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Greetings fellow translators,

This is an update info for the Translator++ up to version 3.9.20


  • Fix : Error on translation by context module when exporting non existent context
  • Update : rmmv renamed to MV/MZ Parser V2
  • Fix : Progress window on project import
  • Update : Export selection for MV & MZ Parser
  • Update : Some Information when the user opens a file created with the old parser


  • Fix : Previously selected tags are set when exporting project
  • Fix : Translations did not apply into the script & set variable command in RMMV & RMMZ
  • Fix : Correctly parse backtick (template string) string for RMMV & MZ & JS related script.
  • Fix : RMMV & MZ: Incorrect context for script command
  • Fix : Clicking the search result will correctly show the selected cell
  • Fix : Batch translation dialog, default engine is set according to the system option
  • FIx : Previously selected tags are retained
  • Fix : Attachment object is undefined in the production build


  • Fix : Grid layout fixed each time an object is selected
  • Fix : GAME BREAKING BUG on RPG Maker MV & MZ's latest parser. Some commands are missing when importing games.
  • Add : Clicking the current cell's icon will scroll the viewport into current cell
  • Fix : Choice command is handled properly in RMMV & MZ new parser.
  • Add : The scripts of Script commands are parsed, only translatable strings will be visible on editor
  • Add : The scripts of Set Variable commands are parsed, only translatable strings will be visible on editor
  • Add : Attachment system is implemented


  • Fix : RMMV & MZ : troop's name
  • Update : Parserbase class. More efficiently generates trans data
  • Fix : RMMV & MZ : Tagging doesn't work for the new parser
  • Update : Ruby engine, now compatible with RVPacker
  • Fix : Clear translation will also clear context translation
  • Add : Button to clear context translation
  • Add : context menu to clear context translation based on selected rows
  • Add : Shortcut to clear context translation based on selected rows (alt+del)
  • Fix : Removing row bug
  • Fix : Tags are correctly reordered after rows are being removed
  • Fix : Comments are correctly reordered after rows are being removed
  • Fix : Context Translations are correctly reordered after rows are being removed
  • Fix : Comments are gone each time grid refreshed

RPG Maker MV & MZ overhauled.

RPG Maker MV & MZ is the very first parser I made for Translator++. To date there have been many new features added to Translator++, but some of the earliest engines were not designed to support these features. So a major overhaul needs to be done. Not to mention, the old engines are hard to maintain, since it was written in PHP. So, Instead of patching the old engine, I decided to remake the parser from scratch with the latest Translator++’s architecture in mind.

Because I made everything from scratch, that's why you might encounter bugs when working with RPG Maker MV/MZ these recent weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience.

All of those efforts come to this:

Support Translation by Context

The latest MV/MZ Parser V2 supports contextual translation like any other engine.

Translation without any programming language

Not all of the translators know the programming language. Translator++ provides a solution so that we can translate without the need to adhere to any programming syntax. Just write normally, and Translator++ will compile your translation into a correct javascript strings.

Scripts within commands are properly filtered

JavaScripts can exist within commands as a script command and variables. MV/MZ Parser V2 will properly parse those scripts. Rather than fetch the entire script, it will fetch only the string token and filter it into a more readable format.

The old version of the parser, the scripts are fetched as is.

JavaScript knowledge is required to be able to translate this line. And many JavaScript tokens that are not actually translatable are also displayed. It is prone to error, especially if you translate everything using a machine.

In the new version, only the string will be presented.

This eliminates the nasty syntax error in-game caused by mistype or the lack of backslash escaping or quotes.

Due to changes in the parser, projects created in the previous version cannot be used in the new parser. But you can always import the translations you made in the old parser into the project created with the new parser.

Follow these steps to convert the project from the old parser to the new parser:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Check all objects on the right pane.
  3. Right click  → With (*) selected → Import from → Trans file
  4. Select your old .trans project
  5. On the Inport .TRANS into project dialog, click Import.
  6. Wait for a while, your translation will be transferred into the newly created project.

You can view the complete information about updating your project here : https://dreamsavior.net/docs/translator/getting-started/updating-a-project/

The new features are very helpful and all. But I won’t sugar coat everything, so here is the harsh truth: You still need to translate the script carefully. The new feature undoubtedly eliminates the syntax error, but won’t autocorrect logical errors on the code.

Here is some example about some logical stuff in programming. Let's say we have a code as follows:

There are two strings in the code. So In Translator++ the strings will appear like this:

It is probably safe to translate the second string, since it is straightforward message text. But how about the first string “Marry”? There is a high chance of logical error if you change the string.

So, always be very careful with those machine translators… you have been warned.

Also, I'm currently working on the same for RPG Maker XP, VX & Ace. As you probably already know, the three engines rely heavily on RPGMaker Trans with all its advantages and disadvantages.  RPGMaker Trans is a good tool, but we already hit the limit of what it can do :

  • It can't handle heredocs string
  • It can't handle variable assignment command
  • Too many execution overhead. The data is parsed through Ruby, passed to Python through socket, then parsed with PHP CLI and then finally processed through Node JS before reaching your screen.
  • Scripts must be written on Ruby's string format.

In short, by creating a new parser, we can finally translate those games that was unable to translate by RPGMaker Trans. So, in the future we can finally put RPGMaker Trans into retirement for good. 

Translator++ Ver. 3.9.20 is available through auto update.





I translate RPGM games. Then when I want to export it gives an error as in the picture. and no files are exported. Where does the problem come from? I'm waiting for your help. https://ibb.co/HDqGJJW


I translate RPGM games. Then when I want to export it gives an error as in the picture. and no files are exported. Where does the problem come from? I'm waiting for your help. ibb.co/HDqGJJW


Hi Sinan, What version are you using? Is the translation project created with the previous version of Translator++?


It gave a similar error in Treasure of Nadia. Small games are not a problem. But I think it gives an error when the number of translated files is high. https://ibb.co/HdNkCWL


No. The translation file was created with Translator++ v3.9.20 version


I even downloaded Translator v3.9.20 again. I did the conversion again. But it still gives the same error. All process finished warning appears, but no file is exported. https://ibb.co/9ntyjLS


What the hell?! After the update, the program stopped starting normally. Endless loading in progress.