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"Pfeww, this isn't going to work." A tall scientist with short black hair in a long grey lab coat sighed to a huge dark blue and black device that consisted out of a cylindrical generator with a spear-like beamer device attached on top aimed at a large pale blue platform in the middle of the room.

The researcher was a single, young man in his early twenties. He was in good shape thanks to regular work-outs, his preoccupation with machinery had kept him from finding the right woman in his life. As a result, he’d been living by himself for five years already after his parents passed away, supporting himself by using his prodigious talent regarding all things mechanical. He repaired or built various machines for the people and firms in the cities near his home, and occasionally even invented new tech to patent and use the income for other research projects.

His life was a plain but happy one. As of late he had however been in a bit of a slump regarding his inventions, leaving his budget for new projects lower than he’d wished. But despite the hardships the positive young scientist kept a bright outlook in life.

His current setback had been no different. The machine he was currently working on was a teleportation device, but a rather ancient one at that. After over 15 years of faithful service, it had finally broken down two weeks ago.

The optimistic scientist had been undaunted, and eagerly opened up his machine to find the faulty part. Sadly for him, the problem soon turned out to lie with a rather expensive voltage regulator, one which he didn't have the money to replace.

The dark haired man in his early twenties had spent the past two weeks cannibalizing other broken tools to try and build a replacement for his broken regulator. But his every attempt had failed.

With his newest creation another bust, the learned young man had to face facts: no teleporter.

"Darn it. I don't have any money to repair you, but to earn money I need you to be working!" He growled, slamming the panel shut that covered up the wiring.

As he did, the transistors connected to his make-shift voltage regulator shifted positions a little. That, combined with the shock, suddenly made the hulking machine spring to life.

"No way!" The stocky young man yelled as the magnetic coil at the tip of the beamer began to emit a faint blue light.

"It's working?! But I haven't inputted any coordinates? What's it teleporting in?!" The dark haired researcher said, a little worried about the noise his machine began making, not to mention the sparks and flashes his coil emitted.

"Did I make my replacement regulator too strong? It looks like the coils are overloading!" He realized to his panic. And instead of a brightly glowing dome being generated, a constantly shifting field was created, like an amoeba of light. "The teleportation field is unstable!"

All of this meant only one thing:

My teleporter is going to explode!

It broke his heart as he realized what he had to do: run out of his lab and abandon his teleporter before the explosion took him along with it.

The young scientist rushed outside at full speed, hitting the deck and covering his head with his hands just as the machine blew into a million pieces with a loud bang and a concussive shockwave.

Thanking the stars he'd reinforced his lab and the foundations of his home, he immediately got to his feet and re-entered his laboratory. It was still filled with thick clouds of smoke, but thankfully nothing else had caught fire. And since the space requirements of his teleportation device left it standing in a remote corner of his workplace, the explosion hadn't destroyed much else.

Guess the overall damage is moderate, considering the circumstances... He thought, trying to keep a positive outlook.

*Cough cough* "I wonder what went wrong. For a moment it seemed to have locked onto something...

And then he noticed it, a second cough coming from where he knew to be the materialization platform. It had been of a higher pitch, and much gentler than his own gasp for air.

As the smoke began to clear, the black haired man began to discern a shape several feet away.

Definitely humanoid, whatever it was shorter than he was, and had a distinct feminine form.

It couldn't be... a person?! My teleporter isn't even calibrated for transporting live matter! Just how the hell did I manage this?!

But to his despair, the answer to that would probably elude him forever. Because the thinning smoke also showed him the remains of his teleporter. Or rather, the lack of any remains.

"Are you okay?!" The stocky scientist yelled toward the person covered in smoke. Right now his priority was making sure he hadn't made another victim beside his own laboratory.

"Hello?" He called out again. "Are you injured?"

The girl began stumbling towards him, probably responding to his voice to try and make sense of the situation. She was wobbling quite a bit, no doubt due to disorientation from the matter transportation.

The young woman had black hair and hazel brown eyes. Her entire slender body was clad neck to toe in a dark purple skin tight suit, the only other colour being a very light pink covering the front of her body.

"What happened?" Tsugumi asked confused as she walked through the thick plumes of smoke towards the voice she heard earlier. It had been in a language she didn't understand, but she'd at least been able to discern it male.

She was led to a different room, brightly lit and with a clean white bed and sink. From the looks of it, it was some sort of nurse's office.

The man to guide her there now threw off his thick grey coat, underneath he turned out to be wearing black trousers that looked like jeans, but in a material Tsugumi couldn’t quite place. The dark green jumper seemed to be of the same fibre, and had withstood the explosion perfectly.

"Are you okay?" The scientist asked his visitor again. But she just looked at him with a bewildered frown on her face. The reply she provided was far from clear to him either.

Of course, she must speak a different language!

The dark haired young man mimed for Tsugumi to remain seated on the bed for a moment as he ventured back into the remains of his lab. After some sifting through the mess, he found his omni-trans, a simple gimmick that could cross-translate over 400.000 languages in real time.

"Right, let's try this again. Are you hurt anywhere?" The man asked.

Tsugumi's eyes widened. "So you speak Japanese after all?!"

"No I don't. But this device-" he pointed at his wrist- "translates your language to mine and back in real time."

"Wow! That's some gizmo!"

“This? It’s the most basic of equipment.” The young scientist said surprised. “Even compared to the teleporter you came through, this is just-“

“Wait, what, I teleported?!” Tsugumi interrupted the young man before her. “Is that even possible?!”

“To be honest I don’t quite understand it either. The teleporter that brought you here is a really old model, not even meant for transporting live matter. Yet you seem to have made it here unscathed. I assume the replacement part I mounted on my broken teleportation device had something to do with that. But since it wasn’t designed to work with the magnetic coil and materia field generator, the whole machine ended up overloading and exploding. That’s where the smoke you were surrounded by came from, and it partly explains the mess that used to be my workshop.”

The dark haired girl listened to the researcher’s explanation intently, trying her best to get a good grasp of the situation.

“So then if I understand this right, I arrived here by accident?”

“Completely.” The tall young man replied. “I don’t know how the old girl did it, but somehow her last act before destroying herself was to do something even top of the line models would struggle to do: bring in a human from an extremely remote location.”

He sighed heavily. “I should’ve written down which materials I used for that converter, and my assembly method. It could’ve made me a fortune.” He lamented.

“But enough about my screw up. It’s great to see you arrived her unhurt, but where did you arrive from? If it’s not too far, there might be a way to get you back there.”

“That’s be nice.” The slender girl replied.

“So, what planet are you from?”

“What… planet?!” The dark haired girl repeated confused.

“Yeah, from the looks of you I’d say either Kartas or Vezni. Otherwise you would’ve come from a different solar system, and that would mean I should start picking up the pieces of my teleporter and reassemble it, because if it pulled that off with my equipment inside I can probably get a Scion prize for it.” He said jokingly.

Nothing the scientist had said made any sense to poor Tsugumi, and the look on her face betrayed that to the man as well.

“Where exactly are you from? You mentioned something about ‘Japanese’ earlier, to be honest I have no idea where that language resides.”

“I’m from Earth!” The young Undertaker member shrieked. “Planet Earth, located in the Milky Way.”

I can’t believe I’m designating it like that! This is too weird!!

The dark haired man blinked a few times. “EARTH?! Did you say… Earth?” He said, staggering a little.

“Yes. Don’t you know of it?” Tsugumi asked worried.

“Of course I know of it, but that doesn’t make the situation any less confusing.”

“What do you mean? Explain this stuff properly!” The cute girl demanded angrily.

“Sorry, sorry.” The man said, rubbing his eyes. “If you’re really from Earth, it makes perfect sense you don’t know about teleportation or space travel or any of this stuff. But to be honest I’m just astonished there are still people living there.”

Tsugumi frowned. “Why wouldn’t there be?”

“My ancestors came from earth.” The researcher replied. “Well I say my, but I mean the inhabitants of this solar system have their roots in that small blue planet. However we set off into space over a thousand years ago.”

“O-One thousand years ago?! D-Does that mean I travelled into the future?”

“I don’t know.”

“For a scientist you sure don’t know much.” The raven haired girl sneered. “You can’t tell me anything I want to know!”

“Well, excuse me! It’s not like people materializing from a planet located millions of lightyears away by a rundown teleporter away is everyday, even in the future!” The scientist defended himself. “I’m having just as much difficulty making sense of the situation as you!” He snapped.

Tsugumi swallowed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation.

