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This story takes place several years after the Alfheim online arc, and Suguha is now 18 years of age. She still lives in the same house with Kirito and her mom, though neither of them are at home all that often due to their jobs. Because of this, the young woman still frequently turned to her Amusphere as a means of meeting up with friends and hang out, whilst still keeping the house safe.

Suguha was walking back from kendo practice with a few of her friends. The young women were chatting happily, complimenting their ace swordswoman on her form.

"Really Suguha, you might qualify for the national championship if you keep this up!"

"Please, I don't have nearly enough skill to reach that high. Besides it would require me to spend all my time in the dojo, and then it would no longer be a hobby for me."

"Yeah… And it would cut in on your time inside Alfheim, right?" One of her friends teased.

The shorthaired girl began blushing. "What? I've been doing it since I was a teenager, it's a fun way to hang out with friends, and I'm still in love with flying as much as I was on day one."

"Well I can't disagree there. I used to have so much fun doing it too. A shame my studies and part time job take up so much of my time."

The group of girls kept chatting until they reached the Suguha's house, where they dropped her off. "You home alone again?" They asked her.

"Yeah, my mom is visiting relatives but I didn't want to tag along. And my brother is out on a congress for the weekend. He'll be back home late tonight, maybe tomorrow. He was going to call me and let me know. Bottom line: I'll have to cook for just myself."

"Poor you. Want us to come over? Have a bit of a girl's night?"

"No, no! That's not necessary." Suguha replied, waving her hands. "I'm fine with spending my evening alone, I've been meaning to do some catching up on Alfheim Online anyways. I'll get rusty if I don't check in from time to time."

"Are you sure that's safe? Haven't you heard the rumours?"

"What rumours?"

"Rumours about someone breaking into houses, stealing loads of stuff and leaving women tied up for the police to find!" One of her friends with blonde hair explained, her eyes wide with fright.

"But nobody can figure out how he gets in without being caught." Another, taller girl added.

"Can't say I've heard of those rumours." The kendo practitioner replied, frowning a little. "But don't worry you guys, I always lock the place down securely before heading into Alfheim when I'm home alone. And even if someone tries to break in, there's a perimeter sensor built into the house's burglar alarm. Its linked to my amusphere, warning me if someone tries to gain entry so I can log out and alert the authorities."

"Wow, you've really thought this through." Her third, brunette friend replied.

"My brother set it up after returning home one night late, finding me all alone in the house while gaming. He warned me there's a real risk since nothing you do to the human body reaches you in game. In other words, the exact same risk you just described. And he thought up this set-up as a safety measure."

"Your brother is a smart guy."

"Yeah," Suguha blushed, "he knows a lot about full dive technology, and he wants to spend his life improving what we already have."

The girls whistled. "Lofty goals. But at least he still looks out for his kid sister." The blonde girl said.

"You guys!"

"Sorry, just teasing you Sugu." The blonde apologized before preparing to leave. 

The taller girl did so as well. "Anyhow, have a nice evening! We'll be more at ease knowing your house is safe! Maybe catch you later, I might try logging into Alfheim online again. It's been so long since I've flown."

"You see! I'm not the only one who can't get enough of it!" Suguha yelled back teasingly before going inside.

After entering the dojo to drop off her gear, the young kendo practitioner made for the bathroom and dropped her sweaty clothes in the hamper to change into her favourite casual outfit: dark blue hotpants plus a dark red sweater. She's had these clothes for years, only wearing them inside the house since she didn't have to care about people seeing her. Because although they were comfy, the sweater did nothing to hide her large bust, while the now slightly too small hotpants outlined her firm butt perfectly. 

She then checked the fridge for its contents, browsing around to decide what she'd have for dinner later. "Hmm. There's plenty of salad, and some chicken left over from yesterday… Guess I'll boil up some rice later on to go with it and that'll do. It's just for me after all, no need to go for anything too fancy."

With dinner sorted, the young woman retreated to her room. "Finally, it's been so long since I had time for a decent, long term travel across Alfheim!" She said to herself as she lied down on her bed and put on the amusphere.

Less than 10 minutes after logging in, Leafa had already made her way to the guild building. However, when she checked into reception and opened her friend list to find a party…

"Nobody!? How on earth can there be nobody available for hunting?" The blonde Sylph said disappointed.

