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"Haaah, I'm so glad to finally be back to our own guild, in our own world." Lucy said.

Erza nodded. "Indeed. Like they say, there's no place like home."

Everything was as lively as ever in the guild hall, you'd think there had never been a colossal battle in another world with the fate of the guild in the balance. Mind you, since most of the members had been sealed in a giant lacrima for the entire ordeal, leaving only a few wizards with any memories of the fight.

So, in a way, it might as well have never happened and the behaviour of the guild was completely normal. Well, normal by Fairy tail standards.

Lucy took another sip of her drink. "I hope we don't have to fight like that anymore for a long time, the pressure and danger are too much for my heart.

Erza looked at Lucy in disbelief. "Do you really think that? As a fairy tail mage, any and all threats to the guild must be dealt with, no matter the circumstances."

"I know that," Lucy replied, "I'm just saying that fighting is not the only thing a wizard should be good at. But lately it's all we've been doing."

"Hmm, so you're thinking we should have different kinds of training, besides just combat and magic?" Erza said.

"Well, you could call it training i guess. But it's more of a competition amongst friends." Lucy tried to sound casual, but in reality she had been waiting for an opportunity to start this ever since she met Erza. The scarlet haired mage outshone her in almost every aspect, but this was a challenge she was bound to win.

"A competition not related to fighting or magic huh? I guess I can play along with that. Besides, it's always good to try and develop as many different skills as possible" 

Erza sounded confident as always. "What do you think about a swimming match?" 

Erza always liked going for a swim, but neither Natsu nor Gray were well behaved enough to take to a public swimming pool. Lucy was a good girl, so she would not cause any disturbances, making her the ideal partner for an afternoon of splashing around. 

On top of that, Erza had just bought a cute new swimsuit she was dying to try out.

"Actually," Lucy replied, "I already had an idea for a challenge the two of us could take on. Could you come to my appartment

Erza seemed dissapointed. "I'd rather go swimming Lucy, I haven't had the chance to try out my new bathing suit you see."

"Bring it along," Lucy said, " you can wear your swimming suit for this too if you'd like".

"Really, in your house?" Erza sounded confused, but if Lucy said it was okay... "Well, alright then. We'll go with your idea. What did you have in mind?"

Lucy smiled at the redhead. "Just come by my appartment saturday morning, I'll have finished setting everything up by then."

"Setting what up?" Erza asked.

Lucy dodged the question. "Just stuff. For example, a seal to make sure neither of us uses their magic even by accident. For this competition we will be no different from ordinary people."

Saturday morning, Erza knocked on Lucy's door.

Lucy opened up the door and began cheerfully: "Hi Er-"

She stopped mid greeting because she had trouble taking in what she was seeing before her. Even though it was a lovely hot day, Erza was standing in front of her wearing a long, grey trenchcoat. 

"Hi Lucy, can you let me in please?"

Lucy stopped staring at Erza. "Oh, of course." 

The blond girl stepped to the side to let her friend walk in.

"So, what's the 1950's spy outfit for?" Lucy asked.

Erza answered the question by dropping her coat on the floor, revealing a stunning, but very skimpy, bright red thong bikini.

The bikini suited her perfectly. It really showed off Erza's well developed chest, her beautiful curvy body the thong brought out the best of her firm butt.

She had instantly fallen in love with the two-piece for these reasons, and because of the fact that the bright red colour matched her hair perfectly.

Erza could see by Lucy's stunned reaction that the bikini had had the effect she expected. Even though Lucy was a girl and 100% straight, she couldn't help but stare at every inch of Erza's gorgeous vody.

Erza tried to break the silence. 

"Do you like it? I told you I wanted a chance to try out my new swimwear, but since you mentioned there would be a magic seal in your appartment, I had to re-quip it back at my place and walk over wearing it, since the seal would prevent me transforming into it here."

Lucy tried to stop staring at her fellow mage, but this was harder than she wanted to admit to herself. The S-class mage really had it all: Nice bust, long slender legs, all the right curves, a pretty face...

Lucy was by no means self conscious about her looks, but the way her red head friend stood before her now just made her appear to be perfect from every angle. 

