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“Hmm!” Juvia moaned as the vibrator stopped it’s buzzing.

The water mage was feeling incredibly horny. Moist, but not yet 'liberated'.

Her 7th vibrator burst had just ended, and it had been a wild one. Lucy had been truthful when she told each and every time the vibrator would activate again, it would be buzzing heavier than before. But even after this 7th time, Juvia had yet to come. 

The bound and gagged water mage was now really becoming frustrated with her predicament, completely helpless with her hands tied together and pulled above her head far out of reach of any knots (or her crotch for that matter). 

At first, Juvia had tried to ignore or even fight the feelings the vibrator summoned within her, she wanted to save herself for when her lovely Gray-sama would appear. But after the fourth burst of that appalling vibrator, the poor water mage's body was driven so wild with desire, she finally gave in to her urges.

… but the orgasm never arrived. As large as the impact of the vibrator was on her, it couldn't finish its work. 

Not even the last and heaviest of the bursts aroused the blue haired girl enough to make her climax. To make matters worse, the next time the vibrator would activate would probably be the last. Lucy had predicted the batteries wouldn't hold out for longer than 8 bursts, and Juvia was surprisingly fearful that this would be true.

She braced herself in anticipation for the next jolt, hoping that this would finally be the one where she got her long desired release. However, once it activated, all Juvia felt was shocking disappointment and frustration: The buzzing of the vibrator was nothing like as rough as it was last time!

The batteries must be running dry! Juvia thought in despair. This won't do anything for me!

The blue haired girl started wriggling her hips to try and have the vibrator make better contact with her crotch. 

But because Lucy had been so mean as to tie the vibrator above her panties, the dark red fabric was muffling a good deal of the now pathetically soft buzzing. Juvia had welcomed this muffling effect at first , but now it almost drove her insane with disgruntlement.

Juvia could feel her entire body surging with desire, but the slight tingling of the now nearly depleted vibrator just wasn't enough… Finally, the buzzing stopped altogether.

Juvia let out a loud scream, filled with rage and sexual frustration. Why did the damned thing have to die on her now?!

The water mage started pulling on her wrist bonds and tried kicking with her legs, even though that was nearly impossible with them stuck to the spreader bar. When she had finally tired herself out venting her anger, she stood still again.

In fact, there was nothing else she could do but stand still. The blue haired damsel could do nothing other than patiently wait for her beloved Gray-sama to appear.

About 2-3 hours went on (Juvia couldn't be sure how much time passed exactly, since there was no clock in the vicinity), but still there was no sign of Gray arriving back at his house.

Just as the water mage was contemplating another (futile) escape attempt, if only to pass the time, she heard the door unlock, open and then close again.

Juvia's heart skipped a beat. Gray-sama is finally here! She thought overjoyed. 

Should she try and call out to him? Or just wait for him to walk into the room? Chances were that even if she were to yell through her gag, it wouldn't pass through the living room wall, so the blue haired mage decided to quietly remain standing in the middle of the room.

After a few moments, Gray walked in, the dark haired Ice maker mage was already adhering to his stripping habit and was taking of his shirt as he walked into the living room. When he pulled the shirt off over his head, he finally got a chance to look round his living room, only to stop dead in his tracks after noticing his fellow guild member Juvia, strung up wearing nothing but very alluring underwear.

The dark haired man remained standing in place, astonished at what he was seeing.

Juvia started blushing bright red, trying to avert her gaze. Even though she had been waiting for this moment all night, now that it was finally here, the blue haired girl didn’t know what to do.

All of a sudden, the vibrator activated again, and even though it was once again a very mild tingling, because of her already extremely sensitive body the poor blue haired girl couldn't help writhing around uncontrollably, driven by desire and arousal.

After standing nailed to the ground for about a minute and a half, Gray realized he should do something about Juvia's predicament, even if it was a wonderful sight to behold.

Gray rushed over to shut off the vibrator, and then took out the gag.

He then hesitated to ask: "J-Juvia, how the hell did you know I was into this??"

Juvia looked at her crush with wide eyes, and in surprised tone of voice she answered:

"Juvia didn't. She is in this predicament only because she wanted to get her feelings across as clear as possible. Some friends have enlightened Juvia about what bondage can do to a woman, so Juvia decided to give it a try.”

Juvia then explained fully how she ended up like this since yesterday evening. The water mage told Gray about how she discovered the bondage hobby two of her fellow guild members shared, but she made sure to leave out Erza and Lucy’s names, for their privacy’s sake.

