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“Lisanna, I’m going to help out at the bar in the guild hall. I’ll be back by evening, could you go shopping and prepare dinner for today?” Mirajane shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

“Of course, Mira-nee! Leave it to me!”

Lisanna was in a good mood, today she would have the house to herself. Elfman would be out for the rest of the week on a quest. And with Mira spending the whole day in the guild, Lisanna could spend a couple of hours practicing her favorite hobby: wriggling about helplessly.

It hadn’t been long since she discovered her interest in  self bondage. She was therefore still inexperienced, but becoming better at it. By now, she’d worked out a basic plan in order to keep herself restrained and unable to escape for a set period of time. She had also finally managed to collect all the equipment she needed. Said equipment consisted out of 2 pairs of handcuffs, one for her wrists and a larger set for her ankles. She also bought a large roll of tape which she could use to gag herself with.

Up until today, she always used to place the keys on the nightstand. That way, she could reach for them when she had had her fill. But knowing she could pick up the keys and unlock herself at whichever time she wanted didn’t cause the thrill she wished for. It took girl with the short silver hair a while to find a proper method of keeping the handcuff keys out of reach, but not impossible to grab. She figured a timer or sensor would have to be involved to make this happen.

After searching several shops, she found a small box which could be locked for a predetermined amount of time, exactly what she needed! She would place the keys in that box and then set the timer. This way she could not let herself out of her predicament until the timer had ended. 

After testing the box (twice) to be on the safe side, and waiting for a day she would be all alone in the house, today was finally the perfect opportunity to try out her new acquisition. Today, for the first time in her life, Lisanna would cuff herself with no means of escape other than to wait for the box to unseal its contents.

Lisanna patiently listened for her older sister to leave the house. When she hears the front door lock the young girl starts laying out everything she needs on top of her bed. She then takes place onto the bed herself, admiring her gear for a moment.

Since she always worked up a sweat from her struggles, Lisanna was lightly dressed. 

She was wearing nothing more than very short blue jeans hotpants and a light yellow T-shirt. These were the clothes she felt most comfortable in, making them ideal for struggling to her hearts content in her handcuffed state.

The first thing Lisanna did was place the keys to her two pairs of cuffs in her newly bought box, setting the timer on 2 hours, 10 minutes. The 10 minutes should be enough to restrain myself, the silver haired girl thought. Then I’ll have 2 hours to enjoy myself before I can get out. After that I’ll just tidy everything away, head out to the shops and buy everything I need in order to prepare a lovely dinner for Mira-nee and myself.

With the keys securely locked away and the timer running, Lisanna started on locking herself up. She began by ripping of a strip of tape and pressing it over her lips. When the tape is firmly in place, she tests out her gag.

“HMMMPF!” She yelled. 

There was still a fair amount of noise coming through, but nothing understandable. Pleased with her gag, she picked up the larger handcuffs and locked them around her ankles. When the cuffs were put securely into place, she tried pulling on them to test how much freedom she was now left with. Very little it turned out, the chain connecting both ends of the cuffs was pretty short, so apart from a slight wriggling there wasn’t much her legs could do anymore.

Lisanna was already starting to feel a bit aroused as she picked up her second pair of handcuffs and moved her wrists behind her back. First, she locked a cuff around her right wrist.


Locked into place, she thought. Her nipples were now starting to become slightly hard in excitement and anticipation of what she was about to do. Lisanna inhaled deeply through her nose, and locked the final cuff with a soft kreak.

After pulling on her wrists to confirm the cuffs were indeed tightly locked, she rolled onto her stomach. She was now completely restrained, Lisanna now looked at the timer on the box: 2hours, 2 minutes to go.

This is it, the take-over mage thought to herself. 

I’m stuck like this for the next two hours. Lisanna pulled on her cuffs to find out how stuck she was exactly. To her delight, she was exactly as helpless as she’s hoped she would be. And the knowledge of being unable to escape for two full hours really had the impact on her senses she had wished for: This was definitely a far better and more realistic experience than her previous sessions!

