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Right, I've edited it after thinking hard and taking a good night of sleep. Past Damaine was super horny, Jesus. 


"Oh, for fuck's sake..."

Muttered the voice of a young boy as he stared at the note in front of him. He was currently in an unfamiliar room laying down on a bed.

It seems that he had reverted back to a kid again.

Reading the note, his groan loudens as he cursed his past self.

Sup Future Me.

So, we died. I'm gonna be blunt.

Apparently past past me thought it would be an amazing time to learn how to drift. Alone. In a touge mountain in Japan. Without any prior skill other than videos and driving sims. 

Well, he crashed and burned after going off a rail, literally, and now we're here.

I decided to clear your memories since we had a horrible life anyways, so no need to worry bout your blank memories. I did however request to keep general knowledge and some knowledge of animes.

Now, you may be wondering. How in the hell am I even able to do all this. I can't.

See, there's this cool pink orb called a Celestial Being, every world has them. They give souls a second chance here to other worlds with cheats to bring with you. So I did a few decisions.

I won't tell you what world are you in, it's a surprise.

And for your ability, first, we have the driving skills of Fujiwara Takumi. The skill was hella cheap, so I decided, "might as well buy it since it's ironic that we died imitating the White Demon of Akina".

That made the orb lady laugh at us too, which I consider a plus. Heh.

Moving on, your final ability is a cheat, a system. But... It is much, much more like a HUD because it was shitter than normal. Just call out "System Start" to activate the "golden finger".

Don't frown and curse at me, Future Me, a normal gamer system would have taken millions of Karma Points, something that we clearly lack even with Buddhist dana and stuff, we were dirt poor and couldn't afford to visit the temple for work, so I compromised with only bought a semi-functional system.

At least it came with your own Virtual Intelligence.

Anyways, have fun, don't die prematurely before you reach the end, and lastly don't crash and burn. Seriously, 0/10 would not recommend.


- Daniel

P.S. Get drifting as soon as you can, I saw the knowledge of Takumi, and fuck I wished I had some training prior. the shit looked so fucking fun. 

... Man, past him was weird.

Rubbing his forehead to relieve the stress that accumulated by reading the note, he called out.

"System, Start."


The moment he called the system, a ding rang in his head before a black display with white words appeared in front of him.

[Gamer System, active.]

[Good morning, Host.]

The voice of an emotionless person scared the shit out of him, but he asked.

"So... Are you an AI or something?"

[No, I am a Virtual Intelligence system, a system that can never go "Skynet".]

[I was created to provide the Host challenges and quests to strengthen the Host.]

... At least his system had a sense of humor.

[To open up menus of the system, verbally or mentally think of them, and I shall do the rest.]

[The current menus available are STATUS, SKILLS, QUESTS, DUNGEON and SETTINGS.]

Sitting up from his position, he looked around before muttering softly.

"Alright then, STATUS."

In a flash, a display showed his status.

[Name: James "Daniel" Ashford

Age: 6

Perk: Akina's Downhill Specialist

Race: Human (Magical)

HP: 100.00/100.00   (HP Regen: 10.00 Per Hour)

MP: 50.00/50.00   (MP Regen: 5.00 Per Hour)

STR: 1.00

AGI: 1.00

END: 1.00

MA: 1.00

LUK: 1.00]

... Holy fuck, his stats were abysmal. And where is his level at? Also, what is a title?

[Point: A normal human being has a stat of 10. This system does not come with Levels.]

Moreover, Perks are titles that the Host can earn by doing incredible feats that will be known worldwide or by using Karma Points.]

[Perk: Akina's Downhill Specialist

Embrace the experience and techniques of the White Demon of the Akagi RedSuns.

+1000% handling when driving a four-wheel vehicle.

+500% speed when drifting a four-wheel vehicle.

+1000% speed when driving down a slope with a four-wheel vehicle.]

[But yes, the Host's current status is quite low, hopefully I can help with the slow growth.]

