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Suguha was squirming on her bed. Almost two hours ago, she had woken up from a deep sleep, with a minor headache and aching limbs, and no recollection of how she’d gotten to sleep (or who had put her there).

The voluptuous college student been tied up wearing nothing but dark green panties and a bra, her wrists and ankles spread eagled to the four corners. The helpless young woman had spent almost every moment straining against her ropes, rattling her bed in an effort to get hold of a knot. But none of them were in reach.

"HMMMNN (HEEEELP)!!" She screamed into her stuffed wrap gag. "MM-MNN-EE (SOMEBODY)!!"

But there was no response. The house was completely deserted.

To add insult to injury, a small pebble had been embedded in her pussy. The last half hour of non-stop vibrations had been making her go absolutely crazy! Her body longed to orgasm, but her mind kept screaming not to give in, and to get the hell off that bed, before whoever had tied her up returned!

“Hmmmnn…” the helpless young woman whimpered as the vibrating bead awakened another ripple; inching her ever closer to that forced climax.

Come on, Sugu! You can do this! Just pull yourself towards that knot on the top right corner.

But it was useless, none of the four ropes anchoring her granted the dark haired damsel nearly enough slack to reach any of the critical knots. It also didn’t help that the relentless pebble kept sapping away her strength.

“Uhmmpfff!!” Suguha groaned as her fingers fondled the rope running up to the corner of her bed. But try as she might, she couldn’t feel out a knot.

This is hopeless! I can barely move, and my body feels like it’s made out of lead. That stupid thing inside me is draining my strength. 

Suddenly the bound and gagged college girl turned to look at the door. She’d heard something in the hallway. Footsteps?!

*Thud… Thud… Thud*

They were getting closer.

“Hrrrmmn!” She moaned, yanking with her arms and legs as wildly as she could, making the ropes creak and the bed rattle. But her predicament remained the same. The kendo girl lied still and focused on the nearing sounds.

Onii-chan? She hoped beyond hope. The chances of her brother playing this kind of sick prank were astronomical, but if it was, she’d instantly forgive him just because the alternative was so much worse!

But it wasn’t Kazuto. Instead, the masked man responsible for drugging and restraining her walked back into the raven haired damsel’s room. 

Suguha looked at his appearance with wide, frightful eyes. As a matter of reflex, she tried to scoot as far away as possible, once again pulling on the ropes tied around her ankles and moaning softly as the pressure hurt her legs a little.

The assailant calmly stood there for a few minutes, watching Suguha. His large black hood completely obscured his face, making it seem like there was nothing underneath. And for some reason, the fully cloaked kidnapper looked more like a giant than an ordinary person as he walked closer to her, his huge body looming over her helpless young lady.

"Mmfnnn!" The bodacious young woman whimpered. "Ad arr oo o-in ow oo oo ee? (what are you going to do to me?)"

But she was treated to utter silence as the figure approached her, unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants to reveal a large hard bulge beneath jet black boxers. 

"MMNNN!!! (Noooo!!!)" Suguha shrieked as tears streamed down her face…

The next thing she knew, the raven haired girl was sitting bolt upright in her bed, her whole body bathing in sweat. 

"That dream again." She whispered, her chest positively heaving and her heart beating like crazy.

Ever since her kidnapping experiences in ALO and the real world, the bodacious young college student had been having strange dreams to mimic that horrifying day. Sometimes it would be her ALO avatar Leafa who was in trouble; tightly trussed up in the Badlands with not a soul around to help her and not a single piece of equipment in storage. She’d desperately try to escape her bindings or at least call upon the game interface to either get some gear out or just access the log out button. But those dreams always ended the same: her lying helplessly on the ground, completely exhausted and passing out after whatever plan she’d tried utterly failing.

But the more frequent dream was one involving her real persona. Each time she would be lying on her bed, tightly bound and gagged either hogtied or spread eagled. She'd struggle furiously, but fail to undo even a single knot. Usually, there would also be some form of stimulation, turning her on more and more over time, but never making her cum before the nightmare ended.

