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Hello fellow translators,

Thank you for all of your support.

Some of you even write a detailed bug reports and a patch to fix those issues.

In this release I decided to add Bing to our translation engine.

I’ve also remodeled how the Translator Engine worked. Now you just need to put your translator engine plugins into autoload folder, and your plugin will be automatically loaded.

If you are a programmer and interested in creating your own Translator Engine plugins, you can start by checking TranslatorEngine class inside TranslatorEngine.js file. I will write a documentation about this later if I have time.

Also, there is a new algorithm to improve the escape mechanism for those delimiters, brackets or tags in your games. Use “Red Google” translator to translate using this new algorithm. 

Translator++ Ver. 1.2.19

  • Enhance Options window.
  • Adding Options-About (finally).
  • Adding Options that fully customizable from Translator engine plugins
  • Adding BING translator.
  • Some major enhancement on delimiter escaping to the google plugin (this one is a contribution from a certain nice guy who refused to be credited)
  • Now, Translator engines is a plugin that fully customizable and easy to made.
  • Some bug fix (Thanks to all who contributed to the bug fix! You all are super!)

This version will be available on patron download page.

Happy translating



Great! this would help a lot. Btw I´m still getting problems when exporting some games. When I just select export everything starts working like normal but at the end the file is empty. This oftens happens with wolf games but some Mv games have the same issue. Thanks for this amazing tool. Ah and I forgot to mention that I´m still having problems translating scripts in the games haha, I cant avoid it. A tutorial would be awezome thanks


I'm pretty sure Export feature is broken as well. The last version is working OK though


I'm noticed that translating Wolf engine games need's to be done in "non Japanese" path. So if you get empty folder in the end with error in console, try to rename full path to the game on something like D:/1/1/game.exe ; Then it works perfectly. Thanks for the tool!