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Mirajane walked into her home, tired after a long and wild night at the guild. 

Cleaning up and repairing all of the broken furniture had taken several hours, and it was now half past 1 in the morning. She tried to move around as quietly as possible, so as not to wake Elfman or Lisanna.

But to her surprise, when Mira walked into the kitchen, she found her youngest sibling sitting at the table wide awake, a cup of hot chocolate in front of her.

"Welcome back, Mira-nee." She said softly, "do you want a cup?"

It took the oldest of the sister a moment to regain her composure after encountering Lisanna in the kitchen at this hour. Finally, she answered. "Well, if you have some at the ready then sure. But why are you up drinking hot chocolate at this hour?" Mira asked of her youngest sibling with a combination of worry and sternness.

Lisanna walked towards the still lightly burning stove and poured a second cup of coco from the pan. While the young shorthaired girl walked back towards the table and her sister, she began her explanation.

“I wanted, craved is actually the better word for it, some self bondage fun again, but with Elfman in the next room over, I didn't dare. So now I'm sitting here all excited and unable to get to sleep.” Lisanna let out a loud sigh as she sat down. “Being all alone in your hobby is though, but I still haven’t a clue about where to find a partner.”

Mirajane frowned. “Hmm, I can understand your frustration. I wish there was something I could to help, but sadly I have no experience either in looking for a partner. As you know, me and Cana met solely by chance.”

“I know, Mira-nee. But thank you for the sentiment anyways… Haaah, guess all I can do is try and calm myself for now, get some sleep and keep forging ahead. I’m sure I’ll meet someone, one day.”

Lisanna took another sip from her cup of hot chocolate.

Suddenly, an idea sprung to mind into the older sister’s head. “You know, I could always tell you another story about me and Cana. it's not the same as a real experience, but it should satisfy you to a certain degree, hopefully enough to calm you down and get some rest."

“I thought you’d never offer.” Lisanna replied as she shifted her chair closer to that of her sister. "Start telling already, Mira-nee." She said eagerly, with shining eyes and a bright smile.

The older of the two sisters chuckled. “Something tells me you didn’t just come downstairs for that cup of coco. But I don’t mind, if it helps, I’m happy to oblige.” Mirajane said with a gentle smile.

“…But what to tell you?” The older sister mused. “Cana and I have been through so much over the years, but not all of it is appropriate for me to be telling you.” The demon take-over mage said with a devious grin.

“Whatever you think of is fine, Mira-nee. I’m sure it’s all plenty exciting for me.” The young shorthaired girl replied.

“Oh, then how about our first real screw-up! That story is plenty exciting, but also slightly comical, AND you’ll take a lesson away from it for your future experiences.” Mira said whilst looking at her sister.

“You and Cana have had your plans mess up once?” Lisanna asked in surprise.

“Not just once, we’ve made it through several tight spots over the years.” Mirajane replied with a look of reminiscence on her face. “Some stuff was purely bad luck, others were more because of foolish mistakes on our part. This story is about the first time I really messed up... Although, to be fair, it wasn’t just me who was responsible for this error.”

This story starts at one of the regular hidden meetings we held to determine a time and place for our next 'session'.

"We finally got a chance to meet up after so long." Cana said to me.

"Yeah, It really has been too long." I replied.

"So, next Saturday is going to be the day, then?" Cana asked.

"Yep, I will drop off Lisanna and Elfman at an amusement park with a friend of mine to babysit them and she will spend the rest of the weekend entertaining them. That way, we'll have my house to ourselves for the entire weekend!"

"Great! I've been dying to get decently tied up for weeks now, I almost can't wait until Saturday!" Cana said with a look of anticipation on her face.

That didn’t sit right with me however, so I pointed something out to her: "Hang on. It's not your turn to get tied up, I already tied you up last time so now it's my turn."

"What? Are you sure of that? It's been so long already, you could just be mistaken." Cana replied casually.

Naturally, I wasn't going to take this lying down. I'd been longing to get tied up just as much as she had, and it was my rightful turn to be put in bondage! Needless to say, she did not back off either and quite a quarrel ensued. Things almost turned so bad we were going to use magic to settle it. But that would've caused such a ruckus we would be found!

Luckily, we both calmed down in time and took a moment to try and think of a solution separately.

Why were you two so stubborn about it? If you really had the whole weekend to look forward too, then couldn't you have just switched turns? Lisanna interrupted her sister’s story.