And on the really bad nights, she would actually be visited by a huge, cloaked man without a face. But thankfully even those nightmares ended before her kidnapper got down to actually molesting her.

Even though the police had helped her greatly in processing the whole ordeal, even providing her with the number of a psychiatrist specializing in kidnapping cases, the young woman hadn't yet dared contact him. She felt… embarrassed. Not just about being caught, but about how it had made her feel.

But lately those dreams had begun visiting her more and more, depriving her of sleep and slowly making her become afraid to even turn in for the night! And worst of all was, for the past few weeks she found herself waking up slightly aroused after a nightmare!  

The poor girl didn't know what to do, nor who to talk to. She’d sooner die than open up to her friends or family, even though time and time again they offered to be supportive. But that psychiatrist felt even scarier an option.

So, with nobody in her immediate circle she felt comfortable enough to discuss her problems with, she turned to the medium that had helped her during the last crucible she'd gone through, when Kazuto had been comatose inside SAO: the net.

After long nights scowering websites and chat rooms, the voluptuous college student came to realize that her dreams were anything but rare!

The feelings haunting her turned out to be a pretty common phenomenon. It was called bondage, or even S&M. The more she searched, the more people she discovered who absolutely adored the feeling of being bound and gagged, actively seeking the thrill with their partner or even complete strangers during large events (both virtual and in real life).

It didn't take long for Suguha's research to lead to online shops that could provide her with all the gear she could hope for; to re-enact her predicament of that day. 

But obviously, the kendo girl hesitated to buy anything. Was tying herself up really the answer? For starters, she had no idea of tying knots. But even if she were to opt for handcuffs and the like to solve that issue, she didn't live alone. What if someone, what if Kazuto were to barge into her room unannounced?! She'd never live it down!

But even for that hurdle a solution was near. Incredibly near. In fact, it was lying on the nightstand: her Amushpere.

If the real world wasn't an option, why not turn to the virtual one? Anonymity was a given there, and after some more digging through the darker regions of the world wide web, she found even her cherished ALO actually had corners of map area that had more or less been 'cordoned off' to normal players. 

ALO was the vastest virtual reality game world, boasting the most flexibility and interactivity by far. Naturally this required a large staff of Game Masters and engineers to keep things running smoothly. But despite that, ALSO still had certain 'wilder regions', where GM's never bothered to venture due to lack of quest markers or NPC activity. 

These were mainly small chunks of Badlands, perfect for pvp fights or team-based practice. Several players had made good use of these 'abandoned' regions of cyberspace, and transformed those places into hidden bases or black markets, some of which even contained accommodation to stay the night.

After surfing online and downloading a small patch that obscured her game-id, Leafa ventured out to the nearest black market, half a day's flight from Sylvein. On that market, she found all the stuff she needed to finally confront the bane of her night rest.

Walking around in that ‘off-map’ village, the blonde was surprised to find a very light atmosphere and very cheerful people. Somehow, after reading all that stuff online she’d imagined some sort of dark, eerie forest filled with people dressed in black clothes carrying chains and wearing spiked collars. But most of the people present were plain, young men and women just like her. It wasn’t purely kink related items either. There were simple equipment and item stalls owned by players, cute cafés and restaurants to meet friends,… basically everything an ordinary ALO town possessed, plus a kinky side for the interested shopper.

This fetish stuff is a lot less obscure than I thought it would be… Is it because this is virtual reality, because nobody is their real selves here? Or maybe because this is an off-chart zone specifically for lovers of this kind of thing?

Whatever the reason was, the young Sylph slowly felt more at ease walking around in this unknown territory containing both kink and ordinary life elements. She kept browsing through the stalls and taking a look at the several inns to decide on a place to experiment.

