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"But why nooot?!" Alice Nakiri whined as she pouted at her aide, Ryo Kurokiba.

Alice was wearing a casual yet tight pair of jeans and a pale blue top which hung loosely around her upper body. But despite the piece of easy sitting clothing, her prominent bust was still quite apparent, bulging beneath the almost see-through fabric.

Ryo was dressed in his usual black trousers, T-shirt and vest. But his trademark red cloth was out of sight. It was the main reason Alice was trying to press her case so badly this time around.

The slender yet busty white haired cook had been pestering her childhood friend for days already, but the stoic young man had barely responded to her demands or taunts. This time however, Alice would pull him across the line.

"I don't see the point to it." Was his lazy response.

"But I do!" She replied selfishly. "It's something I've been wanting to try for weeks already!"

"What for?!"

"I read about it a little while ago and it intrigued me." Was her only argument. "You know my inquisitive nature leads me to experiment on anything that rouses my curiosity." 

"Then experiment on your own." The dark haired cook said calmly.

"Well I can't, now can I?" The short haired bombshell replied, getting right in his face and planting her hands on her hips. Due to the fact she was barefoot, Ryo towered over her even more than usual. But the stubborn girl didn’t let that hold her back.

"This stuff takes two people to perform! So you need to assist me, like aides do!"

"I'm sure you can research a way to manage on your own."

"Aaarrhh! Why are you being so stubborn!" Alice moaned annoyed. "You're my aide, you're supposed to go along with anything I say!" She said as she began thumping her friend's rock hard chest with her fists in that petulant manner she resorted to whenever she failed to make things go her way.

Ryo just stood there receiving the mild pounding. He barely felt it anyways. "I still need to prepare for the finale of the autumn election." The seafood expert replied. "It's not my fault you are no longer in the running."

That struck a nerve with the young chef in training. She glared at her friend with those fierce red eyes of hers. "You had to bring that up?"

"It tends to make you barge out of the room." Was the young man's calculated response.

"Well not this time." Alice replied. "You've been preparing each and every day for that stupid finale! All I'm asking is for you to take one night off!"

Ryo looked his lady straight in the eye. "Will you leave me alone if I do?"

The white haired girl perked up instantly. "Yes I will, so are you finally coming round?"

"It's not like I have any real choice in the matter anyways." Ryo replied calmly. "If I keep refusing you'll follow me to the kitchen and distract me from my testing."

"Glad we're finally on the same page again." Alice chimed as she ducked underneath her king size bed and pulled out a duffle bag.

She dumped the contents on her bed: Several coils of black nylon rope rope, a roll of duct tape, handcuffs, long white pieces of cloth and even three bright white ball gags in varying sizes!

"Ojou… Did you really only discover this game a little while ago?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Because you seem to have a lot of equipment for it already." Ryo pointed out with that same dry tone of voice he always used.

The white haired girl giggled softly. "Well you know me and equipment. I always make sure to have plenty of high grade tools at my disposal." She stated proudly as she uncoiled a rope and handed it to Ryo.

"So I just tie you up?"

"Yep!" Alice chimed, spinning round on the spot and crossing her wrists behind her back like how the damsel's had been in a film she had watched several weeks ago, when this all started.

The young chef had dragged her aide to a local cinema to watch the newest blockbuster. Ryo had been uninterested as always, but made little fuss about having to accompany her.

The film itself turned out to be mediocre, but that single exciting scene which featured the lead actress being bound and gagged had made a shiver run down Alice's spine. It had been just about the only image from the film that had stuck with her, and had subsequently lead her to doing some research on the matter.

That had led her to the concept of 'bondage', and being the empiricist she was, it didn't take long for her to want to test out the stuff she learned about in real life. She had skipped straight to Ryo's room, demanding he assist her. But to her bemusement he had refused! And what for? Because he wanted to prepare for the semi-finals!

Alice had continued to bug him for his help in testing out her theories ever since, and today she'd finally managed to get him so far!

Now I can finally find out of this is really as thrilling as people describe on the web! The thought excitedly as her aide uncoiled the dark nylon rope.

Ryo looped it around Alice's wrists, securely tying it off to keep them crossed.

As he reached for a second coil, the white haired girl sat down on her bed and gave her bonds a testing wriggle.

Hmm, pretty secure. Why am I not surprised he knows how to handle ropes? Well, he is a prodigy, and no one's hands are faster than Ryo’s…

Her aide next crossed the cute girl's ankles and tied them in the same manner, carefully cinching them up.

Alice gave her legs a kick, but the ropes held firm.

"Well done!" She commended. "What's next?"

"Nothing. I'm done." Ryo replied lazily.

"What?!" She yelped disappointed. "This is it? I gave you so much rope! Use some creativity!" The white haired girl whined as she pouted at her aide.

"You're stuck aren't you, Ojou? Doesn't this suffice?" He replied with his usual bored expression.

"I guess…" She admitted with a soft sigh, still a bit annoyed at her limited restraints. But she started squirming nonetheless.

“Hmm, this is pretty strict.” She said to no one in particular as she tried to pull her wrists out of the bindings, but failing due to the absence of any slack.

“And the knot’s in a weird spot too.” The young cook commented as she stretched her fingers to try and pick at the knot keeping the rope tied into place.

“Okay, maybe you did know what you were doing. Now can you gag me please?”

