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It was a regular Saturday afternoon. Kenichi was inside the dojo, busy with another one of his endless stream of training exercises. Both Miu and Akisame were by his side, Akisame correcting his stance and Miu trying to encourage her fellow trainee. 

After asking for several times, Kenichi was finally granted 15 seconds of rest by his master, which he used to go over and sit next to Miu. Just when Kenichi wanted to say something to his blonde sparring partner, Renka burst into the room.

“Kenichi! Why don’t you spar with me for a while? You can use the practice, and I will help you improve much faster than Miu will! If you pick me as your sparring partner, I’ll make sure to nurture you into a wonderful martial artist.”

Kenichi didn’t know what to reply, and instead just looked at Miu for fear of her reaction. 

The blonde seemingly remained completely calm. She was not going to let Renka provoke her into losing her temper, since it would only make her look inexperienced and insecure.

“Talk is cheap, Renka-san.  I have spent far more time sparring with Kenichi, accompanying and supporting him during various training sessions. That is a head start you can never catch up too.” The blonde replied with a grin.

“Then perhaps the two of us should just spar, in order to find out who is better at martial arts. The winner will hold the right to help Kenichi in his training!” Renka replied loudly.

“You’re on. I won’t lose to you!” Miu replied, equally loud. There was no way she was going to let Renka steal Kenichi away from her, in her own house.

“H-h-hold on both of you!” Kenichi interrupted. “Is all this really necessary?” He really wasn’t looking forward to seeing two of his friends beat each other up over something so silly as training him. For all he cared, they could both help him improve. Lord knew he needed all the help he could get.

“Yes!” Renka and Miu replied simultaneously.

Kenichi sighed. Persuading these two is going to be impossible. “Well then, if you two must take each other on, then why not do it in a less violent manner?”

“Martial arts isn’t violence!” Miu replied angrily. 

“It’s a sport!” Renka added. “A manner of training your body and mind, and competing against others who share your enthusiasm in friendly matches.”

“The competition you two were going to start didn’t seem too friendly to me, Renka-san.” Kenichi replied. “Just, please hear me out on this. I can provide you two with a perfect way to test your mettle against each other.”

Both girls turned to the brown haired young man. “Well then, spill it. What did you have in mind, Kenichi-san?” Miu said.

“I will tie the both of you up, I’ll use the exact same position for you both. Then it’s just a race to see whoever escapes first.” Kenichi explained.

Both girls remained frozen in place after hearing Kenichi’s proposal. Both were reluctant to accept the challenge, but didn’t want to be the one to back out first. But since just standing around didn’t get them anywhere, Miu was the first to express her doubts.

“Are you sure that is a decent way of testing our skills? It sounds a little random, and I don’t see in what way our skills would be tested by trying to escape from bindings.”

Renka, even though she was unsure herself, seized Miu’s remark as a chance to taunt the blonde: “Are you scared you won't win if it's not martial arts? Is fighting the only thing you know how to do? I’m not afraid of being tied up, Chinese martial arts trains in a wide variety of disciplines, so escaping from bindings doesn’t seem all that weird to me.” The dark haired girl smirked at Miu. Even though she just said that, she actually did feel slightly uncomfortable at the thought of being tied up. But there was no way she was going to let Miu sense that.

Being provoked like that actually started to annoy Miu. Even though she still had reservations, if this was how Renka wanted to play it, she would show her her place.

“Japan has its fair share of stealthily and ninja-like martial arts too. Restraining and escaping is actually pretty close to martial arts, so I guess I too have no real problem taking on this kind of challenge. If you really are up for it Renka, then I will take you on!”

Both girls stared at each other, once more ready for battle.

Kenichi tried to stop the fight from breaking out again. “Good, then it’s a challenge! Let’s go to my room. It’s in a separate building from the main dojo and living quarters, we won’t be disturbed in there.”

The three martial arts practitioners headed for Kenichi’s room, where Kenichi started taking out coils of rope, hidden underneath stacks of books lying in a large case. As Kenichi uncoiled all of the ropes, he began explaining what challenge exactly he had planned. 

“I will tie both of you up simultaneously, that way neither will have the advantage of beginning her escape first. When I’m finished I’ll give you all the starting signal, and from then on the race is on!”

Both girls nodded. “Sounds good to me!” Renka said, clenching her fist and raising it. “Bring it on, I won’t lose no matter what!”

“Feel free to get started then Kenichi-san.” Miu added. “I am also fully prepared to give it my all.”

