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Erza was sleeping peacefully on top of Lucy's bed. Lucy was still lying on the mattress, struggling lightly and catching her breath from a particularly long and heavy vibrator streak.

Sheesh, the blonde girl thought to herself, just how heavy a sleeper is she? Sure, I’ve been trying to keep my moaning down as much as possible in case people walking on the street by would hear something through the open window. But still, Erza hasn’t shown any sign of waking up, and I don’t know how much longer I can bear this.

She felt like she was going to go insane if those damned vibrators would keep interrupting her escape efforts. Every time she thought she'd gotten close to pulling on a knot, those tiny yet effective buzzing machines started acting up again. What the hell was so random about them? Lucy by now would swear they could read her mind!

The blonde celestial spirit mage looked at the timer: 9 hours, 45 minutes, 38 seconds and counting down. She'd already spent over 5 hours in this state, and no progress whatsoever! What felt even worse was realizing the ordeal wasn't even halfway yet. And with Erza still fast asleep, those vibrators would probably be buzzing away for quite some time longer, making her situation even less pleasant.

Lucy had just started another one of her seemingly hopeless escape wriggles when she heard a sound coming from outside, but really close. All of a sudden, Natsu jumped onto the window sill. 

"Lucy, I was wondering if-"

The second Natsu looked into the room and witnessed the scene in front of him, his jaw dropped to the floor. Erza was sound asleep on top of Lucy's bed. She had her back turned to Lucy, who was bound, gagged and wildly struggling.

The blonde bombshell ceased her wriggles when she noticed Natsu sitting on the window sill.

Asu, om ea (Nastu, come here). She mumbled through her gag, trying to beckon him over with what little movement she had to her disposal.

"Err, should I come back later? It looks to me you're kind of busy." Natsu said, still staring at the blonde mage.

"O, et o-er ea. (No, get over here)." Lucy said, drool dripping onto her already wet chest.

"First, could I get some kind of an explanation? Should I ask Erza" The pink haired boy asked, pointing at the sleeping redhead mage.

Lucy heavily shook her head . 

"O, I e-pai e-y-ing soo, a i ag ou. (No, I'll explain everything soon. Take my gag out)

Natsu sneaks over quietly so as not to wake Erza, since it seemed Lucy didn't want that to happen. He takes out the soaking wet gag, allowing Lucy to finally take a decent and deep breath.

"Should I start untying you now? " Natsu asked Lucy.

"No, " Lucy whispered, "first you should restrain Erza. In the bottom drawer of that desk over there you can find some leather cuffs, chains and padlocks. Take 4 each and spread-eagle Erza, chain her to the bed."

This confused the dragon slayer mage even more. Tie up Erza instead of untying Lucy? On top of that, Natsu's jaw was once again hanging wide open upon hearing Lucy casually sum up all of the gear she had in the house.

Lucy tried to stop her fellow mage from gawking and make him spring into action instead.

"Get to it," she hissed, "and make sure you're quiet so you don't wake Erza. If she wakes up before you finish, we'll both be in great trouble."

"I don't know. Why should I tie Erza up? " The pink haired boy asked.
"I did not expect to find this when I came in here. The only reason I even stopped by is because I noticed you running from the guild with a panicked look on your face this morning. I thought you might be in some kind of trouble... Turns out I was right, but very very wrong at the same time." Natsu grinned at his blond friend.

“What is going on here or why is not any importance to you helping me out. This is something between me and her.” Lucy said gesturing her head towards the sleeping S-class mage. 

“Now stop wasting time and do what I asked you to.” Lucy said, trying to keep her voice down even though she was losing her patience fast.

"I dunno,” The dragon slayer said, “if this is a thing between the two of you, it's not really fair if I help you, right?"

"Since when is it unfair to give someone help when they're up against Erza?" The blonde girl snarled. "I’ll have you know she was the first one to be tied up, but I'm certain she did something sneaky to get out. I'm just asking you to level the playing field again." Lucy tried to sound innocent and needy, hoping Natsu could be coaxed into believing her.