“What for? You’re not going to call for help, are you?” Ryo stated.

Alice frowned. “Just do it! That woman in the film had it too!” She demanded.

“Very well, Ojou.” The raven haired boy gave in, grabbing a roll of duct tape and ripping off a single strip to press over his friend’s lips.

“Hmll mhhe (Help me)!!” She yelled experimentally, but not loud enough to actually attract attention.

Her eyes widened a little. Wow, that was basically gibberish.

Alice giggled into her tape. This is exciting! A lot more than I expected it to be actually! Now, let's see if I can get myself free…

But to her delight, Alice found she was having a hell of a job working the knots loose. In fact just reaching them turned out to be a challenge, with her nimble fingers blindly fumbling around the wrist bonds.

Wow. I hadn't expected there being so little wriggle room after Ryo-kun had only used two pieces of rope. Maybe he was right about limiting things for this first try-out. This is already pretty exciting! The white haired girl realized as her heart began beating a step faster.

“Hmnnf!” She moaned softly as she tipped over and fell on her side whilst trying to bring her hands close enough to her feet to tug at the ropes binding her ankles.

Ryo had remained a silent bystander for the entire time, not having moved from his spot near the bed.

But when he’d heard Alice make that cute little yelp just now, he stirred.

"I have an idea." He suddenly said.

"Hmrn?!" Alice mumbled surprised, momentarily turning away from her restraints to look at her aide.

After rooting around in his back pocket, Ryo pulled out his trusty red cloth.

Alice's eyes widened. THAT thing?! "HMn (NO)!" She shrieked. "Aih ihum ihn hoo agh ahd ih oo!! (I didn't think you had that with you!!)"

"What do you mean Ojou?" The raven haired boy said surprised. "I always have this thing with me." He replied as lifted it up towards his forehead.

This might become a problem… The white haired girl thought nervously. I was so sure he’d left that thing in his room since he’d planned to do nothing but testing today! He never goes into overdrive during tests, so what’s the deal with stuffing that thing in his pocket! He’s messing up my plans!!

By now it had become a widely known fact amongst the entire academy that whenever Ryo Kurakiba tied his famous red headband in place, he absolutely transformed from his laid-back unimpressive personality into a vicious culinary beast.

And as amusing as Alice found that side of her friend, him donning that headband and getting completely fired up wasn't something she felt ready for right about now, given that she was pretty much completely defenceless.

If he enters a frenzy now, my situation might go from strict to deeply uncomfortable!

The voluptuous cook began squirming in her bindings like never before to try and remove them. She fidgeted around nervously to slip her ankles out of the black nylon ropes. The moment those went, she’d be able to make a break for it, even with her gag and tied hands. All she needed was to buy time for Ryo’s aggressive side to run out of steam.

But despite there being so little restraint keeping her contained, now that the pressure was on she was having real difficulty properly grabbing hold of the knots.

Come on! She yelled in her mind.

Part of her didn’t understand why she was being so nervous. She’d handled Ryo’s rage hundreds of times already during cooking battles. He wasn’t exactly violent or dangerous, at least not with her. So what was it that was making her heart beat so wildly this time?

She never found the answer to that question, because she froze in place when Ryo’s hands lowered again. His headband had been knotted into place, and Alice’s hands and feet were still bound.

"Right then!" He growled, making Alice flinch out of her thoughts. "Let's get this show on the road!"

In a single swift motion, he grabbed her arms and roughly rolled her on her front. He pulled the stack of Alice’s ropes close and pulled one out, snapping it in thin air to quickly uncoil it.

"Ehoo! (Ryo!)" Alice yelped, startled by his firm grip on her slender arm that kept her from rolling away, quite effectively too. "HMN (STOP)!" She commanded.

But the dark haired boy was in his usual haze and completely ignored the white haired girl's muffled protests as he tied her up, so much tighter than she'd ever expected to have been!

Her calves, knees and thighs were lashed together with four lengths of rope in the blink of an eye. After he knotted all of them off, it felt like poor Alice’s legs had been welded together!

“Hmn!” She yelped startled at the intense feeling of pressure along her slender legs.

But that only marked the start.

His next rope ended up cinching her elbows together, so closely they touched.

“HMN!” Alice groaned in pain. That HURTS! And my arms feel so awkward like this, I can barely move them anymore!

But whether Ryo’s mind was simply a blur, or whether he just didn’t care his captive was whimpering a little, he kept going strong. His next rope was the longest in the bunch, but Alice soon discovered you can always find a use for excess rope.

The raven haired man started out wrapping the rope around Alice’s chest, first two loops below her breasts and then two above after which he tied it off just above her elbow bonds, tightening up the ropes in order to tightly ensnare her bosom.

The rest of his rope was then pulled over her right shoulder, down her front underneath the top chest rope and looped around the lower breast rope before pulling it up the same way and leading it over her left shoulder. When Ryo tightened it up and cinched it off, the harness began cupping Alice’s large knockers, squeezing them to make her impressive rack stand out even more than usual.

The white haired girl gasped a little as she felt the pressure increase with each new loop of his mile-long rope, but barely had time to do anything else as Ryo still had more plans.

The last length of that huge rope he pulled back to the front in order to pull it back over her left shoulder and run along the nape of her neck before bringing it back down her right shoulder and finally returning to her elbow bonds and coiling it around them. The remainder was then pulled up to loop around the part of rope running past her neck so Ryo could leverage it and force Alice's poor arms to slide upwards, completely anchoring them in place.