"Well to be fair, last weekend most people spent quite a lot of time on Alfheim Online, what with the new raid quest going online and all. I'm guessing they need to catch up on their real life duties now." The person at the counter replied.

"Aww, so I missed a new raid rush on AOL!?"

"Afraid you did. And the ones still online now have gone on multi-chapter quests, they won't be back for the rest of the day."

Slumping as she walked back into town, slightly depressed at not finding anyone to meet up with, Leafa sat herself down on a park bench. "Should I just log out again? But I've been looking forward soooo much to this outing…"

The blonde girl sat upright. "No! I'm not logging out! If I can't find anyone to join me, I'll just go at it alone. It'll be the best training I've ever done!"

The blonde then began walking out to the edge of town, a spring in her step now that she'd managed to motivate herself again. Going out alone…Just like my nii-chan used to do. I wonder what it'll be like.

So the blond sylph travelled through the lush forests surrounding Sylvein, going deeper and deeper as she sliced her way through creatures and steadily levelled up. But having to look over her back and constantly remain on the move without back-up was tiring her out more than she thought, and eventually her mana reserves and potions stock began running low.

"How did my brother keep this up? He couldn't even use spells during SwordArt Online!" The young swordswoman said, taking a brief moment to catch her breath, only to have a pair of sprites try and sneak up on her and instantly force her into battle again. “Argh! Okay then you cretins, bring it on!”

Eventually though, the blonde sylph got too tired from her constant battles, and flew up into the air to search for a more open spot in the thick jungle canopy where the rays of the sun would reach. She didn’t need to look long to find a small patch with no other growth than low grass, and a tiny lake filled with crystal clear water on the edge.

"If I take a few measures keep to monsters out, that spot will do perfectly for relaxing. Heck I could even log out there and get started on my dinner." Leafa surmised as she smoothly made her way down, using several repel items to keep out any stray monsters and give her some reprieve for the next couple of hours.

“Haaaah! This is what I needed. Back in Alfheim, flying and levelling up, all of it at my own pace. Come to think of it, playing solo does have its advantages.”

However, her brief period of R&R was rudely interrupted when suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a dark purple bolt surged in the blonde's direction, hitting her in the back.

"AH?! What is-" But the beautiful blonde instantly realized what had happened, both by her body refusing to respond, and by the paralysis status next to her health bar.

"How in the world did that happen? Did a pk-er follow me? Argh, I can't believe I got trapped in such a silly way!" She groaned giving up on forcing her limbs to move. The game mechanics were absolute after all. Once you were hit by that spell, you couldn’t move or use spells for the next 30 minutes.

"Guess there’s your disadvantage to traveling alone…” Leafa sighed. “This never would have happened if I'd brought friends. That's half my efforts and spoils down the drain, let alone the fact I'll have to start all the way back from town again." The blonde grunted, angry with herself for being caught off guard so easily.

"Your trap succeeded! You can come out and kill me now!" She yelled annoyed, but also wanting to show she didn't fear somebody without the guts to pick a fight.

"Why would I do that?" A tall, middle aged Spriggan said as he emerged from the thicket.

"So you can take my drops and hide again for the next victim?" That's textbook spriggan hunting style isn't it?"

"I wouldn't know; I hardly play this game." The man replied. "I only use it as a means to an end."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? And what are you doing?" The blonde asked as the cloaked Spriggan began browsing through his item menu.

He didn't furnish her with a reply, instead he selected what he'd been looking for, and coils upon coils of rope dropped beside him.

"What the-?" Leafa began asking.

"I'd looked long and hard for any spells capable of incapacitating players for hours or more, but the best thing I could find is this one I'm using. 30 minutes isn't all that much though, but the websites and forums all say it's to preserve fluid game dynamics and bullshit like that. Anyways, I needed to devise my own way of keeping my targets out of the way for as long as I needed." The man said as he rolled the still motionless Leafa onto her stomach. 

"WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!" She yelled angrily as he brought her hands together behind her back, wanting to buck him away but failing to make her body follow her commands. 

"I just explained: I'm making sure you won't be able to move for a longer period than 30 minutes."

"WHAT FOR?! If you're not going to kill me for exp and loot what point is there?!" Leafa squealed, now once again trying to force her body into motion but still failing miserably. "Argh, stupid spell!" 