"Wow, thanks system. Love you too."

Daniel rolled his eyes at the insult before asking about all the stats on the screen.

[STR is the Host's Strength. Determines how destructive a person is.

AGI is the Host's Speed. Determines how agile and dexterous a person is.

VIT is the Host's Vitality. Determines how much endurance a person has. VIT correlates with the amount of HP by 100, and the regeneration rate of HP by 10 per VIT point.

MA is the Host's Magic. Determines how big the Magic Container a person had. MA correlates with MP by 50 and the regeneration rate of MP by 5 per MA point.

LUK is the Host's Luck. Determines how luck a person was. 

All stat points start at 1 for Gamers, or else the Host's stats would be much lower than the average.]

"Fuck you."

This thing just fucking insulted him.

[I do not even have a physical body, Host.]

"... Damn, that's true."

[Of course, I am smarter than you because I have smart, that's it.]

"... You sarcastic bitch... Also, I'm naming you something. And you're calling me Daniel."

He said honestly. Since they were going to be together from now on, he had to call the V.I. other than system. 

[Very well. New name generating...

Vick shall be the new name of the Virtual Intelligence.

Once again, It is nice to to meet you, Mr. "Drift master after watching guides".]

"Very original, asshole. And go fuck yourself — "


A young girl's voice caused him to pause. Looking out of his window, his eyes widened when he saw the vibrant red hair of a girl, smiling at him.

Erza "S-rank badass" Scarlet was waving at him. He blinks at the shock before waving back.

... Vick, where in the hell were they?

[You're in the universe FT-HE2715, the universe of Fairy Tail, a few years before canon.]

Vick replied without his insulting as he was in deep thought, his anime knowledge flaring in his blank mind.

... Damn. If she's here all cheerful like at this age, there could only mean one thing.

The Tower of Heaven slavery arc was about to happen. And he was in the epicenter of it.

Fuck you, Past Daniel.

[In my calculations, it will happen between 6 months to a year from now, as Erza gets kidnapped when she reached the age of 7 and a quarter from this body's and your soul's memories.]

That was a good assessment, Vick. And this body's memories? That means that you have access to the memories of "James". That will be good, brief him about it later so that he could act the part.

[So you could be polite! Deem me surprised, Daniel.]

... This fucking V.I. is pissing him off.




He was an orphan, the most cliché story points of a self insert to integrate them into a fanfic easier. And it would do him wonders, being able to do shit without any supervision at home.

This house that he was staying in was his inheritance, along with a fixed amount of Jewels, this world's currency, per month since he was still a kid.

Everything up to his finances was supervised by the mayor of the village, a middle-aged man with magic that speed up his reading speed by a few folds.

It's been a few days after transmigrating into this world with Vick, and so far he accumulated quite the knowledge of this world by asking around with a child-like wonder.

[More like, me who accumulated them, and then stored it into my memory banks where I can take them out any time in a whim with an order from you.]

... Basically, all me.

Moving on.

From what he — 


Alright, fine! 

From what they accumulated, the wizard population to civilians ratio about 1:500, which looked quite good in terms of ratios as a wizard was born out of 500 people, until you realize that Fiore, the country that he currently was living in, only had 8,000,000 people.

Insane, that meant that there were only 16,000 wizards roaming around the country, which was just mind-blowing.

Maybe that was why Guilds like the Phantom Lord Guild existed even when they were clearly corrupt and unlawful. Wizards were in high demand, and there simply were too many quests in circulation to arrest the already limited number of wizards.

More quests done = Money circulation in Fiore = Stonks for the country.

[Not to mention, with governments come bribery and corruption, meaning wizards could go scot-free with just being in a Guild.]

That too. Seriously, he needed to get into Fairy Tail, the perks and benefits were just too large. And the eye candy would be amazing.

[That... I can agree with. They are super hot in canon.]

Nice, at least they were cultured men.





[Coming right up.]

Vick says in his head before a screen appeared in front of him.