"Hmnn (owww)!" The white haired girl whined as she felt the pressure on her elbows and chest increase even more, and her arms felt like they being cemented into place. “OHHP (STOP)!!!”

This is getting way too tight!

Ryo’s next rope ended up tied around Alice’s pretty hourglass waist, making sure he caught her arms as well so as to trap them flat against her back after he'd reigned in all slack and cinched up the space between her back and arms. The last bit of that rope Ryo then pulled between Alice's writhing legs, harshly yanking it up.

"HIIII!!" The poor white haired girl yelped in her gag as Ryo knotted off the crotchrope in front, far out of reach of Alice's fluttering fingers.

The dark haired young man then picked up the last rope at his disposal and used it to contort Alice's slender figure into a hogtie so strict it arched her back, lifting her chest off the bed just a tad. It also forced her to nearly rests her ankles on her butt, utterly immobilizing her slender legs!

When Ryo finally backed off, Alice began squirming and fidgeting like her life depended on it. Her fingers fluttered and her feet and toes wriggled since those seemed to be the only parts not covered in rope.

But to her surprise she found it almost impossible to move, let alone to actually work towards an escape!

How did he know how to do this? She thought nervously. Actually, how is this even possible?! I can't move my body an inch! Just lying still is making me feel uncomfortable, but the second I try to wriggle I feel pressure everywhere!

Try as she might, the pale beauty could accomplish little more than some meek squirming. Even when she began thrashing with all her strength, she got no further than rolling onto her side -something which she couldn't undo, much to her disdain-.

"Hmnrmhf!" She yelled at Ryo, frowning at him as she demanded to be released again and again. This wasn't at all how she'd seen tonight unfold. How dare he mess up her carefully laid out plans!

This isn't any fun! I can't do anything like this! How am I supposed to test what's interesting about being bound and gagged when I can't move around?!

"So? How's this for being tied up?" The boy growled as his wild eyes scanned every inch of Alice's magnificent body. "You were whining about me not being creative earlier, I take it that's no longer a problem?"

"HMMRR!" The white haired cook moaned in pain. Her elbows were already growing a little sore, in fact her whole body was getting into trouble. The hogtie he’d forced her into was so strict she couldn’t even breathe properly without her breasts starting to throb or her back starting to tremble from the strain!

What possessed you to treat me like this, you jerk! She screamed in her mind, glaring at her captor. Alice then began rubbing the side of her face into the matress, trying to get the tape to come off and free up her mouth at least. Ryo was in dire need of an earful!

"Good point." The seafood chef suddenly said, making Alice raise one eyebrow. I didn't really say anything just now; it was just an angry moan. She thought confused.

"That stupid strip of tape is way too flimsy." The buff cook said, snatching up the largest of the three white ball gags.

Alice's eyes shot wide open. "HMN (NO)!" She moaned, shaking her head vigorously, about the only part of her body she could still move freely.

But Ryo was relentless. He ripped off the tape in a single swift motion, and before Alice got out anything other than the pained 'oww' from the glue leaving her skin, the rubber ball was already filling her mouth.

The raven haired cook then pulled the leather straps as tight as they would go, leaving the helpless girl accommodating the ball with a jaw forced wide. "OOWW!!" She moaned as her teeth sank into the rubber ball, trying but failing to compress it a little.

Ryo then finally took off his bandana, reverting to his composed state in the blink of an eye. "There you go Ojou. You're tied up." He said dryly.

"Hmnf!" She huffed, for some reason she always had trouble remaining angry with Ryo whenever he reverted to his stoic side. Something about his absolute calmness sapped the fire out of her.

Besides, she had already realized making a fuss would only be counter-productive right now. She'd leave that for when he removed those stupid ropes!

"Shho, ow ahh? (So, now what?)" She asked her calm aide, annoyed beyond words -which she couldn’t even properly wield right now-.

"Now I can finally go and prepare for the next match while you discover whatever it was you wanted to know."

"AH?! (What?!)"

"I'll be back in a few hours." He added, already turning his back on the helpless white haired girl.

"OUSH?! Ooh ahn eef eeh aih ish!! (HOURS?! You can't leave me like this!)" Alice protested, squirming on her bed.

“I promise to hurry.” Were his last words before heading out the door, abandoning the poor white haired girl to wriggle and writhe on her fluffy, king size bed.

Alice just laid there with a stunned look on her face as she stared at the closed door.

He actually left me?! Has he gone nuts?! What if someone walks in and finds me like this, completely helpless?! What if ERINA waltzes in here?! I’ll never live it down if she sees me like this: Bound and gagged on my own bed!



She screeched, thrashing furiously on her bed out of pure frustration. The white haired girl groaned into her ball gag as the ropes continued to resist her efforts until finally she slumped down from exhaustion, resting her cheek on the soft mattress.

NOW what am I supposed to do?! Just lie here and wait until he comes back? I never planned to remain tied up for so long! This was supposed to be a playful first test!

But what choice did she have? As stubborn as she was, even Alice had to acknowledge there was nothing she could do about her current predicament.

Ryo had used too much rope and tied all of it off so securely despite her valiant squirming during the tying.