"I agree, it is a stupid spell. But at least it buys me the time I need to do this."

After that the man began tying up Leafa, despite her non-stop insults and (failed) struggles to fight him off.

He started by placing her arms horizontally on top of one another and cinching them together with a rope. After that he also anchored them to her back by means of a strict chest harness constricting her fulsome bosom with ropes running above and beneath, pulled so tight they made her already revealing cleavage all the more appetizing.

"You know; I wish I had more time to admire this body of yours. It's quite a sight!"

"You pervert! STOP that!!" Leafa shrieked, trying to fight him off but the paralysis still hadn't worn out. "Why are you doing this?!"

"That’s not really of any importance for you."

"You jerk! Undo all this now!"

But the Spriggan just chuckled as he happily kept tying the swordswoman.

Next up were her legs, tied at the ankles knees and thighs with more of his hemp rope. He pulled all of it so tight that even with the paralysis numbing her senses she could feel the ropes digging into her skin and stockings. Just by the sight and limited feel of the ropes Leafa knew getting out of her predicament would be one hell of a challenge… If it even were possible at all. But before that she had something else to worry about: This fiend’s plans. 

"So now what?” She scowled as the dark haired man got up from beside her. “You going to force my hand and take all of my gear out of my inventory?"

"Nope, I told you didn't I? I have no interest in this game."

"Then why are you doing all of this?! You don't pk, you don't rob, what is all of this for?!"

"Don't you worry your pretty little head over it." The Spriggan mocked his blonde captive. 

That stoked a fire within the Sylph. "You filthy cretin! I don't know what your deal is, but this is absolutely ridiculous!! Targeting solo players and tying them up! You’re- you're crazy!"

“No I'm not, I like to think I'm quite inventive for doing this."

"Inventive?! Pointless is what it is! Even if I can't move here, this place is part of the badlands! You might not know this since you don’t care about the game, but if a player logs out outside a safe spot for more than three hours your location resets! He or she automatically gets transported back to town when they log back in! So all I need to do to escape these stupid ropes is- " 

But then the blonde's eyes widened. Instinctively, she had been trying to reach out in front of her during her explanation to access her menu, not even realizing her paralysis had been lifted… because there was barely any difference in her ability to move. 

My menu's not open, and to access it I need to-

"Catching on I see?" The man smirked. " You can't even log out in this state, since you need to swipe down with your hand to open the menu and press log out."  

And my hands are pinned down so I can't swipe! Leafa finished the explanation in her mind, after which she began thrashing around, flopping and kicking as wildly as she could. But it was all in vain, these ropes that villain had used, and the knots he'd tied, they were all too strong and tight. No matter how hard she struggled, there wasn't anything she could do to make them budge or create slack to exploit. 

Her hands could barely twitch anymore, and her fluttering fingers were nowhere near enough to open up a menu. Even if they were, she had no way of navigating it! 

"You can't do this!" She protested. "This- this has to be against the rules!" 

"Well I'm sure they'll work something out for this one day, but for the moment, it isn't. As long as I take care not to get too close to your intimate areas, the body contact just counts as battle mechanics.”

“That can’t be!” Leafa protested.

“Well it is. I need to take care to only target adult players though, since the sexual harassment warning is a lot stricter for underage players.” The dark haired man explained. “In any case, with this you cannot log out until you free yourself, which I'm afraid won't be anytime soon. Especially without your sword" He said as he picked it up and placed it just far enough away the theft warning wouldn't go off. 

"Why are you doing this?" Leafa asked again, now a lot less angry and more nervous. 

"I told you: Don't worry your pretty little head over it. Now quieten down please. There aren't that many people around, but I'd still rather not risk anyone hearing you." The dark haired Spriggan said as he shoved a piece of black cloth into the blonde sylph's mouth and cleavegagged her with a second, white one.

"Hmmrrr!!!" Leafa yelled, but to her despair she barely made a peep anymore.

This is bad! This is bad bad bad! I can't even talk anymore. Now I can't even try and use my friend list as a way out!

But that feeling didn't compare to when another realisation kicked in:

Spells! I can't use spells if I can't talk!

