at the pile of bondage gear.

"Couldn't agree more!” Ultear said energetically. “But before we start picking what we want to use, we should blindfold Cana."

"What for?" Juvia asked. 

"So she can't see what we have in store for her!" Meredy replied, instantly grasping her older guild member's set-up. "Whatever you try, it's far more effective if the sub doesn't see it coming!"

Clever girls. Cana thought to herself. The brunette couldn't help but already feel a little proud, and even moreso: excited.

"That's a pretty good idea, actually." Lisanna said. The take-over mage then sped to and back from the pile, returning with a dark red satin scarf. "This should effectively block all of Cana's sight.

Whilst Lisanna was tying the blindfold in place, Ultear, Meredy and Juvia gathered all of the equipment they were going to use on the brunette.

When the trio returned to the now sightless card mage, Juvia asked: "Are you ready for us to begin, Cana-san?"

"Born ready!"! The brunette replied confidently. "Give it your best shot, all of you!"

Ultear didn't waste a second doing exactly as Cana suggested. The raven haired mage started out by firmly tying Cana's wrists together in front of her body, slightly surprising the brunette by the simplicity of this opening move. However, this was just the very beginning of the plan the time ark mage had thought out.

Next, Ultear attached Cana's bound wrists to a longer rope which she subsequently looped round the brunette's waist as a sort of belt. Even though Cana couldn't see for herself what was going on, the very feel of the rope being wrapped around her waist immediately told Cana what would be next, and sure enough: 

after Ultear had knotted the waist rope off at the back, she pulled the remainder of the rope in between the card mage's thighs, pulling it so it dug deep into Cana's lower lips.

What Cana hadn't anticipated however, was an unnecessarily large  knot wedging itself straight into her groin the moment Ultear pulled the rope tight. This bulky clot of rope hugely intensified the effect of the crotchrope, and Cana's body was already heating up as a response.

Well well, the brunette thought pleased,  Looks like Ultear's a quick study. It's only been a day for her, but she's already picked up more than just a few tricks.

A quick tug of her bindings confirmed this for Cana. Her wrists were firmly pinned into place , well out of reach of either her crotch or her breast, so pleasing herself would be out of the question until her captors allowed it. But confident as she was, this didn't shake the card mage at all. Instead, she calmly kept undergoing the rest of the ropework.

Done with her share of the upper body restraints, Ultear proceeded to work on the brunette's legs:

Things started out pretty straightforward: A rope looped around her ankles, one below her knees and a third above them. But after this groundwork, the time ark mage once again demonstrated just how much she'd learned.

After guiding the card mage onto her knees, Ultear proceeded by connecting a rope from Cana’s ankle bindings to the back of the rope belt she'd created earlier, forcing Cana do remain down on her knees.

However Ultear wasn't the only woman taking care of Cana's restraints. Whilst The raven haired mage had been tying the card mage's wrists and crotchrope, Lisanna had been standing behind the brunette to connect her elbows together, pulling them back and towards each other as far as they would go, with a rope connecting them running along her back. This resulted in the card mage's arms being completely pinned in place either side of her body, and quite a lot of strain every time she tried to move them at all.

After the white haired girl had completed this rather peculiar elbow tie, she'd let Ultear focus on the card mage's legs so she could instead give some attention to Cana's perky tits.

In reality this meant Lisanna had created an extremely tight chest harness, with strict ropes squeezing the brunette's breasts from all sides and making them stand out even more than they already were.

With two girls working away on her body at the same time, Cana had to aim all her attention to what was going on in order to keep track of it all. Because of that, she never had the time to think about what Meredy and Juvia were up to in the meantime, which was going through the stock of equipment so they could pick out some stuff to amp up Cana's predicament even further.

By the time Ultear and Lisanna were done, the bluenette and pink haired girl had also finished rooting around. The duo returned with the following:

A pair of clothes pegs, a long white feather, a hitachi wand, and some massaging oil.

"Well, how's your first impression of our work?" Ultear asked curiously after she and Lisanna finally finished setting up Cana's entire bondage position.

Cana pulled on all of the ropes holding her to give it a thorough testing. The brunette couldn't help but let out a groan as her efforts made her chest harness and most importantly the crotchrope tense up, the bulky knot in particular since that was rubbing her labia with some force. The card mage was still trying her best to hold in her groans as she gave her judgment:

"Hmm. This is a very decent position! You've all paid attention, that much is clear."

"Great to hear!" Lisanna responded. "We made use of everything you showed us these past two days, so it should've made an impression."

"That it does. But sitting down here, I can't help but wonder what those other two been doing.” Cana remarked, referring to Juvia and Meredy. “They haven't done anything so far."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that!" Meredy responded from behind the brunette, making the blindfolded Cana try and turn her head in the direction the noise came from.

"Juvia and I have been preparing the second part of this session," the sensory mage added, "the most fun part too if I might add."

"Then why don't we get going, already!" Cana said impatiently. "You've got me right where you want me, might as well have your way with me now too!"

"My my, Cana-san." Juvia teased. "Juvia has never seen you as impatient. Could it be that you are not a fan of not being in control?"

"I don't mind being the damsel," Cana replied swiftly, "but I do prefer it if my captor, or in this case captors, wouldn't take their sweet time getting a move on!" Come on, daylight is wasting."

"Oh, but I wouldn't mind going all the way through the night, my dear." Ultear said with a big smirk (which was sadly lost on the blindfolded brunette).

"As fun as that sounds Ultear, let's start with an hour or two." Lisanna suggested. "Who knows, we might do so well that Cana here breaks after just that time."

"My, don't you sound mighty confident!" The card mage mocked. "The more time I spend with you, the more you seem to turn into your older sister, Lisanna."

"I'll take that as a compliment." The white haired mage replied. "But enough chit-chat, I believe you were anxious to get started?"

"That I was, so by all means take your best shot!" Cana replied, still as confident as ever.

"Oh, you're going to regret that!" Meredy warned the brunette as she knelt behind her, the white feather Juvia had brought in her left hand.

Just as Cana started wondering what the sensory mage could be planning, Meredy started tickling the card mage's soles relentlessly.

Though Cana had spent years having fun with Mirajane, the one thing she'd never gotten used to was tickling. Of course, none of the girls could've known this, but by (un)lucky coincidence Meredy had started doing the one thing Cana actually feared a little. And to make matters even harder on the by now squealing card mage, having been robbed of her sight meant the whole experience felt even more unnerving to her, since it meant she had no idea when and where the next 'attack' would take place.

"AHHAAHAHAHAAA!! S-STOP THAT! THIS IS NOT THE KIND OF TEST I WAS HOPING FOR!! The brunette screamed in between jitters.

"That's exactly why we're starting out with this." Ultear snickered. "This is about us having fun, not you."

"W-Well, don't think I'm j-j-just -aahahaha- gonna roooooll over and take t-thiiiiis!" Cana protested, still gasping since Meredy wouldn't quit her tickling. "Ahahahaa - Mira and I may have g-given you all this chance to- ahaha- t-test your abilities, but we definitely won't make it easy for you!"

To prove her words (and to make the tickling stop), Cana then tried wriggling out of the way by pulling and shifting wildly in her bindings. Sadly not a single rope or knot budged, and the only thing the card mage managed to do was increase her discomfort, mainly because the tight ropes around her crotch and breasts continued to chafe and dig as she bucked up and down. 

It had only been a few minutes, but because of the excitement of her tight bindings she could already feel her body heating up, her nipples starting to harden slightly already.

And then, just as suddenly as Meredy had begun, the pink haired mage halted her assault of the card mage's soles. This gave Cana a chance to catch her breath, and (sadly for her) realize just how deep the trouble was she was in.

Darn it! she thought frustrated. Why'd it have to be tickle torture? Anything else they came up with, I could've handled. Now I'm sitting here screaming and thrashing like a complete novice. So much for me showing these girls a hard time.

However, whilst the brunette damsel was expecting the tickling to resume any moment now, Meredy and the others had started preparing quite a different treatment for her.

"I hope you're all warmed up now, Cana." Ultear said. "Because now the real fun is going to start."

Before Cana could inquire what that meant, Juvia had already rubbed in her hands with massaging oil and placed them onto the card mage's bulging breasts and began kneading them ever so gently.

"Ooohhh!!" Cana groaned, lolling her head back in pure delight. "I could get used to that!"

"Please do, Cana-san." The bluenette responded cheerfully. "As Juvia is far from finished."

The water mage then began squeezing Cana's perky tits even harder, also rubbing her thumbs over the brunette's nipples.

However Juvia wasn't the only person occupying herself with pleasuring the card mage. Ultear had picked up the hitachi wand Lisanna had brought, and had switched it on whilst Juvia 's hands still had Cana's undivided attention.

This was about to change however, because the raven haired mage now brought the buzzing piece of plastic infinitely close to the large knot she had tied into the crotchrope.

As Cana could hear and feel the presence of the humming piece of plastic near her inner thighs, her entire body pulled taut in anticipation. When the the hitachi wand finally made real contact with her labia, Cana let out a deafening scream.

"Gaaaah!!! YEEEESSS!" The brunette card mage loudly welcomed the divine buzzing of the hitachi wand, which was further empowered by the knot pressing into her labia.

Seeing how Juvia and Ultear had the intimate areas covered, Lisanna decided to get her fun from somewhere else: Cana's neck and shoulders.

The white haired mage slowly let her tongue run up and down the back and side of Cana's neck, making the card mage get goosebumps all over. When Lisanna reached the brunette's right earlobe, she playfully into it and pulled on it slightly.

"Oooohh!!" Cana groaned as the now three-way pampering continued. "I don't know who you are, but by all means keep using that tongue."

With her pussy being vibed, her chest being rubbed and her earlobes being nibbled, Cana was rapidly getting extremely horny. It took the trio less than a minute to get the card mage to the point where she was literally shaking on the spot longing for an orgasm.

But they wouldn't give it to her, not yet at least. Instead, all three girls stopped what they were doing to give Cana a moment to cool down again(making Cana roar loudly in frustration).

"What the hell is this all of a sudden?!" She shouted as she began fighting her bindings again, trying desperately but fruitlessly to get her fingers in reach of her lower lips. And whilst the frustrated card mage was busy trying to tend to gerself, Meredy Juvia and Ultear quietly took new positions for a second session of driving their sub wild.

"AAARRGGHH!!" Cana shouted suddenly as her irritation grew to large to bear. "Where the hell are you guys?! Get back here this instant, damn it!" Luckily she didn't have to wait long for a response, because by now the three had taken their new positions and gotten underway again:

Meredy was now in control of the hitachi wand, pressing it even more firmly against Cana's soaking wet crotch. Ultear meanwhile had resumed the rubbing and pinching of the brunette's extremely sensitive chest. And Juvia was now busy groping and caressing Cana's shaking and slightly sweaty body all over, giving the card mage no chance at all to recover from everything going on.

Lisanna meanwhile had decided to go and check the pile again for anything else that could be useful.

But for now, everything Cana was enduring more than sufficed to very quickly turn her into nothing but a mass of pure desire. As much as she tried to fight it, and force the girls to work a little more before bringing her to an orgasm, nothing she tried worked. Things simply felt too damn good!