Amongst the countless knots keeping all of her restraints neatly in place, she could maybe reach three or four, and even then it was nothing more than faintly brushing past them with her fingers. Actually undoing all of this simply wasn’t possible!

Not that Alice never tried.

There wasn’t an inch of her massive bed she didn’t explore during her captivity, writhing around in the hopes of finding a weakness in her restraints or some slack to exploit.

But such a thing never occurred.

Pulling at the ropes to move a knot in reach of her fingers never worked either. Whichever string she tugged on, it was always being held back by one of the countless others Ryo had weaved together to create her nylon rope prison.

The bodacious damsel had rolled on her side, lied on her front and even lifted her butt off the sheets by pushing herself up with her feet to slowly waddle them closer to her hands and bring her ankle bonds closer to her fingers.

But she never managed to get a knot in reach of her so firmly pinned down hands. She’d fondled the ropes circling her gorgeous body countless times, but more than slipping along the tightly done up buds was out of the question.

Minutes of her exhausting escape attempt slowly turned into hours, but whatever plan she came up with, the bodacious white haired cook failed to make any headway.

She slowly but surely grew more frustrated and angry with her hopeless situation. But there was more going on than that.

Some of the ropes Ryo had put into place were making her feel strange. They made her feel… hot and bothered.

What is going on? The more I try to wriggle free, the tighter these ropes feel! And some of them are digging in in a… really weird way.

Almost for 10 minutes now, her breasts had started feeling a bit hot, and her snatch was beginning to grow moist. She couldn’t explain why, but there was no denying it:

Am I… becoming turned on? But how? Just from the ropes rubbing me? Is that even possible?!

She then recalled something she'd glanced over whilst doing her research. A reference to bondage actually serving to bring erotic pleasure to the captive. She had assumed it meant people having sex whilst tied up or something. But to think one could actually become aroused just form being bound by rope! She had never considered the notion.

And yet that was exactly what was happening.

However, that left Alice with a whole new problem: How in the world was she supposed to act on these feelings, given that she couldn't move an inch?!

The more she tried to escape her bonds, the more she realized the futility, growing more tired and horny with each failed struggling fit. Eventually, her efforts shifted from frantically squirming around to needily grinding herself into the mattress, rubbing her tingling breasts and crotch.

Her crotchrope stung and burned with every twitch of her impeccable body, but not nearly enough to fulfil the fire in her loins. And no matter what she tried, she couldn’t stoke it high enough to reach the climax she wanted.

Until finally she couldn't stand the hunger anymore.

"HMMNNN!!" She howled in utter frustration. Stupid Ryo! What are you doing, staying away for so long! You haven't done ANYTHING right! I didn't want to be tied so tightly, I didn't want to be left alone!

The bound and gagged beauty rolled onto her side, moaning in discomfort as the crotchrope and chestharness dug in yet again.

I never counted on feeling like this, and I DEFINITELY never expected not being able to do a thing about any of it!!!

The bound and gagged beauty kept throwing her silent tantrum to make the time pass quicker.

She rolled sideways for about a foot and a half in search of a dry spot of bedding, since her current position was soaked with drool running past that infuriating rubber ball buckled between her full pink lips.

Her pale blue top had ended up entirely crumpled and was starting to cling to her body a little thanks to all her perspiration. Her jeans, which had been tight to begin with felt like they'd melted into her skin!

“Hmff. Hmmmfff. Hmmnnn.” She panted softly, her nostrils flaring as she greedily drunk in more air.

I want a shower, and a fresh set of clothes. Darn it, what's taking you so long, Ryo! Why do I even have an aide if he's not around when I need him he most! She thought selfishly. You could've just done your taste testing tomorrow! You could've at least had the sense to stick around after doing this to me!

“Hmrrrn!!” She screamed into her gag to vent some frustration, both sexual and anger-related.

After what felt like days, Ryo finally returned.

"I'm back Ojou." He said lazily, walking in the door in his usual docile manner. "I've wrapped up my first batch of taste tests. How did your- oh." He stalled when he saw Alice lying on her bed, pretty much exactly like he'd left her.

"You haven't stopped playing yet?" He asked, monotone as ever.

Alice's nostrils began flaring. "EH HEE OW (LET ME OUT)!" She yelled, squirming furiously with her last bit of strength.

Ryo walked over without any sense of urgency and unbuckled the gag. "What's wrong, Ojou?"

"What's wrong?!" She spat after stretching her jaw a little. "I've been stuck here for hours thanks to you embracing your impulsive side without any warning, that's what's wrong you dolt!" She said, pouting at her tall, dark haired aide. 

"Wasn't this what you asked of me?" Ryo replied calmly. "You've been pestering me to tie you up for days already."

"But not this tightly! And not for this long either!" She whined. "My body's in complete disarray." The white haired girl moaned as she tried to roll herself onto her side to try and relieve some pressure.

But by doing so, she accidentally revealed to Ryo just how bad the state of her body was.

Her nipples had become so hard they poked into her bra and even through her thin blue top since it had become clammy from sweating so much. And there was also a rather distinctive dark patch on her jeans, around her groin.

The raven haired chef failed to utter any form of surprise however. "Are you turned on?" He simply asked, so casual it annoyed Alice.

"What do you think, dummy?" She moaned, frowning at him. "These ropes have been digging into me the entire time, so I haven't been able to get a second of rest! And since everything was done up so tightly, I couldn't get out on my own either!!"