Even in sex-appeal she has me beat, Lucy thought frustratedly. Trying to get her mind back on track, she asked:

"Why not bring it with you and change like a normal person?"

Erza's eyes widened. "Oh yeah, I could've done that too. Never crossed my mind actually."

Lucy sighed. Erza might be an S-class mage. Both strong, intelligent and beautiful, she could be really weird sometimes as well.

"So, you ready for the challenge?" Lucy asked her teammate.

Erza replied: "Sure, as soon as you've explained what it is we'll be doing."

Lucy started walking towards her desk as she was speaking.

"Oh yeah, I haven't told you yet, have I? It's simple really, we will be testing which of us can escape the fastest. First I tie you up, and you have to get out by yourself. 

By now, the blond bombshell was returning, coils of rope in hand.

"I then time how long it takes for you to escape and this time is my benchmark. You tie me up, and if I can escape your tie before the timer hits zero again, I win. If i can't get out before the benchmark is reached, you win."

Erza was startled, shocked even. Not only by the strange nature of the competition Lucy had in mind, but even moreso by the casual way Lucy was explaining it. Wasn't this sort of thing a fetish? Bondage, or something like that? Was Lucy into this, or did she really have no other motive than training with a fellow mage in non magic related disciplines?

"Wh-Where did you get the idea for such a challenge?" Erza asked.

Lucy paused for a moment. "Hmm, I guess because we always end up in dangerous and unexpected situations, I figured it's just a matter of time we end up restrained and unable to use magic. Don't you think it would be good to have experienced a similar situation beforehand? That way we know how to react and it'll be easier to remain calm."

Erza calmed herself. "Oh, I gues that sorta makes sense. When you first started talking about this, I have to admit it came as a complete suprise to me.

But I can see your point of wizards coming into contact with an untold number of different dangerous situations, so you might actually be onto something with this.

"Right, I knew you would understand Erza!" Lucy replied. "So are you in?"

Erza still had a few doubts, but she trusted Lucy. She was a guild member after all, and they were even members of the same team and close friends. Besides, Erza had to admit Lucy's explanation about restraining and escaping had piqued her interest. Also, she was already inside Lucy's appartment, clad in nothing more than a thong bikini. Backing out now would hurt her pride as an S-class mage.

Erza looked straight at Lucy.

"I'm in, lets do this!"

Lucy grew a wide smile. she gestured to a fluffy king size matress lying on the floor.

"Great, then go ahead and sit on that matress over there".

Erza complies and goes to sit on the matress.

"Arms behind please." Lucy said

Erza puts her arms behind her back, still a little unsure about the whole idea.

Lucy puts Erza's wrists together, looping a rope around them tightly before tying it off.

Without missing a beat, the blonde haired mage continues her work on Erza's elbows, forcing them to touch and wrapping them up tightly in rope.

After Lucy finished the elbow tie, Erza's arms could barely move anymore. 

There was very little sideways movement possible, and just trying it felt straining.

When Erza trried moving her arms up and down she found it was still doable, but there was hardly any use from being able to do so.

Erza let out a soft grunt. "Hrrmm, that feels a little uncomfortable, Lucy. Does it need to be that tight?"

"Of course," Lucy replied, "since my efforts right now determine how much time I'll be getting to escape myself, I would be a fool not to try my best right?"

"Now hush, i need to concentrate for this next bit."

Lucy picked up a long rope and brought it around Erza's stomach and arms. She then pulled it thight, fixing her arms completely and leaving them utterly immobile.

For some reason, this complete lack of movement made Erza feel a lot more uncomfortable. 

The position her arms were in didn't hurt at all, at least not if she kept still. But just knowing she was no longer able to move her arms in the slightest made her feel insecure. 

Lucy didn't notice Erza's anxiety and happily carried on her ropework.

She started working on Erza legs next. 

By wrapping ropes around her ankles, above and below her knees, Erza's slender but powerful legs were soon reduced to nothing but limp .

"Wow Lucy, you've really got a knack for this." Erza said, trying to sound calm and casual. "Is this really your first time doing something like this?

Lucy looked at her redhead friend in surprise. "Who ever said I'd never done something like this before?"