“I don’t blame you.” The man replied as he sat down beside her. “But don’t worry, I promise I’ll do everything I can to look for a way to get you back. Since earth is our home planet, it’s location should still be in the archives. After that it’s just a matter of finding a means to get you there.”

“Thanks.” The young woman replied relieved. “Come to think of it, I haven’t introduced myself, have I? My name’s Tsugumi. What’s yours?”

“Mine’s Bairon.” The tall young man replied.

“Nice to meet you Bairon.”

“And a pleasure making your acquaintance, Tsugumi.”

The computer wiz giggled. “Do all people from the future talk so stiff?”

“Only when meeting people from the past.”

Tsugumi giggled again. “Hey do you mind if I took a look around your lab? Now that I’m here in the future or wherever, I’m sort of curious to see what’s around.”

“I don’t blame you. I’d be more than happy to show you around. Well, to show you what’s left of it at least.”

“Did the explosion really cause that much damage?”

“Not really, but I have a few other machines that require mending. However I’ve been having some financial difficulties as of late.”

“You’re broke?”

“Not that bad, but I’m having trouble continuing my research. Still, it’s taught me to be very self-sufficient. And I’m confident that whatever does still work can impress you nonetheless.”

Tsugumi smirked. “Let’s have a look then.” She said as she bounced off the bed and skipped back into the lab, unintentionally waving her tightly encased buttocks in front of the scientist.

As the dark haired girl wandered around her host’s lab, she couldn’t help herself from gawking at almost everything in sight. She eagerly requested explanations for basically everything in sight, which the friendly scientist was more than happy to provide. Despite only grasping half of it most of the time, one thing was made abundantly clear to Tsugumi:

“This place is incredible! Even a quarter of this equipment could make such a huge difference in our struggle back on Earth!”

The man raised an eyebrow at the girl’s back. “Earth really must be far behind if you are this impressed by old tech.” He said as her stopped for a moment to begin examining the generator and materialization field of his teleporter.

“This stuff’s old?” Tsugumi asked surprised as she ran a finger along the surface of a massive rectangular crate. “But it’s still shiny!”

“Well I take good care of it. Or at least I try to.” Bairon replied as he began salvaging intact and repairable pieces from his machine.

“So, how’s it look?” She asked eagerly.

But the young scientist just sighed. “Not too good I’m afraid. Obviously it’s beyond repair with what I have lying around. Buying a new one is definitely out of the question as I don’t have the funds for it. And at first glance, the damage is so severe even buying second hand parts to repair the teleporter could end up too expensive to be viable.”

“So we won’t be teleporting to Earth anytime soon?”

“That was never an option. This technology isn’t built for that. You arrival was a freak accident. But if I could just get it to work, I could figure out a protective case to seal us in and teleport us to an intergalactical port. From there we could get you on a ship back home.”

“But right now even that plan’s out I take it?”

The young man nodded apologetically. “But don’t worry, I’ll figure something out. I promise.”

“Thanks.” She said with a kind smile, trying to remain upbeat. “What about contacting someone else? Are teleporters still very rare or do we have a chance of getting a hold of someone who can send us on our way?”

“They’re not exactly rare.” Bairon replied, scratching the back of his head. “At least not if you count the standard matter transporters. Something that could zap you back to Earth would be a lot harder to find, but a way onto a space port isn’t that rare.”

“Then why not contact someone in town?” Tsugumi offered.

“That’s the problem.”  Bairon sighed. “While they’re no longer a rarity for the people of this galaxy, this tiny planet happens to be a relatively poor one. Our population is small and declining due to those who acquire enough wealth moving to better places, and by now I’m the only one left around with the knowledge to build and operate teleporters.”

“Oh… I see.” Tsugumi replied, failing to hide some disappointment now.

“But again: don’t worry. I’ve been in a tight spot or two before and always pulled through.” He tried to reassure his visitor.

To get her mind off of things, Bairon offered the raven haired girl a glimpse of the city he lived in, which she eagerly accepted.

Tsugumi was utterly shocked by what she saw during the walk, and not in the good sense. She’d expected to see huge, modern buildings covered in glass or maybe even a material she didn’t even recognise.

And while the structures she and Bairon walked past were indeed futuristic, they were also run down and dilapidated.

“From the look on your face I’m guessing you were expecting something else entirely?”

“To be honest… yes. Not to be rude, but this place is a dump.”

The researcher chuckled softly. “Harsh, but I suppose it’s true. I apologise for ruining your dreams about some sort of advanced paradise, but I’m afraid poverty and segregation are as much a part of our life as it is for yours. In fact, it’s only become worse. Nowadays its entire planets that bask in wealth, while others slowly crumble under the weight of their civilization failing to support its people.”

Bairon placed a hand on Tsugumi’s shoulder. “I suppose you were doubly unlucky, being snatched away from your home and ending up in one of the least successful planets in this solar system.”

That doesn’t make me feel any better… The hacker thought dejected.

The thought of having to spend her life on this strange, desolate planet was making her feel sick and scared.

Bairon noticed, and squeezed the girl’s shoulder a bit. “I’ve promised already haven’t I? I’ll figure something out.” He said softly as he sat Tsugumi down on a bench.

“But how?!” She said with a trembling voice, trying to hold back her tears. “From the looks of this place, you wouldn’t even be able to buy the parts you’d need even if you had the money!”

“I’ve got a few ideas on the shelf that might bring in some revenue.” He explained. “I’d have completed one or two of them by now if I hadn’t been forced to spend the past two weeks fixing my teleporter. But now that that’s out of the picture, I might as well focus on my projects once again.”

The dark haired girl looked at her knees. “So we’re not gonna starve?” She asked jokingly.

“Hey, hey, I’m not that broke you know!” Bairon replied with a kind smile. “I’ve easily got enough money saved to support two people for several months. I support myself with maintenance work, not selling inventions.

"Then what's the problem? If you have money?" Tsugumi asked.

"Engineering and experimentation is on an entirely different scale, budget wise. The down payments and other investements needed require large sums of money, which I earn by patenting new inventions. But with all of the delays as of late, I’ve been struggling to make progress. It's a bit of a vicious circle”

“I see. I suppose that’s something of a relief, knowing that I won't have to forrage for food.” Tsugumi sighed, leaning back against the bench.

“On a more positive note, here comes the best view on the planet in my opinion.” The tall scientist announced as he pointed at the ink blue sky covered in shooting stars.

“Woowww!” The computer hacker gasped as she saw the glittering stripes race past. “It’s beautiful!”

“I know, right? This planet is surrounded by quite a lot of meteorites, all of them very small in diameter. Hundreds of them crash into each other on an hourly basis, breaking up into smaller chunks. And occasionally a few of those end burning up in our atmosphere. You can’t see it during the day, but at night it’s quite the spectacle.”

“I’ll say!” Tsugumi chimed as she looked up at the stars.

Meanwhile Bairon looked down at Tsugumi herself, or rather her suit.

I hadn’t really given it a second thought since people wear all kinds of weird clothes these days, but that body suit she’s got on must be quite the novelty item back in her world.

The dark haired man’s eyes travelled all the way up and down Tsugumi’s slender yet feminine body when suddenly, something hit him:

She’s a very attractive young woman. Looks to be about my age too, maybe a couple of years younger?

“Hmrn hmrn,” Bairon scraped his throat. “What’s that suit you’re wearing by the way? It looks like something that wouldn’t be out of place in this day and age.”

Tsugumi giggled. “You like it?”

“I love it. Does it have any special functions?”

“It does actually. It’s a sensory support suit, designed to allow me to operate our organization’s most powerful computer using my entire body. Several nodes spread across the suit interface with hundreds of small camera’s and sensors inside the control room and pick up my every move. Basically, this suit allows me to become part of the computer, and makes me one of the most efficient hackers in my time.” She explained proudly.

Bairon only half listened to the lecture however. He got the gist of it, but was simply much more interested in Tsugumi’s perfect curves. The more he gazed upon the dark haired girl’s magnificent form, the more he realized just how attractive and sexy this visitor of his was.

My teleporter’s malfunction might not turn out to be as bad a twist of fate as I had initially feared…

“Bairon? Is there something wrong?” Tsugumi asked after the scientist neglected to respond to her explanation of the bodsuit.

“Huh? S-Sorry, I was thinking about something.” He replied evasively as he was snapped out of his daydream.

“A way to make money?”

“Yeah, sort of…”

The hacker frowned at the researcher. “You’re not making much sense again.”

“It’s because it’s not exactly orthodox.”

“You mean illegal?”

“Not that bad, just… odd.”

“Well this is the future. Chances are anything you suggest will seem weird to me.” The young woman replied.

