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Shigure had just returned to the dojo after being gone for half a week, and headed straight for her room upon arriving.

The young weapons master would do that every so often: just disappearing for several days, never telling where she was headed, nor talk about it afterwards. But she was granted her privacy by the others, since they too all had their own past filled with secrets they'd rather not divulge.

By now it had become commonplace for the buxom warrior to leave and return as she saw fit. And it had become just as usual for her to lock herself in her room for the following day or two upon returning, denying entry to everyone who tried to approach, even Ma Kensei (who hated that more than anything else in the world). 

What Shigure did in her room was just as unknown as what she did on her secret outings, but here too she was granted her privacy by the owner of the dojo. After all, a young woman is entitled to her secrets more than any other type of person.

Today happened to be one of those times the gorgeous black haired woman decided to retreat to her room after getting back, isolating herself from the rest of the world.

This last outing, it has been though. Shigure thought to herself as she unpacked her things.

The weapons master had been on the hunt for one of her adoptive father's famed swords, but the lead she'd pursued came up empty. Nonetheless, quite a few talented swordsmen had pursued the faulty trace and Shigure ended up fighting all of them, sometimes several at once.

She had made it back home relatively unscathed, but the stress of looking over her shoulder the entire time, combined with the harsh death matches and the disappointment of it all being for nothing had tired the well endowed raven haired woman out, and she was in dire need of some quiet time. Luckily she knew just the trick to occupy herself with: A splash of self bondage.

It had already been a few months since Shigure had settled on the use of this rather peculiar method of unwinding. Though it wasn't just meant for that, as it also served as a decent training course: It helped with her meditation and actually improved her endurance to a certain degree.

...But the most important reason of all was that Shigure enjoyed the hell out of it.

On some level, the master of all weapons enormously enjoyed the sense of danger held by being completely helpless, if only for a brief moment. Being on guard every second of every day during her private quests was always so draining, she had long searched for something to relieve herself when finally back in the safe haven known as Ryozanpaku, frustratingly without much success.

Until one day, she'd come across a civilian women in a hostage situation. The girl in question had been used as leverage to get Shigure to hand over one of her more famous swords. After resolving the conflict, she'd went on to rescue the bound and gagged damsel, only to discover the damsel in question was surprisingly sensitive all over her body. She had also looked more relieved than you'd expect from her, though the look in her eyes betrayed that was not necessarily from the peril being over.

That image had really stuck with the young swordswoman, and upon arriving back at her room she'd decided on giving the concept of helplessness a go. 

The rest was history, bondage had become one of Shigure's favourite pastimes by now. So much so in fact that her bondage exploits had actually become part of her training regimen, utilizing it for both training her mind and body, in endurance and discipline.

And with her most recent frustrating and hazardous outing finally over, it was high time she embarked on another one of those trainings.

For this particular session, Shigure was going to use a mix of ropes and chains. The swordswoman never went for full rope, as she hadn't yet mastered rope tying to the extent she could successfully restrain her hands with it. She was getting there however, and the raven haired woman secretly dreamed of a day she would be wrapped in only ropes, which felt much gentler and didn't remind her of battle as much as the cold steel of her chains.

But for now, just tying her legs and waist with rope would have to do.

The weapons master started out by crossing her ankles and then firmly looping a doubled up rope around them, pulling it tight before cinching it off and carefully hiding the knot in between the bindings, well out of reach and even sight. She then looped two more lengths of rope around her legs, one above her knees and one just below to really pin her legs into place.

Done with tying her legs, she lifted her feet off the ground and tried kicking them to test the rigidity of her bindings. When she determined there was no slack, the raven haired girl moved on to her waist, tying a rope around it as a sort of belt. This belt would later be used to keep the manacles around her wrists in place, but she needed another preparation before moving on to that.

The sword wielding girl reached behind her, picking up the manacles, three padlocks (two small and one medium sized) and yet another length of rope. She then started out by first attaching the rope to her ankle bindings on one end, and tying the other end around the biggest of the three padlocks. It was that padlock that would soon be used to lock her two manacles together.