"I hadn't expected it to be that difficult to get out of."

"This was my first time trying this!" Alice replied heated. "What made you think I'd know what do to?!"

"You said you'd done research." Was his calm and logical answer.

"But this stuff requires practice, stupid!" Alice pouted at him. "Now stop gawking and get to work!"

"Sure." He replied, reaching into his back pocket again and taking out his bandana again.

The white haired captive's fierce red eyes grew even wider. "Hey! What are you planning?! That’s not what I meant!"

But Ryo didn't respond anymore. His bandana had been tied into place, and his demeanour changed again, as did the look in his eyes.

"Take a wild guess!" He growled. "I'm going to finish what you started." He stated bluntly, grabbing Alice by her elbow bonds and dragging her to his side.

"Owww!!" She moaned as the strong young man dragged her sensitive body over the sheets, rubbing her massive knockers into the bedding. "Not so rough, you meanie!" She whined again. If only she'd had her hands free, she could engage in one of her usual thumping sessions all over Ryo’s chest to vent her frustration.

But to her relief, her aide began swiftly untangling some of the knots.

Good, at least he's untying me. I was a little worried he would start groping me or something. It always becomes hard to tell what he's up to when he gets like this… Come to think of it, I've never seen him switch sides for something else than cooking…

With blinding speed Ryo had removed the hogtie rope again, followed by the crotchrope, the chest harness and finally the leg bindings. However he stopped there, leaving Alice’s arms securely tied behind her back.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused. "Keep going, I'm still far from free!"

"This is plenty." He bit back, roughly pulling his lady onto her feet.

It was then the white haired cook realized just how big the impact of this afternoon in bondage had been on her body. Her legs felt like jelly!

"Ah!" she yelped as she stumbled into Ryo’s chest, her arms flailing a little as they failed to grab something for support. Luckily the stout raven haired boy didn’t budge in the slightest after she bumped into him. Instead he just took a firm hold of her right arm and began dragging her to the bathroom.

"Ow! HEY!” She moaned as she stumbled along, half trying to resist her captor, since the other half had already given up on fighting.

“Where are you taking me?" Alice asked, a little nervous. "Untie me from this!" She added, sounding rather petulant.

"Well you're soaked in sweat, so where else would we be going than the shower?"


"You're a chef. It's basic knowledge: after you've made meat simmer, you baste it. Wine would be a bit wasteful so I’ll use water instead."

"I am not a piece of meat!" Alice shrieked, twisting her arms angrily. She knew Ryo could be forceful and tactless, but this was ridiculous!

"Well you were bound like a hog roast, what's wrong in treating you like one?" The seafood chef countered, pulling a squirming and wriggling Alice into the bathroom, where he leashed her to a towel rack. He'd made sure she had plenty of slack around her slender neck, but running off was no longer an option.

"Ryo! What the hell is wrong with you?! Even when you're like this, you never before had the nerve to be so disrespectful!"

"Because I figured you'd keep whining to me if I ever did. But now that I know you're a slut who wants to be dominated, I'm not holding back anymore."

"W-what?!" Alice stammered. "What are you saying?!"

Her thoughts began racing. Dominated? Me? How did he get that in his head?! And where does he get off calling me a SLUT?!

Alice frowned at her captor. “How DARE you insinuate such things!” She growled, wanting nothing more than to give him that barrage of strikes she dished out every time he’d messed up. And boy did he qualify this time!

But sadly, the state of her arms meant that would have to wait. She brought them along her side to inspect the ropes tying her wrists. But they were as pristine as when he’d first tied them. Even after all her efforts, poor Alice was still completely trapped.

Obviously, Ryo realized this too because he wasn’t backing down.

"Well that's why you demanded to be tied up isn't it?" The wild young man replied. "So I would have an excuse to lay my hands on these." He then gave her left breast a firm squeeze, making Alice yelp loudly.

"That's it Ryo! This has gone way too far! Let me out right n-hmmrnnff!!" The white haired captive's demands were cut short by Ryo shoving the huge ball gag back into place. "HMMRRRNNG!!" Alice growled at him, twisting her arms to try and push him away. But she could barely reach the tall young man, let alone shove him away.

The raven haired boy then ran the shower so the water could heat up before he turned to Alice again.

The helplessly bound and gagged girl looked at her aide with fear. At least she thought it was fear. Her heart was beating like crazy, her body was trembling, her throat felt like it was closing up and her eyes were a bit prickly as if tears were waiting to burst forth.

But above all of those signals, two others reigned supreme: Her nipples had yet to soften up, and her snatch had grown even wetter than when she'd been yanking that fiendish crotchrope into it.

I can't be… horny? Can I?!

The answer was revealed soon enough when Ryo suddenly pulled down her jeans. Her normally snow white panties with bright red trim were now completely stained with love juice.

Alice’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she realized her exposure, whilst her cheeks ran red so quickly it looked like she’d reached boiling point.

“EE-HOO (RYO!!)!” She shrieked flustered, turning aside to try and hide her modesty somehow.

But her captor didn’t seem to care, not about her modesty nor her anger with him. He simply moved in to pull down the soaked panties and leave her bottom half completely nude!

The white haired girl now crossed her legs in reflex, but she wasn’t hiding anything from the dark haired boy. The shine on her thighs still betrayed she was a wet as a fresh Norwegian salmon.

