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Kyrie woke up in the middle of the night, cosily lying on top of Nero's chest as she always did.

She sat up and stroked his short white hair, smiling happily at her lover.

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. 

The beautiful brunette caressed Nero's face, her fingers running along his features.

How long have we been together now? Time sure has flown by.

As she brushed her fingers along his cheek, Kyrie woke Nero up by accident.

"What's wrong?" He asked as her rubbed his eyes with his right hand to clear his vision. “Can’t sleep?”

"N-nothing’s wrong. I was just looking at you." The brunette said embarrassed.

The young demon hunter grinned at her. "Can't get enough of me, can you?" He teased, rolling her onto her back and removing her bra.

"Again?" She gasped. "We only made love a few hours ago, before going to bed."

"So?" Nero countered, kissing his childhood friend and squeezing her breasts. “You’re still crazy hot, just like before we went to bed.”

"Ahh!" Kyrie moaned softly, arching her back in delight. “You and your peculiar charm.” She sighed.

“Hey! I try!” The white-haired young man protested. “I just like to let my actions talk for me.” He said as he began peppering Kyrie’s fulsome chest in kisses.

“And they do it veeery well!” She mewled, bucking her hips into his knee, rubbing her sweet spot.

Nero chuckled as he pulled down her panties so he could enter his rock-hard member into her folds. Almost immediately, he began vigorously thrusting back and forth.

The young man was so eager it caught poor Kyrie by surprise a little.

Already? He's going to fast! The brunette thought desperately. At this speed…

Her worries were justified. Because Nero's heated pace meant he had reached his climax first, leaving poor Kyrie to lie on their bed hungry for more.

"I'm sorry." Nero whispered as he cuddled his lover. "You just looked so beautiful lying in this bed I couldn't control myself. Give me a few minutes and you'll get yours." He promised, kissing her on the cheek.

The brunette looked a little less disappointed now, but something still seemed to bother her. "Thank you. But there's a different problem, don't you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, don't you think things between us have been… the same for quite a while?"

"You mean us being lovers? Isn't that what we both want?" The demon slayer said casually, grasping his lover a bit tighter.

"Of course it is! I still love you with all my heart. But…"

"But you feel things have grown a bit stale."

Kyrie flinched. "I didn't mean it like that." She pouted.

"Don't worry about it. You might be right." Nero admitted. "To be perfectly honest, I have been thinking about how to spice things up as well. I just couldn't come up with anything so I kept quiet about it."

"You have?" The slender young woman lying on his chest said, her voice rising in surprise.

"Well, yeah. Haven't you been doing the same?"

"T-to be honest. Yes, I have. But I was also having difficulty finding a solution. And I was afraid to bring it up because of how you’d respond" She sighed. 

“Well at least we’re on the same page.” Nero said, sitting up against the headboard and pulling Kyrie into his lap.

"But what do we do now?" She said desperately. To the slender young woman, it felt like the two of them were drifting apart. She didn't want that! And now it even seemed like there was nothing they could do about it.

To her panic, Nero didn't respond.

"Nero?" The brunette asked softly, her voice betraying her agitation.

"I did have one idea." The white-haired young man suddenly threw into the conversation.

"Which is?" Kyrie asked eagerly. Anything! No matter what it is, if it can help then-

"Asking for advice." Her lover said, interrupting her train of thought.

"Advice?" Kyrie said surprised. "Ask who?"

"Who else? There's only one person alive today whom I have any sort of respect for after all."

His girlfriend's eyes grew large. "You mean-?"

Her white-haired lover nodded. "We should head for Devil May Cry."

Kyrie remained silent to that offer. She nestled herself against his chest, Nero’s heartbeat soothing her nerves.

I suppose he is more experienced. It will be awkward to discuss this problem, but the alternative might be the two of us leaving each other!

After taking a deep breath, she looked up and kissed her boyfriend on the lips. “Let’s do it.”

The couple would leave Fortuna in order to go visit the home city of Dante, the strongest demon hunter alive. It would be quite a lengthy journey, but given what was at stake it was definitely worth the effort.

Since they had such a long journey ahead of them, the young couple decided to turn their travel of the outside world into a bit of a sight-seeing trip. They hoped the change of scenery would rekindle their love for each other, as well as help pass the time as they steadily made their way to Devil May Cry.

They had a lovely time, enjoying the beautiful views and traveling around towns. But as they neared Dante, both youngsters began feeling anxious about what meeting him would mean for their relationship.

Eventually, that fateful day arrived where Nero and Kyrie checked into an inn near Dante’s shop. The white-haired demon hunter decided to head out to Dante on his own, figuring the talk would be awkward and personal enough without his lover sitting beside him.

As Nero walked in the door, Dante’s deep voice could be heard from the back room.

“I’ll be right out! Don’t steal anything or it’ll be your head!”

“Like anything in this place is worth looting!” Nero yelled back.

A stumbling revealed Dante had begun rushing from wherever he was to the counter.

“Nero!!” The buff demon slayer cried out in pleasant surprise. “My boy! What brings you all the way to this dump?!”

“You. Why else would I drag myself and Kyrie all the way over here?”

“Kyrie’s come along?!” Dante exclaimed with raised eyebrows. “Now that is a special occasion. Where is she?”

“Back at the inn a few blocks from here. I figured you and I would be better off having a private chat first.”

“Private chat? What’s wrong then?” The silver-haired half-demon asked his junior slayer. The serious look on Nero’s face made him realize this wasn’t a social visit by any means.”

Nero took a deep breath. “It’s about us. About Kyrie and me.”


“We feel like we’re… growing apart.”

“You mean you’re arguing?”

“No, on the contrary. We get along very well. But somehow we’re growing, not ‘bored’ with each other but there’s just… I don’t know how to say this!” He groaned frustrated.

But Dante waved his hand. “Don’t worry, I think I know where this is headed. What I don’t get however, is why you’d come to me.”

“Who else am I supposed to talk to? You’re the closest thing to a father figure I have. Which is sad when you think about it.”

“Well, thanks for that backhanded compliment.” Dante smirked. “But the fact you trust my judgment enough to bring up this problem makes up for your foul mouth.”

“Meaning?” Nero said excitedly.

“Come by with that cute girl of yours tomorrow, I’ll see what I can do to blow some life into your relationship.”

“Thanks Dante!” The young demon hunter replied, already turning to head out the door. But before he grasped the handle he turned around again. “There uh… won’t be any ‘fees’ involved, will there?”

The experienced demon slayer frowned. “You think I’m that tight for cash I’d swindle you for money over this?!”

“You are ALWAYS tight for cash.”

“True.” Dante grinned. “But you can tell that knockout girlfriend of yours she can keep her life savings. This time my services will be completely free of charge!”

“She’ll be delighted to hear it!” Nero chuckled as he headed for the inn to deliver Kyrie the good news.

The following day, the couple returned to Devil May Cry. Dante welcomed them inside and showed them through to a large empty room inside his house. The walls and floor were made from wood. Several scrapes and dark stains in the pale surfaces revealed it was probably Dante’s training room. Over the past night, the demon hunter had removed all of the equipment so it provided a calm and neutral setting, ideal for what he was going to show these lovebirds that had come to him for advice.

"So, Kyrie.” He opened with. “Nero told me yesterday the two of you are in need of some spice in your relationship."

"Y-you could see it like that." The brunette admitted, already blushing faintly.

"Don't worry. It's not that uncommon. Of course, the solution to this problem might take some doing."

"Do you already have some suggestions then?" Nero asked hopefully. It had been less than a day since he’d approached Dante. Part of him had felt sceptic about the half-demon already having come up with a means to restore the passion in their relationship.

"Hmrn, well… based on how your past together, there is something the two of you might like."

Kyrie grasped her lover's arm tightly in anticipation. “Tell us.” She said softly.

"The way I see your relationship, Kyrie would fit pretty well into the role of 'damsel in distress Nero needs to save'."

"What?!" The brunette yelped. "I'm not that helpless!"

"Well I have gotten you out of quite a few tight spots before." Nero suggested.

"Exactly.” Dante continued. “So, to capture that excitement, I figured you two might find 'bondage' an interesting addition to your love life."

The young lovers looked at the silver-haired demon hunter in confusion. "Bondage?" The white-haired young man replied. "What's that?"

Dante rubbed his chin. “What is bondage? Hmrrrn…” He mused. “How to best explain this to you two…”

After a succinct but thorough explanation, the two young lovers were sitting side by side, their eyes having grown wide in shock.

“You want us to try that?!” Kyrie yelped. “It sounds more painful than pleasurable!”

“Pain can be an element, but it doesn’t have to be.” Dante quickly elaborated. “It all depends on what you two come to like.”

Nero rubbed his girlfriend’s thigh. “I can understand why you’d feel nervous. If I understood the explanation correctly, your role will be the most straining.”

“Again, a lot depends on what your preferences are. Bondage can be something relatively light-hearted if you do it correctly.”

The two lovebirds shuffled on the spot. “Well… I don’t want to throw the idea out straight away.” Nero admitted, looking at his girlfriend.

“Me neither.” She said softly. “I suppose we could take things slow?”

“Obviously.” Dante assured her. “Nero has a lot to learn as well after all, you two will have to progress together for this to work. That’s why I’m suggesting it. It’ll be an adventure for the both of you.”

After Nero and Kyrie had a moment to process the idea, they finally consented to letting Dante show them more about what he’d told them.

“I’d like you to tie me up.” Kyrie asked Nero, who nodded and turned to Dante. “We’d like to learn more.”

Dante walked over to a wooden crate sitting in the corner of the room and opened it up. Inside were a large amount of coiled up ropes, and several other items neither of the young lovers recognised, or could even place in a sexual context!

"Right, how about we start with something plain and vanilla?" Dante suggested, pulling out a coil of white rope.

"That would probably be for the best." His fellow demon slayer replied, with Kyrie nodding as well.

The demon slayer walked up to Nero, uncoiling the rope.

“Put your hands behind your back please, Kyrie.” He instructed.

The brunette did, her heartrate immediately jumping up.

Dante calmly instructed Nero as he crossed Kyrie’s wrists behind her back, carefully cinching the ropes tight and explaining to her boyfriend how to tie the knots and what to watch out for when pulling everything tight.

“As you can probably guess, this is the most basic of ties.” Dante explained to Nero, who nodded calmly as he looked at Kyrie flexing her hands.

The slender young woman found herself thinking. THIS is basic?! My hands feel completely trapped!

“How is it feeling, Kyrie?” Nero asked his girlfriend.

“Hmn, tight.”

“Well it’s not called ‘discipline’ for nothing.” Dante chuckled. “There wouldn’t be much point in restraining you if you could just slip out of the ropes.”

“What do you mean, ‘discipline’?” Kyrie yelped. “I haven’t done anything wrong!”

Nero also frowned at his teacher, a little confused.

“Sorry, I might be getting ahead here. Bondage very easily loans itself to roleplaying, for example a harsh master teaching a disobedient slave a lesson. Hence the ‘discipline’ element.”

Kyrie began tugging on her ropes a bit more vigorously, but she couldn’t prise her hands apart anymore. And to make matter worse, the knot that was keeping it all in place was nowhere to be found!

I’m already helpless? That was fast!

“Shall we move on?” Dante suggested.

“Yes please!” Nero said immediately. The flustered look on Kyrie’s face had struck a chord with him, so he was dying to see more!

“I wasn’t talking to you.” The silver-haired demon slayer said dryly.

Kyrie turned around in surprise. “Me?”

“Who else? You’re the one enduring the hard stuff. This isn’t a roleplay yet, this is instruction. So, we don’t move on until you say you’re ready.”

The brunette breathed a sigh in relief. It seemed she hadn’t gotten herself into quite as much trouble as she’d feared.

Dante meanwhile gave the young hunter beside him a thump on the head. “That counts doubly for you: for as long as you two are still trying things out, you will have to pay attention to Kyrie’s reactions. If you push her too far, you’ll both regret it!” He warned.

