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Kisara was headed for Freya’s base and personal training room. The third fist had personally invited her for a private training session, earning her even more foul stares from the rest of the valkyries than usual.

Personal time with one of the top three members of Ragnarok was a truly rare opportunity, and most would give up their left arm for a chance at it. None of the other valkyries understood what made Kisara so special, but would never dare voice their opinions against Freya.

So, Kisara made it into the third fist's quarters without any opposition, where she was welcomed by the dark skinned beauty herself.

"Hello there, 8th fist." Freya said calmly. "Glad you accepted my invitation."

"How could I refuse, Freya-nee… But could you please not call me by my title? It's too uncomfortable when it's just the two of us."

"Of course, Kisara then. Any idea why I called you here?" The bo-staff user asked straightforwardly.

"Isn't it for a private sparring session? To train me?" The taekwondo fighter replied.

"It's to train you, yes. But not through sparring or exercise." The tall amazon replied.

"What other means is there?" Kisara asked curiously.

"It's in a rather unconventional discipline." Freya replied. "I doubt you'd guess on your own, so let me just ask you a question to get things on topic."

"Shoot, Freya-nee." The petite brunette replied, now wildly curious about what on Earth her idol was talking about.

“Have you ever been caught?" The taller of the two young women asked bluntly.

"Caught?" Kisara repeated stunned. "What do you mean by that, Freya-nee?" The young taekwondo user had no clue about how that topic was in any way related to combat practice, which piqued her curiosity all the more.

"I mean, Ragnarok has a great deal of adversaries, there's always a chance you find yourself in a situation with grim odds."

"Isn't Ragnarok supposed to be filled with elites? We should easily be able to handle greater numbers." The brunette responded.

"Don't underestimate group battles, Kisara. The weak often band together to overcome stronger foes, they also tend to resort to foul play to win their battles." The chocolate skinned beauty lectured.

"I get it, I get it." Kisara replied. "Group battles require extra focus, I'll keep that in mind Freya-nee."

"That's true, but it’s not what I intended this conversation to be about." The dark haired girl replied. "What I wanted to know is if you ever considered what to do when you end up in a situation where you can no longer fight?"

"Like when I'm heavily injured?" Kisara answered.

"For example, but in that case you're unable to do anything at all. But what if you're captured and restrained, used as bait or a hostage?"

"I never considered that!" Kisara had to admit. My preparation has never gone beyond practicing in combat. I never figured I needed a plan outside of that…I guess Freya-nee still is ways above me.

"Have you prepared for such situations, Freya-nee?" Kisara asked her idol.

"Of course. Its why I asked you about it, and the reason I invited you here. Escaping from a predicament like that is far more difficult than one would expect, and you know full well that if you are defeated, Ragnarok abandons you. In other words, if you can't depend on yourself in such a situation, you have no hope left."

"So that's what this training will be about?" Kisara asked, still not entirely convinced of the usefulness of it. Ragnarok battles usually ended quite fiercely, ending up restrained was the least of your worries generally. Still, if even the third fist Freya considered it necessary, then she would at least give it a chance.

"So you will be teaching me escape techniques, Freya-nee?" Kisara continued, now a slight hint of awe in her voice. She couldn’t help but be excited be at the prospect of being taught by the third fist herself, even if it was in such an unorthodox area.

To start with, getting a private session with someone as high as the third fist was rare enough. But Freya especially was idolized by all women inside of Ragnarok, so Kisara couldn't help but feel honoured.

"I will, and we start immediately." Freya replied. The curvaceous bo-staff user then walked over to a large chest, opened it up and returned with several coils of rope and pieces of cloth.

"Now, you can start by tying me up." The dark skinned woman said as she dropped the ropes and cloth on the floor.

"Eh? W-What?! Freya-nee, I can't do that!" Kisara replied shocked.

"What do you mean?" Freya asked confused. "Then how am I supposed to show you how to escape?"

"Bu-but, it wouldn't feel right, doing that to you. And even so, I wouldn't know how or where to start!" The brunette said distressed.

"Hmm… Good point, actually." Frey admitted. "Without decently tied ropes, escape training is pointless. Very well then, I will tie you up and coach you during your escape."