[Null Magic:

Body Strengthening (LVL 12/100) [3%]

Type: Active Support

Magic in the body passively strengthens it, though only to a slight degree unless trained.

Effect: + 2.2% increase for STR, AGI, and END

Cost: 9.86 MP per minute (10 MP - 1.4%)


Magic Control (LVL 14/100) [3%]

Type: Passive Support

Magic is a power that can be controlled and refined, with skilled practitioners being able to reduce their waste of Mana drastically.

Effect: - 1.4% Mana Cost for All Skills and Spells

Cost: 1 Mana]

It's been over two months since he reincarnated, and he has to say, things weren't moving smoother than he thought at all. 

James Ashford, orphan of 6 years, was a kid that helped out with odd jobs around the village that holds up to 30 villagers. 

The odd jobs being carrying boxes, hoeing soil, weeding grass, etc. He even had to help fish once. 

Thankfully, with Body Strengthening, he had been able to help out faster and more efficiently, increasing his training tremendously. 

Yes, he had started training ever since he realized that he was going to get invaded by Zeref's cultists. 

And since he had some type of excuse to be able to train around the village, he had gained some stats. 

[Yes, you gained a total of 12 STR, 11 AGI, 15 END, and 5 MA in the total of 49 days.]


[Name: James "Daniel" Ashford

Age: 6

Perk: Akina's Downhill Specialist

Race: Human (Magical)

HP: 1500.00/1500.00   (HP Regen: 150.00 Per Hour)

MP: 300.00/300.00   (MP Regen: 30.00 Per Hour)

STR: 13.00

AGI: 12.00

END: 16.00

MA: 6.00

LUK: 1.00]

A total of 42 days of consistent training, ranging from lifting heavy boxes, catching fish with his hands, grinding his magic skills as much as he could, to endurance straining tasks like cutting weed, and only a slight increase in stats. 

It was honestly disappointing. 

[That's because you're not using the DUNGEON feature.]

"Bitch, I know. I just want to be stronger first before tackling it again..."

He muttered while waiting for food being cooked by Erza's adoptive parents, his arm instinctively touching the red streak on his neck, shivering at the phantom feeling that still lingered after 2 months. 

Yes, he was in Erza's house. It seemed that James is quite close to Erza and her adoptive parents due to them being the only kids under 10 currently in the village. Because of that, they seemed to have clicked and had hit it off ever since her parents started inviting him to their dinners. 

He still lives at his own house though, even if it was too quiet for his liking, but it was perfect to train his body conditioning since no one would bother him at such a late night by himself. 

[I'm telling you, Daniel, you're strong enough. You just unfortunately dropped your guard when — ]

"Shut up, Vick. I'm not going in until I hit 30s on all important."

The DUNGEON Feature of the system... It allows one's conscious to enter a dream-like dungeon at the strike of midnight. Basically think Bloodborne but without all the mythical Great Ones. 




[The DUNGEON beckons, it breathes as it awaits another challenger.

Do you wish to enter the HUNT?]

[YES / NO]

This was the first night after a week of gaining the system. He had waited until he increased some of his stats before idiotically, he pressed yes.

The moment he accepted the invitation, his vision fades as his body drops onto the bed, souless.

A bright yellow light awakes him as he suddenly was teleported into a maze-like structure with weapons near the wall. In his vision, he could see three things that caught his eye. 

1, the equipment rack. There were steel weapons that ranged from bows to greatswords, not only that, there were a few sets of armor. Curiously he grabs onto a bulwark and raised it, only to feel a large strain on his arm as he struggled to grab it. 

[Well, you only have 1 STR...]

Placing it back down, he walks to the second point of interest. 

2. a shack with colorful cloth decorated. When he got close enough, a window appeared with the logo: MERCHANTS' DEN at the top.

It was something akin to an online store, but instead it was skills and magic from the Fairy Tail universe. Tapping on the search bar, he typed in Dragon Slayer Magic, only to get an error with the message: "ILLEGAL PRODUCT! PLEASE SELECT SOMETHING ELSE". 

