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E-a! E-za! E-ZA!!!

Erza slowly woke up to the muffled yelling of her own name.

Huh, dud I fall asleep? … Where is this? She thought, still drowsy.

She tried to get up to scan her surroundings, but the second she moved to sit upright, she snapped back onto her back. Something was pulling her down, and keeping her there.

She looked up at her hands and down at her ankles, which is where she felt the restraint was coming from. The red haired girl was instantly shocked wide awake when she noticed what it was that pulled her back onto the bed: She was chained, spread-eagled onto the bed!

Instinctively, the S-class mage tried to requip into an armor to escape her situation. But when nothing happened, she remembered what had been happening to her this weekend. She and Lucy had spent the last two days taking turns being tied up, and when she had finished her work on the blond mage, she had planned on taking a quick nap. 

Apparently, that had been a bad idea.

Erza pulled violently on the chains, thrashing about as much as they let her. 

No progress, the leather cuffs locked around her wrists and ankles were fitted too tight, and she couldn’t slip out of them. The chains themselves naturally didn’t budge at all, at first glance Erza could tell they were made out of solid steel. Besides, with her limbs spread out like this, she couldn’t gather any real strength even If she could snap the chains.

Great, the redhead thought, I'm helpless again. When I get my hands on that blonde...

Erza shouted, hoping Lucy was still in the apartment to hear her.

"Lucy, when I get out of this I will-".

Erza stopped her threat when she heard a slight moan to the right of her. She looked to the side, only to see her blond friend still securely bound and gagged, exactly the way she had been when Erza had dozed off.

Despite her own troublesome situation, she felt slightly pleased seeing Lucy had been unable to make even an inch of progress. Looks like I did a fine job there, Erza thought to herself. But now the question is, how the hell did I end up spread-eagled on Lucy's bed??

Lucy had ceased her struggling when Erza had started shouting. The blond girl was staring at her fellow mage, who had now started yanking on her chains again after she realized Lucy was not responsible for putting them on her.

"A u uk? (Are you stuck?)" Lucy asked with a hint of smugness.

Erza turned her head towards Lucy.

"Yes, thanks very much. But at least my position's not a bad as it was last time, nor as bad as yours is right now."

"Hrrmm" Lucy grunted. She didn't have to be reminded of her position, the tight chest harness was doing that all the time.

"At o e o ow? (What do we do now?)" She asked her redhead friend. If Erza really did have no chance of escape, they would both be stuck here until someone else found them! God knows how long that could take.

"I don't know." Erza said. 

"Start by telling me how on earthland I ended up chained to your bed." Her tone of voice getting angrier with every word.

“Mmmm, ow out I eve at or atr? I’s ea-y a-o-ing ea-in it is ag. (Hmm, how about I leave that for later? It’s really annoying speaking with this gag)”. 

Lucy wasn’t exactly lying, every word she uttered (or muttered) caused more and more drool to drip from her lips. After all of the hours she had spent in her predicament, her chin, chest and parts of the mattress were now dripping wet. She really didn't want any more stickiness around and on top of her by providing an explanation that would get neither of them anywhere closer to freedom.

“Well, I can understand that.” Erza said. 

“It’d be hard to understand everything you’re saying anyway. On top of that, knowing how I got chained up won’t help us get out now. So I’ll put the explanation on hold,  for now.” Erza stressed those last words. She was definitely going to find out how Lucy had pulled this off, bound, gagged and with her magic sealed. 

“O, ow at? (So, now what?)” Lucy asked her red haired team member.

“I don’t know,” Erza replied, 

“if you ask me, there’s only two options open to us: We either get out on our own or we get help. Option one is pretty much out of the question though, since these chains holding me will never budge and you have already spent hours struggling in vain.”

Lucy couldn’t help notice Erza’s smugness shining through in the last part of that sentence. But  the celestial spirit mage decided not act upon it. If they were ever going to escape, arguing would not help.

Erza continued: “with the window open, I guess I could shout for help.” 