In a manner of minutes Cana's climax arrived, accompanied by a gasp for air and a satisfied scream after that.

However, even though the card mage had quite clearly reached her orgasm, none of the girls stopped what they are doing. In fact, Ultear began rubbing the card mage's breasts even harder, now letting her tongue run over her nipples as well gently biting them every so often. At the same time Meredy switched the hitachi wand to an even higher setting. And Lisanna (who had returned to the group since she couldn't resist joining in anymore), had by now joined Juvia in groping Cana's body all over: Butt, sides, neck, shoulders,… every inch of skin was getting their full and undivided attention.

All four girls kept this up without pausing, quickly resulting in yet another orgasm for the brunette mage… and another one, and another… And each and every climax was met with an even louder screech from Cana, her body reacting more violently with each succession.

Eventually though, Cana had had more than her fill. "Please, enough already! I can't go on!" She pleaded.

Sadly for her though, none of the girls felt like listening. They kept up their efforts, forcing the card mage to keep on cumming uncontrollably for minutes on end.

When Cana finally broke, could tolerate no more, she screamed at the top of her lungs: "STOP IT, ALL OF YOU! STOP IT NOOOW, I CAN'T GO ON!"

But before either Ultear, Meredy, Juvia or Lisanna could respond to their damsel's wish, their attention was drawn to the other side of the room by an equally loud scream:

"I WANT MY ORGASM, AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOOOW!!!" Mirajane had just shouted.

The four girls simultaneously turned around in response to Mirajane's exceptionally loud demand, no longer rubbing Cana's buttons and allowing the brunette to finally get a moment to recover, a moment she gratefully made use of as she slumped down onto the floor gasping for air.

"Looks like our friends have been using a rather different approach." Lisanna remarked. "Here we were forcing Cana to have orgasms without end, while they are starving Mira-nee for hers.

Meredy nodded. "Yeah, we've been working toward different extremes it seems… Hey that brings me an idea!" The sensory mage suddenly said. "What do you all think of setting up a sense link between our two subjects, now that their bodies are in such opposing states?"

The rest of the girls' eyes widened. "That is absolutely brilliant, Meredy-san!" Juvia said enthusiastically. "Juvia will go and get Erza and the others so we can all huddle together in preparation."

After the water mage did just that, Meredy once again suggested her ploy to the three other girls.

Erza was instantly smitten with the idea. "Juvia was right, that is a brilliant idea!" The redhead said.

"I agree," Lucy said. "Not even those two will have ever had conflicting feelings on such a grand scale."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Lisanna asked. "Do your thing, Meredy."

“First things first, let’s get Cana’s blindfold off.” The pink haired girl said as she walked over to the still squirming and moaning card mage. “I want her and Mirajane to share all their senses.”

The second the blindfold came off, Cana blinked several times. However, and though the brunette was still adjusting her eyes to the bright light they were once again exposed to, she could still clearly distinguish a bright pink flash of light attaching itself to her left arm and shooing from there across the room, latching onto Mirajane’s left arm as well.

Obviously Mirajane had also noticed this flash of light, but for her it didn’t take quite as long to realize what was about to follow…

As both damsels were still in the midst of processing for what had just happened and why, when a torrent of feelings that didn’t belong to them came flooding in (both of a physical and an emotional kind).

All of a sudden, there seemed to be excruciatingly tight ropes wrapped around their bodies and putting pressure on intimate areas where seconds ago nothing was going on… But that wasn't  even the worst of it: What was going on inside of their bodies was what really screwed both veterans up completely.

God, this is so confusing! Mira thought frustrated. I know my body is dying to get its climax, but at the same time it feels like I've had far too many already! Just what have these girls been doing to Cana?!

The white haired mage then looked at Cana to see how she was handling the situation: Apparently, not any better than she herself was.

In fact, Cana was thinking the exact opposite her long time partner was, but getting just as confused by it. Even though she full well knew her body had had more than enough tantalizing treatment, suddenly she could feel  the extreme cravings she clearly recognized as being starved for an orgasm. 

What the hell is going on? The brunette screamed internally. I know I can't take anymore, but now all of a sudden I'm dying to come again. Damn it, what did they do to me?!

As the massively conflicting feelings kept throwing their bodies further and further into disarray, both damsels started acting solely on their most basic instinct: They were in trouble, and had to get out fast!

So, both the demon take-over mage and the card mage began trashing wildly in their bindings, trying their hardest to ignore all of the mixed signals that were flooding their bodies .

… They had taught their pupils too well, it would seem. And though at this point they were mainly furious with each and every one of them, part of them couldn't help but feel slightly happy at how far their girls had gotten.

Mira seemed to hold out best of the two, if only by a smidgen. No doubt this was because she had already once experienced the mixing of ones feelings with others. But even so this was far, far worse. 

Eventually both girls fully grasped what was going with their bodies and how the hell it was possible, despite their confused and overflowing states of mind. But knowing the situation didn't help them cope with the situation one bit. Both girls, experiences as they were, still didn't have any idea how to deal with all of conflicts raging inside of them. 

One the one end they felt like they needed to come more than anything, that nothing in the world was more important. On the other hand it felt like they would explode if they so much as had a finger near their breasts of pussies, that they simply couldn't bear another orgasm. 

Which feeling should they choose, which was most fierce? They couldn't work it out, and the longer they wriggled around trying to do so, the more their frustration (and that of their partner) wound them up.

"Looks to me like you girls are having a hard time deciding what you want." Ultear remarked, pleased beyond measure all their efforts had paid off.

"More than that," Meredy added, "I don't think I've seen Cana or Mira this flustered yet all this weekend."

"Not just this weekend." Lisanna corrected. "I don't think Mira-nee has ever looked this distraught. Almost makes me pity her."

"Almost, huh?" Lucy teased the white haired girl.

"Well you don't look all that taken aback seeing Cana's state either." Erza pointed out to her blonde friend.

"I think we all are a little bit too pleased seeing these two squirm like this." Levy surmised. "But in a way, they had it coming after what they did to us earlier today."

"Even so, Juvia feels it's time to put them out of their misery." The water mage said compassionately." Like Ultear-san noted, both Mira-san and Cana-san look like they have no idea what to do with their bodies anymore… So why don't we decide for them?"

"So much for that compassion of yours." Erza snickered. "But I agree, we should start rounding this up, we've had our fun by now."

"Just one more thing first!" Lisanna suddenly said, holding up the wooden clothes pegs she'd brought with her earlier. "I didn't sift through that huge pile of gear for these to not use them you know."

Mira and Cana, who had done their best to follow the conversation unfold, now bursted out in a wild panic. The last thing they needed at this point was even more stimuli added!

"Looks like our subjects don't agree with you, Lisanna." Meredy said, more cheerful than compassionate.

"All the more reason to do it then." Ultear remarked. The raven haired mage than took over the pegs from Lisanna and without any hesitation pinched them onto Cana's erect and rock hard nipples.

"HHHHMMMMMMRRRRGGGGGGGAAAAA!!!" Both Mira and Cana screeched, a lot louder than any of the girls had expected.

Lucy was the first to react to that. "As lovely as that sounded, we really should start thinking about health and safety from now on. Mira and Cana are strong, but even they have limits."

"Of course," Erza instantly agreed (as she had also been quite startled by the loudness of the damsels' reactions), "they have done the same for us after all, each and every time we started one of our sessions."

"Exactly, it's one of the most important lessons they've tried to teach us this weekend." Lisanna added. "It would be a pretty poor display of our skills if we forgot about their well being the first time they left us in charge."

"Should we take out their gags then?" Juvia suggested. “That way they properly can tell us when they truly can’t bear anymore.”

"I know of a more effective way,” Ultear pitched in, “but we will need a brave and sturdy volunteer."

Erza sighed. "That means me, doesn't it? I'm already pretty sure what your idea is,  but I'll be honest: I'm not all that keen to get into that mess."

"Oh!" Meredy exclaimed as she grasped what Ultear and Erza were on about. "You want me to include Erza into the link, is that is Ultear?"

"That's it exactly." The time-ark mage replied. "That way, Erza can instantly feel when the girls have reached their breaking point."

"If I don't reach mine first." Erza muttered. Sometimes, I really hate my reputation.

 "Are you ready Erza?" Meredy asked the requipping mage.

"Not by a long shot," the redhead replied, "but it's all for my friends, so I'll do my best to bear  it."

"That's Erza for you." Lucy remarked impressed. "Always ready to take on the most daunting challenges!"

A second bright pink flash of light flew across the room, latching itself onto Mirajane, Cana and Erza's arms.

The moment the light subsided, Erza nearly crashed onto her knees, shaking heavily and needing to focus all of her willpower not to start screaming her head off.

Just what on Earthland have we been doing to these girls?! Erza thought, already feeling like she was nearing her breaking point.

"You okay?" Levy asked, accompanied by worried looks from all girls round.

"So- Sort of. " Erza wheezed. "But I must say, all of this sure packs a punch. I can tell you all now, we had no idea just how far we'd taken things… So hurry up already and give Mira and Cana their well deserved prizes!"

And so the girls divided up again. Ultear, Lisanna and Juvia headed for Cana whilst Meredy, Lucy and Levy decided they would occupy themselves with showing Mirajane a good time

…However that was without taking Erza's wishes into account, something the red haired girl wasn't going to let pass.

"Excuse me," the requipping mage began, "I know those two are the ones in real trouble, but seeing as I'm sharing their pain, shouldn't I get a little attention as well." The S-class mage then pulled a lip and put on a sad face too, something completely out of character for her.

But it did the trick. "We're so sorry, Erza-san!" Juvia immediately replied. "Juvia will stay with you, she hasn't had the pleasure of spending some private time with you anyway."

"Then I will do the same." Meredy added. "I'm pretty sure Erza will be just as much fun to handle as Mirajane would be."

"Go ahead," Ultear said, "Lisanna and I should be plenty to keep Cana busy."

"And Levy and I can do the same for Mira." Lucy then added.

"Given that all three of them share their senses, it doesn't matter all that much who we touch, all three of you will feel it anyways." Lisanna pointed out to the group. "But I can understand Erza wanting some actual attention over just spectating."

"It's settled then," Lucy concluded, "we'll split in three groups this time. "And like Lisanna pointed out, our three subjects are linked, so I guess that means we should try and keep an eye on the others groups as well as our own, to coordinate proceedings a little."

All six of the girls agreed to keep a clear view of all others, and the group once again set about splitting up: Juvia and Meredy went to sit besides Erza, Ultear and Lisanna joined Cana in her corner of the room and Lucy and Levy did the same for Mirajane.

As Meredy and Juvia took the by now week-kneed Erza a bit further from the others, the pink haired girl made a suggestion to the S-class mage: "Say, if Juvia and I are going to take care of you, shouldn't we restrain you at least a bit?"

"That's a pretty good point actually, Meredy-san." Juvia instantly added. "Erza-san is incredibly powerful, even if she cannot use magic, we wouldn't want her to attack on instinct, so we should at the least keep her hands secure."

