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It had been over two months since Suguha had ended up a victim of the 'ALO burglar', and already several weeks since the raven haired young woman had turned to self-bondage in the abandoned regions of Alfheim Online. But due to the complete lack of success with her own experimentation in bondage, the kendo practitioner had seen no other way to tackle her night terrors than to turn to the online community in search of an understanding crowd.

She had met and talked to all manner of people inside several virtual cafés, from hard core S&M specialists to relatively new practitioners similar to her. After making a few return trips to the chat rooms which fitted her best, the dark haired girl steadily got more relaxed talking about her ‘preferences’, gingerly gathering information and feeling around if any of the chat rooms -and their visitors- were up for real life meetings.

Eventually, she stumbled upon a guy whom she really hit it off with: Springer. He was a young man just two years older than her.

The more they talked, the more common ground they found. From their love of sporting hobbies, to a mutual love for full dive technology and its applications, and naturally they both shared a preference for ‘soft bondage’ play. 

Over time, Suguha slowly began opening up to him, eventually actually looking forward to the night's she and he would be able to get together and chat.

But despite their bond, it still took the raven haired girl over 15 days before she'd worked up the courage to confess how she got into contact with bondage for the first time…

"… My first experience was a robbery. My aunt and brother were out of town, and I'd logged onto ALO after locking down the house. A burglar first ambushed me in ALO to tie me up there. But it turned out that was only to give him time so as to break in and tie me up in the real world and ransack the house."

"Wow, that's a memorable one… Did he… do anything to you?"

"No, luckily he was sort of a stand-up guy… If you don't count the breaking and entering. He did leave me with a hitachi buzzing away, though."


"And I didn't get found until the following morning."


"By my older brother."

"… There is no word that can aptly express the hurt for that one."

"You got that right. I couldn't even bear looking him in the eye for the next few days... And he never brought it up either."

"But since you're in this chatroom, I take it the whole ordeal left you with questions?"

"Oh God yes! The whole experience was horrible, but because all of the ropes were so snug and because that hitachi wand kept working away, I couldn't stop myself from becoming excited."

"Leaving you with conflicting feelings about the whole ordeal."

"Exactly. I haven't talked about it much though, it's too embarrassing. But instead of those feelings and memories slowly fading, it's like they keep growing stronger!"

"Like an urge that desperately needs fulfilling."

"You could say it like that."

"But you don't know how to."

"Well, I tried tying myself up..."

"That doesn't work."


"You need someone to tie YOU up, to take control away from you."

"But I can't just walk up to someone and say: Hey, do you fancy tying me up?"

"Isn't that what you came to this chatroom for?"




"Do you want to be tied up?"

"… I don't know. Every time I think about all this, I keep coming to that conclusion: that I need to be tied up by someone. But like I said: I have no idea how to make that happen. Even if virtual reality is a place where you can be anonymous, it's not THAT free spirited!"

"But you do want to find out more about what it's like not to have control?"

"I think that'll help me understand what's going on with me at least."

"Do you want me to tie you up?"

Suguha almost fell out of her chair. Obviously, the conversation had been heading towards that one question. It had been doing so for weeks already... But to see it typed out on her screen so openly still startled her. 

“He wants to tie me up?! But we hardly know each other! I- I mean, he’s a pretty nice guy and all, and he really understands me… but to actually go so far…”


“I’m still thinking…”

“Fair enough. Should we log out and get back in touch another time?”

“That might be best.”

“Good night Leafa.”

“Good night Springer.”

After pondering the idea for three - nearly sleepless – nights, Suguha got back into contact with her chat mate.

“Good evening Leafa.”

“Hi Springer.”

“So, what’d you wanna talk about?”

The dark haired girl sat in front of her keyboard, trying to work up the courage to speak her mind.


“I’d like to take you up on your offer.”

After going back and forth for several more evenings about the practicalities of their date, the two youngsters finally decided the only real option was to hold meet up in the virtual world, in Alfheim Online. 

Springer only played one full dive game, the gunslinger platform of GGO. He wasn't interested in fantasy style games at all. But with ALO having been based off of the originator in full dive gaming - Swordart Online -, it simply was their best bet by far.

