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Lucy was rushing back to her appartment, feeling extremely guilty and extremely scared.

She had gone to the guild hall yesterday evening, feeling pretty happy with the succes of her master plan!

Erza would be stuck in her appartment, completely helpless, until she returned. Lucy had planned to have some fun with the members of the guild and head home after an hour or 4. 

She would then make Erza swear on her word as an S-class mage that she would not retaliate, and she would probably be to ashamed to confess this embarrasing chapter of her life to anyone.

That was the plan, at least.

But everything got so noisy and wild as usual in the guild, and she totally lost track of time. She'd also been drinking more than she should, causing her to doze of and not wake up until the following morning!

This meant that Erza had spent the entire night bound and gagged. THE Erza, Titania! 

As If the uncomfortable position, the pain and frustration Erza would have had to endure hadn't been enough, she would probably never live it down if this ever got out!

And she, Lucy Heartfilia, was the one to blame.

Lucy was trembling just thinking at the mood Erza would be in when she would finally be freed. She prayed Erza would just be relieved and thankful to be let out, but she highly doubted it. Maybe she should just rush into the kitchen, toss a knife into Erza's vicinity and run for her life instead of untying the redhead mage.

Lucy had worked out several scenario's on what to do depending on Erza's situation and general mood when Lucy entered her apartment. However not a single one had prepared her for what she saw when she entered. And not a single one of her planned scenario’s was even nearly as scary as what she was seeing.

When Lucy walked into her apartment, Erza was sitting on the bed, completely relaxed and completely free!

Lucy could only stare in disbelief at the scene in front of her. Finally, she managed to utter a few words:

“H-How did you manage to escape?” Lucy asked the red-haired girl.

She had now forgotten all about the hours she had abandoned Erza, only wanting to know how on earth Erza managed to free herself from a tie that tight.

Erza chuckled. “I believe told you already that S-class wizards are in a league of their own. Ropes can't hold me forever!“

She would be damned if she was going to admit the only reason she got our was because of dumb luck, a complete fluke. 

During one of her many struggle fits, she had accidentally rammed Lucy's desk. This made a picture frame fall down to the floor next to erza with the glass side facing the floor, causing it to shatter. Miraculously, a few shards of decent size remained amongst the countless tiny specs of glass, giving Erza the much needed help to escape her predicament.

Even then it still took her 2 hours of painstaking (and sometimes infuriating) searching for a decent piece of glass with which to cut the ropes.

And even after finding a usable shard of glass, it still took her a little over an hour to cut through the ridiculously strong ropes.

Her escape had been a complete fluke, coincidence piled on top of coincidende. But she wasn't going to tell that to Lucy.

In order to change the subject, Erza started speaking to her perplexed blonde friend:

"By the way, I borrowed some of your clothes since I didn't want to walk back to my place in a bikini. I'm sure you don't mind?" 

The outfit Erza picked out for herself consisted of a white buttoned blouse, a black pencil skirt and knee-high black boots. 

In an everyday scenario, this would look like a perfectly fine outfit, casual and cute. But with the look in Erza’s eyes, and with Lucy scared stiff, it made Erza look like more dominating and intimidating than even her purgatory armor.

Trying to get her mind distracted from all of the doom scenario’s flooding her mind, Lucy replied: "No, of course not. It suits your rather well to Erza". She hoped complementing her would get Erza in a better mood.

"Hmm, you think so?" Erza asked. "The chest area is feeling a little tight tough."

"W-Well, we don't have the exact same body afterall." Lucy tried to sound casual, but that comment stung!

Erza noticed, and decided to go one step further.

"This skirt on the other hand is a rather loose fit, did your butt grow a little recently?" Erza asked with a devious smile.

Now Lucy was so annoyed she even forgot about her fear for a brief moment.

"No it didn't!' She yelled. "And don't change the subject, how did you escape your bonds?"