"Mmfm mfff!!" The blonde tried vocalizing a firebolt spell anyways, but as she predicted the software didn't respond. Her pronunciation was way too far off. This bastard, he's cut me off from every way out imaginable! He claims not to play the game, but he knows everything about the built-in warning features and the limitations of the game mechanics! How long has he been doing this? And for what godawful reason?!

The blonde glared at her captor, but deep down a knot had begun developing in her stomach. Now that she was completely helpless, she could only guess what this man's goals were. 

The helpless sylph began blushing as one scenario entered her mind: He can't g-g-grope me or anything like that, right? That'll definitely set of the sexual harassment alarm, it has to! Is he planning to just watch me struggle? Like some perv? He won't record anything will he? Or take me to a safe haven where I can't teleport away by logging out?

Most of those things would normally be hindered by the system itself. But at this point poor Leafa was too panicked to keep a clear head about things. Her mind kept racing, both to look for a way out and trying to figure out what was going to happen next. 

But what the man actually did surprised her more than anything: Without so much as a goodbye, he turned his back to her, and logged out.

"HRNN??" Leafa murmured into her gag as she saw the spriggan light up and disintegrate.

Did he just… Leave me?

"Hlmmo (Hello)?" She asked softly, not exactly sure if she wanted a response or not.

But as expected, nothing came back.

He did leave me! What the hell was all this for then? Does he get a kick out of scaring women?!

"HMMMRRGGG!" The blonde screamed in fury. That crazy son of a bitch! He attacks me from behind, TIES ME UP, and then just leaves me to squirm? What the hell was that jerk's deal?! I should've paid attention to his ID, then I could've reported him! 

Leafa sighed. Now what? Am I really going to have to escape these ropes on my own? How in the world do I do that?! I can barely move, let alone untie myself! And even if I crawl towards my sword, I can't even pull it out of the sheath.

After another, much deeper sigh, the blonde got to work. Be brave Leafa, where there's a will there's a way! 

And so the bound and gagged sylph began one of her weirdest battles yet in the world of Alfheim: A battle for freedom.

After spending a few minutes rolling around on the grass, kicking her legs and jerking her arms as hard as she could in an effort to break herself out, Leafa slumped down onto her back, panting heavily. All she'd managed to do was tire herself out and make the already tight ropes dig in even more, limiting what little movement she had to begin with. 

"Hmmmm." She moaned frustrated. So that didn't work… I don't get it. My STR parameter is pretty high, why can't I just break these ropes? How strong are they?! 

After lying on the ground for a few more minutes to catch her breath, the blonde wanted to get back to her escape attempt. So frantic struggling isn't going to work. Maybe if I can find a knot to undo…

It took her some time searching around with her fingers, but eventually she brushed up against one of the knots she so desperately wanted to undo. Yes! I found one! Now if I can get a hold of it… 

Immediately, the bound and gagged sylph began feeling for the rope connected to the knot, and tried pulling it so the knot would slip into her fingers. Progress was slow however, since the ropes were all done up so tightly the knot wouldn't budge all that easily. And thanks to the ropes being so smooth her fingers slipped on more than one occasion, making her growl in frustration.

"HMMRRGGG!!" This is ridiculous! I can't grip the ropes properly with my hands pinned down, heck I can't even see what I'm doing with that jerk tying my arms behind my back!!

Since her anger was only making her slip up more often, the blonde swordswoman forced herself to slump down on the grass for a second time and try to calm down. As she lay there, she spotted the lake she'd landed near to.

That's it! The reflection of the water! If I can sit next to it, I might be able to see the knots and get hold of them! 

Driven by her new angle of escape, Leafa immediately began trying to crawl onto her knees, hoping to work herself to a standing position from there and move towards the water on her two feet rather than worming along the ground. 

It took a lot of grunting and straining, but she eventually managed to right herself and start hopping towards the water. 

Except every jump she made did two things to her body: Her ropes dug in every time she set herself off from the ground or landed, making her moan in discomfort. And even worse: her large breasts would jiggle inside her rather revealing robes, rubbing against the ropes ensnaring them to send hot flashes down the blonde’s entire body. 

After just three hops, her face already flushed bright red.

This is so embarrassing. I feel like I'm flaunting my body for all to see! Thank God nobody is here to witness this. 

Hop. Hop. Hop.

