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Ahri was traveling through a large forest, headed for a nearby settlement to claim more human essence for sustaining herself.

The human-fox hybrid had been traveling for a few days already without meeting another soul, and the nostaligic hunger for life was once again creeping up on her, ever so slowly.

I hope there’ll be a few lookers among them. The gorgeous ones are always the most fun to toy with…

The young woman’s nine fluffy, silvery tails began frolicking in excitement as she looked forward to the next day, when she’d planned to arrive in town. Her red and white robes rustled against the high grass and shrubbery, her pale skin protected from most of the sun’s burning rays by the thick canopy.

The half-fox was in a great mood. Her last ‘rampage’ around town had granted her such a large supply of human essence she could easily forego another week. But that was if you didn’t take into account her playful nature and her desire to trick foolish and lustful men with her wildly attractive body.

The hybrid woman played with her long black hair as she hummed a tune, strolling casually around the forest. She was in such a good mood in fact, that she never realized that someone was tracking her. Ever since last night none other than Caitlyn, the sheriff of Piltover was hot on her tail(s).

Rumours of Ahri’s killing sprees had made it all the way over to her city of progress, and being the moral driven woman she was, Caitlyn decided to hunt down this supposed ‘demon fox’ who went around devouring men.

The stories surrounding Ahri had been rather blown out of proportion, as tales do when they’re spread mouth to mouth. But even so the purplette sniper realized that letting someone as dangerous as her roam around was something she couldn’t tolerate.

Having started as a lowly snoop in the slums of Piltover back in her youth, with crime running rampant and corruption at an all-time high, the dutiful young woman slowly rose through the ranks until she finally reached a position with enough power to clean up her hometown. Her fight against crime was an arduous one, but it earned her the reputation of being almost the sole person responsible for the Piltover’s current nickname: city of progress.

But even though her city was now a peaceful one, threats such as Ahri could destroy all her hard work in a matter of weeks! And the proud and just sniper would be damned if she was going to let that happen!

So the young sheriff packed up her gear, analysed all of the reports on Ahri she could get a hold off, and determined the fox woman’s most likely route by mapping out all of the sites she’d been reported attacking people. After that she donned her favourite outfit: her dark purple tightfitting dress with matching top hat, her dark brown leather boots and gloves, and of course her vast array of weaponry.

“Ahri, prepare to meet the long gun of the law…”

Caitlyn travelled for several days before reaching the lush, jungle-like forest that her target would have to traverse in order to reach her next settlement. After studying the map, the purple haired sniper realized there was an abandoned hunter’s lodge located in the eastern part of the forest. That hut would be perfect for making her basecamp. From there out, she prepared several traps amongst the lush vegetation, lining them along the easiest pathways in the forest to maximize the chances of Ahri springing one of them.

The purplette had then taken up position amongst the treetops, and sat on the lookout for over a day before the half fox crossed her path. Caitlyn studied the bodacious raven haired woman through the scope of her trusty rifle. The leather of her dark brown gloves creaked softly as she squeezed the barrel and her trigger finger flexed.

I could snipe her right now I suppose, or trap her with my net gun… But I don’t know enough about her abilities. She’s supposedly killed dozens of people without leaving a trace, so she must be great at keeping track of her surroundings. She doesn’t seem to realize I’m here, but even that could be an elaborate bluff.

In the end, the cautious young woman decided against attacking the fox-human. Charging in recklessly would only risk failure after all. Besides, she had plenty of traps prepared in the vicinity. All she had to do was remain alert, observe from her hideout, and wait until the morning, when Ahri would embark on the last leg of her journey.

Because the dark haired woman had just now begun preparing camp, planning to spend the night inside the forest itself rather than rush towards the small village on the other side.

Caitlyn herself remained awake for most of the night, not wanting to take any chances with this mysterious hybrid woman whose sharp ears picked up a hummingbird landing on a branch earlier today. If she could pick up faint noises like that, she was bound to be a light sleeper. So the gunslinger spent most of her time quietly gazing at her target.

I can’t get over how cute she looks. Now I understand how she could make so many victims without ever being caught. She must use her looks to lure people away, then pounce when there’s no witnesses or anyone to hinder her.

But that just made her more dangerous. More determined than ever that this half-fox had to be stopped, the purple haired sniper began playing several scenarios in her mind for the possible battle come the morning.

The fox woman woke up at the crack of dawn, and after eating some of the forest’s mushrooms and fruits and sampling the morning dew from several leaves, she continued her journey. With the sniper following her from a safe distance.

It wasn’t long until the hybrid human steadily neared one of Caitlyn’s most basic but efficient traps: One of her famed ‘90 calibre net cannons’ had been hidden away and rigged to a movement sensor. The second Ahri got in range, the net would deploy and trap her.

Almost there. The sheriff thought excited. Just a few more steps and I’ve bagged myself a wanted criminal with almost zero effort. God I’m good!

But mere seconds before the net cannon would deploy, the fox woman’s razor sharp instincts suddenly sent a jolt down her spine.

Danger! Her every sense screamed at her a split second before the explosion of the net cannon. It was only thanks to her flexible and powerful body she managed to dodge the net by a hair's breath, which wrapped itself around a particularly large tree several feet further along.

The raven haired fox-woman looked at the contraption and giggled. “Nice try, whoever you are.” She then looked around the thick vegetation. “I take it whoever owns that toy is close by?” She shouted.

Caitlyn cursed from her hideout. “Nothing for it then.” She muttered. “I’ll have to take her on one on one then. I’ll be at a disadvantage in these thickets, but I can’t back down now!” The purple haired girl thought, her sense of justice outweighing her cautious nature.

So the sniper stepped out into the open, her trusty rifle locked and loaded.

Ahri grinned at the purplette. “So, you are the one who set that trap?”

“Yes I am. The name’s Caitlyn. I’m a sheriff in a city not far from here.”

“Then why are you out in this large forest all by yourself?” The hybrid fox asked curiously.

“You did. Or to be more precise: your killing spree.”

“Killing spree?” The dark haired repeated confused. To put it like that is a bit much… I only take as many lives as I need, and it’s not like there’s a shortage of greedy, lecherous men in this world…

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” The hybrid human replied calmly.

“You don’t?!” The purplette said angrily. “Every town you’ve visited has been marked with mysterious deaths and disappearances!”

“I know that.” Ahri replied cheekily. “I just don’t feel it should be called a killing spree.”

“You!” The sheriff yelled, aiming her rifle, indicating the conversation was over.

But the half fox wasn’t intimidated at all. A cheeky grin played along her lips.

“Hihi.” She giggled. “Better be careful, sheriff. If you'd like to play with me, you'd better be sure you know the game…." She said as she took her battle stance and summoned a glowing orb in her right hand.

“Like I thought, you are dangerous!” The sniper muttered as she cocked her rifle and took aim.

But she was forced to abort her shot and jump sideways to avoid the mass of energy Ahri flung at her. The glowing orb hit the tree behind Caitlyn and took out over half of the trunk, causing it to topple over and hit the ground with a deafening, creaking racket.

The purple haired sniper hit the forest bed and kept rolling at full speed in order not to be crushed by the falling tree, clenching her gun as she uneven terrain bruised her body. She barely made it in time, her heart racing after the sudden near-death experience.

But the large treetop with its countless branches and lush vegetation provided the perfect cover for Caitlyn to catch her breath.

“Ooooh, sheriiiiff!” Ahri chimed, already holding another orb at the ready for when she would see that ridiculous top hat poke out between the leaves and bushes.

But the stealthy Caitlyn silently crawled towards the base of the tree, and used a pocket mirror to search for her raven haired foe without exposing herself.

However, the second she caught even a glimpse of the fox-woman, she saw another orb headed straight for her hand holding the mirror!

The sniper dropped her tool and pulled back her hand, barely in time to keep it from being burned by the cracking energy ball.

The faint glimmer of the mirror’s reflection had tipped off Ahri. Having been a woodland creature in a previous life, this setting was her home turf. And with her life on the line, no one’s senses were sharper than hers.

“If you want to turn tail and run, I won’t shoot you in the back.” The slender hybrid woman mocked.

“I’m afraid I can’t offer you the same deal!” Came from an entirely different corner of the forest than where Caitlyn had previously been.

Ahri’s eyes widened and her ears perked up. How did she get all the way over there so fast?! And without so much as a sound! This woman… that gun was not for show, she’s a sniper that’s for sure…


Simultaneously with the loud but distant gunshot, the fox woman felt a graze on her arm.

She shot me?! Through this dense forest?!

The raven haired woman hunkered down and listened for rustling leaves. But there was nothing to be heard.

“So she’s not moving.” She said under her breath. “Then again she doesn’t have to, I have no idea where that shot came from.”

As the hybrid moved behind a thick tree for cover, she pressed a cold, wet leaf over the cut to soothe the stinging.

“But you’re not the only one with long range offense!” Ahri hissed as she summoned forth three 3 blue dancing fox fires, flames that automatically sought out nearby targets.

“Go!” She yelled, after which the three animal-shaped flames flew away at tremendous speed.

One of them triggered another one of Caitlyn’s trademark 90 calibre nets, and was vaporized in destroying it.

A second flame struck a thick bush and completely burned it down to ashes.

And a third one hit the very top of a tree trunk, setting fire to several of its lower branches. But more importantly, it had forced the purplette sniper out of her hideout.

Caitlyn jumped down from the burning tree, and rolled for almost 4 feet before landing behind a large, moss-covered rock.

“What the hell were those?! Did they home in on my position? But she shouldn’t have even known where I was!” The sheriff thought confused. Do those things search out heat signatures, or focus on movement or other signs of life?

She didn’t have time to consider any of that however, because Ahri’s last attack had given the fox woman the chance to close the distance. Caitlyn could hear the ever nearing sound of rustling leaves and crushed twigs.

This position is too disadvantageous! She realized, getting up and dashing for a small patch of open forestry she knew to be close by.

But even though the purplette sheriff was light on her feet, the nimble Ahri was closing the distance with each passing second.

Soon enough, the fox woman had her sights back on the sniper and began firing small orbs to hinder her running even more. She also spotted Caitlyn messing around with her rifle, which explained why the purplette was moving slower than she’d been doing before.