Nero rubbed the sore spot on his head. “Alright alright, you proved your point.”

Kyrie giggled. “It’s getting hard to see who is being ‘disciplined’ here.” She giggled.

Her white-haired lover grinned at her. “If you can joke like that, I guess you’re ready to move on.”

She nodded. “Yes please.”

Dante took another coil of rope and moved around to the brunette’s front so he could tie her ankles together. This allowed the brunette to see with her own eyes what Dante was on about when he talked about things like ‘the bite’ and ‘cinching’.

With those ropes in place, Dante backed off. "Now, have a quick test." He said to the young woman.

“Test? You mean try to escape?”

“If you can.”

In truth, the brunette didn’t feel like she could. If anything, the ropes tying her ankles had been pulled even tighter than her wrist bonds. But she gave it her best shot nonetheless.

She began wriggling around, twisting her arms and kicking her legs. But despite Dante having used only two ropes, Kyrie found herself surprisingly helpless. She started getting restless, moaning softly as she rolled on her side and bent her legs, but failed to grasp the ropes around her ankles.

Nero meanwhile looked at his girl with eyes wide in surprise. Somehow the brunette's efforts were making her look even sexier than normal! 

After a few minutes of rolling around, kicking and squirming, Kyrie conceded defeat.

“Haah, haah, haaah… I give up.” She said with a reddish face. “This is too tight, I can’t get out.”

"Should we move on then?" Dante suggested.

"Move on how?" Nero asked. “She’s already said she can’t get out.”

"Well, yeah. But this is still very basic. As you just saw, she still has a lot of wriggle room. There are plenty more spots to tie ropes, up to the point of her barely being able to move at all.”

A shiver ran down Kyrie spine as she imagined herself becoming that immobile. Just how much rope would that take? Where would it end up? Would all of it feel as tight as this?

But the next thing Dante said was what really caught her attention.

“Not all of the ropes you tie have to be meant for restraint either. You can tie ropes to accentuate her breasts, run some in between her legs to agitate her pussy, -"

His lecture was cut short by Kyrie yelping. "WHAT?!"

The silver-haired demon slayer looked at her in surprise. "It's just suggestions." Dante replied casually. "Don't get your knickers in a twist."

Luckily for the brunette, her boyfriend stepped in to defend her.

"Dante, I really don't think Kyrie would feel comfortable with you touching her in those places. For that matter I wouldn't either."

The silver-haired demon slayer rubbed his chin. "Hmm, but I don't see another way."

"Can't you just tell me how to tie those ropes?" Nero suggested.

"That is bound to go wrong." The demon hunter replied, smirking at his accidental pun. “Putting pressure in those spots needs to be done correctly or she’ll be in pain rather than pleasure. I have to show you at least once if you’re going to have any shot at doing that properly.”

The young lovers quietly sat down, struggling with the impasse.

Luckily, Dante didn’t seem to have the same problem.

"Tell you what: you two get out of here and have a nice night out, maybe even try what I've shown you for now. Tomorrow evening, come back here. I'll have made preparations to instruct you further."

"What like setting up a training dummy?" Kyrie replied.

Dante grinned. "Something more lifelike." Was his mysterious response.

After untying Kyrie and allowing Nero to replicate the ropework under Dante’s supervision, he saw the young couple out of his shop and told them to have a nice evening. When alone again, he called a trusted friend.

“… Yes?” A female voice said on the phone.

“Lady, Dante here.”

“Oh for- I loaned you money just the other day!”

“Relax!” The half-demon snapped. “I’m not calling for that, I need a different favour.”

“Oh really?”

“I need to tie you up.”

“Is this your version of a booty call?” The raven-haired huntress joked.

“It’ll be even more fun than that.” He chuckled. “I have pupils with me.”

“…Go on.” Lady said.

When the lovebirds returned to the inn they'd booked, both were eager to try out what they’d just learned. 

“You want me to tie you up now?” Nero asked.

“Well you know what Dante said: you need to practice your rope tying.” She giggled as she eagerly stripped down to her white bra and panties, and lied down on the bed. “So, go ahead and show me you learned something!”

The white-haired young man grinned. “Oh, I’ll show you!” He said as he crossed the brunette’s wrists and tied them to the end of the bed, pulling her arms above her head.

"There, think you can you get out of that?"

The gorgeous young woman began testing her restraints. She didn’t feel as secure as when Dante had done it, but escaping would still take some doing.

"Not straight away." She admitted. "But I think I can reach the knot with some effort."

"Hmm, then I should pay more attention next time."

"You should pay more attention all the time!" She teased her lover.

"You little cheeky little- that's it!" Nero replied, diving into her bosom to kiss and nipp at her breasts.

Kyrie squealed in delight. “Stop it! That tickles!”

“Make me!” He taunted her.

The brunette began pulling at the ropes, but the harder she yanked them the tighter they seemed to feel!

“What?!” She said confused. “I can’t move my hands anymore?!”

Nero chuckled. “That’s thanks to the technique Dante showed. The more you struggle, the tighter the ropes get.”

Kyrie pouted. “That doesn’t seem fair.”

“Maybe not, but it is convenient.” The white-haired demon slayer said as he took hold of his captive’s right nipple with his teeth and pulled back on it.

“Ahhhh!” She gasped, instinctively arching her back to compensate for the pulling sensation.

“Let gooo!” She mewled when she could no longer move along and the tension on her bud increased.

Without warning, Nero let her tit snap back into place, bouncing happily as it reformed.

That sensual image, combined with the maddeningly cute yelp his girlfriend made, stirred something within the young man.

“You look more beautiful than ever.” He said softly.

Kyrie blushed. “And you seem more powerful than ever.” She whispered back. 

I know that if he wanted to, Nero could do anything he wished to me anyways. But with my hands tied, that sensation is somehow a lot more intense… and exciting.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Kyrie moaned, bucking her hips towards Nero’s groin.

He blinked a few times. His timid girlfriend usually wasn’t this forward!

Does she need it this bad right now?

It seemed hard to believe, but that hungry look in her eyes confirmed Nero’s thoughts.

He silently began making love to the brunette nestled in between the pillows, pulling down her panties so he could kiss her lower lips.

Kyrie gasped eagerly, her pussy quivering at the first brush of his lips. She’d never grown moist so quickly before!

Nero had noticed the same when he slipped his dick inside of her warm, welcoming slit.

“Hmnn.” The brunette sighed happily as she pulled at the ropes keeping her hands pinned down. When they wouldn’t budge, a shiver travelled down her spine and settled in her loins which catapulted her right towards the edge.

My GOD! This is amazing! It’s so- so intense!

For reasons neither fully understood, they both felt more of a rush than when they normally made love to each other. Within moments Kyrie reached her climax, long before Nero arrived at his. The white-haired young man banked on that to keep as slow and gentle pace, working diligently to let his brunette captive cum a second time before he released his own climax.

“Haah, haah, haaaah.” The slender young woman panted, lying in the bed with a bright red face. “That was… amazing.”

“I agree. The way you behaved made me think back of when we’d just started out as a couple.” Nero replied. “You seemed nervous, but at the same time very aroused.”

“It must have been the rope.” Kyrie gasped. “I can’t think of any other reason why it felt so much more exciting. We’ve stayed in plenty of other great hotels during out trip, so it wasn’t the change of scenery.”

“I suppose you must be right. The way you squirmed on the bed did make me a lot more eager to keep pleasing you.” Nero admitted as he removed the ropes.

Kyrie wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a long, gentle kiss. “I’m still having trouble believing a bit of bondage can make this much of a difference.”

“Well, we’ll find out tomorrow.” Nero smiled as he hugged his lover. “If Dante managed to come up with a way of showing us the more advanced stuff, we’ll discover how effective bondage can be soon enough.”

“Then let’s hurry up and get to sleep.” Kyrie giggled as she cuddled up to her white-haired lover, resting her cheek on his rock-hard chest and drifting off to sleep to the tune of his calm heartbeat.

The next day, the couple eagerly returned to Devil May Cry at 14:00 on the dot like had been arranged.

“Hey you two!” Dante greeted them. “Had fun last night?”

Kyrie began blushing, looking away to avoid eye contact.

“Yes, we had.” Nero replied in her stead. “So, you can probably guess we’re eager to learn more.”

“Good, we’ll get started as soon as my partner shows up.”

“Partner? There is going to be a fourth member joining us?”

“Of course.” The silver-haired demon slayer replied. “Since I can’t touch Kyrie in all the places it counts, I had to look for another woman I could manhandle in order to teach you two.”

“Excuse me?!” A female voice rang from behind Nero and Kyrie, startling them both. They hadn’t even heard her entering the shop!

They quickly turned around and found themselves staring at a complete knockout:

A white pinstripe jacket held closed with only a single large button, just above her belly button. That resulted in quite a bit of her taut belly, but also exposed a rather impressive cleavage. It was so deep in fact, it was clear to anyone the bodacious raven-haired woman hadn’t even bothered with a bra!

A pair of white shorts that barely covered her tight ass brought out the best of her slender long legs and smooth, pale skin.

But she was obviously not a bimbo. The brown leather gloves, dark brown laced up combat boots and stern look in her eyes betrayed she was probably just as impressive a demon hunter as Dante himself!

“I hope that manhandling comment was just a joke?” Lady warned Dante. “When you said you needed my help to teach a couple of newbies in the field, I agreed because it seemed like fun. If this is an excuse to take advantage of me-“

“It isn’t!” Kyrie interrupted the raven-haired woman. “Nero and I are very grateful for your help!” She said with a deep bow.

Lady took off her sunglasses to examine the youngsters. “Aren’t you two the adorable little couple.” She remarked before leaning past them and looking Dante in the eye. “Alright, how about you show us to a decent room so we can get started?”

“Yes ma’m!” Dante chuckled, leading his three guests back to the training room.

“Right then you brats, this here’s Lady.” Dante said as he gestured at the dark-haired bombshell. “She and I will be showing the two of you what bondage is all about. Like we discussed yesterday, she will act as my model so I can show Nero what to do on Kyrie.”

The young lovebirds nodded calmly, as did Lady.

“Right then, let’s get right to it!” Dante said cheerfully as he tossed a couple of coils of rope at Nero while he opened up his first.

“Okay Lady, please strip down to your underwear so we can get started.”

“Why should I?” Lady replied sternly.


“Why should I strip down just because you’re telling me to?” The bodacious huntress said, crossing her arms to push up her already impressive bust.

“W-well because that’s what we discussed on the phone.”

“You told me on the phone you wanted to tie me up, and I stopped by because it intrigued me. I never said I’d allow for you to actually restrain me.”

Nero and Kyrie shuffled uncomfortably at the argument developing.

“We agreed you’d help me teach them!” Dante protested. “Why are you being so difficult?”

“Because there’s nothing in it for me.”

“Hey, you’ll have some fun along the way!” The demon slayer said offended. “Cut me some slack here!”

“You don’t think I’ve been doing that enough already?” Lady grinned confidently. “How large is the debt you owe me by now again?”

“Ouch, that’s a low blow!” Dante said. But at the same time, he realized what was going on.

Lady only ever brought up the debt when she was yanking his chain. She was roleplaying!

After suppressing his smirk, he joined his dark-haired friend in her act.

“Well if you’re going to bring up debts, how about the times I saved your life!” He sniped. “If you ask me, that delicious ass of yours belongs to me so I should be able to do whatever I want to it.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, or are you really planning to disappoint these two lovebirds?” The silver-haired man blackmailed his partner.

Lady frowned. “Now that’s a low blow.”

“I just figured I’d remind you this is technically a job, one which you already accepted no less. Backing out now would damage your reputation, no?” Dante grinned at Lady. He was starting to enjoy this roleplay more and more. Lady wasn’t the type of girl who could be pressured into anything easily. However now that she was in character…

“Tsk. Fine!” The raven-haired bombshell grunted, making both Nero and Kyrie breathe a soft sigh in relief. They had yet to figure out everything that transpired was part of the game.