With the set up for her position complete, the weapons master moved on to locking her manacles around her wrists. Shigure’s manacles were rather heavy given that they were made of solid steel, but the black haired girl preferred them that way. She wanted to be fully aware of what was binding her, and they also needed to be escape proof if she wanted a real thrill.

The buxom young woman first placed a manacle around her left wrists, locking it shut with one of the two small padlocks. She then did the same with her right wrists, and turned her head to look at the end of rope attached to her ankles on one side and the larger padlock on the other.

Shigure could now feel her heart rate rise ever so slightly as she folded her legs closer to her body so the medium padlock would reach her hands. The black haired woman picked up the still opened up lock and fed it through the manacle locked around her right wrist. She then moved both her hands behind her back and began to thread the padlock through her waist rope and finally through her left manacle as well.

Almost.ready. She thought to herself as the felt the padlock connect with the left manacle. Only this lock. to close.

As the swordmaster prepared to snap her last padlock shut, an excitement not unlike the one she felt walking into battle rushed through her.

She took a deep breath.


And there it was, her ankle bindings were now connected to her chained wrists for a very effective and strict hogtie, her legs forced to bend at an about 90 degree angle thanks to the shortness of the rope she’d used.

All that was left now was to struggle to her heart’s content, and try to see if she could actually free herself from her self-inflicted predicament. Not that she needed to, she had her escape already planned out In detail:

The keys to unlock her padlocks were located in a small bright red box with a 7 digit lock lying on the other end of the room. So even though she had an escape route, Shigure had set it up so that even her way out would require some effort.

Of course, the raven haired woman had gone even further to secure her escape: Should the box somehow end up stuck or out of her reach, or should her keys end up unavailable for some other reason, the weapons master had stuck a small knife to the upper left foot of her bed.

However the manacles binding her wrists were extremely strong, far to sturdy for that flimsy knife she’d provided. The main point of her emergency back-up was to use that knife to cut all of her ropes, leaving her with enough freedom of movement to get back to her sword, which could cut her manacles.

But up to this day, Shigure had never needed to resort to this roundabout emergency escape because the box in question had never let her down.

Sadly, today would be different.

Because upon closing her box with the keys inside, Shigure had not noticed the lock making a rather unnatural noise. That noise had been the product of dust and dirt getting into the mechanism locking the box. It had been a while since she’d used it, and the box (always hidden away in a lonely corner of the room) had gathered quite a lot of dust because of it. As a result, the last cipher had gotten jammed upon turning the dials to scramble the code. Unbeknownst to Shigure (for now), she’d jammed her safety device shut, and the box wouldn’t unlock anymore!

After spending nearly 20 minutes playfully rolling around on the floor, fully enjoying how limited her movement was thanks to her own ropework, Shigure decided on giving actual escape a shot. She pulled her legs closer to her butt and tried to get her hands in reach of any of the knots, just to discover how good a job she’d done. None of her sturdy knots were in reach, and no amount of wriggling was going to dislodge any of her ropes. 

As the raven the raven haired woman gradually got turned on by rolling around and having her huge knockers scrape over the wooden floor, she tried to keep her noise down so as not to draw attention to her room.

Next time. I should. work on a gag. The swordsmaster thought to herself, because having to stifle her moans was getting a little bit annoying to her. She wanted to enjoy her predicament 100%, and moaning, grunting and getting aroused was becoming a bigger part of that with every session.

But eventually, the weapons master decided it was time to get out again, and so she started shuffling towards the end of the room where she’d placed the box.

Upon reaching said corner of the room, the raven haired woman struggled until she was sitting upright on her behind again, and shifted her arms (and legs since they were tied together) towards her box to  pick it up. 