Erza sounded really reluctant now. She really didn’t want anyone to see her like this. Even if she could explain how she ended up like this, it would still be far too embarrassing. Even worse, what if someone with ill intention heard her cry for help? Both girls would be unable to resist… 

Back to option one then, Erza thought. The redhead looked at Lucy again.

“I guess calling for help can be a last resort. I’m feeling well rested right now, so I’m not yet ready to throw in the towel on escaping by myself. What about you?” 

Lucy nodded. She too preferred nobody else saw her in this position.  “O or I (Go for it).”

Erza immediately sprung into action by struggling and pulling on the leather cuffs, twisting and turning as much as the chains let her. 

Since Lucy had already confirmed (several times) struggling was a useless effort for her, she decided to sit tight and rest whilst Erza was writhing around on the bed. 

Sadly the vibrators decided otherwise. The minute they activated again, the poor blonde was once again forced to thrash around and moan uncontrollably.

Around the time Erza had woken up in Lucy’s apartment, Natsu met up with happy on the streets of Magnolia.

“Hey Natsu! Did you find out what was bothering Lucy so much this morning?” The blue cat asked whilst hovering above his dragon slayer friend.

“Yes I did.” the pink haired mage answered. 

“But it’s sort of a private matter, so I’d rather not discuss it too loudly. Come over here.”

Happy flew down to Natsu, who started whispering what he just witnessed at Lucy’s place.

Happy’s eyes widened. “Whaaat! Is that true Natsu? Erza and Lucy are in Lucy’s apartment, all t-.”

“Shhh!” Natsu shouted. He then pulled Happy closer to him and continued his explanation.

With both friends so preoccupied about the topic of conversation, neither of them had noticed Juvia passing by just as Happy had started shouting. This had intrigued the blue haired woman, and she had subsequently hidden herself close to the two in order to eavesdrop on the rest of the conversation.

Natsu let go of his blue haired cat.

“No one can know about this! It was something between the two of them, no one can interfere. Especially since Erza doesn’t know yet who is responsible for chaining her to the bed.”

“ Okay Natsu, my lips are sealed. Let’s go back to the guild, maybe there’s a good quest for just the two of us, since our other team members are busy right now.” Happy winked at Natsu.

After grasping most of the situation described by Natsu, Juvia figured this was an ideal moment to check up on 2 of her biggest 'love rivals'. She headed straight for Lucy’s apartment, wondering if what she was going to find would really be as good as Natsu had described.

Back at Lucy’s place.


Erza had really lost her patience now. She had been struggling non-stop for over half an hour, but to no avail. The chains were too strong and the cuffs were strapped on too tightly to slip out of. And even though everything had been padlocked in place, there wasn’t a single keys in sight, let alone within reach. Try as she might, Erza could think of no way to successfully free herself, even if she could have counted on Lucy’s assistance.

After tiring herself out, the red haired mage flopped back down onto the bed so she could catch her breath. She looked at Lucy, who was even worse off than her. 

The vibrators had been buzzing away for nearly the entire time Erza had been struggling, almost half an hour of continuous but uncontrollable pleasure. By the time the vibrators finally ceased again, Lucy was crying from frustration. Those tiny little beads taped to her nipples, combined with the strict feeling of the ropes, caused her to become extremely aroused. But at the same time it wasn’t nearly enough for her to have an orgasm. And with her hands tightly bound behind her back, there was no way of giving herself the much needed liberation.

Erza was now really pitying her blond friend. She regretted putting the vibrators on random, since the unexpectedness of it all made everything that much more frustrating for poor Lucy. Erza couldn’t think of anything to say that would comfort her friend, and therefore thought it best not to bring up the subject at all.

Instead, she started thinking about the other escape option. 

Did they really have no other option than to shout for help? Erza still didn’t want to be seen like this. But this wasn’t just about her, Lucy really needed to be released as soon as possible. She decided to ask the blond girl’s opinion.

“Lucy… I still don’t want anyone to find us like this... But if you really want out now, I will call for help. I can tell you can’t take much more of this so I will set aside my pride if you need me too.”