"B-But, you told me you wanted do do something completely different from our usual work for a change" Erza stammered.

"And this is completely different, isn't it?" Lucy replied. "I never said it should be something neither of us was inexperienced at, I just wanted it to be something we normally don't do together. And this qualifies, right?"

"W-Well yes," the redhead said, "but don't you have an unfair advantage if you have experience in this already?"

Lucy looked a little bit surly now. "And don't you have an unfair advantage in every other training, fight or whatever it is we usually do?"

Erza didn't know what to answer to that. Lucy made a point. Normally she was the one who was in complete charge, and the others had to try and keep up.

Did she really have te right to complain, just because this once Lucy had the advantage?

Erza decided to leave it at that. "Well, you're right on that. Sorry Lucy, I guess I'm just nervous because I didn't expect everything to feel so restrictive."

"Well, don't worry," the blonde mage said, "I'm only going to use 2 more ropes. And this is one of them".

She held up a tiny piece of rope. Erza wondered what could be accomplished with a tiny string like that, she would soon wish she'd never found out.

Lucy first looped the string around Erza's bound wrists, then pulled up Erza's thong and pushed the rope around underneath the thong. 

Lucy then let the thong snap back between Erza's buttcheeks (causing her to give out a tiny yelp) and ties of the rope to her wrists again.

Lucy had now basically created a crotchrope out of Erza's own thong.

Erza could already feel pressure starting to build because of the crotchrope, even without moving.

But her curiousity made her try pulling her wrists up anyway, to find out the effect. She instantly regretted it, as a sharp sharp pain went straight through her entire body.

"Lucy!" she yelled. "That rope is taking it a bit to far, I can't move at all now without it harming me."

"Don't be such a baby." The blonde girls said. "Besides, once you get used to that feeling, pain won't be the only feeling it gives you." Lucy smiled deviously as she spoke those last words.

"Now then, time to wrap this up" Lucy said,  "just one more rope to go. Oh, and I forgot to mention these to you."

She pointed at a big foam ball, a roll of ape and a piece of cloth.

"What do you need those for?" Erza asked, still whincing after trying out the effect of the crotchrope

"It's your gag ofcourse." Lucy said whilst scrunching up the foam ball so it would fit into Erza's mouth

"My what! I don't need a gag to test my escaping abilities. Besides that thing in your hands won't fit in my mouth".

"You never know until you try." Lucy answered.

"I'm calling this challenge off, start untying M-"

Lucy interuppted Erza by jamming the foam ball into her mouth. 

Then, before Erza had the chance to spit it out, she quickly applied 3 strips of tape on top of Erza's lips to keep the ball in.

Lastly, Lucy pulled the cloth around Erza's head and tied off behind her neck.

Erza screamed at the top of her lungs, telling Lucy to stop. But barely any sound made it through the triple layered gag.

Lucy ignored Erza's protests, picking up one more rope.

"You'll be pleased to hear I'm going to use the final rope now. So a little more and you can start your escape."

Erza tried to make even more noise now. "Nmm U dnt, U nty e aight ow!! (No you don't, you untie me right now!!)

Lucy carries on regardless, coiling the rope in her hands around the rope tying Erza's ankles. Then, she pulls the rope up to attach it to Erza's elbow bonds.

The blonde girl pulls Erza's ankles up so far that the soles of her feet are resting in the palms of her hands. Erza lets out a moan in discomfort, but  the noise barely makes it through the intense gag.

Lucy ties of the the rope at the elbows and pulls the remainder of the rope back down to loop it around Erza's wrists. This way, if erza were to try and move her legs, pressure would form on her bikini bottom / crotchrope.

Erza could instantly feel the effect the hogtie had. Not only was her movement now severly limited, any and all movement she could make resulted in pressure on her bikini-crotchrope. 

The redhead mage looked up at her blonde captor, wishing she had her hands free so she could give Lucy a punishment she would never forget. Sadly, her hands were not free, nor was any other part of her stunning body for that matter.

Lucy stood and took a step back from Erza.

"Pfeww, this was hard work." she said with a hint of mockery. "But the end result is worth it".

She looks down on the female S-class mage. Erza is now trying to struggle wildly, but her entire body is restrained so strictly all she can manage is slight wriggles.