After fidgeting with the lock to switch the first 6 digits in the right order, she discovered that the seventh wasn’t quite budging. This made the buxom weapons master feel slightly uneasy, but she remained calm, confident the box would release eventually and knowing full well there was always her knife.

After spending several minutes trying to force the last cipher into place, Shigure groaned loudly, slightly frustrated at the stubborn box not giving in.

Guess it’s broken. She thought annoyed. I’ll need to. buy a new one. But for now. I must resort. to my emergency plan. I need to get. under my bed.

So, the black haired swordmaster rolled herself towards her bed, squishing her breasts between her own body and the floor with every roll. But as divine as that felt, now was no longer the time for enjoyment, she needed to get out and her body heating up was not helping.

After finally arriving next to her bed (panting slightly from the effort it took), the raven haired woman slid her legs and lower waist underneath the bed until her hands had a firm grasp of the upper left foot of the bed.

She then carefully wrapped her hands around the wooden foot that supported the bed and let her fingers move up it, cautious so as not to cut herself on the razor sharp knife.

…But something was wrong, she should've felt something by now. The knife wasn’t that big, but she’d made it up and down the entire pole almost… Where was that knife??

What the weapons master regrettably didn't know was that some time ago, Kensei had snuck into her room when Miu had been running in and out cleaning it. The blonde trainee had only left the room unattended for 7,5 seconds, but that had been plenty of time for Kensei to execute his plan:

During those invaluable seconds, he had taken away as many of the hidden weapons he could find, paying extra care as not to take any valuable ones since the black haired weapons master would instantly notice those going missing. 

His goal? Making sure that the swordswoman had as little ammunition to toss at him as possible during his next pervy peeking session.

Of course the Chinese martial artist had found the little knife located under the bed and, not really questioning its purpose, taken it with him along with a few dozen shurikens, a set of tonfas and a spare chain sickle.

And Kensei had been right. Because Shigure owned so many different weapons and the lecherous old man had only taken a few simple ones, she hadn't really noticed them being gone, least of all the tiny knife she only needed as an emergency escape plan for her private bondage sessions.

But now she had noticed it missing, sadly at a point where it was far too late. 

This… isn't good… The raven haired damsel thought, still quite calm but losing that demeanour fast.

What should. I do? Should I... Call for help?

That option didn’t appeal to the buxom raven haired girl at all. For starters, the rooms in Ryozanpaku were pretty sturdy and quite well soundproofed, for obvious reasons. On top of that, there was not really a way to know for certain who would respond to her cry for help. What if it was Ma?!

So, Shigure settled for a different plan of attack: A true and genuine escape attempt, the first the raven haired woman had mounted in her life. Up until now it had all been about playing around, enjoying herself… But this time, if she couldn't get out of the ropes she herself had tied… She didn't even want to think about the consequences, failure was not an option!

Shigure began writing around far more vigorously than usual, trying to slip her legs out of the ropes or to pick at them with her fluttering fingers. But to her frustration, all her efforts seemed to do was increase the tightness of the ropes and knots, just like the manual she'd snuck from Kenichi's stash had predicted: 'How to learn knot tying in 10 days'.

The black haired swordmaster tried to stifle her grunts once more as the stress of pulling with her legs actually lifted her large rack off the floor, arching her back as far as she could endure. But all of it was in vain: the ropes weren't budging one bit, and she was losing energy (and control of her own body) fast. Shigure could already feel her pulse rising and her breasts becoming slightly warmer as the ropes digging into her skin served to arouse the gorgeous young woman, despite the truly desperate situation.

Not. Now! She thought frustrated. I need to. Focus.

She was getting really flustered now, since the situation didn't seem to improve no matter what she did. 

Then it hit her: Why not skip the step of cutting her ropes with the knife that was no longer here, and move straight to her sword?

Question was though: Could she wield her sword effectively with her arms so constricted? 

The chances on that were pretty slim even with her skills, and before that there was still the hurdle of actually reaching her weapon: Her katana was lying on top of her cabinet, well out of reach of a hogtied girl lying on the floor.

