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Mira was sitting at her kitchen table after a long day at the guild’s inn. She was just thinking about how to spend her evening when Lisanna walked in.

“Hi Mira-nee, how was your day at the guild?”

The long haired girl started summing up her day:

“Pretty ordinary, Elfman came by to take on a quest for hunting a wild animal terrorizing a small village, Cana drank a barrel of her usual and Lucy stopped by to find out if there were any quests that could be finished easily, she needed some extra cash to make rent this month. Oh, and Natsu and Gray got in a fight again. They had already broken 2 tables and 5 chairs before Erza came in and knocked them out.”

“So, ordinary by Fairy Tail standards then?” Lisanna giggled.

The older sister smiled back.  “I guess so. How was your day?”

“Pretty ordinary too.” Lisanna replied, “I was waiting for you to come home, I wanted to ask you something.”

“What is it?” Mirajane said.

“You remember a while ago, when you discovered me handcuffed in my room? And you proceeded to give me a couple pointers, along with some proper bondage?”

“Of course I do, how could I forget!” the long haired girl replied. “Although that was technically over 7 years ago, what with time stopping for most of the Fairy Tail mages.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true… but even without taking that time-freeze into account, it’s been a while since I had some fun.” Lisanna said, blushing slightly.

Mira smiled at her youngest sibling. “Oohh, I see. You want me to tie you up again?”

Lisanna shook her head.

“At first that’s what I wanted to ask. But thinking about it, I’d rather hear a story about one of your bondage adventures. It should give me plenty of inspiration, and it’ll probably feel almost as thrilling as the real thing.”

Mira remained silent for a moment. “Hmm, I guess I have plenty of stories like that. But first, I would like to ask you one thing: Did you figure out who my partner is? You seemed really curious when I mentioned her, so you must’ve thought about who it could be.” 

Now it was Lisanna who remained quiet for a moment. Of course she had been thinking about who her sister’s partner might be, but she could never come up with a definitive answer. Trying to gauge which of the girls Mira knew could be into bondage turned out to be very difficult, and she could never work up the nerve to ask some of her ‘suspects’ about it.

So, the young white haired girl just started guessing on the spot.

"Well, last time you let slip that it's definitely a she. And if I remember right, you mentioned things kicked off around the time you became S-class."

"Correct." the older sister replied.

"So, it has to be someone you've known for years… Could it be Jenny from Blue Pegasus?"

"No, I doubt Jenny is into this kind of stuff. That girl is far too delicate for that." Mira said.

Lisanna frowned.  "Hmm, maybe it’s more closely related to you being S-class then? It can't be… Erza??"

Mirajane started laughing now. "No, definitely not Erza, I'd be highly surprised if she were a bondage fan. Of course, anything's possible with her, but I’ve noticed no such signs."

"Hmmm, who could it be then? Lisanna murmured. “You were kind of a rebel in your younger years, so not many people sought contact with you."

Mira tried to encourage her younger sister.

"Don't give up sis, you were onto something with the S-class thing."

"Was I? Hmmm, are you suggesting things started during the exam? A girl who took the exam together with you? But that would mean… CANA! She is the only other girl who underwent the S-class tests at the same time as you did. So it's Cana isn't it?”

Lisanna's eyes shone brightly, she was sure she'd gotten the right answer this time.

Mira smiled at her enthusiastic younger sister. "Bingo!"

"REALLY?! Cana has been your partner in bondage for all these years?!

Even though Lisanna had guessed it herself, she still couldn't really grasp it. Just what had Cana and her older sister been doing all these years? And how in the world did she never pick up on it? 

Just thinking of all the things those two had probably gone through made the young take-over mage blush bright red.

"Oooh, having you imagination run wild, I see." Mirajane teased.

"Just start telling already, Mira-nee! I want to know how everything started and what kinds of experiences the two of you have had." Lisanna could hardly contain herself, brimming with curiosity and excitement.

Mira couldn’t help but chuckle upon seeing how curious her youngest sibling was.

“Fine, I suppose the story of how it all began would make for a fitting introduction of Cana. I spoke to her about you by the way, she didn’t mind me telling you about the two of us. She also asked me to give you the following message:”

“If you ever want to change things up a little, feel free to drop by… But make sure you heart’s ready for it!”

“I’ll be sure to stop by when I’ve gotten some more experience then” Lisanna replied as she sat down at the table across from her sister. “Now start telling.”

“Very well. As I said, the moment me and Cana found out about our mutual interest goes all the way back to when I just passed my S-class exam.”

Many years ago, at Hargeon port, Cana and I were walking back from the ship that had brought us and the master back from the S-class exam location.

Cana was visibly disappointed, even more so than I expected from her. She was usually so cheerful and laid back, but she took the exam very seriously.