Mechanical failure perhaps? Ahri thought. This is why you shouldn’t rely on weapons! She thought triumphantly, using the tree branches to swing through the air several feet through the air and pushing herself off on tree trunks to propel her forward all the quicker and gain even more ground on the young sniper.

By now Caitlyn was traversing the large open patch in the forest she’d been heading for, and Ahri was just about to enter the grassland herself. In that large open space, her more flexible fox fires had the advantage over Caitlyn’s straight-line shooting. But that was only if the sniper wouldn’t be able to find cover first. Determined to close the gap some more, Ahri leaped forward at full speed and exited the treeline with a loud rustling.

But with the distance between the hybrid woman and the purplette in front of now measuring less than 10 feet, her opponent suddenly turned around with a jump of her own, aiming her rifle as she spun in mid-air and firing her shot straight at the fox woman.

It all happened too fast for even Ahri’s lighting reflexes to do anything, and the bullet had dashed past her head, cutting off a few of her long black hairs before she even realized what had happened.

If the shot had been only a few inches to the left, she’d have lost her eye, or worse…

The slender fox woman took a deep breath in utter relief. Close one. She almost got me whilst aiming and firing mid-movement. She really is something else. I wish she wasn’t hunting me…

“Too bad, you missed.” Ahri smirked.

But to her surprise, Caitlyn’s grin was even wider than her own.

"Me, miss? Not by a long shot."

Because the sniper hadn’t been aiming for Ahri’s head, but the canister embedded in a hollow part of the tree behind her. The fidgeting with her gun hadn’t been a malfunction, it had been her loading one of her custom bullets: the piltover peacemaker.

When fired, that bullet was a very thin and fast projectile. But upon impact it would expand explosively, making it the perfect tool to fire into the tree and crack the canister she’d hidden there wide open, releasing the powerful sleeping gas inside.

Caitlyn’s rush towards the open piece of greenery hadn’t been a desperate flight attempt at all! It turned out the cunning sniper had been luring her opponent to a second trap during the fight!

The second explosion behind her caught the fox girl completely off guard, and within seconds she was enveloped in cloud of mist containing a powerful sleeping drug, effectively knocking her out before she could jump clear.

With her target finally docile, Caitlyn lowered her rifle.

“Pfewww. Close call. She might be a criminal, but she sure can fight! I didn’t know what was going to happen for a moment.” The purplette said as she crashed through her knees breathing heavily.

She looked at the now peacefully sleeping young woman, lying at the edge of the forestry.

“…I should hurry up and restrain her. I didn’t bring much gear with me, but it should be enough to keep her trapped until I can double back to my lodge and bring everything I need.”

Ahri woke up with a banging headache and dull pain all over her body.

Hmmn… Owww! What happened? Where am I? The bewildered fox woman thought, her mind still hazy from the powerful sleeping drug.

Her head slowly cleared up, and she soon realized she was still in the forest, lying on the ground with the grass tickling her exposed thigh and shoulder thanks to her revealing robes.

However, when she tried to get up from the ground she found out where that slight pressure and pain were coming from:

She’d been restrained with thick ropes. Her wrists were tied behind her back, a second coil of rope running along her waist to trap her arms against her own back. That rope ran just below her breasts, and was actually serving to push those up a little and make them seem even bigger than usual.

“mmn ms – HMMNNR (What is – HUUUH)?!” The hybrid woman tried to say, only to find her mouth remained forced shut by something shiny and sticky pressed along the lower part of her face.

That BITCH! She sealed my mouth!

“MMRRRNNN!!” The human fox screamed at the top of her lungs. But she couldn’t wrestle a single coherent word past the tape.

Trying to get over her annoyance, Ahri decided to analyse the rest of her restraints. To her relief, there wasn’t much left:

Her legs had been tied together at the ankles alone. leaving her with quite a lot of wriggle room. It was conservative at best, but Caitlyn simply didn’t have more material at hand to more thoroughly restrain the hybrid woman.

Besides, even the limited leg movement Ahri could now still make was barely of use to her on the uneven forest terrain, her ballerina shoes were flat and comfy, but that didn’t make up for her legs being pinned together. And that was assuming she could even climb to her feet without the use of her arms!

Tsk. That purple haired bitch sure did a number on me. Sheriff my tails, she’s nothing but a filthy bounty hunter! But just you watch, abandoning me here is going to turn out a big mistake for you, Caitlyn! Arhi thought as she gritted her teeth behind the tape, immediately starting to roll along the forest bed in an effort to wriggle out of her bindings.

The fox woman struggled fiercely to try and regain her freedom, but between the strength of the ropes and the expertly place knots, she didn’t stand a chance.

But the worst of it all was that the purple haired sniper had wrapped all of the already hard to reach knots in a layer of that same sticky tape that kept Ahri’s mouth shut! That made it completely impossible to pick anything loose! And because the ropes were all pulled so tight they were almost digging into the poor hybrid’s skin, there was no chance she could simply wriggle them loose either.

Calling for help wasn’t an option either, thanks to the several strips of tape Caitlyn had plastered over her pretty lips. Even after Ahri tried rubbing her cheek against the bark of a nearby tree, the strange material plastered over her face simply wouldn’t budge. Not that there was a living soul in the vicinity she could’ve called out to either way.

“UUHMMRRRR!” Ahri howled in frustration as attempt after attempt to free herself failed.

How’s it possible that nothing is giving way?! There isn’t even that much rope or tape covering my body!!

True, her confines were basic at best. But thanks to the sheriff’s expertise they were also fool proof.

Despite Ahri struggling non-stop for several more minutes until she finally collapsed on a patch of soft moss, she never made any progress. The fox woman was breathing heavily, her tails lying limply on the ground behind and beside her. She’d tried everything she could think of, from a calm and tactical search for knots, over to tirelessly shifting her arms and legs in hoping to dislodge any ropes, all the way up to blindly thrashing about with all her might. But nothing had worked.

It’s no use. She thought frustrated. I cannot free myself from these restraints. And any minute now that gunslinger is probably going to show up to gloat over my inability to free myself.

As Ahri lay there in the quiet forest with the sun starting to set, the female human-fox couldn’t help but get a little nervous about what would become of her when Caitlyn returned…

“What a relief.” Suddenly came from behind a particularly sturdy tree. “It looks like my quick fix sufficed to keep you in check.” Caitlyn said as she stepped into the light shining through the canopy.

She had needed more time than she calculated to gather up everything she would need to ‘issue her punishment’. But to her relief, even her most basic of ties proved to be too much for this apparently inexperienced humanoid with her extraordinary abilities.

“I was worried you might’ve ran off whilst I was rummaging around my hunter’s lodge to stuff this thing.” The purplette said, holding up a large brown duffle bag. “But it seems your escapology skills are even worse than your combat skills.” She taunted.

That remark earned her a foul glare and a muffled swearword from the half-fox. She was definitely paying this broad back the first chance she got!

“MMMD MME MMN (LET ME OUT)!!” She demanded loudly, trying to right herself but only managing to flop from one side of her body onto the other.

“Mmff (Owww)!” She moaned as she hit the dirt hard with her left hip and shoulder.

The sniper calmly approached her bound and gagged captive, holding a cloth drenched in the same drug that had knocked out Ahri before.

“Mmnf?!” The fox girl grunted as her airways were flooded by the drug again, instantly clouding her mind again and pacifying her enough so Caitlyn could set up a whole new predicament:

By the time Ahri realized what had been done to her, the cunning sniper had already finished setting up an intricate piece of suspension bondage:

Her arms had been restrained more thoroughly this time, trapped in a boxtie behind her back.

Her ankles had been crossed, in addition to extra ropes tied below and above her knees, as well as around her luscious thighs. In contrast to her previous position, the hybrid woman could barely move her legs anymore.

And Caitlyn hadn’t stopped there. She’d also tied a strict chest harness with ropes encircling her upper body, above and below her large bust. The harness had also been connected to her boxtie, further anchoring the poor girl’s arms in place.

The sheriff had also torn part of the hybrid woman’s red and white flowing robes, exposing more of her legs than usual and most importantly, making it possible to fit her with a tight crotchrope which had also found its way to the young woman’s heavily pinned down arms.

Lastly, a thick leather belt had bundled all of her bushy, silvery tails together, while a second larger one buckled around her waist kept them firmly pinned against her back.

And naturally, the sniper from Piltover had tied several supporting ropes in place to horizontally suspend Ahri’s luscious body several feet above the forest bed:

There were long ropes dropping down from the treetops and wrapping the half-fox’ shoulders, waist and legs, all of it to make sure her weight would be divided and no real stress could build up. But since part of the support had also connected to the chest harness & crotch rope there was however a constant pressure present on her most sensitive spots.

Ahri didn’t even have to try and struggle to realize every single knot or belt was impossible to reach for her fluttering fingers. But given that she was feisty by nature, she wasn’t just going to take this humiliation lying down (or hanging up).

However, the second she tried making any large movement, her tight bindings -most of all the chest harness and crotchrope- punished her severely by sending waves of pain and something less recognizable throughout her entire body.

“Owww!” She moaned as the crotchrope parted her labia slightly, despite Caitlyn having been ‘kind’ enough to leave her snowy white panties where they belonged.

“Oh, you’ve come to already?” Caitlyn remarked. The purplette was sitting opposite of her captive, and had been cleaning her rifle like nobody’s business while she waited for the hybrid to come to her senses again.

Now that she had, the sheriff got up from her rock and walked towards the glaring captive.

“Now then.” She said with a confident smirk. "Would you prefer the good cop, or the bad cop?"

“Neither.” Was the stubborn reply.

Caitlyn frowned. “What, you think I’m in the wrong here?! I’m not the one who slaughtered dozens of innocent people!”

“That’s not what I did!” Ahri protested. “I-“ But then she stalled. I never meant to…

Ahri’s life had started out as that of a normal fox. She was however unique in her strong connection to the magical world she and her kin lived in. The connection had made her feel distant from other foxes, and gave her a hollow, gnawing feeling of incompleteness.

Somehow, she felt the skin she was born into to be an ill fit and dreamt of becoming more than just a small forest dweller.