“Mmmnnn!” The blonde moaned as the ropes suddenly rubbed her breasts in just the right spot. To her shock Leafa felt her nipples were hardening! And to add insult to injury, her hard little buds were slightly poking through the white and green fabric covering her chest

I am definitely buying an outfit with more support when I get back to Sylvein!

But thanks to the ropes digging in and her bouncy rack distracting her, poor Leafa lost her footing during one of her skips, causing her to lose her balance and drop to the floor on her side with an uncomfortable 'thud!'

"Hmmmm!! (Ooowww!!)" She moaned as her hip began throbbing with pain. Darn it, and I was so close too! Fine, I'll crawl the rest of the way. No way am I risking another tumble like that.

Except by crawling she’d made things even more problematic for herself. Every inch of progress along the soft ground meant rubbing her lovely chest against the tiny blades of grass. Every single green blade touching her skin caused a small tickling sensation, sending chills down her spine with each inch of progress. 

Combined with the strict ropes and most of all the chest harness, which had already put her on edge, she couldn’t avoid her body moving from slightly agitated into fully turned on. 

Leafa still had several feet to go, but the colour of her face had already transformed from a light blush to a crimson red strawberry. 

If I ever get hold of that Spriggan I'm slicing him into a hundred pieces!

Eventually, the blonde swordswoman made it to the lakeside. However the journey had tired her out so bad (and had made her feel strangely hot as well), and upon arriving beside the lake she was in no shape to continue her escape.

I wish I wasn't gagged. That water is looking so tasty right now. Aaarhh, I want out darn iit!

Having spent five or so minutes just lying down and taking deep breaths to recover, Leafa finally decided to make her break for freedom. She rolled onto her back, and scrambled herself into an upright sitting position.

Now then, where are those knots…

After turning her back towards the water a little more, Leafa finally got a decent view of what the Spriggan assailant had done to her. But despite her breakthrough, all the sight did was make her heart sink.

The man had used no less than six knot to anchor her arms together and pin them to her back.


After rolling around throwing a bit of a temper tantrum to vent her anger, Leafa sighed deeply and made her way back to the lakeside, where she begun what would no doubt be a far too long struggle to get out of her bindings.

Even with the added insight into her bindings, it still took Leafa an infuriating 10 minutes to actually properly grasp the nearest knot and start picking at it, and 10 more minutes of painstaking fidgeting to finally get it undone.

"Hmmm!! (Yesss!!)" She cried out in relief as she felt the knot come apart, and she instantly began wriggling her arms furiously to exploit the slack she'd created.

However, to her disappointment the tight rope prison barely felt any more relaxed. "Hmmrrg! U-ee ooz (Stupid ropes)!" She moaned.

But having finally made progress, she energetically began scanning her reflection for the next knot in reach, and started pulling the rope to get that one in her grasp as well.

The blonde sylph continued her work tirelessly, driven only by the prospect of finally having her arms free and being able to get herself out of this ridiculous predicament.

By the time she'd undone the fourth knot, her chest was heaving and she felt more exhausted than after even her harshest of battles. But she didn't care, not now that she was so close.

Knot 5 and 6 she even got hold of without using her reflection. By now the rope had given her enough slack to do some decent wriggling around, and her fingers had become surprisingly skilful at feeling the rope and spotting the knots pinning them in place.

Eventually, even the last knot came apart, and Leafa felt a load fall off her shoulders as she shimmied out of her ropes, making them drop onto her lap as she stretched her arms with a grateful moan.

Her very next move was to take out that infuriating gag. "Aaah! That's much better." 

With her arms finally free, Leafa immediately brought up her menu. She had had more than her fill of ropework, and just wanted to log out and get up to stretch her (real) legs as soon as possible. The rest of the ropes would disappear anyways when she logged back in tomorrow.

"Logging. Out!" She said in relief as she pressed the button she'd seen in her imagination for at least two dozen times during her captivity.

Less than a second later, her sights went black and she woke up from her dream like state just as always, slowly opening her eyes and seeing the pink filter of the amusphere.

But something was amiss. Why was she staring at her north wall rather than the ceiling like always? She didn't lie her herself on her side when she entered the full dive…

When she tried to right herself and take the visor off, she found she couldn't. Somehow her body wouldn't listen to what she was telling it to do, it felt… constricted, very familiarly so.