While hearing out Juvia’s story, Gray realized this was in fact Juvia’s very first bondage experience. This surprised him, since it was quite a feat to hold out for so long for your first time. Then again, the ice maker mage thought, if whoever it was that did this to Juvia really left her behind just like this, there was nothing else Juvia could have done other than endure it. 

Even so, the dark haired man thought to himself, she has some willpower asking to be put in a position like this. Did she really put herself through this for a whole night, just to get my attention? …Maybe it was time to stop running away from the facts staring him in the face for so long, Gray thought to himself.

“Guess I really can’t deny your feelings anymore,” Gray said to the still slightly red Juvia, “what with you standing in my own damn house like this.”

Juvia responded with a bright smile. Success! She thought to herself, Juvia’s long struggle throughout the night hasn’t been in vain! Even though the ropes holding her were still very tight and painful after all these hours, all of that discomfort disappeared after hearing her crush finally return her long held feelings.

The dark haired mage continued, a slight smile now appearing on his face. “Besides, how much of an idiot would I have to be to pass up an opportunity like this?” 

Juvia now looked down to the floor. Even though this was to be expected, she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

“Guess I should untie you, you must be dead tired by now.” Gray offered.

This surprised Juvia, and the blue haired mage responded by shaking her head. “Gray-sama is the one in charge, literally” She said whilst shaking in her bindings to prove her point. “Whatever you decide, Juvia will obey.”

Juvia meant that wholeheartedly, as her heart had belonged to Gray for a long time now. But there was another reason for her to say those words: She feared losing her nerve if she were to be released now, since this was all so very new and exciting for her. If she remained helplessly bound, she could just let everything Gray wanted to do wash over her, regardless of her own nervousness.

The water mage continued. “A-After all, Juvia did come all this way, she can endure her position for a little longer, if it pleases Gray-sama.”

Hearing Juvia speak such obedient and submissive words both turned on and charmed Gray enormously. His decision was set, he would not ignore Juvia's determination (or her smoking hot, slightly moist and sweaty body).

“If that’s how you really feel…” Gray responded. He then re-buckled the ballgag in place and examined the vibrator he had taken off of Juvia earlier. Upon testing it he discovered the nearly dead batteries, and subsequently chucked the now useless piece of plastic away.

“No use holding onto this thing then, I have better methods to get you aroused anyways.” The ice maker mage said with a grin.

Hearing her beloved Gray-sama speak those words to her made Juvia blush bright red once again. She almost couldn’t contain her excitement as Gray came near, her entire body shuddering with anticipation.

Gray unhooked Juvia’s dark red bra, exposing the water mage’s voluptuous breasts. The sudden exposure to the air instantly turned the water mage’s nipples rock hard, and caused her to let out a slight groan.

“Hmm, sensitive aren’t they. I suppose it’s only natural after that vibrator has been buzzing away all night.” Gray said upon seeing Juvia’s hardened nipples.

The dark haired mage then joined his hands to release some of his maker magic.

“Ice make: clamps.” Gray said in a soft voice.

When the male mage opened up his hands again, Juvia could see a pair of clamps made out of ice had appeared. Juvia already had an inkling of where those were headed, and her entire body started quivering as a reaction to that realization.

Gray considered teasing Juvia for a moment by dangling the clamps in front of her, but decided against it. In his opinion, his blue haired captive had spent plenty of time waiting already. Therefore, Gray immediately pinched the (very cold)  clamps onto the water mage’s already sensitive nipples.


Juvia let out a long, muffled but still loud moan, in part because of the cold and pain, but mainly because it made her already sensitive body overflow with pleasure.

Gray noted Juvia was really enjoying the feeling, and he stood still for a moment. Hmm, he thought to himself, maybe I should for a while for Juvia to enjoy herself just like this, before continuing. This is after all a totally new experience for her, better take it slow.

However, Juvia soon made it quite clear there was no reason for that.

"NMMMMF!" the blue haired girl screamed whilst shaking a wildly as her restraints allowed her. "Mo Ay-ama (More Gray-sama!)"

The loud yell startled the ice maker mage for a second, after which he cracked a slight smile.

"Very well then," the dark haired man said, “if you’re that eager, I will keep going.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, he began stroking Juvia's perky breasts, while at the same time kissing her neck, shoulders and the rest of Juvia’s curvaceous upper body. Aside from kissing and caressing the blue haired girl, Gray also let his tongue stroll around the beautiful blue haired girl's entire upper body.

Gray had only just started his wonderful work, but Juvia already felt like she was going to explode from the various touches and kisses he was giving her all over. The dark haired man was doing a terrific job bringing the body already of the already sensitive Juvia to a climax.