One day, the curious Ahri happened upon a battlefield, where her attention was drawn by a robed man, a dying mage. When she reached out, using the connection she’d always felt in a way she herself didn’t understand, something inside her triggered. All of that mage’s life essence poured into the fox, filling her small body with an overwhelming yet intoxicating feeling.

When the waves subsided, she found her form had changed. Her silvery fur had receded and her body had been transformed into that of a slender, tall, human.

But it hadn’t been enough. Ahri could feel her form wasn’t complete, that she needed more essence. Thus, she had used her profound gift of beauty to entice men in every village or settlement she came across. Whilst under the influence of her charms, she could get her victims to obey her every whim, including readily handing over their life energy.

And so the fox-human hybrid had spent her first days, even weeks as a human going around engorging herself on men to keep her own form intact.

Yet strangely enough, the more lives she took, the more perfect her form became, the stranger the feelings welling up insider her became as well. A profound sense of guilt and shame was starting to fester within the bodacious woman, something which had never troubled her as a fox.

Unable to overcome her evolving morality, Ahri eventually settled for searching a way to attain her humanity without causing further harm to innocent people. And in the end that search had led her to the institute of war, homebase of the league of legends.

Naturally, she couldn’t give back all the lives she’d taken before turning to the league for her nourishment. But just like humans slaughter cattle and cut trees to survive, she took the lives of men to preserve her own. The beautiful fox-woman truly did not feel she’d done anything wrong.

“I only did what I had to in order to survive!” Ahri said angrily.

“Taking lives is never justifiable!” Caitlyn retorted stubbornly. “If you needed that many lives just to keep yours going, then maybe you should’ve died a long time ago!”

The helpless woman’s eyes widened in shock. Is she going to…

Caitlyn cleared her throat. “Sorry. That was uncalled for.” The sniper admitted. “I got a little heated, I tend to do that when I’m in pursuit of justice.”

“Stringing me in the air is ‘justice’?” Ahri protested.

“It’s just the start.” The purplette replied. “As I said before: I tracked you down to put a stop to the string of murders scattered across the region surrounding my beloved Piltover. It is my, the sheriff’s duty to put a stop to any treat to the city!”

“If that’s your only goal then you can rest easy. I’m done taking innocent lives.” The raven haired woman said softly.

“You may say that, but you’re still due some punishment for the ones you’ve taken already…” Caitlyn countered.

“Hmn. Guess now I know which type of officer you are. That smirk on your face is screaming ‘bad cop’.” The fox woman taunted, wanting to hide her nervosity.

The purplette frowned. “Alright, that’s it. We are going to get your punishment underway right now!” She said, walking towards Ahri with a strange dark rubber… something in her hand. There were buckles either side of a larger square panel. For the life of her, Ahri had no idea what that thing could be for.

But when her captor brought it close to her face.

“NO!” The hybrid protested, squirming in her ropes so badly she actually started swinging a little. “No, I do not want that thing to go in my mouth. Don’t you dare you filthy mmrnnn!!”

But she was utterly helpless to resist the gunslinger from buckling the thick panel gag into place and muffling even her loudest cries to near-mute whimpers.

“Much better.” Caitlyn grinned.

“MMRRRNNN!!” The fox woman growled, bucking up and down fiercely, but halting quite quickly when the crotchrope dug into her snatch.

Stupid ropes! I can’t even make a fuss like this!

So the raven haired woman settled for a glare at the sniper.

“You better tone down that sass, if you don’t want me to crack this thing even harder than I’m planning to.” Caitlyn warned as she pulled a small riding crop out from the rucksack.

“hmn?!” Ahri moaned with wide eyes. “Ad rr oo oo-nn oo oo? (What are you going to do)?!”

“What do you think?”


The first strike hit the fox woman right on her thigh, which was exposed thanks to her loose fitting and high-cut robes.

“UHMMMNNN!!” The hybrid woman groaned in pain and anger.

*THWACK* A second strike to her pale and slender thigh.


“Execution isn’t really my style you see. At least not without a proper trial. Tomorrow I’m taking you along to Piltover, where your crimes will be judged accordingly.”

*THWACK* Caitlyn hit the soles of her feet this time.

“MMrrr! Mn mmff mm mss?! (Then why do this?!)” Ahri protested.

“Because there were never any witnesses to your crimes. All evidence is circumstantial. So even though there’s absolutely no way you’re not the perpetrator, the way the system of the law works there’s a chance you might walk off with a lighter punishment than you deserve.”

*THWACK* A blow to her thigh again, using her sniper’s skills to strike the exact same, already reddish spot she’d been hitting before. Ahri shrieked in pain and anger, trying to shift her legs to distract herself from the stinging.


“UHMMMN!!” The fox woman moaned. Caitlyn had struck her left breast this time, and with them still being sensitive after the chest harness coming off, that last slap was burning hotter than all of the previous ones combined!

“Which is why I’m dishing out some advance punishment.” The sheriff continued as she pulled Ahri’s robes a little further up, exposing round her yet firm ass. “Compared to what you did, this can barely be called retribution, now can it?”




Three successive strikes right onto the fox woman’s buttocks lit up her ass cheeks.

“AAAAHHH!” She mewled. “Mf mmn mms (Stop it please)!” She pleaded.

“Oh? Not one for pain? Colour me surprised. A cunning little enchantress like you, I thought for sure you’d have a kinky side.”

“Mmrrr.” The raven haired woman grunted. I do actually, I just prefer being on the other end of the stick.

The purplette continued whipping Ahri for a little while longer, drawing wail after wail from the helpless fox woman, until she finally decided to put down her riding crop.

“Mmmmm.” Ahri whimpered, though also sighing in relief. Finally, I thought she’d never tire. This woman is. “HIIIIII!!!”

Her train of thought was shattered by a sharp pinch from below. Out of nowhere, Caitlyn had suddenly grabbed the hybrid woman’s left nipple between two of her fingers and pressed down on them harshly.

The resulting shock was enough to make Ahri’s heart skip a beat, and she began flailing in her bindings so badly she shook the branches she’d been suspended from.

“Owww!” The raven haired woman moaned as her efforts caused the bindings to tighten up, most of all the crotchrope which only wedged in deeper and stimulate the poor woman’s pussy even further.

“Wow. Sounds like I hit a sensitive spot.” Caitlyn chuckled from beneath the fox woman.

Ahri glared down, her long dark hair hanging beside her beautiful face so as to almost touch her captor’s. “Mf mm (Let go).” She growled in a deep voice.

“What? Of this you mean?” The purplette taunted, pulling back on the hybrid’s nipple a little.

“UMMMMMNNNR!” Ahri yelped, sending saliva flying everywhere from the ball gag forcing her to drool continuously.

The slight shower made Caitlyn back up, and she released the fox woman’s breast, causing her damsel to moan in relief.

“Maybe I should start on the less sensitive spots first…” The sniper mused, earning her a foul stare from the nine-tailed woman which basically shouted: ‘don’t you dare!’

But Caitlyn utterly ignored the poor hybrid as she kept pinching her breasts, thighs, butt,… pretty much every area she’d sensitized earlier, and all to work towards her second part of the torture…

Ahri groaned frustratedly as the sniper kept up her groping.

What the hell is she doing?! This isn’t even all that painful, it’s just annoying… and its… turning me on?

But when Caitlyn began firmly squeezing her captive’s breasts, the raven haired woman couldn’t stand it anymore.

“OB III (STOP IIIT)!” She screamed, once again thrashing wildly to hinder the purplette from touching her anymore. She didn’t even care she was hurting and arousing herself, she just kept flailing mindlessly until fatigue forced her to calm down.

“mff, mfff, mmmmffff.” Ahri struggled to take deep enough breaths with her mouth sealed up, eyeing the smirking sheriff angrily.

“Looks like you’re ready for part two…”

Caitlyn slowly but surely removed the fox woman’s bindings, taking care never to leave her captive with too much freedom to put up an actual fight as her ropes were steadily replaced with something more sturdy:

The raven haired woman had been handcuffed and leg ironed this time. Only two ropes had remained in her current predicament. One of the ropes that had been used earlier to suspend her from the treetops was now connected to her wrist cuffs and still anchored to the high up canopy, pulling up the fox woman’s hands high above her head and keeping them there, useless.

The purple haired huntress had also padlocked leg irons to a heavy iron stake which she had driven into the ground. The main point of that was to keep her feet firmly planted and prevent her from kicking at the sheriff.

The second rope remaining in play was the crotchrope, which the sniper had retied with a thick knot located in exactly the right spot so as to wedge deep into her labia.

And to top things off, a ball gag replaced the panel gag in order to stifle her captive’s protests. It was less effective, but the forced drooling made for a much more humiliating effect the sniper felt.

The purple haired sheriff had stripped Ahri down in the process of well, leaving the poor young woman completely naked and blushing bright red.

“ai id oo aek a-ae ai oowz (Why did you take away my clothes)?” She mewled embarrassed.

“Obviously because you’re easier, and more fun, to tease like this. Don’t tell me you’re becoming coy now?” The gunslinger mocked. “You’ve been roaming the area like a regular succubus, seducing and devouring men with that magnificent body of yours.

And what a body it was!

Her revealing robes with the low cut cleavage hadn’t really left much to one’s imagination, but now that Ahri was standing in front of the purplette in her full glory, Caitlyn had to admit she was damn fine!

Her legs were long and slender, but still well shaped. She had a tight, round bum but still supple enough so that it jiggled a little when the sheriff had thwacked it with her riding crop. Her breasts were even larger than Caitlyn’s above average bust, but despite their size they didn’t show any sign of sagging, even though the hybrid woman went around without any support.

It’s almost a shame I’m going to have to lock her up. The purple haired woman thought as she admired the naked woman before her as she struggled against her new set of restraints.

Ahri groaned in pain and obvious discomfort as the cold steel hurt her wrists and ankles. She rattled the chains, but it didn’t surprise her that they wouldn’t give her even an inch of slack.

Caitlyn chuckled. “To harsh for you? Sorry Ahri dear, I keep the fuzzy cuffs at home.”