The blonde girl didn’t care anymore about being seen in her position. She didn’t even care who it would be that found her like this, she just wanted those vibrators to stop. She just wanted out of these ropes. She sat herself upright, looked at Erza and nodded her head.

“Ank u E-za (Thank you Erza).”

Erza smiled, and turned her head to the window. But before she could shout her first cry for help, a blue shape suddenly appeared on the window sill, obscured by the sunlight shining in Erza’s eyes.

The shape in question came from a blue haired woman wearing blue clothes. 

The woman started talking.

“Juvia can’t believe it, everything Natsu said to Happy was right.”

Erza recognized the voice and let out a relieved sigh.

“Juvia! Thank God it’s you, marvelous timing! Quickly, untie us! We’ve been stuck like this for I don’t know how long. Lucy can’t take much more, so start with her. You can probably find some scissors in the-”

Erza stopped talking when she noticed the dark look on Juvia’s face.

“J-Juvia, what’s wrong? I know this looks strange, but we will explain everything as soon as we’re out. Just hurry please, neither of us can bear to be in our position for much longer. The house has been sealed of magic, so we can't get out on our own and nobody knows of us being here.” 

Both of the helpless girls watch Juvia as she gets down from the window sill and starts walking into the room. The water mage doesn't say a word, and her expression is devoid of any emotion. When Juvia is standing in the middle of the room, she looks at Erza.

“So, you cannot use magic in this room? Juvia was wondering why a mage as powerful as you was lying there completely helpless. This is a really lucky break for Juvia, who has been wondering for months how to get rid of her 2 greatest love rivals for Gray-sama’s heart.”

The blue haired woman now smiled eerily.

Juvia can’t believe her luck“

“Juvia, stop kidding around!” Erza screamed, slightly scared from the look the water mage was giving her. “There is no rivalry for Gray between any of us, and we really don’t need any more problems added to our current predicament.”

“On the contrary, Erza-san.” Juvia said. 

“I think you do need a little bit of extra persuasion so as to keep your hands off of my Gray-sama.” That said, the blue haired woman headed for Lucy’s drawers and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for. 

The water mage walked back to Erza with a triumphant look, holding a small white feather.

Erza’s eyes widened, and she instinctively started pulling on her bonds again. 

“Juvia, No! For the last time neither I nor Lucy plan on stealing Gray away from you, we swear! Please just untie us from this.”

Juvia ignored Erza’s plea and sat next to her on the bed. It was then she noticed the remote control with its setting on random.

“What’s this for?” She asked out loud, more addressed to herself than to Erza. The blue haired girl flipped the switch to full on.

Immediately, Lucy started squealing and squirming on the mattress(both in anger and pleasure). Juvia could hear the blond mage utter pleas in between her many loud moans and gasps.


“Oh, so that’s what it does.” Juvia mused with an evil grin. 

“Guess Juvia no longer has to concern herself with treating you then, Lucy-san.”

“JUVIA, this has gone far enough!” Erza screamed as loud as she could, hoping to scare the water mage into submission.

Juvia was not impressed however, and calmly turned round to face Erza, still holding the little feather in hand.

“No It hasn’t, Erza-san. It will be enough when Juvia says so. After all, you still need a treatment of your own.” 

Juvia then unbuttoned Erza' blouse, revealing the bright red bikini again.

“I’m sure you know what I’m planning to do.” The water mage said whilst waving the feather.

Not waiting for an answer (or protest), Juvia immediately started brushing the feather across Erza’s belly and sides.

This caused the red haired mage to laugh and squirm uncontrollably. Erza also began thrashing around on the bed, pulling on the chains and cuffs binding her to try and get away from the feather. Her efforts were in vain however, as the cuffs held her firmly in place, unable to dodge Juvia’s relentless tickling. 

After a few minutes, Juvia allowed the S-class mage to catch her breath.

“J-Juvia, I’m begging here. Please cease all of this, both me and Lucy can’t go on. And for the last time, we promise you nothing is going on between Gray and us.”

