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Eren was headed back for his quarters after training with Levy... Well, getting beat up in mid-air until he couldn’t stand anymore.

On his way, he was approached by his childhood friend recently turned lover: Mikasa. The raven haired girl was rushing towards him a little, seeming uncharacteristically nervous.

“Eren, we need to talk.” She said rather hastily. 

“Mikasa? What’s wrong?”

His friend took a deep breath. “I want… a rematch.”

“Rematch? What do you mean? We haven’t been in the same sparring session for weeks! And I never once beat you anyways. In fact, I’ve never even laid a single punch on you as far as I can remember.”

“T-That’s not what I’m talking about.” The raven haired girl said uncomfortably, looking around to ensure no one was within hearing distance.

Eren frowned confusedly. “You’re not making much sense to be honest. What rematch are you talking about then?”

“Think about it, Eren!” Mikasa said impatiently. There is one… discipline in which you've beaten me, hands down."

"What is it then?"

The athletic young woman gritted her teeth.

Argh, why does he always have to be so dense about these kinds of things!

Bright red, Mikasa whispered. "In your room… "

Eren's eyes widened as the pieces slotted into place. "THAT?! You want me to…"

"Shh!" The raven haired girl shushed him. "Someone might hear!"

"Okay, okay.” The young man replied. “I get where you’re going. I’m still having trouble with the ‘why’ but we’ll keep that for later… So, when?"

Mikasa shifted nervously again. "Tonight."

Her lover’s eyes widened. “It’s that urgent?” He asked, failing to hide his smirk.

“Get rid of that smug look! This is serious!”

“Alright, alright. Come to my room after sundown.”

Mikasa nodded, then sped off to get ready.

Night fell, and the elite soldier arrived at Eren’s room.

“Good evening. So are you going to tell me why this was so urgent?” The young man asked as he let Mikasa in and closed his door.

“I wanted to prove something to you.” She replied, sounding rather serious.

“By being tied up?”

“No, by escaping. This time, I’m getting out of your bonds no matter what!”

“What makes you so confident?”

Mikasa hesitated, but decided to come clean. She didn’t want to lie to Eren.

“I’ve bribed Sasha into practicing our escape artistry. We’ve been going at it for a few weeks already, and we’ve gotten quite good at fiddling with knots and shifting ropes around to bring them into reach of our hands.”

Eren raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Practicing escapology?! Why? And why Sasha for that matter?" He asked curiously.

The raven haired soldier blushed. "That's none of your business."

In truth, the two young women had been engaging in some private tie-up games to both improve their own escapology skills, and their tying skills. The brunette and black haired girls were still seething with anger towards Annie for her trap, and they hadn’t yet given up on getting even with her…

Eren dropped the issue after hearing Mikasa’s fierce retort. "Fair enough … So why the sudden desire to show me up?" The brown haired soldier asked, changing the subject.

"Because I don't really like it, you having this hold over me. I care for you, and I know how you feel about me… But every time we make love I'm at your utter mercy! I want to show you that your ropes can't hold me, so that we're on equal ground."

"That's it?!" Eren replied stunned. "If you ever not want to be tied just say so!"

"That's not the point! I want to prove to you I can get out, because otherwise you can just take control whenever you want to… And your teasing sometimes nearly drives me insane as well."

"That's what it's for though." Eren replied with a smirk.

"Well I don't like it!" The raven haired girl said with a slight frown.

Eren chuckled. "Fine. Fine. But, are you even sure you can get out? You're acting a little nervous to me…"

"S-Shut up and tie me already!" Mikasa snarled.

In fact she was nervous. Sasha's practice had really helped her improve with leaps and bounds. But her partner in crime always used 'standard punishment force techniques'. In other words: positions taught during instructions. Compared to what Eren sometimes got up to, those were relatively easy…

Deep down, Mikasa realized that if her lover truly went all out, she'd have little chance of busting free from his bindings. But she also realized that Eren very rarely went so far as to completely immobilize her. Their games usually centred around him limiting her resistance, but still leaving enough slack so she could squirm and fidget to oppose him. He always loved the show she put on when bound and gagged. And Mikasa in turn was absolutely smitten with the rush her restraints gave her, as well as Eren’s appreciation with her efforts each time.