“So, what do you want me to do?” Lady asked the buff demon slayer.

“For starters, how about you strip down to your underwear. You are wearing underwear I hope?”

Lady glared at him. “Only the important part.” She replied as she took off her boots, skimpy hotpants and vest, revealing there was nothing underneath but a black lacy thong.

“Very nice. Now put your hands behind your back for me.”

Lady turned around and obediently followed Dante’s command.

Kyrie and especially Nero stood there in awe as Dante took control over the gorgeous raven-haired woman. The sight of him coiling those ropes around her wrists, pulling them snug and making the dark-haired woman gasp softly was somehow…. erotic.

I wonder if Kyrie felt the same when I tied her up yesterday. Lady seems so… eager.

Kyrie meanwhile couldn’t help but a bit jealous of Lady's alluring black thong.

Would Nero like to see me in something like that? She wondered.

Suddenly, Dante turned to the young lovebirds and called both of them out of their thoughts. "Oi! Why haven't you two gotten started yet?" He scolded. "Nero, tie up Kyrie like I did Lady."

“Oh, yeah! Sorry.” Nero replied, turning to his lover.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” The white-haired young man ordered the brunette, his voice surprisingly stern.

But she frowned at him. “Why should I?”

Nero’s eyebrows rose. “Huh?” He said confused. “What do you mean?”

Kyrie grinned at him. “I don’t see why I should just do as I’m told. You could at least try and convince me to obey you.”

Nero realized at that moment his girlfriend was trying to copy Lady’s roleplay.

“Well if you’re not planning to behave, I’ll just have to make you obey me.” The white-haired young man smirked, grabbing her arms and slowly forcing them behind her back.

Kyrie put up some playful resistance, whimpering softly to let her go.

The brunette’s struggles weren’t exactly wild, but it still hindered Nero enough for him to put pressure in the wrong spots when tying the rope.

As soon as he pulled it tight…

"Ow!" Kyrie moaned. “That hurts!”

“It does?’ Nero yelped startled. “It’s not supposed to…” He said, sounding a little flustered. Should I remove it again?

Luckily, Dante quickly stepped in. “Your ropework is off here.” He said as he corrected it and instructed Nero along the way.

“I should point out that struggling is ill-advised during the tying. As you’ve just noticed, it risks cutting off circulation or putting pressure in the wrong places when pulling the ropes tight because you can’t properly place them.”

The two nodded in silent understanding.

“Of course, a bit of banter like Lady and me got up to is perfectly fine. And you can struggle to make it feel more authentic.” He now looked Kyrie straight in the eyes. “But the moment you feel Nero putting rope on you, let him work.”

“I-I will.” The brunette said timidly, tugging at the ropes tying her wrists. Just like yesterday, they were very secure. But they didn’t hurt.

"Right then, back to the lecture." Dante then said, heading for Lady’s side.

The raven-haired woman had taken her unsupervised moment to test her own wrist bonds for slack. To her annoyance though, Dante had been as thorough as ever.

I probably won’t stand a chance of escaping once he’s finished. Reminds me of our very first time together…

“You ready?” The silver-haired demon hunter asked, flinching Lady out of her thoughts.

“What do you think? I could’ve escaped halfway out of town by now.” She teased.

“But your hands would’ve still been useless.” Was the buff man’s sly retort. The faint blush on Lady’s pale, beautiful cheeks betrayed she had been trying to wriggle free, but failed.

“Just shut up and continue the lesson.” She rolled her eyes, turning her back again so Nero and Kyrie could watch. The lovebirds slowly approached so they could get a clearer view.

“What I’ll be aiming for today, is a general position I call ‘pin-up’. The reason I call it that is because it makes the captive look so incredibly attractive.”

“Pin-up, huh? I like the sound of that.” Nero smirked, making Kyrie blush.

Just what kind of ropes is he going to tie for a name like that to suit it? The brunette wondered.

Dante brought Lady’s elbows together behind her back and cinched up his second rope so tightly they touched. That inadvertently made her push out that impressive chest of hers a little more, something which both Nero and Kyrie spotted almost immediately.

“Hmrnn.” The raven-haired woman groaned softly. “That’s a little tight don’t you think?”

Her captor chuckled. “A little out of shape, are we?” He taunted. “You used to be able to handle this no problem.”

“Shut up you, or I’ll start charging you by the hour for my assistance.”

“You’re the one who needs to watch out. Or I might just refrain from untying you until you clear away my entire debt.” Dante threatened as he knotted off the rope, leaving poor Lady’s arms compressed together into a single, solid, useless bar.

“Hmnrrr!” She growled angrily as she swayed her arms, but failed to make the ropes budge. Yep, I’m definitely going to end up completely stuck. The raven-haired huntress realized as her fingers fluttered around in search of a knot.

“As you can see, the ‘pin-up’ element to this is that your captive’s body is forced taut into a posture that brings out the best of her assets.” Dante lectured, making Kyrie blush faintly in anticipation.

“Your turn Nero,” the demon slayer then said, “but be sure to leave some more slack for Kyrie. This tie is quite strict, so there’s a good chance she isn’t yet flexible enough to have her elbows touch.”

The white-haired demon hunter nodded as he unravelled his rope. Dante briefly joined his side to point out how you could leave the necessary slack without jeopardizing security.

"Is this enough?" The white-haired young man asked as he began cinching up the rope.

"Hmm, you can pull it a little tighter." Kyrie replied, which Nero did.

After inspecting the ropework and making just one more small correction, Dante returned to Lady's side. 

Kyrie in the meantime discovered she was in the same predicament as Lady: Despite her bonds not being as strict, she also saw no way for her to escape them on her own.

It’s not that much more than yesterday, but somehow I’m feeling a lot more helpless. Even though I can still run around like this, I wouldn’t know where to go!

“Okay then Lady.” Dante said to his raven-haired model. “Up next is the most fun part: the gag. Any preferences?”

“How about air?” The demon huntress retorted, disobedience dripping from her voice.

“You’re even more feisty than usual.” The buff half-demon smirked. “Is that because you’ve missed me so badly?”

“Maybe you’re just bad at keeping a girl in check.” The dark-haired captive grinned back.

“Oh? Then why haven’t those ropes dropped to the floor yet?” Dante retorted as he gently pulled his captive closer, embracing her and pressing his lips onto hers.

“Hmnn.” Lady moaned softly as she allowed his tongue to enter.

When he pulled back, she only had one response ready: “Because you’re doing a good job entertaining me.”

Nero and Kyrie watched the scene before them with thumping hearts. Their desire for each other also began throbbing as they witnessed Dante and Lady flirting, the raven-haired woman playfully wriggling in her ropes.

What are they going to do next? Nero wondered.

I want to try that too. The brunette though jealously.

“Since you won’t make up your mind, I’ll do it for you.” Dante said as he pulled a shiny black ball gag from his back pocket.

“Big, but I’ll go along with it.” The dark-haired woman replied, slowly opening her mouth to let the demon slayer buckle it into place.

With his captive silenced, he looked at Nero and Kyrie again.

“As you two can probably predict, the ball in Lady’s mouth is called a ball gag. It excels in keeping your sub quiet.” He explained, slapping Lady’s butt with the palm of his hand.

“AH! HMRR!” The raven-haired woman yelped, growling and frowning at him after getting over the initial surprise. Her cheeks began running an adorable red colour too, betraying she really hadn’t seen the smack coming.

Ass, you could’ve told me this was part of the plan. She thought both annoyed and embarrassed.

“Now, little Kyrie here might feel a bit uncomfortable with a big hard rubber ball wedged between her pretty lips, so this time around I’m going to show you how to gag your girl with cloth.” Dante said to Nero, utterly ignoring the woman glaring at his back as she tried to rub away the throbbing on her ass cheek.

Kyrie nodded timidly. “I’d like that.” She admitted. The brunette didn’t want to say anything, but that big black ball had felt somewhat intimidating to her.

“Open up please.” Dante said, holding a clean white piece of cloth.

Kyrie did, and the silver-haired demon slayer gently slipped it past her lips. He handed a second cloth to Nero.

“Now, to keep the stuffing securely inside, you’ll need to tie this cloth around her head. But contrary to popular belief, just covering her lips won’t be very effective. You’re much better off tying it in between her teeth.”

“Like this?” The young demon hunter replied as he carefully wedged the cloth in between Kyrie’s glossy lips.

“Yes. Now tie it off behind her back with a tight knot or two and let her test it.”

After Nero secured the gag in place, Kyrie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Hmnnn (heeeelp)!” She screamed. But her eyes shot wide open when she heard so little noise make it out!

I don’t think this my cry even made it out of the room! This might be even more effective than that ball!

Dante smirked and looked at his junior demon slayer. “What do you think? Impressive huh?”

The white-haired young man nodded. “Very.” He said, pinching Kyrie’s buttocks.

“HMN (HEY)!” She yelped, slapping his hand away and frowning at her lover.

“Haha, I like this!” He remarked at the brunette’s flimsy response she’d managed thanks to her arms being pinned down.

“Hmnf!” She huffed, averting her gaze and turning to look at Lady instead. To her surprise, the raven-haired woman was smiling around her gag.

I see now why Dante felt so drawn to teaching these two. They’re adorable! Lady thought to herself.

“To keep on topic,” Dante suddenly interjected, making both lovebirds turn to him, “while this gag is effective it might not look as cute or pretty as you wish it. That’s easily solved by taking another cloth and tying it like this.”

The silver-haired demon slayer then tied the cloth in his hands over Kyrie’s mouth and chin. “See?”

Nero nodded. “You’d think this makes for a more secure gag, but I guess it’s purely for decoration?”

“Correct.” Dante replied, turning away to head for his own captive again.

“Right then, your sub has now been restrained thoroughly enough to keep her from escaping or evading you. She’s also been silenced, keeping her from calling out for help. Care to guess what follows next?”

Kyrie looked at the half-demon in wonder. I guess you add more rope? Maybe tie my legs to keep me in one place?

“We tie them up further?” Nero suggested, in line with his lover.

“We could do that.” Dante replied as a smirk appeared on his face. “But what we could also do, is start the fun stuff!” 

Without any warning, he took a firm hold of Lady’s right breast and squeezed it.


“Fun being: whatever you want to do with your sub.” The demon slayer elaborated towards the lovebirds. “Class dismissed!” He joked as he turned his full attention to Lady.

The raven-haired captive frowned at Dante. “oohk ooh ohn ehuf (took you long enough).”

“What? You saw the explaining I had to do.” He defended. “Besides, I didn’t make you wait that long.” He added, gently kneading her breasts and rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. To his amusement, those last had already grown hard.

“Pfeww.” He whistled. “You must need it bad if you’re this far along just from me tying the rope. Rough mission?”

Lady grunted and nodded angrily.

“Then I suppose you’re more than ready for a dose of sweet, sweet… ecstasy.” Dante whispered into her ear, nibbling on her lobe.

“Hmnrrrrr!” The dark-haired bombshell groaned needily, turning around to rub her knockers into Dante’s chest. She hoped it would make him hurry things along.

“Haha, you are very eager!” He laughed, massaging her large knockers more vigorously to reward her.

“Hmnn!” Lady moaned in delight, lolling her head back as she next bumped her hips into his leg to signal what she wanted next.

“I’m starting to doubt who’s really in charge here.” The silver-haired demon hunter teased her as he hooked a finger behind her thong and pulled it down far enough to expose her slit, which had already grown moist.

He dipped a single finger in first and stroked just the outer edges of her labia.

“HMNN!” Lady moaned in frustration. I HATE it when you take your time like this! She thought angrily. And you KNOW I do!

“Hmnn (moorree)!” She growled hungrily, her arms flailing behind her back but remaining helpless.

“I know, I know. Don’t get your knickers in a twist.” He teased her before slipping his fingers in deeper and massaging her clit.