"Do whatever you want, just hurry up with it." Erza said impatiently. With every passing second, the mixed  feelings of Mira's hunger for a climax and Cana's  complete aversion for that same climax seeped in more, making her mind more and more foggy and her body more and more horny yet frustrated. 

So, Meredy stopped by the heap of bondage gear on the way and picked up a pair of sturdy steel manacles connected by three thick chain links, a long chain and three padlocks. The sensory mage and the water mage then wasted no time getting Erza ready for her pampering. Whilst Meredy padlocked the manacles in place around Erza’s wrists, Juvia threw the chain over a ceiling beam and locked both ends of the chain together around the red haired mage's manacles.

The end result was Erza kneeling onto the floor with her hands pulled above her head, and no way for her to get them down from there.

"NOW we can start." Juvia said cheerfully, and without missing a beat the bluenette started unbuttoning the white blouse Erza had put on after getting out of the shower with Levy.

Meredy meanwhile pulled down the black pencil skirt Erza was wearing as well, leaving it lying down on the floor around the redhead's knees.

Erza's black lacy bra with matching panties were now on full display, but the S-class mage didn't mind one bit. She'd been in far more indecent positions over the past few days, and moreover: the last thing on her mind right now was how she looked, what she needed was to have her body groped licked and kissed all over, and fast too.

Luckily, neither Juvia nor Meredy wasted any time in doing exactly that.

Meredy knelt down behind Erza, sitting herself right against the redhead’s back so she could reach around to the front. The pink haired mage then began by taking a hold of Erza’s large breasts, so as to give them a gentle massage, when suddenly:

"Oohh not my nipples!" The red haired mage shouted. "They're really touchy."

"What? How? We've only… Oh, right sorry." Meredy said with a slight smile on her face. "The clothes pegs, right?"

"Among other things, yes." Erza said breathlessly."Ju-just try and take things slow, in this situation that's more than enough to rub my buttons."

“Understood.” The sensory mage replied, after which she very gently took hold of Erza’s breasts and once again began kneading and stroking her perky chest, softly pressing and rubbing them together as well.

At the same time Meredy had begun working on Erza’s upper body, Juvia had started running her right hand past the requipping mage's inner thighs, brushing her hand ever so near and ever so slightly against Erza’s sensitive lovebox.

But the water mage didn’t stop at that, she slowly worked her way up to Erza's black panties (which incidentally were already beginning to darken around the area of her snatch), and eventually Juvia slipped two of her fingers behind the fabric and right into Erza's warm and moist pussy.

"Hmmm." The requipping mage moaned as the bluenette pressed and slid her fingers slide against the moist inner walls of Erza's pussy. "Finally, about time I felt some real contact. The others have been getting some attention down there for minutes already."

"Really?" Juvia responded. "Then Juvia should waste no more time either."

And with that, the water mage began sliding and rubbing her fingers up and down Erza’s labia and clit, pulling them out and sinking them deeper in again. Juvia started out doing this slowly, but gradually sped up the movements as Erza’s breathing quickened.

[At Cana’s side of the room]. 

Ultear had sat herself beside the still squirming Cana, whilst Lisanna went to sit across from the brunette.

“I’ll take care of our subject’s downstairs area.” The time ark mage began. “I’ve had some fun down there already this morning, and I’m dying for another turn, but this time I’ll make her work a lot harder for it, count on that.”

“If you really feel that strongly, then go right ahead.” Lisanna replied. “There’s plenty more spots on Cana’s body that I can have some fun with.” The white haired mage then reached for the card mage’s large and slightly swollen breasts (caused by the strict ropes enveloping them). But at the very first touch Lisanna was startled by Cana shouting:

“Aaahh! Not there, not my nipples!”

"Huh? I’m not touching your nipples, or even the pegs attached to them." Lisanna said confused.

"It's not you guys, it's Mira or maybe Erza… I don't know damn it, just get those pegs off of me they're driving us crazy!"

"Fair enough," Lisanna admitted, "you've got enough to worry about already I suppose." The animal take-over mage then very gently opened up the pegs and took them off of Cana's nipples."

"Oooohhh!" Cana sighed relieved.

"Hmmmm!" Erza hummed gratefully.

"Aaahhmmm!" Mirajane moaned.

All at the exact same time. This actually surprised Lucy and Levy since they hadn’t been anywhere near the demon take-over mage’s breasts at the moment. 

But the blonde and light blue haired girls then looked round the room as they’d heard the two damsels had make similar noises, all at the exact same time. Then it dawned on them that Mira’s reaction wasn’t necessarily their doing.

Lucy chuckled "I don't know why, but this is turning out to be slightly comical." The blonde remarked at the three girls all reacting alike at the same instant.

"G-glad to see you're having fun," Mira stammered. "But how about you finally get to work?"

"My, even completely helpless you're still quite demanding aren't you?" The celestial spirit mage teased. "How unlike the normally kind Mirajane of the bar." 

“Lu-chan.” Levy interrupted. “We can’t really blame her, now can we? We've made her wait for so very long already."

Mira nodded fervently to show she agreed with the bluenette.

"But no more." Levy continued. "Time Mirajane got the reward she's struggled so hard for!"

“Thank you Levy.” Mira said from the bottom of her heart. “All this waiting had driven me to the edge of reason! And even now I’m still the last to get any attention. I can already feel breasts being groped and a pussy being fingered, but it sure as hell isn’t mine.” 

The pussy in question belonged to Cana in fact. Ultear had finally decided on giving Cana what the brunette knew she badly wanted deep down, despite being satiated already (of course, it didn’t help that two other women gagging for some attention were drowning out her own feelings).

The raven haired woman had just slipped her fingers inside of Cana’s soaking and dripping wet snatch, around the same time Juvia had begun rubbing Erza’s labia. The double assault on the girls’ unified loveboxes made all three of the damsels roar as loud as their worn out bodies allowed.

“Hrrmmggg!” Erza grunted as she pulled on the chain lifting her hands above her head, if only to have something else to focus on other than the tidal wave of sensory stimuli washing over her.

“Faster, whoever you are move faster, harder!” Erza shouted, loud enough for the entire room to hear.

“YES! We want more, we NEED more, wilder, rougher!” Mira followed up on the redhead.

“As you wish.” Lucy replied to her white haired captive.

Lucy had initially started out with some very slow rubbing of Mirajane’s pussy, and Levy had done the same for the S-class mage’s tits, since they assumed Mira would be extremely sensitive to start with and all the confusion had only made things worse.

Apparently, they had assumed wrong. Because as full as Mira was with all sorts of conflicting feelings, one feeling shone through amongst all others: She was horny!

Levy therefore also decided to pick up the pace, and instead of carrying on gently strolling her hands all over Mira's naked body, she took a firm grasp of the white haired mage’s butt and moved up from there to subsequently wrap her soft hands firmly around Mirajane’s large tits.

“Ooohh!” All three girls groaned as Levy squeezed the white haired woman’s breasts, rolling the palms of her hands over the flesh and pinching and pulling Mira’s nipples every so often.

"Aaahh.” Mira yelled. “I know I said rough, but not there! They've had to go through a lot you know, they still are in fact."

"Of course," Levy replied kindly, "anything you want, you deserve that much after such a long wait Mirajane."

"Indeed, high time we rewarded you properly." Lucy added. The blonde had briefly visited the bondage stack whilst Levy had been occupied with Mira’s tits. But now the celestial spirit mage had returned, a large pink dildo in hand which she was now slowly inserting into the white haired damsel’s dripping wet pussy."

"Aahhh!" Mira shouted. "finally, FINALLY!" Was all she could say ecstatically.

Lucy slowly slid the dildo in deeper, rocking it back and forth to increase Mira’s pleasure.

"More!" Mira demanded.

“Faster!” Erza begged.

“This feels soooo good!” Cana gasped.

Levy, Lisanna and Meredy kept forging ahead with their pampering of the trio’s tits. Levy fondled and pinched, Lisanna rubbed slowly and Meredy squeezed, but all three girls felt all of it at once. Needless to say, they didn’t have enough breath in their bodies to shout out how good it all felt.

But the real ecstacy came from the other three girls in charge: Lucy working away with the dildo inside of Mira, Ultear letting her fingers slide up and down Cana’s labia and Juvia playing with Erza’s clit non-stop… Every inch of Cana, Mira and Erza’s bodies became filled with utter bliss as they could all feel one of the most powerful orgasms in their life building, surging outwards from the very core of their bodies.

In under a minute, all of the 6 girls’ efforts came together in bringing both Erza, Cana and especially Mirajane to a humongous and deafening three-way climax.

The demon take-over mage let out an earth shattering roar as her orgasm finally arrived, spilling a torrent of fluids all over her inner thighs, Lucy’s hands and the floor: 

“AAAARRRGGHHHH!!!” Mira shouted with whatever breath she could gather.

However she was not alone, both Erza and Cana shared the white haired girl’s happiness. Granted, they hadn’t been waiting for it as long, but through the sense link they could feel Mira’s satisfaction as if it were their own.

Even Cana, for whom this orgasm had been the umpteenth one, couldn’t help but enjoy the liberating feeling once more. Of course, none of the other orgasms had had quite an impact as this one…

With their goal finally reached, Meredy broke the sense link between the trio of damsels.

Thanks to that, the entire ordeal was suddenly cut down by two-thirds for each girl, making them gasp loudly as their bodies and breathing instantly calmed down.

But despite this sudden lightening of the load, Erza still slumped down and began dangling from her manacles, as she no longer had the strength to keep herself upright. Right beneath her there was a pool of juices which had originated from her womanly inner sanctum. It was far more than she had ever released before, but that was to be expected. After all, never before had the redhead experienced such a rollercoaster (nor had she ever enjoyed herself as much).

Cana and Mira however did not have the luxury of being strung up, and therefore crashed right onto the floor the second their orgasms had arrived. The brunette and white haired woman were now lying in a puddle of their own love juice, but couldn’t care less.

Especially Mira felt nothing but elation at having finally reached her so long desire climax. And now that the sense link had been severed, her breathing was returning back to normal quicker than even she anticipated.

“We should probably start getting Cana and Mira out of their ropes.” Lucy remarked. “I’m pretty sure the ecstasy and endorphins are numbing the pain for now, but I doubt that’ll last for much longer.”

“I agree.” Lisanna said, backed up by Juvia and Meredy nodding in agreement. 

Ultear had actually already headed over to Cana and was already busy untying the card mage’s wrists.

After a few minutes, Cana and Mira (and Erza) were completely free again, and the three were now lying on the floor spread out and letting the euphoria of being able to move freely again wash over them. The six other girls sat themselves down in the sofas to give Erza, Cana and Mira a moment to catch their breaths and continue to enjoy the after effects of one of the harshest yet ravishing experiences of their lives.

After Mirajane, Cana and Erza had all recovered enough to sit upright again, Lisanna posed the question she and all of the other were dying to know the answer too:

"Well?" The white haired mage asked curiously of her sister and her yearlong partner. "How did we do?"

"G-give us a few more minutes, Lisanna." Mirajane said, still panting.

"We've only been let out a minute or so." Cana added.