But the fact remained that even after her added training in picking at knots and shimmying out of ropes, luck would still have to be on her side for that. However, to the raven haired girl’s surprise, knowing that only increased the thrill! 

Her heart began beating faster than ever and her breathing quickened as she saw her boyfriend uncoil several ropes. He then dropped them on the bed. “Well, are you going to strip or what?”


“Yeah, I’ve never tied you up fully clothed and I’m not about to start right now.”

Drat! I should’ve known he’d be stubborn about this!

That was another thing Mikasa and Sasha never practiced on: escaping whilst wearing virtually no clothes! The raven haired girl had simply felt to embarrassed and awkward to even suggest it to her training partner. But it had been crystal clear to the athletic young woman that a layer of cloth between her and the ropes drastically improved her wriggle room.


“Alright, don’t rush me!” Mikasa bit annoyed as she took off her top.

Within a minute, she was standing before Eren in her lingerie: A tight black bra with matching thong. The skimpy little outfit barely left any part of Mikasa’s divine body hidden, and especially her tight bum was brought out wonderfully by the black lace lining it. Not to mention her smooth and supple legs, her taut belly and firm and womanly chest.

“Wow, no wonder you were reluctant about stripping down. That’s a really attractive set!” The brown haired young man chuckled.

Mikasa wrapped her arms around her body. “Don’t say it like that!” She snapped as her cheeks flushed bright red.

“Sorry. I panicked. You look so stunning I didn’t know what to say!” He admitted.

Now her whole head slowly turned crimson. “Y-You really think so?”

“Yes! That thong makes your legs and butt look like a work of art!”

The raven haired girl smiled faintly. “Thanks.” She then sat down on the bed and crossed her wrists behind her back. “Now, get to it!”

“Yes ma’am.” He grinned.

Eren started out by cinching together her crossed wrists, taking the remainder of the rope to pin her elbows together as well.

Next he weaved a strict chest harness to ensnare Mikasa’s breasts from all sides, puffing them up but also anchoring her arms to keep them even more constricted.

Eren was equally thorough on her legs, wrapping her ankles, calves, knees and thighs up so tightly Mikasa could barely even shift her legs anymore.

The raven haired girl grunted softly at each tug of her ropes as Eren knotted everything off, feeling her legs get more and more lashed together with each cinch.

For his finish, Eren gently rolled Mikasa onto her stomach and tied another rope to her ankle bonds. He then brought her feet up to her waist, and forced his captive to rest her heels on top of her wrists. The brown haired rigger pulled his lover’s back so taut that Mikasa's rack actually got lifted off the mattress! 

"Ooff! This is tight!" She complained.

But it's also pretty basic, all the major knots are close together, and with some effort I'm sure I'll be able to reach most of them… I can do this!

"So you done? Can I start making my escape?" The raven haired girl asked, feeling a bit more confident after getting used to all of the erotic pleasure distracting her.

"Not yet, just one last, small addition." Eren replied as her held a pair of socks straight from his drawer of fresh underwear

"My gag, of course."

"No, I'm not going to gag you."

"Then what are those for? A blindfold?"

"No that would make things too difficult, no?"

"Don't mock me! I could still get out of this even if I couldn't see!" Mikasa replied stubbornly.

"Good, if you're that sure of yourself then I'm sure you won't mind this." Eren replied as he pulled a sock over each of Mikasa's hands, trapping them into fists and tying an extra wrapping of rope around her forearms to firmly trap the socks in place.

"What?!" The dark haired girl yelped nervously as she tried to flex her fingers, but found them utterly trapped. "Eren that's not fair!"

"Is it not?"

"NO, I can't move my hands at all now!!"

"So? you already couldn't move anything else. What's the harm in including your fingers?"

"You know full well what the problem is with that you jerk!"

"On second thought, maybe you do need a gag…" He smirked as he took hold of a thin piece of white cotton cloth

Mikasa's eyes widened. "NO!" She protested. "You're not gagging me, mmn mmn!" The young soldier then closed her mouth firmly to prevent her boyfriend from forcing a wad past her lips.

But Eren had a solution at the ready. He put down the cloth beside a glaring Mikasa, and began scraping his fingernails along her bare soles.

The dark haired captive flinched, lasting for about 3 seconds before she broke out into hysterical laughter.