“Ish (Bitch).” The helpless woman insulted.

“Tsk. Maybe I should’ve kept that panel gag in place, even with that ball in it you’ve still got a mouth on you!” The sniper replied as she brought a dark cloth up to Ahri’s head to blindfold her.

Despite the hybrid woman shaking her head vigorously, she was helpless to prevent the purplette from snugly tying the cloth in place, blocking out all light and completely blinding her.

“There we go, let’s test how effective it is.” Caitlyn mused as she slowly reached out to scrape Ahri’s armpit with a fingernail.

“HIIIII!!” The fox-human shrieked as she flinched back from the ticklish sensation, only to be pulled back to her spot by the ropes and chains.

“Own (Don’t)!” She warned, despite full well realizing she had nothing to back up her threat with.

And Caitlyn knew too. “Or else what? You’ll wriggle at me?” She taunted as she continued tickling her helpless captive for a little while, drawing out ever louder moans and shrieks until tears began rolling out from under the blindfold. Ahri tried her best to escape her captor’s frisky fingers, her tails flailing around wildly in a bid to knock her assailant back. But with her arms and legs so thoroughly pinned down and robbed of her sight, she stood no chance of avoiding her tickle torture.

When the purple haired sheriff finally pulled back, Ahri was slumping in her bindings, only being held upright by the sturdy cuffs and rope pulling her hands towards the sky. Her chest was heaving, and her entire body almost glistened in beads of sweat.

“You’ll be relieved to know I’m done tickling you I guess?”

“Mn-hmm.” The raven haired woman nodded.

“Good, because the next part will be even more fun. For both of us…”

Caitlyn suddenly began fondling Ahri’s naked breasts, making the fox woman yelp in surprise.

That perverted- She’s GROPING me?!

“Ooo! O ii (Noo! Stop it!)” Ahri protested angrily, shuddering as her captor squeezed her still sensitive bosom.

“Hihih. No.” The purplette replied, pressing down on the dark haired girl’s nipples.

“Aaahh!” The fox woman gasped, her buds hardening underneath Caitlyn’s thumbs.

What is this woman doing to me? And moreover, why is it working?!

The sniper slowly kneaded her damsel’s rack, massaging it more vigorously as time went on, tugging at the crotchrope every once in a while as well.

“Ooooommmnnn!” The fox woman groaned, desperately trying to stave off her arousal. But Caitlyn knew her way around a woman, that much Ahri had realized by now.

As much as she tried to focus her thoughts, the lack of sight made all of Caitlyn’s caresses that much more intense. The fox woman tried her best, but in the end she was only postponing the inevitable. She could feel her slit moisten with each passing second, her breathing quickening, her breasts growing hotter underneath the palms of the naught sheriff.

But when the sheriff pinned a pair of nipple clamps on the human-fox, that’s when Ahri truly shrieked for her life. The surprise pinch was bad enough by itself, but the continuous throbbing was what really unnerved her. How long were these going to remain in place?!

“Ae-iii! (Caitlyyyn)!” The foxy lady moaned, drool dripping past the ball gag as she desperately tried to tell her captor to stop but unable to find the words (or the breath).

“That’s the first time you’ve said my name since we got started I think.” The purplette remarked, flicking both of the clamps.

That had been the final straw. A hungry groan escapes the captive’s ball gagged lips, her horny body betraying her own pride and revealing to Caitlyn just how needy she had become.

“Well, finally! I thought you were never going to buckle!” The purplette remarked, opening up her rucksack again and dropping coils upon coils of rope on a large flat rock nearby.

“Let’s get you prepared for stage three!”

“Hmrn?!” The hybrid woman shrieked. There’s more?!

Ahri began shaking her head angrily, trying to use her remaining senses to work out what Caitlyn was doing. But her body was in such disarray, she never stood a chance at anticipating the sniper, let alone resisting her as she altered her predicament again.

The chest harness had made a return, in an even tighter form this time. Ropes were now ensnaring the bodacious fox woman from above below and in between her perky breasts, all of them pulled so tight they made her already impressive rack swell a little more!

Mercifully, the crotchrope had been removed however, allowing Ahri’s red hot labia to finally gain a moment of peace.

The fox woman soon found herself pinned with her back against a tree, her ankles tied with a single rope that ran around the base of the trunk in order to keep her legs slightly spread apart. Her hands were still connected together at the wrists like the handcuffs had done, only this time they weren’t pulled into the air but secured above her head against the bark. Another rope tied around the tree trunk at the height of her hourglass-shaped waist kept her taut body completely pinned in place, with the poor raven haired damsel barely able to move an inch.

As a small concession, Caitlyn had replaced the frustrating ball gag with a knotted cleave gag. Though Ahri was still unable to speak clearly, at least she had stopped spilling drool all over the place.

The purple haired sniper nodded. “Yep, this’ll do.”

“MMRRRGGG!” Ahri growled furiously as she glared at her captor. The list of things to pay this ‘gun of the law’ back for was growing too long to remember!

And Caitlyn was about to add one more thing:

Ahri’s eyes shot wide open as the purplette sniper closed in with weights meant to be clipped onto the nipple clamps.

“HNNNNN!!” She howled in protest as the sniper connected the weights and paused just a moment before letting them drop.

The resulting shriek was so loud, long but most of all piercing the young sheriff had to cover her ears.

The hybrid woman began fidgeting with her hands, desperately trying to work them free so she could remove those nefarious weights. They had only been attached for a few seconds, but the constant pressure on her breasts was already taking its toll!

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Caitlyn picked up her fondling again too.

The purple haired domme moved on to rub the raven haired woman’s inner thighs, inching towards her womanhood whilst gently sinking her teeth into the supple flesh of her breasts and slathering them in her saliva with her eagerly flicking tongue. She also reached up to play with the weights every so often to make her captive moan uncontrollably.

And now that the crotchrope was gone the downright evil sniper actually began dipping a finger past the helpless fox-woman’s labia.

“UHHMMNNN!!” Ahri cried out with wide eyes as her clit engorged itself, coming out to play as the purplette slowly stroked and pinched her captive’s labia.

Stop it! Leave me alone! Stoooop! The helpless fox-woman wailed in her mind, unable to wrestle the words past the knot parting her lips.

But Caitlyn didn’t stop. She kept fingering her prisoner, slowly but surely driving her to the brink of a climax… and keeping her there.

Every time poor Ahri gasped and shuddered, her orgasm seconds away, the sniper’s impeccable timing kept her captive from reaching her release. Instead, she slowed down her groping, nibbling and suckling down to a crawl, letting the fox-woman cool down again before starting the whole cycle anew.

After three of those runs, Ahri could take no more.

“Eese, e dee umm (Please, let me cum)!” She whimpered. “Ai eed oo umm (I need to cum)!” She moaned desperately

But that was exactly what the mischievous sniper had been gunning for. The second her captive moaned in defeat, she pulled back her ministrations and began rummaging through her rucksack. A thought had just now occurred to her, a brand new bondage position that would rub in the fox woman’s pitiable state all the more. The sniper couldn’t help but grin at the leather buckles she eventually found amidst her stash of gear.

“Oooo! Oo orr (Nooo! No more!)” “The raven haired damsel wailed, already realizing what was going to happen… again.

Because indeed, Caitlyn had thought up yet another predicament to torture her criminal. And the one she’d concocted this time made for a truly cruel ordeal for the poor fox girl’s outrageously lewd body.

After knocking out the hybrid woman for a few minutes, the purplette quickly tied her legs into separate frogties. Leather belts were then buckled around either thigh, with a padlock securing a spreader bar between them and forcing Ahri to leave her snatch on full display.

A hitachi wand had also been trapped underneath the belt enveloping her right thigh, the bulbous end pressing right against her dripping wet labia.

The hybrid woman’s wrists were locked in very thick and heavy steel cuffs, which were then padlocked to a small ring in the centre of the spreader bar.

This meant Ahri’s hands were tied right in front of here, and less than a foot away from her burning loins. But no matter how she would try contorting her flexible body, she couldn’t reach anything: Not her bindings, not her breasts nor her pussy, or even the switch operating the infuriating hitachi wand.

It didn’t take the trembling human-fox long to realize this after waking up. The soft buzzing of the hitachi instantly shocked her wide awake when Caitlyn was done with her, after which she immediately started flailing her body as best she could, her hands and fingers fluttering to grab hold of something, anything. Her long dark hair and silvery tails were dancing around as she shrieked and moaned because of the ropes still wrapped around her chest sending shock after shock through her tired, aching, horny body.

Despite her exhaustion, the massive adrenaline rush kept Ahri’s thrashing going for minutes and minutes, all in an effort to tear herself free and let loose the climax burning underneath the surface.

But try as she might, her so desperately needed relief remained out of reach.

And to add insult to injury, Caitlyn nowhere to be seen anymore!

Don’t tell me she simply walked off after putting me in this torture?! She’s coming back right? It’s almost sundown!! And I can’t – I can- I--- “Mmnnnnn!!” The helpless fox woman whimpered as the hitachi kept humming away at her labia, keeping her from focusing her mind on finding a way out.

But the sheriff hadn’t abandoned Ahri. After all, she needed to make sure her captive still stayed safe and survived everything she was putting her through. Her true trial was up to the law system in Piltover after all.

But that didn’t mean the purplette didn’t continue enjoying herself for the remainder of the evening. Her captive’s chorus of whimpering moans and pleas were like songs of praise to her inventive mind, and the temptation to stop by the hybrid woman to tease her and mess with the hitachi wand was too great as well.

So the sniper returned to Ahri’s side occasionally, stroking the teary-eyed girl’s cheek and nibbling her earlobe whilst gently fondling her breasts. But despite the fox woman promising her whatever she wished, that she’d do anything in return for her climax, Caitlyn never went so far as to actually deliver her an orgasm. She kept a close eye on the hitachi as well, making sure to tone it down whenever the raven haired woman was on the verge.

Having realized no amount of begging was going to persuade Caitlyn, each time Ahri was abandoned, she would try to escape her bonds. But progress was slow, if not non-existent. And as she grew needier her focus gradually shifted to rubbing herself up against the hitachi in a desperate attempt to cum, rather than trying to wriggle herself free.