Despite being around for several years already, ALO was still the most advanced full dive game on the market, mainly thanks to the Cardinal system running within the base coding. It boasted the most extensive maps, highest detail quests, extreme interactivity, and not to forget: the largest and most stealthy 'dark regions' free from GM interference.

But there was one other thing that made ALO the only real choice, something essential to fulfil Sugu's needs: The ability to interact intimately with other players.

Virtual intimacy had been banned by the government after the SAO debacle, for obvious reasons. Many government officials and lobbying groups felt there had to remain a clear distinction between real life and virtual life. 

But after much protest and public demand, the law followed suit. ALO had become the pioneer in making it possible for one game avatar to interact intimately with another when 3 conditions were fulfilled:

Both parties had to be over age

Both parties had to consent by means of adding game-ids to an 'intimate list, which could only be done:

In one another's presence 

After entering your password along with the final confirmation (to prevent the forcing of one’s hand).

No other players could be within a 25-foot radius during the intimate activity, unless either a private room was used, or all onlookers were also added to the intimate list.

The introduction of an 'intimate mode' had revolutionized Alfheim Online completely, and naturally the 'dark regions' had been swept up right along with it, sprouting large motel-like buildings for players wishing to hook up without being seen by friends or guild members.

When all of the preparations for their meeting were in place, Suguha began to eagerly await the day she and Springer would virtually meet face to face.

At the agreed upon date, the blonde Sylph made her way back to that black market on the edge of Alfheim’s maps. She got there almost an hour early, purely because she could no longer bear sitting still in her house. She’d done some soloing before entering the dark zone again, hoping to get her mind off of things.

But her body had been too tense, too nervous about what was to come… She barely managed to gain any exp or treasure, thus the blonde gave up on distracting herself and visited the same inn she’d used last time, renting a larger, more luxurious room fit for two people.

After sitting herself down on the sofa and un-equipping her gear, she began to eagerly await that knock on the door… But it still made her jump when Springer actually arrived.

*Knock knock*

“S-Springer?” A tremblingly nervous Leafa whispered.


Leafa breathed a sigh of relief, and opened up the door with a pounding heart. 

Before her stood a Spriggan. Almost 6 foot tall, with quite a muscular build but not intimidatingly so. He looked to be in his early twenties, just like the person she had been chatting with all this time had been telling her. In addition, his youthful face might have been giving him a couple years advantage. His hair was jet black, his eyes of a hazel brown colour. His rugged jaw had a slight stubble. 

"Leafa I presume?"

“Yes, that’s me.” She said nervously.

The tall man smiled. "Guess I knocked on the right door then."

The bodacious Sylph chuckled. His calm demeanour reassured the blonde girl, and it convinced her this was the real Springer straight away. After all those nights spent chatting to a stranger, who slowly turned into a most trusted friend, somehow the guy’s opening was exactly how she had imagined. "Yes, you did."

"So, you want to get started right away?"

The swordswoman nodded, stepping aside to let the taller man enter. "Yes please." Before I lose my nerve.

"Alright, let's get the formalities out of the way first." He said as he opened up his 'intimate list'.

Just like Leafa's, Springer's was still completely blank. You couldn't read any other names on the list regardless, but there would still be pixelated lines on the pop-up screen if others had been granted intimacy priviliges.

So, he had also been telling the truth when he told me this would be a first for him... The blonde swordswoman thought relieved.

With their names registered and the room locked down into a private setting (meaning sounds would be dampened considerably), the tall Spriggan turned to Leafa again.

"Let's get to it. Go ahead and sit down on the bed.” The dark haired man said as her opened up his item menu. “By the way, do you want to take off any clothes?”

Leafa’s eyes widened. That's an option she had never considered.

“Only if you’re alright with it of course! It’s just that you told me you were tied up in your underwear back then as well…”

“That wasn’t by choice. If it’s all the same with you, I’d prefer to be fully clothed.”

“Of course, no problem. Just sit down and place your hands behind your back, I’ll take care of the rest.”

A slight grin played along Leafa’s lips. “You said about the same thing online.”

“Because it’s true.”

The beautiful young Sylph did as she was asked, her heart pounding in her chest like crazy as Springer sat behind her back. The soft jingling from the game interface betrayed he was browsing his items, followed by the shimmering sound of something materializing.

This is really happening; I'm going to let someone tie me up! Leafa realized as her heart rate skyrocketed. She flexed her hands for a moment in nervous anticipation.