"Get in." Ryo commanded after checking the water was hot enough and removing the leash again.


"Get in the shower!" The raven haired man replied.

“Hmfn hmn!” Alice mumbled, shaking her head and turning away from the shower cabin. Like I’m just going to go along with whatever you say! She thought pridefully, never even considering the fact that was exactly what she always expected of him!

“Fine, be stubborn then.” He grunted as he grabbed hold of Alice’s thoroughly cinched up arms and shoved her into the shower. He then began taking off his own clothes whilst his captive squirmed in the massive cubicle.

“HIII!!” She yelped, at first from flinching at the water hitting her. But when she realized it was the perfect temperature her body eased up a bit.

That didn’t last long though. Almost immediately, her top was soaked and began clinging to her impeccable body even more than before. Less than a minute of being pushed underneath the stream of water, her white and red bra that had matched her panties was revealed underneath her top.

"EHO (RYO)!" She shrieked. “ISH OH ISH EHI-HAT, AH ERRHEE EKS-PE-SHIF! AH ARR OO IH-KIN USHI HEE IH-HHOO HUH OHUR EHHIN IH!! (THIS TOP IS DELICATE, AND VERY EXPENSIVE! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING PUSHING ME INTO THE SHOWER WEARING IT!!)" She moaned, frowning angrily at her blockhead aide for his brash and disrespectful behaviour.

Jeez, just how far is he planning to take this?!!

"You still don't get the position you're in, do you?" He snarled, stepping into the shower with her, where his perfectly toned body slowly received the shame watery glimmer Alice’s had. "You don't get to make any decisions tonight!"

To add to her humiliation, Ryo then ripped her top to shreds, revealing her now equally soaking bra but more importantly: her pale, magnificently well-shaped rack.

"HMMRRR!!" Alice shrieked, even louder than before. "Ohhw AIR oo!! Aih ehee aihk ish ohh! (How DARE you!! I really liked this top!)”

"Well how else am I fully supposed to enjoy your body?" Ryo stated matter of factly, reaching round to remove her bra as well now and let her breasts enjoy the full stream coming from the showerhead.

"Hmnn!" The white haired girl moaned as the warm water ran over her now naked body. Her cheeks were burning as red as those alluring eyes of hers. Unbelievable! He actually went all the way in stripping me! But how come I'm feeling so flustered? I should be angry, furious even. But for some reason all I feel is hot and nervous...

The bound and gagged cook was too distracted by her own thoughts to respond in time to the tall young man shoving her against the white tiled wall. The water and steam had drenched it, making it pleasantly warm. Her arms being squished behind her back wasn't as fun however.

"Hmmrrr!!" She groaned as she tried to squirm out of Ryo's grasp.

"Stop fidgeting!" He ordered, tugging on one of her hardened nipples.

"AIEEE!!" Alice yelped, frowning at her captor. "Ash hhee (that's mean)!" She mewled.

"It's making you hornier though." He replied brashly, flicking the nipple which had indeed hardened up from his touch.

And to her despair, Alice soon found out Ryo was only getting started!

He reached out to grope her shapely body even more vigorously. His hands strolled from her shoulders along the supple flesh of her bosom, indulging in a quick squeeze before moving along her slender waistline and reaching round to take a firm grasp of her buttocks.

“Ah! Aieee ! EY!!” The white haired girl protested loudly as Ryo’s hands made his way down her body.

But she was utterly ignored as the raven haired man pulled her closer and brushed his lips along her neck and collarbone. His powerful fingers kept kneading her firm buttocks whilst his mouth slowly but surely reached her nipples.

Without any warning he closed his lips around her left bud and he began sucking and nibbling it, almost as if he was trying to draw milk! His teeth sunk into Alice's soft flesh from time to time, drawing out brief and startled groans from the white haired damsel.

Alice’s heart began pounding like crazy. The way she felt was superbly sharp and erotic, enough to make her shake like a leaf, despite the constant stream of hot water.

"Hmnnff!!" She moaned, shaking her head as the only means of protest she had. Her short wet hair began clinging to her pretty face, obscuring her vision. And thanks to her arms being so hopelessly pinned down, she couldn't fix that.

"Ehoo (Ryo)." She wined whilst the dark haired boy straightened up again to run his lips along her slender neck. Alice began nudging her head against his shoulder to get her message across.

Rather surprisingly, he responded!

The seafood chef briefly stopped his lecherous assault to wipe her hair aside and provide her with a clear view of his beautifully sculpted body.

Naturally she'd always known him to be well-trained and attractive. But since he was her aide she never even considered making a pass at him. The white haired cook had always assumed he felt the same. Their only link was cooking, both their love for it and their refusal to take a second seat at it.

But none of that helped explain all of Ryo's confusing choices tonight.

I just don't get why he's behaving like this. He never gets this fired up over everything but cooking, and even then he doesn't behave as brazenly as he’s being right now! It's like he's determined to force me to-

But then suddenly, it hit her: Ryo wasn't behaving differently at all!

He was acting exactly the same way as when he normally donned that fiery red bandana: He was trying to make her submit. It's just that whereas normally their battlefield was food and taste, this time it was love and eroticism.