“I suppose…” Bairon replied, taking a deep breath. “Right then, here goes: You wouldn’t happen to be into bondage, would you?”

Of all the things Tsugumi imagined this strange young inventor would suggest, that word hadn’t made her list. It hadn’t even crossed her mind!

She knew the concept: Tying somebody up, usually for erotic purposes. But she couldn’t say she’d ever researched let alone indulged in it. And yet this man brought it up so casually!

The future is a weird place. Or maybe it’s just this guy…

“Where did that come from?” She asked, confused yet also slightly amused and intrigued by the randomness of his suggestion.

“It’s just that if you were, we could try selling videos of you tied up.” The scientist replied without a hint of irony.”

The computer hacker couldn’t help but chuckle at the perverted idea. “Footage of me bound and gagged, spread out onto the web? And charge people money to view it?”

“That’s the idea. ‘Underground’ bondage is incredibly popular in this galaxy.” Bairon explained. “The mainstream industry had been heavily regulated and taxed over the years, which means lovers of kink have turned to creating their own videos free of rules and guidelines.”

“This is so absurd.” Tsugumi said as she rubbed her temples.

“I agree, but you can imagine how much resources it requires to govern whole planets in unison. As a result, the galactic federation had ended up putting taxes and codes on virtually anything over the past decades. But that works to our advantage here. Popular bondage clips can really rake in the dough.”

“I’m sure it can.” The raven haired girl replied. But that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. She thought to herself. Her cheeks began flushing at the mere thought of being bound and gagged, squirming around for other people’s pleasure. 

She sighed and looked Bairon in the eye. “You really are serious about this, aren’t you?” She asked, half expecting him to start laughing it off as a joke.

“I am." He confirmed. "Not a lot of videos can make us the money we’d need to replace my teleporter at any sort of speed, but given how beautiful you are, just a few decent quality clips are guaranteed to earn us more than enough.”

The dark haired girl’s face ran red. “Y-You mean that?!” She stammered, feeling terribly flustered at his straightforward compliment.

“W-Well yes.” Bairon replied. “Was I being too direct?”

“It’s fine, I didn’t exactly mind it.” Tsugumi admitted.

He seems like a genuinely nice person, even if he’s a bit awkward with people. Then again, all of my comrades are a bit like that...

“If the clips make you feel uncomfortable, we can just delete them without uploading them of course. Or just look for another idea entirely.” Bairon added quickly, hoping he hadn’t offended his visitor.

“No, it’s fine. It’s clear you’re not doing this to make some quick cash and get your teleporter fixed, but that you’re trying to really help me as well. And I can read people well enough to see that you’re not harbouring any ill intentions... disregarding the pervert suggestions.” She said teasingly.

This time it was Bairon’s turn to blush. “I just figured it would be an easy way to make money.” He muttered.

“And you’re probably right. All we need for it is the two of us, a room, some basic recording equipment and we’re on our way. If there’s really that much money in these clips as you say there is, I don’t see how we can pass them up. Not like I have any other options in this place.”

The young scientist got up from the bench with a kind smile. “I’m glad you’re so understanding.” He said as he held out a hand to help Tsugumi off her seat as well. “Let’s head back to my place, the sooner we get started, the better.”

The slender girl giggled as she jumped up herself, her modest chest bouncing slightly in her skin-tight suit. “My my, aren’t we eager?” She teased, even though she herself also felt quite excited and curious about the whole experience ahead.

A brief 10-minute walk took the two back to Bairon’s house. But rather than enter through the workshop, he led Tsugumi through his front door.

“Feel free to look around.” He said as he headed downstairs to his workshop again to collect the equipment he’d need. “I’ll be ready in about half an hour, so come to the room with a grey wooden door around that time. It’s the third door on your right on the first floor.”

“Okay.” Tsugumi replied as she headed into Bairon’s living room.

As the computer hacker made her way through the scientist’s house, she couldn’t help but feel surprised. Apart from the obvious technological improvements, the lay-out of his house was more or less the same as that of Earth’s: There was a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, and a living room. She also came across a room housing several devices she assumed to be for training, and a particularly messy room containing various broken machines gathering dust.

“Yep, definitely a single man’s home.” She nodded as she closed the door to his junk room.

On her trip around the house, there were of course quite a lot of devices she couldn’t understand, like something that seemed like a television set inside the living room, but so small you couldn’t possibly see anything on it. It wasn’t until she pressed the remote beside it that she realised how it worked: It projected the image straight into your head, making it seem like you were actually joining in with the program you were watching!

It gave her a headache after a few minutes, so the dark haired beauty turned off the machine and began heading upstairs, since 30 minutes had passed by now.

She knocked on the grey door and entered soon after to find Bairon finishing up his preparations.

The room was empty apart from a bit of lighting equipment he’d just installed, and a simple light grey canvas to help bounce off the light and obscure any surroundings in the video.

Bairon had covered most of the floor with a soft white fabric, comfy to lie and roll around on.

The only prop was a single wooden chair.

“Quite a basic set.” Tsugumi remarked.

“There is elegance in soberness.” The researcher said with a soft voice, trying to act like some sort of decorating guru.

The cute young girl burst out laughing. “Stick with inventions, because that didn’t fit you at all!” She snickered.

“Fine, maybe rigging will be more my cup of tea.” He replied as he gestured to a large stack of coiled up ropes. “You ready?”

Seeing the mountain of hemp and nylon ropes, the raven haired girl began feeling a bit nervous. But she nodded nonetheless. “Yes. But… where’s the camera?” She suddenly asked as she realized there wasn’t one present.

Bairon pointed to the corners of the ceiling. “I have various recording equipment to log my experiments. We’re going to use that instead of a simple recorder. The walls and ceiling are lined with sensors and programmed to hone in on a specific heat signal, i.e. you. This way I’ll be able to record 360-degree footage of every second. It’ll allow us to send out 3-D or even holo-vid clips.”


“A technology where ‘the viewer’ has the images sent directly into his brain, which makes it seem like he is standing inside the room rather than looking into it.”

“Oh, like your television set downstairs?”


Tsugumi shook her head. “Never mind, let’s just say I understand what you’re saying for once.”

“Glad to hear it.” Bairon replied. “Go ahead and have a seat on that chair.” He replied as he put on a mask.

“What’s the mask for?”

“I figured we might send out the tying-up part too. Some people enjoy seeing that as well. But the rigger, me, isn’t who they came to see. So I’ll obscure my own presence.”

“Plus, we might not want anyone to recognise you.” The computer wiz pointed out.

“I wouldn’t worry about that. The galaxy is a big place. But I suppose that’s an added advantage. You don’t run that risk of course.”

“Nope, so there’s at least upside to being snatched away from your home planet.” Tsugumi joked as she sat down on the chair.

The moment she did, her heartbeat began rising. And it really spiked when a soft hum indicated the recording equipment activated and Bairon pulled her hands behind her back and crossed her wrists.

This is really happening is it? I’m going to let someone who dragged me through time and space tie me up and spread the footage all over a galaxy!

The slender girl’s breathing turned shallow as she felt the scientist cinch his rope tightly around her wrists. She instinctively tried prising them apart again, but already found she was barely in control of her own arms anymore. And this was just the first rope!

“U-Uhm, are you really going to use all of that rope?” Tsugumi asked, her voice shaking a bit. “I was kinda hoping you could take things slow…”

“Haha, don’t worry about it. I probably brought more than I’ll be needing. And even though I’m planning to use quite a bit more, I promise not to hurt you.” Bairon said softly.

The beautiful girl sighed relieved. “That’s reassuring I guess…”

After that, she didn’t protest anymore as the young man behind her slowly restrained the rest of her body.

His next rope ended up wrapped around her upper body, just below her chest.

Tsugumi gasped a little as he tightened the rope, digging it into her suit and skin and wedging itself underneath her breasts. What was that feeling?

But she didn’t have time to analyse it, because Bairon’s quick hands had soon wrapped the rope around her body several more times, also making a few loops above her breasts as well as trapping her arms inside.

After carefully tightening up the ropes enough to accentuate the raven haired girl’s modest chest, he knotted off the chest harness neatly in the centre of her upper back, well out of Tsugumi’s reach.

Tight! Was the only word she could find to describe how those ropes felt on her. But Bairon still kept going, picking up a third length.

That rope ended up wrapped around around the slender girl’s waist and arms, further pinning her those last down as the fit researcher securely cinched off the gap between her arms and back.