Should I… Call for help after all?

There was still that option. If she listened closely enough, she would probably be able to determine just who it was that walking in the hallway. Ideally Kenichi or Miu should be the ones to find her like this, but anyone other than Ma would do fine too.

But she wasn't that desperate yet. She still had stamina left to try and figure a way out by herself. Yes, escaping by herself was what she should aim for. She was nearly always by herself, and she had pulled through every hazardous pinch up till now like that. Something as silly as ropes and shackles couldn't be that difficult to overcome...

The black haired woman resumed her struggles, rolling up and down her room in an effort to finally find a loosening knot or even just pick at one until it gave way. If she could just get her legs free, the manacles would soon follow.

Whilst Shigure was trying her hardest to silently make her way out of her self-inflicted mess, Miu had been cleaning the first floor hallway.

When moving past Shigure’s room, the well endowed blonde had heard something strange coming from the weapons master’s room. It sounded like groans, or even moaning?

Is Shigure training? Miu thought surprised. But she only just returned!

The blonde couldn’t help but become curious, but she shouldn't peek in Shigure’s room, it’s not proper!


There it was again. What in the world was the swordswoman doing in there?

“Aaahhh! I can’t stand it…” Miu muttered. “Shigure-san always acts so mysterious, how is a girl to resist noise like that??

The blonde then clapped her hands together and bowed her head in front of Shigure’s door. “I’m sorry Shigure-san.”

Miu then proceeded to slowly slide the door open by a hair in order to peek inside. But what she saw in there shocked her deeply.

The blonde’s eyes shot nearly fell out of their sockets from surprise, and she pulled the door open fully to confirm what she’d glanced at.

There she was, one the most powerful people in the dojo and a weapons adept on all fronts, lying in her room completely helpless to resist or even move.

"Shigure-san!” Miu wanted to shout, but suppressed it to a whisper just in time. “W-What happened to you?!"

Seeing the blonde enter her room unannounced had startled Shigure, something that happened only on the rarest of occasions. She had been too focused on her escape attempts to listen for anyone walking in the hallways. And now that Miu had heard and discovered her, her so anxiously kept secret was in danger of being exposed! 

"Close the. door!" Shigure said in a strange tone that was a mix of whispering and shouting at the same time. 

Seeing how panicked the bound weapons master looked, Miu instantly obeyed, jumping in the room before closing and barricading the door so nobody else could peek inside or enter.

Their privacy secured, Miu turned round to face the raven haired woman again. 

"Shigure-san, what is the meaning of all this?" The blonde young girl asked as she walked up to the hogtied young woman.

"It's. training."

"Training?" Miu repeated. "In what sense can you call this training?"

“Endurance." The black haired girl replied briefly. "And it also helps me. unwind after long journeys."

“Unwind?” Miu repeated. “You mean you do this to relax yourself after one of your journeys has been straining?”

Shigure only nodded in response, trying one last time to reach for a knot in an effort to get herself out of this awkard situation. Sadly this attempt was as useless as all others before it.

Seeing Shigure wriggle around, Miu slowly began to grasp the full picture. The blonde bombshell could clearly tell Shigure was definitely enjoying her situation more than she let on.

"You do this because you like it, is that it Shigure-san?"

Shigure nodded, facing away from the blonde trainee. "It's a. breather. A nice change. from having to be on edge all the time. when I'm out."

"I guess I can understand that." Miu admitted. "But still Shigure-san, this is far too dangerous. What if Ma-san had found you?" The buxom blonde shivered just at the thought of being found by Ma whilst helpless to resist, a situation a risk she had run herself not all that long ago (courtesy of Kenichi’s one and only talent).

"I have keys." Was Shigure's first response. "And a emergency escape when those keys are out."

"Then where are those things now?" Miu asked confused. “You don’t look like you’re in control at all to be honest.”

"I don't. know." Shigure responded, brief as always.