Now Kisara became even more nervous. Freya's whole escape training idea had caught her off guard, so she hadn't really thought through what it meant, training to untie yourself… Namely that one of them would have to be tightly bound and gagged to start with. She didn't want to see her idol in such a compromising position, but ending up like that herself wasn't all that appealing either.

Still, Kisara had already agreed to take on these lessons, and it wasn’t in her nature to back away from a challenge.

There's no turning back now, Freya-nee is doing this for me. It would be dishonourable to back out now. Kisara thought as she saw the bo-staff user uncoil several ropes.

Besides, Freya-nee was right. I never even considered how to tackle situations where I wouldn't have my own strength to count on, or the strength of my underlings to fall back on.

The taekwondo user took a deep breath.

"Okay Freya-nee, I'm ready."

The dark skinned woman started out by crossing Kisara’s wrists behind her back and tightly cinching a rope around them.

Wow, that’s tight. Was the brunette’s first impression. But she didn’t have much time to analyse her comrade’s work, because Freya was already moving on.

“I’ll help you sit down, since you’ll probably be a little bit unstable without your arms.” The bo-staff user said.

After guiding her friend to floor, the tallest of the two brunettes proceeded by uncoiling a second rope and firmly tying that around Kisara’s also crossed ankles. Moving on, Freya wrapped a second and third length of rope around her fellow fist’s legs: one above and one below her knees, leaving even legs as powerful as Kisara’s completely useless (much to the petite girl’s surprise).

For her next move Freya began wrapping a rope around Kisara’s upper body, just below her modest chest. The bo-staff user made sure to also include the young brunette’s arms too, trapping them even more as she cinched her rope tight in between Kisara’s back and arms, rendering them nearly immobile.

By now the petite brunette had become quite unnerved by all of the ropes trapping her body, mostly because they felt a lot stricter than she'd expected.

Freya-nee may have had a point. The way this feels, I don't think I'll be able to get out on my own very fast. Maybe training like this has its uses after all...

The taekwondo practitioner tried shifting her arms, only to be surprised by pressure forming on nearly all points where the rope made contact with her skin.

"Oommpphh." She grunted. What is with those ropes? I can't even move without them hurting me??

"Just one more." Freya remarked, leaving Kisara visibly relieved. 

The brunette had started feeling doubts about whether or not she still liked the idea of escape training alltogether. With her freedom of movement diminishing further with each addition to Freya's ever tightening bindings, the prospect of finally having no more ropes added had a strangely calming effect on the young brunette.

Freya rolled Kisara on her side, tied a rope around her waist and fed it through the taekwondo user's legs.

Then, the moment the crotchrope was pulled tight:

"Kyaaaa! F-Freya-nee! What is this?!" Kisara almost shouted, her voice in a slightly higher pitch than usual from the scare she'd gotten.

"To be honest, I'm not sure." The athletic woman replied. "My old ropemaster used to do this to me quite often."

"Your what?"

"The one who taught me escapology techniques." The third fist explained. " You didn't think I learnt all of this just on my own, did you?"

"I guess not." Kisara responded, starting to wonder what on earth the woman she idolized so had been through during her life. 

"So, what did your master say was the point of that rope then?" The brunette asked, still wincing at the unusual feeling of a string wedging itself (as well as her jeans and panties) into her personal area.

"Well, there's no real restraint stemming from it, but it sure is effective." The tall bo-staff user replied calmly.

"Effective at what?" Kisara asked again, getting frustrated now at Frey dodging the question.

But instead of answering the question, Freya just gave a meaningful look, leaving poor Kisara even more confused.

"So you're not going to tell me?" The young brunette said annoyed.

"Patience, Kisara. It'll become obvious soon enough… "Now, for a start, why don't you try and get out just by yourself? I'll lock up the room and return in an hour or so to check how much progress you've made. That way we can gauge your aptitude for escaping, and work from there."

The taekwondo trainee’s eyes widened. "L-leave?! Freya-nee, you're going to leave me alone, for an HOUR?!!!" Kisara repeated shocked. "I thought you were going to train me in this, instruct me on ways to escape?!"