"Wow, if even you two need this much time we must've really made an impact."

"We- We sure did." Erza commented. "I know firsthand that even Mira and Cana pushed their limits during this one."

"You can say that again." Cana concurred as she and Mira crawled upright again.

"More than just push our limits," Mira continued, "I don't think even Cana has ever driven me so close to the edge of reason."

"Well excuse me, I'm only one person! How am I supposed to compete with a group of 4 people?!" the brunette retorted.

"I never said you had too." Mira teased. "I was just trying to point out our apprentices have fully lived up to my expectations."

"Well, I can't argue with you there." The card mage said smirking. She then turned to the group, who by now were all smiling brightly after the compliments they'd received.

"Well, you heard it. As far as Mira and I are concerned, you're full fledged bondagettes now! We have nothing left to teach you, in fact we actually learned a thing or two ourselves today."

"Well, I'd say that calls for celebration!" Lisanna suggested happily. "How about we throw a bit of a party to conclude this wonderful weekend?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth!" Lucy replied enthusiastically."

"Juvia also feels this is cause for celebration!" The water mage added.

"Me too!" Levy said with a wide smile. "I can't believe how fast things have developed, just this morning I was on my way with a simple message. Never in my wildest dreams had I expected this day to turn out like this."

"All the more reason to get our little party started." Erza replied, already turning round to raid the kitchen for snacks and drinks.

She was halted however, by Ultear clearing her throat. "If I might interrupt for just a moment." The raven haired woman said with a slightly sad look on her face. "I'm afraid Meredy and I really can't stay any longer."

"Wha-?" Meredy said shocked. "But why, Ultear? We've had so much fun already, can't we stay until the end?"

"Did you forget already?" Ultear replied. "We were never supposed to be in this town for so long! We have somewhere to be by tomorrow morning. We only made this detour for Jellal's 'urgent briefing' in the first place. Staying here for an extended period was never part of the plan!"

The time-ark mage let out a sigh before adding: "He will probably be running up and down the walls by now too, given that we've stayed away for a day longer than we were supposed to... Leaving is the last thing I want too, but we really have no other choice. We have to get going now."

The pink haired girl let out a loud sigh as well. "I understand, our work for Crime Sorcière is important. It's not like I didn't know this was coming. But it's still a shame."

"I know, Meredy." Ultear replied, wrapping an arm around her adoptive daughter.

"But don't be too sad." Mirajane suddenly interrupted. "This weekend might be over, but that doesn't mean we'll never meet again, right?" The white haired woman then gave the duo a kind smile in an attempt to cheer them up.

"Oh you bet!" Ultear replied, visibly more relaxed again. "How could we not, after all we've been through together, both on the battlefield and off?"

"Exactly." Erza jumped in." We've said this before, but you're always welcome at Fairy Tail… for whatever reason, if you catch my drift."

Meredy and Ultear looked round the room, and were greeted with warm smiles all round.

"Thank you, all of you." Meredy said as the smile returned on her face as well. She then turned to her adoptive mother. "Well, Ultear. If you ever want to get me to leave, now's the time, before I remember just how badly I want to stay here."

The raven haired woman chuckled. "You and me both." She then turned to Mira and Cana, who had been the de facto leaders of the weekend. "I can't thank all of you enough for what you've done for Meredy. Showing her this world of bondage was something I could never have done, and I never realized just how much it meant to her… So thank you."

"Now, now." Cana replied. "Don't make it sound like it was just Meredy who got something out of this weekend. You've enjoyed yourself plenty too, am I wrong?"

Ultear started blushing. "No, you’re not. On the contrary actually, the rollercoaster I've been through these past two days was something I never held possible."

"One last thing before we leave though." Meredy suddenly said, and she ran towards Juvia, giving the bluenette a heartfelt hug. This at first surpised the water mage, but she quickly returned the hug. "I'm so glad I got to see you again, Juvia." The sensory mage whispered.

"Juvia is too. Please don't be a stranger, Meredy-san." Juvia then replied as the two released their embrace.

"Oh don't worry about that." The pink haired mage said happily.

Ultear and Meredy then said their final goodbyes to all of the other girls, and left under the cover of the night to reunite with Jellal in the mountains past town. 

Despite being a little down with Ultear and Meredy leaving prematurely, the rest of the girls got the party underway and soon the entire mood had been lifted to higher spirits once again.

The rest of the evening proceeded exactly like any other Fairy Tail banquet, save for the brawl at the end: Laughter, toasting, eating and drinking. All of the girls sat around the kitchen table having a friendly chat, discussing the events of this past weekend and already looking ahead to a possible repeat.

When the hour started to get really late, and most of the girls in the group started to feel the consequences of their draining yet satisfying games, Mira had one last suggestion to conclude their weekend:

"Now, for our last night in here, how's this for an idea?" The S-class mage began. "We could move all of the beds into the living room. The little furniture that's in there right now can easily fit into Erza's requipping dimension for the night. And with all the beds gathered downstairs, we can all have a massive 'slumber party style' last night together."

Erza was the first to jump on the idea. "Wonderful idea Mira, I'm sure everyone agrees?"

And all girls did, so they nodded heavily. "I can't think of anything that would make this weekend more complete." Lucy said.

"Exactly, I've been fighting my sleep for the past half hour just because I didn't want to leave all of you." Levy added. "Spending the night gathered as one would be perfect."

So, the girls did as Mira suggested and with their combined forces it took hardly any time at all to get the beds were gathered in the huge living room downstairs.

Cana and Mira would take a two person bed, as would Juvia and Lisanna. The other three one person beds were all pressed together so Lucy, Levy and Erza could lie against each other. This arrangement took some doing, but it was well worth the effort since it meant no girl would have to spend the night lying by themselves.

The 7 fellow bondage-lovers then got dressed in their night clothes, save for Levy, who instead borrowed an XL-size dark blue sweater from Lucy. The celestial spirit mage sometimes slept in that sweater when she didn't want to bother with a pajama, but felt to chilly sleeping in the buff. The blonde knew full well how comfy the sweater felt, and Levy seemed perfectly happy with the substitute nightwear.

Even though they had all prepared for bed by now, not a single one wanted to go to sleep just yet. Instead, they carried on chatting well into the night.

“Now, we've been sharing quite a lot already these past two days, but I'm pretty sure there's even more we don't know about our bondage histories." Cana said. "So here's the deal: from now on, no more secrets! Everyone is to share everything with the others starting now, as a show of faith and trust in each other. Deal?"

Fervent nods all round, but Juvia was the first to actually voice an opinion. "Juvia thinks we should perhaps all start telling how we ended up in bondage, from there on we can move on to how we gathered together. Everyone can then fill in the gaps the others don't know about yet."

"Sounds like a pretty sensible way to get started." Mirajane agreed. "Then why don't Cana and I start things off…"

The white and brown haired duo then did as Mira suggested, and began explaining the story Lisanna had heard before to the others: How exactly Cana and Mira ended up as partners in bondage, after the S-class exam Mirajane passed.

After this story finished, Mira went on to drag her little sister into the mix, telling everyone about the time she busted Lisanna in her own room, handcuffed and gagged.

The youngest of the two sisters then took over, explaining how Mira had helped her improve and even acted as her partner until she'd found one herself.

"How did you find your partner in the end, Lisanna?" Lucy asked curiously. “Juvia doesn’t look like the sort of person who’d share a secret this big.”

The white shorthaired girl then cut to the point where she discovered Juvia in her room at Fairy Hills, holding loads of bondage equipment. The entire room stared at the bluenette, who had begun blushing the moment Lisanna mentioned her name.

"Juvia supposes it is now her turn to start telling her story." 

The water mage then slowly began explaining how she had encountered Natsu and Happy in the streets of Magnolia, and how the fire dragon slayer's story had led her to discover Lucy and Erza in the blonde's apartment, helplessly bound and gagged.

"If I might cut in at this point." Lucy suddenly interrupted her blue haired friend. "Before Juvia tells you the rest, I should probably explain how Erza and I ended up stuck like that."

The blonde then did as she had proposed, starting her tale at her invitation towards Erza for a 'friendly challenge among teammates'. Along the way of her entire story, she also finally clarified for Erza that it had been Natsu who was to blame for both Erza and Lucy ending up in their inescapable positions.

"So that's how you got me padlocked to your bed, despite still being completely helpless yourself." Erza remarked surprisingly calm.

Lucy bowed her head to avoid the redhead's gaze. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier Erza, but with all that has been going on, I just never got round to it."

"No worries, Lucy." Erza reassured her friend. "I'm no longer angry at getting tricked into that predicament. After all, I was far too relieved at finally getting out to stay mad at you for very long."

"So it was Juvia who let the two of you out then?" Levy asked in an effort to get the story telling back on track. The solid script mage was eating up every word, growing more curious with each passing tale.

"Yes… eventually." Lucy replied with a naughty grin.

The celestial spirit mage then continued her story, first describing Juvia's tickle torture. This story was met with more than just a few giggles, especially from Mira who absolutely loved the image Erza waking up completely helpless to resist Juvia’s tickly fingers. Lucy then moved the story along to her and Erza's liberation and of course the bluenette's request. Moving on, the celestial spirit mage began explaining what it was that Juvia had requested and also described how that had resulted in her subsequent payback (being left in Gray's apartment in an arousing yet positively frustrating position). The blonde then turned to the water mage:

"And now it's your turn again, Juvia." Lucy concluded. "After Erza and I left you as a surprise for Gray, what happened from there on out?"

The water mage got a bright red face as she started stammering out a description of her encounter with Gray the following morning. But as her story proceeded, the bluenette gained more confidence and began telling her story with more passion. She even went so far as to describe in (relative) detail what the ice maker mage had done to her upon finding her.

All of the girls listened to the water mage intently some of them with redder cheeks than others. And when Juvia concluded her story with a soft sigh and a stare into open space as her thoughts drifted back to that night, a silence fell in the room.

Lisanna was the one to break that silence: "So that's how almost all of us ended up into bondage, we all know how we got together after that, and Levy's appearance will be for a little while later of course. But there's still more gaps to be filled." The animal take-over mage then stared at Erza with a meaningful look on her face. "Like on the first day: What happened between Jellal and Erza whilst Mira was having her way with all of us?”

This time it was Erza who's face turned almost as red as her hair. "Well, we all agreed there's be no more secrets…  So here I go…"

Though she felt a little uncomfortable sharing her intimate moments with Jellal, Erza soldiered on as the brave woman everyone knew her as. After all, Juvia had just preformed a similar feat, there was no reason for her to hold back.

And just like had been the case with Juvia's story, the entire room was completely silent as they absorbed every word, every syllable of the requipping mage's breathtaking and quite romantic story.

When her tale had finished, Erza looked around the room (still a bright red blush on her cheeks). "So that's it then. Now everyone knows everything about everyone else."

"Not yet." Cana replied. "We still need to find out what Mira put you through when the two of you were out in town. No offense, but you were a wreck upon returning. It's only because Levy treated you so gently that you recovered fast enough to return the favor."

Hearing her name drop made the light blue haired girl blush slightly. Up till now all she had done was listen to all of her friends' adventures with wide eyes and half-open mouth, but soon she would also be added in the story-telling mix.