While he turned to uncoil his fourth rope, Tsugumi sneakly tried a little wriggle to test how much leeway he had left. She tried to shift her arms and move her hands out in front to check her wrist bindings, but instead her entire upper body pivoted on the chair!

I can’t move my arms? AT ALL?! She realized to her shock. Bairon had tied her arms down so securely any movement she tried to make with them simply took her body along for the ride!

“Something wrong?” The black haired young man asked a he heard the creaking of Tsugumi’s ropes.

“N-No, nothing. You’re quite good at this.”

“Thanks.” He replied as he sat down in front of his model and began wrapping his newest bright white rope around Tsugumi’s ankles.

“You’re tying my legs too?”

“Of course, what did you expect?”

She averted her gaze from her legs. For some she felt embarrassed to sit and watch as Bairon continued to limit her freedom. “Nevermind.” She muttered as she felt the researcher knotting off his ropes, leaving her ankles just as strictly tied as her wrists.

In the end Bairon added three more sets of rope to her legs: around her upper thighs, just above her knees and just below them. The result of those left the young hacker’s legs just as useless as her upper body.

“Final piece.” Her partner announced.

“More rope?”

“No, cloth.” Was the response as Bairon held up a white bandana.

“What’s that for?”

“To gag you with.”

“You’re gonna tie that into my mouth?!” Tsugumi shrieked, jumping off her chair. Or rather, trying to. Because thanks to the many ropes constricting her movement, she got no farther than a cute hop.

“It’s a really soft material, it won’t hurt.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.” She said surly.

“The moment it starts feeling uncomfortable, let me know and I’ll take it out.” Bairon promised. “But I’d like to get at least a few minutes of you gagged. It’ll make the video more sellable, trust me.”

The slender girl sighed. “Not like I can stop you.” She said, opening up regardless.

“True, but I’m still glad you’re so open to all of this.” The researcher replied as he tied the cleave gag in place and retreated ‘out of shot’.

“Oh ow ah (so now what)?” She asked her rigger.

“Just try and escape. If you can, that’d be brilliant. But either way we’re sure to get great footage for the clip.”

Escape huh? I guess that’s the most logical thing you’d do when tied up. Well, here goes!

Tsugumi gave her bindings a quick test. But nothing gave way.

Figures things wouldn’t be that easy after he spent so much time tightening up all those ropes. What should I do? Try and bust out with sheer force by making the ropes and knots budge, or use a more careful approach to untie the key knots?

The raven haired girl tried to scoot on her chair and turn to face Bairon. But even something as simple as that took an annoying amount of effort. Her legs, her arms, everything felt alien to her as she failed to steer her normally so flexible body.

This is ridiculous! How am I supposed to find, let alone pick at a knot with my body so immobile!

“Hmrnf!” She grunted as the ropes enveloping her chest dug in a little more.

I suppose that decides it, I’m going for the full throttle approach!

She kicked her legs into the air and leaned into the heavy wooden chair, grabbing the back for balance as she tried to shift the ropes tied around her ankles by shaking and sliding her slender legs.

Her bodysuit creaked a little and the ropes rustled slightly, but even after she was forced to lower her feet back onto the mat from fatigue, her legs hadn’t gained any more wriggle room.

Undaunted by the tightness of the ropes, Tsugumi next began shaking her upper body.

But if anything, that was left with even less flexibility to exploit. And in contrast with the ropes tied around her legs, which she could kick and shake for as much as she’d wanted, the hemp wrapped around her chest sent huge pleasurable shivers down her spine at even the slightest twitch!

“Hmnn!!” The raven haired girl moaned as her modes chest felt like it was beginning to swell up, her nipples slowly starting to poke into her bodysuit, causing her eyes to widen and her face to flush.

You’ve got to be kidding me?! She thought flustered. I can’t even move without those ropes making my body go nuts?!

The bound and gagged hacker growled into her gag, and after trying three more times to pull her arms away from her back or prise them apart from each other, she had to conclude that brute force simply was not an option for these restraints.

Everytime I try to make these ropes budge, my body starts heating up… I need a rest.

Tsugumi leaned back against the chair for a moment, her perky chest heaving a little as she tried to recover some stamina.

Fiddling my way out it is…

However, there was also a problem with that tactic: Even though she had seen and felt Bairon use lots of rope and tie off a great many knots, when poor Tsugumi began searching around she could barely discover any of them!

The raven haired captive grunted in frustration as the limited reach of her arms kept her from picking at the ropes around her thighs, her fingers fluttering in the hopes of brushing up against a knot closer by.

Eventually, she managed to find the knot tying her wrists and get a couple of fingers to make contact.


What’s up with this thing?! It’s so tightly done up! I can’t budge it at all!!

“A word of advice.” Suddenly came from behind her, making her jump a little. She’d been so focused on her escape; the computer wiz had completely forgotten there was someone in the room with her!

She turned to Bairon, who was smirking, much to her annoyance.

“Esh (Yes)?”

“All your thrashing just now made everything tighter. I’m sure you noticed?”

Tsugumi gave an annoyed grunt to confirm.

“That’s because all your squirming pulled the knots even tighter when I’d done them up. You’ll have an even harder job working them loose now.”


“I suppose I should’ve warned you beforehand: When the ropework is well tied, blindly kicking and squirming around only makes things worse for the captive.” Bairon lectured with no small amount of glee in his voice.

“HMRNNGG!!” Tsugumi growled as she began thrashing around again to the point of falling off her chair.

“Hmnn (Hiiii)!” She yelped as she landed on the surprisingly bouncy mat. “Hmnff (Oww)!” She moaned, more from being startled than hurt.

Bairon chuckled softly. “That was adorable!” He taunted.

“Ash (Ass)!” The raven haired girl insulted her captor as she rolled onto her front so she could glare at him. She lifted her legs so her ankles rested on her butt, thinking she could maybe get a hold of her ankle ropes like that. But as she flexed her legs she noticed the ropes had tightened up even more!

So it’s definitely true what he told me: wild squirming only tightens up everything.”

The slender hacker sighed defeated, her legs falling to the mat again.

I don’t stand a chance at getting out of this, do I?

“Not sure if you want to know, but it’s already been 30 minutes.”

“HMRN?!!” Tsugumi shrieked in shock. That long?!

Sure she felt tired, and she’d been very focused trying so many different tactics… But to think half an hour would pass by in the blink of an eye!

I’ve been squirming around for 30 minutes straight? Good God! The dark haired girl thought embarrassed, her face running feverishly red.

But what surprised her even more was how little discomfort she was feeling. Sure she was exhausted, and the ropes hadn’t slacked at all, but even after all her thrashing she wasn’t really in any sort of pain.

He sure did a good job tying these. They don’t hurt at all. They make me feel… weird though.

That ‘weird’ Tsugumi felt was actually plain and simple arousal, she had yet to identify it as such because the rather inexperienced computer wiz had never expected to become turned on by mere ropework!

Alright, one more time! I want to see how far I can get when I REALLY try. She thought amused.

The bound and gagged girl began thrashing wildly again, rolling along the mat and groaning angrily in an all-out escape attempt, searching for knots, yanking at ropes, trying to shimmy them off,… she tried it all for as long as her body had the strength to move.

She’d completely forgotten about the recording, and was utterly ignoring Bairon’s soft chuckles at her cute fumbling around at times. The only thing on the raven haired girl’s mind was enjoying her predicament, and if possible get out of it.

Meanwhile Bairon was having the time of his life. Tsugumi’s efforts were everything he’d hoped they would be: Energetic, cute, sexy, and most of all: genuine!

A clip like this will make us a fortune! The realistic ones are always the most popular. And I’ve never seen someone so serious about escaping as she is being right now!

The young scientist continued enjoying the sight of Tsugumi’s wriggles, spotting the hints of embarrassment shining through every so often as the raven haired girl realized she was enjoying the tightness of the ropes just as much as he was.

“Having fun?” Bairon asked teasingly, but to his surprise -and delight-, Tsugumi had completely blocked him out to focus on her predicament.

She’s amazing. And so unbelievably hot! And that suit of hers doesn’t exactly do anything to hide her beautiful features. What did she say it was for again? A sensory suit of some sort?

As Bairon examined the dark purple and pink outfit clinging to Tsugumi’s toned body, he began theorizing about using the supposed sensors that linked the raven haired girl’s body with a mainframe in quite a different way…


“Ai-ho (Bairon)?” Suddenly came from the mat, pulling the dark haired researcher out of his theories.