After about half an hour, Caitlyn finally decided Ahri had suffered enough. The poor fox woman had been howling in agony for the last two or three minutes, threatening the sniper with anything she could think of in the hopes of making it stop.

Ignoring the newest series of swearwords, Caitlyn calmly shut off the hitachi wand. “I’m thinking you could use a break.”

But she didn’t get a reply. Ahri’s relief was so great she damn near collapsed into the sheriff’s arms. Her breathing was irregular and her eyes were closed, the fox woman was ready to pass out.

“This’ll make my job a lot easier.” Caitlyn chuckled as she began removing the cuffs and belts.

The raven haired woman wanted to jump up and dash away, but her limbs felt like lead and she simply couldn’t move her body a single inch as Caitlyn quickly and expertly refurnished her bonds:

Within minutes, Arhi was lying on a soft patch of dry moss her body pinned in a strict hogtie leaving her with very limited movement. Her arms had been tied at the wrist and elbows, her legs in four places to completely trap them together. And her feet had been pulled up so high her soles were resting in the palms of her hands!

Caitlyn had mercifully left out any erotic ropes like the chest harness and crotchrope, and had even allowed the hybrid woman’s tails to remain free. Not that there was any life left in them, with them lying limply spread out around her body.

With the ropes secure, the purple haired sniper also buckled the panel gag of old back into place, just in case Ahri would get an idea like biting through her ropes.

“Right, this should hold you for the night. I had planned to drag you back to my cabin and keep you in there, but there’s so little light left I don’t think that’s a good plan. My bad for staying out playing so late.” The sniper giggled. “So I’m afraid you’ll just have to get comfortable here. Lucky for you the climate here is so balmy, even buck naked you won’t have to worry about being cold.” The sniper explained with a cheeky wink.

Ahri didn’t even have the strength left to glare or insult her captor, she just simply remained lying on the forest bed, closing her eyes and just wanting to drift off to sleep as quickly as possible.

The purplette bent over to kiss her fox woman on the forehead. “Sleep tight Ahri my dear. Tomorrow, we depart for Piltover where your judgement will take place.”

Compared to what you did to me, nothing scares me anymore. The hybrid woman thought grudgingly before listening to the sniper’s retreating footsteps.

Several hours later, in the middle of the night, Ahri woke up again. Her body was sore all over, and she still felt horny as fuck! But she also felt a little rested, enough at least to try for an escape attempt.

Now that there was no more Caitlyn to interrupt her, or ropes to rub up her labia, or a hitachi or nipple clamps to distract her, the fox woman felt full of vigour again.

I am getting out of this even if it kills me! No way in HELL am I being dragged to Pilt- whatever it is by that mental bitch! She growled into her panel gag.

The problem was, even though she could now concentrate fully on her escape, she couldn’t find any knots in reach. And the ropes didn’t feel like there was any slack to exploit either.

Even after several minutes of desperate squirming, the fox-woman was forced to slump down on the ground, the small blades of grass tickling her nose as she gasped for air.

This isn’t working. I’m still as stuck as when I started and my body is already feeling tired again. I need to find something sharp, cut myself loose…

So, the hybrid woman used her extraordinary eyesight to start scanning her surroundings, despite the limited light of a nearly new moon. Thanks to Caitlyn’s hours of sexual torture, her overly sensitive skin was now working to her advantage as well, enabling her to pick up on every pebble or twig in her vicinity each time she so much as twitched.

After carefully rolling around the mossy forest floor for a few yard, she eventually pricked her magnificent tush on the sharp edge of a rock the size of her fist.

“Mmnnr!” She grunted in pain and surprise. But instantly after she felt a feeling of euphoria.

Perfect! This thing’ll do me nicely! She thought happily as she feverishly began cutting at her wrist ropes. If the massive panel gag didn’t force her jaw to bite down on the ball stuffing her mouth, she’d have been grinning.

Her sense of triumph was short-lived however, as soon she began screaming in anger and frustration at the annoyingly thick ropes holding their ground superbly well.

It took her over an hour of rolling along the ground, grunting and cursing and screaming in anger, before she finally managed to tear through the ropes binding her wrists. But after that things developed really fast. The flexible Ahri made short work of her remaining ropes, and ended with pulling out that obnoxious panel gag.

The hybrid woman then took a moment to stretch herself, and gazed up at the stars.

“By the looks of it, the night’s only halfway over. Perfect!”

After spending a while recuperating, Ahri scowered the area in search of another one of those sleeping gas canisters. After finding one, she snuck towards the cabin, quietly opening the wooden door and tossing in the trap.

Caitlyn had been so fast asleep (exhausted herself after spending an entire night staking out the fox woman), she never woke up from the soft hissing of the gas being released.

With her former captor now thoroughly knocked out, Ahri began her payback, carrying a similar fiendish grin the sniper had worn throughout the most of her own ordeal…

When Caitlyn woke up again, it was still dead night. The faint light from the small moon barely lit up any part of the hunter’s lodge, with only the dim light from an oil lamp and the crackling flames from the fire place to help.

When the purplette woke up, her head felt that familiar pounding she’d endured on more than one occasion when she was still perfecting her sleeping gas traps and got caught up in them, back in her mother’s lab in Piltover.

But the nostalgic headache was the least of the cute young sheriff’s problems.

Ahri had stripped her down to just her purple lace panties and bra, then tightly bound and gagged her! Caitlyn had been securely tied to the only chair present in the small cabin:

Her arms had been tied horizontally on top of one another, and anchored to behind the backrest.

Her upper legs had been tied to the seat to keep her firmly attached to the chair, whilst her ankles had ropes tied around them leading to the back legs. This forced the sniper's feet off the ground and pulled backwards either side of the chair.

The purple haired sniper also noticed she had been subjected to exactly the same chest harness & crotch rope she had used on the hybrid woman during her first few predicaments. Either Ahri knew her way around ropes already, or that fox spirit was one prodigiously quick study.

Finally, a ballgag -much bigger than the one she’d forced on Ahri- was not only turning every word into gibberish, it also stretched her jaw a little, and made her drool uncontrollably right from the start.

“Oowww!” The sheriff moaned as she tried moving around to see what slack she had, only to find the ropes digging into her skin.

Dang, these ropes are tight! She thought nervously. An expert in knot tying herself, a quick struggle told her she wouldn’t be getting out of that chair without some effort.

So the purplette wasted no time struggling fiercely, her hands and arms twisting and turning inside their ropes in an effort to work them free or grab hold of a knot to pick. But she simply didn’t have enough room to move her hands, and the tightness of her bindings quickly revealed simply wriggling loose wasn’t going to happen either.

“Hmmrrr!!” She growled into her gag, sending a string of saliva dripping down onto her bosom.

How the hell did I end up like this?! Ahri’s hogtie should’ve been fool proof! Damn you, you stupid cow Caitlyn! She cursed at herself as she lost her temper, and began thrashing so violently the whole chair started to move.

The helpless sheriff was jerking around so roughly the resulting wobbling almost overturned the chair!

Oh crap! The purple haired captive realized with widening eyes, and she instantly forced herself to calm down, allowing the chair to settle down again. The bodacious gunslinger then started to think.

I need something sharp, something to cut myself free… I know for a fact I packed sharp tools and even my pocket knife. The closest one would be… She began analysing, scanning the room to search for a faint flicker of reflected light from the metal of her flick knife.

It was then she spotted a shadow in the corner of the room, just out of reach of the light from the oil lamp or fireplace and only visible thanks to the dim shine of the of the moon.

“Struggling, moaning, knocking that chair around… That was quite a show…” Ahri purred with a wide grin. She had donned her flowing white and red robes and black ballerina shoes again, and the faint moonlight bouncing of her lavishly exposed skin gave the fox woman an ethereal glow. Not that Caitlyn cared for how stunning the hybrid looked right now.

The slender young woman leant back and left the limelight, completely disappearing from view for the purplette.

“MMGRRRR!!” The sniper growled, glaring at the darkness where she now knew Ahri to be hiding. 

“I’ll be honest with you.” Came from the pitch black corner. “When you left me in that hogtie I truly despaired. All of those ropes felt so tight I was certain I’d never get loose before the morning. Not on my own at least… But all it took was one silly sharp rock to prick my thigh as I rolled around on the moss, and my grindingly slow path to freedom was set.”

The hybrid then closed in on the huntress, using her famed hip-swaying walk that had enchanted so many men before. “Too bad Caitlyn cutie, you should’ve stuck with handcuffs, then I would have still been lying between the bushes outside…”

“Ed ee oo (Let me go)!” The sniper immediately bellowed. “Ed e oo, or ai sh-err oo e-ur ee a sh-e ov ae-igh orr u esh o ur aif! (Let me go, or I swear you’ll never see a shred of daylight for the rest of your life)!” She threatened.

But that just made the fox-woman giggle. “Oh this is why I love humans so much. So fierce and feisty, even in the most desperate of circumstances…”

By now, Ahri was standing right in front of a still angrily bucking Caitlyn. But the raven haired woman pressed her foot onto the base of the chair, right in between the helpless purplette’s thighs to keep the chair stead as she leaned in. “Now, Caitlyn… You owe me for what you did to me in those woods. And its time I started collecting.” She whispered as she blew a kiss at the helpless sheriff.

The moment the strange vapour that flowed forth from the hybrid’s lips hit Caitlyn, she felt strangely light headed, euphoric even. But most of all, Ahri suddenly looked absolutely irresistible to her!

The purple haired captive began leaning forward, trying to touch the grinning raven haired woman before her as she whimpered needily, yearning for her captor’s touch like nothing before.

“Hihihi, I love this trick!” Ahri giggled. “Caitlyn dearie, now that you’re all perky and obedient, how about you give me a show? Struggle for me, like you made me do when I was hanging from the treetops.”

Immediately, Caitlyn began squirming on her chair, groaning excessively as she rubbed herself against the tightening ropes.

Somewhere, in a deep corner of her mind, the sniper realized what she was doing. But the fox woman’s charm was powerful, and she simply couldn’t break the hold it had over her mind. So the purple haired captive kept kicking her legs, fluttering her fingers, and spilling drool all over her chin as she gave Ahri the show she’d requested.