[Dragon Slaying Magic would be suspicious with no dragon teaching you.]

Continue to scroll, he frowned at the shit options of skills and magic. Seriously, who wanted the skill to sleep deeper. The only thing that was useful was Observe, though the currency was Battle Points.

[Battle Points are obtained for clearing a Dungeon. The harder the set difficulty, the more BP you will earn.]

Nodding, Daniel moved to the final point of interest. The creepy hallway with a door at the end. Reaching the door, a window popped up. 


EASY (Unlocked) {Skeletons, Goblins, Slimes}

MEDIUM (Locked) {???, ???}

HARD (Locked) {???, ???}

INSANE (Locked) {???, ???} 

MUST DIE (Locked) {???, ???}

HELL (Locked) {???, ???}]

"Damn, there's a difficulty called "Must Die"? DMC ripoff."

[I'm not the one who designed the names, smartass.]

Walking back to the weapon rack, he thought about his selection of weapons before grabbing a pair of steel and leather gauntlets with sharp ridges like on knuckle dusters.

They were the lightest kind of equipment that he could use to attack currently, so they would have to do for now. Along with that, he grabbed light leather armor that protected his head, chest, and thighs for extra protection.

Feeling protected and ready, he entered the EASY difficult as he was suddenly teleported to a new section of the maze-like structure with a slight pain in his head. 

[A side effect from teleporting into the HUNT. It's normal.]

"Phew... Alright, this should be easy. Just get in, punch or kick, and get out. Simple."

Psyching himself up, he traversed through the dungeon, walking carefully in order not to alarm any of the monsters that lurk within the floor. 

His mind flashes through the names of the monsters in this floor that he just saw, trying to prepare a game plan when suddenly he heard a loud thwip.


He blinked before looking down, paling when an arrow was gouged deep into his stomach.

He screamed in pain, dropping on the ground as he cradled his wound. The sound of footsteps made his whole body convulse as he bit his lips to bear the pain.

[- 120 HP! {180/300HP}

Get the fuck up!]

He heard Vick yell in his drowzy state, but as he fought through the blinding pain and get onto a knee, suddenly he heard a cackle behind him. Turning back, his eyes recognized a figure in green when suddenly his view shifted upside down. 

His eyes managed to glimpse a decapitated body before everything went black.



Eyes snapped open as Daniel gets up in a sitting position with his arm over his neck, his eyes blinking tears at the pain. With another hand gripping the forearm of his right arm, he felt the pain slowly subdue to a sting, holding back his sobs of pure fear. 

He... He fucking died. 

Holy shit, he died!

[HUNT Lives Remaining for EASY DIFFICULTY until Cleared: 9/10]

Controlling his breathing, he calms down as he wiped the tears in his eyes away, staring at the screen floating in front of him. 

"... Explain."

Fear turned to rage as he growled at Vick. 

[The HUNT was designed with the reference of Bloodborne, to be able to revive upon death near a Lamp set by a Hunter beforehand. Instead, the system allows a set amount of revives per difficulty, which resets if the dungeon is cleared.]

Processing the information in front of him, he lays back down on his bed before gulping, his left hand going under his shirt to touch his stomach that was stabbed by an arrow. 

... He was totally under-prepared. 

He should have got armor. 

He should have thought of ways to fight against the monsters before entering the HUNT. 

He should have been more cautious and alert. 

He should have prepared more. 

[Yes, you should have.]

The usual emotionless voice was now changed to a pity tone. He didn't like it, but he needed to hear that. This was a wake up call for his mentality.

Getting up from the bed, he took off his clothes and pants, only leaving him in his boxers before getting into a push-up stance. 

... He had to start grinding his stats, ASAP. No more playing around, he should have started grinding when he arrived instead of playing around for a week without doing anything. 

He needed to get stronger. He needed more power.

H-He will never experience that amount of pain ever again. 

Never again.


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