"Weeell,  the chance to pull a fast one on Erza is tempting." The dragon slayer mused. "And since we're all teammates, you asking me for back-up is fair game right?" 

Lucy smiled and nodded, relieved that Natsu was willing to help her out with this.

Natsu stood up. "So what did you need me to do again?"

After hearing Lucy's instructions again, Natsu does as he is told and heads over to the desk to quietly search for the needed equipment. When he is finally holding everything he needs, he carefully gets on the bed next to Erza, who has now rolled onto her back.

Natsu stealthily wraps chains around the 4 ends of the bed, locking them in place. He then gently attaches the 4 leather cuffs to each of Erza's wrists and ankles, locking those too. Finally, he loops another lock around a metal ring attached to each cuff and its respective chain, locking Erza's limbs in a spreadeagle position.

The result was Erza lying on the bed, not completely stretched out, but with the chains binding her arms and legs still short enough to keep her from moving all that much. She certainly would be unable to maneuver herself to any of the ends of the bed, so reaching for the padlocks was out. Even if she could, without the keys (which Natsu hadn't bother taking out of the drawer), there was little chance of her opening any of the locks, even if she could reach them.

After Natsu finishes restraining Erza, he turns to Lucy again.

"Good work Natsu,” the blonde mage praised, “now you can come and untie me from this. And please hurry, this position is really starting to drive me crazy."

"Hang on," the pink haired boy said "before I start doing anything else, I want some answers. First of all, what's that clock thing for?" He pointed at the timer, which was now showing 9hours, 10 minutes and 19 seconds left.

Lucy looked at the flame dragon slayer in disbelief. That's the thing he's most curious about? Here she was, dressed in nothing more than sexy underwear and completely helpless to boot, and Natus’s attention was drawn by a damn clock?! Lucy sighed, it was at times like this she seriously questioned that dragon slayer’s humanity and mental health.

The blonde girl answered the question anyway: 'It's the time remaining I have to spend in this position, as determined by Erza. But with you here and Erza bound, I'm in luck. I can get out before my due time." Lucy smiled at Natsu in gratitude, for the first time she was genuinely grateful for his barging in without knocking.

Natsu was still looking at the clock, his back turned to Lucy. From the moment Lucy had finished the explanation, he had ceased to move. Was that clock still so interesting? Lucy thought annoyed.

"Natsu, you coming or what? Just because Erza is stuck, doesn't mean we have all the time in the world. Besides, I already told you these ropes are starting to hurt. Come untie me already."

"I don't think I can untie you Lucy." Natsu turned around, an expression of fear all over his face.

"D-, Don't be silly Natsu. Of course you can, if the knots look a bit complicated I can talk you through them. Just-"

"The knots aren't the problem," The pink haired mage interrupted, "If Erza placed this timer rule thing, then I don't want anything to do with helping you break it. You said it was between you and her, so I thought some kind of competition was going on. But if this is a punishment for you issued by Erza, then I’m not taking responsibility for busting you out. “

Before Lucy could make any form of protest or plea, Natsu had already moved beside her.

“You're on your own for this, Lucy. In fact, I'm putting this gag back in so you can't rat me out on being in here."

"Natsu, N-mpff! -" Lucy yelled, her protesting stopped halfway by the refitting of her ring gag.

Natsu grinned . "There. Now I don't have to fear you telling Erza who's responsible for her situation.”

"U URK !! (YOU JERK!!) Lucy screamed as loud as she could. 

“ Hmm,” Natsu said, no longer paying attention to the now furious Lucy. “Maybe I should unchain Erza again, just to be safe. She’s bound to wonder how she ended up like that when she wakes up.”

“Nmmpfff!! (NOOO!)” Lucy yelled, terrified at the thought of ending up in exactly the same predicament as she had been before Natsu ‘came to the rescue’.

The noise Lucy was making caused Erza to stir, and she let out a soft grunt. This caused the dragon slayer to jump. 