I tried to get her out of that bad mood.

“Cana, will you please cheer up already, it’s just a stupid test! Besides, there’s always next year. When you get back home, just try and unwind a bit.” 

But all Cana did was sigh heavily and mutter something about not being able to do that without 'a helping hand or two'. 

I inquired about what she meant by that remark, but she just seemed startled that she had actually said it out loud. Cana tried to make me drop the issue.

“Never mind what I said, it’s not important. Oh, and I’ve yet to congratulate you on becoming S-class… So congratulations Mira!”

Cana then ran off by herself to her room at Fairy Hills.

I, curious as I was, couldn't let Cana's comment go. I wanted to know what it was that wound her up so bad that she inadvertently let her worries slip out.

"So you followed her?" Lisanna asked surprised. "Didn't you feel you were intruding on her privacy?"

"Have you forgotten how I was back during those days?" Mira responded astonished. "If I wanted to know something, something as silly as respect for privacy wasn't going to get in my way."

Lisanna sighed. "True, you were a real handful back then. Even the master says so, and he has lived through a lot."

"A-anyways," Mira continued, "let me get back on track."

I walked round the Fairy Hills dormitory until I was standing under Cana's bedroom window. I then looked for a tree close enough to the building that I could climb for a decent view.

When I finally made my way up the tree to Cana's floor, I hid behind a large branch covered in leaves and watched what Cana was doing.

What I saw truly surprised me. Cana was walking to and from her bed, laying out rope and cloth and… a block of ice??

I started wondering what In the world her plans were for all that stuff. Of course, being a bondage fan myself, I had an inkling… but it couldn't be, could it? I mean, what are the chances of finding another enthusiast so close to me?

Even so, my suspicions, or should I say my hopes, were confirmed when I saw Cana take place on the bed. She started tying herself up, first at the ankles and then her knees. After that she wedged the piece of cloth in her mouth and tied it off. Next up would be the handcuffs…

But while Cana was still tying the cloth in place, I was already making my way down the tree again to head for that old lady's room. You know, the one who managed Fairy Hills.

I told a quick lie about Cana forgetting something coming back from the exam, and asked if she would give me a key so I could go and put it in her room. The old lady was reluctant at first, which annoyed me immensely! But I finally nagged her into giving me the key after threatening to throw away the stuff I’d come round to bring. With the key in hand, I went straight for Cana’s room, unlocked the door and burst right in.

The look on Cana’s face was priceless! She was frozen in place upon seeing the door to her room swing open, and was staring right at me as I casually walked in, closing the door behind me again.

While I was walking in and closing the door behind me, Cana had started struggling furiously. First she tried to reach for the knot tying her ankle ropes, but when she realized that was useless, I noticed the brunette  was trying to make her way for the block of ice. I figured the keys to her cuffs must’ve been placed in there. And even though the keys were still frozen from all sides, completely unusable, Cana still went for them in the hopes of getting out of her predicament after all. 

So I intercepted her and snagged the block of ice up from the bedside table.

"I'll take that!" I told the now wide-eyed Cana.

"Nmmmmf" Cana yelled in return, panic beaming from her eyes. "Ive o ak! (Give those back!)"

I couldn’t help but chuckle at seeing Cana look at me so desperately.

"But why?” I replied with a hint of amusement. “It's obvious you enjoy this, or you wouldn't put yourself in a position like this. I'm just helping you take things that bit further by taking away all hope of escape. You should be thanking me." 

Cana started struggling in her bonds again, even though she knew full well she had no chance of getting out without her key. 

While she was wriggling around on her bed, I couldn’t help but notice that Cana, however panicked she must’ve been by now, seemed terribly excited at the same time.

"Aren't you scared I'll leave you here, all alone and unable to get out?" I asked her.

"A i-e, u I an ep u e e-it-e oo (A little, but I can't help but be excited too)"

I started fiddling with the cloth she had tied between her teeth."Lets take out that gag, I can hardly understand you like this.” 

After taking out the gag, I asked Cana something I still couldn’t quite understand after all I had seen.

"Back then, you mumbled something about needing a hand with this, but you seem to be doing just fine on your own. This ice is a nice touch by the way, really inventive and an almost fool proof way of keeping your keys out of reach for a set period of time."

"But that’s the thing...  I don't like cuffs," Cana replied. "But I can't tie my wrists on my own so there's no other option. And the result was that I had to think up a way for properly keeping those keys out of reach. However even like this it’s still not the feeling I wished for, but it’s as good as it gets on when you do this on your own."

“Oohh, I remember that!” Lisanna interrupted. “Back then you told me your partner only liked ropes, not chains.”

“Indeed.” Mira replied. “And because of that I decided to offer my assistance to poor little Cana.”