She couldn’t help but moan slightly as she squirmed around on her bed.

After being restrained for a little over an hour, deeply enjoying the feel and the struggle, Lisanna suddenly froze. She thought she’d heard a noise… Was that the door??

All of a sudden, the silver haired girl could hear Mirajane’s voice from the hallway.

“Lisanna, I’m back for just a minute! Master asked me to go and pick up something from the market. If you like I can bring back the shopping for tonight’s meal in one go! What did you want to make?”

This can’t be! Lisanna thought to herself.

Why now of all times! The animal take-over mage looked at the timer: still almost an hour to go before the box opens! She can't get out!

“Lisanna, can you hear me?” Mira’s voice was now sounding closer, she was walking up the stairs!

Lisanna started panicking. I can’t get out! I can’t unlock the cuffs without the keys, and the keys are stuck in the box. Even worse, the gag is keeping me from answering Mira-nee! Lisanna tried to rub her cheek on the mattress in order to get the gag off. No use, the tape was stuck on too tightly, and the fluffy mattress didn’t provide enough purchase to scrape it off.

What do I do, she’s going to come in and see me like this… What do I do?! Can I even explain this, what will Mira-nee think of me?!

Lisanna starts struggling furiously, inching towards the timer box and pulling on the lid to get it to open. Even though she knows full well she can’t get it open before time is up, she can’t help herself. She’s desperate to escape before her sister walks in and sees her like this.

As she feared, the lid didn’t budge at all. 

By now, Mirajane had reached the first floor and was headed for Lisanna’s (unlocked) bedroom door. 

I’m out of options, Lisanna thought. My sister is going to find me like this, I’ll just have to own up on this strange hobby of mine. I just hope Mira-nee won’t judge me too much, and that’s she’ll keep it a secret from Elf-niichan and the rest of the guild.

The bedroom door opened, and in walked Mirajane Strauss, wearing her trademark pink dress and high heels.

“Lisanna, didn’t you hear m-“ Mirajane stopped mid sentence, perplexed at seeing her youngest sibling locked in cuffs and with tape covering her mouth.

Whatever reaction Lisanna expected from her sister, nothing even came close to the real one:

“Hoooh,” Mira said with a big smile, “I never knew you were a fan of bondage too.”

“HMMMMH??!” Lisanna shouted through her gag. “Ia-e ike is oo? (Mira-nee likes this too?)”

“Is that so strange?” The older sister asked. “You’ve obviously discovered for yourself what a thrill it can be: being bound and gagged, completely helpless to resist anything or anyone.” 

Lisanna started blushing now, she had never thought that far ahead. She only ever focused on successfully restraining herself but while still having a proper escape route. Sexuality had no real part in it for her (yet). 

Mira now walked over to her younger sister and pulled off the tape gag. 

“ There, that should facilitate our conversation… By the way, does Natsu know about this hobby?” Mirajane teased, “Maybe I should tell him to come and join your game.”

Lisanna reared up. “No no, that’s not necessary Mira-nee! I’ve only ever done this stuff by myself. Nobody knows about this!”

“Hmm, just by yourself? Where’s the fun in that? The real fun begins when someone else is in charge.”

Lisanna looked at her older sister in amazement.

“You know an awful lot about this, Mira-nee. I’m guessing you’ve had quite a few of experiences then?” The cuffed girl asked her sister.

“Well, I have spent a couple of years practicing bondage with a partner. The two of us would switch roles, taking turns being dom and sub. That means being dominating or submissive, in case you didn’t know.” 

Mira then looked at her perplexed younger sister. 

“I know! How about I be your partner for now? At least until you find somebody else you’re comfortable doing this with. I can educate you in all sorts of things. Show you the ropes, so to speak.” 

Lisanna is slightly taken aback by this offer. But driven by her curiosity for both her sister’s experiences and the whole world of bondage, she quickly makes up her mind:

“I would love that Mira-nee, but who is this partner you mentioned?”