Mira responded by letting out a sigh before explaining. "Well, you’re right. We could have taken turns during the weekend, but this was more about the principle for me: I was absolutely sure it was my turn to get tied up. Cana probably realized this as well, but she didn’t like tying all that much at the beginning of our ‘bond’. At least not half as much as being the one who gets tied up. She's always behaved rather selfish about that, and didn’t shy away from an excuse or two to get her way.”

The white haired older sister then grinned. "Even though I repeatedly punished her for that behaviour."

Once again, Mirajane began reminiscing. It was only when Lisanna pulled her back that the older sister got back on track.

"So, what did you do in the end, Mira nee?"

"Oh, I came up with an idea. Something that was staring me in the face for a long time, something I used when I was still on my own for my bondage fun time."

Finally, I suggested a solution: “Why don’t we both get tied up at once? If neither of us is planning to concede, that would be our only option.”

“Well, sure. I thought of that as an option too.” Cana responded. “Just one problem though: How do we get free? One of us will have to get tied up in an escapable manner, that’s only logical. But that person won’t get the same thrill, so it’s still not completely fair.”

I smiled at my partner. “I have something that could solve that, I think. Just come over next Saturday, I’ll have it prepared by then.”

Cana pestered me for a few minutes to get me too explain my idea at the spot. But I remained firm, and kept on telling her it would be easier to explain with a demonstration coming Saturday. Finally, she backed off and we both went our separate ways.

Saturday morning, after I’d returned from bringing you to the amusement park, Cana was standing outside my front door already. We quickly entered and headed for my room, afterwards we quickly unpacked all of the stuff we were going to use for the weekend. Finally, I began to expound the idea I had come up with.

“If you’d please place your hands together in front of you, Cana.” I said to my brunette friend.

Cana complied, curious about what I was planning. I proceeded to tying her wrists in front of her, then took out a pair of old looking scissors in front of the brunette.

“I don’t get where you’re going with these.” She said to me. “Sure, even scissors as old and worn out as these could be used to cut yourself free while tied like this. The thing is, my hands are not normally tied in front, and there’s also a lot more rope involved when we get serious. For those kinds of situations, these dinky scissors are definitely not enough.”

“Just touch the scissors with the ropes biding your wrists instead of complaining about how they look.” I said.

She did as she was told. The second the rope made contact, the scissors began floating and flying in the direction of the Cana’s wrists, cutting her free.

“You get it now?” I said with a smirk. “I created these years ago, after several weeks of magic research and trial &  error. “They only look like old, battered scissors because that way no one will take them or use them accidentally. Incidentally, to me they are visible in their true form, which is brand new and shiny. When I cast the spell, I made them look all battered for outsiders so nobody else would think of using them.”

I grinned at my fellow bondage partner. “Pretty clever, don’t you think?”

“Yes, pretty well done I have to admit.” Cana replied.

Lisanna interrupted her sister abruptly. “I know that pair of scissors!” Mira exclaimed when Mira paused her story for a moment. “That’s the pair you placed beside me when you first discovered I was into bondage.”

Mira shook her head. “That’s not exactly true, but we’ll get to that later in the story.”

I began explaining how I envisioned our bondage session:

“So here’s the deal: I will tie you up just like you wanted, inescapably. Then I’ll chain myself, with the keys nicely out of reach. Presto, we are both completely helpless, UNTIL you decide you want out. At that point you can just wriggle towards the scissors and free yourself, then me. We can experiment with the format a little over time, like putting the scissors in a more remote place or inside some kind of locked box with a timer.”

“Sounds great to me. Honestly, I was sceptical when I arrived here. But this really is a brilliant idea!” Cana said with a smile.

“Of course it is!” I replied, “did you think I would come up with some half-assed plan?! Anyways, let’s get down to business, enough explaining for now. I’m gonna start tying you up! We’ll leave the scissors close by on the night stand for now, no use taking risks since this is the first time we are trying this out.”

“No arguments here!” Cana replied. “Feel free to get started on me.” And after saying that, the brunette turned around and placed her hands behind her back.

I proceeded by restraining Cana, tying her in a firm hogtie not unlike the one I placed you in, (Mira said whilst looking at Lisanna), during our first time. After checking she was securely bound, I gagged my brunette friend with two pieces of cloth (one in her mouth and one tied between her teeth).