It took her a few seconds to put all the pieces together, but when she did she was instantly shocked wide awake.

Her confusion was complete, as was her desperation when she recognized the bite of expertly tied ropes digging into the bare skin of her legs and right through the soft fabric of her hotpants. 

Her upper body was in even worse a state. Her sweater had been removed, leaving her semi-naked with just her dark blue bra!!

To her despair, after trying to move around Suguha realized she was actually tied even tighter now than she had been in Alfheim:

Her wrists and elbows had been strictly tied together behind her back.

Another, tighter chest harness was once again ensnaring her breasts. This time rope had been wrapped above, below, in between and either side of her breasts, enveloping her from all sides. There was also a rope running from the chest harness along her left shoulder, past the nape of her neck and back down via her right shoulder and once again into the harness. 

Her elbow ropes had been anchored to the cord running along her neck, using it as leverage to pull her arms upwards to completely pin them into place.

Her ankles had been crossed and tied, with three more coils of rope cinching together her knees and thighs. More than a meagre twitch was all the dark haired girl could manage.

Yet another rope had been tied around her waist and formed into a crotchrope, one that dug in so deep her hotpants and panties were parting her lower lips. To further hunker down her arms, whoever had tied her had connected the crotchrope to her wrist bindings to make every twitch dig in. 

To Suguha’s shock, the very first flutter of her hands also notified her of slight bulges in the crotchrope at the height of her groin and her bum. No doubt these were knots meant for extra distraction, and they worked like a charm.

Lastly, there had been a rope connected to her ankle bonds, which her captor subsequently pulled up to bring her ankles all the way up to her hands, so far along the soles of her feet were actually resting in the palms of her hands. The hogtie rope had been knotted off twice, first at her elbows and then once more at her wrists. 

It took the poor dark haired girl mere seconds to realize she could barely move at all anymore, and even the meekest of struggles resulted in pressure in all the wrong places!

"Wh- HMMRR??" She tried to yelp, but she was stopped by yet another gag. It felt like a big, rubber ball had been wedged into her mouth. This thing was even more annoying than the cloth back at Alfheim. To her shock, it was making her drool uncontrollably as well.

The panicked young woman felt her face flush as the chest harness dug in after she’d gasped in surprise.

I'm STILL tied up?! No, I'm actually tied up, my real self is tied up! But how-? Who-?

This was all too confusing. She was certain she’d locked the doors and turned on the proximity alarm before logging in. Why hadn’t she received the warning message??

WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Am I having a nightmare or something?! 

She knocked the amusphere off her head by sheer rolling around. But even that minor step forward came at a price: several ropes dug into her skin, making her breasts feel hotter and making a strange tingling sensation bubble up in her nether regions.

Calm down Sugu. It's okay. You can do this now, you gained lots of practice at this in Alfheim, embarrassingly enough.

However, moving around this time proved to be a lot harder. There were more ropes, and the position her body was in made squirming around more of a challenge (and more arousing). To top it off, each and every rope felt so tight she barely had any wriggle room to start with.

Having spent minutes just to try and roll onto her back for a better starting position, Suguha was starting to fear she'd never create any slack. 

Eventually though, she managed to get hold of a rope. She couldn’t be certain, but she suspected it was the one connecting her ankles and wrists. Now if she could pull on it so the knot slipped into her fingers, she would finally be on track to escaping. All she needed was to enclose her fingers around that one knot, and she could work it loose like she’d done countless times during her full dive.

But just as she thought a knot would come into reach, she felt something odd amongst the many ropes snaking around her wrists and ankles. Something slippery and smooth…

It was… TAPE! Whichever bastard was responsible for this had covered all of the knots in duct tape!

"HMMMMRRRR!!!" The dark haired damsel cried in desperation. Now what do I do? I've got no chance working that stupid stuff off of the knots… I- I can't get out!!

"Hmmffff (Heeeelp!!)!!" She shouted instinctively, only realizing a split second later it might be the last thing she want. What if whoever did this is still inside the house?!

The raven haired girl perked up her ears, trying to listen for any noise inside the house.

And indeed, she recognized the sound of opening drawers, and the dropping of its contents on the floor.

A burglar? I'm being robbed? But how did he- THE SPRIGGAN!! She shouted mentally as all the pieces slotted into place. 