Springer proceeded to gently fold Leafa’s arms together and cinched her wrists and elbows flat against one another.

“Hmrrnn.” Leafa grunted softly, shifting her arms but not pulling away or asking him to stop.

Soon the blonde young woman found both her wrists and elbows firmly tied together behind her back, so close those last were touching.

Her legs had been frogtied, and although Springer had shimmied up her robes a little, she remained decent.

The ropework itself all seemed pretty basic, not as intricate as that burglar had put her in. But nonetheless, all of it felt extremely effective.

"How's that?"

"hmmrr. REALLY tight!"

"Think you can get out?"

Leafa began rolling around on the two-person bed trying to wriggle free, create some slack somewhere or at least reach some of her knots for now. But she failed categorically.

"Grmmnn! N-No." Leafa admitted, panting softly. 

"Good, then we move on." The tall, dark haired spriggan said as he knotted a cleave gag in between her teeth.

“Uhhn?!” The blonde yelped surprised. They had never really discussed a gag during their chat sessions. But she soon calmed down. After all, this was simply another part of the experience Leafa was seeking.

“Sounds pretty muffled.” Springer commented, rolling Leafa onto her chest and slapping her ass.

“HMMN (OWW)!” She yelped, trying to roll around. But the Spriggan kept the pressure on her bum to stop her from crawling away. His hands began gripping the blonde’s firm buttock, kneading it a little.

“mmnrr.” Leafe moaned, trying to buck her captor’s hand away. But he slapped her again.

“Calm down. God you’re being annoying. I already went through the trouble of tying you up, so there’s no point trying to run.” Springer said, sounding rather curtly.

What’s he saying? He’s acting weird.

“Mrrhrr? (Springer?)” Leafa mouthed into her gag. 

But he completely ignored her as her rolled her onto her back and roughly squeezed her breasts now, pulling aside her green robes to get a better view.

“MRRHRR! (SPRINGER)!” The bound and gagged girl shrieked, only to receive a threatening glare. “That gag will keep any noise you make contained to this room, but that doesn’t mean you can just moan however much you like. It’s annoying.” He said brashly.

What’s going on? Why is he being like this? This isn’t what I expected at all…

“Ai an oww  (I want out).” The beautiful Sylph moaned. “Ai own an oo oo is a-ee-orr (I don’t want to do this anymore).”

“Tough, this is happening. I didn’t spend all those nights acting friendly and listening to your whining to have my fun snatched away at the last second. You’re putting out!” Springer growled, dipping underneath Leafa’s bra and giving her nipples a twist.

“HMNN!!” The blonde’s eyes widen with fright. She kept moaning in protest as Springer groped her roughly… But despite his complete lack of subtlety, he clearly knew what he was doing. Leafa’s body was growing hotter and needier with each of his pin point accurate fondles.

But her nervousness grew as an equally alarming rate. Springer soon delved underneath her robes to rub her slim waist and her slender thighs, inching closer to her womanhood one stroke at a time.

The helpless Sylph never stopped moaning at her chat friend to stop, but it was almost as if he’d just tuned out her voice. His focus rested solely with exploring every inch of his captive’s luscious body.

He slipped his fingers under the cups of her and pulled them down to reveal her fulsome chest and hardened nipples.

The tall Spriggan chuckled. “And here I thought all that groaning was a sign you weren’t having fun.” He teased. “These tell a different story.” He added as he flicked his captive’s nipples.

“HMMRNNNG!!” Leafa growled furiously, trying to kick him out of reflex but finding her legs completely useless in their frogties.

And that was making her feel incredibly nervous, even worse than during the burglar’s rampage throughout her house.

Try as she might, the poor young woman couldn’t find any way to stop her supposed ‘partner’ from stopping his assault.

She’d tried swiping for the logout button countless times already, but just like on that grassy patch all those weeks ago, her arms had been pinned down too securely! She couldn’t make the game interface acknowledge anything, not the calling up of her menu, nor the quick link to her equipment for getting a blade out. And to top it off, the cleave gag knotted into place messed up her pronunciation so badly not even the simples spell in her arsenal was recognized by the game.

Part of the blonde Sylph began wishing she was dreaming again, that there was no ‘Springer’ who had coaxed her into trying to recreate those most confusing feelings. 