"Aahhahaha! Aaaahh! NO! "Ereeheheheeen!" She wailed in between jittering laughs, kicking and flailing as wildly as her tightly bound body allowed.

But the brown haired man accomplished his goal before Mikasa could compose herself. He'd wedged the cotton firmly in between her teeth, and tied if off neatly behind her head, to keep the knotted cleave gag in place.

"URK (JERK)!" Mikasa growled as she tried to push the gag out with her tongue. But the helpless girl gave up almost immediately, seeing as it wouldn't budge in the slightest.

She glared at her lover. This is a new low, even for you! She cursed as she kept trying to force the socks clenching around her fists to stretch. But the strongly woven fabric barely had any give, and the rope Eren had tied to pin them in place wasn't budging either.

Great! I can't use my hands at all. The match goes to Eren… Again!

Feeling a tad disappointed at having to forfeit the challenge before it even really got underway, Mikasa just slumped in her ropes, trying to find a comfy position until Eren would decide to let her out again.

"That's rather anticlimactic." Eren teased. "You're not trying at all."

"Erzz oo oin (there's no point)." Mikasa replied sourly.

"Really now? Then maybe I should give you more of an incentive to put up a fight." He said with a playful glint in his eyes.


Eren began running his fingers down the helpless Mikasa’s sides and thighs, reaching down to tickle the soles of her feet from time to time.

The helpless raven haired girl began bucking and screaming like possessed. But between the powerful ropes and the thick gag, she was helpless to put up any kind of resistance. And by now, Eren knew exactly where all of her sweet spots were.

Eren! You asshole! Stop this right now! She wanted to shriek, but her lungs were burning just from trying to catch enough breath through the relentless tickling. The ropes round her chest began to dig into her breasts as she rolled around to try and avoid her lover’s frisky fingers, but in the end all she did was arouse herself rather than evade her captor’s teasing. 

After a few minutes, Eren finally left poor Mikasa alone. Her skin was glistening from the sweat and her chest was heaving. Even her awesome stamina had been completely drained just from a few meagre minutes of tickling. She glared at the brown haired young man.

“u-ai ee (untie me)!” She growled.

“I will not. This was only the warm up after all…”

“HMRN?!” The dark haired girl mewled panicked. Don’t tell me I’m getting more tickle torture?! GOD no, please! Anything but that!

Mikasa began rolling around in a panic, bucking her hips angrily to try and bust out of her ropes. But it was hopeless. Her restrains wouldn’t slack anywhere, and with her hands balled up in those socks picking at knots was out of the question either.

So the helpless young woman slumped down on the bed again, bracing herself for whatever her lover had planned next.

Eren rolled Mikasa on her side, and to the helpless girl’s relief he did not start tickling her. Instead the brown haired half-titan began slowly pulling down her panties all the way down to her thigh bindings, exposing her snatch.

"EY!” She yelped in surprised. “Eer od eer or ad (we're not here for that)!" Mikasa protested, squirming in her bonds to try and back away. She had never planned on this being anything more than an escape challenge. Of course, thanks to Eren’s thorough ropework and his unfair accessory, her plans had been thrown into disarray from the very start. But even so she didn’t feel like just surrendering to her loved one’s whim without a fight!

Sadly for the athletic girl, Eren’s strictly knotted off ropes still kept her body imprisoned so effectively, she got no further than dislodging the blanket underneath her.

“GRRMN!” She grunted angrily as she kept making a fuss. Move! Damn it! 

But she didn’t, and the raven haired girl was forced to let her captor calmly shimmy down her thong.

"Maybe you weren't planning on taking things this far, but I had my sights set on it the moment you offered to come to my room."

The bound and gagged girl blushed. She still wasn't used to Eren being so forward about things, the first time around she practically had to beg him to make love to her! And now here he was, overturning her own plan to show him up, rendering her defenceless and having his way with her whichever way he so damn pleased!

The brown haired young man slowly ran his fingers up and down Mikasa’s thigh. "It rarely happens that you're the one asking for some private time.” He said, arriving at her butt and giving it a soft squeeze.


“I never realized why, but now I'm starting to see it was probably because you had reservations about me tying you up." The brown haired young man said as he began stroking Mikasa's labia.

"Aaahhhnn!" The raven haired girl gasped. "Az od uu (that's not true)!" She protested.