This is the burglar from the rumours! And Alfheim is how he pulled off all those heists!!

Having figured that out didn’t do her much good however, she was still stuck on her bed with no way to get help.

Desperate to improve her situation before the thief would return to her room, Suguha once again tried to pick at the tape sealing up all of her knots. But it was completely useless, her fluttering fingers barely managed to grasp the knots, let alone pry off any of the sticky tape.

“Mmmrrrrhh!” She grunted in discomfort as the chest harness constricting her bosom dug in, heating up her breasts and clouding her mind.

Focus Sugu! Do you want that criminal walking in on you putting on a show?! She cursed at herself. 

So the dark haired kendo practitioner forced herself to move slowly, making as little useless movements as possible, all to keep the ropes from distracting her as she rolled herself onto her stomach to hide her impressive chest and the moist patch on her hotpants (caused by the crotchrope doing an extremely good job at distracting her).

About 20 minutes after she woke up, the rummaging sounds died down.

Is he preparing to leave? I wonder what he took…

But the robber apparently wasn’t yet finished, because the next thing Suguha heard was footsteps walking up the stairs!

The bound and gagged girl remained completely still, almost too scared to breathe as her heart began pounding in her chest.

And to her despair, the Spriggan (or rather human) poked his masked head into her bedroom.

“Ah, so that yelp a little while ago wasn’t my imagination. You’re awake. Does that mean you got out of the ropes in that game?”

Suguha simply stared at her captor with frightful eyes, unable to make a sound, and not really willing either since she’d long since realized she couldn’t really get anything past the ball gag other than drool. 

“I’ll take that as a yes. Good job! Not many victims actually pull that off. I still remember the first one who did it, she was a cute girl about your age. Gave me the shock of my life. It was after her I started taking rope into my victim’s houses and tying their real bodies up too.”

The cloaked man walked into the room.

“I’m guessing you know somewhat what is going on here?”

The dark haired damsel nodded slowly.

“Good, then I’ll keep this short: I’ve had my eye on this house for quite some time. I mean its massive so there was bound to be some good loot. And after staking out the place I found you are frequently all alone in here. Given your age I was sure you’d play one of those full dive games, and after doing some research I found out who your avatar was.”

“mmmw (how)?”

The man chuckled. “Trade secrets I’m afraid. I’m not going to harm you after all, so you’ll still be able to file a claim at the police. I can’t let you tell them too much, now can I? Like how I managed to disarm that clever sensor you’ve got set up around the property.”

The dark haired girl breathed a gentle sigh of relief when she heard the man wasn’t going to hurt her, and basically stopped listening after that. At least until he made the following remark:

“But since you’re obviously won’t be expecting company anytime soon, I might as well have some fun before I head out. Not often I get to victimize a drop-dead knock out like yourself.”

“HHHMMNN?!” Suguha shrieked, her eyes wide with peril as she tried to wriggle away from her masked assailant.

But he caught up with her with ease and placed his hand on her right breast, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“IIIII!!” The raven haired girl shrieked again, bucking wildly to knock his hand away and rolling around on the bed to turn her back at him.

“Owwwwww!” She groaned in pain, as her wild movements had only made all of the ropes dig into her bare skin, the hogtie increasing the pressure on her arms and chest as well.

And to make matters worse, the masked robber calmly rolled Suguha right back again.

“Ed a-ae oo eee (get away from meee)!” She whimpered, desperately trying to knee her assailant but finding her legs completely useless to defend herself.

The man whistled. “That’s some stamina you’ve got. Do you work out or something?”

But Suguha didn’t reply. She just kept rolling around on her bed, frantically searching for a way out of her countless ropes, biting away the pain and pleasure she had to endure as each one of them dug into her flesh.

Her captor didn’t let the thrashings of the kendo sportswoman stop him however, he calmly kept fondling her body, gently squeezing her bosom to empower the pressure of the harness he’d so expertly tied.

Try as she might, poor Suguha couldn’t stop her body from responding to this fiend’s gentle caress, and she squeezed her eyes shut to avoid having to look down at her glistening chest and her nipples poking through her bra.

She tried her best to fold her body together and deny the assailant access, but the hogtie was too strict for her to completely cover herself up.