"I'll let Mira tell that story," Erza replied to Cana, "she'll do a much better job at it."

"Thank you, Erza." Mira responded. "Well, where to start…

The S-class take-over mage then began explaining how she had decided on giving Erza 5 tasks to perform, and the consequences of doing each task poorly or beautifully. The white haired mage then set out to describe in detail each of the tasks, and Erza's way of handling them.

This story of Mira's was met with the most gasps and soft outcries as of yet, and each and every girl thanked the stars for not volunteering to go along with Mira that time.

When Mira's story neared the end, she gestured her hand towards Levy. "And then, just as Erza and I were about to head into the public bathroom, we were held up by a shout from our little solid script mage over there."

"I had been looking for Erza for the whole day," Levy explained, "and was very surprised to find her in such a  strange attire, with Mira right beside her no less."

"Guess it didn't take you very long to find out the truth behind the situation then?" Lucy asked her petite friend.

Levy shook her head, and with a slight blush on her cheeks she replied: "No, given that I had already read some stuff in books, I didn’t have a very hard time figuring out the situation… but I wasn't at all prepared for exactly how far these games of you all went.  But now that I've joined in, I can totally see why there's so many of us. Bondage is a wonderful hobby!"

"That it is…" Mirajane concurred, joined by the rest of the room as another silence feel.

"Wow. This story telling has taken a lot longer than I'd expected." Lisanna suddenly remarked. "It's well into the night by now."

"God yes, how time flies when you're having fun." Mirajane added. "I guess we should all go to sleep now, we need to vacate this house before noon tomorrow, and there's still a lot to clean up before that."

All of the girls bid one another good night, snuggled together with their respective bed partners, and slowly drift off to sleep, a smile of contentment on each of their faces as they all knew exactly what they would be dreaming about the coming night.

Dawn broke over the cottage, and all 7 of the Fairy Tail mages rose bright and early.

After a hefty and cheerfull breakfast, they began cleaning up the cottage and putting all of the furniture and beds back into place.

They finished up by thoroughly checking the house for any leftover traces of their many games: Any toys, ropes or whatever else was discovered and packed in their bags.

With the entire cottage spic and span (and bondage equipment free) again, the 7 girls prepared to leave the house in pairs, Erza being the last one to leave since she had to return the keys to the rental agency.

And two by two, the girls headed home still chatting happily and with their heads and bodies overflowing with all the mass of wonderful memories they had made together these past two days.



The long weekend get together the six Fairy Tail ladies had planned out so long ago, and had looked forward to so badly, had turned out to be a resounding success. Granted, many unforeseen events had happened, and quite a few uninvited (but very welcome) guests had turned up, but those things only added to the splendour of their first ever bondage experience as a group.

Now that the weekend had been wrapped up, all of the girls were headed back to their daily lives. Naturally, as all of the pairs headed for their respective homes the conversations they held inevitably returned to the weekend that had just transpired.

[During the previous night, when Ultear and Meredy were on their way back to Jellal]

"What are we going to tell Jellal?" Meredy asked.

"Not too much I suppose. He'd just get uncomfortable hearing about all we've done. All he really needs to know is that he's got 2 subjects to practice on if he ever wants to surprise Erza."

"Ooooh, I can't wait to see the look on his face when we suggest that to him." Meredy said enthusiastically. "We should start looking for a remote hideout right away, that way we can start experimenting on our own without fear of people bumping into us."

"We always pick remote spots for or hide-outs." Ultear pointed out. "But I must say I'm surprised. I never really knew just how much of a fan you were of all this. I get it now, but still… Already looking forward to a new round?" Ultear added surprised. "We've only just left the house."

"So? Don't you want to move on?" Meredy asked her adoptive mother. "It was pretty obvious that we've only just begun exploring this new world."

"That true I guess…" The time-ark mage admitted. "We may have dealt with quite a lot already in that cottage, and the things we put Cana and Mira through were even harsher. But even so there's still so much I'd like to discover…"

The raven haired woman let out a soft sigh as her memories drifted back to her very first experience: tricked by Cana into walking into a magic sealed room, then ending up in that utterly defenseless position, and eventually loving every touch of the brunette on her surprisingly horny body…

"We'll see what Jellal thinks." Ultear said after pulling herself back to the conversation she was having with Meredy. "If he enjoyed his time in there as much as we did, then he'll definitely be up for taking a break from our investigating for some 'R&R'."

"Oh, I can hardly wait to see him again! The things Erza told us about him and her in that bedroom really opened up my eyes. He always acts so timid and Erza is always  so forceful, so I never pegged him to be the one in control."

"Heh, yeah that story surprised me too." Ultear responded. "Guess both of them have a something of a hidden side. But we probably should grant Jellal his privacy, especially if we want him to join us in any of our games in the future. You know how easy he closes himself off."

"Huuuh? I wanted to grill him for more details! Find out what his take on the situation was" The sensory mage said disappointed.

"Now, now, Meredy." Ultear soothed the pink haired girl. "All in good times, Jellal will open up about that eventually. For now, let’s just try and get him involved with us, step by step."

"Fine." Meredy gave in. “Given that we spend every hour of every day together, it’s probably for the best not to push him into a corner.” 

To change the subject, Ultear began talking about the Fairy Tail girls again. "Of course, Jellal isn't the only one we can turn to if we want some extra partners. All the other girls seemed more than willing to welcome us for a repeat. And I don't know about you, but I'm definitely planning to take them up on that offer!"

Meredy chuckled. "You and me both, then!"

[Levy & Lucy's walk back]

Levy and Lucy were the first pair to leave the cottage the day after their slumber party. As the blonde and light blue haired girl walked through the quiet village early in the morning, the duo kept chatting about the weekend that had passed. This mainly meant Lucy kept on describing everything that had transpired before Levy joined the group. Quite a lot had been said already the night before, but there were still some gaps Levy was dying to have filled in. When the celestial spirit mage reached the point where Mira, Erza and Cana left the cottage to take Erza into town, she turned to her friend.

"And that's everything I witnessed first hand." Lucy concluded. "You heard what happened in town from Mira, and everything after that, you experienced in the flesh."

Levy nodded. "I was so shocked when I discovered Mira and Erza in town. I had expected to find Erza on an S-class quest. But out of nowhere Mira was suddenly beside her! Then,  after discovering Mira's wounds and their shaky story, I grew suspicious and curious."

"I bet." Lucy said, grinning slightly. "And of course you didn't let it go until Mira and Erza explained everything to you in fine detail."

"Well, not exactly explain ." Levy replied with a shy grin and a blush on her cheeks. "More of a demonstration… I got the shock of my life when Erza dropped her coat in that public bathroom. And then an even greater shock when I accompanied them to that cottage, and found you inside!"

"Believe me, I was surprised too, suddenly seeing you turn up." Lucy admitted. "But I'm really happy you gave it a chance, and I'm ecstatic that you ended up liking it."

"Oh, I'm liking it alright." the bluenette replied with a cheeky grin. "What's next? Do you think we'll all meet up again sometime?"

"Definitely!" The blonde instantly replied. "But for now, let’s keep it to some small meetings with tiny groups. I for one still feel a little sore from the punishment Mira put me through during my last session."

And though that last remark was definitely true, Lucy couldn't help but think back to those moments she spent tethered to the wall right in front of Meredy. The two had formed quite a peculiar bond during those hours, and the celestial spirit mage wondered when she'd meet the pink haired girl again.

The blonde's thoughts were interrupted by Levy continuing their talk. "Yeah, smaller groups are a lot less conspicuous." The solid script mage argued. "AND, we've got so many girls to mix it up with, it'll take a long time for any of us to get bored."

"You got that right!" Lucy replied cheerfully. "I for one am already filled with things I'd like to try sooner as soon as possible."

In fact, some things I'm going to try out the second I get home! The blonde thought to herself, her mind drifting to the heavily bound Virgo wriggling around in the spirit world, waiting to be summoned by her owner.

Seeing Lucy's eyes glaze over again, Levy couldn't help but reminisce a little herself. For the bluenette, the most vivid memories were those of her and Erza in the shower together. She had yelled at Erza, cursed and snarled at her, but in the end she was more grateful to her than she'd ever held possible. As harsh as the requipping mage had been on her, in the end her reward had more than made up for it.

I must try and convince Lu-chan to give bondage in the shower a go one time. Levy thought determined as the duo entered the rather busy station, bought their tickets and hopped on the train back to magnolia.

The conversation after that revolved mainly around the guild and their friends, given that there were other people around. But every so often the two best friends exchanged meaningful looks as their thoughts momentarily drifted back to that cosy remote cottage...

[Lisanna & Juvia's journey home]

Lisanna and Juvia left for the station an hour and a half after Levy and Lucy to take a later train and therefore arrive in Magnolia at a different time.

But just like the solid script mage and the celestial spirit mage, the white haired girl and the bluenette grabbed their last chance to have a frank an open bondage conversation before getting surrounded by people again.

"So, you and Gray gonna test out what you learned in this past two days?" Lisanna asked curiously.

Juvia didn't answer straight away, but her bright red cheeks give away quite a lot. "M-Maybe… " The water mage stammered. "B-but Juvia would also like to meet up with some of the girls in the future, not just Gray-sama anymore."

Lisanna smiled kindly at her friend. "Great to hear, because I'm still set on you and me becoming partners in this. We should get together next weekend for a more private moment!"

This eagerness surprised the blue haired mage slightly. "Lisanna-san, you are already looking for another get together? We've only just left the cottage."

"So?" The take-over mage replied nonchalantly. "No harm in planning ahead is there?"

"Hmm. Well that is true. Plus, Juvia would also like to try out a few of the things she's seen done during this weekend, and repeat some things she herself went through."

The water mage than began thinking back of the first day, of her very first experience with that group of fellow bondage lovers: Trapped on her chair, completely helpless and forced to spectate all of the other girls having fun together frustrated the bluenette more than she ever held possible. But then her rescue arrived in the form of the sweet young girl walking alongside her right now. Juvia could feel her breathing quickening again as she thought back to Lisanna's hands caressing and grasping her body, giving her a climax unlike any before.

Naturally, Lisanna noticed her partner going silent all of a sudden. "Recalling some nice memories, I see?" She chuckled. "Well, I don't blame you. We've been through so much in there, it would be weird if nothing had made an impact. I know it did for me…"

Now it was the animal take-over mage who began reminiscing. All of a sudden it felt like Lisanna was back in her tight predicament, back to back with Juvia and no idea what the hell was driving that crotchrope of hers to behave so erratically. But despite the frustrations, she had enjoyed every minute of her ordeal.

"Juvia sees Lisanna-sama can't help but look back a little as well." The water mage teased.

"Well, like I said: So much has happened, and we've only just gotten started! I don't know about you, but I've never been happier for Mira-nee to discover me in my room."

"Juvia feels the same way." the bluenette replied. "If Lisanna-san hadn't busted her in her own room just as she was laying out her purchases, all of this might never have come to pass."

"Yeah, people say it's the unexpected things in life that can bring you the greatest joy. That definitely holds true for this case.” Lisanna stated with a glowing smile on her face.