She tries to yell out one last time, as loud as she can muster:

"Lcee, wn I gt ot I wl kl u!! (Lucy, when I get out i will kill you!!)" Still hardly any sound. 

This frustrates the redhead so much she starts thrashing around all over the floor, only to be stopped abruptly when she pulls on her crotchrope, causing her to feel extreme pain and pleasure at the same time.

That last comment frightened Lucy a little, especially because of the serious look on her face. But she couldn't possibly give in at this point.

"Oh, don't be like that Erza. Who knows, when you get used to the feeling you might even start to like it. 

Anyhow, it's time I headed out. Im' sure would rather have some privacy to struggle freely, rather than having me looming over you. Good luck escaping Erza, I'll start the timer when you say go."

In her anger, Erza had already forgotten the whole reason she ended up in this rediculous situation. She was meant to escape this as fast as possible in order to set a difficult benchmark for Lucy. However, Erza started to seriously doubt this had ever been really intended by Lucy. She suspected her current predicament had been Lucy's goal.

She decided to test her theory: "Wht F I wnt o g-, gi-, giv p? (What if I want to g, gi-, give up?)" Erza asked.

She was ashamed of herself for acutally uttering those words. But right now, if it could get her out of this grueling position quicker, it would actually be worth it.

A devious smile appeared on Lucy's face. 

"We never agreed giving up was an option for this challenge. Besides, there is no giving up for S-class mages, right Erza?." Lucy teased.

"Well, I guess you're about ready to start this then?" Lucy said as she headed over to the timer on her desk.

"Good luck Erza. Starting now, you are setting my benchmark." And she pressed the timer.

"Of course, should I return in a few hours with you stil helplessly bound, we can always call the whole thing off, and I'll just untie you myself."3

"Oues?? (Hours??)" Erza mumbled through her gag. "U r le-in e fo oues? (You are leaving me for hours?)"

The blonde girl replied: "Well, do you honestly still think you can escape in a matter of minutes? I you do, maybe I should add a few more ropes?", Lucy chuckled.

Erza tries yelling and threatening her blonde friend one last time, but Lucy (now heading for the front door) was already to far away to even hear Erza's muffled screams anymore.

"Bye Erza-chan, I hope you'll at least enjoy this a little!" Lucy yelled as she  closed and locked the front door.

And there she lay, the strongest female wizard in all off Fariy Tail. An S-class wizard with a reputation as fearsome as they come.

Wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini and utterly helpless to do anything but wriggle about.

Erza was furious, at Lucy but mainly at herself. Why did she agree to this stupid challenge? She should have never agreed to meet Lucy in her home especially with it having sealed all magic.

And even after getting talked into this whole ordeal, why on earthland did she not intefere sooner? The second Lucy had finished restraining her elbows she had felt unexpectedly captive, but her pride prevented her from showing that, let alone acting upon it. And now she ws in this fine state of affairs. what to do now?

Erza tried struggling against her bonds once more anyways, even though she already knew what the results would be.

And as expected: Hardly any movement was possible (certanily not enough to make any headway), but even the very little she did caused the crotchrope to dig in and arouse her. It was now becoming so bad her nipples started to show through her bikini. This instantly caused her face to flush, and she was secretly glad Lucy had left her behind, she couldnt' bear anyone seeing this. 

Why did her body react like this? She obviously didn't like this situation one bit, so why the Obvious signs of enjoyment?

Her inability to understand her body frustrated her almost as much as the fact she couldn't move. Did she like this predicament on some level? 

Well, she would definitely have the time to find out. If Lucy really was planning on not returning for a couple of hours, she would have all the time she wished (and probably a lot more she didn't wish for) to try out everything she could think of.

The best course of action right now would be to struggle in bursts, she thought. Go all out until the pressure on the crotchrope becomes too much to bear, then find a comfortable position and rest up again until ready for another burst.

Erza tried finding a comfortable position so she could mentally prepare herself for her first wriggling session.

She prayed there would be some progress soon, since she can't stand being as helpless as she is right now.

Also, she would really like to have about half an hour left until Lucy returned. That way she could properly plan a counteroffensive.


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