But the rugged Spriggan’s strong hands soon destroyed that illusion, yanking her right back to the harsh virtual reality of having her butt, breasts, thighs and everything else rudely fondled and groped.

His approach was definitely working though. She felt completely same as she did during her dreams: Scared, nervous, excited and yet still slightly erotic… But the fact this event wasn’t going to end with her sitting bolt upright in her bed was making her squirm in both meanings of the world.

The tall Spriggan continued to have his way with Leafa’s body for a few more minutes, taunting her with each new cry for help or useless counterattack. 

"That mewling of yours is really turning me on." He said in a low, soft voice. By manner of reward, her started twisting the blonde's nipples between his fingers and pulling back on them.

"HIIIII!!" The helpless swordswoman shrieked as the shockingly arousing pain travelled from her breasts throughout her body, only to settle deep inside her pussy.

This isn't good! I feel it coming! I'm starting to... The blonde realized horrified as her nether regions began growing hotter and wetter under the pressure from her captor's ropes and his skilfull hands. But despite her body screaming for the tall dark and handsome man in charge of it to keep going, Leafa forced herself to glare and insult him, and keep demanding him to stop.

But when Springer hooked his finger behind the Sylph’s panties and began to slowly pull them down, the poor damsel's bluff crashed down like a house of cards. Instead, she began shrieking and thrashing for her life.

“HMMMMMM (HEEEELP)!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs in a blind panic, straining against her bonds so badly they began to hurt her skin. Her frustrations grew to new heights, as did her anger. But that anger wasn't directed at the trickster Spriggan, it was meant for herself: 

Please, make it stop! This wasn’t how I wanted this to go at all! God, how could I have been so STUPID! Just because this is a game, that doesn’t mean you can’t REALLY get into trouble. Why didn’t I think this through?! The blonde cursed, angry and scared at the same time.

It might have only been her in-game avatar body. But thanks to ALO and the amusphere providing such realistic a sensation, this might as well have been the real world.

And now she was going to be abused by a man whose real face she didn’t even know. Someone who had sweet talked her into trusting him and letting her tie her up in bondage so strict she couldn’t even log out to run away!

The tall and dark haired fiend calmly exposed her pussy, already moist despite Leafa’s valiant efforts to fight off him and his expert hands.

Oh God no. He’s going to…

Leafa screwed her eyes tightly shut, not wanting to risk making eye contact with Springer during the act. The poor young Sylph began sobbing slightly, warm tears squeezing their way past her eyelids and rolling along her cheeks.

However out of nowhere, Springer’s presence completely disappeared.

Leafa kicked around and expected to bump into his thigh, but she couldn’t feel anything in her immediate reach.

Seconds crawled by, yet still her assailant didn’t make himself known.

“Hmmmn?” She moaned softly as her curiosity overtook her fear and she opened up her eyes to see what had transpired.

But to her utter astonishment, what she saw was Springer having suddenly backed off. He looked mighty uncomfortable too.

"Hey, did you have to start crying like that? You're taking this role play a bit too seriously. It's putting me off." He said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

“Leafa’s eyes shot wide open in shock. “owe ey?! (Role play?!)”

“Yes, the kidnapping scene we’re replicating based on your dreams remember?”

“Een? Orr ack-in?! (Secene? ou’re acting?!)

Springer frowned his eyebrows. “What did you think I was doing?” He asked confused. “Hang on… you weren’t acting?!?" He went on to ask, taking out the gag for now. 

"NO! I was calling for help, because you were going to rape me!"

“What?! No I wasn’t! This was all part of the game! Didn’t we agree on you trying to get back that feeling you had when you were tied up in your room all alone? I figured the best way was to act like you’d been kidnapped again. When you began squirming and moaning, I thought you’d begun playing along.”

“Well I hadn’t. “You gave me the fright of my life.” The blonde said, more angrily than she’d intended. She toned down her voice. “I came here expecting a simple tie up game: You put rope on me and let me test out what it’s like squirming to escape.”

“That isn’t at all how you told me your first experience went.”

“I know that. But I figured it was the rope rubbing me up that caused all those strange and exciting feelings. So that’s what I wanted you to do.”