“Ai ai-her (I’m tired).” Tsugumi mewled, lying on her back with a bright red face. Though that was not only from fatigue. The cute hacker had begun to realize how much her body was enjoying these ropes digging into her, and wanted to be let out before it became overly visible. She already felt her nipples poking into her body suit to the point of them almost becoming visible. If she heated up any further there was a real risk of her starting to grind her pelvis into the floor!

Bairon didn’t move, he just sat there with his mouth hanging slightly open as he tried to process the intense, almost poetic beauty of the girl lying in front of him.

“Ai-HO (BAIRON)!” The beauty cried again, now sounding a bit frightened.

Now that it was clear she couldn’t escape his ropes, he wasn’t going to keep her tied up was he? To treat her as a sex slave, or sell her off to human traders so he could fix his teleporter? Did she read him wrong? Did she-

“Sorry!” The scientist suddenly yelped, interrupting the doom scenario’s flooding Tsugumi’s mind “Sorry, I was... distracted for a moment.” He explained as he turned off the cameras and jumped off his seat to go and undo the ropes binding her.

Tsugumi let out a long sigh in relief. She was safe. He was the good guy she’d pegged him for.

“So, did you enjoy yourself?” the good guy asked as he removed the cleave gag.

“I-It wasn’t as horrible as I thought it’d be.” Tsugumi lied, trying to act uninterested and hoping Bairon hadn’t spotted how horny she was, or how embarrassed she felt at enjoying his work so much.

Sadly for her, the clever scientist saw through the ruse.

“Really now?” He said amusedly. “You kept squirming around without untying yourself, so I figured you were having a lot of fun.” He countered.

“Tha-that’s because you tied everything so tight, stupid!” Tsugumi shrieked. “I could barely move let alone undo any of your knots!”

“Haha, sorry for that. I wanted to make sure the first clip would be a success so I made sure to use solid ropework.” He told the raven haired girl as he finally removed the last of the ropes.

“No kidding.” She said surly, rubbing her wrists.

“You’re okay, right?” He asked worried.

Tsugumi smiled up at him. “Yes, thanks for asking. You really did a number on me, but I’m fine.”

“Good to hear.” The young man said relieved. “I’ll go and check the footage and edit it into a watchable clip, feel free to go and have a lie down in my room. You must be exhausted from all those struggles.”

"And sweaty too." She replied. Now that she could move around properly again, it became painfully obvious to the raven haired hacker just how badly her body suit was clinging to her, and how steaming hot she felt underneath.

"Ah, of course. There's a bathroom connected to my room, feel free to use it. The cylindrical container next to the sink can analyse any fabric and clean without damaging it, so you'll get your suit back good as new.

"Great to know." The dark haired girl replied. “I’d hate for this to be destroyed.”

Her bodysuit was an expensive high-grade piece of equipment. It was of course not meant to be used in everyday life, much less for squirming around in... But it was the only thing of home she had at this moment, which meant it was precious to her.

“My room is at the other end of the hallway, the last door you’ll find.” Bairon instructed. “I’ll come and get you after the clip’s been uploaded for a few hours, so we can go through the results.”

“Thanks, I’ll be off for a shower and a nap then.”

“Pleasant dreams.”

After Tsugumi retreated to Bairon’s room she headed straight for his bathroom, where a huge white shower brought her worn out body back to life.

“Ooaahhh! This is heaven! I want a shower like this back home!” She moaned as a warm mist enveloped her body, rather than the traditional raindrops from a shower head.

There was already some sort of soap and shampoo merged into the water, meaning Tsugumi felt her body being cleaned just by rubbing her skin whilst standing in the mist.

“I don’t know what this stuff is, but it’s amazing! It doesn’t irritate my skin or eyes, but it’s extremely effective!”

Her rejuvenating shower over and done with, the raven haired girl pulled her bodysuit out of the cylinder to find it absolutely pristine.

“Wow, effective.” She mused as she stepped back into it and went to lie down on Bairon’s bed.

The mattress instantly conformed to her body shape, and felt so fluffy Tsugumi thought she landed on a cloud!

“Hmmn, I’m starting to become jealous of the future after all.” She mused as she drifted off to sleep in no time at all.

She had a vivid dream, where she found herself once again tied up in a similar fashion to Bairon’s work.

Except this time, after much frustrating wriggling and squirming, she did manage to escape!

“Aaand done!” She giggled after taking out the gag and smiling proudly at the man who tied her up: Bairon.

“Very well done, you’re brilliant Tsugumi-chan!” The handsome scientist said with a kind smile. “You are a natural at this, I’m so glad we managed to meet even if it was under such inexplicable circumstances!” He said cheerfully.

“Me too.” The raven haired girl said as she looked straight into Bairon’s pale blue eyes.

And then it hit her: This young, trim scientist from a place and time so far from her own was actually quite the looker!

Before she knew it, her heart began beating in her chest and her cheeks began running red.

“Something wrong?” Bairon asked.

“N-No, I’m fine.”

The dark haired young man grinned. “I figured you’d be. He said, laying his hand on her shoulder and squeezing it softly. “You’re so strong and kind after all.”

A shiver ran down the young woman’s spine, and the urge to nestle herself in his arms suddenly started burning within.

“Hmnn.” The raven haired girl moaned softly as she turned over in Bairon’s bed, unconsciously gripping the sheets as her dream developed further.

After a few hours of tinkering with one of his older inventions, recalibrating it so he could test it out on Tsugumi’s suit lateron, Bairon went to check the intergalactic net. Firstly, to do some research on the place and period Tsugumi was from. He needed more intel in order to update his translator, get to know her culture better have retrieve some general background information that could make conversations between them run smoother.

With his research completed, he next went to see if the video was having any sort of success.

“My Lord! This many hits?! I can’t believe it!” He yelled ecstatic. “Wait until Tsugumi hears about this!”

After finishing up his work with a small black box that had several thin wires running out of it, he stored it away for later, when he and Tsugumi had grown a little closer for him to suggest his idea. Next he tiptoed to his own room, and quietly peeked inside.

“Tsugumi, are you up?” He whispered.

No response.

She must’ve been very tired. No surprise given the day she’s had. Bairon told himself as he very quietly sat down on the edge of his bed to gaze at his visitor form Earth.

The more he looked at her, the more mesmerised he became. From head to toe, this gorgeous earthling woman truly was perfect in every way to him. Her lustrous black hair, that cute face and smooth skin. Her feminine chest and butt, not to mention the rest of her ravishing body.

It wasn’t until she began stirring that Bairon snapped out of his daydreaming, jumping off the bed to create some distance in order not to startle his guest.

“Hmn… hmnr?” Tsugumi moaned cutely as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. “Bairon?” She yawned, not entirely awake yet.

“Yes, I’m here. Had a good nap?” He asked softly.

“The best. Your bed is amazing.” She commented, looking straight at the kindly smiling scientist.

But that just filled her mind with flashes of the romantic and lewd dream she’d just had. Bairon tying her up, stroking her helpless body, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She had no idea where all those ideas had come from, but God knew they’d done a number on her!

She averted her gaze embarrassedly. “S-so what’s next? Is there any news about our first clip?” She asked.

Bairon frowned his eyes. She’s avoiding looking at me? Did she change her mind about all of this? No that’s not it… Could she…

But the young researcher didn’t want to think about it too much for now. The chances of her taking an interest in him just like he was doing with her were too small to calculate!

“Bairon?” The young hacker asked, now forcing herself to look at him and hoping fervently she wasn’t blushing as bad as she felt.

“O-Oh yes, the clip.” He stammered, getting back on track. “Believe it or not, your video clip is a hot item. It's one of the best-selling clips of the last half year."

"You're kidding?!"

"Not at all. I've analysed the comments too, and the most popular remarks all hint on it being a shame you failed to escape despite trying so hard."

The dark haired girl pulled a lip. "Well I did my best." She said.

The inventor chuckled. "I know, and that's without a doubt why you grew popular in no time at all. But it also means we can't waste any time. We're making a second clip right now to strengthen the hype.”

“We are?”

“Well, if you’re up for it of course. I don’t want to force so you if you want some more time that’s fine.” He added quickly. “And I'll be sure to give you a more 'doable' challenge this time around."

Tsugumi smirked. “Sounds interesting.” She replied, hopping off the bed and walking past her newly made friend to head for the recording room.

Bairon turned around to watch the slender girl walk off, enjoying the sight of her gently swaying hips.

Once inside the recording room, Tsugumi had already sat herself back down on the chair.

“Oh no, we’ll be doing something entirely different this time.” Bairon replied as he guided her on her knees and put the chair aside, his mask already on.

“What then?”

“It’s called a hogtie, and it looks really sexy.”