"Exactly." Juvia replied returning the white haired girl's bright smile. "So, about that get together you wanted to plan next weekend, Lisanna-san…"

[Locking up the cottage]

The last to leave the cottage were Cana, Mira and Erza. Erza however soon broke off from the other two to return the key to the rental agency, and then travelled back to Magnolia by herself, leaving Mira and Cana to reflect upon the weekend by themselves.

"This weekend turned out even better than I dreamed of." Mira said to the brunette.

"Yeah, it's been years since we experienced situations as challenging as these." Cana responded. "I had expected this weekend to be the start of something different, but nothing quite as wild and wonderful as what we actually went through."

"I know." The demon take-over mage said. "I never expected teaching and training would be this much fun... But most of all I enjoyed our last session: Being dominated together with you."

Cana chuckled. "You and me both. That was something that was never possible with just the two of us, since we always needed one of us to take charge, OR to keep a viable escape route open for us both. But now, with all these new fellow practitioners, we can end up helplessly bound almost whenever we please. I think we've grown closer quite a lot over the past few days, and we'll only keep going from here on out."

"Oh you can bet on that!" Mira replied confidently. "In fact, I'm already feeling a deeper connection with you right now…"

And after those mysterious words, the white haired mage pressed a switch she had hidden in her garments, which in turn activated the vibrating pebble Cana had embedded in her lovebox before leaving the cottage.

"Ooohhh!" The brunette moaned, nearly biting her tongue trying to keep the noise down so as not to attract any attention. "You little minx, we've hardly made it into town again and you already activated it?"

The S-class mage giggled. "You know patience is not one of my strong suits."

"And you know getting one-upped isn't one of mine." The brunette instantly replied, turning up a dial in her back pocket, thereby activating a small vibrator that had been strapped onto Mira's inner thigh, making gentle but very effective contact with the white haired mage's pussy."

"Hmmm." Mira purred gratefully. "That feels lovely. Don't turn it up any higher though, as it's bound to make me walk funny."

"Duly noted." Cana grinned.  "Now, do we head for the station, or do we have time to make a quick pit-stop?"

"Depends on what you want to pit-stop for." Mira replied.

"I want to check out that public bathroom you used to drive Erza wild." The card mage replied cheekily.

"Oh, I think we can find the time for that…" The S-class mage said eagerly.

[The last to head home]

Whilst Mira and Cana were still carrying on their private conclusion of the weekend, Erza had reached the rental office and deposited the key. After that, the requpping mage had decided on stopping for lunch in a charming little bistro before finally heading out to catch a train back home. 

On her way to the station however, Erza passed by the park Mirajane had dragged her through during their 'outing'. And the temptation to walk in and reminisce was simply too great for the red haired girl to resist, so she took a small detour through the park and repeated the route she'd followed with her fellow S-class mage the day before.

Going through the park, Erza walked past the tree Mira had flung the remote into, and her nipples instantly came up again, pushing against the soft fabric of her bra and making the redhead's heart skip a beat as those vivid memories came flooding back.

Erza didn't want to spend too long in the park however, especially now that she discovered how sensitive her body still was to the memories. So to make sure she wouldn't miss her train, the swordswoman quickly completed her lap and headed in the right direction again.

As she neared the station, she turned round one last time for a look at the town, and in the distance the small lonely road leading to the cottage.

This has been one hell of a weekend. Erza thought to herself. On par with most S-class quests if I'm honest… But far more fun and satisfying. The redhead then suppressed a grin and went to the ticketing booth to buy her one way ticket for Magnolia.

Seeing as she was alone on the journey, the requipping mage had to turn to her own thoughts to keep herself entertained.

As much fun as I've had these past few days, this get together has meant so much more than just fun...

The things I've learned and seen, and FELT. God my life will never be the same… Not to mention I finally found a way to be close to the man I love…

The red haired mage then stared out the window, looking at the scenery speeding by as her thoughts went out to the celestial body mage with whom she'd spend some of the best hours of her life: Firmly tied to a bed, in a little two person bedroom located in a small cottage on the edge of a tiny town.


After getting off the train, Lucy and Levy said goodbye and the blonde headed to her house by herself. She was in a bit of a rush to get home, because the celestial spirit mage still had one last game to finish…

After a hurried walk back, Lucy arrived at her place. The blonde walked in, put her suitcase aside and opened it up. In it was a bag filled with her dirty clothes ready for the washer, a couple of clean outfits she hadn't needed, and of course all of her personal bondage equipment.

Unpacking further would have to wait however, as the blonde reached for Virgo's key and raised it:

"Gate of the maiden, I open thee: Virgo!" She almost sang.

And in a ring of light, the pink haired maid appeared on top of Lucy's bed. Though not in her usual fashion.

Virgo was still wearing  only her black lacy underwear with white frill, and was still exactly as stuck in her hogtie as she had been the day before.

But to Lucy's surprise, a second spirit had come along for the ride: Aries!

"Welcome home, hime. Is it time for my punishment now?" The heavily bound maid asked, though a lot more hopeful than in her usual manner. No doubt because this time, she knew the answer would be yes.

"First things first." Lucy answered. "Why is Aries here?"

"I invited her along." Virgo explained. "She dropped by my room unannounced to find out why you summoned me in such a hurry, and found me in this rather surprising predicament."

"Su-Sumimasen." Aries said shyly. "When I offered to free Virgo, she said Lucy-sama had been the one to put her like that, and that she would soon be called upon to continue your game."

"And you wanted to join us?" Lucy asked astonished. If there had been one spirit she did not expect to be into this, it would've been the ever timid Aries.

"W-w-well, Virgo convinced me that it would be fun, and that it would probably please you greatly if I went along, s-s-so I did. I hope I didn't anger you, miss Lucy."

Oooh that  demeanour of Aries is completely perfect for a sub. The blonde thought to herself. I bet Cana would probably start to drool if she saw this…

"Virgo was right, Aries." Lucy replied kindly. "I really am happy to see you here, but only if you really want this too. You should definitely not feel obligated to join in just because I would like it. So once more: Do you really want to stick around for this?"

The pink haired ram spirit now began shuffling on the spot slightly as she made her response.

"W-well… I couldn't help getting curious seeing how much Virgo enjoyed her situation, and if both she and you think of this all as something fun, then I too want to give it a try… I am your spirit too after all, miss Lucy."

The blonde mage smiled brightly at her pink haired ram spirit, after which she walked towards her and gave her a heartfelt hug. "Then you are more than welcome to." She said.

Lucy then let go of Aries. "Right then, would you like the same position as Virgo, or perhaps something lighter to start things off?"

"Lucy-sama may pick." Aries simply replied. "I think that would be the best choice."

"So obedient!" Lucy exclaimed as she uncoiled several ropes. "Sometimes I wonder just what it is that I've done to deserve so many wonderful spirits by my side."

Aries now began blushing as she heard her owner praise her so badly. Virgo, though equally happy, settled for just the calm smile she usually gave.

"Alright then, Aries!" Lucy said, a lot stricter now to get into her role of dom. "First off, that dress of yours had got to go. Strip down to your underwear as Virgo has done!"

Aries now began blushing even heavier, but complied nonetheless. She took off her sheepskin boots and pale yellow stockings, followed by her sheepskin dress and leaving her standing in nothing but her underwear, which turned out to be an equally sheepskin bra and matching panties.

Whilst Aries had been undressing, Lucy had brought her desk chair and placed it beside the bed. "Have a seat please." She said.

As Aries took place on the chair, Lucy picked up her first length of rope. "Place your hands together in front of me." She ordered.

The blonde quickly tied her spirit's wrists together,  then pulled her arms up, over her head and down again, leaving the pinkette’s wrists behind her head. Lucy then proceeded to tying the end of Aries' wrist bindings to the backrest of the chair, leaving her hands completely immobile and her elbows pointing up into the air.

"Not to tight, is it?" Lucy asked just to be safe with the gentle ram spirit.

"No miss Lucy. It's fine." She replied.

"Good, then I'll keep tying."

The celestial spirit mage picked up two more lengths of rope and tied one each to the ram spirit's ankles. The blonde then pulled the ropes to the back of the chair, forcing the pink haired spirit's legs off the floor and pulling her ankles past the sides of the chair and towards the back it. After firmly knotting the ropes at the back legs off the chair, Aries' ankles were suspended about a half a foot above the floor and forced to remain that way, the ram spirit soon discovered this limited her leg movement a great deal, and as the real helplessness of her situation finally began to sink in she could feel her pulse rising and her breathing quickening.

T-This is awfully tight, but still exciting. She thought surprised. No wonder Virgo seemed so enthusiastic to be summoned by Lucy again.

But despite Aries already being plenty excited, Lucy was still far from done. The most significant rope was still to come…

The next rope Lucy picked up was wound around Aries' waist and the backrest of the chair, further securing her to the chair. And then the blonde picked up her final rope, which she first wound around the ram spirit's waist again and then fed it through her legs to form it into a strict crotchrope.

Aries let out a slight and extremely cute "Kyaaa!" As Lucy pulled the crotchrope tight, wedging the ropes (and Aries' panties) deep into her pussy.

"Lucy-sama, what is that rope for?" Aries asked nervously.

"I think you know well enough what that rope is for," Lucy snickered, "it's written all over your face."

Aries blushed heavily as she realized the rope wedging into her snatch sent a shock through her entire body, instantly turning her on and actually hardening her nipples already. The cute ram spirit was timid by nature, and it didn't take that much to rattle her cage, something her owner had counted on.

With Aries now firmly tied in place, Lucy turned her attention to the hogtied maid lying on her bed. "Now, I believe you had asked me a question the moment you reappeared in this world, Virgo?"

"About my punishment, Hime?" The spirit replied.

"Yes, that. You know the answer, of course: This time it is most definitely your turn."

Virgo looked straight at her owner. "Thank you, Hime." Was all she said, but her eyes showed a lot more: The celestial spirit was truly excited, grateful and most of all happy that she would finally get to grow closer to this master of hers, closer than to any other before.

Lucy approached her helpless maid, and sat beside her. "Now this is your first time doing  this kind of thing, so just to be safe we need an emergency brake in case you want to stop things. I've been through a lot this past weekend so I fear my sense of what is 'easy' considering bondage has been modified somewhat. I might do things that feel more invasive than you'd like, and I would never forgive myself for that. So here's the deal: The moment you feel things are going too far, just address me with 'Lucy' instead of 'Hime'. It'll be our special safeword, unique to only us two." 

"You are too kind, Hime." Virgo replied. "But then again, that is what makes you so loved by all of us."

"That is right, miss Lucy." Aries confirmed as she briefly quit testing her bonds.

Hearing that brought great joy to the blonde. "Thank you for that, Virgo, Aries. That means a lot to me. And I'll do my best to keep rewarding that trust of yours, both on the battlefield and in the bedroom."

The celestial spirit mage then turned to Aries. "I'll be starting with Virgo, so you'll have to sit tight for a little while. "

"Not a problem, miss Lucy." Aries replied. "I'll enjoy the show from here." The ram spirit added, blushing once again as she was shocked by her own candidness.