Leafa eventually found herself a small hotel to rent a room, and laid out the tools she’d just bought:

A ball gag, leg irons and two pairs of handcuffs. She had seen so much more stuff that intrigued her on some level, but the blonde had managed to stay conservative in her shopping, and settled for tools which would be easy enough to use.

After locking her room, the blonde wasted no time cuffing her ankles and then locking the leg irons to the foot end of the bed with a handcuff set. 

Next up she buckled the ball gag in place. Her heart began racing as she felt the familiar feel of thick rubber brushing against her lips.

Calm down Sugu! This is all part of the plan! You’re just… trying to come to terms with these feelings.

But even though she told herself over and over this outing was purely to conquer her fears, the blonde Sylph couldn’t help notice her pulse was quickening and how her body felt a little hot. 

Next up was the final set of handcuffs…


The first cuff locked itself around her right wrist.

The swordswoman took a deep breath. This is it… Her thoughts went.


The left cuff was in place as well now, leaving her hands cuffed behind her back. The keys she had laid down on the nightstand, safely within reach when she needed them.

"Hmmmf." Leafa failed to suppress a soft moan. These cuffs are tight! But I can still move around quite a bit…

The blonde girl spent a few minutes wriggling around on her bed, kicking her legs and rattling the chains and cuffs. But there was a distinct lack of… buzz. Sure she couldn’t move properly, but she didn’t feel nearly as constrained as when that man had trussed her up.

She closed her eyes, moaning into her gag and calling for help, though not so loud it might make it out of the room. The young Sylph even began trying to recall her dreams or imagine somebody with her inside the room, hoping to create that strange buzz her kidnapping and dreams evoked.

But the thrill remained painfully absent. The cold steel of the cuffs and the obvious restriction of her arms and legs was making her heart flutter a bit, but it never once began racing.

Try as she might, the blonde just wasn’t getting that same feeling she had done during the genuine robbery.

“Hmmmnn.” Leafa groaned disappointed, scooting over to the nightstand and reaching for the keys to free herself.

Within minutes, she was sitting on the bed with her knees folded underneath her and all of the gear nicely stored deep within her item list.

"This won’t work. When the keys are right there, I don’t feel nervous or excited at all!” She lamented.

The blonde then breathed a deep sigh, squeezing the sheet of her bed. “What do I do now? I can’t exactly tie myself without an escape plan!”

She looked out the window, seeing the Alfheim sun set. “…Don't tell me I'm going to have to find a …. A partner?!"

Feeling terribly flustered at her plans failing, Leafa logged out again and immediately went to bed, not having the energy to do anything else. After having spent all that time going through online forums and even a chat room or two, reading up on other people’s experiences and fantasies to get a grip on her own, and even researching the possible locations of ALO spots where she could get some gear, her plan had failed miserably. She felt no closer to conquering her night terrors than before she’d logged in.

On the bright side, the whole day had drained her so badly she didn’t have any trouble drifting off to sleep mere seconds after getting undressed and crawling beneath the sheets.

But she barely got a wink of sleep. Because her dream revisited her once more, albeit with a slight twist here and there this time. 

Instead of the usual rope and tapegag, she had been handcuffed on her bed now. Sugu woke up with that familiar pounding head, feeling the cold steel enclosing her wrists and ankles that kept her pinned down on her own bed. Immediately, the dark haired kendo practitioner started rattling against her chains in a useless bid to grab the out of reach keys, which were lying on her nightstand. But a long thin chain running from her wrist cuffs to the top centre of the bed kept her hands safely out of reach of those.

After a good 15 minutes of jiggling, groaning and cursing, her kidnapper entered the room wearing his usual dark outfit completely obscuring his identity. 

However, instead of waking up just before her kidnapper began to grope her, this time the dream kept going.

He roughly grabbed hold of her body, making the poor raven haired girl yelp in fear as she tried to wriggle out from underneath him. But she was powerless to stop him from squeezing her breasts and rolling them beneath her palms.

“HMMMNNN!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to knee her assailant in the nuts but finding the leg irons coming up short.