The raven haired girl began blushing a little. “Are you that desperate for viewers, or is it more for your own benefit?” She asked teasingly.

“Hmm, a little bit of both I suppose.” Was the sly retort from the researcher already brandishing a coil of white nylon rope.

15 minutes later, Tsugumi was once again securely bound and gagged once again:

Her hands had been tied palm to palm behind her back.

A long rope had been wrapped around her upper body, just below her breasts and trapping her arms within. But this wasn’t nearly as constrictive as the last one, as Bairon had left a bit more slack. To prevent the ropes from falling off however, he had cinched the rope at the right side of Tsugumi’s body, brought the rope over her shoulder along the nape of her neck and down in front of the other shoulder to cinch it off at that side too. Thanks to that, the raven haired girl once again had her perky breasts supported by rope, but not nearly as tightly as before.

A third rope had securely bound her ankles together, after which the rest of it was pulled up to the rope running along her upper back and knotted off there for a hogtie that forced her ankles to lie on her butt, but one that didn't put any strain on her wrists if she kicked her legs.

Her cleave gag consisted out of a silk handkerchief this time, but was just as securely knotted down.

“So, how’s this?”

“Ish ahot esh ait (it’s a lot less tight).” The computer hacker immediately realised.

“That’s the point. Think you can get out?”

She gave her bonds a testing wriggle. All of the ropes were definitely secure, but the clever young woman immediately understood she’d been left with a lot more freedom of movement.

“Ai ik ai af a shoh (I think I have a shot).” She replied as she felt the contours of her ankle bonds and already spotted a knot. The raven haired girl smiled in her cleave gag. “Ai ef-ihn-id-lee af a shoh (I definitely have a shot).”

“Good to know. Then by all means.” Bairon replied as he sat himself down on the chair he’d taken out of shot.

It was as if the researches had fired off a starting pistol. Like a greyhound out of a track Tsugumi began rolling around, grabbing the hogtie rope running along her back and drawing it in until her ankles rested in her hand palms.

The beautiful young woman had already hatched her plan during the tying itself. Her first move would be to get that annoying rope undone so she could stretch her legs and move around more easily.

But that didn't really go as smoothly as she'd hoped. After almost 5 minutes of fumbling around, her fingers slowly scanning every inch of her ankle bonds and the rope running upwards from it, she still hadn't felt that small bump in the ropes that she by know recognised as a deftly tied knot.

"Looking for the knot that keeps the hogtie in place?" Bairon asked calmly.

"Esh (Yes)."

"I'm afraid that one is located between your shoulder blades." He smirked.

The bound and gagged girl's eyes widened. "HMRNN!!" She growled in frustration, but more at Bairon's taunt than the fact she'd wasted the past 5 minutes.

New plan! The hacker said, undaunted by the setback.

Because thanks to all of that wriggling and fidgeting, Tsugumi had gotten a pretty good idea of where the knot cinching her wrists together was located. It'd take some doing, but she was certain she could grab hold of it!

She feverishly began twisting her hands to displace the knot a little, her fingers fluttering in its general direction. Until finally:

"Hmnn!" She cried triumphantly as the fingers of her left hand enclosed the knot.

Finally! Now if I can work it loose...

Tsugumi began picking feverishly at the little bud, keeping her calm since she knew that brash movements would only cause her to lose track of the knot.

Bairon eyed his model's actions with a wide smile on his face. She really is a natural at this. You'd think she's been practising escape artistry for years! She's already grasped the basic approach... And boy is she flexible. He suddenly realized as Tsugumi arched her back and lifted her butt off the ground for some reason. Not that he minded, it made her look so cute the scientist almost fell of his chair.

Aaahh, that's better! The raven haired young woman sighed into her cleave gag. I was getting stiff from lying still for so long and picking at that knot. But it's definitely looser now.

A few minutes later, another satisfied cheer came from the bound and gagged girl. Her wrists bonds had come undone!

"Very well done!" Bairon complimented. "Getting your hands free is half the work!"

And he'd been right. Now that her hands were out, Tsugumi had no trouble reaching around to untangle the rope around her ankles. The knot to that had been tied in front, and had been inacessible with her bound hands.

She ran into a spot of trouble when the hogtie rope got in the way, but some kicking and jerking of her legs made short work of her loosened up ankle bonds.

Great, all that's left now is this harness thing.

Untying the actual knot was out of the question. As flexible as she was, bending her arms to reach of the centre of her back and actually fondling that knot into submission wasn't possible.

But thanks to her scientist friend using his far less intricate harness, some simple wriggling and pulling at the rope itself sufficed to make it slide down her smooth bodysuit.

Her final act was to reach against her head and untie the cleave gag.

"Finished!" She chimed, grinning at Bairon.

*Clap clap clap* He applauded. "Marvelous performance!" He said as he pressed the remote and the camera's hummed to sleeper mode.

"Thank you. It wasn't easy, but I pulled it off!" Tsugumi said proudly.

"That you did. And judging by the speed of which you escaped, I'm thinking you could even manage something more difficult."

The cute young woman grinned confidently. "You can throw whatever you want at me!"

"Haha, I doubt that very much."

"Oh really? Don't underestimate my learning curve! Even that previous tie of yours wouldn't be a problem anymore!" Tsugumi boasted.

The researcher smirked. “Don’t get cocky now, I can do a lot worse than what I gave you just now.”

“Bring it on!” She said with her confident smile. “I’m all hyped up from this last one so I’ve got energy to spare!”

"I was hoping you'd say that." Bairon replied as he kneeled beside her with several coils of new rope. "Because after seeing how incredibly flexible you are, a really nice tie popped in my head."

The researcher instructed Tsugumi to sit up and stretch her legs out in front of her. He then wrapped no less than five coils of rope around them: Around her ankles, her calves, above and below her knees and finally a length around those lusciously slim thighs of hers.

When he was done the cute hacker felt like the lower part of her body suit had melted into a single tight sleeve. She couldn't even twitch her legs anymore!

Yep, definitely more secure than last time. She thought to herself, a shiver running down her spine.

Bairon then scooted along the mat until he sat behind his model, and uncoiled a very long rope.

Here we go again. The dark haired girl thought with a smirk. She already realized where a rope that long was going to end up.

And she was spot on. Within minutes the long length of white nylon rope had been transformed into a tight and intricate chest harness:

Several lengths ropes were running above and below her breasts, all of which ended up tightly bundled together behind her back and securely knotted off. The rest of the rope had then been brought over the cute hacker's shoulder and down in between her bosom to the lower chest rope, where Bairon had looped and it pulled back up over the other shoulder to make the harness tighten around her already perky tits.

When he pulled the whole rig tight and knotted it off, his raven haired captive barely managed to stifle her gasp. This harness was even more effective at riling her up than the first one!

"You really love these, huh?" She pointed out teasingly.

"They make great anchoring points." The scientist countered. "Which I'll be needing for this next bit."

Bairon next crossed Tsugumi's wrist behind her back, smack in the middle of her shoulder blades. He brought them up as high as they could go which, thanks to his model's incredibly limber body, was quite a ways.

He quickly and skilfully looped his rope around the dark haired girl's wrists to pin them in place, and also weaved it into the chest harness for extra security. Of course, a side effect of that would be that if Tsugumi were to try and wriggle her hands, the chest harness would tighten up as punishment.

"You still okay?" Bairon asked softly after most of the rope to pin down Tsugumi's hands was in place. "There's more, but if you're in too much discomfort already then I can just leave it at this, or tone it down."

"Hmrnnn." She groaned softly. "It's tight. Really tight. But I'm not in any real pain. You clearly know what you're doing, so you can keep going."

The dark haired researcher nodded. "In that case, brace yourself." He warned before pulling the reverse prayer tight.

"Aahh!" The slender captive gasped. "Wow. You're really serious about making me fail, huh?"

"Getting worried?" Her rigger taunted as he finished up the knot and worked the ends of his rope neatly into the criss cross pattern of harness and wrist bindings, far out of reach of Tsugumi's quick fingers.

"Dream on!"

Bairon chuckled as he unravelled his next rope. That one ended up wrapped around her waist and arms so that when he pulled it tight it would further trap her arms flat against her back, keeping the computer wiz from bending them outward.

"Last rope's coming up." The scientist declared.

"There's more?" His time traveling friend said surprised. Where in the world are you going to put it?

But when he gently guided her to lie down flat on her chest, the penny dropped. That final rope was first looped into the chest harness, then pulled down to Tsugumi's ankle bonds.