Whilst Cana had already begun enjoying her position, I started by putting the keys to all the cuffs in the drawer of my nightstand. Next, I cuffed my ankles, stuffed a ball gag into my mouth and locked a pair of cuffs with a long chain around my ankle cuffs. The other end of the long chain cuffs I locked around a second  pair of handcuffs, which I subsequently locked behind my back around my wrists.

Now the both of us were fully restrained, happily struggling on top of my large, soft bed.

When Cana had had her fill, she tapped the scissors with her ankle ropes. This took her quite a lot of effort, stuck in her hogtie and all, but she managed eventually. Honestly, I think she rather enjoyed the challenge of reaching those scissors. 

I had presumed she would uncuff me after she was fully free, but instead that little minx decided to have some fun with me first. She began tickling the soles of my bare feet, making me squeal and struggle until I was completely out of breath. THEN she finally untied me

“So,” I asked when I was finally free and no longer gagged, “how did you like the test run on my invention?”

“Passed with flying colours.” The young card mage replied with a large smile, holding up the magical scissors. “With these we can both enjoy proper bondage at the same time, if we feel like it . We can still improve on this, we just have to get some practice in using the scissors..

And boy did we practice. She and I used those scissors more times than I can count after that, trying out new ideas each time to put ourselves in even more of a predicament than the time before. And during the times we had no need for them, I just kept the scissors in the top drawer of my desk at home.

Lisanna then interrupted her sister abruptly. “Hang on… your top drawer you say?”

Mira nodded, a slight smirk now appearing on her face.

“And they were brand new scissors, but only to you? For everyone else, they looked like battered and worn out scissors?!” The shorthaired girl said, trying to keep her voice down despite her panic. Her eyes widened as she realized something she had done years ago.

“I see it’s coming back to you.” Mira said with a smile on her face.

“Yes it is! Years ago, I found those scissors when going through your drawers for some paper do draw on. I noticed how battered they looked… and, and I decided to surprise you by buying a new, similar pair!!!” Lisanna said with a shocked expression. “You never mentioned discovering my present, and I’d wondered why for months... Now I know, those scissors were never meant to be replaced!”

The long haired mage nodded. “Indeed, and since your present looked almost identical to the original pair, to me at least, I didn’t notice it right away.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask, but when did you notice Mira-nee?” Lisanna asked hesitantly.

“I noticed too late, if that’s what you meant. But I’ll continue the story for you to discover when exactly Cana and I noticed your surprise gift.”

Lisanna looked down, a sad look on her face. “I’m sorry Mira-nee.”

“Don’t be.” The older sister said with a comforting smile. “It all turned out well in the end and we even had a couple of laughs about it afterwards. Besides, how were you supposed to know? This was mine and Cana’s fault, and ours alone. Which brings me to one of the main points of this story: Always, always check your gear and escape plans thoroughly before starting. Especially if nobody else knows about what you’re doing.”

The youngest take-over mage nodded. “Duly noted… Now continue the story please, sis.”

Mirajane chuckled, pleased by the enthusiasm of her younger sister. “As I said, we regularly used our newly thought out trick to restrain the both of us at the same time. The afternoon I’m about to tell you about was meant for exactly that:”

We met up at a rented house two cities over from Magnolia, far away from anyone who could recognize us. As I was walking towards the place, I noticed Cana already sitting on a nearby bench.

Cana was wearing a light green short dress, dropping down to about 15 cm below her butt and dark brown boots. She’d let dark brown hair hang loose, so it dropped down to her shoulders. In other  words, she managed to look as cute as she always did.

As for me, I’d tied my long white hair in a pony tail for my own comfort. And I was wearing my usual outfit from back then: A purple miniskirt with a black tank top and my black high heeled boots

I met up with my partner at the bench, and we started walking towards the front door.  “You’ve brought everything we’ll need, I presume?” Cana asked me. “I know I did.”

“Have I ever let you down?” I smirked. Of course, I was still unaware of the irony that sentence held, but I would find out later that day.

We got inside, did a quick tour of the house to check for any entrances that needed closing and to inspect all of the rooms. It was a rental house after all, you never know what you come across in places like that.

When we decided everything was in order, we headed for the bedroom. The room itself was pretty basic, with an empty wardrobe, make-up desk, and of course a king size bed with an extra fluffy mattress.

We took off our shoes and socks and installed ourselves onto the bed, unzipped our bags containing all of the needed equipment and placed everything at the ready.