"OH, but I will add this last thing to the mix." The celestial spirit mage suddenly said as she went to retrieve a bright pink ballgag which she fitted into the ram spirit's mouth and then buckled it tight.

“Hmmmrggg!” Aries shouted, mainly to test the effectiveness of the ball her owner had just shoved in her mouth. And to the ram spirit’s surprise, instead of words, drool came past her lips almost the instant the gag was buckled in place.

Lucy chuckled at seeing Aries’ bewildered look, then turned round and returned to her hogtied maid.

"How about I turn you around a little so I have better access." Lucy remarked, flipping Virgo onto her side as she spoke. "Much better.I I'm going to toy with you, I should be able to reach the most fun spots, right?" She then remarked

Lucy started out by gently cupping Virgo's ample breasts, giving them a slight squeeze as well. Their soft and supple texture felt lovely and warm in the blonde’s hands, but at the same time incredibly familiar. No surprise given that she'd just spent a weekend handling so many other women.

But Virgo didn't share Lucy's experience, and after spending so much time in her tight ropes, her body had become a lot more sensitive than even she had anticipated.

"Ahh! H-Hime!" she shouted.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked startled.

"Nothing Hime, it's just that my body has become quite sensitive by now, and I didn’t expect to get such a shock from your touch. But  please keep going, your hands on my body is a divine feeling."

Lucy smiled at her spirit. "Alright, then I will." The blonde mage then pulled the cups of Virgo's bra down before moving on, exposing the pink haired maid's breasts. With her hands now making direct contact on the bound spirit's skin, their effect was even greater than before, and Virgo visibly enjoyed it as she closed her eyes to let the full sensation of her owner's hands penetrate her whole body.

Lucy began rolling her palms over the maid's tits, running her thumbs over Virgo's erect nipples as well.

"Ooohhh." Virgo moaned. "More Hime, you are doing such great work!"

"And I can do a lot more, still." Lucy replied. The celestial spirit mage then let her left hand wander down Virgo's body, gently stroking the spirit's upper body and letting her finger run circles around  the pink haired maid's belly button, making her giggle slightly. "Hihihih, H-Hime. This is not the sort of punishment I expected."

"Makes it all the more fun." Lucy answered as she very slightly scraped her fingernails over the pinkettes belly, making Virgo buck up and down to escape the ticklish feeling. The celestial spirit mage kept her teasing up for several minutes, until Virgo was too tired to fight back and breathing to heavily to speak or shout anymore.

"That was fun." Lucy remarked. "But time I got back on track." All along, the real destination of Lucy's left hand had been Virgo's crotchrope, for which she suddenly reached and gave it a mighty yank.

"OOOMPPFFF!" Virgo grunted. "HIME, that was-"

"Was what exactly?" Lucy interrupted.

And then Virgo fell silent. What had that feeling been?? Pain? There had definitely been some of that involved, but the pink haired maid couldn't deny that it had also felt surprisingly arousing. As a matter of fact, it still did.

"Nevermind Hime." The spirit eventually replied. "You are in charge, I won't argue. I would probably only make things harder on me." 

But even though the maid spirit had sounded as calm and stoic as always, her eyes betrayed her real feelings: Virgo was hungry for more, for a real orgasm and not just these low level (but heavenly) ministrations.

Lucy of course noticed this. "You learn fast." The blonde remarked. "Guess that means I can keep moving forward…"



Just as Lucy wanted to get started on the real work, a set of shockingly familiar strands of red hair began emanating from her wardrobe and started to creep up behind the blonde, crawling around like snakes hunting for pray. Sadly this was happening unbeknownst to the cute mage, the only girl to actually notice the hair creeping out of Lucy’s wardrobe and moving ever closer to the blonde had been Aries, but regrettably Lucy was too involved with Virgo to hear the ram spirit’s heavily muffled and unintelligible cries.

By the time Lucy paid attention to her ram spirit, far too many coils of hair had gotten far too close to the blonde.

Before the celestial spirit mage had any time to react, or even shout for help, dozens of strands began wrapping themselves around her wrists, arms, ankles, thighs and her waist, lifting her off the floor and knocking her pouch with keys to the other end of the room.

"NOO!"Lucy shouted panicked. "W-What's going on?" She asked, desperate for the answer to not be what she feared it to be.

But her fears were confirmed when she heard that dreadful word coming from her very own wardrobe:


Flare Corona stepped out of Lucy's wardrobe, wearing her red dress with the extremely low cut. Her red hair was fluttering and waving about all the while keeping a tight grip on their prey, their buxom blonde prey.

The initial reaction of the three girls had been one of terror. Lucy especially, because she instantly realized they were now all completely helpless. Neither Virgo's nor Aries' magic lent itself well to busting out of ropes, and wriggling free was definitely out of the question. She had seen to that herself, so neither of them would be coming to her aid anytime soon.

"I wanted to jump you right when you got in, blondie." Flare said with her usual bug-eyed stare. "But then you opened up that suitcase and there were tons of ropes inside so I got curious.”

Flare licked her lips before she continued, a manoeuvre which really unnerved the helpless blonde. "And then you went and summoned your spirit! You really startled me there, I thought I'd lost my chance to catch you off guard… Imagine my surprise when that maid there turned out to already be completely helpless as she appeared... Turns out it was a good thing I waited after all, because now I have three toys to play with..."

And that was where Lucy’s real worry stemmed from: not what Flare would do to her, but to her spirits! The Hair manipulator’s grudge was with her and no one else, the blonde girl couldn’t bear the thought of seeing her spirits pay the price for something she had caused.

But Lucy’s spirits felt the same way about her: Lucy was theirs to protect, and there was no way on God’s green Earth they were going to let this madwoman have her way with Lucy, not while they were around!

Aries began struggling on her chair once more, but far more valiantly this time. The pink haired ram spirit began thrashing about so furiously she was actually beginning to rock the chair back and forth, trying to slide her wrists and ankles out of their bindings. Lucy had done her job well and not a single knot budged, in fact her wrists weren't even visible to her, so the ram spirit couldn't even begin to look for a weakness. After tiring herself out, Aries was still exactly in the position she started: Forced to remain seated on her chair to watch a spectacle she probably wouldn’t enjoy at all.

In tandem with her fellow spirit, Virgo had also begun a wild struggle. Trying to find some slack in any of her ropes, she was pulling so fiercely with her legs the chains connecting her ankles and wrists lifted her chest off the bed. This caused quite a lot of pressure on the pink haired maid’s back and upper body, but Virgo persevered, grunting heavily throughout her efforts and gritting her teeth as she used every bit of strength at her disposal to try and break free. 

“Release Hime, now!” She shouted at the redhead, uncharacteristically angry as she kept up her escape attempt.

Sadly Lucy's ropework still proved to be as effective as ever, and just like Aries the maid spirit could do nothing other than exhaust herself and watch helplessly as her master was held in the air by the redhead with the looney look in her eyes

"You did a good job it seems, blondie." Flare snickered as she and Lucy saw the two spirits battle fruitlessly against their restraints. "This makes things so much easier for me… And much more fun."

Flare’s hair now grew to even larger proportions, spreading out across the room. Some strands were headed for Aries, some for Virgo and of course some were used to further restrain Lucy.

The redhead’s hair began snaking up the celestial spirit mage’s legs, wrapping themselves around her thighs as well as her ankles now and forcing the blonde to keep her legs spread open. Some of the strands made their way further up, ripping off Lucy’s skirt and dropping the remains on the floor beside her.

“Flare! I liked that sk-mppgff!!“  But the blonde’s feeble protest was cut short by yet more strands of hair wrapping themselves around her mouth for a surprisingly effective but uncomfortable gag.

Though Virgo and Aries wanted to do something to help their owner, they had plenty to contend with themselves for the moment.

Flare was letting hair strands play around with Virgo's breasts, squeezing them together and letting the tips of the hairs brush her nipples as well. In addition the hair manipulator mage also yanked Virgo’s crotchrope, a lot rougher than Lucy had done so the effect was even greater as the ropes rubbed her labia. The spirit maid didn’t want to like the redhead molesting her, but couldn’t help it, her body was reacting by itself and it was clearly begging for even more.

Aries meanwhile was in a similar predicament. Firstly having bra ripped off of her, revealing a surprisingly large bust hidden underneath the sheepskin, and making the ram spirit blush wildly as she renewed her escape attempt, making her voluptuous chest bounce up and down as she shook around. This only looked more appealing to the deranged red haired mage, as she wrapped some of her snaking hair around the pink haired spirit’s nipples and squeezed them

“HHRRMMGGG!!" The gentle spirit groaned loudly as the shock of having her nipples pinched for the very first time in her life shot right through her entire body, awakening feelings the pink haired spirit had never felt before. But they felt good, and sensitive as she was, she could already feel herself getting slightly wet downstairs, but tried desperately to hide it.

Fortunately for the ram spirit, most of Flare’s attention was directed at her favourite target: Lucy

As Flare let more and more strands make their way to the spirits, Lucy was meanwhile powerless to help them, even though she did try. She writhed around as best she could, trying to slip out of the hair bindings, but they were all as tight as a vice. Just like her spirits, Lucy was helpless to do anything other than endure the treatment Flare was giving out.

But Flare soon made sure Lucy had no time to worry about her spirits, as the redhead guided strands of her hair towards Lucy's top, ripping first it apart and then the pink bra underneath to expose her huge tits. After that Lucy’s panties met the same fate, leaving the blonde hovering in the air stark naked.

“Hrrmmm!!” The blonde screamed, terrified at what more the hair manipulator mage had in store for her and making her breasts jiggle up and down slightly as she began trembling. 

Flare slowly brought Lucy in closer, until she was within arm’s reach. The red haired captor then gave Lucy her usual frightening stare as she murmured that godforsaken “blondieee” again and stretched out her hands to play with the celestial spirit mage’s tits. Flare began pressing Lucy’s massive knockers together, using the palms of her hands to kneed them forcefully and letting her thumbs rub over her nipples.

“Mmmpfooaaahhh!!” Lucy groaned as the all too familiar feeling spread throughout her body. The blonde mage was desperate to hide from Flare how much she enjoyed those hands of hers, and hoped fervently the redhead wouldn’t pick up on her arousal.

To Lucy’s good fortune, Flare was far too busy preparing the next step in her ordeal to notice the blonde getting positively horny from the experience.

This next step involved a great bunch of the redheads hair, which were writhing and curling around one another to mold themselves into some sort of shape...

As Lucy tried to work out what on Earthland the deranged redhead was creating, she suddenly recognized it: there was no mistake possible, Flare’s creation definitely had a phallic design to it! That crazy hair manipulator had actually formed a dildo out of her own magical hair!!

But the bug eyed redhead didn’t stop there. After moving the ‘dildo’ close to her face to inspect it, Flare turned her head towards Lucy with a terrifying grin. What Lucy saw then scared her more than anything ever had: The hair-based phallus had begun to light up!

Lucy now began screeching and thrashing in a blind panic, more frightened than she had ever been in her life. She still vividly remembered those hairs burning her boots off during the grand magic games, it those things made contact with her skin, with her vagina...