The hybrid woman calmly stood in front of her puppet, her tails frolicking playfully as she enjoyed the sight of her former captor dancing in the palm of her hand.

This is how it should be. Being in control is so much more fun!

After Caitlyn had tired herself out and slumped in her chair, her chest heaving as she struggled to get enough air, Ahri closed in.

“Now, are you going to be a good girl and pamper poor little Ahri?” The half fox said childingly as she straddled the sniper’s lap and took out the ball gag.

“Yes, yes I will!” Caitlyn said eagerly, already reaching out to kiss the raven haired woman.

But Ahri stopped her by pressing her finger over the cute sheriff’s lips. “I’ve got a much better use for those lovely lips of yours.” She purred as she opened up her robes and dropped them down her sides, exposing her large and pert knockers of which her nipples had already hardened again. Her entire body began quivering in anticipation as she raised up her chest a little, bringing it in reach of the heavily bound Caitlyn.

The young hunter immediately began suckling her foxy captor’s breasts, the charm driving her body to please this divine creature sitting on her lap.

As Caitlyn lapped at Ahri’s still hyper sensitive breasts, nipping her erect buds with her lips and slathering them with her tongue, the raven haired woman moaned happily.

“That’s it Cait, keep that up!” She gasped lustfully, clenching the purplette’s shoulders so as not to fall of the chair. Her body began shivering, as the mixture of feelings she’d been enduring all day began swarming her senses again.

But when Ahri’s charm wore of and the pink fog in Caitlyn’s cleared up, she glared at the nine-tailed fox.

What the hell are you making me do! She thought outraged, grumbling and biting down hard on her captor’s right breast to make her back off.


But the kinky girl just howled in pleasure, after which the sniper grudgingly backed off.

“Crazy bitch!” She spat at the hybrid.

“No more than you, little miss ‘bad cop’.” Ahri retorted with a sly grin.

“Untie me!”

“Sure, I was thinking you needed a new position anyways. You can’t really do what I need you to if you’re tied to this chair after all.” The raven haired girl mused as she prepared the chloroformed cloth Caitlyn had used to keep her docile in between tying.

“That’s now what I- mmppffff!!” But the sniper’s protest was cut off by a lung full of sedative, and soon she teetered on the verge of consciousness, making her perfectly docile and easy for Ahri to release and re-tie the purplette in a matter of minutes.

Caitlyn was now seated on the bed. Her hands had been tied in a reverse prayer, with the hybrid woman having taped up her hands as well, to take away any hint of escape.

Her ankles had been crossed and tied together, but a rope pulling towards her waist forced her lower body into a lotus position. Ahri had also connected that rope to a tightened up crotch rope, which meant that every tug of the sniper’s shapely legs would wedge the rope deeper into her butt cheeks. And if she relaxed the pressure on her labia would return.

In addition, the fox-woman had made her captive’s chest harness a lot more elaborate, with ropes now ensnaring poor Caitlyn’s knockers from all sides and all of them pulled so tight her breasts were bulging and growing reddish.

A ring gag replaced the sheriff’s large ball gag, leaving the purplette to still drool quite heavily. But the experienced purple haired woman knew what a ring gag was used for. It meant Ahri would be able to play with her tongue as well. But more importantly, Caitlyn’s tongue could play with her later on...

With the strong ropes and tape pinning her hands palm to palm at her shoulder blades, the beautiful sniper instantly realized struggling was futile, but she still thrashed around violently upon waking up her long hair whipped around. She sought out Ahri, who sat across her on the two-person bed, and threw a glare at her captor trying to convey as much contempt as humanly possible.

The fox woman giggled teasingly, and with just a single finger she pushed the immobile sniper over.

“Aaaahhh!” Caitlyn helped as she toppled and fell flat on her back onto the fluffy mattress, her legs flailing awkwardly in their forced lotus position.

Ahri crawled towards the helpless sniper on all fours, her silvery tails curling in anticipation.

“Now, my cute little sheriff.” She began, licking her lips sensually. “Let's have some real fun..."

The human-fox then blew another kiss over to Caitlyn, using an even more powerful charm than the first one. This one was meant not just to make her captive obedient, but downright needy!

“Mmmnnn!” The sniper began moaning as she tried to right herself, desperate for her charmer’s attention.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be right there.” The hybrid said as she folded open her robes to reveal her bare lovebox, still hungry for the release Caitlyn had denied her. She then gingerly lowered her already moistening cunt over the still squirming purplette. “You know what to do, don’t you?”

Without missing a beat, Caitlyn pressed her tongue past the ring gag, stroking Ahri’s outer labia with the tip.

“Oooohmmnnnn!” The raven haired woman groaned in delight, scooting forward a little more so the sniper’s reach would improve.

The purple haired captive wasted no time leaning forward with her head as best she could and thoroughly lapping at her captor’s juices.

Ahri squealed in delight. “That’s it! More Caitlyn, don’t you dare stop thaaaaat!”

Caitlyn had crossed the threshold, her eagerly flicking tongue had finally dipped into the fox-woman’s cunt and hit her eagerly throbbing clit, and it had brought her such ecstasy she felt like bursting right then and there!

But not yet, she wanted to savour this moment, the huntress that had captured and humiliated her wouldn’t get away with just a few licks and nibbles. No, if Caitlyn was to thoroughly pay her back for her many ordeals, this orgasm would be one capable of bringing down the whole damn lodge!

Ahri slid her thighs wider, lowering herself even further to the point she almost smothered the sniper below her with her dripping wet pussy.

But the spellbound Caitlyn didn’t protest, and eagerly lapped at the fox-woman’s throbbing sex.

The hybrid woman kept howling and moaning more loudly as the sniper’s tongue entered deeper parts her nether regions brushing the inner walls of her pussy, her lips nibbling at the fox woman’s snatch.

After mere minutes of this godly attention, the fox-human’s banks burst.

“Ah! Aah! YAAAAAHHH!!” Ahri shrieked, unable to hold back anymore. I’m- I’m- Oh God, it’s here! I’m cumming!!! The raven haired woman thought as a feeling of bliss unlike any before surged throughout her body, her climax spilling all over the sniper’s face.

But with the charm still going strong, the purplette slurped all of it up readily.

“Haah, haah, haaaah…” Ahri gasped, clambering off the sheriff and lying flat on her back to catch her breath. “That was… amazing…” She said, her knockers rising and falling as she greedily drank in enough air.

After a minute or so, Ahri reached for a towel and began cleaning up herself as well as her captive. “You performed beautifully, Caitlyn dear. I’m still tingly all over!” She giggled.

With the spell having worn off by now, the sniper had returned to being completely lucid again. And although she didn’t remember exactly what she’d been doing, the sticky wetness Ahri’s was wiping from her face and the foxy lady’s obvious glow told her all she needed to know.

The purple haired captive turned beet red as she tried to avoid looking her captor in the eye.

“Ed ee oo (Let me go).” She demanded grudgingly, feeling more humiliated than ever before as she tried to work her hands free from the tape covering them. But even after her vigorous pleasuring of the bodacious fox-girl, her predicament remained tight as ever.

“Not gonna happen.” Ahri teased. “In fact, I think I’ll be using one of your tricks, and change up your confinement again.”

“GMMRRR!!” The sniper growled, biting down on her gag as a means to vent her frustrations.

I’ve got to get out of here! When she unties me, that’ll be my chance!

But sadly for the gorgeous sheriff, Ahri was just as cautious as she was. The hybrid woman never untied her damsel enough for her to make a genuine escape effort, and carefully restrained one limb at a time as she transformed the lotus position into something less…. Conventional:

Her arms had been bent double and taped to remain that way, as were her legs, taped into separate frogties.

Several taut ropes then pulled her arms and legs towards the four corners of the bed, forcing Caitlyn in an all-fours position, much like how the hybrid fox Ahri spent her former life.

Caitlyn’s tight as ever crotchrope still remained in place, but this time with an added rope tied off at the back of it, which pulled up towards the ceiling. There was a pulley system there, meant for hanging and drying the pelt of any large creature that had been shot in the forest. But now it was perfect for Ahri’s plan:

The cunning fox lady had connected a bucket to the rope pulling on the crotchrope, its weight pulling on the system and creating pressure on the crotchrope. The playful young woman had then gathered several iron bullet casings for a high calibre shotgun. There were dozens spread around the lodge, no doubt left behind by its last inhabitant. The fox woman piled them up on the nightstand after collecting enough of them.

“What are you doing?” Caitlyn hissed, the blush on her cheeks burning bright as ever due to her embarrassing position.

“Preparing things for your education.”


“Yes, you were so mean to me back in the forest, and you’ve been rude the entire time we were in this lodge, not counting my ‘charm time’. So I feel you need to be taught manners.”

The purplette’s eyes widened. “I don’t need to be taught anything by a wretched nymphomaniac like you!” She sneered furiously.

“Tsk tsk tsk.” The raven haired girl said, shaking her head. “That one was worth three.”

“What, ‘three’?”

Ahri responded by picking up three of the gold coloured metal containers. “One. Two. Three.” She chimed as she flicked one casing after another into the bucket, creating a tug on the sniper’s crotch with each clattering.

Every time Caitlyn would protest or insults the hybrid woman, she would toss an extra casing into the bucket to add to the weight and increase pressure on the crotchrope. And she would keep doing that until the prideful sniper learned her place.

“Owwww!” The helpless young woman moaned. “Take that rope off of me!” She protested.

“Not a chance.” Ahri replied as she threw in another.

“HEY! What was that one for?!”

“I didn’t like your tone just now.”

“You filthy-!”


“That’s the fifth one already, maybe I should gather even more just to be safe.” The hybrid woman taunted.

With the crotchrope now wedging itself deep into her labia, Caitlyn chose to swallow the considerable list of insults running through her head, and settled for glaring at the mattress below her.

However, that meant she never saw Ahri’s spank coming.

“YEOWCH!” The purplette yelped. “HEY!”

“Yeees?” The raven haired captor grinned, fondling two more casings.

Caitlyn eyed the shining metal nervously. “N-Nothing.” She said grudgingly.