I put the scissors at the far end of the bed, paying them not much heed since they looked the same as always to me. Unfortunately, Cana was too busy inspecting her own stuff for her to notice the scissors didn’t look quite like how she was used to seeing them, otherwise the whole fiasco you’re about to hear could’ve been prevented.

…Ah well, water under the bridge and all…

Anyways, I chucked the scissors at the end of the bed so Cana would have her work cut out for her reaching them. I then began tying up the brunette, nice and tight like she loved so much.

For her legs, I opted for a tight frogtie on each leg. It limited her movement quite a lot, and having Cana in a kneeling position always made her look so cute.

For those flexible arms of hers, I thought up quite a challenge. I began by pulling her arms up and bending them so her wrists were placed together at the height of her shoulder blades. I quickly looped a long rope around her wrists to keep them pinned there. 

With still a lot of rope left hanging from the card mage’s wrists, I wrapped the rope around Cana’s chest (both below and above her already decently developing chest). The rope was also wrapped behind her back, around the card mage’s arms. Next, I brought the rope up and over Cana’s left shoulder, fed it in between her breasts to weave it through the upper and lower chest ropes, only to bring the rope back up the same way and over the brunette’s right shoulder. I finished by tying off my intricate chest harness to her reverse prayer bonds.

The whole point of this ropework was for Cana to become completely unable to move her hands anymore. And every time she would try to wriggle, the chest harness would tighten as a sort of punishment for trying to escape.

It pleased me greatly to find out that everything went exactly as planned, as I noticed my captive wince upon testing her ropes.

“This one’s new.” Cana told me. “Very effective, when did you come up with this?”

“A while ago. I’d been saving it for sometime special, and since It’d been quite a while since we both got tied up at the same time, I decided this is that time.” 

I then picked up a bright red ball gag. “Any last words?” I asked my fellow guild member.

“None, you barely listen to me anyways when you’re in charge.” Cana said with a smirk.

“Fair point.” I responded, after which I buckled the gag in place and left Cana to squirm in her hopeless situation.

With Cana properly tied, I turned my attention to restraining myself.

I began by locking my collar in place.

“You mean the one that seals your magic powers?” Lisanna suddenly interrupted.

“Yes, but that wasn’t the reason for putting it on. I just enjoy the feeling of it from time to time.” Mirajane replied, her eyes shining brightly. “The tough leather on my skin, the restrictive feeling as I turn my head, it really adds awareness to your predicament, let me tell you.” 

So anyway, I locked my collar in place first. Then picked up a short spreader bar about 6 inches (15 cm) long with leather straps attached at both sides, I wrapped those around my thighs, just above my knees and locked them both in place with tiny padlocks. This forced my legs to spread apart ever so slightly, giving me a real feeling of exposure.

I was already getting excited as I picked up the cuffs I wanted to lock up my ankles with. After restraining my ankles together, I decided to move on to my upper body.

I started by wrapping a thin chain tightly around my waist, locking it with another padlock so it looked like a belt. I then turned the chain around so the padlock and the remaining end of chain were located behind me. Then, I pulled the rest of that chain in between my legs to the front and locked it there once more. Thanks to that, I now had a strict but not too tight chain-crotchrope.

To finish myself up, I picked up my last pair of handcuffs, padlocked them to the front of my ‘crotchchain’ and locked them around my wrists.

Lisanna didn’t want to interrupt her sister again, but she was too curious. “You didn’t gag yourself, Mira-nee?”

“No, Cana and I agreed at least one of us had to remain ungagged during any of our sessions. You never know what can go wrong, so at least one person needs to be able to call for help in extreme emergencies.”

“I see. Very prudent of you two.” Lisanna said in an admiring tone of voice.

“You can take as another lesson if and when you find your own partner.” Mira replied.  “Anyway, where was I?”

“You’d just finished chaining yourself up.” Lisanna answered quickly.

“Oh, right. Thanks.”

With both of us now securely tied or chained, we began enjoying our respective predicaments.

While neither of us had a lot of wriggle room left, that didn’t stop us from trying! Cana was thrashing around as best she could in her brand new bondage position, moaning through her gag as the chest harness I put on her kept digging in deeper, arousing the bound and gagged brunette.