“Mnnhrrrr!” Lady purred. Now we’re getting somewhere!

Dante began kissing his captive’s ball gag, letting his lips travel down from there to kiss her slender neck and brush along the soft flesh of her bosom. When he reached her nipples he began suckling on them ever so gently, matching the timing with his fingers stroking her most sensitive flesh.

The raven-haired captive moaned non-stop, trembling on the spot as a climax that was long overdue began to swell.

He’s still got it, that’s for sure! Even after all this time he still knows exactly which buttons to press and in which order.

As Lady’s moans grew louder and needier, Nero and Kyrie first just stood there in awe at Dante’s magnificent display of womanhandling.

“What should we do?” Nero asked Kyrie, wanting to slap his head for even posing the question. He should be the one deciding what happened. He was the dom!

But his sweet girlfriend actually felt quite comforted by Nero’s question. His faint insecurity and embarrassment was a perfect match for her own, faced with the prospect of her lover touching her with a live audience.

“Ah hff hmm md hmn he-haih (I guess you get to decide).” She said, the veil over her face obscuring her blush.

Nero smiled at his girlfriend, mainly because he found it somewhat cute how hard she was trying to get a proper word out. “Well, I guess we don’t have to worry about those two.” He said, pointing at Dante and Lady. “They might as well be in a different world now.” He said, pulling his girlfriend close and squeezing her butt.

“HMN!” She yelped, playfully trying to wriggle herself free.

But Nero tightened his grip and spanked her once.


“Behave.” He said, trying to sound stern. “Or I’ll go and grab a couple more ropes.”

Kyrie feigned her eyes growing wide and immediately calmed down.

It’s amazing how different everything seems when you’re tied up. And Nero is really good at this character stuff as well. I like this side of him…

Nero started out by gently squeezing his captive’s breasts underneath her white silky dress and comfy bra. Even with the padding, his fingers felt very effective on the brunette’s thrust out chest.

“hmnnn.” She moaned in delight, standing on her toes to somehow push her chest out even more.

“Oh, you like that don’t you?” Nero snickered, pulling her close to nibble her earlobe.

“hhh!” Kyrie gasped, rubbing her knockers into Nero’s vest.

“Need more?”

“hmnhmn.” The slender captive nodded, her legs trembling as she writhed her hips together to somehow quell the burning between her loins.

But if anything, that made it worse!

Come on Nero, hurry up!

Luckily the white-haired young man took the hint. He slipped his arm underneath her ropes and began fiddling with her panties to slip past them as well.

He slowly began nudging her labia, traveling deeper inward with his fingers until he bumped into her eagerly swollen clit.

Kyrie moaned softly as her climax began bubbling beneath the surface, leaning into Nero for support.

He gently lowered her down on her knees first, then on her butt so she could sit up against his chest. “Tell me when I’m going too fast.” He whispered, peppering her neck in little kisses and nipping at her skin.

“hmnnnff.” The brunette mewled into her gag, shaking her breasts a little to show where she wanted his attention next.

The white-haired demon slayer began pampering his captive’s breasts and groin simultaneously, firmly grasping her knockers beneath her silken robes whilst his right hand began delving inside her lovebox.

“Hmnn! HMN! HMMMNNRRR!!” Kyrie shrieked as her orgasm burst forth and her entire body convulsed. The ropes kept her arms securely wedged in place, but her legs began flailing a little.

Nero slowly drew back his ministrations and removed the three-part gag. “How was this?”

“Amazing.” Kyrie gasped. “You weren’t even really inside me, but it still felt incredible.”

The demon slayer chuckled. “That’s what we were gunning for after all.”

“It was a little frustrating though.” His slender captive remarked.

“Oh? How come?”

“Because every time you brought me closer to my orgasm, I kept trying to reach out to return the favour. But the ropes you tied in place kept denying me!” She said with a slight pout.

Nero stared at his lover for a full 5 seconds, his mouth hanging open slightly. She’d never looked cuter!

He began laughing heartily. “That’s something you’ll have to live with I’m afraid.”

“Nuh-uh!” She retorted. “You have to figure out a way we can both get satisfaction.” Kyrie said as her pout transformed to a grin. “That’s your job as the man in charge!”

“Touché.” Nero admitted, pulling his girl in close for a long and passionate tongue kiss.

Meanwhile, Lady had been on the verge of climax and kept there for 5 minutes straight. That was thanks to Dante knowing exactly what to -not- do and when.

Eventually, the raven-haired woman just lost her patience.

“EHH HEE UUUHH (LET ME CUUUM)!!” She screamed furiously, trying to reach around and finger herself to bypass Dante’s taunts. But sadly, the ropes pinning her elbows together prevent her from even coming close to her own snatch.

The silver-haired demon slayer didn’t stop her from trying however.

After a lot of angry growling and grunting, Lady conceded defeat and just glared at her captor.

“Can I join in again?” He asked dryly.

“HMRRR!!” The bodacious young woman growled, bumping her groin into his leg as if to dry hump him. If you don’t finish me off RIGHT NOW, I’m bringing my gun with me on my next visit!

The look in her eyes told a similar story, letting Dante know it was time to stop messing around.

He pulled Lady close and gave her a long, passionate kiss on her ball gag whilst his fingers slipped past her dripping wet folds and rubbed her straight to nirvana.

“Aaahhh!!” She almost sang as her climax finally surged, her knees going week almost immediately after. She slumped into Dante, who gently lowered her down so she could sit on her butt. He pulled the dark-haired woman into his chest and began gently massaging her shapely, firm breasts to prolong her pressure.

After her breathing normalized, Lady mumbled at her captor to remove the ball gag.

Dante carefully pulled it out. “So, does this session make it to the top 10?” He asked with a playful grin.

“Not even close. Your timing was way off.” Lady replied with a frown. “The next time you make me wait this long, I’m blowing your head clean off!”

“Duly noted.” The silver-haired half-demon replied. “I won’t ever allow you to visit me whilst packing heat.”

“You jackass!” Lady yelled, stamping her legs onto the hardwood floor.

“Shush, you’ll scare the youngsters.”

“Oh they haven’t been paying attention to us for the past 20 minutes.” Lady giggled, now glancing over to the blushing lovebirds.

“You two finished?” Dante asked bluntly, making his raven-haired captive roll her eyes.

“Y-yes.” Kyrie replied whilst Nero was already removing her bindings.

“Good, then we eat!”

With the foursome all satisfied with their bondage play, the men untied their women and moved on to have a very tasty meal together, courtesy of Kyrie’s cooking skills.

During the meal, Dante gave Nero some extra tips regarding safety whilst Lady offered Kyrie a few handy tips about communication and pronunciation while gagged.

Later that night, the young couple returned to their inn.

“Aaah, today has been exhausting!” Kyrie sighed as she dropped herself on the bed.

“It has, but quite productive as well.”

“You can say that again.” She giggled, getting back up. “I’m going to take a shower.” She said softly, taking off her dress to reveal her snowy white lingerie set.

“And you’re going to join me!” The brunette then added, pulling Nero along towards the bathroom.

“Yes ma’m.” He joked, taking off his clothes and hopping into the cubicle after the brunette.

After a hot and steamy shower, the two young lovers dove into bed. They spent almost an hour cuddling and kissing before either of them felt ready to go to sleep. They simply felt too excited about the following day, too curious about what else Dante and Lady were going to show.

“Pleasant dreams Kyrie.” Nero whispered into Kyrie’s ear as he kissed the crown of her head and wrapped and arm around her back.

“Sleep tight Nero. I love you.” She replied.

The two had never felt more connected. Somehow these 'bondage lessons' were making them feel like were growing closer than ever!

When Nero and Kyrie returned to Devil May Cry the next day, Dante and Lady were already waiting for them in the training room, with even more coiled up ropes than before.

"Welcome back you two. I see we haven’t scared you off yet.” The silver-haired devil hunter said with a wide grin.

“On the contrary, the more we learn the more we want to know!” Nero replied.

“That’s great to hear. Because we'll be practicing endurance today!" Dante said cheerfully.

"Greaaat!" Lady groaned annoyed. “I wish you’d told me that yesterday, I would’ve had a long bath after getting back to my hotel in that case.”

"Is it not fun? This endurance thing?" Kyrie asked surprised.

"It's amazing fun, for the dom." The dark-haired woman replied mysteriously.

"What'll we be doing then?" Nero asked curiously.

"Exactly what I've said." Was the half-demon's reply. "We'll be using a pretty basic tie today, one the captive can endure for long periods of time."

"So, this will be training for me then?" Kyrie replied. "Training to ensure I don't get exhausted or hurt when we're playing?"

"In short, yes." Dante replied.

"Hmr hmrr!" Lady cleared her throat, gaining the whole room's attention. "Dear little Nero will be doing some training as well." She interjected. "Not only will he have to pay close attention to find Kyrie's breaking point, it will also be your job to make sure she doesn't get bored." The dark-haired woman warns.

"Bored? Doesn't she just have to wriggle around until she escapes?" Nero replied densely.

Lady rolled her eyes. "Typical men! Or maybe it's just because you're related to this blockhead."

"HEY!" Dante yelled.

"Then you tell him!" The demon huntress glared.

Dante cleared his throat. "What Lady is trying to convey, is that just abandoning your sub after securely tying her up isn't any fun. Sure, she can try and escape, but-"

"I thought you were never supposed to abandon your sub?!" Kyrie interrupted panicked. She didn't want to be left all alone, completely defenceless!

"That is partly true. When you've made the proper arrangements, the dom could leave his subs side for a short period of time." Dante lectured. "It'll add to the subs thrill of trying to escape, since she doesn't have anything to fall back on… But what if she's ended up trying every trick in her book, and she's still helplessly bound. What then?"

Neither of the inexperienced youngsters had a response ready.

"Then it is your job to entertain her!" Lady said, poking her finger against Nero's chest.

"Alright, alright. I get it!" The white-haired young man snapped annoyed. "Today we'll be practicing techniques that allow for extended play sessions. Kyrie needs to work on conserving energy and escape artistry, and I have to learn to pay close attention to her needs."

"That'll pretty much be this whole day, yes." Dante replied. “So let’s get to it! Nero, get over here so you can see what I’m doing close up.”


Thank God I picked out something comfy for my visit of today. Lady thought to herself.

This time around the gorgeous raven-haired huntress was wearing a comfy set of dark blue hotpants and a dark blue tank top with once again no bra.

The half-demon took care to thoroughly explain every step in the tying process and Nero took it all in eagerly as he saw Lady’s predicament take shape.

With his usual speed and finesse, Dante had tied up Lady in the blink of an eye.

Her wrists had been crossed behind her back. Next Dante had taken two long ropes and wrapped them above and below Lady’s chest. Those also coiled around her arms to further trap those against her back.

Another rope had been tightly coiled around her waist and lower arms, cinching it off in between her back and arms to completely immobilize them.

Her ankles had been crossed, with more ropes tied above and below her knees to virtually weld her legs together. 

Naturally Dante had opted for a crotch rope to keep his captive distracted over time.

“There, that should keep you busy for a while.” The silver-haired man said confidently.

“No kidding.” The raven-haired woman grunted. “Why didn’t you just dip me in concrete?”

“Because that doesn’t look as sexy.” He countered, turning to Kyrie and patted Nero on the back. “Your turn boy. I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you don’t push her too far though.”

Kyrie sighed softly in relief, because her eyes felt like they’d grown twice their normal size, seeing rope after rope get knotted into place on poor Lady!

Like Lady, the brunette had picked out a comfier outfit than her usual long white dress this time. She was wearing a cute light brown leather top which was laced up around the bosom to create a bit of cleavage but remain decent. A short brown skirt showed off quite a bit more of her slender legs than usual. It had made Nero feel somewhat proud he had a girlfriend that amazingly attractive.

Her long black boots and socks she’d already taken off and left in a corner of the room, leaving her barefoot just like Lady.