No, the one behaving differently was none other than Alice herself. Because whilst she would NEVER tolerate him dominating her in the kitchen, in this setting it was exactly what her body was calling out for. And shockingly enough Ryo had been the first one to realize it, long before the lewd chef in training herself had done! He had probably figured everything out right from the start, when she'd unveiled her large stash of bondage gear and acted so giddy whilst testing those flimsy first bindings of his.

How is it possible it took me this long to catch up?! The white haired captive thought, slightly angry with herself for fighting the urge which had been burning so clearly within her. If only she hadn’t been so stubborn… For someone so proud of her analytical skill, she sure missed a lot of pretty clear-cut signals!

To think… Rather than fuming over her aide’s antics, she could’ve been relishing in that overwhelming feeling of helplessness for hours already!

"Ee-hoo-hhuu (Ryo-kuun)!" She moaned, desperate to make good on the time lost.

"What?!" He grunted.

"Aik uff ooh eeh (Make love to me)."

To Alice's surprise, her tall and muscular childhood friend didn't have a response ready straight away. And even more remarkably, his eyes softened for just a second.

"So you're finally up to speed huh? Took you long enough." He said rudely.

“Hmnf!” Alice yelped in surprise as Ryo wrapped one arm around her waist to pull her close and onto her tiptoes before unbuckling the large white ball gag.

"Well you didn't exactly- hmpfn?!" She had tried to counter, only to have her retort interrupted by Ryo forcing his tongue past her lips for a wild and passionate kiss.

Alice groaned as she tried to suckle on his wildly roaming tongue, thrusting her chest forward a little to rub her bare knockers into Ryo's pecs.

By now she realized there was something pressuring her groin. Her captor’s hard member had begun nudging her labia. Mere moments later, her body grew even hotter. A flame fiercer than any stove ignited within her loins as finally both her body and her mind reached unison in yearning for Ryo’s love.

“Hmnnff.” She mewled into his tongue, nudging her pelvis against her captor's.

He pulled back his lips. “Impatient as ever I see.” The tall, dark haired youth remarked. “Which one of us is setting the pace here?”

“You are.” Alice replied immediately.

That surprised him slightly. “So you do pay attention.”

“Gag me please.”


“I want to be gagged again. I want to know how it feels now that my mindset has changed.”

Ryo frowned. “You’re one weird researcher.”

“Just shove that ball back in my mouth and get on with it!” Alice ordered.

Her captor’s frown deepened. He felt conflicted somehow. On the one hand an attitude like that made her very deserving of that ball gag. But on the other hand it would mean he was giving her exactly what she wanted.

Guess I haven’t tamed this bitch just yet…

“RYOOOO!” The white haired captive moaned needily.

“Tsk. Fine!” He snapped, buckling the gag back into place even tighter than before.

“Hmnnnn.” Alice groaned, her tongue licking the warm and wet ball which had been all cleaned up thanks to the shower.

“Now keep still and let me work!” Ryo commanded as he pushed Alice against the wall again, his hand grabbing her huge tit and squeezing it firmly.

“HMMMNNN!!” The helpless young woman howled as the intense pain and pleasure washed over in tandem with the steamy raindrops falling from above.

As his cock smoothly slipped past Alice’s wet folds, she gasped into her ball gag.

This is it! He’s going to-

“Ah!” The molecular chef gasped even deeper.

Ryo had begun leaning into her, his one hand still kneading her breasts whilst his other took hold of her left thigh with his hand and forced her leg to move aside a little. With his considerable strength, he even forced Alice her to stand on her toes to bring her hips at a more accommodating height for his penetration.

“Hmnnn!!” Alice moaned as he filled her up.

Her pitch shot up as her dom began rocking his hips back and forth, his strong fingers massaging her flesh in the meantime.


Oh God! This is unbelievable! What are we doing?! What am I doing?!

But the gorgeous girl couldn’t help herself, and not just because she’d been bound and gagged beyond any hope of escape. Right now, inside her luxurious shower that had been completely steamed up, she couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be, or anyone she’d rather have with her.

“OOHRRR (Mooorrreee)!!” She howled eagerly, gently bucking her hips to match Ryo’s fierce pace.

He didn’t really listen, rather the dark haired young man just kept going at his own leisure. But Alice didn’t mind. As long as he kept doing what the hell was driving her body so wild with desire, he could pick whichever speed he liked.

Ryo began thrusting more vigorously, making Alice moan as her climax began building.

I’m getting close! Oh my God I’m- I’m going to-!!

“AAAHHMMNN!!!” The white haired girl shrieked as her orgasm erupted. Her entire body began convulsing as Ryo continued to pound her, prolonging her pleasure for so much longer than she’d ever imagined possible.

“H-hohh (S-Stop)!” She gasped, her lungs burning from not getting enough air.

Her captor grunted softly as he pulled back, having realized she’d climaxed and holding off before he got there himself.

To Alice’s shock, Ryo then took off his headband and removed Alice’s ball gag.

Does this mean we’re done? She thought somewhat disappointed. I kinda feel up for a round-

“AH!” She yelped as her now dopey and stoic aide gently embraced her, pulling her into the middle of the shower and spinning round to temporarily shield her from the constant stream of water. Without warning he planted his lips onto hers for a gentle kiss.

“R-Ryo?” She asked flustered after pulling back.

“Yes, Ojou?”

“Aren’t you… you know, calm again?”

“Am I not acting calm right now?”

“W-well yes. But you’re not untying me or anything.”