“Good girl!” The playful fox woman commended, only throwing in one of the two.

“Hmmrrrr!! No fair!!” The purplette groaned as she tried to rise up her butt in order to escape the relentless tugging of the ropes between her thighs. But with her arms and legs taped up and pinned by the ropes, she barely had any movement range at her disposal.

I should’ve shot her when I had the chance! The sniper cursed internally.

With her captive now at least a little bit more docile, Ahri finally began exacting her revenge. This time, Caitlyn would be the one starved of a climax…

The foxy lady started out by reaching underneath the purplette and massaging her knockers.

“H-hey, what are you-?!” The sniper began nervously, but had to cut off as Ahri’s fingers found her nipples.

“hmmmnnn.” She barely stifled her groan.

“Doing?” The nine-tailed girl finished the question. “Why don’t you figure that one out for yourself.” She said mischievously, unbuckling the sheriff’s bra and exposing her perky tits.

“Noooo!” The helpless girl squirmed, trying to drop herself flat on the bed to hide away her chest. But her arms and legs wouldn’t obey her, leaving her helpless to prevent Ahri from moving on the massage.

The hybrid woman began thoroughly kneading her captive’s knockers now, squeezing and pinching them, rolling her buds beneath her thumbs.

“Ah! Kya! Heeee!!” The sniper whimpered cutely, sending a shiver down Ahri’s spine.

I never realized teasing women could be this much fun! Have I been wasting my time going after the men??? She wondered.

“Stop- stop it please!” Caitlyn moaned as she felt her nipples rise up underneath Ahri’s palms, and her panties and crotchrope started feeling moist.

“Stop? My cute little gunslinger, I’m only getting started! While you were asleep I found some great toys!” The half-fox chimed, pulling a pair of nipple clamps with small beads attached out from beneath her tails.

The purple haired captive’s eyes shot wide open. “NO! Those are not going on my nipples!” She stated angrily.

“I’m afraid you don’t get to decide that.” Ahri mocked, throwing another handful of casings into the bucket to punish her prisoner for talking back to her.

“Aaaahh!!” Caitlyn mewled as the crotchrope yanked her already sensitive labia. She began shifting her legs, trying to dislodge the robe which was by now parting her lower lips. But if anything it had the opposite effect, only stimulating the poor sniper all the more!

And with her attention divided, Ahri had no trouble clipping the two clamps in place simultaneously.

“Owwwww!” She moaned as gravity made the clamps pull on her nipples, sending a rippling wave of pain and pleasure from her chest down her spine all the way into her loins.

As angry as she was, that last bit of pressure tipped the proud sheriff over the edge.

“Ahri, please! I beg of you, release me from thi-mmpfff?!” The purplette tried to plead, only to have her mouth stuffed with the fox woman’s soaking wet panties. The taste of her captor’s sex immediately splurged all over her tongue, sending her body into sexual overdrive.

Before Caitlyn could even attempt to spit them out again, the hybrid woman firmly tied a large black cloth over her lower face for a tight and unyielding over the nose gag.

“I had kind of been hoping you’d beg me to let you go. It only makes this all the sweeter.” The fox woman chuckled, pressing her lips onto the sniper’s forehead for a gentle kiss. “But I’m afraid it's too late for mercy." She said with a grin that sent a shiver down the purplette’s spine.

Ahri then twisted the beads hanging from the clamps, activating the internal vibrators.

“MMMRRRRR!!” The poor sniper howled, kicking and screaming in desperation as the buzzing travelled through her entire body.

She tried to remain impassive, block out all of the sensations, but her resolve was crumbling faster than a sandcastle during a downpour. Ever louder moans began seeping through her thick gag, her eyes screwed shut as the relentless vibrations and unending pressure from the crotchrope steadily drove her body towards a forced orgasm.

Ahri sat back and enjoyed every second of Caitlyn’s useless fidgeting and panicked moaning. “You want that crotchrope to go away?”

The purplette nodded, mewling pitiably. Right now she couldn’t care less about how humiliating it was, she just wanted that burning to stop!

“Then I’ll grant you the same favour you did me when I begged for mercy.”

The fox woman then took a sharp knife, and cut away the last of Caitlyn’s clothing: her dark purple -and by now soaking- panties, rendering her completely naked.

“MMMNNN!!” The helpless girl whimpered. I should have known!

But to her surprise, Ahri’s next move actually was merciful. She removed the crotchrope as well!

But that was just the start. Because the playful hybrid had just thought of a much more convenient position to take advantage of her captive. She remembered seeing leather cuffs, chains and padlocks amongst Caitlyn’s stash of equipment, and used those to alter her restraints:

The nine-tailed lady removed the ropes and tape pinning Caitlyn down one by one, replacing them with the padlocked cuffs and chains to spread-eagle the sniper to the four corners of the bed.

She’d removed everything else. No chest harness, no crotch rope, not a single stimulating item remained. But in turn Caitlyn had been strung so strictly she couldn’t move a muscle, leaving her utterly defenceless, and making her the perfect toy for the playful as ever Ahri.

“Now this is an ideal position to take advantage of you!” She chimed as she straddled the helpless sheriff, and began rubbing her own slick pussy against the horny sniper’s.

“Hmmmmnn!” The helpless purple haired girl groaned into Ahri’s panties, forced to chew on them and only release more of the erotically stimulating juices.

Ahri then leaned over, pressing her entire body onto that of the bound and gagged sniper and rubbing her own, rock hard nipples against hers.

“Oooohhh, I hope this feels as good for you as it does for me.” She whispered gently in the purplette’s ear, nipping at her earlobe.

“HHIII!” Caitlyn shrieked in surprise, trying to buck the fox woman off of her.

“Hihi, you’re quite energetic even after all I’ve put you through!” The raven haired woman complimented, rocking back and forth some more and grinding her own crotch against Caitlyn’s burning cunt.

“Ummmmpff!!” The sniper grunted. It was no use! Ahri was too good at this, she couldn’t fight her urges anymore! Even if she did, it would only delay the inevitable. The longer she would hold out, the crueller Ahri would become! And by now the poor gunslinger felt truly in danger of losing her mind!

“Ese, mmfsh mmn mr-mn-eee (Please, finish it already)!” The purplette whined, hungrily nudging her groin against the fox woman’s, burying her head in between the fluffy pillows.

But to her utter despair, rather than moving things along, Ahri backed off completely, grinning widely as she finally felt her revenge was complete.

“Mmrf?” Caitlyn mouthed into her gag as she looked up to see what was keeping her captor, only to have a pit developing in her stomach as she realized what was happening.

She’s going to leave me like this?! Wait, that’s what I did in the forest! That bitch! Did she set this whole mess up just to turn the tables on me?!

The purple haired captive began yanking her chains, kicking, screaming and thrashing around in a blind rage. She can’t do this! It’s too much! I feel like I’m going to explode!! 

“MMRRREEEE (AHRIIIII)!!!” The helpless sniper wailed, now twisting and turning so badly the wooden bed creaked and rumbled. But the chains obviously wouldn’t budge in a million years, nor would the sturdy leather trapping her wrists and ankles. No matter what she tried, the poor sniper didn’t have a hope of reaching herself to finish the job.

The sniper welled up in frustration. The desire throbbing between her legs was driving her insane, but by now it had become abundantly clear that no amount of threats or even begging were going to change the fox-woman’s mind.

Ahri calmly scooted off the bed and strode over to the cabin’s bathroom, where she disrobed and began taking a nice hot shower in order to get cleaned up.

Caitlyn was left to stew on her bed, where the hot blooded sniper tried everything in her power to try and calm her raging body down. It helped that she was buck naked, because the smouldering fire meant it wasn’t exactly warm inside the lodge. The helpless young woman began shivering as her hornyness gradually died down.

Sadly for her, Ahri had no intention of granting the poor sniper any such relief.

The minute she returned to the room, the cunning fox rummaged through the sheriff’s suitcase to retrieve the very same hitachi that Ahri herself had suffered from so badly back in the woods. Using a few wraps of tape, she firmly lodged the bulbous end against the purplette’s still quivering groin, and activated the lowest possible setting.

“Mmnnnn (Noooo)!” Caitlyn whimpered panicked. “Mmf mmsnn mmrr (this isn’t fair)!” She protested. At least when she abandoned Ahri for the night she left the fox woman without any distractions!

“You’re right, it isn’t fair. But you passing judgement on me without hearing my side of the story wasn’t fair either. And the night almost halfway so I feel like we’re even with this.” The raven haired woman said as she curled up her tails and crawled up against her captive.

“hmn?” The sniper grunted confused. What is she doing?

“Good night Caitlyn.” Ahri said softly after placing a gentle kiss on each of her nipples, then cuddling her tightly and closing her eyes.


‘Good night’?! You’ve GOT to be kidding me! You’re going to leave me tied up like this, force me to remain turned on throughout the night, then fall asleep in my bloody lap?! HELL NO!

Caitlyn growled angrily and furiously tried to buck captor away, but a few pinches of her nipples and a glare combined with a threat to turn up the hitachi quickly pacified the desperate sniper.

The two young women spent the remainder of the night like that, with Ahri dreaming peacefully huddled up against the purplette, and Caitlyn barely getting a wink of sleep.

The sniper never even thought about escaping, since the keys to all of the padlocks were lying on the nightstand, completely out of reach of her luscious, exhausted, and worst of all utterly pinned down body. Besides, any large movements would no doubt wake up the fox-woman, given her sharp senses.

No, the best she could to was try and ignore the faint hum between her legs, try to rest her body as best she could, and pray that the next day would offer her an opportunity for escape…

Morning came not a second too soon for an utterly frustrated Caitlyn, when the first rays of the sun began poking through the dirtied windows, slowly illuminating the fox woman’s pale skin.

“Mmree. Mmd mmf! (Ahri. Get up)!” Caitlyn moaned impatiently, eager to be released from her bonds and most of all the hitachi.

But the haired girl gave a cute little moan back, gripping the sniper’s waist in a tight hug as she snuggled up against her. “Just a little while longer.” She whispered, still to absorbed in her dreams to realize who she was mumbling to.