"Huh?" Miu said astonished. “You don’t know where you left your own means escape?!”

"The keys are. in that box." Shigure elaborated, nodding her head in the direction of the little dark red cipher locked box. "But its jammed shut."

"And your emergency escape?" Miu inquired.

"A knife. under my bed. But it's. gone." The raven haired woman replied seemingly calm, but in reality slightly embarrassed at having been so careless.

"Probably Ma-san's work. He must’ve snuck in here when I wasn’t looking once." Miu said, sighing at how far that old peeping tom would go to get his kicks.

"So, bottom-line. You can't get out, is that it?"

Shigure nodded. "My sword is. out of reach."

"Then, did you want me to find you, is that why you made the noise?" Miu asked.

Shigure shook her head. "The noise was. from my exertions, I did not intend. to be found yet."

“What? So, you don’t want out yet?” Miu asked surprised. “How long have you been like this?”

“Nearly an hour now. Not that long.”

AN HOUR?!!! And that’s not supposed to be long?? Miu thought shocked. When Kenichi had tied her and Renka so tightly, she had wanted out after mere minutes!

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, given that its Shigure I’m dealing with. The blonde trainee finally thought.

“So, what do I do then Shigure-san?”

The black haired woman remained quiet to think for a moment.

“Now that I can get out again, I would like. a moment.”

Miu’s eyes widened. “You still want to go on?! Do you like it that much?”

“Yes.” The swordmaster replied. “Do you. Want to try?”

That offer instantly brought Miu a flashback of the time she and Renka had ended getting themselves in a similar predicament: Not wanting to back down, they both ended up inescapably bound by Kenichi, forced to struggle without hope of escape until the brown haired young man finally returned to check up on them.

The blonde began blushing slightly as she still vividly remembered the feeling of those ropes rubbing against her… and it seemed her body had not yet forgotten about it either, seeing as her nipples hardened slightly, making them visible through her skintight purple bodysuit.

Shigure picked up on that too: “So you do. like it!” She said.

Now Miu’s faint blush turned into a bright red head. “NO! I just… remembered something.”

“What?” The black haired bombshell asked curiously.

“I don't want to talk about it!” Miu instantly shouted, far too embarrassed about being tricked by Kenichi.

However the cute trainee didn’t want to completely dismiss Shigure’s offer, especially not now she had noticed her body still reacted so heavily to just the memory of her predicament.

“…But… Shigure san?” Miu continued shyly. “If I'm to help you this time by getting you out and keeping this secret, then you owe me, right?”

The raven haired woman stared at Miu, wondering where she was going. “Yes.” She said.

The blonde young girl took a deep breath. It’s now or never! She thought.

“In that case… Next time… Can I join you from the start?” 

As I. expected! The weapons master thought victoriously, giving out her usual slight and calm smile as she replied: “Of course. Next time. I will invite you. to my room. for the. start.”

Miu smiled brightly. “Thank you, Shigure-san. To be honest, this is something that I’ve been carrying around with me for some time now. I discovered it by accident, and I never found the chance to test out what exactly my feelings are concerning this.”

“You are. Welcome.” Shigure replied. “Now. Feel free to. Watch.”

As Shigure started thrashing around in her bindings again, once again fully focused on enjoying the feel of the ropes, Miu sat herself down against one of the room’s walls to spectate.

As the blonde young girl watched Shigure roll across the floor, grunting and gasping under the pressure of the ropes digging into her skin, Miu couldn’t help but recall the feelings burning inside of her when she had been doing the same.

I don’t get it. Miu thought to herself. Back then I was so frustrated and angry with Renka for pulling me into that mess, so I just thought I wasn’t focused enough to keep my body in check… But now I’m in full control, and I’m feeling exactly the same, even though I’m not even the one tied up!

Feeling her body heat up and her nipples harden even further, Miu couldn’t resist touching her chest. She pressed down on her right nipple with her thumb.