“Well, if you’re saying this even now, Juvia can believe you.” The blue haired woman replied.

Erza smiled at Juvia, relieved she finally got through to her.

“Then you’ll release us from this?”

“Not yet” Juvia answered. 

“You may be harmless for my chances at winning over Gray-sama, but Juvia is having surprisingly much fun doing this. Juvia thinks she will continue for a bit longer.”

The water mage then moved over to Erza’s feet and took of the black high heels the redhead was wearing.

“Don’t worry, Erza-san. Juvia promises to release both of you when she’s had her fill.”

Erza tried to look as angry as possible, but this proved to be really difficult with the fear of another tickle torture creeping up on her. 

“Juvia, don’t you da-“ 

But Erza’s threat was cut short by the feather tickling the soles of her feet, making the red haired mage unable to do anything other than twist and turn in her bonds whilst bursting with laughter.

Meanwhile, Lucy could do nothing other than helplessly watch as her poor red haired friend had to undergo Juvia’s cruel tickling. 

Mind you, in Lucy’s own opinion she was the one getting the worst treatment. The vibrators were now buzzing furiously, causing her arousal (and frustration) to be lifted up to a whole new level. She wasn’t sure whether to cry or moan, to hate Juvia or thank her for the feelings welling up inside her right now.

After about 10 minutes on and off tickling of Erza’s feet, armpits and belly, Juvia pulled back from Erza and flicked the switch to turn off Lucy’s vibrators. 

Lucy let out one last moan of utter relief and slumped to the ground, completely exhausted. Erza on the other hand was still jiggling about slightly and breathing rapidly, trying to recover as well.

It was then, whilst watching both damsels catch their breath, that something hit the blue haired water mage. 

Both girls, sweaty, tired, but relieved at the same time, looked absolutely stunning! It was like seeing a whole new side to them, a side which was brimming with sex-appeal and sensuality.

…Could she make faces like that too? And if she could, would it help her in winning over Gray-sama’s heart?


Juvia was looking at both Lucy and Erza. Both girls were still tied up and trying to catch their breath, positively helpless. But it was that helplessness, combined with the look on both girls’ faces, that made them look so alluring and beautiful.

Juvia wants to look like that too, the blue haired girl though. If Juvia could make a face like that, and be completely helpless like these two, Gray-sama would surely come to her rescue. After which he would definitely fall in love with her and they would be together forever!

Juvia started blushing as her imagination ran wild. She had made up her mind, she would try out this strategy… But she would need help for that, and the people to ask were right In front of her. But would they be willing to help, after what Juvia had done to them?

Juvia decided to take the gamble. 

“Umm, Erza-san, Lucy-san. I know you are probably angry with me right now… but nonetheless Juvia would like to request something from the two of you.”

Both girls look up at the now blushing blue haired mage.

“J-Juvia noticed how the two of you looked whilst in this predicament. And she would like to be able to show similar looks to Gray-sama. Could you help Juvia with this?” Juvia was by now bright red and unable to look both girls in the eye.

Both Lucy and Erza found this embarrassment so endearing, and they were both so relieved at the prospect of being released, that they saw no problem in helping the water mage with her request.

Erza smiled at the water mage. “Juvia, if it gets us out of this, nothing is too much to ask. Don’t you agree Lucy?” 

Lucy responded by nodding fervently.

“I ur e an igu ou om-ing a I oo e ik (I’m sure we can figure out something that will do the trick).” 

Juvia smiled, happy that both girls were still willing to aid her, and started untying her fellow guild members. As soon as Lucy was released from her tight bindings she flopped down onto her mattress, exhausted but satisfied at finally being able to move again. She started massaging her breast, which were still extremely sensitive from the long and harsh treatment they’d had to endure.

When the tingling started subsiding a little, Lucy looked up at Juvia and Erza. “Just give me a sec to catch my breath, and I’ll start making preparations for Juvia’s surprise for Gray.”

Erza turned her gaze from Lucy to the water mage. 

“Would you like to start right away, Juvia? We can all head over to Gray’s house right now if you like.”