I decided to take things a little slower, getting more of a feel for my chains and cuffs. I was going to be last to be let out anyways, so there was no need to rush. I particularly enjoyed how tight that chain I formed into a crotchrope felt on me, and I pulled on my wrists repeatedly to make it dig in a bit deeper. Since I hadn’t gagged myself, I didn’t have the liberty of moaning as loud as Cana did, but I let slip out a few grunts and gasps along the way.

After a good while, Cana tired herself out from struggling in her bindings. To my pleasure, nothing the card mage had tried had been successful: Not a single rope had budged and the now out of breath brunette damsel was still as helpless as when she started her wriggling. I noticed her nipples poking though her dress slightly, probably from the chest harness arousing her with every twitch of her hands.

Shortly after Cana gave up, I slumped down to catch my breath as well. “Have you had your fill?” I asked.

Cana nodded. We'd spent several hours in our positions already and even though there was no rush (since no in town knew of us and nobody visits a rental house), we both decided it was about time to make our escape. After all, Cana still needed to get the scissors to make contact with one of her ropes.

The brunette card mage began shifting her body, hopping and crawling towards end of bed where’s I’d placed the scissors. When she finally reached them, she tapped them with the rope tied around her left leg.

… nothing happened.

Cana was slightly confused by this, as even a slight brush usually did the trick. She decided to try again, pressing the rope firmly against scissors... Still no movement.

“I-a, or isso an esp-in (Mira, your scissors arent responding).” The card mage said to me.

“What? How can that be?” I replied, struggling to turn myself around so I could look at Cana’s situation.

“U-ag e irt (ungag me first)” Cana said. Having a conversation with a big rubber ball in your mouth was  complicated enough, but what annoyed her more was that it made her drool all over her brand new dress.

She began shuffling towards me again and laid herself on her side with her back towards me. This way, my hands (which were cuffed at the height of my waist) stood a chance of reaching the buckle for Cana’s gag. Even so, it still took us a lot of time, fidgeting and frustration, to finally get that darned gag out.

With her mouth finally free, Cana began explaining what the issue was: “ I tapped the rope on your scissors like always, but nothing happened this time.”

I started thinking what could be the cause of it. “Well, the enchantment shouldn't have worn off, I redid it after we finished up last time like I always do.” 

I looked at the scissors to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Cana did the same, and it was then she noticed something that made her heart skip a beat.

“….Hang on, Mira… I can't believe I didn't notice before, but your spell still makes the scissors look worn out to all but you, right?” Cana said in a slightly anxious tone of voice.

“Of course, why?” I replied, slightly worried by Cana’s tone.

“Because those scissors over there are looking mighty new and shiny to me!!” She replied.

I still remember the feeling I got when Cana said that to me. I could feel my heart rate shoot up and my eyes widen as the realization kicked in. “Y-you're kidding!... Then those are… ORDINARY SCISSORS?!”

My mind began racing, thinking of how on Earthland I could’ve made such a colossal mistake. “How is that possible! I shouted. “I got them out of my drawer like I always did! There's no way I brought the wrong ones!

“Maybe someone swapped them?” Cana suggested.

“Who would do that? Nobody knows about their properties OR about our ‘hobby’. There shouldn’t be anyone wanting to sabotage us like this!”

The brunette shook her head. “That's not what I'm saying. You have two siblings who care deeply for you. Maybe they just wanted to surprise you by replacing you old worn out and battered scissors. Didn't either of them make note about getting you something?”

I began thinking back, but couldn’t recall anything of the sort. “No, but I have been quite busy lately. I haven't had the chance to chat with them in a while... But I'm afraid your explanation is the only logical conclusion.”

Cana sighed heavily. “That doesn't get us out though.”

I snapped at my fellow damsel, mainly out of annoyance for my own mistake, not out of anger. “I KNOW! So start thinking about what WILL get us out!”

"Can’t you just cast the spell on these? They're still scissors after all. If you enchant them, they can still cut me loose." Cana suggested

I shook my head. " No chance. First of all, this collar seals my magic. But even if that weren't the case, it was some time ago I last did this spell. It's quite technical, and I don't remember it exactly.

"Then, what can we do? You don’t stand a chance of getting out with the keys still in the bag. And as for me, I doubt even the two of us working together could get all of these ropes off of me." Cana said, now sounding slightly panicked as she began struggling in vain again.

"Don’t panic!” I responded. “Just calm down and think. The way I see it, we either find a way to get out by ourselves,  or wait until the morning. Housekeeping should come by then to clean up the place for the next customer.”

