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"And I'm saying he is being too hasty! Our training has hardly finished and he already wants to join one of the most dangerous missions you can embark on!"

Mikasa was really starting to lose her patience now. Even Armin was taking Eren's side on this. 

Didn't anyone realize Eren was just trying to throw his live away by volunteering for this exploration mission?

"Eren just wants to play his part in the salvation of the human race. And reconnaissance is a vital element in all expeditions outside the walls", Armin said.

"Mikasa was not impressed: Did you get that line out of a textbook?"

She was convinced Eren was making a mistake signing up for that suicide mission. But the last time she confronted him, he lost his temper, saying she should stay out of his business. Ever since he started actively using his giant-transformation, he became more and more reckless. Why did he always flare up at her when she tried to protect him? Didn't he realise how much she cared for him, how much it hurt her seeing him trying to throw his life away?

"When training finishes, I'm headed for the central park to talk to Eren again." Mikasa said to Armin. "Will you join me?"

Armin declined. "I know very well how Eren gets when you try to talk him out of something he's put his mind to. You might as well try and teach a giant to use knife and fork."

Mikasa looked angrily at Armin. "Well I'm not giving up just cause it's difficult. I will save Eren from his own stubbornness."

Having said that, she turned her back to him and headed for the park where Eren was doing his routine running exercises.

Mikasa found Eren resting underneath a pine tree, having just finished his laps.

He could see her walking towards him, and sat upright with a mean look on his face.

"Don't bother Mikasa, I'm not listening to your nagging again." Eren said.

"Well, then I hope you're not too tired from running because I'm not stopping until you concede." Mikasa countered.

"I won't stop persuading you until you realize how foolish this mission of yours is. You don't even have full control over your Titan form, think about what you can accomplish if you stay behind the walls until you have mastered it. You won't have to fear anything out there anymore." (and I will no longer have to fear you being harmed, Mikasa thought).

Eren sighed. "Why don't we decide who's right by holding a match? he suggested. The winner decides on the losers fate. That way we can settle this dispute quickly and definitively."

Now this she could work with! If beating Eren was the only way of persuading him, she would oblige happily. Eren hardly ever beat her anyway, since she'd been in full control of her entire body ever since he and her fought of those human slave traders to save their lives, back when they were kids. 

If it was a competition, she would definitely have a chance of persuading him. But why did Eren want to settle things this way? Surely he realized his obvious disadvantage in physical competitions against her ? Or would he plan on using his Titan form to level the playing field?

"What did you have in mind?" Mikasa asked.

"Escape training." Eren replied calmly. "You get a 1 hour time limit to escape your bonds, if you succeed, you win."

Mikasa froze, she definitely did not expect that answer. Not only did she not expect this challenge, it also posed a real threat to her chances of victory. Escapology was the one subject she struggled with during training (pun intended), even though she'd already gotten some 'training' in it during her childhood. Eren had tried tying her up when they still lived together at his house and watch wether she would escape or not. For some reason, Eren had always liked putting her in those predicaments. And what Eren liked, she would try.  Even though the feel of the ropes was really strange for her at first, she gradually learnt to cope with it. This turned out to be a great help in the escape training they had to endure, helping her reach top grades in that class as well.

Of course those days were just childs play, and she would often escape the bonds Eren placed her in. But ever since they enrolled and real escape training got involved, Eren had used his unwavering diligence to become more and more accomplished at tying. A fact she discovered during their 'private escape training sessions' Eren would sometimes suggest. 

Originally the only reason she would accept those sessions was to please Eren, but lately she started to feel some joy in the feeling of being helpless and not being 'the almighty powerhouse' everyone saw her as. It also helped that Eren visibly enjoyed watching her struggle.

This, and the fact that this was probably her only chance to stop Eren from going on that stupid mission, meant there was only one real answer:

"Fine, but you'd better keep your word", Mikasa said. "If I escape your bonds, you pull out of the reconnaissance mission."

"Deal!" Eren said. "We'll hold the challenge tonight, come to my room after sundown. I'll prepare everything."