After only half a minute of his gentle massages, pinches, kisses and nipping, Gray let one hand wander down to the blue haired mage’s groin. What he didn’t expect however was that as soon as he made any real contact with the water mage’s sweet spot, her orgasm arrived.

“Hmmmaaaa!!!” The water mage shouted through her gag.

Darn it! The water mage thought to herself. Juvia didn’t want this to end so soon, she wanted to give Gray-sama all the time he wanted, but after this whole night of being on the verge of a climax, Juvia couldn’t stop herself.

Obviously, Gray was somewhat surprised by the sudden conclusion as well.

Wow, he thought to himself, she must’ve really needed this. Then again, she did tell me she has been spending the whole night like this. And those empty batteries in the vibrators probably mean that thing was working hard for nearly the entire time… Guess I should be grateful she managed to hold it in at all until I came home, the dark haired mage thought. A slight smile then appeared on Gray’s lips.

“Looks like you needed this badly.” 

Juvia didn’t reply, mainly because she was still breathing heavily. If not for the ropes pulling her wrists upwards, she would probably have fallen to the ground, that was how tired she was feeling after her night of struggling, combined with Gray's ministrations just now.

Gray noticed Juvia struggling to remain standing, so he held her in his arms to support the blue haired girl. He then noticed tears running down the blue haired girl's cheeks.

"Oi, Juvia, are you okay? Did I go too fast, o-or too far for you?" Gray asked in a slightly panicked voice.

Juvia shook her head vigorously.

“Ake e ag ou ese. (Take the gag out please)."

Gray took it out so Juvia could speak properly.

"Juvia is not mad or hurting or anything Gray-sama. She is just frustrated that everything ended so soon. She wanted this to be a wonderful first moment for the both of us. But Juvia couldn’t contain herself, so-, so-.” The still crying water mage now became short of breath, both from her position and from the crying.

Gray responded by holding her tightly, hugging her so hard the water mage once again had trouble breathing. “You don’t have to apologize,” the ice maker mage said softly, “I’m not angry or disappointed at all. In fact, I think you were wonderful for holding out as long as you did.”

Gray then let go and untied the rope binding Juvia’s wrists. He then helped her sit down gently so he could untie Juvia’s ankles from the spreader bar, as well as undo the crotchrope.

When the blue haired mage was free, tears began rolling down her eyes again.

“Still crying?” Gray asked. “Look, I really meant what I said, there’s no need to feel guilty.”

Juvia shook her head. “These are tears from happiness. Juvia is just so happy Gray-sama finally genuinely answered her feelings.”

Gray smiled. "Oh, then it’s okay.”

The dark haired mage now got a more serious look in his eyes. “…But, could we keep this all a secret? The whole guild knowing about us, about this, would just make everything more complicated. They already keep pestering me about my stripping habit, I really don’t need this” he held up the ropes and gag, “to be added to the list.”

Juvia nodded. “Juvia swears she will keep this between us.”

“Good.” Gray said with a bright smile. “In that case, I might stop by every once in a while to try this again, help you get some more experience with this.”

Juvia couldn’t help but smile back. She had never felt happier, even if she couldn’t share it with anyone. 

The water mage also silently vowed to gain more experience by herself as well, in order to be able to keep up with her beloved Gray-sama in the future.

It is decided, the blue haired mage thought to herself, Juvia will buy bondage materials and increase her knowledge. Maybe she should turn to Lucy and Erza as well, for additional explanations.

After the blue haired girl had recovered enough to stand up, she asked Gray to use his bathroom in order to get cleaned up and re-dressed. Afterwards, both Fairy Tail mages had a short chat about both the guild, its members, and of course their newly found pastime. 

Eventually, Juvia left Gray’s house to head back to the dormitory Fairy Hills. The water mage felt like she was walking on air.

Aaahh, Juvia is so happy her plan worked out. Maybe she should stop by at Lucy-san and Erza-san to thank them? 

…OH, but that would involve telling about Gray-sama and what just happened! Juvia wants to show her gratitude to both of them, but she must keep this a secret. So, maybe it’s best if Juvia doesn’t approach them for now. Perhaps if she ever wants to know more about all of this, she can go and visit them. 

Who knows? The blue haired girl thought to herself, Lucy-san and Erza-san might well come to Juvia by themselves, if they really wanted to know what happened after they left. They probably have an inkling already, no need to go and spill all of the details to them

… Besides, if Gray-sama were to find out I spoke about our moment together to them, he might go back on his promise of visiting Juvia!

And that was a risk the blue haired water mage was not willing to take. Erza and Lucy would just have to guess by themselves what had transpired after they left.


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