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Hey everyone,

We’re very excited to bring Early Access patrons, Producers, and Posh Slugs all 14 episodes of Retry: Chalice Dungeons this Friday at 5pm (UK time).

We announced the show with a trailer on 2 July, but we actually told you they were coming much sooner. Well, sort of.

Back in March, we started scattering clues to herald the return of Posh Finchy.

Here’s the timeline....

March 13

The tweets promoting SPOOKIES: Maid of Sker – the trailer and all of the ones scheduled for 10am, the classic time we release new episodes on YT – contributed to an acrostic spelling FINCHY.

This was only possible through some creatively-crafted tweets (or, depending on your perspective, tortuously-constructed). 

Having access to Welsh proved to be very useful for netting us the letter ‘Y’. Thank you, “Y Diwedd”, which means ‘the end’.

Look, it didn’t work for the God of War director, and it didn’t work for us. But we had a good time and in the end, that’s what matters.

March 21

Some of the clues were less obvious. If you’re an RKG Producer, you should have watched Gav finally finish Red Dead Redemption 2 across an epic three-part livestream.

For all 17+ hours of those streams, a custom-made Posh Finchy was lurking in the background of Gav’s shot.

Okay, maybe that one was impossible to spot. But he was there, always watching, waiting.

April 12

If you follow Gav on Strava, you’ll be used to the bi-weekly update about how running on a Ronie-hangover is a “piss-take”. But on April 12 he ran a very ‘bold’ route on his evening run after a full day of filming Chalice Dungeons.

Under the cover of night, he etched – like runesmith Caryll long ago – the bold Hunter’s mark across Hackney Downs.

Incidentally, does anyone else think ‘Gav of Strava’ sounds like a FROM NPC?

May 8th

Patreon Credits

As you might know, if you support RKG at the Producer or Posh Slug tiers you get your name in the credits for our shows. But if you looked at the credits in our last two Early Access shows – We Played Every… Simpsons Game and RKG Enterprise: The Next Generation – you may have spotted an interesting patron notorious not only for his tremendous wealth but his blind devotion to his eccentric son.

Firstly, he subscribed at the Posh Slug tier.

We Played Every… Simpsons Game – Credits

July 19

Posh Finchy’s Dad thankfully retained his Posh Slug status for the following month’s credits, which he decided to use as an opportunity to make a demand.

RKG Enterprise: The Next Generation – Credits

We’re not saying that Producers and Posh Slugs should start using our credits to spread their own nefarious messages but if you did, we probably wouldn’t realise.

June 19 - July 14

Our favourite one though has to be the intro to every episode of RKG Enterprise: The Next Generation.

Each episode begins with a monologue by Powers in which he mentions the Stardate for that instalment. Well, big Trekkies might have noticed  they deviate from what you might expect. (Again, no one noticed.) 

The Next Generation was actually set in the year 2369, while our Stardates jump all over the place, and a set a whole millennium further in the future. It’s so obvious when you hear it. Our Stardates across the four episodes are: 16151, 98091, 90315, and 139147. If you convert them using the most simple of all number-letter cyphers (A = 1, B = 2, etc. with 0 = space,) it will give you... 

Posh Is Coming

(Sorry, Trekkies.)

In The End

Fittingly Lovecraft once wrote that it was a blessing that the human mind was incapable of piecing together the dissociated knowledge all around it. To do so would be to risk madness.

We’re not sure if he was writing specifically about RKG ARGs but regardless, we’re glad no one’s sanity was put at risk. 

Do we mind that no one noticed? Not really. It helped us pass the time.

And remember, Posh Finchy will see you this Friday.




Definitely not enough insight!


I love you all so much 😂


Bunch of absolute nerdy Legends 😂💜


I can totally understand how I missed all of this (because I’m just that much of an idiot) but well done! Seriously, well done with it! I can’t wait to start watching the new series! Keep up the great work lads!


It was there the whole time. Reeeeeee


Mind blown 🤯, am so excited hehe😊😎


I'm a slug... just not a cosmic slug :(


Episode 1 needs to open with a massive done counter!

Lady Vengeance

This is outrageously awesome. So I noticed the Posh Finchy messages in the credits screen, but I thought it was a new Posh Slug using funny names. I even told one of my friends I should change my name in the credits each week! So I get +1 for finding the clue, and -999 for being too stupid to recognize it as a clue in the first place 😂


Oh my god This is absolutely fantastic Well played lads

Ben Mitchell

You mad mad amazing people. ♥


I absolutely adore this.