Cana’s eyes widened. “Wait until the morning? I don’t know about you, but my position isn’t nearly comfortable enough to endure until the morning8 Besides, do you wanna be found by god knows who?"

"Of course not!" I snapped. "I was just trying to explain to you that even if we don’t manage to escape by ourselves, we aren’t in any danger of starving or something like that. But I do concede that being found like this would probably be a disaster, to the point where our hobby even might become public knowledge!

Cana looked at me. The card mage had calmed herself down a bit. “Well I sure don’t want that to happen. The two of us have way to much fun to let it end by a stupid mistake. Guess this means it's time for some teamwork and effort… a lot of effort."

I tried to smile at my fellow guild member, happy she had pulled herself together and managed to find her resolve. Now we could begin what would probably be some of the most tense and infuriating hours of our lives.

“I’m afraid you are right, nothing we can do but soldier on, regardless of how long it will take.”

I looked toward the end of the bed. “For starters, I'll try and shuffle to the scissors. My hands have the most freedom out of the two of us, so I should have the best chance grabbing a hold of them. You work on turning your back towards me, so I can try and cut loose your chest harness when I finally reach you with my scissors."

We both went about our set tasks, me moving over to the end of the bed and Cana positioning herself for when I eventually made it back to her side. 

Just wriggling over to the scissors and back nearly tired me out. But spurred on by the prospect of getting free, I didn't stop to rest and I immediately began reaching for Cana's ropes with the scissors.

Sadly, I had not taken into account our respective restraints: My hands were locked tight at waist height, while most of Cana's ropework was located at shoulder height. Needless to say, almost nothing was in reach of my fingers or the scissor. It required some real flexibility from Cana's part to bend backwards and get the ropes in reach.

After what felt like an eternity of frustrating reaching, pulling and yelling, I finally managed to cut enough ropes for Cana to free her wrists.

Afterwards, Cana freed her legs after without much ado. Now that the brunette was finally completely free, sat herself upright and she began relaxing her muscles. She also needed to catch her breath, since she had been continuously been bending and straining herself to get the ropes in my reach.

“Aaaah, Finally!” Cana said, the relief beaming off her face. “I was beginning to fear we would never get there.”

“I know how you feel,” I replied “I genuinely feared I was going to go insane with frustration! I can’t even count how often these stupid scissors grazed your ropes without actually cutting any. Aiming and cutting with my hands locked this tightly turned out to be far more difficult than I ever imagined.”

I threw the scissors to the side of the bed and lowered myself onto my side. I was completely exhausted from the tenseness and the straining to reach Cana’s ropes. Needless to say, I had had quite enough of being chained up.

“Now then, when you’re done catching your breath, do you think you could sift through my backpack and take out the keys?” I asked my brunette partner. “You need the red ones for my cuffs and the black ones for the padlocks.”

Cana began rummaging in my bag, and soon pulled out a little black velvet pouch. She jingled the pouch. “Is this the bag you keep your keys in?”

I nodded. “Uhu, you only need the red and black ones to free me from this though.” 

Cana smirked. Instead of opening up the pouch, she threw it into her own backpack.

“Perfect, she said. Now I can take off without worrying you might escape.”

My eyes widened as I processed what Cana just said to me. “Excuse me?! Take off? What the hell do you mean take off?!!” I shouted.

“What do you think I mean?” Cana said with a devious look on her face. “I’m leaving you here for the night as punishment for being so sloppy with those scissors. Not only did it take us ages to get out, think about the consequences if we hadn’t managed to escape! I’m going to leave you here so you can think long and hard about you error.”

I began squirming in my bindings. “Cana, this isn’t funny. Let me out this instant!” I shouted. I then stopped my struggling, since the chain wedged in between my legs was digging in too much.

“No, it definitely isn’t funny. That is why I’m going to leave you here, so you can fully grasp how ‘not funny’ this all was.” The brunette said with a smirk.

“Don’t bullshit me! You’re doing this because you get a kick out of it! This hasn’t got anything to do with teaching me a lesson at all!”

Cana chuckled. “That’s not true, I really do hope you’ll learn your lesson after this night. Of course, if I happen to enjoy leaving you behind, that’s just an added bonus.”

The card mage then picked up her (still dripping wet) gag. “But I do think you need to be kept quiet, otherwise you might be tempted to call for help in order to prematurely escape your predicament.”