“Mrrrg.” The purplette grunted, wanting to kick at the hybrid but finding the chains trapping her ankles less than cooperative.

“Mmd mmms mmrn mmnf mmn ai-mr-mrr (At least turn off the vibrator).” She tried.

And to her surprise, Ahri did.

Whether it was due to her still being too drowsy to realize she was granting her captive’s request, or just from being in a good mood thanks to a deep sleep, Caitlyn didn’t care. She was just relieved she finally got some peace for the first time since being overpowered by the nine-tailed girl.

Now that she finally had a chance to cool down, the purple haired sniper didn’t mind having to remain still all that much anymore. She quietly settled in, stretching her arms and legs a little and making the chains rattle slightly as she searched for a comfier position.

The two then dozed off for almost a whole extra hour, with the sun having risen high in the sky by the time Ahri woke up again.

“Rise and shine…” She chimed, flicking her captive’s right nipple.

“MMMMN!” The sniper shrieked startled. She’d been half awake already, but the sudden shock instantly shattered her drowsy thoughts.

“I’ll be back in a minute, going to get us some breakfast. Hope you like berries, that’s about all that grows here… Of course, they do make for the perfect food to feed.” The fox woman said softly, peppering the helpless sheriff’s breasts and tummy in kisses as she worked her way down to her snatch. If one had walked in on the scene right now, it could seem the two were intimate lovers rather than mortal enemies.

Most confused of all at this was Caitlyn. What is she on about? Treating me so gently? Did she have some sort of change of heart in her sleep?!

But she couldn’t manage much more than those thoughts, because Ahri’s attention was driving her body wild with desire yet again.

“Mmmnnn!” She moaned, lifting her hips off the bed to hint at the fox woman where her lips were truly needed. If she’s like this, maybe I can finally get my rocks off…

But the raven haired woman just chuckled as she sat upright again. “You slut.” She teased.

Caitlyn glared at her. So much for her change of heart… She thought angrily as she realized Ahri had simply been toying with her… again!

Ahri couldn’t help but giggle. “Gosh, maybe that hitachi wand was a bit too much! Look at the mess you left!”

And the fox woman was right. The constant buzzing sensation had kept Caitlyn’s snatch going throughout the night, and Caitlyn’s thighs, the sheets, and even the white hitachi itself were slathered in her love juices. “I’ll clean that up before heading out since it must feel unpleasant.” The raven haired girl said kindly, soaking a wet towel in warm water and giving the sniper’s entire body a quick wash down.

The fox woman didn’t make any real effort to grope the helpless purplette as she was washing her, but she didn’t exactly hold back either when the rather coarse towel came into contact with her breasts or crotch.

“Mmnnff! MNNNR! MMFH!” The sniper groaned at each new stroke of her sensitive knockers or burning loins, but in the end Ahri did a good job refreshing her captive.

“Right then, I’ll be foraging. You behave now.” The hybrid said with a cheeky wink after putting on her robes and abandoning the sniper in the lodge, still padlocked to the bed.

This is my chance! The purple haired girl realized, turning her head to look at the stash of keys lying on the nightstand, both infinitely close and at the same time impossibly far away. If I don’t get out now, God knows what my fate will be!

Obviously, Caitlyn’s first move as reaching for the keys lying on the small wooden table, but like she’d expected, that was hopeless. There wasn’t anywhere near enough slack on the chains to simply reach out and grab the keys.

She then tried bucking the bed into the nightstand, hoping to knock the keys towards her.

However, the poor sheriff could barely get enough strength up due to her exhausted body and stretched out limbs. It took her dozens of jolts just to move the keys a few inches. But the hardy sniper persevered, and eventually made a few of the keys land on the bed.

YES! Now it’s up to chance. If one of those keys happens to open the padlock on my right wrist, I’ll be home free. I don’t even want to think about the odds for that one, but I am known to be lucky in a pinch!

The purplette began scooting over to the side of the bed, straining her limbs, the leather from cuffs, even the wood from the bedposts itself, all in an effort to gain those invaluable inches towards the small, glimmering keys.

The sniper’s arms and legs were screaming at her to relax, her head even beginning to pound a little from the intense concentration, but all of it paid off when she felt the tip of her finger brushed against the cold ridged metal of one of the keys.

“Mmmrrr…” She groaned. Almost there…

“You naughty girl.”

Caitlyn swore her heart completely stopped for a moment after hearing those three words. The stealthy human-fox had entered the lodge so quietly, she never even noticed her presence! But worse than that, she wasn’t even nearly free yet, she’d only just manage do get the keys in a favourable position!

I’ve failed! The Piltover law enforcer realized despairingly. I couldn’t get out in time, but I was sooo close… DAMN IT ALL!!

“HMMRNNNGGNN!!” The purplette began ranting, kicking and screaming as loudly and wildly as she could. The entire bed began wobbling and the chains began rattling under the strain of her thrashing, but all it did was tire out the helpless sniper.

After less than half a minute, the young woman slumped down on the bed, her chest heaving and her body once again bathed in sweat.

“Good, you’ve calmed down. Then we can eat.” Ahri said as she plucked a single deep red berry from the bowl and ate it. She straddled her captive with the bowl in reach and removed gag. “Now, open wide.” She said childingly.

Not surprisingly, Caitlyn immediately clamped her mouth shut, not at all willing to accept food from this fiendish fox, despite her stomach growling loudly.

The raven haired girl sighed. “Look, we both know you’re hungry, just work with me here.”

“Maybe if you’ll untie me.” The purplette retorted.

Ahri rolled her eyes. “Fine, be that way.” She said annoyed, blowing another kiss at the helpless sniper to put her under another charm spell. “Now will you open wide?”

However, rather than open her mouth, Caitlyn now smooched her lips together, reaching up to kiss her captor, only to be snapped back by her chains.

“Hihihi.” The purplette giggled, playfully tugging at the chains.

The hybrid couldn’t help but giggle as well, as she took a berry between her teeth and lowered herself over the sheriff to deliver it via tongue twisting kiss.

The duo continued their sensual breakfast until the bowl was completely finished, leaving both of them with a full, satisfied feeling... Food-wise at least.

“Hmm. Delicious. And the berries were good too.” Ahri joked as she climbed off her captive and used the last moments of her charm to quickly untie the purple haired girl and dress her before tying her up again.

She had used steel handcuffs this time, locking Caitlyn’s wrists, elbows and ankles together. A chest harness then anchored her arms securely to her back. In addition to that, a thin chain but strong was padlocked to both Caitlyn's ankle cuffs and wrist cuffs. The chain in question was so short it drew in the purple haired damsel’s legs so far as to fold hem up against her chest, and almost bring up her feet to touch her hands. The end result was a very strict ball tie.

Finally, to top it off, her compacted body was wrapped in tape from head to toe, rendering the poor gunslinger completely motionless, and thus a real treat to transport.

And just for fun, Ahri tied a new crotch rope in place underneath the layer of tape. This particular edition had three small knots pressing against her captive’s labia, meant to turn even the slightest of wobbles into an agonizing jolt down the sniper’s still faintly throbbing snatch. In the end she never did get her climax after all, so the poor purplette was deep down still longing for sexual release.

By the time the hybrid woman had begun wrapping her prey in tape, the charm had completely worn of.

“What do you think you’re doing to me?!” Caitlyn shrieked as she wriggled around to try and break free from her ball-tie. But despite rattling her cuffs vehemently, and making the knots rub against her labia for an intense stimulation, she made about as much progress as with any other predicament the clever fox had put her in.

“I’m finishing packing up.” The nine-tailed girl replied dryly.

“I am not luggage!”

“True. Luggage doesn’t fidget so much, hence the need for this tight wrapping.”

“You bitch!” The purple haired girl shrieked. “Don’t think you are going to get away with this! Where I come from, people know me!”

“I’m sure they do.”

“Keep laughing! My men will search for me when I don’t return. You’re making an enemy out of ever law enforcer in the city of progress!”

The free-spirited fox woman licked her lips. “I can’t wait.” She stated confidently, a wide grin adorning her face.

When the men of Piltover would turn up to rescue their beloved sheriff, she would be ready for them. After all, men weren't scary to her at all.

The calm, uncaring response from the hybrid angered the helpless sniper all the more.

“AARHHH! Ahri, I SWEAR when I get out of this you will rue the da-mmfpprhhh!!” But once again her angry rant was denied by the foxy lady as she used the last of the tape to wrap-gag the beautiful sheriff.

By now the young purple haired woman was unable to move an inch anymore. Between the sturdy cuffs and chains trapping her and the tape covering her whole body, the slightest twitch was rendered impossible.

“There we go. Ready to pack.” The fox woman said as she placed a small duffle bag and a huge, sturdy shoulder bag. The latter one looked large enough to easily fit Caitlyn, which was what the sniper expected it would be used for.

“I’ll be helping myself to a few of your things while I’m at it.” Ahri replied as she began loading the small duffle bag with the law enforcer’s rations, moving on the restraints and sex toys after that.

When the duffle bag was completely full, Ahri closed it up and wiped her brow. “Pfeww. Packing sure is a lot of work. I didn’t know what to pick to be honest. Since I don’t have any real personal belongings, I’m used to travelling lightly.” She then turned to the angrily glaring purplette with a playful grin. “But it would be a real shame to leave all these cool new toys lying in this old and dank cabin.”

Caitlyn wanted to offer a reply, an insult, a threat of some kind. But with the thick stuffed wrap gag she knew anything she tried to say would just be turned into humiliating garble anyways.

Ahri then calmly loaded her captive into the larger of the two bags, zipped it up almost completely, and slung both bags over her shoulder.

“Ooff! Heavier than I thought. Good thing we’re not that far from that settlement.” She said to herself as she stepped towards the exit.

The hybrid woman then stepped out into the forest, the sun shining brightly through the canopy, and the birds chiming cheerfully as the new day got started.

Yesterday and the past night have been one heck of a rollercoaster. But all things considered, I’m glad I decided to travel through this forest rather than that barren wasteland. I’m sure this cunning huntress would’ve never approached me on a terrain with that little camouflage... The nine-tailed girl thought as she carried her newest captive/toy off to an uncertain fate.


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