“Relax, blondie,” Flare said in a surprisingly reassuring tone, “I can control the heat my hair reaches, this isn’t even close to the full output.” Then, without further elaborating on that mysterious comment, Flare began to move the faintly glowing dildo in Lucy’s direction.

Unable to do anything to fight her situation, Lucy just shivered as the hair dildo neared her nether regions. Trying hard to suppress her tears from flowing, the blonde closed her eyes and braced herself for the horrifying moment those hairs would make actual contact with her bare skin.

Agonizingly slow seconds went by, but Lucy daren’t look. Then, out of nowhere, she felt the all too familiar feeling of the nearly alive hairs of Flare touching her inner tight. But something was definitely different about it... Flare had spoken the truth: those hairs weren’t blazing hot, more like... body temperature?

Lucy opened her eyes again, astonished to find a kindly smiling flair looking up at her.

“See? Not that bad, is it?” The hair manipulator mage said surprisingly gentle.

To her bewilderment, Lucy found herself nodding her head to concur with her bug eyed captor.

Meanwhile, both Virgo and Aries had gotten the shock of their life seeing those glowing phallus-shaped hairs nearing their owner, about to scar the poor blonde for life. Both spirits had also needed to fight their tears of frustrations from being unable to help the single most important person in their life from being harmed. 

But when nothing of the sort happened, the duo started to become confused, which only worsened when they witnessed Lucy actually agreeing with Flare! So, both spirits momentarily ceased their struggles, curious to see how the situation would further unfold.

Lucy stared at the softly glowing surrogate dildo. Even though that thing was no longer a 'real threat' to Lucy, it still scared the heck out of her. Given its shape and now the added sensation of warmth, that replacement phallus would no doubt make for an extremely realistic feel. And Lucy had the sinking feeling Flare was about to prove this to her.

Seeing her blonde captive had finally calmed down and stopped thrashing about, Flare continued massaging and squeezing Lucy’s breasts, all the while moving the glowing hair dildo ever closer to the spirit mage’s snatch.

When it finally entered Lucy, the blonde gave out a massive scream. 


But neither Aries, Virgo or Lucy herself for that matter could determine what that scream signified: Terror, anger, desperation, gratitude, enjoyment even? It pretty much seemed like a mix of all of the above. But whatever it was, Flare paid it no heed and merrily continued letting her hands stroll around the blonde’s upper body and plunging the dildo further inside of her.

After getting over the initial scare of being molested by the bug eyed hair manipulator, Lucy began to realize just how good a job Flare was actually doing:

OH god! This doesn't even compare to an actual dildo, it’s... it’s... SO REAL! It's actually even better than what even Mira or Cana can do with their hands!!! The blonde thought astonished.

As Flare kept sliding the fake phallus up and down Lucy’s now dripping wet pussy, brushing the smooth and warm sides of it against the inner walls of her lovebox, the celestial spirit mage began moaning louder and louder. She let her head hang back, draping her long blonde hair past her shoulders as she shouted at the ceiling, a primal, lust filled roar:


But while Flare had kept on further arousing Lucy, Aries and Virgo had started another escape attempt the second Flare had inserted the dildo into Lucy’s snatch to protect their owner’s sanctity (or what was left of it), all the while trying to resist the hair strands that were toying with their own bodies. 

Both the maid and the ram were doing their best to keep a clear head and not get lost in the enjoyment of Flare’s hairs squeezing their breasts and sliding past their panties and into their pussies. And the two kept up this effort until Lucy’s last roar of pleasure, after which they spotted a slightly different ring to the noise their owner was making… Lucy had started enjoying herself!

Despite the obvious danger, the blonde couldn't help but  relish in the excitement and realistic feel of it all.

This made things a lot easier for the two loyal spirits. If their master didn't mind anymore, then why should they? It had taken the two everything they had to keep up their battle against Flare’s sexual assault, and by now they were so needy the only thing keeping them going was their worry for Lucy. Now that that worry was no longer needed, both pinkettes gave in to Flare’s ravishing ministrations.

So now Virgo & Aries too were letting Flair have her way with them, and all of a sudden the initially so infuriating hairs turned into their best friends as they allowed them to frolic around happily around and inside of their bodies, slowly but surely building an enormous climax inside of them.

However, as the trio of damsels started enjoying their position more and more, Flare in turn became more and more confused.

Why did they stop fighting me? The redhead asked herself. Don’t they feel threatened? Don’t tell me they actually want me to make them cum? 

A brief look at each of the faces of the three girls under her ‘care’ told the hair manipulator mage she was correct. Lucy, Virgo and Aries had effectively submitted to her, and had given her complete control.

These Fairy Tail mages... They really are a special breed. Flare thought.

The red haired mage then started grinning, but not in her usual creepy and deranged way. This was the sight of Flare actually having fun whilst doing a (relatively) good thing, a completely new concept to the former Raven Tail member. But as weird as it felt to her, she derived a lot more satisfaction from this than from her usual sadistic torments.

Since the hair manipulator mage no longer had any resistance against her actions, things began moving along quite quickly now. Both Aries and Virgo were already shaking on the spot as they felt they were mere seconds away from a heavenly and liberating orgasm. Still enjoying the new feel of doing good, Flare wasted no time in giving it to them: She sped up the wriggling of the hair strands located around and inside of both girls’ pussies, making her hair twist and turn to increase the pleasure even more.

“MMFEEEEESS!” Virgo and Aries shouted at nearly the same time as they came, spilling some of their fluids past their panties and soaking the tips of Flare’s hair. The redhead didn’t mind one bit though, not after seeing the look on both spirits’ faces.

“That’s two down.” Flare murmured, turning her attention to Lucy again.

The blonde in turn was actually showing a smile behind her gag now, as if to convey gratitude for treating her spirits so well. Now that she’d seen them getting their treatment, she could finally let go of everything other than how wonderful Flare’s custom made dildo felt inside of her. Nearly all of her fears had subsided, and the blonde mage had almost reached the point she trusted the hair manipulator mage, at least enough to let her continue for a while longer.

“So Blondie,” Flare began, “you seem to be more conditioned against this stuff, seeing as you’re not there yet. Do you want me to pick up the pace?”

Lucy nodded furiously. “EEESSS!!” She shouted.

Flare chuckled, which made her actually look cute for a second. “Consider it done.” She said, and she stretched out her arms to once again start playing with the blonde’s breasts.

The red haired mage began by gently rolling Lucy’s breasts beneath her palms, squeezing them together and flicking her nipples as they came up fully. All the while she drove the warm dildo in deeper, making the celestial spirit mage beg for more as she began enjoying Flare’s handiwork with every fibre of her horny and sweaty body.

Spurred on by Lucy’s moans, Flare kept on massaging the blonde’s breasts harder and sliding the dildo in and out faster. She drove the surrogate phallus in deeper than before, twisting and turning it, slightly expanding the hairs that made it up so they made even better contact with the inner walls of Lucy’s tight and soaking wet pussy.

Yes! Lucy thought, desperate for more. So close, YES! Please, for the love of God, Flare keep this up!!

Minutes passed, minutes of pure ecstasy as Flare kept increasing her efforts and making Lucy moan louder and breathe heavier.

“OOOAAAAA!!” Lucy groaned loudly when she eventually came to a shuddering orgasm, hanging limply in her bindings afterwards.

But now that all three of them had come, the euphoria derived from the moment started to subside and panic began taking over again. Panic caused by the uncertainty of their fates... What would this madwomen do with them, now that they’d all had their climax and no longer had the energy to struggle for her?!

Flare had seemed to enjoy herself almost as much as the three damsels. But now that the magic of the moment was gone, would the hair manipulator resort to her old tricks? Lucy in particular couldn’t help but feel anxious as she tried to avoid the redhead’s gaze.

However as Virgo, Aries and Lucy’s minds began preparing themselves from a myriad of doom scenarios, what happened in reality was far more surprising to any of them:

Flare simply withdrew all of the hairs still fluttering around Virgo, Aries and Lucy's sensitive areas, and after that gently placed Lucy down on the bed next to Virgo, the snaking hairs binding the blonde slowly retreating back into her head as well and leaving the blonde completely free. Before Lucy could even process what happened, Flare raised her hair into the air again, and with a couple of swift slashed cut the ropes pinning both Virgo and Aries in place. 

The duo instantly gasped loudly as they were finally released from their straining positions and the relief of no longer being in danger kicked in. Virgo sprawled herself out on the bed to give her limbs a well deserved rest, and Aries nearly slipped off her chair as she let herself slide down to recover. Both girls were gasping for air and nowhere near combat ready yet, not that they would dream of fighting a person who'd just given them such ecstacy.

“Wh-? What? “What are you doing?” Lucy asked bewildered. Did Flare just... Let us go? She thought astonished.

“What?” Flare replied, looking far more lucid than she normally did. “I’ve had my fun, so I let you go. What else would I have done?”

Lucy’s eyes widened. “Just like that? You’re not going to kidnap me, or torture me or just leave the three of us bound with no way to escape?”

Flare now looked down to the floor, this time it was her trying to avoid the celestial spirit mage’s gaze.

“I- I just wanted to have some fun, Blondie.” Flare explained shyly, with a slight and endearing blush on her cheeks. “I had picked up in town that you had left for the weekend, so I snuck into your house by using my hair as a lockpick. Then I just hid in your closet until the time was right.”

“To jump me as soon as I returned home?” Lucy asked confused. “What kind of way is that to ask for a good time?”

Guess she still doesn’t know how to approach people. The blonde thought to herself.

Lucy sighed. “So you went through all of that, just because you were looking to have some fun together with me?”

Flare nodded.

The blonde mage then grinned deviously. “You could've just asked you know.” She said slyly.

“Asked?” Flare repeated surprised. “What kind of reaction would you have had if I'd made such a request?!”

“You couldn't guess considering the scene you walked in on??” Lucy replied, gesturing towards Virgo and Aries. “How could I not welcome a fellow bondage lover?!”

“S-So then you won’t rat me out to your guild?” Flare asked hopefully. The one fear she’d had for doing all this was that she would be making an enemy out of Fairy Tail, the once again most powerful guild in all of Fiore. But the temptation to approach Lucy had been too great, and seeing the situation unfold as it had done, she’d pounced without really thinking it through.

But now there was actually a chance of getting no retribution! And all because she had, for once in her life, acted kindly towards her Blondie.

“Hmmm. Not to the guild per sé,” Lucy answered, “but I will notify a couple of my fellow members. I know quite a few girls now who would welcome you any time you want some more ‘fun’.”

Hearing such a positive response shocked Flare to the core, and for a full ten seconds she had no idea what to say. Then it dawned on the redhead that she might have actually made a friend, and yet another unknown feeling welled up inside: Happiness, but of a much kinder and less spiteful form than what the sort of happiness she usually felt.

“BUT!" Lucy suddenly added with a naughty grin, catching the hair manipulator mage’s attention again. "You have to promise me that next time I get to be in charge.”

"Hmmm… Maaaybe." The redhead replied, showing what might have been her first ever genuinely kind smile.


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