“Turn around with your backs toward me please, and place your arms behind you.” Kenichi instructed.

After both girls adhered, Kenichi picked up his first strand of rope and began restraining Miu.

The brown haired boy started by looping the rope around both of Miu’s wrists, cinching them together tightly. He did the same just beneath the blonde’s elbows, forcing them together so close they touched. After knotting off that rope as well, Miu’s arms were kept firmly in place.

After Kenichi finished his work on Miu arms, he repeated the same procedure for Renka. After both girls had their arms firmly bound Kenichi turned to uncoil some more ropes.

As Kenichi unraveled the next batch of ropes, both Miu and Renka wriggled in their bonds without Kenichi noticing. They both came to the same conclusion: These bindings were very tight! Not only were the ropes restricting nearly all movement, wriggling only added to their tightness. 

However, their surprise at being so helpless already was nothing compared to the shock they felt upon a different realization: They might have accidentally discovered a talent within Kenichi! (other than being beaten up)

Even though the effectiveness of Kenichi’s restraints was somewhat unexpected, neither of the girls showed any sign of nervousness. Mainly because neither wanted the other one to notice.

Kenichi picked up a very long rope now and began winding it around Miu’s very well endowed chest. First the rope was wrapped below the breasts and then above. After pulling the rope tight in all places, and cinching it all together just above the blond girl's tightly bound elbows, Kenichi still had a decent amount of rope left.

He pulled that rope to the right side of Miu's voluptuous body, first pulling it between the blondes right arm and upper body, underneath the lower chest rope to Miu's right side. Kenichi then brought it up over Miu’s shoulder, winding it across the back of Miu's neck. Next, the rope was brought over to the left side of Miu's body, to be pulled down again in front of the blonde's left shoulder, and back underneath the lower chest rope at the left side this time. Finally, the rope was fed in between Miu’s left arm and upper body again so it could be tied off at the same place Kenichi did the chest harness.

After winding the rope around Miu's upper back like this, the chest harness was tightened up even more because the upper and lower chest ropes were being cinched together at both sides of Miu's body. On top of that, the blonde had now lost almost all use of her arms, they were completely pinned in place.

Kenichi created the exact same chest harness around Renka’s equally well endowed upper body, leaving her just as immobile as Miu was.

“That should be plenty for your upper bodies.” Kenichi said. “Now it is time to begin restraining your legs. If you both would please kneel down.”

Both girls hesitated for a second, slightly worried at how much worse their predicament could become. Neither ever imagined ever ending up in ropes this tight. But both girls quickly realized they had no other option than to comply. Backing out now would be shameful, both to themselves as martial artists and to the challenge they both agreed to.

Miu and Renka slowly knelt down, and Kenichi continued his binding work.

The brown haired young man looped a rope around Miu’s left leg to frogtie it, the same was done for the blonde’s right leg. When finished, Kenichi moved to Miu’s back and wrapped an additional rope around her ankles. Now the blond girl’s legs were not only restrained in a strict frogtie, they were also forced to pressed together.

After placing Renka’s legs in the same manner of frogtie, Kenichi stood up to admire his work on the blonde and dark haired girls for a moment.

“Where did you learn to do all this, Kenichi-san?” Miu asked as she pulled on her bonds, only to discover she could hardly move at all anymore.

"I've read this a little while ago." Kenichi replied, holding up a self help manual:

Learn knot tying in 10 days.

"I spent 15 days reading this thing every free second of my time, and I know it by heart now. I’m glad all that time spent reading turned out not to be for nothing."

"Another book?" Miu said. "How many of those exist? And for how many subjects??"

"Oh, you can find a self-help book written for almost anything. And this one contained illustrations and everything, so it was really educational. Speaking of this book, there’s a couple more techniques I discovered in here I’d like to try out. Would you mind?"

The truth was both Renka and Miu did mind. But when Renka noticed Miu contemplating to refuse Kenichi, the Chinese girl saw her chance:

“I think Miu is scared to go on. But I don’t mind, try whatever technique you want to, Kenichi-san!” The dark haired girl then glared at Miu, as if to say: Point for me!

Miu then frowned. “You know what, Kenichi? Go ahead and try it out on me as well! After all, you wanted to place us both in the same positions. And I already agreed to this challenge so I won’t back down, you know me that well don’t you?

Kenichi smiled at both girls. “Glad you both are still so enthusiastic. Then I will continue displaying what I’ve learned from this book.”