“Juvia would like that. This is all so new and unfamiliar to Juvia, but she would rather not wait too long, for fear of losing her nerve.”

“Well, can’t have that happening,” Lucy said with a smile. “I’ll just pack a few things and we’ll be off straight away then!”

Lucy got dressed again, Erza buttoned up her shirt and put on the high heels she had lent from Lucy, and the trio left Lucy’s apartment.

When finally at Gray’s house, Erza pulled out a key and opened the front door.

Both Lucy and Juvia looked at the red haired mage In amazement.

“Why do you have a key to Gray’s house?” Both girls asked simultaneously (Lucy in wonder, Juvia in anger).

“Gray gave me one after coming back from a quest one time. We were passing by Lamia Scale’s guild hall, and he wanted to stop by and catch up with Lyon. So, he asked me to go on ahead and deliver his share of the rewards to his place. And I guess I just forgot to give this key back afterwards.” 

“If Gray-sama is not missing that key, can Juvia have it then?” The water mage asked hopeful.

“No,” Erza replied instantly, “he trusted me with this key, so I won’t let it out of my hands. Not even for a fellow guild member.”

Before Juvia could mount a protest, Lucy interrupted. 

“Enough chatting now,” let’s get inside and get started. We don’t want Gray entering before you’re ready, now do we?”

The three girls walked into Gray’s home and headed for the living room. After taking a quick look around, Lucy started nodding.

“This place will do. There’s plenty of room to work with, and the welcoming hall is right next to this room so Gray will find you almost immediately upon entering.”

“Ready, Juvia?” Erza asked the nervous looking water mage.

“Juvia is ready Erza-san, Lucy-san. Please begin your work.”

“Not so fast,” Lucy said, “If this surprise is going to do the job, you need to look a little more… alluring. Why don’t you strip down to your underwear?”

“S-s-strip?!” Juvia shouted.

“What? You don’t mind being bound and gagged, but stripping is too much for you?” Lucy asked in wonder. “Imagine the look on Gray’s face when he sees you in his house, scantily clad and completely helpless.”

“Indeed,” Erza supported. 

“He won’t be able to resist. If you want to win a man’s heart, Juvia, you must first steel your own heart.”

Juvia started blushing, not just at the thought of dressing down to her underwear, but at the impact It would have on her beloved Gray-sama when he finally entered this room.

“J-Juvia understands. She really wants her feelings to get through to Gray-sama, so…”

Juvia started taking off her shoes, socks and all other clothes she was wearin. Underneath it all Juvia was wearing a seductive lingerie set. Some lacy Bordeaux red panties with a matching bra, which was nicely filled out by her above average chest. The dark red panties accentuated her cute behind really well too.

She had bought this outfit specifically because it suited her so well. It even matched with her light coloured skin, as well as her dark blue eyes and hair. She had always hoped for Gray-sama to be the first man to see this lingerie set, and her wishes would soon be granted thanks to Lucy and Erza.

Both Lucy and Erza were slightly taken aback by the stunning number Juvia had been hiding under her clothes.

“That’s some outfit you have there Juvia.” Lucy said.

“Indeed, you’ve got fine taste regarding underwear.” Erza confirmed.

Juvia started blushing even more than she already had been. “Thank you both.” She said in a soft voice.

“Now it’s our turn,” Lucy said.

“Erza, you work on Juvia’s legs. I’ll take care of her hands.”

“Sure, but what sort of tie did you have in mind?” Erza asked, turning towards her blond friend.

“Oh, nothing too difficult or uncomfortable. Juvia is a complete novice after all.”

I don’t recall the same sympathy being shown to me, Erza thought annoyed. But she decided not to vocalize her disdain. After all, she had already gotten her revenge on the blond mage.

Lucy continued explaining her plan, now looking at Juvia.

“We’ll simply tie Juvia’s hands together and pull them up to the ceiling. Having her stand up isn’t all that straining on her body, and stretching her a little will show off all of her curves nicely.” 

Lucy now bent down and started going through the bag she had brought from her apartment. 

