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This video  will demonstrate how to translate a Wolf RPG Editor game.

Unlike RPG Maker, Wolf RPG Editor is a constantly evolving engine. The earliest version can be quite different than the latest version on handling the encryption…. So, Translator++ might be not compatible on every version of Wolf RPG Editor. But we strive to deliver you the best possible translation experience by keep updating the tools.

Translator++ using modified version of WolfTrans to fetch and patch the game. So, in theory, Translator++ will have better compatibility than the original WolfTrans.

Proper “proofreading” is needed.

Please be mindful with the tags/scripts/code during translation…. Especially when you’re rely alot on MACHINE TRANSLATION. To be honest, the very purpose of Translator++ is not to produce machine translation… It’s to help us produce better quality translation (with machine translation as a reference). So, post translation procedure such as proofreading and script checking is required. When we failed to export the game, before we gave-up and blame on the tools compatibility … we might want to check if there is an error with the scripts. Missing slash, double quote, square bracket, or additional space can break your game an potentially will cause an error during export procedure. And machine translation always has a way to mess your script up. To be honest, I have struggled a lot to create a way to escape these code from machine translator.  I think It’s good now, but it is definitely not perfect…. That’s why sometimes you still find an extra spaces on your codes, or gibberish text started with “Q” like “Qyetxvad”. This my friend, obviously need a proofreading.


Translating Wolf RPG Editor game

This video will demonstrate how to translate a Wolf RPG Editor game. Unlike RPG Maker, Wolf RPG Editor is a constantly evolving engine. The earliest version can be quite different than the latest version on handling the encryption…. So, Translator++ might be not compatible on every version of Wolf RPG Editor. But we strive to deliver you the best possible translation experience by keep updating the tools. Translator++ using modified version of WolfTrans to fetch and patch the game. So, in theory, Translator++ will have better compatibility than the original WolfTrans. Proper “proofreading” is needed. Please be mindful with the tags/scripts/code during translation…. Especially when you’re rely alot on MACHINE TRANSLATION. To be honest, the very purpose of Translator++ is not to produce machine translation… It’s to help us produce better quality translation (with machine translation as a reference). So, post translation procedure such as proofreading and script checking is required. When we failed to export the game, before we gave-up and blame on the tools compatibility … we might want to check if there is an error with the scripts. Missing slash, double quote, square bracket, or additional space can break your game an potentially will cause an error during export procedure. And machine translation always has a way to mess your script up. To be honest, I have struggled a lot to create a way to escape these code from machine translator. I think It’s good now, but it is definitely not perfect…. That’s why sometimes you still find an extra spaces on your scripts, or gibberish text started with “Q” like “Qyetxvad”. This my friend, obviously need a proofreading. ================================ Translator++ is a tool tailored to help translator translating doujin game created using popular engine such as RPG Makers & Wolf RPG Editor. Whether you professionals or a game enthusiast like me, you will have better translation experience with Translator++. This tool equipped with some useful function, such as : One click hassle-less export and import project. Auto trimming your message to fit your in-game message box. Auto translation as a reference to produce better quality translation. etc. Find out more about this project on: http://patreon.com/dreamsavior



Is it my computer being strange or is it necessary to follow exactly when you export without checking any boxes? For non-wolf games you can pick and choose what to translate and it'll export only those files. And if you select ALL files it exports them all. For the wolf games i specifically had to make nothing checked at all to make the translation folder not empty.


Hello Robert Henry, Yeah, just noticed that. I'll consider that a bug and will be fixed soon. Thank you for your feedback.


I have one Wolf game that,when I try to export,without even translating a single line,the export file is empty.I really love this tool and have already used it on another RPG Maker MV project.