He’s got me pinned down completely. I can’t fight back, I can’t run. He could toy with me for hours and I’d never be able to do a thing to stop him! God I hope he leaves me soon. Even lying here completely alone is better than this! Filthy pervert! The dark haired girl thought angrily.

But when the thief actually reached down to her groin to begin playing with her crotchrope, the poor damsel couldn’t hold in her tears anymore. Tears from frustration, from anger or fear,… It didn’t matter, all that counted was that the gorgeous young woman was on the verge of pleading for her life -for all the good that would do her-.

However, to Sugu’s utter astonishment, the second she began crying the man suddenly left her body alone.

“Wow, getting carried away there.” He remarked completely calm. “Sorry about that. You’re gorgeous and all, but I’d rather not have ‘rape’ appear on the list of charges if I ever do get caught.”

The dark haired girl blinked a few times as she looked at the masked thief in disbelief.

Is he serious? He’s just going to leave it at that?! Wasn’t he going to… you know!

“What? Surprised? I thought I told you: I’m a thief. I’m here for loot. And though a knock-out body like yours can definitely be counted as treasure, I’m not willing to cross that boundary just yet. Or ever.”

Suguha didn’t know what to respond to that. A soft sigh of utter relief escaped the young woman, but other than that she didn’t want to give away too much.

“I will leave you with this parting gift though.” He added as he unzipped her hotpants and pulled the bound and gagged girl’s own personal vibrator out of her night drawer, making her face turn crimson.

How’d he know-

But her thoughts were soon interrupted by the cloaked man reaching for her body. Despite yelping in protest, Sugu was helpless to stop her captor as he wedged the vibe snugly into the crotchrope, leaving it pressing against her panties at the height of her labia. “This should keep you entertained for the rest of the night.”

Suguha buried her face into her pillow, feeling like she might boil over from embarrassment. But the man never noticed it as he turned on the vibe and got out of the room during the 10 second delay.

“AAAAAAMMMNNNN!” The young damsel howled, twisting and turning in her ropes as the powerful buzzing travelled straight down to the core of her lovebox, drawing her clit out in mere seconds.

“Lovely sound.” The man teased before turning Sugu’s alarm clock so she could tell the time and count the minutes until the first person (her brother Kazuto) returned home.

Desperate to make the buzzing stop, the dark haired captive started bucking wildly in the hopes of dislodging the vibrator and grant herself some much needed rest. But it was hopeless, no matter what she tried that small buzzing piece of hard plastic kept gnawing away at her resistance. And being too forceful in her struggles would result in a painful dive off the bed.

Okay Sugu. Just calm down! Just focus, try to block it out. You can- “HMMRRRRNNN!!”

A loud shriek shattered her current thoughts as the vibe suddenly turned to a higher pace!

What kind of setting did that jerk use?! She thought panicked, now mere inches away from an orgasm but not wanting to have one forced on her. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to being stuck on her bed with mess between her legs either, least of all because of the person who was going to find her later on!

Seconds crawled by as the raven haired captive tried to keep down her erotic surges, biting hard into her ball gag to vent at least some of the sexual frustration at denying herself.

But out of nowhere, when she could barely hang on anymore, the vibe died!

“Hmmn?!” Suguha moaned confused, expecting it to kick back into action any moment. 

But it didn’t.

Is it over?

After waiting for a whole, agonizing minute, the kendo practitioner did indeed decide the vibe had shut down permanently. But that left her with some very confusing feelings. 

Obviously she felt relieved at having saved herself the humiliation of being forced to cum. But part of he couldn’t help but feel a great deal of disappointment. Deep down, her hunger for that release had burned so strongly, she was now mentally kicking herself for having tried so hard to resist her vibrator.

Because now she was lying there, on her bed, heavily bound and gagged, unable to lift a finger to try and quell the humongous desire burning in her loins.

Suguha didn’t dare to voice her wish, but she was quietly hoping fervently her brother would make good time on his way back.

Please brother, hurry up! 

The bound and gagged girl tried to find a comfortable position as she watched the clock tick away 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour. Each second filled with her own horny body begging her to finish what that vibe had started.

When suddenly:


“Sugu? It's Kazuto here. My flight got delayed. I won’t be home until tomorrow morning; you don't have to wait for me to start dinner. See you tomorrow, don't go to bed late playing too much Alfheim Online.”



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