Things got even worse after that, with a low, almost inhuman growl coming from underneath the hood telling her that deserved some punishment. His large, gloved hand reached for her black bra and ripped it off in one powerful move, leaving her large knockers to hang free.

“HIIIIII!!!” The bodacious damsel shrieked, her arms now flailing wildly in a bid to cover herself. But she couldn’t bring them down thanks to the chain pulling at it from above.

Her captor started fondling her large and firm breasts, a little slower than he’d been doing before. He kneaded them with his leather covered hands, and stroked her nipples with his thumbs to slowly force her body into a state of eagerness she could not keep hidden from him. Sugu focused her mind as best she could, but in the end she found her nipples slowly rising up and her lovebox growing warm and wet.

A soft chuckling came from beyond the darkness that obscured the captor’s hood, and his other hand slowly travelled down her waist to stroke her thighs before moving up a tad again and gingerly pulling aside her black panties.

“Ai egg ov oo, ooww! (I beg of you, don’t!)” Suguha pleaded, trying to keep down her tears.

But she was blatantly ignored as the man dipping his gloved up fingers into her lovebox...

Suguha screamed for help, now kicking so wildly the steel began to hurt her ankles. But she was powerless to stop her kidnapper from violating her further, nor from holding in the tears that finally started streaming down her face. 

She felt so scared, so frustrated, but even worse: she felt aroused!

Her captor seemed to enjoy every whimper and wail from the college student, because the more she begged for it to stop, the faster and more intricate his movements became.

Suguha could feel her orgasm starting to build, despite her fear and frustration screaming at her to make this horrible fiend stop.

But he didn’t, he calmly kept rubbing her labia and eventually bearing down on her clit as his captive’s body grew hornier.

The dark haired kendo practitioner woke up from her dream at the exact moment her forced climax surged. Sitting bolt upright in her bed again, the young woman's chest was heaving and she was drenched in sweat, like she'd just ran a marathon and a half.

This was… the heaviest one yet… Her thoughts went after she’d taken a minute to centre them, and wait for her heart to stop pounding.

“So, judging from that dream the cuffs definitely weren’t the problem, they work just as well as ropes do… when it’s not me who decides when I get out…”

The poor college girl didn’t see any other option anymore. The dreams are getting even worse, if I have to endure any more of those I’ll lose my mind! Suguha thought sacredly as she got up from the bed and climbed into the shower to freshen up, warm water trickling down her magnificent body.

But I’ve already established that I have no chance of going at this alone… I'm going to have to open up to someone about this, have someone guide me through my fantasies in order to take control of them!

Desperate for some closure and for making some progress with her plight, Sugu gave up on caution and turned away from her bed for the night to join one of the chat rooms she’d come across during her earlier research nights.

“Hi there, I’m Leafa. I’m into a VRMMORPG called Alfheim Online.”

“Hi there Leafa!”

“Great to get to know you!”

“What brings you here?”

Suguha took a deep breath.

“The same thing that brings all of you here I think... I want to learn more about bondage. It’s something that’s entered my life quite recently…”


“Came into contact with an arousing manga?”

“Late bloomer perhaps?”

“No no, my first experience was a lot more… unexpected. But I’d rather not go into it right now.

“Fair enough, everyone’s entitled to their privacy.”

“It’s what makes online life so great.”

“Thanks all of you.” Suguha sighed relieved. This isn’t so bad. They seem like laid back people all of them.

“But if you’re not here to talk about your own experiences, I’m guessing you’re here to learn?”

“… Yes, I think that’s the best way to describe why I’m here.”

“Then ask away!”

“In here you can find tips on safety, technique, lovemaking,…”

“Don’t forget links to some great clips!”

“You can find those anywhere ;-) “

“True, but not with the recommendations of us connoisseurs! ^^ ”

Sugu giggled. “These guys are pretty funny. Maybe I’ve been looking at this stuff the wrong way…”


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