Mira hesitates. 

Maybe I should consult with my partner first before telling Lisanna, the demon take-over mage thought to herself. 

“I’d rather not say that, at least not yet. But I can assure you, the two of us have racked up several years worth of experience.” 

Years?” Lisanna said in surprise. "How many years?" 

Mira paused to think, finally, she answered her sister: 

“It started around the time I became S-class, so it was definitely several years ago. But those first few years were, in all honesty, literally child's play: Just some simple ropework and tickling and stuff.”

Lisanna looked up at her older sister as she is reminiscing about those long gone days. The young girl really wanted to know who this partner of her sister was, but she wouldn’t pry. Every girl has her secrets after all, she knew that like no one else.

Mirajane continued her story:

”It was only about two years ago the real stuff had started between us. You know, more sexually oriented. But I’ll continue this story some other time. For now, let’s hear about you and your experiences with bondage.“

Lisanna nodded. “Ask away big sis.”

Mira walked over to the bed to sit beside her little sister. She then noticed the timer, now showing 49 minutes flat and counting down.

“I’m guessing this contains the keys to your cuffs?” Mira said whilst tapping the timer box.

“Yup, so you’ve got plenty of time to interrogate me.” Lisanna replied with a smile.

"Well then, better get started.” Mirajane replied.

“First things first, how long exactly have you been tying yourself up?”

Now Lisanna was the one who paused before answering.

“Well, I’ve fantasized about it for a long time before ever really going through with it. Ever since I was in Edolas, I’ve always wanted to try it out, but never dared to go through with it.”

Lisanna sighed, as this was bringing back memories of the harsh times she had to endure. Being away from everyone she knew whilst at the same time looking at those very faces day by day really took its toll sometimes, especially seeing edo-Natsu.

“It was a completely different world there, Mira-nee. Fairy Tail was constantly being hunted so it was too risky to leave myself in a position like this, tied up and gagged. On top of that, I couldn't be sure the Lisanna of that world was into self bondage as well, so if the Mira and Elfman from that side were to find me, I would be in all sorts of trouble.”

“But then, after years of living a life that was not mine, the Natsu from here, my Natsu, suddenly appeared. And after that large battle I was suddenly swept back into the real Fairy Tail world, with you an Elf-niichan at my side again. After finding my spot in Earthland again, the urge for this (she wriggled her bound hands and feet) kept growing stronger.”

“So, now that you were back home, you decided to finally act upon those feelings.” Mira said.

“Uhuh, so I guess you could say I’m really inexperienced and have only been practicing self bondage for a few months.”

“Well like I said, I can help you with that.” The older sister said, smiling brightly. “Your timer is about to run out, do you want to start right away or would you rather wait until another time?” 

“Now, I want to start now.” Lisanna replied eagerly

“Splendid!” Mirajane said. “I’ll go and pick up some stuff from my room, by the time I’m back your keys should be available again. Feel free to let yourself out so we can get started as soon as I get back.”

Mira left Lisanna’s room. The young girl indulges in a few last struggles whilst the timer is heading into its last 2 minutes. Finally, the soft ‘click’ from the lock opening can be heard, and Lisanna takes out the keys and uncuffs herself. When free, the animal take-over mage puts away her cuffs and tape in her drawer and heads back over to sit on the bed, waiting with anticipation for her big sister to return.

Shortly after Lisanna sat down onto the bed, Mira walked in holding a big velvet bag. 

“I see you’re ready and eager to begin.” The older sister said smilingly.

“Yep!” Lisanna replied “Go ahead and do your worst, Mira-nee.”

“Oh no no no, I couldn’t possibly do my worst,” Mirajane said with a calm expression. “You’d break instantly.”

Mira’s expression or tone of voice hadn’t changed whilst she said that last sentence. But even though everything sounded cheerful, hearing her older sister say that suddenly terrified Lisanna.

Mira noticed, and instantly added: “Don’t worry, I’ll take this slow so you have time to get used to it. I want you to explore all of this at your own pace, I’ll just be teaching you some basics today so you can do you that exploring properly.”

