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Orca Moon

Your not the only one that was abit Confused when watching this.😆 😂


I read the book before I saw the series, so I had some context for what was going on. I can see how this might be confusing if this is your first exposure to it, so don't worry too much! Also, if you want help remembering how to pronounce Aziraphale’s name, here's a link to Neil's explanation (one of the authors) https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/19740172128/mr-gaiman-can-you-clear-something-up-for-me-how?source=share


You’re gonna LOVE episode 3, you’ll see what I mean when you watch it 😉


I'm so excited for the episode 3 reaction. It's my favorite!


If it helps to remember, just think of the famous angels like Gabriel and Raphael, or the word Emmanuel for the ending sound of Aziraphale

Kieran Hunter

I don't remember when it happens, but you'll learn why Crowley didn't want Aziraphale to call him a "nice person"

Joey Quixote

I was a little thrown that you were unfamiliar with the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I'm no theology scholar by any means, but the concept was fairly ubiquitous in the media I was consuming when I was younger. Many different shows, movies, and games feature some variation of them. You've met War. 3 more to go. Not important, but with regard to the "alfo" in the book. Old-timey print used something called "long s" which closely resembles an f. You'll see this in all manner of shows and movies that have old texts in them. I don't think Pepper's mother was in a "cult" so much as it was a hippie commune. People who break off from society seeking peace, love and enlightenment not provided by our capitalist trappings. It usually involves a fair amount of rustic living, psychotropic drugs, ridiculous names and copious nudity. The tools being used by Anathema are Dowsing rods. Used in old times to hunt for water, but also commonly used among the supernatural community to hunt for energy, leylines and the like. Not surprised there's a TikTok trend of using them. The song was "Bicycle Race" by Queen. One of the perks of the show being on Amazon is the music budget.


Ah Zeer Ah Fell


The unfortunate guy in the office with the glasses; Newton. Is actually a descendants of the lead witch finder that lead the burning of Agnes Nutter, the witch that blew them up. Which is probably why he is so interested in the old man's lectures about witches. Some kinda ancestral calling I guess you can call it? But newton really is a good guy though.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Did you think that the old guy was the grandson of the witchfinder? It’s newt. They say that a few times, the narrator says it when we first show him shredding a pc.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

There has been so much meta analysis done by fans about Crowley and his plants. Notice how the narrator says: he puts the fear of god into them. Crowley has his own little garden of Eden, he’s the god and when a plant doesn’t match his expectations he throws them out, just like he was thrown out of heaven. Subtle, Crowley


Actually, religious people threw a fit over the this show when it came out. There was a petition to try an get it cancelled for being blasphemous, except they messed up and addressed the petition to Netflix instead of Amazon.


The best part was when Amazon tweeted "hey Netflix-- we'll cancel Stranger Things if you'll cancel Good Omens."

Miriam 090985

I love your T-Shirt in this Video!😆👍


Madame Tracy *is* a sex worker, but she's also a medium/psychic. When she was talking about pulling back the veil, she was referring to the concept of the veil between life and death. She's embraced the gig economy.

Curtis Murphy

Not knowing the 4 horsemen is so freaking weird. They're so ubiquitous throughout media

Curtis Murphy

It's really not that confusing

Morgan Terry

Dude why are you giving me such a hard time? It’s my first time watching this show and I have very limited religious knowledge to begin with as I stated in episode 1. I also said how I have a hard time processing a lot of information at once.