Lucy instantly regretted bringing the conversation back on topic, since it now meant Erza's retaliation was that much closer to becoming realized.

Erza answered Lucy: "It's useless to try and restrain me, you should know already that even without using magic I am still a capable mage. Altough you did keep me occupied for quite some time."

It was only then Lucy realized she hadn't yet looked at the timer. The whole timer thing was mainly a pretence to lull Erza into thinking this was an actual competition. 

There had been no need to press the timer when she had finished restraining Erza, since she never even considered her friend would be able to escape the hogtie. 

But because the switch had been standing there, she'd pushed it anyways. A reason for pressing the button had been so Erza could at any given moment see exactly how long she had been futilely struggling in her bonds. At least, Lucy thought that would've been the case.

Apparently, Erza had managed to wriggle herself free in:

14 hours, 49 minutes, 22 seconds.

Lucy tried to remain calm. 

"That's a pretty impressive time there Erza. I'm pretty sure I would not have been able to get out in that time. You win, so lets just-"

"That wasn't the competition we agreed upon lucy," Erza grinned, "It is now my turn to place you in a position of my choosing."

"And then you get every second of these 14 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds to escape."

Lucy felt the ground disappear beneath her feet. There was obviously no way to talk herself out of this, she was going to be tied up by her red haired friend. No amount of begging or excuses would make Erza change her mind, and stalling would probably even more fierce.

Well, it was her own fault for leaving her friend all alone and then oversleeping at the guild. Maybe she deserved what Erza was about to do to her.

Realizing that didn’t make Lucy more at ease though.

“O-, Okay Erza. You’re right, it’s your turn to tie me up. Where do you want me to sit?” Lucy said with a defeated tone of voice.

“Not so fast Lucy,” Erza said, “First you need to take of your clothes.”

“What!? Why?” Lucy said, fear now creeping up on her again.

“Well, I took the challenge wearing nothing but a bikini, right? Why should you get to undergo the challenge fully clothed?”

“You chose to turn up in nothing but that skimpy number!” Lucy said, raising her voice.

“Lucy… The deal was I get to put you in a position of my choosing.” Erza said, still looking perfectly calm, but her voice betrayed she was losing her patience.

Hearing Erza's tone of voice, she gave in. 

She started undressing, taking off everything but her light blue panties and bra and the white high heels she had been wearing yesterday. 

She really liked this lingerie outfit, the light colour went well with her pale and beautiful skin. And the bra and panties brought out the best of her sizeable chest and well formed butt. The high heels she was wearing made her long slender legs look even better. 

If not for the perilous situation she was in, she would’ve been pretty pleased with the way she looked.

“Now you can go ahead and lie down on the mattress”. Erza said, gesturing towards the mattress Lucy had tied her up on the day before. Lucy walked over and sat on the mattress, praying Erza would have limited knowledge of knot tying.

It turned out she didn’t.

The first thing Erza did after taking place behind Lucy was bend her arms up so as to cross her wrists at the height of her shoulder blades. 

Erza then quickly looped a rope around Lucy’s wrists, keeping them in place. 

The next rope Erza picked up was a long one. 

She looped it around Lucy’s upper body and arms, going round twice below Lucy’s sizeable bosom and twice above. Behind Lucy's back, Erza brought the ropes close together, pulled the chest harness tight and tied it off so Lucy's breasts started sticking outward slightly.

With still a relatively long end of the rope leftover, Erza first pulled the rope over Lucy’s right shoulder, then down in between her breasts and brought it back up again over Lucy’s left shoulder (weaving the rope in between the higher and lower chest ropes as she pulled it down and up again).

After tying off the rope behind Lucy’s back, attaching it to her bound wrists as well, Lucy’s arms were now completely stuck. There was no movement possible, other than some useless fluttering of her fingers. Trying to move her arms or hands only resulted in waving around her entire torso, causing the chest harness to tighten, and her chest to jiggle about. 