“As for her legs, you can use this Erza.”

Lucy pulled a large spreader bar out of the bag. The bar in question measured about 32 inches (80cm), long enough to force the legs of a girl of Juvia’s height wide open.

“Just tie Juvia’s ankles to one side each and force her legs to spread apart. This is once again not very straining, but makes for a very alluring position.”

“Got it.” Erza said as she took over the spreader bar and pulled 2 coils of ropes out of the bag.

Lucy pulled a long rope out of the bag too and looked at Juvia again. 

“Now then, are you ready to begin, Juvia?”

“Juvia is ready.” The blue haired girl replied, and she stuck out her hands towards Lucy.

Lucy quickly started winding the long rope around Juvia’s wrists, tying them together and knotting it off tightly. She then threw the rope over one of the ceiling beams and let it drop down again.

“I’ll just leave it like this until Erza finishes with the spreader bar. I need to get an idea on the position of your legs before I can start pulling your hands up.”

While Lucy had been working on Juvia’s hands and looping the rope around the ceiling beam, Erza was busy tying a rope around each of Juvia’s ankles and then to an end of the bar. When the redhead was finished, Juvia's legs were spread apart and forced to remain like that.

Next, Lucy started pulling on the rope around the beam to pull Juvia’s wrists upward. The blond girl continued to do so until she was forcing Juvia to lift her heels of the ground, standing on her toes slightly. Lucy then tied off the rope to a large and heavy closet located behind Juvia, far out of reach of the water mage’s now fluttering fingers.

Juvia didn’t expect the ropes to be this tight! The blue haired mage thought. But before the now nearly immobile water mage could utter a word, Erza caught her attention.

“Next up is the gag. you can’t really say you’re helpless if you can still call for help, after all.” Erza said while pulling a big blue ballgag out of the bag Lucy had brought. Erza proceeded to push the gag into Juvia’s mouth and buckled it tight.

Both Lucy and Erza then walked over to stand in front of the now wriggling Juvia.

“How does it feel?” Lucy asked.

“Not too uncomfortable?” Erza asked right after Lucy.

Juvia looked for a balanced position before answering.

“Hmmm, I ite u ot oo u-cof-abel (Hmmm, It’s tight but not too uncomfortable).” 

“Great, just as I intented!” Lucy replied happily. 

“Now for the finishing touches.” The blond girl said as she was once again rummaging through the big bag she’d brought. After searching for a while, she pulled out a collar of the same dark blue colour as Juvia’s gag.

“Hmm?” Juvia mumbled.

“You wanna know what this is?” Lucy asked as she walked over and placed the collar around the water mage’s neck, buckling it shut. 

“It’s a collar with a magic seal embedded in it. It keeps any mage, no matter how powerful, from summoning any magic power whatsoever, thereby turning them into just a simple civilian.”

“WHHTT?!” Juvia shouted. She instantly tried to create one of her water slicers, but not even a single drop appeared. The blue haired girl then tried to turn her hands and arms into water in order to slip out of the wrist ropes, but again nothing happened.

In response to her inability to use magic, Juvia began pulling on the rope binding her wrists, and tried shaking her legs to slip out of the ankle bonds. The vigor of her struggles nearly caused her to lose her balance, but even after several minutes of wriggling, she was still as stuck as ever. The blond and red haired mage had done their job well, and Juvia saw no way for her to free herself.

“I don’t get why you’re making such a fuss all of a sudden, Juvia.” Erza said calmly. 

“Wasn’t the whole point of this you being helpless to resist when Gray walked in? You could hardly be called helpless when you still have access to your magical powers.”

After hearing Erza, Juvia calmed down. 

She’s right, the blue haired woman thought. I’m supposed to be defenceless... But even though this was all part of Juvia’s request, she never expected the actual experience to make her feel so agitated and exited at the same time.

The water mage looked at her two fellow guild members. She was now starting to blush from embarrassment for throwing her fit after having her magic sealed.

“There we go,” Erza said. 

“That’s exactly the sort of helpless demeanour you were aiming for, right Juvia?”