Sundown arrived, and so did Mikasa. 

When she knocked and entered Eren's room, everything seemed perfectly normal apart from a bag sitting on top of his bed.

"Well, I'm here now. Let's get this bet started so I can stop you from going outside the walls." Mikasa said

"You're awfully confident about this", Eren said. "Aren't you even going to ask what my plans are for you if I win?"

Mikasa smiled at Eren. "Doesn't matter, because you're not going to win. I'll escape your bonds, no matter what. It's that important to me that your stay alive."

"Well, no use delaying then, if you're this eager." Eren said with a grin on his face. "Just take of your uniform and I'll start my work."

Mikasa's smile was replaced with an expression of shock. "Strip?? She said, What use is stripping for being tied up? She started to blush at the thought of Eren seeing her tied up in her underwear, exposed and helpless."

Eren looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Your uniform consist of several layers of clothing. Wrapping rope around that would make it easier for you to wriggle around. "

"B-but, the instructors don't make us strip during escape training," Mikasa protested, "if even they don't think it's necessary, it shouldn't be that much of an influence, right?"

"This isn't escape training", Eren said sternly, "this is a competition between the both of us. Also, knowing you, there's probably a blade or two hidden underneath that outfit of yours. Do you really think I was going to go ahead with this match while you had that much of an advantage?"

Mikasa could see he wouldn't back down on this. If she was going to convince him to abandon his mission, she would have to go through with this bet.

"Fine, but lock the door first. I don't want anyone barging in on this."

Eren locked his door and Mikasa took of her uniform, revealing a beautiful and toned body, and suprisingly girly underwear.

Mikasa was wearing pink and white striped panties with a matching pink bra. The bra really accentuated her above average chest, normally hidden by the plain and dull uniform. 

Her legs were long and slender, but also firm because of all the combat and 3D-movement-gear training sessions.

Mikasa stood there, half naked and blushing as Eren admired her body.

"You really are gorgeous", Eren said.

"Don't try to stall, let’s just get this challenge over with, so I can get dressed again." Mikasa said, her face still flushed. She didn't know how to feel. On the one hand she was terribly embarrassed standing like this in front of Eren, on the other hand she felt really happy with the compliment he'd just given her. 

Maybe after she had escaped his ropes, she could use her looks as extra leverage to convince him to stay behind the walls, safely with her.

Eren opened up the bag lying on his bed, out of which he pulled a long rope. "Come sit on the bedside," he said to Mikasa.

Mikasa went and sat next to him in an upright position, her legs down the side of the bed. Eren told her to place her arms behind her back.

Eren started by bending her arms so that her wrists touched each other at the height of her shoulder blades, then quickly started wrapping it around her wrists to hold them in their reverse prayer position. 

After tying her wrists he took another, very 

long rope out of the bag and proceeded by first looping it around her bound wrists.  Next, he pulled the rope around her upper body, both above and beneath her breasts. 

After pulling the upper and lower ropes together behind her back and looping the rope around it (pulling the ropes tight and accentuating her chest), he pulled the rest of the rope over her left shoulder, pulled down the rope between her breasts, looping it around the lower chest rope and then pulling it back up again over her right shoulder. Eren finished by knotting off the end of his rope behind her back and attached it to the rope around her wrists. 

Now he had effectively secured her bound wrists to the chest harness, leaving them completely immobile both vertically and horizontally. This would also cause the chest harness to tighten, every time Mikasa tried to move her wrists around to much.

"This is completely different from the escape training the instructors taught us", Mikasa said. The ropes felt really tight, and the second Eren finished tying off the chest harness rope she became almost completely unable to move her hands. 

"Just repeating old exercises all the time won't bring any progress", Eren replied. "Don't you like a challenge every now and then?"

Mikasa remained silent. She didn't want Eren to notice she was becoming more and more doubtful that she could win this bet.

"Are you done?" She asked finally, "I'd like to start escaping as soon as possible, since feels even more uncomfortable than the positions in training."