Mercifully, she wasn't forced to rest her feet on her but this time. Instead Bairon left her enough slack so she could stretch her legs to a 90-degree angle at the most. Pull on them anymore and she'd effectively begin hoisting her upper body off the mat!

After reigning in all the slack he wanted, the young researcher knotted the rope off at the front of Tsugumi's ankles, a hopeless location for the raven haired girl's immobile arms.

But she didn't have any time to contemplate her predicament.

"Now, open up." Bairon suddenly said as he held out a large cotton handkerchief.

Tsugumi did so without really questioning it, having been gagged twice before already. However she did let out a startled "Hmnf?!" When the researcher pushed the entire cloth past her lips instead of tying it round her head like normal.

It's going IN my mouth? She realized shocked.

With her mouth stuffed, he briefly kept her from spitting as he opened up the roll of dark grey duct tape and began wrapping the whole of her lower face in it. The kind young man did pay attention not to catch her hair in the wrapping, but that was just about the only sliver of mercy he showed in plastering on the extremely thorough gag.

After tearing off the tape and smoothing it down, Bairon scooted back.

"Mnff." Tsugumi had shrieked as loud as she could, her eyes squeezed shut from the effort. But they soon popped wide open again when she realized she herself barely picked up her cry for help!

"Too much?" The gentle scientist asked.

That both relieved and annoyed the raven haired girl. On the one hand her heart calmed down at hearing Bairon was still treating her in his same caring manner and hadn't sprung a trap. On the other hand it ticked her off that he sounded so worried. Had she really come across as that panicky?

She stubbornly shook her head. "mff mmnn (it's fine)." She mumbled.

Bairon grinned. "What was that? Your pronunciation is too far off for my translator" He taunted, despite his machine having understood the message.

"Rrrrmn!" Tsugumi growled, glaring at him and kicking off in as big a way her bonds allowed.

She tried flexing her legs, arms and even hands, only to find them completely unresponsive.

I'm in trouble. She realized almost immediately.

Deep down the cute young woman had felt a pit develop in her stomach the moment Bairon bent her arms so awkwardly and pushed them into place with his hand whilst coiling the rope in place.

Her stubbornness had kept her from paying that feeling any heed, much less backing out of the challenge. But as she lay there testing her bonds for any slack and failing to find any, she was beginning to regret not taking Bairon up on his earlier offer for showing some mercy.

Now it was too late. The die had been cast, the ropes knotted off. And she had no idea of how to grab hold of a single one of them!

Tsugumi put up a valiant fight regardless, rolling herself on her side to relieve the pressure on her chest as her fingers danced wildly in the air, desperately trying to grab hold of a rope and pull a knot into reach.

But even that most basic of first steps was denied by her nylon ropework prison. Try as she might, her arms wouldn't budge a single inch.

"Hmnf!" The raven haired girl grunted as she tried to force the ropes to give way, only to find her chest tightening up and the throbbing in her breasts intensifying instead.

Even worse was when she accidentally kicked her legs in annoyance at making no headway. That brief flex had been enough to pull her upper body along for the ride, lifting it off the mat and pushing the air out of her lungs momentarily.

"Hmnn!!" She had moaned in shock, and Bairon had to briefly turn around and cover his mouth not to start laughing.

I can't even move without increasing the pressure?! The slender young woman thought in despair. Then what do I have left?! I can't reach any knots, the ropes are too tight for me to displace, and right now I'm too scared to thrash around full force because I don't want another shock like that to hit me!

The raven haired girl rolled onto her stomach to relieve –or rather displace- the pressure of her ropes.

I... I can't get out of this. Ever.

Tsugumi remained lying still for a while, contemplating what her options were. She could of course ask Bairon to let her out, or just do some light squirming until he decided to release her of his own accord. Neither of those options seemed very attractive right now though.

Meanwhile, the trim young researcher was facing a similar dilemma: On the one hand he was dying to close in on the helplessly bound and gagged beauty before him, on the other he felt terrified of scaring her away.

"Haaah, if only your butt wasn't so deliciously firm and round I wouldn't be faced with this dilemma." He sighed.

"Mghfhm mmh (excuse me)?!" Tsugumi shrieked as she turned her head too look at her captor with wide eyes and a strawberry coloured face.

Bairon’s eyes grew just as wide. Did I say that out loud?! Damn!!

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!” He said hurriedly. “I was just thinking out loud, I know it’s weird but I didn’t mean anything by it!” He rattled on, almost tripping over his tongue. “Please don’t be offended by it, or scared or anything like that!”

Seeing the normally stoic scientist so worked up somehow made Tsugumi calm down. Besides, even though she might have been surprised by his outburst, it wasn’t like she actually minded the compliment. On the contrary, which girl wouldn’t be flattered if a cute guy told them their ass looked great?

“Ihm ar-hi, aih ahmnee mgg mmh mrr mh hrrvr her izz ooh ae uh mhh ‘bmndg’ mhh ah mhee mhin eehm. (It’s alright, I’d already pegged you for a pervert ever since you came up with ‘bondage’ as a money making scheme).” She said playfully.

“Well, excuse me for trying to get you home the quickest way.” The young researcher retorted as he walked closer. His gag was being so effective; the translation unit was having difficult discerning all of the words. He still got the gist of it though.

The raven haired girl giggled. “Mf mhh mrr a hee mhn, mhd akh-hlee msh ai mhn ihmnhd mff ggkin mhh ih. (If you were a real man, you’d actually touch my butt instead of gawking at it.)” She challenged him, lifting her tush cutely in the air, despite it evoking all sorts of pleasure around her toned body due to the ropes tightening up. For the first time Tsugumi felt grateful for that gag being so darned effective, since it meant the soft moans that forced their way out got caught by the cloth stuffing her mouth.

“Very funny. This might be the future, the laws about kidnapping and sexual assault are still there you know.” He replied.

“Hmn ai mhn khmnpd mhn ai? (But I’m not kidnapped am I?)” She retorted. “Hmn mmh cn’t chll ih hmssll hmnn hh ih-hm hmn aeve ooh mh mn-vi-hhmn (And you can’t call it assault when the ‘victim’ just gave you an invitation).” The beautiful damsel pressed on.

Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, but despite the obvious nervousness she didn’t want to stop flirting. This guy’s a lot sweeter than anyone I’ve ever met back home. His tastes might be a little weird, but all things considered they’re a good weird.

Bairon frowned at the raven haired girl. Am I really hearing this right? The young scientist thought astonished. Or is my translator interpreting her gag talk incorrectly?

That latter option was impossible and he knew it, but his heart wasn’t really ready for option A: An incredibly hot young girl lying in his house bound and gagged, demanding he grope her butt!

I need confirmation.

So the dark haired scientist slowly removed his captive’s tape wrap.

"I’m afraid I haven't understood everything you were saying." He lied.

Tsugumi spotted a twitch in the dark haired man’s expression, and realised he was just hesitating. That’s just adorable. She thought, not able to resist messing with him some more.

"Sure you haven't." She grinned, enjoying the fact she'd managed to get some control over the situation despite being heavily tied up. "Your gimmick's been translating everything perfectly, but when I offer for you to touch my butt it suddenly breaks down?" The hacker said teasingly.

"W-Well maybe there was some temporary interference." He tried.

"Haha, you're hysterical. You have a sexy young woman lying in your house, completely helpless to resist your every move, and yet you're still too scared of her to actually- AH!"

Her taunt was cut short by a sudden squeeze of her right buttock. It wasn’t rough or painful or anything of the sort, much more gentle and loving. But it still startled her enough to let out that cute yelp and flinch badly enough her chest harness clamped down on her tits.

“Hmnn, just as soft as I thought it would be.” Bairon commented before squeezing the other cheek, kneading it a little with his fingers.

“A-aaahhmmnnn.” Tsugumi moaned, biting her lip to keep herself from throwing out any more lewd noises. By now her face burned red hot, as did her body.

This is unbelievable. This man, this scientist I've only just met and who is from a completely different time and place, is groping my butt and I'm powerless to stop him!

It was an obvious fact, but it still hit her like a ton of bricks.

... I should be panicking, so why is it that I feel like I'm in seventh heaven instead?!

Her captor kept massaging her buttocks for a few more seconds to properly imprint the feel of her firm and cute butt, loving the little involuntary squirms his lovely model made despite trying her best not to let her enjoyment shine through.

“Look- Looks like the closet pervert is stepping out.” The computer hacker managed to say in a playful manner after catching her breath.

“You could say that.” Bairon replied. “Hey, want to try something else?”

“Depend on what that ‘something’ is.”

“A little experiment involving this incredible suit of yours.”

“My suit?”