"I will, but first you have to discover for yourself what it means to be helpless. Trust me, my ropemaster did the same to me. The fear of being completely unable to resist will become a drive in the future, it'll motivate you to give it your all during the escape training. But until you’ve experienced that fear, we can’t start."

"I’m already feeling pretty helpless and scared, Freya-nee." Kisara confessed. "There's really no need to have it sink in, I don't want to be like this for any longer than needed." The brunette said, looking up to her idol with a meek look in her eyes.

"And that's exactly why you need to be." Freya replied stoically. "The more you come to resent being helpless, the more you'll strive to never end up like that. Thus it will push your combat practice to new levels too."

Kisara sighed. Frey-nee is adamant, I guess I won't be talking my way out…

"Very well then. Not like I can turn back now… But you must promise to return after an hour!" The brunette said desperately.

"Of course, I'll also make sure no one will find you here during that hour. You just focus on what you're here for: Escaping your ropes."

"Okay, Freya-nee. I'll do my best." The young taekwondo user had calmed down considerably, and was now honestly planning on impressing her favourite of the fists by being completely free by the time she returned… Although she had yet to figure out how to pull that off.

"Well then, good luck Kisara." Freya said as she headed out the door. "You'll need it, trust me. I still intimately remember my first time..."

As soon as the third fist had locked the door behind her, Kisara burst into a furious struggling spree.

The petite brunette rolled around across the floor, testing the rigidity of her bindings and to check them for any give. But not to her surprise, Freya had done a very thorough job: Her arms were firmly pinned behind her back, and her powerful legs in which she took such great pride were all but immobile.

"Wow, I wonder how long Freya-nee has been training like this?" She asked herself out loud. "This is even tighter than I expected it to be."

But her admiration for the third fist was soon overtaken by her frustration and irritation at not getting in reach of any of the knots. Slowly but surely, Kisara became more and more wound up as the stress of being entirely helpless got under her skin.

But that stress wasn’t even her biggest distraction. The crotchrope her idol had tied kept on rubbing her genitals through her jeans and panties with every move, making her feel strangely hot inside (mainly around her  groin area). The more she moved around, the bigger its impact became, and it kept messing with her concentration and made it difficult for her to exert any real strength.

Freya-nee was right. She admitted. Right about everything: That stupid rope is effective. And not being able to move, let alone fight, when you're so used to it like we are really pulls you out of your comfort zone. I don't think I've ever felt this nervous, and this is just a test, I'm not even in any danger.

However that thought withdrew further and further to the back of Kisara's mind as time crept on at its snail’s pace, and instead Kisara began worrying about what she would do if for some reason Freya wouldn't return. It was an irrational fear, but she couldn’t shake the feeling.

After tiring herself out wriggling around, and had even straining herself so bad the ropes nearly cut into her skin, nothing she had tried had made any difference. Despite her best efforts, Kisara remained heavily bound, and she eventually gave in.

I've got no choice… I'll have to wait for Freya-nee to return so she can teach me how to escape from this. She sure was right though, this ordeal has been a real eye-opener. I need to figure out how to get out of predicaments like this as soon as possible, since Ragnarok won't be there to count on if I ever got captured.

However with nothing to occupy herself with, time passed at a snail’s pace and Kisara's frustrations kept growing by the minute. Lying on the floor in that large and lonely room, the cute brunette lost any sense of time, and soon started feeling a little panicked at being all alone.

Minutes, tens of minutes went by as she laid on the floor, breathing heavily to recover from her struggling… And still no Freya to be seen or heard.

"Where are you, Freya-nee?" Kisara said worried, quite a lot louder than she intended. Luckily it seemed like Freya had kept her word in guaranteeing Kisara’s privacy, and nobody showed up to inspect what was making all those strange grunting noises in the third fist’s room.

How long has it been? It must've been 90 minutes already! Could something have happened? Should I just admit defeat and shout for help, to try and make them enter the room after all?

Kisara winced as she rolled herself onto her side, thereby making the crotchrope dig in yet again

"Ooof" she groaned. "... But that would mean letting those annoying valkyries rescue me, and they'd never let me live this down. Hell, they might not bother untying me at all. Guess it’s really up to me, like Freya-nee had said.