"I'm done with your upper body", Eren answered. "I'll tie your legs in the standard escape training way, more or less. That way you have a least some familiarity with the situation." Eren smiled heartily at Mikasa, hoping it would make her feel more at ease.

Mikasa didn't like the way he stressed the more or less part in that sentence. "What do you mean, more or less? "

"I mean the same but with one extra rope. You'll find out soon." Eren said.

Eren pulled out three more ropes from the bag and proceeded by wrapping them around her ankles, below her kneesand above them. After properly knotting the 3 ropes off, Mikasa's legs were now basically immobile. 

These ropes too felt a lot tighter than the ones at escape training, Mikasa thought. Was Eren actually on the ball with the stripping thing? Would she really have more trouble getting out of the ropes now that they made direct contact with her skin. The more the tying continued, the less confident Mikasa started to feel about her chances of success. 

"Now for the added rope", Eren said with a large smile on his face. He took out a short rope out of the bag, and tied it around Mikasa's waist. He then gently pushed Mikasa onto her side and pulled her legs onto the bed. Finally, he pulled the end of the rope dangling from her waist between her legs.

"E-Eren, what do you think you're doing", Mikasa asked whilst blushing furiously. "There is no restraining effect in placing a rope there", she said whilst looking away (she couldn't bear Eren seeing her so flustered).

"Of course there is", Eren said calmly, "this rope makes you more aware of your predicament, interfering with your concentration, and thus your ability to escape. Now brace, since you'll feel this."

"Feel wha- ?" But Mikasa never finished that question. Eren pulled the crotchrope tight, knotted it off and then attached the end left over to her chest harness and wrists. The second Eren pulled on the crotchrope, all Mikasa could do was gasp heavily for air. when she'd finally caught her breath she yelled:

"Eren! Get that rope off me right now! "

"Why should I? we never agreed on any position I was supposed to place you in. It's your fault for agreeing to this bet without proper thought. It's also your own fault for being overconfident and letting me decided on all the rules." Eren was visibly enjoying Mikasa's frustration, which only made her angrier.

"Besides, this rope was the last one. I'll start the countdown in a moment, and then you can take of that annoying rope if you want to."

Easier said than done, the crotchrope looked pretty much unreachable with her wrists pinned in their reverse prayer position. And she had already secretly tried and look for some knots in reach while Eren was preoccupied with tying her legs, only to find none were. She tried not to make it show to Eren, but to her the situation looked pretty hopeless and escape proof.

Mikasa frowned at Eren. "Fine, I suppose you're going to keep watch over me while I struggle to make sure I cheat with any blades or other items?" 

Eren shook his head. "Nah, I already removed all sharp implements from my room before you came here, there's nothing in here you can use to help you escape. Besides, I forgot to tell you when we met this afternoon: Departure time for our exploration mission has been moved up. I'm leaving in 30 minutes, so I won't be able to stay until the end of our bet."

"What!" Mikasa yelled, "you were supposed to remain inside the walls if I beat you at this! What use is the bet if-"

Eren interrupted: "The rule was, The winner decided on the losers fate. I never mentioned my expedition plans, you just wanted to use your victory to decide on my plans for me, that's not my problem. Besides, the way I see it, you don't have much of a chance of winning this bet anyway." Eren said triumphantly.

He wasn't wrong there, the second Eren told her about his planned departure, she had started struggling furiously. But she didn't even manage to sit herself upright, let alone untie any of the knots. All of them -ankles, knees, crotchrope and even her wrists- were well out of reach and there was no leeway in any of the ropes. The only thing she had managed to do was tire herself out and arouse herself. She had the crotchrope to thank for that, every time she so much as wriggled her wrists, the rope would dig in, resulting in an equally painful and arousing feeling. By now, her hardened nipples had become visible through her pink bikini, causing her to blush from embarrassment again.

"Eren, untie me and lets talk about it once more", Mikasa pleaded. "If you really want to head out, I won't stop you anymore. But at least let me come along, I-"

"No!" Eren said sternly. "If you come along, everyone will depend on you again, that's how it always is. You surpass everyone else by miles in any discipline. The only exception is escapology, which is why I thought of doing this. Now I can go out and prove myself, whilst you reflect on your one and only weakness."