“Hmm. I thought you wanted to try being kidnapped again. During those chats you kept coming back to how that robber roaming around made you feel so nervous, but aroused at the same time. I thought that was what was confusing you... Besides, if you really felt that distressed you could’ve just given me a sign when things were getting uncomfortable.” Springer pointed out.

“Like what? Yelling ‘stop, don’t do this’; or ‘please let me go?’.” The blonde countered, slightly annoyed. She should’ve handled the communication better? There had been a cleave gag knotted in between her lips!

But the tall and muscular Spriggan shook his head. “No, obviously that would be part of the roleplay. You needed to use- Ahhh… damn. I can’t believe I forgot to mention that to you.” He slapped his forehead. “Forget everything I said. You did nothing wrong, it’s just that I’m a moron.”

“What do you mean? Mention what?” Leafa asked confused.

“The safeword. When you’re doing stuff like this, there has to be an escape route: a safeword that lets me know you need things to end.”

“Like what?”

“Could be anything. Any word at all, preferably one that’s easy to understand and remember, and not likely to come up during normal conversation.”

“Like turnstile?”

The tall dark haired young man chuckled. “Maybe not that random. And preferably something with more vowels, so the gag doesn’t get in the way too much. Moon for example.”

“Hmm. And if I say ‘Moon’, you let me out?” 

Springer nodded. “Instantly.”

“That really would’ve been handy, yes. If we’d agreed upon that before, I wouldn’t have made a fool of myself.” The young Sylph said embarrassed.

“I’m the fool here, I was the one who promised to take care of everything.”

“True, but to be fair the thought never crossed my mind that you would scare me into backing out either.”

“We’ll share the fault then.” Springer concluded.

“Sure, but you’ll have to facepalm my head for me.” Leafa joked. 

The two youngsters laughed embarrassedly for a moment before Springer rolled Leafa onto her side and looked at her.

"So, now what?" The tall Spriggan asked calmly.

"Well, it's a bit silly to keep up our act after all this. How about you just move on with what you were going to do, just without me making a fuss?"

Springer nodded. "Sounds like a good plan.”

“Out of interest, and now that I can still speak properly: What were you going to do?”

He rubbed his stubble. “Well, like I said during the chat: I felt actual sex was way too forward on a first meeting like this. But of course, if this went well for you there would come a point where you’d feel the urge to ‘finish’ that burn inside of you. So…" The dark haired man explained, pulling out a dildo as his voice died down.

"You brought an alternative." The blonde said, trying to hide how nervous she was at the prospect of being brought to climax at someone else’s pace and even whim.

"Well I figured, being an adult young woman, you had experience with this at least."

"And you'd be right. Just not when someone else is holding it."

“Well add it to the list of new things you experienced today.” Springer said as he reapplied the gag.

Leafa took a deep breath and tried to scoot back against the headboard. But her legs and arms didn’t have the movement to get her seated upright. Springer gently picked her up and sat settled her against the pillows.

“Aks (thanks).”

“Don’t mention it.” The tall man replied as he picked up where he left off: sliding down the blonde’s panties to expose her quivering lovebox.

The blonde captive closed her eyes in anticipation, shifting in the strict ropes keeping her pinned down, waiting for the hard rubber to make contact with her folds.

Springer took his time, very slowly slipping the ridged dildo inside of her, making her gasp and twitch on more than one occasion. When the rubber phallus had reached far enough to brush against Leafa’s clit, her body kicked into high gear.

“Ooooaahhhh!” She moaned loudly, her legs kicking a little.

“Too fast?” Springer asked caringly.

But the blonde shook her head fervently. “Urreee (hurry)!” She begged, making her captor chuckle.

“I guess you’re more of a direct approach kind of girl, rather than a role player.” He remarked as he began rocking the rubber a little whilst he slid it deeper down Leafa’s most sensitive flesh, drawing soft gasps and mewls from her as she approached her climax.

But the tall and muscular Spriggan knew what he was doing a little too well. He ensured his pace was slow enough to prevent Leafa from cumming, yet quick enough to keep her body in heat.

“Ing-urrr (Springeeerrr!!)” She moaned angrily.


“OP EES-IN EE!! (STOP TEASING ME!!)” She demanded.

“How about a ‘please’?” He taunted her.

“EEESEEEE (PLEEASEEE)!!” The blonde howled without hesitation. She was way too needy right now to care about stuff like banter or pride.