Using the techniques Nero had just seen and learned whilst backed up by Dante’s commentary, the young demon hunter soon had Kyrie tied up in the same way as Lady. The brunette had briefly tested her bonds during the tying, but as she’d expected from seeing Lady’s lack of movement, this position was quite a bit more secure than the one yesterday.

“Looking good.” Dante remarked. "This will do for Kyrie to keep busy over the coming hour or so."

"HOUR?!" The brunette yelped. She hadn't expected things to last quite that long!

Dante ignored the protest. "Lady on the other hand, will be needing a bit more to keep things challenging, right?" He smirked at the dark-haired woman.

She glared back. "You better not plan on hogtying me. You know I hate that position!"

Both Nero and Kyrie were curious to know what Lady was on about, but didn't want to interrupt the conversation.

“I’m afraid I have to. A hogtie is one of the most basic ties in bondage. We can’t not show them.” He teased the dark-haired woman as he pulled another rope out of his back pocket.

“You filthy- hmrrnn!” Lady had tried to curse, only to get interrupted by the strain on her legs from Dante forcing her bare feet to rest in the palms of her hands.

His rope then securely connected Lady’s ankles to her wrists, leaving her completely immobile save for uselessly bucking up and down or rolling around.

“I take it you two get the point of this?” He asked the young couple.

Both Nero and Kyrie nodded slowly. 

“It looks very tight.” Nero said.

“And painful.” Kyrie added.

“Both are true.” Lady grunted, rolling onto her side to relieve some of the tension and look the brunette in the eye. “I’d advise against you trying this today, especially since you’ll be stuck for a while.”

Kyrie nodded again. “I don’t think I would last very long in a position like that.” She said timidly.

“Oh, don’t worry, I was never going to make Nero do this to you. I just hogtied Lady for the demonstration.”

“And because you love making me squirm!” The huntress growled angrily, her fingers already dancing around in a futile attempt to find the knot anchoring her wrists to her ankles.

“True.” Dante admitted. "But there’s something even more fun coming up.” He announced, showing her a black piece of cloth.

Lady's eyes widened. "You're going to blindfold me too?!"

"Yes I am. Nothing to make an escape challenge more challenging than not seeing what you're doing. Don't you think?"

Just Lady utter that word had made Kyrie’s heartrate skyrocket.

Blindfold? As in not being able to see anything? Whilst tied up?!

Just out of curiosity, she closed her eyes for a moment. 

"You ass!" The dark-haired demon slayer hissed.

The next thing she heard was Dante’s trademark laugh. Shortly after that he apparently began talking to Nero:

"And that wasn’t even my biggest surprise!"

I can’t hold on! Kyrie thought nervously.

The suspense of not seeing what was going on whilst Lady loudly protested against whatever Dante was doing was simply too much for the young woman. She quickly began peeking again.

The scene before her hadn’t changed that much since she last looked. Lady had already been blindfolded with the thick black piece of cloth and had begun squirming a bit more vigorously.

Dante was still sitting beside the raven-haired huntress, holding something she assumed to be earrings.

Her shock therefore was quite large when the silver-haired demon slayer suddenly pulled up Lady’s tank top to expose her magnificent knockers again.

“HEY! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She protested angrily, having not seen the exposure coming.

Without offering an explanation - or warning-, Dante then clipped those supposed jewels onto his captive’s bare nipples.

They weren’t earrings, they were vibrating nipple clamps.

"AAHHHH! Dante you son of a- hmpfnn!!" Lady had attempted to curse, only to find a thick panel gag with rubber ball stuffing shutting her up before she finished.

The silver-haired demon slayer then left his captive to begin thrashing around angrily.

Lady was screaming into the panel gag, bucking like wild bronco. But she barely moved from her spot and just a few seconds of her wild struggles tired her out so bad she laid still panting heavily.

“She looks angrier than she is.” He assured Kyrie and Nero. “You can see it as a lighter form of the roleplay we performed yesterday.”

“So, she’s not angry with you?” Nero asked doubtfully.

“Oh yeah, furious!” Dante grinned. “But that’s just because she hates being kept in the dark, be it literally or figuratively. Once she gets in the groove, she’ll have the time of her life.” He stated confidently. “As will Kyrie.”

“Are you saying we should do all of that stuff to?!” The brunette yelped.

To her astonishment, the half-demon shook his head. “That’s not my call. It’s Nero and yours.”

The lovebirds turned to each other. Nero began stroking her thigh. "Did any of those things pique your interest?"

The brunette shook her head. "Not really to be honest. You?"

"Hmm, well I quite like the idea of you being blindfolded."

"Then let's try that for now. But you have to promise you'll take it off when I ask you to!"

"Deal." Nero replies as he tied the dark cloth in place, turning Kyrie's entire world pitch black.

“Oh, one more thing.” The white-haired young man suddenly remarked.

“What?” Kyrie asked.

But Nero didn’t reply. Instead he pulled down her skirt, over the ropework and all the way past her feet to remove it and completely expose a daring red thong.


“Wow, I never pegged her for wearing something like that.” Dante remarked.

“You’d be surprised.” Nero replied, pride dripping from his voice.

“You guuyyys!” Kyrie whined, rolling onto her front so she could hide her womanly pride from view. Of course, that just gave the men a prefect birds-eye view of her supple and perfectly sculpted buttocks.

Nero gave them a quick squeeze. “Soft.” He said teasingly.

“You jerk!” Kyrie screamed, instantly realizing Nero was just copying what he’d seen Dante do earlier. But what surprised her was how alike Lady her own reactions were!

Maybe she wasn’t just acting back there. The brunette thought to herself.

“Just one more thing.” The white-haired young man suddenly said, rolling Kyrie onto her back and unlacing her top so we could open it and expose the alluring red bra that matched her thong.

The helpless young woman felt her cheeks grow red. “Nero! This is embarrassing!” She mewled.

“I know it is, but this way you don’t have to worry about getting faint of breath when the ropes start digging in.” Her lover said softly.

Kyrie’s eyes widened behind the blindfold.

“My, my. You figured that out all by yourself?” Dante remarked. “I’m impressed.”

“That’s why you’re exposing my underwear?”

“Well, the bra at least. The thong is purely for my own amusement.” Nero replied, failing to suppress a slight chuckle.

Kyrie’s lips curled into a smile as well. “Well, I suppose I can forgive you for this. Or to be more specific: there isn’t much I can do to stop you like this.”

“Which is the whole point of this endeavour.” Dante remarked, his creaking boots betraying he’d gotten to his feet.

“Right then, Nero and I will be making ourselves scarce now.”

“You’re leaving?!” Kyrie yelped. “But what if we need help?”

“You call out to us.” The demon slayer replied. “We’ll be close enough for even Lady’s muffled groans to reach our ears, so if anything’s wrong just yell.”

“Have fun you two!” Nero said as he followed Dante.

The next sound both Lady and Kyrie heard was the soft creaking of wood and the clang of the door falling into its lock.

This is it. We’re alone, Lady and I. Tied up, blindfolded, completely helpless…

The brunette had realized deep down this had always been where these lessons were headed. But still, now that it actually happened she still felt nervous and scared, but also excited and, oh yes: aroused.

I’m already getting turned on? Is it because of that rope Nero tied to run into my panties and pussy?

That was definitely the main culprit for the heat brewing beneath her skin. Every twitch of her body had been making that annoying chord wedge deeper into her lovebox!

And to think, Lady even has those… those things hanging from her nipples! I wonder how she’s coping?

Out of reflex, Kyrie turned her head towards her last known location of Lady. But of course, the blindfold meant she saw nothing. She heard quite a bit though.

Because if Kyrie didn’t know any better, she’d think Lady was trying to growl and shout her way out of her ropes.

“Gmrnhhrrr!!” The raven-haired woman groaned as she rolled onto her front again, since that way the vibrating clamps were resting on the floor and not hanging from her chest.

I HATE these things. She thought annoyed. He could’ve at least used clamps that didn’t vibrate, I can’t relax at all like this!

“Hmn, hmn, mnff.” She began panting, trying her best to recover a little stamina.

The brunette lying several feet away from her felt motivated by the sound of Lady’s tireless efforts, and also began squirming to escape her restraints.

I wonder how Nero will respond if I manage to escape.

Kyrie began feeling around behind her back, her fingers caressing the ropes binding her wrists as she tried to feel out the knot keeping it all in place.

But no luck.

He must have hidden the knot inside the ropes, I remember Dante saying something like this. Maybe my legs? Ahh, why is it so hard to concentrate?!

The helpless young woman also felt shocked by how much more powerful the sensation of rope clinging to her body felt, just by not being able to see!

Come on Kyrie! She thought to herself, rolling onto her stomach with a soft “mhhrr.”

Just bring your legs up and feel around...

She slowly brought her ankles closer to her hands. However…

“Ah?!” She yelped as the crotchrope began digging in even deeper than before. “Oww! Stupid rope!”

Now the brunette could hear faint laughter coming from Lady’s direction.


“Ehff (yes)?”

“Are you laughing at me?”

“Ehff (yes)!”

“That’s mean! Aren’t we in this together?”

“Ihh uhsh oh-hal-hihf (It’s just nostalgic).” She replied. “ahf hull e-he-hrr ah uhr aihe uhh-fhrr-hi ah ohsh-oh (I still remember my first time suffering a crotchrope).”

Kyrie began blushing. “Was it that obvious?”

“Ehff (yes).”

“Well, do you think maybe we would have a shot getting closer to each other and helping one another escape.”

“hurh ah aih (worth a try).” The raven-haired woman admitted.

A sliding sound, accompanied by soft groans betrayed Lady had begun crawling towards Kyrie. The brunette soon followed suit.

After some time, Kyrie and Lady bumped into each other. Both of them were taken by surprise when their hips suddenly touched, but quickly recover.

“So, how do we do this?”

“aihfol (blindfold).” Lady replied immediately.

“Of course.” The brunette said, mentally facepalming herself. “This will all go so much when we can see again. “Hold still, I’ll crawl upwards.”

“ahggs (thanks).” The raven-haired woman replied. Her struggle had taken quite a bit more effort than Kyrie’s given that her legs had been rendered useless. In truth, just scooting and rolling her way over to Kyrie’s side had set Lady’s gorgeous and helpless body aflame. But with her being so thoroughly trussed up, there was nothing she could to about that.

Kyrie slowly made her way up wards, carefully feeling out the contours of Lady’s body until she made contact with her hair.

“Almost there.” She said. “Where about do you think the knot is?”

“Aigh (right).”

“To the right?”


Kyrie slowly moved her hands right, and to her excitement she did indeed feel her fingers running over the same cloth keeping her own eyes obscured.

“I found the cloth!” She squealed happily. “Now if I can get hold of the knot…”

Unfortunately, even after all her fumbling around and tugging at the blindfold, Kyrie failed to undo that tightly done up bud of cloth.

“Aarhh! Why is it so tight?!” She groaned frustrated. “I’m sorry Lady, it’s just not budging.”

“Hmrnn. Mhkay (Okay).” She replied, having half expected it. The dark-haired huntress then rolled onto her side. “haih ai oh-aih ohw (try my hogtie rope).”

Kyrie nodded. “Very well.” She replied, shuffling down until her hands could feel the soft, supple flesh of her butt.

Lady giggled. “iggl (tickles)!”

“Sorry. I’m looking for the ropes.” The brunette said, smiling faintly as well.

This is strangely fun, considering how despairingly helpless we are. Imagine if the two of us had been captives!

Just that one thought sent the slender young girl’s heart aflutter. Her mind began envisioning a dark, dirty cell where she and Lady had been thrown into, left to rot without any hope of release!

Her fingers began trembling with excitement as she started plucking at the rope running between Lady’s ankles and wrists. She slowly moved along the hemp until she reached one end, hoping to spot a knot sooner or later.

Why is this so tense?! The brunette thought to herself in confusion. Is it because I’m imagining things? Or maybe just because I can’t see what I’m doing.