Mikasa looked at Eren in shock, was that really how he felt about her? She never tried to outclass everyone, she just believed in giving it her all, especially if the results could help Eren.

"I never meant to make you look bad Eren, I just want to help you as much as I can, like you would do for me. Please don't leave me like this, it could be hours until someone finds me. And even if they do, I don't want anyone else to see me like this." 

Mikasa looked at Eren with a helpless expression, hoping to win him over.

"Don't worry", Eren replied, "I'll have a message delivered to Armin telling him to get you out. If i send it out in the morning, after we've established a basecamp outside the walls, he should receive it by tomorrow noon."

"Y-y-you can't be serious", Mikasa stammered, "you're going to leave me here like this for the rest of the night?"

"No, not like this", Eren said whilst rummaging through his bag again. "If I leave you like this, someone will hear your yelling before I even make it out of the barracks. "

And with that, he pulled out two pieces of cloth. As he crumpled one up in to a ball, he looked at Mikasa: "Any last words?"

"Eren, please don't do this", Mikasa said with tears in her eyes, "you can't leave me like this, I-, I L-"

But before she could finish her plea, Eren had stuffed the balled up cloth into her mouth and wedged the other one between her teeth, firmly tying it around her head.

"Now, test out the noise you can make. I really hope this will suffice, you can be really loud when you want to."

"Mpppffff!!!!" Mikasa yelled as loud as she could, desperately hoping to attract the attention of anyone outside in the hallway before it was too late. But it was as she feared, the cloth wedged in her mouth muffled any and all sounds she tried to make, effectively letting through nothing more than a quiet whisper.

"Perfect", Eren smiled. "Now I won't have to worry about you being found by anyone but Armin. I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of your helpless situation."

Mikasa looked at him angrily, tears still welling up from her eyes. How could she have been so stupid, so overconfident in her abilities. Shouldn't she have expected Eren to know her well enough so he could take advantage of her flaws? Why did she always trust him so easily, even when they were arguing?

Eren started heading for the door. "Well, it's about time I headed for the assembly hall. I can't be late for my first big exploration mission. You have fun escaping."

Mikasa burst into a furious struggle, trying to find any give in the ropes, or to even snap them by sheer force if need be. She even startled Eren slightly with the fury of her wriggling, but it quickly became clear to both of them that she wasn't making any progress. The ropes held fast, and after a few minutes Mikasa slumped back down onto the mattress, exhausted from her efforts and the pressure the crotchrope created between her legs. 

Eren had been right on the money with that one. It felt like every time she was close to making headway, the crotchrope dug in that bit deeper into her as to completely throw her off, effectively forcing her to start over her efforts each time she came close to actual progress.

"Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it." Eren said with a grin on his face. "I really hope you'll let me try this again when I get back, I've got tons of other techniques I'd like to try."

Mikasa actually started blushing a little because of that remark. 

"Mpfi ee, N Al Lt U ty ig ow (untie me, and i'll let you try right now)" Mikasa mumbled through her gag, trying for a last minute persuasion.

Eren laughed at that suggestion. "Tempting, but no thanks. They're really counting on me for this mission, and I won't let them down."See you in a few weeks Mikasa, hopefully you'll have forgiven me by then. I'm sure you'll enjoy this a little. That's what the crotchrope is for." 

He winked at Mikasa as he said those last words, and headed out the door, locking it behind him.

"MPFFN!" Mikasa yelled one last time whilst wriggling furiously once more. The ropes still had no give whatsoever, and she had to halt her struggles quickly because the crotchrope really started to dig in now, making her both aroused and frustrated at the same time. It was obvious she had no chance of escape, especially if Eren really had removed all blades out of his room beforehand, she was completely helpless. All  she could do was try and find a comfortable position to spend the night in and pray to god the Eren's messenger pigeon would be a fast one tomorrow.


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