“Okay, okay. Guess we can scratch endurance off the list.” The dark haired mocked playfully as he twisted the base of the sex toy to make it vibrate a little.

That stunt caught the bodacious Sylph completely by surprise, and she began squirming and moaning like mad for a mere 4 seconds before her orgasm erupted.

“AAAAAHHHHNNNN!!” The blonde cried out at the top of her lungs, gasping for air when the waves of pleasure finally began to die down.

Springer gingerly pulled back the dildo to let his captive relax. She felt so drained she barely had the strength left to remain conscious, her chest heaving as she slumped down and dropped on her side onto the pillow to her left. “Aks (thanks).” She said mutely.

“You’re welcome.” The tall Spriggan replied as her stroked her hair whilst Leafa nodded off for a minute.

When Leafa woke up again, she found herself in exactly the same position she’d drifted off in: her legs frogtied, her arms tied behind her back, and a knotted cleave gag keeping her quiet. She tried to crawl upright, but her limbs felt like they were made out of lead. None of the knots had been loosened either, so she was still stuck inside ALO.

After some writhing around, she managed to roll onto her right side so she could look around the rest of the room.

And there he was: Springer was sitting in the room’s only sofa, browsing through his menu and checking his gear.

“Ey (Hey).” Leafa mumbled.

The raven haired man looked up. “Hey there.” He said cheerfully. “You’re up again.”

“Ow ai od, (no I’m not,)” she replied, “ai ill and oof (I still can’t move).”

“Yeah, well I didn’t want to wake you again by fiddling with the ropes.” The muscular man replied. “You looked really cute too.” He added teasingly.

The blonde groaned annoyed. “Us ed o-ur eer (Just get over here).” She pleaded, flailing her arms and kicking her legs.

“Of course.” The tall Spriggan said as he closed his menu and moved to her side.

"So, how did you find this?" Springer asked after taking out the gag and starting to undo the frogties.

"… Exhilarating, to be honest. I never expected this to have such a massive effect, but it did!"

"Does that mean there'll be a repeat performance?" The tall dark haired man asked as her freed Leafa from the rest of her bonds.

Now the blonde remained silent, avoiding looking Springer in the eye as she did up her robes again.

"Too soon to tell?"

Leafa looked up at her partner with an apologetic face. "Yeah, I'm feeling a little confused right now. This has definitely helped me move on from that horrible kidnapping, but I don't know yet where I want to head too, if that makes any sense."

"It does. Believe me, it does. Everyone who's into this stuff goes through the same thing."

"I guess…" The blonde Sylph sighed, looking up towards the ceiling and folding her hands together on her lap.

The Spriggan sat himself beside her, resting his hand on her thigh. The fact she didn't jerk back was a real relief for him. But he still hesitated to bring up the issue burning up inside.

Just say it: You want to keep in touch! Even if she doesn’t know what it is she wants or needs, you still want to be there for her. To support her through this, and get to know her better. It’s not difficult, just own up and say it! Just-

"So…" Leafa suddenly said, making the raven haired man beside her flinch.


"Uhm… Would you… be okay with us keeping in touch?" The blonde asked with a faint blush. She fervently hoped her whole messy performance hadn't put the guy off. Truth be told, there were so many questions still racing through her mind, but she had to log out as soon as possible and get some rest before sorting out her feelings. However not before making sure Springer wouldn’t suddenly disappear, like that burglar who had forced her into this awkward position in the first place.

The tall Spriggan blinked a couple of times. "Yeah! Definitely!" He said eagerly. 

The blonde girl sighed relieved. "Thank God! You've been so understanding of my whole situation, and with all the advice you gave me, even willing to go through all this. I don't know what I'd do if I wouldn't have you to turn to anymore! I’d really like to get to know this world better… And you as well."

The friendly young man rubbed her back. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to stick around. I mean, it's not like this was much of a chore for me either. If anything, being in control of a gorgeous young girl like yourself was a real treat!"

The Sylph's cheeks flushed. "D-Don't tease me!"

"You mean like I’ve been doing all evening? I didn’t hear any complaints back then." The Spriggan countered.

"Because I had a gag muffling me!" The blonde retorted. "And my body was pinned down!"

"Hmm, true… I think I liked you better like that then." The man chuckled.

"You jerk!" Leafa giggled.


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