So, the petite damsel struggled onto her knees, and from there on tried to stand up. Without her arms for balance and her ankles crossed, just standing up straight made for a huge balancing act, but thanks to all those years of arduous training she managed to keep herself upright.

"Yes!" She shouted, proud at finally having made some progress at least. Now, for my next move… Freya nee fights using weapons, there must be a knife or something to cut my ropes with somewhere in this room.

Her plan therefore was to hop around the room in search for something sharp. But sadly, after her very first skip the petite brunette lost her balance due to her crossed feet providing such insecure footing. Time seemed to pass in slow motion as the tightly bound taekwondo user headed for the floor again, landing with a not so soft and quite painful ”Boooff!”.

“Oowww!!” Kisara moaned. The brunette had managed to spin her body around enough in mid air to land on her side rather than her chest, but this meant her left hip was now throbbing as well.

“New plan, I’ll shuffle around on my knees.” The near-helpless damsel thought out loud.

After a few minutes of struggling back upright again, then onto her knees, she began shuffling for Freya’s desk. The taekwondo user silently thanked the stars for Freya having provided padded flooring, as a concrete or even wooden floor would’ve meant she would be scraping her exposed right knee with every move, given that she wore jeans that had the right trouser leg torn off just below her butt. But since Freya spent quite a lot of time sparring various of her followers in here, the bodacious young woman had installed a rubber padded surface all across the room, providing soft landing for everyone foolish enough to attack her head on.

After an agonizingly long and sexually frustrating shuffle towards her idol’s desk (courtesy of the rope rubbing between her tighs), Kisara strained her arms as much as she could in an effort to pull open the drawers, in search of something to free herself with. Sadly this also caused the ropes around her chest to rub her up in a very distracting way, but the brunette endured, adamant at finding an escape route.

The problem was, even though Freya was a member of Ragnarok and made use of weapons for fighting, she was a disciple of the bo-staff martial arts. Their combat revolved around making the opponent stand down without fatally wounding them, therefore knives or other life threatening weapons were out of the question, and the proud third fist wouldn't have anything of the sort in her vicinity.

This explained why Kisara, after a long and frustrating series of hops and shuffles didn't find anything in Kaname's desk, nor the closet standing a few feet away from it.

"AAARGHH!" Kisara shouted frustrated. "Why the hell aren't there any knives here?! How the hell am I supposed to get out now?!"

The young brunette proceeded to stand up and try hopping towards the middle of the room again, if only to occupy herself with something for the moment. However in her anger she didn't notice one of the floorboards lying a little loose, so she tripped over it and fell (again). Using her lighting reflexes, she managed to once more turn herself round in mid-air so as to fall on her butt instead of her chest, but the crash still hurt… a lot.

"AAAAHHH!" Kisara grunted, instantly wanting to rub her butt to alleviate the sting, but unable to do so because of her still trapped arms. 

"DARN IT! FREYA-NEE, WHERE ARE YOU!!!" She now screamed at the top of her lungs. She didn't care if someone else were to hear it, she just didn't want to be alone anymore, to finally have something distract her from those infernal bindings.

But since the taekwondo user remained isolated, she turned to the only thing left for her: struggling. Even though she full well knew how futile this was, the brunette preferred anything over lying still and giving herself time to keep dreaming up all kinds of doom scenarios. For the first time since getting tied up, she was grateful for the crotchrope demanding so much of her attention

However as time passed Kisara's escape attempts became more desperate and wild than calculated, until she was finally just thrashing about without thinking at all, not even trying to reach for knots but just kicking and screaming in a blind panic. 

For the first time in a very long time, she had become truly frightened. Worried about what could have happened to Freya, worried about what would happen if she was found like this… worried about what she would do if she weren't found at all...

Of course, none of those fears had any real chance of coming true, but the young taekwondo practitioner had lost the ability to think straight, completely overtaken by her anxiety and her body’s mixed signals of fear and arousal.

Eventually, when Kisara was near tears, she suddenly heard the door unlock again. The petite brunette quickly turned herself around so she could see who walked in.