This really doesn’t bode well, Lucy thought to herself. Her face started glowing red with embarrassed at the way her chest was now sticking out because of the tight harness around it.

Without paying heed to Lucy’s flushed face, Erza started working on Lucys legs. She bent Lucy’s left leg so her calf touched her thigh, and wrapped a rope around it several times. She made sure to leave enough rope to loop it around Lucy’s ankle once, make a small knot and then loop it around the heel of Lucy’s shoe, then knot it off around the ankle rope again. 

Lucy instantly noticed the effect this strange maneuver had: it prevented her from kicking off her high heels. 

A frogtie by itself already restricts your movement a fair deal, but when forced to wear high heels moving about would evidently incease in difficulty even more. 

Erza repeated the procedure for Lucy’s right leg, making sure that this leg as well would be completely stuck and the shoe would remain in place too.

As Lucy had anticipated, virtually no movement was now possible. And she was not really keen on trying, as she didn’t want the chest harness to tighten even and make her breasts swell up even more.

Erza got up. “Now then, next up is your gag. But don’t worry, I will treat you a lot better in this respect than you did me.”

Lucy didn’t really feel like thanking her red haired friend for this, but decided some flattery couldn’t do any harm. 

“How sweet of you, I'm guessing that means just tape, no foam ball or cloth?“

“No, I’m going to use something completely different than what you used on me. Something I found in one of your drawers."

"You went through my drawers?!" Lucy shouted, slightly vexed at Erza's blunt invasion of her privacy.

"Well, I did spend a long time in this apartment after all, so I had plenty of time to search around.” Erza said whilst holding a very particular gag in her right hand.

Lucy’s eyes widened. “Erza, that’s a ring gag. You know what that does? I’ll be drooling all over the floor with that! Can’t you please just use some tape or cloth?”

“My turn, my rules.” Erza said sternly, “Now open wide.”

Erza pushed the ring gag in and buckled it tightly. 

Lucy’s moans and screams wouldn’t be nearly as muffled as Erza’s had been. 

But since Erza was not planning on leaving Lucy’s side for the duration of her revenge, calling for help was not an option for Lucy anyways. Besides, Erza highly doubted Lucy would want anyone to discover her in this position, helpless and half naked.

“There, I guess that’s it.” Erza said whilst getting on Lucy’s bed. 

“You have fun struggling this time, and be sure to try lots of different methods and strategies of escaping. You’ve got plenty of time to experiment. Believe me, I know.”

Even before the Erza had finished tying Lucy up she had already realized there would be no escape from her predicament, no matter how long or hard she struggled. 

Her 'strategy' therefore would be to try and find a comfortable position and wait out her punishment, praying Erza would untie her when the timer finished.

However, after about 10 minutes of lying still. Lucy suddenly heard a loud sigh coming from her bed.

“I was worried you would do this.” Erza said in a disappointed tone.

“Since you don’t think you can escape no matter how hard you try, you’re planning to just wait patiently until I decide you’ve suffered enough, Right?”

Lucy remained silent, this was partly because she didn’t know how to react, and partly because trying to speak would cause even more drool to drip from her lips.

“Guess that proves it then. Luckily I planned ahead for this, and I managed to find the ideal stimulant for you to give it your all for the rest of the time left.”

Lucy reared up (or tried to do so), turning herself around so she could see what Erza was holding.

The second she laid eyes on it, she started struggling furiously in a desperate attempt to make Erza change her mind.

“E-a, oo! I po-mse I ugle, ese ont (Erza, No! I promise I’ll struggle, please don’t!)”

Erza was holding 2 small, pebble-like pink vibrators. Lucy had bought those more out of curiosity than for actual use. 

But upon trying them out, she had found out those 2 tiny pebbles could have a massive effect on her body.

Erza ignored Lucy’s pleading, and went to sit down next to the bound and gagged blonde. She gently pulled down the cups of Lucy’s bra, taped a vibrator onto each nipple and replaced the cups so Lucy wouldn’t be able to rub the vibrators off on the floor.