This calmed Lisanna down again. “Okay Mira-nee. You know I trust you 100%, so go ahead.”

“First off, hands behind your back please.” Mira said as she pulled out some coils of rope and unraveled them on the bed. Lisanna complied and sat with her back towards her long silver haired sister.

Mira starts tying up her younger sister, instructing the young girl on what is going on as the tying proceeds.

The older girl starts out by tying Lisanna’s wrists, neatly knotting it off out of reach of the young girl’s fingers.

She then picks up a second, longer rope and starts wrapping it around Lisanna’s elbows. Mira ties up her sisters elbows, tight but with plenty of space in between (about 6 inches = 15 cm).

Lisanna is surprised by the strictness of her bindings as her sister pulls tight the elbow rope.

Mira looks at her sister: "This isn't too uncomfortable is it?

"It hurts a bit… but in a good way I guess.” Lisanna replies while smiling at her older sister.

“It's strict though," She says as she tries moving her arms. 

"I didn't expect ropes to be worse than cuffs when it came to restraining. I mean, they're just rope where cuffs are steel chains.”

Mira smiles at her younger sister. "A common misconception. You can do a lot more with rope, if you know how to. It's also softer to the skin than chains, so you can wrap it more tightly.”

"I noticed that." Lisanna said, now halting her struggles as they seemed to be in vain anyways.

My sister sure knows her stuff, she thought proudly. And I’m learning from her!

Mira continues her lecture on rope and other binding implements.

"Some people have a set preference on how they get tied up. Me, I don’t really care about how I’m bound. Both rope and chains are work for me. But my partner, now she doesn't settle for anything other than well tied ropes."

"She, huh? " Lisanna says smirking.

Mira facepalmed herself. "Oops, my bad. I got carried away and said too much. Better get back to tying you up, so I don't say anything else I'm not supposed to."

Mira pulled out another coil of rope from her bag and instructed her sister to cross her ankles. She did, and Mirajane started by wrapping the rope tightly around Lisanna’s crossed ankles.

“There.” the older sister said. “This tie is about as basic as they come. Plenty of wriggle room, but for the novice, very hard to escape.”

Lisanna believed her sister wholeheartedly, she could definitely feel the ropes constricting her movements. The cuffs she always used now seemed positively flimsy, compared to this expert rigging of her sister.

“At first glance, it really does feel like I’m completely helpless. But as you said, there’s still enough wriggle room for me to try and escape. Actually, tied up like this I could even hop to the kitchen to get a knife or some scissors to free myself.”

“You could, but going down the stairs without your arms for balancing yourself would be dangerous.” Mira replied in a worried tone of voice.

“If you really feel like you still have too much freedom, that can easily be fixed by means of a hogtie. Care to try?”

“What's that, a hogtie?” Lisanna asks. “Actually, scratch that. I don’t care what it is, if you think of it as a good idea Mira-nee, I’m up for it.”

“So eager!” Mira smiled brightly again. “You are going to make a certain dom very happy one day.”

Mira pulled another piece of rope from her bag and coiled it around Lisanna’s crossed ankles. She then pulled the rope up to her sisters bound wrists and loops it around them as well, tying it off tightly. The remainder of the rope Mira then pulls up to Lisanna’s elbow tie, where she ties it off once more, well out of reach of Lisanna’s hands. Lisanna’s legs are now unable to bend further than a 90 degree angle, keeping her from standing up, but still leaving her with plenty of movement.

“This is what you call a hogtie, the connecting of one’s ankles to one’s wrists. It restricts you from standing up, or even stretching you legs for that matter.”

Lisanna tests out what her sister just said by kicking her legs. As soon as starts pulling with her ankles, they are halted by the rope attaching them to her wrists. In addition, pressure formed on her wrists and her elbows, forcing her to bend her legs back to relieve this. 

“I see what you mean.” The young girls says. “My legs are pretty much useless now.”