“More than that,” Lucy responded, “I think she’s actually enjoying herself at some level.”

Juvia really started to blush now, as she had just noticed what Lucy meant by that remark. Her nipples had hardened and were now poking through the dark red fabric of her bra.

Erza smiled when she noticed this. “Yup, she’s definitely happy about something. looks like our work here is done.”

Lucy smiled at Erza. “Not quite. I’ve thought of one more addition that will definitely help get our love struck water mage here in the mood, ready for whatever Gray has in mind when he walks into his home.”

Lucy bent down to search through her bag again, pulling out one last rope and a small long thin vibrator. 

Upon seeing the small vibrator, Juvia started wriggling again and protesting through her gag, even though she realized full well she had absolutely no say in the matter anymore.

Lucy, paying the muffled protests of the blue haired girl no heed, wound the rope around Juvia’s now wildly dancing waist. The blond girl then pulled the rope tight to force the water mage to calm her struggles, and pulled the crotchrope through Juvia’s legs, tying it off at the back. She then pulled the rope back through the blue haired girl’s legs again, and knotted it off once more at the front. 

The result was two strands of rope running in between Juvia’s legs, both digging into her crotch slightly. But the real reason for this doubled-up rope was so Lucy could fit the vibrator in between them, keeping it in place and making sure was is pressed tightly onto Juvia’s crotch as well.

Juvia was now loudly yelling protests, begging the celestial spirit mage not to go through with her plan.

“Ue-an, Eza-an! Ese on o is. I is is aout is ate-oon, I a-o-o-ise. I ote an is i-a-er o e!

(Lucy-san, Erza san! Please don’t do this. if this is about this afternoon, I apologise. I don’t want this vibrator on me!)”

“Well Juvia, I didn’t want those two tiny vibrators on my nipples to go full blast either. But you ignored my pleas, just as I’m doing to you now.” Lucy said.

“At least for you there is still some use in wearing this vibrator.” The blonde girl continued.

“Think about how much this will help Gray warm up to you! Imagine his reaction upon finding you in his own house all ready, moist and unable to resist whatever he wants to do to you.”

Juvia’s face became red like a strawberry. 

Sure, she wanted Gray to recognize her feelings, but she had never planned for everything to go this far from all at once. If Gray sama would respond to her feelings after this, she would’ve been more than content. But to act upon them immediately...

The fantasies of the infatuated water mage were interrupted when Lucy started speaking again.

“Of course, all that will to wait for a while.”

“What do you mean?” Erza asked her blond fellow guild member.

“Well,” Lucy answered, “I just remembered hearing Gray say he had a quest to do in the neighbouring town when I was in the guild hall yesterday afternoon. He probably departed first thing this morning, and he estimated it would take him about a day. That would make his time of arrival tomorrow morning, right?”

Juvia’s eyes widened. 

“U-ia i o-in o af o ay e or o-er a ey?! (Juvia is going to have to stay here for the whole night?!)”

Erza decided she would try and make the blue haired damsel feel better, she didn’t succeed.

“Don’t worry, Juvia. Both Lucy and I managed to remain tied for hours on end, and our positions were far worse than yours. After the first three hours, you start to accept your predicament and you’ll be able to enjoy yourself a little. Trust me, this night is going to fly by.“

“On top of that, you’ll be having this thing to amuse you.” Lucy said as she flicked the switch on the vibrator.

“HMMMM!!” Juvia moaned. 

The vibrator was vibrating ever so slightly, but it’s effect was enough to instantly turn the blue haired damsel’s already poking out nipples rock hard. 

But not just her nipples reacted to the buzzing of the vibrator, her entire mind and body were becoming filled with feelings of arousal and excitement, pleasure and frustration.

“The vibrator is programmed to pause every now and then, after which it will reactivate on a slightly more powerful setting each time. This way you have something to look forward too, every time the vibrator gives you a chance to catch your breath.” Lucy said in a teasing tone of voice.