“Don’t you D-“ I tried to say, but I was interrupted by my fellow mage shoving the wet ball gag into my mouth.

“There.” Cana said with a bright smile. “Now you’re all set to spend the night here. Don’t worry though, I will return before housekeeping comes in, so you just focus on making the best out of your situation. Who knows, you might even start to have some fun after you’ve come to terms with your fate. From the looks of it, you’ll have plenty of time to do that.” The brunette said smirking.

Cana then got up from the bed, and as she turned around to head out I tried to persuade her one last time:


My desperate threat only made the brunette chuckle once more. “You don’t mean that… After all, who are you going to spend your time with when I’m gone?” And after that sentence, the card mage left the house, locking the door behind her.

"Needless to say, I began struggling immediately, albeit fruitlessly. It didn’t take long at all for me to confirm  what I had already known deep down: I would not be getting out until Cana returned to free me."

"She left you for the entire night!?" Lisanna said in awe.

Mirajane nodded. "Yep. I believe that, at that point, that would've been my longest consecutive period of being put in bondage.” The white haired mage said with a smile. “Although, I should add that Cana didn’t really leave me behind, all alone and helpless.”

What do you mean?” Lisanna asked.

“She had slammed and locked the front door loud enough for me to hear, but that was an act. In reality, she stayed downstairs the entire night to make sure I was alright. She always acts very cruel as part of her dominating role, but she is very responsible when it comes to our bondage.” 

Mirajane smiled slightly as she reminisced about that first full night spent in bondage. “Of course, I had no idea about her keeping watch until she told me, long after events had taken place. I was under the impression that I was completely alone in that house for the entire night.”

“What did you do for that entire night?” Lisanna asked curiously.

“What do you think? Struggle of course! Naturally I wasn’t trying to escape, I had no hope of doing that. But since I was stuck on that bed, I figured I might as well enjoy myself.” Mirajane responded with a grin. “All in all, it was quite exciting and plenty of fun for me when I finally accepted my position. The only real problem was getting to sleep in my cuffed and gagged state, that proved to be very difficult. 

“How so?” Lisanna asked her older sister.

“Well, not only was my position quite uncomfortable however I positioned myself, be it sitting upright or lying down, there was also the issue that each and every time I heard something outside, I became worried it could be a burglar or something of the sort. Like I said, that was my first time being left alone in bondage for so long, during the night no less! My imagination began working overtime with every sound I heard close by, spinning scenario’s of someone or something entering the room and finding me completely helpless to resist!”

The long haired mage then grinned slightly. “To be honest, those fantasies slightly turned me on as well… but I couldn’t really enjoy it because of my anxiety.”

“So, all in all I guess you could say I didn't really mind my predicament all that much. That was also one of the reasons I decided against not planning a revenge for Cana."

“Just one of the reasons?” Lisanna commented.

The older sister nodded. “Well, at some level I deserved what Cana did to me. It was after all my fault we ended up helplessly bound with no way of freeing ourselves.”

“So you forgave Cana for leaving you in that room?” Lisanna said, astonished at the good nature of her (back then) demonic sister.

“Well, not so much forgiving. It’s more that I considered us even. I simply decided the best thing to do for the rest of that night was relishing in my position, that there was no use in burning up energy getting angry over something I could do nothing about.”

“Very mature of you, Mira-nee. Especially since it technically wasn’t your fault, but mine.” Lisanna said, looking down at the table with a sad face.

“Don’t be like that, sis! This all happened years ago, no harm done. Just take note of this story as a lesson: Always check your escape plans and make sure you have a back-up ready.”

“Will do, Mira-nee.” Lisanna replied, after which the shorthaired girl yawned widely.

“Finally getting tired?” The older sister asked.

“Yeah, your story hit the spot and I think I’m about ready for bed. Good night Mira-nee, I love you.”Lisanna said with a smile as she stood up.

“Pleasant dreams.” Mirajane responded, smiling back.

While Lisanna headed up the stairs, Mirajane placed the cups and pan in the sink. Afterwards she too headed for her room.

While the oldest of the Strauss siblings got dressed for bed and dove under the wool, she began reminiscing about her times with Cana again.

Hmm, maybe it’s about time I contacted my partner for another session. Mira thought to herself. It’s been quite a while already, and this story has gotten me in the mood again.

The white haired S-class mage drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face, she had a pretty good idea of what she’d be dreaming about tonight.


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