“ooh oh-hey (you okay)?” Lady suddenly asked. She had spotted Kyrie’s hands becoming less steady.

“O-oh yes, sorry.” The brunette replied embarrassed. “I’m afraid I’ve been getting myself a little worked up.”

The bodacious huntress began laughing into her panel gag. “Ahn-ha-hizz-hih (fantasising)?”

“How did you know?”

“aek ah aihl ess (take a wild guess).” She replied, groaning softly as she rolled away from the brunette and began struggling feverishly on her own.

This time it was Kyrie who couldn’t help chuckling. “So, it’s not because I’m new to this after all…” She remarked to no one in particular.

The brunette then also began rolling around on the floor, relishing in the tight ropes ensnaring her sensual body and the crotchrope nudging her each time she writhed her hips.

Both young women kept up their efforts for 15 more minutes, drifting just as far apart in their struggles as before they’d begun searching for one another. Eventually though, both of the beautiful young women had to concede it was utterly hopeless.

Fully exhausted, and horny beyond words, they both called out to their captors.

“You rang?” Dante said cheerfully.

“Shriek would be a better fit.” Nero joked.



The adorable damsels demanded, making the two men laugh.

Dante hurried over and removed the buzzing nipple clamps.

“hmnnn.” Lady let out a near-primal growl. “Ahg (gag).” She said next.

“Yes, yes. Don’t worry.” The silver-haired man soothed her, removing not only the panel gag but also the blindfold. Behind that dark piece of cloth he found a frowning Lady. “I want you to throw those things away!” She hissed.

“What, these?” He replied, showing her the clamps.

“YES! They almost drove me crazy!”

“It’s what they’re for.” Dante smirked, very gently massaging his captive’s knockers.

“Hmnnn, that’s better. Keep that up for a few minutes.” She sighed contently.

“Sure thing.” He replied as he continued to knead the ache out of her breasts. A side effect of course, was that Lady grew even hornier.

“Now get that hogtie rope out of the way and start pleasuring me!”

“Hey, you do remember I’m the one in charge here?” Dante chuckled.

“I don’t care! I’m still pissed off at you tricking me into that hogtie, blindfold, buzzing clamps arrangement. You owe me! And I’m not even talking about the cash!”

“If you bring up my money one more time, I’m strapping that gag back in place.” The silver-haired man threatened.

That, amazingly, shut Lady up. “Fine, but could you please cut me some slack?” She said softly, opting for a more ‘Kyrie-esque’ approach. She moaned softly and tried to look a little bit flustered.

Dante blinked a few times, then grinned at his captive. “Sure thing babe.” He said, unravelling the rope forcing Lady’s ankles to rest in her palms.

The raven-haired huntress let out a long groan in relief. “Muuuuch better!”

I wonder what men see in that ‘sweet and innocent’ act?

“And it’s only going up from here on out.” Dante promised her as he retrieved one of the vibrating pebbles, activated it and took it along as he slipped his fingers into Lady’s lovebox.

“Aahhhnn!!” She yelped in shock. Inside of her, those faint and frustrating vibrations of earlier were infinitely more powerful.

“Yeesss!!” She howled, bucking eagerly for Dante to delve deeper. His gentle caress of her bosom, his careful nudging of her clit with the pebble, the strict ropes containing her animal-like throes,.. all of it came together to unleash Lady’s 90 minutes of pent-up lust!

“Ah! Aahnn!! AAHHH!!” The bodacious huntress roared as her climax finally surged, washing away her fatigue and any anger she held towards Dante. Right now there was only the bliss, this single moment of utter joy that filled her entire being, made all the sweeter by the silver-haired man pressing his lips over Lady’s and kissing her sensually.

“hmnn…” She gasped into his mouth, fidgeting slightly as small aftershocks continued to erupt inside her loins.

[Meanwhile, at the other end of the room]

Whilst Dante rushed over to Lady’s side, Nero kneeled beside Kyrie’s.

He quickly took off the blindfold. “Did you have fun?”

“Yes!” She replied immediately. “But I’m also sore all over and I feel so drained I could faint.”

“Oh? Then I suppose you have no interest in me pampering you a little?” The demon hunter teased, squeezing her supple breasts.

“Aahh! Yes I dooo!” The brunette mewled cutely. “I gave you your show, I deserved my reward!”

“True dat.” Nero replied as he pulled out a long, thin vibrator Dante had given him.

“Is that-?”

“The answer to all your problems.” The white-haired demon slayer chuckled.

After removing her crotch rope, he gingerly slipped the vibe into Kyrie’s pussy and switched it onto a low hum.

“Hmnnn! That feels amazing!” She sighed. 

*rmmmmmm* The vibe suddenly picked up its pace.

“Ah! It can go faster?!”

“Oh yes, much faster.” Nero assured her. “Is this fast enough?”

“Y-yes.” The brunette gasped, jiggling her breasts a little to hint at Nero.

He picked up on that, and began to gently kneed her supple flesh as he slipped the dildo deeper into her snatch.

“Ah. Ahhhnnn. AAAHH!!” Kyrie moaned louder and louder, until finally her liberating orgasm surged.

The white-haired demon hunter turned down the vibe to its lowest buzz to prolong her pleasure and kissed her gently on the lips. “You’ve done a marvellous job today, I felt I had to tell you that.”

“Thank you.” She whispered, kissing him back. “But you were just as incredible. I never managed to loosen even a single knot.”

“That’s good to hear for future reference.” Nero replied as he pulled out the dildo to let Kyrie catch her breath and hugged her tightly. “Dante told me to check for any loose ends when I returned to your side so I could learn, but I guess I’m simply that good.”

“Don’t get cocky.” The brunette grinned. “I’ll get better over time too, so one day you might find me escaping your restraints!”

With their fun time over for the day, Dante and Nero removed all of their girls’ ropework. Since both Kyrie and Lady worked up such a sweat, the silver-haired demon hunter had suggested they retreat to a nearby hot spring.

It was a hidden gem, not known to many. He guaranteed Lady and Kyrie they could go and have a lovely hot bath together, and have some girl talk. 

That would also give Dante a chance to demonstrate more rope-tying techniques to his young student, using pictures and a human dummy.

After a brief hike to through the hills, Lady and Kyrie eventually found the hot spring and dropped right in, letting their aching bodies soak in the rejuvenating warm water.

“Haaaahhh! This feels sooo gooood!” Kyrie sighed as she dropped in all the way, emerging seconds later and wiping her hair out of her face.

“You can say that again, I needed something like this after that stupid hogtie Dante force me into.”

“You didn’t like it?” Kyrie asked nervously.

“I loved it! But that doesn’t make it any less tiring.”

“I can understand that. To be honest I don’t think I would have lasted even 10 minutes the way you were bound!”

“Practice.” Was the grinning huntress’ response.

“So… do you and Dante get a lot of… practice?” The brunette asked, her cheeks flushing a little.

“I visit him a few times a month.” Lady says casually. “It’s not always fun and games though.”

“So you mean it’s not always… bondage?”

“Yep. It’s how we got started, but over time we moved back to the regular stuff. To keep bondage as a special thing.”

The brunette sighed relied. “Then there is a way back.”

“Excuse me?”

“I meant… it’s not like once you’ve tried making love with bondage, it’s all you can do.”

The demon huntress began laughing. “That’s what you were worried about?! Silly girl! Of course you can still do it vanilla style! Bondage doesn’t replace lovemaking, it expands it.”

“That’s good to hear. As exciting as it is, I was feeling kinda depressed at having to be bound and gagged every time we made love.”

“Well, depending on how well you play your part, Nero might get a preference for it of course.” Lady replied, lifting her leg out of the water and scrubbing it. “I remember when we first discovered it, the first six months it was the only thing on our mind really.”

“How did you discover it?” Kyrie asked. “If that’s not too forward of me.” She added hastily.

Lady gave her a surprisingly gentle smile. “Come here.” She beckoned her over.

The brunette slowly swam across the pond and sat down beside Lady, who began telling her story.

I was out on a job in an abandoned city on the borders of Fortuna. I was supposed to retrieve a large sword for the deceased owner’s father. He said it was the only memento left of him, but the monster that had killed his son had proven to be too strong for several other demon slayers.

Naturally I accepted the job with confidence, since I’d handled retrieval missions before. Things were going quite smoothly too. My dual handguns made short work of any low-level scarecrows. Even if something more troublesome like a Frost or a Blits, I had my Kalina Ann

Lady smirked as she leaned back in the hot spring. “Yeah, I was blowing through that town like a tornado.”

“Weren’t you nervous, being there all by yourself?”

“It’s how I operate. I tend to keep a decent margin of safety as well. That time however, I sorely miscalculated.”

I made it all the way to the town hall, where my client said his son had perished. At the top floor there was a large room where the sword had been embedded in the wall. I’d snuck through the building, taking care not to make any noise so whatever creature lurked inside wouldn’t find me. When I made it to the top floor, I just assumed it was out hunting itself.

Kyrie crawled a little closer as Lady’s story reached the good part.

I began heaving at the sword, trying to dislodge it from the wall. That sucker was heavy as hell, so I ended up making a fair bit of noise cracking the wall it was stuck in. But because I had my eyes on the prize, I didn’t realize how loud I was being.

The brunette gasped as she realized where this was going.

Before I could pull the sword free, the floor beneath me crumbled. I jumped clear of the debris being launched skyward, barely dodging the massive Echidna that burst out from below. It wasn’t quite as big as the one Dante claims he killed, but it still managed to easily fill up the huge room it found me in. 

I jumped back far enough so I could aim my Kalina Ann straight at its ugly mug, but before I could squeeze the trigger aggressive hissing erupted behind me.

Lady shivered and sunk a bit deeper into the hot water. “I don’t know how that thing did it, but that ugly snake bitch somehow had dozens of snakes under its command inside that room.”

“No!” Kyrie gasped. “Snakes?!”

“Oh yeah, in all shapes and sizes. It’s not like I’m scared of snakes, but their presence did make me realize how that Echidna managed to kill so many of my predecessors. By itself it isn’t that challenging a demon, but when you’re being distracted by potentially venomous bites from all sides, that Echidna becomes a real widow maker.”

“How did you beat it?” The brunette asked in awe.

Now Lady began frowning. “I didn’t.”

“You… didn’t?!”

“Tsk.” The raven-haired woman stared at the other side of the pond, feeling awkward to admit to the next part of her story. “I got captured.”


After taking the fight to the ground floor atrium, where I had enough space to create some distance and room around me using my scorpion and its bayonet to cut or shoot down any assaulting snakes. All I had to do next was launch a single MANPAD into that slimy serpent’s face. But as I took aim, half a dozen long but thin snakes suddenly made a 10-foot drop from the rafters, all of them landing on me!

“Kyaa!” Kyrie yelped. “That’s gross!”

“It was heart-stopping was what it was.” Lady replied through gritted teeth. “And it made me miss my shot.”

“Did they bite you?”

“That’s not why they landed on top of me.”

“Then why-“

“I’m getting to that.”

Those thin snakes immediately began crawling around my body, some of them headed straight for my legs and others for my hands. Those latter ones even knocked my gun out of my hand before they began coiling tightly around my forearms and forcing them flat to my sides. A bigger pair of snakes then began circling my waist to trap my arms either side of me.

Kyrie’s eyes grew wide. They couldn’t- She thought shocked.

“I see you get where I’m going with this.” Lady remarked.

The snakes that had made it down to my legs began pressuring my calves and knees to make me kneel down, after which they coiled tightly around my legs to frogtie them.

I screamed and struggled with all my might, trying to peel those filthy reptiles off of me. But they wouldn’t budge. And once all of them had nestled into place, they solidified!

“How is that possible?”

“To this day I don’t know how. Dante told me later that the snakes might have been some sort of mutation, bred by that freak Echidna. The way they perfectly harmonized their movements according to its wishes makes me agree.”