Mira nods. 

“Though it might be an uncomfortable position for the long run, if you leave enough slack in the hogtie rope like I’ve done here, even an inexperienced person can manage being in a hogtie position for a couple of hours.“

“How about it, does this feel alright or would you rather I loosened the rope again?”

Lisanna shakes her head. 

“It's tight, but I like it. This really makes me feel helpless. Still, hearing you explain all this makes me wonder how much more you know about, Mira-nee.”

“As you get used to things, I will start going further. With your consent, of course.”

“That is, if in the meantime you don’t find somebody else with whom you can have fun. You probably won’t have to look very far to find someone like that. There is no doubt in my mind there are plenty of guild members with similar interests”

Lisanna giggles. “Like your partner, perhaps?”

Mira sticks out her tongue. “Not telling.”

Mira now gets up and stands beside the bed. 

“I should get going to the market, the master is still waiting for his order. Don’t worry about dinner, I’ll take care of it for this evening. You just have your fun… speaking of fun.”

Mira pulled two more items out of her bag: A piece of cloth and a pair of scissors. She puts the scissors onto Lisanna’s bedside table and holds the piece of cloth up.”

“One last lesson, Lisanna. I noticed you used tape to gag yourself, but a single strip pressed onto your lips really has just about no effect at all. I’ll show you how to properly gag someone. Open up please.”

Lisanna opened her mouth, and Mirajane wedged the cloth in between her younger sister’s teeth. She then ties it off behind her head. “Try making a sound now.” The older sister said.

“HMMPFF!” Lisanna yells loudly. To her surprise, the cloth almost completely muffles her scream. She tries screaming out once more, as loud as she can “HMMMPPPFFFFMMMM!!!”

Finally she quiets down, out of breath from her long shout. 

Wow, Lisanna thought to herself. Compared to the effects of the tape gag, this is absolutely silent. Mira-nee did it again!

“you noticed the difference, I presume?” Mira said happily.

Lisanna nods. “Ak u (Thank you)”.

“You’re welcome. Now, I really must get going. You have fun here, I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

Mirajane points at the scissors she placed on the bedside table.

“These scissors I’ve put on your bedside table are enchanted, I used to use these for my own self bondage sessions. They will activate upon touching them with rope, so you can get out if need be.”

“That is, if you can reach them.” Mira said teasingly.

Lisanna giggles, and mumbles back that there will be no need, as she is enjoying herself far too much.

“Have fun little sister! I’ll see you this evening.” Mirajane says as she walks out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Lisanna starts out by rolling around on her bed for a while, getting a feel for her bonds and gag. Her plan was to tests the ropes first, in order to figure out how to escape from them without the scissors Mira-nee left her. She wanted to surprise her older sis when she comes back from the guild. 

Lisanna wondered if her older sister would be proud to find her sitting in the living room, completely free, when by the time Mira-nee came home again. Maybe if she performed well enough, Mira would introduce her to this illustrious partner of hers. This possibility made Lisanna even more motivated to escape before her sister returned.

There was however one (not so small) snag… 

The young silver haired girl couldn’t find any give in the ropes whatsoever! 

On top of that, she knew there were several tightly done up knots holding the ropes in place. But try as she might, she couldn’t even find a single one with her hands, let alone untie them. She was 100% escape proof, more stuck than she had ever been or ever expected to be.

Realizing this brought up all sorts of feelings inside the young mage. She suddenly felt completely helpless, but at the same time excited and aroused, happy and satisfied. After struggling for almost half an hour, Lisanna suddenly noticed her nipples had become rock hard. Much more so than was the case when she locked herself in her handcuffs.

Then again, the young girl thought, this position certainly feels much more restrictive than some measly cuffs. But it’s a heavenly feeling, and Mira's wedged in cloth gag also works a lot better than the simple strip of tape I always used.

As  Lisanna wriggled herself into a state of complete bliss, just one more thought crossed her mind:

My Mira-nee really is a genius! I’m so happy to be home again.


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