“Yes, it’s got countless sensors built into it right?”

“W-well yes but why is that important?”

“I figured I could use those to our advantage.”

The raven haired girl didn’t feel completely comfortable with the idea of messing around with her bodysuit. But up until now Bairon had done nothing to violate her trust in him, and part of her was curious to find out what got her inventor friend so excited. So Tsugumi agreed to his proposal and remained quietly lying down as the dark haired young man made a quick sprint to his lab and back.

What he brought back was a small black metal box with several thin red wires sprouting from it.

Bairon kneeled down beside Tsugumi and began attaching the wires to some of the many nodes on her body suit which were used to send feedback when operating her mainframe in full body mode.

“What are you doing?” She asked curiously.

But the young scientist didn’t reply.

“Bairon?” Tsugumi insisted. “What is that box for?”

“You’ll see in a moment.” Was the mysterious reply as he switched on his device.

A soft humming emanated from the box, and moments later an odd, tingly feeling ran throughout Tsugumi’s whole bodysuit.

“Now if this works right, the sensors embedded in your suit, which normally provide feedback from your body to the mainframe, should reverse direction.

“Meaning the suit provides feedback to my body?”


“You say ‘exactly’, but what is that supposed to mean in practice?” The dark haired captive asked impatiently.

“It means it should amplify your body’s own senses, making you more sensitive to… well everything.”

“Hmm, I do feel something’s different.” She admitted as she tried struggling for a bit, only to gasp loudly in surprise.

Suddenly her chest harness felt ten times tighter, and just as effective!

It was the same all over her body: every single rope now felt more like a vice trapping her body without hope of release. But the truly weird thing was it wasn’t pain that surged through her body, it was pure, unadulterated pleasure.

“So is it working?” Bairon asked curiously.

“I’ll say!” His model yelped back. “My whole body feels like it’s on fire!”

“You mean it hurts?”

“NO! No on the contrary, it’s… incredible.” The computer wiz admitted with a crimson blush.

Bairon chuckled. “I love it when an invention does what I want it to do.” He remarked before gently flipping Tsugumi on her side.

“Aaahhhmnnn!!” She howled as even that simple gesture sent a lightning bolt of eroticism through her body, it’s impact deep inside her loins. Her second cry was even louder and higher pitched, courtesy of Bairon feeling out the contours of her bosom.

“You’ve created one hell of a thing there!” Tsugumi gasped, already panting heavily.

“And this is only 30% output.”

“WHAT?!” The heavily bound woman shrieked.

A louder hum now came from the small box as Bairon turned his invention full blast.

For a few seconds Tsugumi was subjected to a feeling of pins and needles all over her body. But when the device had done its job of heightening her senses further, that irritation died down in favour of an even more profound feeling arousal enveloping her body. 

“Time for the practicum.” The scientist joked as he reached for Tsugumi’s perky tits, her nipples had already begun poking through the latex-like suit just from the ropes covering her body.

“Oh God!” The raven haired damsel yelped, squeezing her eyes shut in anticipation of what she feared to be more stimulation than she could hope to handle.

She was almost right.

“IIEEAAAAHHH!!!” The ravishing young woman shrieked as Bairon gently brushed the outlines of her breasts. But that was all it took to catapult her hyper sensitive body to the brink of an orgasm like she’d never experienced before.

The scientist beside her very slowly and very gently massaged her breasts while Tsugumi did her utmost best not to moan like crazy, but the poor raven haired captive failed miserably.

Mere seconds after Bairon got started, the helpless girl lying beside him was mewling uncontrollably, squirming like possessed even though that only made for more erotic pressure all over her body.

How long has this been going on? Tsugumi thought desperately, having lost any sense of time due to her mind positively reeling from the pleasure. Five minutes? Ten? Half an hour?

“Bairoooonn!” She moaned with what little breath she had left as her climax burned beneath the surface, less than a minute after the researcher had started to fondle her bosom.

Wow, he thought surprised, I haven even touched her crotch yet! Maybe this thing is too potent. He realized, toning down the intensity to 50%.

His captive let out a long, grateful sigh as she felt her body calm down.

But not for long. Because when Bairon's right hand slowly travelled from her breasts down her waist, his caress was amplified by the suit. To the dark haired damsel it felt more like he was touching her actual skin, She began puffing needily again as his hand moved at it's agonizing pace.

Stop dawdling! She whimpered in her mind, just barely able to contain the embarrassing plea.

Far later than her body had hoped, the young scientist finally began massaging Tsugumi's crotch.

"AH!" She yelped at his very first stroke. "Aah... hmmnn! AAAHHHH!!" She moaned and howled after just a few seconds of gentle loving. Her orgasm, which had been burning so hot the dark haired girl feared she'd melt from the inside out, was finally there... and it felt even better than she'd imagined!

However to her surprise Bairon's next move was to start unplugging the wires from her suit.

He's quitting already?! She thought in shock. I don't want to! I need more!

"Bairon?" She gasped, her chest still heaving and her body twitching a little. "Don't take them out." She begged, not even caring how needy and desperate it made her sound.

He frowned at her in confusion at first, but then realized her wildly attractive body must still be yearning for more after his machine had riled it up so badly.

"Okay, but I'll tune it down a little more so you can enjoy the swell towards the next climax a little more."

The raven haired girl nodded. She was struggling to stay awake, and had barely registered his response. The only words she'd really picked up on were 'next orgasm', and that was all she'd needed to hear.

The muscular researcher began slowly rubbing his slender captive's crotch again, gradually increasing the pressure under soft mewling guidance from Tsugumi.

The helplessly bound hacker gasped, squirmed and moaned uncontrollably as Bairon brought her to cum again and again.

As the young woman lay there on the soft white surface, orgasm after orgasm flooding her senses, she realized something:

She was at this alien scientist's utter mercy. The timing, pace, even the number of orgasms she'd receive… everything was up to him... And she loved it!

After a total of five deafening climaxes, Tsugumi finally begged him to stop, which –to her relief- he immediately did.

"So, did you enjoy my adjustment to your sensory suit?" The dark haired scientist asked curiously after his model had caught most of her breath.

She grinned at him. "Are you deaf?" She said playfully. "I thought researchers were all about picking up signals?"

"Haha, you always have an answer ready, don't you?" He laughed, slapping her but.

"KYAAA!!" She shrieked, glaring at her captor. "That hurt!"

Bairon's eyes widened. Shit!

"Sorry, I forgot about the device still being active."

"You're forgiven." Tsugumi smirked, her cheeks bright red. "But only because I enjoyed that spank more than I should've."

The young man began laughing heartily as he removed his machine. "Who exactly is the real pervert here?" He said in an accusing yet playful tone.

Tsugumi began wriggling in protest. "You're a bad influence!" She countered.

To her delight, there wasn't nearly as much stress on her body anymore, meaning she could squirm to her heart's content without fear of repercussions. It didn't do her any good though, she remained helpless.

"Need a hand?"

"Yes please." She pouted.

Bairon rested his hand on her butt and gave it a squeeze.

"Very funny!"

"I thought so too." He replied, but then finally began undoing all of the ropework.

Tsugumi groaned relieved with each cinch that came undone, her body feeling like it came back to life as it received more and more freedom.

When all of the ropes had been removed, the dark haired girl sat herself on her knees, her hands folded on top of them.

"This was incredible." She said softly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I have to admit I enjoyed- hmrn?!" Bairon had tried to answer, only to be cut off by Tsugumi pouncing and wrapping her arms around his neck so she could pull herself close for a soft, long kiss.

He was startled at first, but quickly returned the kiss and wrapped his strong arms around her waist.

When the two released lips, both were blushing slightly.

"So you want to give some comment with this?"

"Do you need any?" The hacker replied embarrassed. "I like you, plain and simple. Well, not that simple." She admitted. "This must seem incredibly strange to you: A woman busting into your life from the past, breaking your equipment in the process and ending up stranded."

"I don't care about any of that though." Bairon replied. "I'm just glad you feel the same about me as I do for you."

"You mean?!" She said surprised.

"Yes. We haven't known each other for very long, but I can't help but feel incredibly attracted to you. You're gorgeous, strong, funny, kind,… basically everything a man could ever wish for."

Tsugumi's face flushed at the stream of compliments. Hoping to change the subject, she searched for something to say.

"You forgot to turn the camera on during this last game of ours." She pointed out, wanting to slap her head for being so random.

But Bairon just chuckled as he pulled her close. "No problem, we can have as many do overs as you want." He replied before giving his raven haired girl another sensual, tongue-twisting kiss.


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