Juvia was trying to pay attention to the explanation the blonde mage was giving her. But even this so called ‘light setting’ of the vibrator, combined with the feeling of being bound and gagged, was driving her body wild with pleasure.

“Be sure to get the most of it while you can.” Lucy said. “I’m pretty sure the batteries are on their last legs, and this mode drains them heavily.”

“I estimate that they’ll run out of juice after 7 or 8 more bursts. Time wise, that would be around the end of the night.” Lucy smiled deviously. 

“Just in time for Gray to find you, ready as you’ll ever be for whatever he has in mind.”

By now , Erza had walked over to the exit of the living room. 

“Lucy, I think it’s about time we leave our fellow mage to enjoy her first bondage experience.”

“You’re right Erza. Have fun Juvia!” The blonde girl said whilst winking at the now furiously wriggling an grunting water mage.

Both girls walked out of the living room and closed the door behind them. After closing the door, Juvia’s loud moans became almost completely inaudible. Both mages then left Gray’s house and Erza locked the door behind her with her key.

As the girls were walking back to the guild, Erza notices Lucy being fidgety about something.

“Having second thoughts about leaving Juvia like that?” Erza asked.

“What? No! My breasts and nipples are still tingling from the full on vibrator-burst she gave me!” Lucy replied. 

“It’s just… I- I mean… What I’m trying to say… Is sorry for tying you up and leaving you in my apartment yesterday.”

Erza stopped walking, slightly confused at what she had just heard. 

“You’re apologizing? What for? I mean, I did something equally cruel to you.”

“I know, but that was payback.” The blond mage replied.

“I’m the one who started this all. Granted, I never expected things to get out of hand like this, but still... I wanted to apologize for it anyway and ask if you could ever forgive me for putting you through that horrible night.”

Erza now smiles slightly. “Well, looking back, it wasn’t all that horrible. I did feel plenty of pleasure from the position you put me in, even though I sometimes didn’t want to.”

The S-class mage now started blushing. “Besides, I really enjoyed making you helpless in turn, and watch you wriggle about trying to escape.” 

Now Lucy started blushing as well. 

“Guess you’re more cut out to be a domme. I don’t know why that should come as a surprise, given that you’re Erza.” 

The blonde mage now smiled at her friend. "Well, if I'm ever in the mood of being turned into a damsel in distress, I'll know who to call." 

Erza answered Lucy’s smile with a bright smile of her own.

"Right, and I'll be sure to answer that call. You are no longer alone in your hobby, Lucy."

Lucy giggled.

“Speaking of not being alone, I wonder who else in Fairy Tail we could ‘rope’ into this game of ours." 

"Don't start now," Erza said. 

"I've only just started getting used to the whole thing. And I'm sure Juvia is also going to need some time to recover from the ordeal we just put her in, so getting her to ever join us again will take time."

Lucy sighed. "I'm just saying, we can't be the only ones with 'special interests', right?" 

Erza nodded. “I agree, given the members which make up our guild, I’d say there’s a definite possibility we can find kindred spirits among them.”

“So, now that everything between us has finally been resolved... are you going to tell me how on Earthland I woke up chained to your bed?”

Erza smiled at her fellow mage. “Or do I have to tie you up again and drag it out of you?”

Lucy gently rubbed her breasts again. 

“As fun as that sounds, let’s hold off until I’ve recovered a bit more. I’ve had quite enough of being your plaything for the moment. 

Lucy now turned her head to face the red haired mage.

“Besides, does it really still matter how it all happened? Everything turned out all right didn’t it? And I guarantee the culprit is never going to speak about it to anyone”

“Oh? What makes you so sure of that?” Erza asked.

“Because it’s you we’re talking about! No way anyone is going to put you on their bad side, right?”

Erza chuckled. “Point taken… Well, if my secret’s safe, then I guess I can let it go. After all, I’ve already had plenty of epiphanies this weekend”

“right!” Lucy responded with a big smile, “You’ve found yourself a new hobby, and a partner to practice it with! Same goes for me, I guess. So in a way, this has been a very productive weekend.”

Erza nodded. “One of many more to come, I would say.”


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