"Looks like it’s best if I get out now, before Erza wakes up." Natsu said. "It’s better If she didn't see me, that way there's no proof of me being the one responsible for her current position."

Lucy started panicking.

"U ant o is! F u le ow, e on e a-l o et ou! Er i- (You can't do this! If you leave now, we won't be able to get out! There is-)"

Natsu wasn't paying attention to Lucy's pleading. Instead he interrupted her, thinking he would soothe the blonde girl:

"Don’t worry Lucy, these chains won't hold Erza. Actually, you should’ve know that already." Natsu smiled at Lucy, trying to calm the angry damsel down.

"When she wakes up, she'll requip her heaven wheel armor and slash her bonds in no time. If you behave, she will probably let you out when the timer is finished."

Natsu headed for the window. This made Lucy wriggle and writhe fiercer than she ever had and trying to yell through her gag as loud as she could:

"Na-u, Wate! U dnt undestnd, th hse as a ma-ic s-aaahn!!! (Natsu, wait! You don't understand, the house has a magic s-aaaahn!!)" There the vibrators went again. 

No, no, no, NO! Why now of all times, Lucy cursed inside her head.

The vibrators, on a rather rough setting this time, left Lucy little room to do anything other than to gasp for air. By the time they shut off again and she had regained her composure, Natsu had jumped out the window and was far out of shouting range.

Lucy wanted to scream, curse, cry and laugh all at the same time. It was just so ridiculous, she thought to herself. How the hell did a simple, innocent plan to have some fun with her S-class wizard friend turn out to be such a disaster?Now the both of them were restrained, devoid of magic and, for all intents and purposes, completely helpless. 

Neither She nor Erza stood any chance of getting themselves out of their respective situations. Helping each other was even more impossible, as Erza could not even sit up, let alone leave the bed. Lucy herself would struggle (no pun intended) just to get off her own mattress, climbing a bed was out of the question for her.

In short, their only chance of freedom lied with the return of a certain airhead dragon slayer who was probably picking a fight with Gray at the guild right now.

Lucy shuddered to think of Erza's reaction when she would wake up. Of course she would be blamed for this, even though she obviously was still unable to move at all.  

Miraculously, or perhaps by dumb luck, Natsu had actually properly planned ahead on this. By sticking Lucy's gag back in position she would be unable to explain what had transpired in this room to her redhead fellow damsel. And with Erza sleeping through all of it and never seeing Natsu in here, she would have a hard time piecing the puzzle together on her own.

Lucy decided to make herself as comfortable as possible for now, since she had no way of knowing when the vibrators would spring back into action.

Why, oh why did she not tell Natsu to shut off the remote control lying on the nightstand. He had been sitting right next to it when he was locking down Erza.

But nooo. She had to confide in Natsu, thinking he would simply follow any and all orders she would give him. Now, instead of leaving Lucy in charge of the situation again, the brain-dead flame dragon slayer had rendered both female mages utterly defenseless. 

With no way to free themselves whatsoever, the only chance both damsels had was being found by another person with complete a lack of respect for privacy.  Not that that would bode well for them. Lucy briefly wondered what would be worse, being found by someone in a position where she was unable to resist… or not being found at all. As a number of frightening scenario's began playing out inside her mind, Erza started stirring again. It would seem she was close to waking up.

Great, NOW she wakes up, Lucy thought. The blonde almost didn't care anymore about what Erza's reaction would be upon fully awakening. The only good thing Lucy could deduce from this entire situation, was that Erza would be unable to take out her wrath on her. Since Erza herself now was securely bound to the bed , Lucy was far out of reach of the red haired mage.

A very thin silver lining to a very dark cloud, the blonde damsel thought to herself. But at this point, Lucy could use every sliver of positivity available to keep herself from falling to pieces.

Lucy almost welcomed the vibrators as they set off again. Since it meant that, for the next few minutes, she would be too busy moaning and thrashing about uncontrollably to think.


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