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Delilah is voiced by Grey Griffin, who also voices Azula in Avatar. Also just FYI, in this campaign, they are dragons who can shape-shift into humans, instead of humans who can shape-shift into dragons.

Chris Dryden

The character name is Delilah Briarwood and the actress is Grey Griffin


The woman’s name at the end was Delilah and she’s played by Grey DeLisle or Grey Griffin aka Azula

Joey Quixote

Lol. Not only having to remember all the biblical names in Good Omens, but the fantasy names in Vox Machina as well. That's rough. Good riddance, General Krieg. Voiced by Crowley himself, David Tennant. Yup! Queer rep in the fantasy show! Shaun Gilmore is perhaps the most flamboyant of the bunch, but isn't the last you'll meet. Or even the first for that matter as Scanlan expressed an interest in bedding "anyone". The tiger in the intro was Keyleth using Wildform. It's a Druid ability that allows the caster to change shape into an animal. The lockpicking scene was a nod to tabletalk that typically goes on as the party overthinks a very simple solution. If I remember correctly, the Critical Role team had some miserable luck with dice rolls when it came to opening doors. Dragons in D&D are not feral beasts, but an ancient sentient race of beings. They speak as any other race in the realm can and many have the ability known as True Polymorph. It allows them to conceal their true form and walk among the other races undetected. And you are correct. Different colors of dragons mean different abilities. Green = Poison Black = Acid Red = Fire Blue = Lightning White = Ice Additionally, there are metallic dragons and other variations with multiple abilities. But these are the base.

Phoenix Mackenzie

On the doors matter, yeah that one door that took iirc 3 spells and a cut hand, plus Percy falling out a window which I blame scanlan for(hitting the door so hard could have knocked him out if he was stood close enough) to open🤦


Ok dragons Their three clans Gen deagons not evwn repevent theie psychics but earely show up at all in dnd they nostly teying to reincarnate their god Chromatic aka red blus green black And so on they are evil dragons crwatwd by tiamat , color representa element. Green os poison not earth tho Metalic dragons gold silver playnun bronze also elementals but they are good dragons created by bathunet


All dragons in dnd can shapeshift


Barbarian is a class that can rage