Kenichi then picked up a rather short piece of rope, and wound it around Miu’s waist. After knotting it of in front, he pulled the rope down in between the blond girl’s legs and brought it back up again and pulling it tight, he tied it off to her wrist bindings. 

Pulling the rope tight caused Miu to let out a slight moan as the rope began digging into her groin, causing the blonde to slightly feel both pain and pleasure at the same time.

Miu’s reaction startled Renka a little, as she now realized she would soon be feeling whatever it was that made Furinji utter that kind of noise.

And sure enough, the moment Kenichi tied the crotchrope and pulled it tight for Renka, the Chinese girl made the exact same groan Miu had made moments before.

“U-uhm, Kenichi-san. What exactly is the purpose of this rope?” Renka-san asked, still wincing after Kenichi had pulled the crotchrope in place.

“Well,” Kenichi replied, “the book explained that that rope makes you more aware of your own body. It heightens you senses, and it should even bring you some form of pleasure, at least that’s what the book said. Therefore, I assumed adding that rope might make this challenge more worthwhile.”

Well, I sure am more aware of my own body now, Miu thought to herself. But why do I feel slightly excited because of it?

The blonde was just thinking about asking her sparring partner for an explanation when Kenichi continued speaking.

“Now, I have just one more rope to add.” He said as he unraveled two more ropes, one for each of the girls.

“Even more?” Renka asked. “What more do you need to restrain us?”

“Well, this last rope was also mentioned in the book as a very effective way of restraining a person. And since the two of you are very accomplished martial artists, I didn’t want to make things too easy for you. It’s hardly a challenge if you can get out without any effort, right?”

“You’re right there, Kenichi-san.” Miu replied, forcing herself to smile. The blonde then looked at Renka in order to provoke her. The dark haired Chinese had just shown some doubt, and she was going to exploit it as much as she could.

Renka noticed Miu challenging her, and quickly added to Miu’s remark. “If you put it like that, then bring on that last rope, Kenichi-san. There’s no way I’ll lose, no matter what the position I’m put in! Another rope won’t make a difference.” The dark haired girl then smiled confidently. 

“Wonderful.” Kenichi replied. “I’m so lucky to have such determined friends as my training partners.”

The brown haired boy then gently lowered Miu and Renka onto their stomachs, and began looping his rope around Miu’s bound ankles. He then pulled the rope down to her wrists, leaving almost no slack in between, and attached his rope to Miu’s chest harness. The result was a very strict frogtie/hogtie combination, leaving Miu with no freedom whatsoever.

While Kenichi repeated the hogtie for Renka, Miu tested her bindings for a moment. To her despair the blonde discovered all that was left for her to do was flutter her fingers, a useless action since none of the knots were in reach. Any struggle more pronounced would increase pressure on either her crotchrope or her chest harness, which in turn caused that arousing feeling to spike within her.

Renka soon discovered that she was in the same perilous situation, becoming more and more excited as she tested all of her very tight bindings. And even though she would never openly admit it, she had become very worried about her chances of getting out at all, let alone beat Miu in a race.

“This should suffice. I’m certain with ropework this extensive, even the two of you will be pushed to your limits. I’ll be leaving now so you two can have some privacy.”

“W-wait, Kenichi-san!” Miu shouted. “You’re leaving us alone? There really is no need for that, we won’t mind you keeping watch. Right, Renka-san?”

“Of course not,” Renka confirmed, “in fact we’d prefer it so we have a referee to keep tabs on what is happening.”

“There’s no need for a referee, this is not a sparring contest.” Kenichi replied. “Feel free to use whatever means you see fit to escape. Besides, if I stay away for any longer, my masters will start thinking I’m avoiding training. And they are sure to give me hell for that. I’ll be back by this evening, you can tell me the result of this competition then.”

“T-this evening?!” Miu and Renka shouted. “You’re going to stay away that long?!”

Both girls looked at each other. Seems like their stubbornness that had kept them from backing out was backfiring, big time. But neither was going to confess that, not in a million years.

“It’s not that long, what are a few hours of escaping to well trained martial artists like yourselves?” Kenichi said with a smile. “Now, I really have to get going, so until tonight.”

And with that, the brown haired young man walked out of his room and closed the door behind him.

After closing the door, Kenichi had to try his hardest not to shout in happiness.