“Do you want me to?”

Alice stalled. Would she lose face if she said no? Would he even believe her if she said yes? Her body was still shaking from all of the excitement, not to mention that earth shattering climax. Every fibre of her being was screaming for more. What manner of bluff would she have to pull off to convince her dom otherwise? Or rather, why would she even bother?

“If I say no, then what’ll you do?”

“Continue.” Was the plain response.

“T-Then I think I’d prefer that option.” Alice admitted with a fain blush.

Ryo nodded, and engaged in round two despite his white haired captive having barely had any time to recover from the climax he'd rushed her into earlier.

But like his nature right now, this second lovemaking was much gentler, slower and sweeter.

His penis entered her again, slowly sliding past her folds.

“Aahnn.” Alice sighed in delight, thrusting her hips forward a little. She lolled her head and arched her back, allowing Ryo to dip his tongue in between the chasm of her breasts. He pulled her along for half a foot, bringing her front in range of the shower stream again to ensure she didn’t get chilly.

“Hmmn. M-more.” She gasped, begged almost as the water hit her upper body. Every droplet that landed on her magnificent chest felt like side-dish of ecstasy to Ryo’s full course lovemaking. His earlier rampage had been like his meals: overpowering and undeniable. But right now, his calm and gentle side was answering her every need that had yet to be fulfilled!

The dark haired young man silently kept fucking his girl, closing his lips around her nipples to make her squeal happily.

This is even better than the first time! I think I prefer his slow side for this. Or is it because he was so rough earlier that I’m appreciating this one all the more?

Whatever the explanation was, right now even Alice couldn’t find the answer. Because her mind soon gave way, abandoning her analysis in the face of Ryo’s efforts which were slowly bringing her towards that highly anticipated second climax.

She kept moaning softly as Ryo brushed his lips along her neck and shoulder, still holding her in that gentle embrace as his rock hard member slowly slipped back and forth inside her lovebox.

Because of his slower pace, this round of lovemaking felt entirely different for the helpless chef. For one, despite her obvious hunger her orgasm still felt confusingly distant for the first minute or so... But then, without any hint of a warning, it suddenly began boiling up within her loins at an alarming speed!

It’s here already?! How-

But another thought overrode everything else spinning around in that sharp mind of hers. A thought that had to make its way out there.

 Her mouth spoke before she even realized:

“R-Ryo-kun?” She whimpered.

“Yes Ojou?”

“Kiss me.” She said, sounding in between a command and a plea. And hurry, before I-

The dark haired cook didn’t hesitate, and locked lips with his captive mere seconds before her love surged.

“Hmnnnf!!” She groaned and bucked as Ryo suckled on Alice’s tongue, his arms wrapped around her back keeping her steady for as long as she needed.

When Alice began panting a little, the dark haired chef finally pulled back, both up top and below.

The seafood expert then proceeded to calmly wash his captive without saying another word. He gently soaped up her sweat body and took care not to be too rough with her most sensitive parts.

Alice wanted to know what was going on in her aide’s mind, right now but also for the rest of the day. Her heart felt like bursting, and there was so much she wanted to say or ask, but she just couldn’t find the words.

She was also scared she’d somehow spoil the mood by asking too many questions. So for now, the infamous Alice Nakiri remained quiet like a good little captive.

The dark haired boy was the first to leave the shower, drying himself off before helping Alice out as well. He then finally cut her loose so she could dry herself.

"Thanks." She said softly as she took hold of the fluffy white towel he handed her.

"Don't mention it." He replied casually as he dressed himself whilst Alice dried her luscious body.

But to her surprise Ryo then planned to calmly walk out the door like nothing had happened!

"Wait just a minute!" Alice suddenly stopped him. "You don't think you get to leave just like that do you?!"

"Well we're done aren't we?"

Alice's eyes widened. "After everything you did to me?! We are far from done. You'll have to pamper me and obey my every whim for at least a week before we're anything close to 'done'!" She said selfishly.

"That doesn't seem fair Ojou. You had plenty of fun."

"But I didn't like not having any say in it!" The white haired girl said, pouting softly as she wrapped her smooth pale skin in a large towel, since there were no clothes for her in the bathroom.

A small lie, but it’s not like he’ll-

"Are you certain that is true?" Ryo asked calmly, interrupting Alice’s thoughts. “You really did sound like you were enjoying yourself for a moment or two.”

"O-of course it is, you dummy!" She whined, punching him in his shoulder as she felt her cheeks burn up. "How can I have enjoyed myself after you abandoned me for so long without anything to do!”

“Well I assumed that was the best way for you to perform the tests you kept asking me to assist you with.” The dark haired cook replied stoically.

Alice pouted. “Well you assumed wrong! I don’t keep you around to make decisions! Next time I ask you to tie me up, you just tie me up!"

"So there will be a next time then?"

The white haired bombshell stalled. That wasn't- I-I didn't mean to-

"Oh just shut up!" She said rather childishly, barging past her aide to check her wardrobe for something casual to wear. "Finish getting dressed and come sit on my bed." She ordered. "We're watching a movie and I'm choosing which one. You can prepare the snacks!"

"So business as usual then." He replied with that same bored tone of voice he always had when not fired up.

However…if Alice hadn't been so busy storming off, she would've probably spotted in the corner of her eye that her usually emotionless aide was smirking.


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