The snakes had turned lifeless, but they’d succeeded in rendering me nearly immobile. My Scorpion submachine gun was only a foot removed, but I still couldn’t get in reach of it to use the bayonet to free myself.

An eerie, slimy sound then caught my attention. The Echidna was starting to bloom, and soon a woman grew out from the four petals making up its huge body.

Dear dear, you’re the first female to visit my den. It hissed as it slithered closer to me.

When it’s face was mere inches removed from mine, I spat at it.

“And the last!” I yelled confidently.

It didn’t like that, because it commanded another thin snake to crawl up my body and jam its way into my mouth and harden there, leaving me bit-gagged.

Kyrie shivered as she imagined the feel of a cold, scaly snake crawling along her bare skin.

“You are quite the delicious looking human, I’ll grant you that.” The echidna hissed. “I wonder if you’ll be as soft to chew as you look.

One of its snake-like tentacle feelers hoisted me in the air by my waist and held me over the Echidna’s head.

As it spread it’s jaws wide enough to swallow me whole, I frantically began struggling to budge my restraints. But they were even stronger than steel, and I didn’t stand a chance. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit down on my gag in anger and fear. I truly thought I was going to die.

“What happened?” Kyrie gasped, clutching Lady’s arm nervously.

The raven-haired woman smirked.

My eyes shot wide open as I heard the high-pitched screech of the Echidna. I looked dawn and saw Dante standing at its tail. Well, the part he hadn’t sliced off yet.

I remember myself feeling so relieved it embarrassed me, seeing Dante standing there with his sword drawn and taunting that massive beast.

Somehow, even thought that monster had managed to catch me off guard and almost eat me, I knew that now that he was on site, everything would turn out fine. I even started to relax and watch his fight with the reptilian demon from my airborne seat.

Mind you, hanging from that tentacle securely bound and gagged, it was about ALL I could do.

He made short work of the injured demon after that, leaving me to drop from the air and plummet to my death.

I screamed like a schoolgirl, something I’ll never forgive myself for, right up until the moment I landed in Dante’s big strong arms.

“Heya, long time no see!” He said with that overconfident smirk of his.

I glared at him, muttering into my gag he had to put me down and let me go.

He DID put me down, but didn’t touch the restraints which still kept me completely secure.

“So, that was a fine mess you were in.” He commented, making me blush slightly. I couldn’t deny that, even if I hadn’t been gagged.

“Makes me wonder why you’re not looking more nervous.”


“If anything, you look… agitated, maybe even excited.” He said to me with a grin.

At the time, I didn’t know what he was on about. I was still feeling angry and embarrassed at him seeing me in such a humiliating state.

“Uh-hai hee! (Untie me)!” I demanded, shaking in my bonds. But that just made him laugh.

“I can’t do that! Not even in our line of work do you find a situation THIS extraordinary. I would never forgive myself if I passed up a chance like this!”

What he did next, I’ll never forget. He didn’t untie me, he didn’t mock or tease me with his weird humour… What he did, was reach out and squeeze my breasts.

Kyrie gasped audibly, pulling Lady out of her story. She’d become a little absorbed in her memories, getting a bit turned on as the images of that evening started to flood her mind.

“He began groping you?! Just like that?! Even though… y-y-you almost died and were in the middle of a nest of demons?!”

“Well to be fair, he had cleared out every single demon in the area. But for everything else I can understand why you’re shocked. But what can I say: that’s Dante. Doesn’t give a shit, as long as things remain interesting.”

Naturally I screeched at him like a banshee, calling him every foul name I could think of and thrashing around so wildly I was achieving small instances of lift. But those infuriating snakes, or whatever they were, kept me completely defenceless.

And Dante absolutely loved to watch me squirm!

“I should have kept a few of those things alive.” He chuckled. “Makes this infinitely more fun.” 

He opened up my vest and exposed my breasts so he could feel my flesh directly. I still remember how sensational, how confusing his hands on my skin felt that time.

I was angry with him for humiliating me, I even felt a little scared at how far he would take things. But what I couldn’t understand, was why I was starting to feel aroused.

And sadly for me, that blockhead soon spotted it as well.


Before I realized it, a moan had wrestled its way past my bit gag and my nipples had turned hard like bullet casings.

“What in the- are you becoming horny?!” That muscle head yelled out of the blue.

I felt like I would sink through the floor. My face burned red and I tried to avoid looking him in the eye, but he took a hold of my cheeks with one hand and forced me to.

“That is VERY interesting.” He said with a grin that sent a huge shiver down my spine. “Let’s play a game. I call it: Climax…”

“Ah (what)?”

“It’s a pretty simple game: I’m going to play with your body and try to make you orgasm. You have to try and hold out for as long as you can. Sound fun?”

“OH (NO)!”

“Really? You’re really going to tell me you’re not horny right now?”

I just sat there, frozen in place. I honestly didn’t understand why, but Dante was right. I WAS horny.

“You don’t have to worry, we’re safe now.” The burly man assure me. “And I won’t judge you, you should know that much about me by now.”

A shiver ran down my spine as I looked up in his calm, confident eyes. He really was planning to have his way with me!

…But for some reason that prospect didn’t scare me in the least.

I still don’t know why I did it, but simply I found myself nodding at the demon slayer, closing my eyes as I anticipated his touch on my skin.

Lady stretched in the hot spring. “As you can imagine, things just… developed from there. He made love to me then and there, whilst I was helplessly bound. The rush I felt was incomparable to anything I’d ever experience before.”

The raven-haired beauty sighed softly as she began massaging her knockers. “Dante’s rock hard dick filling me up, driving me to cum completely at his own pace and whim. The more I tried to fight it, the tighter those things around my arms and legs coiled around me. The sensation of helplessness started to mix with my lust and before I knew it I’d climaxed three times!”

Lady looked at the brunette. “That was the start of our bondage relationship. Not a bad story, huh?” 

“It was… amazing.” Kyrie said softly, her hands wandering down her waist to stroke her labia. She felt herself grow aroused just listening to the tale!

“Well, now you know why we’re so into this stuff. And why we’re so sure it’s just what you two lovebirds need to put the fire back in your relationship!”

“I believe you are right.” The slender young woman admitted. “The past few days have felt like I’ve been falling in love with Nero all over again.” Kyrie sighed happily.

“Let’s wash yourselves and get back to Dante’s shop.” Lady suggested. “You’ll need your rest for tomorrow.”

“What’s tomorrow then? More lessons?”

But the demon hunting bombshell shook her head. “Tomorrow is graduation day.”

After that elusive comment, Lady refused to say anything anymore and scrubbed her own body, doing Kyrie’s back afterwards and letting her return the favour.

The young women then made their way back to Devil May Cry, where Nero and Kyrie said goodbye to their teachers and headed for their room in the inn.

The following day Nero and Kyrie woke up feeling strangely nervous. Today would be their last day with Dante and Lady. Neither of them had really stood still by what that meant before, not until Dante and Lady had jestingly called it 'their graduation'.

After today we'll be heading home, and we will have to experiment on our own. Kyrie thought as a small knot developed in her stomach.

Starting tomorrow, I won't have Dante to fall back on. If I screw up, Kyrie will suffer the consequences. Nero realized. Somehow that made him feel really scared, more so than any demon he'd ever faced.

"What do you suppose their plan for today is?" Kyrie asked her lover as she got dressed.

"I don't know. Maybe he'll give us a challenge or task to complete, you know: me tying you up in a certain way and you having to escape within the allotted time."

"Could be." The brunette replied. "Or maybe we'll have to switch partners, you need to try and tame Lady while I have to attempt to hold my own against Dante."

"Now that would be a daunting challenge." The white-haired demon hunter chuckled.

"For you, or for me?" His girl replied with a cute grin.

"Both." He grinned back.

When the young lovebirds arrived, Dante and Lady's true plans rather surprised them:

"Nothing." The silver-haired demon hunter answered Nero's question.


"Nothing. Today Lady and I will be doing our own thing, you and Kyrie should just do the same." Dante elaborated. "There will be no copying, no following my lead. I won't tell you how to tie her or for how long."

Lady stepped forward. "To put it simply: Today, you two just have to try and enjoy yourselves using rope."

Her dom nodded. "Of course, If you need any advice, both of us are right here to provide it. But I suggest you try and make do on your own."

Both Nero and Kyrie immediately understood the premise of this session: If they figured everything out on their own today, that would be exactly like how they'd engage back home!

The young lovers smiled happily. This really was a graduation.

Dante gestured at the large wooden crate in the middle of the room. "Everything you'll need and more can be found in this box. Have fun you two!" He said, after which he loaded up on gear and followed Lady to the other corner of the training room, leaving Nero and Kyrie to their own devices.

"You ready?" Nero asked his girlfriend after he'd returned with a few coils of rope in hand.

The brunette nodded, after which she began taking off her clothes of her own accord.

The white-haired demon slayer enjoyed the show as Kyrie sensually stepped out of her long, pale pink dress to reveal an equally pink lingerie set. Her frilly panties hugged her curvaceous bottom perfectly, while her bra served to push up those perky breasts Nero loved so dearly.

"You look amazing." He complimented.

"Hihi, thank you." She replied, turning her back and holding her hands behind her back.

But Nero didn't get started. His lover's beautiful, unbound form sent a shiver down his spine. Despite knowing perfectly well how to tie a knot, he just didn't know where to begin right now, like an artist staring at a blank canvas.

"Nero?" Kyrie asked as she craned her neck to look behind her.

"I'll get started in a minute, I'm just... thinking." He replied.

"Okay." The brunette replied. She too felt strangely nervous about what was to come.

Up until now, she had always known exactly what was going to happen to her because she'd seen it done to Lady first. This time however, everything depended on what Nero would come up with.

Whether it was out of reflex from the past few days, or just pure curiosity, both of the lovebirds briefly snuck a peek at what was going on at the other end of the room.

"Owww!" Lady moaned. "Who are you trying to impress here, huh?" She cursed as she was forced to balance her entire weight on just the toes of her right foot. But that wasn't all that was going on.

Her arms had been contorted into a very strict reverse prayer, trapping her hands palm to palm in between her shoulder blades. That ropework had also been woven into an intricate chest harness which ensnared her beautiful bosom from above, below, aside and in between! The ropes had been wrapped so tightly Lady's poor knockers were slightly reddish, and quite clearly bulging from the pressure.

She'd gasped or moaned with every cinch of Dante's ropes, but despite him asking on several occasions if he had to slack the ropes a little bit, the stubborn huntress hand refused. Part of her also enjoyed the slight throb it generated, and something resembling pride as she surpassed her dom's expectations.

A rope had been looped around Lady's left ankle, which then drew her leg into the air using a pulley system until it was suspended at a 90-degree angle.

Finally, her crotch rope and chest harness worked together to hoist her luscious –completely nude- body upwards until her right foot barely touched the floor anymore!

Dante chuckled as his captive puffed and grunted, enjoying the sight of her trying to find a comfortable and balanced position. 

"Well this time we're not teaching or demonstrating, we're holding our own session. I figured there was no need to hold back."

"Suurrre, it's got nothing to do with showing off in front of the newbies." Lady groaned. "I'd like to see you keep this freaking ballet pose!"

"I wouldn't look as attractive I'm sure." Was the sly retort. "Now open up."

Lady glared. "No gag, if I'm going to be standing here like this I want to be able to scream and curse as much as I want."

"And you will. In silence." The half-demon retorted as he showed her a pump gag.

"Don't you da-hmrrr!"

Five firm squeezes later, the rubber ball filling Lady's mouth was so large she could no longer wrestle it past her lips to spit it out.

"Hmfnrmgnnfnrnngg!" Her rant was rendered completely incomprehensible, almost inaudible even.

From their own corner of the room Nero and Kyrie stared, no gawked at Lady and her cruel near-suspension predicament.

Almost immediately, he realized his mentor had deliberately chosen something so extreme he couldn't copy it on poor Kyrie!