To the brunette’s great joy, that person was Freya. However that joy soon turned into fury,  after seeing the tall babe with the bronze skin simply walk in perfectly calm like nobody’s business. 

"Hello there, Kisara. How did you find your first time escaping?" The third fist asked her junior.

The bo-staff user was greeted by a mixed stare from her by now frantic comrade: Kisara's eyes were filled with honest relief and spiteful anger at the same time.

"What kept you Freya-nee?! I've been so worried and scared, I didn’t know what to do, you said you would only be gone for an hour!"

"Your point being?" Freya asked, still perfectly calm and slightly confused.

"My point?!" Kisara repeated furiously. "When you say an hour, you should return after AN HOUR! Not 2 hours plus!”

The tall bombshell's lips curled into a slight smile. "Kisara, It's only been forty minutes."

"WHAT?!!" The taekwondo user replied shocked. "That's impossible, it had to have been more."

"You were getting pretty panicked at the end there." The chocolate bod woman remarked. She couldn’t resist teasing her younger comrade after seeing the look on her face. "Didn't think being helpless would be that much of a mental strain, huh?"

"You watched me?" Kisara asked, slightly angry now at being tricked to such an extent by someone she trusted so deeply.

"Of course." The third fist casually replied. "Think about it, Kisara: What in case of emergencies? And I also had to analyze how you would approach your predicament. Turns out you're not much of a thinker when it comes to this kind of stuff."

Kisara now began blushing, ashamed at how unbalanced she had handled the situation. She had known full well that this had been a test given to her by the third first of Ragnarok, and she had still lost herself in her own mind games regardless.

"I'm sorry, Freya-nee. I forgot everything you told me, like how I had to be able to count on my own strength to escape and not expect someone to come save me… So when you didn't return after what I thought was the agreed upon time, I lost my focus and just wriggled around like a silly girl."

"Well, you are a girl.” The taller brunette replied. “And there's nothing wrong with that you should know. But I'm guessing by now you've learned what I tried to teach you, which is that no matter the circumstances, keeping your cool is vital. Once you lose the ability to think clearly, the battle is lost, no matter what kind of battle it is."

"Understood, Freya-nee." The brunette then began blushing heavier. “But… Would you help me out of these ropes now? I don't think I have the strength left to escape them myself, even if you were to guide me."

"Of course." The dark haired woman replied whilst already heading for her friend.

"Next time we'll start right away on your escaping." Freya said as she knelt beside Kisara. "And depending on how quickly you pick this up, we might already head into advanced territory."

"Advanced how?" Kisara asked without really thinking. Despite her desire to get out of her ropes as quickly as possible, she couldn't suppress her curiosity.

"Advanced as in escaping whilst you're being distracted." The dark skinned girl explained. "You are a pretty young lady after all. Chances are your captors will want to make use of the opportunity when they have you restrained."

Freya then slowly moved her hand towards Kisara's petite but slightly thrust out chest (caused by the ropes pinning her arms and making her back arch slightly), and placed the palm of her right hand on Kisara's right breast.

"Aaahhhn." The young brunette moaned as her idol's hand brushed her chest, the sensation making its way straight through the fabric of her T-shirt and bra. But the strange thing was the way her body reacted: to her astonishment, she could feel her nipples starting to harden as a result of Freya’s touch!

"F-Freya-nee! Is that really necessary?" The still helpless brunette asked shyly. "My body has become extremely sensitive, I don't think I can take much more of sensations like that."

The third fist chuckled. "Like I said, that's advanced level. We can hold that off until you've become used to the feeling of ropes on your skin."

"D-Deal." Kisara replied. Though I’m still not sure if that is a a feeling I even want to get used too. The brunette thought to herself

Freya then proceeded to untie her younger comrade, and the moment she was free Kisara spread her body out, revelling in the sensation of once again having control over her limbs again.

...But deep down, Kisara couldn't help but look forward to her older comrade's next invitation, Though not because of the learning aspect or because it might actually save her life one day. The real reason, very deep down and something she would never share with anyone, was that ever since Freya had walked back into the room, and she'd known she was safe again, Kisara had felt incredibly turned on by the rubbing of the ropes.


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