I can’t believe I actually pulled this off! The brown haired disciple thought to himself. When I came up with this to stop them from fighting, I never imagined them agreeing to it, but they actually did!

The brown haired young man than began blushing heavily. Aaahh, Miu-san looked so gorgeous all tied up! He thought. I wish I could just burst in again with a camera, but they’d hold a grudge until the end of time if I did that, not to mention the beating I’d get.

Kenichi began shivering at the thought of both girls turning on him. Maybe I should hint at master Ma to check my room, he’ll take the pictures then

…Then again, he might go too far, and he would probably charge a fortune for them… Guess all I can hope for is that I memorized everything that book said well enough. If I did my job well enough, there’s no way they’d be out by this evening. I’ll get my chance to enjoy Miu’s struggling then. Maybe she’ll even beg me to SAVE her!

The young disciple then returned to the main dojo to resume his training, all the while nearly skipping with excitement.

Both Miu and Renka began struggling furiously as soon as the door had closed behind Kenichi. But after a few minutes of fully testing their bonds, they both realized how hopeless their situation was: Not a single knot was in reach, and none of the ropes were budging either… They won't get out, no matter how long or hard they were going to try. 

What was worse was that trying too hard would only result in getting aroused, a fact both girls had noticed since their nipples were by now rock hard from the stimuli caused by the crotchrope and chest harness. 

But even though they had both grasped their situation, they wouldn’t even consider helping each other escape. In fact, neither of the girls even looked at the other (although this could also be because both girls were blushing heavily from the feelings the ropes summoned within them, and neither of them didn’t want the other to see).

Not yet ready to give up after just their first try, both girls began another valiant attempt of struggling, shaking wriggling and pulling on their bindings. Thanks to their years of martial arts training, both girls had loads of stamina, and they continued their efforts for almost an hour and a half.

Aside from the normal struggling, Renka and Miu periodically tried out different strategies like techniques, or sometimes just plain brute force to try and break free from their frustrating and arousing bindings.

Sadly, nothing seemed to work, partly because the 'sensitive ropes' kept them from exerting any real pressure or effort. Each and every time one of the girls felt like they were close to a breakthrough, those damned crotchropes would become that bit tighter as to break their concentration.

Eventually, the blonde and dark haired girl slumped down, breathing heavily. They looked at each other, with a look on their faces conceding that they really couldn’t get out just by themselves.

After what had been almost two hours of continuous wriggling and moaning, the girls finally broke the silence.

“I’m guessing that from the looks of it, you’ve made as little progress as I have, Renka-san?” Miu said whilst still light of breath.

“Y-Yes. I’m afraid Kenichi-san did a very thorough job on both of us. If you are willing to admit that you’re helpless, I guess I can too.” Renka replied.

“So, what can we do then? I really don’t feel like remaining here tightly bound until the evening.” The blond Japanese girl said with a sigh.

“We could call for help,” the dark haired girl offered, “ aren’t there tons of people in this house anyways?” 

Miu shook her head. “Not in these remote living quarters. Besides, what do you think anyone would say if we explained how we got like this… Or even worse, what if it was Ma-san who found us?!” 

Miu shivered at the thought of that lecherous old man walking in on her while she was completely helpless to resist.

“Papa wouldn’t do anything too horrible. And I definitely have nothing to fear, since he’s my father.” Renka said with a grin. Somehow it pleased her seeing how terrified Miu had gotten. 

But scaring her competitor wasn’t getting her out of these ropes anytime soon, so there would have to be another plan other than calling Kensei in here.

“That woman, you know the weapons master. She seems like she is capable of keeping a secret.” The Chinese girl said.

“Shigure-san?” Miu replied. “Yes, she would be our best option right now. But I’m not sure she’s even in, and shouting for her might attract others who aren’t as helpful.”

Miu let out a loud sigh. “I guess there’s no other option, we will have to untie each other in order to get out.”

Renka began shaking her head vigorously. “Oh no! Then the one who helps out the other loses the match!”

“Seriously, you’re still going on with the match? We BOTH lose if we don’t help each other.”

“A draw is better than a loss.” Renka replied swiftly.

“Aaargh! You’re so stubborn.” Miu shouted as she twisted in her bonds again in frustration. The blonde instantly regretted doing that, as it made the crotchrope dig in deeper again.

“If you really want out, then why not just untie me first?” Renka replied.

“Because you’re the one who insist this is still a match! If I untie you, you’ll leave me here and claim towards Kenichi that you won!” Miu answered, now getting angry from her frustrations towards both Renka’s attitude and her own bindings.

