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Greetings fellow translators,

Thanks to all your support Translator++ is able to come this far.

Here is the update report for Translator++ ver 3.10.1

Ver. 3.10.1

  • Add : RMMV & MZ now support recursive JSON data. (JSON string within JSON string. JSON-ception O_o)
  • Add : All JSON strings within the js file will be parsed as a JSON object.
  • Add : New parser for RGSS based engine (RMXP, VX, VXAce)
  • Add : The games that can not be opened with RPGMT Trans should be openable with the new parser
  • Fix : Error checking directories & files when given filename is undefined.
  • Add : Project stats (Overall progress, number of characters, words, etc) in project properties

Say goodbye to the tedious JSON formatted strings

In previous versions of Translator++, you might find JSON-formatted text like this  :

And to make things worse, due to the new parameter system in RPG Maker MZ, these JSON can be indefinitely available inside other JSON strings. It is JSON string inside a JSON string (JSON-ception 😵 ). I have tried to translate JSON strings manually several times before. One level of JSON is somewhat manageable, but multiple layer of JSONs are really something you won't deal with manually... trust me.

Knowledge of JSON is absolutely necessary to translate it. You may still need an external JSON Editor application… but all of your knowledge about JSON and those fancy JSON editors won’t eliminate the possibility of errors on your JSON translation which will lead to a nasty crash in your game.

Now, thanks to the recursive JSON parser module implemented in Translator++ ver 3.10.1 you will see a human readable text to be translated:

Project Stats

Now we can see the project’s stats on the Project Properties menu.

Through this window we can find out the overall translation progress, the number of characters and words in the project and so on. So we can determine how much it will cost us to translate the project by using a translator service.

RGSS Parser

This is the second generation of parser for RGSS Based game engine (RPG Maker XP, VX, VX Ace).

Through this new parser we can work on games that previously could not be translated by RPGMT.

The advantages of this latest version with the RPGMT version:

  • More compatible with more games (including games that previously can not be parsed with RPGMT)
  • Support heredocs.
  • Strings inside variables are parsed.
  • Ruby strings are interpolated, so users don’t need to translate strings as a Ruby script.

Currently this parser is still under development. Please report any bugs you encounter. But in the future, this parser will replace the old parser (which uses RPGMT).

The old parser is still available. But I suggest you to use the latest parser, and migrate your project to the latest parser. Because the old parser will be marked as deprecated, and will not receive any more updates.

You can update your Translator++ into ver. 3.10.1 through auto-update.




autonomous spaghetti

Thank you for the update. I've got a small question and suggestions for improving the project stats window. Question: is it still possible to export RMTrans files with the new RGSS parser? (I'm afraid I don't really know what a parser does beyond "it gets text from the game files".) Suggestions: the data presented in the stats window could be improved. - First, it would be nice to have a percentage shown for the overall progress in addition to the visual bar. - Second, it would be useful if there was an optional filter that made the "characters" number only count the characters in rows that have a translation. As you may know, the scripts files of complex games have a lot of lines that should not be touched in any way. These lines increase the character count, even though they barely increase the translation workload. This option would be helpful both with a finished project to estimate the actual length of the translated text and with unfinished projects for tracking work done.


Thank you for your suggestion @autonomus spaghetti, About stats: I'll see what I can do with that, please look forward to the next update. For calculating characters with certain filters... I think that belong to another section, just not in the stat window. Regarding RMTrans. The project should be exportable into RMTrans format (.txt). But I doubt that the exported texts can be used at all by the RMTrans, since the contexts are different.

Joahn Doe

When creating a project with a new version of the parser, I got an error Error occured! Please see console window(F12) for more information ReferenceError: Excessive alias count indicates a resource exhaustion attack Searching for spaces indicated what is needed use maxAliasCount = -1 in yaml.parse options. Can you tell in which file to do this?


when im trying to create a project from RGSS3 Player game, it comes to this error: Error occured! Please see console window(F12) for more information TypeError: path.replaceAll is not a function


EDIT: Okay, I found the Dev Version and was now able to take a look at the console. 1st: the dev version has a far newer node.js implemented 2nd: after updating the dev version and using the new parser I was able to create an ace project that failed before with: TypeError: path.replaceAll is not a function So I think it's a safe bet to assume node.js needs to be updated in the normal versions as well Edit2: just to be sure, I initially installed the public version. That one has node.js 14.0.0 shown in Translator++ as the used version. When updating with auto update to the current version, node.js stays at 14.0.0