Aaahhh! Miu barely suppressed her grasp, her body was even more sensitive than she had thought! Nonetheless she kept gently stroking her breasts, because despite thinking it was wrong, it felt far too good to stop.

W-w-what am I doing? Miu thought angrily. This isn't right! Why is this exciting me so??

But before Miu could resolve her internal conflict, she was interrupted by Shigure suddenly ending up right by her side as the raven haired woman happily continued her wriggling, lying on her back and pressing her feet on the floor to lift her butt of the ground in an effort to reach for her ankle bindings.

Shigure-san seems to be enjoying herself even more than me. Miu observed. I wonderis she just as sensitive now? She couldn’t be, she’s a master so she must have better control over her body.

The blonde girl slowly stretched out her hand to reach for Shigure’s voluptuous chest. The black haired swordswoman was too busy to really notice this, at not least until Miu actually touched her left breast.

“Hmmm!" The raven haired woman groaned, as the sudden touch shocked her body in overdrive.

?!!!  … What am I doing to Shigure-san?! Miu thought startled.

“S-S-So-Sorry Shigure-san, I'll get out of here. I'm only bothering you. I'll return in a few minutes to let you-“

But Miu was interrupted by the raven haired swordswoman shaking her head furiously. "More." She subsequently gasped.

More? Miu thought. “You mean, I need to keep touching you?”

Shigure nodded her head, still too focused on keeping hold of the feelings inside of her to really speak.

“Why would you ask that? Shigure san, is this not weird to you?"

"It does not. feel weird. It feels. nice. Do you. not. agree?"

“W-well yes. But I don’t-“

“It is. Fine.” Shigure interrupted. “This too. Is training.”

Miu couldn’t help but see that as an excuse, but she had to admit she too was very much inclined to moving things along further.

“Okay Shigure san, if you say so.”

The blonde then placed both hands on Shigure’s tits and began kneading them more effectively, squeezing and pressing them together.

“Uhhh.” The raven haired woman groaned, writhing around in a daze of utter pleasure as she let the warm, ecstatic feeling spread throughout her body.”

The blonde girl kept rolling her palms on Shigure’s chest faster and faster, forcing the black haired woman to take increasingly shallow breaths.

The weapons master could feel her climax building, simply from having her sensitive breasts handled like they’d never been before. She had never really craved the touch of a man (or woman for that matter), but had to admit that the attention of someone else was incomparably better than her own. In fact the effect was so great she could rapidly feel herself getting wetter and wetter down in her most intimate of areas.

But when the swordswoman had very nearly reached her climax, she suddenly shouted: 

"STOOOP!" Almost loud enough for the noise to make it out of her room.

The sudden screech deeply startled Miu, and she drew back her hands even though Shigure had yet to come. 

But now the blonde apprentice was more confused than ever. She thought she had been doing a good job, given that Shigure had visibly been enjoying herself more and more...

"Why stop now, Shigure-san? Don't you want...more? You are… nearly there aren't you?" The blonde asked with a bright red face.

"Yes, I was." The bound swordswoman replied. "This is. training too. I need to learn to control my. body. in all circumstances."

Miu's eyes widened. "Even for this?! Isn't that just torturing yourself? Denying yourself th-th- ‘that’, every time you get so close!"

Even for Shigure-san, that has to too much to handle! No human being could! Miu thought distressed. I mean, I wasn’t even the one undergoing the whole thing, and even I didn’t want it to end! 

The blonde just couldn’t comprehend the sense of sending your body into a frenzy only to deny it it’s pleasure when it was so damn close! Nobody could possibly need that much self discipline! 

Miu’s internal dialogue was cut short when she noticed something very unusual: It was faint, but Shigure had a blush on her cheeks!

"I don't. Always. Succeed." The raven haired woman said softly.

"OH." The blonde trainee replied stunned. “I see…”

Hmmm… So Shigure is quite a lot more like normal women that you'd think, huh? Miu thought, suppressing her grin.


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