"Shhh, don't worry I'm not mad. Honestly, I wished you'd told me this sooner. You're a beautiful girl Mikasa, you don't need rope to be attractive. It's just that bondage is what brought us together as lovers, so I find myself naturally reaching for it." 

By now Eren was rubbing his damsel's cunt so vigorously her whole body was trembling, but she was still helpless to do anything about it.

Forced to lie down in her strict hogtie, enduring her lover's heavenly ministrations, Mikasa had to focus her mind so hard it almost hurt just to keep picking up on what Eren was saying.

"But now that I know it's made you uncomfortable, I'll change that…"

The beautiful girl's eyes widened. "Ool ed ee o (you'll let me go)?" She mewled hopefully.

"No. At least not right now."

"Hmmrrr!" She groaned disappointed. Eren was driving her nuts! And not just with teasing her by saying all those things about losing the rope yet not actually doing so… his fingers had yet to stop fondling her as well!

"I think it would be a shame to get rid of all this expert ropework so soon." The brown haired half-titan explained with a playful grin. "And even for our rather exceptional lovelife it's rare to have you this immobile!"

Tell me about it. Mikasa thought annoyed as her umpteenth attempt to flex her body was harshly denied by the hogtie.

"So just this once, I'll take care of everything." Eren whispered as he pulled down the cups of Mikasa's bra to reveal her slightly swollen breasts enveloped by his well-tied harness.

The raven haired girl gasped softly as the cold air hit her nipples, instantly hardening them.

Everything, huh? I suppose not having to worry about anything for a change would be nice…

So the powerful young girl cleared her mind and let her lover's ministrations wash over her.

Eren slowly dipped his tongue into his captive’s most sensitive flesh, and began lapping at her snatch and making her sigh softly.

In the meantime, the brown haired man pulled down the cups of Mikasa’s bra and began fondling her breasts.

Mikasa gasped into her gag, her whole body quivering as Eren’s ministration turned her on. But Eren took his time, slowly bringing her to the edge.

"Hmmnnn!" The raven haired girl whimpered. "Mree (hurry)!!"

The young man chuckled, pinching her nipples.

"Hiii! MRRRGGG!" Mikasa growled angrily. Why did Eren always have to tease her so?!

But suddenly, he sped up his movement, shocking her body towards an orgasm.

"Mmnn!" The young woman groaned lustfully, thrusting her hips forward in need.

Eren's tongue lapped at her labia vigorously, delving deeper and deeper until finally he stroked her clit!

"Aaahhhhnnn!" Mikasa gasped, her climax surging and her body convulsing in blissful relief.

Her lover now backed off from her most sensitive flesh, lovingly taking her in his arms.

After the raven haired girl caught her breath and the rush had subsided a little, she nudged her head against Eren’s cheek.

"U-ai ee? (untie me)?" She asked softly.

"In a minute." He replied, tightening his grip a little.

"Hmmmn." The raven haired girl moaned, slightly disappointed. But the hug made up for a lot.

Thanks to her well-earned reputation as an absolute beast in combat and training, nobody really got close to the strong dark haired girl. Simply put, physical contact wasn’t something she received on a regular basis.

Even didn’t really touch her all that much, save for during their private moments. But even then it was just for making love or teasing her when she was bound. A gentle hug like this, that was rare… And the athletic girl was loving every seconds!

After a few minutes, Eren finally untied his captives so she could pull her thong and bra back into palce.

"Thanks…. For everything… As usual."

"No problem.” Eren replied with a gentle smile. So I take it this game was a success?"

Mikasa frowned. "Just the part where you finally got serious about pleasuring me. You took way too long teasing me! It felt like I was going to lose my mind!"

"Well like I said: it's not often you're reduced to a thoroughly helpless state."

The raven haired girl blushed. "Well if you hadn't trapped my hands in those socks then I might've been able to put up a fight!" She countered sourly.

"I know. Sorry, Mikasa. Next time we'll leave the ropes in their chest." Eren said as he took his lover in his arms and huddled together on the bed.

“You don’t have to apologize.” She replied softly before resting her head on his chest. "But I'd like that…" She sighed, closing her eyes and dozing off. "Some ordinary love might be just what we need."

The brown haired young man chuckled. "Between your monstrous skill and my Titan-abilities, you might be right in saying 'ordinary' is exactly what we're missing…"


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