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Yesterday, a nice guy told me that Import tool doesn’t work at all. And after looking into the code, I’m shocked …. some silly mistake I made on debugging process make this tool halted midway. But what shocking me the most is that no one find out this error even after 3 month since Translator++ release (or, at least no one informed me). 

For me this bug is critical one. So, I made an immediate fix on import tool … along with some minor improvement while I’m working on that.

Fixing & Improving Import .TRANS options

Why this feature is so important?

Updating your game without hassle

Let say that your game is updated while you are working on its translation. By import tool, you can easily migrate to the latest version of your game without too much hassle.

Reuse common term to boost translation progress.

Most of the RPG uses similar term, like “Potion”, “Herb”, “Save”, “Load”, “Equipment”, “STR”, “AGI”... etc… they can be ported from already translated game into your new project. This would boost your translation progress.

Work on other machine

Saved data (.trans) on the current version of Translator++ is lack of portability. You can’t deploy or export your work on other machine just by opening .trans file on that machine. I’ll work on improving this latter. But, if you want to continue your work on other computer, this feature is currently the best option you have right now (beside copying entire Translator++ application folder).

You can download this update on patron repository page.

This release will be available for public next week.

Happy translating.



I thought creating project and importing doesn't work only for me as I tried it on heavily custom scripted RPG Maker XP project:( And was waiting for next updates in hope it will be fixed:)


I give my word to write about anything suspicious I find:)


Man... I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it happens the same as before: Nothing. Here's a video of me trying to use the tool with my nice translation (for some reason the "browse" window doesn't appears on the video, but trust me, it's there): <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Qpi75a9H8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Qpi75a9H8</a>


Ehm when i try exporting the translated data to a folder or as a zip file im always getting an error that leads to the cache


Hi Blueribbon Thank you for your feedback. Well, that's weird. That's probably the glitch on NW.js. How about the others browse dialog box?


Thanks man. I just signed up for your Patreon. This software is super useful. It would be awesome if it can include a standard library of common translations like you said. Eg, Potion, Spear, Bow, etc. As far as I know, there isn't a common repo for this.


Ok I just tried the Import feature. It works OK, as I had another .trans file available from another project that I did with Translator++. How do I effectively create a centralized file with both project's, say, Weapon? As a user, I want to be able to intuitively have a master .trans file that has all my past Weapon translation that I can import into all new subsequent projects. How do I do that?