Mira tilted her head a little. “Well it was because of that and because I really craved someone to use my rope tying skills on, other than myself.”

The white haired demon take-over mage now looked at her younger sister. “And as you pointed out, no one in all of Earthland was going to let ‘the demon Mirajane’ perform bondage with him/her, so finding a partner would be next to impossible. But now I had a victim who literally couldn’t resist.”

So, I offered Cana I would tie her hands with rope instead of those cuffs of hers. That way she could have the experience she really wanted.

“What?!” Cana replied, unsure if she had understood correctly what I suggested to her.

"I'm saying I know my way around ropes, just like you do."  I explained whilst picking up a coil of rope from the bed."I'll tie your hands and keep you here for a while. Trust me, when I’m done with you you’ll definitely be unable to escape, just like you’ve always wished for. BUT, I’ll only  do this for you if you do something for me in return."

"What do you want me to do?" Cana asked enthusiastically. If Mira was serious about this, she wouldn't care what it was she had to do. The brunette had wished for so long to be placed in proper, inescapable bondage. And now the  chance at just that was handed to her on a silver platter!

Cana was so deep in thought and fantasy, she never even noticed I had started to blush.

"I want you to do the same thing to me, some other time."

When she heard that Cana looked straight at me, astonished at what she just heard me say. 

"Whaaa? Are you being serious?"

She didn’t need to ask that, though. The blush on my face answered that question for her.

"Look,"  I said to her, still slightly embarrassed. "I know I act thought and powerful and dangerous, but this is just something I like to do. I’ve no idea why I like the thrill of being helpless, I just do. You should understand, right?”

Cana nodded. And I continued my explanation.

“I just… haven't found anyone to do it with yet. And doing this by yourself only gives you half the thrill. But you probably know all of that without me telling you."

The brunette nodded once again.  "I understand you completely… Who would've thought that of all things, this is what we have in common."

"It's not that strange,” I countered.“Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere along the way, we were to discover other Fairy Tail members who are into this as well."

Cana pondered for a moment, then smiled brightly at me. “I guess so, you never know with our guild members... But for now, let’s keep this our little secret.” 

“Of course.” I said, since that had been my intention as well. “I don’t want anyone butting in on this, not while we still have so much to try out on each other. Speaking of which, it’s about time I gave those wrists of yours some proper restraints.”

And with that, I smashed the block of ice onto the floor, picked up the keys and unlocked Cana’s handcuffs. The second my newly found partner had her hands free, I pulled them behind her back again and started tying the young card mage’s wrists firmly together.

“There! How’s that?” I asked when I was done.

“Wonderful! Cana replied ecstatically. “You weren’t kidding when you said you knew how to handle ropes."

“Of course. I’ve practiced plenty of times on myself, after all. If you master rope tying to a high enough degree, even tying up your own wrists becomes possible.”

“I never really thought of trying that.” Cana admitted. The brunette was by now thinking that being discovered here might’ve been one of the best things to have ever happened to her.

I wasn’t yet satisfied with Cana’s current predicament though. So I offered the young card mage to move things up a notch.“Now, I’m guessing you don’t mind if I take things a bit further?” 

Actually, I already had another length of rope in my hands as I said that, so it was pretty much decided already. Luckily, Cana went along with my suggestion.

“Be my guest!” The young brunette exclaimed.”Not like I can stop you anyway.” 

Cana was still smiling, and I could tell she was getting really excited now too.

So I proceeded to tie Cana into a hogtie, not unlike the one I put you in for your first time. I made sure to leave a decent length of rope between her ankles and wrists. That way my new partner would have plenty of room for struggling to her heart’s content. 

When done, I took a few steps back. 

“There we are! A simple yet effective hogtie. I’ll be leaving you here for an hour or two, so have fun! Oh, but first I guess I should put this gag back in place. I wouldn’t want any of the other boarders in this dormitory to overhear you.”

I picked up the cloth again and wedged it between Cana’s teeth, tying it off firmly at the back of her head.

“Thx ia (Thanks Mira)!” Cana said to me, visibly satisfied.

I winked at the now bound and gagged brunette. “Don’t mention it… Seriously, don’t mention it. Not to anyone, our secret and all that. And I’ll be calling on you to return this favor one day not too long from now, so you’d better be ready!”

“Hmhm, I o-is (Uhu, I promise)” Cana replied.

Mira paused for a minute. Lisanna didn’t want to interrupt her big sisters thoughts, as she was obviously still reminiscing about that ‘first day’. Finally, Mirajane started speaking again.