Lucy’s face was now almost bright red, partly because of embarrassment and partly from nervousness at what was to come.

“The remote control for those is really something else. You really bought quality here. How lucky for me!”, Erza teased the still bright red Lucy.

“Especially the ‘random’ setting is intriguing.” 

Random, as the word suggests, meant the vibrators would activate at random intervals and at random strength. 

This made Lucy even more nervous. Wriggling out of this was impossible to begin with, but finding a comfortable position would have been doable.

However, now even that option had been taken from her. If she never knew when to expect a jolt of excitement, she wouldn’t be able to relax at all for the entire 14 hours ahead of her!

This prospect nearly brought the blonde mage to tears.

“E-a, I eg f u, o-nt u-n ose n (Erza, I beg of you, don’t turn those on)”.

“Useless pleading,” Erza replied, “I need to make sure you put as much effort in escaping as I did.”

And with that she flicked the switch.

Lucy instantly let out a load moan as the tiny vibrators started buzzing. The setting was no more than a slight tingling, but it was enough to make her nipples, already sensitive from the tight ropes around her breasts, turn rock hard. Having now lost what little bodily control she had, Lucy fell on her side on top of the mattress, still breathing and moaning heavily.

The vibrators kept going for about a minute, during which all Lucy could do was moan and grunt and thrash about in frustration of not being able to control herself. 

When they finally stopped, Lucy tried to catch her breath as quickly as she could, in order to start struggling to escape.

This she knew was a hopeless mission, but she fervently hoped Erza would reward her efforts by turning off the vibrators.

Erza, who had once again gone to sit down on top of Lucy’s bed, had remained silent for the whole minute Lucy had spent in pleasurable agony. She was feeling pretty pleased her revenge had turned out exactly as planned. 

But now, the consequences of spending an entire night thrashing and struggling with hardly any rest caught up to her. She suddenly felt dead tired and in need of some sleep. And the bed she was sitting on suddenly looked incredibly comfy. 

Erza went to lay down and close her eyes in order to take a short nap, only to open them again after hearing a loud noise coming from her right:

The bound and gagged blonde was sitting upright, staring straight at Erza with a furious look.


"I was planning to take a short nap," Erza said "As you know, I haven't gotten much sleep last night."

"Ut E IA-ORS! (BUT THE VIBRATORS!)" Lucy shouted, drool now dripping from her mouth onto her large chests.

"What about them?" Erza asked.

"UT EM OV!!" (SHUT THEM OFF!)" Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Hmm, Naah" Erza said, sticking out her tongue at the angry looking blonde.

"While I'm sleeping, I can't check if you're stuggling as much as you should. So I'll just leave them on until I wake up."

"I promise you though, when I wake up again I will shut them down immediately."

"En il at e? (When will that be?)" Lucy asked, still looking very cross.

"How should I know, just behave and try not to groan to loud. I'd like to get at least a of couple hours of rest."

And with that, the redhead turned around and closed her eyes.

"E-AAA!!!" Lucy shouted at the top of her lungs, but the redhead paid it no heed.

Aaaaand, there the vibrators went again. 

This time they were shaking more vigorously, causing Lucy to gasp for breath, leaving no room to try and keep Erza from falling asleep. 

She cursed the S-class mage for doing this to her. There wasn't a lot of room for anger though, as Lucy's mind and body were primarily filled with feelings of arousement and frustration. She prayed the vibrators would shut off soon, and that Erza wouldn't take too long to wake up.

Erza slowly drifted off to sleep, completely at peace and with the moans of her fellow mage seeming increasingly more distant. 

There was no harm in getting some shut-eye, she thought to herself. Lucy's position was at least as strict as Erza's had been, and she only managed to get out by nothing short of a miracle. The same wouldn’t happen to Lucy. 

Like the saying goes, lightning doesn't strike twice.


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