This really is up to me! The young man realized. I have to think up a way to tie up Kyrie that’ll keep her excited but secure.

His girlfriend eyed her silent boyfriend nervously, fearing he was going to try and contort her body into that deeply uncomfortable position.

“U-uhm, Nero… About that tie Dante is doing.” She began gingerly.

“I don’t think I could pull that off in a million years.” The white-haired demon slayer replied. “And I don’t think it’s wise to try it.”

“Pfeww.” Kyrie sighed in relief. “I was hoping you’d say that.” She said, turning her back again. “I’m sure you’ll come up with something though.”

Nero chose to tie his lover’s arms horizontally behind her back, pressing her forearms together and looping a very long length of rope around them which he could also use in constructing a chest harness that aligned with her cute pink bra.

"When did you learn this?!" She exclaimed surprised as she tried to shift her arms but found them completely immobile. "This is even tighter than how you tied my arms yesterday!"

"Dante showed me this trick last night. It's not too tight, is it?"

She shook her head. "No, I just didn't expect you managing something this secure." She teased.

"Oh, you'll pay for that remark!" Nero grinned, showing her a gag which had intrigued him yesterday.

Kyrie’s eyes widened. “That’s a bit gag!”

“How do you know that?!” The white-haired demon slayer yelped surprised.

“Lady thought me about it last night.” The brunette replied elusively. “That’s a really annoying type of gag.”

“I know.” He replied, gently pushing it between her teeth.

Kyrie tried to evade or resist him, but with her upper body so rigid she couldn’t really fight her boyfriend. In the end, she barely slowed him down in buckling the hard rubber bar into place.

Almost immediately, saliva began pooling in her mouth. It wouldn’t be much longer until the helpless brunette would start drooling uncontrollably.

“hoo shurh (you jerk).” She growled annoyed, a cute frown adorning her face.

“Sorry? I didn’t understand that.” He teased her.


“I definitely didn’t understand that.” He chuckled as he reached out to squeeze her tits.

But she jumped back to evade him, thereby only tightening up her chest harness.

“Oww.” She moaned, making a small stream of dribble run down her chin and land onto her chest.

Her cheeks lit up with embarrassment. Lady never told me about how much this thing makes you drool. Maybe she felt a bit ashamed at that too…

Nero pulled down the cups of Kyrie’s bra to begin pinching and pulling at her nipples.

“Aahhh!!” The brunette yelped, frowning at her captor. “Ohn (don’t)!” She warned.

“Or what? You’ll wriggle at me?” He teased as he started rolling her buds between his thumb and index finger.

Poor Kyrie couldn’t do anything but mewl and squirm. Nothing she did to resist her boyfriend worked. Over time she even found her own body refused to obey her, as it grew more and more aroused despite her wanting to hold out on Nero until he calmed down.

“You want me, don’t you?”

“Hmrr!” His beautiful captive growled, angrily shaking her head.

He suckled on her nipples and pinched her clit as punishment.

“Hiii!!” Kyrie shrieked, lolling her head back. After all of his fondling, that had been the final straw. She could no longer keep a lid the primal lust eating her up from the inside. She needed him to fuck her, despite still feeling cheated about receiving such an annoying gag without giving permission.

“Care to change your answer?” Nero taunted.

The brunette nodded. “I ahn hoo huh (I want to cum).” She muttered into the thick rubber gag, feeling more embarrassed than during any of the other sessions.

“Well you’re not going to.”

“HAH (WHAT)?!”

“Not until you beg me at least.”

“BEHH (BEG)?!!” She shrieked. Did he say BEG?!

“You heard me. If you want your orgasm, you’ll have to beg me for it.” Nero replied.

He felt very smug about coming up with that little rule of his, even he’d basically stolen it by overhearing a part of Dante and Lady’s conversation a little while earlier…

"Care to guess why I call this pose 'Splash'?" Dante asked Lady.

"Hmrnf." The raven-haired captive grunted, trying to sound indifferent.

"Because I thought it up for use in the shower."

That’s a stupid reason.

“And because it involves water.”


The silver-haired man showed her a large bowl of water.

"Do you like ice showers?"

Lady glared at him. "Hmnrrr!!" She growled, her eyes saying ‘don’t you dare!’

“I’ll take that as a no.” Dante said as he lifted the bowl above her head and turned it over to empty its contents.

“HHMMNNN!” Lady shrieked in horror as clenched down on her gag to prepare for the water pouring over her body like a waterfall. But within seconds she realized her captor had been bluffing.

It’s… warm?

Dante had in fact filled up his bowl with water of a perfectly agreeable temperature. 

That ASS!

Lady began raving and ranting at her captor for freaking her out like that, not even caring about how ridiculously incoherent she sounded thanks to her gag, the amount of noise got her message across quite beautifully.

But even so, her silver-haired captor didn’t care.

“Hey, the main purpose of these games is to get you wet.” He replied bluntly. “I’m just expanding that idea.”

The half-demon then began fondling the raven-haired bombshell’s large breasts.

“AAHHHNN!!!” Lady howled with all the breath in her luscious body. Her poor flesh had become extremely sensitive, all snared up in Dante’s chest harness.

Even a mild brush along her pretty knockers felt like an electric current was running through it!

Immediately she felt her body pull taut, as if it was trying to anticipate where the next rush would come from.

That turned out to be her pussy, because Dante had knelt down and began flicking his tongue against her clit.

“Ah!” The helpless huntress gasped. Not there! I won’t last for a minute if he keeps going there!

Sadly, Dante kept switching up his approach every few dozen seconds, never staying in the same place. But whether it was fondling her tits, playing with her nipples, squeezing her buttocks or lapping at her labia, it ALL felt heavenly.

She soon began moaning for him to do more, to get down to business. She looked up at the now standing silver-haired man with a hungry look in her eyes.

"Want to cum?"

"ESH (YES)!"

"You know what to say."

"fuh hoo (fuck you)!"

"That's not it. Come on Lady, we've been over this last time you visited."


"Eh hee huhh (Let me cum)!" She demanded stubbornly.

"When you say the magic word."

Rather than another spank he now began fondling her labia, but painfully slowly. And not even Lady had the resolve left to deny that final straw anymore!

"OHEY OHEY! Eehuh... ah-hur, heh hee huhh (OKAY OKAY! Please... master, let me cum)."

"Good start, but you didn't sound convincing."



Where is my gun? I’m going to tear this dipshit a new one if it’s the last thing I do. 

Another spank lit up her backside, followed by a pinch of her nipples.

"Aih haah ho-hin hoo hihuh hoo (I am going to kill you)!!" She shrieked.

"You can't even wriggle your toes right now, let alone attack me." Dante mocked. “Just make your plea in a convincing manner and I’ll give you anything you want.” He added softly, nibbling her earlobe and very gently running his fingers along the shiny flesh of her breasts still coated in the lukewarm water.

“Hmnnnn…” Lady gasped at the soothing touch. He’s got me right where he wants me. As always.

She began putting on a fake whimper.

“Eehh ah-hur, heh hohr howhee have huhh (OKAY OKAY! Please master, let your lowly slave cum)."

Dante smirked victoriously. “Excellent.”

He loosened up the chest harness and slacked the suspension bondage so Lady could support herself on her foot again, after which he cut the crotchrope.

“Here I come.” He whispered as his massive cock emerged and he slipped inside her shiny wet folds.

“hmnnn!” Lady let out a breathless moan, lolling her head back and relying solely on Dante’s arms embracing her slender waist to keep her from toppling over.

The demon slayer slowly began thrusting back and forth, gritting his teeth to contain his own throbbing. There was no way he was coming first right now. His sub had performed marvellously, she’d earned this orgasm.

Luckily for him, he didn’t have to abstain for long. Within 30 seconds, a high-pitched shriek erupted from the bodacious raven-haired woman.

Dante’s gentle nudging of her inner walls and his slow-paced pounding has given her exactly the type of ecstasy she’d wished for. Her body had felt so tired, so sore she didn’t think she would’ve been able to endure his usual aggressive approach. But this kind and tender lovemaking, that had lit up her buttons like a Christmas tree!

She began shaking on her knees before her climax could even start receding, the strain of crashing down on her body.

But Dante moved fast, and removed the remainder of his lover’s restraints so he could wash down her glowing body with another bowl of lovely warm water.

“That was… amazing.” She panted, too tired to even open her eyes.

“Then can this one be listed in the op 10?” He teased.

“Top three. Definitely.” She sighed contently.

Back at Nero and Kyrie's side of the room, the white-haired young man had begun pleasuring Kyrie as well. He had taken charge of a hitachi wand and begun nudging her nipples with it, making them so hard you could hang a coat off them.

But despite his brunette damsel repeatedly nudging her hips into his groin, he never moved downstairs… Because Kyrie had yet to beg him for it.

She was trying to remain stubborn, but Nero’s relentless teasing slowly broke down her will.

“I can do this all day and night.” The white-haired man mused, pushing the hitachi onto her labia for just a few seconds.

“Hii!” She yelped, followed by an angry growl when the fun was taken away from her again.

“Ohey (Okay)!” Kyrie screamed angrily.

Nero pulled back the hitachi from her right nipple.

“Go ahead.”

“Ai heh oh hoo hehoo. Hif hee hai haihash (I beg of you Nero. Give me my climax).”

“You got it babe.” The young demon hunter replied as he chucked the hitachi aside and pulled down her panties to lick out her labia until they’d grown moist.

“Hahhh!” Kyrie gasped in delight as her body finally began surging towards its release.

“Aehh hee (take me)!” She pleaded with her lover.

Nero stood up again, opened up his trousers and engaged in a round of unbridled passion.

He started out slow and gentle, slipping his hard member a little deeper with each new thrust.

“Hmnn.” Kyrie moaned in delight. “Ohhr (moore)!”

Her lover sped up, thrusting deeper so as to fill up her lovebox completely. Her tight lips hugged his cock as it slipped past, making him grunt as his own lust began to grow.

The white-haired man leaned forward and began peppering his captive’s cute chest in kisses, pinching her nipples with his teeth at every instance of his cock slipping fully inside her.

Kyrie eagerly matches his rhythm, moaning louder with each new round as her climax started to swell.

She bit down hard on the bit gag, trying her best to keep down her climax and let her boyfriend come first this time.

Trouble was, he was doing the same for her.

With both the young lovers pacing themselves, getting lost in their feelings of hunger and passion, their lovemaking lasted longer than ever before.

They both came near-simultaneously. Kyrie with a breathless moan, Nero with a low-down grunt.

As the demon hunter pulled back, he planted his lips onto his captive’s bit-gagged lips.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“hee hoo (me too).” She gasped back. “hohr Hahn hefur (more than ever).”

Nero and Kyrie spent the rest of the evening in the back rooms of Dante’s store. The two couples exchanged a few more demon slaying stories and of course Dante and Lady provided one or two excerpts out of their bondage history.

When the time came for the young couple to return home, they didn’t have the words to thank their mentors.

But Dante just waved the favour away.

“If anything, I should thank you. Teaching isn’t something I ever saw myself doing, but over the past few days I learned that depending on the subject it can be quite a rewarding profession.”

“Freaking exhausting too though.” Lady quipped.

“True, all of that rope tying was a real chore.” The half-demon countered, which earned him a punch to his shoulder from the bodacious woman.

Kyrie giggled. “Thanks again you both.” She said. “We will never forget this.”

“You’d better not!” Lady warned. “If you two come crawling back after six months saying you’ve forgotten the basics I’ll spank your butts so red you can light up the streets with them.”

“Duly noted!” Nero chuckled. “But don’t you worry, we will be sure to practice. A lot.”

Kyrie grabbed hold of her boyfriend’s arm as they took off on their journey back home.

“So, do you already have something in mind for us to do when we get to our first inn?” She asked curiously.


“Oohh, exciting! What is it?”

“A surprise!”

“Jeezz, you tease!” The brunette giggled, a shiver of excitement running down her spine.


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