“Fine then.” Renka said with a frown. “Then we keep the situation as is. I’ve recovered enough already anyways, so I’m going to try another escape. you feel free to keep moping around.” Renka sneered. And with that she began another wild burst of wriggling, shaking and pulling on her bonds.

Miu quickly followed suit, seeing no other option left to her since negotiations had broken down.

But after almost another hour and a half of fierce wriggling (and moaning), both of the young female martial artists were still as helpless as ever.

Miu tried to speak through her heavy breathing. “Haah, haah, haah,… Now will you consider working together?” the blonde asked the equally out of breath Renka. 

The dark haired girl still didn’t feel like helping her rival out. But those feelings were dwarfed by her arousal and frustrations from the now infuriatingly tight ropes. She could hardly breathe anymore, and her nipples were so hard at this point they were showing through her Chinese dress. The moment she had noticed this, the young Chinese girl began to blush bright red. 

Reluctant as she was to help out Miu, getting out of these damned rope was now far more important. “Y-yes. I hate to say it, but I give up. All I want right now is to be free again, the match doesn’t matter to me anymore.”

“Thank God!” Miu replied, “then let’s get closer to each other so we can reach each other’s knots.”

Renka complied, and both girls begin shifting their gorgeous but exhausted (and heavily turned on) bodies towards each other.

However, just as they were coming in reach of the other’s ropes, the door opened, startling the girls. Both girls looked up at the doorway only to see Kenichi had returned and was looking at them disappointedly.

"No progress whatsoever? That's pretty shameful for two highly trained martial artists."

“Well, excuse us! It’s not like you gave us much room to work with here, Kenichi-san!” Renka replied with a frown.

“Indeed, Kenichi-san. You could’ve gone a little easier on us, since this was our first time doing something like this.”

"But, if you two had called a truce, and worked together, you would’ve gotten out easily.” The brown haired boy replied. “Are you telling me neither of you wanted to get out badly enough to help the other?”

Both Miu and Renka stare at the brown haired young man with wide eyes.

"Is that the only reason you did this?” Miu replied.

“You went this far just to get us to stop fighting?" Renka said.

"Well, yes… I didn't know what to do when you began talking about having a match.” Kenichi said whilst shyly looking at the floor. “I didn't want the two of you to get hurt while I was forced to just watch helplessly. That's not how a man should act, he should take any steps necessary to keep those important to him safe. So, that's what I did." 

The brown haired man now looked up again, to face his blonde and dark haired captives. “But I guess my plan failed, since you two still can’t get along. Maybe I should leave you for the rest of the night, see if you change your mind in the morning.”

“That won’t be necessary, Kenichi-san.” Miu replied. “We were just starting to combine forces in order to get out.

“Exactly,” Renka added, “in fact we had just managed to get within reach to start untying each other when you entered.”

“We’ve learned our lesson, Kenichi-san.” The blonde said with a smile. “We won’t fight each other over you anymore, we now understand that won’t accomplish anything.”

The brown haired young man let out a sigh. “That’s a relief. Guess I can untie the two of you then, since it’ll be quicker than having you two get each other out.”

Kenichi quickly undid all of the ropes binding both Miu and Renka, then stood up again.

Both the blonde and the dark haired girl massaged their limbs for a moment before getting up. All those hours in that straining position really took a toll on them, so much so both girls realized it could actually be seen as a form of training.

“So,” Kenichi began, “ how will you two handle training and sparring with me from now on? Will you take turns, and go one at a time?”

Both the Japanese and the Chinese girl shook their head.

“No, we will train you together, Kenichi-san Miu said with an ominous smile.

“Yes, since you wanted us to work together so badly, we might as well do so when putting you through you paces.” Renka confirmed with an equally ominous look on her face.

Those looks really scared Kenichi. He could tell they didn’t appreciate his efforts to bring them together, but before he could utter an apology or excuse, both girls simultaneously shouted:

“Time for some heavy training Kenichi-san”

The brown haired young man turned tail and ran as fast as he could, but was soon caught by the blond and dark haired girls.

“Don’t start running just yet Kenichi-san, first we need some warm-up exercises and then a few hours of muscle building. After that you can do some running.” Miu said with that same dangerous smile.

“Yep,” Renka continued, “there’ll be plenty of time for you to run, for the rest of the night.”

“G-Geronimooooo!” The young trainee yelled.


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