“Well, that's pretty much how it happened. I left the room and locked the door, and after a little over two hours I went back. Cana was still lying on her bed, exactly as stuck as she was when I’d left her.“

“I still remember the sight clearly. When I walked in, she was breathing heavily and quite sweaty. The bed covers were all messed up, which showed she had done plenty of wriggling. But even though she looked tired, she was really happy too. She had obviously enjoyed herself tremendously."

"Before I untied her again, I couldn't resist teasing her a bit. I pinched her butt (which made her yelp quite loudly despite the gag) and tickled her for some time."

Mira stared out into the room again with a bright smile, once more recalling those long past days. Still smiling, she continued her recollection.

"Cana was pleading and acting all helpless the entire time, she really played the damsel part perfectly. After we both had our fun, I released her again after which we talked a bit about our respective experiences and preferences.”

“Like how Cana prefers rope, whereas you are up for almost anything?” Lisanna asked, still excited from the wondrous story she had just heard.

“Precisely.” Mira replied. “And from that day on, Cana and I supported each other in our love for bondage. We took turns on being the rigger and the victim. Those wonderful moments  and eventually the years simply flew by. “

"Amazing!" Lisanna said, stunned by the both enlightening and arousing story her sister just told. "Did you meet up often after that?" 

"We tried to keep in touch yes." Mira said with a naughty smile. "We couldn't meet up too often though, since we couldn't risk anyone else finding out about our newly found hobby.” 

Lisanna now moved her chair a little closer to her sister. She didn’t want to miss a single word of her sister explaining how she and Cana had managed to keep their hobby a hidden for all these years. If she was to continue doing bondage (be it on her own or with a partner), she would need to learn how to cover her tracks.

“To make sure our secret would be safe we always made sure to plan things out properly. We decided against routine meet-ups, for fear someone would discover a pattern in both Cana and my absences. Finding a decent location proved quite a challenge too. Fairy hills was far too busy, and meeting here was too risky because you and Elfman were too young to be out for more than a day."

“Ah, so that’s why Cana never came over, even though you two obviously had ‘things to do’.“ Lisanna said. “I had been wondering about that while you were telling me this story.”

“Well I couldn’t risk you or Elfman barging in, now could I? You two were far too young. And frankly, I didn’t want either of you to see this side of me.”

Mira sighed. “If only I’d known there was a fellow bondage lover living in this house with me.”

Lisanna looked at her older sister with a sad face. “I’m sorry for keeping that from you Mira-nee, but I didn’t want you to know about me either. Silly right?”

“Silly, and at the same time completely understandable. It is a rather peculiar interest after all.” Mirajane replied.

“Anyhow, so we couldn’t meet up at either my or Cana’s place. But thanks to my newly acquired S-class title, I could take on quests with big pay jobs. So renting a place for a weekend became pretty easy. And for an S-class mage, staying away for a day or two was nothing strange.”

“So you used becoming S-class to supply you with a place to meet Cana and as an alibi at the same time? How clever of you, Mira-nee.” Lisanna said. Hearing this story really clarified a lot for her, but she was at the same time dying to know more.

"How did Cana return you favor?" Lisanna asked curiously.

Mira smiled at her younger sister, whose eyes were twinkling with excitement.

"I'll keep that for another time, it's about we made dinner, cleaned up and headed for bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day at the guild."

"Aww, I want to hear more about you and Cana, Mira-nee!" 

"You will, there's plenty of other stories." Mirajane replied.  “Most of those stories are a lot wilder too, so I’m sure they’ll catch your attention.”

The long white-haired girl’s look glazed over for just a second, as if she was remembering a distant memory very vividly. She instantly woke up again from her daydream, and turned towards her younger sister.

“But as I said, some other time! Maybe after you’ve gained some more experience yourself. This story was about Cana and me meeting up, so it was pretty tame. But me and her have been through some things that could make you faint with excitement.”

Lisanna’s cheeks started to glow a little red. 

“Wow, you two have gone that far, huh? Can’t wait to hear those stories then. But if Mira-nee says so, I’ll be patient and wait until I get some experience… starting with looking for a good partner to gain it!”

“That’s my girl!” Mira replied, smiling at her youngest sibling. “First thing you should do is go over all the people you feel you can trust. Once you have a list of those, you can start figuring out which of them might be interested in sharing your hobby.”

“Thanks for the tip Mira-nee, I’ll be sure to try that out.” Lisanna said. “But while I work on that, can we in the meantime have some fun, just the two of us? “

Lisanna looked at her sister with a pleading face. You don’t have to work too late tomorrow, do you?” 

Mirajane laughed. “I’ll try and hurry up a little so I can get home early. And after dinner, I’ll tie you up again, for the whole evening if you like. I know a position or two you’re sure to enjoy.”

"I bet you do." Lisanna said, her cheeks still slightly red. 

“Thank you Mira-nee, you are without a doubt the best sister a girl could wish for!”


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